Re: OT: introducting lockerz

2010-07-10 Thread Ben King
Dear Cody,
May I be subscribed to the list as well!  I am wanting to get a free iPad.
Ben King
On Jul 10, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:

> in 2 days I've already gotten 322 points, which already I am able to get on 
> of the ipod nanos. but I'm working towards an ipad, which is 1000 points, but 
> I don't think that won't be long nor take much work. especially now that 
> they're offering double points for watching these short videos I'm able to 
> get about double what I was getting before, then, if I invite 16 more people, 
> I get double points all around which will make it a breeze to rack up points 
> and redeem any apple product I want. many youtube videos I've watched have 
> said lockerz is much better than swag box. I agree about scams which is why I 
> did my homework throughly before even signging up. the ery fact that they 
> actually need to restock is an indication that this place is legit, also not 
> to mention that people on youtube actually show the packing material they 
> send i.e. box, packing slip and tape that lockerz use when shipping items. 
> and they are based in new jersey but I believe murch is sent from philadelphia
> On Jul 10, 2010, at 7:31 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>> So, to iether of you, based on how many points you have at the moment,
>> how long do you both think it will be until you can claim a free apple
>> product?
>> I'm always pretty skeptical about this sort of stuff - I'm sure they
>> do ship what they claim to, it's just that its usually quicker to save
>> up 1 and 2 p's and buy one that way.
>> On 10/07/2010, Cody Hurst  wrote:
>>> I will not touch offers, that means free trials and initial fees like the
>>> other sites
>>> On Jul 10, 2010, at 4:27 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>>> Hi:
>>>> I'd reply off list, but I can't figure out how to do this. LOL. Anyway, it
>>>> is very easy to gain points. The majority of my points come from searching
>>>> for everyday things. I also get extra points for things like taking the
>>>> daily poll, trusted surveys, special offers, etc. It is fun.
>>>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>>>> Personal Come join me on
>>>> On Jul 10, 2010, at 2:26 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>>>>> how easy is it to gain points
>>>>> On Jul 10, 2010, at 3:21 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>>>>> Hi:
>>>>>> You can do the same with Swagbucks. They have items in their store as
>>>>>> well as gift cards. They have ipods, computers, mp3 downloads, iphones,
>>>>>> etc. The site works well with VO, and their customer service is very
>>>>>> helpful. I personally like the gift cards so you can save up for stuff.
>>>>>> The iTunes cards are going to get a lot of use. LOL.
>>>>>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>>>>>> Personal Come join me on
>>>>>> On Jul 10, 2010, at 12:57 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>>>>>>> I think lockerz is much better because rather than gift cards, you can
>>>>>>> save up to get real items like computers and such which is why I
>>>>>>> thought that was relevant
>>>>>>> On Jul 10, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>>>>>>> Swagbucks is a better site. My referril link is in my signature. I've
>>>>>>>> already received $35 in amazon gift cards, and am about to cash out
>>>>>>>> for $25 in Amazon cards. They also have iTunes gift cards. You win
>>>>>>>> virtural dollars for searching, which you can cash in for gift cards,
>>>>>>>> including Amazon, Paypal, iTunes, Starbucks, etc. My referril link is
>>>>>>>> in my signature.
>>>>>>>> On Jul 9, 2010, at 7:26 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>>>>> I'm writing to talk a little bit about a site that I just found out
>>>>>>>>> about called lockerz. I was brought on to this when my grandmom told
>>>>>>>>> me about a free ipad she saw which was a scam and the site wasn't

Re: introduction and more questions

2009-10-02 Thread Ben King

Dear Rhonda,

My name is Ben King.  I have been using the Mac for a year and love  
it!  What helped me start learning a Mac were wonderful podcasts like  
the Screenlesswitchers.  By listening to these podcasts I learned  
about the Apple OS. helped me out a great deal as  
well.  The Mac Cast and the Mac Review Cast are wonderful as well.   
They speak about the Apple Culture and you get to hear from other Mac  
lovers.  Finally, the Maccessibility podcast is excellent!  I hope  
this helps.  Have a wonderful day.
Ben King
On Oct 2, 2009, at 8:20 AM, Rhonda Hornbacher wrote:

> Hi List!
> My name is Rhonda and have recently acquired a Mac Book Pro. I am
> running Snow Leopard. I am having lots of fun learning about my new
> MBP but since this is my first Mac I am also kind of lost!
> I have done the Quick Start and read the Getting Started section of
> Voice Over help.
> I am learning a whole new operating system and a whole new screen
> reader. I sometimes feel quite overwhelmed! Do any of you more
> experienced Mac users have any advice for me on where to start? What
> are some other resources I need to be reading? Is there some kind of
> interactive learning activity out there?
> I appreciate any and all suggestions! I am learning a lot just from
> reading posts on the list!
> Thanks so much,
> Rhonda
> >

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have any of you used quick books with Voiceover?

2009-10-04 Thread Ben King

Dear fellow Mac Scholars,

I hope everyone is doing well.  Last spring on the list, I heard of  
Quick Books being accessible with Voiceover.  I want to know, has  
anyone used it?  If so, what do you think of it.  Have a wonderful  
Ben King

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Re: Latest article on using the Mac from the Braille Monitor

2009-10-05 Thread Ben King

Dear VaShaun,

I would be interested.  What is your email address.  Have a wonderful  
Ben King
On Oct 5, 2009, at 1:58 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:

> I would like to start a Mac division of the NFB and was wondering if
> their are any takers? All those that may be interested in this fun and
> educational division please contact me off list with your ideas.
> On Oct 5, 2009, at 11:25 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Esther,
>> Although I read the Braille Monitor article, I learned something new
>> by
>> reading your posting anyway.
>> You wrote:
>> "You can alternatively go to the table of contents for the latest
>> Braille Monitor at:
>> bm0909tc.htm
>> Then use item chooser menu to look for "A Second Look at Apple's
>> VoiceOver", VO-RIght arrow to the "Listen Now" link, and press  
>> Option-
>> Return to download the mp3 file."
>> Where does one learn about commands such as the Option-Return?  To my
>> knowledge, this is not a VO command, so I am assuming it is a Safari
>> command.;  Is there a list of Safari keyboard commands that can
>> easily be
>> downloaded?
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Esther
>> Sent: Sunday, 04 October, 2009 00:11
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Latest article on using the Mac from the Braille Monitor
>> Thanks, Rich, for posting this link to the Braille Monitor.  For  
>> those
>> of you who have not yet read the article, The Braille Monitor   
>> invited
>> a commentary on the original article from a Mac user (who is a member
>> of this list, and who some of you may recognize as the host of the
>> ATMaine access technology podcasts and from his appearances on the
>> Mac-
>> cessibility and Screenless Switcher podcasts).  It's well written,  
>> and
>> you can also download the mp3 version of the article.
>> The direct link to the mp3 file, which may be too long to use from
>> mail, is:
>> d_Look_At_Apples_Voiceover.mp3
>> You can alternatively go to the table of contents for the latest
>> Braille Monitor at:
>> bm0909tc.htm
>> Then use item chooser menu to look for "A Second Look at Apple's
>> VoiceOver", VO-RIght arrow to the "Listen Now" link, and press  
>> Option-
>> Return to download the mp3 file.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
> VaShaun Jones (President)
> Cobb County Empowerment Chapter of the National Federation of the
> Blind of Georgia Inc.
> Office Phone: 678.603.4881
> Cell:678.662.7481
> Web URL:
> >

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Re: making presentations using a Mac.

2009-10-07 Thread Ben King

Dear Donal,

You can use Voiceover to make a presentation and get the rest of the  
class interactively involved.  I hope this helps.
On Oct 7, 2009, at 1:53 PM, Donal Fitzpatrick wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just wondering if anyone has used any presentation software on the  
> Mac?  At
> the minute I'm using LaTeX to generate PDF versions of the slides,  
> however
> Preview isn't great for displaying on a projector.  Any thoughts are
> welcome.
> Cheers,
> Dónal
> >

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installed SL and love it!

2009-10-28 Thread Ben King

Dear Mac friends and scholars,

I want you to know that I installed SL on Saturday.  I love it!  I  
love the Quick Nav feature.  This feature is my favorite.  I also  
really like the web roter.  SL is amazing!  Have a wonderful day.
Ben King

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Re: Introduction and Newby Questions

2009-12-04 Thread Ben King
Dear Donna,

My name is Ben King.  I have been using the Mac for a year and love it!  The 
Apple Macintosh laptops have accessibility out of the box.  I was able to set 
mine up and start using it right away.  The new Mac Book Pros and Mac Books 
have multi touch track pads.  I switched from Jaws as well.  I love my Apple 
and will not be going back to windows any time soon.  You have Iwork which has 
a spread sheet application which is accessible with Voiceover.  Have a 
wonderful evening.
Ben King
On Dec 4, 2009, at 8:23 PM, Donna Smith wrote:

> Hi all.
> I am a long-time, frustrated Windows/Microsoft Office/JAWS user, and I
> have recently become very intrigued with the possibility of switching
> to a Mac, at least for personal use.  My work duties are too tied to
> being able to share files with colleagues in PowerPoint, Excel and
> Word, and we're required to use Outlook calendar, etc., but personal
> use is a different story.
> So please tell me if I understand correctly that an off-the-shelf Mac
> laptop will be accessible via Voice Over for most typical functions?
> I need the internet, e-mail, some kind of word processor, and I'm a
> farily big user of Excel and am not sure what the comparable Mac
> program might be.  I understand that there is a learning curve to make
> such a switch, but is it possible to do this without purchasing
> another type of third-part screen reading software?  I am so sick of
> This all started when I was looking at iPhones.  I am very excited at
> the prospect of having a functional, accessible iPhone and the
> descriptions I've read that allow you to move through information via
> the touch screen, thus getting a real sens of page layout, has really
> sparked my interest.  Do I understande correctly that laptops also
> have some kind of touch pad mouse that allows this same kind of
> interaction with information on the screen so that it's not always
> necessary to arrow up and down endlessly through massive amounts of
> web site jumble?
> I should add that though I've been using computers for about 20 years
> now, I am no programmer or technician.  I am a functional user who has
> reluctantly had to learn more than I ever wanted to know about
> computer set-up and the inter-workings of various software out of
> necessity.  So don't get too technical on me.   Keep it simple!
> Thanks much for allowing me to join and I promise not to interfere
> with the flow of techie talk too much with irritating newby questions.
> Donna
> --
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Re: We better keep this going!

2009-12-22 Thread Ben King
Dear Mac Friends,

I 100% agree with Jess on this post.  I love being able to walk into a store 
and play with Macs Iphones and Ipod Touches.  Everyone who has an Apple 
Macintosh I tell them about Voiceover.
I am planning on like many of you getting another Mac in the future.  With me 
planning on going into education this will be a wonderful way to go!
I have made lots of friend ships closer because when I talk with my sighted 
friends about the Mac they and I can talk about Voiceover and I don't have to 
go into a long explanation of what it is.
I was at a party once, and I was having a conversation with someone about the 
Mac.  They knew what Voiceover was and had played with it before.  It was a 
wonderful conversation.  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.  See you in 
Ben King
On Dec 22, 2009, at 9:46 AM, Jess wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Well, I'm getting the IPhone 3 GS today. But more than that, folks, we need 
> to keep the trend of switching to the Mac and IPhone going. The more people 
> we have switching, the more inclined Apple will be to continue support and 
> development for Voice OVer.
> For the first time, I can walk into a store, pick up a phone, and have it 
> talk out of the box. I don't have to have this special software that makes my 
> phone accessible, and explain to people, oh, this is special software that 
> reads aloud what you see on the screen. When I mention to people that I am 
> going to get the IPhone, I feel a great deal of satisfaction that people 
> don't look at me and go, well Jess, youre blind, so how the hell will you be 
> able to use it? It's awesome that I can be treated as an equal. We half! to 
> keep this trend up! Otherwise, what we have waited for, hoped for, and longed 
> for, access to something right out of the box, will soon be gone forever! And 
> by the way, every time I try to convince someone that accessibility is a 
> right and we have the right to have 100 percent access to everything we buy, 
> that argument that we are to small of a market is always what I get. I'm 
> sorry, but Apple is proving that argument to be void, and I have never agreed 
> with it and never will. Any thoughts on this post?
> Jes
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Re: macspeech

2010-05-05 Thread Ben King
Dear Phil,

I have heard that Mac Speech Dictate works extremely well with the Mac and 
Voiceover.  If you want more information about this, you can listen to a 
podcast done by Steeve where he does a demo of this software.  I hope this 
helps.  Have a wonderful evening.
On May 5, 2010, at 10:39 AM, phil stephenson wrote:

> Hi,
> Very interested in how you get on with this as although I use mac at home at 
> work I have jaws with the jaysay software and DRagon which works well and I 
> would be interested to know wehther or not I can get a similar experience 
> with the Mac or if not if anyone knows of any plans for this to come.
> Cheers,
> Phil
> 5 May 2010, at 12:48, william lomas wrote:
>>  HI,
>> I have got macspeech dictate international now and I have a few queries. 
>> Firstly how do I turn on the settings to generate the contacts in my email 
>> address book? i.e. send mail to joe blogs? I can't find the settings?
>> I also like the way the training works. It appears in 1.5.8, when you do 
>> training it moves on to the next sentence when it has recognised the current 
>> one. Now all we need is for it to correctly with VO enabled, echo our 
>> phrases rather than just the last word of 2 of a sentence.
>> -- 
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> ---
> Phil Stephenson
> 07841 714931
> Skype = philstephenson
> -- 
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Re: macspeech

2010-05-05 Thread Ben King
Dear Phil,

I have heard that Mac Speech Dictate works extremely well with the Mac and 
Voiceover.  If you want more information about this, you can listen to a 
podcast done by Steeve where he does a demo of this software.  I hope this 
helps.  Have a wonderful evening.
On May 5, 2010, at 10:39 AM, phil stephenson wrote:

> Hi,
> Very interested in how you get on with this as although I use mac at home at 
> work I have jaws with the jaysay software and DRagon which works well and I 
> would be interested to know wehther or not I can get a similar experience 
> with the Mac or if not if anyone knows of any plans for this to come.
> Cheers,
> Phil
> 5 May 2010, at 12:48, william lomas wrote:
>>  HI,
>> I have got macspeech dictate international now and I have a few queries. 
>> Firstly how do I turn on the settings to generate the contacts in my email 
>> address book? i.e. send mail to joe blogs? I can't find the settings?
>> I also like the way the training works. It appears in 1.5.8, when you do 
>> training it moves on to the next sentence when it has recognised the current 
>> one. Now all we need is for it to correctly with VO enabled, echo our 
>> phrases rather than just the last word of 2 of a sentence.
>> -- 
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> ---
> Phil Stephenson
> 07841 714931
> Skype = philstephenson
> -- 
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Re: macspeech

2010-05-06 Thread Ben King
Dear Phil,
The podcast is on
Go to the archives section and look for May 2009.  I hope this helps.
Ben King
On May 5, 2010, at 11:21 PM, william lomas wrote:

> where is the podcast?
> On 6 May 2010, at 03:24, Ben King wrote:
>> Dear Phil,
>> I have heard that Mac Speech Dictate works extremely well with the Mac and 
>> Voiceover.  If you want more information about this, you can listen to a 
>> podcast done by Steeve where he does a demo of this software.  I hope this 
>> helps.  Have a wonderful evening.
>> Blessings,
>> Ben
>> On May 5, 2010, at 10:39 AM, phil stephenson wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Very interested in how you get on with this as although I use mac at home 
>>> at work I have jaws with the jaysay software and DRagon which works well 
>>> and I would be interested to know wehther or not I can get a similar 
>>> experience with the Mac or if not if anyone knows of any plans for this to 
>>> come.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Phil
>>> 5 May 2010, at 12:48, william lomas wrote:
>>>> I have got macspeech dictate international now and I have a few queries. 
>>>> Firstly how do I turn on the settings to generate the contacts in my email 
>>>> address book? i.e. send mail to joe blogs? I can't find the settings?
>>>> I also like the way the training works. It appears in 1.5.8, when you do 
>>>> training it moves on to the next sentence when it has recognised the 
>>>> current one. Now all we need is for it to correctly with VO enabled, echo 
>>>> our phrases rather than just the last word of 2 of a sentence.
>>>> -- 
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>>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> ---
>>> Phil Stephenson
>>> 07841 714931
>>> Skype = philstephenson
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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> william lomas
> follow me on twitter:
> billbow_baggins
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Re: macspeech

2010-05-06 Thread ben king

Dear Phil,
You are wellcome . I love helping other vo users out. Have a  
wonderful  day.

Ben King

Sent from my iPod

On May 6, 2010, at 11:37 AM, william lomas  

get it here Phil highlighted

On 6 May 2010, at 19:33, phil stephenson wrote:

Thanks Ben, will certainly take a listen,



Sent from my iPhone

Find me on Twitter at www.Twitter .com/stepphil
Skype me via philstephenson

On 6 May 2010, at 06:30 PM, Ben King  wrote:

Dear Phil,
The podcast is on
Go to the archives section and look for May 2009.  I hope this  

Ben King
On May 5, 2010, at 11:21 PM, william lomas wrote:

where is the podcast?

On 6 May 2010, at 03:24, Ben King wrote:

Dear Phil,

I have heard that Mac Speech Dictate works extremely well with  
the Mac and Voiceover.  If you want more information about this,  
you can listen to a podcast done by Steeve where he does a demo  
of this software.  I hope this helps.  Have a wonderful evening.

On May 5, 2010, at 10:39 AM, phil stephenson wrote:


Very interested in how you get on with this as although I use  
mac at home at work I have jaws with the jaysay software and  
DRagon which works well and I would be interested to know  
wehther or not I can get a similar experience with the Mac or  
if not if anyone knows of any plans for this to come.



5 May 2010, at 12:48, william lomas wrote:


I have got macspeech dictate international now and I have a  
few queries.
Firstly how do I turn on the settings to generate the contacts  
in my email address book? i.e. send mail to joe blogs? I can't  
find the settings?
I also like the way the training works. It appears in 1.5.8,  
when you do training it moves on to the next sentence when it  
has recognised the current one. Now all we need is for it to  
correctly with VO enabled, echo our phrases rather than just  
the last word of 2 of a sentence.

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Phil Stephenson
07841 714931
Skype = philstephenson

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william lomas
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william lomas
follow me on twitter:

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Re: macspeech

2010-05-06 Thread ben king

Dear Phil,
Ifyou have sl, you can  press control option u and bring up the  
web item rotor.  You  navigate to archives. Than you find the podcast  
you are looking for. In the title of the show you should see mac  
speech. I hope this helps.

Ben from my iPod

On May 6, 2010, at 1:47 PM, phil stephenson   

Hi Ben,

have had a look at the site but struggling to find the Archive  
section, will take a look again later I guess.


On 6 May 2010, at 18:30, Ben King wrote:

Dear Phil,
The podcast is on
Go to the archives section and look for May 2009.  I hope this helps.
Ben King
On May 5, 2010, at 11:21 PM, william lomas wrote:

where is the podcast?

On 6 May 2010, at 03:24, Ben King wrote:

Dear Phil,

I have heard that Mac Speech Dictate works extremely well with  
the Mac and Voiceover.  If you want more information about this,  
you can listen to a podcast done by Steeve where he does a demo  
of this software.  I hope this helps.  Have a wonderful evening.

On May 5, 2010, at 10:39 AM, phil stephenson wrote:


Very interested in how you get on with this as although I use  
mac at home at work I have jaws with the jaysay software and  
DRagon which works well and I would be interested to know  
wehther or not I can get a similar experience with the Mac or if  
not if anyone knows of any plans for this to come.



5 May 2010, at 12:48, william lomas wrote:


I have got macspeech dictate international now and I have a few  
Firstly how do I turn on the settings to generate the contacts  
in my email address book? i.e. send mail to joe blogs? I can't  
find the settings?
I also like the way the training works. It appears in 1.5.8,  
when you do training it moves on to the next sentence when it  
has recognised the current one. Now all we need is for it to  
correctly with VO enabled, echo our phrases rather than just  
the last word of 2 of a sentence.

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Phil Stephenson
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Re: iwork for ipad?

2010-05-09 Thread Ben King
Dear Yuma,
I played with the Numbers sweet on the iPad and was extremely impressed.  
Voiceover worked extremely well with the application.  I strongly believe it 
would increase your productivity.  Olivia used the application for a project 
she did in her research course for her masters and was very impressed.  I hope 
this helps.
Ben King

On May 8, 2010, at 9:55 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi list,
> does numbers work well on the ipad with a keyboard dock? Im reflecting on 
> whether it can increase my productivity or if the learning curve is way over 
> what was expected during the musings of last year, when the pad was starting 
> to make noise
> Cheers
> Yuma Decaux
> Light has no value without darkness
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Re: onterage email

2010-05-17 Thread Ben King
Dear Nancy,
 Microsoft Office will not work with Voiceover.  Hopefully the new Microsoft 
Office will be accessible.  I would look at going with iWork.  You can save 
pages  and Numbers documents in word format.  Apple Mail works fantastic with 
Voiceover. The Mac is a excellent platform and I would not go with anything 
else.  Have a wonderful day.
Ben King On May 17, 2010, at 9:03 AM, Nancy Badger wrote:

> I just got a mac book pro today.  I have read through the quick start for 
> voice over.  Then I tried to go into my email which has been set up by our IT 
> people in onterage.  The only thing I could hear was the onterage progress 
> saying “busy” or “ready.”  I tried to use control, option arrows to move 
> around but could not get it to work.  I also tried control, option shyift 
> down arrow in case I had to interact with it.  I know this is probably really 
> simple, so please excuse my ignorance.  Thanks for any help you can give.
> Nancy
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Re: vo on, speech off

2010-05-18 Thread ben king

Dear Nancy,
You are wellcome . Your friend can do a three finger double tap and vo  
will turn back on. I hope this helps.

Ben King  Sent from my iPod

On May 18, 2010, at 10:58 AM, "Nancy Badger"   

I am writing this on behalf of a friend who is blind and uses vo  
with mac.  Something very weird happened to her:  She turned on her  
computer (a laptop) and Vo came up as usual.  Then the computer said 
 “speech off” and would not say anything else.  We have tried  
going to system preferences and turning on the speech but it seems t 
o make no difference.  Suggestions please?

By the way, thanks for the feedback on onterage.  I am switching to  
mac mail.

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Re: iphone on verizon?

2010-05-22 Thread Ben King
Dear Hank,
I have heard the iPhone is coming this fall but I have also heard the iPhone 
may be coming next June as well.  The reason why next June is because Apple 
will not have to make a new phone for Verizon.  I hope this helps. 
Ben King
On May 22, 2010, at 2:52 PM, hank smith wrote:

> hello does any one know when the iphone will be on verizon?
> alo there going to be a unlimited dada plan?
> Hank
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Re: Adding attachments in mail

2010-05-26 Thread Ben King
Dear Courtney,
I add attachments in mail by doing the following.
1.  go to the tool bar menu and inter act
with the menu
2.  go to the file table
3.  inter act with the file table
4.  press down arrow until I find the file I want to attach
5.  press enter to attach the file
6.  stop inter acting with the tool bar
7.  press command shift d to send the message
I hope this helps.
Ben King

On May 26, 2010, at 8:48 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> I was wondering how to add an attachment in the mail program.
> Thanks,
> Courtney
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Re: Numbers frustrating the heck out of me

2010-06-02 Thread Ben King
Dear Lindsay,
Numbers 09 works great with Voiceover!  People have been extremely impressed 
with Numbers 09 in the new iWork.  Olivia Norman used Numbers all the time in 
her Social Work classes.  It worked great for her.  I have played with Numbers 
at the Apple Store and have been very impressed.  So I would try out the new 
Numbers in the iWork 09 first.  You will see quite a difference.  Have a 
wonderful evening.
I hope this helps.
Ben King
On Jun 2, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Lindsay Yazzolino wrote:

> HI,
> I am working in a cognitive neuroscience lab and need to make
> extensive use of spreadsheets. I'm trying to use iWork 8 to open an
> Excel spreadsheet in Numbers, but I can't get the darn thing to read
> it properly. When I interact with the scroll area, I see three
> items--two images and an item labeled "unknown"--not exactly helpful.
> Is it worth trying to mess with the Mac, or  would I be best off just
> using JAWS and MS Office? Minimal support is not going to cut it, so
> if this is all that VoiceOverhas to offer  at this point, I'd rather
> not waste energy trying to make it work. Also, for those of you who
> are power users of JAWS, do you find that JAWS and VMWare work well
> enough, or would you suggest that I use Bootcamp? I currently have
> FUsion installed, but before I go to great lengths to remap the keys
> to work with JAWS, I want to be sure that doing so is worth my time.
> Thanks very much in advance.
> Lindsay
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Re: Audible content on Iphone

2010-06-03 Thread ben king

Dear Alison,
The accessibility of the new iPhone is going to be great! Have a nice  

Ben King

Sent from my iPod

On Jun 3, 2010, at 3:40 AM, Allison Manzino   

Hi CQ and Cara,

Thank you for all your help. I just don't know whether to purchase  
the Iphone 3gS or to wait till the new one comes out . Technically  
I'm not eligible for an upgrade till January, but my Nokia keeps  
dying, so I will probably just pay the fee before then. Any thoughts  
on the accessibility of the new Iphone? Thank you again for all your  
help. I have learned a lot from this list, just by asking and  
reading other people's questions. Thanks again and have a great day!


On Jun 1, 2010, at 8:44 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

Hi Allison;

Yes, you can most definitely listen to Audible content on the iPhone.

As for music playback, it does a quick little fade when the phone  
rings and then can be easily resumed when you finish the call.

When not in the iPod app itself, you can do a two-finger double tap  
to start or stop the music at any time.

Yes, essentially, you have all of the functionality of an iPod and  
a whole lot more, with the iPhone. It's amazing!… :)

Hope this helps and please do feel free to ask any further  
questions you may have.


CQ :)
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On Jun 1, 2010, at 4:48 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

Hi all,

I'm contemplating purchasing an Iphone 3GS as my Nokia keeps  
freezing up. I'm thinking of getting the 32 gig one. Can you play  
audible content on it? ALso, if you're listening to a song and you  
receive a phone call what happens? I mean does the music stop and  
the phone ring? I really want an Iphone and an Ipod Touch 3rd  
generation. I thought the Iphone would solve both of these  
dilemmas, so I could have both an Iphone and Ipod. Any thoughts?  
Any experience with Iphone and music? Thanks again for all your help.


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Re: Audible content on Iphone

2010-06-03 Thread ben king

Dear Allison,
Thank you for your message. I love helping other VoiceOver  users.  
Have fun with the new iPhone .

Ben King

Sent from my iPod

On Jun 3, 2010, at 6:40 PM, Allison Manzino   

Hi Ben,

Thank you so much for your help. I will probably wait till the new  
Iphone comes out and get it. My cell's just dying every day. Can't  
wait for the new Iphone. Have a wonderful day!

Blessings to you as well,

On Jun 3, 2010, at 3:39 PM, ben king wrote:

Dear Alison,
The accessibility of the new iPhone is going to be great! Have a  
nice day.

Ben King

Sent from my iPod

On Jun 3, 2010, at 3:40 AM, Allison Manzino   

Hi CQ and Cara,

Thank you for all your help. I just don't know whether to purchase  
the Iphone 3gS or to wait till the new one comes out . Technically  
I'm not eligible for an upgrade till January, but my Nokia keeps  
dying, so I will probably just pay the fee before then. Any  
thoughts on the accessibility of the new Iphone? Thank you again  
for all your help. I have learned a lot from this list, just by  
asking and reading other people's questions. Thanks again and have  
a great day!


On Jun 1, 2010, at 8:44 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

Hi Allison;

Yes, you can most definitely listen to Audible content on the  

As for music playback, it does a quick little fade when the phone  
rings and then can be easily resumed when you finish the call.

When not in the iPod app itself, you can do a two-finger double  
tap to start or stop the music at any time.

Yes, essentially, you have all of the functionality of an iPod  
and a whole lot more, with the iPhone. It's amazing!… :)

Hope this helps and please do feel free to ask any further  
questions you may have.


CQ :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

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On Jun 1, 2010, at 4:48 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

Hi all,

I'm contemplating purchasing an Iphone 3GS as my Nokia keeps  
freezing up. I'm thinking of getting the 32 gig one. Can you play  
audible content on it? ALso, if you're listening to a song and  
you receive a phone call what happens? I mean does the music stop  
and the phone ring? I really want an Iphone and an Ipod Touch 3rd  
generation. I thought the Iphone would solve both of these  
dilemmas, so I could have both an Iphone and Ipod. Any thoughts?  
Any experience with Iphone and music? Thanks again for all your  


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Re: A new Mac user with a few questions.

2010-06-11 Thread ben king

Dear Kairi,
I have  a mac and I  love it! You do not need  protection  for your  
computer. If your reading  pages on the web you can use  Safari   
Reader.  It  reads  the documents without pausing. If your looking for  
an e book reader  you can  get I books for your iPhone .

Ben King Sent from my iPod

On Jun 11, 2010, at 9:40 PM, kary johns  wrote:

Hi list.
I bought my Mac about a week ago, I’ve been an iPhone user for about 

or so months. I love my iPhone, so I  decided to take the plunge and
by a Mac. I like it so far.
I do have a few questions though.
When I’m reading documents with “vo keys  A”VO seams to just st 

around the end of every paragraph,  Is there a way to stop this? Or am
I doing something wrong.
It’s incredibly annoying as I quite often read long documents for un 
or occasionally ebooks on my windows laptop with JAWS, and I’d like  

be able to do the same on my Mac.
Also, Should I get a virus or spy wear program? And if so, which one
do people recommend to use with vo?

I’m shore I’ll have more simple questions, but I’d never even  
used a

Mac till last Friday. (smile)

Thanks for any help.

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Re: Safari 5

2010-06-12 Thread ben king

Dear Olivia,
I am not having any issues. With the new
 Safari. I hope this helps.
Ben King
Sent from my iPod

On Jun 12, 2010, at 6:42 AM, Olivia Norman   

I really don't understand why some are having issues and others  
aren't?  Is everyone experiencing issues here in the US?

I'm just trying to find a common pattern, I guess :)
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

On Jun 12, 2010, at 2:58 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:


I'm running Safari 5 here without any issues as well. I can  
navigate on without any issues.
I can send my Voiceover settings to someone who have issues to see  
if it makes a difference.

Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den Jun 11, 2010 kl. 11:04 PM skrev louie:

Hi all,
I have read all comments about Safari 5. I have tried all of the  
web sites that you all say that cause you trouble. I am running  
Leopard and no trouble here. I wonder why?


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Re: How To Get VoiceOver To Read Mail Messages Automatically

2010-06-15 Thread Ben King
Dear Mark,
I press control option j and when I press this key combo Voiceover starts 
reading the message to me.  I hope this helps.
Ben King
On Jun 15, 2010, at 7:14 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,  
> I just updated to 10.6.4.  Why-o-why did I do this?  
> Until this update, when I pressed the [Enter] key on a message item in my
> Apple Mail Inbox, VoiceOver would automatically begin reading the content of
> the message; that is to say that data located in the Scroll area.  It was
> pure bliss.  
> Since the update, however, VoiceOver reads the message header info and then
> promptly stops.  Forcing me to use a command to begin reading.  
> Please tell me this is a configurable setting in VoiceOver.  (Smile)  
> Also, keep in mind that I do not use the preview pane; that is to say, the
> horizontal splitter is parked at the bottom of the Apple Mail Window.  
> All suggestions greatly appreciated.  
> Thank you,
> Mark
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Re: Prospective Mac User

2010-06-16 Thread Ben King
Dear Kolby,
I love my Mac! It is a wonderful computer and I love Voiceover!  The support 
you receive is quite a bit better than windows and you get people who really 
want to help you.  I have had such a fantastic experience with my Mac that I 
also have an iPod touch and am looking forward to getting an iPad and an iPhone 
in the near future. If you want to contact me off list you can do so.  I hope 
this helps.
Ben King
On Jun 16, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Kolby Garrison wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I am considering purchasing a mac book pro, and I wanted to know what 
> satisfied mac users have to say about the pros and cons of mac and windows. I 
> have been researching voiceover, and it sounds like a very stable screen 
> reading solution. I like the portable preferences feature, and from what I 
> have read thus far I do believe that a mac book pro will be purchased in my 
> very near future. I will go to an apple store for some hands on time with a 
> mac, but if anyone would share your mac experiences with me I would 
> appreciate it. I know that there will be a learning curve going from the 
> windows operating system to the mac operating system, but I am ready and 
> willing to learn all that I can.
> Thank you,
> Kolby
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Re: ipad: how to enable new touch typing feature

2010-06-17 Thread Ben King
Dear John,
You put two fingers on the iPad and rotate them until you come to typing mode.  
You flick down with two fingers and when you hear touch typing you double tap 
to select it.  It will stay in Touch Typing Mode until you go back to typing 
mode and change it back to the traditional way of typing.  I hope this helps.
Ben King
On Jun 16, 2010, at 8:23 PM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi listers, 
> I went to my apple store today to check out the IPad. I liked it over all, 
> but I have a question. How do I enable the new form of touch typing? I really 
> wanted to try this out, but when I put my fingers on the keyboard, found the 
> letter I wanted, and then lifted them, nothing happened. The only way to type 
> was the old clunky way we currently have to use on the I touch and Iphone. I 
> looked in the voiceover menu under accessibility but could not find this 
> option. Also, the apple employee, while he did know the traditional way of 
> typing with voiceover, couldn't help me find the feature either. 
> Thanks for your help. I intend to go back there some time soon and mess with 
> it more. Pages seems particularly appealing. 
> John 
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Re: IPad question # 2: find feature in Ibooks?

2010-06-17 Thread Ben King
Dear John,
The iBooks does have a search function where you can search for phrases and 
such.  Also, I believe you can search for books using iTunes.  I hope you get 
the iPad it is an amazing device.  Have a wonderful day.
Ben King
On Jun 16, 2010, at 8:29 PM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi listers, 
> I have a lot of IPad questions after todays apple visit, but I won't flood 
> the list with them. I'll stop after this one. Does Ibooks have a find 
> feature, so that you can find particular words and phrases in books? Also, 
> can you quickly and easily find the next instance of a phrase or word 
> provided you just searched for it? I'm thinking something similar to an f3 
> command in kurzweil. As a law student, I need such functionality if I am to 
> consider using the IPad with books I purchase and those I scan myself. Also, 
> while we're on the subject of books, is there a way to browse the book store 
> just using ITunes from my macbook? I'd love to buy a 3g enabled IPad, but 
> really can't justify the purchase if they don't have law/education books 
> digitized. At that point, though it pains me to say it, I'm probably better 
> off putting the scanned files on my mac and netbook, and stick with kurzweil 
> a bit longer. Your thoughts are appreciated. 
> John 
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Re: accessworld article reading weird?

2010-06-19 Thread Ben King
Dear Chris,
I want to let you know I read the article using the new Safari Reader and it 
read extremely well.  The Safari Reader is accessed by going to command shift 
r.  Once you press that key combo the reader is launched and you will be able 
to read the article.  I hope this helps.
Ben King
On Jun 19, 2010, at 3:54 PM, Chris Westbrook wrote:

> I was trying to read the following article, and when I would do a vo shift a 
> to read the whole thing after focusing on a heading, it would read the first 
> paragraph and then start reading row one column one with like navigation 
> links.  What's up with that?  Is this a bug or expected behavior?  I can't 
> imagine it is expected, but curious if it has something to do with safari 
> five.  This is the first time I've noticed this.
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Re: reading a long pdf: vo vs spoken word in itunes

2010-06-23 Thread Ben King
Dear Simon,
iBooks is available on the iPhone and iPod touch as well.  So you can install 
the ap and read.
Ben King
On Jun 22, 2010, at 10:59 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Is this I book application available for the ipod touch or IPhone?
> Or is it only for the mac osx
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Peggy Fleischer
> Sent: Wednesday, 23 June 2010 12:21 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: reading a long pdf: vo vs spoken word in itunes
> How do you get the book  loaded into Ibooks?
> Peggy Fleischer
>  Psalm 90 12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts 
> unto wisdom.
> On Jun 21, 2010, at 11:41 PM, Greg Weller wrote:
> If you have the new version of ibooks that just came today you can read pdfs 
> in that...I just loaded a 1500 page file and voiceober is reading it 
> ...this is on an i
> Sent from my iPad
> On 21/06/2010, at 9:10 PM, Joel Zimba  wrote:
> I did notice that I have a few pdfs in my books section of itunes.  I'm not 
> sure how I got them there...  nor what to do with them exactly,  it would be 
> great if ibooks learned to read them, as I'm more and more impressed with it 
> as I play.
> J
> On Jun 21, 2010, at 8:25 PM, Catherine Kudlick wrote:
> Hi All,
> Someone just sent me a long book manuscript as a pdf.  If I wanted to read it 
> on the go on my ipod touch, what's the best way to do it?  Should I use 
> voiceover?  Or is it true that it's possible to convert the pdf to a spoken 
> word text that I could access through itunes?  If so, how do I do this?  And 
> is it easier to use in itunes than in VO? For example, can you set the pace 
> of speech in these itunes files or mark your place?
> Also, can what I read be sync-ed between devices? For example if I start 
> reading it on my Macbook Pro but then want to pick up on my ipod, would it 
> sync to where I left off?  
> Thanks so much, cathy
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> pad...buttit should work on an iphone w IS 4
> greg
> -- 
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Re: Needing help with Itunes radio

2010-06-23 Thread Ben King
Dear Courtney,
All you do is when something is collapsed you press the two arrow keys together 
and then you will be able to look at the stations.  I hope this helps.
Ben King
On Jun 23, 2010, at 7:54 AM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to look for a station in the Itunes Radio selection, but when I go 
> to a genre, they're all collaps and I can't expand them. Any help would be 
> greatly appreciated.
> Courtney
> -- 
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Re: Economics and the Mac

2010-06-24 Thread Ben King
Dear Mary,
What school district is this?  This is fantastic!
Those lucky children.  I hope you have a wonderful day.
Ben King
On Jun 23, 2010, at 7:42 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> the school system where my husband teaches here in Oregon uses all macs. I 
> don't know if others do or not.
> Mary
> -- 
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Re: Alarms on The Ipod Touch

2010-06-24 Thread Ben King
Dear Courtney,
If you set an alarm on your iPod touch, and if you turn it off then in the 
morning the alarm will not go off.  So it is always best to leave it set to on. 
 At least this is how I work with mine.
Ben King
On Jun 24, 2010, at 7:14 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to know if I set an alarm for a certain time in the morning on my 
> Ipod Touch and then turn it off for the night, will it still go off?
> Courtney
> -- 
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Re: Ipad has VoiceOver

2010-01-27 Thread ben king

Dear mac fronds

I m excited about this for us

Sent from my iPod

On Jan 27, 2010, at 1:44 PM, "James & Nash" > wrote:

You can sync the IPhone and IPad so presumably, you can do other  
things too.

On 27 Jan 2010, at 21:40, Charlie Doremus wrote:

Who said ibooks won't work on iphone

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 11:33 AM, william lomas > wrote:
shame ibooks won't work on iphone it is just an ipod really just  

On 27 Jan 2010, at 20:20, Matthew Campbell wrote:

Hello list members.
Just thought I'd send a quick message to tell you all that the ipad  
does indeed have VoiceOver.
You can verify this by going to the tech specs link when you click  
on any of the ipad links and going to a level 3 heading called  

Matthew Campbell

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Check out our web site,

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Re: I thought I would post this.

2010-03-09 Thread Ben King
Dear Mac Scholars,

Does I braille work with Braille Blazy as well?  Nice post!
Ben King
On Mar 9, 2010, at 10:00 AM, Michael Huckabay wrote:

> MOrning all If enny one is trying to get a Index Basic D brail printer to 
> work on there mac here is what you need to do.
> First go to the index websight and grab IBrail and the Index mac brail 
> printer drivers.  Then install both of these and you should be set.  You may 
> have to re boot before the printer sees that the drivers where in stalled but 
> that is all.
> IBraile is verry excessible with vo as well thanks.
> -- 
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Re: Test

2010-04-15 Thread ben king

Dear Dan,
Your messages are getting to the list. Have a wonderful day.
Ben Sent from my iPod

On Apr 15, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Dan  wrote:

I usually don't do this, but I want to make sure my messages are  


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Key board typping program Dear mac scholars,

2010-04-15 Thread ben king
Do any of you know if there is a program which works with vo? I want  
to practice my typping speed.

 Ben King

Sent from my iPod

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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-16 Thread Ben King
Dear Joan,

I had the opportunity to look at an ipod and it was very sleek!  They  
are avelable now and they are $79.  I hope this helps.  Have a great  
On Mar 13, 2009, at 11:07 AM, Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire wrote:

> That's good to know! Can hardly wait to get the new iPod Shuffle  
> with 1 gigabyte hard drive, with VoiceOver capability and the new  
> earbuds which have the control buttons —3 of them—on the right cable  
> itself, top and bottom for volume control and the middle to choose  
> playlist [yay! It is playlist capable] which I want to hear! Anyone  
> know whether it is available now and how much in U.S. dollars it  
> costs?
> JG
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Anne Robertson  
>  wrote:
> On Mar 13, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire wrote:
> > I believe it uses the voice you use on your computer;
> A.R. No. The voices are different, so I presume they come with the
> latest update to iTunes.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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Re: new mac

2009-03-24 Thread Ben King
Dear Wendy,

My name is Ben King and I have been using the Mac for nine months and  
love it!  There are a few websites that you can go to for starters. which really helped me when I was learning the  
Mac and  Both of those sites will help you in learning  
the Apple platform.  I hope this helps.  Have a blessed day.
Ben King
On Mar 21, 2009, at 2:36 PM, Wendy wrote:

> Hi I've just b ought a mac and need help in learning how to use.   
> i've used windows for years but been told using the mac is easy.  I  
> have got a list of short cut keys and so i've been just looking and  
> getting the feel of the mac and the sound of the voice-over.  and  
> yes, i do know how to turn it on and off lol which is a start.
> From Wendy.
> >

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Re: iniciate links menu causes VO to crash

2009-03-29 Thread Ben King

Dear Justin,

I hope you are doing well.  I did exactly what you said and voiceover  
did not crash.  How strange!  I hope this helps.
Ben King
On Mar 25, 2009, at 5:47 PM, Justin Harford wrote:

> Strage thing for you guys to try.
> Go to
> Interact with the HTML content and press VO U to bring the links menu
> up and VO crashes.  I'm using the latest build of webkit.
> Regards
> Justin Harford
> "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already
> tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic
> strip.
> >

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Re: Installing Leopard on a Netbook

2009-04-04 Thread Ben King

Dear Chriss,

I hope you are doing well.  To answer your question, a netbook is a  
small version of a laptop.  It runs on an adam processor and you can  
get all different types of brands and models. Serotek I believe is  
still selling the SMI Wind which is a very good brand with System  
Access pre installed if you want one sooner. If you want more  
information on this topic you can listen to the AT Show for November  
10th 2008.
I hope this helps.  Have a wonderful day.
Ben King
On Apr 4, 2009, at 3:02 AM, Chris Gilland wrote:

> Maybe I am just way behind on technology.  What is! a net book  
> exactly!
> Chris.
> Want great web hosting packages, affordable audio production support,
> on-site computer support, affordible audio tutorials, and more?   
> Check us
> out online today.
> Chris Gilland:  Admin and founder of Blind Perspectives
> Phone:  Toll-Free:  1-877-222-0049 - Mon-Fri 8AM-5:30PM Eastern Time  
> (Closed
> on holidays)
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> - Original Message -
> From: "Scott Howell" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 5:50 AM
> Subject: Re: Installing Leopard on a Netbook
>> You know this as others has pointed out makes little sense. As a
>> matter of fact, there is a possibility Apple will come out with a
>> netbook in the next year or so. If they do, it will be by far better
>> than any netbook out there. I heard a podcast where this fellow was
>> running Linux as a VM on his XP Home netbook and it was painful to
>> listen too. It was slow and he says he will be putting Leopard on it
>> soon and I wouldn't have said that for all the world to hear. :) I
>> wouldn't waste my time either, I don't think he'll find it very much
>> fun.
> >

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Re: Safari 4beta and ARIA

2009-04-13 Thread Ben King

Dear EJ,

I hope things are going well with you.  I looked at the site and I had  
no problems navagating it.  Voiceover worked very well with the site.   
I hope this helps.
Ben King
On Apr 13, 2009, at 8:29 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good morning,
> Just briefly tested with Safari 4 beta's ARIA
> support.  I didn't spend much time on the site, but the search
> suggestions were accessible.
> 1. Go to the site
> 2. Navigate to the search field
> 3. Type in part of a search query
> 4. Use VO + Up and Down arrows to read through the suggestions.
> I'd lov to hear others' experiences.
> Thanks,
> Everett
> Follow me on Twitter
> View my LinkedIn Profile
> >

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Re: introduction

2009-04-21 Thread Ben King

Dear Andrea,

You will love your Apple.
I have been very pleased with mine.  and there are wonderful podcasts  
to listen to.  The Screenlessswitchers is a great podcast as well as  I hope this helps.
Ben King
On Apr 19, 2009, at 3:54 PM, Andrea, Zeta Vale and Trudy bell! wrote:

> Hi there Mark, wow thanks for that. I'm not sure whether to have a  
> windows
> program running on the mac or not and if so what?
> I have 2 gig of ram on it and a 160 hard drive. I don't know  
> therefore, if
> running vista would work that well. I really can't wait to get it.
> I did hear alex on the voice over speech today and it's quite clear.  
> Easier
> than jaws to listen too and clearer in some ways, more human-like  
> maybe the
> better way to describe it.
> I'll not be getting rid of my vista machine, but I can't wait to get  
> this
> mac. I just can't wait to use it. I know the sound quality on it is
> brilliant.
> take care and I will definitely give you a shout when I get it. I  
> think, I'm
> going to need a great deal of help.
> take care
> Andrea, Zeta Vale and Trudy!
> xxx
> Vale touched the hearts of everyone she met. She will live on forever!
> Check out her fundraising page!
> Please visit:
> Is a site run by guide dog owners in Northern Ireland. Take a look  
> at the
> site and find out what we're up too!
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mark Baxter" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 6:58 AM
> Subject: Re: introduction
>> Hi, Andrea:
>> I was using a Mac back in the early 1990's with OutSpoken, which was
>> not built in to the OS.  I would say that Voiceover in the latest
>> version of Leopard is similar to but far superior to that.  I just
>> switched from my XP machine in January, and have not gone back.  I
>> also have Vista running on this Macbook as well, so can do anything  
>> in
>> Windows I need to.
>> I offer tutoring and support as well, so if you need me, give me a
>> shout.  I know you'll have a lot of fun with it, especially if you're
>> the type that thinks like a musician--it's built in that intuitive,
>> fuzzy logic sort o way.
>> Mark BurningHawk
>> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> MSN:
>> My home page:
> >

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Re: introduction and question

2009-05-04 Thread Ben King

Dear Janice,

My name is Ben King and I have had my Mac for eleven months.  I love  
Voiceover!  Do you use iwork or Open Office? I would be curious to  
know.  Anyway, welcome to the list.  I hope you have a wonderful day.
Ben King
On May 3, 2009, at 3:01 PM, Janice jeang wrote:

> not sure if my prior attempt at posting to the list went through. My
> appologies if it did...
> **
> Hello Everybody,
> My name is Janice Jeang, and I just joined the list not too long  
> ago. I am a
> student at the University of Texas at Austin and  just bought my  
> first Mac.
> The new Mac Mini that I got is going to be my main machine, while I  
> pursue
> my Ph.D. in Sociology.
> I also wanted to use my Mac Mini for entertainment and I am curious  
> to see
> how I can hook up my new Mac Mini, and have it do a thing called  
> mirroring
> displays... I think
> I have an HD LCD TV that I was also hoping to hook up to the Mac  
> Mini, so
> that when I watch DVD's on the Mac, etc... I would be able to run the
> multimedia kind of stuff through the TV, instead of the computer  
> screen. I
> heard that this is possible and a lot of gamers do this... If  
> anybody knows
> how to do this, and what chords I might need, I would really  
> appreciate the
> help! Thank you and I look forward to many good discussions on the  
> list.
> Kindest Regards,
> Janice Jeang
> >

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wonderful news about apple care

2009-05-21 Thread Ben King

Dear Listers,

How is life in Mac Land.  It is pretty awesome for me!  Anyway, I just  
wanted to post and say that I called Apple Care the other day and the  
person with whom I spoke with uses VO!  How fantastic is that!  I am  
very excited.  Voiceover is growing everyday.  So spread the word  
about how awesome and cool Voiceover is.  I hope you have a mactastic  
I was just trying to be funny.

Ben King

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Re: wonderful news about apple care

2009-05-27 Thread Ben King

Dear Jenny,

Thank you for your email.  I agree with you completely.  Macs are the  
best!  Voiceover rocks! I am trying to win my Mom over to the Mac side  
as well and I think I have her there. If I had say in what computers  
went in my house, they would be all Mac! I hope everything is going  
On May 25, 2009, at 12:36 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:

> Hi Ben, Jese and all,
> I know exactly where you all are coming from.  I love my Mac!  I love
> it so much I have been known to cheer when the Mac adverts come on
> TV.  I have even been known to shush people when they come on.
> Likewise I've been known to boo the PC adverts  My feeance Larry
> thinks I'm a bit demented for this.  He says it is just an expensive
> computer.  He even pointed at the $300 junkey laptop he bought earlier
> in the year and said it had the same stuff on it as my macbook and was
> a lot less money.  I pointed up that it didn't have a built-in web
> cam, like my macbook.  I pointed up that it's joke of a screen reader
> is a major suckfest as is their screen enlargement program.  I pointed
> up I haven't had popups, spam, spyware, malware and none of the other
> agravations I had with my PC.  Also pointed up the biggest reason MY
> macbook is way better than his junkey laptop pc.  It doesn't have
> Vista! Or blue screens o death.
> I tell everyone about my loverly Mac.  Even tried to win my dad over
> to the Mac side now he's loosing vision.  It is expensive right off
> when you buy it.  But you don't have to keep on buying updates to
> screen readers every time there is an upgrade in the OS or whatever.
> I used to be frightfully anoyed when I found out an upgrade in Windows
> was on the way because it meant my JAWS was soon going to be
> outdated.  Now I don't have to worry.  If and when they do move on to
> the next mac OS I know that I'll be covered.  I might have to pay $150
> ish or so but that beats the heck out of first buing a new OS then a
> new screen reader then everything else like anti-malware and stuff.
> I catch myself actually feeling bad for people who have to only use a
> PC or those of us who are blind not knowing how much better their
> lives could be all because of a mac.  I'm sure nonmac people think me
> off my head but when something just works right out of the box and
> keeps working with very little glitches then yah I'm going to be off
> my head about it.  :-)
> >

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Re: college, video game music, and the mac?

2009-05-27 Thread Ben King

On May
Dear Arthur,

My name is Ben King.  I love my Mac quite a bit.  I would suggest  
using IWork for your office application.  As far as music programs go  
I am not sure.  Some podcasts that have helped me out are the  
Screenlessswitchers podcast, the new Mac accessibility podcast on and the Mac Review Cast.  I hope this helps.
Ben King26, 2009, at 6:44 PM, Arthur Pirika wrote:

> Hi all, a couple of questions, from someone who's seriously thinking  
> of
> getting rid of a three-year old toshiba laptop, and entering the  
> world of
> mac, finally. I've had a lot of experience already with the  
> platform, thanks
> to friends, but now I want to make the switch for myself, but,  
> before i do,
> a couple of questions. First, what programs would be good for  
> someone in
> college, where mostly word processing, and some spreadsheets are  
> used? I
> guess either iwork, or open office is the way to go, here.
> Second, I'm a big fan of several different music formats, many  
> covering old
> formats like .mod, and game music formats like .nsf, .spc, etc. I  
> know many
> people favour just itunes and quicktime, but I guess what I'm after  
> is a
> multi-format player like winamp on the mac. Any suggestions for good,
> accessible players? Also, on the othre side, what's a good way to  
> compose
> music on the mac? looking forward to hering from you, and making the  
> switch,
> finally.
> thanks,
> Arthur.
> >

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very nice experience at University Village Apple Store in Seattle Washington

2009-05-27 Thread Ben King

Dear Mac Friends,

I am writing you to let you know about an experience I had today at  
the University Village Apple Store in Seattle Washington.  The person  
that I spoke to was very nice and he asked me what I would like to see  
improved in regards to Voiceover.  I told him that Fire Fox would be  
nice with Voiceover support as well as maybe an accessible I Phone.   
Anyway, it was extremely nice for me to go into an Apple Store and  
play with main stream technology.  I love Voiceover as well as the  
Mac.  I hope you all have a nice evening.
Ben King

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Re: Setting up a pc keyboard on a mac mini

2009-06-01 Thread Ben King

Dear Mike,

Welcome to the Mac Community.  We are glad to have you!
There are some podcasts that you should take a look at.  The  
Screenlessswitchers podcast, where you can find the new  
Mac round table podcast and the Mac Review Cast.  I hope things are  
going well.
Ben King

On May 31, 2009, at 8:20 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:

> Hello all,
> Tomorrow I will be ordering my first mac, a mac mini.  I'm getting the
> one with the 320 gig harddrive and am going to get it with 4 gigs of
> ram.  When it comes and I hook my current keyboard up to it, I've  
> heard
> that I will need to press some keys so that it can recognize it.  Some
> have said that vo will not read this.  Is there a way to do this  
> with vo
> or will I need sighted help for this?  Thanks and can't wait to be a
> full member of the blind mac community.
> Mike
> >

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a suggestion for Garry

2009-06-06 Thread Ben King

Dear Mac Friends,

  I have a suggestion for Gary, he should listen to the  
Screenlessswitchers podcast 28 which covers Iwork.  I listened to it  
for a second time and it should answer his questions.  Have a  
wonderful evening.
Ben King

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Re: very nice experience at University Village Apple Store in Seattle Washington

2009-06-09 Thread Ben King

On Jun 8
Dear Mitchell,

Thank you for your reply.  I am glad that you had a wonderful  
experience.  Have a wonderful day.
Ben King, 2009, at 6:37 PM, Mitchell Smith wrote:

> I also visited the university village Apple store when I was in  
> Seattle late
> last year and found the staff there to be exceptionally helpful.
> I had to pick up a AC adapter for my Macbook since I left mine back in
> Australia (don't ask), and the sales person I dealt with had quite a  
> number
> of questions about how I used my Macbook and how VoiceOver worked.
> Of course the fact that I could just walk in to a store across the  
> other
> side of the world and pick up an AC adapter with no difficulties  
> really made
> me appreciate the Mac that day, I don't think I would have had quite  
> the
> same success if I was traveling with a Dell.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ben King" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 3:37 PM
> Subject: very nice experience at University Village Apple Store in  
> Seattle
> Washington
>> Dear Mac Friends,
>> I am writing you to let you know about an experience I had today at
>> the University Village Apple Store in Seattle Washington.  The person
>> that I spoke to was very nice and he asked me what I would like to  
>> see
>> improved in regards to Voiceover.  I told him that Fire Fox would be
>> nice with Voiceover support as well as maybe an accessible I Phone.
>> Anyway, it was extremely nice for me to go into an Apple Store and
>> play with main stream technology.  I love Voiceover as well as the
>> Mac.  I hope you all have a nice evening.
>> Blessings,
>> Ben King
>> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
>> signature database 4139 (20090608) __
>> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus  
> signature database 4139 (20090608) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> >

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Re: IWorks

2009-06-12 Thread Ben King
Dear Kerry,

My name is Ben King and I have heard wonderful things about Iwork.  It  
is quite accessible with Voiceover.  There is a podcast explaining  
about Iwork.  It is the Screenlesswitchers podcast 28.  I hope this  
helps.  Have a wonderful day.
Ben King
On Jun 11, 2009, at 6:35 AM, Kerry Painter wrote:

> Hi Folks.  I don't own a Mac yet but have been watching this list  
> with great interest.  Can somebody tell me a bit about IWorks and  
> what it does and whether it is accessible using VO?
> Thanks.
> Kerry
> Probably the best kept financial secret in the UK
> What's it all about
> >

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Re: List Tasks

2009-07-05 Thread Ben King

Dear Cara,

I am wondering can you please subscribe me to the viphone list!  That  
would be great!  I hope your trip was wonderful.  Have a wonderful day.
Ben King
On Jul 4, 2009, at 6:38 AM, Cara Quinn wrote:

>   Hey All, I just wanted to take a second to apologize for any delays
> in list tasks / approval of new members and such. I'm currently held
> up at a small airport with aircraft tech difficulties and had a few
> minutes to check in with y'all!…
>   It's a teenie airport and a fairly small plane, so we'll see what
> happens, and when it does so! 
>   Hopefully I'll get back to LA with enough time to enjoy the  
> holiday!…
>   I wish you all whom celebrate this independence day, a very, very
> lovely one!…
>   Have a blast and I'll catch up with y'all real soon!…
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---
> Follow me on Twitter!
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> >

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Re: has anyone tried neooffice with vo?

2009-08-26 Thread Ben King
Dear Anouk,

Welcome to Apple Land.  On the previous podcast of the Mac Review  
Cast, they spoke about Neooffice.  It sounds interesting.  I do not  
know if it is accessible with Voiceover.  Good Luck.  Have a wonderful  
Ben King
On Aug 26, 2009, at 3:17 AM, a radix wrote:

> Hello, I am reading through a swithc-to-the-mac kind of site and  
> they recommend neooffice for office applications. I had never heard  
> of this package before and I wondered if anyone has used it and if  
> it is accessible?
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: has anyone tried neooffice with vo?

2009-08-27 Thread Ben King
Dear Hank,

Your name is ringing a bell as well.
Please give me your email and I will contact you.  Have a wonderful day.
Ben King

On Aug 27, 2009, at 4:21 PM, hank smith wrote:

> attn ben can you contact me off list?
> your name is ringing a bell
> Hank
> - Original Message -----
> From: Ben King
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 9:32 AM
> Subject: Re: has anyone tried neooffice with vo?
> Dear Anouk,
> Welcome to Apple Land.  On the previous podcast of the Mac Review  
> Cast, they spoke about Neooffice.  It sounds interesting.  I do not  
> know if it is accessible with Voiceover.  Good Luck.  Have a  
> wonderful day.
> Blessings,
> Ben King
> On Aug 26, 2009, at 3:17 AM, a radix wrote:
>> Hello, I am reading through a swithc-to-the-mac kind of site and  
>> they recommend neooffice for office applications. I had never heard  
>> of this package before and I wondered if anyone has used it and if  
>> it is accessible?
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: hey guys new mac user

2009-09-21 Thread Ben King

Dear David,

Welcome to the Apple Macintosh Community.  You will love your Mac and  
never go back!  I have had mine for a year and love it!  Have a  
wonderful day.
Ben King
On Sep 21, 2009, at 8:06 AM, David Geiger wrote:

> hey guys i am a new mac user i get my new mac book pro 13 inch today i
> cannot wait  i will probly be needing help so hope u guys can help and
> a shot out to the screenless switchers  all five of you help me decide
> to toss windows and go mac thanks
> >

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Re: Oppose. Should have introduced myself

2009-09-24 Thread Ben King
Dear Kevin,

Welcome to the list.  We are very glad to have you.  I have been using  
a Mac for a year and love it! I plan on being an Apple Macintosh user  
for the rest of my life.  Once you get a Mac you will never go back. I  
hope you learn a lot on this list.  If you have any questions for me,  
you can email me at  Have a wonderful day.
Ben King
On Sep 24, 2009, at 9:51 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> Dear All,
> My name is Kevin Gibbs and I should have introduced myself.  I'm  
> new to Mac Visionaries.  My wife's interest in an iPhone, combined  
> with the appearance of Snow Leopard, are just two of the reasons why  
> I've taken an interest in switching from Windows to Mac.  My wife is  
> a long time sighted Mac user who has been trying to convert me for  
> years.  Unfortunately, until SL came along, I wasn't convinced I  
> could function on a Mac.  Now, while I'm still examining the  
> specifics of certain operational situations peculiar to the music  
> business, I've decided I can't wait to become a Mac user.  It still  
> may take me a minute to actually cough up the dough.  But I  
> definitely will.  Meanwhile, I plan to lurk around here and learn as  
> much as I can.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> >

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