Re: Apple App Store & Refunds for inaccessible Apps

2013-09-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
If it's mandatory for some apps to be accessible, but not others, who will 
determine which are to be accessible and which not? And if you talk about 
feasibility, doesn't that start to become a little like inaccessible apps don't 
need to be accessible, but accessible apps must be accessible? Who is going to 
determine feasibility? I'm sure many developers would argue about this. Amazon 
et al would of course argue that e-readers would fall into that category of not 
feasible for blind people; they're designed for people who have eyes to see the 
written words on the page. We, of course, believe this to be rubbish. It would 
take too much time and effort to mediate all the disputes; I don't think Apple 
would ever take such an approach. Something should be done, yes, but it must be 
straight forward to implement.

I think some kind of information in the app store about whether the app is 
built with Apple's UI elements or with custom UI elements could be useful and 
feasible. This could be misleading though as the custom UI elements may 
nevertheless be accessible. I agree, however, that Apple could be stricter on 
ensuring apps at least had properly labeled buttons and alt text. This would 
not necessarily make apps accessible, but it would be an improvement.

I"m a little unsure about the accessibility rating system. There's the problems 
that Alex  mentioned, and then there's also the issue that an app might become 
accessible in a new update but no one will test it because the rating says it's 
inaccessible, but I suppose this hasn't become a problem with AppleVis. Anyway, 
we probably don't need a separate rating system for this anyway as we could 
just make accessibility comments in the ordinary reviews section.

Indeed, I believe one of the best things is for more of us to leave reviews 
with accessibility comments, both in the app store and on AppleVis. I must 
confess, however, that I don't do much of this myself as I find the process a 
little cumbersome and time consuming. This is both for AppleVis and the app 
stores. I've been meaning to go through my vast collection of apps and rate 
them all on AppleVis one day, but I never get around to it. I've been wishing 
of late for an app which would help me rate my apps. Ever since using iOS I've 
had less patients for websites; preferring instead the clean interface of 
mobile or desktop apps. One which would list all my apps and let me rate them 
for accessibility would be great. Sigh.

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Spaces in OS X

2013-09-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Has anyone had any luck with using spaces, I think through Mission Control, 
with OS X? This sounds like a cool feature to me but I don't know how to use it.

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Re: Any dashboard fans?

2013-09-13 Thread Ricardo Walker

I guess my ease of use is because of the way I have Voiceover/my Mac set up.  
Just pressing F12 opens dashboard so, no need to go to the dock or applications 
folder.  I also already have a keyboard commander shortcut to bring up the 
application chooser so, no need to press VO F2 twice to switch widgets.  Plus, 
dashboard opens to the last widget you were using so, I find myself rarely 
needing to switch.


Ricardo Walker

On Sep 12, 2013, at 9:58 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I've never gotten into it. You have to bring it up, then vo-f2 twice
> just to list your tiles, then open your tile and try to use it. I have
> not yet found good tiles, though I admit I did not look too hard. Am I
> missing something?
> On 9/12/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I use dashboard multiple times a day.  I find it to be the easiest way to
>> quickly access sports scores and the local weather on the Mac.  I even found
>> nice metronome widget.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Sep 12, 2013, at 3:02 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Are there any fans & users of dashboard?
>>> If you aren't a user, have you gone as far as killing it?  I found
>>> instructions the other day on opening up terminal & killing dashboard.
>>> Just curious.  I've tried to like it, but it just hasn't happened.  Lol!
>>> Traci
>>> --
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> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Reactor for OS X/Sirius XM

2013-09-13 Thread Krysti
Has anyone used this is it worth getting a license also does anyone know if 
Sirius is worth subscribing and can you subscribe Internet only  

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: OS10.8.5 is out

2013-09-13 Thread Krysti
I haven't installed it didn't know there was an update ill do it when I get 
home and let you know 

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-09-12, at 9:09 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Apple released OS10.8.5 today. I have not yet installed it, but if
> anyone has (or when you do), I'm wondering if they slipped any
> accessibility fixes in. The release notest make no mention of any such
> changes, but they sometimes fix things without saying anything about
> it. So, if you notice anything, let the list know!
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> -- 
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Super duper

2013-09-13 Thread Jesus Garcia
Morning folks I need to know if someone can point me to a podcast or two 
regarding super duper. I purchased the program and thus, far love it, 
but I know I am missing much the program can do. I remember Mike Arigo 
did one or two podcasts on super duper, and I thought I saved them, but 
cannot locate them. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Apple App Store & Refunds for inaccessible Apps

2013-09-13 Thread Ray Foret jr
Why not have Apple hire an accessibility team which would consist of all the 
disabilities.  This team would bear the responsibiility of determining 
accessibility:  thus, no ambiguity.  After all, who knows better than we how to 
test such things?

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Sep 13, 2013, at 3:05 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> If it's mandatory for some apps to be accessible, but not others, who will 
> determine which are to be accessible and which not? And if you talk about 
> feasibility, doesn't that start to become a little like inaccessible apps 
> don't need to be accessible, but accessible apps must be accessible? Who is 
> going to determine feasibility? I'm sure many developers would argue about 
> this. Amazon et al would of course argue that e-readers would fall into that 
> category of not feasible for blind people; they're designed for people who 
> have eyes to see the written words on the page. We, of course, believe this 
> to be rubbish. It would take too much time and effort to mediate all the 
> disputes; I don't think Apple would ever take such an approach. Something 
> should be done, yes, but it must be straight forward to implement.
> I think some kind of information in the app store about whether the app is 
> built with Apple's UI elements or with custom UI elements could be useful and 
> feasible. This could be misleading though as the custom UI elements may 
> nevertheless be accessible. I agree, however, that Apple could be stricter on 
> ensuring apps at least had properly labeled buttons and alt text. This would 
> not necessarily make apps accessible, but it would be an improvement.
> I"m a little unsure about the accessibility rating system. There's the 
> problems that Alex  mentioned, and then there's also the issue that an app 
> might become accessible in a new update but no one will test it because the 
> rating says it's inaccessible, but I suppose this hasn't become a problem 
> with AppleVis. Anyway, we probably don't need a separate rating system for 
> this anyway as we could just make accessibility comments in the ordinary 
> reviews section.
> Indeed, I believe one of the best things is for more of us to leave reviews 
> with accessibility comments, both in the app store and on AppleVis. I must 
> confess, however, that I don't do much of this myself as I find the process a 
> little cumbersome and time consuming. This is both for AppleVis and the app 
> stores. I've been meaning to go through my vast collection of apps and rate 
> them all on AppleVis one day, but I never get around to it. I've been wishing 
> of late for an app which would help me rate my apps. Ever since using iOS 
> I've had less patients for websites; preferring instead the clean interface 
> of mobile or desktop apps. One which would list all my apps and let me rate 
> them for accessibility would be great. Sigh.
> -- 
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Re: Any dashboard fans?

2013-09-13 Thread Chris Moore
What dashboard widgets are you using for weather and sports?  You've rekindled 
my interest in  dashboard.

On Sep 13, 2013, at 4:23 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> I guess my ease of use is because of the way I have Voiceover/my Mac set up.  
> Just pressing F12 opens dashboard so, no need to go to the dock or 
> applications folder.  I also already have a keyboard commander shortcut to 
> bring up the application chooser so, no need to press VO F2 twice to switch 
> widgets.  Plus, dashboard opens to the last widget you were using so, I find 
> myself rarely needing to switch.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Sep 12, 2013, at 9:58 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I've never gotten into it. You have to bring it up, then vo-f2 twice
>> just to list your tiles, then open your tile and try to use it. I have
>> not yet found good tiles, though I admit I did not look too hard. Am I
>> missing something?
>> On 9/12/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I use dashboard multiple times a day.  I find it to be the easiest way to
>>> quickly access sports scores and the local weather on the Mac.  I even found
>>> nice metronome widget.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Sep 12, 2013, at 3:02 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
 Hi all,
 Are there any fans & users of dashboard?
 If you aren't a user, have you gone as far as killing it?  I found
 instructions the other day on opening up terminal & killing dashboard.
 Just curious.  I've tried to like it, but it just hasn't happened.  Lol!
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>> -- 
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> -- 
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Howto access the back button in safari

2013-09-13 Thread Chris Moore
I was listening to the garage band tutorials.  My question is once I am 
finished listening to a segment how do I return to safari from the player?  
There is a back button in the toolbar, but accessing it takes many VO 
keystrokes.  Any shortcuts?


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Re: Any dashboard fans?

2013-09-13 Thread Donna Goodin
I'm with Ricardo, I love the dashboard.  Use it to check weather every morning. 
 I just use the widget that comes installed on the widgets bar.
On Sep 13, 2013, at 7:05 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:

> Ricardo,
> What dashboard widgets are you using for weather and sports?  You've 
> rekindled my interest in  dashboard.
> Chris
> On Sep 13, 2013, at 4:23 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I guess my ease of use is because of the way I have Voiceover/my Mac set up. 
>>  Just pressing F12 opens dashboard so, no need to go to the dock or 
>> applications folder.  I also already have a keyboard commander shortcut to 
>> bring up the application chooser so, no need to press VO F2 twice to switch 
>> widgets.  Plus, dashboard opens to the last widget you were using so, I find 
>> myself rarely needing to switch.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Sep 12, 2013, at 9:58 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> I've never gotten into it. You have to bring it up, then vo-f2 twice
>>> just to list your tiles, then open your tile and try to use it. I have
>>> not yet found good tiles, though I admit I did not look too hard. Am I
>>> missing something?
>>> On 9/12/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 I use dashboard multiple times a day.  I find it to be the easiest way to
 quickly access sports scores and the local weather on the Mac.  I even 
 nice metronome widget.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Sep 12, 2013, at 3:02 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Are there any fans & users of dashboard?
> If you aren't a user, have you gone as far as killing it?  I found
> instructions the other day on opening up terminal & killing dashboard.
> Just curious.  I've tried to like it, but it just hasn't happened.  Lol!
> Traci
> --
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>>> -- 
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Howto access the back button in safari

2013-09-13 Thread Ricardo Walker

command left bracket, command left arrow, or the delete key should all do this 
depending on configuration.  I believe command left bracket is the default 


Ricardo Walker

On Sep 13, 2013, at 8:10 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:

> Hello,
> I was listening to the garage band tutorials.  My question is once I am 
> finished listening to a segment how do I return to safari from the player?  
> There is a back button in the toolbar, but accessing it takes many VO 
> keystrokes.  Any shortcuts?
> Chris
> -- 
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Re: Any dashboard fans?

2013-09-13 Thread Ricardo Walker

Like Donna, I’m just using the weather and ESPN sports widget provided by 

Ricardo Walker

On Sep 13, 2013, at 8:05 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:

> Ricardo,
> What dashboard widgets are you using for weather and sports?  You've 
> rekindled my interest in  dashboard.
> Chris
> On Sep 13, 2013, at 4:23 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I guess my ease of use is because of the way I have Voiceover/my Mac set up. 
>>  Just pressing F12 opens dashboard so, no need to go to the dock or 
>> applications folder.  I also already have a keyboard commander shortcut to 
>> bring up the application chooser so, no need to press VO F2 twice to switch 
>> widgets.  Plus, dashboard opens to the last widget you were using so, I find 
>> myself rarely needing to switch.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Sep 12, 2013, at 9:58 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> I've never gotten into it. You have to bring it up, then vo-f2 twice
>>> just to list your tiles, then open your tile and try to use it. I have
>>> not yet found good tiles, though I admit I did not look too hard. Am I
>>> missing something?
>>> On 9/12/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 I use dashboard multiple times a day.  I find it to be the easiest way to
 quickly access sports scores and the local weather on the Mac.  I even 
 nice metronome widget.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Sep 12, 2013, at 3:02 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Are there any fans & users of dashboard?
> If you aren't a user, have you gone as far as killing it?  I found
> instructions the other day on opening up terminal & killing dashboard.
> Just curious.  I've tried to like it, but it just hasn't happened.  Lol!
> Traci
> --
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>>> -- 
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>>> -- 
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An interesting technology!

2013-09-13 Thread Venkatesh Potluri
Hi listers.
I came across an interesting technology and I am excited to share the
information here. Please follow the link and put forth your views. I
would be happy to hear from early adapters( if any ).
the video posted on the website explains the technology.
Thank you.
Venkatesh Potluri

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Re: Any dashboard fans?

2013-09-13 Thread Brian Fischler
Has anyone figured out how to remove a widget from the Dashboard? I started 
playing around with Dashboard awhile back but when there seemed like no way for 
a voiceover user to remove a widget they no longer wanted that was in their 
Dashboard I gave up on Dashboard. Would love to hear if anyone figured this 
out. Thanks.
On Sep 13, 2013, at 8:10 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> I'm with Ricardo, I love the dashboard.  Use it to check weather every 
> morning.  I just use the widget that comes installed on the widgets bar.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Sep 13, 2013, at 7:05 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:
>> Ricardo,
>> What dashboard widgets are you using for weather and sports?  You've 
>> rekindled my interest in  dashboard.
>> Chris
>> On Sep 13, 2013, at 4:23 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I guess my ease of use is because of the way I have Voiceover/my Mac set 
>>> up.  Just pressing F12 opens dashboard so, no need to go to the dock or 
>>> applications folder.  I also already have a keyboard commander shortcut to 
>>> bring up the application chooser so, no need to press VO F2 twice to switch 
>>> widgets.  Plus, dashboard opens to the last widget you were using so, I 
>>> find myself rarely needing to switch.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Sep 12, 2013, at 9:58 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 I've never gotten into it. You have to bring it up, then vo-f2 twice
 just to list your tiles, then open your tile and try to use it. I have
 not yet found good tiles, though I admit I did not look too hard. Am I
 missing something?
 On 9/12/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> I use dashboard multiple times a day.  I find it to be the easiest way to
> quickly access sports scores and the local weather on the Mac.  I even 
> found
> nice metronome widget.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Sep 12, 2013, at 3:02 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Are there any fans & users of dashboard?
>> If you aren't a user, have you gone as far as killing it?  I found
>> instructions the other day on opening up terminal & killing dashboard.
>> Just curious.  I've tried to like it, but it just hasn't happened.  Lol!
>> Traci
>> --
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 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Any dashboard fans?

2013-09-13 Thread Ricardo Walker

if you want to close a widget, press VO command escape.  If you want to delete 
a widget from your Mac all together, go to Mac HD/library/widgets.


Ricardo Walker

On Sep 13, 2013, at 9:21 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Has anyone figured out how to remove a widget from the Dashboard? I started 
> playing around with Dashboard awhile back but when there seemed like no way 
> for a voiceover user to remove a widget they no longer wanted that was in 
> their Dashboard I gave up on Dashboard. Would love to hear if anyone figured 
> this out. Thanks.
> On Sep 13, 2013, at 8:10 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> I'm with Ricardo, I love the dashboard.  Use it to check weather every 
>> morning.  I just use the widget that comes installed on the widgets bar.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Sep 13, 2013, at 7:05 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:
>>> Ricardo,
>>> What dashboard widgets are you using for weather and sports?  You've 
>>> rekindled my interest in  dashboard.
>>> Chris
>>> On Sep 13, 2013, at 4:23 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 I guess my ease of use is because of the way I have Voiceover/my Mac set 
 up.  Just pressing F12 opens dashboard so, no need to go to the dock or 
 applications folder.  I also already have a keyboard commander shortcut to 
 bring up the application chooser so, no need to press VO F2 twice to 
 switch widgets.  Plus, dashboard opens to the last widget you were using 
 so, I find myself rarely needing to switch.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Sep 12, 2013, at 9:58 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> I've never gotten into it. You have to bring it up, then vo-f2 twice
> just to list your tiles, then open your tile and try to use it. I have
> not yet found good tiles, though I admit I did not look too hard. Am I
> missing something?
> On 9/12/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I use dashboard multiple times a day.  I find it to be the easiest way to
>> quickly access sports scores and the local weather on the Mac.  I even 
>> found
>> nice metronome widget.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Sep 12, 2013, at 3:02 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Are there any fans & users of dashboard?
>>> If you aren't a user, have you gone as far as killing it?  I found
>>> instructions the other day on opening up terminal & killing dashboard.
>>> Just curious.  I've tried to like it, but it just hasn't happened.  Lol!
>>> Traci
>>> --
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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>>> You r

Re: An interesting technology!

2013-09-13 Thread Ricardo Walker

I think your cause would be better served if you talked about the technology a 
little bit in the post.  Many people make a habit of not clicking on links in 
e-mails from people who just say this is an interesting technology.


Ricardo Walker

On Sep 13, 2013, at 9:12 AM, Venkatesh Potluri  wrote:

> Hi listers.
> I came across an interesting technology and I am excited to share the
> information here. Please follow the link and put forth your views. I
> would be happy to hear from early adapters( if any ).
> link:
> the video posted on the website explains the technology.
> Thank you.
> Regards
> Venkatesh Potluri
> -- 
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Re: An interesting technology!

2013-09-13 Thread Jamie Tachiyama
I did click on the link, and it definitely looks interesting.  I would like to 
be able to test it's accuracy and responsiveness before I spent that kind of 
money.  It is not easy to plunk down 2,500 on a device.  The site doesn't give 
specs on the device itself.  At least mot on the main page.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 13, 2013, at 6:39 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> I think your cause would be better served if you talked about the technology 
> a little bit in the post.  Many people make a habit of not clicking on links 
> in e-mails from people who just say this is an interesting technology.
> hth 
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Sep 13, 2013, at 9:12 AM, Venkatesh Potluri  wrote:
>> Hi listers.
>> I came across an interesting technology and I am excited to share the
>> information here. Please follow the link and put forth your views. I
>> would be happy to hear from early adapters( if any ).
>> link:
>> the video posted on the website explains the technology.
>> Thank you.
>> Regards
>> Venkatesh Potluri
>> -- 
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Re: An interesting technology!

2013-09-13 Thread Eugenia Firth
Yeah, no kidding. The other thing is, I am always skeptical when I hear claims 
that sound too good to be true. There's got to be a limit somewhere. Now I know 
I am one of these people that tend to be skeptical at first. I mean, it took me 
a while to get on board with the iPhone. But I have spent a great deal of money 
on something that I got excited about, only to find out later that it didn't do 
anything like what I was lead to believe it did. I mean I would rather ask a 
computer any day the questions I want to know because they answer what I want 
them to answer instead of what people want to tell. Myself, I don't really 
need, really, a computer to identify my family members. That's one of the 
things mentioned, and I think that's going a little too far. I want a computer 
to enhance my blindness skills and not replace them. 


On Sep 13, 2013, at 8:50 AM, Jamie Tachiyama  wrote:

> I did click on the link, and it definitely looks interesting.  I would like 
> to be able to test it's accuracy and responsiveness before I spent that kind 
> of money.  It is not easy to plunk down 2,500 on a device.  The site doesn't 
> give specs on the device itself.  At least mot on the main page.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 13, 2013, at 6:39 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think your cause would be better served if you talked about the technology 
>> a little bit in the post.  Many people make a habit of not clicking on links 
>> in e-mails from people who just say this is an interesting technology.
>> hth 
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Sep 13, 2013, at 9:12 AM, Venkatesh Potluri  wrote:
>>> Hi listers.
>>> I came across an interesting technology and I am excited to share the
>>> information here. Please follow the link and put forth your views. I
>>> would be happy to hear from early adapters( if any ).
>>> link:
>>> the video posted on the website explains the technology.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Regards
>>> Venkatesh Potluri
>>> -- 
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.avi jfiles to itunes format?

2013-09-13 Thread Bill Holton
I have a number of .avi files I would like to add to my iTunes library./  What 
is the best way to convert them to an iTunes compatible format?  Thanks.

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Re: .avi jfiles to itunes format?

2013-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
AVI is a container like quicktime. Do you know what format the stuff 
inside is?


On 9/13/13 10:07 AM, Bill Holton wrote:

I have a number of .avi files I would like to add to my iTunes library./  What 
is the best way to convert them to an iTunes compatible format?  Thanks.


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RE: .avi jfiles to itunes format?

2013-09-13 Thread Bill Holton
Not sure.  How would I figure that out?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: .avi jfiles to itunes format?

AVI is a container like quicktime. Do you know what format the stuff 
inside is?


On 9/13/13 10:07 AM, Bill Holton wrote:
> Hi.
> I have a number of .avi files I would like to add to my iTunes library./  
> What is the best way to convert them to an iTunes compatible format?  Thanks.


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Re: .avi jfiles to itunes format?

2013-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
I was able to check one using QuicktimePlayer 7. I opened the file and 
then did command-I which brings up the movie inspector. The third line 
down was Format and the file I was playing with said 'IV41', 256 × 240, 
Millions. All that said, I ended up just running the file through the 
default settings of Handbrake and got a nice playable mp4 file. 
Quicktime player 7 would open the file and ID the codec but it wouldn't 
play it.


On 9/13/13 11:04 AM, Bill Holton wrote:

Not sure.  How would I figure that out?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: .avi jfiles to itunes format?

AVI is a container like quicktime. Do you know what format the stuff
inside is?


On 9/13/13 10:07 AM, Bill Holton wrote:

I have a number of .avi files I would like to add to my iTunes library./  What 
is the best way to convert them to an iTunes compatible format?  Thanks.


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RE: Any dashboard fans?

2013-09-13 Thread wayne17a
Hello is there any podcast about dashboard and how to use it thanks 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 8:17 PM
To: Macvisionaries
Subject: Re: Any dashboard fans?


I use dashboard multiple times a day.  I find it to be the easiest way to
quickly access sports scores and the local weather on the Mac.  I even found
nice metronome widget.


Ricardo Walker

On Sep 12, 2013, at 3:02 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Are there any fans & users of dashboard?
> If you aren't a user, have you gone as far as killing it?  I found
instructions the other day on opening up terminal & killing dashboard.
> Just curious.  I've tried to like it, but it just hasn't happened.  Lol!
> Traci
> -- 
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Re: Any dashboard fans?

2013-09-13 Thread Traci Duncan
Lol, I'm getting the feeling that many VoiceOver users aren't using Dashboard.

I heard a podcast once from David Woodbridge, good podcast, but it didn't draw 
me to Dashboard. I do like the weather & conversion widgets though

Ricardo, I went to the library/widgets but I only saw 1 widget there.  Are the 
default widgets somewhere else?

Any further tips and tricks on quickly navigating & using Dashboard?

Sheesh, I could start a separate topic for mission control & launchpad.  Lol!

Appreciate the info,
On Sep 13, 2013, at 6:03 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> Like Donna, I’m just using the weather and ESPN sports widget provided by 
> default.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Sep 13, 2013, at 8:05 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:
>> Ricardo,
>> What dashboard widgets are you using for weather and sports?  You've 
>> rekindled my interest in  dashboard.
>> Chris
>> On Sep 13, 2013, at 4:23 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I guess my ease of use is because of the way I have Voiceover/my Mac set 
>>> up.  Just pressing F12 opens dashboard so, no need to go to the dock or 
>>> applications folder.  I also already have a keyboard commander shortcut to 
>>> bring up the application chooser so, no need to press VO F2 twice to switch 
>>> widgets.  Plus, dashboard opens to the last widget you were using so, I 
>>> find myself rarely needing to switch.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Sep 12, 2013, at 9:58 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 I've never gotten into it. You have to bring it up, then vo-f2 twice
 just to list your tiles, then open your tile and try to use it. I have
 not yet found good tiles, though I admit I did not look too hard. Am I
 missing something?
 On 9/12/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> I use dashboard multiple times a day.  I find it to be the easiest way to
> quickly access sports scores and the local weather on the Mac.  I even 
> found
> nice metronome widget.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Sep 12, 2013, at 3:02 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Are there any fans & users of dashboard?
>> If you aren't a user, have you gone as far as killing it?  I found
>> instructions the other day on opening up terminal & killing dashboard.
>> Just curious.  I've tried to like it, but it just hasn't happened.  Lol!
>> Traci
>> --
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 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: .avi jfiles to itunes format?

2013-09-13 Thread Bill Holton
Thanks. I will give handbrake a try.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: .avi jfiles to itunes format?

I was able to check one using QuicktimePlayer 7. I opened the file and 
then did command-I which brings up the movie inspector. The third line 
down was Format and the file I was playing with said 'IV41', 256 × 240, 
Millions. All that said, I ended up just running the file through the 
default settings of Handbrake and got a nice playable mp4 file. 
Quicktime player 7 would open the file and ID the codec but it wouldn't 
play it.


On 9/13/13 11:04 AM, Bill Holton wrote:
> Not sure.  How would I figure that out?
> Thanks.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
> Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 10:27 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: .avi jfiles to itunes format?
> AVI is a container like quicktime. Do you know what format the stuff
> inside is?
> CB
> On 9/13/13 10:07 AM, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have a number of .avi files I would like to add to my iTunes library./  
>> What is the best way to convert them to an iTunes compatible format?  Thanks.


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Re: An interesting technology!

2013-09-13 Thread Jamie Tachiyama
Yeah, I like the theory.  I would just want to have more technical
information, and to be able to try it out myself before buying.
I can think of some good uses for it.  In no way would I expect it to
replace my orientation and adaptability skills.

On 9/13/13, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> So I took a poke through the web site and what it seems to be is a
> little camera you clip onto the side of a pair of glasses which also has
> a bone-conduction audio thingy that goes against your cheek. It then is
> tethered to a small box which has a computer in it. What it claims to do
> is recognize a pointing gesture and the camera will read the text where
> you are pointing. Examples are pointing to the label on a bottle or a
> line of text in a book. They also claim to recognize things in the
> environment like the color of a crosswalk sign or faces of people you
> have trained it on. To train it you wave your hand in front of the
> camera and then give it a description. They say they made 100 units @
> $2500 each and sold out. They expect another 500 to be ready and sold by
> the end of the year. All the reviews I could find seemed to be people
> excited about what this 'should' do but none of them seemed to actually
> have used the device. It's a ways out but I would expect them to make a
> showing at CSUN next March so folks can really try it. Could be amazing,
> could be snake oil.
> CB
> On 9/13/13 9:12 AM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
>> Hi listers.
>> I came across an interesting technology and I am excited to share the
>> information here. Please follow the link and put forth your views. I
>> would be happy to hear from early adapters( if any ).
>> link:
>> the video posted on the website explains the technology.
>> Thank you.
>> Regards
>> Venkatesh Potluri
> --
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> --
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Jamie T
Check out my blog.
Twitter: jathlete76
Facebook: jathlete76

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Re: An interesting technology!

2013-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
So I took a poke through the web site and what it seems to be is a 
little camera you clip onto the side of a pair of glasses which also has 
a bone-conduction audio thingy that goes against your cheek. It then is 
tethered to a small box which has a computer in it. What it claims to do 
is recognize a pointing gesture and the camera will read the text where 
you are pointing. Examples are pointing to the label on a bottle or a 
line of text in a book. They also claim to recognize things in the 
environment like the color of a crosswalk sign or faces of people you 
have trained it on. To train it you wave your hand in front of the 
camera and then give it a description. They say they made 100 units @ 
$2500 each and sold out. They expect another 500 to be ready and sold by 
the end of the year. All the reviews I could find seemed to be people 
excited about what this 'should' do but none of them seemed to actually 
have used the device. It's a ways out but I would expect them to make a 
showing at CSUN next March so folks can really try it. Could be amazing, 
could be snake oil.


On 9/13/13 9:12 AM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:

Hi listers.
I came across an interesting technology and I am excited to share the
information here. Please follow the link and put forth your views. I
would be happy to hear from early adapters( if any ).
the video posted on the website explains the technology.
Thank you.
Venkatesh Potluri


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Re: Howto access the back button in safari

2013-09-13 Thread Kirsten hill

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-09-13, at 9:02 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> command left bracket, command left arrow, or the delete key should all do 
> this depending on configuration.  I believe command left bracket is the 
> default though.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Sep 13, 2013, at 8:10 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was listening to the garage band tutorials.  My question is once I am 
>> finished listening to a segment how do I return to safari from the player?  
>> There is a back button in the toolbar, but accessing it takes many VO 
>> keystrokes.  Any shortcuts?
>> Chris
>> -- 
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Re: Apple App Store & Refunds for inaccessible Apps

2013-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
The usual problem with accessibility seem to fall in two buckets. First 
is the developer uses standard controls which are accessible but forget 
to label a button or leave out other tidbits of state/value information 
which would make the control usable. The second bucket is that they made 
custom controls which are either invisible or can't be controlled at all 
by voiceover. So this is where it gets tricky. An app with a few buttons 
lacking labels can be difficult, but it is usable. I can even add my own 
labels to patch up things where the developer messed up. The impact of 
issues in the second bucket depends on what the feature is. Hence the 
rating system which, as a fallible human creation, will not be a perfect 
scoring system, just like any other review. Still, it would be better 
than nothing.


On 9/13/13 7:42 AM, Ray Foret jr wrote:

Why not have Apple hire an accessibility team which would consist of all the 
disabilities.  This team would bear the responsibiility of determining 
accessibility:  thus, no ambiguity.  After all, who knows better than we how to 
test such things?

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Sep 13, 2013, at 3:05 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

If it's mandatory for some apps to be accessible, but not others, who will 
determine which are to be accessible and which not? And if you talk about 
feasibility, doesn't that start to become a little like inaccessible apps don't 
need to be accessible, but accessible apps must be accessible? Who is going to 
determine feasibility? I'm sure many developers would argue about this. Amazon 
et al would of course argue that e-readers would fall into that category of not 
feasible for blind people; they're designed for people who have eyes to see the 
written words on the page. We, of course, believe this to be rubbish. It would 
take too much time and effort to mediate all the disputes; I don't think Apple 
would ever take such an approach. Something should be done, yes, but it must be 
straight forward to implement.

I think some kind of information in the app store about whether the app is 
built with Apple's UI elements or with custom UI elements could be useful and 
feasible. This could be misleading though as the custom UI elements may 
nevertheless be accessible. I agree, however, that Apple could be stricter on 
ensuring apps at least had properly labeled buttons and alt text. This would 
not necessarily make apps accessible, but it would be an improvement.

I"m a little unsure about the accessibility rating system. There's the problems 
that Alex  mentioned, and then there's also the issue that an app might become 
accessible in a new update but no one will test it because the rating says it's 
inaccessible, but I suppose this hasn't become a problem with AppleVis. Anyway, we 
probably don't need a separate rating system for this anyway as we could just make 
accessibility comments in the ordinary reviews section.

Indeed, I believe one of the best things is for more of us to leave reviews 
with accessibility comments, both in the app store and on AppleVis. I must 
confess, however, that I don't do much of this myself as I find the process a 
little cumbersome and time consuming. This is both for AppleVis and the app 
stores. I've been meaning to go through my vast collection of apps and rate 
them all on AppleVis one day, but I never get around to it. I've been wishing 
of late for an app which would help me rate my apps. Ever since using iOS I've 
had less patients for websites; preferring instead the clean interface of 
mobile or desktop apps. One which would list all my apps and let me rate them 
for accessibility would be great. Sigh.

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Re: Mac Mini without a screen

2013-09-13 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Richard,

No I've got a slightly older one.

On Sep 11, 2013, at 10:17 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> Are you using the 2012 Mac mini?  I ask because I’ve seen some others report 
> that they don’t have this issue with the newest Mac mini’s from 2012.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Sep 11, 2013, at 4:10 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Aman,
>> I don't have bootcamp experiences but without a monitor plugged in, my mini 
>> is very slow, saying it's busy busy busy all the time, especially in safari. 
>> I hooked up a very old VGA monitor and now the busy's are over. An 
>> alternative is to buy a miniport to ntsc converter, but I have none of 
>> those. But without anything attached, it's going to be looking for a monitor 
>> all the time, being busy busy.
>> Hth,
>> Paul.
>> On Sep 11, 2013, at 2:26 AM, Aman Singer  wrote:
>>> Hi, all.
>>> This issue comes up here every once in a while, indeed, I think I
>>> may have brought it up myself, but I don't think I've ever seen it discussed
>>> about the newest Mac Mini. I would like to use the Mac Mini without a
>>> monitor plugged in. Will this work with the newest unit? Further, will it
>>> have any issue running without a monitor under Windows using Bootcamp?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Aman
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Re: Mac Mini without a screen

2013-09-13 Thread Aman Singer
Hi, Paul, Ricardo, and all.
This is exactly the information I'm after: what does the Mac Mini,
latest edition, do when there is no monitor at all?

On 9/13/13, Paul Erkens  wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> No I've got a slightly older one.
> Paul.
> On Sep 11, 2013, at 10:17 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Are you using the 2012 Mac mini?  I ask because I’ve seen some others
>> report that they don’t have this issue with the newest Mac mini’s from
>> 2012.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Sep 11, 2013, at 4:10 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>>> Aman,
>>> I don't have bootcamp experiences but without a monitor plugged in, my
>>> mini is very slow, saying it's busy busy busy all the time, especially in
>>> safari. I hooked up a very old VGA monitor and now the busy's are over.
>>> An alternative is to buy a miniport to ntsc converter, but I have none of
>>> those. But without anything attached, it's going to be looking for a
>>> monitor all the time, being busy busy.
>>> Hth,
>>> Paul.
>>> On Sep 11, 2013, at 2:26 AM, Aman Singer  wrote:
 Hi, all.
This issue comes up here every once in a while, indeed, I think I
 may have brought it up myself, but I don't think I've ever seen it
 about the newest Mac Mini. I would like to use the Mac Mini without a
 monitor plugged in. Will this work with the newest unit? Further, will
 have any issue running without a monitor under Windows using Bootcamp?

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Re: .avi jfiles to itunes format?

2013-09-13 Thread Jessica Moss
Good luck getting an avi file to play whatsoever, unless unless you have a 
3rd-party app like vlc, unless someone knows something I don't.  I ended up 
having to get it when I downloaded a boatload of files that I found out were in 
avi format, and quicktime wouldn't play them, then did a google search that led 
me to an article that pretty much stated that you'd need a 3rd-party app like 
vlc in order to play them, if I remember correctly.
  There was a lot more to it, but it was so over my head that I unfortunately 
couldn't even begin to explain it.
On Sep 13, 2013, at 10:26 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> AVI is a container like quicktime. Do you know what format the stuff inside 
> is?
> CB
> On 9/13/13 10:07 AM, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have a number of .avi files I would like to add to my iTunes library./  
>> What is the best way to convert them to an iTunes compatible format?  Thanks.
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: Apple App Store & Refunds for inaccessible Apps

2013-09-13 Thread Jessica Moss
Also, if you really want an app that lists all the accessible apps, or at least 
most of them, a friend recommended the "via," app that Braille institute 
created, which I personally love, and use on a pretty regular basis, so that 
should at least be some help to those who don't already know about it.
  I personally find it a lot easier than just browsing the app store, and just 
take a gamble at whether or not an app is accessible before you spend money on 
it, sense with the Via app, you can find the description/reviews on the app, so 
it's all bundled together.
On Sep 13, 2013, at 4:05 AM, Nicholas Parsons wrote:

> If it's mandatory for some apps to be accessible, but not others, who will 
> determine which are to be accessible and which not? And if you talk about 
> feasibility, doesn't that start to become a little like inaccessible apps 
> don't need to be accessible, but accessible apps must be accessible? Who is 
> going to determine feasibility? I'm sure many developers would argue about 
> this. Amazon et al would of course argue that e-readers would fall into that 
> category of not feasible for blind people; they're designed for people who 
> have eyes to see the written words on the page. We, of course, believe this 
> to be rubbish. It would take too much time and effort to mediate all the 
> disputes; I don't think Apple would ever take such an approach. Something 
> should be done, yes, but it must be straight forward to implement.
> I think some kind of information in the app store about whether the app is 
> built with Apple's UI elements or with custom UI elements could be useful and 
> feasible. This could be misleading though as the custom UI elements may 
> nevertheless be accessible. I agree, however, that Apple could be stricter on 
> ensuring apps at least had properly labeled buttons and alt text. This would 
> not necessarily make apps accessible, but it would be an improvement.
> I"m a little unsure about the accessibility rating system. There's the 
> problems that Alex  mentioned, and then there's also the issue that an app 
> might become accessible in a new update but no one will test it because the 
> rating says it's inaccessible, but I suppose this hasn't become a problem 
> with AppleVis. Anyway, we probably don't need a separate rating system for 
> this anyway as we could just make accessibility comments in the ordinary 
> reviews section.
> Indeed, I believe one of the best things is for more of us to leave reviews 
> with accessibility comments, both in the app store and on AppleVis. I must 
> confess, however, that I don't do much of this myself as I find the process a 
> little cumbersome and time consuming. This is both for AppleVis and the app 
> stores. I've been meaning to go through my vast collection of apps and rate 
> them all on AppleVis one day, but I never get around to it. I've been wishing 
> of late for an app which would help me rate my apps. Ever since using iOS 
> I've had less patients for websites; preferring instead the clean interface 
> of mobile or desktop apps. One which would list all my apps and let me rate 
> them for accessibility would be great. Sigh.
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Learning ally & VoiceOver-MAC

2013-09-13 Thread Robin
Is there a way to download your Learning Ally TextBooks on a MACBook 
PRO, and efficiently navigate it using only VoiceOver? I seem to 
recall that somewhere on Learning Ally's WebSite, which implied that 
it is indeed possible.

Has anyone on this list done so? If so, I will greatly appreciate it 
if you would share your experiences.



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Re: Learning ally & VoiceOver-MAC

2013-09-13 Thread Greg Aikens
Yes, you need to download the Learning Ally Audio book manager to do this.  
When you run it, it syncs with the LA website and your bookshelf and gives you 
the option of downloading anything on your bookshelf.  

You will also need the Learning Ally read here app to play the books on your 
mac.  Both of these apps are available from the learning ally website.  The 
process can be a little cumbersome, but it is definitely doable.  

Good luck.  Let us know if you have more questions.


Greg Aikens, M. Ed.
Teacher of students who are blind and visually impaired
Cobb County School District

On Sep 13, 2013, at 11:45 PM, Robin  wrote:

> Is there a way to download your Learning Ally TextBooks on a MACBook PRO, and 
> efficiently navigate it using only VoiceOver? I seem to recall that somewhere 
> on Learning Ally's WebSite, which implied that it is indeed possible.
> Has anyone on this list done so? If so, I will greatly appreciate it if you 
> would share your experiences.
> appreciated!
> !
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Re: Sharing VO Speech over a Skype or VOIP Call

2013-09-13 Thread Steve Holmes
Yeah, I might go that route too. I figured that method would work easily. Just 
have to spend some more money this next week I guess . Humm, maybe the 
local Guitar Center will be getting some of my money before this is done.

On Sep 12, 2013, at 8:58 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> I'm sure there is a digital way but in the past I did this with a small 
> external mixer. I ran the audio out from the Mac to the mixer and ran my mic 
> to the mixer and then ran the mixer output back to the line in on the Mac. I 
> set up Skype to then use the line in as it's audio input. This allowed me to 
> mix the levels on the fly a bit between the mic and voiceover. Actually went 
> a step farther and ran Jaws in a VM on the Mac so I could demo stuff on both 
> platforms. Worked well and I liked having the external controls to tweak 
> things.
> CB
> On 9/12/13 1:41 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> I plan to give a demo / teach session over a VOIP or Skype call where I want 
>> to allow the participants in the call to hear the output from VoiceOver on 
>> my Mac. Is there any way to do this with Mountain Lion? I have Audio Hijack 
>> Pro here but am lead to believe that VO can't be shared with Skype or 
>> similar applications. I know how to do recordings from Audio Hijack Pro but 
>> I don't wanna necessarily record but would rather have the output directed 
>> to the input side of the VOIP or Skype application I use.
>> Might Sound Flower be in order for this kind of thing?
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Nick Please get in touch

2013-09-13 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

Please could Nick Parsons get in touch with me off list.  I am unable to 
remember your e-mail.

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Re: File locked or write protected

2013-09-13 Thread Steve Holmes
This was interesting reading indeed. I also found a link in one of the reader 
comments where OS X FUSE is an open source solution and is being actively 
developed even up to and including Mavericks. It replaces the old Mac FUSE 
package which hasn't been worked since 2009 apparently.

On Sep 12, 2013, at 11:30 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> You can determine how the drive is formatted by navigating to it while in the 
> Finder, then press cmd-i to Get Info on it.  It will tell you everything you 
> need to know and more.  If you do a Google search on writing to NTFS from a 
> Mac, you'll get a number of responses that can help.  If you're comfortable 
> with Terminal and the command line, this article introduces an interesting 
> solution:
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-09-11, at 10:09 PM, Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr.  
> wrote:
>> Thanks Tim,
>> That might be the case. How do I determine how the drive is formatted, and 
>> what third party app will I need? 
>> Thanks,
>> Antonio
>> On Sep 9, 2013, at 12:30 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm guessing that the external HD is formatted NTFS and the Mac won't write 
>>> to an NTFS drive without a third party app.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2013-09-08, at 5:35 PM, Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr.  
>>> wrote:
 I connected an external hard drive to my Mac. I created all content on 
 this drive in Windows.
 I am trying to open an RTF file and edit, but I get a dialogue first 
 saying the file is locked, then when I unlock it, it says the file is 
 write protected.
 Anyway I can utilize this file without duplicating?
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