Re: Labelling buttons on a web page

2013-05-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

Sure.  labeling is done with VO slash.


Ricardo Walker

On May 28, 2013, at 1:59 AM, Agent086b  wrote:

> Hello all,
> is it possible to label a button on a web page on the Mac?
> On a particular site I just hear button.
> Thanks as always for any help.
> Max.
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Re: VoiceOver Preferences and Sharing Programs Between Accounts

2013-05-28 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Is there anyway to do that with VoiceOver on iOS?

On 27/05/2013, at 10:35 PM, Chris Gilland  wrote:

To the best of my knowledge it works.  I guess there's only one way for you to 
know, huh.


- Original Message - From: "Jürgen Fleger" 
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 4:47 AM
Subject: Re: VoiceOver Preferences and Sharing Programs Between Accounts

are you sure about importing the file and it works? I haven't tried it for a 
while due to obvious reasons because VO wasn't able to import all the settings 
correctly in Lion. I'm not sure about Mountain Lion. But I'm interested wether 
they fixed this issue or not.
All the best

Am 27.05.2013 um 02:10 schrieb Chris Gilland :

> Harry, I can't help with the second question, but your first question... 
> absolutely!  Just do your vo+F8 like normal, then go to the file menu, and 
> there should be an option in there to export your settings.  I can't recall 
> if it makes a folder, or just one file, but if it wind up being a folder, 
> then just zip it, and then put it up on Sendspece, or Dropbox, etc.
> Once they get the file, they'll just do vo+F8, go to the file menu, but 
> instead of going to export, obviously, they'll go to import.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Harry Hogue" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 7:09 PM
> Subject: VoiceOver Preferences and Sharing Programs Between Accounts
> hello all,
> I have a couple of unrelated questions.
> First, does anyone know if it is possible to set voiceover preferences and 
> then send these preferences to someone else so they can then use them in 
> their own VoiceOver settings?  I have a friend who uses VoiceOver, but lives 
> half way around the world, so it would be better to e-mail a settings file to 
> him.  Although I could explain how to adjust settings for application menu 
> short cuts and so forth, it would be much quicker if I could set these myself 
> and then send him a file that he could simply put in a specific place.  Then 
> he could use the preferences I have set, including application short uts, 
> pronunciation preferences, etc.
> My other question has to do with my own computer.  I have two accounts --  
> one for personal use and another for professional uses.  Is there a way to 
> share my virtual machine Windows between these two accounts?  Right now when 
> I go to the other account and VMWare Fusion, it welcomes me to VMWare and aks 
> me to eitehr load a VM or install a VM, etc.  If possible, I would like 
> Windows on the VM on the professional account to mirror the contents of my 
> professional account, meaning any files on my Desktop, etc.  I can't imagine 
> much I would need the VM on my professional account for expect for maybe 
> Excel, MS Word, and the like, but I would like to have the option. So is 
> there anyway of doing this without completely reinstalling Windows?
> Thanks,
> Harry
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VoiceOver Settings on iOS (was VoiceOver Preferences and Sharing Programs Between Accounts)

2013-05-28 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Is there a way to export and inport VoiceOver settings on iOS? And if I reset 
my iPhone and restore from a backup will that restore my VoiceOver settings or 
will they revert to default settings?

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Re: VoiceOver Settings on iOS (was VoiceOver Preferences and Sharing Programs Between Accounts)

2013-05-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

your voiceover settings will be restored from the backup.  To my knowledge, 
there is no way to share Voiceover settings on IOS.


Ricardo Walker

On May 28, 2013, at 6:11 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Is there a way to export and inport VoiceOver settings on iOS? And if I reset 
> my iPhone and restore from a backup will that restore my VoiceOver settings 
> or will they revert to default settings?
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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-28 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Well done, detective Tim. Sounds like you've uncovered one of the mysteries. My 
show VoiceOver curser setting was checked and the magnification set to 1. From 
what Ricardo said, it sounds like the actual lines outlining the VoiceOver 
curser might be blocking the mailbox when magnification is high and thus 
blocking it from being dragged.

I still get slightly different results to you, so I'd like to list them here 
again just so people are aware that there might still be some differences.

•   If dragging a single mailbox, I do not need to interact with it 
first before pressing VO-COMMA.
•   If dragging a collapsed mailbox with sub-folders within, I 
first need to interact with the title of the mailbox before pressing VO-COMMA.
•   To remove a mailbox from the favourites bar, I need to click 
with the TrackPad and drag quite some distance. If I drag a short distance I 
simply move the position of the mailbox within the favourites bar. IN fact, 
this is often how I reorder favourites, though sometimes it's easier to 
completely remove it and add it again as Tim says. Dragging it a long way 
doesn't seem to ever have negative consequences for me, so I just drag down as 
far as I can and then release. On the MacBook TrackPad I do this with one 
finger, but on the larger iMac TrackPad I find it easier to use two fingers. 
One to hold down the TrackPad in the clicked position, and the other to drag 
across the surface. I find I can be more accurate this way.


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Mac Hospital

2013-05-28 Thread Richard Ring
Back in November, I accidently spilled a glass with some ice cubes on my Mac 
keyboard. Ever since, my MacBook Pro keyboard did not function correctly. 
However, I've been able to use it with a Bluetooth keyboard. Recently, my 
Macbook has developed a new habit. It spontaneously restarts. It was so bad on 
Saturday that I wasn't sure I would finish the backup I was attempting to do.
This problem is intermittent, I can go for hours without it happening, and then 
it will keep happening over and over. I feel strongly it is a hardware issue, 
so accordingly, my Macbook is off to the Apple hospital today.

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

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Bibliographically citing material when using eBook readers

2013-05-28 Thread Mike Busboom
Hello everyone,

Like many people on this list, I have truly enjoyed increasing accessibility to 
books through places like Bookshare, Nook, Amazon/Kindle, Blio and iBooks from 

I am wondering if there is a way, in any of the aforementioned platforms to 
gain accurate information about print-page numbers when using their respective 
apps on the iPhone.  On more than one occasion, I have very much wished to draw 
someone's attention to a passage by pointing out specific print-page numbers, 
but I haven't been able to determine what print page I am actually on.  If you 
decrease or increase the font size, the values in the page selector change and 
in any case, they don't reflect the hardcopy page numbering.

I would appreciate any ideas on how to tackle this issue and which of the apps 
you use for eBook reading give you this information.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Bibliographically citing material when using eBook readers

2013-05-28 Thread Nicholas Parsons

I believe Kindle does provide this information (hardcopy page numbering), at 
least for people who can see. Not sure how to access it, if it's even possible, 
with VoiceOver.

I believe iBooks does not provide hardcopy page numbers, not even for people 
who can see.

This is a real shame as you mention because it really undermines the utility of 
e-books for academic or similar professional use. E-books are such a brilliant 
format in all other respects for this kind of use, so it's really sad there's 
no way to provide a proper pinpoint reference.


On 28/05/2013, at 10:56 PM, Mike Busboom  wrote:

Hello everyone,

Like many people on this list, I have truly enjoyed increasing accessibility to 
books through places like Bookshare, Nook, Amazon/Kindle, Blio and iBooks from 

I am wondering if there is a way, in any of the aforementioned platforms to 
gain accurate information about print-page numbers when using their respective 
apps on the iPhone.  On more than one occasion, I have very much wished to draw 
someone's attention to a passage by pointing out specific print-page numbers, 
but I haven't been able to determine what print page I am actually on.  If you 
decrease or increase the font size, the values in the page selector change and 
in any case, they don't reflect the hardcopy page numbering.

I would appreciate any ideas on how to tackle this issue and which of the apps 
you use for eBook reading give you this information.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Skype Apple Scripts

2013-05-28 Thread Alex Hall
I don't know if Skype handles this differently, so disregard my message if 
someone else comes along and tells me I'm totally wrong. 

That said, here are my thoughts:
1. Put the scripts wherever you want them. You'll assign them to keyboard 
shortcuts anyway, so organizing is simply personal preference since you can 
browse for them when you assign the key commands. Putting them in 
/library/scripts/VoiceOver is helpful only in that VO opens to that location by 
default when you assign a script to a commander shortcut.

2. Yes, you'd assign the scripts to services, then put a shortcut on that 
service. I believe you'd make the service specific to Skype, or global, 
depending on the behavior you want. Personally, I'd make most of the scripts 
global services, so that their keyboard shortcuts work in any application. 
Setting them to Skype only will make the keyboard shortcuts only activate the 
scripts when Skype is open, negating the handy effects of some of them (for 
instance, you'd have to switch to Skype to answer or end a call, instead of 
invoking that functionality from anywhere). If you assign the scripts to VO 
commanders, they are, of course, global.

3. You can also add them to either /library/scripts, or ~/library/scripts (in a 
subfolder if you like), then enable the scripting menu. Once enabled, this menu 
appears in the Extras menus and offers all the scripts stored in either scripts 
folder; pick one and press enter, and it runs. You can toggle this menu on and 
off from, oddly enough, the preferences in Applescript Editor.

Hope this helps.
On May 28, 2013, at 10:06 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Hi,
> A while back on this list someone posted a link to some Apple scripts for 
> Skype. I have these and have finally gotten around to trying to set them up. 
> But I can't remember or work out where they are to go? Do I set these up as 
> services or does Skype have a scripts folder somewhere? Or if I create a 
> scripts folder in ~/Library/Skype/Scripts/ will a Scripts menu appear in 
> Skype with my available scripts?
> Thanks in advance for any help. (I'll try not to send thanks afterwards, as 
> impolite as this feels, in order to reduce list traffic).
> Nic
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Skype Apple Scripts

2013-05-28 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi Alex,
Actually, you don't have to set them as services.  them in the scripts folder, 
make a folder called Skype, and have fun with keyboard commander. They'll work 
when Skype isn't focused
:) HTH

On 2013-05-28, at 10:35 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I don't know if Skype handles this differently, so disregard my message if 
> someone else comes along and tells me I'm totally wrong. 
> That said, here are my thoughts:
> 1. Put the scripts wherever you want them. You'll assign them to keyboard 
> shortcuts anyway, so organizing is simply personal preference since you can 
> browse for them when you assign the key commands. Putting them in 
> /library/scripts/VoiceOver is helpful only in that VO opens to that location 
> by default when you assign a script to a commander shortcut.
> 2. Yes, you'd assign the scripts to services, then put a shortcut on that 
> service. I believe you'd make the service specific to Skype, or global, 
> depending on the behavior you want. Personally, I'd make most of the scripts 
> global services, so that their keyboard shortcuts work in any application. 
> Setting them to Skype only will make the keyboard shortcuts only activate the 
> scripts when Skype is open, negating the handy effects of some of them (for 
> instance, you'd have to switch to Skype to answer or end a call, instead of 
> invoking that functionality from anywhere). If you assign the scripts to VO 
> commanders, they are, of course, global.
> 3. You can also add them to either /library/scripts, or ~/library/scripts (in 
> a subfolder if you like), then enable the scripting menu. Once enabled, this 
> menu appears in the Extras menus and offers all the scripts stored in either 
> scripts folder; pick one and press enter, and it runs. You can toggle this 
> menu on and off from, oddly enough, the preferences in Applescript Editor.
> Hope this helps.
> On May 28, 2013, at 10:06 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> A while back on this list someone posted a link to some Apple scripts for 
>> Skype. I have these and have finally gotten around to trying to set them up. 
>> But I can't remember or work out where they are to go? Do I set these up as 
>> services or does Skype have a scripts folder somewhere? Or if I create a 
>> scripts folder in ~/Library/Skype/Scripts/ will a Scripts menu appear in 
>> Skype with my available scripts?
>> Thanks in advance for any help. (I'll try not to send thanks afterwards, as 
>> impolite as this feels, in order to reduce list traffic).
>> Nic
>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Skype Apple Scripts

2013-05-28 Thread Nicholas Parsons

A while back on this list someone posted a link to some Apple scripts for 
Skype. I have these and have finally gotten around to trying to set them up. 
But I can't remember or work out where they are to go? Do I set these up as 
services or does Skype have a scripts folder somewhere? Or if I create a 
scripts folder in ~/Library/Skype/Scripts/ will a Scripts menu appear in Skype 
with my available scripts?

Thanks in advance for any help. (I'll try not to send thanks afterwards, as 
impolite as this feels, in order to reduce list traffic).


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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-28 Thread Tim Kilburn
Thanks Nick, I appreciate your comments.  It's good to have multiple 
ideas/processes for folks as it seems that, depending on settings and personal 
preferences, some of these behaviours react differently between users.  It 
seemed like an issue that deserved special attention due to the fact that some 
were having no issues at all and others were totally frustrated, thus believing 
it to be a bug.  I'm hoping that this solves the issue for most users who have 
been experiencing problems with the Drag & Drop to Favourites bar within Mail.  
Maybe this magnification issue will affect the Drag & Drop feature in other 
areas of the OS as well.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-05-28, at 4:29 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Well done, detective Tim. Sounds like you've uncovered one of the mysteries. 
> My show VoiceOver curser setting was checked and the magnification set to 1. 
> From what Ricardo said, it sounds like the actual lines outlining the 
> VoiceOver curser might be blocking the mailbox when magnification is high and 
> thus blocking it from being dragged.
> I still get slightly different results to you, so I'd like to list them here 
> again just so people are aware that there might still be some differences.
>   •   If dragging a single mailbox, I do not need to interact with it 
> first before pressing VO-COMMA.
>   •   If dragging a collapsed mailbox with sub-folders within, I 
> first need to interact with the title of the mailbox before pressing VO-COMMA.
>   •   To remove a mailbox from the favourites bar, I need to click 
> with the TrackPad and drag quite some distance. If I drag a short distance I 
> simply move the position of the mailbox within the favourites bar. IN fact, 
> this is often how I reorder favourites, though sometimes it's easier to 
> completely remove it and add it again as Tim says. Dragging it a long way 
> doesn't seem to ever have negative consequences for me, so I just drag down 
> as far as I can and then release. On the MacBook TrackPad I do this with one 
> finger, but on the larger iMac TrackPad I find it easier to use two fingers. 
> One to hold down the TrackPad in the clicked position, and the other to drag 
> across the surface. I find I can be more accurate this way.
> Nic
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Re: Skype Apple Scripts

2013-05-28 Thread Alex Hall
Yes, I did mention using commanders. Still, services will work when vo is not 
on, which may be handy for non-vo users of a mac (like family members who use 
the machine). Also, as I develop the scripts I'm making, I find myself running 
out of keyboard commander commands that make sense. Services can offload that 
work, letting you use many more possibilities since they can use any modifier, 
where the keyboard commander is limited to just an option key.
On May 28, 2013, at 10:37 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> Actually, you don't have to set them as services.  them in the scripts 
> folder, make a folder called Skype, and have fun with keyboard commander. 
> They'll work when Skype isn't focused
> :) HTH
> On 2013-05-28, at 10:35 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I don't know if Skype handles this differently, so disregard my message if 
>> someone else comes along and tells me I'm totally wrong. 
>> That said, here are my thoughts:
>> 1. Put the scripts wherever you want them. You'll assign them to keyboard 
>> shortcuts anyway, so organizing is simply personal preference since you can 
>> browse for them when you assign the key commands. Putting them in 
>> /library/scripts/VoiceOver is helpful only in that VO opens to that location 
>> by default when you assign a script to a commander shortcut.
>> 2. Yes, you'd assign the scripts to services, then put a shortcut on that 
>> service. I believe you'd make the service specific to Skype, or global, 
>> depending on the behavior you want. Personally, I'd make most of the scripts 
>> global services, so that their keyboard shortcuts work in any application. 
>> Setting them to Skype only will make the keyboard shortcuts only activate 
>> the scripts when Skype is open, negating the handy effects of some of them 
>> (for instance, you'd have to switch to Skype to answer or end a call, 
>> instead of invoking that functionality from anywhere). If you assign the 
>> scripts to VO commanders, they are, of course, global.
>> 3. You can also add them to either /library/scripts, or ~/library/scripts 
>> (in a subfolder if you like), then enable the scripting menu. Once enabled, 
>> this menu appears in the Extras menus and offers all the scripts stored in 
>> either scripts folder; pick one and press enter, and it runs. You can toggle 
>> this menu on and off from, oddly enough, the preferences in Applescript 
>> Editor.
>> Hope this helps.
>> On May 28, 2013, at 10:06 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> A while back on this list someone posted a link to some Apple scripts for 
>>> Skype. I have these and have finally gotten around to trying to set them 
>>> up. But I can't remember or work out where they are to go? Do I set these 
>>> up as services or does Skype have a scripts folder somewhere? Or if I 
>>> create a scripts folder in ~/Library/Skype/Scripts/ will a Scripts menu 
>>> appear in Skype with my available scripts?
>>> Thanks in advance for any help. (I'll try not to send thanks afterwards, as 
>>> impolite as this feels, in order to reduce list traffic).
>>> Nic
>>> -- 
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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list of key board short cuts

2013-05-28 Thread Rhonda Hornbacher

Is there a complete list of Mac  key board  shortcuts for Mountain Lion? Not 
Voice Over short cuts but the native Mac ones?

If so, could some one point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance,

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mountain lion keyboard short cuts

2013-05-28 Thread Rhonda Hornbacher

Would someone be so kind as to assist me in finding a complete list of Mountain 
Lion keyboard short cuts?

Thanking you in advance,

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Re: list of key board short cuts

2013-05-28 Thread Katey Glass
This may be helpful.  Let me know.  

Sent from my iPad

On May 28, 2013, at 8:16 AM, Rhonda Hornbacher  

> Hi,
> Is there a complete list of Mac  key board  shortcuts for Mountain Lion? Not 
> Voice Over short cuts but the native Mac ones?
> If so, could some one point me in the right direction?
> Thanks in advance,
> Rhonda
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Re: list of key board short cuts

2013-05-28 Thread Alex Hall
Try this link:
On May 28, 2013, at 8:16 AM, Rhonda Hornbacher  

> Hi,
> Is there a complete list of Mac  key board  shortcuts for Mountain Lion? Not 
> Voice Over short cuts but the native Mac ones?
> If so, could some one point me in the right direction?
> Thanks in advance,
> Rhonda
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Deleting an app from the iPhone 5

2013-05-28 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I downloaded an app (dark ages), which is not accessible with voiceover. How do 
I delete it from my phone?

Sent from my iPhone
Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: Deleting an app from the iPhone 5

2013-05-28 Thread Michael Babcock, Mobile On Ios
Using voice over, double tap and hold on the application, wait and tell you 
here voiceover say "editing apps", and then double tap the application like you 
were going to open it. You will then be Prompted for confirmation that you 
would like to remove the application. If the application is a game, then you 
may be prompted to delete any information that is available in game center. 
Hope this helps.

Michael babcock
Sales manager, and marketing consultant for  Commtech Llc

On May 28, 2013, at 10:37 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> I downloaded an app (dark ages), which is not accessible with voiceover. How 
> do I delete it from my phone?
> Sent from my iPhone
> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
> My home page:
> Facebook:
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I've kind of, ish! figured out Cyberduck, but...

2013-05-28 Thread Chris Gilland
So, I got a copy of Cyberduck, from the mac app store, but I have a couple 
questions.  It looks like this app, is somewhat usable, but I obviously must 
not know what I'm fully doing.  I found the new connection button in my 
toolbar, and did manage to connect to an ftp server, and I do see the table, 
and was able to interact and see the files/folders, but I can't figure out 
how to get to the local file view, where I can see the files locally on my 
Mac.  Tabbing around, or vo cursoring around isn't revealing anything except 
that one table for the remote file view.  I also see some unlabeled buttons 
with no help tags at all, and most of them are unavailable anyway.  I also 
saw a couple check boxes in there with no lables or tags.  So, yeah... I 
mean, the app kind of looks sort of doable, but maybe I'm just thick, I 
dono, but I can't seem to figure this out at all.  The menu bar looks 
standard enough, and the toolbar looks fairly usable, and of corse, the 
table after connecting looks like it's reading fairly decently with the 
exception that a couple of the columns don't read, or say unknown, but 
that's not really anything that's seeming to cripple me by much.  Those few 
buttons that are unlabled that are! available, don't seem to be doing 
anything by hitting vo+space on them, nor routing my mouse pointer, then 
doing vo+shift+space.

I think where I'm mainly getting tripped up is those unlabeled things, as 
well as in the interface of the app how to see my local files so I can copy 
things back and forth/move things back and forth.  For right now, until 
someone can give me some help with this, I'm sticking with the opinion until 
proven otherwise, that transmit is by far and away: way way way way! more 


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application to generate daisy audio from daisy text?

2013-05-28 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I have some daisy books from Bookshare I'd like to convert to audio so my NLS 
player will play them. I prefer the Serena voice above all others available to 
me for reading, and so I'd like an app that can take the text, get the audio of 
a voice on the Mac speaking it, then output a daisy audio book. I don't want 
the text as well, though if it comes along for the ride I'm fine, I mostly need 
the audio. Does such a thing exist? I've done some googling on the subject but 
came up empty. Any ideas would be great. Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: mountain lion keyboard short cuts

2013-05-28 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Google Mountain Lion Keyboard Shortcuts and I think it will be within the first 
few results you get.

On 28/05/2013, at 7:50 AM, Rhonda Hornbacher  wrote:


Would someone be so kind as to assist me in finding a complete list of Mountain 
Lion keyboard short cuts?

Thanking you in advance,

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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-28 Thread Nicholas Parsons

Re getting rid of favourites:
•   Do not use the VO-shift-space keystroke. As Tim said-
1.  Navigate to the mailbox you wish to remove;
2.  Make sure your TrackPad commander is off by holding down the VO 
keys and rotating two fingers counter clockwise on the TrackPad;
3.  Use VO-command-F5 to rout the mouse pointer to the VO curser;
4.  Press VO-F5 to check that the mouse curser is on the mailbox 
you wish to remove;
5.  If it's not, repeat steps 3 and 4 until it is;
6.  Press the TrackPad down into the click position and hold it, 
then drag one finger from the top of the TrackPad to the bottom and then 
release the TrackPad entirely.
7.  You should here a swooshing sound indicating that the mailbox 
is no longer in your favourites bar. If you don't, repeat steps 1 through 7.

Re the checkboxes in favourites bar, these simply display the relevant mailbox. 
They should really be radio buttons instead of checkboxes, as only one can be 
active/checked at the one time. So when you press command-3, for example, the 
third mailbox will become checked and active. If you then navigate to the 
favourites bar and check the fourth mailbox, the view will change and your 
fourth mailbox will become active and in view. This is how you can still use 
the favourites bar even with more than 9 mailboxes. The first nine you can 
navigate to with keystrokes, the rest you need to check manually.


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Re: Skype Apple Scripts

2013-05-28 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Fantastic, thanks for this, Alex. That all makes sense. I forgot about simply 
using keyboard commander. But I only like to use letters for keyboard commander 
located on the opposite side of the keyboard from the option key I've assigned 
to keyboard commander. Otherwise the keystrokes are awkward to execute. And 
like you I'm running out of keys to use for keyboard commander, so services 
might be the way to go.

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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-28 Thread Tim Kilburn

One thing you could check in addition to Nick's thorough steps, is in the 
Navigation section of the VO Utility.  The last pop-up menu just before the 
"Allow Cursor Wrapping" checkbox, says something about the Mouse Pointer and 
how it is affected by VO.  I usually set it to "Follows VO Cursor" and it seems 
to alleviate the mouse pointer being stuck up at the Apple menu problem.  I've 
experienced that frustration in the past as well.  Some folks prefer that the 
Mouse Pointer ignores the VO cursor but I tend to have an affinity to 
everything following each other, not that I'm a follower or anything like that. 
 You may also wish to turn VO off then back on to see if that smartens VO up a 
little, so it behaves properly.  VO sometimes seems to misbehave after numerous 
settings changes and/or other multiple attempts at things.

You are being very patient with all this, I'm glad that things are mostly 
working for you.

Have a good one.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-05-28, at 9:21 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> HI,
> Re getting rid of favourites:
>   •   Do not use the VO-shift-space keystroke. As Tim said-
>   1.  Navigate to the mailbox you wish to remove;
>   2.  Make sure your TrackPad commander is off by holding down the VO 
> keys and rotating two fingers counter clockwise on the TrackPad;
>   3.  Use VO-command-F5 to rout the mouse pointer to the VO curser;
>   4.  Press VO-F5 to check that the mouse curser is on the mailbox 
> you wish to remove;
>   5.  If it's not, repeat steps 3 and 4 until it is;
>   6.  Press the TrackPad down into the click position and hold it, 
> then drag one finger from the top of the TrackPad to the bottom and then 
> release the TrackPad entirely.
>   7.  You should here a swooshing sound indicating that the mailbox 
> is no longer in your favourites bar. If you don't, repeat steps 1 through 7.
> Re the checkboxes in favourites bar, these simply display the relevant 
> mailbox. They should really be radio buttons instead of checkboxes, as only 
> one can be active/checked at the one time. So when you press command-3, for 
> example, the third mailbox will become checked and active. If you then 
> navigate to the favourites bar and check the fourth mailbox, the view will 
> change and your fourth mailbox will become active and in view. This is how 
> you can still use the favourites bar even with more than 9 mailboxes. The 
> first nine you can navigate to with keystrokes, the rest you need to check 
> manually.
> Best,
> Nic
> -- 
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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-28 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Nick,

I'm using an iMac and don't use a track pad.  How would I remove a mailbox from 
the Favorites Bar without a track pad?  Thanks; I've been saving most of these 
messages from within this conversation as this is very instructive.

On May 28, 2013, at 11:21 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> HI,
> Re getting rid of favourites:
>   •   Do not use the VO-shift-space keystroke. As Tim said-
>   1.  Navigate to the mailbox you wish to remove;
>   2.  Make sure your TrackPad commander is off by holding down the VO 
> keys and rotating two fingers counter clockwise on the TrackPad;
>   3.  Use VO-command-F5 to rout the mouse pointer to the VO curser;
>   4.  Press VO-F5 to check that the mouse curser is on the mailbox 
> you wish to remove;
>   5.  If it's not, repeat steps 3 and 4 until it is;
>   6.  Press the TrackPad down into the click position and hold it, 
> then drag one finger from the top of the TrackPad to the bottom and then 
> release the TrackPad entirely.
>   7.  You should here a swooshing sound indicating that the mailbox 
> is no longer in your favourites bar. If you don't, repeat steps 1 through 7.
> Re the checkboxes in favourites bar, these simply display the relevant 
> mailbox. They should really be radio buttons instead of checkboxes, as only 
> one can be active/checked at the one time. So when you press command-3, for 
> example, the third mailbox will become checked and active. If you then 
> navigate to the favourites bar and check the fourth mailbox, the view will 
> change and your fourth mailbox will become active and in view. This is how 
> you can still use the favourites bar even with more than 9 mailboxes. The 
> first nine you can navigate to with keystrokes, the rest you need to check 
> manually.
> Best,
> Nic
> -- 
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Re: Dragging and Dropping a mailbox to Favorites

2013-05-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

you would need to use a mouse then.

Ricardo Walker

On May 29, 2013, at 1:18 AM, Les Kriegler  wrote:

> Hi Nick,
> I'm using an iMac and don't use a track pad.  How would I remove a mailbox 
> from the Favorites Bar without a track pad?  Thanks; I've been saving most of 
> these messages from within this conversation as this is very instructive.
> Les
> On May 28, 2013, at 11:21 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
>  wrote:
>> HI,
>> Re getting rid of favourites:
>>  •   Do not use the VO-shift-space keystroke. As Tim said-
>>  1.  Navigate to the mailbox you wish to remove;
>>  2.  Make sure your TrackPad commander is off by holding down the VO 
>> keys and rotating two fingers counter clockwise on the TrackPad;
>>  3.  Use VO-command-F5 to rout the mouse pointer to the VO curser;
>>  4.  Press VO-F5 to check that the mouse curser is on the mailbox 
>> you wish to remove;
>>  5.  If it's not, repeat steps 3 and 4 until it is;
>>  6.  Press the TrackPad down into the click position and hold it, 
>> then drag one finger from the top of the TrackPad to the bottom and then 
>> release the TrackPad entirely.
>>  7.  You should here a swooshing sound indicating that the mailbox 
>> is no longer in your favourites bar. If you don't, repeat steps 1 through 7.
>> Re the checkboxes in favourites bar, these simply display the relevant 
>> mailbox. They should really be radio buttons instead of checkboxes, as only 
>> one can be active/checked at the one time. So when you press command-3, for 
>> example, the third mailbox will become checked and active. If you then 
>> navigate to the favourites bar and check the fourth mailbox, the view will 
>> change and your fourth mailbox will become active and in view. This is how 
>> you can still use the favourites bar even with more than 9 mailboxes. The 
>> first nine you can navigate to with keystrokes, the rest you need to check 
>> manually.
>> Best,
>> Nic
>> -- 
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