Confusion About Junk Mailbox

2014-01-21 Thread Desi Noller
Good Evening!

Recently, I have found list mail messages in my "Junk" mailbox.  I want to mark 
them as not junk, but can't seem to figure out how!  I've only had this problem 
since Mavericks.  What am I missing?


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Re: Confusion About Junk Mailbox

2014-01-21 Thread Desi Noller
Thanks David!  That makes perfect sense to me!  In fact, I did that with at 
least one message, but haven't received any further messages from that person, 
so am not sure that it worked.  Thanks for letting me know I'm at least on the 
right track!


On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:48 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:

> I believe that moving the message from your junk mailbox to your inbox will 
> change its status so that mail no longer marks it as junk.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Jan 2014, at 15:40, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Good Evening!
>> Recently, I have found list mail messages in my "Junk" mailbox.  I want to 
>> mark them as not junk, but can't seem to figure out how!  I've only had this 
>> problem since Mavericks.  What am I missing?
>> Desi
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Re: control no longer stops speech in Mavericks?

2014-01-29 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Donna,

I've had that very same thing happen to me, so it must be some sort of a bug!


On Jan 29, 2014, at 5:57 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Huh, weird.  If I press it enough times it usually does, but often not before 
> having two voices going on at the same time.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Jan 29, 2014, at 6:56 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Nope.  Control still stops speech for me.
>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 6:54 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've noticed that since upgrading to Mavericks, hitting the control key no 
>>> longer stops speech.  Is anyone else seeing this?  Has that keystroke 
>>> changed?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
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Removing Extra Apple Files From SD Cards Used In Windows Devices

2014-02-18 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everyone,

I am accumulating quite a few of those extra files that Apple puts on SD cards. 
 When I put the SD card into my Braille Edge, I can see these extra files, but 
when the SD card is in my iMac, these files are not visible to me.  I know that 
each time I put my card into my Mac, the Mac will put more of these files on 
it, but occasionally I would like to clear them off to free up some space on 
the SD card.  I don't have any other Windows type devices aside from my Braille 
Edge.  If I try to delete these extra files from the card when it's in my 
Braille Edge, all files are erased!  Is there any way I can delete them from 
the Mac?  I hope somebody understands what I'm talking about!  :) Any help 
would be most appreciated!


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Re: Removing Extra Apple Files From SD Cards Used In Windows Devices

2014-02-19 Thread Desi Noller
Thanks so much Tim!  I wondered about that, but since I can't see them right 
now, I thought they could be taking up quite a bit of extra space.  It didn't 
appear so when I checked the amount of space left on the card, but I get tired 
of wading through them every time I access files on my Braille Edge.  I can 
certainly live with it though.


On Feb 18, 2014, at 8:26 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> In Terminal, you can tell your Mac to show hidden files but, in my opinion, 
> it's unnecessary.  Those files that you are speaking of are so small that it 
> would take thousands of them to use up any amount of space that matters.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 4:38 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I am accumulating quite a few of those extra files that Apple puts on SD 
>> cards.  When I put the SD card into my Braille Edge, I can see these extra 
>> files, but when the SD card is in my iMac, these files are not visible to 
>> me.  I know that each time I put my card into my Mac, the Mac will put more 
>> of these files on it, but occasionally I would like to clear them off to 
>> free up some space on the SD card.  I don't have any other Windows type 
>> devices aside from my Braille Edge.  If I try to delete these extra files 
>> from the card when it's in my Braille Edge, all files are erased!  Is there 
>> any way I can delete them from the Mac?  I hope somebody understands what 
>> I'm talking about!  :) Any help would be most appreciated!
>> Desi
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Syncing Question

2014-03-02 Thread Desi Noller
A long time ago I set up my iPod Touch 4th Generation to Sync everything across 
the board.  Now, I don't want to have all of my newly purchased music 
downloaded to my iPod, because I have iTunes Match.  Would someone be kind 
enough to remind me where to go to fix this?  I plugged my iPod in to my 
computer without allowing it to Sync, and I went into iTunes Preferences, but 
couldn't find where the list of things you have checked to Sync is located.  
Any help with this would be most appreciated!  Thanks in advance!


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Re: Syncing Question

2014-03-02 Thread Desi Noller
Thanks so much Phil!  Obviously I don't mess around in iTunes very much so I 
truly appreciate your setting me on the right track!  :)


On Mar 2, 2014, at 6:04 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> Select your device from within iTunes main window not from the preferences of 
> iTunes. Then select the music tab and going to the scroll area in there 
> you'll find checkboxes to update all or sync all music versus selected music 
> you have to figure it out but it's pretty self-explanatory in there. Sorry 
> about this message, I'm dictating it and sometimes you can't think as fast as 
> you talk.
> Sent from my IPhone
>> On Mar 2, 2014, at 6:57 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> A long time ago I set up my iPod Touch 4th Generation to Sync everything 
>> across the board.  Now, I don't want to have all of my newly purchased music 
>> downloaded to my iPod, because I have iTunes Match.  Would someone be kind 
>> enough to remind me where to go to fix this?  I plugged my iPod in to my 
>> computer without allowing it to Sync, and I went into iTunes Preferences, 
>> but couldn't find where the list of things you have checked to Sync is 
>> located.  Any help with this would be most appreciated!  Thanks in advance!
>> Desi
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2014-03-11 Thread Desi Noller

Sent from my iPhone

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Typing On The IPhone's On-Screen Keyboard

2014-05-25 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everyone,

I was recently having a discussion with a friend about how to type on the 
on-screen keyboard of the iPhone.  Personally, I don't particularly like to use 
a special program for this like, for instance, mBraill or Fleksy.  I just want 
to use the regular keyboard.  Dictation can be useful, but of course, 
sometimes, it's just nice to be able to type something relatively privately.  I 
have built up some speed over the past 3 years, but I would like to get faster. 
 I generally hold my phone in my left hand, and use my right index finger to 
type, anchoring my thumb down where the connector is at the bottom of the 
phone.  I'm interested to know how others who type using the regular on-screen 
keyboard, enter your text.  I do happen to use Touch Typing mode, but I would 
also be interested in what typing mode you use.  And, does anyone else besides 
me just use the regular on-screen keyboard for their typing needs?



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Managing Gmail

2014-07-04 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everyone and Happy Fourth!

I have a gmail account for all of my list mail.  The mail from that account 
comes directly to my inbox in Apple Mail on my iMac.  Recently I was doing 
something in my mailboxes table, and I discovered that several entries down on 
the list, I had a mailbox called All Mail Gmail.  When I opened it, to my 
horror, I discovered some 8,000 messages there!  I did a mass delete!  Since 
then, I have been keeping tabs on this mailbox and deleting everything I find 
there at the end of each day.  Then, both yesterday and today I checked it 
again, and when to my knowledge it should have been empty, again I found 
several thousand messages!  What else can I do to keep these messages from 
piling up!  I really don't want to check my mail on the Google site because 
maybe it's just me, but I find it very difficult to navigate!  Any help with 
this would be most appreciated!  Thanks in advance!


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Re: Managing Gmail

2014-07-06 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Sabahattin,

Thanks so much for your input!  I think switching to iCloud is doubtless my 
best option!  I'm not the most technologically savvy person though, and I'm not 
sure how to do this.  It seems to me that I may already have an iCloud address, 
but obviously I have never used it.  How do I find out if I have an established 
address, and if I don't, how do I go about setting one up?  I truly don't want 
to keep any Google accounts active!  Thanks so much for any direction you can 
send my way!


On Jul 5, 2014, at 5:35 PM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Gmail IMAP is broken to the point that any rational human being would 
> struggle to understand how its designers created it the way they did.  
> Indeed, as you discovered, deletion operations take an extraordinarily long 
> time, during which the messages are still available.  Don't worry; eventually 
> they will disappear.
> If you want to make Gmail faster and less privacy-invasive, you may arrange 
> for it to delete mail immediately when you remove it from the Trash, instead 
> of archiving it under All Mail.  You may also switch off All Mail, in order 
> to make the client download only one copy of every message.
> Or you could just switch to iCloud.  That's what you're paying for, after 
> all. :)
> Cheers,
> Sabahattin
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Re: Managing Gmail

2014-07-06 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Sabahattin,

That indeed sounds pretty simple!  LOL!  I am sure even I can do it!  Thanks 
for the help.  I truly appreciate it.  It's been a long day, so I'll probably 
give it a whirl first thing in the morning!



On Jul 6, 2014, at 8:02 PM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hi Desi,
> You should be able to turn on iCloud mail reception in the iCloud preference 
> pane in System Preferences.  Find the "Services" group, interact, and then 
> look for Mail.  When you switch this on, you should be prompted for your new 
> primary iCloud address (you can create three more aliases on the web).  This 
> step can also be done on iOS, using Settings, iCloud.
> And that's pretty much all there is to it.  Have fun. :)
> Cheers,
> Sabahattin
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Re: Managing Gmail

2014-07-06 Thread Desi Noller
In this case, I shouldn't have a problem, because my current gmail address is 
not my primary e-mail address.  After I am sure that my new iCloud address 
works, I will get rid of my gmail account altogether.  Thanks for the heads-up 
on this!


On Jul 6, 2014, at 8:14 PM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Yep, ditto.  You can log in using your new iCloud address, but Apple seems to 
> give them special treatment, such that you can't actually make your primary 
> identifier your iCloud address.  Annoying as hell, but just ignore it.
> And a caution: whatever you do, do not remove your old email address from 
>, or you're locked out of your account unless you still have 
> access to your old address!  Instead, simply change your contact email 
> address to your new iCloud one, and ignore the old address.
> Cheers,
> Sabahattin
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Unsubscribing and resubscribing

2014-07-07 Thread Desi Noller
I set up my iCloud email address very easily!  Now, ultimately, I would like to 
unsubscribe my gmail address and resubscribe with my iCloud address, and then 
delete my gmail account altogether!  What would be the most efficient way to do 
this, since I had a lot of trouble getting into the MacVisionaries group in the 
first place, and I'm sure with my usual technological luck,  I'll make Google 
mad at me!  LOL!  I have already been to my google groups page and couldn't get 
anything to work for me there.  Any direction here would be most helpful!  
Thanks in advance!


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Editing Problem In Text Edit

2013-11-06 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everybody,

I think someone else has mentioned this problem, but I can’t remember what the 
answer was!  This is the first time I have edited a document with TextEdit 
since I updated to Mavericks.  I am editing my weekly Church Bulletin, and when 
I get to the top of the second page, voiceover stops speaking.  If I interact 
with the text at that point, it will speak again, but I’m not in the habit of 
editing that way.  Usually, I arrow through the document deleting what needs to 
be deleted and then moving forward.  Can someone please remind me what I need 
to do to keep VoiceOver speaking throughout the entire document without having 
to interact?  Thanks tons!


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Re: Editing Problem In Text Edit

2013-11-06 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Gigi,

Thank you so much!  That absolutely did the trick as you knew from experience 
it would!  I truly appreciate the incredibly quick response!


On Nov 6, 2013, at 3:12 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi these 
> It hampened to me and Ann saved me by telling me to press command shift w. 
> Also, you want to go into Preferences and make that page wrapping is checked. 
> You should be fine after that. Mine worked beautifully today after Ann told 
> me that. I sure am gladd, too because I use TextEdit constantly. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> On Nov 6, 2013, at 4:08 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Everybody,
>> I think someone else has mentioned this problem, but I can’t remember what 
>> the answer was!  This is the first time I have edited a document with 
>> TextEdit since I updated to Mavericks.  I am editing my weekly Church 
>> Bulletin, and when I get to the top of the second page, voiceover stops 
>> speaking.  If I interact with the text at that point, it will speak again, 
>> but I’m not in the habit of editing that way.  Usually, I arrow through the 
>> document deleting what needs to be deleted and then moving forward.  Can 
>> someone please remind me what I need to do to keep VoiceOver speaking 
>> throughout the entire document without having to interact?  Thanks tons!
>> Desi
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How To Delete Music From My iPod Touch

2013-12-02 Thread Desi Noller
Good Evening!

A couple of months back, I subscribed to iTunes Match.  I currently have 4,012 
songs there.  Previously I had stored all of my music in my iTunes Library on 
my iMac, and all songs were also stored on my iPod Touch 4th Gen 64 gig.  Once 
I had all of my music in iTunes Match I thought the space taken up on my iPod 
would be freed up.  I discovered however, that I actually still have 3,427 
songs physically stored on my iPod.  How can I get them off my iPod so that I 
can just stream them using iTunes Match?  I tried turning iTunes Match off on 
my iPod and then turning it back on a little while later.  I was asked if I 
wanted the library replaced to which I answered yes.  When that was done, I 
went back and checked under Settings/General/About, and discovered that it 
still says I have 3,427 songs, using 29 plus gigs.  Any help with this would be 
much appreciated!  Thanks in advance!


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Re: How To Delete Music From My iPod Touch

2013-12-03 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Tim,

Thank you so much for your help!  I truly appreciate it!  I did exactly what 
you said, I think, but I got in a hurry at the end and turned iTunes Match on 
again before unplugging my iPod from my computer.  So, now I still have all the 
songs on my iPod I had before.  I’m assuming I should have unplugged it before 
turning iTunes Match back on?  In case you couldn’t tell, I’m not 
technologically inclined!  LOL!  I do my very best, but get easily overwhelmed, 
particularly when things don’t turn out the way I think they should!  Again, 


On Dec 3, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> This article may be slightly out of date.  Yes, in the past, it was necessary 
> for your music to be downloaded in order for your iDevice to play it.  I 
> don’t believe that this is true anymore.  I just tested it with an obscure 
> Canadian song I had that is not available on iTunes for sure.  I played it on 
> my iPhone and it streamed the entire song and did not download it in order to 
> play it.  In fact, the Download button still appears after the song title 
> telling me that it is still available to download to my iPhone if I wish.
> Now, regarding the original question, if you turn off iTunes Match on your 
> iDevice, connect your device to your Mac with the USB cable, go into iTunes 
> and into the pane for your iDevice, you should be able to tell it not to sync 
> music at all.  Once you apply your changes, all music that is currently on 
> the device should be removed.  After the sync is complete, turn iTunes Match 
> back on through your iDevice and you should regain access to all your 
> purchased and matched music for streaming purposes.  The other method would 
> be much too tedious as you would need to delete each song individually.  
> Occasionally, you’ll find that, for some unknown reason, the sync process 
> leaves a number of songs on your device but, overall, you’ll have a huge 
> amount of space regained.  Again, you could check before turning iTunes Match 
> back on to see if any songs were missed when deleting, then delete them 
> individually.
> HTH.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Dec 3, 2013, at 8:52 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> I don't think that's the way iTunes Match works. It just scans your local 
>> music collection and generates a list of all the tracks you have there. It 
>> then will allow any of your other devices, such as your phone, to sync the 
>> same set of music but the source will all be Apple's original 256kbps AAC 
>> files. If your library gets corrupted or you have junky mp3s of some tracks 
>> iTunes Match can make those issues go away. So, yes, you'll still sync and 
>> download all your tracks to your device. It's not a streaming music locker 
>> service. Found an article describing what iTunes match does here:
>> CB
>> On 12/2/13 8:23 PM, Desi Noller wrote:
>>> Good Evening!
>>> A couple of months back, I subscribed to iTunes Match.  I currently have 
>>> 4,012 songs there.  Previously I had stored all of my music in my iTunes 
>>> Library on my iMac, and all songs were also stored on my iPod Touch 4th Gen 
>>> 64 gig.  Once I had all of my music in iTunes Match I thought the space 
>>> taken up on my iPod would be freed up.  I discovered however, that I 
>>> actually still have 3,427 songs physically stored on my iPod.  How can I 
>>> get them off my iPod so that I can just stream them using iTunes Match?  I 
>>> tried turning iTunes Match off on my iPod and then turning it back on a 
>>> little while later.  I was asked if I wanted the library replaced to which 
>>> I answered yes.  When that was done, I went back and checked under 
>>> Settings/General/About, and discovered that it still says I have 3,427 
>>> songs, using 29 plus gigs.  Any help with this would be much appreciated!  
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Desi
>> -- 
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> -- 
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Brailliant BI 40 For Sale

2013-12-05 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everyone,

I am selling my Brailliant BI 40.  I’m asking $2,000 for it.  It is in 
excellent condition!  It comes with a leather case from Executive Products, and 
a USB cable.  It is under warranty until July.  It can connect by either 
Bluetooth or via USB.  Battery life is up to 20 hours when using Bluetooth!  It 
can be charged with any standard USB charger, as well as by connecting it to 
your computer!  It also works beautifully with iOS devices, Macs, and PC’s!

If you’re interested, or have questions, please contact me off list at:

Thank you so much for your consideration!  Remember, this is not a topic for 
list discussion.  The only reason I’m posting this here is that I know I can 
reach a lot of blind folks who use iOS devices, and Macs, or who know other 
people that do.

Desi Noller,

Phoenix, Arizona

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Will Imported CD;s Go Directly Into iTunes Match?

2013-12-06 Thread Desi Noller
Good Afternoon,

I just got two new Christmas CD’s and realized that this is the first music 
I’ll be importing since I signed up for iTunes Match.  Will the new music I add 
in this way go directly to iTunes Match?  Or, is there something I need to do 
to make sure that it does?  Thanks in advance!


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Re: Will Imported CD;s Go Directly Into iTunes Match?

2013-12-07 Thread Desi Noller
Thanks so much for your help!  It worked beautifully, and I didn’t have to do 
anything extra.  My only small mistake was that I forgot that it would take 
some time to upload the new music to the cloud, so I was worried at first when 
after some song titles it said “Dimmed.”  After the reason for this dawned on 
me, I relaxed and let it happen and they’re all there now just as they should 


On Dec 6, 2013, at 4:36 PM, Aser Tolentino  wrote:

> there's an option to update iTunes Match in the store menu as I recall, which 
> I assume forces an update. Otherwise, I think updates of your library occur 
> periodically.
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Dec 6, 2013, at 3:32 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Good Afternoon,
>> I just got two new Christmas CD’s and realized that this is the first music 
>> I’ll be importing since I signed up for iTunes Match.  Will the new music I 
>> add in this way go directly to iTunes Match?  Or, is there something I need 
>> to do to make sure that it does?  Thanks in advance!
>> Desi
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SD Card Space And Saving Email Attachments

2013-12-11 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everyone,

My first question is pretty basic, and I’m sure I should probably know the 
answer, but I blame the cold I have for making my mind foggy!  Anyway, once I 
put an SD card into my iMac, how can I determine how much available space I 
have on it?

Secondly, is it possible to save an e-mail attachment directly to my SD card?  
Thanks so much!


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Re: SD Card Space And Saving Email Attachments

2013-12-12 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Andrew,

This is a very good clear explanation!  Thank you so much!


On Dec 12, 2013, at 1:03 AM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

> Dear Desi,
> Once you focus on the SD card in your finder, the information about how much 
> available space there is on it could be found in “get info” window. Activate 
> it by pressing command+i, close with it with command+w. In “get info”, you 
> will see all sort of interesting information about the item you are focused 
> on.
> I believe you should be able to save your attachment to the SD card. When you 
> choose “save attachment” under file menu in mail, you will be in the usual 
> dialogue for saving files. Provided the dialogue is expanded, you should come 
> across sidebar as you vo+right arrow through the dialogue. Interac interact 
> with it and you should be able to find your SD card. Then stop interacting 
> and vo+right arrow to the list/browser of available files and folders on your 
> SD card. Interact and choose a folder there if you have one. Then press enter 
> or vo+right arrow to the save button at the rightmost end of the dialogue.
> Hope this helps.
> Andrew
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Questions About Using The Braille Edge With Files Produced On The Mac

2013-12-13 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everyone,

I just acquired a Braille Edge 40, and one of the things I did almost 
immediately, was to copy some files from my iMac on to an SD card.  I placed 
the card in the Braille Edge, and while my folder structure was perfect, I 
noticed that there were two versions of every file I had placed there!  One of 
the file names had a bunch of underline symbols in them, while the other 
version didn’t.  When I tried to open the ones with the extra symbols, I saw 
“Mac OSX followed by a bunch of stuff I couldn’t interpret.  When I opened the 
files that had no extra symbols, they looked perfectly normal and were just as 
I expected them to be.  I also forgot to mention, that the top two folder names 
in my Braille Edge NotePad were designated by only a pair of quotes and did not 
seem to open.  I deleted all of the extra versions of my own files, leaving 
only the accurate versions on my card, and then I decided in order to tidy 
things up I would delete the folders with the quotes.  That was definitely a 
mistake!  When the delete was completed, I got the chilling message “No Items.” 
 Copying them back on to my card from my iMac won’t be a problem, but how do I 
make sure that all of those “Ghost” files don’t come back?  Furthermore, what 
are the files that were designated by just the pair of quotes, or what could 
also have been the number 80?  

Also, when I tried to pair my Braille Edge with my iPhone 4S following the 
instructions on the HIMS web site, I got a message saying, “Unable to load 
driver.”  I’m running version 1.1, I don’t remember the exact build number, but 
I think it came out in September.  Any help with these issues would be most 


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Re: Questions About Using The Braille Edge With Files Produced On The Mac

2013-12-13 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Gigi,

Thanks so much for your help!  Do you know if there is a way to delete multiple 


On Dec 13, 2013, at 4:16 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> No it is not the number 80. It is
> ", And I'm not sure why that choice was made but you can just ignore it. As 
> for the ghost files as far as I know you get them what do you want them or 
> not. You can just delete the things and fine or you can ignore them 
> And when you want to get a file, just type in the first letter of the 
> filename and it will go past all those things. Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 13, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I just acquired a Braille Edge 40, and one of the things I did almost 
>> immediately, was to copy some files from my iMac on to an SD card.  I placed 
>> the card in the Braille Edge, and while my folder structure was perfect, I 
>> noticed that there were two versions of every file I had placed there!  One 
>> of the file names had a bunch of underline symbols in them, while the other 
>> version didn’t.  When I tried to open the ones with the extra symbols, I saw 
>> “Mac OSX followed by a bunch of stuff I couldn’t interpret.  When I opened 
>> the files that had no extra symbols, they looked perfectly normal and were 
>> just as I expected them to be.  I also forgot to mention, that the top two 
>> folder names in my Braille Edge NotePad were designated by only a pair of 
>> quotes and did not seem to open.  I deleted all of the extra versions of my 
>> own files, leaving only the accurate versions on my card, and then I decided 
>> in order to tidy things up I would delete the folders with the quotes.  That 
>> was definitely a mistake!  When the delete was completed, I got the chilling 
>> message “No Items.”  Copying them back on to my card from my iMac won’t be a 
>> problem, but how do I make sure that all of those “Ghost” files don’t come 
>> back?  Furthermore, what are the files that were designated by just the pair 
>> of quotes, or what could also have been the number 80?  
>> Also, when I tried to pair my Braille Edge with my iPhone 4S following the 
>> instructions on the HIMS web site, I got a message saying, “Unable to load 
>> driver.”  I’m running version 1.1, I don’t remember the exact build number, 
>> but I think it came out in September.  Any help with these issues would be 
>> most appreciated!
>> Desi
>> -- 
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Re: Questions About Using The Braille Edge With Files Produced On The Mac

2013-12-14 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Lisette,

Thanks so much for your help!  I should have remembered that command because 
it’s just like on the Braille Sense Plus I used to have.  The odd thing is that 
I now have 3 of those funny folders at the top of my list, but I guess I dare 
not delete any of them since I don’t want to take a chance!  :)  At least I can 
get rid of all the other ghost files though!


On Dec 14, 2013, at 1:16 AM, Lisette Wesseling  

> You can just select files by pressing space on them. Then d chord will delete 
> all selected files.
> I too have tried deleting that top folder to my cost. you just have to ignore 
> the ghost files and that funny folder. It’s something the Mac puts there for 
> its own reasons I don’t understand.
> Can’t help you with the pairing issue as I’ve had no trouble pairing my 
> Braille Edge with my iPhone. Sorry…
> Lisette
> On 14/12/2013, at 12:43 pm, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Gigi,
>> Thanks so much for your help!  Do you know if there is a way to delete 
>> multiple files?
>> Desi
>> On Dec 13, 2013, at 4:16 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> No it is not the number 80. It is
>>> ", And I'm not sure why that choice was made but you can just ignore it. As 
>>> for the ghost files as far as I know you get them what do you want them or 
>>> not. You can just delete the things and fine or you can ignore them 
>>> And when you want to get a file, just type in the first letter of the 
>>> filename and it will go past all those things. Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Dec 13, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>> I just acquired a Braille Edge 40, and one of the things I did almost 
>>>> immediately, was to copy some files from my iMac on to an SD card.  I 
>>>> placed the card in the Braille Edge, and while my folder structure was 
>>>> perfect, I noticed that there were two versions of every file I had placed 
>>>> there!  One of the file names had a bunch of underline symbols in them, 
>>>> while the other version didn’t.  When I tried to open the ones with the 
>>>> extra symbols, I saw “Mac OSX followed by a bunch of stuff I couldn’t 
>>>> interpret.  When I opened the files that had no extra symbols, they looked 
>>>> perfectly normal and were just as I expected them to be.  I also forgot to 
>>>> mention, that the top two folder names in my Braille Edge NotePad were 
>>>> designated by only a pair of quotes and did not seem to open.  I deleted 
>>>> all of the extra versions of my own files, leaving only the accurate 
>>>> versions on my card, and then I decided in order to tidy things up I would 
>>>> delete the folders with the quotes.  That was definitely a mistake!  When 
>>>> the delete was completed, I got the chilling message “No Items.”  Copying 
>>>> them back on to my card from my iMac won’t be a problem, but how do I make 
>>>> sure that all of those “Ghost” files don’t come back?  Furthermore, what 
>>>> are the files that were designated by just the pair of quotes, or what 
>>>> could also have been the number 80?  
>>>> Also, when I tried to pair my Braille Edge with my iPhone 4S following the 
>>>> instructions on the HIMS web site, I got a message saying, “Unable to load 
>>>> driver.”  I’m running version 1.1, I don’t remember the exact build 
>>>> number, but I think it came out in September.  Any help with these issues 
>>>> would be most appreciated!
>>>> Desi
>>>> -- 
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Re: Questions About Using The Braille Edge With Files Produced On The Mac

2013-12-14 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Gigi,

That sounds like a nightmare for sure!  I think I’ll wait awhile to do a reset 
of my phone!  I would, of course, love to be able to pair it with my Braille 
Edge, but it isn’t the highest priority for me, or really even why I got the 
Braille Edge.  I do still have AppleCare on my phone, so could call for help if 
and when I decide to do it!  Thanks again so much for your help!


On Dec 14, 2013, at 4:24 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi there again 
> I didn't using the spacebar to select files and deleting them all at once. 
> You learn something new everyday, never mind I've had this display for over a 
> year now. I guess that means you can delete those ghost files. 
> I do have some information, however, about pairing problems with the Braille 
> Edge 40. This happened to me, and I have no idea why. I went to the office 
> HIMS office and worked on this with Mike. I guess we spent about two hours on 
> this, and then we ended up calling that wonderful 877 number. 
> My Braille Edgge 40 liked every device, except my 5 s iPhone, so there is 
> probably not something wrong with your Braille Edge, at least mine didn't end 
> up needing repair for the same problem you are having. 
> You won't like to hear this, but I had to erase all my settings on the 
> iPhone. I'm talking about restoring it, so don't do that unless you find you 
> have to. You might go into settings and write down all the ones you can find 
> that you changed from the defaults. Oh, yes, make sure you have written 
> somewhere your Internet passwords. Then set your settings back to factory. 
> You don't have to erase all your data on your iPhone, just your settings. If 
> you're concerned about doing that and losing all your stuff, you might want 
> to call Apple Accessibility at 877-204-3930. If your equipment is too old, 
> like you've had your iPhone for too long, for instance, and Apple charges you 
> the $20, it will be worth it. It costed me a lot more than that to find out 
> what was wrong with my Braille Edge. I made a trip to Austin. I did visit a 
> friend, but I had to pay cab fare etc. to go to the HIMS office. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> On Dec 14, 2013, at 2:16 AM, Lisette Wesseling  
> wrote:
>> You can just select files by pressing space on them. Then d chord will 
>> delete all selected files.
>> I too have tried deleting that top folder to my cost. you just have to 
>> ignore the ghost files and that funny folder. It’s something the Mac puts 
>> there for its own reasons I don’t understand.
>> Can’t help you with the pairing issue as I’ve had no trouble pairing my 
>> Braille Edge with my iPhone. Sorry…
>> Lisette
>> On 14/12/2013, at 12:43 pm, Desi Noller  wrote:
>>> Hi Gigi,
>>> Thanks so much for your help!  Do you know if there is a way to delete 
>>> multiple files?
>>> Desi
>>> On Dec 13, 2013, at 4:16 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>>> No it is not the number 80. It is
>>>> ", And I'm not sure why that choice was made but you can just ignore it. 
>>>> As for the ghost files as far as I know you get them what do you want them 
>>>> or not. You can just delete the things and fine or you can ignore them 
>>>> And when you want to get a file, just type in the first letter of the 
>>>> filename and it will go past all those things. Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Dec 13, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>>> I just acquired a Braille Edge 40, and one of the things I did almost 
>>>>> immediately, was to copy some files from my iMac on to an SD card.  I 
>>>>> placed the card in the Braille Edge, and while my folder structure was 
>>>>> perfect, I noticed that there were two versions of every file I had 
>>>>> placed there!  One of the file names had a bunch of underline symbols in 
>>>>> them, while the other version didn’t.  When I tried to open the ones with 
>>>>> the extra symbols, I saw “Mac OSX followed by a bunch of stuff I couldn’t 
>>>>> interpret.  When I opened the files that had no extra symbols, they 
>>>>> looked perfectly normal and were just as I expected them to be.  I also 
>>>>> forgot to mention, that the top two folder names in my Braille Edge 
>>>>> NotePad were designated by only a pair of quotes and did not seem to 

Selecting Incontiguous Files

2014-01-18 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everyone,

Would someone be kind enough to remind me how to select in-contiguous files?  I 
have done this before, but for the life of me, can't remember!  Thanks so much!


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Re: Selecting Incontiguous Files

2014-01-18 Thread Desi Noller
Thanks Ray, but that isn't what I want to do.  I want to select 1 file at the 
top of the list and then several files throughout the rest of the list that 
have files listed in between that I don't want to copy.  I should have said 
noncontiguous files.  Sorry for the confusion!  LOL!  I may have been at this 
project too long today!


On Jan 18, 2014, at 5:06 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Want to just select one file right after the other?  Focus on the first file 
> then, press shift+down or up till you’ve got them all.  Once you’ve got them 
> all, copy and paste as normal.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> On Jan 18, 2014, at 5:58 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Would someone be kind enough to remind me how to select in-contiguous files? 
>>  I have done this before, but for the life of me, can't remember!  Thanks so 
>> much!
>> Desi
>> -- 
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Re: Selecting Incontiguous Files

2014-01-18 Thread Desi Noller
Thank you so much!  This is a little more complicated than I remembered, 
probably due to the change with Mavericks!  I truly appreciate your help!


On Jan 18, 2014, at 5:26 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Ah, they’ve changed that in Mavricks.  Let me see.   Okay.  I have it now.
> In Mavricks, do this.
> 1.  Focus on a file. 
> 2.  Now, turn Curser tracking off.  Curser tracking must be off for this 
> procedure to work.
> 3.  Now, interact with the file table and focus on the first file you wish to 
> select.
> 4.  Now, Press VO+command+return.  this selects the first file.
> 5.  Now, VO+down or up arrow to the next file to be selected.  When you get 
> to it, Press VO+cmd+return.  This causes that second file to be selected.  
> Continue in this way till all files are selected.
> Make sure to turn curser tracking back on when done.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> On Jan 18, 2014, at 6:21 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Thanks Ray, but that isn't what I want to do.  I want to select 1 file at 
>> the top of the list and then several files throughout the rest of the list 
>> that have files listed in between that I don't want to copy.  I should have 
>> said noncontiguous files.  Sorry for the confusion!  LOL!  I may have been 
>> at this project too long today!
>> Desi
>> On Jan 18, 2014, at 5:06 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>> Want to just select one file right after the other?  Focus on the first 
>>> file then, press shift+down or up till you’ve got them all.  Once you’ve 
>>> got them all, copy and paste as normal.
>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>>> built-in!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>>> On Jan 18, 2014, at 5:58 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>> Would someone be kind enough to remind me how to select in-contiguous 
>>>> files?  I have done this before, but for the life of me, can't remember!  
>>>> Thanks so much!
>>>> Desi
>>>> -- 
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Re: Selecting Incontiguous Files

2014-01-19 Thread Desi Noller
Thank you so very much Dave and all!  I am using Mavericks, and this worked 
beautifully for me!


On Jan 18, 2014, at 7:25 PM, David Taylor  wrote:

> 1. Interact with the file list.
> 2. Go to the first file you want to select.
> 3. Press vo-command-enter (Mavericks) or command-vo-space (all other 
> versions) which will deselect the file you are on.
> 4. Press the same again to start selecting.
> 5. move, ensuring you use vo-arrow keys through your files, and press that 
> same keystroke on each one you want to add to the selection.
> 6. When you've selected the last one you want, perform whatever operation you 
> want on them as normal.
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 18 Jan 2014, at 23:58, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Would someone be kind enough to remind me how to select in-contiguous files? 
>>  I have done this before, but for the life of me, can't remember!  Thanks so 
>> much!
>> Desi
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Re: entering tc conference rooms

2013-09-04 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Kerri,

What do you mean by unpacking theDMG file?  Thanks!


On Sep 4, 2013, at 3:06 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> Yes, the log in is as follows.
> 1. Launch safari.
> 2. navigate to a site (I'll use out of sight for this) 
> 3. Once on out of sight, download the client if you haven't already done so. 
> Once this is downloaded, unpack the dot d m g file and it should go into 
> apps, if not, copy and paste it there.
> 4. Locate a room and enter it. The tc client will launch normally. You do not 
> need to enter your user name or password ingot he client, just sign in as you 
> usually do or sign up for a new membership.
> On 2013-09-04, at 1:49 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman  
> wrote:
>> Hi do talking communities work with the mac now?
>> Cheers 
>> Maria  
>> sent from mac mini 
>> email, & fb
>> skype bubbygirl1972  twitter same as skype without the numbers. 
>> On 04/09/2013, at 9:50 AM, Kerri  wrote:
>>> That is what I saw when I checked the menus too, we can't even record. 
>>> Alas, I shall be encumbered with this noise for a while, oh well, there 
>>> could be worse things I reckon.
>>> On 2013-09-03, at 2:54 PM, Red.Falcon  
>>> wrote:
 Hi there!
 Although TC is working better for us Mac users we still do not have access 
 to much so I could not see anything available in the menu's most options 
 seem to be dimmed!
 HTH Colin
 On 3 Sep 2013, at 16:58, Kerri  wrote:
> hello, all. Is it possible to change the lock the talk key sound in 
> talking communities conference? Thanks and have a great day.
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Re: entering tc conference rooms

2013-09-04 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Kerri,

Thanks so much!  I thought that might be the case, but wanted to make sure 
there wasn't something else I had to do!  LOL!  I'm so glad this is working!


On Sep 4, 2013, at 7:31 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> Hello, Desi, you open the  dot dog file with command o.
> On 2013-09-04, at 6:08 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Kerri,
>> What do you mean by unpacking theDMG file?  Thanks!
>> Desi
>> On Sep 4, 2013, at 3:06 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>>> Yes, the log in is as follows.
>>> 1. Launch safari.
>>> 2. navigate to a site (I'll use out of sight for this) 
>>> 3. Once on out of sight, download the client if you haven't already done 
>>> so. Once this is downloaded, unpack the dot d m g file and it should go 
>>> into apps, if not, copy and paste it there.
>>> 4. Locate a room and enter it. The tc client will launch normally. You do 
>>> not need to enter your user name or password ingot he client, just sign in 
>>> as you usually do or sign up for a new membership.
>>> On 2013-09-04, at 1:49 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman  
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi do talking communities work with the mac now?
>>>> Cheers 
>>>> Maria  
>>>> sent from mac mini 
>>>> email, & fb
>>>> skype bubbygirl1972  twitter same as skype without the numbers. 
>>>> On 04/09/2013, at 9:50 AM, Kerri  wrote:
>>>>> That is what I saw when I checked the menus too, we can't even record. 
>>>>> Alas, I shall be encumbered with this noise for a while, oh well, there 
>>>>> could be worse things I reckon.
>>>>> On 2013-09-03, at 2:54 PM, Red.Falcon  
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi there!
>>>>>> Although TC is working better for us Mac users we still do not have 
>>>>>> access to much so I could not see anything available in the menu's most 
>>>>>> options seem to be dimmed!
>>>>>> HTH Colin
>>>>>> On 3 Sep 2013, at 16:58, Kerri  wrote:
>>>>>>> hello, all. Is it possible to change the lock the talk key sound in 
>>>>>>> talking communities conference? Thanks and have a great day.
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Question About Perkins Mini Braille Display

2013-09-16 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everyone,

I'm curious to know if any of you have used the Perkins Mini Braille Display 
with your iDevices?  I have read about this display and might be interested in 
getting one, but I'd love to get some information from someone who has actually 
used one.  Thanks!


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Re: Question About Perkins Mini Braille Display

2013-09-16 Thread Desi Noller
The one I'm talking about is definitely a 16-cell display.  I wonder if you 
actually saw something else?  I sure do wish there were a way to see these 
things before we buy though, and I certainly appreciate you taking the time to 
write with your thoughts.


On Sep 16, 2013, at 7:37 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I haven't used it personally, but I did see it last year and got to try some 
> of its built-in functions. At the time, iOS didn't support it - it was only 
> added in the iOS6 update that came out a few months after I'd seen the 
> display.
> I found it very large, cheap-feeling, and clunky, especially for being a 
> 14-cell display. The cells are recessed a good 3/4 to 1 inch below the rest 
> of the plastic casing, the ports fell like an afterthought, and the whole 
> thing just gave me a bad impression. For a 14-cell display, consider the 
> Focus 14 from Freedom Scientific, or the Braille Pen (though that's just 12 
> cells and lack cursor keys(). Yes, the Perkins Mini includes built-in 
> functions, but for that I'd much rather go with the Braille Edge from Hims 
> (40 cells, so more expensive, but I'm really hoping for a 20-cell version).
> The above are just my thoughts, based on maybe ten minutes with the device. 
> At the least, though, really try to get a demo of the unit before you decide 
> to buy it, or check the return policy.
> On Sep 16, 2013, at 10:11 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I'm curious to know if any of you have used the Perkins Mini Braille Display 
>> with your iDevices?  I have read about this display and might be interested 
>> in getting one, but I'd love to get some information from someone who has 
>> actually used one.  Thanks!
>> Desi
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Question About Perkins Mini Braille Display

2013-09-16 Thread Desi Noller
Hi David,

Thanks so much!  I'm interested to know about the storage capacity, what types 
of files it reads such as .txt, .brf, ETC.  and how the book reader works.  
It's perfectly fine if you wish to write me privately about this.  I would 
truly appreciate your thoughts!


On Sep 16, 2013, at 7:56 PM, David Tanner  wrote:

> I own a Perkins many braille use it for work and have since November your 
> evaluation is way off base it is very well-made is a 16 cell display am much 
> better than the 14 cell display he recommended and far far better than the 12 
> so frail pin
> David Tanner, Host
> MainMenu - Technology from a blindness perspective!
> Treasurer
> American Council of the Blind - Minnesota
> On Sep 16, 2013, at 9:37 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I haven't used it personally, but I did see it last year and got to try some 
>> of its built-in functions. At the time, iOS didn't support it - it was only 
>> added in the iOS6 update that came out a few months after I'd seen the 
>> display.
>> I found it very large, cheap-feeling, and clunky, especially for being a 
>> 14-cell display. The cells are recessed a good 3/4 to 1 inch below the rest 
>> of the plastic casing, the ports fell like an afterthought, and the whole 
>> thing just gave me a bad impression. For a 14-cell display, consider the 
>> Focus 14 from Freedom Scientific, or the Braille Pen (though that's just 12 
>> cells and lack cursor keys(). Yes, the Perkins Mini includes built-in 
>> functions, but for that I'd much rather go with the Braille Edge from Hims 
>> (40 cells, so more expensive, but I'm really hoping for a 20-cell version).
>> The above are just my thoughts, based on maybe ten minutes with the device. 
>> At the least, though, really try to get a demo of the unit before you decide 
>> to buy it, or check the return policy.
>> On Sep 16, 2013, at 10:11 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> I'm curious to know if any of you have used the Perkins Mini Braille 
>>> Display with your iDevices?  I have read about this display and might be 
>>> interested in getting one, but I'd love to get some information from 
>>> someone who has actually used one.  Thanks!
>>> Desi
>>> -- 
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Backing Up My iPhone 4S

2013-09-17 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everyone,

Admittedly I am very sloppy about doing this, but with the new iOS coming out 
tomorrow, I want to make sure my iPhone 4S is backed up.  Would someone be so 
kind as to refresh my memory on how to properly do this?  Thanks so much in 
advance, and hopefully this knowledge will help someone else too!


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Re: Backing Up My iPhone 4S

2013-09-17 Thread Desi Noller
Thanks so much Scott.  I know I really don't do it often enough!


On Sep 17, 2013, at 5:03 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:

> Sure I will help you out with this return step one go to settings then iCloud 
> step to go to backups and then in there you will find a button that says back 
> up my iPhone at that point double click on that button and you will be sent 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 17, 2013, at 5:47 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Admittedly I am very sloppy about doing this, but with the new iOS coming 
>> out tomorrow, I want to make sure my iPhone 4S is backed up.  Would someone 
>> be so kind as to refresh my memory on how to properly do this?  Thanks so 
>> much in advance, and hopefully this knowledge will help someone else too!
>> Desi
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Re: Backing Up My iPhone 4S

2013-09-17 Thread Desi Noller
Exactly, and this is really what I want to do, but when I plug my iPhone into 
my iMac and go into the devices menu under the file menu, backup is dimmed.  
I'm not sure how to undim it.  Also I thought my Apps would automatically 
update when I plug my phone into the Mac, but I seem to have 19 updates 
available.  This perplexes me because I keep my Apps up-to-date all the time, 
and thought that when my phone synced with my computer those updates listed on 
my computer should disappear.  I am so clueless when it comes to this stuff!  
Just when I think I understand things, I get more confused!


On Sep 17, 2013, at 6:57 PM, "Dave"  wrote:

> Keep in mind that an iCloud backup is always a good idea, but doesn't back up 
> everything.
> A better solution is to connect your various devices to your computer and 
> have iTunes do a backup. This enables you to restore apps, pictures, music, 
> and mail.
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Another Braille Question

2013-09-24 Thread Desi Noller
Good Morning!

Is there a way, using the Mac, to save .txt, .doc, or any other file type as 
.brf files for use on my iOS devices with my Braille Display?  Now that .brf 
files can be imported into the BARD App, I have a number of files I could use 
that way if I could save them as .brf files.  Any help with this would be 
greatly appreciated!


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Re: Another Braille Question

2013-09-24 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Chris,

I don't mean to be totally dim here, but then are you saying that renaming a 
file is the same as saving the file as?  Have you done this successfully?  If 
so, then I truly thank you for the tip!  No matter how long I'm at this 
technology game, I will continue to be baffled on a regular basis!  I didn't 
think that simply putting a new extension on a file would ascribe to it the 
characteristics of that file type.  Since BRF stands for Braille Ready Format, 
doesn't the document have to be translated into Braille before it can truly be 
a .brf file?  Thanks to anyone for any clarification on this!  This is a great 
list, and I really do appreciate your help!


On Sep 24, 2013, at 7:29 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:

> How about renaming the files from .txt to .brf
> Chris
> On Sep 24, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Good Morning!
>> Is there a way, using the Mac, to save .txt, .doc, or any other file type as 
>> .brf files for use on my iOS devices with my Braille Display?  Now that .brf 
>> files can be imported into the BARD App, I have a number of files I could 
>> use that way if I could save them as .brf files.  Any help with this would 
>> be greatly appreciated!
>> Desi
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Re: Another Braille Question

2013-09-24 Thread Desi Noller
Thank you so much!  This is exactly what I was thinking.  So, is there Braille 
translation software for the Mac?  Again thanks so much!


On Sep 24, 2013, at 9:38 AM, Richard Ring  wrote:

> Yes, a .brf file must be translated into contracted or uncontracted Braille. 
> Giving an .mp3 extension to a text file will not make the file an .mp3 file.  
> Braille translation software must be used in order to create Braille files!
> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
>  Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
> On Sep 24, 2013, at 11:28 AM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> I don't mean to be totally dim here, but then are you saying that renaming a 
>> file is the same as saving the file as?  Have you done this successfully?  
>> If so, then I truly thank you for the tip!  No matter how long I'm at this 
>> technology game, I will continue to be baffled on a regular basis!  I didn't 
>> think that simply putting a new extension on a file would ascribe to it the 
>> characteristics of that file type.  Since BRF stands for Braille Ready 
>> Format, doesn't the document have to be translated into Braille before it 
>> can truly be a .brf file?  Thanks to anyone for any clarification on this!  
>> This is a great list, and I really do appreciate your help!
>> Desi
>> On Sep 24, 2013, at 7:29 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:
>>> How about renaming the files from .txt to .brf
>>> Chris
>>> On Sep 24, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>>>> Good Morning!
>>>> Is there a way, using the Mac, to save .txt, .doc, or any other file type 
>>>> as .brf files for use on my iOS devices with my Braille Display?  Now that 
>>>> .brf files can be imported into the BARD App, I have a number of files I 
>>>> could use that way if I could save them as .brf files.  Any help with this 
>>>> would be greatly appreciated!
>>>> Desi
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Re: brf files

2013-09-24 Thread Desi Noller
Hello Jean and All,

Thank you so much for this recommendation!  I will definitely give it a try!


On Sep 24, 2013, at 12:12 PM, jean parker  wrote:

> Hi Desi and All:
> Robo Braille is probably the easiest way to get files translated into braille 
> and thus becoming translated BRF files.  It takes some getting used to but is 
> usually effective.  You must upload your files to a web site so an internet 
> connection is necessary.
> On a related note, I am still seeking a way to do back translating of brf 
> files into txt files.  There is a site run by an Australian organization but 
> I have not gotten good results.  I downloaded the program called Louis which 
> is supposed to translate Braille in both directions but have not gotten that 
> to work either.  
> An internet connection is not always available while traveling so it would be 
> ideal to have the ability to do this on my computer without being connected.
> Jean
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Taking Apps out of the App Switcher question for my sighted husband

2013-09-27 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everyone,

I have learned the various ways to clear the App Switcher with iOS 7 using 
VoiceOver, but we can't figure out how to do it for my sighted husband, who 
doesn't use VoiceOver.  Can anyone tell us?  Much thanks in advance!


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Re: Taking Apps out of the App Switcher question for my sighted husband

2013-09-27 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Alex,

Thanks so much!  This really helps us out a lot, and I knew someone here would 


On Sep 27, 2013, at 9:46 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Just do a one-finger swipe up. Whenever Voiceover requires three fingers to 
> swipe, the non-Vo equivalent is to swipe one finger.
> On Sep 27, 2013, at 12:29 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I have learned the various ways to clear the App Switcher with iOS 7 using 
>> VoiceOver, but we can't figure out how to do it for my sighted husband, who 
>> doesn't use VoiceOver.  Can anyone tell us?  Much thanks in advance!
>> Desi
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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iTunes Match Questions

2013-09-30 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everyone,

I have been considering signing up for iTunes Match, but I am a little 
reluctant because I am Technologically challenged!  LOL!  My track record is 
something like this.  Every time someone tells me that installing something on 
my computer or performing some transaction is the easiest thing ever, I run the 
other way, because nothing ever seems to work for me the way it does for 
everyone else!  I don't know if I'm jinxed or what, but what should be a 
5-minute project usually becomes an all day affair!  Having said this, what 
does one have to do to sign up for iTunes Match?  Are those of you who use this 
service happy with it?  Are there certain settings that should be monitored on 
a periodic basis?  Thanks so much for any information you can pass along!  I 
have a music collection that spans many years, and I would like to insure its 
safety.  Incidentally, does anyone else find iTunes confusing to use?  I should 
add that I have an iMac running the latest version of Mountain Lion and iTunes 


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Re: iTunes Match Questions

2013-10-01 Thread Desi Noller
Thanks Jonathan,

My music collection isn't quite that big, so no worries there!  I look forward 
to trying it out!  Thanks for the encouragement!


On Sep 30, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:

> Hi Desi, you should be able to sign up from the Store Menu of iTunes. I like 
> iTunes Match a lot, my only complaint is the 25,000 song limit, which means 
> that I can't upload my entire music library. The limit does not apply to 
> content you purchased through iTunes though.
> Jonathan Mosen
> Mosen Consulting
> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
> On 1/10/2013, at 11:17 AM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I have been considering signing up for iTunes Match, but I am a little 
>> reluctant because I am Technologically challenged!  LOL!  My track record is 
>> something like this.  Every time someone tells me that installing something 
>> on my computer or performing some transaction is the easiest thing ever, I 
>> run the other way, because nothing ever seems to work for me the way it does 
>> for everyone else!  I don't know if I'm jinxed or what, but what should be a 
>> 5-minute project usually becomes an all day affair!  Having said this, what 
>> does one have to do to sign up for iTunes Match?  Are those of you who use 
>> this service happy with it?  Are there certain settings that should be 
>> monitored on a periodic basis?  Thanks so much for any information you can 
>> pass along!  I have a music collection that spans many years, and I would 
>> like to insure its safety.  Incidentally, does anyone else find iTunes 
>> confusing to use?  I should add that I have an iMac running the latest 
>> version of Mountain Lion and iTunes both.
>> Desi
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iTunes Match Question

2013-10-11 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everybody,

I subscribed to iTunes Match recently and mostly I'm loving it, but I'm 
wondering if some more experienced users can help me with something.  I chose 
an album of one of my favorite artists to play while I was exercising, but some 
of the song titles seem to be dimmed and when I start playing the album, the 
dimmed titles are skipped.  All of my music is legitimate and all of the songs 
are listed, but I'm wondering what could be going on here, and how I can get 
the dimmed song titles to be active?  Can someone help?



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iTunes Match And Problem With Apple Store

2013-10-12 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Again Everyone,

My iTunes Match saga continues!  Anna was certainly right that not all of my 
songs had been uploaded, but beyond that, there is apparently something amiss 
still because I keep getting an error message that says my connection has been 
lost and that there is a problem in the Apple Store.  Has anyone else 
encountered this?  I apparently still have 584 songs to go.  I guess it's not 
anything wrong on my end, but I sure wish it could be resolved quickly!  I'd 
like to get this project done!


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Re: iTunes Match And Problem With Apple Store

2013-10-12 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Tim,

I am using an iMac.  Would I follow the same procedure you outlined?  Thanks!


On Oct 12, 2013, at 12:24 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> No, I've not had that error in a long, long time.  Is your computer set to go 
> to sleep after so many minutes of inactivity?  I'm wondering if it is doing 
> so and thus losing your connection.  Try going into System Preferences, 
> Energy Saver and select the Power Adaptor tab.  Tell it that you don't want 
> the Computer to Sleep while the Power Adaptor is active.  Do this by 
> Interacting with the Slider connected with the Computer Sleep in the Power 
> Adaptor pane, then VO-right arrow until VO announces "Never".  Leave the 
> other sliders alone and this will make it so that your computer does not 
> sleep when plugged into power.  The screen will still dim but the computer 
> will not sleep.  As long as you only set things this way in the Power Adaptor 
> pane, it will not affect the Battery settings and thus not affect battery 
> life.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-10-12, at 1:09 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Again Everyone,
>> My iTunes Match saga continues!  Anna was certainly right that not all of my 
>> songs had been uploaded, but beyond that, there is apparently something 
>> amiss still because I keep getting an error message that says my connection 
>> has been lost and that there is a problem in the Apple Store.  Has anyone 
>> else encountered this?  I apparently still have 584 songs to go.  I guess 
>> it's not anything wrong on my end, but I sure wish it could be resolved 
>> quickly!  I'd like to get this project done!
>> Desi
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