Re: an accessible way to install flash

2013-05-11 Thread Garth Humphreys
I prefer not to install Flash directly and instead use Google Chrome for web 
browsing that requires Flash.


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On 11/05/2013, at 11:08 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi all.
> I was just wondering, what's an easy and accessible to install javascript and 
> flash player to watch youtube videos or to use mactubes.
> Thanks.
> Matt.
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Re: Alternative To Cyberduck FTP

2013-05-11 Thread Georgina Joyce
Hello Teresa,

I've just done this:

Open a terminal.

typed: cd Doc 

Then I pressed the tab key then the enter / return key.

Result being in my Documents directory.

I then entered the details of my domain using the built in ftp program.

I then tried the cd command to move to my public_html directory.

I typed: cd pub

Then pressed tab and then enter / return.

Result I successfully moved into that directory as in the terminal.

I then typed: mget *.html

Then pressed enter / return.

Result the ftp client pulled all *.html files. However, it did require me to 
press enter after every file. Maybe I needed to use a flag on the mget command.

So I'm guessing it would work for you. However, I have installed macports but 
tab completion was available to me prior to installing macports. I noticed that 
the ls command gave all the permissions which is really hard to read. This is 
why I use ncftp because the interface is a lot cleaner.

At the end of the day, just give it a go. I don't think you can break it.



On 10 May 2013, at 23:29, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion, Gina. I hadn't thought of this option, to be 
> honest. Is this a script in bash? I was just using the ftp command, and it 
> worked nicely for one file at a time. I could just use the mget and then use 
> tab completion, as I understand it?
> I know just enough about command-line to be dangerous. :)
> Teresa
> On May 10, 2013, at 3:04 PM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I accept that you'd rather use a GUI but I wondered whether you understood 
>> tab completion and wild card characters? I use ncftp in the terminal which 
>> support these bash features.
>> Gena
>> On 10/05/2013 16:13, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> Unless I'm missing something, I'm having a lot of trouble with Cyberduck. 
>>> The progress bar seems inaccessible, and the downloads stop a lot. I've 
>>> looked into ftp via Terminal, but I'm not sure I want to type in the large 
>>> numbers of filenames, as I'm downloading moderately large groups of files. 
>>> I'm using a 2009 Mac Mini with OS Mountain Lion. I'm running Clamxav 
>>> antivirus, and kind of wondering if it might be checking downloads 
>>> individually. Once I am able to start transferring a file, the speeds are 
>>> very good.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Teresa
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Terminal and tab completion

2013-05-11 Thread Brandt
Hi there folks,

Is there anyway to have the tab key complete what you are typing into the 

If there is, please let me know. Thanks so long.
Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

Sent from my macbook pro

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Re: Dimensions

2013-05-11 Thread Daniela Rubio
Please, how do I collect artifacts? I find them, but I can't get them. They 
move when I hold and move my finger on the been button, but I always have bad 
luck. Any tricks for it? Thanks!

Daniela Rubio T
 Distinguished Educator
iPhone: +34662328507

El 09/05/2013, a las 05:59, Teresa Cochran  

> The quantum cells increase the longer you play and the richer your sound 
> environment is. The artifacts have a kind of sonar sound, and are very 
> distinctive once you recognize it. This game is very subtle in a lot of ways, 
> and takes some intent listening skills. It's almost like an interactive 
> musical piece with a game thrown in as an afterthought. It's very innovative, 
> and I really like it a lot.
> Teresa
> On May 8, 2013, at 5:47 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Well, Jessica, you're not the only one confused on this game.  I haven't 
>> gotten a single artifact yet.  It sounds like the pull gesture is like the 
>> dragging gesture kind of, but I haven't gotten either it or the push gesture 
>> to work.  It's odd, too, because despite this, my number of quantum cells 
>> keep going up.  I'm clueless.
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: Skype apple scripts

2013-05-11 Thread Chris Gilland
Skype scripts?  For the Mac?  Huh?  What... did they... do?  I mean, Skype 
works really really quite well as is out of the box! in my opinion at least.


- Original Message - 
From: "Matt Dierckens" 

Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 11:32 PM
Subject: Skype apple scripts

Hi guys,
I think someone put up here a while agoskype apple scripts.
Is there a way someone could put these back up? Thanks.

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Re: Terminal and tab completion

2013-05-11 Thread Chris Gilland

Does it not do that for you already?  It definitely should.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Brandt 
  To: com 
  Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 6:20 AM
  Subject: Terminal and tab completion

  Hi there folks,

  Is there anyway to have the tab key complete what you are typing into the 

  If there is, please let me know. Thanks so long.
  Warm regards,

  Brandt Steenkamp

  Sent from my macbook pro

  Contact me:

  Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013


  My ring to Skype:
  California, United States
  Extension 512
  Cape Town, South Africa
  Extension 161
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  Extension 170

  Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007


  Twitter: brandtsteenkamp

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Re: Dimensions

2013-05-11 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Jamie,

Yeah, I think you're right about the good pair of eyeballs. :)  The problem 
with turning VO off, is that you would then have to have some way to find the 
Beam button, which is not always in the exact same spot.  not sure how you 
would do that without VO.
On May 10, 2013, at 11:36 PM, Jamie Pauls  wrote:

> I didn't play with the game long because it was a bit too trippy for me. I
> suspect, though, that turning Voiceover off when trying to collect artifacts
> makes the game a bit more responsive even though VO isn't actually talking.
> I can't prove this; just a suspicion. I am usually pretty good at this sort
> of thing, but collecting artifacts and banishing the Nethalim was quite
> difficult for me. I'm thinking a good pair of eyeballs would make things go
> a bit better. 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 8:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Dimensions
> Oh wow, sounds really confusing, reminds me a lot of having to learn algibra
> for the first time with maybe more of a twist.  I sometimes wish I could
> just turn that part of the game off and just let it move from one dimention
> to another, considering the fact that I just love the way it makes
> everything sound different, which is the only reason I do anything with it,
> but then again, that would probably defeat the purpose of the game play.
> On May 10, 2013, at 8:09 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Jessica,
>> No, it isn't a game for the blind.  I think the sound of metal you're
> talking about is the sound to let you know where the artifact is.  If you
> move your finger right, the artifact goes left, and vice versa.  So, if you
> hear the clinking sound in the left ear, move your finger that way, to bring
> the artifact back to the right, then move quickly back to center to stop the
> movement.  I haven't gotten this to work, mind you, but that's what I'm told
> you're supposed to do.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On May 10, 2013, at 6:57 PM, Jessica Moss 
> wrote:
>>> Ok, a couple questions: first of all, when you find an artifact, what
> does that sound mean, that kind of sounds like bells, or pieces of metal
> hitting each other?  Second, is this game designed specificly for the blind?
>>> My dad saw my status as it was updating, which I didn't realize that
> posted by itself, and commented on it, and sense I hadn't been playing the
> game all that long, I couldn't really explain it to him, especially sense I
> had to leave him a voicemail message, and thought maybe he should try it
> himself, but hes fully sighted so not sure how well he would be able to play
> it if it doesn't have visually affects.
>>> On May 10, 2013, at 1:18 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
 Hi, Alex and Donna,
 Ok, the location of the beam varies a little. When you are using it, the
> sound raises in pitch. Pull the artifact toward you, and hold steady once it
> levels off at its highest pitch, which won't be much higher than its
> beginning pitch. There will be a sort of "tada" tone when you've captured
> it, and Emily will say something like "you got it!"
 The cells are simply power packs for you to play the game. The longer
> you play, and the richer your sound environment, the more quantum cells
> you'll collect. This is the way I played the game. I think I may have bought
> one pack, because I was impatient.
 I didn't bother with the collective dimension, except to play it like
> the other ones. You'll still have artifacts to collect in it, but you get
> more cells if you connect to friends on Twitter and talk to them with the
> messenger function, a la Church of the Subgenius style. I haven't used it,
> but I've heard it's hit and miss for accessibility.
 Once you play a level for some period of time, like a few days, the next
> level will unlock, or you can buy enough cells to unlock it. I think there
> is one level that only unlocks when it's raining in your local area, but
> since I live in the desert, I went ahead and bought cells to unlock it. :-P
 Anyhow, go ahead and contact me on or offlist if you have more
> questions. Have fun.
 On May 9, 2013, at 3:10 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> I'd like to ask a question as well. How do you collect cells? Artifacts
> make noise, but cells seem to be silent. I know you can get cells other
> ways, but it seems unfortunate to just let free ones drift by. Thanks. Oh,
> one more: I did let the game access my Twitter account, but nothing happened
> with the Collective Dimension, and no tweet seems to have been sent. Did I
> do something wrong? Did it mean I need to be somewhere where it hears three
> people speak?
> On May 9, 2013, at 6:00 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> You *are evil! :)
>> I have a couple more questions.  when 

Re: Skype apple scripts

2013-05-11 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hey Chris,
There were Skype apple scripts to answer calls, hang up, set status's while not 
in the window, very useful.
On 2013-05-11, at 7:52 AM, "Chris Gilland"  wrote:

> Skype scripts?  For the Mac?  Huh?  What... did they... do?  I mean, Skype 
> works really really quite well as is out of the box! in my opinion at least.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Matt Dierckens" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 11:32 PM
> Subject: Skype apple scripts
>> Hi guys,
>> I think someone put up here a while agoskype apple scripts.
>> Is there a way someone could put these back up? Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: Dimensions

2013-05-11 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Daniela,

Here's a suggestion posted by someone on another list.  I finally got an 
artifact a minute ago, and this advice helped.  He's right, the artifact has to 
be exactly centered.  Here's what Alex wrote:

"It's not so much that you are not holding your finger still, it is
also about centering. If you finger is even a bit left or right of
center, the artifact will seem to move because you are actually still
rotating the beam. Try centering the artifact, then, as soon as it is
centered, release the beam. Be sure your finger is centered on the
screen, then double tap and hold and move down a bit and hold it"  

On May 11, 2013, at 6:32 AM, Daniela Rubio  wrote:

> Hello!
> Please, how do I collect artifacts? I find them, but I can't get them. They 
> move when I hold and move my finger on the been button, but I always have bad 
> luck. Any tricks for it? Thanks!
> Daniela Rubio T
>  Distinguished Educator
> iPhone: +34662328507
> El 09/05/2013, a las 05:59, Teresa Cochran  
> escribió:
>> The quantum cells increase the longer you play and the richer your sound 
>> environment is. The artifacts have a kind of sonar sound, and are very 
>> distinctive once you recognize it. This game is very subtle in a lot of 
>> ways, and takes some intent listening skills. It's almost like an 
>> interactive musical piece with a game thrown in as an afterthought. It's 
>> very innovative, and I really like it a lot.
>> Teresa
>> On May 8, 2013, at 5:47 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Well, Jessica, you're not the only one confused on this game.  I haven't 
>>> gotten a single artifact yet.  It sounds like the pull gesture is like the 
>>> dragging gesture kind of, but I haven't gotten either it or the push 
>>> gesture to work.  It's odd, too, because despite this, my number of quantum 
>>> cells keep going up.  I'm clueless.
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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Dimensions, a trick for escaping the Nefalim

2013-05-11 Thread Donna Goodin
OK, this is probably cheating, but for the rest of you still having a hard time 
with that gesture, I've come up with a way to escape the Nefalim. Just exit the 
bloody dimension.  The Exit button is immediately to the right of the Infinity 
button.  Next, press tap to Continue, choose your Dimension, and Enter.  When 
you go back in, the Nefalim will be gone.

I'm sure that's not what the developers intended, but until I can make that 
stupid gesture work at least somewhat reliably, that's exactly what I'm going 
to do.

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Re: Skype apple scripts

2013-05-11 Thread Chris Gilland
Oh, wow.  That would be nice if anyone has them, and can tell me how to 
install 'em.


- Original Message - 
From: "Matt Dierckens" 

Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: Skype apple scripts

Hey Chris,
There were Skype apple scripts to answer calls, hang up, set status's 
while not in the window, very useful.

On 2013-05-11, at 7:52 AM, "Chris Gilland"  wrote:

Skype scripts?  For the Mac?  Huh?  What... did they... do?  I mean, 
Skype works really really quite well as is out of the box! in my opinion 
at least.


- Original Message - From: "Matt Dierckens" 

Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 11:32 PM
Subject: Skype apple scripts

Hi guys,
I think someone put up here a while agoskype apple scripts.
Is there a way someone could put these back up? Thanks.

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Re: Skype apple scripts

2013-05-11 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi Chrism
To be honest I can't remember where I got them, I'm pretty sure they were from 
It was a folder with about 12 or so scripts. and you just installed them with 
the keyboard commander.
On 2013-05-11, at 10:29 AM, "Chris Gilland"  wrote:

> Oh, wow.  That would be nice if anyone has them, and can tell me how to 
> install 'em.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Matt Dierckens" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 8:53 AM
> Subject: Re: Skype apple scripts
>> Hey Chris,
>> There were Skype apple scripts to answer calls, hang up, set status's while 
>> not in the window, very useful.
>> On 2013-05-11, at 7:52 AM, "Chris Gilland"  wrote:
>>> Skype scripts?  For the Mac?  Huh?  What... did they... do?  I mean, Skype 
>>> works really really quite well as is out of the box! in my opinion at least.
>>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Matt Dierckens" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 11:32 PM
>>> Subject: Skype apple scripts
 Hi guys,
 I think someone put up here a while agoskype apple scripts.
 Is there a way someone could put these back up? Thanks.
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Re: Skype apple scripts

2013-05-11 Thread Alex Hall
I don't have them, but I just did a search for "skype apple scripts" and got a 
bunch of hits. If you're looking to do something specific, I'm sure you can 
just google the script and find it hanging out somewhere. To assign them to 
keyboard or trackpad commands, either use the keyboard shortcuts tab in the 
keyboard section of System Preferences, or use commanders in the VO Utility.
On May 11, 2013, at 10:32 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi Chrism
> To be honest I can't remember where I got them, I'm pretty sure they were 
> from here.
> It was a folder with about 12 or so scripts. and you just installed them with 
> the keyboard commander.
> On 2013-05-11, at 10:29 AM, "Chris Gilland"  wrote:
>> Oh, wow.  That would be nice if anyone has them, and can tell me how to 
>> install 'em.
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - From: "Matt Dierckens" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 8:53 AM
>> Subject: Re: Skype apple scripts
>>> Hey Chris,
>>> There were Skype apple scripts to answer calls, hang up, set status's while 
>>> not in the window, very useful.
>>> On 2013-05-11, at 7:52 AM, "Chris Gilland"  wrote:
 Skype scripts?  For the Mac?  Huh?  What... did they... do?  I mean, Skype 
 works really really quite well as is out of the box! in my opinion at 
 - Original Message - From: "Matt Dierckens" 
 Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 11:32 PM
 Subject: Skype apple scripts
> Hi guys,
> I think someone put up here a while agoskype apple scripts.
> Is there a way someone could put these back up? Thanks.
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Terminal and tab completion

2013-05-11 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

This is rather a complicated question, since the terminal invokes a shell and 
the shell is then invoking other programs and there is no mechanism in UNIX to 
have those other programs tell the shell what arguments they will accept. On 
the other hand bash and zsh and tcsh shells will all do file name completion 
and  can be programmed to do completion of of other commands unfortunately not 
many commands are so programmed. EMACS which has a toolkit called emacsspeak 
which can with some work be compiled to work on the Macintosh has a fairly 
extensive completion scheme. In places where emacs is using the command line at 
the bottom of the editor screen, and in some other areas where the text editor 
is not really working as a text editor, Emacs accepts a question mark to tell 
you what it expects and an tab (or perhaps an escape) to complete the current 
argument. Emacs took these structures from an 1080's  Operating System called 
TOPS-20, and almost every completion scheme since has followed this example.T

To get back to the shell, when you type the command "defaults" and then provide 
arguments such as read those arguments are first interpreted 
by the shell and then once and only once you hit the return key are passed to 
the defaults command.  So what this means is that unless the shell knows all 
10,000  programs available to it it can not provide complete completion code. 
Best wishes,


On May 11, 2013, at 6:20 AM, Brandt wrote:

> Hi there folks,
> Is there anyway to have the tab key complete what you are typing into the 
> terminal? 
> If there is, please let me know. Thanks so long.
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> Sent from my macbook pro
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accessible program question

2013-05-11 Thread Pamela J Francis
I hope someone on this list can help me.
I have a friend who is both a windows & mac user. His roomate's windows XP hard 
drive is dying. He is trying to find imaging software in order to save the data 
before it completely goes in to the intergalactic bit bucket. He tried one, 
only to find it not screen reader accessible. If anyone knows of an accessible 
imaging program he can use, I would appreciate the information.
Thanks in advance

Pamela J Francis

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Re: accessible program question

2013-05-11 Thread Noel Romey
Image for windows is a program which should work on co. It costs like 30
bucks but you can try it for free. You may need sighted assistance to
reconstruct the image or grnl linux.
It can be found at

Hope this helps

On May 11, 2013, at 12:16 PM, Pamela J Francis  wrote:

I hope someone on this list can help me.
I have a friend who is both a windows & mac user. His roomate's windows XP
hard drive is dying. He is trying to find imaging software in order to save
the data before it completely goes in to the intergalactic bit bucket. He
tried one, only to find it not screen reader accessible. If anyone knows of
an accessible imaging program he can use, I would appreciate the
Thanks in advance

Pamela J Francis

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Re: Terminal and tab completion

2013-05-11 Thread Brandt
Hi there,

In this case, typing something like "cd ~/doc" then hitting the tab key should 
complete "cd ~/documents" This is not happening. How do I fix the problem?

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

Sent from my macbook pro

Contact me:

Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013


My ring to Skype:
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Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007


Twitter: brandtsteenkamp

On 11 May 2013, at 5:23 PM, "Jonathan C. Cohn"  wrote:

> Hello,
> This is rather a complicated question, since the terminal invokes a shell and 
> the shell is then invoking other programs and there is no mechanism in UNIX 
> to have those other programs tell the shell what arguments they will accept. 
> On the other hand bash and zsh and tcsh shells will all do file name 
> completion and  can be programmed to do completion of of other commands 
> unfortunately not many commands are so programmed. EMACS which has a toolkit 
> called emacsspeak which can with some work be compiled to work on the 
> Macintosh has a fairly extensive completion scheme. In places where emacs is 
> using the command line at the bottom of the editor screen, and in some other 
> areas where the text editor is not really working as a text editor, Emacs 
> accepts a question mark to tell you what it expects and an tab (or perhaps an 
> escape) to complete the current argument. Emacs took these structures from an 
> 1080's  Operating System called TOPS-20, and almost every completion scheme 
> since has followed this example.T
> To get back to the shell, when you type the command "defaults" and then 
> provide arguments such as read those arguments are first 
> interpreted by the shell and then once and only once you hit the return key 
> are passed to the defaults command.  So what this means is that unless the 
> shell knows all 10,000  programs available to it it can not provide complete 
> completion code. 
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
> On May 11, 2013, at 6:20 AM, Brandt wrote:
>> Hi there folks,
>> Is there anyway to have the tab key complete what you are typing into the 
>> terminal? 
>> If there is, please let me know. Thanks so long.
>> Warm regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> Contact me:
>> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
>> Email:
>> My ring to Skype:
>> California, United States
>>   +(1)760-5140161  
>> Extension 512
>> Cape Town, South Africa
>> Extension 161
>> Johannesburg, South Africa
>> +(27)105-002316
>> Extension 170
>> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
>> SIP:
>> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
>> -- 
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Station Playlist products

2013-05-11 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi all,

Does anyone know if these software products like studio and streamer are 
accessible on the MBP?




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Johnny "Angel" Chilelli

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Re: Skype apple scripts

2013-05-11 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi all. I found them.
After a bunch of searching, here's the site of this blog with the scripts.

On 2013-05-11, at 10:29 AM, Chris Gilland  wrote:

> Oh, wow.  That would be nice if anyone has them, and can tell me how to 
> install 'em.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Matt Dierckens" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 8:53 AM
> Subject: Re: Skype apple scripts
>> Hey Chris,
>> There were Skype apple scripts to answer calls, hang up, set status's while 
>> not in the window, very useful.
>> On 2013-05-11, at 7:52 AM, "Chris Gilland"  wrote:
>>> Skype scripts?  For the Mac?  Huh?  What... did they... do?  I mean, Skype 
>>> works really really quite well as is out of the box! in my opinion at least.
>>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Matt Dierckens" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 11:32 PM
>>> Subject: Skype apple scripts
 Hi guys,
 I think someone put up here a while agoskype apple scripts.
 Is there a way someone could put these back up? Thanks.
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Re: Station Playlist products

2013-05-11 Thread Michael Babcock
If you utilize virtualization software such as virtual box, or VMware, then you 
can install windows on your OS X machine. Then, you can utilize the software 
that is mentioned in the subject line, and or use Boot Camp to install a 
version of Windows. To the best of my knowledge however, there presently aren't 
any available station playlist studio or station playlist creator software is 
available for OS X directly. Ross, the developer of the software, has made 
comment that if individuals want to utilize his software on OS X, then they 
should install a virtualization software, or utilize boot camp. Unfortunately, 
I don't really like to this fact, however and not us I am able to write my own 
program that would perform some if not all of the same tasks, there isn't 
anything that anyone can do. I have been discussing the OS X issue with Ross 
since 2007, and he is very adamant at staying on windows at least was as of a 
year ago.

Need a ripple code? Text me, 406-212-8503 visit 

On May 11, 2013, at 11:19 AM, Johnny Angel!  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone know if these software products like studio and streamer are 
> accessible on the MBP?
> Thanks
> Blessings,
> John
> Not of this world,
> I am born of The forty-second generation
> A new, powerful race, never seen before.
> Wish to join?
> Initiation is completely FREE!
> NOTE: Limited time sensitive offer.
> Johnny "Angel" Chilelli
> -- 
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Re: an accessible way to install flash

2013-05-11 Thread ppowells09
I went to the adobe site directly & installed it with no issues. I didn't want 
to either, yet there is still to much material out there requiring flash. I 
hope it goes away soon.

Pam Francis

On May 11, 2013, at 4:21 AM, Garth Humphreys  wrote:

I prefer not to install Flash directly and instead use Google Chrome for web 
browsing that requires Flash.


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On 11/05/2013, at 11:08 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi all.
> I was just wondering, what's an easy and accessible to install javascript and 
> flash player to watch youtube videos or to use mactubes.
> Thanks.
> Matt.
> -- 
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Re: an accessible way to install flash

2013-05-11 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi, thanks all. I installed it and it works just fine. :)
On 2013-05-11, at 1:38 PM, wrote:

> I went to the adobe site directly & installed it with no issues. I didn't 
> want to either, yet there is still to much material out there requiring 
> flash. I hope it goes away soon.
> Pam Francis
> On May 11, 2013, at 4:21 AM, Garth Humphreys  wrote:
> I prefer not to install Flash directly and instead use Google Chrome for web 
> browsing that requires Flash.
> Garth 
> Search for iBlindTech in iTunes or your favourite pod catcher to subscribe to 
> the iBlindTech Democast.
> Send email to
> Follow me on twitter @iBlindTech or @iBlindTechDemo for just the podcast info.
> On 11/05/2013, at 11:08 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I was just wondering, what's an easy and accessible to install javascript 
>> and flash player to watch youtube videos or to use mactubes.
>> Thanks.
>> Matt.
>> -- 
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Re: Terminal and tab completion

2013-05-11 Thread Barry Hadder

Documents starts with a capital D.  Type ~/Doc .

Tab completion is case sensitive.

Barry Hadder
Available in the Mac app store.

On May 11, 2013, at 11:29 AM, Brandt  wrote:

Hi there,

In this case, typing something like "cd ~/doc" then hitting the tab key should 
complete "cd ~/documents" This is not happening. How do I fix the problem?

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

Sent from my macbook pro

Contact me:

Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013


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Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007


Twitter: brandtsteenkamp

On 11 May 2013, at 5:23 PM, "Jonathan C. Cohn"  wrote:

> Hello,
> This is rather a complicated question, since the terminal invokes a shell and 
> the shell is then invoking other programs and there is no mechanism in UNIX 
> to have those other programs tell the shell what arguments they will accept. 
> On the other hand bash and zsh and tcsh shells will all do file name 
> completion and  can be programmed to do completion of of other commands 
> unfortunately not many commands are so programmed. EMACS which has a toolkit 
> called emacsspeak which can with some work be compiled to work on the 
> Macintosh has a fairly extensive completion scheme. In places where emacs is 
> using the command line at the bottom of the editor screen, and in some other 
> areas where the text editor is not really working as a text editor, Emacs 
> accepts a question mark to tell you what it expects and an tab (or perhaps an 
> escape) to complete the current argument. Emacs took these structures from an 
> 1080's  Operating System called TOPS-20, and almost every completion scheme 
> since has followed this example.T
> To get back to the shell, when you type the command "defaults" and then 
> provide arguments such as read those arguments are first 
> interpreted by the shell and then once and only once you hit the return key 
> are passed to the defaults command.  So what this means is that unless the 
> shell knows all 10,000  programs available to it it can not provide complete 
> completion code. 
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
> On May 11, 2013, at 6:20 AM, Brandt wrote:
>> Hi there folks,
>> Is there anyway to have the tab key complete what you are typing into the 
>> terminal? 
>> If there is, please let me know. Thanks so long.
>> Warm regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> Contact me:
>> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
>> Email:
>> My ring to Skype:
>> California, United States
>>   +(1)760-5140161  
>> Extension 512
>> Cape Town, South Africa
>> Extension 161
>> Johannesburg, South Africa
>> +(27)105-002316
>> Extension 170
>> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
>> SIP:
>> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
>> -- 
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Re: Terminal and tab completion

2013-05-11 Thread Brandt

Still no luck. Any other ideas?

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

Sent from my macbook pro

Contact me:

Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013


My ring to Skype:
California, United States
Extension 512
Cape Town, South Africa
Extension 161
Johannesburg, South Africa
Extension 170

Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007


Twitter: brandtsteenkamp

On 11 May 2013, at 8:55 PM, Barry Hadder  wrote:

> Hi,
> Documents starts with a capital D.  Type ~/Doc .
> Tab completion is case sensitive.
> --
>   Barry Hadder
> UnitMaster
> Available in the Mac app store.
> On May 11, 2013, at 11:29 AM, Brandt  wrote:
> Hi there,
> In this case, typing something like "cd ~/doc" then hitting the tab key 
> should complete "cd ~/documents" This is not happening. How do I fix the 
> problem?
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> Sent from my macbook pro
> Contact me:
> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
> Email:
> My ring to Skype:
> California, United States
>   +(1)760-5140161  
> Extension 512
> Cape Town, South Africa
> Extension 161
> Johannesburg, South Africa
> +(27)105-002316
> Extension 170
> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
> SIP:
> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
> On 11 May 2013, at 5:23 PM, "Jonathan C. Cohn"  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> This is rather a complicated question, since the terminal invokes a shell 
>> and the shell is then invoking other programs and there is no mechanism in 
>> UNIX to have those other programs tell the shell what arguments they will 
>> accept. On the other hand bash and zsh and tcsh shells will all do file name 
>> completion and  can be programmed to do completion of of other commands 
>> unfortunately not many commands are so programmed. EMACS which has a toolkit 
>> called emacsspeak which can with some work be compiled to work on the 
>> Macintosh has a fairly extensive completion scheme. In places where emacs is 
>> using the command line at the bottom of the editor screen, and in some other 
>> areas where the text editor is not really working as a text editor, Emacs 
>> accepts a question mark to tell you what it expects and an tab (or perhaps 
>> an escape) to complete the current argument. Emacs took these structures 
>> from an 1080's  Operating System called TOPS-20, and almost every completion 
>> scheme since has followed this example.T
>> To get back to the shell, when you type the command "defaults" and then 
>> provide arguments such as read those arguments are first 
>> interpreted by the shell and then once and only once you hit the return key 
>> are passed to the defaults command.  So what this means is that unless the 
>> shell knows all 10,000  programs available to it it can not provide complete 
>> completion code. 
>> Best wishes,
>> Jonathan
>> On May 11, 2013, at 6:20 AM, Brandt wrote:
>>> Hi there folks,
>>> Is there anyway to have the tab key complete what you are typing into the 
>>> terminal? 
>>> If there is, please let me know. Thanks so long.
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> Contact me:
>>> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
>>> Email:
>>> My ring to Skype:
>>> California, United States
>>>   +(1)760-5140161  
>>> Extension 512
>>> Cape Town, South Africa
>>> Extension 161
>>> Johannesburg, South Africa
>>> +(27)105-002316
>>> Extension 170
>>> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
>>> SIP:
>>> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
>>> -- 
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NLS app Podcast?

2013-05-11 Thread Kliphton
Hello, does anyone happen to have the link to the podcast for the upcoming
NLS app?  If you could send it to

That would be great.  Thanks.



Kliphton Senior


(Instagram,Twitter&Skype) kliphton72

(Personal blog-read at your own risk!)

(Life Journal)


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Re: NLS app Podcast?

2013-05-11 Thread Devin Prater
Yes, I'd like it too. sent to: please. Yes, I use the Apple 
email all the way, its so fast and wonderful :) A lot more responsive than 
gmail, LOL. :P
sent from my Mac Mini with iCloud.
Devin prater
email and iMessage: or

On May 11, 2013, at 2:10 PM, Kliphton  wrote:

> Hello, does anyone happen to have the link to the podcast for the upcoming 
> NLS app?  If you could send it to
> That would be great.  Thanks.
> Kliphton Senior
> (iMessage&Email)
> (Instagram,Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
> (Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
> (Life Journal)
> -- 
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Re: Dimensions

2013-05-11 Thread Teresa Cochran
I find the beam button rather easy to find because of the auditory clue. If you 
touch it at all, it activates with a sound. I got used to playing with VO off 
and learned where all the buttons were, through trial and error. I did find the 
game more responsive this way.

On May 11, 2013, at 6:06 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi Daniela,
> Here's a suggestion posted by someone on another list.  I finally got an 
> artifact a minute ago, and this advice helped.  He's right, the artifact has 
> to be exactly centered.  Here's what Alex wrote:
> "It's not so much that you are not holding your finger still, it is
> also about centering. If you finger is even a bit left or right of
> center, the artifact will seem to move because you are actually still
> rotating the beam. Try centering the artifact, then, as soon as it is
> centered, release the beam. Be sure your finger is centered on the
> screen, then double tap and hold and move down a bit and hold it"  
> HTH,
> Donna
> On May 11, 2013, at 6:32 AM, Daniela Rubio  wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Please, how do I collect artifacts? I find them, but I can't get them. They 
>> move when I hold and move my finger on the been button, but I always have 
>> bad luck. Any tricks for it? Thanks!
>> Daniela Rubio T
>>  Distinguished Educator
>> iPhone: +34662328507
>> El 09/05/2013, a las 05:59, Teresa Cochran  
>> escribió:
>>> The quantum cells increase the longer you play and the richer your sound 
>>> environment is. The artifacts have a kind of sonar sound, and are very 
>>> distinctive once you recognize it. This game is very subtle in a lot of 
>>> ways, and takes some intent listening skills. It's almost like an 
>>> interactive musical piece with a game thrown in as an afterthought. It's 
>>> very innovative, and I really like it a lot.
>>> Teresa
>>> On May 8, 2013, at 5:47 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 Well, Jessica, you're not the only one confused on this game.  I haven't 
 gotten a single artifact yet.  It sounds like the pull gesture is like the 
 dragging gesture kind of, but I haven't gotten either it or the push 
 gesture to work.  It's odd, too, because despite this, my number of 
 quantum cells keep going up.  I'm clueless.
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RE: NLS app Podcast?

2013-05-11 Thread Jamie Pauls
Here you go:


[] On Behalf Of Devin Prater
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: NLS app Podcast?


Yes, I'd like it too. sent to: please. Yes, I use the Apple
email all the way, its so fast and wonderful :) A lot more responsive than
gmail, LOL. :P

sent from my Mac Mini with iCloud.
Devin prater
email and iMessage: or


On May 11, 2013, at 2:10 PM, Kliphton  wrote:

Hello, does anyone happen to have the link to the podcast for the upcoming
NLS app?  If you could send it to

That would be great.  Thanks.



Kliphton Senior


(Instagram,Twitter&Skype) kliphton72

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Re: Alternative To Cyberduck FTP

2013-05-11 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Gina,

Thanks. I forgot about wildcards as well. If I want to download 40 files in a 
particular folder and I know they are all mp3 files, this saves a lot of work.

On May 11, 2013, at 2:27 AM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:

> Hello Teresa,
> I've just done this:
> Open a terminal.
> typed: cd Doc 
> Then I pressed the tab key then the enter / return key.
> Result being in my Documents directory.
> I then entered the details of my domain using the built in ftp program.
> I then tried the cd command to move to my public_html directory.
> I typed: cd pub
> Then pressed tab and then enter / return.
> Result I successfully moved into that directory as in the terminal.
> I then typed: mget *.html
> Then pressed enter / return.
> Result the ftp client pulled all *.html files. However, it did require me to 
> press enter after every file. Maybe I needed to use a flag on the mget 
> command.
> So I'm guessing it would work for you. However, I have installed macports but 
> tab completion was available to me prior to installing macports. I noticed 
> that the ls command gave all the permissions which is really hard to read. 
> This is why I use ncftp because the interface is a lot cleaner.
> At the end of the day, just give it a go. I don't think you can break it.
> Gena
> On 10 May 2013, at 23:29, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Thanks for the suggestion, Gina. I hadn't thought of this option, to be 
>> honest. Is this a script in bash? I was just using the ftp command, and it 
>> worked nicely for one file at a time. I could just use the mget and then use 
>> tab completion, as I understand it?
>> I know just enough about command-line to be dangerous. :)
>> Teresa
>> On May 10, 2013, at 3:04 PM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I accept that you'd rather use a GUI but I wondered whether you understood 
>>> tab completion and wild card characters? I use ncftp in the terminal which 
>>> support these bash features.
>>> Gena
>>> On 10/05/2013 16:13, Teresa Cochran wrote:
 Hi, all,
 Unless I'm missing something, I'm having a lot of trouble with Cyberduck. 
 The progress bar seems inaccessible, and the downloads stop a lot. I've 
 looked into ftp via Terminal, but I'm not sure I want to type in the large 
 numbers of filenames, as I'm downloading moderately large groups of files. 
 I'm using a 2009 Mac Mini with OS Mountain Lion. I'm running Clamxav 
 antivirus, and kind of wondering if it might be checking downloads 
 individually. Once I am able to start transferring a file, the speeds are 
 very good.
 Any ideas?
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2013-05-11 Thread Michael Babcock
Hey guys,
I wanted to post a couple of findings that I have found with dimensions. A 
couple of them are related to Facebook, and one of them is related to artifact 
retrieval. Somehow, I have actually retrieved some artifacts, and here's what I 
think that I did:
Use the being to center the artifact in your headphones, and then drag your 
finger down, to just above the home key.y Hold your finger there, and you will 
have the artifact being dragged to you. One thing that I have noticed, is that 
when you are directly centered with the artifact, the sound of the artifact 
appears to me to raise infrequency, I'm not sure however if this happens all of 
the time, or with just some specific artifacts.
This part is for Jessica, you made mention that you would like to listen to the 
sounds, and have a change between the different dimensions. And, not play the 
game, it is possible to do this and here is how you do it:
These notes are for use when voiceover is enabled:
Find the "screen lock", button and doublecheck upon it. The game will play a 
sound, and voiceover will stay to "round circle" and give you directions for 
dragging this circle. If you drag the circle up to the top of the screen by 
double tapping, holding, and dragging up word, you will pause the game if you 
double tap, hold, and dragged down, then you will hear the game begin to play 
again. If you just Double tap on the "screen lock" button, and don't drag the 
circle anywhere, you can then press the home key and listen to the game in the 
background. When an artifact is found, you will be made aware of this, and what 
I have found is if you tap the home key twice quickly, it will place you in the 
"app switcher". Then, find "dimensions" in the app switcher, Typically for me 
dimensions is either the first or second application in the app switcher, tap 
on it twice to activate it, and you will be placed in the game. Find the 
circle, double tap, hold and drag to the bottom of the screen, to unlock the 
screen. Find the beam, and perform the action you need to do either pushing the 
enemy away, or dragging an artifact to you.
Finally, find the screen lock button again after your done with this task, and 
lock the screen. Press your home key to return to New York springboard, and 
then double tap the home key to access your app switcher. Or, if you would like 
you can double tap the home key after you lock the screen, some directly in the 
dimensions application.
Related to Facebook, I think the way that it works is each time someone clicks 
on the link that you post, then you can be "given points", and your friends can 
help you grow and get a stronger pain. Therefore, those of you connected to 
Facebook, can go ahead and add me as a friend, and I will except the request 
that is posted to Facebook, when you share the dimensions application through 
the drawer on the main menu with your Facebook. Therefore, I would also request 
that anyone who has me on Facebook, also do the same. If you would like to 
acknowledge these notifications, you can do so directly in the iOS application 
under Facebook, notifications button. If you would like to add me to Facebook, 
do so by using this link:
Taking the above link may open the Facebook application directly on your iOS 
device, if it doesn't, feel free to just find the "add friend" button by using 
the item chooser menu on OS X, or, by using voice over on iOS.
Hope you have a delightful rest of your day, and the above-mentioned message 
has helped some people.

Need a ripple code? Text me, 406-212-8503 visit 

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Re: NLS app Podcast?

2013-05-11 Thread Devin Prater
Thank you. It sounds awesome.
sent from my Mac Mini with iCloud.
Devin prater
email and iMessage: or

On May 11, 2013, at 2:44 PM, Jamie Pauls  wrote:

> Here you go:
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Devin Prater
> Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 2:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: NLS app Podcast?
> Yes, I'd like it too. sent to: please. Yes, I use the Apple 
> email all the way, its so fast and wonderful :) A lot more responsive than 
> gmail, LOL. :P
> sent from my Mac Mini with iCloud.
> Devin prater
> email and iMessage: or
> Skype:
> devinprater
> msn:
> On May 11, 2013, at 2:10 PM, Kliphton  wrote:
> Hello, does anyone happen to have the link to the podcast for the upcoming 
> NLS app?  If you could send it to
> That would be great.  Thanks.
> Kliphton Senior
> (iMessage&Email)
> (Instagram,Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
> (Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
> (Life Journal)
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Does anyone have been up to date audacity podcast?

2013-05-11 Thread Mike M
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to find a podcast or article or anything really that will help me 
learn how to use audacity on the Mac. I cannot find anything recent and am just 
wondering if there is something out there.

Thanks for any help.


Sent from my iPad

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Re: Terminal and tab completion

2013-05-11 Thread Georgina Joyce


What's it's response? Do you have another directory starting with Doc? 
Why are you using the home identifier? Are you not at your home route?


On 11/05/2013 20:04, Brandt wrote:


Still no luck. Any other ideas?

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

Sent from my macbook pro

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On 11 May 2013, at 8:55 PM, Barry Hadder  wrote:


Documents starts with a capital D.  Type ~/Doc .

Tab completion is case sensitive.

Barry Hadder
Available in the Mac app store.

On May 11, 2013, at 11:29 AM, Brandt  wrote:

Hi there,

In this case, typing something like "cd ~/doc" then hitting the tab key should complete 
"cd ~/documents" This is not happening. How do I fix the problem?

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

Sent from my macbook pro

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Twitter: brandtsteenkamp

On 11 May 2013, at 5:23 PM, "Jonathan C. Cohn"  wrote:


This is rather a complicated question, since the terminal invokes a shell and 
the shell is then invoking other programs and there is no mechanism in UNIX to 
have those other programs tell the shell what arguments they will accept. On 
the other hand bash and zsh and tcsh shells will all do file name completion 
and  can be programmed to do completion of of other commands unfortunately not 
many commands are so programmed. EMACS which has a toolkit called emacsspeak 
which can with some work be compiled to work on the Macintosh has a fairly 
extensive completion scheme. In places where emacs is using the command line at 
the bottom of the editor screen, and in some other areas where the text editor 
is not really working as a text editor, Emacs accepts a question mark to tell 
you what it expects and an tab (or perhaps an escape) to complete the current 
argument. Emacs took these structures from an 1080's  Operating System called 
TOPS-20, and almost every completion scheme since has followed this example.T

To get back to the shell, when you type the command "defaults" and then provide 
arguments such as read those arguments are first interpreted by the 
shell and then once and only once you hit the return key are passed to the defaults 
command.  So what this means is that unless the shell knows all 10,000  programs 
available to it it can not provide complete completion code.
Best wishes,


On May 11, 2013, at 6:20 AM, Brandt wrote:

Hi there folks,

Is there anyway to have the tab key complete what you are typing into the 

If there is, please let me know. Thanks so long.
Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

Sent from my macbook pro

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Re: Dimensions

2013-05-11 Thread Donna Goodin
Wow, you're right! The game is much more responsive with VO off, and it's very 
easy to play because the auditory clues. Overall I like the gameplay much 
better without VO.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 11, 2013, at 2:39 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> I find the beam button rather easy to find because of the auditory clue. If 
> you touch it at all, it activates with a sound. I got used to playing with VO 
> off and learned where all the buttons were, through trial and error. I did 
> find the game more responsive this way.
> teresa
> On May 11, 2013, at 6:06 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Daniela,
>> Here's a suggestion posted by someone on another list.  I finally got an 
>> artifact a minute ago, and this advice helped.  He's right, the artifact has 
>> to be exactly centered.  Here's what Alex wrote:
>> "It's not so much that you are not holding your finger still, it is
>> also about centering. If you finger is even a bit left or right of
>> center, the artifact will seem to move because you are actually still
>> rotating the beam. Try centering the artifact, then, as soon as it is
>> centered, release the beam. Be sure your finger is centered on the
>> screen, then double tap and hold and move down a bit and hold it"  
>> HTH,
>> Donna
>> On May 11, 2013, at 6:32 AM, Daniela Rubio  wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> Please, how do I collect artifacts? I find them, but I can't get them. They 
>>> move when I hold and move my finger on the been button, but I always have 
>>> bad luck. Any tricks for it? Thanks!
>>> Daniela Rubio T
>>>  Distinguished Educator
>>> iPhone: +34662328507
>>> El 09/05/2013, a las 05:59, Teresa Cochran  
>>> escribió:
 The quantum cells increase the longer you play and the richer your sound 
 environment is. The artifacts have a kind of sonar sound, and are very 
 distinctive once you recognize it. This game is very subtle in a lot of 
 ways, and takes some intent listening skills. It's almost like an 
 interactive musical piece with a game thrown in as an afterthought. It's 
 very innovative, and I really like it a lot.
 On May 8, 2013, at 5:47 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Well, Jessica, you're not the only one confused on this game.  I haven't 
> gotten a single artifact yet.  It sounds like the pull gesture is like 
> the dragging gesture kind of, but I haven't gotten either it or the push 
> gesture to work.  It's odd, too, because despite this, my number of 
> quantum cells keep going up.  I'm clueless.
> Donna
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Re: Station Playlist products

2013-05-11 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Hi John, I run StationPlaylist Studio on my Macbook Air in VMWare Fusion. It 
works well, although Fusion introduces some latency with the audio that I wish 
weren't there.

It's curious to me that with all of the great Mac audio applications out there, 
and the number of Mac users who are doing audio-related tasks, there doesn't 
seem to be anything that quite does what the StationPlaylist suite does.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 12/05/2013, at 5:19 AM, Johnny Angel!  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone know if these software products like studio and streamer are 
> accessible on the MBP?
> Thanks
> Blessings,
> John
> Not of this world,
> I am born of The forty-second generation
> A new, powerful race, never seen before.
> Wish to join?
> Initiation is completely FREE!
> NOTE: Limited time sensitive offer.
> Johnny "Angel" Chilelli
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Re: Station Playlist products

2013-05-11 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi Jonathan, Is there a way to actually broadcast on VMWare fusion? If so, how 
do you go about doing this?
On 2013-05-11, at 6:50 PM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:

> Hi John, I run StationPlaylist Studio on my Macbook Air in VMWare Fusion. It 
> works well, although Fusion introduces some latency with the audio that I 
> wish weren't there.
> It's curious to me that with all of the great Mac audio applications out 
> there, and the number of Mac users who are doing audio-related tasks, there 
> doesn't seem to be anything that quite does what the StationPlaylist suite 
> does.
> Jonathan Mosen
> Mosen Consulting
> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
> On 12/05/2013, at 5:19 AM, Johnny Angel!  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone know if these software products like studio and streamer are 
>> accessible on the MBP?
>> Thanks
>> Blessings,
>> John
>> Not of this world,
>> I am born of The forty-second generation
>> A new, powerful race, never seen before.
>> Wish to join?
>> Initiation is completely FREE!
>> NOTE: Limited time sensitive offer.
>> Johnny "Angel" Chilelli
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Re: Dimensions

2013-05-11 Thread Alex Hall
I find it perfectly responsive with vo on, and I now always beat the Nefilim 
and rarely lose an artifact. I guess it's just what you are used to...
On May 11, 2013, at 3:39 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> I find the beam button rather easy to find because of the auditory clue. If 
> you touch it at all, it activates with a sound. I got used to playing with VO 
> off and learned where all the buttons were, through trial and error. I did 
> find the game more responsive this way.
> teresa
> On May 11, 2013, at 6:06 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Daniela,
>> Here's a suggestion posted by someone on another list.  I finally got an 
>> artifact a minute ago, and this advice helped.  He's right, the artifact has 
>> to be exactly centered.  Here's what Alex wrote:
>> "It's not so much that you are not holding your finger still, it is
>> also about centering. If you finger is even a bit left or right of
>> center, the artifact will seem to move because you are actually still
>> rotating the beam. Try centering the artifact, then, as soon as it is
>> centered, release the beam. Be sure your finger is centered on the
>> screen, then double tap and hold and move down a bit and hold it"  
>> HTH,
>> Donna
>> On May 11, 2013, at 6:32 AM, Daniela Rubio  wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> Please, how do I collect artifacts? I find them, but I can't get them. They 
>>> move when I hold and move my finger on the been button, but I always have 
>>> bad luck. Any tricks for it? Thanks!
>>> Daniela Rubio T
>>>  Distinguished Educator
>>> iPhone: +34662328507
>>> El 09/05/2013, a las 05:59, Teresa Cochran  
>>> escribió:
 The quantum cells increase the longer you play and the richer your sound 
 environment is. The artifacts have a kind of sonar sound, and are very 
 distinctive once you recognize it. This game is very subtle in a lot of 
 ways, and takes some intent listening skills. It's almost like an 
 interactive musical piece with a game thrown in as an afterthought. It's 
 very innovative, and I really like it a lot.
 On May 8, 2013, at 5:47 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Well, Jessica, you're not the only one confused on this game.  I haven't 
> gotten a single artifact yet.  It sounds like the pull gesture is like 
> the dragging gesture kind of, but I haven't gotten either it or the push 
> gesture to work.  It's odd, too, because despite this, my number of 
> quantum cells keep going up.  I'm clueless.
> Donna
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Re: Dimensions

2013-05-11 Thread Jessica Moss
Have you ever been able to use this with a bluetooth headset?  I've tried to 
when I misplaced my earbuds that came with my mac, and it disconnects whenever 
the game starts, and I don't know if there's a setting to change that.  I can't 
find anything on their web site that says anything about using it with a 
bluetooth headset, so thought I'd ask here.
On May 11, 2013, at 9:06 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Daniela,
> Here's a suggestion posted by someone on another list.  I finally got an 
> artifact a minute ago, and this advice helped.  He's right, the artifact has 
> to be exactly centered.  Here's what Alex wrote:
> "It's not so much that you are not holding your finger still, it is
> also about centering. If you finger is even a bit left or right of
> center, the artifact will seem to move because you are actually still
> rotating the beam. Try centering the artifact, then, as soon as it is
> centered, release the beam. Be sure your finger is centered on the
> screen, then double tap and hold and move down a bit and hold it"  
> HTH,
> Donna
> On May 11, 2013, at 6:32 AM, Daniela Rubio  wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Please, how do I collect artifacts? I find them, but I can't get them. They 
>> move when I hold and move my finger on the been button, but I always have 
>> bad luck. Any tricks for it? Thanks!
>> Daniela Rubio T
>>  Distinguished Educator
>> iPhone: +34662328507
>> El 09/05/2013, a las 05:59, Teresa Cochran  
>> escribió:
>>> The quantum cells increase the longer you play and the richer your sound 
>>> environment is. The artifacts have a kind of sonar sound, and are very 
>>> distinctive once you recognize it. This game is very subtle in a lot of 
>>> ways, and takes some intent listening skills. It's almost like an 
>>> interactive musical piece with a game thrown in as an afterthought. It's 
>>> very innovative, and I really like it a lot.
>>> Teresa
>>> On May 8, 2013, at 5:47 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 Well, Jessica, you're not the only one confused on this game.  I haven't 
 gotten a single artifact yet.  It sounds like the pull gesture is like the 
 dragging gesture kind of, but I haven't gotten either it or the push 
 gesture to work.  It's odd, too, because despite this, my number of 
 quantum cells keep going up.  I'm clueless.
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Re: Dimensions, a trick for escaping the Nefalim

2013-05-11 Thread Jessica Moss
Oh well, they'll live, thanx for the trick, I really appreciate that.  I 
remember doing something similar when the accessible version of wheel of 
fortune when it was first released, and it had a bug in it where you could 
reenter all your letters after you'd gone bankrupt and get all your money back.
  Then on the second update they fixed that, because I tried to do that again, 
and the program wouldn't let me do it anymore, and I was really dissapointed.
On May 11, 2013, at 9:13 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> OK, this is probably cheating, but for the rest of you still having a hard 
> time with that gesture, I've come up with a way to escape the Nefalim. Just 
> exit the bloody dimension.  The Exit button is immediately to the right of 
> the Infinity button.  Next, press tap to Continue, choose your Dimension, and 
> Enter.  When you go back in, the Nefalim will be gone.
> I'm sure that's not what the developers intended, but until I can make that 
> stupid gesture work at least somewhat reliably, that's exactly what I'm going 
> to do.
> Cheers,
> Donna
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Re: Dimensions

2013-05-11 Thread Jessica Moss
Cool, thanx for the tip; Hannah likes the way her voice changes when you play 
the game, but doesn't know what the rest of it does, so doesn't really 
understand why parts of it get louder, which I'm not aware of, sense we're 
taking turns with the headphones, then when she gives them back to me, the game 
is over and I have to restart it.
  She loves the rest of it though, and the other day we would do this thing 
where we would pass the headphones back and forth, and while one had the 
headphones, the other got to play with her furby, which created more feedback 
into the game, and founded wild as ever.  I remember the other day, Mom said 
something that made me crack up, and the sound kept bouncing back, and just 
seemed to go on forever, and that was only in tranquil mode.
On May 11, 2013, at 4:06 PM, Michael Babcock wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I wanted to post a couple of findings that I have found with dimensions. A 
> couple of them are related to Facebook, and one of them is related to 
> artifact retrieval. Somehow, I have actually retrieved some artifacts, and 
> here's what I think that I did:
> Use the being to center the artifact in your headphones, and then drag your 
> finger down, to just above the home key.y Hold your finger there, and you 
> will have the artifact being dragged to you. One thing that I have noticed, 
> is that when you are directly centered with the artifact, the sound of the 
> artifact appears to me to raise infrequency, I'm not sure however if this 
> happens all of the time, or with just some specific artifacts.
> This part is for Jessica, you made mention that you would like to listen to 
> the sounds, and have a change between the different dimensions. And, not play 
> the game, it is possible to do this and here is how you do it:
> These notes are for use when voiceover is enabled:
> Find the "screen lock", button and doublecheck upon it. The game will play a 
> sound, and voiceover will stay to "round circle" and give you directions for 
> dragging this circle. If you drag the circle up to the top of the screen by 
> double tapping, holding, and dragging up word, you will pause the game if you 
> double tap, hold, and dragged down, then you will hear the game begin to play 
> again. If you just Double tap on the "screen lock" button, and don't drag the 
> circle anywhere, you can then press the home key and listen to the game in 
> the background. When an artifact is found, you will be made aware of this, 
> and what I have found is if you tap the home key twice quickly, it will place 
> you in the "app switcher". Then, find "dimensions" in the app switcher, 
> Typically for me dimensions is either the first or second application in the 
> app switcher, tap on it twice to activate it, and you will be placed in the 
> game. Find the circle, double tap, hold and drag to the bottom of the screen, 
> to unlock the screen. Find the beam, and perform the action you need to do 
> either pushing the enemy away, or dragging an artifact to you.
> Finally, find the screen lock button again after your done with this task, 
> and lock the screen. Press your home key to return to New York springboard, 
> and then double tap the home key to access your app switcher. Or, if you 
> would like you can double tap the home key after you lock the screen, some 
> directly in the dimensions application.
> Related to Facebook, I think the way that it works is each time someone 
> clicks on the link that you post, then you can be "given points", and your 
> friends can help you grow and get a stronger pain. Therefore, those of you 
> connected to Facebook, can go ahead and add me as a friend, and I will except 
> the request that is posted to Facebook, when you share the dimensions 
> application through the drawer on the main menu with your Facebook. 
> Therefore, I would also request that anyone who has me on Facebook, also do 
> the same. If you would like to acknowledge these notifications, you can do so 
> directly in the iOS application under Facebook, notifications button. If you 
> would like to add me to Facebook, do so by using this link:
> Http://
> Taking the above link may open the Facebook application directly on your iOS 
> device, if it doesn't, feel free to just find the "add friend" button by 
> using the item chooser menu on OS X, or, by using voice over on iOS.
> Hope you have a delightful rest of your day, and the above-mentioned message 
> has helped some people.
> Michael
> Need a ripple code? Text me, 406-212-8503 visit 
> Http://
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Bootcamping Windows 7

2013-05-11 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi all.
I was just wondering if someone could write me off list with instructions on 
how to bootcamp windows 7? Thanks. :)

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Re: yurufukurou twitter shortcuts

2013-05-11 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Hmm, I believe "A" brings up referenced users. Also, the short cut key 
command-option -`  (accent) should pop you over to the drawer.

Best wishes,


On May 10, 2013, at 12:51 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

> Hi,
> Actually, the list of users that are mentioned in a tweet will be located in 
> the drawler. You'll need to interact with the drawler, and find the text 
> field with the tweet. Once you've found that, interact with that, and each 
> user that's mentioned is presented as a link. Press VO+space, and it will 
> bring you to the users timeline where you can use Matts instructions to 
> follow them.
> Yes, I know that's a very complicated process, but unfortunately, I see no 
> other way of accomplishing this as of now.
> On May 10, 2013, at 10:31 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> what you can do is, go into the user action menu when you're highlited on a 
>> user, there's a following status submenu, hit folow. unless you know the 
>> user name already you can just make a new tweet with the word follow and 
>> then user name.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my mac
>> Twitter: matt692
>> On 2013-05-10, at 11:28 AM, Rebecca Blaevoet 
>>  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Does anyone know a shortcut or keystroke to pull up a list of twitter users 
>>> mentioned in a tweet? With The qube in windows, you can press alt-l or 
>>> something and it gives you a combo box so you can choose to follow users 
>>> mentioned in a particular tweet. I don't see that kind of functionality in 
>>> Yurufukuyou but maybe that's because i can't spell it properly.
>>> Any help appreciated,
>>> Rebecca blaevoet
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Fwd: [New post] Episode 46: The NFB on Kindle, The IOS App Starter Kit, and WHy You Need to Don Your Own Lifejacket

2013-05-11 Thread Mike
Ok everyone let's try this again. 
Below is the summary from the website. It that won't do then we talk about 
three articles related to accessibility and blindness in one way or another. 
After that we talk about a lot of apps. 
Obviously not every podcast is meant for every person. Your welcome to listen 
if you want and your encouraged to interact with us. It you don't like it 
that's perfectly ok too. 
I run where this is hosted so if anyone has questions or comments on 
it or the show then write me off list. 


Begin forwarded message:

> From: How to be Blind 
> Date: May 11, 2013, 9:47:21 PM CDT
> To:
> Subject: [New post] Episode 46: The NFB on Kindle, The IOS App Starter Kit, 
> and WHy You Need to Don Your Own Lifejacket
> New post on How to be Blind
> Episode 46: The NFB on Kindle, The IOS App Starter Kit, and WHy You Need to 
> Don Your Own Lifejacket
> by Mike M
> Welcome to another episode of the How to be Blind Roundtable podcast! Join 
> Mike, Scott, Marcy, Aaron, and Garth as we discuss some of the top articles 
> in accessibility, cover the best apps and programs, and welcome our new 
> Canadian host Siena!  Episode 46 is a discussion on how the NFB responded 
> to […]
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Any users of Braillist notice this?

2013-05-11 Thread Kevin Gibbs

I realize I seldom post here.  I just noticed something interesting about 
Braillist.  Apparently, the hardwired mappings in the app have assigned the 
letters bet in succession to the word between.   That means you can't use the 
word bet for anything.  Now, my braille is a little rusty.  As I recall, the 
contraction for between is probably something like dos 2-3, followed by the 
letter t, or is it bt.  Whatever the case, it definitely isn't bet.  So, is 
there any way to alter the key mappings that come with Braillist?  Can I delete 
the association of bet with between?   

One other thing, in my opinion, the so called Next key, located at the bottom 
of the center column, which works in manual mode, should be the caps lock in 
automatic mode.  Currently, the app assigns dot 5 to the caps lock function.  
this illuminates all the dot 5 contractions in North American braille.  this 
means that people could develop some nasty bad habits with respect to learning 
their contractions.  any thoughts? 


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