Garageband and moving regions

2013-03-19 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Folks,

eventually I figured out how to move a region and it works fine. It sounds a 
little bit different then in Ricardos podcasts. In the podcasts VO anounces the 
bars and beats. But when I sit on the region, press VO + CMD + Shift + accent 
and move by pressing VO + arrow right, VO doesn't anounces bars and beats. It 
just gives a sound like a text marker. But anyway, it works.

But now I have a region which doesn't let me move it. I did the same as 
described above. But when I then press VO + arrow right I just hear a blocking 
sound and VO anounces it can not move it further to the right. Does anyone know 
what I'm doing wrong here?

Thanks and all the best

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Re: Amazon Prime

2013-03-19 Thread Buddy Brannan
iOS, yes. Mac, I don't think so. But two-day shipping? Yeah, definitely worth 
it, IMO. 
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Mar 18, 2013, at 10:42 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  

> Hi:
> I'm thinking about purchasing Amazon prime. I hear their video on demand 
> service is free. Is streaming video accessible on the Mac and on iOS devices?
> -- 
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RE: book marks

2013-03-19 Thread Jesus Garcia
Morning thank you that did work and exactly for what I wanted to do. Again
thanks for the help.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 17:34
Subject: Re: book marks


To delete a bookmark press command option B to show all bookmarks.  There
will be 2 tables.  The first contains the folder. History, bookmarks menu,
and bookmarks bar.  I'm guessing you'll want bookmarks menu.  Now go to the
next table that will contain the actual bookmarks.  Press the delete on the
ones you wish to get rid of.


Ricardo Walker

On Mar 18, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> I, likewise and having difficulty opening and, on the subject, how do 
> I delee them On 2013-03-18, at 12:05 PM, Brandt
>> Hi there folks,
>> For some or other reason, I am having lots of trouble opening bookmarks
in Safari on the Mac.
>> If somebody could please help? Either send me a reply to the list, or
>> For my Skype ID, see below.
>> Warm regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> Contact me:
>> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
>> Email:
>> My ring to Skype:
>> California, United States
>>   +(1)760-5140161  
>> Extension 512
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>> Extension 161
>> Johannesburg, South Africa
>> +(27)105-002316
>> Extension 170
>> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
>> SIP:
>> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
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2013-03-19 Thread Brandt
Hi there,

When I show bookmarks in Safari, I only see one table. is there anything I 
might have broken?

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

Sent from my macbook pro

Contact me:

Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013


My ring to Skype:
California, United States
Extension 512
Cape Town, South Africa
Extension 161
Johannesburg, South Africa
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Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007


Twitter: brandtsteenkamp

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Re: zoomEx help.

2013-03-19 Thread erik burggraaf
You can make corrections right in the text using the standard windows text 
navigation and selection commands.  or you can save the book as text and bring 
it into text edit for spell-checking.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-18, at 7:51 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> To anyone else using this, do you know if there's a way to edit scanned 
> material that may only have 1 or 2 errors in it so you don't have to go back 
> and rescan it all over again.  I have a children's bible I got when I was 8 
> that I've been trying to scan for ages and I can scan a page and find an 
> error or 2 on it that I'd rather correct than try to scan and rescan the page 
> all over again which in my oppinion wastes time considering the fact that the 
> bible is obviously a long book.
> On Mar 18, 2013, at 11:05 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi,  Here's what I got from ABISee support on the flash issue under zoomX.
>> Hope it helps,
>>> Hi Erik,
>>> To turn the light On/Off please use Ctrl+L. It will work only when camera 
>>> is active.
>>> So, press the space bar first, you'll hear : 'Camera started', then Ctrl+L. 
>>> You'll hear: 'Light on'.
>>> Works the same way for Windows and Mac.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Ilana
>>> erik burggraaf wrote:
 Hi Ilana,  Do you have an answer for this?  I don't have zoomX installed 
 and pay very little attention to the flash myself.
 Erik Burggraaf
 Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
 ontario disability support program at
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at
 Begin forwarded message:
> From: Jessica Moss 
> Subject: Re: zoomEx help.
> Date: 12 March, 2013 10:54:57 AM EDT
> To:
> Reply-To:
> Ok, managed to find most of them, but how do I manage to turn the light 
> feature on and off?  When the guy demonstrating it used his laptop showed 
> me how, the "control+l," command toggled it on and off, and I can't 
> remember if he said the command or control key was supposed to do this 
> with the mac, and I've tried both, and neither of these seem to work.
> On Mar 12, 2013, at 8:36 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi,  ZoomX is a windows program  running in x11.
>> To reach the menus, press the command key on it's own.
>> You can then use the arrow keys to navigate the internal windows style 
>> menu bar.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
>> the ontario disability support program at 
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2013-03-11, at 9:46 PM, Jessica Moss  
>> wrote:
>>> For anyone on here who has used this, I've just purchased one of these 
>>> after doing a demo with someone in my area, and he was kind enough to 
>>> sell me the display model at a discounted price after I realized how 
>>> much I loved it especially after I was able to scan a book that had 
>>> pictures intertwined with the text, and it scanned it perfectly.  
>>> However, I don't know if I have it set up in a poor location when the 
>>> guy helped me move it from the kitchen table to my desk or what the 
>>> issue is, but for some reason, when I scan material, at times the 
>>> reading is all off, and I can't access the file commands to do anything 
>>> with it.
>>> It continuously tells me "zoom office has no windows," and the commands 
>>> don't show up in the finder window, and I'm not sure what's going on 
>>> here, but it's really frustrating here.  So if anyone can help out 
>>> here, I'd really appreciate it.
>>> -- 
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>>> Visit this group at
>>> For more options, visit
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New Tech Doctor Podcast "Accessibility Out Of The Closet In To The Mainstream

2013-03-19 Thread ROBERT CARTER
In this podcast, we speak with veteran author and fellow podcaster, Shelly 
Brisbin. As a freelance technology writer, Shelly has published a dozen books 
and hundreds of magazine articles on how to get the most from technology.

She is currently writing a book called "IOS Access For All." Check out the 
podcast to learn about Shelly and her fascinating career. We are fortunate that 
she has chosen accessibility as the topic of her next book.

The Tech Doctor Podcast is available in iTunes, on the Downcast iOS app and on 
iBlink Radio. It can also be accessed directly at

Robert Carter

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Re: Rabbit TV

2013-03-19 Thread -

Here is a bit about rabbit tv:

   Q: I've been seeing TV commercials for Rabbit TV, a USB stick that
   supposedly provides free access to thousands of television stations
   worldwide over the Internet - including all the big networks, Disney
   and ESPN. Apparently when you plug it into an Internet-connected
   computer, a menu appears with links that take you directly to video
   streams. The Rabbit TV costs $10 a year. As a person who pays nearly
   $100 a month for satellite TV, I'm afraid this sounds too good to be
   true. Is Rabbit TV legit, or is it a scam?

   A: It's a big-time scam. All Rabbit TV does is point you to websites
   that have video. And, with rare exceptions for breaking news, the big
   U.S. networks don't show live programming on the Internet. Ditto for
   ESPN, Disney and other top cable networks. With Rabbit TV, live
   streaming is limited to small local stations, religious and shopping
   channels. Repeat: There is nothing on Rabbit TV that you can't get by
   entering a URL into your browser.

   In fact, you can get the same experience that Rabbit TV provides by
   going to That's World Wide Internet Television, which, like
   Rabbit TV, has a clickable menu for accessing websites of global TV
   stations that show live and recorded programming.


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Re: Bookmarks

2013-03-19 Thread John Panarese
   You might have to expand or show the second table by interacting with the 
horizontal splitter and increasing it.  I haven't had to do it in a while, but 
I know that only the main table was showing the bookmarks, bookmarks bar, 
history, Etc.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Mar 19, 2013, at 7:14 AM, Brandt  wrote:

> Hi there,
> When I show bookmarks in Safari, I only see one table. is there anything I 
> might have broken?
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> Sent from my macbook pro
> Contact me:
> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
> Email:
> My ring to Skype:
> California, United States
>   +(1)760-5140161  
> Extension 512
> Cape Town, South Africa
> Extension 161
> Johannesburg, South Africa
> +(27)105-002316
> Extension 170
> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
> SIP:
> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
> -- 
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Re: zoomEx help.

2013-03-19 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, I've tried for example to use the backspace key to delete text, and that 
does nothing, am I missing something?
On Mar 19, 2013, at 7:30 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> You can make corrections right in the text using the standard windows text 
> navigation and selection commands.  or you can save the book as text and 
> bring it into text edit for spell-checking.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
> ontario disability support program at
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-03-18, at 7:51 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> To anyone else using this, do you know if there's a way to edit scanned 
>> material that may only have 1 or 2 errors in it so you don't have to go back 
>> and rescan it all over again.  I have a children's bible I got when I was 8 
>> that I've been trying to scan for ages and I can scan a page and find an 
>> error or 2 on it that I'd rather correct than try to scan and rescan the 
>> page all over again which in my oppinion wastes time considering the fact 
>> that the bible is obviously a long book.
>> On Mar 18, 2013, at 11:05 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 Hi,  Here's what I got from ABISee support on the flash issue under zoomX.
>>> Hope it helps,
 Hi Erik,
 To turn the light On/Off please use Ctrl+L. It will work only when camera 
 is active.
 So, press the space bar first, you'll hear : 'Camera started', then 
 Ctrl+L. You'll hear: 'Light on'.
 Works the same way for Windows and Mac.
 Best regards,
 erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi Ilana,  Do you have an answer for this?  I don't have zoomX installed 
> and pay very little attention to the flash myself.
> Thanks,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
> the ontario disability support program at 
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Jessica Moss 
>> Subject: Re: zoomEx help.
>> Date: 12 March, 2013 10:54:57 AM EDT
>> To:
>> Reply-To:
>> Ok, managed to find most of them, but how do I manage to turn the light 
>> feature on and off?  When the guy demonstrating it used his laptop 
>> showed me how, the "control+l," command toggled it on and off, and I 
>> can't remember if he said the command or control key was supposed to do 
>> this with the mac, and I've tried both, and neither of these seem to 
>> work.
>> On Mar 12, 2013, at 8:36 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi,  ZoomX is a windows program  running in x11.
>>> To reach the menus, press the command key on it's own.
>>> You can then use the arrow keys to navigate the internal windows style 
>>> menu bar.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
>>> the ontario disability support program at 
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2013-03-11, at 9:46 PM, Jessica Moss  
>>> wrote:
 For anyone on here who has used this, I've just purchased one of these 
 after doing a demo with someone in my area, and he was kind enough to 
 sell me the display model at a discounted price after I realized how 
 much I loved it especially after I was able to scan a book that had 
 pictures intertwined with the text, and it scanned it perfectly.  
 However, I don't know if I have it set up in a poor location when the 
 guy helped me move it from the kitchen table to my desk or what the 
 issue is, but for some reason, when I scan material, at times the 
 reading is all off, and I can't access the file commands to do 
 anything with it.
 It continuously tells me "zoom office has no windows," and the 
 commands don't show up in the finder window, and I'm not sure what's 
 going on here, but it's really frustrating here.  So if anyone can 
 help out here, I'd really appreciate it.
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Re: [macvoiceover] help needed pls to restart osx from inside win7 (bootcamp)

2013-03-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

in the systems tray in Windows is a bootcamp icon.  In here you can select Mac 
OSX as the default boot disk.  

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 15, 2013, at 6:25 PM, William Windels  wrote:

> Hello,
> Are there some tricks to set osx as boot disc for the next time from inside 
> win7?
> I have win7 installed with bootcamp and osx 10.8.
> On windows I can use nvda or window eyes8.
> With the option bootdisc in osx, I can easily setup the bootcamp partition to 
> load after reboot. But, when I want to reboot in mac after using win7, It 
> seems more difficult. In the start menu of win7, I type bootcamp and can find 
> a couple of things but not the possibility to reboot directly in mac.
> My workaround for now is to shutdown win7 by pressing alt+f4 until I have the 
> restart option.
> Then , when The mac reboots, I press command+r to boot in recovery-mode and 
> there I can change again the boot disc.
> But, this seems a unnecessary long way to me.
> thx for your help and suggestions,
> Kind regards,
> William WIndels>
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Re: Garageband and moving regions

2013-03-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

its funny, I think I really need to start updating those podcasts. haha.  I 
don't think I've moved regions like that in forever.  You can now interact with 
arrange area/timeline/instruments, find the region you wish to move, cut, and 
then paste it where you want on the time line.  Or copy if thats what you wish 
to do.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 19, 2013, at 3:09 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> eventually I figured out how to move a region and it works fine. It sounds a 
> little bit different then in Ricardos podcasts. In the podcasts VO anounces 
> the bars and beats. But when I sit on the region, press VO + CMD + Shift + 
> accent and move by pressing VO + arrow right, VO doesn't anounces bars and 
> beats. It just gives a sound like a text marker. But anyway, it works.
> But now I have a region which doesn't let me move it. I did the same as 
> described above. But when I then press VO + arrow right I just hear a 
> blocking sound and VO anounces it can not move it further to the right. Does 
> anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?
> Thanks and all the best
> Jürgen
> -- 
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Dropbox Sorting Question

2013-03-19 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

With the newly updated dropbox version, does a way exist to sort items based on 
the most recently added or modified?
The dropbox app on iOS has this feature, which is great.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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Re: Dropbox Sorting Question

2013-03-19 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Has Drop Box done anything about the accessibility issue discovered and 
reported to us recently?

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Mar 19, 2013, at 10:07 AM, Emilio Hernandez  

> Hello everyone,
> With the newly updated dropbox version, does a way exist to sort items based 
> on the most recently added or modified?
> The dropbox app on iOS has this feature, which is great.
> Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
> -- 
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Re: Garageband and moving regions

2013-03-19 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Ricardo,

OK, thanks for your answer. Now I'm completely confused. haha. 

At the moment it seems to me it works not with all the loops.
In my project are two tracks:
1. Acoustic Picking 04
2. Basic Rock Drumset 04
both tracks are looped. I splitted track 1 in to two regions and tried the 
described method to move the region. It didn't work. Then I tried to move the 
Basic Rock Drumset to move completely through the same method. It worked fine. 
Then I splitt the Basic Rock Drumset in the middle. Garageband splitted it in 
to three regions despite the fact I pressed CMD + t just once. And - very 
surprisingly - I was able to move the regions of the Drumset track by the 
described method. Isn't that crazy?

Could you please briefly tell me what you did in your podcast 2 when you used 
CTRL + Option + Shift + CMD + arrow right or left? 

Thanks and all the best

Am 19.03.2013 um 15:02 schrieb Ricardo Walker :

> Hello,
> its funny, I think I really need to start updating those podcasts. haha.  I 
> don't think I've moved regions like that in forever.  You can now interact 
> with arrange area/timeline/instruments, find the region you wish to move, 
> cut, and then paste it where you want on the time line.  Or copy if thats 
> what you wish to do.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 19, 2013, at 3:09 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> eventually I figured out how to move a region and it works fine. It sounds a 
>> little bit different then in Ricardos podcasts. In the podcasts VO anounces 
>> the bars and beats. But when I sit on the region, press VO + CMD + Shift + 
>> accent and move by pressing VO + arrow right, VO doesn't anounces bars and 
>> beats. It just gives a sound like a text marker. But anyway, it works.
>> But now I have a region which doesn't let me move it. I did the same as 
>> described above. But when I then press VO + arrow right I just hear a 
>> blocking sound and VO anounces it can not move it further to the right. Does 
>> anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?
>> Thanks and all the best
>> Jürgen
>> -- 
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> -- 
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Re: Garageband and moving regions

2013-03-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

When you say they were looped, do you mean you manually looped the track/region 
or, did you press the letter O to just continuously loope the track/region?  I 
ask because the later often creates some funny results if you don't turn it off 
before editing.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 19, 2013, at 11:30 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hi Ricardo,
> OK, thanks for your answer. Now I'm completely confused. haha. 
> At the moment it seems to me it works not with all the loops.
> Example:
> In my project are two tracks:
> 1. Acoustic Picking 04
> 2. Basic Rock Drumset 04
> both tracks are looped. I splitted track 1 in to two regions and tried the 
> described method to move the region. It didn't work. Then I tried to move the 
> Basic Rock Drumset to move completely through the same method. It worked 
> fine. Then I splitt the Basic Rock Drumset in the middle. Garageband splitted 
> it in to three regions despite the fact I pressed CMD + t just once. And - 
> very surprisingly - I was able to move the regions of the Drumset track by 
> the described method. Isn't that crazy?
> Could you please briefly tell me what you did in your podcast 2 when you used 
> CTRL + Option + Shift + CMD + arrow right or left? 
> Thanks and all the best
> Jürgen
> Am 19.03.2013 um 15:02 schrieb Ricardo Walker :
>> Hello,
>> its funny, I think I really need to start updating those podcasts. haha.  I 
>> don't think I've moved regions like that in forever.  You can now interact 
>> with arrange area/timeline/instruments, find the region you wish to move, 
>> cut, and then paste it where you want on the time line.  Or copy if thats 
>> what you wish to do.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Mar 19, 2013, at 3:09 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>>> Hi Folks,
>>> eventually I figured out how to move a region and it works fine. It sounds 
>>> a little bit different then in Ricardos podcasts. In the podcasts VO 
>>> anounces the bars and beats. But when I sit on the region, press VO + CMD + 
>>> Shift + accent and move by pressing VO + arrow right, VO doesn't anounces 
>>> bars and beats. It just gives a sound like a text marker. But anyway, it 
>>> works.
>>> But now I have a region which doesn't let me move it. I did the same as 
>>> described above. But when I then press VO + arrow right I just hear a 
>>> blocking sound and VO anounces it can not move it further to the right. 
>>> Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?
>>> Thanks and all the best
>>> Jürgen
>>> -- 
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anything from the Drop Box people yet?

2013-03-19 Thread Ray Foret Jr

I can verify that it seems not to be possible to open the Drop Box prefs window 
from the menu bar.  This even seems not to be possible using the mouse.  Has 
anybody here who has Drop Box version 2.2 been able to figure out how to open 
the preferences menu?  The closest I get is to rout the mouse to where it says 
"preferences" and then control click on it.  I get told that there is a menu of 
8 items but can see the menu.  Any thoughts?

Have the Drop Box people ever gotten back to any of us on this?

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

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Nisus writer express help?

2013-03-19 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
HI.  Can someone explain to me how to get a heading in Nisus writer express? Is 
it possible to customise the heading styles?  Another problem I'm having is 
that when I open a document I have created in Nisus writer express in word 2010 
the formatting goes really strange.  I have gone in to preferences and tried to 
set a default font I know word will recognise but I'm not sure how to do this.  
does anyone know how to have a default font for new documents?  Does anyone 
have any suggestions for getting the formatting to not be so strange in word?

Maria Chapman

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
Mahatma Gandhi

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Re: zoomEx help.

2013-03-19 Thread erik burggraaf
not as far as I know, but then I usually export things to text edit for editing.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-19, at 9:53 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> Ok, I've tried for example to use the backspace key to delete text, and that 
> does nothing, am I missing something?
> On Mar 19, 2013, at 7:30 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> You can make corrections right in the text using the standard windows text 
>> navigation and selection commands.  or you can save the book as text and 
>> bring it into text edit for spell-checking.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
>> ontario disability support program at
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2013-03-18, at 7:51 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>>> To anyone else using this, do you know if there's a way to edit scanned 
>>> material that may only have 1 or 2 errors in it so you don't have to go 
>>> back and rescan it all over again.  I have a children's bible I got when I 
>>> was 8 that I've been trying to scan for ages and I can scan a page and find 
>>> an error or 2 on it that I'd rather correct than try to scan and rescan the 
>>> page all over again which in my oppinion wastes time considering the fact 
>>> that the bible is obviously a long book.
>>> On Mar 18, 2013, at 11:05 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi,  Here's what I got from ABISee support on the flash issue under zoomX.
 Hope it helps,
> Hi Erik,
> To turn the light On/Off please use Ctrl+L. It will work only when camera 
> is active.
> So, press the space bar first, you'll hear : 'Camera started', then 
> Ctrl+L. You'll hear: 'Light on'.
> Works the same way for Windows and Mac.
> Best regards,
> Ilana
> erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi Ilana,  Do you have an answer for this?  I don't have zoomX installed 
>> and pay very little attention to the flash myself.
>> Thanks,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
>> the ontario disability support program at 
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Jessica Moss 
>>> Subject: Re: zoomEx help.
>>> Date: 12 March, 2013 10:54:57 AM EDT
>>> To:
>>> Reply-To:
>>> Ok, managed to find most of them, but how do I manage to turn the light 
>>> feature on and off?  When the guy demonstrating it used his laptop 
>>> showed me how, the "control+l," command toggled it on and off, and I 
>>> can't remember if he said the command or control key was supposed to do 
>>> this with the mac, and I've tried both, and neither of these seem to 
>>> work.
>>> On Mar 12, 2013, at 8:36 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 Hi,  ZoomX is a windows program  running in x11.
 To reach the menus, press the command key on it's own.
 You can then use the arrow keys to navigate the internal windows style 
 menu bar.
 Hope this helps,
 Erik Burggraaf
 Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
 the ontario disability support program at
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at
 On 2013-03-11, at 9:46 PM, Jessica Moss  
> For anyone on here who has used this, I've just purchased one of 
> these after doing a demo with someone in my area, and he was kind 
> enough to sell me the display model at a discounted price after I 
> realized how much I loved it especially after I was able to scan a 
> book that had pictures intertwined with the text, and it scanned it 
> perfectly.  However, I don't know if I have it set up in a poor 
> location when the guy helped me move it from the kitchen table to my 
> desk or what the issue is, but for some reason, when I scan material, 
> at times the reading is all off, and I can't access the file commands 
> to do anything with it.
> It continuously tells me "zoom office has no windows," and the 
> commands don't show up in the finder window, and I'm not sure what's 
> going on here, but it's really frustratin

Re: radium

2013-03-19 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
HI.  try filling in all fields e.g. description, station name etc.

God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

On 18/03/2013, at 10:38 AM, Tim Emmons  wrote:

> Do you paste the url in the search field or the area you get too when you do 
> the command equals thing. I couldn't figure out getting the stream to play 
> after pasting the url. I always got to that point and the save button didn't 
> seem to do anything. Thanks for any pointers I can get. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 17, 2013, at 2:42 PM, Brandt  wrote:
>> You copy and paste.
>> Warm regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> Contact me:
>> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
>> Email:
>> My ring to Skype:
>> California, United States
>> +(1)760-5140161  
>> Extension 512
>> Cape Town, South Africa
>>  +(27)213-002317  
>> Extension 161
>> Johannesburg, South Africa
>> +(27)105-002316
>> Extension 170
>> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
>> SIP:
>> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
>> On 17 Mar 2013, at 6:55 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  
>> wrote:
>>> It is under more options, but I cannot figure how to import the url.
>>> On Mar 16, 2013, at 11:44 PM, Tim Emmons  wrote:
 I saw it mentioned in Help but haven't figured it out yet. I may have to 
 email support on this one.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Mar 16, 2013, at 11:27 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't think that's possible, but I could be wrong.
> On Mar 16, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Tim Emmons  wrote:
>> It definitely is an awesome app. I'm using it now. I love it. Now if I 
>> can find out how to import stations either from iTunes or from an url 
>> such as iHeart Radio or Tunein or whatever it would be even better but I 
>> love this app no doubt.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 16, 2013, at 4:50 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli 
>>  wrote:
>>> Thank you! This app is awesome!
>>> On Mar 16, 2013, at 12:58 AM, Tim Emmons  wrote:
 Yeah you can. Go into the more options menu beside the search for 
 stations field and under more options you will see the different 
 outputs and volume controls for headphones and other output types. 
 Interact with whatever slider you want to change and you can do it 
 that way. Hope that helps.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Mar 15, 2013, at 10:05 PM, Daniel Miller  
> Hi,
> From what I can see, it doesn't look like that's possible. If that's 
> not the case, it dings an otherwise amazing app its a bit in my eyes.
> On Mar 15, 2013, at 9:02 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli 
>  wrote:
>> Hi:
>> Can you independently control the volume of radium?
>> -- 
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Re: radium

2013-03-19 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
HI.  when I first did this there was something wrong with the url I corected 
the problem and the save button worked.

Maria Chapman

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
Mahatma Gandhi

On 18/03/2013, at 1:29 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  

> The area that says import station. I click save but nothing happens.
> On Mar 17, 2013, at 6:38 PM, Tim Emmons  wrote:
>> Do you paste the url in the search field or the area you get too when you do 
>> the command equals thing. I couldn't figure out getting the stream to play 
>> after pasting the url. I always got to that point and the save button didn't 
>> seem to do anything. Thanks for any pointers I can get. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 17, 2013, at 2:42 PM, Brandt  wrote:
>>> You copy and paste.
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> Contact me:
>>> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
>>> Email:
>>> My ring to Skype:
>>> California, United States
>>> +(1)760-5140161  
>>> Extension 512
>>> Cape Town, South Africa
>>> +(27)213-002317  
>>> Extension 161
>>> Johannesburg, South Africa
>>> +(27)105-002316
>>> Extension 170
>>> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
>>> SIP:
>>> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
>>> On 17 Mar 2013, at 6:55 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  
>>> wrote:
 It is under more options, but I cannot figure how to import the url.
 On Mar 16, 2013, at 11:44 PM, Tim Emmons  wrote:
> I saw it mentioned in Help but haven't figured it out yet. I may have to 
> email support on this one.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 16, 2013, at 11:27 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't think that's possible, but I could be wrong.
>> On Mar 16, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Tim Emmons  wrote:
>>> It definitely is an awesome app. I'm using it now. I love it. Now if I 
>>> can find out how to import stations either from iTunes or from an url 
>>> such as iHeart Radio or Tunein or whatever it would be even better but 
>>> I love this app no doubt.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 16, 2013, at 4:50 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli 
>>>  wrote:
 Thank you! This app is awesome!
 On Mar 16, 2013, at 12:58 AM, Tim Emmons  wrote:
> Yeah you can. Go into the more options menu beside the search for 
> stations field and under more options you will see the different 
> outputs and volume controls for headphones and other output types. 
> Interact with whatever slider you want to change and you can do it 
> that way. Hope that helps.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 15, 2013, at 10:05 PM, Daniel Miller  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> From what I can see, it doesn't look like that's possible. If that's 
>> not the case, it dings an otherwise amazing app its a bit in my eyes.
>> On Mar 15, 2013, at 9:02 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli 
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> Can you independently control the volume of radium?
>>> -- 
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PDFPen Pro 6

2013-03-19 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

For 48 hours only Smile Software will be having a sale on the newly updated 
PDFPen, and PDFPen Pro (both of which can be purchased from the Apple Store for 
$29.99 and $39.99 respectively).
However, from what I have gathered so far, the inability to use the program as 
described with voiceover has not been addressed.
One is able to still review the contents of a PDF, but not edit the document 
within PDFPen. Additionally, form fields can be created, but from what I've 
gathered so far, it seems as though all the form fields are placed within 1 
page and unfortunately are not accessible with voiceover.
I can access each form field, but I am not able to hear voiceover read any text 
within each field.
Exporting to microSoft word works well, but I have no one who can give visual 
clarification as to the degree of mirrored accuracy PDFPen supports.
Finally, voiceover labeling is possible, but again, this does not provide any 
options one can access with voiceover, and this is not possible within the 
toolbar unless someone can get sighted assistance.

Please know these are preliminary comments at the minimum, and should no way be 
misconstrued as completely accurate. Individuals who are interested in learning 
more about PDFPen for the Mac should investigate this further.

Hope this has been helpful.

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adjusting system volume without going to status menu

2013-03-19 Thread Katie Zodrow
Hi, everyone. When I've wanted to listen to a webstream or podcast, sometimes 
I'd like to adjust the system volume level. Normally, I've gone in the status 
menu with vo M twice, and then vo right arrow 3 or 4 times to system sound 
volume. Then I've used the down and up arrows to turn the volume up or down. 
How can you adjust the system volume though on the fly without going in the 
status menu? I can't figure this out.

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Re: adjusting system volume without going to status menu

2013-03-19 Thread Matt Dierckens
hit f12 to turn up volume and f11 to turn it down.
Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692

On 2013-03-19, at 5:58 PM, "Katie Zodrow"  wrote:

> Hi, everyone. When I've wanted to listen to a webstream or podcast, sometimes 
> I'd like to adjust the system volume level. Normally, I've gone in the status 
> menu with vo M twice, and then vo right arrow 3 or 4 times to system sound 
> volume. Then I've used the down and up arrows to turn the volume up or down. 
> How can you adjust the system volume though on the fly without going in the 
> status menu? I can't figure this out.
> Thanks.
> Katie
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drop box

2013-03-19 Thread Katie Zodrow
Hi, again. I've heard a lot of users talk about dropbox on the list and I'm 
just wondering what this is? What is Dropbox and what can you store on this ap?

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Re: adjusting system volume without going to status menu

2013-03-19 Thread Rachel Feinberg
Or fn+f11 and fn+f12 respectively. If your system is set that way.

On Mar 19, 2013, at 2:54 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi.
> hit f12 to turn up volume and f11 to turn it down.
> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
> On 2013-03-19, at 5:58 PM, "Katie Zodrow"  wrote:
>> Hi, everyone. When I've wanted to listen to a webstream or podcast, 
>> sometimes I'd like to adjust the system volume level. Normally, I've gone in 
>> the status menu with vo M twice, and then vo right arrow 3 or 4 times to 
>> system sound volume. Then I've used the down and up arrows to turn the 
>> volume up or down. How can you adjust the system volume though on the fly 
>> without going in the status menu? I can't figure this out.
>> Thanks.
>> Katie
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Re: Garageband and moving regions

2013-03-19 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Ricardo,

what exactly do you mean I better should have turned off before editing? 
What I did to loop the region was the following: Interacted with Arangement 
Area / Timeline / Instrument Track and then with the region and there with loop 
handle. From there I could extend the loop simply by pressing VO + arrow right. 
Was that correct? Should I press o after extending the loop?


Am 19.03.2013 um 16:33 schrieb Ricardo Walker :

> Hi,
> When you say they were looped, do you mean you manually looped the 
> track/region or, did you press the letter O to just continuously loope the 
> track/region?  I ask because the later often creates some funny results if 
> you don't turn it off before editing.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 19, 2013, at 11:30 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>> Hi Ricardo,
>> OK, thanks for your answer. Now I'm completely confused. haha. 
>> At the moment it seems to me it works not with all the loops.
>> Example:
>> In my project are two tracks:
>> 1. Acoustic Picking 04
>> 2. Basic Rock Drumset 04
>> both tracks are looped. I splitted track 1 in to two regions and tried the 
>> described method to move the region. It didn't work. Then I tried to move 
>> the Basic Rock Drumset to move completely through the same method. It worked 
>> fine. Then I splitt the Basic Rock Drumset in the middle. Garageband 
>> splitted it in to three regions despite the fact I pressed CMD + t just 
>> once. And - very surprisingly - I was able to move the regions of the 
>> Drumset track by the described method. Isn't that crazy?
>> Could you please briefly tell me what you did in your podcast 2 when you 
>> used CTRL + Option + Shift + CMD + arrow right or left? 
>> Thanks and all the best
>> Jürgen
>> Am 19.03.2013 um 15:02 schrieb Ricardo Walker :
>>> Hello,
>>> its funny, I think I really need to start updating those podcasts. haha.  I 
>>> don't think I've moved regions like that in forever.  You can now interact 
>>> with arrange area/timeline/instruments, find the region you wish to move, 
>>> cut, and then paste it where you want on the time line.  Or copy if thats 
>>> what you wish to do.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Mar 19, 2013, at 3:09 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
 Hi Folks,
 eventually I figured out how to move a region and it works fine. It sounds 
 a little bit different then in Ricardos podcasts. In the podcasts VO 
 anounces the bars and beats. But when I sit on the region, press VO + CMD 
 + Shift + accent and move by pressing VO + arrow right, VO doesn't 
 anounces bars and beats. It just gives a sound like a text marker. But 
 anyway, it works.
 But now I have a region which doesn't let me move it. I did the same as 
 described above. But when I then press VO + arrow right I just hear a 
 blocking sound and VO anounces it can not move it further to the right. 
 Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?
 Thanks and all the best
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a little trick i found on my new mac

2013-03-19 Thread Michael Marshall
hello listers,
i found a little trick in regards to cutting and pasting files in ML.
a little background, i had a folder on an external hard drive witch i wanted to 
cut and move to a new location but the cut option was dimmed.
i found a way, i hit command c to copy then, after finding the place where i 
wanted the folder moved i hit command option and v and presto! it cut the 
folder instead of copping.
i just thought i would let the list know about this in cace someone was having 

kind regards


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Re: Garageband and moving regions

2013-03-19 Thread Phil Halton
don't forget, you can always move a region by cutting (command x) and 
pasting (command V)
in the new location. If at any time you can't seem to get GB to work 
correctly with a region, make sure the region is properly selected. Just 
because VO says a region is selected, that doesn't mean that GarageBand 
agrees. route the mouse to the VO cursor and press VO shift spacebar. Now, 
that region is definitely selected, and the cut, copy, past, and any other 
command that requires a region to be selected will work as it should.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jürgen Fleger" 

Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: Garageband and moving regions

Hi Ricardo,

OK, thanks for your answer. Now I'm completely confused. haha.

At the moment it seems to me it works not with all the loops.
In my project are two tracks:
1. Acoustic Picking 04
2. Basic Rock Drumset 04
both tracks are looped. I splitted track 1 in to two regions and tried the 
described method to move the region. It didn't work. Then I tried to move 
the Basic Rock Drumset to move completely through the same method. It worked 
fine. Then I splitt the Basic Rock Drumset in the middle. Garageband 
splitted it in to three regions despite the fact I pressed CMD + t just 
once. And - very surprisingly - I was able to move the regions of the 
Drumset track by the described method. Isn't that crazy?

Could you please briefly tell me what you did in your podcast 2 when you 
used CTRL + Option + Shift + CMD + arrow right or left?

Thanks and all the best

Am 19.03.2013 um 15:02 schrieb Ricardo Walker :


its funny, I think I really need to start updating those podcasts. haha. 
I don't think I've moved regions like that in forever.  You can now 
interact with arrange area/timeline/instruments, find the region you wish 
to move, cut, and then paste it where you want on the time line.  Or copy 
if thats what you wish to do.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 19, 2013, at 3:09 AM, Jürgen Fleger  

Hi Folks,

eventually I figured out how to move a region and it works fine. It 
sounds a little bit different then in Ricardos podcasts. In the podcasts 
VO anounces the bars and beats. But when I sit on the region, press VO + 
CMD + Shift + accent and move by pressing VO + arrow right, VO doesn't 
anounces bars and beats. It just gives a sound like a text marker. But 
anyway, it works.

But now I have a region which doesn't let me move it. I did the same as 
described above. But when I then press VO + arrow right I just hear a 
blocking sound and VO anounces it can not move it further to the right. 
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?

Thanks and all the best

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Re: drop box

2013-03-19 Thread Phil Halton
Dropbox is a cloud storage service that comes with a 5GB free account, and 
other storage plans for a reasonable fee. I pay a $100 per year for over 100 
gigabyte of storage.

with dropbox, anything you place inside the dropbox folder gets uploaded to the 
cloud, and if you  have multiple devices, it automatically places, or 
downloads, that file onto your other devices. In other words, it not only 
places a copy of your important files in cloud storage, it also syncs all your 
files across all your devices. With dropbox on an iPhone, you can also access 
your files anywhere there is a wifi connection.

The possibilities speak for themselves.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Katie Zodrow 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 6:02 PM
  Subject: drop box

  Hi, again. I've heard a lot of users talk about dropbox on the list and I'm 
just wondering what this is? What is Dropbox and what can you store on this ap?

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Re: Rabbit TV

2013-03-19 Thread Kerri
thanks for this. I should add that here in Canada, a lot of the american 
stations don't work anyway so why see what we ca't get?
On 2013-03-19, at 5:50 AM, -  wrote:

> Here is a bit about rabbit tv:
>   Q: I've been seeing TV commercials for Rabbit TV, a USB stick that
>   supposedly provides free access to thousands of television stations
>   worldwide over the Internet - including all the big networks, Disney
>   and ESPN. Apparently when you plug it into an Internet-connected
>   computer, a menu appears with links that take you directly to video
>   streams. The Rabbit TV costs $10 a year. As a person who pays nearly
>   $100 a month for satellite TV, I'm afraid this sounds too good to be
>   true. Is Rabbit TV legit, or is it a scam?
>   A: It's a big-time scam. All Rabbit TV does is point you to websites
>   that have video. And, with rare exceptions for breaking news, the big
>   U.S. networks don't show live programming on the Internet. Ditto for
>   ESPN, Disney and other top cable networks. With Rabbit TV, live
>   streaming is limited to small local stations, religious and shopping
>   channels. Repeat: There is nothing on Rabbit TV that you can't get by
>   entering a URL into your browser.
>   In fact, you can get the same experience that Rabbit TV provides by
>   going to That's World Wide Internet Television, which, like
>   Rabbit TV, has a clickable menu for accessing websites of global TV
>   stations that show live and recorded programming.
> XB
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Re: drop box

2013-03-19 Thread Danny Noonan
2 corrections.   Firstly you have to favourite items before they get stored on 
your iOS device. You can access them but they will get downloaded each time if 
not favourited. Secondly, you can access files on 3G etc, not just wifi.  


Sent from my iPhone

On 20/03/2013, at 10:14 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

> Dropbox is a cloud storage service that comes with a 5GB free account, and 
> other storage plans for a reasonable fee. I pay a $100 per year for over 100 
> gigabyte of storage.
> with dropbox, anything you place inside the dropbox folder gets uploaded to 
> the cloud, and if you  have multiple devices, it automatically places, or 
> downloads, that file onto your other devices. In other words, it not only 
> places a copy of your important files in cloud storage, it also syncs all 
> your files across all your devices. With dropbox on an iPhone, you can also 
> access your files anywhere there is a wifi connection.
> The possibilities speak for themselves.
> - Original Message -
> From: Katie Zodrow
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 6:02 PM
> Subject: drop box
> Hi, again. I've heard a lot of users talk about dropbox on the list and I'm 
> just wondering what this is? What is Dropbox and what can you store on this 
> ap?
> Thanks.
> Katie
> -- 
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Re: a little trick i found on my new mac

2013-03-19 Thread Harry Hogue

yes, it is common to need to "move" files/folders after copying them rather 
than cutting them.  You are still able to cut text and paste it where ever it 
may be needed.  I still don't understand the need to move instead of cutting 
and pasting, and it accomplishes the same thing, but it is confusing for those 
coming from a Windows environment.

On Mar 19, 2013, at 4:51 PM, Michael Marshall  wrote:

> hello listers,
> i found a little trick in regards to cutting and pasting files in ML.
> a little background, i had a folder on an external hard drive witch i wanted 
> to cut and move to a new location but the cut option was dimmed.
> i found a way, i hit command c to copy then, after finding the place where i 
> wanted the folder moved i hit command option and v and presto! it cut the 
> folder instead of copping.
> i just thought i would let the list know about this in cace someone was 
> having trubbel.
> kind regards
> Michael
> -- 
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Re: zoomEx help.

2013-03-19 Thread Jessica Moss
I see, thanx for the info.
On Mar 19, 2013, at 1:23 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> not as far as I know, but then I usually export things to text edit for 
> editing.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
> ontario disability support program at
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-03-19, at 9:53 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
>> Ok, I've tried for example to use the backspace key to delete text, and that 
>> does nothing, am I missing something?
>> On Mar 19, 2013, at 7:30 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> You can make corrections right in the text using the standard windows text 
>>> navigation and selection commands.  or you can save the book as text and 
>>> bring it into text edit for spell-checking.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
>>> ontario disability support program at
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2013-03-18, at 7:51 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:
 To anyone else using this, do you know if there's a way to edit scanned 
 material that may only have 1 or 2 errors in it so you don't have to go 
 back and rescan it all over again.  I have a children's bible I got when I 
 was 8 that I've been trying to scan for ages and I can scan a page and 
 find an error or 2 on it that I'd rather correct than try to scan and 
 rescan the page all over again which in my oppinion wastes time 
 considering the fact that the bible is obviously a long book.
 On Mar 18, 2013, at 11:05 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi,  Here's what I got from ABISee support on the flash issue under 
>> zoomX.
> Hope it helps,
>> Hi Erik,
>> To turn the light On/Off please use Ctrl+L. It will work only when 
>> camera is active.
>> So, press the space bar first, you'll hear : 'Camera started', then 
>> Ctrl+L. You'll hear: 'Light on'.
>> Works the same way for Windows and Mac.
>> Best regards,
>> Ilana
>> erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi Ilana,  Do you have an answer for this?  I don't have zoomX 
>>> installed and pay very little attention to the flash myself.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
>>> the ontario disability support program at 
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> Begin forwarded message:
 From: Jessica Moss 
 Subject: Re: zoomEx help.
 Date: 12 March, 2013 10:54:57 AM EDT
 Ok, managed to find most of them, but how do I manage to turn the 
 light feature on and off?  When the guy demonstrating it used his 
 laptop showed me how, the "control+l," command toggled it on and off, 
 and I can't remember if he said the command or control key was 
 supposed to do this with the mac, and I've tried both, and neither of 
 these seem to work.
 On Mar 12, 2013, at 8:36 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi,  ZoomX is a windows program  running in x11.
> To reach the menus, press the command key on it's own.
> You can then use the arrow keys to navigate the internal windows 
> style menu bar.
> Hope this helps,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business 
> through the ontario disability support program at 
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-03-11, at 9:46 PM, Jessica Moss  
> wrote:
>> For anyone on here who has used this, I've just purchased one of 
>> these after doing a demo with someone in my area, and he was kind 
>> enough to sell me the display model at a discounted price after I 
>> realized how much I loved it especially after I was able to scan a 
>> book that had pictures intertwined with the text, and it scanned it 
>> perfectly.  However, I don't know if I have it set up in a poor 
>> location when the guy helped me move it from the kitchen table to my 
>> desk or what the issue is, but for some reason, when I scan 
>> material, at times the reading is all off, and I can't access the 
>> file commands to do anything

Re: adjusting system volume without going to status menu

2013-03-19 Thread Katie Zodrow

Thanks Matt. I'll give that a try.
- Original Message - 
From: "Matt Dierckens" 

Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: adjusting system volume without going to status menu

hit f12 to turn up volume and f11 to turn it down.
Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692

On 2013-03-19, at 5:58 PM, "Katie Zodrow"  wrote:

Hi, everyone. When I've wanted to listen to a webstream or podcast, 
sometimes I'd like to adjust the system volume level. Normally, I've gone 
in the status menu with vo M twice, and then vo right arrow 3 or 4 times 
to system sound volume. Then I've used the down and up arrows to turn the 
volume up or down. How can you adjust the system volume though on the fly 
without going in the status menu? I can't figure this out.


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Re: adjusting system volume without going to status menu

2013-03-19 Thread Katie Zodrow

Hi, Rachel. Yep I have a laptop so I'd have to use the fn key anyway.
- Original Message - 
From: "Rachel Feinberg" 

Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: adjusting system volume without going to status menu

Or fn+f11 and fn+f12 respectively. If your system is set that way.

On Mar 19, 2013, at 2:54 PM, Matt Dierckens  

hit f12 to turn up volume and f11 to turn it down.
Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692

On 2013-03-19, at 5:58 PM, "Katie Zodrow"  wrote:

Hi, everyone. When I've wanted to listen to a webstream or podcast, 
sometimes I'd like to adjust the system volume level. Normally, I've gone 
in the status menu with vo M twice, and then vo right arrow 3 or 4 times 
to system sound volume. Then I've used the down and up arrows to turn the 
volume up or down. How can you adjust the system volume though on the fly 
without going in the status menu? I can't figure this out.


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Re: Garageband and moving regions

2013-03-19 Thread Katie Zodrow
Hi, Ricardo. I just listened to your second podcast last night. I didn't 
realize there was a quicker way of moving regions. I'll have to try that. 
What does vo command accent do again in Garage Band without the shift key?

- Original Message - 
From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: Garageband and moving regions


its funny, I think I really need to start updating those podcasts. haha.  I 
don't think I've moved regions like that in forever.  You can now interact 
with arrange area/timeline/instruments, find the region you wish to move, 
cut, and then paste it where you want on the time line.  Or copy if thats 
what you wish to do.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 19, 2013, at 3:09 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

Hi Folks,

eventually I figured out how to move a region and it works fine. It sounds 
a little bit different then in Ricardos podcasts. In the podcasts VO 
anounces the bars and beats. But when I sit on the region, press VO + CMD 
+ Shift + accent and move by pressing VO + arrow right, VO doesn't 
anounces bars and beats. It just gives a sound like a text marker. But 
anyway, it works.

But now I have a region which doesn't let me move it. I did the same as 
described above. But when I then press VO + arrow right I just hear a 
blocking sound and VO anounces it can not move it further to the right. 
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?

Thanks and all the best

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Re: a little trick i found on my new mac

2013-03-19 Thread Jessica Moss
Speaking of that, I've noticed on my end, that that option, for some strange 
reason, is always dimmed, and I have no idea why that is.  Can anyone give me 
some info on that?
On Mar 19, 2013, at 7:42 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:

> Hello,
> yes, it is common to need to "move" files/folders after copying them rather 
> than cutting them.  You are still able to cut text and paste it where ever it 
> may be needed.  I still don't understand the need to move instead of cutting 
> and pasting, and it accomplishes the same thing, but it is confusing for 
> those coming from a Windows environment.
> Harry
> On Mar 19, 2013, at 4:51 PM, Michael Marshall  
> wrote:
>> hello listers,
>> i found a little trick in regards to cutting and pasting files in ML.
>> a little background, i had a folder on an external hard drive witch i wanted 
>> to cut and move to a new location but the cut option was dimmed.
>> i found a way, i hit command c to copy then, after finding the place where i 
>> wanted the folder moved i hit command option and v and presto! it cut the 
>> folder instead of copping.
>> i just thought i would let the list know about this in cace someone was 
>> having trubbel.
>> kind regards
>> Michael
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Re: a little trick i found on my new mac

2013-03-19 Thread Michael Marshall
hello harry,
it took a lot of time for appel to even think about copping and moving files on 
the OS i do a lot of moving of folders and files so i'm glad i found this trick
On 20/03/2013, at 10:42 AM, Harry Hogue  wrote:

> Hello,
> yes, it is common to need to "move" files/folders after copying them rather 
> than cutting them.  You are still able to cut text and paste it where ever it 
> may be needed.  I still don't understand the need to move instead of cutting 
> and pasting, and it accomplishes the same thing, but it is confusing for 
> those coming from a Windows environment.
> Harry
> On Mar 19, 2013, at 4:51 PM, Michael Marshall  
> wrote:
>> hello listers,
>> i found a little trick in regards to cutting and pasting files in ML.
>> a little background, i had a folder on an external hard drive witch i wanted 
>> to cut and move to a new location but the cut option was dimmed.
>> i found a way, i hit command c to copy then, after finding the place where i 
>> wanted the folder moved i hit command option and v and presto! it cut the 
>> folder instead of copping.
>> i just thought i would let the list know about this in cace someone was 
>> having trubbel.
>> kind regards
>> Michael
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Re: a little trick i found on my new mac

2013-03-19 Thread Mark Baxter
Holy … moly. that's a neat thing that … wow. I learned something. *bow* That's 

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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