Re: síri accessible. speakable workflows

2013-11-06 Thread BBS
Hi. Go to system preferences and it’s under accessibility. I don’t remember 
what it looked like in ML but I know in Mavericks that speakable items is at 
the bottom of the accessibility table.

Sent From My White Mac Book

On Nov 5, 2013, at 3:09 PM, Estelita  wrote:

> Hi Shawn,
> Thanks for the verification, can you please instruct me step by step on how 
> to make it work in my macbook pro?
> I am just a Mac learner.
> - Original Message -
> From: BBS
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 5:54 PM
> Subject: Re: síri accessible. speakable workflows
> Hi Mario. Sorry to correct you but the thing that you’re referring to isn’t 
> called Siri Accessible Workflows. It’s actually called Speakable Items, and 
> it’s been on the Mac since Snow Leopard. So to the other person that was 
> wondering if this can be done on Mountain Lion, yes it can.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White Mac Book
> On Nov 5, 2013, at 4:30 AM, Mario Navarro  wrote:
>> hi daniela 
>> 1. go to system preferences, and then accessibility.
>> 2. in the table choose: speakable items.
>> Now you will find 3 tabs, and you will configure each of them.
>> for this you have to check each one.
>> Note: this feature only works in the English language.
>> What I think for you, it's not a problem
>>  3. from there it's all intuitive.
>> cheeers.
>> No dia 05/11/2013, às 09:20, Daniela Rubio  escreveu:
>>> Hello Mario!
>>> This is fantastic!
>>> Can you please let us know where and how to start doing this commands? 
>>> Thank you!
>>> Cheers
>>> Daniela Rubio T
>>> iPhone: +34662328507
>>> El 05/11/2013, a las 07:44, mario navarro  escribió:
 hi all .
 who wants Siri on your computer?
 Now we have a Siri accessible.
 speakable workflows
 Automator workflows can be saved the Speakable Items So They can be 
 executed as a voice command is activated When Speakable Items in 
 Accessibility preferences.
 I have tested it and loved it because now I have a Siri accessible on my 
 god. I love it.
 this is fantastic!
 Siri  accessible now does everything for me!
 Siri accessible? ... yes that's what I want to call!
 have doubts? try it!
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blind developer: programming on the mac

2013-11-06 Thread Paul Erkens

Until 20 Years back, I used to be a visual basic for DOS programmer. I've been 
out of business because of medical issues since 1993. I would love to get back 
into coding, but so far, I have not been able to find an accessible programming 
environment on the mac. I used to code in an IDE, that's the integrated 
development environment, and now, 20 years later, I've tried several IDE's on 
the mac, all with no luck. What happens most of the time, is that the 
environment itself is not accessible, or at best very partially. Some have no 
windows to voiceover, some have menus but they don't open when you click an 
item, in some you can't see the code editor using voiceover, and that list goes 

One of the reasons I'd like to work in an IDE, is that the editor is then 
syntax aware as opposed to a separate, general purpose editor, you have an 
integrated step debugger, variables inspection windows, language and error help 
at hand, and the IDE itself can put together your executables.

Does any of you have experience programming on the mac in modern, event driven 
basic? I took a look at real basic, objective basic, and pure basic, but due to 
their inaccessible IDE's, I'm hoping to find something better. All advice is 
welcome. Even learning a new language is okay for me. It's the result that 


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Re: serena

2013-11-06 Thread Paul Erkens
Over here in the Netherlands, Serena is in the vo utility as well.

On Nov 2, 2013, at 7:02 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:

> That’s odd.  When you go to VO utility, speech, customize voices, in the 
> search field type english.  Serena should be in those results.  I had her in 
> both Mountain Lion & Mavericks.
> I’m in the US, not sure if that makes a difference.
> Traci
> On Nov 2, 2013, at 10:12 AM, jean parker  wrote:
>> Hello All:
>> Well, my problems restoring my computer are deminishing.  The biggest 
>> problem I have at present is that I followed the directions to find the 
>> voice called Serena and she is not in the customise voices location.  It is 
>> likely that she bit the dust when everything else did.  An internet search 
>> revealed that she reside on the UK Apple site.  When I tried to go there to 
>> get her back I was told that Safari couldn't find the server or some such 
>> nonsense.  Perhaps one of the UK people has an idea of how I can get her 
>> back?
>> Jean
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Re: getting mac to see other pc's on my home network

2013-11-06 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Don,

One way to browse your lan with a mac, is to hit command k from finder, which 
brings up a connect to server dialog. You will land inside an edit field, where 
you can type your destination and protocol directly, but there's also a browse 
button. If your windows pc's don't show up right there, you can also enter the 
protocol prefix plus the server address yourself into the edit field. Say your 
windows pc is called JohnPC, and you have a share set up on it in windows. 
Then, you will have to tell the mac to access that computer using the SMB 
protocol, which is the networking protocol that windows machines use to 
communicate. After hitting command k from finder, you could type:
Then, if you hit connect or enter, and your mac did find the JohnPC on your 
lan, you can log in and it will ask you which volumes you want to mount, or in 
windows wording, which shares you want access to. Select them in the listbox, 
and they will mount on your desktop.

Note: if the computer name does not work, you can also get your windows 
machine's IP address, and connect to it this way:
>From finder do the command k. In the dialog, you land in the edit field for 
>direct access. Type:
which will do the same thing. Of course, the IP address I mention is arbitrary 
for the example.

File sharing should only be turned on on your mac, if you want to be able to 
access your mac's files from one of your windows computers. So, from the mac 
going out to windows, file sharing need not be enabled. Only if the mac shares 
out files, then turn file sharing on.

On Oct 31, 2013, at 9:49 PM, don bishop  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have at&t UVerse as my provider and using the router they provide.  The 
> imac connects to it just fine and writing this on it now.  However, I also 
> have 2 windows pc’s on the network.  They can “see” each other just fine, but 
> I can’t get the mac to  see them. I don’t see anything on the imac in network 
> settings which I should change, but I’m still rather new with the mac so 
> might be missing something.  
> Also looked at the sharing options on the imac and believe they’re set 
> correctly.  
> Btw, using Mavericks here.
> Any help would be appreciated. 
> Thanks,
> Don
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working with automater

2013-11-06 Thread Donna Goodin
Morning, all,

Just took a look at Automator for the first time, and find it a bit perplexing. 
 Does anyone know if there are any podcasts out there on working with automator?

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Re: working with automater

2013-11-06 Thread Alex Hall
I’ve only just started, and plan to make a podcast soon. In the meantime:
1. Launch it and hit cmd-n to make a new file. Choose the template you want (I 
am working with a Workflow for now) and hit enter.
2. Stop interacting a few times so you can get an overall sense of the layout. 
Find the toolbar and start there.
3. After the toolbar are two checkboxes, one for the actions you can drop into 
your workflow, the other for variables you may use. Leave Actions checked for 
now. After those is a search box to find a certain action.
4. After a vertical splitter is your workflow. Interact with it and you can 
vo-arrow between all the actions you’ve added so far. Interact with each to 
adjust settings or options on that action.
5. After the workflow is something called “actions descriptions split view 
split group”, which holds all the actions. Interact with it and you’ll find an 
“actions library split view split group”, inside which are two tables. Choose 
the category of the action you want from the first table, library actions, and 
then the action you want from the second table, called actions. To add an 
action, move to it and press enter. If you move out of that second split group, 
then vo-right, you will come to a scroll area if the selected action has a 
description. Inside that scroll area is text explaining what the action does, 
as well as a table of inputs and outputs, again only if the action defines them.
6. After that group are a few buttons that don’t seem to do anything as far as 
I can tell, and that’s all there is to it.

As I said, I’m still exploring and getting used to this, but that is what I 
have so far after a couple hours of playing with Automator. My impression is 
that it is much easier to work with in mavericks, but I could be wrong about 
that as I only used it once in Mountain Lion.
On Nov 6, 2013, at 7:29 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Morning, all,
> Just took a look at Automator for the first time, and find it a bit 
> perplexing.  Does anyone know if there are any podcasts out there on working 
> with automator?
> TIA,
> Donna
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: working with automater

2013-11-06 Thread Donna Goodin
wow, Alex, for having just started out, you've got a good handle on this.  
thanks for sending such a detailed explanation, I can definitely run with this.
On Nov 6, 2013, at 7:02 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I’ve only just started, and plan to make a podcast soon. In the meantime:
> 1. Launch it and hit cmd-n to make a new file. Choose the template you want 
> (I am working with a Workflow for now) and hit enter.
> 2. Stop interacting a few times so you can get an overall sense of the 
> layout. Find the toolbar and start there.
> 3. After the toolbar are two checkboxes, one for the actions you can drop 
> into your workflow, the other for variables you may use. Leave Actions 
> checked for now. After those is a search box to find a certain action.
> 4. After a vertical splitter is your workflow. Interact with it and you can 
> vo-arrow between all the actions you’ve added so far. Interact with each to 
> adjust settings or options on that action.
> 5. After the workflow is something called “actions descriptions split view 
> split group”, which holds all the actions. Interact with it and you’ll find 
> an “actions library split view split group”, inside which are two tables. 
> Choose the category of the action you want from the first table, library 
> actions, and then the action you want from the second table, called actions. 
> To add an action, move to it and press enter. If you move out of that second 
> split group, then vo-right, you will come to a scroll area if the selected 
> action has a description. Inside that scroll area is text explaining what the 
> action does, as well as a table of inputs and outputs, again only if the 
> action defines them.
> 6. After that group are a few buttons that don’t seem to do anything as far 
> as I can tell, and that’s all there is to it.
> As I said, I’m still exploring and getting used to this, but that is what I 
> have so far after a couple hours of playing with Automator. My impression is 
> that it is much easier to work with in mavericks, but I could be wrong about 
> that as I only used it once in Mountain Lion.
> On Nov 6, 2013, at 7:29 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Morning, all,
>> Just took a look at Automator for the first time, and find it a bit 
>> perplexing.  Does anyone know if there are any podcasts out there on working 
>> with automator?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Changing xml extension to html for bookshare books . . .

2013-11-06 Thread Christine Grassman
Where and when am I hitting enter to rename? If I am in the file menu, enter 
will select whatever command has focus. Rename is not in the list. If I search 
fort in finder, enter opens it and reads empty html.

On Nov 5, 2013, at 11:28 PM, alia robinson  wrote:

> Don’t try to save it as html. Hit enter on the file to rename it, put html in 
> the place xml is on the end of your file, and when you open it it should open 
> in safari. I simply copy and paste into text edit from there and save as rtf, 
> but you can read it on safari if you want.
> On Nov 5, 2013, at 8:57 PM, Christine Grassman  
> wrote:
>> Last week, I wrote with increased frustration about my inability to read 
>> previously opened xml files from bookshare.  It was suggested that I try 
>> replacing the xml extension with html. However, when I attempt to do this, I 
>> am being given two choices: saving either both page source or web archive, 
>> and in each case I must keep the web archive or xml extensions with the html 
>> extension.  My understanding is that I must only have the html extension in 
>> order for this to work, but I am not getting a choice to replace, only "save 
>> as". It is not allowing me to save it merely as an html. Please assist.
>> Christine
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Re: Changing xml extension to html for bookshare books . . .

2013-11-06 Thread Christine Grassman
It has always opened in Safari; previously, it read fine, but now it reads 
empty html.
On Nov 5, 2013, at 11:28 PM, alia robinson  wrote:

> Don’t try to save it as html. Hit enter on the file to rename it, put html in 
> the place xml is on the end of your file, and when you open it it should open 
> in safari. I simply copy and paste into text edit from there and save as rtf, 
> but you can read it on safari if you want.
> On Nov 5, 2013, at 8:57 PM, Christine Grassman  
> wrote:
>> Last week, I wrote with increased frustration about my inability to read 
>> previously opened xml files from bookshare.  It was suggested that I try 
>> replacing the xml extension with html. However, when I attempt to do this, I 
>> am being given two choices: saving either both page source or web archive, 
>> and in each case I must keep the web archive or xml extensions with the html 
>> extension.  My understanding is that I must only have the html extension in 
>> order for this to work, but I am not getting a choice to replace, only "save 
>> as". It is not allowing me to save it merely as an html. Please assist.
>> Christine
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Re: Changing xml extension to html for bookshare books . . .

2013-11-06 Thread alia robinson
don’t open it, go to your file list, press enter on the file instead of opening 
it. you can then rename it by deleting the xml part, and type in html, then 
open the file again. It will ask you if you’re sure you want to change it, and 
you say yes of course. 

On Nov 6, 2013, at 8:24 AM, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> It has always opened in Safari; previously, it read fine, but now it reads 
> empty html.

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Re: blind developer: programming on the mac

2013-11-06 Thread Littlefield, Tyler

I've not touched Basic in a long time--you'll find it's not really used 
much anymore in terms of desktop applications.
Apple uses Objective-C for it's desktop and IOS development. While you 
can use Python or C++ with WxWidgets or something, it's easier to use 
what they want, especially if you want your apps on the app store.
Given this, you have a few choices; you can use XCode or you can get 
Emacspeak running and use Emacs. I personally prefer Emacs to XCode, but 
I've been using it more for IOS stuff lately. It's more accessible than 
it was, but if you've ever used a good ide like Visual Studio you'll 
miss it every time you have to jump through 5 voiceover commands all 
requiring you hit 5 keys at once to move an object to the interface builder.

On 11/6/2013 6:09 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:


Until 20 Years back, I used to be a visual basic for DOS programmer. I've been 
out of business because of medical issues since 1993. I would love to get back 
into coding, but so far, I have not been able to find an accessible programming 
environment on the mac. I used to code in an IDE, that's the integrated 
development environment, and now, 20 years later, I've tried several IDE's on 
the mac, all with no luck. What happens most of the time, is that the 
environment itself is not accessible, or at best very partially. Some have no 
windows to voiceover, some have menus but they don't open when you click an 
item, in some you can't see the code editor using voiceover, and that list goes 

One of the reasons I'd like to work in an IDE, is that the editor is then 
syntax aware as opposed to a separate, general purpose editor, you have an 
integrated step debugger, variables inspection windows, language and error help 
at hand, and the IDE itself can put together your executables.

Does any of you have experience programming on the mac in modern, event driven 
basic? I took a look at real basic, objective basic, and pure basic, but due to 
their inaccessible IDE's, I'm hoping to find something better. All advice is 
welcome. Even learning a new language is okay for me. It's the result that 


Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.

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Re: working with automater

2013-11-06 Thread Nicholas Parsons
There's a podcast series on Automator, but not from a VoiceOver perspective. 
It's called Mac Automation Made Simple with Ben Waldie. MacWorld also has a 
column on Automator projects that are often pretty useful. The main problem 
I've had is getting actions in the right order, but trial and error usually 
gets me there eventually.

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PDF Docs, Quick Look and Mavericks

2013-11-06 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
Hi All,

Using Mavericks and Mail, I used to be able to bring up the Quick Look window 
when documents were attached to mail messages and generally have very little 
trouble accessing them.

Now I am never able to access them when using the Quick Look option in the File 

Anyone any idea at all please!


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS, 
Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

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Bookmark App is free today (November 6, 2013) [was Re: Chapters in audio books in iOS 7]

2013-11-06 Thread Esther
Hi Jürgen, Nic, Brett, and Other iOS Audiobook listeners,

While the problem of audiobooks lacking chapter organization in the iOS 7 music 
app remains, the Bookmark app, which makes it easy to set multiple custom 
bookmarks and notes, and also to navigate through large time intervals with a 
time ribbon slider, has reappeared in the App Store, and is free today.  I was 
going to suggest this as a way to get around having to scrub through the entire 
book if you lose your place when the first posts about this problem appeared in 
September, but this app has not been available for a few months, and the 
original support web site pages have also been offline. The Bookmark app 
reappeared in the app store today, and is currently free.  Although it hasn't 
been updated in quite a while, it still works.

Here's the App Store URL:
• Bookmark (used to be $2.99, now free) by Dockmarket LLC

There are a few caveats: the entries on the Settings & Info screen for the 
Tutorial, FAQ, and Settings point to the web site, and so will not work.  This 
app was a labor of love by someone who worked in a different area, but wanted 
an audiobook listening app for his own purposes early on.  He completely 
rewrote the app a few years ago, and made the time ribbon slider for navigating 
through long audiobooks accessible to VoiceOver.  I suspect that he doesn't 
have time to do the app development now, especially with the iOS 7 changes, but 
likely the current issue with chapter navigation in iOS7 with iTunes 11 still 
being unresolved may have prompted the return of this app (without a fee).  If 
this is the case, you may not get much support for dealing with audiobook 
problems that Apple itself hasn't fixed.  I'm just glad that they brought the 
app back, even though I already had a copy.  Since it works through files in 
your iTunes library and the music app, it will work with all authorized 
audiobook formats: ones without DRM that you created through third party 
applications, audiobooks purchased through the iTunes Store, and Audible 
audiobooks.  And while it won't keep track of chapter markers, you can set 
multiple bookmarks (and notes), and navigate easily with larger time intervals 
(that you can customize if you don't want the default intervals).

It's also neat to use the sleep timer feature and set this up so that you can 
rock your phone to have it continue to play for youer customized additional 
time interval.

I'll append copies I saved of the old tutorial and faq information, and also an 
excerpt from a viphone list post I made (before Mail Archiving was enabled for 
that group).

• Bookmark Tutorial

Getting Audiobooks

Bookmark works with any audiobooks that are on the iPod app in your iPhone or 
iPod Touch. The simplest way to purchase audiobooks is through iTunes on your 
computer. Open iTunes and click on iTunes Store:

Once in the store, click on “Audiobooks” at the top of the window:

After you purchase one or more books and iTunes has downloaded them, they will 
appear in the “Books” section of your Library:

To make sure the books are synced to your iPhone, connect your iPhone and click 
on the “Books” tab. Make sure “Sync Audiobooks” is checked:

When you next sync your iPhone, the new audiobook(s) will be ready to go in 

Other options:

You may purchase audiobooks on your iPhone by starting the iTunes app and 
choosing “More”, then “Audiobooks”.
You may also purchase from Audible which has options for monthly plans, or 
download free public-domain audiobooks from sites like Librivox.

Getting Podcasts

Bookmark works with all podcasts synced to your iPhone or iPod Touch from 
iTunes. To subscribe to podcasts, click on “Podcasts” in iTunes, then click 
“Podcast Directory” in the lower right of the window. Make sure “Sync Podcasts” 
is selected on the “Podcasts” tab of your iPhone or iPod Touch. After syncing, 
the tracks will be available in Bookmark.

Bookmarks and Notes

To create a bookmark anywhere in the book, just press the “Bookmark” button. 
You can customize the title by tapping in the top title field. To add or edit 
notes, tap in the lower section.

After you tap “Save”, the bookmark will now be available by clicking on 
“Bookmarks” in the upper-right of the window. The bookmarks window lets you 
quickly listen to any bookmarks by clicking on a row. You may edit the bookmark 
or view notes by tapping the blue arrow on the right.

To delete a bookmark, either tap “Delete” after tapping the title of the 
bookmark, or just swipe your finger from left-to-right over the bookmark and 
tap “Delete”.

Sharing and Exporting

To share your bookmarks and notes with others or export it for yourself, tap 
the “More” button, then “Email bookmarks”. A text summary of every bookmark and 
note will be formatted for emailing. Unfortunately, it is not technically 
possible at this time to save the audio of a bookmark for sharing.


Flash player in Mavericks

2013-11-06 Thread Marc Rocheleau
Hey all,

Ever since upgrading to Mavericks, I've noticed that the flash player
doesn't work on pretty much any webpage in safari unless it's set to
auto play. The frame for the flash video will still be on the page but
once I focus into the frame, there are no controls available to get it
to do anything .This is with powersaver blocking a file or not, when I
VO + spacebar, the frame disappears altogether. I also updated to the
most recent version of adobe flash.

Is anyone else having problems with this? Please help!


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Quite an odd issue . . .

2013-11-06 Thread Christine Grassman
For some reason, every time I click on a link in mail, I receive an alert that 
no application is associated with this action, though in the past, (prior to ML 
reinstallation), the link would open without fail in Safari. How do I fix this, 
aside from copying and pasting the link in the Safari address bar?

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Re: Changing xml extension to html for bookshare books . . .

2013-11-06 Thread Christine Grassman
 I must be missing something, because whenever I hit enter on a document name, 
it opens.

On Nov 6, 2013, at 8:29 AM, alia robinson  wrote:

> don’t open it, go to your file list, press enter on the file instead of 
> opening it. you can then rename it by deleting the xml part, and type in 
> html, then open the file again. It will ask you if you’re sure you want to 
> change it, and you say yes of course. 
> Alia
> On Nov 6, 2013, at 8:24 AM, Christine Grassman  
> wrote:
>> It has always opened in Safari; previously, it read fine, but now it reads 
>> empty html.
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Voice Ava

2013-11-06 Thread Traci Duncan
Hello all, 

I was listening to a podcast earlier, and I liked the voice the person was 
using.  I think it was Ava, so I’m giving her a whirl.  So far, I really like 
her; great quality, sort of soft & gentle, not so much in your face.

I was mighty surprised to learn her size though.  Sheesh, over 500 MB!  Guess 
good quality takes up a lot of room, though Alex is a bit smaller.  ;)


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Re: Voice Ava

2013-11-06 Thread BBS
Hi Traci. I actually demoed Ava for a while on Windows and I found her to be 
robotic. She’s probably the same thing on the Mac.

Sent From My White Mac Book

On Nov 6, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:

> Hello all, 
> I was listening to a podcast earlier, and I liked the voice the person was 
> using.  I think it was Ava, so I’m giving her a whirl.  So far, I really like 
> her; great quality, sort of soft & gentle, not so much in your face.
> I was mighty surprised to learn her size though.  Sheesh, over 500 MB!  Guess 
> good quality takes up a lot of room, though Alex is a bit smaller.  ;)
> Traci
> -- 
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iPhone Wi-Fi Won’t Turn On? Here’s What To Do

2013-11-06 Thread Jeffrey Shockley
I saw recently where someone was having Wi-Fi issues with the iPhone.
Just thought I’d post this in case someone else runs into similar issues.
I hope this helps someone.

iPhone Wi-Fi Won’t Turn On? Here’s What To Do

Most iPhone users have trouble-free use of their device whether it’s on a 
cellular connection or wi-fi, but wireless connectivity issues do occur from 
time to time. These type of problems can manifest in a variety of ways; 
sometimes the Wi-Fi on and off toggle switch is grey and unusable (sometimes 
resolved by simply quitting the Settings app and relaunching), sometimes the 
iPhone will appear to connect to a wi-fi router but no data will transfer, 
connection speeds are unusually slow, and other times the iPhone will simply 
refuse to connect to a wireless network at all.

There isn’t a single unifying cause for these issues, and wi-fi connection 
problems can occur completely randomly, regardless of an iPhone model or iOS 
software version. We get a lot of questions about connectivity problems, and 
for most cases it’s an easy fix that is resolved quickly with a reboot or 
dumping network settings, but more stubborn cases may require a full software 
restore, while in extreme and rare occasions, contacting Apple’s official 
support channels is necessary due to actual hardware problems. If you run into 
wi-fi problems with your iPhone (or iPad and iPod touch for that matter), try 
out the following troubleshooting tricks to resolve the problem.

1: Forcibly Reboot the iPhone

You can force any iOS device to restart by doing the following, this can 
sometimes resolve temporary issues and bugs that are encountered. It’s easy and 
quick so try this first:

Hold down the Power button and the Home button simultaneously until the iPhone 
Once the iPhone boots back up again, attempt to use wi-fi again. In some cases 
this fixes the issue immediately.

2: Reset Network Settings

Resetting Network Settings dumps all existing network preferences, this causes 
things like wi-fi passwords, custom DNS, manual IP’s, and any other network 
specific settings information to be lost, so be sure to write down any 
important wi-fi details before doing this. This resolves the vast majority of 
wi-fi problems for most users:

Open “Settings” and go to “General”, then go to “Reset”
Choose “Reset Network Settings” and enter the device passcode, then confirm the 
settings reset

When the network settings have finished resetting, try connecting to the Wi-Fi 
network again. Things should be hunky-dory at this point, but if not there 
remains a few other choices.

3: Backup & Restore

Backing up and restoring an iPhone can be annoying but it will often resolve 
the most stubborn issues when resetting network settings and force rebooting 
the phone has failed. iCloud makes it fairly easy, though if you can’t connect 
to a wi-fi network that won’t be possible, and you’ll need to back up to iTunes 
instead. The following guides walk through this if you’re unfamiliar:

Back up the iPhone using either iTunes or iCloud, preferably both to have dual 
backups available
Restore from the backup and connect to wi-fi again
This is not an overly complicated process, but it will take a little bit of 
time depending on how much data is stored on the iPhone, and depending on which 
method you use.

A variation of this trick involves resetting the iPhone to factory default 
settings and setting it up as if it was brand new device. That adds another 
step to the restore process, but if wi-fi works and connections are fine under 
factory defaults, you can usually safely restore from backups. On the other 
hand, if the problem is fine under factory settings, but persists after 
restoring from the backups, you may have the very unusual situation of a 
corrupt backup, a rare situation.

4: Wi-Fi Still Not Working? Reset the Router, Contact Apple

If the iPhone continues to have wi-fi connectivity issues, you may want to 
reset the actual Wi-Fi router itself, by turning it off and on again, some 
wi-fi routers are known to be finicky with iOS and can sometimes be the source 
of the problem. If the iPhone connects to the router but speeds are very slow, 
an effective strategy can be to use custom DNS through a provider like Google 
or OpenDNS, though such an issue is usually representative of an ISP (internet 
service provider) problem, and not an actual issue with the iPhone or wi-fi 

If other iOS devices and computers connect to the wi-fi router and work 
flawlessly but the iPhone still won’t after trying the above steps, it may be 
time to contact Apple official support channels to determine if there is a 
physical hardware issue. Apple has an automated online troubleshooting guide 
that will gather data directly from the iPhone and attempt t

Re: Using Pages on the Mac

2013-11-06 Thread Barry Hadder


You can hide or show the header and footer by moving vo to the body area 
and pressing vo-space.

You save to another format from file/export.

You can scroll the insertion point to a page with option-page up or 
option-page down.  Make sure the insertion point is in the body area.

Hope that helps.

On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 6:23:23 PM UTC-6, Andrew Head wrote:
> Hi all,  I am using an 11 inch macbook air, and have some questions about 
> pages.  1. How do you hide the header and footer group? I only want my 
> document text to show on screen.  2. Also, I have a microsoft word 
> document, I am editing, when I save it, How do I save it in the word 
> format? The only format I see is pages. , how do I select other formats to 
> save documents in?   3. How do  you move page by page in a document? say I 
> want to move through my document page by page from page 1, 2, 3, etc  Any 
> help is appreciated.  Andrew. 
> Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Voice Ava

2013-11-06 Thread Tim Emmons
How does one get Ava, just curious. Thanks. Are there other voices to get too? 
Just curious. 
On Nov 6, 2013, at 12:23 PM, BBS wrote:

> Hi Traci. I actually demoed Ava for a while on Windows and I found her to be 
> robotic. She’s probably the same thing on the Mac.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White Mac Book
> On Nov 6, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>> Hello all, 
>> I was listening to a podcast earlier, and I liked the voice the person was 
>> using.  I think it was Ava, so I’m giving her a whirl.  So far, I really 
>> like her; great quality, sort of soft & gentle, not so much in your face.
>> I was mighty surprised to learn her size though.  Sheesh, over 500 MB!  
>> Guess good quality takes up a lot of room, though Alex is a bit smaller.  ;)
>> Traci
>> -- 
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Bookmark App is free today (November 6, 2013) [was Re: Chapters in audio books in iOS 7]

2013-11-06 Thread Esther
Update on Bookmark App: the Tutorial, FAQs, and Guide to settings information 
information now all read from the "Info & Settings" screen of the app, and the 
developer's web page they point to can also now be accessed at:

However, the developer also includes a post dated October 31, 2013 that support 
for this app is ending, unless another developer is interested in taking up the 
effort..  The Bookmark App still works in many versions of iOS, including iOS 
7, where its support of multiple bookmark locations (with notes) and navigation 
in customizable increments using the accessible "time ribbon slider" can assist 
audiobook listeners cope with the ongoing lack of support for chapters and 
chapter navigation under iOS 7.  This may be why the Bookmark App reappeared 
today as a free app.  I think it is still worth downloading, since it has many 
other nice features, such as the sleep timer mode where you can extend playing 
by simply rocking the device.

Here's the App Store URL again:
• Bookmark (used to be $2.99, now free) by Dockmarket LLC

HTH.  Cheers,


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Re: Bookmark App is free today (November 6, 2013) [was Re: Chapters in audio books in iOS 7]

2013-11-06 Thread Shannon Dyer
I've used this app, and have liked it. However, it's important to note that it 
will only add things to its library that are tagged as audiobooks. So, make 
sure any mp3 files you may have are retagged, or the app will not be able to 
read them.

On Nov 6, 2013, at 10:50 AM, Esther  wrote:

> Hi Jürgen, Nic, Brett, and Other iOS Audiobook listeners,
> While the problem of audiobooks lacking chapter organization in the iOS 7 
> music app remains, the Bookmark app, which makes it easy to set multiple 
> custom bookmarks and notes, and also to navigate through large time intervals 
> with a time ribbon slider, has reappeared in the App Store, and is free 
> today.  I was going to suggest this as a way to get around having to scrub 
> through the entire book if you lose your place when the first posts about 
> this problem appeared in September, but this app has not been available for a 
> few months, and the original support web site pages have also been offline. 
> The Bookmark app reappeared in the app store today, and is currently free.  
> Although it hasn't been updated in quite a while, it still works.
> Here's the App Store URL:
> • Bookmark (used to be $2.99, now free) by Dockmarket LLC
> There are a few caveats: the entries on the Settings & Info screen for the 
> Tutorial, FAQ, and Settings point to the web site, and so will not work.  
> This app was a labor of love by someone who worked in a different area, but 
> wanted an audiobook listening app for his own purposes early on.  He 
> completely rewrote the app a few years ago, and made the time ribbon slider 
> for navigating through long audiobooks accessible to VoiceOver.  I suspect 
> that he doesn't have time to do the app development now, especially with the 
> iOS 7 changes, but likely the current issue with chapter navigation in iOS7 
> with iTunes 11 still being unresolved may have prompted the return of this 
> app (without a fee).  If this is the case, you may not get much support for 
> dealing with audiobook problems that Apple itself hasn't fixed.  I'm just 
> glad that they brought the app back, even though I already had a copy.  Since 
> it works through files in your iTunes library and the music app, it will work 
> with all authorized audiobook formats: ones without DRM that you created 
> through third party applications, audiobooks purchased through the iTunes 
> Store, and Audible audiobooks.  And while it won't keep track of chapter 
> markers, you can set multiple bookmarks (and notes), and navigate easily with 
> larger time intervals (that you can customize if you don't want the default 
> intervals).
> It's also neat to use the sleep timer feature and set this up so that you can 
> rock your phone to have it continue to play for youer customized additional 
> time interval.
> I'll append copies I saved of the old tutorial and faq information, and also 
> an excerpt from a viphone list post I made (before Mail Archiving was enabled 
> for that group).
> • Bookmark Tutorial
> Getting Audiobooks
> Bookmark works with any audiobooks that are on the iPod app in your iPhone or 
> iPod Touch. The simplest way to purchase audiobooks is through iTunes on your 
> computer. Open iTunes and click on iTunes Store:
> Once in the store, click on “Audiobooks” at the top of the window:
> After you purchase one or more books and iTunes has downloaded them, they 
> will appear in the “Books” section of your Library:
> To make sure the books are synced to your iPhone, connect your iPhone and 
> click on the “Books” tab. Make sure “Sync Audiobooks” is checked:
> When you next sync your iPhone, the new audiobook(s) will be ready to go in 
> Bookmark!
> Other options:
> You may purchase audiobooks on your iPhone by starting the iTunes app and 
> choosing “More”, then “Audiobooks”.
> You may also purchase from Audible which has options for monthly plans, or 
> download free public-domain audiobooks from sites like Librivox.
> Getting Podcasts
> Bookmark works with all podcasts synced to your iPhone or iPod Touch from 
> iTunes. To subscribe to podcasts, click on “Podcasts” in iTunes, then click 
> “Podcast Directory” in the lower right of the window. Make sure “Sync 
> Podcasts” is selected on the “Podcasts” tab of your iPhone or iPod Touch. 
> After syncing, the tracks will be available in Bookmark.
> Bookmarks and Notes
> To create a bookmark anywhere in the book, just press the “Bookmark” button. 
> You can customize the title by tapping in the top title field. To add or edit 
> notes, tap in the lower section.
> After you tap “Save”, the bookmark will now be available by clicking on 
> “Bookmarks” in the upper-right of the window. The bookmarks window lets you 
> quickly listen to any bookmarks by clicking on a row. You may edit the 
> bookmark or view notes by tapping the blue arrow on the right.
> To delete a book

Re: Using Pages on the Mac

2013-11-06 Thread Barry Hadder
In addition to hiding header and footer, check the setup box in the toolbar and 
go into the formatter.  Then in document setup, uncheck the enable header and 
footer check boxes.  It occurred to me that this might be more what you need to 
do for this.

On Nov 6, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Barry Hadder  wrote:


You can hide or show the header and footer by moving vo to the body area and 
pressing vo-space.

You save to another format from file/export.

You can scroll the insertion point to a page with option-page up or option-page 
down.  Make sure the insertion point is in the body area.
Hope that helps.

On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 6:23:23 PM UTC-6, Andrew Head wrote:
Hi all,  I am using an 11 inch macbook air, and have some questions about 
pages.  1. How do you hide the header and footer group? I only want my document 
text to show on screen.  2. Also, I have a microsoft word document, I am 
editing, when I save it, How do I save it in the word format? The only format I 
see is pages. , how do I select other formats to save documents in?   3. How do 
 you move page by page in a document? say I want to move through my document 
page by page from page 1, 2, 3, etc  Any help is appreciated.  Andrew. 

Sent from my iPhone

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Editing Problem In Text Edit

2013-11-06 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Everybody,

I think someone else has mentioned this problem, but I can’t remember what the 
answer was!  This is the first time I have edited a document with TextEdit 
since I updated to Mavericks.  I am editing my weekly Church Bulletin, and when 
I get to the top of the second page, voiceover stops speaking.  If I interact 
with the text at that point, it will speak again, but I’m not in the habit of 
editing that way.  Usually, I arrow through the document deleting what needs to 
be deleted and then moving forward.  Can someone please remind me what I need 
to do to keep VoiceOver speaking throughout the entire document without having 
to interact?  Thanks tons!


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Re: Editing Problem In Text Edit

2013-11-06 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi these 
It hampened to me and Ann saved me by telling me to press command shift w. 
Also, you want to go into Preferences and make that page wrapping is checked. 
You should be fine after that. Mine worked beautifully today after Ann told me 
that. I sure am gladd, too because I use TextEdit constantly. 


On Nov 6, 2013, at 4:08 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:

> Hi Everybody,
> I think someone else has mentioned this problem, but I can’t remember what 
> the answer was!  This is the first time I have edited a document with 
> TextEdit since I updated to Mavericks.  I am editing my weekly Church 
> Bulletin, and when I get to the top of the second page, voiceover stops 
> speaking.  If I interact with the text at that point, it will speak again, 
> but I’m not in the habit of editing that way.  Usually, I arrow through the 
> document deleting what needs to be deleted and then moving forward.  Can 
> someone please remind me what I need to do to keep VoiceOver speaking 
> throughout the entire document without having to interact?  Thanks tons!
> Desi
> -- 
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Re: Changing xml extension to html for bookshare books . . .

2013-11-06 Thread Christina C.
Try this, when VO is focused on the document name, bring up the context menu by 
pressing vo plus shift, plus M. Then go to get info. In there down a bit there 
is something called file name and extension disclosure triangle ( I can’t 
remember exactly what it’s called), Vo space on that if the disclosure triangle 
is not already expanded, and the disclosure triangle will open up. Then try 
changing the filename and extensions there. Good luck, I’ve never tried 
changing a file extension that way because the return key has always worked for 
me. I am using the latest mac OS, BTW.

Also, I could have sworn at some point the context menu used to have a rename 
option but either I’m thinking of a different application or it has 
disappeared. :)


On Nov 6, 2013, at 7:51 AM, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> I must be missing something, because whenever I hit enter on a document name, 
> it opens.
> (grin)
> On Nov 6, 2013, at 8:29 AM, alia robinson  wrote:
>> don’t open it, go to your file list, press enter on the file instead of 
>> opening it. you can then rename it by deleting the xml part, and type in 
>> html, then open the file again. It will ask you if you’re sure you want to 
>> change it, and you say yes of course. 
>> Alia
>> On Nov 6, 2013, at 8:24 AM, Christine Grassman  
>> wrote:
>>> It has always opened in Safari; previously, it read fine, but now it reads 
>>> empty html.
>> -- 
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Re: Editing Problem In Text Edit

2013-11-06 Thread Desi Noller
Hi Gigi,

Thank you so much!  That absolutely did the trick as you knew from experience 
it would!  I truly appreciate the incredibly quick response!


On Nov 6, 2013, at 3:12 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi these 
> It hampened to me and Ann saved me by telling me to press command shift w. 
> Also, you want to go into Preferences and make that page wrapping is checked. 
> You should be fine after that. Mine worked beautifully today after Ann told 
> me that. I sure am gladd, too because I use TextEdit constantly. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> On Nov 6, 2013, at 4:08 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>> Hi Everybody,
>> I think someone else has mentioned this problem, but I can’t remember what 
>> the answer was!  This is the first time I have edited a document with 
>> TextEdit since I updated to Mavericks.  I am editing my weekly Church 
>> Bulletin, and when I get to the top of the second page, voiceover stops 
>> speaking.  If I interact with the text at that point, it will speak again, 
>> but I’m not in the habit of editing that way.  Usually, I arrow through the 
>> document deleting what needs to be deleted and then moving forward.  Can 
>> someone please remind me what I need to do to keep VoiceOver speaking 
>> throughout the entire document without having to interact?  Thanks tons!
>> Desi
>> -- 
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Re: Changing xml extension to html for bookshare books . . .

2013-11-06 Thread alia robinson
I don’t know why it would. I either have to do vo/space or command/o to open a 
document in the finder. 

On Nov 6, 2013, at 9:51 AM, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> I must be missing something, because whenever I hit enter on a document name, 
> it opens.
> (grin)

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Re: Editing Problem In Text Edit

2013-11-06 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
I know how frustrating it is because you can't do almost anything in Mavericks 
with TextEdit if you don't press that command shift W I found out. At least, 
that's my experience, especially with a braille display.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 6, 2013, at 4:35 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
> Hi Gigi,
> Thank you so much!  That absolutely did the trick as you knew from experience 
> it would!  I truly appreciate the incredibly quick response!
> Desi
>> On Nov 6, 2013, at 3:12 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi these 
>> It hampened to me and Ann saved me by telling me to press command shift w. 
>> Also, you want to go into Preferences and make that page wrapping is 
>> checked. You should be fine after that. Mine worked beautifully today after 
>> Ann told me that. I sure am gladd, too because I use TextEdit constantly. 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi 
>>> On Nov 6, 2013, at 4:08 PM, Desi Noller  wrote:
>>> Hi Everybody,
>>> I think someone else has mentioned this problem, but I can’t remember what 
>>> the answer was!  This is the first time I have edited a document with 
>>> TextEdit since I updated to Mavericks.  I am editing my weekly Church 
>>> Bulletin, and when I get to the top of the second page, voiceover stops 
>>> speaking.  If I interact with the text at that point, it will speak again, 
>>> but I’m not in the habit of editing that way.  Usually, I arrow through the 
>>> document deleting what needs to be deleted and then moving forward.  Can 
>>> someone please remind me what I need to do to keep VoiceOver speaking 
>>> throughout the entire document without having to interact?  Thanks tons!
>>> Desi
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Re: Voice Ava

2013-11-06 Thread Angelo
she does good, the only thing she miss pronounces some words oddly enough  like 
VIPs she says vips, of course we can always ad a custom dic for those words…  

On Nov 6, 2013, at 2:56 PM, Tim Emmons  wrote:

> How does one get Ava, just curious. Thanks. Are there other voices to get 
> too? Just curious. 
> On Nov 6, 2013, at 12:23 PM, BBS wrote:
>> Hi Traci. I actually demoed Ava for a while on Windows and I found her to be 
>> robotic. She’s probably the same thing on the Mac.
>> Shawn
>> Sent From My White Mac Book
>> On Nov 6, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>>> Hello all, 
>>> I was listening to a podcast earlier, and I liked the voice the person was 
>>> using.  I think it was Ava, so I’m giving her a whirl.  So far, I really 
>>> like her; great quality, sort of soft & gentle, not so much in your face.
>>> I was mighty surprised to learn her size though.  Sheesh, over 500 MB!  
>>> Guess good quality takes up a lot of room, though Alex is a bit smaller.  ;)
>>> Traci
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Re: Voice Ava

2013-11-06 Thread Christina C.
Oh thanks! I love this voice and I would not have known about it if you would 
not have let me know about this great voice if you had not brought it to my 
attention. :) I feel the Ava voice has a much more concise pronunciation of 
words. I feel like the words are spoken much more distinctly and not jumbled 
up. It’s just a personal preference. Everyone has a different taste. :)


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selecting non contiguous files under Mavricks a different process?

2013-11-06 Thread Ray Foret Jr

It would seem that selecting single or non contiguous files in Mavricks has 
changed.  No longer can I interact with the table and use VO+up or down to 
select non contiguously and press Cmd+space to actually select files.  Anybody 
know how to do this and where I might find instructions for doing this?

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

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Re: selecting non contiguous files under Mavricks a different process?

2013-11-06 Thread Henry D. Hollithron
Good Day:

The VO-command-space keystroke has simply been changed to 
VO-command-return. Other than that, the procedure for selecting non-contiguous 
items is identical to that in Mountain Lion.


Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the last.
Sherlock Holmes

07 нояб. 2013 г., в 8:35, Ray Foret Jr  написал(а):

> Okay,
> It would seem that selecting single or non contiguous files in Mavricks has 
> changed.  No longer can I interact with the table and use VO+up or down to 
> select non contiguously and press Cmd+space to actually select files.  
> Anybody know how to do this and where I might find instructions for doing 
> this?
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> -- 
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