Re: OT: Any Web Designers Out Here?

2012-04-26 Thread Christopher Wright
Hi Christine,
I would refer those people to the screen reader developers.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Scott Howell 
  Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 4:26 PM
  Subject: Re: OT: Any Web Designers Out Here?

  Eric I could not agree more. I found a site that I would love to be in a 
position to tell the devs what they need to do or direct them to a resource 
that would help them make their site more accessible. I think the site is built 
in html5 and java script. However, not being familiar with html5 I only see 
stuff that tells me about the java script and a butt-load of style sheet 
references. I should have kept up with all the html stuff, but unfortunately I 
have not and so my knowledge is pretty limited now. :)
  If you know where I can find a good set of references that could be shared 
please let me know.

  Oh and the site if your curious is, 

  On Apr 26, 2012, at 6:51 AM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

Hi Christine,

It's actually much cheeper to design things accessibly from the ground up.  
Bolting on something later can get quite expensive.  We are seeing a trend 
towards universal design over the last few years, especially with all the work 
apple has done, but I'm afraid there will always be some inconsiderate people 
out there.


Erik Burggraaf
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-04-25, at 8:03 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

  Hi there, everyone. I'm hoping someone can assist with something. In a 
nutshell, there is a site, which enables you to take 
surveys on fascinating and intriguing aspects of morality. After you take the 
surveys, there are often color-coded and otherwise graphical representations of 
your scores as compared to others who took the surveys. Most results are 
therefore inaccessible.
  I wrote to the webmaster and received no reply, and I wrote to the man 
many of whose studies are discussed at this site, Professor John Haidt. He did 
respond, stating that it had never occurred to him that people with "limited 
sight" would be able to take their surveys, that it is an interesting 
consideration, but that he does not think anything can be changed until they 
get more money for updated web design. Is this the sort of thing which is 
really that expensive and time-consuming? I don't know enough about it, so 
would appreciate off-list feedback -- I can send anyone who wants more 
information the correspondence in question. It's one of those things that 
really could be, and should be, open to us, with the technology which is at our 

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Re: Amadeus tutorial and alternative

2012-01-20 Thread Christopher Wright
I believe Audacity works on both platforms. Don't know of any up-to-date 
- Original Message - 
From: "Joanne Chua" 

To: "macvisionaries" 
Cc: "macvoiceover" 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 2:28 AM
Subject: Amadeus tutorial and alternative

Hi there,

as subject above suggest,

I'm looking for some accesible audio editing software that is Mac
comparable and hopefully Window comparable too. I do know that some of
you here uses Amadeus for Audio editing purposes.

What is the plus and miness for this software? and, any tutorial
available for amadeus with voiceover?

Also, what will be the alternatives for Amadeus?

i've downloaded the trial version of Adobe Audition. unfortunately the
window version is not accesible and i've have the chance to download
the trial for mac just yet.

Any advice will be much appreciated



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Re: Mac book pro running very hot

2011-06-28 Thread Christopher Wright

Someone did a podcast on this. Go to
- Original Message - 
From: "johns.kary" 

Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 7:20 AM
Subject: Mac book pro running very hot

Hi guys,

I've got a strange problem hear, and I'm really hoping it's software not 
hard ware.

A couple  of days ago my Mac book pro started running hot, the fan would 
kick in a short time after start up, and would pretty much run  constantly 
from there until I shut down again.
Now, it's the middle of winter hear in Australia, so the temperature 
hardly get's above 20  Celsius, Even with the heater going my lounge-room 
is definitely not hot enough to up set the MBP.
I checked all the usual culprits, Things  I'd forgotten to remove from the 
finder, apps running in the background, ect, no deal it still happened.

I ran a permissions repair, worked for about a day, then started all over 

So I went deeper and had a look at the activity monitor.
Most things are running at 0.0 or or not much higher, except for one.
Something called "applespell.service" was  varying  between 84 and 99%.
I quit it, and it went back to 0.0 and my MBP immediately started cooling 
down.   A short while later it  started heating up again and the fan cut 
in and remained on again.  I went back and checked, and sure enough 
applespell.service" was running at 99%.  Once again I quit, and things 
cooled down again.   It's been running at 0.0 for a bit over an hour now, 
the Mac is a lot cooler, and the fan hasn't kicked in once.  So I'm 
assuming I've found my problem.  The thing is it seams to be reoccurring 
Does anyone have any idea what's going on hear? Do you guys think I've 
found the problem, or am I completely off the mark?

I'd really like to fix this my self, not only for the satisfaction, but my 
nearest apple store is an hour and a half away, and finding transport for 
that long a trip can be tricky at best. :).

Thanks in advance for any thoughts-help.

A very! frustrated,
Ps all software is up to date.

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Re: Questions about running Windows on a Mac

2011-06-29 Thread Christopher Wright
Which method is easier for a blind user? I've heard that you need sighted 
assistance to setup Bootcamp.
- Original Message - 
From: "M. Taylor" 

Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: Questions about running Windows on a Mac


Your question asking if BootCamp or Fusion is the best for running Windows 
on a Mac has no definitive answer as the word "best" is subjective.

Both BootCamp and VM Ware Fusion will allow a blind or low-vision Mac user 
to run Windows effectively on a Mac.

I use them both and have always been happy with the results.


On Jun 28, 2011, at 5:40 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

Hi guys:
I don't thick my message posted, so I'm trying again. I'm thinking of 
getting a Mac MINI and running Windows for those times I need it. Is 
Fusion, or Bootcamp the best?

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web sites using flash

2011-08-08 Thread Christopher Wright

Hello all,
I'm currently in talks with a potential client.

What's the verdict on the use of flash when creating web sites? Below you'll 
find an abbreviated version of an email, from this person, that made me want 
to ask about this.

At present my company is gearing up to launch a
site to give tours for those who have autism and asperger's (as well as
other special needs). We will also be offering weekend
tours for everyone (not just autistic spectrum) as part of the site too --
weekend historical and cultural trips.

That said, I have about two weeks to put a site together, soup to nuts,
talking about the various offerings and explaining our itinerary in

I was seriously thinking about using Wix flash based sites for the
offerings-- have you ever worked with them? 

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Re: iTunes: is there a good tutorial out there?

2010-12-04 Thread Christopher Wright
- Original Message - 
From: "Marlaina Lieberg" <>

Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 6:06 PM
Subject: iTunes: is there a good tutorial out there?

I have been limping along in iTunes, and it's now time to get serious about 
it.  I get very lost and confused in that app.  I can't figure out things 
like how to save a radio station, subscribe or unsubscribe to a podcast, 
search for music in the iTunes store and then buy the music, etc.  I am 
able to sync my iPhone and that's about all I am successful in doing.

Rather than take up tons of time and space on this list, is anyone aware 
of a tutorial I might purchase or have access to that will teach me iTunes 
in a reasonable and logical way?

Thanks so much!


P.S.  If anybody wants to give help here, that's ok as well; I just feel 
like I am asking a lot of questions and perhaps taking up too much list 
time and space on the things I want to learn.

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Re: iTunes: is there a good tutorial out there?

2010-12-04 Thread Christopher Wright

If you're navigating by heading, you should find it.

the adress one more time.

- Original Message - 
From: "Marlaina Lieberg" <>

Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: iTunes: is there a good tutorial out there?

Ok, I went to the podbean site and didn't find a VO with iTunes podcast. 
Did I miss it?


On Dec 4, 2010, at 10:41 AM, Christopher Wright wrote:
- Original Message - From: "Marlaina Lieberg" 

Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 6:06 PM
Subject: iTunes: is there a good tutorial out there?

I have been limping along in iTunes, and it's now time to get serious 
about it.  I get very lost and confused in that app.  I can't figure out 
things like how to save a radio station, subscribe or unsubscribe to a 
podcast, search for music in the iTunes store and then buy the music, 
etc.  I am able to sync my iPhone and that's about all I am successful in 

Rather than take up tons of time and space on this list, is anyone aware 
of a tutorial I might purchase or have access to that will teach me 
iTunes in a reasonable and logical way?

Thanks so much!


P.S.  If anybody wants to give help here, that's ok as well; I just feel 
like I am asking a lot of questions and perhaps taking up too much list 
time and space on the things I want to learn.

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Re: mac equivalence to Finale?

2011-05-03 Thread Christopher Wright
If this person needs Finale, that might be one reason for not kicking 
Windows to the curb entirely.
- Original Message - 
From: "Isaac Obie" 

Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 4:52 PM
Subject: mac equivalence to Finale?

- Original Message - 
From: "Dorothea Martin" 

Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Blindad] editorial from the mac!

Hello, Isaac,
First I want to thank you for bringing this informative article to our 
attention. I am considering a new computer at some time around the end of 
the summer and will think about a MAC because of this article. My only 
question is whether there is a program similar to the Finale for Windows 
and the Braille plug-in which will allow a blind user to turn a midi file 
into Braille music. I would be glad if someone would let me know about 

Dotty Martin

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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regarding Apple's announcement

2011-06-06 Thread Christopher Wright
Hi all,
One of the new features in Lion is the ability to sort email messages by 
conversation. Would this replace Mark's procedure for viewing messages by 


Christopher Wright - music composer, arranger, audio producer and performer
Phone: 914-664-5014
web site:
facebook: sign into your account and use the email address provided above
Linked In: write to me for an invitation

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