Re: Mac Volume Dying randomly

2013-04-24 Thread Danny Noonan
I use a free app called Audio Switcher and one of the nice things about it is 
that you can set default input and output for sound so if for example you 
unplug usb speakers or any sound output device like an external sound card, the 
system will default to which ever sound path you want. In my case, internal 

The app shows up in the extras menu and you can easily select any in/out audio 
you want in just a couple of seconds. I'm very glad I herd about this app. 

The main drawback is that it doesn't pickup new devices you add to the system 
after startup. I wish it did. Either restarting or fully closing the app and 
restarting it updates the device list.


On 24/04/2013, at 3:14 PM, des delgadillo  wrote:

> Hi:
> I've been having this problem for a while, but it's been getting more 
> frequent lately, so I figured I'd ask about it.
> I'll be using my Mac with a set of external speakers, and when I unplug the 
> speakers to take the Macbook somewhere else, all sounds will just be gone. 
> The computer works just fine, but no sound, whether it's VoiceOver or any 
> system audio, just doesn't come through. After I restart, everything works 
> just fine. I had to restart my computer twice today because this happened.
> Has anyone else had this problem or should I consult my local Genius Bar?
> Update: It doesn't just happen when I'm going from external speakers to 
> internal speaker. Today the audio died while I was using the internal speaker.
> Thanks a lot,
> des 
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Re: App Accessibility: Please Read!

2013-04-24 Thread Nicholas Parsons

Have you listened to the latest Tech Doctor podcast? It's an interview with an 
app developer who, prior to being contacted by blind users of his app, had no 
idea about VoiceOver. It's an interesting insight into the mind of a mainstream 
iOS app developer.

On 24/04/2013, at 4:09 AM, J.P.  wrote:

Hey Guys, 

This is exactly the type of engagement I was hoping for. I think there are some 
things I've been thinking of with responses. 
The first, I think that developers should answer basic questions about 
accessibility with submissions. It gives developers a better understanding of 
accessibility. For all limitations. 
Secondly, I would offer my services to beta. Which I have in past. I know many 
others would too. 
Apple could provide forums such as this one to find testers. This makes sure 
more work isn't placed at Apple's doorstep. The developers only would do this 
with new submissions and updates. Not for those who haven't updated in years. I 
understand there's like 750, 000 apps. 
I thank you for feedback. I didn't start this to bitch, but find frustration 
sometimes with lack of responses from some developers. There are some who are 
very willing to help. 
Thanks, JP

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Re: manage dashboard widgets

2013-04-24 Thread Søren Jensen

Oh I thought you ment just removing the widgets so they don't run. :)

If you really wanna remove your widgets from your computer, you have to open up 
your library folder on your internal harddrive, open the folder called Widgets 
and just delete the widgets you wanna remove by pressing command backspace.
Do that on your own risk. :)
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den 24/04/2013 kl. 06.02 skrev Jake Tex :

> Hi,
> Sorry, but this does not accomplish what I want.
> If I follow the steps you outline, the widget still appears when:
> Bring up dashboard widget.
> Press VO-F2 twice.
> Arrow down to widget menu bar.
> Right Arrow.
> Down Arrow through installed widgets.
> The item I just tried to remove using the method you described is still there.
> Are you saying this works for you?
> What people have been describing is how to delete a widget from the list that 
> appears for running widgets, but not from the list of installed widgets.
> I know that you can't remove Apple's installed widgets, only hide them. But 
> they aren't hiding using this method.
> Thanks to everyone for your attempts to help on this. 
> Jake
> On Apr 18, 2013, at 9:51 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There explanations are providing the answer you're looking for.  This 
>> process is accessed differently when using VO.
>> • VO-f2-f2 brings up the Widget Chooser menu.
>> • Arrow to the Widget you wish removed then press return.  This will bring 
>> focus to that Widget.
>> • Press VO-cmd-esc for which VO will announce "Return Yes, Esc No".  
>> Therefore, simply press return and that Widget will no longer appear in the 
>> Widget Chooser and not be displayed on your Dashboard.
>> HTH.
>> Later..
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-04-18, at 7:10 AM, Jake Tex  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> What I'm looking for is a way to remove widgets I don't want from showing 
>>> up on the menu. All my google searches say that there is a button on the 
>>> dashboard to press, and when you do there is an option to manage widgets, 
>>> where you can then see a list of your widgets with a check for each to show 
>>> or not show. This button is what I can't find, I'm beginning to believe 
>>> that it is inaccessible.
>>> In any case, what I really want is a way to show/hide widgets that appear 
>>> on the menu.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jake
>>> On Apr 16, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
 On the Weather widget this plus button is called "Info".  I am not sure if 
 this is a global name or not. In any case, use the VO gestures to scan 
 buttons. I am not sure You can use the B key if you have QuickNav  enabled 
 with WebKeys.
 Best wishes,
 On Apr 15, 2013, at 1:58 PM, Jake Tex wrote:
> I guess I'm missing something, because all I see in that menu are my open 
> widgets, the list of installed widgets, and a "widget menu bar". I 
> thought it might be the widget menu bar, but the various things I've 
> tried  on that item don't have  the desired results. Are you saying I'm 
> supposed to see a menu item called "manage widgets" or something like 
> that?
> Thanks,
> Jakes
> On Apr 15, 2013, at 9:06 AM, Søren Jensen  wrote:
>> Hi
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Re: pdf files when in a web site

2013-04-24 Thread Nicholas Parsons

Just FYI the following article from MacWorld confirms what Esther said:
Seems you need to delete both adobe plugins.

On 24/04/2013, at 12:24 PM, Esther  wrote:

Hi Gigi,

OK, I found instructions on the names of the two files to remove.  If you 
installed this system wide, they will be in the system /Library/Internet 
Plug-Ins/ folder.  If you installed these only for your account, they will be 
in the Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ folder under your user account.   I think 
that Adobe Reader tries, by default, to make Adobe Reader  the default browser 
option for everyone on your Mac, so they may be in the system /Library/Internet 
Plug-Ins/ folder.

>From a reply in the Adobe support forums to a post by a Mac user who was 
>trying to remove Adobe Reader from his system:

"To resolve this, go to /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/  and remove 
AdobePDFViewer.plugin and AdobePDFViewerNPAPI.plugin"

You'll need to close and relaunch Safari after you've done this.

Also, for anyone who actually wants to use the Adobe Plug-Ins for Safari, but 
is having difficulty viewing the PDFs, on Snow Leopard systems you need to 
launch Safari in 32-bit mode for the plug-ins to display PDFs correctly.  This 
is solved by selecting the Safari application in Finder, using Command-I to 
"Get Info" and then checking the box for "Open in 32-bit mode".

HTH.  Cheers,


On 23 Apr 2013, at 15:56, Esther wrote:

> Hi Gigi,
> You can disable and delete browser extensions in Safari preferences, from the 
> "Extensions" tab, but the only way you can remove browser plug-ins is to 
> delete them from the ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/  folder of your account, as 
> I believe Tim Kilburn instructed you.  If the plug-ins that you either move 
> or delete from this location are named "Adobe", then nothing else will get 
> disabled except  for these functions.  If you want to take precautions, move 
> the plug-ins to another location, such as your Desktop.  That way you can 
> always move them back, if they perform some other needed function.  Sorry, I 
> cannot tell you the name of the Adobe plug-in files, since I've avoided 
> installing their plug-ins since Tiger.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On 23 Apr 2013, at 14:00, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi there
>> I couldn't find the option for disabling plug-ins and Safari preferences. I 
>> will look again. No, nobody else but me uses my Mac. If I disable plug-ins, 
>> however, is there anything else that will get disabled besides Adobe?
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 22, 2013, at 7:52 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>  wrote:
>>> Can't you just uninstall Adobe Reader from your user account anyway as you 
>>> shouldn't need it? Or do other people use your account who like Adobe? I 
>>> would have also thought you could disable plugins from the Advanced tap in 
>>> Safari Preferences.

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Re: pdf files when in a web site

2013-04-24 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys 
I took Adobe off my computer completely, so now we'blind see what happens when 
I go to my bank's web site and want to look at payroll the tax returns I filed. 
I was getting tired of becoming trapped in what might as well be a blank 


On Apr 24, 2013, at 7:30 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Hi,
> Just FYI the following article from MacWorld confirms what Esther said:
> Seems you need to delete both adobe plugins.
> On 24/04/2013, at 12:24 PM, Esther  wrote:
> Hi Gigi,
> OK, I found instructions on the names of the two files to remove.  If you 
> installed this system wide, they will be in the system /Library/Internet 
> Plug-Ins/ folder.  If you installed these only for your account, they will be 
> in the Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ folder under your user account.   I think 
> that Adobe Reader tries, by default, to make Adobe Reader  the default 
> browser option for everyone on your Mac, so they may be in the system 
> /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ folder.
> From a reply in the Adobe support forums to a post by a Mac user who was 
> trying to remove Adobe Reader from his system:
> "To resolve this, go to /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/  and remove 
> AdobePDFViewer.plugin and AdobePDFViewerNPAPI.plugin"
> You'll need to close and relaunch Safari after you've done this.
> Also, for anyone who actually wants to use the Adobe Plug-Ins for Safari, but 
> is having difficulty viewing the PDFs, on Snow Leopard systems you need to 
> launch Safari in 32-bit mode for the plug-ins to display PDFs correctly.  
> This is solved by selecting the Safari application in Finder, using Command-I 
> to "Get Info" and then checking the box for "Open in 32-bit mode".
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On 23 Apr 2013, at 15:56, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Gigi,
>> You can disable and delete browser extensions in Safari preferences, from 
>> the "Extensions" tab, but the only way you can remove browser plug-ins is to 
>> delete them from the ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/  folder of your account, 
>> as I believe Tim Kilburn instructed you.  If the plug-ins that you either 
>> move or delete from this location are named "Adobe", then nothing else will 
>> get disabled except  for these functions.  If you want to take precautions, 
>> move the plug-ins to another location, such as your Desktop.  That way you 
>> can always move them back, if they perform some other needed function.  
>> Sorry, I cannot tell you the name of the Adobe plug-in files, since I've 
>> avoided installing their plug-ins since Tiger.
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On 23 Apr 2013, at 14:00, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hi there
>>> I couldn't find the option for disabling plug-ins and Safari preferences. I 
>>> will look again. No, nobody else but me uses my Mac. If I disable plug-ins, 
>>> however, is there anything else that will get disabled besides Adobe?
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Apr 22, 2013, at 7:52 PM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>>  wrote:
 Can't you just uninstall Adobe Reader from your user account anyway as you 
 shouldn't need it? Or do other people use your account who like Adobe? I 
 would have also thought you could disable plugins from the Advanced tap in 
 Safari Preferences.
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Re: Mac Volume Dying randomly

2013-04-24 Thread Ricardo Walker

This hasn't been the case fore me.  I'm running the latest version of Mountain 
Lion, and plug and unplug headphones and speakers all the time and never lost 
sound.  My Macbook pro always reverts back to the built in output.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 24, 2013, at 1:50 AM, Lisette Wesseling  

> I think you have to tell the Mac to go back to using its internal speakers. 
> It should realise that automatically when you unplug them but I think I've 
> heard people say here that it doesn't.
> Seems a little primitive to me that you have to tall it manually to use the 
> internal speakers again. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.
> Lisette
> On 24/04/2013, at 5:14 PM, des delgadillo  wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I've been having this problem for a while, but it's been getting more 
>> frequent lately, so I figured I'd ask about it.
>> I'll be using my Mac with a set of external speakers, and when I unplug the 
>> speakers to take the Macbook somewhere else, all sounds will just be gone. 
>> The computer works just fine, but no sound, whether it's VoiceOver or any 
>> system audio, just doesn't come through. After I restart, everything works 
>> just fine. I had to restart my computer twice today because this happened.
>> Has anyone else had this problem or should I consult my local Genius Bar?
>> Update: It doesn't just happen when I'm going from external speakers to 
>> internal speaker. Today the audio died while I was using the internal 
>> speaker.
>> Thanks a lot,
>> des 
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easy/efficient agenda app for mac/syncing to ios/pc view by others

2013-04-24 Thread anouk radix

Hi everyone,
I am looking for an easy to use/efficient agenda app that you can use 
for data entry on the mac but that will sync (possibly via icloud) to 
ios and that you can also sync to pc. It would be nice if you could let 
others view your agenda like you can do in outlook so they can see if 
you are free.
Can i do this with the normal agenda app or are there others that you 
would recommend?

Thanks, Greetings, Anouk,

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Using UTorrent or Other Torrent application When Not Logged In?

2013-04-24 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

I already have UTorrent and I'm seeding several files. I'd like to know how I 
can run UTorrent while not logged in. I like to log out, but keep my machine on 
when I'm away from home. Is there a way to install UTorrent or maybe use a 
torrent application through Macports?


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Re: Using UTorrent or Other Torrent application When Not Logged In?

2013-04-24 Thread Chris Blouch
Why not just leave yourself logged in and set a password on the screen 


On 4/24/13 11:10 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

Hi, all,

I already have UTorrent and I'm seeding several files. I'd like to know how I 
can run UTorrent while not logged in. I like to log out, but keep my machine on 
when I'm away from home. Is there a way to install UTorrent or maybe use a 
torrent application through Macports?



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Facebook question

2013-04-24 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
How do you post another person's status to someone else's timeline? I 
understand how to share it on my own timeline. I'm using Safari.

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Encryption Question

2013-04-24 Thread Richard Ring
Thereseem to be two ways in which one can encrypt a disk. First, one can 
encrypt a volume from the finder, and of course you can enable filevault. Is 
there a difference between these two encryption methods? 

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

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synchonizing gmail address book with mac apps (mail agenda etc)

2013-04-24 Thread anouk radix
Hello everyone, From now on i would like to keep all my addresses stored 
in one place for if i get a new iphone/computer or when it needs to be 
reinstalled but also that they remain the seem everywhere on all 
devices. I think google would work the best for this because that would 
also work on windows and android.
But how can i get all my apple apps to automatically work with the 
google addressbook, or is this even possible (so that if i enter address 
data in mai that it will sync with google address book for example).

Thanks in advance for any info or links
Greetings, Anouk,

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Re: manage dashboard widgets

2013-04-24 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

there is a widget called "Widgets" In this there is a delete button. This 
appears to completely remove the widget and not put it in your trash. It might 
be that you have to use a true mouse click for the delete to occur, I had 
trouble deleteing a widget, but I only had one widget that was not in the 
system library widgets.

Best wishes,


On Apr 24, 2013, at 12:02 AM, Jake Tex wrote:

> Hi,
> Sorry, but this does not accomplish what I want.
> If I follow the steps you outline, the widget still appears when:
> Bring up dashboard widget.
> Press VO-F2 twice.
> Arrow down to widget menu bar.
> Right Arrow.
> Down Arrow through installed widgets.
> The item I just tried to remove using the method you described is still there.
> Are you saying this works for you?
> What people have been describing is how to delete a widget from the list that 
> appears for running widgets, but not from the list of installed widgets.
> I know that you can't remove Apple's installed widgets, only hide them. But 
> they aren't hiding using this method.
> Thanks to everyone for your attempts to help on this. 
> Jake
> On Apr 18, 2013, at 9:51 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There explanations are providing the answer you're looking for.  This 
>> process is accessed differently when using VO.
>> • VO-f2-f2 brings up the Widget Chooser menu.
>> • Arrow to the Widget you wish removed then press return.  This will bring 
>> focus to that Widget.
>> • Press VO-cmd-esc for which VO will announce "Return Yes, Esc No".  
>> Therefore, simply press return and that Widget will no longer appear in the 
>> Widget Chooser and not be displayed on your Dashboard.
>> HTH.
>> Later..
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-04-18, at 7:10 AM, Jake Tex  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> What I'm looking for is a way to remove widgets I don't want from showing 
>>> up on the menu. All my google searches say that there is a button on the 
>>> dashboard to press, and when you do there is an option to manage widgets, 
>>> where you can then see a list of your widgets with a check for each to show 
>>> or not show. This button is what I can't find, I'm beginning to believe 
>>> that it is inaccessible.
>>> In any case, what I really want is a way to show/hide widgets that appear 
>>> on the menu.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jake
>>> On Apr 16, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
 On the Weather widget this plus button is called "Info".  I am not sure if 
 this is a global name or not. In any case, use the VO gestures to scan 
 buttons. I am not sure You can use the B key if you have QuickNav  enabled 
 with WebKeys.
 Best wishes,
 On Apr 15, 2013, at 1:58 PM, Jake Tex wrote:
> I guess I'm missing something, because all I see in that menu are my open 
> widgets, the list of installed widgets, and a "widget menu bar". I 
> thought it might be the widget menu bar, but the various things I've 
> tried  on that item don't have  the desired results. Are you saying I'm 
> supposed to see a menu item called "manage widgets" or something like 
> that?
> Thanks,
> Jakes
> On Apr 15, 2013, at 9:06 AM, Søren Jensen  wrote:
>> Hi
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Re: smc fan control for leopard,

2013-04-24 Thread Tim Kilburn

To reset the SMC on an Intel based Mac:

1.  Shutdown the computer.
2.  Unplug the power cord.
3.  Leave it unplugged for 15 to 30 seconds.
4.  Plug it back in.
5.  Wait about 10 seconds.
6.  Press the power button to turn the machine back on.

That should do the trick.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-04-23, at 2:41 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:

> smc fan control how did you do it with vo?
> Thing is, i have had too whip out my trusty leopard mini again, but it
> runs hot like 85 deg c hot, and well it is not healthy in the long
> run.
> I could be like i dont care, but well since it is one of the mac minis
> that runs perfectly with out a monitor, i do care quite a bit actually
> best
> sandi
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Re: Using UTorrent or Other Torrent application When Not Logged In?

2013-04-24 Thread Tim Kilburn

As Chris mentioned, you could use the ScreenSaver password which is under the 
Security pane in System Preferences or you could use Fast User Switching which 
is in the Users & Groups pane of System Prefs in the Login Options section.  In 
both cases, the computer will remain active while displaying a login/password 
dialog so that others can't access your User space without knowing your 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-04-24, at 9:26 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Why not just leave yourself logged in and set a password on the screen saver?
> CB
> On 4/24/13 11:10 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> I already have UTorrent and I'm seeding several files. I'd like to know how 
>> I can run UTorrent while not logged in. I like to log out, but keep my 
>> machine on when I'm away from home. Is there a way to install UTorrent or 
>> maybe use a torrent application through Macports?
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: Using UTorrent or Other Torrent application When Not Logged In?

2013-04-24 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks, guys. I'm going to try this. I appreciate the help.

On Apr 24, 2013, at 12:12 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> As Chris mentioned, you could use the ScreenSaver password which is under the 
> Security pane in System Preferences or you could use Fast User Switching 
> which is in the Users & Groups pane of System Prefs in the Login Options 
> section.  In both cases, the computer will remain active while displaying a 
> login/password dialog so that others can't access your User space without 
> knowing your password.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-04-24, at 9:26 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Why not just leave yourself logged in and set a password on the screen saver?
>> CB
>> On 4/24/13 11:10 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> I already have UTorrent and I'm seeding several files. I'd like to know how 
>>> I can run UTorrent while not logged in. I like to log out, but keep my 
>>> machine on when I'm away from home. Is there a way to install UTorrent or 
>>> maybe use a torrent application through Macports?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Teresa
>> -- 
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: smc fan control for leopard,

2013-04-24 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, i properly should have been more clinical in my mail. Sorry about that :)
What i need smc fan control for is too raise the fans rpm, i could do
it from the kernel extensions, but it is rather geeky, and i need the
mini too last at least till 44 days out in the future.
Tim, i can quite happily reset my smc sensors, that is not going too
help on the lack of ventilation, though.


On 4/24/13, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> To reset the SMC on an Intel based Mac:
> 1.  Shutdown the computer.
> 2.  Unplug the power cord.
> 3.  Leave it unplugged for 15 to 30 seconds.
> 4.  Plug it back in.
> 5.  Wait about 10 seconds.
> 6.  Press the power button to turn the machine back on.
> That should do the trick.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-04-23, at 2:41 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>> smc fan control how did you do it with vo?
>> Thing is, i have had too whip out my trusty leopard mini again, but it
>> runs hot like 85 deg c hot, and well it is not healthy in the long
>> run.
>> I could be like i dont care, but well since it is one of the mac minis
>> that runs perfectly with out a monitor, i do care quite a bit actually
>> best
>> sandi
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Re: smc fan control for leopard,

2013-04-24 Thread Tim Kilburn

Sorry, I appear to have been a little confused.  For the SMC Fan Control app, 
you can get it from the MacUpdate web-site.  Just do a Google search on SMC Fan 
Control.  I believe that the latest version, 2.4, is good for Leopard and newer 
as long as you have a Intel Mini.  There is no SMC in PPC based Macs so there 
is no SMC Fan Control app compatible with a PPC Mac Mini.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-04-24, at 3:11 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:

> hi, i properly should have been more clinical in my mail. Sorry about that :)
> What i need smc fan control for is too raise the fans rpm, i could do
> it from the kernel extensions, but it is rather geeky, and i need the
> mini too last at least till 44 days out in the future.
> Tim, i can quite happily reset my smc sensors, that is not going too
> help on the lack of ventilation, though.
> sandi
> On 4/24/13, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> To reset the SMC on an Intel based Mac:
>> 1.  Shutdown the computer.
>> 2.  Unplug the power cord.
>> 3.  Leave it unplugged for 15 to 30 seconds.
>> 4.  Plug it back in.
>> 5.  Wait about 10 seconds.
>> 6.  Press the power button to turn the machine back on.
>> That should do the trick.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-04-23, at 2:41 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
>>> smc fan control how did you do it with vo?
>>> Thing is, i have had too whip out my trusty leopard mini again, but it
>>> runs hot like 85 deg c hot, and well it is not healthy in the long
>>> run.
>>> I could be like i dont care, but well since it is one of the mac minis
>>> that runs perfectly with out a monitor, i do care quite a bit actually
>>> best
>>> sandi
>>> --
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Using USB for recording is it ok?

2013-04-24 Thread Ramy Moustafa
HI all:

After I got my mac mini, I discovered that I have just 1 fire wire port, and
my sound card will work only with  fire wire, so I bought the 2 tb hard disk
with both fire wire and USB, now, what can I do? Can I record with USB? Will
it be stable  or I will face problems?

Thanks in advance

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tricking the mac mini into thinking it has a display

2013-04-24 Thread shane christenson
Hi listers. Someone mentioned some sort of adaptor that you could use on the 
mac mini to trick it into thinking it had a display when it actually didn't. 
What was this adaptor if anyone remembers, and where might I get it? Any help 
is welcomed. Thanks in advance.


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Re: Where is the search box in my iPhone's version of YouTube?

2013-04-24 Thread Danny Noonan
So the Youtube app accessibility has  improved then? When I tried to use it the 
app crashed and had very limited accessibility but granted that was a while 

I'm using McTube pro and find it very good. I will go have another look at the 
youtube app though.


On 18/04/2013, at 8:49 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> May I suggest downloading the Youtube app?  I think you might find it easier 
> to use.  At least, I do.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 17, 2013, at 6:15 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  
> wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> When I go to
>> There is no search box, on my iPhone's version. I see the most popular 
>> choices, but knew where do I find a search box.
>> What do I have to do to bring up the search box on my iPhone's version of 
>> YouTube?
>> Thanks! :-)
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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Filling Out PDF's On Mac Or iPhone

2013-04-24 Thread Earle
Is it possible to fill out a PDF on the Mac or iPhone?  Any info would be most 


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Apple 2 factor verification

2013-04-24 Thread Agent086b
Hello all,
has anybody enabled Apple 2 Factor Verification? If so how long do you have to 
enter the code that is text to you?
I learnt about this from a podcast. called TidBits.
Thanks for any advice.

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Beautiful Accessible Antivirus, maybe …..

2013-04-24 Thread Terje Strømberg

This software scanned my Mac in under 60 seconds. Full scan. First time. Some 
kind of Cloud based,From an average computer users point of view, this 
antivirus software looks really good. I am not an expert though. 

Both a Mac version and an pc version.

The only discussible regarding the accesibility of this software is that you 
can`t move the VO cursor or the mouse cursor to the menu to the right of the 
apple menu VO+m when the antivirus software is the active program. VO jumps to 
the system menu where the clock, wi-fi etc. is. If you know a trick to fix 
this, let me know. There are some settings there like preferences. I am 
Visionally Impaired and can use the mouse until i learn to get there with 
keyboard commands.  

The antivirus - web protection - web password security - and mobile phone web 
password security software is ……   Webroot Secure Anywhere + 
$69 expensive dollar for only one year subscription. I received a phising false 
Pay Pal email a couple of days back. I opened it and Webroot stopped the humbug 
swindle link to website. So it worked this time, but if it is a good antivirus, 
malware protection, i don`t know for sure, but they are particularly careful 
with the password you create on their web service and the webserice seems to be 
professional like the software, malware. The accessibility is good. If there is 
a method to get to the menu to the left of apple when the Webroot is the active 
program this software is 99% accessible local on the machine and on the web 
password serivce and iPhone.

The negative in my case was that i could not download a free trial. The link 
was to a blank website. So i took the risk and time will tell. Have stopped 
once already with that Pay Pal fraud. Pay Pal says they will never send an 
email with link to forms for credit card information in the end.

One more negative thing was that they added an CD for $9.99 which a could not 
find an remove button for. Still, it looks like a proffesional software.

No firewall.

ON IPHONE, no local antivirus, malware like real time threat shield. You can 
browse and searsch the web inside Webroot on iPhone and the password feature 
seems to be good. Have not tried it. Just logged in from iPhone with the 
password created from the mac and all is accessible.


Take care


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Re: Filling Out PDF's On Mac Or iPhone

2013-04-24 Thread Tim Kilburn

Using Preview on the Mac, Interact with the Toolbar, press the Edit button, 
Stop Interacting with the Toolbar, navigate right to the Edit Toolbar, Interact 
with it, then select the Text tool.  Now, when you wish to enter info in an 
Edit field, navigate to it, then press VO-shift-space so that the cursor is 
activated and enter the text.

Not sure how to do this on the iPhone as I've never tried.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-04-24, at 6:43 PM, Earle  wrote:

> Is it possible to fill out a PDF on the Mac or iPhone?  Any info would be 
> most appreciated.
> --
> Earle
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Redeming Gifts

2013-04-24 Thread Jane
I was given an entire series episode by episode. I had to get Eric to help me 
redem the first two episodes, but there are eight more to go. Or maybe it's 
seven. Whatever. The point is, I see a Redeem button, but it's only a picture, 
and I can't seem to click on it. Eric says he can click on Redeem now, but I 
can't find it in the emails. Does  idea how to do this?


anyone have any

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Re: tricking the mac mini into thinking it has a display

2013-04-24 Thread Søren Jensen
A friend of mine have made a discussion about the topic on the Applevis forum. 
Please let me know if you can't find it, and I'll send you a link.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den 25/04/2013 kl. 01.32 skrev shane christenson :

> Hi listers. Someone mentioned some sort of adaptor that you could use on the 
> mac mini to trick it into thinking it had a display when it actually didn't. 
> What was this adaptor if anyone remembers, and where might I get it? Any help 
> is welcomed. Thanks in advance.
> Shane
> -- 
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Re: Apple 2 factor verification

2013-04-24 Thread Chris H
Yes I have it enabled but am not sure how long you got to enter the 
code. It is four digits in length though.

Christopher Hallsworth
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On 25/04/2013 02:27, Agent086b wrote:

Hello all,
has anybody enabled Apple 2 Factor Verification? If so how long do you have to 
enter the code that is text to you?
I learnt about this from a podcast. called TidBits.
Thanks for any advice.

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