handytech braillestar 40/0 and 10.9

2013-11-13 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi listers,

What I have heard of a friend of mine is that he has issues with his Handytech 
under 10.9. 
The braille display won't be found, when he boots from the recovery, braille 
goes well.
Anyone else experienced this one? :)

(this prevent me from upgrading to 10.9)



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Crome and Mac.

2013-11-13 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi all.

I have just started to use Crome with CromeVox and Voice-Over working at the 
same time. The latest version is far more impressive then the previous 
versions. Anyone else on the list using Crome?

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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-13 Thread Sean Murphy

How do you permit your braille cursor to navigate the app without moving the 
keyboard or voice-over cursor, or is the voice-over cursor the Brialle cursor?

On 13/11/2013, at 4:41 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Kristeen,
> This is the sort of thing that I meant when I mentioned customization. WHAT 
> you’d have to do is go into your Braille settings, go to the display tab, 
> choose “assign commands", and assign a Braille command to select text. There 
> aren’t separate commands for selecting different amounts of text, so 
> honestly, I’m not sure how you’d do this. Also, unless I’m wrong, you’d have 
> to use command-b on the keyboard to initiate the Braille command entry. I 
> haven’t assigned keystrokes for this, because frankly, it’s more trouble than 
> it’s worth to me. Let’s see if anyone else has already done this, and if not, 
> I’ll experiment with it and let you know what I come up with. I admit I have 
> my doubts that it’ll be an easy process.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 8:08 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> Thanks,. This info does help. Can you tell me how I can sellect text? I've 
>> not been successful.
>> Kristeen
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get your 
>>> focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have to use 
>>> your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature of the 
>>> beast.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Teresa Cochran  
 Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
 probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as 
 a primary keyboard.
 For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to 
 VO-applications list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy 
 way to map one to command-tab.
 "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's 
 too dark to read."--Groucho Marx
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather 
> importatn. For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to 
> another, how do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard 
> along with the display?
> Kristeen
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>> Hi, Kristeen,
>> I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
>> tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
>> chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view 
>> the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new 
>> ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>>> This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would 
>>> like to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to 
>>> have to use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add 
>>> important keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a 
>>> window or program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and 
>>> paste and manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off 
>>> of the list, that's cool.
>>> Kristeen
 On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi guys
 I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They 
 weren't just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine 
 yesterday. However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in 
 TextEdit. I couldn't even tell what I'd selected to the end of the 
 text didn't tell me. I was getting too many finder busy messages also, 
 and I couldn't always navigate and tell where I was.
 I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
 Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking 
 Eugenia Firth
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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 an email to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
 To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
 Visit this group at http://groups.googl


2013-11-13 Thread Paul Erkens
Dear listers,

I'm running into some interface issues with the new version of 1password. How 
can I create a new password in 1password version 4?

Here's what I'm trying to do.
I open 1password, and just as in version 3, I can go to the sidebar, interact, 
and find the passwords item there. Once selected, I stop interacting and I then 
open the file menu and choose: new password. A new dialog comes up.

Here, I land in a field where I assume I can specify the purpose of the new 
password. I see 4 items here: from left to right an image, then an edit field 
for the purpose, then a favorite checkbox, and a share button. Obviously, all I 
need is the edit field, so I type in what this new password will be for.

After typing that in, I'd like to generate a secure password, which gave no 
problems at all in the previous version. Now, I stop interacting, to broaden 
the focus of things I can look at. I then find, that I'm on favorite, unchecked 
checkbox, so I move right. I then hear the sound of a popover appearing, and 
I'm stuck. It says that my password is 1% strength, which is bad of course. So 
how can I proceed from here? I don't see a password at all. I used to see a 
field with the newly generated password, and some sliders beside it, to adjust 
its complexity. Now, I'm stuck in this popover, and my focus in VO is randomly 
being reset to just before the toolbar, so I'm being flung away from where I 
was looking. If you know how to get around this, please let me know. 

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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-13 Thread Ben van Poppel
There’s no real way of moving an independent Braille cursor, saved for the 
ability to pan the display. The VO cursor expands the word you’re on (not being 
able to turn this off is a pity), e.g. when you’re panning through a document 
in TextEdit or such., and gets highlighted in other contexts, but it eventually 
jumps to the next element as you pan to that new element.

On 13 Nov 2013, at 9:47 pm, Sean Murphy  wrote:

> Hi,
> How do you permit your braille cursor to navigate the app without moving the 
> keyboard or voice-over cursor, or is the voice-over cursor the Brialle cursor?
> On 13/11/2013, at 4:41 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Hi, Kristeen,
>> This is the sort of thing that I meant when I mentioned customization. WHAT 
>> you’d have to do is go into your Braille settings, go to the display tab, 
>> choose “assign commands", and assign a Braille command to select text. There 
>> aren’t separate commands for selecting different amounts of text, so 
>> honestly, I’m not sure how you’d do this. Also, unless I’m wrong, you’d have 
>> to use command-b on the keyboard to initiate the Braille command entry. I 
>> haven’t assigned keystrokes for this, because frankly, it’s more trouble 
>> than it’s worth to me. Let’s see if anyone else has already done this, and 
>> if not, I’ll experiment with it and let you know what I come up with. I 
>> admit I have my doubts that it’ll be an easy process.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 8:08 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>>> Thanks,. This info does help. Can you tell me how I can sellect text? I've 
>>> not been successful.
>>> Kristeen
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
 Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get 
 your focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have 
 to use your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature 
 of the beast.
 Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
> Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
> probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display 
> as a primary keyboard.
> For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to 
> VO-applications list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy 
> way to map one to command-tab.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's 
> too dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather 
>> importatn. For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app 
>> to another, how do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard 
>> along with the display?
>> Kristeen
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi, Kristeen,
>>> I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
>>> tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
>>> chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and 
>>> view the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or 
>>> assign new ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun 
>>> exploring. :)
>>> HtH,
>>> Teresa
>>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
 This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would 
 like to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to 
 have to use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add 
 important keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing 
 a window or program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut 
 and paste and manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff 
 off of the list, that's cool.
> On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hi guys
> I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They 
> weren't just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine 
> yesterday. However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in 
> TextEdit. I couldn't even tell what I'd selected to the end of the 
> text didn't tell me. I was getting too many finder busy messages 
> also, and I couldn't always navigate and tell where I was.
> I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
> Regards and a little stressed, but 

Re: How does one get to menu extra in Maverick?

2013-11-13 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Thank you all who responded to my menu extras access shortcut key wows.

It definitely doesn’t work here. I found that I would use it more than the vo 
shortcut key. and I can no longer move along the menu bar with just s
arrow keys, I have to use vo+arrow keys.

Best wishes

On 13 Nov 2013, at 07:36, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group: http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries/topics
> can't activate the see more link on the facebook mobile site and creating 
> signatures in apple mail [1 Update]
> Focus display and Mavericks [8 Updates]
> VO-J and Mail [1 Update]
> iBooks internal location on the mac? [1 Update]
> Infovox purchases gone [1 Update]
> Is Winamp accessivle on the mac? [3 Updates]
> xcode 5 question [4 Updates]
> Track Changes or Text Attributes with Pages [2 Updates]
> How does one get to menu extra in Maverick? [2 Updates]
> Is it true in Mavericks that iTunes contact syncing has gone? [1 Update]
> Help with Skype [1 Update]
>  can't activate the see more link on the facebook mobile site and creating 
> signatures in apple mail
> Andrew Head  Nov 13 06:33PM +1100  
> Hi all,
> When I get to the end of a facebook page, the see more link comes up as a 
> heading instead of a link and I can’t activate it. Just wondering what’s 
> going on here and how to fix it?
> also, how do you create a signature in apple mail?
> Andrew
>  Focus display and Mavericks
> Kristeen Hughes  Nov 12 04:27PM -0500  
> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather importatn. 
> For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to another, how 
> do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard along with the 
> display?
> Kristeen
> Teresa Cochran  Nov 12 01:58PM -0800  
> Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
> probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as a 
> primary keyboard.
> For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to VO-applications 
> list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy way to map one to 
> command-tab.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
> Daniel Miller  Nov 12 04:10PM -0600  
> Hi,
> Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get your 
> focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have to use 
> your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature of the 
> beast.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Eugenia Firth  Nov 12 05:00PM -0600  
> True duys, but I know I can get to the menu with my braille display. I c' 
> remember how to do it on a Focus 40 although I had one. Can anyone remember 
> what the braille keyboard command is for going to the menu and using left and 
> right arrows. I found that useful when I was somewhat away from my computer. 
> On my Braille Edge, it has some keys on it that will bring up Spotlight and 
> the menus and the dock. That may help some. For instance, space dd sign will 
> bring up the dock. Space question mark will let you interact and space low j 
> will stop interacting. Do you have a list of braille key commands that are 
> already in place? 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> Teresa Cochran  Nov 12 03:18PM -0800  
> It’s s-chord (dots 2-3-4-space). I just use the panning keys to display 
> different areas of the menu bar, and then use the cursor-routing keys on the 
> item I want. sometimes this doesn’t work, and I have to use dot 4-chord and 
> dot 1-chord to navigate through the menus
> HtH,
> teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
> Kristeen Hughes  Nov 12 11:08PM -0500  
> Thanks,. This info does help. Can you tell me how I can sellect text? I've 
> not been successful.
> Kristeen
> Ben van Poppel  Nov 13 04:26PM +1100  
> Hi Kristeen, Teresa and the rest. The workaround I did for single-keystroke 
> app switching was to write two scripts to simulate command-tab and 
> command-shift-tab respectively. Then I assigned running of the scripts to 
> focus commands (I used 12-chord and 45-chord). The scripts had one line each:
> Tell application "System Events" to keystroke "tab" using command down
> Tell application "System Events" to keystroke "tab" using {command down shift 
> down}
> In the examples above the "tab" means double quote then press tab then double 
> quote again. \t might also be valid. I'm still not applescript proficient.
> Hope that trick helps you out.
> Cheers. Ben 
> Sent from my iPhone
> Teresa Cochran  Nov 12 09:41PM -0800  
> Hi, Kristeen,
> This is the sort of thing that I meant when I mentioned customization. WHAT 
> you’d have to do is go into your Braille settings, go to the display tab, 
> choose “assign commands",

Re: Crome and Mac.

2013-11-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom
How can you work with Chromevox and Voiceover on at the same time, or did i 
misunderstand anything? Don’t voices or commands clash or have they changed 
commands for Chromevox recently?

13 nov 2013 kl. 11:49 skrev Sean Murphy :

> Hi all.
> I have just started to use Crome with CromeVox and Voice-Over working at the 
> same time. The latest version is far more impressive then the previous 
> versions. Anyone else on the list using Crome?
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries.
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Re: How does one get to menu extra in Maverick?

2013-11-13 Thread Chris H
Andrew I think navigation of the extras menu hasn't changed from 
Mountain Lion to Maverix. In fact even back in the days of the status 
menu you still had to use vo arrow keys.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 13/11/2013 11:16, Andrew Lamanche wrote:

Thank you all who responded to my menu extras access shortcut key wows.

It definitely doesn’t work here. I found that I would use it more than the vo 
shortcut key. and I can no longer move along the menu bar with just s
arrow keys, I have to use vo+arrow keys.

Best wishes

On 13 Nov 2013, at 07:36, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:

   Today's Topic Summary
Group: http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries/topics

can't activate the see more link on the facebook mobile site and creating 
signatures in apple mail [1 Update]
Focus display and Mavericks [8 Updates]
VO-J and Mail [1 Update]
iBooks internal location on the mac? [1 Update]
Infovox purchases gone [1 Update]
Is Winamp accessivle on the mac? [3 Updates]
xcode 5 question [4 Updates]
Track Changes or Text Attributes with Pages [2 Updates]
How does one get to menu extra in Maverick? [2 Updates]
Is it true in Mavericks that iTunes contact syncing has gone? [1 Update]
Help with Skype [1 Update]
  can't activate the see more link on the facebook mobile site and creating 
signatures in apple mail
Andrew Head  Nov 13 06:33PM +1100

Hi all,
When I get to the end of a facebook page, the see more link comes up as a 
heading instead of a link and I can’t activate it. Just wondering what’s going 
on here and how to fix it?

also, how do you create a signature in apple mail?

  Focus display and Mavericks
Kristeen Hughes  Nov 12 04:27PM -0500

Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather importatn. For 
example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to another, how do you 
do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard along with the display?


Teresa Cochran  Nov 12 01:58PM -0800

Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll probably 
have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as a primary 

For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to VO-applications 
list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy way to map one to 


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to 
read."--Groucho Marx

Daniel Miller  Nov 12 04:10PM -0600

Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get your 
focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have to use 
your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature of the beast.

Sent from my iPhone

Eugenia Firth  Nov 12 05:00PM -0600

True duys, but I know I can get to the menu with my braille display. I c' 
remember how to do it on a Focus 40 although I had one. Can anyone remember 
what the braille keyboard command is for going to the menu and using left and 
right arrows. I found that useful when I was somewhat away from my computer. On 
my Braille Edge, it has some keys on it that will bring up Spotlight and the 
menus and the dock. That may help some. For instance, space dd sign will bring 
up the dock. Space question mark will let you interact and space low j will 
stop interacting. Do you have a list of braille key commands that are already 
in place?


Teresa Cochran  Nov 12 03:18PM -0800

It’s s-chord (dots 2-3-4-space). I just use the panning keys to display 
different areas of the menu bar, and then use the cursor-routing keys on the 
item I want. sometimes this doesn’t work, and I have to use dot 4-chord and dot 
1-chord to navigate through the menus


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to 
read."--Groucho Marx

Kristeen Hughes  Nov 12 11:08PM -0500

Thanks,. This info does help. Can you tell me how I can sellect text? I've not 
been successful.


Ben van Poppel  Nov 13 04:26PM +1100

Hi Kristeen, Teresa and the rest. The workaround I did for single-keystroke app 
switching was to write two scripts to simulate command-tab and 
command-shift-tab respectively. Then I assigned running of the scripts to focus 
commands (I used 12-chord and 45-chord). The scripts had one line each:
Tell application "System Events" to keystroke "tab" using command down

Tell application "System Events" to keystroke "tab" using {command down shift 

In the examples above the "tab" means double quote then press tab then double 
quote again. \t might also be valid. I'm still not applescript proficient.

Hope that trick helps you out.

Cheers. Ben

Sent from my iPhone

Teresa Cochran  Nov 12 09:41PM -0800

Hi, Kristeen,

This is the sort of thing that I meant when I mentioned customization. WHAT you’d 
have to do is go into your Braille settings, go to the display tab, choose “assign 
commands", and assign a Braille command to

Re: iBooks internal location on the mac?

2013-11-13 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Look at Tidbits.com this week thereis a article About fixing genres in iBooks 
that includes the process of moving the book to the desktop. Apparently the 
library folder that contains books uses random names for the folders so you 
need to export them from the program directly.  

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:44 PM, Kliphton ---  
> wrote:
> Is aarticle about fixing genres in Hello.  I have imported about 700 books in 
> ePub format in to iBooks.  They
> read just fine, but I accidently deleted the folder where I originally
> Gimported them from.  Where does iBooks store them so I can try to save them
> to a different folder for my own reference?  Thanks.
> Kliphton
> ~iMessage&Email~ kliphton@outlook.com
> ~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72
> ~Text only~ 914-820-2298
> "Personal blog-read at your own risk!" http://kliphskorner.wordpress.com
> -- 
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Re: VO-J and Mail

2013-11-13 Thread alia robinson
It has been doing it with me since I updated. everytime you get new mail it 
sends you out to the inbox again, and says ‘one row added’ I *hate* it!!! 

On Nov 12, 2013, at 11:16 PM, Janet Ingber  wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> When I use VO-J to jump from the message list to an individual email,a few 
> lines are read and then without my doing anything, I’m back in the messages 
> table.  This does not only happen with my Gmail account.  I am using the 
> default mail view and I have not made any changes.  This behavior started a 
> few days ago.  Any suggestions?

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Re: Infovox purchases gone

2013-11-13 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi. Maybe uninstall reinstall, and make sure that you're log gin to your 
account and the voice has been purchased.

Matt Dierckens
Assistive Technology Trainer
IOS and Macintosh User support
Windsor area

On 2013-11-12, at 10:12 PM, "Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr."  

> I get a message that reads 
> "this is an evaluation version of Acapela text to speech synthesizer."
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:58 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> It's stopped working? Does it just not speak, or not show up anywhere in the 
>> VO utility.
>> Matt Dierckens
>> matt.dierck...@gmail.com
>> Assistive Technology Trainer
>> IOS and Macintosh User support
>> Windsor area
>> On 2013-11-12, at 10:34 AM, Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr.  
>> wrote:
>>> I purchased and installed an Infovox synthesizer but it has stopped working 
>>> in the past few days.
>>> Any reason why the liscence would expire after a few months?
>>> Antonio
>>> -- 
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Re: off topic someone from Israel

2013-11-13 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

I would be interested in talking to somebody who writes in Hebrew regularly on 
a macintosh. My sighted family members are getting very frustrated with word 
and Hebrew so if you hear anything please let me know. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 10, 2013, at 10:46 AM, jean parker  wrote:
> Hello All:
> Sorry for the off topic message.  I believe there is at least one person on 
> this list who is either from or is living in Israel.  If so, I would 
> appreciate it if you could contact me off the list at:
> radiofore...@gmail.com
> Many thanks,
> Jean
> -- 
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RE: iBooks internal location on the mac?

2013-11-13 Thread Kliphton -------
Tried that, there is no option for that.

~iMessage&Email~ kliphton@outlook.com
~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72
~Text only~ 914-820-2298
"Personal blog-read at your own risk!" http://kliphskorner.wordpress.com

-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jonathan C. Cohn
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 7:12 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: iBooks internal location on the mac?

Look at Tidbits.com this week thereis a article About fixing genres in
iBooks that includes the process of moving the book to the desktop.
Apparently the library folder that contains books uses random names for the
folders so you need to export them from the program directly.  

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:44 PM, Kliphton --- 
> Is aarticle about fixing genres in Hello.  I have imported about 700 
> books in ePub format in to iBooks.  They read just fine, but I 
> accidently deleted the folder where I originally Gimported them from.  
> Where does iBooks store them so I can try to save them to a different
folder for my own reference?  Thanks.
> Kliphton
> ~iMessage&Email~ kliphton@outlook.com 
> ~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72 ~Text only~ 
> 914-820-2298 "Personal blog-read at your own risk!" 
> http://kliphskorner.wordpress.com
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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-13 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
Okay, you want to press the space with the bb sign in order to select the 
previous roter item. Then you press dots 5-6 to select the next roter item. I 
am busy making a file of general brill display commands. I think they are in 
the voice over menu anyway, but I have looked there lately. When I get it done, 
do you want it? I'll have to do it a little later since I am about to get ready 
and get on the bus.

On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:

> Thanks,. This info does help. Can you tell me how I can sellect text? I've 
> not been successful.
> Kristeen
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get your 
>> focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have to use 
>> your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature of the 
>> beast.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
>>> Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
>>> probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as 
>>> a primary keyboard.
>>> For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to VO-applications 
>>> list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy way to map one to 
>>> command-tab.
>>> HtH,
>>> Teresa
>>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
>>> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
 Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather importatn. 
 For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to another, 
 how do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard along with the 
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
> Hi, Kristeen,
> I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
> tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
> chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view 
> the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new 
> ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would 
>> like to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to 
>> have to use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add 
>> important keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a 
>> window or program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and 
>> paste and manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off of 
>> the list, that's cool.
>> Kristeen
>>> On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi guys
>>> I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They weren't 
>>> just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine yesterday. 
>>> However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in TextEdit. I 
>>> couldn't even tell what I'd selected to the end of the text didn't tell 
>>> me. I was getting too many finder busy messages also, and I couldn't 
>>> always navigate and tell where I was.
>>> I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
>>> Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking about,
>>> Gigi
>>> Eugenia Firth
>>> gigifi...@sbcglobal.net
>>> -- 
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>>> Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries.
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> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.

Re: Is Winamp accessivle on the mac?

2013-11-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Looks like there hasn't been a new release since September of last year 
so I wouldn't get my hopes up.


On 11/12/13 8:33 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Would not recommend it.  Nothing like the windows version.

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:37 PM, Rob  wrote:

Have any of you tried winamp for the Mac?
You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
"God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"

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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-13 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there again
I haven't got on the bus yet, and I was thinking about what I had said last 
time. I just realized I said wrong. The command I sent to you before was going 
from different rotor items to and from. Other rotor items. I'm not sure, but I 
think if you roll that wheel on the focus 40 that it will start selecting text. 
I seem to remember that I would forget and Wohlt and it would start selecting 
text for me when I didn't want it. It may work to first set the rotor two words 
or lines as you need them and then use the wheel.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 13, 2013, at 9:05 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hi there
> Okay, you want to press the space with the bb sign in order to select the 
> previous roter item. Then you press dots 5-6 to select the next roter item. I 
> am busy making a file of general brill display commands. I think they are in 
> the voice over menu anyway, but I have looked there lately. When I get it 
> done, do you want it? I'll have to do it a little later since I am about to 
> get ready and get on the bus.
> Regards,
> Gigi
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> Thanks,. This info does help. Can you tell me how I can sellect text? I've 
>> not been successful.
>> Kristeen
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get your 
>>> focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have to use 
>>> your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature of the 
>>> beast.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Teresa Cochran  
 Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
 probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as 
 a primary keyboard.
 For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to 
 VO-applications list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy 
 way to map one to command-tab.
 "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's 
 too dark to read."--Groucho Marx
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather 
> importatn. For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to 
> another, how do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard 
> along with the display?
> Kristeen
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>> Hi, Kristeen,
>> I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
>> tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
>> chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view 
>> the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new 
>> ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>>> This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would 
>>> like to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to 
>>> have to use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add 
>>> important keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a 
>>> window or program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and 
>>> paste and manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off 
>>> of the list, that's cool.
>>> Kristeen
 On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi guys
 I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They 
 weren't just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine 
 yesterday. However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in 
 TextEdit. I couldn't even tell what I'd selected to the end of the 
 text didn't tell me. I was getting too many finder busy messages also, 
 and I couldn't always navigate and tell where I was.
 I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
 Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking 
 Eugenia Firth
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Re: Is it true in Mavericks that iTunes contact syncing has gone?

2013-11-13 Thread Chris H
No I agree. Syncing to the cloud is the way forward. I reckon one day 
only a minority will have a personal computer and instead opt for a 
tablet computer. That seems to be the vision of companies like Apple anyway.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 12/11/2013 22:12, Daniel Miller wrote:

Yes, it is gone. They want you to eat sync your contacts with iCloud, which 
quite honestly, I think everybody should do. But that's just my opinion.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Chris H  wrote:

Well I put my contacts into the cloud and am not concerned one bit. I have 
every faith in Apple. Yes things go wrong but don't every company make mistakes 
and hopefully learn by them? I hope it's not true either but personally I sync 
absolutely everything to the cloud including contacts. I can understand though 
if they have personal or business addresses in them but none of my contacts do. 
The majority just have a number, others have both a number and e-mail address, 
the rest just have an e-mail address.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 12/11/2013 19:23, Daniel McGee wrote:
Hi all, just wondering if the above subject line is true.
Apparently, I found some articles on the net that say that it is no longer 
possible to sink your contacts from iPhone to mac via USB cabel but one is 
forced to use iCloud.
Personally I don't use iCloud and I don't know about others but for me I 
personally don't use iCloud and for some reason wouldn't feel safe or like the 
idea of submitting my contacts up into the cloud. I mean I'm no criminal lol 
but stripping this functionality away from my mac, iPhone and iTunes I feel 
isn't really fair on the end user espually if they've upgraded to 10.9 and have 
this thrown upon them.
I am more than happy to submit stuff into the cloud but contacts for my part 
and for others is something I won't do for any cloud service.
I just wondered if it is true and how do others feel about the change. Also 
just so you know, I'm not old lol I'm for change but for me this feels like its 
going in the wrong direction. I like the idea of syncing to iTunes and having 
my iPhone and mac backup to the software locally.
That's me. How about you guys do you like the new move? If its is true that is 
and I'm sure someone on here will confirm.

Thank you


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Re: can't activate the see more link on the facebook mobile site and creating signatures in apple mail

2013-11-13 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi Andrew,

In facebook, interact with the heading, find the link and activate it. This 
happens in some pages, but not all.

In Mail, press command-comma to go to preferences. find the signatures button 
and press it. Here you’ll find information about customizing your signature. 
Make sure you aren’t interacting with any tables and find the add button. Do 
this with VO navigation. Type your name and signature in the fields. Then 
dismiss the preferences dialog.

"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Nov 12, 2013, at 11:33 PM, Andrew Head  wrote:

> Hi all,
> When I get to the end of a facebook page, the see more link comes up as a 
> heading instead of a link and I can’t activate it. Just wondering what’s 
> going on here and how to fix it?
> also, how do you create a signature in apple mail?
> Andrew 
> -- 
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Re: Track Changes or Text Attributes with Pages

2013-11-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Fantastic, that's great news, Anne! Thanks for letting me know… I'm going to 
have to get around to taking your course one of these days—perhaps once you've 
had a chance to update the materials in light of the new versions.
On 13/11/2013, at 9:15 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

Hello Nic,

Tracking changes is working much better in the new version of Pages. It tells 
you whether the change is an addition or a deletion, but I haven’t yet figured 
out how to find formatting changes.



On 12 Nov 2013, at 16:04, Nicholas Parsons  

> Unfortunately, to my knowledge VoiceOver still does not work fully with track 
> changes. Track changes do not only highlight changes, but it also indicates 
> whether the change is a deletion or an addition, or a format change. Anne 
> Robertson, who is the guru on Pages with VoiceOver and on this list can 
> probably give you more information. I believe she was able to get some use 
> from track changes but it's not fully accessible.
> Best,
> Nic
> On 13 Nov 2013, at 1:44 am, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’ve been working on a document which has been past through several people 
>> with the track changes feature turned on. To my understanding, there’s 
>> suppose to be a purple highlight on any changes made to the document. As I’m 
>> in pages, I noticed the view file pop up which contains an option to view 
>> markups or view markups and deletions. I chose to view markups. I know that 
>> in order to check text attributes we press VO + T. However, this only works 
>> for text which VO is focused on. Is there a way to have VO jump to the next 
>> change in text attributes? I'm dreading the thought of having to check line 
>> by line with the vo + t command.
>> Thanks!
>> Ibraheem
>> -- 
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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-13 Thread Kristeen Hughes
I do, thanks!


On Nov 13, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi there
> Okay, you want to press the space with the bb sign in order to select the 
> previous roter item. Then you press dots 5-6 to select the next roter item. I 
> am busy making a file of general brill display commands. I think they are in 
> the voice over menu anyway, but I have looked there lately. When I get it 
> done, do you want it? I'll have to do it a little later since I am about to 
> get ready and get on the bus.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> Thanks,. This info does help. Can you tell me how I can sellect text? I've 
>> not been successful.
>> Kristeen
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get your 
>>> focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have to use 
>>> your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature of the 
>>> beast.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Teresa Cochran  
 Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
 probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as 
 a primary keyboard.
 For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to 
 VO-applications list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy 
 way to map one to command-tab.
 "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's 
 too dark to read."--Groucho Marx
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather 
> importatn. For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to 
> another, how do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard 
> along with the display?
> Kristeen
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>> Hi, Kristeen,
>> I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
>> tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
>> chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and view 
>> the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or assign new 
>> ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun exploring. :)
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>>> This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would 
>>> like to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to 
>>> have to use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add 
>>> important keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing a 
>>> window or program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut and 
>>> paste and manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff off 
>>> of the list, that's cool.
>>> Kristeen
 On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi guys
 I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They 
 weren't just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine 
 yesterday. However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in 
 TextEdit. I couldn't even tell what I'd selected to the end of the 
 text didn't tell me. I was getting too many finder busy messages also, 
 and I couldn't always navigate and tell where I was.
 I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
 Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking 
 Eugenia Firth
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Re: 1password

2013-11-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Sorry, I can't work this out either. I usually just log into a website and let 
1Password Mini save the login item for me. I'm happy making up my own 
passwords. I can't work out how to get 1Password to generate passwords though 
in version 4 which is not good seeing as this is one of the main features it 
Best of luck—I hope someone else can be of more help.
On 13/11/2013, at 10:04 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

Dear listers,

I'm running into some interface issues with the new version of 1password. How 
can I create a new password in 1password version 4?

Here's what I'm trying to do.
I open 1password, and just as in version 3, I can go to the sidebar, interact, 
and find the passwords item there. Once selected, I stop interacting and I then 
open the file menu and choose: new password. A new dialog comes up.

Here, I land in a field where I assume I can specify the purpose of the new 
password. I see 4 items here: from left to right an image, then an edit field 
for the purpose, then a favorite checkbox, and a share button. Obviously, all I 
need is the edit field, so I type in what this new password will be for.

After typing that in, I'd like to generate a secure password, which gave no 
problems at all in the previous version. Now, I stop interacting, to broaden 
the focus of things I can look at. I then find, that I'm on favorite, unchecked 
checkbox, so I move right. I then hear the sound of a popover appearing, and 
I'm stuck. It says that my password is 1% strength, which is bad of course. So 
how can I proceed from here? I don't see a password at all. I used to see a 
field with the newly generated password, and some sliders beside it, to adjust 
its complexity. Now, I'm stuck in this popover, and my focus in VO is randomly 
being reset to just before the toolbar, so I'm being flung away from where I 
was looking. If you know how to get around this, please let me know. 

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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-13 Thread Kristeen Hughes
I don't know of a wheel on the Focus 40 Blue.


On Nov 13, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi there again
> I haven't got on the bus yet, and I was thinking about what I had said last 
> time. I just realized I said wrong. The command I sent to you before was 
> going from different rotor items to and from. Other rotor items. I'm not 
> sure, but I think if you roll that wheel on the focus 40 that it will start 
> selecting text. I seem to remember that I would forget and Wohlt and it would 
> start selecting text for me when I didn't want it. It may work to first set 
> the rotor two words or lines as you need them and then use the wheel.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 13, 2013, at 9:05 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi there
>> Okay, you want to press the space with the bb sign in order to select the 
>> previous roter item. Then you press dots 5-6 to select the next roter item. 
>> I am busy making a file of general brill display commands. I think they are 
>> in the voice over menu anyway, but I have looked there lately. When I get it 
>> done, do you want it? I'll have to do it a little later since I am about to 
>> get ready and get on the bus.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>>> Thanks,. This info does help. Can you tell me how I can sellect text? I've 
>>> not been successful.
>>> Kristeen
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
 Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get 
 your focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have 
 to use your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature 
 of the beast.
 Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
> Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
> probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display 
> as a primary keyboard.
> For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to 
> VO-applications list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy 
> way to map one to command-tab.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's 
> too dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather 
>> importatn. For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app 
>> to another, how do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard 
>> along with the display?
>> Kristeen
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi, Kristeen,
>>> I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
>>> tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
>>> chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and 
>>> view the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or 
>>> assign new ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun 
>>> exploring. :)
>>> HtH,
>>> Teresa
>>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
 This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would 
 like to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to 
 have to use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add 
 important keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing 
 a window or program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut 
 and paste and manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff 
 off of the list, that's cool.
> On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hi guys
> I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They 
> weren't just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine 
> yesterday. However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in 
> TextEdit. I couldn't even tell what I'd selected to the end of the 
> text didn't tell me. I was getting too many finder busy messages 
> also, and I couldn't always navigate and tell where I was.
> I had to call that 877 number, and he is checking for me.
> Regards and a little stressed, but this is computers were talking 
> about,
> Gigi
> Eugenia Firth
> gigifi...@sbcglobal.net
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Re: Track Changes or Text Attributes with Pages

2013-11-13 Thread Ibraheem Fakir
Thanks Anne!

Wait, you have a course? Is it posted online? Can you link me to it?



On Nov 13, 2013, at 11:47 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Fantastic, that's great news, Anne! Thanks for letting me know… I'm going to 
> have to get around to taking your course one of these days—perhaps once 
> you've had a chance to update the materials in light of the new versions.
> Cheers,
> Nic
> On 13/11/2013, at 9:15 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Nic,
> Tracking changes is working much better in the new version of Pages. It tells 
> you whether the change is an addition or a deletion, but I haven’t yet 
> figured out how to find formatting changes.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 12 Nov 2013, at 16:04, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> Unfortunately, to my knowledge VoiceOver still does not work fully with 
>> track changes. Track changes do not only highlight changes, but it also 
>> indicates whether the change is a deletion or an addition, or a format 
>> change. Anne Robertson, who is the guru on Pages with VoiceOver and on this 
>> list can probably give you more information. I believe she was able to get 
>> some use from track changes but it's not fully accessible.
>> Best,
>> Nic
>> On 13 Nov 2013, at 1:44 am, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I’ve been working on a document which has been past through several people 
>>> with the track changes feature turned on. To my understanding, there’s 
>>> suppose to be a purple highlight on any changes made to the document. As 
>>> I’m in pages, I noticed the view file pop up which contains an option to 
>>> view markups or view markups and deletions. I chose to view markups. I know 
>>> that in order to check text attributes we press VO + T. However, this only 
>>> works for text which VO is focused on. Is there a way to have VO jump to 
>>> the next change in text attributes? I'm dreading the thought of having to 
>>> check line by line with the vo + t command.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Ibraheem
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Re: handytech braillestar 40/0 and 10.9

2013-11-13 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
That is the subject of my open case with Apple. I just discovered, much to my 
displeasure, that my braille display will not work with my iPhone at all. So, 
it's not just the Mac. 

If your friend is using his computer, see if it will work with the USB cable. 
Mine does.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 13, 2013, at 2:56 AM, Peter Durieux  wrote:
> Hi listers,
> What I have heard of a friend of mine is that he has issues with his 
> Handytech under 10.9. 
> The braille display won't be found, when he boots from the recovery, braille 
> goes well.
> Anyone else experienced this one? :)
> (this prevent me from upgrading to 10.9)
> tia 
> -Peter
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Re: Track Changes or Text Attributes with Pages

2013-11-13 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Ibraheem,

My husband and I teach a Pages course via Skype and teamviewer. We’re currently 
updating the materials for Mavericks and the new Pages.

We charge €25 per unit and there are 5 units. However, not everyone wants all 
the units.

The price is in euros because we live in France and, of course, you have to 
take into consideration time differences between France and wherever you are.



On 13 Nov 2013, at 17:57, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:

> Thanks Anne!
> Wait, you have a course? Is it posted online? Can you link me to it?
> Peace,
> Ibraheem
> On Nov 13, 2013, at 11:47 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>  wrote:
>> Fantastic, that's great news, Anne! Thanks for letting me know… I'm going to 
>> have to get around to taking your course one of these days—perhaps once 
>> you've had a chance to update the materials in light of the new versions.
>> Cheers,
>> Nic
>> On 13/11/2013, at 9:15 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Nic,
>> Tracking changes is working much better in the new version of Pages. It 
>> tells you whether the change is an addition or a deletion, but I haven’t yet 
>> figured out how to find formatting changes.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 12 Nov 2013, at 16:04, Nicholas Parsons  
>> wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, to my knowledge VoiceOver still does not work fully with 
>>> track changes. Track changes do not only highlight changes, but it also 
>>> indicates whether the change is a deletion or an addition, or a format 
>>> change. Anne Robertson, who is the guru on Pages with VoiceOver and on this 
>>> list can probably give you more information. I believe she was able to get 
>>> some use from track changes but it's not fully accessible.
>>> Best,
>>> Nic
>>> On 13 Nov 2013, at 1:44 am, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
 Hi all,
 I’ve been working on a document which has been past through several people 
 with the track changes feature turned on. To my understanding, there’s 
 suppose to be a purple highlight on any changes made to the document. As 
 I’m in pages, I noticed the view file pop up which contains an option to 
 view markups or view markups and deletions. I chose to view markups. I 
 know that in order to check text attributes we press VO + T. However, this 
 only works for text which VO is focused on. Is there a way to have VO jump 
 to the next change in text attributes? I'm dreading the thought of having 
 to check line by line with the vo + t command.
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Re: Is it true in Mavericks that iTunes contact syncing has gone?

2013-11-13 Thread Daniel Miller
I'm sorry for all the weird words in the message, I was using dictation for 
that. LOL. But yes, I do agree. I think people should use iCloud to sync their 
contacts and calendars with their phones. Pretty soon, everything is going to 
be the way of the cloud anyway, so you might as well get used to it now.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 13, 2013, at 10:19 AM, Chris H  wrote:
> No I agree. Syncing to the cloud is the way forward. I reckon one day only a 
> minority will have a personal computer and instead opt for a tablet computer. 
> That seems to be the vision of companies like Apple anyway.
> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
> christopher...@gmail.com
>> On 12/11/2013 22:12, Daniel Miller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes, it is gone. They want you to eat sync your contacts with iCloud, which 
>> quite honestly, I think everybody should do. But that's just my opinion.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Chris H  wrote:
>>> Well I put my contacts into the cloud and am not concerned one bit. I have 
>>> every faith in Apple. Yes things go wrong but don't every company make 
>>> mistakes and hopefully learn by them? I hope it's not true either but 
>>> personally I sync absolutely everything to the cloud including contacts. I 
>>> can understand though if they have personal or business addresses in them 
>>> but none of my contacts do. The majority just have a number, others have 
>>> both a number and e-mail address, the rest just have an e-mail address.
>>> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
>>> christopher...@gmail.com
 On 12/11/2013 19:23, Daniel McGee wrote:
 Hi all, just wondering if the above subject line is true.
 Apparently, I found some articles on the net that say that it is no longer 
 possible to sink your contacts from iPhone to mac via USB cabel but one is 
 forced to use iCloud.
 Personally I don't use iCloud and I don't know about others but for me I 
 personally don't use iCloud and for some reason wouldn't feel safe or like 
 the idea of submitting my contacts up into the cloud. I mean I'm no 
 criminal lol but stripping this functionality away from my mac, iPhone and 
 iTunes I feel isn't really fair on the end user espually if they've 
 upgraded to 10.9 and have this thrown upon them.
 I am more than happy to submit stuff into the cloud but contacts for my 
 part and for others is something I won't do for any cloud service.
 I just wondered if it is true and how do others feel about the change. 
 Also just so you know, I'm not old lol I'm for change but for me this 
 feels like its going in the wrong direction. I like the idea of syncing to 
 iTunes and having my iPhone and mac backup to the software locally.
 That's me. How about you guys do you like the new move? If its is true 
 that is and I'm sure someone on here will confirm.
 Thank you
>>> --
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Re: Is it true in Mavericks that iTunes contact syncing has gone?

2013-11-13 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Synching to the cloud is the way to go.  The cloud has saved my tail at least 
twice when it comes to contacts, book marks, and license key documents.  Drob 
box does great for storing disk images of apps.  Between those two sources, 
reinstalls, when necessary, are practically no effort at all.

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Nov 13, 2013, at 10:19 AM, Chris H  wrote:

> No I agree. Syncing to the cloud is the way forward. I reckon one day only a 
> minority will have a personal computer and instead opt for a tablet computer. 
> That seems to be the vision of companies like Apple anyway.
> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
> christopher...@gmail.com
> On 12/11/2013 22:12, Daniel Miller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes, it is gone. They want you to eat sync your contacts with iCloud, which 
>> quite honestly, I think everybody should do. But that's just my opinion.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Chris H  wrote:
>>> Well I put my contacts into the cloud and am not concerned one bit. I have 
>>> every faith in Apple. Yes things go wrong but don't every company make 
>>> mistakes and hopefully learn by them? I hope it's not true either but 
>>> personally I sync absolutely everything to the cloud including contacts. I 
>>> can understand though if they have personal or business addresses in them 
>>> but none of my contacts do. The majority just have a number, others have 
>>> both a number and e-mail address, the rest just have an e-mail address.
>>> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
>>> christopher...@gmail.com
 On 12/11/2013 19:23, Daniel McGee wrote:
 Hi all, just wondering if the above subject line is true.
 Apparently, I found some articles on the net that say that it is no longer 
 possible to sink your contacts from iPhone to mac via USB cabel but one is 
 forced to use iCloud.
 Personally I don't use iCloud and I don't know about others but for me I 
 personally don't use iCloud and for some reason wouldn't feel safe or like 
 the idea of submitting my contacts up into the cloud. I mean I'm no 
 criminal lol but stripping this functionality away from my mac, iPhone and 
 iTunes I feel isn't really fair on the end user espually if they've 
 upgraded to 10.9 and have this thrown upon them.
 I am more than happy to submit stuff into the cloud but contacts for my 
 part and for others is something I won't do for any cloud service.
 I just wondered if it is true and how do others feel about the change. 
 Also just so you know, I'm not old lol I'm for change but for me this 
 feels like its going in the wrong direction. I like the idea of syncing to 
 iTunes and having my iPhone and mac backup to the software locally.
 That's me. How about you guys do you like the new move? If its is true 
 that is and I'm sure someone on here will confirm.
 Thank you
>>> --
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mac minny wireless keyboard again

2013-11-13 Thread Gene Baroni
Thanks to everyone's help with my keyboard problem. I had to do a remote 
session with Apple to connect it. The rep created an incident report and passed 
up the chain. He said they would probably fix it in an update. 

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Driver question

2013-11-13 Thread Tim Emmons
Hi guys, I have a situation and any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a 
Romeo Pro 50, on a Mac mini running Mountainlion. I am using Louis Braille the 
free translator, and a usb to serial or parallel not sure which one, I think 
it's the latter, anyway. I have the printer connected, and know the printer is 
communicating with the mac. I tried to add printer and picked something and it 
shot out a ton of gibberish so I know that even though that wasn't the right 
driver it does communicate with the connector and the Mac.  We have migrated 
from windows here at work, and I really don't want to have to go back and use 
duxbury and windows for just this, if possible. Is there a driver, that will 
work to make the Romeo pro 50 single-sided printer work with the mac as an 
embossing option under Louis braille, or am I totally missing something. I know 
that there are no braille translation solutions for the mac outside of the 
Louis braille and not even sure it is still being supported even though it is 
an awesome addition. Anyway, if you could help that would be great. Let me know 
what driver if any will work, or if there is a programmer out there that really 
wants to tackle something I don't care what the driver looks like as long as it 
runs. Thanks for any help you can give. Take care and talk to you soon. 

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Re: Is it true in Mavericks that iTunes contact syncing has gone?

2013-11-13 Thread Teresa Cochran
Yes, I agree. At this point, there’s one app iTunes won’t sync for me which 
iCloud will. I do admit that iTunes was faster when putting a whole bunch of 
apps on my iPod at once, but otherwise, I am using the cloud more and more.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Nov 13, 2013, at 9:34 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Synching to the cloud is the way to go.  The cloud has saved my tail at least 
> twice when it comes to contacts, book marks, and license key documents.  Drob 
> box does great for storing disk images of apps.  Between those two sources, 
> reinstalls, when necessary, are practically no effort at all.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> On Nov 13, 2013, at 10:19 AM, Chris H  wrote:
>> No I agree. Syncing to the cloud is the way forward. I reckon one day only a 
>> minority will have a personal computer and instead opt for a tablet 
>> computer. That seems to be the vision of companies like Apple anyway.
>> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
>> christopher...@gmail.com
>> On 12/11/2013 22:12, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Yes, it is gone. They want you to eat sync your contacts with iCloud, which 
>>> quite honestly, I think everybody should do. But that's just my opinion.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Chris H  wrote:
 Well I put my contacts into the cloud and am not concerned one bit. I have 
 every faith in Apple. Yes things go wrong but don't every company make 
 mistakes and hopefully learn by them? I hope it's not true either but 
 personally I sync absolutely everything to the cloud including contacts. I 
 can understand though if they have personal or business addresses in them 
 but none of my contacts do. The majority just have a number, others have 
 both a number and e-mail address, the rest just have an e-mail address.
 E-mail Facebook and iMessage
> On 12/11/2013 19:23, Daniel McGee wrote:
> Hi all, just wondering if the above subject line is true.
> Apparently, I found some articles on the net that say that it is no 
> longer possible to sink your contacts from iPhone to mac via USB cabel 
> but one is forced to use iCloud.
> Personally I don't use iCloud and I don't know about others but for me I 
> personally don't use iCloud and for some reason wouldn't feel safe or 
> like the idea of submitting my contacts up into the cloud. I mean I'm no 
> criminal lol but stripping this functionality away from my mac, iPhone 
> and iTunes I feel isn't really fair on the end user espually if they've 
> upgraded to 10.9 and have this thrown upon them.
> I am more than happy to submit stuff into the cloud but contacts for my 
> part and for others is something I won't do for any cloud service.
> I just wondered if it is true and how do others feel about the change. 
> Also just so you know, I'm not old lol I'm for change but for me this 
> feels like its going in the wrong direction. I like the idea of syncing 
> to iTunes and having my iPhone and mac backup to the software locally.
> That's me. How about you guys do you like the new move? If its is true 
> that is and I'm sure someone on here will confirm.
> Thank you
> Daniel
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Two Unrelated Issues: Messages on the Mac not working correctly and how do I get rid of a huge block of "reply to" recipients in my contacts list

2013-11-13 Thread Christine Grassman
Howdy all.  I have a MacBook with Mountain Lion, and I cannot read my messages 
on it.  It tells me, for example, that I have two unread messages, but I can't 
find them. they are on my iPhone, but I cannot get to them on the Mac. All 
Messages does on the Mac is put me in a position to compose or add a recipient, 
not to read anything.

As to my contacts list, I have a ridiculous amount of "contacts" which consist 
of "reply to" recipients, such as Facebook replies. How can I:
a. get rid of them all at once, and 
b. prevent such addresses from being saved as contacts in the first place?

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Re: Identify system sound

2013-11-13 Thread Traci Duncan

The airplane sound was custom, and I’ve figured out it was an error sound.  I 
didn’t realize the last sound I played in preferences was the error sound being 
selected.  :)

I must have played the airplane sound last.

Thank you,

On Nov 12, 2013, at 11:29 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> You’ll sometimes here this sound as well if you have Calendar reminders.  The 
> send Mail sounds as the reminder is sent off.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 11, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is there a way to figure out what system sound belongs to?  In the last 
>> couple days I’m hearing an airplane going off pretty frequently and I don’t 
>> know what it is attached to.  I’m guessing something to do with wireless, 
>> but is there a way to look it up?
>> Thanks,
>> Traci
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Re: Is Winamp accessivle on the mac?

2013-11-13 Thread Matt Dierckens
Does anyone know of an app that will crossfade music?
Matt Dierckens
Assistive Technology Trainer
IOS and Macintosh User support
Windsor area

On 2013-11-13, at 10:26 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Looks like there hasn't been a new release since September of last year so I 
> wouldn't get my hopes up.
> CB
> On 11/12/13 8:33 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Would not recommend it.  Nothing like the windows version.
>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:37 PM, Rob  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Have any of you tried winamp for the Mac?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rob
>>> You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
>>> 206-426-3505
>>> "God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"
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Re: Focus display and Mavericks

2013-11-13 Thread Jonathan Mosen
The older Focus 40 Blues had whiz wheels, but the slimmer, newer version does 
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 14/11/2013, at 5:55 am, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:

> I don't know of a wheel on the Focus 40 Blue.
> Kristeen
> On Nov 13, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi there again
>> I haven't got on the bus yet, and I was thinking about what I had said last 
>> time. I just realized I said wrong. The command I sent to you before was 
>> going from different rotor items to and from. Other rotor items. I'm not 
>> sure, but I think if you roll that wheel on the focus 40 that it will start 
>> selecting text. I seem to remember that I would forget and Wohlt and it 
>> would start selecting text for me when I didn't want it. It may work to 
>> first set the rotor two words or lines as you need them and then use the 
>> wheel.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 13, 2013, at 9:05 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi there
>>> Okay, you want to press the space with the bb sign in order to select the 
>>> previous roter item. Then you press dots 5-6 to select the next roter item. 
>>> I am busy making a file of general brill display commands. I think they are 
>>> in the voice over menu anyway, but I have looked there lately. When I get 
>>> it done, do you want it? I'll have to do it a little later since I am about 
>>> to get ready and get on the bus.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 10:08 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
 Thanks,. This info does help. Can you tell me how I can sellect text? I've 
 not been successful.
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
> Hi,
> Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get 
> your focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have 
> to use your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature 
> of the beast.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>> Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
>> probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display 
>> as a primary keyboard.
>> For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to 
>> VO-applications list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy 
>> way to map one to command-tab.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's 
>> too dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>>> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather 
>>> importatn. For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app 
>>> to another, how do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard 
>>> along with the display?
>>> Kristeen
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Teresa Cochran 
 Hi, Kristeen,
 I have a focus 40 Blue and use it constantly with Mavericks. I haven’t 
 tried assigning keystrokes for selecting text, etc. but there’s a good 
 chance it can be done. In the vO utility, you can go to Braille and 
 view the assigned commands for your Braille display and modify or 
 assign new ones. There’s a lot of stuff in there, so have fun 
 exploring. :)
 "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Kristeen Hughes  
> wrote:
> This may have been discussed before, but I have to try again. I would 
> like to use my Focus 40 Blue with my Mac Mini. I would prefer not to 
> have to use another keyboard along with it. Are there any ways to add 
> important keystrokes like switching between open programs and closing 
> a window or program, etc? Along with that is it truly possible to cut 
> and paste and manipulate text? Of someone wants to address this stuff 
> off of the list, that's cool.
> Kristeen
>> On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> I had so many problems I had to go back to mountain kitty. They 
>> weren't just with my braille display, which I reported is doing fine 
>> yesterday. However, today I couldn't even navigate properly in 
>> TextEdit. I couldn't even tell what I'd selected to the end of the 
>> text didn't tell me. I was getting too many finder busy messages 
>> also, and I couldn't always navigate and tell where I was.
>> I had to call that 877

Re: Is Winamp accessivle on the mac?

2013-11-13 Thread Teresa Cochran
I know I saw this in iTunes. I think it’s in preferences, playback.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Nov 13, 2013, at 11:05 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Does anyone know of an app that will crossfade music?
> Thanks.
> Matt Dierckens
> matt.dierck...@gmail.com
> Assistive Technology Trainer
> IOS and Macintosh User support
> Windsor area
> On 2013-11-13, at 10:26 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Looks like there hasn't been a new release since September of last year so I 
>> wouldn't get my hopes up.
>> CB
>> On 11/12/13 8:33 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Would not recommend it.  Nothing like the windows version.
>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>>> built-in!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:37 PM, Rob  wrote:
 Have any of you tried winamp for the Mac?
 You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
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Re: Is Winamp accessivle on the mac?

2013-11-13 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi, well when Itried the crossfader, it didn't crossfade.

Matt Dierckens
Assistive Technology Trainer
IOS and Macintosh User support
Windsor area

On 2013-11-13, at 2:17 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> I know I saw this in iTunes. I think it’s in preferences, playback.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
> On Nov 13, 2013, at 11:05 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Does anyone know of an app that will crossfade music?
>> Thanks.
>> Matt Dierckens
>> matt.dierck...@gmail.com
>> Assistive Technology Trainer
>> IOS and Macintosh User support
>> Windsor area
>> On 2013-11-13, at 10:26 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> Looks like there hasn't been a new release since September of last year so 
>>> I wouldn't get my hopes up.
>>> CB
>>> On 11/12/13 8:33 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 Would not recommend it.  Nothing like the windows version.
 Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
 On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:37 PM, Rob  wrote:
> Hi,
> Have any of you tried winamp for the Mac?
> Thanks,
> Rob
> You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
> 206-426-3505
> "God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"
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How do I change system voice?

2013-11-13 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi folks,
I’ve looked but can’t find where to change the system voice for the Mac. I had 
Serena as my system voice before upgrading, but now Alex is back and, sorry, 
but I am not a big fan of his. I don’t mean voice over, but the system voice 
which tells you when a reminder notification comes up or when your battery is 
going flat. VO voices are all fine. 
I’ve looked in system prefes but for the life of me can’t find it.
Thanks for any help.


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Re: VO-J and Mail

2013-11-13 Thread Chris Moore
I have found that the vo + j does not always register.  If you hear 
:interacting with text area”, you will be able to read the message line by line 
with the up/down arrow keys.  I often need to hit vo+j twice before it is 

On Nov 13, 2013, at 8:13 AM, alia robinson  wrote:

> It has been doing it with me since I updated. everytime you get new mail it 
> sends you out to the inbox again, and says ‘one row added’ I *hate* it!!! 
> Alia
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 11:16 PM, Janet Ingber  wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> When I use VO-J to jump from the message list to an individual email,a few 
>> lines are read and then without my doing anything, I’m back in the messages 
>> table.  This does not only happen with my Gmail account.  I am using the 
>> default mail view and I have not made any changes.  This behavior started a 
>> few days ago.  Any suggestions?
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Re: How do I change system voice?

2013-11-13 Thread Teresa Cochran
Go into System Preferences, Dictation and speech.



"We're made of star stuff."--Carl Sagan

On Nov 13, 2013, at 11:35 AM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Hi folks,
> I’ve looked but can’t find where to change the system voice for the Mac. I 
> had Serena as my system voice before upgrading, but now Alex is back and, 
> sorry, but I am not a big fan of his. I don’t mean voice over, but the system 
> voice which tells you when a reminder notification comes up or when your 
> battery is going flat. VO voices are all fine. 
> I’ve looked in system prefes but for the life of me can’t find it.
> Thanks for any help.
> Lisette
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Garage band: volume of software instruments

2013-11-13 Thread Chris Moore
I hooked up a midi keyboard to GB.  I can hear the notes, but the volume is far 
too low.  I think I’m using the built-in grand piano.


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Re: How do I change system voice?

2013-11-13 Thread Teresa Cochran
Try system preferences, Dictation and sppech.


On the other hand, there are different fingers.

On Nov 13, 2013, at 11:35 AM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Hi folks,
> I’ve looked but can’t find where to change the system voice for the Mac. I 
> had Serena as my system voice before upgrading, but now Alex is back and, 
> sorry, but I am not a big fan of his. I don’t mean voice over, but the system 
> voice which tells you when a reminder notification comes up or when your 
> battery is going flat. VO voices are all fine. 
> I’ve looked in system prefes but for the life of me can’t find it.
> Thanks for any help.
> Lisette
> -- 
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Re: Is it true in Mavericks that iTunes contact syncing has gone?

2013-11-13 Thread Daniel McGee
Ok guys, I accept the cloud for what's it worth.
If I want to use it, how can I insure that all my contacts from iPhone to mac 
get uploaded successfully in order that I can use it?

I've got an iCloud account linked to my apple ID. So just awaiting your 
Want to do it right if you know what I mean. 


On 13 Nov 2013, at 17:53, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Yes, I agree. At this point, there’s one app iTunes won’t sync for me which 
> iCloud will. I do admit that iTunes was faster when putting a whole bunch of 
> apps on my iPod at once, but otherwise, I am using the cloud more and more.
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
> On Nov 13, 2013, at 9:34 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Synching to the cloud is the way to go.  The cloud has saved my tail at 
>> least twice when it comes to contacts, book marks, and license key 
>> documents.  Drob box does great for storing disk images of apps.  Between 
>> those two sources, reinstalls, when necessary, are practically no effort at 
>> all.
>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>> On Nov 13, 2013, at 10:19 AM, Chris H  wrote:
>>> No I agree. Syncing to the cloud is the way forward. I reckon one day only 
>>> a minority will have a personal computer and instead opt for a tablet 
>>> computer. That seems to be the vision of companies like Apple anyway.
>>> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
>>> christopher...@gmail.com
>>> On 12/11/2013 22:12, Daniel Miller wrote:
 Yes, it is gone. They want you to eat sync your contacts with iCloud, 
 which quite honestly, I think everybody should do. But that's just my 
 Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Chris H  wrote:
> Well I put my contacts into the cloud and am not concerned one bit. I 
> have every faith in Apple. Yes things go wrong but don't every company 
> make mistakes and hopefully learn by them? I hope it's not true either 
> but personally I sync absolutely everything to the cloud including 
> contacts. I can understand though if they have personal or business 
> addresses in them but none of my contacts do. The majority just have a 
> number, others have both a number and e-mail address, the rest just have 
> an e-mail address.
> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
> christopher...@gmail.com
>> On 12/11/2013 19:23, Daniel McGee wrote:
>> Hi all, just wondering if the above subject line is true.
>> Apparently, I found some articles on the net that say that it is no 
>> longer possible to sink your contacts from iPhone to mac via USB cabel 
>> but one is forced to use iCloud.
>> Personally I don't use iCloud and I don't know about others but for me I 
>> personally don't use iCloud and for some reason wouldn't feel safe or 
>> like the idea of submitting my contacts up into the cloud. I mean I'm no 
>> criminal lol but stripping this functionality away from my mac, iPhone 
>> and iTunes I feel isn't really fair on the end user espually if they've 
>> upgraded to 10.9 and have this thrown upon them.
>> I am more than happy to submit stuff into the cloud but contacts for my 
>> part and for others is something I won't do for any cloud service.
>> I just wondered if it is true and how do others feel about the change. 
>> Also just so you know, I'm not old lol I'm for change but for me this 
>> feels like its going in the wrong direction. I like the idea of syncing 
>> to iTunes and having my iPhone and mac backup to the software locally.
>> That's me. How about you guys do you like the new move? If its is true 
>> that is and I'm sure someone on here will confirm.
>> Thank you
>> Daniel
> --
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>> -- 

Re: How do I change system voice?

2013-11-13 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Oh duh, that’s the one place I didn’t look properly. Thanks very much indeed.
On 14/11/2013, at 8:44 am, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Try system preferences, Dictation and sppech.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On the other hand, there are different fingers.
> On Nov 13, 2013, at 11:35 AM, Lisette Wesseling  
> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I’ve looked but can’t find where to change the system voice for the Mac. I 
>> had Serena as my system voice before upgrading, but now Alex is back and, 
>> sorry, but I am not a big fan of his. I don’t mean voice over, but the 
>> system voice which tells you when a reminder notification comes up or when 
>> your battery is going flat. VO voices are all fine. 
>> I’ve looked in system prefes but for the life of me can’t find it.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Lisette
>> -- 
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Re: Is Winamp accessivle on the mac?

2013-11-13 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Depends on how you set the slider.

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Nov 13, 2013, at 1:22 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi, well when Itried the crossfader, it didn't crossfade.
> Thanks.
> Matt Dierckens
> matt.dierck...@gmail.com
> Assistive Technology Trainer
> IOS and Macintosh User support
> Windsor area
> On 2013-11-13, at 2:17 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> I know I saw this in iTunes. I think it’s in preferences, playback.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
>> Feynman
>> On Nov 13, 2013, at 11:05 AM, Matt Dierckens  
>> wrote:
>>> Does anyone know of an app that will crossfade music?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Matt Dierckens
>>> matt.dierck...@gmail.com
>>> Assistive Technology Trainer
>>> IOS and Macintosh User support
>>> Windsor area
>>> On 2013-11-13, at 10:26 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
 Looks like there hasn't been a new release since September of last year so 
 I wouldn't get my hopes up.
 On 11/12/13 8:33 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Would not recommend it.  Nothing like the windows version.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:37 PM, Rob  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Have any of you tried winamp for the Mac?
>> Thanks,
>> Rob
>> You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
>> 206-426-3505
>> "God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"
>> -- 
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Re: Is it true in Mavericks that iTunes contact syncing has gone?

2013-11-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

Just make sure that Contacts is on in Settings/iCloud on your iPhone and that 
Contacts is checked on in the Services Table in the iCloud pane of System Prefs 
on your Mac.  That should do it.  After the sync is complete, just navigate 
over to the Groups Table and select iCloud to see what contacts were moved up 
to the Cloud.  If everything is good in the iCloud list, then, if you’re brave, 
you can get rid of the same list of contacts from the On My Mac section.  This 
way, you shouldn’t get duplicates and you’ll ensure that when you update a 
specific contact, it’s the one that will be synced with your iPhone.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 13, 2013, at 12:59 PM, Daniel McGee  

> Ok guys, I accept the cloud for what's it worth.
> If I want to use it, how can I insure that all my contacts from iPhone to mac 
> get uploaded successfully in order that I can use it?
> I've got an iCloud account linked to my apple ID. So just awaiting your 
> instructions. 
> Want to do it right if you know what I mean. 
> Thanks
> Daniel 
> On 13 Nov 2013, at 17:53, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Yes, I agree. At this point, there’s one app iTunes won’t sync for me which 
>> iCloud will. I do admit that iTunes was faster when putting a whole bunch of 
>> apps on my iPod at once, but otherwise, I am using the cloud more and more.
>> Teresa
>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
>> Feynman
>> On Nov 13, 2013, at 9:34 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>> Synching to the cloud is the way to go.  The cloud has saved my tail at 
>>> least twice when it comes to contacts, book marks, and license key 
>>> documents.  Drob box does great for storing disk images of apps.  Between 
>>> those two sources, reinstalls, when necessary, are practically no effort at 
>>> all.
>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>>> built-in!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>>> On Nov 13, 2013, at 10:19 AM, Chris H  wrote:
 No I agree. Syncing to the cloud is the way forward. I reckon one day only 
 a minority will have a personal computer and instead opt for a tablet 
 computer. That seems to be the vision of companies like Apple anyway.
 E-mail Facebook and iMessage
 On 12/11/2013 22:12, Daniel Miller wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes, it is gone. They want you to eat sync your contacts with iCloud, 
> which quite honestly, I think everybody should do. But that's just my 
> opinion.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Chris H  wrote:
>> Well I put my contacts into the cloud and am not concerned one bit. I 
>> have every faith in Apple. Yes things go wrong but don't every company 
>> make mistakes and hopefully learn by them? I hope it's not true either 
>> but personally I sync absolutely everything to the cloud including 
>> contacts. I can understand though if they have personal or business 
>> addresses in them but none of my contacts do. The majority just have a 
>> number, others have both a number and e-mail address, the rest just have 
>> an e-mail address.
>> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
>> christopher...@gmail.com
>>> On 12/11/2013 19:23, Daniel McGee wrote:
>>> Hi all, just wondering if the above subject line is true.
>>> Apparently, I found some articles on the net that say that it is no 
>>> longer possible to sink your contacts from iPhone to mac via USB cabel 
>>> but one is forced to use iCloud.
>>> Personally I don't use iCloud and I don't know about others but for me 
>>> I personally don't use iCloud and for some reason wouldn't feel safe or 
>>> like the idea of submitting my contacts up into the cloud. I mean I'm 
>>> no criminal lol but stripping this functionality away from my mac, 
>>> iPhone and iTunes I feel isn't really fair on the end user espually if 
>>> they've upgraded to 10.9 and have this thrown upon them.
>>> I am more than happy to submit stuff into the cloud but contacts for my 
>>> part and for others is something I won't do for any cloud service.
>>> I just wondered if it is true and how do others feel about the change. 
>>> Also just so you know, I'm not old lol I'm for change but for me this 
>>> feels like its going in the wrong direction. I like the idea of syncing 
>>> to iTunes and having my iPhone and mac backup to the software locally.
>>> That's me. How about you guys do you like the new move? If its is true 
>>> that is and I'm sure someone on here will confirm.
>>> Thank you
>>> Daniel
>> --
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Re: Crome and Mac.

2013-11-13 Thread Sean Murphy

They have changed the commands. Now it is control + command, rather then 
control + alt which it was previously. Voice-Over works in the menus and 
address bar. While Vox works in the HTML area.

On 13/11/2013, at 11:43 PM, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:

> Hi,
> How can you work with Chromevox and Voiceover on at the same time, or did i 
> misunderstand anything? Don’t voices or commands clash or have they changed 
> commands for Chromevox recently?
> /Krister
> 13 nov 2013 kl. 11:49 skrev Sean Murphy :
>> Hi all.
>> I have just started to use Crome with CromeVox and Voice-Over working at the 
>> same time. The latest version is far more impressive then the previous 
>> versions. Anyone else on the list using Crome?
>> -- 
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Re: Crome and Mac.

2013-11-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Does Vox recognize that VO is present? If not you could end up having 2 voices 
speak the same thing at the same time. If not, i may just try Chrome and vox 

13 nov 2013 kl. 21:47 skrev Sean Murphy :

> Hi,
> They have changed the commands. Now it is control + command, rather then 
> control + alt which it was previously. Voice-Over works in the menus and 
> address bar. While Vox works in the HTML area.
> Sean 
> On 13/11/2013, at 11:43 PM, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How can you work with Chromevox and Voiceover on at the same time, or did i 
>> misunderstand anything? Don’t voices or commands clash or have they changed 
>> commands for Chromevox recently?
>> /Krister
>> 13 nov 2013 kl. 11:49 skrev Sean Murphy :
>>> Hi all.
>>> I have just started to use Crome with CromeVox and Voice-Over working at 
>>> the same time. The latest version is far more impressive then the previous 
>>> versions. Anyone else on the list using Crome?
>>> -- 
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Re: Crome and Mac.

2013-11-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

They work very well together.  On occasion, but very seldom, you’ll have them 
talk over each other.  It’s worth a try.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 13, 2013, at 2:07 PM, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:

> Does Vox recognize that VO is present? If not you could end up having 2 
> voices speak the same thing at the same time. If not, i may just try Chrome 
> and vox again.
> /Krister
> 13 nov 2013 kl. 21:47 skrev Sean Murphy :
>> Hi,
>> They have changed the commands. Now it is control + command, rather then 
>> control + alt which it was previously. Voice-Over works in the menus and 
>> address bar. While Vox works in the HTML area.
>> Sean 
>> On 13/11/2013, at 11:43 PM, Krister Ekstrom  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> How can you work with Chromevox and Voiceover on at the same time, or did i 
>>> misunderstand anything? Don’t voices or commands clash or have they changed 
>>> commands for Chromevox recently?
>>> /Krister
>>> 13 nov 2013 kl. 11:49 skrev Sean Murphy :
 Hi all.
 I have just started to use Crome with CromeVox and Voice-Over working at 
 the same time. The latest version is far more impressive then the previous 
 versions. Anyone else on the list using Crome?
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How well is terminal working in Mavericks?

2013-11-13 Thread Garry Turkington

Looking through the list I see several people are using the OS X
terminal on a regular basis.  Is the terminal accessibility any better
in Mavericks than earlier versions?

I always found terminal accessibility a bit of a pain on the Mac and I
try it again every few versions.  Last time around -- with Snow
Leopard -- it was generally usable but things like not getting  the
output of commands read  and always having to review after every
command really started to grate after an hour or two.  But I've beaten
another laptop to death and if I felt I could live in the Mac terminal
for a chunk of my day then that would be  a possibility -- with the
terminal accessibility as it was though it was a deal breaker.
Otherwise I'd be  running a Linux VM under Fusion and that doesn't buy
me much.  Use case is primarily software development on a range of
remote hosts as well as a chunk of sysadmin and DBA type work.

Any input gratefully received!

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Associating Braille tables with a voice in activities Vloiceover doesn't seem to work

2013-11-13 Thread Andrew Lamanche

Dear Listers,

I've just spent an inordinate amount of time trying to set up a new 
activity in Voiceover utilities that would associate a Braille 
translation table with a particular voice so that if I should choose it, 
my Braille tables will have changed automatically. When I saw that such 
a choice existed, I got really excited. The trouble is that this 
association doesn't seem to stick. Has anyone else had a go and 
succeeded to do so? I don't want to report it in case I'm making a 
mistake somewhere.

Best wishes


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Re: How well is terminal working in Mavericks?

2013-11-13 Thread Ben van Poppel
It’s definitely not as good as using Speakup, Emacspeak, DOS screen readers 
etc. I use it happily enough, but my job doesn’t depend on it. Emacspeak more 
or less works on the Mac, but you have to like Emacs (which I do though many 
venerable persons don’t) and it can be time-consuming to tweak initially. 
Terminal isn’t terrible though, especially if you’ve got quicknav on and can 
review output quickly just with the arrow keys. Of course that clashes with 
history, but the trackpad might be a good substitute as well.

Chers. Ben

On 14 Nov 2013, at 8:55 am, Garry Turkington  wrote:

> Hi,
> Looking through the list I see several people are using the OS X
> terminal on a regular basis.  Is the terminal accessibility any better
> in Mavericks than earlier versions?
> I always found terminal accessibility a bit of a pain on the Mac and I
> try it again every few versions.  Last time around -- with Snow
> Leopard -- it was generally usable but things like not getting  the
> output of commands read  and always having to review after every
> command really started to grate after an hour or two.  But I've beaten
> another laptop to death and if I felt I could live in the Mac terminal
> for a chunk of my day then that would be  a possibility -- with the
> terminal accessibility as it was though it was a deal breaker.
> Otherwise I'd be  running a Linux VM under Fusion and that doesn't buy
> me much.  Use case is primarily software development on a range of
> remote hosts as well as a chunk of sysadmin and DBA type work.
> Any input gratefully received!
> Garry
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Re: How does one get to menu extra in Maverick?

2013-11-13 Thread Georgina Joyce
Hello Andrew,

You are not using a MacBook or wireless keyboard? And switched the function 
keys to hardware. i.e. Do you need to include the function key to make it work?
Just a thought.

On 13 Nov 2013, at 11:16, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

> Thank you all who responded to my menu extras access shortcut key wows.
> It definitely doesn’t work here. I found that I would use it more than the vo 
> shortcut key. and I can no longer move along the menu bar with just s
> arrow keys, I have to use vo+arrow keys.
> Best wishes
> Andrew
> On 13 Nov 2013, at 07:36, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:
>>   Today's Topic Summary
>> Group: http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries/topics
>>  • can't activate the see more link on the facebook mobile site and 
>> creating signatures in apple mail [1 Update]
>>  • Focus display and Mavericks [8 Updates]
>>  • VO-J and Mail [1 Update]
>>  • iBooks internal location on the mac? [1 Update]
>>  • Infovox purchases gone [1 Update]
>>  • Is Winamp accessivle on the mac? [3 Updates]
>>  • xcode 5 question [4 Updates]
>>  • Track Changes or Text Attributes with Pages [2 Updates]
>>  • How does one get to menu extra in Maverick? [2 Updates]
>>  • Is it true in Mavericks that iTunes contact syncing has gone? [1 
>> Update]
>>  • Help with Skype [1 Update]
>>  can't activate the see more link on the facebook mobile site and creating 
>> signatures in apple mail
>> Andrew Head  Nov 13 06:33PM +1100  
>> Hi all,
>> When I get to the end of a facebook page, the see more link comes up as a 
>> heading instead of a link and I can’t activate it. Just wondering what’s 
>> going on here and how to fix it?
>> also, how do you create a signature in apple mail?
>> Andrew
>>  Focus display and Mavericks
>> Kristeen Hughes  Nov 12 04:27PM -0500  
>> Okay, I look and I don't see some things that seem to be rather importatn. 
>> For example, if you are wanting to switch from one open app to another, how 
>> do you do it with the display. Are you using a keyboard along with the 
>> display?
>> Kristeen
>> Teresa Cochran  Nov 12 01:58PM -0800  
>> Admittedly, yes, I’m also using a keyboard. My opinion is that you’ll 
>> probably have to do quite a lot of customizing to use a Braille display as a 
>> primary keyboard.
>> For switching apps, I’d probably map a braille keystroke to VO-applications 
>> list. (VO-f1 twice quickly)I don’t think there’s an easy way to map one to 
>> command-tab.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
>> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>> Daniel Miller  Nov 12 04:10PM -0600  
>> Hi,
>> Teresa is correct, you have to do a lot of customizing in order to get your 
>> focus display to work as your keyboard. Unfortunately, you will have to use 
>> your keyboard more than you would like to. That's just the nature of the 
>> beast.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Eugenia Firth  Nov 12 05:00PM -0600  
>> True duys, but I know I can get to the menu with my braille display. I c' 
>> remember how to do it on a Focus 40 although I had one. Can anyone remember 
>> what the braille keyboard command is for going to the menu and using left 
>> and right arrows. I found that useful when I was somewhat away from my 
>> computer. On my Braille Edge, it has some keys on it that will bring up 
>> Spotlight and the menus and the dock. That may help some. For instance, 
>> space dd sign will bring up the dock. Space question mark will let you 
>> interact and space low j will stop interacting. Do you have a list of 
>> braille key commands that are already in place? 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi 
>> Teresa Cochran  Nov 12 03:18PM -0800  
>> It’s s-chord (dots 2-3-4-space). I just use the panning keys to display 
>> different areas of the menu bar, and then use the cursor-routing keys on the 
>> item I want. sometimes this doesn’t work, and I have to use dot 4-chord and 
>> dot 1-chord to navigate through the menus
>> HtH,
>> teresa
>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
>> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>> Kristeen Hughes  Nov 12 11:08PM -0500  
>> Thanks,. This info does help. Can you tell me how I can sellect text? I've 
>> not been successful.
>> Kristeen
>> Ben van Poppel  Nov 13 04:26PM +1100  
>> Hi Kristeen, Teresa and the rest. The workaround I did for single-keystroke 
>> app switching was to write two scripts to simulate command-tab and 
>> command-shift-tab respectively. Then I assigned running of the scripts to 
>> focus commands (I used 12-chord and 45-chord). The scripts had one line each:
>> Tell application "System Events" to keystroke "tab" using command down
>> Tell application "System Events" to keystroke "tab" using {command down 
>> shift down}
>> In the examples above the "t

xcode5:resolution to drag and drop

2013-11-13 Thread Littlefield, Tyler

Just a quick update. I played with this stupid drag and drop for a while 
and finally got it to work. here's the solution.
With your nib or storyboard open in one side and the file you want to 
work with on the other (in assistant editor), interact with the 
storyboard and find the table with the controls. interact with it and 
find the row with the control you need to work with. Move to the left 
column, use vo+space, route the mouse to the voiceover cursor with 
vo+command+f5, then fo+shift+space to click the mouse. move to your 
inspecter and find the outlet/action/etc you wish to use. vo+command+f5 
again, vo+shift+f3 to turn off cursor tracking, vo+command+shift+space 
to lock the mouse button down. move to the asisstant editor and 
vo+command+f5 to move the mouse there, wait until you hear xcode has new 
window, then vo+command+shift+space and then turn cursor tracking back on.


Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.

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Re: xcode5:resolution to drag and drop

2013-11-13 Thread Barry Hadder
Good job.
I guess I just assumed you had those opened side by side and didn’t think to 
You can just select a control in the table with keyboard focus as normal and 
you don’t need that step of routing the mouse to the control.
You don’t need to turn cursor tracking off for this, but doesn’t matter if you 
feel more comfortable doing that.

On Nov 13, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:

Just a quick update. I played with this stupid drag and drop for a while and 
finally got it to work. here's the solution.
With your nib or storyboard open in one side and the file you want to work with 
on the other (in assistant editor), interact with the storyboard and find the 
table with the controls. interact with it and find the row with the control you 
need to work with. Move to the left column, use vo+space, route the mouse to 
the voiceover cursor with vo+command+f5, then fo+shift+space to click the 
mouse. move to your inspecter and find the outlet/action/etc you wish to use. 
vo+command+f5 again, vo+shift+f3 to turn off cursor tracking, 
vo+command+shift+space to lock the mouse button down. move to the asisstant 
editor and vo+command+f5 to move the mouse there, wait until you hear xcode has 
new window, then vo+command+shift+space and then turn cursor tracking back on.

Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.

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Re: xcode5:resolution to drag and drop

2013-11-13 Thread Littlefield, Tyler
I always did have them open side by side. the bit about clicking the 
control was the only way I can actually make this work. the method 
mentioned before doesn't work for me, maybe it's an XCode 5 issue--I'm 
not really sure.

On 11/13/2013 6:24 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

Good job.
I guess I just assumed you had those opened side by side and didn’t think to 
You can just select a control in the table with keyboard focus as normal and 
you don’t need that step of routing the mouse to the control.
You don’t need to turn cursor tracking off for this, but doesn’t matter if you 
feel more comfortable doing that.

On Nov 13, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:

Just a quick update. I played with this stupid drag and drop for a while and 
finally got it to work. here's the solution.
With your nib or storyboard open in one side and the file you want to work with 
on the other (in assistant editor), interact with the storyboard and find the 
table with the controls. interact with it and find the row with the control you 
need to work with. Move to the left column, use vo+space, route the mouse to 
the voiceover cursor with vo+command+f5, then fo+shift+space to click the 
mouse. move to your inspecter and find the outlet/action/etc you wish to use. 
vo+command+f5 again, vo+shift+f3 to turn off cursor tracking, 
vo+command+shift+space to lock the mouse button down. move to the asisstant 
editor and vo+command+f5 to move the mouse there, wait until you hear xcode has 
new window, then vo+command+shift+space and then turn cursor tracking back on.

Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.

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Re: xcode5:resolution to drag and drop

2013-11-13 Thread Barry Hadder
I’m using XCode 5.

On Nov 13, 2013, at 5:28 PM, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:

I always did have them open side by side. the bit about clicking the control 
was the only way I can actually make this work. the method mentioned before 
doesn't work for me, maybe it's an XCode 5 issue--I'm not really sure.
On 11/13/2013 6:24 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
> Good job.
> I guess I just assumed you had those opened side by side and didn’t think to 
> ask.
> You can just select a control in the table with keyboard focus as normal and 
> you don’t need that step of routing the mouse to the control.
> You don’t need to turn cursor tracking off for this, but doesn’t matter if 
> you feel more comfortable doing that.
> On Nov 13, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
> hello:
> Just a quick update. I played with this stupid drag and drop for a while and 
> finally got it to work. here's the solution.
> With your nib or storyboard open in one side and the file you want to work 
> with on the other (in assistant editor), interact with the storyboard and 
> find the table with the controls. interact with it and find the row with the 
> control you need to work with. Move to the left column, use vo+space, route 
> the mouse to the voiceover cursor with vo+command+f5, then fo+shift+space to 
> click the mouse. move to your inspecter and find the outlet/action/etc you 
> wish to use. vo+command+f5 again, vo+shift+f3 to turn off cursor tracking, 
> vo+command+shift+space to lock the mouse button down. move to the asisstant 
> editor and vo+command+f5 to move the mouse there, wait until you hear xcode 
> has new window, then vo+command+shift+space and then turn cursor tracking 
> back on.
> HTH,

Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.

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Re: Track Changes or Text Attributes with Pages

2013-11-13 Thread Greg Aikens
I might be interested in something like this.  I have been disappointed in my 
inability to master Pages on Mac as well as I have MS Word on Windows, but I 
see you post about many of the things I have found frustrating.  Do you have a 
description anywhere listing what kind of materials are in each unit?


On Nov 13, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Ibraheem,
> My husband and I teach a Pages course via Skype and teamviewer. We’re 
> currently updating the materials for Mavericks and the new Pages.
> We charge €25 per unit and there are 5 units. However, not everyone wants all 
> the units.
> The price is in euros because we live in France and, of course, you have to 
> take into consideration time differences between France and wherever you are.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 13 Nov 2013, at 17:57, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
>> Thanks Anne!
>> Wait, you have a course? Is it posted online? Can you link me to it?
>> Peace,
>> Ibraheem
>> On Nov 13, 2013, at 11:47 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>  wrote:
>>> Fantastic, that's great news, Anne! Thanks for letting me know… I'm going 
>>> to have to get around to taking your course one of these days—perhaps once 
>>> you've had a chance to update the materials in light of the new versions.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nic
>>> On 13/11/2013, at 9:15 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello Nic,
>>> Tracking changes is working much better in the new version of Pages. It 
>>> tells you whether the change is an addition or a deletion, but I haven’t 
>>> yet figured out how to find formatting changes.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 12 Nov 2013, at 16:04, Nicholas Parsons  
>>> wrote:
 Unfortunately, to my knowledge VoiceOver still does not work fully with 
 track changes. Track changes do not only highlight changes, but it also 
 indicates whether the change is a deletion or an addition, or a format 
 change. Anne Robertson, who is the guru on Pages with VoiceOver and on 
 this list can probably give you more information. I believe she was able 
 to get some use from track changes but it's not fully accessible.
 On 13 Nov 2013, at 1:44 am, Ibraheem Fakir  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’ve been working on a document which has been past through several 
> people with the track changes feature turned on. To my understanding, 
> there’s suppose to be a purple highlight on any changes made to the 
> document. As I’m in pages, I noticed the view file pop up which contains 
> an option to view markups or view markups and deletions. I chose to view 
> markups. I know that in order to check text attributes we press VO + T. 
> However, this only works for text which VO is focused on. Is there a way 
> to have VO jump to the next change in text attributes? I'm dreading the 
> thought of having to check line by line with the vo + t command.
> Thanks!
> Ibraheem
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Re: Garage band: volume of software instruments

2013-11-13 Thread Phil Halton
turn up the track  or master  volume,, either by command up arrow for the 
master, or with the volume slider   for the track in the track headers section 
of the arrange layout area.
On Nov 13, 2013, at 2:42 PM, Chris Moore  wrote:

> Hello,
> I hooked up a midi keyboard to GB.  I can hear the notes, but the volume is 
> far too low.  I think I’m using the built-in grand piano.
> Chris
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Re: Is Winamp accessivle on the mac?

2013-11-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Right. In preferences in iTunesin the toolbar select the Playback 
button. Stop interacting and the next item should be the Crossfade songs 
checkbox. With that turned on you can pick the time from 1 to 12 
seconds. That said, if the current track has four seconds of silence at 
the end the crossfade isn't going to sound quite the way you would expect.


On 11/13/13 3:05 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Depends on how you set the slider.

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Nov 13, 2013, at 1:22 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

Hi, well when Itried the crossfader, it didn't crossfade.

Matt Dierckens
Assistive Technology Trainer
IOS and Macintosh User support
Windsor area

On 2013-11-13, at 2:17 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

I know I saw this in iTunes. I think it’s in preferences, playback.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Nov 13, 2013, at 11:05 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

Does anyone know of an app that will crossfade music?
Matt Dierckens
Assistive Technology Trainer
IOS and Macintosh User support
Windsor area

On 2013-11-13, at 10:26 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

Looks like there hasn't been a new release since September of last year so I 
wouldn't get my hopes up.


On 11/12/13 8:33 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Would not recommend it.  Nothing like the windows version.

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Nov 12, 2013, at 5:37 PM, Rob  wrote:

Have any of you tried winamp for the Mac?
You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
"God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"

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best way to import music into itunes

2013-11-13 Thread don bishop
I have a couple of mp3 tracks on an sd which I’d like to import into my itunes 
library.  Would I use “add to library” and then paste the filenames in or is 
there a better way.

Thanks much,


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Re: best way to import music into itunes

2013-11-13 Thread Aser Tolentino
The "automatically add to iTunes" folder in your iTunes Media directory seems 
like what you'd want to try.

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 13, 2013, at 8:39 PM, don bishop  wrote:
> I have a couple of mp3 tracks on an sd which I’d like to import into my 
> itunes library.  Would I use “add to library” and then paste the filenames in 
> or is there a better way.
> Thanks much,
> Don
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Re: best way to import music into itunes

2013-11-13 Thread Ray Foret Jr
When you add stuff to your ITunes Library, best is to use cmd+o and then use 
the regular file browser dialog which pops up.  You do not just paste names of 
files in to this but use it to open files like any open file dialog.  Make 
sure, however, that all your meta data tagging is correct as to album, artist, 
and so on.  If you need to , you can use ITunes to correct any missing or bad 

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Nov 13, 2013, at 10:39 PM, don bishop  wrote:

> I have a couple of mp3 tracks on an sd which I’d like to import into my 
> itunes library.  Would I use “add to library” and then paste the filenames in 
> or is there a better way.
> Thanks much,
> Don
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