Re: Convert tect to table in new pages

2013-12-20 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Daniela,

The Convert text to table feature has gone from the new Pages. However, you can 
create your table by copying it to the clipboard, then opening a Pages document 
and inserting a table. You then select all the cells in that table by 
interacting with it and doing Cmd-a. You then paste your table that you put on 
the clipboard into your Pages table.

I only tested this with a tiny table created in TextEdit with tabs separating 
the columns and new line characters separating the rows.



On 20 Dec 2013, at 08:29, Daniela Rubio  wrote:

> Hello.As the subject says, I want to convert some text to table. I already 
> made the format with tab between eact column, but I can’t find the “Convert 
> text to table” under the format and table submenu. Any other ideas for this? 
> I have a very long table in this format that I would like to convert. Any aid 
> will be truly appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Daniela Rubio T
> iphone: +34662328507
> Daniela Rubio T
>  Distinguished Educator
> iPhone: +34662328507
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Re: tabs and pages

2013-12-20 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Jim,

When you say you want your text to be right aligned, do you mean that you want 
your text on the right-hand side of the page, or for the right-hand edge of the 
text to be aligned?

To align the text down the right-hand margin, VO-j from the body of the 
document to the Formatter and select the Style radio button. Interact with the 
scroll area and navigate down to the Horizontal alignment group. Interact and 
check the Right check box.

If you want your text to be on the right-hand side of the page, jump to the 
Formatter and select the Layout radio button. Interact with the scroll area and 
navigate down to Indents and press VO-Space to expand the disclosure triangle. 
Navigate to First and set it to the number of centimetres or inches you want 
from the left-hand margin, not the left-hand edge of the paper. Go right to 
Left, and enter the same number. VO-j will take you back to your document.


On 20 Dec 2013, at 08:48, Jim Gatteys  wrote:

> Hi!
> I have text that I want to be right aligned in pages and am trying to set a 
> tab that will reflect that.  I find a combo box that says left but I can't 
> change it to anything else.  Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Jim
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Fwd: Updates

2013-12-20 Thread ramy moustafa

Ramy moustafa saber
Musicc instructor at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: ramy moustafa 
> Date: December 19, 2013 at 2:37:19 PM GMT+2
> To: mac mailing list 
> Subject: Updates
> Hi all:
> After I updated to mavericks, I can’t get any apps from the app store, here 
> is what I do exactly:
> I enter the app store, I find the search, and I type my app, let’s say 
> dropbox, I hit the enter key, but I can’t find any results, I’m connected to 
> the internet. And I can do updates to my applications.
> What can I do please?
> Thanks
> Ramy moustafa saber
> Musicc instructor at:
> faculty of musical education
> music arranger and sound engineer
> Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Equal Access to Library Books (Was: a word in defense of the Apple accessibility team)

2013-12-20 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi Nicholas. I actually don't agree with you, or i should say i do up
too a point. When i started my education, it was clear too me from day
1 that i had too do something my self to get going. Like you i was
absolutely convinced that i would need about $2000 too make it work,
thank god that was not the case. I am not saying that the proof
reading is always perfect, but usually it works.
Now lets have a look at your other point.
Of course it would be absolutely gorgeous if we could lay hand on the
electronic copy of the book. no more scanning, no more working too
make sure that you get all the words right, i am most definitely with
you on that one.
Equal access would be nice, but i have a hard time seeing that
happening anytime soon. As others have said most likely the reason for
this is they are scared of loosing money.
David, true BookShare is absolutely fantastic. I wish i could use
them, but since i am outside the us, i can't.

Eric, there is a part of the copyright law in the us holding you from
scanning the books from your local lib? i gotta admit i did not know
that, if that is indeed the case the overall case about this is or
ought to be quite clear.
With the scanner i got now, i can scan over 400 pages on 2 hours, that
is is of course whilst reading at the same time, scanning,
Also i think it depends on other factors, if you have other handicaps,
of course trying too get the books in some other ways, might be more
enjoyable :)
have a gorgeous weekend! :)

best Sandi

On 12/19/13, Nicholas Parsons  wrote:
> Is it possible to scan and OCR library books? Yes, of course. However, to
> scan requires a scanner. Moreover, to get good results from books rather
> than loose leaf pages requires a special kind of scanner. Then there's the
> OCR software. None of this is cheap, and none of it is an expense or effort
> sighted people are required to go through to get library books.
> So, while it's possible, is it equal access? No, far from it. And expecting
> equal access isn't just some idealistic nonsense, as some seem to suggest.
> Libraries in my country, and many developed countries are required by law to
> provide all people equal access to their books. So this is simply a question
> of whether the libraries are complying with the law, and in most cases I
> think they're not.
> Is this unequal access necessary? No, not in the vast majority of cases. All
> modern books are printed from a digital copy. They are not typed up on type
> writers. The authors and publishers have perfect electronic copies which
> don't require any scanning, proof reading or OCR. Why don't they let us have
> access to these? Because they are worried this might impact their profits.
> Simply put, they value increased profits more than our rights to equal
> access.
> Of course authors and publishers need to make money, otherwise there
> wouldn't be as many good publications available. However, it's not at all
> necessary to sacrifice profits to provide access to electronic publications.
> Firstly, there are many mass market eBook vendors with digital rights
> management which could be used to make books available. While the
> collections of Kindle and iBooks are constantly growing, they are often
> still lacking books, particularly from certain publishers who have not yet
> embraced the digital era. Secondly, there are publishes that have been able
> to make money selling unprotected eBooks. TidBits and TOR are examples. So
> it's more than possible for at least all modern books to be made easily
> available in accessible formats which do not require scanning, OCR and proof
> reading, but the Author's Guild is too cautious and keen to protect it's
> profits from an imagined threat to allow equal access to their books by
> people who are blind or have low vision.
> Thankfully, progress is being made. The progress that has been and is being
> made is fantastic. However, it isn't made by people being complaisant about
> the situation. Nor is the progress occurring as quickly as it could. I think
> there is vast room for faster improvement and it will require a concerted
> effort on the part of many to make it happen.
> On 20 Jan 2013, at 8:08 AM, David Chittenden  wrote:
> Unless things have drastically changed, one can definitely scan and OCR
> books from the local library. This is unless accessible formats are
> available to borrow. It is highly illegal for an individual to share their
> book scans / conversions. Bookshare, as a nonprofit entity, can share scans
> made by and / or for blind people to other blind people.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 20 Dec 2013, at 8:20, eric oyen  wrote:
>> I can do just that, but the inconvenience of doing so vastly outweighs the
>> benefits. Also, there are restrictions in US copyright law that
>> specifically prohibits this kind of activity (and there doesn't appear to
>> be 

Re: command for app delete.

2013-12-20 Thread Jessica D
 is it free? who is the developer? this way i can be absolutely sure i am in 
the correct place.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 19, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
>  wrote:
> It's not on your Mac by default and I'm pretty sure it's not on the Mac App 
> Store. You have to download it from the developer. Try googling it I'm sure 
> you'll find it. It's a great app, very accessible and much better than just 
> command-deleting your apps.
> Best,
> Nic
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Re: tabs and pages

2013-12-20 Thread Jim Gatteys
Hi Anne!
No, actually I need to set some right-aligned tab stops.  So not all my text 
will be on the right edge of the page.  It needs to be columnar in nature and 
the tabs will let me do that if I can figure out how to set them.

On Dec 20, 2013, at 2:55 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Jim,
> When you say you want your text to be right aligned, do you mean that you 
> want your text on the right-hand side of the page, or for the right-hand edge 
> of the text to be aligned?
> To align the text down the right-hand margin, VO-j from the body of the 
> document to the Formatter and select the Style radio button. Interact with 
> the scroll area and navigate down to the Horizontal alignment group. Interact 
> and check the Right check box.
> If you want your text to be on the right-hand side of the page, jump to the 
> Formatter and select the Layout radio button. Interact with the scroll area 
> and navigate down to Indents and press VO-Space to expand the disclosure 
> triangle. Navigate to First and set it to the number of centimetres or inches 
> you want from the left-hand margin, not the left-hand edge of the paper. Go 
> right to Left, and enter the same number. VO-j will take you back to your 
> document.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 20 Dec 2013, at 08:48, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have text that I want to be right aligned in pages and am trying to set a 
>> tab that will reflect that.  I find a combo box that says left but I can't 
>> change it to anything else.  Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
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Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-20 Thread Jessica D
yes, i have this issue too but the items you mentioned are all dimmed for me. 
how do i change this so i can access them?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 19, 2013, at 11:33 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
>  wrote:
> The main problem for me with Mavericks Mail is that the read/unread status of 
> messages, and the number of messages in the thread, are announced last by 
> VoiceOver when navigating through the message list. This slows my progress 
> significantly as I have to wait for VoiceOver to announce everything else 
> before I get this important information. I'm interested in whether Robert and 
> others have this issue too, as it seems to me like something that's not 
> dependant on individual settings.
> My work around for this has been to turn the preview line off in the Viewing 
> tab of Mail Preferences. This way I don't need to listen to the message read 
> out before finding out whether it's read or unread, and how many messages 
> there are in the thread. However, this is a real drawback to me as hearing 
> the preview often allowed me to dismiss a message quickly without needing to 
> open it first.
> For clarification, I've been doing this on a 2011 MacBook Air. I use Mail in 
> standard view with threading turn on and the preview pane fully collapsed. I 
> read through the list of messages by using the up and down arrows while VO 
> focus is on the message list. I don't interact with the message list table 
> and I do not have QuickNav turned on. To read a message, I use command-o to 
> open it in a new window and then just use the arrow keys to read line by line 
> etcetera (with, of course, QuickNav still turned off).
> Best,
> Nic
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Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-20 Thread Jim Gatteys
it looks like the only way to change the column order and work with them is to 
use classic view.  Hopefully I am mistaken in this.

On Dec 20, 2013, at 6:27 AM, Jessica D  wrote:

> yes, i have this issue too but the items you mentioned are all dimmed for me. 
> how do i change this so i can access them?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 19, 2013, at 11:33 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>  wrote:
>> The main problem for me with Mavericks Mail is that the read/unread status 
>> of messages, and the number of messages in the thread, are announced last by 
>> VoiceOver when navigating through the message list. This slows my progress 
>> significantly as I have to wait for VoiceOver to announce everything else 
>> before I get this important information. I'm interested in whether Robert 
>> and others have this issue too, as it seems to me like something that's not 
>> dependant on individual settings.
>> My work around for this has been to turn the preview line off in the Viewing 
>> tab of Mail Preferences. This way I don't need to listen to the message read 
>> out before finding out whether it's read or unread, and how many messages 
>> there are in the thread. However, this is a real drawback to me as hearing 
>> the preview often allowed me to dismiss a message quickly without needing to 
>> open it first.
>> For clarification, I've been doing this on a 2011 MacBook Air. I use Mail in 
>> standard view with threading turn on and the preview pane fully collapsed. I 
>> read through the list of messages by using the up and down arrows while VO 
>> focus is on the message list. I don't interact with the message list table 
>> and I do not have QuickNav turned on. To read a message, I use command-o to 
>> open it in a new window and then just use the arrow keys to read line by 
>> line etcetera (with, of course, QuickNav still turned off).
>> Best,
>> Nic
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Re: 10.9.1 and brailledisplays

2013-12-20 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there 
I still had the same problem pariing my Braille Edge with my Mac after I 
updated Mavericks. Once I got it paired, it worked fine. 

With mine, I have to let it fail first, and choose the option button in order 
to input the code. Here's what worked for me. 

Make sure to turn the braille display off until you get to the VoiceOver 
utility. If you don't, you might get the computer demanding the code, never 
mind that it won't let you type it in. You might have to remove the braille 
display when the display is off and start over. Then if you let it fail and 
choose the option button, hopefully the computer will let you type in the 
access code. I hope yours is not complicated so you can type it in fast, 
although the last time when I got to the right place, the computer stayed still 
for me to type it in. I hope all this helps. 

Oh yes. I had to go through this process again when I did a hardware reset on 
my Braille Edge 40. I had to do that because for some reason, when I turned the 
Braille display on, the computer started demanding the code, which it wouldn't 
give me enough time to type in. 

On Dec 17, 2013, at 10:57 AM, William Windels  wrote:

> hello,
> I haven't installed 10.9 finally since my handytech braille star 80 wasn't 
> working at all.
> The problems with some brailledisplays in 10.9 are confirmed by apple 
> accessibility.
> so, my question:
> does anybody know if the problem with this and/or other braille displays are 
> solved in 10.9.1?
> kind regards
> Mvg
> william Windels
> Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone
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brailliant braille display and vo

2013-12-20 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
does anyone here use this display with VO?
If so, where can I find documentaion for it’s use?
For some reason, the documentation that came with my unit only talks about 
windows and jaws.  sorry for saying that on this list, but that’s the case.

I did have a look on the humanware site, but didn’t have any luck myself 

Thanks, all!

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Re: command for app delete.

2013-12-20 Thread Chris Blouch

App Delete is $8 and can be found here:

App Cleaner is another one which is free:

App Zapper is another commercial one for $13:

Clean App is another commercial on which is usually $15 but is on sale 
for $7.50 until December 27th:


On 12/20/13 6:48 AM, Jessica D wrote:

  is it free? who is the developer? this way i can be absolutely sure i am in 
the correct place.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 19, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

It's not on your Mac by default and I'm pretty sure it's not on the Mac App 
Store. You have to download it from the developer. Try googling it I'm sure 
you'll find it. It's a great app, very accessible and much better than just 
command-deleting your apps.

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Re: a word in defense of the Apple accessibility team

2013-12-20 Thread Chris Blouch
As an amusing aside, I knew a guy who used voiceover on his device to 
read long documents to him while he commuted to work. He had no vision 
impairments, he just found it useful to be able to have stuff read to 
him while driving.


On 12/18/13 11:33 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

oh but of course.
After all compare the number of apple screen readers there have been 
what two? three at most? outspoken which did the job fantastically 
with apple's input, , still can with the right equipment, then 
voiceover. because apple understood the importance of including speech 
for many populations.
what always blows my mind though is the assumption that voiceover 
exists solely for , and benefits only individuals experiencing sight 
loss. The very idea is a limitation in and of itself.
The broader the understanding that there can be more people and more 
definitions of successful interaction then the one you are personally 
using, the easier it is to draw others on board for inclusion.
just my two cents having only read Tim's comments and not the rest of 
the thread.


On Wed, 18 Dec 2013, Tim Kilburn wrote:


Well said David. While I understand people’s frustration and totally 
despise discrimination, I’m not sure that I fully agree with some of 
the opinions/comments shared prior to that.

I’ll chime in here to express just a few points. Way back when OS X 
first came out, I recall going down to the city to do some training 
with Apple and I commented on the lack of a screen reader within the 
new OS. I had been using OutSpoken for Mac in OS 6 through 9 and was 
interested in continuing to use the Mac as it evolved. In normal 
Apple fashion, no real concrete things were said but it certainly was 
hinted that they were working on something of their own instead of 
having an outside vender developing such an animal. My point is here 
that I don’t believe that it was the noise made by the blind 
community that got Apple on the screen reader and accessibility 
wagon, I’m pretty sure that it was in the cards for quite a while. I 
certainly know that magnification and other accessibility features 
were built right in to the MacOS back in the late 80s,. I don’t 
believe for a minute that accessibility is not a priority.

The old saying that you attract more flies to honey than you do to 
crap comes to mind. Constructive dialog and collaboration usually get 
better results than ranting and raving. Expressing frustration and 
asserting yourself and your rights are fine, but speculation and 
exaggeration seldom result in positive productivity.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Dec 18, 2013, at 1:33 PM, David Chittenden  

Wow, such interesting arguments. When eBook readers do not have 
built-in speakers, speech output is impossible. When the page of the 
book is a picture of the page, a scanned image, speaking that page 
is impossible. When the law is written such that the copyright 
holder has more rights around who can and cannot access the book 
than the potential reader has, accessing the book may not be legally 

If you want to just flail around ineffectually making lots of noise 
but not necessarily getting very far, your stated approach can have 
limited success. However, would it not be better to learn the 
specifics in any particular situation so you can actually become 
effective? For instance, the author's guild is focused on keeping 
the copyrights law strong since writing and controlling who and how 
the book is read specifically effects the author's income. Authors 
do not earn any money for books which are checked out of libraries. 
However, people who really like books they read in libraries have a 
greater chance of purchasing their own copy. The argument against 
text-to-speech in all eReaders has actually been, if text to speech 
is used, people will not purchase the recorded versions of books, 
and the recorded versions are much more profitable. This is why NLS 
is so strict about who can access their professional recordings.

When software is being designed, adding text-to-speech is 
significantly less difficult than adding TTS access at a later date. 
The same is true for wheelchair access to buildings.

Depending on how the code is written, adding TTS and screen-reader 
navigation may well be extremely complex. In some cases, the entire 
operating system needs to be rewritten in order to add TTS and 
spoken navigation. To rewrite an OS can take a few years. You have 
no idea how long the original software was being developed before 
the company released the product, so the blanket statement that 
adding speech is a trivial matter, is completely incorrect in most 

Bugs should be fixed quickly. I love this statement. It demonstrates 
complete and total ignorance. Bugs usually take a lot longer to 
track down and correct than adding new features. Operating systems 
are extremely complex. Bugs may have several causes. Changing code 
to repair on

Re: brailliant braille display and vo

2013-12-20 Thread Les Kriegler
Do you live in the United States? If you'd like, I would be glad to assist you. 
I have a brownie at parent with my Mac. Please send me an email to Kriegler Or of course, you can just reply to this message. I can call 
you if you like.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:49 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
> wrote:
> Hi,
> does anyone here use this display with VO?
> If so, where can I find documentaion for it’s use?
> For some reason, the documentation that came with my unit only talks about 
> windows and jaws.  sorry for saying that on this list, but that’s the case.
> I did have a look on the humanware site, but didn’t have any luck myself 
> yesterday.
> Thanks, all!
> Caitlyn
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Re: brailliant braille display and vo

2013-12-20 Thread Matt Dierckens
I use the display every day and what's just fine. If you like to do a tutorial 
for you of some of the functions just let me know.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:49, Caitlyn and Maggie  
> wrote:
> Hi,
> does anyone here use this display with VO?
> If so, where can I find documentaion for it’s use?
> For some reason, the documentation that came with my unit only talks about 
> windows and jaws.  sorry for saying that on this list, but that’s the case.
> I did have a look on the humanware site, but didn’t have any luck myself 
> yesterday.
> Thanks, all!
> Caitlyn
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Re: command for app delete.

2013-12-20 Thread Janet Ingber
Hi Chris,

Thanks for all these apps.  Do you have a favorite one?

On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:56 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> App Delete is $8 and can be found here:
> App Cleaner is another one which is free:
> App Zapper is another commercial one for $13:
> Clean App is another commercial on which is usually $15 but is on sale for 
> $7.50 until December 27th:
> CB
> On 12/20/13 6:48 AM, Jessica D wrote:
>>  is it free? who is the developer? this way i can be absolutely sure i am in 
>> the correct place.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Dec 19, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>>  wrote:
>>> It's not on your Mac by default and I'm pretty sure it's not on the Mac App 
>>> Store. You have to download it from the developer. Try googling it I'm sure 
>>> you'll find it. It's a great app, very accessible and much better than just 
>>> command-deleting your apps.
>>> Best,
>>> Nic
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> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: brailliant braille display and vo

2013-12-20 Thread Eugenia Firth
Yes, I live in Texas. I did go to the HIMS office last week, and we worked on 
pairing problems. Right now I've got it working just fine. I heen told by HIMS 
that now Apple has to fix this problem, and I thought it was getting fixed with 
9.1. Maybe it will be 9.2. So, I'm not sure what else you could do. I really 
thank you for wanting to help with this. 


On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:01 AM, Les Kriegler  wrote:

> Do you live in the United States? If you'd like, I would be glad to assist 
> you. I have a brownie at parent with my Mac. Please send me an email to 
> Kriegler Or of course, you can just reply to this message. I 
> can call you if you like.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:49 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> does anyone here use this display with VO?
>> If so, where can I find documentaion for it’s use?
>> For some reason, the documentation that came with my unit only talks about 
>> windows and jaws.  sorry for saying that on this list, but that’s the case.
>> I did have a look on the humanware site, but didn’t have any luck myself 
>> yesterday.
>> Thanks, all!
>> Caitlyn
>> -- 
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Re: command for app delete.

2013-12-20 Thread Jessica D
can any of these be found in the mac app store?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:06 AM, Janet Ingber  wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Thanks for all these apps.  Do you have a favorite one?
> Janet
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:56 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> App Delete is $8 and can be found here:
>> App Cleaner is another one which is free:
>> App Zapper is another commercial one for $13:
>> Clean App is another commercial on which is usually $15 but is on sale for 
>> $7.50 until December 27th:
>> CB
>>> On 12/20/13 6:48 AM, Jessica D wrote:
>>> is it free? who is the developer? this way i can be absolutely sure i am in 
>>> the correct place.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Dec 19, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
 It's not on your Mac by default and I'm pretty sure it's not on the Mac 
 App Store. You have to download it from the developer. Try googling it I'm 
 sure you'll find it. It's a great app, very accessible and much better 
 than just command-deleting your apps.
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> -- 
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Re: brailliant braille display and vo

2013-12-20 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
Any help would be great.
I’m not a total newbie to displays, but this one is new to me.
the round buttons on the left and right edges are a mystery, for example.

On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi.
> I use the display every day and what's just fine. If you like to do a 
> tutorial for you of some of the functions just let me know.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:49, Caitlyn and Maggie  
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> does anyone here use this display with VO?
>> If so, where can I find documentaion for it’s use?
>> For some reason, the documentation that came with my unit only talks about 
>> windows and jaws.  sorry for saying that on this list, but that’s the case.
>> I did have a look on the humanware site, but didn’t have any luck myself 
>> yesterday.
>> Thanks, all!
>> Caitlyn
>> -- 
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Re: brailliant braille display and vo

2013-12-20 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Kate.

Is it the brailliant 32 bi. It is one of the best working displays on both mac 
and IOS.

The best you can do is to pair your display and press vo+k on the mac, and when 
try to press the buttons, to hear what they are doing. You can also assign the 
commands for what you want the buttons to do.

On the IPhone you can press space+k and try different bottons, and hear the 
description of what they are doing.

Best regards Annie.

Den 20 Dec 2013 kl. 16:15 skrev Caitlyn and Maggie :

> Any help would be great.
> I’m not a total newbie to displays, but this one is new to me.
> the round buttons on the left and right edges are a mystery, for example.
> Cait
> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I use the display every day and what's just fine. If you like to do a 
>> tutorial for you of some of the functions just let me know.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:49, Caitlyn and Maggie  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> does anyone here use this display with VO?
>>> If so, where can I find documentaion for it’s use?
>>> For some reason, the documentation that came with my unit only talks about 
>>> windows and jaws.  sorry for saying that on this list, but that’s the case.
>>> I did have a look on the humanware site, but didn’t have any luck myself 
>>> yesterday.
>>> Thanks, all!
>>> Caitlyn
>>> -- 
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Re: brailliant braille display and vo

2013-12-20 Thread Hope Paulos
Those are command buttons. I would like to have a list of commands for the 
Braiiant and Mac. Would like a tutorial if someone would be kind enough to make 

Hope Paulos

> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:15 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
> wrote:
> Any help would be great.
> I’m not a total newbie to displays, but this one is new to me.
> the round buttons on the left and right edges are a mystery, for example.
> Cait
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Matt Dierckens  
>> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I use the display every day and what's just fine. If you like to do a 
>> tutorial for you of some of the functions just let me know.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:49, Caitlyn and Maggie  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> does anyone here use this display with VO?
>>> If so, where can I find documentaion for it’s use?
>>> For some reason, the documentation that came with my unit only talks about 
>>> windows and jaws.  sorry for saying that on this list, but that’s the case.
>>> I did have a look on the humanware site, but didn’t have any luck myself 
>>> yesterday.
>>> Thanks, all!
>>> Caitlyn
>>> -- 
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Re: brailliant braille display and vo

2013-12-20 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Hope 
I have a different braille display, but many of the commands are the same for 
all displays. I have one question. If your display has input keys, and I 
haven't one like yours yet, I have a file that I can send you that should work 
for most of your commands. I can't do it right now, but I can send you one 
later if you want it. 


On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:25 AM, Hope Paulos  wrote:

> Those are command buttons. I would like to have a list of commands for the 
> Braiiant and Mac. Would like a tutorial if someone would be kind enough to 
> make one. 
> Hope Paulos
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:15 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
>> wrote:
>> Any help would be great.
>> I’m not a total newbie to displays, but this one is new to me.
>> the round buttons on the left and right edges are a mystery, for example.
>> Cait
>>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Matt Dierckens  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I use the display every day and what's just fine. If you like to do a 
>>> tutorial for you of some of the functions just let me know.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:49, Caitlyn and Maggie  
 does anyone here use this display with VO?
 If so, where can I find documentaion for it’s use?
 For some reason, the documentation that came with my unit only talks about 
 windows and jaws.  sorry for saying that on this list, but that’s the case.
 I did have a look on the humanware site, but didn’t have any luck myself 
 Thanks, all!
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Re: brailliant braille display and vo

2013-12-20 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
Ok, command buttons?  What do they do?

I’ve used both the focus 80  and the braille sense 32 before, plus the alva.

thanks for the help!

On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:33 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi Hope 
> I have a different braille display, but many of the commands are the same for 
> all displays. I have one question. If your display has input keys, and I 
> haven't one like yours yet, I have a file that I can send you that should 
> work for most of your commands. I can't do it right now, but I can send you 
> one later if you want it. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:25 AM, Hope Paulos  wrote:
>> Those are command buttons. I would like to have a list of commands for the 
>> Braiiant and Mac. Would like a tutorial if someone would be kind enough to 
>> make one. 
>> Hope Paulos
>>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:15 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Any help would be great.
>>> I’m not a total newbie to displays, but this one is new to me.
>>> the round buttons on the left and right edges are a mystery, for example.
>>> Cait
 On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Matt Dierckens  
 I use the display every day and what's just fine. If you like to do a 
 tutorial for you of some of the functions just let me know.
 Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:49, Caitlyn and Maggie  
> wrote:
> Hi,
> does anyone here use this display with VO?
> If so, where can I find documentaion for it’s use?
> For some reason, the documentation that came with my unit only talks 
> about windows and jaws.  sorry for saying that on this list, but that’s 
> the case.
> I did have a look on the humanware site, but didn’t have any luck myself 
> yesterday.
> Thanks, all!
> Caitlyn
> -- 
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Re: brailliant braille display and vo

2013-12-20 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
thanks, Annie!
It’s the brailliant 40.
and, thanks, aslo, for the tip about vo k.  I never remembered about using that 
for finding out about the braille commands!  Silly me!

On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:24 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen  

> Hi Kate.
> Is it the brailliant 32 bi. It is one of the best working displays on both 
> mac and IOS.
> The best you can do is to pair your display and press vo+k on the mac, and 
> when try to press the buttons, to hear what they are doing. You can also 
> assign the commands for what you want the buttons to do.
> On the IPhone you can press space+k and try different bottons, and hear the 
> description of what they are doing.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den 20 Dec 2013 kl. 16:15 skrev Caitlyn and Maggie 
> :
>> Any help would be great.
>> I’m not a total newbie to displays, but this one is new to me.
>> the round buttons on the left and right edges are a mystery, for example.
>> Cait
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Matt Dierckens  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I use the display every day and what's just fine. If you like to do a 
>>> tutorial for you of some of the functions just let me know.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:49, Caitlyn and Maggie  
 does anyone here use this display with VO?
 If so, where can I find documentaion for it’s use?
 For some reason, the documentation that came with my unit only talks about 
 windows and jaws.  sorry for saying that on this list, but that’s the case.
 I did have a look on the humanware site, but didn’t have any luck myself 
 Thanks, all!
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Re: brailliant braille display and vo

2013-12-20 Thread Hope Paulos
To be honest am not sure. Lol. Just looked them up in description. I have the 
BI 32 model. 

Hope Paulos

> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:39 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
> wrote:
> Ok, command buttons?  What do they do?
> I’ve used both the focus 80  and the braille sense 32 before, plus the alva.
> thanks for the help!
> Cait
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:33 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi Hope 
>> I have a different braille display, but many of the commands are the same 
>> for all displays. I have one question. If your display has input keys, and I 
>> haven't one like yours yet, I have a file that I can send you that should 
>> work for most of your commands. I can't do it right now, but I can send you 
>> one later if you want it. 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi 
>>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:25 AM, Hope Paulos  wrote:
>>> Those are command buttons. I would like to have a list of commands for the 
>>> Braiiant and Mac. Would like a tutorial if someone would be kind enough to 
>>> make one. 
>>> Hope Paulos
 On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:15 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie 
 Any help would be great.
 I’m not a total newbie to displays, but this one is new to me.
 the round buttons on the left and right edges are a mystery, for example.
> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Matt Dierckens  
> wrote:
> Hi.
> I use the display every day and what's just fine. If you like to do a 
> tutorial for you of some of the functions just let me know.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:49, Caitlyn and Maggie  
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> does anyone here use this display with VO?
>> If so, where can I find documentaion for it’s use?
>> For some reason, the documentation that came with my unit only talks 
>> about windows and jaws.  sorry for saying that on this list, but that’s 
>> the case.
>> I did have a look on the humanware site, but didn’t have any luck myself 
>> yesterday.
>> Thanks, all!
>> Caitlyn
>> -- 
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Re: brailliant braille display and vo

2013-12-20 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
i just looked and the “its on the left move up  and down.   The “its on the 
right interact and uninteract. Kinda neat! Cait 
On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:46 AM, Hope Paulos  wrote:

> To be honest am not sure. Lol. Just looked them up in description. I have the 
> BI 32 model. 
> Hope Paulos
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:39 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
>> wrote:
>> Ok, command buttons?  What do they do?
>> I’ve used both the focus 80  and the braille sense 32 before, plus the alva.
>> thanks for the help!
>> Cait
>>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:33 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi Hope 
>>> I have a different braille display, but many of the commands are the same 
>>> for all displays. I have one question. If your display has input keys, and 
>>> I haven't one like yours yet, I have a file that I can send you that should 
>>> work for most of your commands. I can't do it right now, but I can send you 
>>> one later if you want it. 
>>> Regards, 
>>> Gigi 
 On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:25 AM, Hope Paulos  wrote:
 Those are command buttons. I would like to have a list of commands for the 
 Braiiant and Mac. Would like a tutorial if someone would be kind enough to 
 make one. 
 Hope Paulos
> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:15 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie 
>  wrote:
> Any help would be great.
> I’m not a total newbie to displays, but this one is new to me.
> the round buttons on the left and right edges are a mystery, for example.
> Cait
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Matt Dierckens  
>> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I use the display every day and what's just fine. If you like to do a 
>> tutorial for you of some of the functions just let me know.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:49, Caitlyn and Maggie 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> does anyone here use this display with VO?
>>> If so, where can I find documentaion for it’s use?
>>> For some reason, the documentation that came with my unit only talks 
>>> about windows and jaws.  sorry for saying that on this list, but that’s 
>>> the case.
>>> I did have a look on the humanware site, but didn’t have any luck 
>>> myself yesterday.
>>> Thanks, all!
>>> Caitlyn
>>> -- 
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Taggin on Facebook

2013-12-20 Thread Traci Duncan
Hi all,

Anyone out there that uses menuTab for Facebook?  Have you figured out how to 
tag friends?  I’ve been so close, but no cigar, as they say.

I have a feeling I really need to manipulate the mouse with VO; this is not my 
strength.  :)


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Re: Taggin on Facebook

2013-12-20 Thread David Taylor

If you are using the desktop layout you type the at sign @ and then start 
typing their name. When you've typed enough, it will be filled in for you and 
you simply press return to enter it.


On 20 Dec 2013, at 16:23, Traci Duncan  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone out there that uses menuTab for Facebook?  Have you figured out how to 
> tag friends?  I’ve been so close, but no cigar, as they say.
> I have a feeling I really need to manipulate the mouse with VO; this is not 
> my strength.  :)
> Traci
> -- 
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Re: Taggin on Facebook

2013-12-20 Thread Kevin Shaw
How is tagging done in the Facebook mobile layout on Facebook itself?
On 2013-12-20, at 11:42 AM, David Taylor  wrote:

> Hi,
> If you are using the desktop layout you type the at sign @ and then start 
> typing their name. When you've typed enough, it will be filled in for you and 
> you simply press return to enter it.
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 20 Dec 2013, at 16:23, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Anyone out there that uses menuTab for Facebook?  Have you figured out how 
>> to tag friends?  I’ve been so close, but no cigar, as they say.
>> I have a feeling I really need to manipulate the mouse with VO; this is not 
>> my strength.  :)
>> Traci
>> -- 
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Re: Navigating iTunes Radio on the Mac

2013-12-20 Thread Traci Duncan
Hello, I’m not sure if it is any different between Lion & Mavericks….

Some tips to keep in mind is interacting and VO-J.  I find myself doing this a 
lot.  Once I have VO-spaced on my station, I interact with it and press play.  
Then I VO-J over into the lcd section.  This is where the station name and 
track info is.  There is an action button.  VO-space on this then arrow down 
and up for your options.  This is where you select play more like this or never 
play this song again, etc.

Good luck,

On Dec 19, 2013, at 11:45 PM, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:

> For the record, I'm using Lion on a Mac Mini.
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Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-20 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Nicholas,
Yes I get conversation thread  information announced last too, but it has 
stopped bothering me. If I want to know if something is a conversation, I press 
right arrow. If  it opens.  it is  a conversation, and if it doesn’t open, it’s 
not a conversation. 

On 20/12/2013, at 5:33 pm, Nicholas Parsons  

> The main problem for me with Mavericks Mail is that the read/unread status of 
> messages, and the number of messages in the thread, are announced last by 
> VoiceOver when navigating through the message list. This slows my progress 
> significantly as I have to wait for VoiceOver to announce everything else 
> before I get this important information. I'm interested in whether Robert and 
> others have this issue too, as it seems to me like something that's not 
> dependant on individual settings.
> My work around for this has been to turn the preview line off in the Viewing 
> tab of Mail Preferences. This way I don't need to listen to the message read 
> out before finding out whether it's read or unread, and how many messages 
> there are in the thread. However, this is a real drawback to me as hearing 
> the preview often allowed me to dismiss a message quickly without needing to 
> open it first.
> For clarification, I've been doing this on a 2011 MacBook Air. I use Mail in 
> standard view with threading turn on and the preview pane fully collapsed. I 
> read through the list of messages by using the up and down arrows while VO 
> focus is on the message list. I don't interact with the message list table 
> and I do not have QuickNav turned on. To read a message, I use command-o to 
> open it in a new window and then just use the arrow keys to read line by line 
> etcetera (with, of course, QuickNav still turned off).
> Best,
> Nic
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Re: tabs and pages

2013-12-20 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Jim,

The easiest way to do what you want is to jump to the Formatter and select the 
Layout radio button. Interact with the scroll area, and the first item is 
Columns. Set the number of columns and expand the disclosure triangle. You can 
then set the width of each column and the size of the gutter between them.



On 20 Dec 2013, at 13:04, Jim Gatteys  wrote:

> Hi Anne!
> No, actually I need to set some right-aligned tab stops.  So not all my text 
> will be on the right edge of the page.  It needs to be columnar in nature and 
> the tabs will let me do that if I can figure out how to set them.
> Jim
> On Dec 20, 2013, at 2:55 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Jim,
>> When you say you want your text to be right aligned, do you mean that you 
>> want your text on the right-hand side of the page, or for the right-hand 
>> edge of the text to be aligned?
>> To align the text down the right-hand margin, VO-j from the body of the 
>> document to the Formatter and select the Style radio button. Interact with 
>> the scroll area and navigate down to the Horizontal alignment group. 
>> Interact and check the Right check box.
>> If you want your text to be on the right-hand side of the page, jump to the 
>> Formatter and select the Layout radio button. Interact with the scroll area 
>> and navigate down to Indents and press VO-Space to expand the disclosure 
>> triangle. Navigate to First and set it to the number of centimetres or 
>> inches you want from the left-hand margin, not the left-hand edge of the 
>> paper. Go right to Left, and enter the same number. VO-j will take you back 
>> to your document.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 20 Dec 2013, at 08:48, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I have text that I want to be right aligned in pages and am trying to set a 
>>> tab that will reflect that.  I find a combo box that says left but I can't 
>>> change it to anything else.  Any ideas?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jim
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Mavericks Safari

2013-12-20 Thread Lee Jones
Dear List I have safari set to open pages in new tabs not new windows in
preferences, and yet whenever I click a link on a website it opens it in an
untitled window ,it doesn't say new tab. Is there a shortcut for cycling
through tabs in safari and closing them? I struggle with closing windows
command tab doesn't seem to move me through all the windows it just seems to
take me to the first window of each application, and command w is
inconsistent,and usually brings up mission control, I just want to kill the
current window I don't want mission control. When reading something in the
untitled windowvoice over sometimes jumps  back to the previous
safari window for no apparent reason.


Many Thanks, Lee 

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Re: huge mail problems still

2013-12-20 Thread Robert Carter

Perhaps I am not in quite as much of a hurry as some people. For me, however, 
having the information read in the order that it is presented works well for 
me. I hear the subject a brief preview and whether or not the message is part 
of a thread. I listen to as little or as much of this information as needed 
with the goal of making a decision regarding whether or not I want to read more 
of the message or simply move on.

This approach seems just perfect to me.

Robert Carter

Sent from my iPad

> On Dec 20, 2013, at 1:30 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
> wrote:
> Hi Nicholas,
> Yes I get conversation thread  information announced last too, but it has 
> stopped bothering me. If I want to know if something is a conversation, I 
> press right arrow. If  it opens.  it is  a conversation, and if it doesn’t 
> open, it’s not a conversation. 
> Cheers
> Lisette
> . 
>> On 20/12/2013, at 5:33 pm, Nicholas Parsons  
>> wrote:
>> The main problem for me with Mavericks Mail is that the read/unread status 
>> of messages, and the number of messages in the thread, are announced last by 
>> VoiceOver when navigating through the message list. This slows my progress 
>> significantly as I have to wait for VoiceOver to announce everything else 
>> before I get this important information. I'm interested in whether Robert 
>> and others have this issue too, as it seems to me like something that's not 
>> dependant on individual settings.
>> My work around for this has been to turn the preview line off in the Viewing 
>> tab of Mail Preferences. This way I don't need to listen to the message read 
>> out before finding out whether it's read or unread, and how many messages 
>> there are in the thread. However, this is a real drawback to me as hearing 
>> the preview often allowed me to dismiss a message quickly without needing to 
>> open it first.
>> For clarification, I've been doing this on a 2011 MacBook Air. I use Mail in 
>> standard view with threading turn on and the preview pane fully collapsed. I 
>> read through the list of messages by using the up and down arrows while VO 
>> focus is on the message list. I don't interact with the message list table 
>> and I do not have QuickNav turned on. To read a message, I use command-o to 
>> open it in a new window and then just use the arrow keys to read line by 
>> line etcetera (with, of course, QuickNav still turned off).
>> Best,
>> Nic
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Java on the Mac

2013-12-20 Thread Lee Jones
Dear List there is one particular website  that I need to access which uses
java. I know it has a terrible reputation regarding security and so wondered
what the safest way is to get java on a mac, ideally without just searching
on google as I know there are fake plugins that have caused problems in the


Many Thanks, Lee   ,,

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Re: tabs and pages

2013-12-20 Thread Jim Gatteys
What I really needed was to be ab le to set tab stops like I mentioned in an 
earlier email.  I finally figured out how to do it.  The column restraints 
would not work for what I need.  Tab stops will do the trick.  I can find them 
on the ruler then double click them to change the tab stop type to left, right, 
or centered or decimal for that matter.

On Dec 20, 2013, at 2:42 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Jim,
> The easiest way to do what you want is to jump to the Formatter and select 
> the Layout radio button. Interact with the scroll area, and the first item is 
> Columns. Set the number of columns and expand the disclosure triangle. You 
> can then set the width of each column and the size of the gutter between them.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 20 Dec 2013, at 13:04, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>> Hi Anne!
>> No, actually I need to set some right-aligned tab stops.  So not all my text 
>> will be on the right edge of the page.  It needs to be columnar in nature 
>> and the tabs will let me do that if I can figure out how to set them.
>> Jim
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 2:55 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello Jim,
>>> When you say you want your text to be right aligned, do you mean that you 
>>> want your text on the right-hand side of the page, or for the right-hand 
>>> edge of the text to be aligned?
>>> To align the text down the right-hand margin, VO-j from the body of the 
>>> document to the Formatter and select the Style radio button. Interact with 
>>> the scroll area and navigate down to the Horizontal alignment group. 
>>> Interact and check the Right check box.
>>> If you want your text to be on the right-hand side of the page, jump to the 
>>> Formatter and select the Layout radio button. Interact with the scroll area 
>>> and navigate down to Indents and press VO-Space to expand the disclosure 
>>> triangle. Navigate to First and set it to the number of centimetres or 
>>> inches you want from the left-hand margin, not the left-hand edge of the 
>>> paper. Go right to Left, and enter the same number. VO-j will take you back 
>>> to your document.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 20 Dec 2013, at 08:48, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
 I have text that I want to be right aligned in pages and am trying to set 
 a tab that will reflect that.  I find a combo box that says left but I 
 can't change it to anything else.  Any ideas?
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Mavericks 10.9.2 may not be far off

2013-12-20 Thread Jamie Pauls
I'm surprised I haven't seen the below article already mentioned on the
list. For those who aren't happy with the number of Voiceover changes in
10.9.1, Voiceover is apparently still on the radar for 10.9.2.


Just days after 10.9.1 update, Apple preps OS X Mavericks for 10.9.2

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Re: Java on the Mac

2013-12-20 Thread Terje Strømberg should work fine. Be sure that the  url do not have any strange 
letters. Downloaded java myself today. Go to safari preferences and place a 
checkmark for enable java script, checkmark for enable java. Turn off safari 
after download. After installation safari opens in the background. You will be 
brought to javas verification window. You may need sighted help to run the java 
tool to install the app in safari and verify.

Oracle is updating java now. Not Apple. Apple considered it to be more safe 
since Oracle developes java. According to statements in another forum.

Take care  

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Re: tabs and pages

2013-12-20 Thread Jessica D
How would a voiceover user do  this?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 20, 2013, at 4:32 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
> What I really needed was to be ab le to set tab stops like I mentioned in an 
> earlier email.  I finally figured out how to do it.  The column restraints 
> would not work for what I need.  Tab stops will do the trick.  I can find 
> them on the ruler then double click them to change the tab stop type to left, 
> right, or centered or decimal for that matter.
> Jim
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 2:42 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Jim,
>> The easiest way to do what you want is to jump to the Formatter and select 
>> the Layout radio button. Interact with the scroll area, and the first item 
>> is Columns. Set the number of columns and expand the disclosure triangle. 
>> You can then set the width of each column and the size of the gutter between 
>> them.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>>> On 20 Dec 2013, at 13:04, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>>> Hi Anne!
>>> No, actually I need to set some right-aligned tab stops.  So not all my 
>>> text will be on the right edge of the page.  It needs to be columnar in 
>>> nature and the tabs will let me do that if I can figure out how to set them.
>>> Jim
 On Dec 20, 2013, at 2:55 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
 Hello Jim,
 When you say you want your text to be right aligned, do you mean that you 
 want your text on the right-hand side of the page, or for the right-hand 
 edge of the text to be aligned?
 To align the text down the right-hand margin, VO-j from the body of the 
 document to the Formatter and select the Style radio button. Interact with 
 the scroll area and navigate down to the Horizontal alignment group. 
 Interact and check the Right check box.
 If you want your text to be on the right-hand side of the page, jump to 
 the Formatter and select the Layout radio button. Interact with the scroll 
 area and navigate down to Indents and press VO-Space to expand the 
 disclosure triangle. Navigate to First and set it to the number of 
 centimetres or inches you want from the left-hand margin, not the 
 left-hand edge of the paper. Go right to Left, and enter the same number. 
 VO-j will take you back to your document.
> On 20 Dec 2013, at 08:48, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
> Hi!
> I have text that I want to be right aligned in pages and am trying to set 
> a tab that will reflect that.  I find a combo box that says left but I 
> can't change it to anything else.  Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Jim
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RE: huge mail problems still

2013-12-20 Thread Eileen Misrahi

The other thing I have noticed is if I don't want to read the email or
interact with it using VO-J, I tap on the delete key quickly and I don't
hear the number of emails total, unread mail, etc. This has worked well. I
am getting better at this and thanks to you Robert, I love that VO-J


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Robert Carter
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: huge mail problems still


Perhaps I am not in quite as much of a hurry as some people. For me,
however, having the information read in the order that it is presented works
well for me. I hear the subject a brief preview and whether or not the
message is part of a thread. I listen to as little or as much of this
information as needed with the goal of making a decision regarding whether
or not I want to read more of the message or simply move on.

This approach seems just perfect to me.

Robert Carter

Sent from my iPad

> On Dec 20, 2013, at 1:30 PM, Lisette Wesseling
> Hi Nicholas,
> Yes I get conversation thread  information announced last too, but it has
stopped bothering me. If I want to know if something is a conversation, I
press right arrow. If  it opens.  it is  a conversation, and if it doesn't
open, it's not a conversation. 
> Cheers
> Lisette
> . 
>> On 20/12/2013, at 5:33 pm, Nicholas Parsons
>> The main problem for me with Mavericks Mail is that the read/unread
status of messages, and the number of messages in the thread, are announced
last by VoiceOver when navigating through the message list. This slows my
progress significantly as I have to wait for VoiceOver to announce
everything else before I get this important information. I'm interested in
whether Robert and others have this issue too, as it seems to me like
something that's not dependant on individual settings.
>> My work around for this has been to turn the preview line off in the
Viewing tab of Mail Preferences. This way I don't need to listen to the
message read out before finding out whether it's read or unread, and how
many messages there are in the thread. However, this is a real drawback to
me as hearing the preview often allowed me to dismiss a message quickly
without needing to open it first.
>> For clarification, I've been doing this on a 2011 MacBook Air. I use Mail
in standard view with threading turn on and the preview pane fully
collapsed. I read through the list of messages by using the up and down
arrows while VO focus is on the message list. I don't interact with the
message list table and I do not have QuickNav turned on. To read a message,
I use command-o to open it in a new window and then just use the arrow keys
to read line by line etcetera (with, of course, QuickNav still turned off).
>> Best,
>> Nic
>> -- 
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: a word in defense of the Apple accessibility team

2013-12-20 Thread Joanne Chua
I think as far as the copyright law is concern, it only covers for educational 
purposes and if you want to scan the entire book out of the educational 
purposes it is still consider illegal. Legally, in common cases, you only allow 
to scan 10% or 1 chapter of a book.
As far as there is no equal access in the library is concern, there are getting 
more libraries using online ELibrary media, e.g. Overdrive media etc. You can 
easily browse, select, hold and borrow EItems from your fingers tip so do speak.
Overdrive media has been around for years. And, if you are active enough to 
request at your local library, there are more likely to have it. If not, keep 
requesting, all the numbers adding up at the end.

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

> On 21 Dec 2013, at 1:29, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> As an amusing aside, I knew a guy who used voiceover on his device to read 
> long documents to him while he commuted to work. He had no vision 
> impairments, he just found it useful to be able to have stuff read to him 
> while driving.
> CB
>> On 12/18/13 11:33 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>> oh but of course.
>> After all compare the number of apple screen readers there have been what 
>> two? three at most? outspoken which did the job fantastically with apple's 
>> input, , still can with the right equipment, then voiceover. because apple 
>> understood the importance of including speech for many populations.
>> what always blows my mind though is the assumption that voiceover exists 
>> solely for , and benefits only individuals experiencing sight loss. The very 
>> idea is a limitation in and of itself.
>> The broader the understanding that there can be more people and more 
>> definitions of successful interaction then the one you are personally using, 
>> the easier it is to draw others on board for inclusion.
>> just my two cents having only read Tim's comments and not the rest of the 
>> thread.
>> Kare
>>> On Wed, 18 Dec 2013, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Well said David. While I understand people’s frustration and totally 
>>> despise discrimination, I’m not sure that I fully agree with some of the 
>>> opinions/comments shared prior to that.
>>> I’ll chime in here to express just a few points. Way back when OS X first 
>>> came out, I recall going down to the city to do some training with Apple 
>>> and I commented on the lack of a screen reader within the new OS. I had 
>>> been using OutSpoken for Mac in OS 6 through 9 and was interested in 
>>> continuing to use the Mac as it evolved. In normal Apple fashion, no real 
>>> concrete things were said but it certainly was hinted that they were 
>>> working on something of their own instead of having an outside vender 
>>> developing such an animal. My point is here that I don’t believe that it 
>>> was the noise made by the blind community that got Apple on the screen 
>>> reader and accessibility wagon, I’m pretty sure that it was in the cards 
>>> for quite a while. I certainly know that magnification and other 
>>> accessibility features were built right in to the MacOS back in the late 
>>> 80s,. I don’t believe for a minute that accessibility is not a priority.
>>> The old saying that you attract more flies to honey than you do to crap 
>>> comes to mind. Constructive dialog and collaboration usually get better 
>>> results than ranting and raving. Expressing frustration and asserting 
>>> yourself and your rights are fine, but speculation and exaggeration seldom 
>>> result in positive productivity.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On Dec 18, 2013, at 1:33 PM, David Chittenden  
 Wow, such interesting arguments. When eBook readers do not have built-in 
 speakers, speech output is impossible. When the page of the book is a 
 picture of the page, a scanned image, speaking that page is impossible. 
 When the law is written such that the copyright holder has more rights 
 around who can and cannot access the book than the potential reader has, 
 accessing the book may not be legally possible.
 If you want to just flail around ineffectually making lots of noise but 
 not necessarily getting very far, your stated approach can have limited 
 success. However, would it not be better to learn the specifics in any 
 particular situation so you can actually become effective? For instance, 
 the author's guild is focused on keeping the copyrights law strong since 
 writing and controlling who and how the book is read specifically effects 
 the author's income. Authors do not earn any money for books which are 
 checked out of libraries. However, people who really like books they read 
 in libraries have a greater chance of purchasing their own copy. The 
 argument against text-to-speech in all eReaders has actually been, if text 
 to speech is used, people will not purchase the recorded versions of 

Re: a word in defense of the Apple accessibility team

2013-12-20 Thread Littlefield, Tyler
This is one of them laws that is there but really can't be  upheld 
unless you are scanning the book to keep around after you  turn it back 
into the library or redistributing it. Otherwise, noone really knows you 
scanned more than 10% of the book and you're at complete liberty to scan 
and read it. Unless you call the publishers and say "look here, I'm 
scanning the entire book" you should be fine.

On 12/20/2013 6:21 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:

I think as far as the copyright law is concern, it only covers for educational 
purposes and if you want to scan the entire book out of the educational 
purposes it is still consider illegal. Legally, in common cases, you only allow 
to scan 10% or 1 chapter of a book.
As far as there is no equal access in the library is concern, there are getting 
more libraries using online ELibrary media, e.g. Overdrive media etc. You can 
easily browse, select, hold and borrow EItems from your fingers tip so do speak.
Overdrive media has been around for years. And, if you are active enough to 
request at your local library, there are more likely to have it. If not, keep 
requesting, all the numbers adding up at the end.

Joanne Chua
Send from my iPad

On 21 Dec 2013, at 1:29, Chris Blouch  wrote:

As an amusing aside, I knew a guy who used voiceover on his device to read long 
documents to him while he commuted to work. He had no vision impairments, he 
just found it useful to be able to have stuff read to him while driving.


On 12/18/13 11:33 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
oh but of course.
After all compare the number of apple screen readers there have been what two? 
three at most? outspoken which did the job fantastically with apple's input, , 
still can with the right equipment, then voiceover. because apple understood 
the importance of including speech for many populations.
what always blows my mind though is the assumption that voiceover exists solely 
for , and benefits only individuals experiencing sight loss. The very idea is a 
limitation in and of itself.
The broader the understanding that there can be more people and more 
definitions of successful interaction then the one you are personally using, 
the easier it is to draw others on board for inclusion.
just my two cents having only read Tim's comments and not the rest of the 

On Wed, 18 Dec 2013, Tim Kilburn wrote:


Well said David. While I understand people’s frustration and totally despise 
discrimination, I’m not sure that I fully agree with some of the 
opinions/comments shared prior to that.

I’ll chime in here to express just a few points. Way back when OS X first came 
out, I recall going down to the city to do some training with Apple and I 
commented on the lack of a screen reader within the new OS. I had been using 
OutSpoken for Mac in OS 6 through 9 and was interested in continuing to use the 
Mac as it evolved. In normal Apple fashion, no real concrete things were said 
but it certainly was hinted that they were working on something of their own 
instead of having an outside vender developing such an animal. My point is here 
that I don’t believe that it was the noise made by the blind community that got 
Apple on the screen reader and accessibility wagon, I’m pretty sure that it was 
in the cards for quite a while. I certainly know that magnification and other 
accessibility features were built right in to the MacOS back in the late 80s,. 
I don’t believe for a minute that accessibility is not a priority.

The old saying that you attract more flies to honey than you do to crap comes 
to mind. Constructive dialog and collaboration usually get better results than 
ranting and raving. Expressing frustration and asserting yourself and your 
rights are fine, but speculation and exaggeration seldom result in positive 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Dec 18, 2013, at 1:33 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:

Wow, such interesting arguments. When eBook readers do not have built-in 
speakers, speech output is impossible. When the page of the book is a picture 
of the page, a scanned image, speaking that page is impossible. When the law is 
written such that the copyright holder has more rights around who can and 
cannot access the book than the potential reader has, accessing the book may 
not be legally possible.

If you want to just flail around ineffectually making lots of noise but not 
necessarily getting very far, your stated approach can have limited success. 
However, would it not be better to learn the specifics in any particular 
situation so you can actually become effective? For instance, the author's 
guild is focused on keeping the copyrights law strong since writing and 
controlling who and how the book is read specifically effects the author's 
income. Authors do not earn any money for books which are checked out of 
libraries. However, people who really like books they read in libraries have a 
greater chance of purchasing their own copy. The ar

Re: Navigating iTunes Radio on the Mac

2013-12-20 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Can't always get stations to start/stop with space.  I do interact.  but 
behavior isn't consistent.  there's got to be something I'm not doing 
consistently.  I'll keep working on it.  thanks for the heads up on action menu.


On Dec 20, 2013, at 12:57 PM, Traci Duncan wrote:

> Hello, I’m not sure if it is any different between Lion & Mavericks….
> Some tips to keep in mind is interacting and VO-J.  I find myself doing this 
> a lot.  Once I have VO-spaced on my station, I interact with it and press 
> play.  Then I VO-J over into the lcd section.  This is where the station name 
> and track info is.  There is an action button.  VO-space on this then arrow 
> down and up for your options.  This is where you select play more like this 
> or never play this song again, etc.
> Good luck,
> Traci
> On Dec 19, 2013, at 11:45 PM, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:
>> For the record, I'm using Lion on a Mac Mini.
>> -- 
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Re: Navigating iTunes Radio on the Mac

2013-12-20 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Okay.  I just found the Play button and the action menu you're talking about.  
I never could find them before.  But now I think I can hit them consistently.  
big help.



On Dec 20, 2013, at 12:57 PM, Traci Duncan wrote:

> Hello, I’m not sure if it is any different between Lion & Mavericks….
> Some tips to keep in mind is interacting and VO-J.  I find myself doing this 
> a lot.  Once I have VO-spaced on my station, I interact with it and press 
> play.  Then I VO-J over into the lcd section.  This is where the station name 
> and track info is.  There is an action button.  VO-space on this then arrow 
> down and up for your options.  This is where you select play more like this 
> or never play this song again, etc.
> Good luck,
> Traci
> On Dec 19, 2013, at 11:45 PM, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:
>> For the record, I'm using Lion on a Mac Mini.
>> -- 
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Re: Navigating iTunes Radio on the Mac

2013-12-20 Thread Eileen Misrahi

Here's another issue I just ran into. I was going to apply the tips stated 
below in navigating the radio in iTunes. This is what I did and the results.

1. Opened iTunes and VO-space on radio.
2. Tabbed over to My Stations and interacted with it. 
3. Highlighted a station and VO-space on in. 
4. Interacted with that selection, but I received an error message stating that 
there was no selections. 
5. I repeated this with other stations and received the same results. 

Am I doing something incorrectly? Please advise and make suggestions on how I 
can get my stations to play. Since I couldn't interact with the station, I 
wasn't able to activate the play button after interacting with the station. 

Thanks in advance. 

On Dec 20, 2013, at 3:28 PM, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:

> Can't always get stations to start/stop with space.  I do interact.  but 
> behavior isn't consistent.  there's got to be something I'm not doing 
> consistently.  I'll keep working on it.  thanks for the heads up on action 
> menu.
> Kevin
> On Dec 20, 2013, at 12:57 PM, Tract Duncan wrote:
>> Hello, I’m not sure if it is any different between Lion & Mavericks….
>> Some tips to keep in mind is interacting and VO-J.  I find myself doing this 
>> a lot.  Once I have VO-spaced on my station, I interact with it and press 
>> play.  Then I VO-J over into the lcd section.  This is where the station 
>> name and track info is.  There is an action button.  VO-space on this then 
>> arrow down and up for your options.  This is where you select play more like 
>> this or never play this song again, etc.
>> Good luck,
>> Traci
>> On Dec 19, 2013, at 11:45 PM, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:
>>> For the record, I'm using Lion on a Mac Mini.
>>> -- 
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fbcmd download

2013-12-20 Thread -

I just scanned a discussion of this terminal app when it came up recently. 
Can someone tell me where it can be downloaded?



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Re: fbcmd download

2013-12-20 Thread Ray Foret Jr
You don’t need to.  It’s built in already.  It’s the Unix shell command line 

Get to it from the Utilities folder.

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Dec 20, 2013, at 6:16 PM, -  wrote:

> I just scanned a discussion of this terminal app when it came up recently. 
> Can someone tell me where it can be downloaded?
> Thanks
> XB
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Re: Navigating iTunes Radio on the Mac

2013-12-20 Thread Jessica D
Those buttons are in the LCD section. Go to it with vo left arrow, interact 
with ith it by doing vo shift down arrow
Arrow until you hear what you are looking for then stop interacting, and press 
vo space.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 20, 2013, at 6:45 PM, Eileen Misrahi  wrote:
> Hello, 
> Here's another issue I just ran into. I was going to apply the tips stated 
> below in navigating the radio in iTunes. This is what I did and the results.
> 1. Opened iTunes and VO-space on radio.
> 2. Tabbed over to My Stations and interacted with it. 
> 3. Highlighted a station and VO-space on in. 
> 4. Interacted with that selection, but I received an error message stating 
> that there was no selections. 
> 5. I repeated this with other stations and received the same results. 
> Am I doing something incorrectly? Please advise and make suggestions on how I 
> can get my stations to play. Since I couldn't interact with the station, I 
> wasn't able to activate the play button after interacting with the station. 
> Thanks in advance. 
> Best, 
> Eileen 
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 3:28 PM, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:
>> Can't always get stations to start/stop with space.  I do interact.  but 
>> behavior isn't consistent.  there's got to be something I'm not doing 
>> consistently. I'll keep working on it.  thanks for the heads up on action 
>> menu.
>> Kevin
>>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 12:57 PM, Tract Duncan wrote:
>>> Hello, I’m not sure if it is any different between Lion & Mavericks….
>>> Some tips to keep in mind is interacting and VO-J.  I find myself doing 
>>> this a lot.  Once I have VO-spaced on my station, I interact with it and 
>>> press play.  Then I VO-J over into the lcd section.  This is where the 
>>> station name and track info is.  There is an action button.  VO-space on 
>>> this then arrow down and up for your options.  This is where you select 
>>> play more like this or never play this song again, etc.
>>> Good luck,
>>> Traci
 On Dec 19, 2013, at 11:45 PM, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:
 For the record, I'm using Lion on a Mac Mini.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
 email to
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Re: a word in defense of the Apple accessibility team

2013-12-20 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
Chris, that is what i have done, take one mac mini, an inverter,an fm
thingie, and you're golden smiles.
The sound from the computer will come out over the cars stereo, it may
not look drop-dead gorgeous, but as the Falcon from star wars, both
car and set up got it where it counts.
Tyler, am with ya on that one, am not sure about the laws in Europe,
but yay, i see it kinda like this, if they can't give equal access too
all, blind, deflexic blah blah blah included, well what am a girl to
put it in her scanner, and read it cheerfully and well when done ,
delete it , obviously.
There is another cool thing by scanning your books, you can get a tons
more stuff about one single subject than if you use say audio books,
however that is a whole other story

On 12/20/13, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
> This is one of them laws that is there but really can't be  upheld
> unless you are scanning the book to keep around after you  turn it back
> into the library or redistributing it. Otherwise, noone really knows you
> scanned more than 10% of the book and you're at complete liberty to scan
> and read it. Unless you call the publishers and say "look here, I'm
> scanning the entire book" you should be fine.
> On 12/20/2013 6:21 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:
>> I think as far as the copyright law is concern, it only covers for
>> educational purposes and if you want to scan the entire book out of the
>> educational purposes it is still consider illegal. Legally, in common
>> cases, you only allow to scan 10% or 1 chapter of a book.
>> As far as there is no equal access in the library is concern, there are
>> getting more libraries using online ELibrary media, e.g. Overdrive media
>> etc. You can easily browse, select, hold and borrow EItems from your
>> fingers tip so do speak.
>> Overdrive media has been around for years. And, if you are active enough
>> to request at your local library, there are more likely to have it. If
>> not, keep requesting, all the numbers adding up at the end.
>> Joanne Chua
>> Send from my iPad
>>> On 21 Dec 2013, at 1:29, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> As an amusing aside, I knew a guy who used voiceover on his device to
>>> read long documents to him while he commuted to work. He had no vision
>>> impairments, he just found it useful to be able to have stuff read to him
>>> while driving.
>>> CB
 On 12/18/13 11:33 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
 oh but of course.
 After all compare the number of apple screen readers there have been
 what two? three at most? outspoken which did the job fantastically with
 apple's input, , still can with the right equipment, then voiceover.
 because apple understood the importance of including speech for many
 what always blows my mind though is the assumption that voiceover exists
 solely for , and benefits only individuals experiencing sight loss. The
 very idea is a limitation in and of itself.
 The broader the understanding that there can be more people and more
 definitions of successful interaction then the one you are personally
 using, the easier it is to draw others on board for inclusion.
 just my two cents having only read Tim's comments and not the rest of
 the thread.

> On Wed, 18 Dec 2013, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> Well said David. While I understand people’s frustration and totally
> despise discrimination, I’m not sure that I fully agree with some of
> the opinions/comments shared prior to that.
> I’ll chime in here to express just a few points. Way back when OS X
> first came out, I recall going down to the city to do some training
> with Apple and I commented on the lack of a screen reader within the
> new OS. I had been using OutSpoken for Mac in OS 6 through 9 and was
> interested in continuing to use the Mac as it evolved. In normal Apple
> fashion, no real concrete things were said but it certainly was hinted
> that they were working on something of their own instead of having an
> outside vender developing such an animal. My point is here that I don’t
> believe that it was the noise made by the blind community that got
> Apple on the screen reader and accessibility wagon, I’m pretty sure
> that it was in the cards for quite a while. I certainly know that
> magnification and other accessibility features were built right in to
> the MacOS back in the late 80s,. I don’t believe for a minute that
> accessibility is not a priority.
> The old saying that you attract more flies to honey than you do to crap
> comes to mind. Constructive dialog and collaboration usually get better
> results than ranting and raving. Expressing frustration and asserting
> yourself and your rights are fine, but speculation and exaggeration
> seldom result in positive productivity.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canad

Re: tabs and pages

2013-12-20 Thread Jim Gatteys
Once the tabs are set you access the ruler with command-r and the tabs show up 
there.  then you can route mouse to them and double click the trackpad or mouse.

On Dec 20, 2013, at 4:17 PM, Jessica D  wrote:

> How would a voiceover user do  this?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 4:32 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>> What I really needed was to be ab le to set tab stops like I mentioned in an 
>> earlier email.  I finally figured out how to do it.  The column restraints 
>> would not work for what I need.  Tab stops will do the trick.  I can find 
>> them on the ruler then double click them to change the tab stop type to 
>> left, right, or centered or decimal for that matter.
>> Jim
>>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 2:42 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello Jim,
>>> The easiest way to do what you want is to jump to the Formatter and select 
>>> the Layout radio button. Interact with the scroll area, and the first item 
>>> is Columns. Set the number of columns and expand the disclosure triangle. 
>>> You can then set the width of each column and the size of the gutter 
>>> between them.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
 On 20 Dec 2013, at 13:04, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
 Hi Anne!
 No, actually I need to set some right-aligned tab stops.  So not all my 
 text will be on the right edge of the page.  It needs to be columnar in 
 nature and the tabs will let me do that if I can figure out how to set 
> On Dec 20, 2013, at 2:55 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Jim,
> When you say you want your text to be right aligned, do you mean that you 
> want your text on the right-hand side of the page, or for the right-hand 
> edge of the text to be aligned?
> To align the text down the right-hand margin, VO-j from the body of the 
> document to the Formatter and select the Style radio button. Interact 
> with the scroll area and navigate down to the Horizontal alignment group. 
> Interact and check the Right check box.
> If you want your text to be on the right-hand side of the page, jump to 
> the Formatter and select the Layout radio button. Interact with the 
> scroll area and navigate down to Indents and press VO-Space to expand the 
> disclosure triangle. Navigate to First and set it to the number of 
> centimetres or inches you want from the left-hand margin, not the 
> left-hand edge of the paper. Go right to Left, and enter the same number. 
> VO-j will take you back to your document.
> Cheers,
> Anne
>> On 20 Dec 2013, at 08:48, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have text that I want to be right aligned in pages and am trying to 
>> set a tab that will reflect that.  I find a combo box that says left but 
>> I can't change it to anything else.  Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
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Re: fbcmd download

2013-12-20 Thread Teresa Cochran

Here's a link to the wiki:


Sent using Alpine messaging system in Mac OS X Terminal

On Fri, 20 Dec 2013, - wrote:

I just scanned a discussion of this terminal app when it came up recently. 
Can someone tell me where it can be downloaded?



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Re: fbcmd download

2013-12-20 Thread Teresa Cochran

Ray, this is not so. Fbcmd is a php script that you have to install.


Sent using Alpine messaging system in Mac OS X Terminal

On Fri, 20 Dec 2013, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

You don’t need to.  It’s built in already.  It’s the Unix shell command line 

Get to it from the Utilities folder.

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Dec 20, 2013, at 6:16 PM, -  wrote:

I just scanned a discussion of this terminal app when it came up recently. Can 
someone tell me where it can be downloaded?



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Re: VM Fusion and Window-Eyes

2013-12-20 Thread Daniel Hawkins
Cool! I just had help Installing Windows 7 on my Mac yesterday and I have NVDA 

Since I’m really new to accessabilty, did you needed help installing Windows 7? 

Also do you know how to get more than two OS on a Mac? I heard that Bootcamp 
won’t allow you to have more than two.

Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit

On Dec 19, 2013, at 7:48 PM, Jody Peterson  wrote:

> All,
> I have set up a bootcamp partition and I have Windows7 running on it with 
> Jaws 15.  This works very well .  I used SharpKeys to swap the command and 
> option keys when in the bootcamp setup.  I have also installed the keyboard 
> hack and keyremap for macbook  stuff to allow me to use the caps lock key for 
> a screen reader modifier.  So, all is well in bootcamp land.
> I also used VMWare Fusion 6 to import my bootcamp partition  as a VM.
> I am having a problem though that has been discussed on the list before 
> although I don’t  believe I have seen a solution.
> When working in VMware in Windows7 with JAWS running, I am having trouble 
> with some JFW commands not working.  Commands that use key combos on the left 
> side of the keyboard work fine, but, commands that use keys on the right hand 
> side of the keyboard are not working.  For example, Jawskey + I is not 
> reading the current line.  My guess is that this has something to do with the 
> VMWare key mappings, or something with all the variations of key remappings 
> that are being done.  I have removed the Sharpkeys settings while in VMWare 
> as the remappings can be done with VMWare itself, but, still no luck.
> Do any of the JFW users out there have a solution that will fix this issue?
> Most of my work is required to be done in Windows, however, I would rather do 
> it on the VM side so I still have my MAC apps available to me.
> Thanks all for any suggestions,
> JP
> On Dec 10, 2013, at 1:35 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
>> I used the keyboard settings in the Mac settings to switc
>> h them one for the other.  It makes it a lot easier to use a PC keyboard.  
>> But even on my Mac keyboard Window-Eyes seems to be interferring with my 
>> ability to use Option-tab to tab between programs, that keyboard has factory 
>> settings.
>> On Dec 10, 2013, at 12:22 PM, BBS  wrote:
>>> That's odd. On my keyboard, the Windows key is the command key.
>>> -- 
>>> Shawn
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Web accessibility survey

2013-12-20 Thread Mary Otten
This is short and sweet and easy. If you want voice over to be taken seriously, 
take five minutes and Fillis out.

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File Path for Specifying icloud IMAP Contacts?

2013-12-20 Thread Teresa Cochran

Hi, all,

I've been able to import a CSV file into Alpine by making the email 
addresses into a distribution list. Alpine has a proprietary format 
for its address book fields, and I really don't want to edit 100 
addresses manually. This isn't the best of solutions, so 
now I'm hoping to specify a remote personal address book. I don't have my 
contacts on Gmail, but I do on iCloud. Is there a way to indicate the file 
path for this address book? It may not work either, but i want to give it 
a try.


Sent using Alpine messaging system in Mac OS X Terminal

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