Re: Brailliant-32 not recovering from sleep mode under Mac OS?

2014-02-18 Thread Piotr Machacz
I use a Brailliant BI 40 here (not sure if you have the new generation or not, 
but I guess it's close enough). It will recover just fine as long as you power 
the display on first. So if you put your mac to sleep and then turn the display 
off, turn it on first, then wake your mac and it should work. Actually, always 
turn it on before you plug it into USB, because otherwise I've found screen 
readers, not just VO, don't detect it properly.

On 18 Feb 2014, at 08:15 am, Vic  wrote:

> Hello.
> Does anybody here use Brailliant-32 (latest generation) Braille display with 
> VoiceOver on Mac OS?
> I noticed that oftentimes Braille does not come back on the display after the 
> computer goes out of the sleep mode. The only way to restore Braille is to 
> replug the USB cable to the Braille display.
> Has anyone else experienced this with their setup? O, forgot to mention, I am 
> using Mac Mini.
> Thanks for any pointers.
> Best,
> Vic
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Re: Mail Programs

2014-02-18 Thread Andrew Lamanche

Hi Angus,

I had purchased MailMate a few months ago. Many of the features of this 
interesting application are accessible but some - maybe important to 
some, certainly to me - are still inaccessible to voiceover. Let me say 
a few things about my experience with MailMate.

I have a few iMAP accounts, and setting them up was rather easy. Only 
with iCloud I had problems setting the right outgoing smpt. I found that 
info on the internet but I can't remember now what it is supposed to be. 
once I've set it up though, it works fine.

All the mailboxes are arranged in a table. The difference between Apple 
Mail and MailMate here is that you cannot navigate up and down the 
column containing names of your mailboxes using first letters of the 
names but you have to use vo+up/downarrows to move through the mailbox 
list. The only other solution is to use MailMate specific shortcut 
combination which is command+t which opens a text box where you can type 
in the name of the mailbox you want to jump to and you have to type a 
few first letters of the name and press enter in order to be placed 
there. This is a bit long-winded.

Also, Once you find your mailbox, you have to vo+right arrow to get to 
the message list. Here again, you have to interact with the list to read 
the info about each message. Unfortunately, Voiceover does not report 
the status of the message nor will it report whether a message has an 
attachment. This is a real drawback to me. I had reported it to the 
developer, and he sort of took it on board to look at it but I rather 
had a feeling that he was not going to make his priority.

When you open a message, it opens up as a html page. You need to 
navigate it as it were a Safari page. Interestingly, in MailMate the 
internal page links actually work, so when you have for instance a 
digest of messages like the ones you get from macvisionaries, you can 
actually hit the enter key on the link which is the thread and it will 
put you there straight away. This is a good feature, and I use MailMate 
now mostly to read digest messages because of this feature.

Much to my amazement, although MailMate has under the file menu the 
usual choices like save, save as etc, and each is associated with a 
shortcut key combination, these commands don't work. Again I reported it 
to the developer, and he said they were future developments. No time 
indication was given. The thing is that sighted users use drag and drop 
to save their messages but I can't use it this way so for me it's an 
important drawback as I like to save some of my messages into documents.

You reply to a message in the usual way but again, I hit a problem with 
aliases because although they are on the screen somewhere they are not 
yet available to voiceover. Again I reported it and the only advice I 
got from the developer is to use the shortcut key combination 
command+control+i. This actually works and opens the list of your 
aliases and account names from which you wish to reply. I reported the 
inaccessibility of these elements to the developer but I am not very 
optimistic how sympathetic he was.

Another thing is, there is no reporting of how many unread messages you 
have in each mailbox as you vo+up and down arrow through the list of the 
boxes. The count does appear on the screen to the left of the toolbar 
but you actually have to vo+left arrow to read this info and it takes 
far too long to do so.

Overall, MailMate is usable with Voiceover but is significantly inferior 
to apple mail with Voiceover in my opinion. It is quite expensive on top 
of that, I think I paid around £35. That's an expensive application so 
I was a bit disappointed. I only hope that one day the developer will 
improve it for Voiceover users. One qualification here,, I must admit 
that I haven't played with MailMate much of late. Maybe I could have 
become more familiar with it by using it more often but the 
inaccessibility issues that are crucial to me have put me off. In my 
mind, I've consigned the purchase of MailMate to the category of the 
misjudged purchases but then again that's how we sometimes learn.

I also have a Fast Mail account. and use it with apple Mail client. The 
web version is fine to set up apart from a couple of radio buttons which 
voiceover doesn't read. I had reported them so maybe one day they will 
be provided with the proper textual tags. I found using the web version 
to read and manage and send messages problematic. But from within Apple 
mail, there's no problem Remember though that fast mail doesn't give you 
plenty of storage space.Even the paid subscriptions give you relatively 
little storage.

Hope this will help.


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Re: Closing the preview pane automatically in Mail.

2014-02-18 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
Ok, I'm going to sound like a total dweeb, but what do we do with this script?
This will be great if it works!

On Feb 17, 2014, at 9:55 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:

> The attached AppleScript closes all Message viewers and then opens one up 
> without the preview pane. This should prevent the preview pane from 
> re-appearing.
> I don't know if anybody else has gotten this to work since there were 
> discussions on the Apple forums about errors  when trying to turn off the 
> preview pane.
> Script starts on the next line.
> use AppleMail : application id ""
> activate AppleMail
> repeat with vw in message viewers
>   close vw's window
> end repeat
> set mywin to make new message viewer without preview pane is visible
> **
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
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Re: is there any podcast to use the garage band?

2014-02-18 Thread Mike
What version of GarageBand are you using?

Mike Malarsie

> On Feb 17, 2014, at 3:18 PM, Dionipher Presas Herrera  
> wrote:
> can somebody help me use the garage abdn, i would like to record my 
> instrument at the same time my voice. or maybe contact me on my skype,
> my skype name is dionipher
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Re: Two problems with OSX Server (10.9.1)

2014-02-18 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Frank,

I think it was a little too late to be responding to eMails last night as I 
gave you too much info and somewhat off track.  The main thing to note is that 
when you are logging into the Server, you must use a username that resides on 
that server.  Your local username on your second computer has nothing to do 
with the Server, thus, it will not allow you to log into the Server with that 
username.  I'll explain some more detailed info regarding servers below, you 
can read or ignore as you see fit.

  This setup is no different than how it works on a Windows Active Directory 
network.  The users are created on the Active Directory Server, your 
workstations are added to the AD domain, then you log into that network user to 
access the network user's data.  In Windows, you can either choose to log into 
the local computer or the Active Directory domain, whereas on a Mac that is 
part of a domain, that process happens in the background and is done 
automatically.  I'm assuming that you're Server and local network is not set up 
with an Open Directory Master with your other computer bound to that Open 
Directory, so, in a basic local Macintosh server configuration, you simply 
connect to the Server, login as a user that you've created on that same server, 
thus giving you access to the private data storage and other services granted 
to that user.

Hope this makes some sense to you.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Feb 17, 2014, at 9:30 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi Frank,
> Usually the checkbox to administer the Server from another Mac is not checked 
> by default.  You'll need to go to the Mini, open the Server app and select 
> the server name in the Services table.  Stop Interacting with the table, 
> navigate to the Settings button and press it.  Interact with the Scroll area 
> and make sure the "Allow Remote Administration using Server" is checked.  
> Now, you should be able to login to the Server from another Mac as long as 
> you either use a local Admin user from the Mini or, if you've set it up as an 
> Open Directory Master, then you should be able to use the Directory Admin 
> user for administering the Server remotely.
> So, whether you're logging on from within your LAN or from elsewhere, you are 
> logging on to the Mini, so you need to log in with an account that resides on 
> the Mini.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Feb 17, 2014, at 4:51 PM, Frank Ventura  
> wrote:
>> Hello all, I have OS Server installed from the factory on a Mac Mini. I have 
>> two problems:
>> 1. I have installed the server app on my laptop and have chosen to access 
>> the OSX server on the Mac mini. The mac mini shows up in the list of 
>> available servers. It then asks me for a username and password. I am not 
>> sure what username to enter. For example if my short username is Joe and the 
>> full username is Joe Blow and my email address is, which 
>> username do I use. I think I tried all combinations without any luck.
>> 2. I have the VPN role enabled on the ser and I have the same problem as 
>> above in problem 1. No matter what variation of the username I put in it 
>> always fails to connect with the error that I am using the incorrect 
>> username and/or password. It is not a firewall issue since I have the same 
>> problem from within the LAN.
>> Can anyone help with these two connection issues. I am new to OSX server so 
>> I am sure I am missing something simplisitic. I am coming over from Windows 
>> servers and this is somewhat new to me.
>> Thanks
>> Frank
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Re: attachments disappearing in Mail under Mavericks?

2014-02-18 Thread Jessica D
reinstall mountain lion then.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 17, 2014, at 10:59 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> I didn't see any such message.  And I never had this problem before the 
> upgrade to mavericks.
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Feb 17, 2014, at 7:52 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
>> Sometimes firewalls will do that. I don't know if it was your case but 
>> usually when it does happen, there will be a note stating that the 
>> attachment was removed for security reasons.
>> Jonathan
>> Ta 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 17, 2014, at 5:56 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just tried to send an attachment to myself at a different email address.  
>>> It was clear on my Mac that the file was attached, but when I opened the 
>>> message from my other account on my Pc, there was no attachment.  Anyone 
>>> know what's up?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
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brailliant won't turn off

2014-02-18 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
I was reading a pdf file on my mac with the brilliant.

Now, I can't get the display to turn off.

Any suggestions, other then just letting it run out of battery life?


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Mac Gourmet Update

2014-02-18 Thread Jim Gatteys
I just noticed that there is an update to Mac Gourmet Deluxe on their web site 
for anybody who uses it.  I believe it is 4.0.6.

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Re: Locking a Mac

2014-02-18 Thread Terje Strømberg
iMac is immediately put to sleep when hit the power up button for a half 

Take care
18. feb. 2014 kl. 08:23 skrev Frank Ventura :

Tim, thanks, that is exactally what I needed to know.
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: Locking a Mac
Hi Frank,
Two ways you can deal with this.  First, in the Security & Privacy pane in 
System Prefs, make sure that the checkbox for requiring a password after Sleep 
or Screensaver is checked.  This behaviour is normally on by default in 
Mountain Lion and Mavericks but if, for some reason, it is not, then checking 
this box will make it so that your computer locks itself after a few minutes 
and consequently requires a password to get back in.  All running apps remain 
active.  The second method is accomplished by turning on Fast User Switching in 
the Users & Groups pane of System Prefs.  Interact with the Users, Groups and 
Login Options list, navigate down to the Login Options item, Stop Interacting 
with the list, then navigate to the checkbox for "Show Fast User Switching as", 
and check that box.  This will place another menu in the Menu Extras area 
whereby you can either quickly switch to another user or choose Login Screen to 
lock up your machine.
You may also like to note that when using OS X Server, the Server app and many 
other functions remain running even when you log off.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On Feb 17, 2014, at 8:59 PM, Frank Ventura  

Hi all, here is a really stupid and simplistic question. With the Mac running, 
how can I lock the screen, as to require a PW to unlock, without quitting the 
running programs? I need to secure the Mac but keep the running apps going.
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RE: brailliant won't turn off

2014-02-18 Thread Myrna Votta
I assume that you are holding in the button on the side for awhile?  If that
doesn't work, then, probably your idea of just letting the battery run down
is about the only thing to do.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Caitlyn and Maggie
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 1:05 PM
Subject: brailliant won't turn off

I was reading a pdf file on my mac with the brilliant.

Now, I can't get the display to turn off.

Any suggestions, other then just letting it run out of battery life?


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Re: brailliant won't turn off

2014-02-18 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
I feel like a total idiot.  I guess I wasn't pressing hard enough.  Finally got 
it to work, though!

On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:59 PM, Myrna Votta  wrote:

> I assume that you are holding in the button on the side for awhile?  If that
> doesn't work, then, probably your idea of just letting the battery run down
> is about the only thing to do.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Caitlyn and Maggie
> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 1:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: brailliant won't turn off
> Hi,
> I was reading a pdf file on my mac with the brilliant.
> Now, I can't get the display to turn off.
> Any suggestions, other then just letting it run out of battery life?
> thanks
> Cait
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RE: brailliant won't turn off

2014-02-18 Thread Myrna Votta
Hey!  Don't feel like an idiot because sometimes you really need to hold
that button in for a very long time.  Glad it is working.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Caitlyn and Maggie
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: brailliant won't turn off

I feel like a total idiot.  I guess I wasn't pressing hard enough.  Finally
got it to work, though!

On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:59 PM, Myrna Votta  wrote:

> I assume that you are holding in the button on the side for awhile?  If
> doesn't work, then, probably your idea of just letting the battery run
> is about the only thing to do.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Caitlyn and Maggie
> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 1:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: brailliant won't turn off
> Hi,
> I was reading a pdf file on my mac with the brilliant.
> Now, I can't get the display to turn off.
> Any suggestions, other then just letting it run out of battery life?
> thanks
> Cait
> -- 
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Re: Mac Gourmet Update

2014-02-18 Thread Jessica D
is the update free or does it cost?
can i get it through checking for an update from within the program?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:08 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
> I just noticed that there is an update to Mac Gourmet Deluxe on their web 
> site for anybody who uses it.  I believe it is 4.0.6.
> JG
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Re: trying to install fusion

2014-02-18 Thread Chris Blouch
One bit of caution is to not starve RAM on the Mac side. Mavericks doing 
nothing seems to take up about 1GB RAM. So if you are on a 4GB RAM 
machine and give 2GB to your virtual machine, and VMWare taks abouther 
3-400MB of overhead, that leaves just 1.5GB RAM or so for the mac side. 
Open Safari and a bunch of tabs and you can start triggering virtual 
memory swaps. That said, Windows is also very disk intensive, which is 
why folks with SSDs are so happy with performance. Not sure why MS 
designed it that way but Windows just beats on the hard drive. So if 
you're on a laptop with a power sipping but slower 2.5" spinning drive, 
Windows just isn't going to be as responsive.


On 2/18/14 1:36 AM, Joseph Norton wrote:


To increase the memory, first, shut down the VM.  Then, once it's shut down, 
you can press command-e to get into settings or that VM.  You should see 
options for processors and memory in there.  All you do is adjust the memory 
size and close that screen.

Hope this helps.

On Feb 17, 2014, at 2:06 PM, Shannon Gerdts  wrote:

   Ok so continuing along this thread.  We've now got fusion installed, jaws 
installed and now noticing a bit of a problem.  This problem is when using 
various programs, currently we're using mushclient, it's seemingly running a 
bit slow giving about a half a second to one second lag on every command 
   I'm thinking this slow down is due to the fact I couldn't get the customize 
settings button to work when installing windows onto fusion so that I could 
adjust the amount of memory used from 2gb to something like 4gb instead.  Does 
anyone know if there is a way to modify this once windows is installed or is 
the only way to fix this to completely redo the windows installation on fusion 
and try and get that customize button to activate?
   I'll explain what I mean by not getting the customize key to work.  When I 
got beyond the screen where I chose the windows version to install, the user 
name, windows product key, etc. it gave me the confirmation screen and showing 
me how much gb of hard disc space it would allocate, the amount of memory it 
would allocate, etc.  It had it set to 60gb of hard disc space by default and 
2gb of memory set by default so I wanted to try and hit on the customize 
settings button after I hit my right arrow keys beyond those displays of the 
default settings while using the quicknav keystrokes.  I then tried hitting the 
up and down arrow keys together while using quicknav, turned off quicknav keys 
and hit VO spacebar, hit enter, hit space, etc. and every single time it would 
seemingly always hit the finish default button where it would want me to save 
the virtual machine file and start installing windows.
   Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated as I feel we're so 
close to having my wife up and running with everything on her computer except 
for these minor adjustments to make her windows experience much more enjoyable 
and doable in some cases.  If we can get this sorted out the only thing we have 
left to figure out is how to use the jaws cursor, pc cursor, and left/right 
click commands on windows inside fusion without a number pad and for whatever 
reason the standard laptop keys don't work for this.

Take care,
Shannon Gerdts

-Original Message- From: Caitlyn and Maggie
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: trying to install fusion

Wow, this is interesting.  So, after you c/p the installation file into the 
folder of choice, onceyou open the vm, or rather, run the vm, you should be 
able to run the installation file and install your screen reader?
That sounds much neater then fiddling around with narrater and going onto the 
web or fooling around with usb drives..

On Feb 17, 2014, at 6:27 AM, Joseph Norton  wrote:


Actually, if you have the installation files (like on the Mac, you 
can copy and paste to the vm.

Just select the file in Mac OS, press command-c to copy.  Then, go into the VM, 
make sure you are in the desktop or another folder (like Downloads) and press 
command-v.  It will copy the file onto the Desktop or into the folder you have 
open.  This has worked for me in Fusion 5, so I'm assuming it should work in 65 
as well.

Hope this helps.

On Feb 17, 2014, at 12:41 AM, Shannon Gerdts  wrote:

I actually never did try that.  However, after a while and still having it say 
fusion busy anytime we went to that window we decided to do a forced quit on 
the application and reopen it.  When we did this it suddenly brought up the 
screen where we could start installing windows allowing us to complete this 
However, now I have a follow up question which I'm not sure how to do just yet. 
 Now that I have windows installed in fusion and I have narrator up and running 
I'm trying to figure out how exactly I can copy say my jaws installation from 
my dropbox on the m

Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and Apple not claiming to fix a problem in the future when it obviously hasn't been fixed would be nice.

2014-02-18 Thread Brian Fischler
So gmail worked in mac mail for a day, and now mac mail is absolutely unusable 
again as every single time I hit VO and the arrow key I get a busy message and 
then again and again. I am using mac mail on my laptop to send this, and sure 
enough gmail isn't working with mac mail here either but differently as I can 
use it but the macvisionaries list hasn't gotten a new message in the mailbox 
since friday. Not sure how everyone is not having such severe problems and why 
I am the lucky one, but dealing with new issues every day is really making me 
hate mac. Not sure what else I can do as rolling back isn't an option and not 
using my computer isn't either. 

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Re: help with audio mini setup

2014-02-18 Thread Chris Blouch
Hmm. I checked a newer mini and the only input was Line In from the 
audio line-in port and my output shows headphone as I have it connected 
via that to the speakers. No built-in microphone.


On 2/18/14 12:05 AM, Dionipher Presas Herrera wrote:

can somebody check there audio mini setup, because i think i deleted something 
there,. i only have two on my audio mini setup which is the built in microphone 
and builit in output on the audio devices,, thanks in advance


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Wow Gmail issue is even worse than I thought

2014-02-18 Thread Brian Fischler
So I have one computer where I can't use mammall because of nonstop busy 
issues, and the other computer has not received one piece of new mail in my 
gmail account since Friday. So for those of you sick of my bitching about Apple 
and Gmail, try not being able to work every day because of a new issue with mac 
mail and gmail every day. This is pathetic. Oh yeah, and on the computer where 
I can access my mail without the busy busy issues I had to hit return ten times 
to get a message to open. 

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Re: Wow Gmail issue is even worse than I thought

2014-02-18 Thread May and Noah
Maybe some are tired of hearing it cause there's nothing we can do about it.

I can say gmail is an issue period both on windows and on the mac and on their 

Sometimes I see mail, sometimes I don't.

It's probably frustrating to a lot of people, but bitching sadly here won't get 
it fixed.

Good luck to you and the gmail frustrations.

I moved all my important stuff from gmail. A lot easier than keep dealing with 
the headaches.

May and Prince Noah

On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:17 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> So I have one computer where I can't use mammall because of nonstop busy 
> issues, and the other computer has not received one piece of new mail in my 
> gmail account since Friday. So for those of you sick of my bitching about 
> Apple and Gmail, try not being able to work every day because of a new issue 
> with mac mail and gmail every day. This is pathetic. Oh yeah, and on the 
> computer where I can access my mail without the busy busy issues I had to hit 
> return ten times to get a message to open. 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: trying to install fusion

2014-02-18 Thread Shannon Gerdts

   Thank you guys for the responses!  Our laptop we purchased has 8gb of 
ram so I was thinking of giving 4gb instead of 2 to the windows system for 
better response times.

Take care,
Shannon Gerdts

-Original Message- 
From: Chris Blouch

Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: trying to install fusion

One bit of caution is to not starve RAM on the Mac side. Mavericks doing
nothing seems to take up about 1GB RAM. So if you are on a 4GB RAM
machine and give 2GB to your virtual machine, and VMWare taks abouther
3-400MB of overhead, that leaves just 1.5GB RAM or so for the mac side.
Open Safari and a bunch of tabs and you can start triggering virtual
memory swaps. That said, Windows is also very disk intensive, which is
why folks with SSDs are so happy with performance. Not sure why MS
designed it that way but Windows just beats on the hard drive. So if
you're on a laptop with a power sipping but slower 2.5" spinning drive,
Windows just isn't going to be as responsive.


On 2/18/14 1:36 AM, Joseph Norton wrote:


To increase the memory, first, shut down the VM.  Then, once it's shut 
down, you can press command-e to get into settings or that VM.  You should 
see options for processors and memory in there.  All you do is adjust the 
memory size and close that screen.

Hope this helps.

On Feb 17, 2014, at 2:06 PM, Shannon Gerdts  wrote:

   Ok so continuing along this thread.  We've now got fusion installed, 
jaws installed and now noticing a bit of a problem.  This problem is when 
using various programs, currently we're using mushclient, it's seemingly 
running a bit slow giving about a half a second to one second lag on 
every command inputted.
   I'm thinking this slow down is due to the fact I couldn't get the 
customize settings button to work when installing windows onto fusion so 
that I could adjust the amount of memory used from 2gb to something like 
4gb instead.  Does anyone know if there is a way to modify this once 
windows is installed or is the only way to fix this to completely redo 
the windows installation on fusion and try and get that customize button 
to activate?
   I'll explain what I mean by not getting the customize key to work. 
When I got beyond the screen where I chose the windows version to 
install, the user name, windows product key, etc. it gave me the 
confirmation screen and showing me how much gb of hard disc space it 
would allocate, the amount of memory it would allocate, etc.  It had it 
set to 60gb of hard disc space by default and 2gb of memory set by 
default so I wanted to try and hit on the customize settings button after 
I hit my right arrow keys beyond those displays of the default settings 
while using the quicknav keystrokes.  I then tried hitting the up and 
down arrow keys together while using quicknav, turned off quicknav keys 
and hit VO spacebar, hit enter, hit space, etc. and every single time it 
would seemingly always hit the finish default button where it would want 
me to save the virtual machine file and start installing windows.
   Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated as I feel we're 
so close to having my wife up and running with everything on her computer 
except for these minor adjustments to make her windows experience much 
more enjoyable and doable in some cases.  If we can get this sorted out 
the only thing we have left to figure out is how to use the jaws cursor, 
pc cursor, and left/right click commands on windows inside fusion without 
a number pad and for whatever reason the standard laptop keys don't work 
for this.

Take care,
Shannon Gerdts

-Original Message- From: Caitlyn and Maggie
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: trying to install fusion

Wow, this is interesting.  So, after you c/p the installation file into 
the folder of choice, onceyou open the vm, or rather, run the vm, you 
should be able to run the installation file and install your screen 
That sounds much neater then fiddling around with narrater and going onto 
the web or fooling around with usb drives..


On Feb 17, 2014, at 6:27 AM, Joseph Norton  


Actually, if you have the installation files (like on the 
Mac, you can copy and paste to the vm.

Just select the file in Mac OS, press command-c to copy.  Then, go into 
the VM, make sure you are in the desktop or another folder (like 
Downloads) and press command-v.  It will copy the file onto the Desktop 
or into the folder you have open.  This has worked for me in Fusion 5, 
so I'm assuming it should work in 65 as well.

Hope this helps.

On Feb 17, 2014, at 12:41 AM, Shannon Gerdts  

I actually never did try that.  However, after a while and still having 
it say fusion busy anytime we went to that window we decided to do a 
forced quit on the application and reopen it.  When we did 

Re: Mail setting

2014-02-18 Thread Brian Fischler
Thanks Tim. Will take a look at this tonight, dealing with mail issues again on 
a day when I have a lot of work to get done and am up against it. Thanks again.
On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:10 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> I did a bit of searching on the Net regarding your Logitech keyboard and it 
> seems that this is a common issue.  It's possible that the unit is going to 
> sleep and that is why you're having the problems.  There are a number of 
> posts here:
> Also, there is some updates to the software that will install a preference 
> pane into your System Preferences that I believe allow you to control the 
> sleep settings on the keyboard.  You can find the software here:
> Not sure if any of that helps, but thought it was worth a try.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Feb 17, 2014, at 10:02 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey Tim and John,
>> Just wanted to let you know that I did get the unread back in the status 
>> column, so the preview pane must have been open without me knowing it. 
>> Thanks for the help. Any idea why my Logictech 760 bluetooth keyboard might 
>> keep losing connectivity? I can't even disconnect it from the bluetooth 
>> menu. This problem just started, and the keyboard is solar charged and seems 
>> to be fully charged. It will for awhile and then just stop working, seems to 
>> work fine with the iPhone. Thanks,
>> On Feb 17, 2014, at 2:40 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As John mentioned, it's likely that your Preview Pane is active.  When the 
>>> Preview Pane is active, the status is usually misread as Mail considers 
>>> something read once the Preview Pane of a message has been opened.  Simply 
>>> arrowing over the message causes the Preview Pane to activate so, from a VO 
>>> prospective, you land on the message to determine if you wish to read it or 
>>> not, and it is subsequently considered "Read".  To deal with the Preview 
>>> Pane,  I'll paste in some instructions that I figured out back when 
>>> Mavericks first came out:
> 1.  Go into Mail Prefs and select the Viewing pane.
> 2.  Check to change to Classic View.
> 3.  Close Mail Prefs.
> 4.  Navigate to the Horizontal Splitter after the Messages Table.
> 5.  Press VO-cmd-f5 to make sure the mouse is focused on the Splitter.
> 6.  Press down on the Trackpad then drag downwards to the bottom of the 
> physical Trackpad.
> You will know that it worked because the splitter will no longer be right 
> after the Messages Table, it will be the last item at the bottom of the 
> window.
> 7.  Change back into Modern View in the Mail Prefs by unchecking the box.
> 8.  Close the Mail Prefs.
> You will know that the Preview Pane is closed/hidden/disabled by 
> navigating around the Mail window and you will note a Vertical Splitter 
> before and after the Messages Column Group.
> If it's not sticking for you, try quitting Mail after getting rid of the 
> Preview Pane in Classic view.  Once you re-open Mail, you can change back 
> to the Modern View and the change should stick.  At least it has for me 
> numerous times.
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Feb 17, 2014, at 11:16 AM, John Panarese  wrote:
 What are you trying to view, Brian?  I missed a part of this thread.  Do 
 you have your preview pane showing?  If you are talking about the status 
 of messages being read or unread, you have to collapse the preview pane to 
 get this to read correctly.
 Take Care
 John D. Panarese
 Mac for the Blind
 Tel, (631) 724-4479
 On Feb 17, 2014, at 1:05 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Unfortunately the view menu doesn't offer anything, as the column is 
> there it just stopped saying unread next to the unread messages. Mail in 
> Mavericks is so awful in every aspect, my only conclusion this is Apple's 
> way in to forcing people to only use their iCloud mail accounts, as now I 
> can't even get messages to open half the time when I hit return on a 
> message, and the other half of the time a message will open and say empty 
> scroll area for 20 seconds then lose VO focus and eventually get in to 
> the message. Thanks Mavericks I feel like Mac Mail and at least my 
> experience with it has sent computers back 20 years. Feels like I am 
> trying to load a 

Re: help with audio mini setup

2014-02-18 Thread Teresa Cochran
I have a late 2009 Mini and it doesn’t have a built-in  microphone. I use a USB 
headset instead. Once this is connected, you can choose it from among the 


“Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough.”—Richard P. Feynman

On Feb 18, 2014, at 12:09 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Hmm. I checked a newer mini and the only input was Line In from the audio 
> line-in port and my output shows headphone as I have it connected via that to 
> the speakers. No built-in microphone.
> CB
> On 2/18/14 12:05 AM, Dionipher Presas Herrera wrote:
>> can somebody check there audio mini setup, because i think i deleted 
>> something there,. i only have two on my audio mini setup which is the built 
>> in microphone and builit in output on the audio devices,, thanks in advance
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: Mac Gourmet Update

2014-02-18 Thread Jim Gatteys
you can check from within the program to see if its a free upgrade for you

On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:33 PM, Jessica D  wrote:

> is the update free or does it cost?
> can i get it through checking for an update from within the program?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:08 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>> I just noticed that there is an update to Mac Gourmet Deluxe on their web 
>> site for anybody who uses it.  I believe it is 4.0.6.
>> JG
>> -- 
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Re: Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and Apple not claiming to fix a problem in the future when it obviously hasn't been fixed would be nice.

2014-02-18 Thread Pamela Francis
Why not back up your computer, delete your Gmail account completely. Reinstall 
it, and try again. It seems to me you're the only one having these issues. I 
don't care for the way Gmail operates completely, however I can get around it 
and use it both on my iPhone and my Mac.

Pam Francis

On Feb 18, 2014, at 2:08 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

So gmail worked in mac mail for a day, and now mac mail is absolutely unusable 
again as every single time I hit VO and the arrow key I get a busy message and 
then again and again. I am using mac mail on my laptop to send this, and sure 
enough gmail isn't working with mac mail here either but differently as I can 
use it but the macvisionaries list hasn't gotten a new message in the mailbox 
since friday. Not sure how everyone is not having such severe problems and why 
I am the lucky one, but dealing with new issues every day is really making me 
hate mac. Not sure what else I can do as rolling back isn't an option and not 
using my computer isn't either. 

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Re: Wow Gmail issue is even worse than I thought

2014-02-18 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey May,

Actually I have been spending the past weekend moving everything from gmail, 
but I have 9 years of stuff to go through, so accomplishing this in 3 days is 
not possible, and then sure enough issues hit. 
On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:26 PM, May and Noah  wrote:

> Maybe some are tired of hearing it cause there's nothing we can do about it.
> I can say gmail is an issue period both on windows and on the mac and on 
> their website.
> Sometimes I see mail, sometimes I don't.
> It's probably frustrating to a lot of people, but bitching sadly here won't 
> get it fixed.
> Good luck to you and the gmail frustrations.
> I moved all my important stuff from gmail. A lot easier than keep dealing 
> with the headaches.
> May and Prince Noah
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:17 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> So I have one computer where I can't use mammall because of nonstop busy 
>> issues, and the other computer has not received one piece of new mail in my 
>> gmail account since Friday. So for those of you sick of my bitching about 
>> Apple and Gmail, try not being able to work every day because of a new issue 
>> with mac mail and gmail every day. This is pathetic. Oh yeah, and on the 
>> computer where I can access my mail without the busy busy issues I had to 
>> hit return ten times to get a message to open. 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: braille on the mac

2014-02-18 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Eric.

I think it is: I am not sure, but I couldn't open the page you sent. 
Do you know when the newest brailleblaster has been released.

Best regards Annie.
Den 18 Feb 2014 kl. 02:11 skrev erik burggraaf :

> Hi, On the subject of braille for mac, brailleblaster is looking for 
> qualified testers, documenters and utility people who can do things such as 
> building installer packages.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
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Re: trying to install fusion

2014-02-18 Thread Chris Blouch
Memory-wise, that should be fine. Next would be disk performance. Since 
you're on a laptop it's going to be laggy. For example, my MacBook Pro 
comes with the Apple Hitachi 750GB drive which is 7200 RPM, which isn't 
too bad but some machines save power with slower 4800 or 5200 rpm drives.


On 2/18/14 3:32 PM, Shannon Gerdts wrote:

   Thank you guys for the responses!  Our laptop we purchased has 8gb 
of ram so I was thinking of giving 4gb instead of 2 to the windows 
system for better response times.

Take care,
Shannon Gerdts

-Original Message- From: Chris Blouch
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: trying to install fusion

One bit of caution is to not starve RAM on the Mac side. Mavericks doing
nothing seems to take up about 1GB RAM. So if you are on a 4GB RAM
machine and give 2GB to your virtual machine, and VMWare taks abouther
3-400MB of overhead, that leaves just 1.5GB RAM or so for the mac side.
Open Safari and a bunch of tabs and you can start triggering virtual
memory swaps. That said, Windows is also very disk intensive, which is
why folks with SSDs are so happy with performance. Not sure why MS
designed it that way but Windows just beats on the hard drive. So if
you're on a laptop with a power sipping but slower 2.5" spinning drive,
Windows just isn't going to be as responsive.


On 2/18/14 1:36 AM, Joseph Norton wrote:


To increase the memory, first, shut down the VM.  Then, once it's 
shut down, you can press command-e to get into settings or that VM.  
You should see options for processors and memory in there.  All you 
do is adjust the memory size and close that screen.

Hope this helps.

On Feb 17, 2014, at 2:06 PM, Shannon Gerdts  wrote:

   Ok so continuing along this thread.  We've now got fusion 
installed, jaws installed and now noticing a bit of a problem.  This 
problem is when using various programs, currently we're using 
mushclient, it's seemingly running a bit slow giving about a half a 
second to one second lag on every command inputted.
   I'm thinking this slow down is due to the fact I couldn't get the 
customize settings button to work when installing windows onto 
fusion so that I could adjust the amount of memory used from 2gb to 
something like 4gb instead.  Does anyone know if there is a way to 
modify this once windows is installed or is the only way to fix this 
to completely redo the windows installation on fusion and try and 
get that customize button to activate?
   I'll explain what I mean by not getting the customize key to 
work. When I got beyond the screen where I chose the windows version 
to install, the user name, windows product key, etc. it gave me the 
confirmation screen and showing me how much gb of hard disc space it 
would allocate, the amount of memory it would allocate, etc.  It had 
it set to 60gb of hard disc space by default and 2gb of memory set 
by default so I wanted to try and hit on the customize settings 
button after I hit my right arrow keys beyond those displays of the 
default settings while using the quicknav keystrokes.  I then tried 
hitting the up and down arrow keys together while using quicknav, 
turned off quicknav keys and hit VO spacebar, hit enter, hit space, 
etc. and every single time it would seemingly always hit the finish 
default button where it would want me to save the virtual machine 
file and start installing windows.
   Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated as I feel 
we're so close to having my wife up and running with everything on 
her computer except for these minor adjustments to make her windows 
experience much more enjoyable and doable in some cases.  If we can 
get this sorted out the only thing we have left to figure out is how 
to use the jaws cursor, pc cursor, and left/right click commands on 
windows inside fusion without a number pad and for whatever reason 
the standard laptop keys don't work for this.

Take care,
Shannon Gerdts

-Original Message- From: Caitlyn and Maggie
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: trying to install fusion

Wow, this is interesting.  So, after you c/p the installation file 
into the folder of choice, onceyou open the vm, or rather, run the 
vm, you should be able to run the installation file and install your 
screen reader?
That sounds much neater then fiddling around with narrater and going 
onto the web or fooling around with usb drives..


On Feb 17, 2014, at 6:27 AM, Joseph Norton  


Actually, if you have the installation files (like on 
the Mac, you can copy and paste to the vm.

Just select the file in Mac OS, press command-c to copy. Then, go 
into the VM, make sure you are in the desktop or another folder 
(like Downloads) and press command-v.  It will copy the file onto 
the Desktop or into the folder you have open.  This has worked for 
me in Fusio

Re: Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and Apple not claiming to fix a problem in the future when it obviously hasn't been fixed would be nice.

2014-02-18 Thread eric oyen
I am still getting all mails from here. THen again, I can't upgrade to 
mavericks (machine too old). If apple is starting to get lax in their 
accessibility, then a causes petition or a email/fax campaign is in order. 
Talking to the developers is all find and good, but they don't make the 
decisions as to what gets posted into the final product.


On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:08 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:

> So gmail worked in mac mail for a day, and now mac mail is absolutely 
> unusable again as every single time I hit VO and the arrow key I get a busy 
> message and then again and again. I am using mac mail on my laptop to send 
> this, and sure enough gmail isn't working with mac mail here either but 
> differently as I can use it but the macvisionaries list hasn't gotten a new 
> message in the mailbox since friday. Not sure how everyone is not having such 
> severe problems and why I am the lucky one, but dealing with new issues every 
> day is really making me hate mac. Not sure what else I can do as rolling back 
> isn't an option and not using my computer isn't either. 
> -- 
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Re: Wow Gmail issue is even worse than I thought

2014-02-18 Thread eric oyen
what email service are you using?? I use gmail here with apple I 
still have to check the spam box about every 2 or 3 days because some of the 
list mail invariably ends up in there (filter issues?).

I have been a long time user of gmail, but their site is getting increasingly 
inaccessible when using Safari. Chrome isn't much better and I can't get 
firefox to properly operate on this machine.


On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:23 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:

> Hey May,
> Actually I have been spending the past weekend moving everything from gmail, 
> but I have 9 years of stuff to go through, so accomplishing this in 3 days is 
> not possible, and then sure enough issues hit. 
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:26 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
>> Maybe some are tired of hearing it cause there's nothing we can do about it.
>> I can say gmail is an issue period both on windows and on the mac and on 
>> their website.
>> Sometimes I see mail, sometimes I don't.
>> It's probably frustrating to a lot of people, but bitching sadly here won't 
>> get it fixed.
>> Good luck to you and the gmail frustrations.
>> I moved all my important stuff from gmail. A lot easier than keep dealing 
>> with the headaches.
>> May and Prince Noah
>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:17 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> So I have one computer where I can't use mammall because of nonstop busy 
>>> issues, and the other computer has not received one piece of new mail in my 
>>> gmail account since Friday. So for those of you sick of my bitching about 
>>> Apple and Gmail, try not being able to work every day because of a new 
>>> issue with mac mail and gmail every day. This is pathetic. Oh yeah, and on 
>>> the computer where I can access my mail without the busy busy issues I had 
>>> to hit return ten times to get a message to open. 
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
>>> For more options, visit
>> -- 
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Re: braille on the mac

2014-02-18 Thread Jessica
has anyone heard of or used the following application for writing in Braille? I 
might purchase it if I cannot find a free program that is "safe" for the mac.
it's called heading level 1 Braille Writer Student 
It costs $5.99 and is available in the mac appStore.
If anyone has used it, what can you tell me? does it work with voiceover? If 
not, can somebody test it and tell me the results so I can purchase wisely?

On Feb 18, 2014, at 5:31 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen  

> Hi Eric.
> I think it is:
> I am not sure, but I couldn't open the page you sent. 
> Do you know when the newest braille blaster has been released.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den 18 Feb 2014 kl. 02:11 skrev erik burggraaf :
>> Hi, On the subject of braille for mac, brailleblaster is looking for 
>> qualified testers, documenters and utility people who can do things such as 
>> building installer packages.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
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Re: spl with fusion

2014-02-18 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Hi may, I think connecting it to the VM via the VM menu should be enough.
Yes, that's correct, it won't work at all on the Mac side.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 14/02/2014, at 9:18 am, May and Noah  wrote:

> Hi there.
> So, do I need to disconnect the headset completely like unplug it from the 
> mac, plug it back in so that then it ask what to connect to? Or can I just go 
> to the usb settings and tell the headset to connect to the virtual machine?
> And if we do it this way it means the mac will no longer see the headset at 
> all right and I won't have a headset for the mac side of things?
> May and Prince Noah
> On Feb 13, 2014, at 2:01 PM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:
>> Hi may, right, for this to work, at least, for it to work for me, the 
>> headset needs to be connected only to Windows.
>> Jonathan Mosen
>> Mosen Consulting
>> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
>> On 12/02/2014, at 6:39 pm, May and Noah  wrote:
>>> Ok, maybe I have it set up wrong. So how about we start there and work our 
>>> way up/ *smiles*
>>> How I have the headset right now is the usb is seen by both the mac and 
>>> fusion. so goth sides come through the headset. Under the usb setting 
>>> though I don't have the usb headset connected. When I tell it to connect 
>>> both mac and fusion switch over to the mac speakers. At this time the mac 
>>> side know longer sees the headset. The moment I tell jaws to then switch to 
>>> the headset I lose jaws unless I disconnect the headset.
>>> Hope that made sense?
>>> May and Prince Noah
>>> On Feb 11, 2014, at 11:49 PM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:
 Hi may, if you go into the Windows sound setting and tell Windows itself 
 to use the headset, does it work? Just trying to establish if it's a JAWS 
 issue or a Fusion issue. Fusion can be a little quirky when a sound device 
 is connected to Windows.
 Jonathan Mosen
 Mosen Consulting
 Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
 On 12/02/2014, at 5:06 pm, May and Noah  wrote:
> Hmm, then I must be doing something wrong or jaws doesn't like the usb 
> headset.
> Whenever I tell jaws to switch to the headset it dies.
> Any suggestions? I've tried all I can think of and I'm lost.
> May and Prince Noah
> On Feb 11, 2014, at 8:37 PM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:
>> Hi May, yes, I do this weekly. . You'll have to tell Fusion that you 
>> want to connect the headset to Windows, not to the Mac, then set JAWS to 
>> use the headset as its sound card from the Utilities Menu in the JAWS 
>> window.
>> Jonathan Mosen
>> Mosen Consulting
>> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
>> On 10/02/2014, at 9:42 pm, May and Noah  wrote:
>>> Good morning.
>>> Are there any that use spl on their macs through fusion?
>>> If so, is there a way to make it so that jaws will keep coming through 
>>> my headset and the music through the speakers?
>>> I'm using a USB headset and if I change the output on the macs side it 
>>> makes everything on the windows side come through the speakers.
>>> May and Prince Noah
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Re: Wow Gmail issue is even worse than I thought

2014-02-18 Thread matthew Dyer
Hi all.

I know that for some switching from gmail is not an option, but I am slowly 
switching over to iCloud as I do not like the way gmail works.   If I delete 
something  then it should be deleted from the server not archived  some ware  
and then having the server  filled with mail the is old and in my view taking 
up space. I do have a secondary gmail account, but do not get much mail there 
so it is not a big deal.  Just sharing my thoughts.


On Feb 18, 2014, at 5:42 PM, eric oyen  wrote:

> what email service are you using?? I use gmail here with apple I 
> still have to check the spam box about every 2 or 3 days because some of the 
> list mail invariably ends up in there (filter issues?).
> I have been a long time user of gmail, but their site is getting increasingly 
> inaccessible when using Safari. Chrome isn't much better and I can't get 
> firefox to properly operate on this machine.
> -eric
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:23 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:
>> Hey May,
>> Actually I have been spending the past weekend moving everything from gmail, 
>> but I have 9 years of stuff to go through, so accomplishing this in 3 days 
>> is not possible, and then sure enough issues hit. 
>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:26 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
>>> Maybe some are tired of hearing it cause there's nothing we can do about it.
>>> I can say gmail is an issue period both on windows and on the mac and on 
>>> their website.
>>> Sometimes I see mail, sometimes I don't.
>>> It's probably frustrating to a lot of people, but bitching sadly here won't 
>>> get it fixed.
>>> Good luck to you and the gmail frustrations.
>>> I moved all my important stuff from gmail. A lot easier than keep dealing 
>>> with the headaches.
>>> May and Prince Noah
>>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:17 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 So I have one computer where I can't use mammall because of nonstop busy 
 issues, and the other computer has not received one piece of new mail in 
 my gmail account since Friday. So for those of you sick of my bitching 
 about Apple and Gmail, try not being able to work every day because of a 
 new issue with mac mail and gmail every day. This is pathetic. Oh yeah, 
 and on the computer where I can access my mail without the busy busy 
 issues I had to hit return ten times to get a message to open. 
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Re: spl with fusion

2014-02-18 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Hi Deb, I went down this exact path when I got my first Mac, because i also use 
a broadcast console. My Edirol UA1-EX, which I've had for years and is a 
broadcast quality sound interface with no frills, would not work under a VM. At 
first I thought they were just saying that because they didn't want to get 
embroiled in tech support questions about sound and virtual machines, but sure 
enough, when I tried to install the drivers, the install detected that I was 
running a VM and they wouldn't install. Bah to that!
I then went exploring other sound cards and I had quite a bit of trouble with 
the smooth operation of external sound cards in Windows. I have one for JAWS 
speech to go through, just a cheap vanilla sound card and that works OK, but 
higher end sound cards had serious latency and lock-up issues.
In the end, I fixed it by realising that if I install my Edirol on the Mac 
side, and make it the default output audio device in the Mac's system 
preferences, Fusion uses that as its default sound card. Problem fixed although 
there's still latency. I think that's just par for the course when running a VM
A couple of things to note here. First, all this happened with Fusion 5. 
Perhaps things have improved in 6 but I've no need to fool with a formula that 
is still working for me.
Also, there are ways to improve the latency of audio on Fusion by manually 
editing config files. Every time I tried this, I broke sound completely and had 
to restore from a backup of the VM, but you may have better results.
Best of luck with it.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 16/02/2014, at 5:02 pm, Deb Lewis  wrote:

> I'm just beginning the process of getting sPL Studio to work in Fusion. I'm 
> pretty clear about what needs to happen but just have one question that might 
> make a difference.
> I don't use Direct sound in windows so have to have a sound card for the 
> broadcast content. I want to buy a Soundblaster USB card for this purpose. 
> The ones I'm interested say they are only for windows not for mac. But if I'm 
> only using it in Fusion I am using it only in windows right? In other words, 
> it should be OK. I think the only issue will be whether or not Fusion 
> recognizes the card. It has been recognizing other USB things so I'm going. 
> But any thoughts would be welcome. 
> What if anything am I missing here?
> On Feb 13, 2014, at 11:01 AM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:
>> Hi may, right, for this to work, at least, for it to work for me, the 
>> headset needs to be connected only to Windows.
>> Jonathan Mosen
>> Mosen Consulting
>> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
>> On 12/02/2014, at 6:39 pm, May and Noah  wrote:
>>> Ok, maybe I have it set up wrong. So how about we start there and work our 
>>> way up/ *smiles*
>>> How I have the headset right now is the usb is seen by both the mac and 
>>> fusion. so goth sides come through the headset. Under the usb setting 
>>> though I don't have the usb headset connected. When I tell it to connect 
>>> both mac and fusion switch over to the mac speakers. At this time the mac 
>>> side know longer sees the headset. The moment I tell jaws to then switch to 
>>> the headset I lose jaws unless I disconnect the headset.
>>> Hope that made sense?
>>> May and Prince Noah
>>> On Feb 11, 2014, at 11:49 PM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:
 Hi may, if you go into the Windows sound setting and tell Windows itself 
 to use the headset, does it work? Just trying to establish if it's a JAWS 
 issue or a Fusion issue. Fusion can be a little quirky when a sound device 
 is connected to Windows.
 Jonathan Mosen
 Mosen Consulting
 Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
 On 12/02/2014, at 5:06 pm, May and Noah  wrote:
> Hmm, then I must be doing something wrong or jaws doesn't like the usb 
> headset.
> Whenever I tell jaws to switch to the headset it dies.
> Any suggestions? I've tried all I can think of and I'm lost.
> May and Prince Noah
> On Feb 11, 2014, at 8:37 PM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:
>> Hi May, yes, I do this weekly. . You'll have to tell Fusion that you 
>> want to connect the headset to Windows, not to the Mac, then set JAWS to 
>> use the headset as its sound card from the Utilities Menu in the JAWS 
>> window.
>> Jonathan Mosen
>> Mosen Consulting
>> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
>> On 10/02/2014, at 9:42 pm, May and Noah  wrote:
>>> Good morning.
>>> Are there any that use spl on their macs through fusion?
>>> If so, is there a way to make it so that jaws will keep coming through 
>>> my headset and the music through t

Re: Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and Apple not claiming to fix a problem in the future when it obviously hasn't been fixed would be nice.

2014-02-18 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Brian and All,

I don't believe that accessibility is a factor here in this case, especially 
since many of the Gmail issues in Mavericks are across the board for VO and 
non-VO users.  So some sort of campaign would be unnecessary and misguided in 
my opinion.

I have an idea though for you Brian.  If you have your iCloud account already 
set up then you can quickly bulk move messages using the following method:

1.  Create some new mailboxes in your iCloud account.  Name them something 
similar to what's in your Gmail but distinct enough that you can tell that it's 
part of your iCloud account.  For example, if you had something named 
MacVisionaries in your Gmail, you could name it iCloud MacVisionaries in the 
iCloud account.
2.  Go into the Gmail mailbox that you wish to save messages from, for example, 
3.  Press cmd-a to Select All.
4.  Press VO-shift-m to bring up the Contextual menu.
5.  Press "m o" to take you to the "Move to" item.
6.  VO-right to open the submenu and "i c" to take you down to the iCloud 
MacVisionaries mailbox that you just created.
7.  Press return.

This will move all those messages over to your iCloud account and place them in 
the appropriate folder.  Repeat the process for other mailboxes.  It actually 
shouldn't take that long even with how many messages you have.  After moving 
all the messages over, you can either disable the Gmail account and not worry 
about it anymore, or once you've confirmed that all the messages have been 
moved over, you can mass delete them from Gmail.  This will allow you time to 
go through your historical messages getting rid of the older unnecessary ones.  
If you aren't ready to totally disable your Gmail, this will also drastically 
reduce the number of messages in your Gmail account possibly making the Mail 
app work better in your configuration.  You can also rename the folders after 
you've migrated away from Gmail so that they aren't all named iCloud blah blah.

As long as you have both your Gmail and your iCloud account set up in the Mail 
app on your Mac, you can easily move things between any mailbox on either 
account.  I move things from my home ISP eMail account over to my iCloud 
account all the time since the iCloud is an iMap account and more easily 
accessible from all my devices anywhere, anytime.  This might be worth a try 
for you.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:38 PM, eric oyen  wrote:

> I am still getting all mails from here. THen again, I can't upgrade to 
> mavericks (machine too old). If apple is starting to get lax in their 
> accessibility, then a causes petition or a email/fax campaign is in order. 
> Talking to the developers is all find and good, but they don't make the 
> decisions as to what gets posted into the final product.
> -eric
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:08 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:
>> So gmail worked in mac mail for a day, and now mac mail is absolutely 
>> unusable again as every single time I hit VO and the arrow key I get a busy 
>> message and then again and again. I am using mac mail on my laptop to send 
>> this, and sure enough gmail isn't working with mac mail here either but 
>> differently as I can use it but the macvisionaries list hasn't gotten a new 
>> message in the mailbox since friday. Not sure how everyone is not having 
>> such severe problems and why I am the lucky one, but dealing with new issues 
>> every day is really making me hate mac. Not sure what else I can do as 
>> rolling back isn't an option and not using my computer isn't either. 
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Re: Where can I find the recently added playlist in iTunes?

2014-02-18 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Phil,
Thanks for the suggestion. I must be stupid but there's no playlists button 
once I select music. I see songs, albums, artists, composers, genres and match. 
There's a "my lists" button but that's not the one either.
Any further suggestions? I know it's there somewhere because people talk about 
it, so it must be me.
Thanks and sorry to be so dumb.

On 18/02/2014, at 11:45 am, Phil Halton  wrote:

> select "music", then select the playlists radio button. it is located in the 
> table of playlists.
> On Feb 17, 2014, at 2:32 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
> wrote:
>> The subject says it all?
>> Where is this thing to be? It would be so useful.
>> Thanks.
>> Lisette
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Removing Extra Apple Files From SD Cards Used In Windows Devices

2014-02-18 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everyone,

I am accumulating quite a few of those extra files that Apple puts on SD cards. 
 When I put the SD card into my Braille Edge, I can see these extra files, but 
when the SD card is in my iMac, these files are not visible to me.  I know that 
each time I put my card into my Mac, the Mac will put more of these files on 
it, but occasionally I would like to clear them off to free up some space on 
the SD card.  I don't have any other Windows type devices aside from my Braille 
Edge.  If I try to delete these extra files from the card when it's in my 
Braille Edge, all files are erased!  Is there any way I can delete them from 
the Mac?  I hope somebody understands what I'm talking about!  :) Any help 
would be most appreciated!


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deleting an account

2014-02-18 Thread Jenine Stanley
how long does it usually take to delete an account from the MBP if using the 
default option of saving an image of the user account? 

I'm deleting two accounts and it's taking what seems like a very long time, 
over 10 minutes now. I'll just let it sit there and do its thing but ... 

Spoiled by speed? who, me? :)
Jenine Stanley

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Re: deleting an account

2014-02-18 Thread eric oyen
it depends. do you have secure delete turned on? if so, it may take rather a 
long time if there is a lot of data to remove.


On Feb 18, 2014, at 4:47 PM, Jenine Stanley wrote:

> how long does it usually take to delete an account from the MBP if using the 
> default option of saving an image of the user account? 
> I'm deleting two accounts and it's taking what seems like a very long time, 
> over 10 minutes now. I'll just let it sit there and do its thing but ... 
> Spoiled by speed? who, me? :)
> Jenine Stanley
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Re: Where can I find the recently added playlist in iTunes?

2014-02-18 Thread Phil Halton
I don't know what to tell you. I'm using the latest iTunes, and I don't have it 
set to look like the old iTunes showing the sources table. instead, , I have 
the popup button set to "music". then, when I right arrow, I come to a series 
of radio buttons labeled radio, songs, artists, albums, genres, and finally 
playlists and a few others.
if you have iTunes set to "show sidebar", then the playlists will be in the 
sources table, and will not show up as a radio button under music.
Check in the view menu for either "show sidebar" or "hide sidebar". If you see 
"hide sidebar", then you have iTunes set to look like the old iTunes, and  you 
need to go further down in  the sources table to playlists. a little further 
down and you'll find the recently added list.

On Feb 18, 2014, at 6:37 PM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Hi Phil,
> Thanks for the suggestion. I must be stupid but there's no playlists button 
> once I select music. I see songs, albums, artists, composers, genres and 
> match. There's a "my lists" button but that's not the one either.
> Any further suggestions? I know it's there somewhere because people talk 
> about it, so it must be me.
> Thanks and sorry to be so dumb.
> Lisette
> , 
> On 18/02/2014, at 11:45 am, Phil Halton  wrote:
>> select "music", then select the playlists radio button. it is located in the 
>> table of playlists.
>> On Feb 17, 2014, at 2:32 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
>> wrote:
>>> The subject says it all?
>>> Where is this thing to be? It would be so useful.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Lisette
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Re: trying to install fusion

2014-02-18 Thread Shannon Gerdts

Hello Chris,
   Our disc drive is a solid state since it's the new retina versions of 
macbooks which only come in the ssd option.  They only saved one of the 
older versions of macbook pros in the 13 inch version which has the old 
style hd's.  For whatever reason though even switching it to use 4gb or 
4096mb of memory for windows it was still running kind of slow and I'm not 
sure why.

Take care,
Shannon Gerdts

-Original Message- 
From: Chris Blouch

Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: trying to install fusion

Memory-wise, that should be fine. Next would be disk performance. Since
you're on a laptop it's going to be laggy. For example, my MacBook Pro
comes with the Apple Hitachi 750GB drive which is 7200 RPM, which isn't
too bad but some machines save power with slower 4800 or 5200 rpm drives.


On 2/18/14 3:32 PM, Shannon Gerdts wrote:

   Thank you guys for the responses!  Our laptop we purchased has 8gb of 
ram so I was thinking of giving 4gb instead of 2 to the windows system for 
better response times.

Take care,
Shannon Gerdts

-Original Message- From: Chris Blouch
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: trying to install fusion

One bit of caution is to not starve RAM on the Mac side. Mavericks doing
nothing seems to take up about 1GB RAM. So if you are on a 4GB RAM
machine and give 2GB to your virtual machine, and VMWare taks abouther
3-400MB of overhead, that leaves just 1.5GB RAM or so for the mac side.
Open Safari and a bunch of tabs and you can start triggering virtual
memory swaps. That said, Windows is also very disk intensive, which is
why folks with SSDs are so happy with performance. Not sure why MS
designed it that way but Windows just beats on the hard drive. So if
you're on a laptop with a power sipping but slower 2.5" spinning drive,
Windows just isn't going to be as responsive.


On 2/18/14 1:36 AM, Joseph Norton wrote:


To increase the memory, first, shut down the VM.  Then, once it's shut 
down, you can press command-e to get into settings or that VM.  You 
should see options for processors and memory in there.  All you do is 
adjust the memory size and close that screen.

Hope this helps.

On Feb 17, 2014, at 2:06 PM, Shannon Gerdts  wrote:

   Ok so continuing along this thread.  We've now got fusion installed, 
jaws installed and now noticing a bit of a problem.  This problem is 
when using various programs, currently we're using mushclient, it's 
seemingly running a bit slow giving about a half a second to one second 
lag on every command inputted.
   I'm thinking this slow down is due to the fact I couldn't get the 
customize settings button to work when installing windows onto fusion so 
that I could adjust the amount of memory used from 2gb to something like 
4gb instead.  Does anyone know if there is a way to modify this once 
windows is installed or is the only way to fix this to completely redo 
the windows installation on fusion and try and get that customize button 
to activate?
   I'll explain what I mean by not getting the customize key to work. 
When I got beyond the screen where I chose the windows version to 
install, the user name, windows product key, etc. it gave me the 
confirmation screen and showing me how much gb of hard disc space it 
would allocate, the amount of memory it would allocate, etc.  It had it 
set to 60gb of hard disc space by default and 2gb of memory set by 
default so I wanted to try and hit on the customize settings button 
after I hit my right arrow keys beyond those displays of the default 
settings while using the quicknav keystrokes.  I then tried hitting the 
up and down arrow keys together while using quicknav, turned off 
quicknav keys and hit VO spacebar, hit enter, hit space, etc. and every 
single time it would seemingly always hit the finish default button 
where it would want me to save the virtual machine file and start 
installing windows.
   Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated as I feel we're 
so close to having my wife up and running with everything on her 
computer except for these minor adjustments to make her windows 
experience much more enjoyable and doable in some cases.  If we can get 
this sorted out the only thing we have left to figure out is how to use 
the jaws cursor, pc cursor, and left/right click commands on windows 
inside fusion without a number pad and for whatever reason the standard 
laptop keys don't work for this.

Take care,
Shannon Gerdts

-Original Message- From: Caitlyn and Maggie
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: trying to install fusion

Wow, this is interesting.  So, after you c/p the installation file into 
the folder of choice, onceyou open the vm, or rather, run the vm, you 
should be able to run the installation file and install your screen 
That s

Re: Where can I find the recently added playlist in iTunes?

2014-02-18 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Phil,
I did have iTunes set to look like the old iTunes, so I changed it to have the 
pop up buttons. Still no luck though, but thanks for trying to help. I see the 
playlists button and the table of playlists, but there's nothing there which 
says "recently added".
It must be a pref I have set somehow so will try to figure it out. Weird 
though. I've never seen it in my iTunes ever.
Very odd, Thanks again.

On 19/02/2014, at 1:16 pm, Phil Halton  wrote:

> I don't know what to tell you. I'm using the latest iTunes, and I don't have 
> it set to look like the old iTunes showing the sources table. instead, , I 
> have the popup button set to "music". then, when I right arrow, I come to a 
> series of radio buttons labeled radio, songs, artists, albums, genres, and 
> finally playlists and a few others.
> if you have iTunes set to "show sidebar", then the playlists will be in the 
> sources table, and will not show up as a radio button under music.
> Check in the view menu for either "show sidebar" or "hide sidebar". If you 
> see "hide sidebar", then you have iTunes set to look like the old iTunes, and 
>  you need to go further down in  the sources table to playlists. a little 
> further down and you'll find the recently added list.
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 6:37 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
> wrote:
>> Hi Phil,
>> Thanks for the suggestion. I must be stupid but there's no playlists button 
>> once I select music. I see songs, albums, artists, composers, genres and 
>> match. There's a "my lists" button but that's not the one either.
>> Any further suggestions? I know it's there somewhere because people talk 
>> about it, so it must be me.
>> Thanks and sorry to be so dumb.
>> Lisette
>> , 
>> On 18/02/2014, at 11:45 am, Phil Halton  wrote:
>>> select "music", then select the playlists radio button. it is located in 
>>> the table of playlists.
>>> On Feb 17, 2014, at 2:32 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
>>> wrote:
 The subject says it all?
 Where is this thing to be? It would be so useful.
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Re: deleting an account

2014-02-18 Thread Jenine Stanley
I don't think I have this on and there's really no data for either of the 
accounts. They are just for purposes of learning this machine, hence their 
Jenine Stanley

On Feb 18, 2014, at 6:57 PM, eric oyen  wrote:

> it depends. do you have secure delete turned on? if so, it may take rather a 
> long time if there is a lot of data to remove.
> -eric
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 4:47 PM, Jenine Stanley wrote:
>> how long does it usually take to delete an account from the MBP if using the 
>> default option of saving an image of the user account? 
>> I'm deleting two accounts and it's taking what seems like a very long time, 
>> over 10 minutes now. I'll just let it sit there and do its thing but ... 
>> Spoiled by speed? who, me? :)
>> Jenine Stanley
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Recently Added playlist sorted

2014-02-18 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Thanks phil for your help. Looks like I'd deleted the smart playlist but a bit 
of googling told me I how to recreate it. I thought it was an accessibility 
thing but often these things are just normal user errors.
All sorted now. Thanks for your patience.


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Re: Wow Gmail issue is even worse than I thought

2014-02-18 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Eric,

I am using gmail with mac mail running Mavericks. It took a few hours but is 
now finally running ok on my mac air. Amazingly 6 hours later and on my desktop 
still nothing but constant busy busy issues every time you move from one 
message to the next. Not sure what to do, as I have a recovered mailbox which I 
need to still sort through before doing a clean install.
On Feb 18, 2014, at 5:42 PM, eric oyen  wrote:

> what email service are you using?? I use gmail here with apple I 
> still have to check the spam box about every 2 or 3 days because some of the 
> list mail invariably ends up in there (filter issues?).
> I have been a long time user of gmail, but their site is getting increasingly 
> inaccessible when using Safari. Chrome isn't much better and I can't get 
> firefox to properly operate on this machine.
> -eric
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:23 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:
>> Hey May,
>> Actually I have been spending the past weekend moving everything from gmail, 
>> but I have 9 years of stuff to go through, so accomplishing this in 3 days 
>> is not possible, and then sure enough issues hit. 
>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:26 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
>>> Maybe some are tired of hearing it cause there's nothing we can do about it.
>>> I can say gmail is an issue period both on windows and on the mac and on 
>>> their website.
>>> Sometimes I see mail, sometimes I don't.
>>> It's probably frustrating to a lot of people, but bitching sadly here won't 
>>> get it fixed.
>>> Good luck to you and the gmail frustrations.
>>> I moved all my important stuff from gmail. A lot easier than keep dealing 
>>> with the headaches.
>>> May and Prince Noah
>>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:17 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 So I have one computer where I can't use mammall because of nonstop busy 
 issues, and the other computer has not received one piece of new mail in 
 my gmail account since Friday. So for those of you sick of my bitching 
 about Apple and Gmail, try not being able to work every day because of a 
 new issue with mac mail and gmail every day. This is pathetic. Oh yeah, 
 and on the computer where I can access my mail without the busy busy 
 issues I had to hit return ten times to get a message to open. 
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Re: Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and Apple not claiming to fix a problem in the future when it obviously hasn't been fixed would be nice.

2014-02-18 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Tim,

Thanks so much as you are the voice of reason. I think this latest suggestion 
is exactly what I have to do as I can do it on my laptop where mail is working 
and then disable gmail on the desktop and go through everything. Thanks for the 
On Feb 18, 2014, at 6:25 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi Brian and All,
> I don't believe that accessibility is a factor here in this case, especially 
> since many of the Gmail issues in Mavericks are across the board for VO and 
> non-VO users.  So some sort of campaign would be unnecessary and misguided in 
> my opinion.
> I have an idea though for you Brian.  If you have your iCloud account already 
> set up then you can quickly bulk move messages using the following method:
> 1.  Create some new mailboxes in your iCloud account.  Name them something 
> similar to what's in your Gmail but distinct enough that you can tell that 
> it's part of your iCloud account.  For example, if you had something named 
> MacVisionaries in your Gmail, you could name it iCloud MacVisionaries in the 
> iCloud account.
> 2.  Go into the Gmail mailbox that you wish to save messages from, for 
> example, Sent.
> 3.  Press cmd-a to Select All.
> 4.  Press VO-shift-m to bring up the Contextual menu.
> 5.  Press "m o" to take you to the "Move to" item.
> 6.  VO-right to open the submenu and "i c" to take you down to the iCloud 
> MacVisionaries mailbox that you just created.
> 7.  Press return.
> This will move all those messages over to your iCloud account and place them 
> in the appropriate folder.  Repeat the process for other mailboxes.  It 
> actually shouldn't take that long even with how many messages you have.  
> After moving all the messages over, you can either disable the Gmail account 
> and not worry about it anymore, or once you've confirmed that all the 
> messages have been moved over, you can mass delete them from Gmail.  This 
> will allow you time to go through your historical messages getting rid of the 
> older unnecessary ones.  If you aren't ready to totally disable your Gmail, 
> this will also drastically reduce the number of messages in your Gmail 
> account possibly making the Mail app work better in your configuration.  You 
> can also rename the folders after you've migrated away from Gmail so that 
> they aren't all named iCloud blah blah.
> As long as you have both your Gmail and your iCloud account set up in the 
> Mail app on your Mac, you can easily move things between any mailbox on 
> either account.  I move things from my home ISP eMail account over to my 
> iCloud account all the time since the iCloud is an iMap account and more 
> easily accessible from all my devices anywhere, anytime.  This might be worth 
> a try for you.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:38 PM, eric oyen  wrote:
>> I am still getting all mails from here. THen again, I can't upgrade to 
>> mavericks (machine too old). If apple is starting to get lax in their 
>> accessibility, then a causes petition or a email/fax campaign is in order. 
>> Talking to the developers is all find and good, but they don't make the 
>> decisions as to what gets posted into the final product.
>> -eric
>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:08 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:
>>> So gmail worked in mac mail for a day, and now mac mail is absolutely 
>>> unusable again as every single time I hit VO and the arrow key I get a busy 
>>> message and then again and again. I am using mac mail on my laptop to send 
>>> this, and sure enough gmail isn't working with mac mail here either but 
>>> differently as I can use it but the macvisionaries list hasn't gotten a new 
>>> message in the mailbox since friday. Not sure how everyone is not having 
>>> such severe problems and why I am the lucky one, but dealing with new 
>>> issues every day is really making me hate mac. Not sure what else I can do 
>>> as rolling back isn't an option and not using my computer isn't either. 
>>> -- 
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Re: Where can I find the recently added playlist in iTunes?

2014-02-18 Thread Phil Halton
look for it in the source table back in the ol iTunes view. its there a few 
entries down under playlists.

On Feb 18, 2014, at 7:52 PM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Hi Phil,
> I did have iTunes set to look like the old iTunes, so I changed it to have 
> the pop up buttons. Still no luck though, but thanks for trying to help. I 
> see the playlists button and the table of playlists, but there's nothing 
> there which says "recently added".
> It must be a pref I have set somehow so will try to figure it out. Weird 
> though. I've never seen it in my iTunes ever.
> Very odd, Thanks again.
> Lisette
> On 19/02/2014, at 1:16 pm, Phil Halton  wrote:
>> I don't know what to tell you. I'm using the latest iTunes, and I don't have 
>> it set to look like the old iTunes showing the sources table. instead, , I 
>> have the popup button set to "music". then, when I right arrow, I come to a 
>> series of radio buttons labeled radio, songs, artists, albums, genres, and 
>> finally playlists and a few others.
>> if you have iTunes set to "show sidebar", then the playlists will be in the 
>> sources table, and will not show up as a radio button under music.
>> Check in the view menu for either "show sidebar" or "hide sidebar". If you 
>> see "hide sidebar", then you have iTunes set to look like the old iTunes, 
>> and  you need to go further down in  the sources table to playlists. a 
>> little further down and you'll find the recently added list.
>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 6:37 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Phil,
>>> Thanks for the suggestion. I must be stupid but there's no playlists button 
>>> once I select music. I see songs, albums, artists, composers, genres and 
>>> match. There's a "my lists" button but that's not the one either.
>>> Any further suggestions? I know it's there somewhere because people talk 
>>> about it, so it must be me.
>>> Thanks and sorry to be so dumb.
>>> Lisette
>>> , 
>>> On 18/02/2014, at 11:45 am, Phil Halton  wrote:
 select "music", then select the playlists radio button. it is located in 
 the table of playlists.
 On Feb 17, 2014, at 2:32 PM, Lisette Wesseling 
> The subject says it all?
> Where is this thing to be? It would be so useful.
> Thanks.
> Lisette
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Re: deleting an account

2014-02-18 Thread Tim Kilburn

It all depends on the size of the accounts and the number of files, along with 
the speed of your HD and the amount of RAM in your machine.  It's sort of a 
combination of all those factors.  Creating an image often includes compressing 
files, so, the amount of time you mentioned is not out of the ordinary.  I 
seldom, if ever, use that option and would prefer if it wasn't the default.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Feb 18, 2014, at 4:47 PM, Jenine Stanley  wrote:

> how long does it usually take to delete an account from the MBP if using the 
> default option of saving an image of the user account? 
> I'm deleting two accounts and it's taking what seems like a very long time, 
> over 10 minutes now. I'll just let it sit there and do its thing but ... 
> Spoiled by speed? who, me? :)
> Jenine Stanley
> -- 
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Re: Removing Extra Apple Files From SD Cards Used In Windows Devices

2014-02-18 Thread Tim Kilburn

In Terminal, you can tell your Mac to show hidden files but, in my opinion, 
it's unnecessary.  Those files that you are speaking of are so small that it 
would take thousands of them to use up any amount of space that matters.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Feb 18, 2014, at 4:38 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I am accumulating quite a few of those extra files that Apple puts on SD 
> cards.  When I put the SD card into my Braille Edge, I can see these extra 
> files, but when the SD card is in my iMac, these files are not visible to me. 
>  I know that each time I put my card into my Mac, the Mac will put more of 
> these files on it, but occasionally I would like to clear them off to free up 
> some space on the SD card.  I don't have any other Windows type devices aside 
> from my Braille Edge.  If I try to delete these extra files from the card 
> when it's in my Braille Edge, all files are erased!  Is there any way I can 
> delete them from the Mac?  I hope somebody understands what I'm talking 
> about!  :) Any help would be most appreciated!
> Desi
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Re: Removing Extra Apple Files From SD Cards Used In Windows Devices

2014-02-18 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
This is discussed in several places on the web. The below seems fairly 

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Re: Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and Apple not claiming to fix a problem in the future when it obviously hasn't been fixed would be nice.

2014-02-18 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Did you by any chance hide the All Mail or  Archive folder (I have seen it 
named both ways. from IMAP on the Google settings page? In earlier versions of 
MacOS I and several other folks recommended a Tidbits article that suggested 
better performance with GMail when it did not allow this folder to be visible 
to IMAP clients.

In Mavericks  Apple Mail needs this folder in order to work correctly.

Check your list of folders and you should have a folder called "Google Mail" 
and in there should be your all mail folder.

If not, then you will need to go to the IMAP settings on the Google Mail site 
and re-enable the Archive folder.
 it was recommended 
Best wishes,


On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:08 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> So gmail worked in mac mail for a day, and now mac mail is absolutely 
> unusable again as every single time I hit VO and the arrow key I get a busy 
> message and then again and again. I am using mac mail on my laptop to send 
> this, and sure enough gmail isn't working with mac mail here either but 
> differently as I can use it but the macvisionaries list hasn't gotten a new 
> message in the mailbox since friday. Not sure how everyone is not having such 
> severe problems and why I am the lucky one, but dealing with new issues every 
> day is really making me hate mac. Not sure what else I can do as rolling back 
> isn't an option and not using my computer isn't either. 
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Re: Closing the preview pane automatically in Mail.

2014-02-18 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Sorry to take 12 hours to reply.

You can paste it into "AppleScript Editor" and then save and run the script.

Please let me know at if you have success.

Best wishes,


On Feb 18, 2014, at 7:19 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie  

> Ok, I'm going to sound like a total dweeb, but what do we do with this script?
> This will be great if it works!
> Thanks!
> Cait
> On Feb 17, 2014, at 9:55 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
>> The attached AppleScript closes all Message viewers and then opens one up 
>> without the preview pane. This should prevent the preview pane from 
>> re-appearing.
>> I don't know if anybody else has gotten this to work since there were 
>> discussions on the Apple forums about errors  when trying to turn off the 
>> preview pane.
>> Script starts on the next line.
>> use AppleMail : application id ""
>> activate AppleMail
>> repeat with vw in message viewers
>>  close vw's window
>> end repeat
>> set mywin to make new message viewer without preview pane is visible
>> **
>> Best wishes,
>> Jonathan
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Re: Mail setting

2014-02-18 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Did you try my AppleScript? I want to make sure it works for others.  Pasted 
below for quicker reference.

use AppleMail : application id ""
activate AppleMail

repeat with vw in message viewers
close vw's window
end repeat

set mywin to make new message viewer without preview pane is visible
Best wishes,


On Feb 18, 2014, at 12:01 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi Brian,
> Oops, sorry.  I should add that bit about the Trackpad commander to my 
> instructions for removing the Preview Pane.  I seldom use the Trackpad 
> commander so don't think of that enough.  Sorry if it gave you extra 
> frustrations.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Feb 17, 2014, at 2:52 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> OK, just finally got that tricky preview pane to close. I had my track pad 
>> commander on didn't realize it had to be turned off, so now just waiting for 
>> a new message to arrive, and hoping that maybe the preview pane was open all 
>> along and I didn't realize it, so hopefully the unread status will return. 
>> On Feb 17, 2014, at 4:45 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey John, 
>>> I had the preview pane closed and unfortunately now it is open trying to 
>>> get it to close. Even with the preview pane closed though the first column 
>>> in classic mail which is status just stopped letting me know if messages 
>>> were unread and I hadn't changed any settings trying to get back the status 
>>> row letting me know if messages are unread, but now I am having trouble 
>>> getting the preview pane to close following Tim's directions. 
>>> On Feb 17, 2014, at 1:16 PM, John Panarese  wrote:
 What are you trying to view, Brian?  I missed a part of this thread.  Do 
 you have your preview pane showing?  If you are talking about the status 
 of messages being read or unread, you have to collapse the preview pane to 
 get this to read correctly.
 Take Care
 John D. Panarese
 Mac for the Blind
 Tel, (631) 724-4479
 On Feb 17, 2014, at 1:05 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Unfortunately the view menu doesn't offer anything, as the column is 
> there it just stopped saying unread next to the unread messages. Mail in 
> Mavericks is so awful in every aspect, my only conclusion this is Apple's 
> way in to forcing people to only use their iCloud mail accounts, as now I 
> can't even get messages to open half the time when I hit return on a 
> message, and the other half of the time a message will open and say empty 
> scroll area for 20 seconds then lose VO focus and eventually get in to 
> the message. Thanks Mavericks I feel like Mac Mail and at least my 
> experience with it has sent computers back 20 years. Feels like I am 
> trying to load a picture on a 56k prodigy account.
> On Feb 16, 2014, at 9:02 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn  
> wrote:
>> And the view menu there should be a columns area specify what columns 
>> are in the view. Check that out.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 16, 2014, at 12:54 PM, Brian Fischler  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> Not sure what happened as I haven't changed any settings. In mac mail 
>>> classic view in Mavericks the first column is status and two days ago 
>>> it would tell me unread, replied, etc. Now that is gone. I know it is 
>>> an image that tells you that, but it stopped telling me what was 
>>> unread. Any idea where this setting might be located? I have looked at 
>>> mail preferences, Vo verbosity, and a few other settings where it might 
>>> apply but can't seem to find what has stopped it being read to me. If 
>>> anyone knows please let me know. Thanks,
>>> -- 
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Re: Wow Gmail issue is even worse than I thought

2014-02-18 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Could be that it is still building an index for those  million e-mails. I 
suggest leaving it alone for a few hours with the screen locked.

Best wishes,


On Feb 18, 2014, at 8:56 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey Eric,
> I am using gmail with mac mail running Mavericks. It took a few hours but is 
> now finally running ok on my mac air. Amazingly 6 hours later and on my 
> desktop still nothing but constant busy busy issues every time you move from 
> one message to the next. Not sure what to do, as I have a recovered mailbox 
> which I need to still sort through before doing a clean install.
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 5:42 PM, eric oyen  wrote:
>> what email service are you using?? I use gmail here with apple I 
>> still have to check the spam box about every 2 or 3 days because some of the 
>> list mail invariably ends up in there (filter issues?).
>> I have been a long time user of gmail, but their site is getting 
>> increasingly inaccessible when using Safari. Chrome isn't much better and I 
>> can't get firefox to properly operate on this machine.
>> -eric
>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:23 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:
>>> Hey May,
>>> Actually I have been spending the past weekend moving everything from 
>>> gmail, but I have 9 years of stuff to go through, so accomplishing this in 
>>> 3 days is not possible, and then sure enough issues hit. 
>>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:26 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
 Maybe some are tired of hearing it cause there's nothing we can do about 
 I can say gmail is an issue period both on windows and on the mac and on 
 their website.
 Sometimes I see mail, sometimes I don't.
 It's probably frustrating to a lot of people, but bitching sadly here 
 won't get it fixed.
 Good luck to you and the gmail frustrations.
 I moved all my important stuff from gmail. A lot easier than keep dealing 
 with the headaches.
 May and Prince Noah
 On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:17 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> So I have one computer where I can't use mammall because of nonstop busy 
> issues, and the other computer has not received one piece of new mail in 
> my gmail account since Friday. So for those of you sick of my bitching 
> about Apple and Gmail, try not being able to work every day because of a 
> new issue with mac mail and gmail every day. This is pathetic. Oh yeah, 
> and on the computer where I can access my mail without the busy busy 
> issues I had to hit return ten times to get a message to open. 
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Is it me or is iCloud one of the worst designed sites to use with VoiceOver

2014-02-18 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey all,

Ok, so I am making the jump from gmail to iCloud. I was told I would need to 
use the iCloud website to create my rules if I wanted the messages to follow 
those rules across devices. First I had to reload the iCloud website three 
times as VoiceOver wouldn't even allow me to enter my Apple ID. I finally was 
able to enter text in to the Apple ID box, and got in to the site which is 
unbelievably poorly designed to work with VoiceOver. I think it might even be 
less user friendly than gmail basic html site is. So I finally get to the 
filters or rules forget what they are called, and sure enough the same exact 
thing that happened at the log in screen is happening now where I can't enter 
text to create a rule. It's not one of those thing where you can enter text but 
VoiceOver won't read it, it just doesn't allow me to enter text, I am even 
getting an error beep when I try to enter text. Anyone know of any other way to 
create rules that will apply on multiple devices? The only thing I can think of 
is having to create the same rule on 3 devices which is going to be a royal 
pain. Really amazing how poorly the iCloud site works with VoiceOver.

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