Re: Help From The Community

2013-12-04 Thread Joanne Chua

I think its not fair to compare Quitter, which is absolutely free, and a pay 
software like QRead itself.
As some of the listers already said, Quitter, is free, and as most of us know, 
free software got develop from the developer's passion and their voluntry time. 
They can commit as much as they like in to the software, or as little.

>From my understanding, Quitter got discontinue was not cause by irresponsible 
>developer, ok, maybe that, but also cause by other reasons as well.

As i said before on my previous emails, regardless if it is $3 or $30 or $300, 
i need to feel that i can justify my investment to invest in a piece of 

As for now, i can't justify $30 in to the QRead, because, most of the QRead 
features already exist with some existing softwares.


Sent from my iPad

On 04/12/2013, at 7:00 AM, Scott Davert  wrote:

> Hi all.
> You can't blame a guy for dumping a project that was free. if it
> happened to QRead itself, or Hope, you'd have a valid point, but for
> things that are free, it essentially means you support it out of your
> own free time.
> This seems like a good Kickstarter campaign to me. Since I purchased
> the QRead software for Windows, I'm not sure I'd rebuy it. I'd
> certainly not commit to buying something that doesn't exist yet, and
> would require full braille support of the text before I would consider
> it. IN other words, self voicing is useless to me specifically, so I
> wouldn't support such a venture.
> Just my thoughts,
> Scott
> On 12/3/13, eric oyen  wrote:
>> one thing that a lot of people either don't realize or are ignorant of: you
>> cannot place demands on developer of free software. SInce they are not being
>> paid for their efforts, it ceases being worth their time to deal with the
>> stresses involved. However, a paid developer is beholden to his work (and
>> customers). If there are bugs, he has the responsibility to correct them.
>> Simply taking the money and then abandoning the software project would be
>> considered theft in most places. So, he will do what he can to keep his
>> reputation and have repeat customers.
>> Just something you should know.
>> -eric
>> On Dec 2, 2013, at 8:34 PM, Littlefield, Tyler wrote:
>>> I have a few points here.
>>> First, my message was not an attack on Q or his software. I used qwitter
>>> and while it was around it was useful. It had a lot of issues and rather
>>> than rewrite it, it was abandoned for better horizons. Whether or not you
>>> agree with this is sort of irrelivant as it happens all the time. If it
>>> was freeware, then by all means the author can do what he or she wants and
>>> that's done over and over again. If it was hope, I feel like the author at
>>> least has some small obligation to the end-users.
>>> My points were that I do dismiss it, but not out of hand. I don't believe
>>> it is fair to require $1200 in licensing fees from users before you decide
>>> whether or not you'll make something. If I buy a piece of software, I buy
>>> it based on the software itself. Having not tried it, I will not pledge
>>> any money toward the future of something that may not even be released or
>>> that I may not even like.
>>> On 12/2/2013 10:12 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
 It's a book/file reader. It handles epub, daisy, pdf, and other formats,
 and can save your place automatically when you close a book. It has other
 features as well, but I'm not a user of the program so can't enumerate
 Yes, Qwitter was quite a big deal, but as I recall there were problems
 beyond users asking questions. Hope has not been updated, but honestly,
 it works well and is not lacking any features I can find, so does it
 really need an update? I'm not saying I would commit to buying Q-Read for
 Mac, since I know I would not use it enough (I read mostly on my iPhone)
 but look into this more before dismissing it out of hand. Yes, iBooks is
 now on the Mac, but can anyone really call using it a good reading
 On Dec 2, 2013, at 9:55 PM, Teresa Cochran 
> I think I’d have to have a lot more information before I decide to
> commit. For example, what books does it access. which formats. What are
> its advantages over other readers? It sounds like a good thing in
> principle, but what is it in practice?
> Teresa
> "We're made of star stuff."--Carl Sagan
> On Dec 2, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Dave O.  wrote:
>> Especially from a developer who's history is of abandoning software
>> when his users start to ask questions regarding software bugs or
>> features that he feels aren't important or worth his time.
>> And I agree with Tyler. $30 is a lot to commit to for something when it
>> doesn't exist.
>> But personally, I don't give that developer a dime of my money. Not
>> ever.

Re: Option Key Not Working

2013-12-04 Thread Red.Falcon
OK just a couple of ideas!
1, do you have both option keys set to use with keyboard commander!
2, Just try switching off keyboard commander with VO+shift+k and see if the 
option key things like € • and others!
I've found if you need to use those items it is best to toggle on or off 
keyboard commander when needed!
HTH Colin

On 4 Dec 2013, at 07:25, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> Hello,
> My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works 
> just fine.
> However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it 
> doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say 
> anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys 
> themselves, but not using option.
> i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
> But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain 
> applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I don't 
> understand why this is happening.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Brandon
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Re: typesetting LaTeX equations in pages

2013-12-04 Thread venky . 92
Thanks for the very useful tip.
This will definitely be a very useful thing when I'm trying to compose 
However, for this document, I will have to convert LaTeX equations. 
Thanks once again.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 04-Dec-2013, at 11:23 am, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> You could try using the built-in mathematical symbols available on every Mac:
> Option Key plus slash is Divided by symbol (÷)
> Option Key plus equals is Not Equals (≠)
> Option Key plus v is Square Root sign (√)
> Option Key plus comma is Less than or equals (≤)
> Option Key plus period is Greater than or equals (≥)
> As you may see, the Option key is the main modifier.  Some are logical, like 
> the Less than/Greater then or equals as they use the same key just with the 
> added Option key.  You could learn many of these by simply holding down the 
> Option key while pressing various keyboard keys while in a blank Pages 
> document.
> This may not be even close to what you’re looking for but thought it may be 
> useful.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Dec 3, 2013, at 10:39 PM, Venkatesh Potluri  wrote:
>> Hi list.
>> I am writing a document and I have to insert a few mathematic
>> equations in it. I am trying to do this by writing the LaTeX source in
>> the document, selecting it, and trying to typeset it using the options
>> in the services menu but nothing seems to happen. I Have the full
>> TeXLive installed on my mac. Is there any other way to accomplish
>> this? what am I doing wrong here?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Cheers
>> Venkatesh Potluri
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Re: Creating a separate iTunes library for movies with Voiceover

2013-12-04 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Dear tim,

Again many thanks for taking the time to explain the possible options. I’m 
still doing some research on all of this, especially on the first easy option 
you had originally suggested - that of subscribing to iTunes match. I thought 
at first that iTunes match was going to restrict my storage capacity for the 
content I purchase in the iTunes store but this appears not to be the case. The 
restriction seems to apply only to those songs that one imports manually and 
that are then subsequently matched by the iTunes in the cloud. So I now think, 
looking at the other more complex solutions, the iTunes match in the cloud may 
be the best way for me to go. Nor did I initially realise that I can download 
an item - be it a song or movie - onto my local drive and when I’ve finished 
with it I can delete it to regain space and it will still be available in the 
cloud for me if I want to play it again. This is very neat.

The only question now that troubles me is how I would sink my I devices with my 
computer. Since the entire music library is much larger than the capacity of 
any of my devices, do I sink them manually, or can I sink them automatically 
because the music library content does not actually sit on my device? Is this 
how it works? I mean apart from the content which I have stored locally. How do 
you accomplish a successful sink?

Many thanks again.


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Abby Fine Reader Express crashes when trying to convert .tiff file

2013-12-04 Thread Andrew Lamanche

For a mysterious reason, Abbyy Fine Reader Express, which I have successfully 
been using for years, also since upgrading to Maverick, has decided to go 
haywire. Every time I try to convert a .tiff file which I had created in 
vuescan, it crashes. I can’t do the conversion at all.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? If I can’t make Abbyy work, is there 
an alternative good conversion application I could use alongside Vuescan for 
recognition purposes? This is one of the most important functions for which I 
use my mac and Abbyy.


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Re: creating a smart play list

2013-12-04 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Cait,

I'm the one who manages the Christmas music playlist n my family, so I have a 
sure fire way for you to create your smart playlist.

Instead of using the Genre field to create the playlist, I use the Grouping 
field to indicate that the files are christmas songs.

YOu can do this easily by pressing command-I on the particular song, navigating 
to the grouping field and typing "Christmas". YOu can do multiple songs at a 
time this way. I do this for particular songs on an album, especially if I 
don't want the entire album in my christmas playlist. 

Once you have "Christmas" in the Grouping field, you can specify that Grouping 
contains "Christmas" in the smart playlist rules. YOu'll have a smart playlist 
containing all of the songs you want. 

To prevent the songs from coming up on shuffle when you've got the rest of your 
library playing, you can select all in the Christmas playlist and uncheck them. 
(I do this after the Christmas season.) If you check "Skip when Shuffling" in 
the options dialog, they will skip when you use shuffle, but not if you're 
playing the songs one after the other in your playlist. 

I personally check and uncheck the songs in the playlist, as I prefer the 
occasional surprise Christmas song when I am shuffling through the rest of my 
music or when programming music for a party.

Contact me off list if you need a hand with anything here.

On 2013-12-03, at 6:53 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to create a smart play list of all my christmas music in i tunes.
> I have ahuge huge library, so don’t want to do this by hand!
> I started to create the list by selecting genre, then told it that it was 
> christmas music, picked live update, then saved it.
> What am I missing?
> Oh, and I also don’t want the play list to be played when I shuffle other 
> songs..
> Thanks for any help!  I thought I had a handle on this, but obviously I’m 
> lost!
> Bread crumbs welcomed!
> Cait
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Taking notes while reading

2013-12-04 Thread Jon Solitro
What is the best way to set up Voiceover so that I can read a document and 
take notes without having to switch between applications? Can I be typing 
in Pages without VO giving me feedback on what I'm typing? Can I have VO 
stay on the PDF while I"m typing in another application?

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Re: Creating a separate iTunes library for movies with Voiceover

2013-12-04 Thread Tim Kilburn

Regarding syncing of your various iDevices, as long as you turn iTunes Match on 
for the given device, there is no specific sync required.  All Playlists and 
music is handled through the Cloud.  If you modify a playlist on your Mac, it 
is modified on your other devices that are connected to the same AppleID 
controlled iTunes Match account.  The main limitation you’ll have here is 
iTunes Match is only for music, any DVDs you rip with movie or TV content can 
only be stored locally thus using up HD space.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Dec 4, 2013, at 3:00 AM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

> Dear tim,
> Again many thanks for taking the time to explain the possible options. I’m 
> still doing some research on all of this, especially on the first easy option 
> you had originally suggested - that of subscribing to iTunes match. I thought 
> at first that iTunes match was going to restrict my storage capacity for the 
> content I purchase in the iTunes store but this appears not to be the case. 
> The restriction seems to apply only to those songs that one imports manually 
> and that are then subsequently matched by the iTunes in the cloud. So I now 
> think, looking at the other more complex solutions, the iTunes match in the 
> cloud may be the best way for me to go. Nor did I initially realise that I 
> can download an item - be it a song or movie - onto my local drive and when 
> I’ve finished with it I can delete it to regain space and it will still be 
> available in the cloud for me if I want to play it again. This is very neat.
> The only question now that troubles me is how I would sink my I devices with 
> my computer. Since the entire music library is much larger than the capacity 
> of any of my devices, do I sink them manually, or can I sink them 
> automatically because the music library content does not actually sit on my 
> device? Is this how it works? I mean apart from the content which I have 
> stored locally. How do you accomplish a successful sink?
> Many thanks again.
> Andrew
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Re: Option Key Not Working

2013-12-04 Thread Brandon Olivares
Nope it doesn't matter if keyboard commander is on or off.

On Dec 4, 2013, at 3:59 AM, "Red.Falcon"  

> Hi!
> OK just a couple of ideas!
> 1, do you have both option keys set to use with keyboard commander!
> 2, Just try switching off keyboard commander with VO+shift+k and see if the 
> option key things like € • and others!
> I've found if you need to use those items it is best to toggle on or off 
> keyboard commander when needed!
> HTH Colin
> On 4 Dec 2013, at 07:25, Brandon Olivares  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works 
>> just fine.
>> However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it 
>> doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say 
>> anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys 
>> themselves, but not using option.
>> i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
>> But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain 
>> applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I don't 
>> understand why this is happening.
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Brandon
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Creating Borders in Pages

2013-12-04 Thread Timothy Hornik
Anyone have any idea how to create borders in the new Pages with Mavericks? I 
am writing a newsletter with 2 columns, and wish to either create a border 
around each column or just one in the center of the page. 
Thank you for your assistance,
Timothy Hornik 
M: (785) 330-3503

LinkedIn Profile: 
Twitter: @TimothyHornik

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Re: Option Key Not Working

2013-12-04 Thread Phil Halton
I'll tell you an old computer axiom - "when all else fails, reboot!"
honestly, it's amazing how many quirky, inexplicable things that will clear up.

On Dec 4, 2013, at 2:25 AM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> Hello,
> My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works 
> just fine.
> However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it 
> doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say 
> anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys 
> themselves, but not using option.
> i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
> But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain 
> applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I don't 
> understand why this is happening.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Brandon
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Re: Option Key Not Working

2013-12-04 Thread Brandon Olivares
Already did that, twice.

On Dec 4, 2013, at 10:53 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> I'll tell you an old computer axiom - "when all else fails, reboot!"
> honestly, it's amazing how many quirky, inexplicable things that will clear 
> up.
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 2:25 AM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works 
>> just fine.
>> However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it 
>> doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say 
>> anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys 
>> themselves, but not using option.
>> i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
>> But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain 
>> applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I don't 
>> understand why this is happening.
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Brandon
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Re: Creating Borders in Pages

2013-12-04 Thread Barry Hadder

I think one possibility is to have a text box for each column and have a border 
around each box.  I’m sure there are others.
Also, I don’t know if you know about this, but you can insert a line from the 
insert menu.

On Dec 4, 2013, at 9:49 AM, Timothy Hornik  wrote:

Anyone have any idea how to create borders in the new Pages with Mavericks? I 
am writing a newsletter with 2 columns, and wish to either create a border 
around each column or just one in the center of the page. 
Thank you for your assistance,
Timothy Hornik 
M: (785) 330-3503

LinkedIn Profile: 
Twitter: @TimothyHornik

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Re: Option Key Not Working

2013-12-04 Thread Cheryl Homiak
You shouldn't really be able to navigate with cmd-left and right arrow. What 
kind of keyboard are you using and/or are you sure you don't have command and 
option switched somehow?


Go beyond the Christmas story this year;
meet Immanuel (God with us),
Jesus, the crucified Savior,
Christ, the risen Lord.

On Dec 4, 2013, at 10:17 AM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> Already did that, twice.
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 10:53 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:
>> I'll tell you an old computer axiom - "when all else fails, reboot!"
>> honestly, it's amazing how many quirky, inexplicable things that will clear 
>> up.
>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 2:25 AM, Brandon Olivares  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works 
>>> just fine.
>>> However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it 
>>> doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say 
>>> anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys 
>>> themselves, but not using option.
>>> i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
>>> But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain 
>>> applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I 
>>> don't understand why this is happening.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brandon
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Re: Option Key Not Working

2013-12-04 Thread Brandon Olivares
Why shouldn't I be able to navigate with that? That is the shortcut for umping 
to the beginning or end of a line.

I figured out this problem, anywya. I accidentally had my keyboard set to 
unicode hex.

On Dec 4, 2013, at 12:36 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> You shouldn't really be able to navigate with cmd-left and right arrow. What 
> kind of keyboard are you using and/or are you sure you don't have command and 
> option switched somehow?
> -- 
> Cheryl
> Go beyond the Christmas story this year;
> meet Immanuel (God with us),
> Jesus, the crucified Savior,
> Christ, the risen Lord.
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 10:17 AM, Brandon Olivares  
> wrote:
>> Already did that, twice.
>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 10:53 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:
>>> I'll tell you an old computer axiom - "when all else fails, reboot!"
>>> honestly, it's amazing how many quirky, inexplicable things that will clear 
>>> up.
>>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 2:25 AM, Brandon Olivares  
>>> wrote:
 My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works 
 just fine.
 However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it 
 doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say 
 anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys 
 themselves, but not using option.
 i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
 But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain 
 applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I 
 don't understand why this is happening.
 Any ideas?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 email to
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Re: Taking notes while reading

2013-12-04 Thread Kevin Shaw
Set up your tab order so you can quickly command-tab between Pages and Preview.

In Preview:
> Edit menu, Speech, Start speaking. 
> Command tab to Pages and type away.

You can turn off speech while typing. VO-command-V and cycle through until you 
get to typing feedback and set it to none.

The only thing you won't be able to do is pause and resume speech.

Alternatively, find a way to export the text to an audio file and play it back 
in iTunes or your playback program of choice.


On 2013-12-04, at 9:23 AM, Jon Solitro  wrote:

> What is the best way to set up Voiceover so that I can read a document and 
> take notes without having to switch between applications? Can I be typing in 
> Pages without VO giving me feedback on what I'm typing? Can I have VO stay on 
> the PDF while I"m typing in another application?
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Re: Creating Borders in Pages

2013-12-04 Thread Charlie Doremus
Did you try using the "classic newsletter" template? I fooled with it for a
few seconds and was able to create a two column page with borders and a
center line all before having morning coffee.
Good luck.

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Barry Hadder  wrote:

> Hi,
> I think one possibility is to have a text box for each column and have a
> border around each box.  I’m sure there are others.
> Also, I don’t know if you know about this, but you can insert a line from
> the insert menu.
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 9:49 AM, Timothy Hornik 
> wrote:
> Anyone have any idea how to create borders in the new Pages with
> Mavericks? I am writing a newsletter with 2 columns, and wish to either
> create a border around each column or just one in the center of the page.
>  Thank you for your assistance,
> Timothy Hornik
> M: (785) 330-3503
> LinkedIn Profile:
> website: 
> Blog:
> Twitter: @TimothyHornik
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Re: Option Key Not Working

2013-12-04 Thread Cheryl Homiak
What I meant was that you couldn't do the same navigation with cmd-arrow as you 
can with option-arrow. Glad you figured it out.


Go beyond the Christmas story this year;
meet Immanuel (God with us),
Jesus, the crucified Savior,
Christ, the risen Lord.

On Dec 4, 2013, at 11:42 AM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> Why shouldn't I be able to navigate with that? That is the shortcut for 
> umping to the beginning or end of a line.
> I figured out this problem, anywya. I accidentally had my keyboard set to 
> unicode hex.
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 12:36 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>> You shouldn't really be able to navigate with cmd-left and right arrow. What 
>> kind of keyboard are you using and/or are you sure you don't have command 
>> and option switched somehow?
>> -- 
>> Cheryl
>> Go beyond the Christmas story this year;
>> meet Immanuel (God with us),
>> Jesus, the crucified Savior,
>> Christ, the risen Lord.
>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 10:17 AM, Brandon Olivares  
>> wrote:
>>> Already did that, twice.
>>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 10:53 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:
 I'll tell you an old computer axiom - "when all else fails, reboot!"
 honestly, it's amazing how many quirky, inexplicable things that will 
 clear up.
 On Dec 4, 2013, at 2:25 AM, Brandon Olivares  
> Hello,
> My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works 
> just fine.
> However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it 
> doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say 
> anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys 
> themselves, but not using option.
> i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
> But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain 
> applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I 
> don't understand why this is happening.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Brandon
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FS:Complete audio production system for sale including an upgraded eight core mac pro desktop, pro tools, Toontrack, and Focusrite etc.

2013-12-04 Thread Cameron Strife
Hi everybody. I'm selling an entire Mac pro based audio production
system. Please write me off list if interested. I accept payment via
pay pal and will only ship to a confirmed address in the USA or
Canada. I always ship with tracking and full insurance.

Details below... This has everything: computer, monitor, DAW software,
audio/midi interface, plug ins etc. If somebody wants the whole
system, I'll throw in various cables and headphones etc.



Mac pro desktop computer, 64 bit compatible, has worked great for both
OSX and windows seven 64 bit! Features include aluminum case, eight
core Intel Xeon processor at 2.8gHz per core, eight gigs of lifetime
ram, Texas instruments firewire chipset, bluetooth, airport wireless,
ethernet, and multiple USB, firewire, and ethernet ports. There is a
brand new Seagate 500gb drive installed which I have as the system
drive, then there are two 1tb Seagate drives I use as data drives with
a fourth bay free. (All drives are under warranty from Seagate and are
7200rpm.) Includes iLife 11, OSX, Sony flat panel display with built
in speakers, Apple keyboard, mouse, and I can install OSX mavericks if
you wish. Even with three hard drives and a serious fan running, this
machine is very quiet! Please inquire for detailed specs or to make me
an offer. I'd also consider including my pro tools 9 license.

Tech 21 Sansamp US Steel character series guitar distortion pedal and
direct recording box. This has everything from crystal clean all the
way up to boogie rectifier tones in it. On top of having active EQ
etc, it can also be used for recording or live performance without an
amplifier as it has selectable cabinet simulation. Pedal is mint and
includes metal box and power supply.

Toontrack Superior drummer 2, mac/windows, 32 or 64 bit. (You'll have
all installs to use, there are three I believe.)
The license will be legally transferred by Toontrack after purchase.

Focusrite pro 24 dsp firewire audio/midi interface with plug in suite,
mac and windows, 32/64 bit drivers. it can be powered via the firewire
bus. Some of the many features include nutrik front panel
mike/instrument inputs, phantom power, two headphone preamps with
seperat volume controls, multiple line in and output jacks on the back
of the unit as well as midi in/out and s/pdif etc. This also has
virtual environment modeling for playback although I didn't explore
this much. Unit is in excellent condition!

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Re: creating a smart play list

2013-12-04 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
this makes perfect sense, so thanks!

doing it this way, though, I’d have to go through my 7,000 plus library by hand 
and tag each song with the christmas grouping, right?  I was trying to avoid 
that, if possible..
Cait, probably being lazy

On Dec 4, 2013, at 5:38 AM, Kevin Shaw  wrote:

> Hi Cait,
> I'm the one who manages the Christmas music playlist n my family, so I have a 
> sure fire way for you to create your smart playlist.
> Instead of using the Genre field to create the playlist, I use the Grouping 
> field to indicate that the files are christmas songs.
> YOu can do this easily by pressing command-I on the particular song, 
> navigating to the grouping field and typing "Christmas". YOu can do multiple 
> songs at a time this way. I do this for particular songs on an album, 
> especially if I don't want the entire album in my christmas playlist. 
> Once you have "Christmas" in the Grouping field, you can specify that 
> Grouping contains "Christmas" in the smart playlist rules. YOu'll have a 
> smart playlist containing all of the songs you want. 
> To prevent the songs from coming up on shuffle when you've got the rest of 
> your library playing, you can select all in the Christmas playlist and 
> uncheck them. (I do this after the Christmas season.) If you check "Skip when 
> Shuffling" in the options dialog, they will skip when you use shuffle, but 
> not if you're playing the songs one after the other in your playlist. 
> I personally check and uncheck the songs in the playlist, as I prefer the 
> occasional surprise Christmas song when I am shuffling through the rest of my 
> music or when programming music for a party.
> Contact me off list if you need a hand with anything here.
> Kevin
> On 2013-12-03, at 6:53 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to create a smart play list of all my christmas music in i tunes.
>> I have ahuge huge library, so don’t want to do this by hand!
>> I started to create the list by selecting genre, then told it that it was 
>> christmas music, picked live update, then saved it.
>> What am I missing?
>> Oh, and I also don’t want the play list to be played when I shuffle other 
>> songs..
>> Thanks for any help!  I thought I had a handle on this, but obviously I’m 
>> lost!
>> Bread crumbs welcomed!
>> Cait
>> -- 
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Re: creating a smart play list

2013-12-04 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
thanks, Tim.
Between you and Kevin, I’ll get this figured out!

On Dec 3, 2013, at 8:55 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Check the exact words for your Genre.  Often purchased Christmas Music has 
> the genre “Holiday” instead of Christmas Music.  If you use “is” then the 
> genre needs to  be spelled exactly the same in your matching criteria as it 
> is in the Genre tag for the specific songs.  If you use “Contains”, then it 
> will look for that word within the Genre tag.  Regarding whether or not it 
> will play while shuffling other songs all depends on whether the Christmas 
> music resides in the playlist you are listening to.  If you’re listening to 
> the main library of songs, then they will occasionally be played just because 
> they’re there.  You could uncheck them after Christmas time and tell iTunes 
> only to play checked items but when they’re checked and within the library or 
> playlist that you’re focused on, the possibility is there that they’ll be 
> played in the shuffle somewhere.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Dec 3, 2013, at 4:53 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to create a smart play list of all my christmas music in i tunes.
>> I have ahuge huge library, so don’t want to do this by hand!
>> I started to create the list by selecting genre, then told it that it was 
>> christmas music, picked live update, then saved it.
>> What am I missing?
>> Oh, and I also don’t want the play list to be played when I shuffle other 
>> songs..
>> Thanks for any help!  I thought I had a handle on this, but obviously I’m 
>> lost!
>> Bread crumbs welcomed!
>> Cait
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Re: creating a smart play list

2013-12-04 Thread Kevin Shaw
One way around this is to use the search function to grab a batch of 
"Christmas"-related songs. the song may have "Christmas" in the title, the 
genre, the album name and so on. This is a good way of grabbing most of the 
content to tag it. 

You can then do a search for terms like "Holiday" "Seasonal" and so on. Don't 
forget to do a search for Xmas spelled with an X. This should help you avoid 
doing a search by hand. 

I've done grouping on things like:
christmas: The catch all playlist that holds all Christmas music.
Family Christmas: Family-friendly Christmas music I put on with family so they 
aren't tortured by west coast cool jazz versions of Santa Claus is Coming to 
Town. (I don't see a problem with that, but they don't have good taste in music 
anyway.) ;)
Instrumental Christmas: Christmas music without words.
Modern Christmas: New Christmas music that lives or dies depending on whether I 
or family likes it. This is a very small playlist.

These can reside in a playlist folder. 


On 2013-12-04, at 2:25 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie  wrote:

> Kevin,
> this makes perfect sense, so thanks!
> doing it this way, though, I’d have to go through my 7,000 plus library by 
> hand and tag each song with the christmas grouping, right?  I was trying to 
> avoid that, if possible..
> Cait, probably being lazy
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 5:38 AM, Kevin Shaw  wrote:
>> Hi Cait,
>> I'm the one who manages the Christmas music playlist n my family, so I have 
>> a sure fire way for you to create your smart playlist.
>> Instead of using the Genre field to create the playlist, I use the Grouping 
>> field to indicate that the files are christmas songs.
>> YOu can do this easily by pressing command-I on the particular song, 
>> navigating to the grouping field and typing "Christmas". YOu can do multiple 
>> songs at a time this way. I do this for particular songs on an album, 
>> especially if I don't want the entire album in my christmas playlist. 
>> Once you have "Christmas" in the Grouping field, you can specify that 
>> Grouping contains "Christmas" in the smart playlist rules. YOu'll have a 
>> smart playlist containing all of the songs you want. 
>> To prevent the songs from coming up on shuffle when you've got the rest of 
>> your library playing, you can select all in the Christmas playlist and 
>> uncheck them. (I do this after the Christmas season.) If you check "Skip 
>> when Shuffling" in the options dialog, they will skip when you use shuffle, 
>> but not if you're playing the songs one after the other in your playlist. 
>> I personally check and uncheck the songs in the playlist, as I prefer the 
>> occasional surprise Christmas song when I am shuffling through the rest of 
>> my music or when programming music for a party.
>> Contact me off list if you need a hand with anything here.
>> Kevin
>> On 2013-12-03, at 6:53 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to create a smart play list of all my christmas music in i 
>>> tunes.
>>> I have ahuge huge library, so don’t want to do this by hand!
>>> I started to create the list by selecting genre, then told it that it was 
>>> christmas music, picked live update, then saved it.
>>> What am I missing?
>>> Oh, and I also don’t want the play list to be played when I shuffle other 
>>> songs..
>>> Thanks for any help!  I thought I had a handle on this, but obviously I’m 
>>> lost!
>>> Bread crumbs welcomed!
>>> Cait
>>> -- 
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attempting to get Slacker Radio to repair accessibility

2013-12-04 Thread Christina C.
Greetings all,

I love this music/radio app. However, ever since the latest major update to the 
app for iOS 7 the app is no longer voiceover friendly. If there are some work 
arounds, I am unaware of them. I I sent them a message through their tech 
support on their website a week ago and I never heard back from them other than 
the auto-reply stating that they received my request and would respond. So, I 
just now sent them a request to restore accessibility through the “report a 
problem” in the app on my iPhone.

I would appreciate it if anyone else would contact them if you are also having 
problems with the app.

Thanks so much,

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Re: creating a smart play list

2013-12-04 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
Ok, good idea, that should work.  and, I didn’t think of that.
having a brain dead day, I guess!
thanks a bunch!
Cait, off to play with i tunes

On Dec 4, 2013, at 2:37 PM, Kevin Shaw  wrote:

> One way around this is to use the search function to grab a batch of 
> "Christmas"-related songs. the song may have "Christmas" in the title, the 
> genre, the album name and so on. This is a good way of grabbing most of the 
> content to tag it. 
> You can then do a search for terms like "Holiday" "Seasonal" and so on. Don't 
> forget to do a search for Xmas spelled with an X. This should help you avoid 
> doing a search by hand. 
> I've done grouping on things like:
> christmas: The catch all playlist that holds all Christmas music.
> Family Christmas: Family-friendly Christmas music I put on with family so 
> they aren't tortured by west coast cool jazz versions of Santa Claus is 
> Coming to Town. (I don't see a problem with that, but they don't have good 
> taste in music anyway.) ;)
> Instrumental Christmas: Christmas music without words.
> Modern Christmas: New Christmas music that lives or dies depending on whether 
> I or family likes it. This is a very small playlist.
> These can reside in a playlist folder. 
> HTH,
> Kevin
> On 2013-12-04, at 2:25 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
> wrote:
>> Kevin,
>> this makes perfect sense, so thanks!
>> doing it this way, though, I’d have to go through my 7,000 plus library by 
>> hand and tag each song with the christmas grouping, right?  I was trying to 
>> avoid that, if possible..
>> Cait, probably being lazy
>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 5:38 AM, Kevin Shaw  wrote:
>>> Hi Cait,
>>> I'm the one who manages the Christmas music playlist n my family, so I have 
>>> a sure fire way for you to create your smart playlist.
>>> Instead of using the Genre field to create the playlist, I use the Grouping 
>>> field to indicate that the files are christmas songs.
>>> YOu can do this easily by pressing command-I on the particular song, 
>>> navigating to the grouping field and typing "Christmas". YOu can do 
>>> multiple songs at a time this way. I do this for particular songs on an 
>>> album, especially if I don't want the entire album in my christmas 
>>> playlist. 
>>> Once you have "Christmas" in the Grouping field, you can specify that 
>>> Grouping contains "Christmas" in the smart playlist rules. YOu'll have a 
>>> smart playlist containing all of the songs you want. 
>>> To prevent the songs from coming up on shuffle when you've got the rest of 
>>> your library playing, you can select all in the Christmas playlist and 
>>> uncheck them. (I do this after the Christmas season.) If you check "Skip 
>>> when Shuffling" in the options dialog, they will skip when you use shuffle, 
>>> but not if you're playing the songs one after the other in your playlist. 
>>> I personally check and uncheck the songs in the playlist, as I prefer the 
>>> occasional surprise Christmas song when I am shuffling through the rest of 
>>> my music or when programming music for a party.
>>> Contact me off list if you need a hand with anything here.
>>> Kevin
>>> On 2013-12-03, at 6:53 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie  
>>> wrote:
 I am trying to create a smart play list of all my christmas music in i 
 I have ahuge huge library, so don’t want to do this by hand!
 I started to create the list by selecting genre, then told it that it was 
 christmas music, picked live update, then saved it.
 What am I missing?
 Oh, and I also don’t want the play list to be played when I shuffle other 
 Thanks for any help!  I thought I had a handle on this, but obviously I’m 
 Bread crumbs welcomed!
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 email to
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Re: Help From The Community

2013-12-04 Thread Maria and Joe Chapman

I have been using ibooks on the mac and it’s ok to read with.  Yes you have to 
go to the next chapter but for me that’s fine because if I should happen to 
doze off then I haven’t missed much.


sent from mac mini 
email, & fb
skype bubbygirl1972  twitter same as skype without the numbers. 

On 4 Dec 2013, at 9:24 am, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> I agree that the ability to read Kindle books and iBooks on the Mac would be 
> great and I know technically we can read iBooks on the Mac but until Apple 
> improves the accessibility of it I do not consider it a real option for us. 
> At least for Kindle content we do now have good access to these on iOS, I 
> just wish that we would get one of these companies to pay attention to the 
> Mac platform as well.
> Scott
> On Dec 3, 2013, at 5:00 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman  
> wrote:
>> Hi.  I was meaning that if you want to read an actual ibook you purchased on 
>> the mac, or a kindle book you couldn’t do that with this app. Still if it 
>> reads pdf’s and bookshare books well and with the free epub book  available 
>> online it might be a worth while investment.  Would still love to be able to 
>> read my kindle books on the mac.
>> Warm regards and blessings 
>> Maria, Joe and FurBabies
>> Email:
>> On 4 Dec 2013, at 8:53 am, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>>> Not true. There are thousands of free ePub books available on the Internet 
>>> if you are willing to just look for them, and those of us who self publish 
>>> our own writings usually create drm free eBooks that can be read with such 
>>> a program.
>>> I am not saying that Q-Read for the Mac will be the only solution for this 
>>> type of thing but as of right now I don’t of any other programs that do 
>>> this that are completely accessible.
>>> Scott
>>> On Dec 3, 2013, at 4:40 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman  
>>> wrote:
 from what I’m reading you would still need ibooks to read an ibook and 
 still would be unable to read kindle books on the mac. Bookshare would be 
 it’s only advantage and maybe pdf? 
 Warm regards and blessings 
 Maria, Joe and FurBabies
 On 3 Dec 2013, at 2:34 pm, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
> I have a few points here.
> First, my message was not an attack on Q or his software. I used qwitter 
> and while it was around it was useful. It had a lot of issues and rather 
> than rewrite it, it was abandoned for better horizons. Whether or not you 
> agree with this is sort of irrelivant as it happens all the time. If it 
> was freeware, then by all means the author can do what he or she wants 
> and that's done over and over again. If it was hope, I feel like the 
> author at least has some small obligation to the end-users.
> My points were that I do dismiss it, but not out of hand. I don't believe 
> it is fair to require $1200 in licensing fees from users before you 
> decide whether or not you'll make something. If I buy a piece of 
> software, I buy it based on the software itself. Having not tried it, I 
> will not pledge any money toward the future of something that may not 
> even be released or that I may not even like.
> On 12/2/2013 10:12 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> It's a book/file reader. It handles epub, daisy, pdf, and other formats, 
>> and can save your place automatically when you close a book. It has 
>> other features as well, but I'm not a user of the program so can't 
>> enumerate them.
>> Yes, Qwitter was quite a big deal, but as I recall there were problems 
>> beyond users asking questions. Hope has not been updated, but honestly, 
>> it works well and is not lacking any features I can find, so does it 
>> really need an update? I'm not saying I would commit to buying Q-Read 
>> for Mac, since I know I would not use it enough (I read mostly on my 
>> iPhone) but look into this more before dismissing it out of hand. Yes, 
>> iBooks is now on the Mac, but can anyone really call using it a good 
>> reading experience?
>> On Dec 2, 2013, at 9:55 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>>> I think I’d have to have a lot more information before I decide to 
>>> commit. For example, what books does it access. which formats. What are 
>>> its advantages over other readers? It sounds like a good thing in 
>>> principle, but what is it in practice?
>>> Teresa
>>> "We're made of star stuff."--Carl Sagan
>>> On Dec 2, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Dave O.  wrote:
 Especially from a developer who's history is of abandoning software 
 when his users start to ask questions regarding software bugs or 
 features that he feels aren't important 

Re: attempting to get Slacker Radio to repair accessibility

2013-12-04 Thread Christine Grassman
I have twice contacted them and received nothing beyond auto responses. I will 
try again. Perhaps we could launch a complaint campaign and flood them with 
requests for fixxes? 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 4, 2013, at 14:39, "Christina C."  wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I love this music/radio app. However, ever since the latest major update to 
> the app for iOS 7 the app is no longer voiceover friendly. If there are some 
> work arounds, I am unaware of them. I I sent them a message through their 
> tech support on their website a week ago and I never heard back from them 
> other than the auto-reply stating that they received my request and would 
> respond. So, I just now sent them a request to restore accessibility through 
> the “report a problem” in the app on my iPhone.
> I would appreciate it if anyone else would contact them if you are also 
> having problems with the app.
> Thanks so much,
> Christina 
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Re: attempting to get Slacker Radio to repair accessibility

2013-12-04 Thread Christina C.
How or who got Slacker Radio to fix accessibility in the past? So far, they 
have ignored me. Thanks for trying again, Christine. I would appreciate it if 
others who enjoy slacker Radio would also contact them.

Sent from Christina's iMac :)

On Dec 4, 2013, at 2:09 PM, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> I have twice contacted them and received nothing beyond auto responses. I 
> will try again. Perhaps we could launch a complaint campaign and flood them 
> with requests for fixxes? 
> Sent from my iPhone

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Re: typesetting LaTeX equations in pages

2013-12-04 Thread Chris Blouch
Did you try the Latexit package? It's supposed to add integration of 
MacTex into Keynote, TextEdit etc.

I was going to fiddle with it a bit but it requires installing MacText 
which was 2.3GB:

Even at my speedy 460K/s download it was going to take 90 minutes.


On 12/4/13 4:59 AM, wrote:

Thanks for the very useful tip.
This will definitely be a very useful thing when I'm trying to compose 
However, for this document, I will have to convert LaTeX equations.
Thanks once again.

Sent from my iPhone

On 04-Dec-2013, at 11:23 am, Tim Kilburn  wrote:


You could try using the built-in mathematical symbols available on every Mac:

Option Key plus slash is Divided by symbol (÷)
Option Key plus equals is Not Equals (≠)
Option Key plus v is Square Root sign (√)
Option Key plus comma is Less than or equals (≤)
Option Key plus period is Greater than or equals (≥)

As you may see, the Option key is the main modifier.  Some are logical, like 
the Less than/Greater then or equals as they use the same key just with the 
added Option key.  You could learn many of these by simply holding down the 
Option key while pressing various keyboard keys while in a blank Pages document.

This may not be even close to what you’re looking for but thought it may be 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Dec 3, 2013, at 10:39 PM, Venkatesh Potluri  wrote:

Hi list.
I am writing a document and I have to insert a few mathematic
equations in it. I am trying to do this by writing the LaTeX source in
the document, selecting it, and trying to typeset it using the options
in the services menu but nothing seems to happen. I Have the full
TeXLive installed on my mac. Is there any other way to accomplish
this? what am I doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance.
Venkatesh Potluri

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MBA Help

2013-12-04 Thread Lee Jones
Dear List,I got my macbook air today. I hav found it a very tough learning 
curve. I can't get control option f8 to bring up the voice over utility no 
matter how many times I try,, a sighted person has also tried and it does not 
work.  Does the focus have to be somewhere special to make this work?How do you 
turn off the macbook do you use the on off button or is there a way in OSX 
itself, a shut down button?  Can Someone explain very simply the difference 
between the functions of control option and the arrow keys, control option 
command and the arrow keys,control option shift and the arrow keys because 
maybe I'm thick but I don't get it!
 is it possible to download voices without using the voice over utility?  I am 
suddenly not hating freedom scientific quite so much. 

Many Thanks, Lee  -Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Brandon Olivares
Sent: 04 December 2013 15:18
To: “Mac Visionaries“
Subject: Re: Option Key Not Working

Nope it doesn't matter if keyboard commander is on or off.

On Dec 4, 2013, at 3:59 AM, "Red.Falcon"  

> Hi!
> OK just a couple of ideas!
> 1, do you have both option keys set to use with keyboard commander!
> 2, Just try switching off keyboard commander with VO+shift+k and see if the 
> option key things like € • and others!
> I've found if you need to use those items it is best to toggle on or off 
> keyboard commander when needed!
> HTH Colin
> On 4 Dec 2013, at 07:25, Brandon Olivares  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works 
>> just fine.
>> However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it 
>> doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say 
>> anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys 
>> themselves, but not using option.
>> i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
>> But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain 
>> applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I don't 
>> understand why this is happening.
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Brandon
>> -- 
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Re: MBA Help

2013-12-04 Thread Deb Lewis
Try pressing the FN key alont with control and option. You can change
the need for this in preferences later but by default you'll need to
press it on the lap top keyboard. so it's going to be
fn/control/option/F8 to start the VO utility.

On 12/4/13, Lee Jones  wrote:
> Dear List,I got my macbook air today. I hav found it a very tough learning
> curve. I can't get control option f8 to bring up the voice over utility no
> matter how many times I try,, a sighted person has also tried and it does
> not work.  Does the focus have to be somewhere special to make this work?How
> do you turn off the macbook do you use the on off button or is there a way
> in OSX itself, a shut down button?  Can Someone explain very simply the
> difference between the functions of control option and the arrow keys,
> control option command and the arrow keys,control option shift and the arrow
> keys because maybe I'm thick but I don't get it!
>  is it possible to download voices without using the voice over utility?  I
> am suddenly not hating freedom scientific quite so much.
> Many Thanks, Lee  -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Brandon Olivares
> Sent: 04 December 2013 15:18
> To: “Mac Visionaries“
> Subject: Re: Option Key Not Working
> Nope it doesn't matter if keyboard commander is on or off.
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 3:59 AM, "Red.Falcon" 
> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> OK just a couple of ideas!
>> 1, do you have both option keys set to use with keyboard commander!
>> 2, Just try switching off keyboard commander with VO+shift+k and see if
>> the option key things like € • and others!
>> I've found if you need to use those items it is best to toggle on or off
>> keyboard commander when needed!
>> HTH Colin
>> On 4 Dec 2013, at 07:25, Brandon Olivares 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works
>>> just fine.
>>> However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it
>>> doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say
>>> anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys
>>> themselves, but not using option.
>>> i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
>>> But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain
>>> applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I
>>> don't understand why this is happening.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brandon
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Re: MBA Help

2013-12-04 Thread Maria and Joe Chapman
HI.  ok will try to answer your questions if i can 
answers below.
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music

On 5 Dec 2013, at 8:55 am, Lee Jones  wrote:

> Dear List,I got my macbook air today. I hav found it a very tough learning 
> curve. I can't get control option f8 to bring up the voice over utility no 
> matter how many times I try,, a sighted person has also tried and it does not 
> work.
Answer: hmmm that is very strange it works here.  another way you could bring 
up the voice over utility is to press command space to get spot light search 
and start typing in voice and one of the top hits should be voice over utility.
>  Does the focus have to be somewhere special to make this work?
answer: no.
> How do you turn off the macbook do you use the on off button or is there a 
> way in OSX itself, a shut down button?  
answer: to shut down your mac press vo (that’s control option) plus m.  the 
apple menu should come up arrow down to shut down and press enter. 

> Can Someone explain very simply the difference between the functions of 
> control option and the arrow keys, control option command and the arrow 
> keys,control option shift and the arrow keys because maybe I'm thick but I 
> don't get it!
answer: These all perform different functions. depending on what you are trying 
to do.  Maybe someone can jump in and help me out here? 
> is it possible to download voices without using the voice over utility?
Answer: Not that I know of.  Stick with it, once you get over the learning 
curve I think you might like your mac. If you’re on do a 
search for mac basics. there are some good pod casts.

Any other questions please ask.
>  I am suddenly not hating freedom scientific quite so much. 
> Many Thanks, Lee  -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Brandon Olivares
> Sent: 04 December 2013 15:18
> To: “Mac Visionaries“
> Subject: Re: Option Key Not Working
> Nope it doesn't matter if keyboard commander is on or off.
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 3:59 AM, "Red.Falcon"  
> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> OK just a couple of ideas!
>> 1, do you have both option keys set to use with keyboard commander!
>> 2, Just try switching off keyboard commander with VO+shift+k and see if the 
>> option key things like € • and others!
>> I've found if you need to use those items it is best to toggle on or off 
>> keyboard commander when needed!
>> HTH Colin
>> On 4 Dec 2013, at 07:25, Brandon Olivares  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works 
>>> just fine.
>>> However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it 
>>> doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say 
>>> anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys 
>>> themselves, but not using option.
>>> i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
>>> But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain 
>>> applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I 
>>> don't understand why this is happening.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brandon
>>> -- 
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Re: MBA Help

2013-12-04 Thread Maria and Joe Chapman
agh using a mac mini didn’t even think of the fn key.

sent from mac mini 
email, & fb
skype bubbygirl1972  twitter same as skype without the numbers. 

On 5 Dec 2013, at 8:59 am, Deb Lewis  wrote:

> Try pressing the FN key alont with control and option. You can change
> the need for this in preferences later but by default you'll need to
> press it on the lap top keyboard. so it's going to be
> fn/control/option/F8 to start the VO utility.
> On 12/4/13, Lee Jones  wrote:
>> Dear List,I got my macbook air today. I hav found it a very tough learning
>> curve. I can't get control option f8 to bring up the voice over utility no
>> matter how many times I try,, a sighted person has also tried and it does
>> not work.  Does the focus have to be somewhere special to make this work?How
>> do you turn off the macbook do you use the on off button or is there a way
>> in OSX itself, a shut down button?  Can Someone explain very simply the
>> difference between the functions of control option and the arrow keys,
>> control option command and the arrow keys,control option shift and the arrow
>> keys because maybe I'm thick but I don't get it!
>> is it possible to download voices without using the voice over utility?  I
>> am suddenly not hating freedom scientific quite so much.
>> Many Thanks, Lee  -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Brandon Olivares
>> Sent: 04 December 2013 15:18
>> To: “Mac Visionaries“
>> Subject: Re: Option Key Not Working
>> Nope it doesn't matter if keyboard commander is on or off.
>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 3:59 AM, "Red.Falcon" 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> OK just a couple of ideas!
>>> 1, do you have both option keys set to use with keyboard commander!
>>> 2, Just try switching off keyboard commander with VO+shift+k and see if
>>> the option key things like € • and others!
>>> I've found if you need to use those items it is best to toggle on or off
>>> keyboard commander when needed!
>>> HTH Colin
>>> On 4 Dec 2013, at 07:25, Brandon Olivares 
>>> wrote:
 My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works
 just fine.
 However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it
 doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say
 anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys
 themselves, but not using option.
 i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
 But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain
 applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I
 don't understand why this is happening.
 Any ideas?
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Re: Virtual Machine/ Bootcamp advice

2013-12-04 Thread Maria and Joe Chapman
HI.  I am running a vm quite successfully on a mac mini.  Granted I have 8 gigs 
of ram but as far as I know, if you’re not using the vm then your memory stays 
with the mac os. I have a usb cd rom drive so I used that to install windows 
from a cd.  I think sighted assistance is needed to install bootcamp but vmware 
is accessible without sighted assistance.  I like vmware personally because it 
means I don’t have to reboot the mac to go in to windows.  some people have 
said that windows runs better under bootcamp however personally I’m not 
experiencing any problems. I used narrator to find my nvda installation and 
pressed enter once windows was up and running. 

I hope this helps 
Maria and Joe Chapman

On 30 Nov 2013, at 11:01 pm, Lee Jones  wrote:

> Dear List,I am new to the macworld.
> How easy is it to set up a windows virtual machine using fusion. How do you
> get windows installed. Load the CD? When you first install windows how do
> you interact with it without a screen reader in order to get jaws or nvda
> installed? Is linux easier in this regard because orca comes with the os?
> What are the pros and cons of using fusion vs bootcamp? I have a 4 GB
> macbook air on the way and am trying to research before it arrives. I have
> heardpeople talking about giving 1gb ram to windows does this mean all the
> time when the machine is on even if you are  not using windows? Does a vm
> degrade OSx performance?
> Many Thanks, Lee   
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Help From The Community

2013-12-04 Thread Chris Blouch
Project Gutenberg has about 42,000 books for free. They are archiving 
all the books which went out of copyright:


On 12/3/13 4:53 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:

Not true. There are thousands of free ePub books available on the Internet if 
you are willing to just look for them, and those of us who self publish our own 
writings usually create drm free eBooks that can be read with such a program.

I am not saying that Q-Read for the Mac will be the only solution for this type 
of thing but as of right now I don’t of any other programs that do this that 
are completely accessible.

On Dec 3, 2013, at 4:40 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman  


from what I’m reading you would still need ibooks to read an ibook and still 
would be unable to read kindle books on the mac. Bookshare would be it’s only 
advantage and maybe pdf?

Warm regards and blessings
Maria, Joe and FurBabies

On 3 Dec 2013, at 2:34 pm, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:

I have a few points here.

First, my message was not an attack on Q or his software. I used qwitter and 
while it was around it was useful. It had a lot of issues and rather than 
rewrite it, it was abandoned for better horizons. Whether or not you agree with 
this is sort of irrelivant as it happens all the time. If it was freeware, then 
by all means the author can do what he or she wants and that's done over and 
over again. If it was hope, I feel like the author at least has some small 
obligation to the end-users.

My points were that I do dismiss it, but not out of hand. I don't believe it is 
fair to require $1200 in licensing fees from users before you decide whether or 
not you'll make something. If I buy a piece of software, I buy it based on the 
software itself. Having not tried it, I will not pledge any money toward the 
future of something that may not even be released or that I may not even like.
On 12/2/2013 10:12 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

It's a book/file reader. It handles epub, daisy, pdf, and other formats, and 
can save your place automatically when you close a book. It has other features 
as well, but I'm not a user of the program so can't enumerate them.

Yes, Qwitter was quite a big deal, but as I recall there were problems beyond 
users asking questions. Hope has not been updated, but honestly, it works well 
and is not lacking any features I can find, so does it really need an update? 
I'm not saying I would commit to buying Q-Read for Mac, since I know I would 
not use it enough (I read mostly on my iPhone) but look into this more before 
dismissing it out of hand. Yes, iBooks is now on the Mac, but can anyone really 
call using it a good reading experience?
On Dec 2, 2013, at 9:55 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

I think I’d have to have a lot more information before I decide to commit. For 
example, what books does it access. which formats. What are its advantages over 
other readers? It sounds like a good thing in principle, but what is it in 


"We're made of star stuff."--Carl Sagan

On Dec 2, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Dave O.  wrote:

Especially from a developer who's history is of abandoning software when his 
users start to ask questions regarding software bugs or features that he feels 
aren't important or worth his time.

And I agree with Tyler. $30 is a lot to commit to for something when it doesn't 

But personally, I don't give that developer a dime of my money. Not ever.

Ask the users of Qwitter and Hope how they feel.

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.

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Re: attempting to get Slacker Radio to repair accessibility

2013-12-04 Thread Christine Grassman
back in February, I think, I wrote to them, because the app had gone from 
wonderfully accessible to problematic, and soon after, the app was quite 
accessible again. Some time back a few months, it became worse than it ever 
was, and I wrote again. Auto response. I wrote a few weeks ago, and another 
person on this list (he may contact you; he did contact me; I don't want to 
call anyone out on the list) wrote to me and told me that he had been after 
them for a while to fix things. He forwarded my complaint about Slacker to them 
and told them he clearly was not the only blind person upset over the lack of 
accessibility.  As far as I know, he, too, has gotten no satisfactory response. 

On Dec 4, 2013, at 4:38 PM, "Christina C."  wrote:

> How or who got Slacker Radio to fix accessibility in the past? So far, they 
> have ignored me. Thanks for trying again, Christine. I would appreciate it if 
> others who enjoy slacker Radio would also contact them.
> Thanks,
> Christina
> Sent from Christina's iMac :)
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 2:09 PM, Christine Grassman  
> wrote:
>> I have twice contacted them and received nothing beyond auto responses. I 
>> will try again. Perhaps we could launch a complaint campaign and flood them 
>> with requests for fixxes? 
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: MBA Help

2013-12-04 Thread Janet Ingber
Hi Lee,
There are also some good Mac Tutorials on How To Be Blind.  Visit 
and search for Mac tutorials.

As far as VO and key combinations,  bring up the commands help menu with VO-HH.

Take your time and don’t try to learn everything in a day.  Also, Apple has a 
tech support number which will put you in touch with support staff who are 
trained in using VoiceOver.  The number is: (877) 204-3930.

David Woodbridge did an excellent introductory tutorial on Mavericks. You can 
find it on the AppleVis website.  Search for Mavericks in Podcasts.

Hope this helps.

On Dec 4, 2013, at 5:03 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman  

> agh using a mac mini didn’t even think of the fn key.
> Cheers 
> Maria  
> sent from mac mini 
> email, & fb
> skype bubbygirl1972  twitter same as skype without the numbers. 
> On 5 Dec 2013, at 8:59 am, Deb Lewis  wrote:
>> Try pressing the FN key alont with control and option. You can change
>> the need for this in preferences later but by default you'll need to
>> press it on the lap top keyboard. so it's going to be
>> fn/control/option/F8 to start the VO utility.
>> On 12/4/13, Lee Jones  wrote:
>>> Dear List,I got my macbook air today. I hav found it a very tough learning
>>> curve. I can't get control option f8 to bring up the voice over utility no
>>> matter how many times I try,, a sighted person has also tried and it does
>>> not work.  Does the focus have to be somewhere special to make this work?How
>>> do you turn off the macbook do you use the on off button or is there a way
>>> in OSX itself, a shut down button?  Can Someone explain very simply the
>>> difference between the functions of control option and the arrow keys,
>>> control option command and the arrow keys,control option shift and the arrow
>>> keys because maybe I'm thick but I don't get it!
>>> is it possible to download voices without using the voice over utility?  I
>>> am suddenly not hating freedom scientific quite so much.
>>> Many Thanks, Lee  -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Brandon Olivares
>>> Sent: 04 December 2013 15:18
>>> To: “Mac Visionaries“
>>> Subject: Re: Option Key Not Working
>>> Nope it doesn't matter if keyboard commander is on or off.
>>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 3:59 AM, "Red.Falcon" 
>>> wrote:
 OK just a couple of ideas!
 1, do you have both option keys set to use with keyboard commander!
 2, Just try switching off keyboard commander with VO+shift+k and see if
 the option key things like € • and others!
 I've found if you need to use those items it is best to toggle on or off
 keyboard commander when needed!
 HTH Colin
 On 4 Dec 2013, at 07:25, Brandon Olivares 
> Hello,
> My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works
> just fine.
> However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it
> doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say
> anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys
> themselves, but not using option.
> i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
> But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain
> applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I
> don't understand why this is happening.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Brandon
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Re: How To Delete Music From My iPod Touch

2013-12-04 Thread Chris Blouch
Nice. I don't use iTunes Match so I was going on what the article said. 
Going back to the article I found that it was published back in November 
2011 so I guess it went stale quick. Nice to know that, given a good 
internet connection, music files need not be duplicated to every device 
just to be played.


On 12/3/13 3:53 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:


This article may be slightly out of date.  Yes, in the past, it was 
necessary for your music to be downloaded in order for your iDevice to 
play it.  I don’t believe that this is true anymore.  I just tested it 
with an obscure Canadian song I had that is not available on iTunes 
for sure.  I played it on my iPhone and it streamed the entire song 
and did not download it in order to play it.  In fact, the Download 
button still appears after the song title telling me that it is still 
available to download to my iPhone if I wish.

Now, regarding the original question, if you turn off iTunes Match on 
your iDevice, connect your device to your Mac with the USB cable, go 
into iTunes and into the pane for your iDevice, you should be able to 
tell it not to sync music at all.  Once you apply your changes, all 
music that is currently on the device should be removed.  After the 
sync is complete, turn iTunes Match back on through your iDevice and 
you should regain access to all your purchased and matched music for 
streaming purposes.  The other method would be much too tedious as you 
would need to delete each song individually.  Occasionally, you’ll 
find that, for some unknown reason, the sync process leaves a number 
of songs on your device but, overall, you’ll have a huge amount of 
space regained.  Again, you could check before turning iTunes Match 
back on to see if any songs were missed when deleting, then delete 
them individually.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Dec 3, 2013, at 8:52 AM, Chris Blouch > wrote:

I don't think that's the way iTunes Match works. It just scans your 
local music collection and generates a list of all the tracks you 
have there. It then will allow any of your other devices, such as 
your phone, to sync the same set of music but the source will all be 
Apple's original 256kbps AAC files. If your library gets corrupted or 
you have junky mp3s of some tracks iTunes Match can make those issues 
go away. So, yes, you'll still sync and download all your tracks to 
your device. It's not a streaming music locker service. Found an 
article describing what iTunes match does here:


On 12/2/13 8:23 PM, Desi Noller wrote:

Good Evening!

A couple of months back, I subscribed to iTunes Match.  I currently 
have 4,012 songs there.  Previously I had stored all of my music in 
my iTunes Library on my iMac, and all songs were also stored on my 
iPod Touch 4th Gen 64 gig.  Once I had all of my music in iTunes 
Match I thought the space taken up on my iPod would be freed up.  I 
discovered however, that I actually still have 3,427 songs 
physically stored on my iPod.  How can I get them off my iPod so 
that I can just stream them using iTunes Match?  I tried turning 
iTunes Match off on my iPod and then turning it back on a little 
while later.  I was asked if I wanted the library replaced to which 
I answered yes.  When that was done, I went back and checked under 
Settings/General/About, and discovered that it still says I have 
3,427 songs, using 29 plus gigs.  Any help with this would be much 
appreciated!  Thanks in advance!



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Re: MBA Help

2013-12-04 Thread Georgina Joyce

I’m a new Mac user but feel it’s worth it. What is happening here is that there 
are 2 levels of function keys. By default they are hardware controls i.e. 
volume and brightness. So by pressing Function key + VO + F8 will get you 
there. The Function is next to the VO keys. Thus you just need to hold the 
bottom left-hand 3 keys and then press F8 and let go.



On 4 Dec 2013, at 21:55, Lee Jones  wrote:

> Dear List,I got my macbook air today. I hav found it a very tough learning 
> curve. I can't get control option f8 to bring up the voice over utility no 
> matter how many times I try,, a sighted person has also tried and it does not 
> work.  Does the focus have to be somewhere special to make this work?How do 
> you turn off the macbook do you use the on off button or is there a way in 
> OSX itself, a shut down button?  Can Someone explain very simply the 
> difference between the functions of control option and the arrow keys, 
> control option command and the arrow keys,control option shift and the arrow 
> keys because maybe I'm thick but I don't get it!
> is it possible to download voices without using the voice over utility?  I am 
> suddenly not hating freedom scientific quite so much. 
> Many Thanks, Lee  -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Brandon Olivares
> Sent: 04 December 2013 15:18
> To: “Mac Visionaries“
> Subject: Re: Option Key Not Working
> Nope it doesn't matter if keyboard commander is on or off.
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 3:59 AM, "Red.Falcon"  
> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> OK just a couple of ideas!
>> 1, do you have both option keys set to use with keyboard commander!
>> 2, Just try switching off keyboard commander with VO+shift+k and see if the 
>> option key things like € • and others!
>> I've found if you need to use those items it is best to toggle on or off 
>> keyboard commander when needed!
>> HTH Colin
>> On 4 Dec 2013, at 07:25, Brandon Olivares  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works 
>>> just fine.
>>> However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it 
>>> doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say 
>>> anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys 
>>> themselves, but not using option.
>>> i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
>>> But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain 
>>> applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I 
>>> don't understand why this is happening.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brandon
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Re: auto system checking

2013-12-04 Thread Chris Blouch
I'm not having any trouble with the page. What problems are you running 
into? When I go to the page I just do VO-Command-H twice and I'm at the 
table of contents. It just talks about the hardware checks and startup 
chimes of Macs.


On 12/3/13 12:17 PM, Jessica D wrote:

There are problems with his page. Can you send a different one with the same 

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 3, 2013, at 10:52 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

Maybe you're referring to something else but the Mac does a hardware self-check 
each time it boots up. So if you do a shutdown (not sleep) and then bring it 
back up, when you hear the startup sound that means the hardware check passed. 
More info here:


On 12/2/13 8:43 PM, don bishop wrote:

Seems to me I remember reading somewhere that the imac will do a check of the 
system automatically.  Is this true?  If so is that on by default or do you 
have to set it up.  If so, where do you do this?




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Installing Windows 7 on an MBA using the DVD drive from a Macbook Pro

2013-12-04 Thread Kimberly thurman
Is this possible?  I don’t have a portable external DVD drive.  Seems as though 
I recall hearing it is possible somewhere.   

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Re: Virtual Machine/ Bootcamp advice

2013-12-04 Thread Pete Nalda
What version of Windows are you running with the virtual machine?

Egun On, Lagunak! (basque for G'day, Mates
Louie P (Pete) Nalda
Twitter: @lpnalda

> On Dec 4, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman  
> wrote:
> HI.  I am running a vm quite successfully on a mac mini.  Granted I have 8 
> gigs of ram but as far as I know, if you’re not using the vm then your memory 
> stays with the mac os. I have a usb cd rom drive so I used that to install 
> windows from a cd.  I think sighted assistance is needed to install bootcamp 
> but vmware is accessible without sighted assistance.  I like vmware 
> personally because it means I don’t have to reboot the mac to go in to 
> windows.  some people have said that windows runs better under bootcamp 
> however personally I’m not experiencing any problems. I used narrator to find 
> my nvda installation and pressed enter once windows was up and running. 
> I hope this helps 
> Maria and Joe Chapman
>> On 30 Nov 2013, at 11:01 pm, Lee Jones  wrote:
>> Dear List,I am new to the macworld.
>> How easy is it to set up a windows virtual machine using fusion. How do you
>> get windows installed. Load the CD? When you first install windows how do
>> you interact with it without a screen reader in order to get jaws or nvda
>> installed? Is linux easier in this regard because orca comes with the os?
>> What are the pros and cons of using fusion vs bootcamp? I have a 4 GB
>> macbook air on the way and am trying to research before it arrives. I have
>> heardpeople talking about giving 1gb ram to windows does this mean all the
>> time when the machine is on even if you are  not using windows? Does a vm
>> degrade OSx performance?
>> Many Thanks, Lee   
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Installing Windows 7 on an MBA using the DVD drive from a Macbook Pro

2013-12-04 Thread Blake Sinnett


I think I remember hearing you could do this too, but the process of setting 
it up wasn't possible without eye balls so I didn't investigate it much 
more. There is also a way to install from a USB flash drive on newer Macs. I 
know that an USB DVD drive works, as I have to use this method since the DVD 
drive on my Mac mini has issues.


From: "Kimberly thurman" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 5:53 PM
Subject: Installing Windows 7 on an MBA using the DVD drive from a Macbook 

Is this possible?  I don’t have a portable external DVD drive.  Seems as 
though I recall hearing it is possible somewhere.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Re: MBA Help

2013-12-04 Thread Phil Halton
one of the first things I did when I got my Mac was to change the way the 
function keys operate. By default, when you press a function key, it performs a 
built-in hardware function like brightness, volume etc. to use them for 
software functions, like opening VoiceOver utility, you have to press FN in 
conjunction with them. In system preferences, under "keyboard", select the 
keyboard tab and tab over to the checkbox "use all F1, F2, etc as standard 
function keys, and press space to select it.
Now, you don't need to press FN along with the function key to perform the 
software function. But, to perform the hardware function like f11 and f12 for 
volume down and up, you need to add the FN key.

May I suggest you search for David Woodbridge on the site. He did 
an excellent series of podcasts for basic mac operation. Also, use the built-in 
help system on the Mac. press VO+H (control option H) and select and read 
through the Quick stet tutorial, getting started guide, and online help. 
Everything you'll need to master  VoiceOver is in there.
On Dec 4, 2013, at 5:44 PM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:

> Hello,
> I’m a new Mac user but feel it’s worth it. What is happening here is that 
> there are 2 levels of function keys. By default they are hardware controls 
> i.e. volume and brightness. So by pressing Function key + VO + F8 will get 
> you there. The Function is next to the VO keys. Thus you just need to hold 
> the bottom left-hand 3 keys and then press F8 and let go.
> Gena
> On 4 Dec 2013, at 21:55, Lee Jones  wrote:
>> Dear List,I got my macbook air today. I hav found it a very tough learning 
>> curve. I can't get control option f8 to bring up the voice over utility no 
>> matter how many times I try,, a sighted person has also tried and it does 
>> not work.  Does the focus have to be somewhere special to make this work?How 
>> do you turn off the macbook do you use the on off button or is there a way 
>> in OSX itself, a shut down button?  Can Someone explain very simply the 
>> difference between the functions of control option and the arrow keys, 
>> control option command and the arrow keys,control option shift and the arrow 
>> keys because maybe I'm thick but I don't get it!
>> is it possible to download voices without using the voice over utility?  I 
>> am suddenly not hating freedom scientific quite so much. 
>> Many Thanks, Lee  -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Brandon Olivares
>> Sent: 04 December 2013 15:18
>> To: “Mac Visionaries“
>> Subject: Re: Option Key Not Working
>> Nope it doesn't matter if keyboard commander is on or off.
>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 3:59 AM, "Red.Falcon"  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> OK just a couple of ideas!
>>> 1, do you have both option keys set to use with keyboard commander!
>>> 2, Just try switching off keyboard commander with VO+shift+k and see if the 
>>> option key things like € • and others!
>>> I've found if you need to use those items it is best to toggle on or off 
>>> keyboard commander when needed!
>>> HTH Colin
>>> On 4 Dec 2013, at 07:25, Brandon Olivares  wrote:
 My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works 
 just fine.
 However, if I try to navigate by word with option left or right arrow, it 
 doesn't work. The cursor just doesn't move and voiceover doesn't say 
 anything. I can use command arrow to navigate, or just the arrow keys 
 themselves, but not using option.
 i also can't use it to enter special characters, like accents and such.
 But it does work when I use it for keyboard commander to open certain 
 applications. So it seems very selective about when it works or not. I 
 don't understand why this is happening.
 Any ideas?
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Re: Help From The Community

2013-12-04 Thread Joanne Chua
Again, i can easily read free unprotected ebooks using ibooks, or, if i'm 
really desperet i can always use pages to read txt file, etc. And, i can always 
use one of the braille displays to read daisy books, unprotected epub, pdf, and 
bookshare without needing to turn on the computer at all. 
Anyway, i would have spend 95% of the time reading books using ipad or other 
mobile devices than reading on the computer. So, again, unless the developer 
can justify  in some way, e.g. able to read BRF file, or like another Scott 
said, the ability to use with Braille Displays etc, i still can't justify it 
right now.

Sent from my iPad

On 05/12/2013, at 8:46 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Project Gutenberg has about 42,000 books for free. They are archiving all the 
> books which went out of copyright:
> CB
> On 12/3/13 4:53 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>> Not true. There are thousands of free ePub books available on the Internet 
>> if you are willing to just look for them, and those of us who self publish 
>> our own writings usually create drm free eBooks that can be read with such a 
>> program.
>> I am not saying that Q-Read for the Mac will be the only solution for this 
>> type of thing but as of right now I don’t of any other programs that do this 
>> that are completely accessible.
>> Scott
>> On Dec 3, 2013, at 4:40 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> from what I’m reading you would still need ibooks to read an ibook and 
>>> still would be unable to read kindle books on the mac. Bookshare would be 
>>> it’s only advantage and maybe pdf?
>>> Warm regards and blessings
>>> Maria, Joe and FurBabies
>>> Email:
>>> On 3 Dec 2013, at 2:34 pm, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
 I have a few points here.
 First, my message was not an attack on Q or his software. I used qwitter 
 and while it was around it was useful. It had a lot of issues and rather 
 than rewrite it, it was abandoned for better horizons. Whether or not you 
 agree with this is sort of irrelivant as it happens all the time. If it 
 was freeware, then by all means the author can do what he or she wants and 
 that's done over and over again. If it was hope, I feel like the author at 
 least has some small obligation to the end-users.
 My points were that I do dismiss it, but not out of hand. I don't believe 
 it is fair to require $1200 in licensing fees from users before you decide 
 whether or not you'll make something. If I buy a piece of software, I buy 
 it based on the software itself. Having not tried it, I will not pledge 
 any money toward the future of something that may not even be released or 
 that I may not even like.
 On 12/2/2013 10:12 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> It's a book/file reader. It handles epub, daisy, pdf, and other formats, 
> and can save your place automatically when you close a book. It has other 
> features as well, but I'm not a user of the program so can't enumerate 
> them.
> Yes, Qwitter was quite a big deal, but as I recall there were problems 
> beyond users asking questions. Hope has not been updated, but honestly, 
> it works well and is not lacking any features I can find, so does it 
> really need an update? I'm not saying I would commit to buying Q-Read for 
> Mac, since I know I would not use it enough (I read mostly on my iPhone) 
> but look into this more before dismissing it out of hand. Yes, iBooks is 
> now on the Mac, but can anyone really call using it a good reading 
> experience?
> On Dec 2, 2013, at 9:55 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> I think I’d have to have a lot more information before I decide to 
>> commit. For example, what books does it access. which formats. What are 
>> its advantages over other readers? It sounds like a good thing in 
>> principle, but what is it in practice?
>> Teresa
>> "We're made of star stuff."--Carl Sagan
>> On Dec 2, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Dave O.  wrote:
>>> Especially from a developer who's history is of abandoning software 
>>> when his users start to ask questions regarding software bugs or 
>>> features that he feels aren't important or worth his time.
>>> And I agree with Tyler. $30 is a lot to commit to for something when it 
>>> doesn't exist.
>>> But personally, I don't give that developer a dime of my money. Not 
>>> ever.
>>> Ask the users of Qwitter and Hope how they feel.
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Re: Help From The Community

2013-12-04 Thread Scott Rumery
Lets remember that just because you can’t justify this type of program, that 
doesn’t mean that there aren’t others out there that would like to have such a 
solution. These are the types of people that I am looking for. I do however 
very much appreciate all of your comments on this because it does give me some 
ideas about what the potential market for such an application might be.

Have A Great Evening,
Scott Rumery
On Dec 4, 2013, at 10:37 PM, Joanne Chua  wrote:

> Again, i can easily read free unprotected ebooks using ibooks, or, if i'm 
> really desperet i can always use pages to read txt file, etc. And, i can 
> always use one of the braille displays to read daisy books, unprotected epub, 
> pdf, and bookshare without needing to turn on the computer at all. 
> Anyway, i would have spend 95% of the time reading books using ipad or other 
> mobile devices than reading on the computer. So, again, unless the developer 
> can justify  in some way, e.g. able to read BRF file, or like another Scott 
> said, the ability to use with Braille Displays etc, i still can't justify it 
> right now.
> Sent from my iPad
> On 05/12/2013, at 8:46 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Project Gutenberg has about 42,000 books for free. They are archiving all 
>> the books which went out of copyright:
>> CB
>> On 12/3/13 4:53 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>>> Not true. There are thousands of free ePub books available on the Internet 
>>> if you are willing to just look for them, and those of us who self publish 
>>> our own writings usually create drm free eBooks that can be read with such 
>>> a program.
>>> I am not saying that Q-Read for the Mac will be the only solution for this 
>>> type of thing but as of right now I don’t of any other programs that do 
>>> this that are completely accessible.
>>> Scott
>>> On Dec 3, 2013, at 4:40 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman  
>>> wrote:
 from what I’m reading you would still need ibooks to read an ibook and 
 still would be unable to read kindle books on the mac. Bookshare would be 
 it’s only advantage and maybe pdf?
 Warm regards and blessings
 Maria, Joe and FurBabies
 On 3 Dec 2013, at 2:34 pm, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
> I have a few points here.
> First, my message was not an attack on Q or his software. I used qwitter 
> and while it was around it was useful. It had a lot of issues and rather 
> than rewrite it, it was abandoned for better horizons. Whether or not you 
> agree with this is sort of irrelivant as it happens all the time. If it 
> was freeware, then by all means the author can do what he or she wants 
> and that's done over and over again. If it was hope, I feel like the 
> author at least has some small obligation to the end-users.
> My points were that I do dismiss it, but not out of hand. I don't believe 
> it is fair to require $1200 in licensing fees from users before you 
> decide whether or not you'll make something. If I buy a piece of 
> software, I buy it based on the software itself. Having not tried it, I 
> will not pledge any money toward the future of something that may not 
> even be released or that I may not even like.
> On 12/2/2013 10:12 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> It's a book/file reader. It handles epub, daisy, pdf, and other formats, 
>> and can save your place automatically when you close a book. It has 
>> other features as well, but I'm not a user of the program so can't 
>> enumerate them.
>> Yes, Qwitter was quite a big deal, but as I recall there were problems 
>> beyond users asking questions. Hope has not been updated, but honestly, 
>> it works well and is not lacking any features I can find, so does it 
>> really need an update? I'm not saying I would commit to buying Q-Read 
>> for Mac, since I know I would not use it enough (I read mostly on my 
>> iPhone) but look into this more before dismissing it out of hand. Yes, 
>> iBooks is now on the Mac, but can anyone really call using it a good 
>> reading experience?
>> On Dec 2, 2013, at 9:55 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>>> I think I’d have to have a lot more information before I decide to 
>>> commit. For example, what books does it access. which formats. What are 
>>> its advantages over other readers? It sounds like a good thing in 
>>> principle, but what is it in practice?
>>> Teresa
>>> "We're made of star stuff."--Carl Sagan
>>> On Dec 2, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Dave O.  wrote:
 Especially from a developer who's history is of abandoning software 
 when his users start to ask questions regarding software bugs or 
 features that he feels aren't important or worth his time.

Re: MBA Help

2013-12-04 Thread AZ


I got my macbook air today. I hav found it a very tough learning curve. I can't 
get control option f8 to bring up the voice over utility no matter how many 
times I try,, a sighted person has also tried and it does not work.

Sometimes you have to add the "FN-key" to this combination, just keep it in 
your mind.

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Re: typesetting LaTeX equations in pages

2013-12-04 Thread Venkatesh Potluri
I have tried using  LaTeXiT but had no results. I might be doing
something wrong here. Could you give me some instructions on how to
use it to add equations to pages?
I was wondering, will using mathML equations simplify this task?
Venkatesh Potluri

On 12/5/13, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> Did you try the Latexit package? It's supposed to add integration of
> MacTex into Keynote, TextEdit etc.
> I was going to fiddle with it a bit but it requires installing MacText
> which was 2.3GB:
> Even at my speedy 460K/s download it was going to take 90 minutes.
> CB
> On 12/4/13 4:59 AM, wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Thanks for the very useful tip.
>> This will definitely be a very useful thing when I'm trying to compose
>> documents.
>> However, for this document, I will have to convert LaTeX equations.
>> Thanks once again.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 04-Dec-2013, at 11:23 am, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> You could try using the built-in mathematical symbols available on every
>>> Mac:
>>> Option Key plus slash is Divided by symbol (÷)
>>> Option Key plus equals is Not Equals (≠)
>>> Option Key plus v is Square Root sign (√)
>>> Option Key plus comma is Less than or equals (≤)
>>> Option Key plus period is Greater than or equals (≥)
>>> As you may see, the Option key is the main modifier.  Some are logical,
>>> like the Less than/Greater then or equals as they use the same key just
>>> with the added Option key.  You could learn many of these by simply
>>> holding down the Option key while pressing various keyboard keys while in
>>> a blank Pages document.
>>> This may not be even close to what you’re looking for but thought it may
>>> be useful.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On Dec 3, 2013, at 10:39 PM, Venkatesh Potluri 

 Hi list.
 I am writing a document and I have to insert a few mathematic
 equations in it. I am trying to do this by writing the LaTeX source in
 the document, selecting it, and trying to typeset it using the options
 in the services menu but nothing seems to happen. I Have the full
 TeXLive installed on my mac. Is there any other way to accomplish
 this? what am I doing wrong here?
 Thanks in advance.
 Venkatesh Potluri

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Re: Installing Windows 7 on an MBA using the DVD drive from a Macbook Pro

2013-12-04 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, you can do just like i have done with my mba and the mac pro, but
it is a little complicated.
On the other hand  if you do as i tell you too, you ought too be un
and run in a few hours.
First of all you gotta make an image outta your dvddrive, we will use
your mac with a dvddrive for this. Open a terminal under utilities.
and  here is where it gets a little complex.
type "mount" it will look a little like this

sandras-MacBook-Air:MacOS sandra$ mount
/dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
sandras-MacBook-Air:MacOS sandra$
okay, since i don't have a cd-rom drive on the mba it is not being
shown, but if you can lay the dvd in your mac, and type mount i can
tell you which drive too use.
Anyways, after you have found the right drive you will type something like this
dd if=dev/dvd/path/ of=/place/for/the/new.iso
your drive will start up, and run for a few minutes, after that is
outta the way, you have your brand new image where you placed it , lay
it on an usb or something like that.
If you are using vmware you should be fine from here. If that aint
working out just write again



On 12/4/13, Blake Sinnett  wrote:
> Hello,
> I think I remember hearing you could do this too, but the process of setting
> it up wasn't possible without eye balls so I didn't investigate it much
> more. There is also a way to install from a USB flash drive on newer Macs. I
> know that an USB DVD drive works, as I have to use this method since the DVD
> drive on my Mac mini has issues.
> Blake
> --
> From: "Kimberly thurman" 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 5:53 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Installing Windows 7 on an MBA using the DVD drive from a Macbook
> Pro
>> Is this possible?  I don’t have a portable external DVD drive.  Seems as
>> though I recall hearing it is possible somewhere.
>> Thanks in advance for any help!
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