Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Donna Goodin
So, I'm confused.  Can you, or can you not, move a file onto the edge using an 
SD card and read it on the Edge?
On Mar 7, 2013, at 10:27 AM, Mark Baxter  wrote:

> I'll second that part about needing to sneaker-net files from the Mac or PC 
> to the Edge via the SD card.   A while back, I started a thread about Braille 
> translation, so that I could put grade 2 Braille files on the SD card and 
> sneaker-net them to the Edge for working with.  I never DID find a way to do 
> that, and the sad thing is that a brute-force approach to literary Braille 
> translation is pretty elementary scripting, so whatever.  But, I like that I 
> can use the Edge to open a file on the MBP and display it for me in Grade II, 
> and I can work with it that way.  There really ought to be a way to 
> essentially use the Edge as a card reader.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Scott,

OK, so if I understand correctly, you can't move a txt file onto the unit and 
then translate it, is that correct?  But you can move a grade-2 file on to the 
unit and read it?

The case thing doesn't bother me quite so much, but I would like to be able to 
put books in BRF format on the Edge and read them.
On Mar 7, 2013, at 9:03 AM, Scott Davert  wrote:

> Hi all.
> 2 things here: I think the OnHand issue with the Mac is one related to
> the way the Apple driver handles this particular display.
> Donna: the one issue I have, and this is supposedly going to be fixed
> in the upcoming firmware release, is that you cannot read text files
> in contracted braille when loading them on the SD card that comes with
> the Edge. Also, the case is not designed for portable use. What I mean
> is that you can't just have the case open and type with the display in
> the case. You pretty much have to take the Edge out and set it down
> somewhere. Other than these 2 things, I have absolutely no complaints.
> Solidly built hardware with lots of great features! I've had mine for
> almost 6 months.
> Scott
> On 3/7/13, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> No, I have not noticed having any wordwrap issues. However, I must admit I
>> haven't usually used my braille display to read emails. Therefore, I will
>> try it tomorrow and see what I can see.
>> I use my mostly in TextEdit.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 6, 2013, at 8:57 PM, Lisette Wesseling 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Have those of you using Hims braille displays with your Mac noticed any
>>> word wrap issues? When I pair my BS On Hand with my Mac, it's really
>>> disappointing. I can only read the first half of each line, no matter
>>> which display panning buttons I use. If I move the keyboard to the second
>>> half of the line, the braille shows correctly. But I can't pan the display
>>> and read a whole email without using the keyboard to move the braille
>>> along.
>>> Word wrap is set to on and the Mac sees it as a Braille Sense On Hand. I'm
>>> wondering if it's something to do with the shorter display length.
>>> Lisette
>>> On 7/03/2013, at 3:09 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 Hi Mark,
 Thanks for this.  I'm familiar with the commands as I used to pair with
 my Braille Sense Plus, though I'm sure a review will be in order.  :)  I
 thought that the Edge would be a nice product, so it's good to hear that
 you are using it successfully.
 On Mar 6, 2013, at 9:11 AM, Mark Baxter  wrote:
> I use my Edge with b both Ipad and Macbook Pro15 quite successfully.  It
> allows me to do fine editing and acts as a BT keyboard when I need one.
> I haven't had any problems, but my one suggestion is that you go through
> and memorize or customize what all the chorded Braille display
> keystrokes do in VO.  They can be found in Vo Utilities, Commanders,
> Braille, and will be easy to find once you pair it.  Let me know if I
> can help further.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Eric,

That's funny!  I'd forgotten about those old code-factory discussions.

You know, I've never really warmed up to my Alva as much as I thought I would.  
For one thing, I've never used the audio features in the feature pack, and now 
that I can't use it to input text, I don't use the feature pack at all.  And 
the functionality to keep files on it and read them never really worked very 
well.  It was fine for making little notes and the like, but not sophisticated 
enough to read books, which was what I wanted to do.  So I'm hoping that the 
Braille Edge will be a better fit.

And for what it's worth, I've had nothing but the best experiences with hims 
support.  I've had a braille sense since 2008, and gotten lots of mileage out 
of it.  I feel like Hims is one of the best adaptive tech companies I've worked 
with in a long time.

Good luck justifying your upgrade, I say go for it! :)
Take care,
On Mar 7, 2013, at 10:55 AM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> Laughs,  I seem to remember we were looking for displays at the same time 
> years and years ago on the code factory list.  I'm glad to hear you got so 
> much out of your alva.
> I've never really regretted going with the braille connect but It's 5 years 
> old or so now, and after seeing the braille edge I'd love to find an excuse 
> to upgrade to one.
> Can't really justify it.  The old braille connect has been a work horse, but 
> you know…
> I've found hims support to be a bit flakey.  Updates have a way of breaking 
> things, especially on apple devices.  But I like the feel of hims braille 
> cells so much.  The idea of having 40 of them makes me all excited.  Sadly it 
> isn't to be for me, at least not for the foreseeable future.
> Enjoy,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
> ontario disability support program at
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-03-06, at 9:05 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Gigi,
>> Thanks for sending me all this.  I felt pretty confident that the Edge would 
>> be a good choice, but am glad to hear that it is working so well for you.  I 
>> think I'll move ahead as soon as I can sell my Alva.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 6, 2013, at 5:51 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi Donna
>>> I have a braille Edge  40, and I like it a lot. What offhand, I can't think 
>>> of anything except one little small thing. If you use the Bluetooth option, 
>>> and then you switch to the USB option to put it on your Mac, there is this 
>>> Weird thing where you can't go with the space G option to grade to an 
>>> computer braille. I got around this by usingeither  the Bluetooth option 
>>> most of the time. I think they'll fix that eventually.
>>> I guess the only other small thing that I can think of what offhand has 
>>> nothing to do with the Mac or the iPhone or any iOS device. If you use the 
>>> standalone option for writing and reading files, there is a slight bug for 
>>> displaying with BRF files. If you tell the braille edge that you don't want 
>>> to see special characters, every now and then you will get displayed what 
>>> appears to be a blank line. This is more noticeable in web braille files. I 
>>> just go right past it and keep going.
>>> You can easily go back and forth between the braille edge and the map, and 
>>> then that never knows you left. The little card that is inside the Burlage 
>>> can be put into the slot in a MacBook Pro, and it works real good. The only 
>>> thing is, it will put these weird little files in there that I ignore most 
>>> of the time, but you can delete them. They are very obvious, and I have 
>>> been told that it is the Macintosh computer that is putting the files on 
>>> there.
>>> If you want one, I think you will be doing yourself a good thing by getting 
>>> a Bralinch. I'm glad I got mine.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 6, 2013, at 7:33 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm considering purchasing a Braille Edge from HIMS, which I would like to 
 pair with my Mac, and my i-devices (iPhone, iPod).  Could anyone using 
 that display drop me a line and let me know what you think of it, and how 
 well it works with these devices?  Is there anything about it that doesn't 
 work well?
 Thanks for any info you can provide.
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Log on screen Screen Saver And VoiceOver Problems On Mountin Lion

2013-03-08 Thread Keith Hinton
Hello, folks:
I'm wondering if anybody can advise me on what steps to take on this
issue in future without holding the power button down on my Mac and
forcing a restart?
The problem:
I occasionally log out of the Mac for a while if I don't plan on using it.
While gone off in the other room doing work on one of the Windows PCs
I use, or doing other tasks, the password screen goes away due to some
screen saver.
(No,) I don't have screen savers set in system prefferences, but all
of that is only applicable to the logged in user (myself) as nobody
else uses my laptop or has physical access ever.
The issue then is that when I come back, and see if I can do anything,
VoiceOver replies that no windows exist.
Control-AltF1 says, "Login Window."
Control-AltF2 says No Windows.
And, at that point, if I resume VoiceOver, by forcing it to unload and
reload it says I'm clearly in the "authentication window" by saying:
"VoiceOver on. Authentication"

Then speech dies while I'm trying to figure out what to do.
Typing my username and password are ineffective as this system wide
lockout screen is in effect. So what am I supposed to do?
Basicly, I can't enter my password to log back on, and the only
solution I have is to forcefully cut power to the system instantly.
Any thoughts are appreciated.


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Re: Log on screen Screen Saver And VoiceOver Problems On Mountin Lion

2013-03-08 Thread Michael Babcock
try entering vo+f2 twice quickly in this screen (note it may be fn-vo-f2)… I 
don't recall what I had to do to fix this… nth though
On Mar 8, 2013, at 2:55 AM, Keith Hinton  wrote:

> Hello, folks:
> I'm wondering if anybody can advise me on what steps to take on this
> issue in future without holding the power button down on my Mac and
> forcing a restart?
> The problem:
> I occasionally log out of the Mac for a while if I don't plan on using it.
> While gone off in the other room doing work on one of the Windows PCs
> I use, or doing other tasks, the password screen goes away due to some
> screen saver.
> (No,) I don't have screen savers set in system prefferences, but all
> of that is only applicable to the logged in user (myself) as nobody
> else uses my laptop or has physical access ever.
> The issue then is that when I come back, and see if I can do anything,
> VoiceOver replies that no windows exist.
> Control-AltF1 says, "Login Window."
> Control-AltF2 says No Windows.
> And, at that point, if I resume VoiceOver, by forcing it to unload and
> reload it says I'm clearly in the "authentication window" by saying:
> "VoiceOver on. Authentication"
> Then speech dies while I'm trying to figure out what to do.
> Typing my username and password are ineffective as this system wide
> lockout screen is in effect. So what am I supposed to do?
> Basicly, I can't enter my password to log back on, and the only
> solution I have is to forcefully cut power to the system instantly.
> Any thoughts are appreciated.
> -- 
> Sincerely,
> Keith
> Home Phone:
> 928-554-3936
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> 928-713-6370
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Re: Storage questions

2013-03-08 Thread Richard Ring
Thanks for your advice. I really need to learn to make friends with Terminal 
and its commands.

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

On Mar 7, 2013, at 7:43 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:

> Try the df -k command in terminal and verify what it says about free space.
> You can also try the following command
> du -s * | sort -n 
> This command tells you the size of every file/folder in the current directory 
> and sorts them by size so the largest is at the bottom. 
> One other question did you check the size of the Trash?  Unlike Windows 
> Macintosh computers usually do not auto-empty the trash/recycle bin.
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan Cohn
> (703) 573-6956
> On Mar 7, 2013, at 10:44 AM, Richard Ring wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I have a Mac Book Air that I'm trying to help a friend with. This machine 
>> has a 128 GB drive. The problem is, the system shows that the drive has 1.6 
>> gb free. I can't for the life of me determine what is taking up all the 
>> space. There is no music, no videos. Is it possible that the Mac could be 
>> reporting the amount of free space incorrectly? Should I simply look at each 
>> individual folder and add up what each folder is showing as used space? I'm 
>> wondering if there is anything obvious I'm overlooking.
>> Thanks.
>> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
>>  Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
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Re: 1 Password again

2013-03-08 Thread ROBERT CARTER
Hi Scott,

The automatic login works better on some sites than others. Try using 
command-backslash after you are on the site and see if that completes the 
login. I often have better success by going to the site in safari and then 
using command+backslash to have 1password log me in.

Robert Carter

On Mar 7, 2013, at 4:47 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Hello listers,
> I almost hate to post on this subject as I got blasted the last time but I am 
> still having some difficulties with 1 Password.  Let me see if I can explain 
> what is happening.
> I cannot seem to get the program to auto submit my saved log in information 
> for a particular site. I have several of my accounts set up inside of 1 
> Password and upon successfully logging into the program I then go to the log 
> ins table, and focus on the item that I want to log into, then I press the 
> keyboard combination
> of option, command return which is followed by Voice Over saying Auto Fill in 
> Browser. 
> At this point Safari will open to the desired website but I will only be on 
> the page in which I need to enter in my log in info. Am I wrong for thinking 
> that the program should log me into the site upon pressing the keyboard 
> command, or am I mistaken?
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Scott
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Re: MAC Air opinions?

2013-03-08 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav

You can upgrade the 11in to an i7, just for ref.

What you have outlined is more than enough to use Safari and iWork applications.


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS, 
Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

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Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 6 Mar 2013, at 17:37, Phil Halton  wrote:

> I'm seriously considering purchasing a MAC Air 11 inch with the only upgrade 
> being a 128 flash drive from the default 64 GB flash drive.
> It has:
> 1.7 I5 processor
> 4GB 1600 MHZ ram
> 128GB flash drive
> My questions:
> is this sufficient to do basic internet, mail etc plus iWork apps like Pages 
> and Numbers? or, do I need a ram upgrade to 8GB? I'm not looking for a power 
> machine, just something to do basic stuff plus simple word processing and 
> spreadsheet during travel.
> the 13 inch has a 1.8 I5 processor with upgrades to I7 series, but I'm not 
> yet convinced that is necessary for my needs.
> Any thoughts or ideas, educated or otherwise welcome.
> -- 
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Re: Itunes Wifi Sync

2013-03-08 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
mine works fine, we have 5 iOS devices and all 5 appear without issue and sync 
using WiFi.

this is with the latest iTunes for Mac OSx build.


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS, 
Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

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Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 7 Mar 2013, at 20:12, matthew Dyer  wrote:

> Hi,
> I gave up om this a while ago.  I never got it working reliably.  Thanks.
> Matthew
> On Mar 7, 2013, at 3:07 PM, Graham Roby wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> Since upgrading to Itunes 11.02, Neither my iPhone or iPad automatically 
>> connect to iTunes via wifi when I launch the program. 
>> This is despite wifi sync being enabled and under devices preferences me 
>> having  the don't allow iPods/Ipads/Iphones connect to this computer 
>> unchecked. 
>> Has anyone else come across this issue since the update and is there a 
>> solution? 
>> Kind regards
>> Graham
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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-08 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
HI.  I now have a converted book.  I'm not exactly sure how I did it, and can't 
guarantee it will work again.  I can outline the steps.  Is this allowed on 
list? If anyone wants to know how I did it and it isn't allowed write to me 

Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb
twitter: bubbygirl 
skype: bubbygirl1972

On 05/03/2013, at 10:13 AM, Jamie Tachiyama  wrote:

> I use kindle drm removal from ePub soft to remove drm.  I then use 
> for the conversion.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:58 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Annie,
>> That's kind of my take on DRM as well.  And I would never share a book that 
>> I had removed the DRM from with others.
>> So how do you convert books in Caliber without the command line?
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 4, 2013, at 8:06 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> You can convert without installing the command line. But I have some 
>>> troubles with it. I can not figure out how to convert a folder of books.
>>> I am only removing DRM because of accessibility, I do not like to do it, 
>>> but on the other hand should I when scan the books, use a lot of time, and 
>>> not always get the result I would like.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:31 PM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:
 Hello Donna,
 I'm affraid I haven't had the sighted support to get the command line 
 tools installed. The graphical interface is inaccessible. To install the 
 command line tools requires opening the advanced preferences of the 
 program. I believe that I'll be able to convert ebooks into different 
 formats from the command line. As I do currently on Windows.
 However, Calibre will not convert books that have DRM. You'll have to use 
 another tool to remove DRM. Depending upon what country you reside will 
 influence your personal feelings about removing something that the 
 producers have employed to stop such activity.
 I personally, remove DRM from books I've purchased for personal use. 
 Simply, in order to access it. But I respect that some people wish to obey 
 the strict letter of the law of their country. I would rather buy an iBook 
 version of a book than have to remove DRM from another format.
 On 04/03/2013 12:08, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I haven't followed this thread closely, so my apologies in advance if I'm 
> covering old ground.
> What is the current status with Caliber?  I've seen posts where people 
> were having trouble using it.  Is it a good accessible resource for 
> converting files to ebooks?  What will it do and not do?  How does it 
> handle DRM management?
> thanks,
> Donna
 "If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives 
 outside the box" Barbara Otto
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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Donna.
You can move a txt file over to the Edge and open it, but it will not
display in contracted braille. HIMS claims this is coming, along with
terminal clipboard in the next software release.
I've already contacted Executive Products about making a case for the
Edge, and they said they were working on it. however, this was in the
fall, and as far as I know, they have not released one.


On 3/8/13, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> That's funny!  I'd forgotten about those old code-factory discussions.
> You know, I've never really warmed up to my Alva as much as I thought I
> would.  For one thing, I've never used the audio features in the feature
> pack, and now that I can't use it to input text, I don't use the feature
> pack at all.  And the functionality to keep files on it and read them never
> really worked very well.  It was fine for making little notes and the like,
> but not sophisticated enough to read books, which was what I wanted to do.
> So I'm hoping that the Braille Edge will be a better fit.
> And for what it's worth, I've had nothing but the best experiences with hims
> support.  I've had a braille sense since 2008, and gotten lots of mileage
> out of it.  I feel like Hims is one of the best adaptive tech companies I've
> worked with in a long time.
> Good luck justifying your upgrade, I say go for it! :)
> Take care,
> Donna
> On Mar 7, 2013, at 10:55 AM, erik burggraaf 
> wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> Laughs,  I seem to remember we were looking for displays at the same time
>> years and years ago on the code factory list.  I'm glad to hear you got so
>> much out of your alva.
>> I've never really regretted going with the braille connect but It's 5
>> years old or so now, and after seeing the braille edge I'd love to find an
>> excuse to upgrade to one.
>> Can't really justify it.  The old braille connect has been a work horse,
>> but you know…
>> I've found hims support to be a bit flakey.  Updates have a way of
>> breaking things, especially on apple devices.  But I like the feel of hims
>> braille cells so much.  The idea of having 40 of them makes me all
>> excited.  Sadly it isn't to be for me, at least not for the foreseeable
>> future.
>> Enjoy,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
>> ontario disability support program at
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2013-03-06, at 9:05 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Hi Gigi,
>>> Thanks for sending me all this.  I felt pretty confident that the Edge
>>> would be a good choice, but am glad to hear that it is working so well
>>> for you.  I think I'll move ahead as soon as I can sell my Alva.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Mar 6, 2013, at 5:51 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi Donna
 I have a braille Edge  40, and I like it a lot. What offhand, I can't
 think of anything except one little small thing. If you use the
 Bluetooth option, and then you switch to the USB option to put it on
 your Mac, there is this Weird thing where you can't go with the space G
 option to grade to an computer braille. I got around this by usingeither
  the Bluetooth option most of the time. I think they'll fix that
 I guess the only other small thing that I can think of what offhand has
 nothing to do with the Mac or the iPhone or any iOS device. If you use
 the standalone option for writing and reading files, there is a slight
 bug for displaying with BRF files. If you tell the braille edge that you
 don't want to see special characters, every now and then you will get
 displayed what appears to be a blank line. This is more noticeable in
 web braille files. I just go right past it and keep going.
 You can easily go back and forth between the braille edge and the map,
 and then that never knows you left. The little card that is inside the
 Burlage can be put into the slot in a MacBook Pro, and it works real
 good. The only thing is, it will put these weird little files in there
 that I ignore most of the time, but you can delete them. They are very
 obvious, and I have been told that it is the Macintosh computer that is
 putting the files on there.

 If you want one, I think you will be doing yourself a good thing by
 getting a Bralinch. I'm glad I got mine.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Mar 6, 2013, at 7:33 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm considering purchasing a Braille Edge from HIMS, which I would like
> to pair with my Mac, and my i-devices (iPhone, iPod).  Could anyone
> using that display drop me a line and let me know what you think of it,
> and how well it works with these devices?  Is there anything about it
> that doesn't work well?
> Thanks for any info you can provide.
> Bes

Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

Have you tried

Best regards Annie.
On Mar 7, 2013, at 5:27 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:

> I'll second that part about needing to sneaker-net files from the Mac or PC 
> to the Edge via the SD card.   A while back, I started a thread about Braille 
> translation, so that I could put grade 2 Braille files on the SD card and 
> sneaker-net them to the Edge for working with.  I never DID find a way to do 
> that, and the sad thing is that a brute-force approach to literary Braille 
> translation is pretty elementary scripting, so whatever.  But, I like that I 
> can use the Edge to open a file on the MBP and display it for me in Grade II, 
> and I can work with it that way.  There really ought to be a way to 
> essentially use the Edge as a card reader.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: 1 Password again

2013-03-08 Thread Emilio

>From my perspective it appears as if the way in which you have
described using 1password seems to involve an extra step. (Forgive any
confusion on my part).
If I am understanding correctly, you are accessing the 1password app,
finding the particular log-in details, and pressing command-option
enter to invoke the auto-fill feature.
Another possible solution is to actually visit the web site in
question, and then use the native keystroke after having installed the
1password Safari browser extension, which is command-backslash.
I have not had any problems so far outside of having to manually
create my log-in credentials for web sites because the pop-up help
feature for 1password is not very accessible with voiceover.

Hope this has been helpful.

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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Annie.
I don't think you can convert files from other formats to brf, but I
wish you could. Unless there has been an update since I last used that
website back in November?


On 3/8/13, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
> Hi.
> Have you tried
> Best regards Annie.
> On Mar 7, 2013, at 5:27 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:
>> I'll second that part about needing to sneaker-net files from the Mac or
>> PC to the Edge via the SD card.   A while back, I started a thread about
>> Braille translation, so that I could put grade 2 Braille files on the SD
>> card and sneaker-net them to the Edge for working with.  I never DID find
>> a way to do that, and the sad thing is that a brute-force approach to
>> literary Braille translation is pretty elementary scripting, so whatever.
>> But, I like that I can use the Edge to open a file on the MBP and display
>> it for me in Grade II, and I can work with it that way.  There really
>> ought to be a way to essentially use the Edge as a card reader.
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
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Re: 1 Password again

2013-03-08 Thread Scott Rumery
Thank you, I have tried using both methods with mixed results. For some reason 
when pressing Command plus , backslash does nothing on my system, I will have 
to check and see if I have a setting enabled on my system that is  causing this 

When I press Command, Option, Return from within 1 Password itself I hear Voice 
Over announce "Auto Fill In Browser," but then all that I get is the webpage of 
the log in for that site. I will keep investigating this and if I come up with 
a solution I will share it with the list just in case anyone else is having a 
similar issue.

Thank you for your help,
Scott Rumery

The only disability in life is a bad attitude

On Mar 8, 2013, at 9:29 AM, Emilio  wrote:

> Scott,
> From my perspective it appears as if the way in which you have
> described using 1password seems to involve an extra step. (Forgive any
> confusion on my part).
> If I am understanding correctly, you are accessing the 1password app,
> finding the particular log-in details, and pressing command-option
> enter to invoke the auto-fill feature.
> Another possible solution is to actually visit the web site in
> question, and then use the native keystroke after having installed the
> 1password Safari browser extension, which is command-backslash.
> I have not had any problems so far outside of having to manually
> create my log-in credentials for web sites because the pop-up help
> feature for 1password is not very accessible with voiceover.
> Hope this has been helpful.
> -- 
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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Mark Baxter
Someone here please correct me if i"m wrong, but the only way to move a file 
from your computer onto the Edge is to take out the SD card, transfer it to an 
independent card reader, whether it be in your computer's structure or a USB 
device, and copy whatever you want onto the card, then replace the card in the 
Edge.  This process is commonly referred to as "sneaker-net."  Sorry if my hip 
speech threw you off there…

Once you've done that, though, the file you have sneaker-netted to your Edge is 
*NOT* a grade II file, but rather a "raw text," file with all special 
characters and whatnot still embedded within it.  The Edge can only handle your 
basic types of text files or BRF files, and won't even recognize or open, say, 
a *.doc or RTF file, unless you rename it to *.txt …

I hope this makes things more clear, and again someone please jump down my 
throat if it's required.  Gently please, I still have my tonsils.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Mark Baxter
Yes, in fact, I have.  I believe this was one of the central themes of that 
thread in fact…

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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Re: Storage questions

2013-03-08 Thread Chris Blouch
At least for sorting by size of the folders you can do that in the 
finder. Open up the Macintosh HD in List View (command-2) and then sort 
by size. Only snag is that by default folders sort as though they have 
zero size. But you can change that in the View menu by picking show view 
options (command-J) and then tick the "Calculate All Sizes" checkbox. It 
will take a while at the top level but it will go folder by folder and 
total up everything in it and then that will sort to wherever it should 
be in the list of sizes. You can turn this on at lower levels as well as 
you drill down trying to find what folder is sucking up all the space. 
This of course assumes it's normal file bloat causing the trouble and 
not misallocation of storage at a lower level.


On 3/8/13 7:11 AM, Richard Ring wrote:
Thanks for your advice. I really need to learn to make friends with 
Terminal and its commands.

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of 

 Sent from my Mac Book Pro 

On Mar 7, 2013, at 7:43 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn > wrote:

Try the df -k command in terminal and verify what it says about free 

You can also try the following command

du -s * | sort -n

This command tells you the size of every file/folder in the current 
directory and sorts them by size so the largest is at the bottom.

One other question did you check the size of the Trash?  Unlike 
Windows Macintosh computers usually do not auto-empty the 
trash/recycle bin.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn 
(703) 573-6956

On Mar 7, 2013, at 10:44 AM, Richard Ring wrote:

I have a Mac Book Air that I'm trying to help a friend with. This 
machine has a 128 GB drive. The problem is, the system shows that 
the drive has 1.6 gb free. I can't for the life of me determine what 
is taking up all the space. There is no music, no videos. Is it 
possible that the Mac could be reporting the amount of free space 
incorrectly? Should I simply look at each individual folder and add 
up what each folder is showing as used space? I'm wondering if there 
is anything obvious I'm overlooking.


You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of 

 Sent from my Mac Book Pro 

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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Scot.

I know the developer of, if you write me a mail of list in 
which you tells me, from which formats to brf you which to convert, I am sure 
it can be made possible.

Best regards Annie.
On Mar 8, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Scott Davert  wrote:

> Hi Annie.
> I don't think you can convert files from other formats to brf, but I
> wish you could. Unless there has been an update since I last used that
> website back in November?
> Scott
> On 3/8/13, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Have you tried
>> Best regards Annie.
>> On Mar 7, 2013, at 5:27 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:
>>> I'll second that part about needing to sneaker-net files from the Mac or
>>> PC to the Edge via the SD card.   A while back, I started a thread about
>>> Braille translation, so that I could put grade 2 Braille files on the SD
>>> card and sneaker-net them to the Edge for working with.  I never DID find
>>> a way to do that, and the sad thing is that a brute-force approach to
>>> literary Braille translation is pretty elementary scripting, so whatever.
>>> But, I like that I can use the Edge to open a file on the MBP and display
>>> it for me in Grade II, and I can work with it that way.  There really
>>> ought to be a way to essentially use the Edge as a card reader.
>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> • MSN:
>>> • My home page:
>>> •
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Re: Serynx

2013-03-08 Thread Teresa Cochran

It's actually spelled s y r i n x. It's not in the app store, and the website 
info looks a bit dated. I don't use it, so I have no idea how well it works or 
whether it's compatible. Here is the link for the site:

TeresaOn Mar 7, 2013, at 5:20 PM, Timothy Emmons  wrote:

> Hi guys, was just wondering, I have really gotten comfortable with the layout 
> of Serynx at work, and was going to try and download and install on my mac 
> book but can't find the link anywhere in the app store, and not able to find 
> it on the website. Who made Serynx and can I even get the latest, I just 
> reentry updated the one at work so I think they're still putting it out but 
> not sure. Thanks for any help you can give. Take care and talk to you soon. 
> -- 
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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-08 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Mary.

Yes that has been changed, a couple of months ago, my kindle content was 
automatically downloaded to the mac, but now I have to choose mac in the popup, 
but it works fine.

Best regards Annie.
On Mar 8, 2013, at 2:45 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> When you buy the book, assuming you have the kindle for Mac app set up on 
> your Mac, which as I recall also required sighted assistance, then right 
> after the buy button on Amazon, you should have a pop up that says send to x 
> where x is the name of the device or application where Amazon will send the 
> book. If you own a Kindle, then it will be the default. But you can open the 
> pop up and select kindle for Mac. Then when you click the buy button, the 
> book will be sent to the Mac application by default, and not to your Kindle 
> by default. You have to do this every time you buy a book. Or at least, I 
> have not found a means of making the change permanent.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: Log on screen Screen Saver And VoiceOver Problems On Mountin Lion

2013-03-08 Thread Tim Kilburn
It sounds like VO has lost focus and thus you're unable to enter items within 
the Authentication window.  I've had similar things happen in the past.  Try 
pressing the power button quickly.  This should bring up the "Are you sure you 
want to Shutdown your Mac" dialog, then press Escape and sometimes VO will 
regain focus.  I've used some other tricks but I can't remember right now.  
I'll keep this message around and let you know if I remember or if it happens 
to me again and I use one of my other tricks.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-03-08, at 2:55 AM, Keith Hinton  wrote:

> Hello, folks:
> I'm wondering if anybody can advise me on what steps to take on this
> issue in future without holding the power button down on my Mac and
> forcing a restart?
> The problem:
> I occasionally log out of the Mac for a while if I don't plan on using it.
> While gone off in the other room doing work on one of the Windows PCs
> I use, or doing other tasks, the password screen goes away due to some
> screen saver.
> (No,) I don't have screen savers set in system prefferences, but all
> of that is only applicable to the logged in user (myself) as nobody
> else uses my laptop or has physical access ever.
> The issue then is that when I come back, and see if I can do anything,
> VoiceOver replies that no windows exist.
> Control-AltF1 says, "Login Window."
> Control-AltF2 says No Windows.
> And, at that point, if I resume VoiceOver, by forcing it to unload and
> reload it says I'm clearly in the "authentication window" by saying:
> "VoiceOver on. Authentication"
> Then speech dies while I'm trying to figure out what to do.
> Typing my username and password are ineffective as this system wide
> lockout screen is in effect. So what am I supposed to do?
> Basicly, I can't enter my password to log back on, and the only
> solution I have is to forcefully cut power to the system instantly.
> Any thoughts are appreciated.
> -- 
> Sincerely,
> Keith
> Home Phone:
> 928-554-3936
> Mobile Phone:
> 928-713-6370
> Primary email:
> -- 
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mac tutorials

2013-03-08 Thread May and Noah
Hi there everyone.

I have a friend that is now using a mac and wants to know if there are any 
tutorials out there for learning the mac os system?

May and Prince Noah

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hello i have some problems

2013-03-08 Thread Abdullah Alsehli
hello i have some problems first i want command to change keyboard  language 
second i want no more about installing apps therd i want complete user guide 
for mac 
best regard abdullah

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Google Groups membership admin

2013-03-08 Thread Chris Blouch
Cara has asked me to help out with getting new member requests approved 
and other administrivia for the group so hopefully we'll get more people 
involved faster. To that end I've approved everyone that seems legit. We 
want to try and keep spambots off the list so one way to tell is what is 
written in the "Reason" field for joining the group. Doesn't have to be 
poetry but many of the bots leave this blank or put in meaningless 
random text that has nothing to do with Macs or voiceover. Those are 
rejected as probably not being real people. That said, if you know of 
somebody who has tried to get on this list and still seems to be waiting 
please let them know since they might have been caught up in the bot 
filter. It's key for them to make some reasonable statement about their 
interest otherwise there's nothing to go on to determine if they are a 
spambot or not.

As an aside, I also noticed that a number of folks on the mailing list 
have their email bouncing (about 5% of the membership). If you just read 
MacVisionaries through the web that's fine, just be sure to stop having 
Google deliver messages to a dead email address.

If you have any questions specific to your account please email me off 
the list so we don't clutter things up. Thanks.


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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Scott Davert
Hi mark.
You're correct. You have to use the SD card, and an SD card reader if
your computer does not have one, to act as the go between in terms of
transfering files to and from the Edge. It doesn't have any internal


On 3/8/13, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
> Hi Scot.
> I know the developer of, if you write me a mail of list
> in which you tells me, from which formats to brf you which to convert, I am
> sure it can be made possible.
> Best regards Annie.
> On Mar 8, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Scott Davert  wrote:
>> Hi Annie.
>> I don't think you can convert files from other formats to brf, but I
>> wish you could. Unless there has been an update since I last used that
>> website back in November?
>> Scott
>> On 3/8/13, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Have you tried
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> On Mar 7, 2013, at 5:27 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:
 I'll second that part about needing to sneaker-net files from the Mac
 PC to the Edge via the SD card.   A while back, I started a thread
 Braille translation, so that I could put grade 2 Braille files on the
 card and sneaker-net them to the Edge for working with.  I never DID
 a way to do that, and the sad thing is that a brute-force approach to
 literary Braille translation is pretty elementary scripting, so
 But, I like that I can use the Edge to open a file on the MBP and
 it for me in Grade II, and I can work with it that way.  There really
 ought to be a way to essentially use the Edge as a card reader.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Donna Goodin
Sorry, Mark, I guess I just assumed that would be the case.



Sent from my iPad

On Mar 8, 2013, at 8:53 AM, Mark Baxter  wrote:

Someone here please correct me if i"m wrong, but the only way to move a file 
from your computer onto the Edge is to take out the SD card, transfer it to an 
independent card reader, whether it be in your computer's structure or a USB 
device, and copy whatever you want onto the card, then replace the card in the 
Edge.  This process is commonly referred to as "sneaker-net."  Sorry if my hip 
speech threw you off there…

Once you've done that, though, the file you have sneaker-netted to your Edge is 
*NOT* a grade II file, but rather a "raw text," file with all special 
characters and whatnot still embedded within it.  The Edge can only handle your 
basic types of text files or BRF files, and won't even recognize or open, say, 
a *.doc or RTF file, unless you rename it to *.txt …

I hope this makes things more clear, and again someone please jump down my 
throat if it's required.  Gently please, I still have my tonsils.

• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
• MSN:
• My home page:

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Re: MAC Air opinions?

2013-03-08 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Phil.
I have the same model here, but only 64 GB of flashdisk space. It
works fine for these tasks, though I don't think I'll try garage band
or any audio production stuff on it. But for browsing the web, reading
email, and iWorks, you'll be fine with that one. I agree with others
who suggest going a bit higher in terms of ram if possible, though I
understand a budget. The way I look at it is that if you pay a bit
more now, you may go much longer without having to get a new machine.


On 3/8/13, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav  wrote:
> Phil,
> You can upgrade the 11in to an i7, just for ref.
> What you have outlined is more than enough to use Safari and iWork
> applications.
> Regards,
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple
> iOS, Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> URL: -
> e-mail: -
> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
> On 6 Mar 2013, at 17:37, Phil Halton  wrote:
>> I'm seriously considering purchasing a MAC Air 11 inch with the only
>> upgrade being a 128 flash drive from the default 64 GB flash drive.
>> It has:
>> 1.7 I5 processor
>> 4GB 1600 MHZ ram
>> 128GB flash drive
>> My questions:
>> is this sufficient to do basic internet, mail etc plus iWork apps like
>> Pages and Numbers? or, do I need a ram upgrade to 8GB? I'm not looking for
>> a power machine, just something to do basic stuff plus simple word
>> processing and spreadsheet during travel.
>> the 13 inch has a 1.8 I5 processor with upgrades to I7 series, but I'm not
>> yet convinced that is necessary for my needs.
>> Any thoughts or ideas, educated or otherwise welcome.
>> --
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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
Yes, it is a true statement that you have to take out the Sd  card. However, 
this is no big deal. You don't have to turn the machine off, and you just press 
on the side of it, and it pops out. Then, you just slip it into your Mac, and 
do whatever you need to do, eject the Sd  card With Command d  and put it back 
in the edge. I'm finding it easier than what I have to do with my PacMate. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 8, 2013, at 11:22 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Sorry, Mark, I guess I just assumed that would be the case.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> Sent from my iPad
> On Mar 8, 2013, at 8:53 AM, Mark Baxter  wrote:
> Someone here please correct me if i"m wrong, but the only way to move a file 
> from your computer onto the Edge is to take out the SD card, transfer it to 
> an independent card reader, whether it be in your computer's structure or a 
> USB device, and copy whatever you want onto the card, then replace the card 
> in the Edge.  This process is commonly referred to as "sneaker-net."  Sorry 
> if my hip speech threw you off there…
> Once you've done that, though, the file you have sneaker-netted to your Edge 
> is *NOT* a grade II file, but rather a "raw text," file with all special 
> characters and whatnot still embedded within it.  The Edge can only handle 
> your basic types of text files or BRF files, and won't even recognize or 
> open, say, a *.doc or RTF file, unless you rename it to *.txt …
> I hope this makes things more clear, and again someone please jump down my 
> throat if it's required.  Gently please, I still have my tonsils.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hey Donna
Do you have a MacBook Pro? Because if you do, you already have a slot. I did 
not know that until I went to buy my  braille edge, and the gentleman there in 
Fordney that I could do that.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 8, 2013, at 11:18 AM, Scott Davert  wrote:

> Hi mark.
> You're correct. You have to use the SD card, and an SD card reader if
> your computer does not have one, to act as the go between in terms of
> transfering files to and from the Edge. It doesn't have any internal
> storage.
> Scott
> On 3/8/13, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>> Hi Scot.
>> I know the developer of, if you write me a mail of list
>> in which you tells me, from which formats to brf you which to convert, I am
>> sure it can be made possible.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> On Mar 8, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Scott Davert  wrote:
>>> Hi Annie.
>>> I don't think you can convert files from other formats to brf, but I
>>> wish you could. Unless there has been an update since I last used that
>>> website back in November?
>>> Scott
>>> On 3/8/13, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
 Have you tried
 Best regards Annie.
 On Mar 7, 2013, at 5:27 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:
> I'll second that part about needing to sneaker-net files from the Mac
> or
> PC to the Edge via the SD card.   A while back, I started a thread
> about
> Braille translation, so that I could put grade 2 Braille files on the
> SD
> card and sneaker-net them to the Edge for working with.  I never DID
> find
> a way to do that, and the sad thing is that a brute-force approach to
> literary Braille translation is pretty elementary scripting, so
> whatever.
> But, I like that I can use the Edge to open a file on the MBP and
> display
> it for me in Grade II, and I can work with it that way.  There really
> ought to be a way to essentially use the Edge as a card reader.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Mark Baxter
It's not that it's hard to do.  The PacMate you can at least Bluetooth transfer 
your files from one to the other, or transfer via the USB bus.  I'm trying to 
sell my PacMate actually.  It's just the principle of the thing--in this day 
and age, it makes no sense to have to sneaker-net files or whatever when so 
many other sharing options exist. 

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi again
Well, maybe this is a personal thing, but I have found sinking some of these 
devices to be a real pain. I have crashed that sinking program several times, 
and I got tired of it. That's when I started doing transfer of files onto thumb 
drives or something else besides syncing. Therefore, I just assume these 
braille devices didn't offer sinking, or if they do, that you can easily get 
around it without doing it. Maybe it's just me.
Regards, Gigi

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 8, 2013, at 12:40 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:

> It's not that it's hard to do.  The PacMate you can at least Bluetooth 
> transfer your files from one to the other, or transfer via the USB bus.  I'm 
> trying to sell my PacMate actually.  It's just the principle of the thing--in 
> this day and age, it makes no sense to have to sneaker-net files or whatever 
> when so many other sharing options exist. 
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Donna
Yes indeed you can read BRL files or BRF  files on the braille edge. I have 
several of them on my storage card that I downloaded from web braille. You 
might be able to copy them directly onto the storage card when you're 
downloading with your Mac, but I have a tried That yet. I don't know if the Mac 
will allow me to do it.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 8, 2013, at 3:11 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> OK, so if I understand correctly, you can't move a txt file onto the unit and 
> then translate it, is that correct?  But you can move a grade-2 file on to 
> the unit and read it?
> The case thing doesn't bother me quite so much, but I would like to be able 
> to put books in BRF format on the Edge and read them.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Mar 7, 2013, at 9:03 AM, Scott Davert  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> 2 things here: I think the OnHand issue with the Mac is one related to
>> the way the Apple driver handles this particular display.
>> Donna: the one issue I have, and this is supposedly going to be fixed
>> in the upcoming firmware release, is that you cannot read text files
>> in contracted braille when loading them on the SD card that comes with
>> the Edge. Also, the case is not designed for portable use. What I mean
>> is that you can't just have the case open and type with the display in
>> the case. You pretty much have to take the Edge out and set it down
>> somewhere. Other than these 2 things, I have absolutely no complaints.
>> Solidly built hardware with lots of great features! I've had mine for
>> almost 6 months.
>> Scott
>> On 3/7/13, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> No, I have not noticed having any wordwrap issues. However, I must admit I
>>> haven't usually used my braille display to read emails. Therefore, I will
>>> try it tomorrow and see what I can see.
>>> I use my mostly in TextEdit.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 6, 2013, at 8:57 PM, Lisette Wesseling 
>>> wrote:
 Have those of you using Hims braille displays with your Mac noticed any
 word wrap issues? When I pair my BS On Hand with my Mac, it's really
 disappointing. I can only read the first half of each line, no matter
 which display panning buttons I use. If I move the keyboard to the second
 half of the line, the braille shows correctly. But I can't pan the display
 and read a whole email without using the keyboard to move the braille
 Word wrap is set to on and the Mac sees it as a Braille Sense On Hand. I'm
 wondering if it's something to do with the shorter display length.
 On 7/03/2013, at 3:09 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Thanks for this.  I'm familiar with the commands as I used to pair with
> my Braille Sense Plus, though I'm sure a review will be in order.  :)  I
> thought that the Edge would be a nice product, so it's good to hear that
> you are using it successfully.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Mar 6, 2013, at 9:11 AM, Mark Baxter  wrote:
>> I use my Edge with b both Ipad and Macbook Pro15 quite successfully.  It
>> allows me to do fine editing and acts as a BT keyboard when I need one.
>> I haven't had any problems, but my one suggestion is that you go through
>> and memorize or customize what all the chorded Braille display
>> keystrokes do in VO.  They can be found in Vo Utilities, Commanders,
>> Braille, and will be easy to find once you pair it.  Let me know if I
>> can help further.
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
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Re: Unable to view status updates on Facebook's mobile site

2013-03-08 Thread Rahul Bajaj
On 08/03/2013, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Whenever I go to and click on 'see more stories' on the
> home page, the page that appears doesn't show any option to view
> status updates.
> Earlier, it used to give you an option to view status updates or photos.
> I've been facing this problem for the last couple of days.
> I use on my Mac by selecting Firefox from the develop menu.
> Cheers,
> Rahul

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Re: hello i have some problems

2013-03-08 Thread Esther
Hi Abdullah,

I'll try to answer your questions.  The default shortcut to change
keyboard languages, if you have more than one language keyboard set up
for your Mac, is Command-space.  There isn't a complete user guide for
Mac, but the VoiceOver Getting Started Guide on your Mac has useful
sections on learning Mac OS X Basics and Using Mac OS X Applications.
You can access an HTML copy of the VoiceOver Getting Started Guide by
pressing VO-H (that's Control-Option-H), and navigating to the bottom
of the menu.  If you're using OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, you can also
read that guide on the web in various language.  Here are the URLs for
English and Arabic:
• VoiceOver Getting Started Guide, Mountain Lion (English)
• VoiceOver Getting Started Guide, Mountain Lion (Arabic)
If you are looking for a different language manual, please ask.  You
can also get and RTF version of this user guide, in English only, from
the Documentation page of John Panarese's Mac for the Blind web site:

For some general notes on switching to the Mac from Windows, the
AppleVis Guides pages have a useful post by David Woodbridge:
• A Guide to Making the Switch from Using a Windows Screen Reader to
VoiceOver on a Mac:

You can install applications either by using the Mac App Store, or by
separately downloading and installing third party apps.  A good place
to find third party apps for the Mac is the MacUpdate site -- just do
a Google search for the app name along with "macupdate".  Most Mac
apps are installed by simply copying the application bundle to your
Applications folder, and are deleted by moving that application to the
Trash.  A few applications that need to take control of other apps in
order to run will come with installers as in Windows, and should also
be removed by running an uninstalled from the same app.  Installing
apps with either method requires you to use an Administrator's
password to authorize the installation.  A common file format used for
application installations is a disk image file, with ".dmg" extension.
These files mount on your system like external disk drives, which give
them special privileges that make the installation process more
transparent.  After you copy the application bundle from the disk
image file to your applications folder, you can eject the disk image
file with Command-E, and then send it to the Trash.  Another common
file format used for distributing applications is the zip format.
Again, you move the unzipped application to your Applications folder,
and move it to the Trash if you want to uninstall it.  This covers
most of the general information about applications.  If you have more
questions, you'll have to provide a more specific answer.  For
example, it may be possible that installing a particular application
will require you to temporarily disable the Gatekeeper software that
is used with Mountain Lion.  This will not be necessary for apps
installed from the Mac App Store, all of which have the developer's
authentication.  It may not be necessary for other third party
software, depending on the source.  But this is something new, and
specific to Mountain Lion's additional security precautions that you
may need to deal with for specific, third party software sources.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Mar 8, 6:40 am, Abdullah Alsehli  wrote:
> hello i have some problems first i want command to change keyboard  language 
> second i want no more about installing apps therd i want complete user guide 
> for mac
> best regard abdullah

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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-08 Thread Georgina Joyce

Hello Mary,

Yes, I think when you select which device to send the book to, a key / 
torrent type file is sent to that device. Amazon encourage you to load 
the application from their website so that is seemless. When the 
application is opened it lists the book. Then it's for the application 
to pull the book down, providing all the authenticity checks have passed.

I observed this when I purchased a number of books. I had opened the PC 
Kindle application and cursored through my library. All my books were 
there. But when I asked DRM removal to remove DRM from all the files in 
"My Kindle Content" folder it only found the one book I had actually 
opened. I went back into the application and opened the other books and 
the removal software then found them all.

It could be that there were connection issues which just coincided with 
my activity. But I just rationalised Amazon's paranoia was at work. It 
would make sense that as a final check, that the device receiving the 
file is a preregistered device as you are entitled to have your content 
on more than one device.


On 08/03/2013 01:32, Mary Otten wrote:

Hi Gina,

That has not been my experience with the Kindle app, that you must select the 
book in order for it to download fully. I've just opened the Kindle app on the 
Mac and let it hang out for a bit, then my sighted spouse comes in, opens 
Caliber and does his thing. I use to have the Kindle for pc app, which did have 
some rudimentary accessibility. And with that app too, all I had to do was buy 
a book, tell Amazon to direct it to my kindle for pc app, open the app and 
presto, it would show up in the library and could be opened. I've read kindle 
books that have been drm stripped on my iPad, and they weren't cut off in the 
middle. So perhaps this has changed regarding the need to actually focus on the 
book in the application before it completely downloads.


Mary Otten

"If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives 
outside the box" Barbara Otto

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Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all this info about the braille 
Edge.  I hadn't realized that it had no internal storage.  That's not a deal 
breaker, but it's good to know going in.

Thanks again, it's great to be on a list with so many helpful and knowledgeable 
Take care,
On Mar 8, 2013, at 12:52 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi Donna
> Yes indeed you can read BRL files or BRF  files on the braille edge. I have 
> several of them on my storage card that I downloaded from web braille. You 
> might be able to copy them directly onto the storage card when you're 
> downloading with your Mac, but I have a tried That yet. I don't know if the 
> Mac will allow me to do it.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 8, 2013, at 3:11 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> OK, so if I understand correctly, you can't move a txt file onto the unit 
>> and then translate it, is that correct?  But you can move a grade-2 file on 
>> to the unit and read it?
>> The case thing doesn't bother me quite so much, but I would like to be able 
>> to put books in BRF format on the Edge and read them.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 7, 2013, at 9:03 AM, Scott Davert  wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> 2 things here: I think the OnHand issue with the Mac is one related to
>>> the way the Apple driver handles this particular display.
>>> Donna: the one issue I have, and this is supposedly going to be fixed
>>> in the upcoming firmware release, is that you cannot read text files
>>> in contracted braille when loading them on the SD card that comes with
>>> the Edge. Also, the case is not designed for portable use. What I mean
>>> is that you can't just have the case open and type with the display in
>>> the case. You pretty much have to take the Edge out and set it down
>>> somewhere. Other than these 2 things, I have absolutely no complaints.
>>> Solidly built hardware with lots of great features! I've had mine for
>>> almost 6 months.
>>> Scott
>>> On 3/7/13, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 No, I have not noticed having any wordwrap issues. However, I must admit I
 haven't usually used my braille display to read emails. Therefore, I will
 try it tomorrow and see what I can see.
 I use my mostly in TextEdit.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Mar 6, 2013, at 8:57 PM, Lisette Wesseling 
> Hi
> Have those of you using Hims braille displays with your Mac noticed any
> word wrap issues? When I pair my BS On Hand with my Mac, it's really
> disappointing. I can only read the first half of each line, no matter
> which display panning buttons I use. If I move the keyboard to the second
> half of the line, the braille shows correctly. But I can't pan the display
> and read a whole email without using the keyboard to move the braille
> along.
> Word wrap is set to on and the Mac sees it as a Braille Sense On Hand. I'm
> wondering if it's something to do with the shorter display length.
> Lisette
> On 7/03/2013, at 3:09 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> Thanks for this.  I'm familiar with the commands as I used to pair with
>> my Braille Sense Plus, though I'm sure a review will be in order.  :)  I
>> thought that the Edge would be a nice product, so it's good to hear that
>> you are using it successfully.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 6, 2013, at 9:11 AM, Mark Baxter  wrote:
>>> I use my Edge with b both Ipad and Macbook Pro15 quite successfully.  It
>>> allows me to do fine editing and acts as a BT keyboard when I need one.
>>> I haven't had any problems, but my one suggestion is that you go through
>>> and memorize or customize what all the chorded Braille display
>>> keystrokes do in VO.  They can be found in Vo Utilities, Commanders,
>>> Braille, and will be easy to find once you pair it.  Let me know if I
>>> can help further.
>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> • MSN:
>>> • My home page:
>>> •
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Re: Command set for bluetooth keyboard and iPhone

2013-03-08 Thread Phil Halton
Thanks Colin, very useful stuff.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Red.Falcon 
  Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 11:20 AM
  Subject: Re: Command set for bluetooth keyboard and iPhone

  Here is a list!

  General navigation

  VO + left or right
  Select previous or next item
  VO + up or down
  Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
  VO + Space
  Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
  VO + H
  Go to home screen
  VO + H 2 times
  Open/close multitask pane
  Go back, cancel, close pop-up
  Cmd + Tab
  Switch to next app or hold Shift for previous
  VO + A
  Read all from first object in selected area
  VO + B
  Read all from selected item
  VO + M
  Move to status bar
  VO + I
  Open Item Chooser for current area
  VO + F
  Search and go to match with Enter
  VO + G
  Next search match, hold Shift for previous
  Handling VoiceOver

  Pause/resume speech
  VO + S
  Toggle speech off/on
  VO + Shift + S
  Toggle Screen Curtain on/off
  VO + Cmd + up or down
  Adjust the selected speech rotor option
  VO + Cmd + left or right
  Change the speech rotor setting
  VO + /
  Add label to selected item
  VO + K
  Start VoiceOver training, Escape to exit
  Quick Nav Commands

  Turn on "Quick Nav" to use these commands by pressing left + right

  up + down
  Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
  left or right
  Selects the previous or next item
  up or down
  Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
  up + left or right
  Change to next or previous rotor setting
  Option + left or right
  Move to next or previous horizontal screen/page
  Option + up or down
  Move/scroll up or down the screen/page
  Control + up or down
  Select the first or last item in the area
  Control + left or right
  Go to next or previous container/area
  Safari Web Shortcuts

  Hold Shift for previous

  Next heading
  1 to 6
  Next respective heading level 1–6
  Next link
  Next text element
  Next landmark
  Next text field
  Next list
  Next table
  Next element of same type
  Next image
  Next button
  Next form element
  Text Field Commands

  You must have "Quick Nav" off to use these commands.

  When moving cursor, hold Shift to select/deselect text

  left or right
  Move cursor by character
  up or down
  Move cursor by row
  Option+ left or right
  Move cursor by word
  Control or Cmd + left or right
  Move cursor by phrase
  Cmd + A
  Select all
  Cmd + C
  Copy selection
  Cmd + X
  Cut selection
  Cmd + V
  Cmd + Z
  Undo. Note: you can also shake the device
  Cmd + Shift + Z
  Redo. Note: you can also shake the device
  Show/hide screen keyboard
  Other Keyboard Action

  VO + -
  Preforms special action
  Cmd + Space
  Change language keyboard layout
  Decrease screen brightness
  Increase screen brightness
  Previous song
  Pause/resume song
  Next song
  Mute sound
  Decrease volume
  Increase volume

  HTH colin

  On 7 Mar 2013, at 15:33, Phil Halton  wrote:

I'm probably going to buy an Apple bluetooth keyboard to use as input 
device to my iPhone for notetaking on the road. Do I use the keyboard much the 
same as I would if typing into the MAC? you know, VO commands etc? Is there a 
listing anywhere of special commands and function key assignments for use with 
an IOS device?

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Truncated Braille in Adobe Digital Editions

2013-03-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

I have a couple of electronic public-library books that I would love to read in 
Braille. I can read them with speech just fine, but the Braille on each page 
gets chopped off unpredictably. Has anyone figured out how to work around this? 
Is there possibly another app I could use on either my Mac or my IPod Touch 4th 
gen? I've tried Overdrive Console on my iThingie, but it kicks me out and 
doesn't track well.


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Pairing apple bluetooth keyboard with iPhone4

2013-03-08 Thread Phil Halton
Only one question about this process:

is the number that appears on the iPhone to be typed into the keyboard 
Is there any part of the pairing process that poses a problem for VoiceOver 
Well, I guess that's more like two questions.

Thinking about picking one up soon for iPhone notetaking.

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Re: Command set for bluetooth keyboard and iPhone

2013-03-08 Thread Donna Goodin
Hey Colin,

Having just started using an iPad with a BT keyboard, I want to add my thanks.  
I had these written down somewhere, but we just moved two weeks ago, and I 
haven't yet found them.  One question, is there a command for moving to the 
On Mar 8, 2013, at 5:38 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> Thanks Colin, very useful stuff.
> - Original Message -
> From: Red.Falcon
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 11:20 AM
> Subject: Re: Command set for bluetooth keyboard and iPhone
> Here is a list!
> General navigation
> Keys 
> Action
> VO + left or right
> Select previous or next item
> VO + up or down
> Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
> VO + Space
> Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
> VO + H
> Go to home screen
> VO + H 2 times
> Open/close multitask pane
> Escape
> Go back, cancel, close pop-up
> Cmd + Tab
> Switch to next app or hold Shift for previous
> VO + A
> Read all from first object in selected area
> VO + B
> Read all from selected item
> VO + M
> Move to status bar
> VO + I
> Open Item Chooser for current area
> VO + F
> Search and go to match with Enter
> VO + G
> Next search match, hold Shift for previous
> Handling VoiceOver
> Keys
> Action
> Control
> Pause/resume speech
> VO + S
> Toggle speech off/on
> VO + Shift + S
> Toggle Screen Curtain on/off
> VO + Cmd + up or down
> Adjust the selected speech rotor option
> VO + Cmd + left or right
> Change the speech rotor setting
> VO + /
> Add label to selected item
> VO + K
> Start VoiceOver training, Escape to exit
> Quick Nav Commands
> Turn on "Quick Nav" to use these commands by pressing left + right
> Keys
> Action
> up + down
> Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
> left or right
> Selects the previous or next item
> up or down
> Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
> up + left or right
> Change to next or previous rotor setting
> Option + left or right
> Move to next or previous horizontal screen/page
> Option + up or down
> Move/scroll up or down the screen/page
> Control + up or down
> Select the first or last item in the area
> Control + left or right
> Go to next or previous container/area
> Safari Web Shortcuts
> Hold Shift for previous
> Keys
> Action
> H
> Next heading
> 1 to 6
> Next respective heading level 1–6
> L
> Next link
> S
> Next text element
> W
> Next landmark
> R
> Next text field
> X
> Next list
> T
> Next table
> M
> Next element of same type
> I
> Next image
> B
> Next button
> C
> Next form element
> Text Field Commands
> You must have "Quick Nav" off to use these commands.
> When moving cursor, hold Shift to select/deselect text
> Keys
> Action
> left or right
> Move cursor by character
> up or down
> Move cursor by row
> Option+ left or right
> Move cursor by word
> Control or Cmd + left or right
> Move cursor by phrase
> Cmd + A
> Select all
> Cmd + C
> Copy selection
> Cmd + X
> Cut selection
> Cmd + V
> Paste
> Cmd + Z
> Undo. Note: you can also shake the device
> Cmd + Shift + Z
> Redo. Note: you can also shake the device
> Eject
> Show/hide screen keyboard
> Other Keyboard Action
> Keys
> Action
> VO + -
> Preforms special action
> Cmd + Space
> Change language keyboard layout
> F1
> Decrease screen brightness
> F2
> Increase screen brightness
> F7
> Previous song
> F8
> Pause/resume song
> F9
> Next song
> F10
> Mute sound
> F11
> Decrease volume
> F12
> Increase volume
> HTH colin
> On 7 Mar 2013, at 15:33, Phil Halton  wrote:
>> I'm probably going to buy an Apple bluetooth keyboard to use as input device 
>> to my iPhone for notetaking on the road. Do I use the keyboard much the same 
>> as I would if typing into the MAC? you know, VO commands etc? Is there a 
>> listing anywhere of special commands and function key assignments for use 
>> with an IOS device?
>> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Pairing apple bluetooth keyboard with iPhone4

2013-03-08 Thread Donna Goodin
I just did this with an iPad, and the number was completely accessible.
On Mar 8, 2013, at 8:06 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> Only one question about this process:
> is the number that appears on the iPhone to be typed into the keyboard 
> accessible?
> Is there any part of the pairing process that poses a problem for VoiceOver 
> users?
> Well, I guess that's more like two questions.
> Thinking about picking one up soon for iPhone notetaking.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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one more Braille Edge question

2013-03-08 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I have one last Braille Edge question.

If I'm reading a book on my Braille Edge, and stop and exit the file, will it 
save my place?

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Re: one more Braille Edge question

2013-03-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Donna
The simple answer to your question is yes. The name of the program where you 
read files etc. is called, believe it or not, notepad. If however you are using 
your Mac, in terminal mode, you have to exit notepad to use the braille Edge 
omn the Mac. But, if you're using the umbrella edge to read your book and you 
turn it off or go into another file, when you come back to Your book file, you 
would be in the same place. You can also elect to use read only mode to read 
your book. I don't bother to do that, because when you exit a file, it ask you 
if you want to safe. If you've accidentally put in some spaces, you can just 
tell it know.


Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 8, 2013, at 8:17 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have one last Braille Edge question.
> If I'm reading a book on my Braille Edge, and stop and exit the file, will it 
> save my place?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: Pairing apple bluetooth keyboard with iPhone4

2013-03-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
You shouldn't have any problem parent with your Bluetooth device. I work got to 
work just fine. I have done it with the Bluetooth keyboard and also with my 
braille display.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 8, 2013, at 8:06 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> Only one question about this process:
> is the number that appears on the iPhone to be typed into the keyboard 
> accessible?
> Is there any part of the pairing process that poses a problem for VoiceOver 
> users?
> Well, I guess that's more like two questions.
> Thinking about picking one up soon for iPhone notetaking.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
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Re: 1 Password again

2013-03-08 Thread Rod Skene
After the desired webpage opens, I sometimes have to command tab Back to one 
password and leave the webpage open. Then, option command return again and that 
usually works for me.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

On 07/03/2013, at 4:47 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Hello listers,
> I almost hate to post on this subject as I got blasted the last time but I am 
> still having some difficulties with 1 Password.  Let me see if I can explain 
> what is happening.
> I cannot seem to get the program to auto submit my saved log in information 
> for a particular site. I have several of my accounts set up inside of 1 
> Password and upon successfully logging into the program I then go to the log 
> ins table, and focus on the item that I want to log into, then I press the 
> keyboard combination
> of option, command return which is followed by Voice Over saying Auto Fill in 
> Browser. 
> At this point Safari will open to the desired website but I will only be on 
> the page in which I need to enter in my log in info. Am I wrong for thinking 
> that the program should log me into the site upon pressing the keyboard 
> command, or am I mistaken?
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Scott
> -- 
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Re: Pairing apple bluetooth keyboard with iPhone4

2013-03-08 Thread Kerri
Yes it is. I have this exact keyboard and iPhone 4.
On 2013-03-08, at 6:06 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> Only one question about this process:
> is the number that appears on the iPhone to be typed into the keyboard 
> accessible?
> Is there any part of the pairing process that poses a problem for VoiceOver 
> users?
> Well, I guess that's more like two questions.
> Thinking about picking one up soon for iPhone notetaking.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Command set for bluetooth keyboard and iPhone

2013-03-08 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Donna,

Yes. When on the home screen, pressing control right arrow will bring you into 
the dock.  This command allows you to navigate to different containers.  On the 
home screen on the iPad you have 2.  The space with your apps and folders, and 
the dock.


Ricardo Walker

On Mar 8, 2013, at 9:05 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hey Colin,
> Having just started using an iPad with a BT keyboard, I want to add my 
> thanks.  I had these written down somewhere, but we just moved two weeks ago, 
> and I haven't yet found them.  One question, is there a command for moving to 
> the dock?
> thanks,
> Donna
> On Mar 8, 2013, at 5:38 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:
>> Thanks Colin, very useful stuff.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Red.Falcon
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 11:20 AM
>> Subject: Re: Command set for bluetooth keyboard and iPhone
>> Here is a list!
>> General navigation
>> Keys 
>> Action
>> VO + left or right
>> Select previous or next item
>> VO + up or down
>> Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
>> VO + Space
>> Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
>> VO + H
>> Go to home screen
>> VO + H 2 times
>> Open/close multitask pane
>> Escape
>> Go back, cancel, close pop-up
>> Cmd + Tab
>> Switch to next app or hold Shift for previous
>> VO + A
>> Read all from first object in selected area
>> VO + B
>> Read all from selected item
>> VO + M
>> Move to status bar
>> VO + I
>> Open Item Chooser for current area
>> VO + F
>> Search and go to match with Enter
>> VO + G
>> Next search match, hold Shift for previous
>> Handling VoiceOver
>> Keys
>> Action
>> Control
>> Pause/resume speech
>> VO + S
>> Toggle speech off/on
>> VO + Shift + S
>> Toggle Screen Curtain on/off
>> VO + Cmd + up or down
>> Adjust the selected speech rotor option
>> VO + Cmd + left or right
>> Change the speech rotor setting
>> VO + /
>> Add label to selected item
>> VO + K
>> Start VoiceOver training, Escape to exit
>> Quick Nav Commands
>> Turn on "Quick Nav" to use these commands by pressing left + right
>> Keys
>> Action
>> up + down
>> Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
>> left or right
>> Selects the previous or next item
>> up or down
>> Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
>> up + left or right
>> Change to next or previous rotor setting
>> Option + left or right
>> Move to next or previous horizontal screen/page
>> Option + up or down
>> Move/scroll up or down the screen/page
>> Control + up or down
>> Select the first or last item in the area
>> Control + left or right
>> Go to next or previous container/area
>> Safari Web Shortcuts
>> Hold Shift for previous
>> Keys
>> Action
>> H
>> Next heading
>> 1 to 6
>> Next respective heading level 1–6
>> L
>> Next link
>> S
>> Next text element
>> W
>> Next landmark
>> R
>> Next text field
>> X
>> Next list
>> T
>> Next table
>> M
>> Next element of same type
>> I
>> Next image
>> B
>> Next button
>> C
>> Next form element
>> Text Field Commands
>> You must have "Quick Nav" off to use these commands.
>> When moving cursor, hold Shift to select/deselect text
>> Keys
>> Action
>> left or right
>> Move cursor by character
>> up or down
>> Move cursor by row
>> Option+ left or right
>> Move cursor by word
>> Control or Cmd + left or right
>> Move cursor by phrase
>> Cmd + A
>> Select all
>> Cmd + C
>> Copy selection
>> Cmd + X
>> Cut selection
>> Cmd + V
>> Paste
>> Cmd + Z
>> Undo. Note: you can also shake the device
>> Cmd + Shift + Z
>> Redo. Note: you can also shake the device
>> Eject
>> Show/hide screen keyboard
>> Other Keyboard Action
>> Keys
>> Action
>> VO + -
>> Preforms special action
>> Cmd + Space
>> Change language keyboard layout
>> F1
>> Decrease screen brightness
>> F2
>> Increase screen brightness
>> F7
>> Previous song
>> F8
>> Pause/resume song
>> F9
>> Next song
>> F10
>> Mute sound
>> F11
>> Decrease volume
>> F12
>> Increase volume
>> HTH colin
>> On 7 Mar 2013, at 15:33, Phil Halton  wrote:
>>> I'm probably going to buy an Apple bluetooth keyboard to use as input 
>>> device to my iPhone for notetaking on the road. Do I use the keyboard much 
>>> the same as I would if typing into the MAC? you know, VO commands etc? Is 
>>> there a listing anywhere of special commands and function key assignments 
>>> for use with an IOS device?
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
>>> For more options, visit

Re: Command set for bluetooth keyboard and iPhone

2013-03-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

Forgot to mention, quick nav needs to be on for that command to work.  
Honestly, I have quick nav on like 90% of the time on my BT keyboard paired to 
my IOS devices.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 8, 2013, at 9:05 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hey Colin,
> Having just started using an iPad with a BT keyboard, I want to add my 
> thanks.  I had these written down somewhere, but we just moved two weeks ago, 
> and I haven't yet found them.  One question, is there a command for moving to 
> the dock?
> thanks,
> Donna
> On Mar 8, 2013, at 5:38 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:
>> Thanks Colin, very useful stuff.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Red.Falcon
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 11:20 AM
>> Subject: Re: Command set for bluetooth keyboard and iPhone
>> Here is a list!
>> General navigation
>> Keys 
>> Action
>> VO + left or right
>> Select previous or next item
>> VO + up or down
>> Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
>> VO + Space
>> Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
>> VO + H
>> Go to home screen
>> VO + H 2 times
>> Open/close multitask pane
>> Escape
>> Go back, cancel, close pop-up
>> Cmd + Tab
>> Switch to next app or hold Shift for previous
>> VO + A
>> Read all from first object in selected area
>> VO + B
>> Read all from selected item
>> VO + M
>> Move to status bar
>> VO + I
>> Open Item Chooser for current area
>> VO + F
>> Search and go to match with Enter
>> VO + G
>> Next search match, hold Shift for previous
>> Handling VoiceOver
>> Keys
>> Action
>> Control
>> Pause/resume speech
>> VO + S
>> Toggle speech off/on
>> VO + Shift + S
>> Toggle Screen Curtain on/off
>> VO + Cmd + up or down
>> Adjust the selected speech rotor option
>> VO + Cmd + left or right
>> Change the speech rotor setting
>> VO + /
>> Add label to selected item
>> VO + K
>> Start VoiceOver training, Escape to exit
>> Quick Nav Commands
>> Turn on "Quick Nav" to use these commands by pressing left + right
>> Keys
>> Action
>> up + down
>> Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
>> left or right
>> Selects the previous or next item
>> up or down
>> Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
>> up + left or right
>> Change to next or previous rotor setting
>> Option + left or right
>> Move to next or previous horizontal screen/page
>> Option + up or down
>> Move/scroll up or down the screen/page
>> Control + up or down
>> Select the first or last item in the area
>> Control + left or right
>> Go to next or previous container/area
>> Safari Web Shortcuts
>> Hold Shift for previous
>> Keys
>> Action
>> H
>> Next heading
>> 1 to 6
>> Next respective heading level 1–6
>> L
>> Next link
>> S
>> Next text element
>> W
>> Next landmark
>> R
>> Next text field
>> X
>> Next list
>> T
>> Next table
>> M
>> Next element of same type
>> I
>> Next image
>> B
>> Next button
>> C
>> Next form element
>> Text Field Commands
>> You must have "Quick Nav" off to use these commands.
>> When moving cursor, hold Shift to select/deselect text
>> Keys
>> Action
>> left or right
>> Move cursor by character
>> up or down
>> Move cursor by row
>> Option+ left or right
>> Move cursor by word
>> Control or Cmd + left or right
>> Move cursor by phrase
>> Cmd + A
>> Select all
>> Cmd + C
>> Copy selection
>> Cmd + X
>> Cut selection
>> Cmd + V
>> Paste
>> Cmd + Z
>> Undo. Note: you can also shake the device
>> Cmd + Shift + Z
>> Redo. Note: you can also shake the device
>> Eject
>> Show/hide screen keyboard
>> Other Keyboard Action
>> Keys
>> Action
>> VO + -
>> Preforms special action
>> Cmd + Space
>> Change language keyboard layout
>> F1
>> Decrease screen brightness
>> F2
>> Increase screen brightness
>> F7
>> Previous song
>> F8
>> Pause/resume song
>> F9
>> Next song
>> F10
>> Mute sound
>> F11
>> Decrease volume
>> F12
>> Increase volume
>> HTH colin
>> On 7 Mar 2013, at 15:33, Phil Halton  wrote:
>>> I'm probably going to buy an Apple bluetooth keyboard to use as input 
>>> device to my iPhone for notetaking on the road. Do I use the keyboard much 
>>> the same as I would if typing into the MAC? you know, VO commands etc? Is 
>>> there a listing anywhere of special commands and function key assignments 
>>> for use with an IOS device?
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
>>> For more options, visit
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisi