Re: Reading epub drm protected books from kobo and similar with voiceover

2013-03-04 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Dear Lisette and Esther,

Thank you very much for the explanations and tips regarding reading drm 
protected ebooks on the mac and idevices. Do you know whether I can use the 
kobo app with my iPad 2?

Also, I've been having lots of crashes of Voiceover in adobe digital edition 
when trying to interact with the page that's currently being read. Reading the 
archives of the list in googlegroups regarding adobe digital edition, I can see 
that others have had a similar experience. I must admit that the inability of 
reading by line is a definite drawback especially with academic books but 
thanks Esther for the tip of copying a whole page spoken with vo+shift+c and 
pasting it into a text reader for more detailed examination. It is a solution 
for now. I'm delighted though that adobe digital solution has been improved.

With many thanks again.

On 3 Mar 2013, at 20:13, wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
> how do I turn off "1 row added" in voiceover? [3 Updates]
> Getting email to sink up [2 Updates]
> Turning RTF into a navigable Epub [1 Update]
> MLB spring training games [8 Updates]
> Keyboard toggle between 2 keyboards [1 Update]
> VoiceOver and HTML [1 Update]
> How to open a .bin file. [1 Update]
> Handbreak Settings [2 Updates]
> Arrangement Track in GarageBand [1 Update]
> Crashing Chrome with Chromevox [1 Update]
> Reading epub drm protected books from kobo and similar with voiceover [4 
> Updates]
>  how do I turn off "1 row added" in voiceover?
> Eric Oyen  Mar 02 08:34PM -0700  
> hey guys,
> I keep getting the "1 row added" indication in mail (and other appps). this 
> is rather annoying and interrupts my reading an email or tweet. it means that 
> I have to go back and start reading it again. any way to turn this off?
> -eric
> Danny Noonan  Mar 03 09:47PM +1100  
> You write to apple and hope your request is the one they listen too. There 
> are a few things like this that should be easily turned off in verbosetey but 
> never seem to be addressed. 
> The more of us write to apple, the more chance something will finally be done 
> about this and other such issues. 
> Danny. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> Eric Oyen  Mar 03 12:53PM -0700  
> there is a problem sending mail to apple. their support email isn't monitored 
> and they respond that I should use the web interface. that leads me in 
> circles. so, which address should I use?
> -eric
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:47 AM, Danny Noonan wrote:
>  Getting email to sink up
> "Jed Barton"  Mar 02 05:57PM -0500  
> Hey guys,
> OK, I'm hoping someone can help me out.
> I wanna get my email to sink with my iphone, but appear to be having some
> imap and setting issues between my mac and iphone. Is anyone around
> tonight, to perhaps get on skype and go through some settings?
> Thanks,
> Jed
> "Jonathan C. Cohn"  Mar 03 02:30PM -0500  
> Did you get any help?
> Sent from my iPhone
>  Turning RTF into a navigable Epub
> Jane  Mar 03 01:42PM -0500  
> I have an RTF file that I want to convert into an iBook with proper chapter 
> and sections that I can navigate to from the table of contents. How do I set 
> this up in TextEdit before I export to epub? Or do I need to use Pages for 
> this? What tips or suggestions do you have?
> Since I don't want to clog the list with replies, please email me off-list at:
> Much appreciated!
> Jane
>  MLB spring training games
> Mar 02 05:33PM -0600  
> I quit messing with the spring-training games on my computer years ago. I use 
> the app. Much easier to navigate.
> Pam Francis
> On Mar 2, 2013, at 3:00 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> Dano what to tell you. The player is in flash and won't even show up on your 
> computer unless you have flash installed. our feelings about it make no 
> difference one way or the other, but at least there are hotkeys, as well as a 
> stand alone version with accessible controls, and the audio quality is a 
> significant improvement over the old silverlite version. may'z well not wine 
> about it and get on with the game.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
> ontario disability support program at
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> -- 
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Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue with VoiceOver on iPhone

2013-03-04 Thread Sean Paul
So, would you complain if it wasn't spoken at all? I'd bet you would. Isn't 
it a good thing that we get caller ID at all? I mean? Seriously?
- Original Message - 
From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 15:54
Subject: Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue 
with VoiceOver on iPhone


Not to sound discouraging but, I honestly don't know how many really share 
this concern.  I'm not so sure it's unavoidable either.  One could mute 
speech with a 3 finger double tap when not in use or, turn Voiceover off all 
together with a 3 triple press of home, and turn either back on when 
receiving an incoming call or, just want access to the phone.  You could 
even turn down the volume of voiceover so it would be hard to hear if not 
holding the device in your hand.  But I must say, of all bugs I want fixed, 
or features I want to see added, This wouldn't even make my top 10.

But, who knows?  I might be in the minority on this topic.  Hopefully your 
message will urge others with the same concerns to contact Apple about it.


Ricardo Walker

On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:28 PM, Emrah  wrote:

Hi list,

I remember reporting this a while ago to Apple Accessibility… To no avail.
VoiceOver users have an unavoidable privacy issue: the automatic 
announcement of the caller ID of an incoming call.
It should be possible to make this optional, with the ability to manually 
interrogate the screen to know who is calling.

Moreover, why is it that when we have a headphone connected, the caller ID 
is still spoken out loud through the speakerphone?

What do we have to do for Apple to take this into consideration? A 

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Re: moving to the top of message list in mail

2013-03-04 Thread Donna Goodin
When I use Go to Beginning, I am taken to the ToolBar.  When I use Go to Top of 
Window, I'm taken to the Close button.  any thoughts what I might be doing 
On Mar 3, 2013, at 9:13 PM, Kliphton  wrote:

> I am using 1 with the option key to go to top, and 2 to go to the end.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
> Just curious, what command are you guys assigning to 1?  I've tried "Go to
> Begining"  and Go to Top of Window"  and neither works properly.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>> IDE never thought of using keyboard commander like that. Thanks for
> opening my mind a bit more. 
>> Kind regards,
>> Danny. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 04/03/2013, at 11:40 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
>>> Your best bet is to create a commander.  I use option 1 to go to the 
>>> top, and option 2 to go to the bottom.  I don't think there is any other
> way.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Noel Romey
>>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:48 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: moving to the top of message list in mail
>>> Hey guys,
>>> Does anyone know the easiest way to go to the top of the message list 
>>> in mail in Mountain lion?  I have seen that command+up arrow held 
>>> down and and it is supposed to move to the top.  VO doesn't allow me 
>>> to do this.. Any ideas or experiences?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Noel
>>> --
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Re: moving to the top of message list in mail

2013-03-04 Thread Donna Goodin
thanks, yeah, Go to Beginning is the one that takes me to the Toolbar.  Are you 
running Mountain Lion?
On Mar 3, 2013, at 9:14 PM, Kliphton  wrote:

> My fault, it's go to beginning, and go to end respectively.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
> Just curious, what command are you guys assigning to 1?  I've tried "Go to
> Begining"  and Go to Top of Window"  and neither works properly.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>> IDE never thought of using keyboard commander like that. Thanks for
> opening my mind a bit more. 
>> Kind regards,
>> Danny. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 04/03/2013, at 11:40 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
>>> Your best bet is to create a commander.  I use option 1 to go to the 
>>> top, and option 2 to go to the bottom.  I don't think there is any other
> way.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Noel Romey
>>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:48 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: moving to the top of message list in mail
>>> Hey guys,
>>> Does anyone know the easiest way to go to the top of the message list 
>>> in mail in Mountain lion?  I have seen that command+up arrow held 
>>> down and and it is supposed to move to the top.  VO doesn't allow me 
>>> to do this.. Any ideas or experiences?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Noel
>>> --
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Re: viewing calendar invitations?

2013-03-04 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks, John.
On Mar 3, 2013, at 9:42 PM, John Panarese  wrote:

>   They usually come as attachments.  You need to navigate to the attachment 
> and VO-shift-m for the shortcut menu.  From there, you can open it and it 
> will open your Calendar app.  You can choose to accept or decline it by 
> interacting with the event details scroll area.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 9:41 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> When someone sends me a calendar invitation, I get the email, but can't see 
>> anything, and can't respond to the invitation.  Does anyone know if there's 
>> a way to do this on the Mac?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: MLB spring training games

2013-03-04 Thread Sean Paul
I've talked to MLB about this issue last week. Here's the answer I got. If 
you buy or bought from your computer, that's where you get it. If you buy or 
bought from your mobile device, you get it on both. This is the way it is & 
will not be changed as best I was told. So, for me, I was able to cancel my 
MLB Gameday audio which I've paid for for several years now before the money 
was taken out then, purchased on my iDevices which also gives me access by 
linking my account. Yes, in years past I've paid for both because I wanted 
access to archived games which I couldn't get on my iDevices & I don't 
expect or suspect that'll change this year.
- Original Message - 
From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 08:54
Subject: Re: MLB spring training games


This is correct.  But, those who subscribe from their computer, do not have 
access on their other devices.  MLB is aware of the issue, There will 
probably be a fix in the next update of At Bat I'm guessing.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 3, 2013, at 12:09 AM, wrote:

Hi folks,
If I'm not mistaken, the money you pay for the app, also get you access 
through your computer. I don't think they charged twice. Login to your MLB 
account with your username and password and take advantage of the 
subscription on your computer or phone.

Pam Francis

On Mar 2, 2013, at 6:45 PM, erik burggraaf  

I hardcore want this for my android phone.  It's perfectly accessible and 
streamlined and to be honest, I'm out when the came is on quite a lot. 
It's 20 bucks for the app though, are you kidding me?  Essentially double 
the price of a subscription just for mobile device support.  It's really 

Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at

Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-02, at 6:33 PM, wrote:

I quit messing with the spring-training games on my computer years ago. I 
use the app. Much easier to navigate.

Pam Francis

On Mar 2, 2013, at 3:00 PM, erik burggraaf  

Dano what to tell you.  The player is in flash and won't even show up on 
your computer unless you have flash installed.  our feelings about it 
make no difference one way or the other, but at least there are hotkeys, 
as well as a stand alone version with accessible controls, and the audio 
quality is a significant improvement over the old silverlite version. 
may'z well not wine about it and get on with the game.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
the ontario disability support program at

Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-02, at 3:39 PM, Tim Mehok  wrote:

I was hoping that I would not have to install Flash...
Not real fond of Adobe.


On 3/1/13, erik burggraaf  wrote:

Hi, These instructions were for game day audio.

I just assumed that's what was being asked for.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
ontario disability support program at

Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-01, at 11:10 AM, wrote:

Pardon my ignorance,
Given the fact the games are available on game day audio, why mess 
the video player on the computer? The TV broadcasts are not what they 

to be. It's geared more for vision is for real sportsman ship and

Pam Francis

On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:35 AM, erik burggraaf 

first, make sure adobe flash is installed and up to date.
Then go to
Log in with your email address and password.
At the top of the page, you will find a link that says watch/listen.
Click this.
press control option I to bring up the item chooser.
Type the call letters of the station you want.
it should come right up.  if not, you may have to arrow down once or 

to find it.
press enter once to set focus to that station.
press enter a second time and the player window will pop up.
Wait about 30 seconds and your game should start.

Hope this helps,

Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
ontario disability support program at

Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-01, at 8:28 AM, Tim Mehok  wrote:

Anyone using a Mac and listening to spring training games?
If so, let me know how you got it working.


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Re: MLB spring training games

2013-03-04 Thread Sean Paul
I personally think 20 bucks for 8 months of intertainment is a steal of a deal. 
Most folks pay 5 times that a month for just their cable alone not to mention 
any movies they rent, shows they stream, etc... 
  - Original Message - 
  From: erik burggraaf 
  Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2013 19:45
  Subject: Re: MLB spring training games

  I hardcore want this for my android phone.  It's perfectly accessible and 
streamlined and to be honest, I'm out when the came is on quite a lot.  It's 20 
bucks for the app though, are you kidding me?  Essentially double the price of 
a subscription just for mobile device support.  It's really outrageous.

  Erik Burggraaf
  Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
  Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
  or on the web at

  On 2013-03-02, at 6:33 PM, wrote:

I quit messing with the spring-training games on my computer years ago. I 
use the app. Much easier to navigate.

Pam Francis

On Mar 2, 2013, at 3:00 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

Dano what to tell you.  The player is in flash and won't even show up on 
your computer unless you have flash installed.  our feelings about it make no 
difference one way or the other, but at least there are hotkeys, as well as a 
stand alone version with accessible controls, and the audio quality is a 
significant improvement over the old silverlite version.  may'z well not wine 
about it and get on with the game.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-02, at 3:39 PM, Tim Mehok  wrote:

  I was hoping that I would not have to install Flash...
  Not real fond of Adobe.


  On 3/1/13, erik burggraaf  wrote:

Hi, These instructions were for game day audio.

I just assumed that's what was being asked for.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-01, at 11:10 AM, wrote:

  Pardon my ignorance,
  Given the fact the games are available on game day audio, why mess 
  the video player on the computer? The TV broadcasts are not what they 
  to be. It's geared more for vision is for real sportsman ship and

  Pam Francis

  On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:35 AM, erik burggraaf 

  first, make sure adobe flash is installed and up to date.
  Then go to
  Log in with your email address and password.
  At the top of the page, you will find a link that says watch/listen.
  Click this.
  press control option I to bring up the item chooser.
  Type the call letters of the station you want.
  it should come right up.  if not, you may have to arrow down once or 
  to find it.
  press enter once to set focus to that station.
  press enter a second time and the player window will pop up.
  Wait about 30 seconds and your game should start.

  Hope this helps,

  Erik Burggraaf
  Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business 
through the
  ontario disability support program at
  Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
  or on the web at

  On 2013-03-01, at 8:28 AM, Tim Mehok  wrote:

Anyone using a Mac and listening to spring training games?
If so, let me know how you got it working.


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more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I haven't followed this thread closely, so my apologies in advance if I'm 
covering old ground.

What is the current status with Caliber?  I've seen posts where people were 
having trouble using it.  Is it a good accessible resource for converting files 
to ebooks?  What will it do and not do?  How does it handle DRM management?

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Re: MLB spring training games

2013-03-04 Thread Richard Ring
Couldn't agree more. To get to listen to any game you want is such great fun.

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

On Mar 4, 2013, at 5:54 AM, "Sean Paul"  wrote:

> I personally think 20 bucks for 8 months of intertainment is a steal of a 
> deal. Most folks pay 5 times that a month for just their cable alone not to 
> mention any movies they rent, shows they stream, etc...
> - Original Message -
> From: erik burggraaf
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2013 19:45
> Subject: Re: MLB spring training games
> I hardcore want this for my android phone.  It's perfectly accessible and 
> streamlined and to be honest, I'm out when the came is on quite a lot.  It's 
> 20 bucks for the app though, are you kidding me?  Essentially double the 
> price of a subscription just for mobile device support.  It's really 
> outrageous.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
> ontario disability support program at
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-03-02, at 6:33 PM, wrote:
>> I quit messing with the spring-training games on my computer years ago. I 
>> use the app. Much easier to navigate.
>> Pam Francis
>> On Mar 2, 2013, at 3:00 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>> Dano what to tell you.  The player is in flash and won't even show up on 
>> your computer unless you have flash installed.  our feelings about it make 
>> no difference one way or the other, but at least there are hotkeys, as well 
>> as a stand alone version with accessible controls, and the audio quality is 
>> a significant improvement over the old silverlite version.  may'z well not 
>> wine about it and get on with the game.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
>> ontario disability support program at
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2013-03-02, at 3:39 PM, Tim Mehok  wrote:
>>> I was hoping that I would not have to install Flash...
>>> Not real fond of Adobe.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tim
>>> On 3/1/13, erik burggraaf  wrote:
 Hi, These instructions were for game day audio.
 I just assumed that's what was being asked for.
 Erik Burggraaf
 Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
 ontario disability support program at
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at
 On 2013-03-01, at 11:10 AM, wrote:
> Pardon my ignorance,
> Given the fact the games are available on game day audio, why mess with
> the video player on the computer? The TV broadcasts are not what they used
> to be. It's geared more for vision is for real sportsman ship and
> listening/watching.
> Pam Francis
> On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:35 AM, erik burggraaf 
> wrote:
> first, make sure adobe flash is installed and up to date.
> Then go to
> Log in with your email address and password.
> At the top of the page, you will find a link that says watch/listen.
> Click this.
> press control option I to bring up the item chooser.
> Type the call letters of the station you want.
> it should come right up.  if not, you may have to arrow down once or twice
> to find it.
> press enter once to set focus to that station.
> press enter a second time and the player window will pop up.
> Wait about 30 seconds and your game should start.
> Hope this helps,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
> ontario disability support program at
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-03-01, at 8:28 AM, Tim Mehok  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Anyone using a Mac and listening to spring training games?
>> If so, let me know how you got it working.
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
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RE: moving to the top of message list in mail

2013-03-04 Thread Kliphton
You have to inter act with the table of messages first.  Then go to
beginning, and you should get the result you are looking for.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 5:26 AM
Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail

When I use Go to Beginning, I am taken to the ToolBar.  When I use Go to Top
of Window, I'm taken to the Close button.  any thoughts what I might be
doing wrong?
On Mar 3, 2013, at 9:13 PM, Kliphton  wrote:

> I am using 1 with the option key to go to top, and 2 to go to the end.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
> Just curious, what command are you guys assigning to 1?  I've tried 
> "Go to Begining"  and Go to Top of Window"  and neither works properly.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>> IDE never thought of using keyboard commander like that. Thanks for
> opening my mind a bit more. 
>> Kind regards,
>> Danny. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 04/03/2013, at 11:40 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
>>> Your best bet is to create a commander.  I use option 1 to go to the 
>>> top, and option 2 to go to the bottom.  I don't think there is any 
>>> other
> way.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Noel Romey
>>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:48 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: moving to the top of message list in mail
>>> Hey guys,
>>> Does anyone know the easiest way to go to the top of the message 
>>> list in mail in Mountain lion?  I have seen that command+up arrow 
>>> held down and and it is supposed to move to the top.  VO doesn't 
>>> allow me to do this.. Any ideas or experiences?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Noel
>>> --
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You rec

Re: moving to the top of message list in mail

2013-03-04 Thread Donna Goodin
thanks, Kliphton.  This time it did exactly what it was supposed to, I must 
have missed a step somewhere last night.
 Thanks again.
On Mar 4, 2013, at 6:14 AM, Kliphton  wrote:

> You have to inter act with the table of messages first.  Then go to
> beginning, and you should get the result you are looking for.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 5:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
> When I use Go to Beginning, I am taken to the ToolBar.  When I use Go to Top
> of Window, I'm taken to the Close button.  any thoughts what I might be
> doing wrong?
> thanks,
> Donna
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 9:13 PM, Kliphton  wrote:
>> I am using 1 with the option key to go to top, and 2 to go to the end.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:39 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
>> Just curious, what command are you guys assigning to 1?  I've tried 
>> "Go to Begining"  and Go to Top of Window"  and neither works properly.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>>> IDE never thought of using keyboard commander like that. Thanks for
>> opening my mind a bit more. 
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Danny. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 04/03/2013, at 11:40 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
 Your best bet is to create a commander.  I use option 1 to go to the 
 top, and option 2 to go to the bottom.  I don't think there is any 
>> way.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Noel Romey
 Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:48 PM
 Subject: moving to the top of message list in mail
 Hey guys,
 Does anyone know the easiest way to go to the top of the message 
 list in mail in Mountain lion?  I have seen that command+up arrow 
 held down and and it is supposed to move to the top.  VO doesn't 
 allow me to do this.. Any ideas or experiences?
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New episode, empowering the blind to unlock your lock screen

2013-03-04 Thread Michael Babcock
Hey everyone, this is a follow-up to the other day when I recorded a podcast 
explaining to individuals Empowering The Blind, how to jailbreak your iOS 
device. I have a jailbroken iOS device, and one of the things I wanted to do is 
quickly received the information related to either my notifications, or 
especially my weather. On this episode of Empowering the blind, we explore an 
interesting application called "lock screen 5", as well as an additional 
application that allows you the opportunity to change the text of the "slide to 
unlock" icon, this application is called "I slide Text". Please be sure to 
check out this episode of empowering the blind, if you're receiving this from 
either our email archive, or, from another source you must visit the following 
website to check out our episode:


thanks, and we hope you have a wonderful day!


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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Georgina Joyce

Hello Donna,

I'm affraid I haven't had the sighted support to get the command line 
tools installed. The graphical interface is inaccessible. To install the 
command line tools requires opening the advanced preferences of the 
program. I believe that I'll be able to convert ebooks into different 
formats from the command line. As I do currently on Windows.

However, Calibre will not convert books that have DRM. You'll have to 
use another tool to remove DRM. Depending upon what country you reside 
will influence your personal feelings about removing something that the 
producers have employed to stop such activity.

I personally, remove DRM from books I've purchased for personal use. 
Simply, in order to access it. But I respect that some people wish to 
obey the strict letter of the law of their country. I would rather buy 
an iBook version of a book than have to remove DRM from another format.



On 04/03/2013 12:08, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi all,

I haven't followed this thread closely, so my apologies in advance if I'm 
covering old ground.

What is the current status with Caliber?  I've seen posts where people were 
having trouble using it.  Is it a good accessible resource for converting files 
to ebooks?  What will it do and not do?  How does it handle DRM management?

"If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives 
outside the box" Barbara Otto

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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Gina,

This is really helpful, thanks.  We agree about removing DRM, I think, I have 
no qualms about doing that for my own personal use, but also think that if you 
don't have to, that would be ideal.

Sounds like the easiest option will be to work with some of the other tools 
people have mentioned.  Thanks so much for your response.
On Mar 4, 2013, at 7:31 AM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> I'm affraid I haven't had the sighted support to get the command line tools 
> installed. The graphical interface is inaccessible. To install the command 
> line tools requires opening the advanced preferences of the program. I 
> believe that I'll be able to convert ebooks into different formats from the 
> command line. As I do currently on Windows.
> However, Calibre will not convert books that have DRM. You'll have to use 
> another tool to remove DRM. Depending upon what country you reside will 
> influence your personal feelings about removing something that the producers 
> have employed to stop such activity.
> I personally, remove DRM from books I've purchased for personal use. Simply, 
> in order to access it. But I respect that some people wish to obey the strict 
> letter of the law of their country. I would rather buy an iBook version of a 
> book than have to remove DRM from another format.
> Gena
> On 04/03/2013 12:08, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I haven't followed this thread closely, so my apologies in advance if I'm 
>> covering old ground.
>> What is the current status with Caliber?  I've seen posts where people were 
>> having trouble using it.  Is it a good accessible resource for converting 
>> files to ebooks?  What will it do and not do?  How does it handle DRM 
>> management?
>> thanks,
>> Donna
> -- 
> "If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives 
> outside the box" Barbara Otto
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Re: moving to the top of message list in mail

2013-03-04 Thread Rod Skene
I use the numPad commander. Three goes to the beginning and decimal goes to the 
end. This way only one key executes the command. Also, the three is just above 
the decimal key so it makes sense to me three goes to the top decimal to the 

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

On 04/03/2013, at 12:18 AM, Lisette Wesseling  

> I use control one finger flick up on my track pad.
> On 4/03/2013, at 4:14 PM, Kliphton  wrote:
>> My fault, it's go to beginning, and go to end respectively.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:39 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
>> Just curious, what command are you guys assigning to 1?  I've tried "Go to
>> Begining"  and Go to Top of Window"  and neither works properly.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>>> IDE never thought of using keyboard commander like that. Thanks for
>> opening my mind a bit more. 
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Danny. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 04/03/2013, at 11:40 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
 Your best bet is to create a commander.  I use option 1 to go to the 
 top, and option 2 to go to the bottom.  I don't think there is any other
>> way.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Noel Romey
 Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:48 PM
 Subject: moving to the top of message list in mail
 Hey guys,
 Does anyone know the easiest way to go to the top of the message list 
 in mail in Mountain lion?  I have seen that command+up arrow held 
 down and and it is supposed to move to the top.  VO doesn't allow me 
 to do this.. Any ideas or experiences?
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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

You can convert without installing the command line. But I have some troubles 
with it. I can not figure out how to convert a folder of books.

I am only removing DRM because of accessibility, I do not like to do it, but on 
the other hand should I when scan the books, use a lot of time, and not always 
get the result I would like.

Best regards Annie.
Best regards Annie.
On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:31 PM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> I'm affraid I haven't had the sighted support to get the command line tools 
> installed. The graphical interface is inaccessible. To install the command 
> line tools requires opening the advanced preferences of the program. I 
> believe that I'll be able to convert ebooks into different formats from the 
> command line. As I do currently on Windows.
> However, Calibre will not convert books that have DRM. You'll have to use 
> another tool to remove DRM. Depending upon what country you reside will 
> influence your personal feelings about removing something that the producers 
> have employed to stop such activity.
> I personally, remove DRM from books I've purchased for personal use. Simply, 
> in order to access it. But I respect that some people wish to obey the strict 
> letter of the law of their country. I would rather buy an iBook version of a 
> book than have to remove DRM from another format.
> Gena
> On 04/03/2013 12:08, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I haven't followed this thread closely, so my apologies in advance if I'm 
>> covering old ground.
>> What is the current status with Caliber?  I've seen posts where people were 
>> having trouble using it.  Is it a good accessible resource for converting 
>> files to ebooks?  What will it do and not do?  How does it handle DRM 
>> management?
>> thanks,
>> Donna
> -- 
> "If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives 
> outside the box" Barbara Otto
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Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue with VoiceOver on iPhone

2013-03-04 Thread Emrah

How exactly do you think you are being constructive here?

On the same register as your message, don't you think sighted people would have 
an issue if their caller ID were flashed on a billboard for everyone to see 
every time they get a call?

It goes without saying that it is great we have access to caller ID. What is 
not so great is that it is announced out loud automatically for every one in 
your immediate surroundings to hear.

I know that blind people sometimes have a hard time acknowledging the presence 
of other people who can see and hear. I like using my phone in a rather 
discrete fashion with a Bluetooth earpiece. I personally find it annoying that 
incoming calls make Samantha irrupt through my speakerphone and freak out the 
fellow traveller who is sitting right across from me. :) I don't quite like 
being the subject of other's curiosity. They suddenly have to acknowledge that 
there is a blind guy in the house.

I am happy for you if you don't consider it to be an issue. I guess it depends 
on a multitude of settings and appreciate your opinion.

However, I still believe I have a valid point here. There is no reason for us 
to broadcast the name and number of people who are calling us.



On Mar 4, 2013, at 6:05 AM, Sean Paul  wrote:

> So, would you complain if it wasn't spoken at all? I'd bet you would. Isn't 
> it a good thing that we get caller ID at all? I mean? Seriously?
> - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 15:54
> Subject: Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue 
> with VoiceOver on iPhone
> Hi,
> Not to sound discouraging but, I honestly don't know how many really share 
> this concern.  I'm not so sure it's unavoidable either.  One could mute 
> speech with a 3 finger double tap when not in use or, turn Voiceover off all 
> together with a 3 triple press of home, and turn either back on when 
> receiving an incoming call or, just want access to the phone.  You could even 
> turn down the volume of voiceover so it would be hard to hear if not holding 
> the device in your hand.  But I must say, of all bugs I want fixed, or 
> features I want to see added, This wouldn't even make my top 10.
> But, who knows?  I might be in the minority on this topic.  Hopefully your 
> message will urge others with the same concerns to contact Apple about it.
> JMO.,
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:28 PM, Emrah  wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I remember reporting this a while ago to Apple Accessibility… To no avail.
>> VoiceOver users have an unavoidable privacy issue: the automatic 
>> announcement of the caller ID of an incoming call.
>> It should be possible to make this optional, with the ability to manually 
>> interrogate the screen to know who is calling.
>> Moreover, why is it that when we have a headphone connected, the caller ID 
>> is still spoken out loud through the speakerphone?
>> What do we have to do for Apple to take this into consideration? A petition?
>> -- 
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Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue with VoiceOver on iPhone

2013-03-04 Thread Ricardo Walker

if your in a important meeting, wouldn't you want everything off?  Not just 
called ID announcement?

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:56 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> I like Caller ID, I.E. someone being announced although I wish it didn't do 
> it on loud speaker when the I phone headset was plugged in.  However, I'd 
> like the choice of having the announcement muted especially if you were in an 
> important meeting as others have stated.
> Kawal.
> On 3 Mar 2013, at 23:41, James Mannion  wrote:
>> Personal preferences it sounds like. Some of us wouldn't find it a big
>> deal to mute VO when locking the phone in a situation where it could
>> ring where we were so concerned about someone knowing who is calling.
>> As was mentioned, I don't think many of us really share this concern.
>> Personally I don't care about it much if at some random time somebody
>> knows by what something said who was calling me. I don't think the
>> information makes enough of a connection in their life to even
>> acknowledge it. Others like yourself do look at it differently though.
>> Maybe they will put in a setting some day, but until then there are
>> controls you can use to manage the situation. No, it is not 100%
>> automated, but not difficult to manage. It seems to me that expecting
>> 100% automation to manage every situation causes more stress than to
>> just use the controls provided to effectively manage it.
>> On 3/3/13, Chris Gilland  wrote:
>>> You wrote:
>>> Moreover, why is it that when we have a headphone connected, the caller ID
>>> is still spoken out loud through the speakerphone?
>>> Ouch!  I didn't realize it did that, but then, I hardly ever use a headset.
>>> Is this also an issue with bluetooth headsets, or only with wired.
>>> Chris.
>>> --
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Re: commanders?

2013-03-04 Thread Ricardo Walker

I would just like to add to this, unless you are using certain special 
character symbols that require the option key, I prefer to set the option key 
to both.  It lends itself to easier combinations.  For example, the right 
option key is great, if you combine it with keys on the left side of the 
keyboard like, 1 or S for example.  But try pressing right option U for 
instance.  Haha.  Its doable but, its easier pressing left option U.


Ricardo Walker

On Mar 4, 2013, at 12:44 AM, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:

> Go to the voiceover utility (vo+f8), and scroll down the table to the 
> commanders category. Then scroll to the keyboard tab, and choose the enable 
> commanders checkbox. You'll then have the popup button asking which key you'd 
> like to use, keeping it at the right option key is probably best. Then go to 
> the add button, and you can write in   a letter combined with the right 
> option key to perform a task, such as opening an app which you do in the 
> command menu.
> Rachel 
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 7:54 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> How does one creat a commander?
>> On 2013-03-03, at 7:13 PM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
>>> I am using 1 with the option key to go to top, and 2 to go to the end.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:39 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
>>> Just curious, what command are you guys assigning to 1?  I've tried "Go to
>>> Begining"  and Go to Top of Window"  and neither works properly.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
 IDE never thought of using keyboard commander like that. Thanks for
>>> opening my mind a bit more. 
 Kind regards,
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 04/03/2013, at 11:40 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
> Your best bet is to create a commander.  I use option 1 to go to the 
> top, and option 2 to go to the bottom.  I don't think there is any other
>>> way.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Noel Romey
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: moving to the top of message list in mail
> Hey guys,
> Does anyone know the easiest way to go to the top of the message list 
> in mail in Mountain lion?  I have seen that command+up arrow held 
> down and and it is supposed to move to the top.  VO doesn't allow me 
> to do this.. Any ideas or experiences?
> Thanks.
> Noel
> --
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Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue with VoiceOver on iPhone

2013-03-04 Thread Ricardo Walker

Although I don't find the option to turn off the announcement of caller ID of 
high priority, I do realize that some might.  Sure, having caller ID announced 
is good, but I don't look at it like Apple has done us a great favor by adding 
it, and those who think it can be implemented better should just shut up and be 
content.  I mean, nothing would ever get better if we all had such an outlook 
on things.  


Ricardo Walker

On Mar 4, 2013, at 6:05 AM, Sean Paul  wrote:

> So, would you complain if it wasn't spoken at all? I'd bet you would. Isn't 
> it a good thing that we get caller ID at all? I mean? Seriously?
> - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 15:54
> Subject: Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue 
> with VoiceOver on iPhone
> Hi,
> Not to sound discouraging but, I honestly don't know how many really share 
> this concern.  I'm not so sure it's unavoidable either.  One could mute 
> speech with a 3 finger double tap when not in use or, turn Voiceover off all 
> together with a 3 triple press of home, and turn either back on when 
> receiving an incoming call or, just want access to the phone.  You could even 
> turn down the volume of voiceover so it would be hard to hear if not holding 
> the device in your hand.  But I must say, of all bugs I want fixed, or 
> features I want to see added, This wouldn't even make my top 10.
> But, who knows?  I might be in the minority on this topic.  Hopefully your 
> message will urge others with the same concerns to contact Apple about it.
> JMO.,
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:28 PM, Emrah  wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I remember reporting this a while ago to Apple Accessibility… To no avail.
>> VoiceOver users have an unavoidable privacy issue: the automatic 
>> announcement of the caller ID of an incoming call.
>> It should be possible to make this optional, with the ability to manually 
>> interrogate the screen to know who is calling.
>> Moreover, why is it that when we have a headphone connected, the caller ID 
>> is still spoken out loud through the speakerphone?
>> What do we have to do for Apple to take this into consideration? A petition?
>> -- 
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Re: moving to the top of message list in mail

2013-03-04 Thread Ricardo Walker
Good morning Donna,

Your not interacting with the messages table it sounds like.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 4, 2013, at 6:25 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> When I use Go to Beginning, I am taken to the ToolBar.  When I use Go to Top 
> of Window, I'm taken to the Close button.  any thoughts what I might be doing 
> wrong?
> thanks,
> Donna
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 9:13 PM, Kliphton  wrote:
>> I am using 1 with the option key to go to top, and 2 to go to the end.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:39 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
>> Just curious, what command are you guys assigning to 1?  I've tried "Go to
>> Begining"  and Go to Top of Window"  and neither works properly.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>>> IDE never thought of using keyboard commander like that. Thanks for
>> opening my mind a bit more. 
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Danny. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 04/03/2013, at 11:40 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
 Your best bet is to create a commander.  I use option 1 to go to the 
 top, and option 2 to go to the bottom.  I don't think there is any other
>> way.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Noel Romey
 Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:48 PM
 Subject: moving to the top of message list in mail
 Hey guys,
 Does anyone know the easiest way to go to the top of the message list 
 in mail in Mountain lion?  I have seen that command+up arrow held 
 down and and it is supposed to move to the top.  VO doesn't allow me 
 to do this.. Any ideas or experiences?
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Re: MLB spring training games

2013-03-04 Thread Ricardo Walker

I totally agree.  $20 to have access to every single regular season, and post 
season game?  That's a steal in my book.  Thats a night out a the movies, or, a 
few drinks at Starbucks.  Not to mention, you can listen on all Android and IOS 
devices, including your computer?  I don't know, I think its the best deal in 

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 4, 2013, at 6:54 AM, Sean Paul  wrote:

> I personally think 20 bucks for 8 months of intertainment is a steal of a 
> deal. Most folks pay 5 times that a month for just their cable alone not to 
> mention any movies they rent, shows they stream, etc... 
>  - Original Message - 
>  From: erik burggraaf 
>  To: 
>  Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2013 19:45
>  Subject: Re: MLB spring training games
>  I hardcore want this for my android phone.  It's perfectly accessible and 
> streamlined and to be honest, I'm out when the came is on quite a lot.  It's 
> 20 bucks for the app though, are you kidding me?  Essentially double the 
> price of a subscription just for mobile device support.  It's really 
> outrageous.
>  Best,
>  Erik Burggraaf
>  Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
> ontario disability support program at
>  Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>  or on the web at
>  On 2013-03-02, at 6:33 PM, wrote:
>I quit messing with the spring-training games on my computer years ago. I 
> use the app. Much easier to navigate.
>Pam Francis
>On Mar 2, 2013, at 3:00 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>Dano what to tell you.  The player is in flash and won't even show up on 
> your computer unless you have flash installed.  our feelings about it make no 
> difference one way or the other, but at least there are hotkeys, as well as a 
> stand alone version with accessible controls, and the audio quality is a 
> significant improvement over the old silverlite version.  may'z well not wine 
> about it and get on with the game.
>Erik Burggraaf
>Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
> ontario disability support program at
>Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>or on the web at
>On 2013-03-02, at 3:39 PM, Tim Mehok  wrote:
>  I was hoping that I would not have to install Flash...
>  Not real fond of Adobe.
>  Thanks,
>  Tim
>  On 3/1/13, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>Hi, These instructions were for game day audio.
>I just assumed that's what was being asked for.
>Erik Burggraaf
>Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
> the
>ontario disability support program at 
>Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>or on the web at
>On 2013-03-01, at 11:10 AM, wrote:
>  Pardon my ignorance,
>  Given the fact the games are available on game day audio, why mess 
> with
>  the video player on the computer? The TV broadcasts are not what 
> they used
>  to be. It's geared more for vision is for real sportsman ship and
>  listening/watching.
>  Pam Francis
>  On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:35 AM, erik burggraaf 
>  wrote:
>  first, make sure adobe flash is installed and up to date.
>  Then go to
>  Log in with your email address and password.
>  At the top of the page, you will find a link that says watch/listen.
>  Click this.
>  press control option I to bring up the item chooser.
>  Type the call letters of the station you want.
>  it should come right up.  if not, you may have to arrow down once or 
> twice
>  to find it.
>  press enter once to set focus to that station.
>  press enter a second time and the player window will pop up.
>  Wait about 30 seconds and your game should start.
>  Hope this helps,
>  Erik Burggraaf
>  Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business 
> through the
>  ontario disability support program at 
>  Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>  or on the web at
>  On 2013-03-01, at 8:28 AM, Tim Mehok  wrote:
>Anyone using a Mac and listening to spring training games?
>If so, let me know how you got it working.
>You received this message becaus

Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue with VoiceOver on iPhone

2013-03-04 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Wouldn't Do not Disturb turn everything else off accept for when someone was 
calling? Or you could flip up the Mute switch.


On 4 Mar 2013, at 02:36 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> if your in a important meeting, wouldn't you want everything off?  Not just 
> called ID announcement?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:56 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> I like Caller ID, I.E. someone being announced although I wish it didn't do 
>> it on loud speaker when the I phone headset was plugged in.  However, I'd 
>> like the choice of having the announcement muted especially if you were in 
>> an important meeting as others have stated.
>> Kawal.
>> On 3 Mar 2013, at 23:41, James Mannion  wrote:
>>> Personal preferences it sounds like. Some of us wouldn't find it a big
>>> deal to mute VO when locking the phone in a situation where it could
>>> ring where we were so concerned about someone knowing who is calling.
>>> As was mentioned, I don't think many of us really share this concern.
>>> Personally I don't care about it much if at some random time somebody
>>> knows by what something said who was calling me. I don't think the
>>> information makes enough of a connection in their life to even
>>> acknowledge it. Others like yourself do look at it differently though.
>>> Maybe they will put in a setting some day, but until then there are
>>> controls you can use to manage the situation. No, it is not 100%
>>> automated, but not difficult to manage. It seems to me that expecting
>>> 100% automation to manage every situation causes more stress than to
>>> just use the controls provided to effectively manage it.
>>> On 3/3/13, Chris Gilland  wrote:
 You wrote:
 Moreover, why is it that when we have a headphone connected, the caller ID
 is still spoken out loud through the speakerphone?
 Ouch!  I didn't realize it did that, but then, I hardly ever use a headset.
 Is this also an issue with bluetooth headsets, or only with wired.
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Re: How to open a .bin file.

2013-03-04 Thread Chris Blouch
I thought most emulators wanted their files in zip format. So maybe 
Safari already uncompressed these for you and now the emulator won't 
touch them.


On 3/3/13 8:49 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:

I have one, and had it open at the same time, so thought they would load when I 
opened the roms themselves.  I've done that with other emulators and they 
loaded without me having to tell it to open them, navigate all over the place 
to find them, which can be a royal pain, then open them once I finally find 
them, so have no idea what the deal is, but will see if this one is any 
On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:53 PM, Georgina Joyce wrote:


I was curious to what these were and the site quite clearly states:

In order to play these Genesis games, you must first download an Genesis 
which is used to load the Genesis ROMS (games).

So the answer is you need to download an emulator.

Good luck.


On 03/03/2013 12:38, Jessica Moss wrote:

I've just downloaded a bunch of Sega Genesis roms and had no idea the folder 
was a .bin file, and now have no idea how to open it.  Can anyone help out here?

"If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives outside the 
box" Barbara Otto

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stem stumper has me stumped.

2013-03-04 Thread Jessica Moss
I'm not sure if anyone on here plays this, or if this would be off topic for 
this list, but I've managed to get to the rose1 garden of this game, and can't 
get any further.  I've tried replaying about every level I can think of to get 
my curious carrots raised, and can't seem to be able to do it no matter how 
hard I try, so would love some tips if possible.

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Re: How to open a .bin file.

2013-03-04 Thread Jessica Moss
I downloaded them as a torrent file, so have no idea.
On Mar 4, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I thought most emulators wanted their files in zip format. So maybe Safari 
> already uncompressed these for you and now the emulator won't touch them.
> CB
> On 3/3/13 8:49 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> I have one, and had it open at the same time, so thought they would load 
>> when I opened the roms themselves.  I've done that with other emulators and 
>> they loaded without me having to tell it to open them, navigate all over the 
>> place to find them, which can be a royal pain, then open them once I finally 
>> find them, so have no idea what the deal is, but will see if this one is any 
>> different.
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:53 PM, Georgina Joyce wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I was curious to what these were and the site quite clearly states:
>>> In order to play these Genesis games, you must first download an Genesis 
>>> emulator,
>>> which is used to load the Genesis ROMS (games).
>>> So the answer is you need to download an emulator.
>>> Good luck.
>>> Gena
>>> On 03/03/2013 12:38, Jessica Moss wrote:
 I've just downloaded a bunch of Sega Genesis roms and had no idea the 
 folder was a .bin file, and now have no idea how to open it.  Can anyone 
 help out here?
>>> -- 
>>> "If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives 
>>> outside the box" Barbara Otto
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> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: Reading epub drm protected books from kobo and similar with voiceover

2013-03-04 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Andrew,
I've not had as much success with the iPad version of the Kobo app. I can't 
seem to get past the log in screne, so I've sort of given up for now. It could 
just be me, but I find the iPhone version easier to use.


On 4/03/2013, at 9:26 PM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

> Dear Lisette and Esther,
> Thank you very much for the explanations and tips regarding reading drm 
> protected ebooks on the mac and idevices. Do you know whether I can use the 
> kobo app with my iPad 2?
> Also, I've been having lots of crashes of Voiceover in adobe digital edition 
> when trying to interact with the page that's currently being read. Reading 
> the archives of the list in googlegroups regarding adobe digital edition, I 
> can see that others have had a similar experience. I must admit that the 
> inability of reading by line is a definite drawback especially with academic 
> books but thanks Esther for the tip of copying a whole page spoken with 
> vo+shift+c and pasting it into a text reader for more detailed examination. 
> It is a solution for now. I'm delighted though that adobe digital solution 
> has been improved.
> With many thanks again.
> Andrew
> On 3 Mar 2013, at 20:13, wrote:
>>   Today's Topic Summary
>> Group:
>>  • how do I turn off "1 row added" in voiceover? [3 Updates]
>>  • Getting email to sink up [2 Updates]
>>  • Turning RTF into a navigable Epub [1 Update]
>>  • MLB spring training games [8 Updates]
>>  • Keyboard toggle between 2 keyboards [1 Update]
>>  • VoiceOver and HTML [1 Update]
>>  • How to open a .bin file. [1 Update]
>>  • Handbreak Settings [2 Updates]
>>  • Arrangement Track in GarageBand [1 Update]
>>  • Crashing Chrome with Chromevox [1 Update]
>>  • Reading epub drm protected books from kobo and similar with voiceover 
>> [4 Updates]
>>  how do I turn off "1 row added" in voiceover?
>> Eric Oyen  Mar 02 08:34PM -0700  
>> hey guys,
>> I keep getting the "1 row added" indication in mail (and other appps). this 
>> is rather annoying and interrupts my reading an email or tweet. it means 
>> that I have to go back and start reading it again. any way to turn this off?
>> -eric
>> Danny Noonan  Mar 03 09:47PM +1100  
>> You write to apple and hope your request is the one they listen too. There 
>> are a few things like this that should be easily turned off in verbosetey 
>> but never seem to be addressed. 
>> The more of us write to apple, the more chance something will finally be 
>> done about this and other such issues. 
>> Danny. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Eric Oyen  Mar 03 12:53PM -0700  
>> there is a problem sending mail to apple. their support email isn't 
>> monitored and they respond that I should use the web interface. that leads 
>> me in circles. so, which address should I use?
>> -eric
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:47 AM, Danny Noonan wrote:
>>  Getting email to sink up
>> "Jed Barton"  Mar 02 05:57PM -0500  
>> Hey guys,
>> OK, I'm hoping someone can help me out.
>> I wanna get my email to sink with my iphone, but appear to be having some
>> imap and setting issues between my mac and iphone. Is anyone around
>> tonight, to perhaps get on skype and go through some settings?
>> Thanks,
>> Jed
>> "Jonathan C. Cohn"  Mar 03 02:30PM -0500  
>> Did you get any help?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>  Turning RTF into a navigable Epub
>> Jane  Mar 03 01:42PM -0500  
>> I have an RTF file that I want to convert into an iBook with proper chapter 
>> and sections that I can navigate to from the table of contents. How do I set 
>> this up in TextEdit before I export to epub? Or do I need to use Pages for 
>> this? What tips or suggestions do you have?
>> Since I don't want to clog the list with replies, please email me off-list 
>> at:
>> Much appreciated!
>> Jane
>>  MLB spring training games
>> Mar 02 05:33PM -0600  
>> I quit messing with the spring-training games on my computer years ago. I 
>> use the app. Much easier to navigate.
>> Pam Francis
>> On Mar 2, 2013, at 3:00 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>> Dano what to tell you. The player is in flash and won't even show up on your 
>> computer unless you have flash installed. our feelings about it make no 
>> difference one way or the other, but at least there are hotkeys, as well as 
>> a stand alone version with accessible controls, and the audio quality is a 
>> significant improvement over the old silverlite version. may'z well not wine 
>> about it and get on with the game.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
>> ontario disability support program at
>> Ebon

Re: commanders?

2013-03-04 Thread Danny Noonan
I've come across 1 or 2 situations where option was required for hot keys but 
going into VO utilities and changing to left or right option only takes a few 
seconds so I leave commander set on both as well. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 05/03/2013, at 1:48 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> I would just like to add to this, unless you are using certain special 
> character symbols that require the option key, I prefer to set the option key 
> to both.  It lends itself to easier combinations.  For example, the right 
> option key is great, if you combine it with keys on the left side of the 
> keyboard like, 1 or S for example.  But try pressing right option U for 
> instance.  Haha.  Its doable but, its easier pressing left option U.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 12:44 AM, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:
>> Go to the voiceover utility (vo+f8), and scroll down the table to the 
>> commanders category. Then scroll to the keyboard tab, and choose the enable 
>> commanders checkbox. You'll then have the popup button asking which key 
>> you'd like to use, keeping it at the right option key is probably best. Then 
>> go to the add button, and you can write in   a letter combined with the 
>> right option key to perform a task, such as opening an app which you do in 
>> the command menu.
>> Rachel 
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 7:54 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>>> How does one creat a commander?
>>> On 2013-03-03, at 7:13 PM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
 I am using 1 with the option key to go to top, and 2 to go to the end.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
 Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:39 PM
 Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
 Just curious, what command are you guys assigning to 1?  I've tried "Go to
 Begining"  and Go to Top of Window"  and neither works properly.
 On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
> IDE never thought of using keyboard commander like that. Thanks for
 opening my mind a bit more. 
> Kind regards,
> Danny. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 04/03/2013, at 11:40 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
>> Your best bet is to create a commander.  I use option 1 to go to the 
>> top, and option 2 to go to the bottom.  I don't think there is any other
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Noel Romey
>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:48 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: moving to the top of message list in mail
>> Hey guys,
>> Does anyone know the easiest way to go to the top of the message list 
>> in mail in Mountain lion?  I have seen that command+up arrow held 
>> down and and it is supposed to move to the top.  VO doesn't allow me 
>> to do this.. Any ideas or experiences?
>> Thanks.
>> Noel
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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Mary Otten
There are plug ins that will allow caliber to strip drm and then convert the 
books. I have several kindle books in iBooks on my iPad that were converted 
using caliber then put into iTunes and from there onto the iPad in iBooks. 
However, it required sighted spouse to do the Caliber work, as the gui is 
totally useless with VO.


Mary Otten

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Re: Som inconsistency with braille commands.

2013-03-04 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Kawal.

I will need to look more into this problem, but I am not feeling well today.

You can change some of the commands under braille in VOiceOver. Try playing 
with it, and I will help you later this week.

Best regards Annie.
On Mar 4, 2013, at 12:25 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hello All.
> Normally, I use my braille display with my I phone.  However, today, I 
> thought I'd connect my braille display via bluetooth to my I Mac.  I put 
> keyboard help on and got familiar with the commands when using braille as I 
> work faster and learn quicker when playing with something rather than  
> reading a manual at times, depending on what it is.  I'm quite familiar with 
> using my display with my I phone as I use a display 90% of the time.
> So, I was rather put out when writing an imaginary I message, on my Mac using 
> the display that I could not use the following commands which work on the I 
> phone.
> These commands on the I phone are chord lower H to select text, chord lower J 
> to deselect text and chord D to delete selected text, chord C to copy, chord 
> V to paste and chord U to cut.  However, some of these commands on the Mac 
> are used for other things.  So, how can one select text, unselect text, copy, 
> paste, cut and delete selected text please?  I apologise if I've got some of 
> the commands wrong as I remember them most when I actually do them as I do 
> them without thinking about it.
> Thank you in advance.
> Kawal.
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Re: moving to the top of message list in mail

2013-03-04 Thread Kerri
I tried to write a commander for it, but how do I locate the item I want to put 
the new key combination too?
On 2013-03-04, at 4:14 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:

> You have to inter act with the table of messages first.  Then go to
> beginning, and you should get the result you are looking for.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 5:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
> When I use Go to Beginning, I am taken to the ToolBar.  When I use Go to Top
> of Window, I'm taken to the Close button.  any thoughts what I might be
> doing wrong?
> thanks,
> Donna
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 9:13 PM, Kliphton  wrote:
>> I am using 1 with the option key to go to top, and 2 to go to the end.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:39 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
>> Just curious, what command are you guys assigning to 1?  I've tried 
>> "Go to Begining"  and Go to Top of Window"  and neither works properly.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>>> IDE never thought of using keyboard commander like that. Thanks for
>> opening my mind a bit more. 
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Danny. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 04/03/2013, at 11:40 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
 Your best bet is to create a commander.  I use option 1 to go to the 
 top, and option 2 to go to the bottom.  I don't think there is any 
>> way.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Noel Romey
 Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:48 PM
 Subject: moving to the top of message list in mail
 Hey guys,
 Does anyone know the easiest way to go to the top of the message 
 list in mail in Mountain lion?  I have seen that command+up arrow 
 held down and and it is supposed to move to the top.  VO doesn't 
 allow me to do this.. Any ideas or experiences?
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Re: moving to the top of message list in mail

2013-03-04 Thread John Panarese
You have to first select the, Add, button from the table.  Then, you will 
be presented with an edit box for the keyboard command.  So, for example, you 
can use the number 1.  Then, VO right to the popup menu and VO space on that.
Next, navigate down to, Navigation,and then go right.  You will probably want, 
Go to beginning, and go to end, as the two commands you will set up.  VO space 
on the one you want to select and that will be associated with the keyboard 
shortcut, right option-1.  Repeat with Right option-2 for, go to end.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:26 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> I tried to write a commander for it, but how do I locate the item I want to 
> put the new key combination too?
> On 2013-03-04, at 4:14 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
>> You have to inter act with the table of messages first.  Then go to
>> beginning, and you should get the result you are looking for.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 5:26 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
>> When I use Go to Beginning, I am taken to the ToolBar.  When I use Go to Top
>> of Window, I'm taken to the Close button.  any thoughts what I might be
>> doing wrong?
>> thanks,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 9:13 PM, Kliphton  wrote:
>>> I am using 1 with the option key to go to top, and 2 to go to the end.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:39 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
>>> Just curious, what command are you guys assigning to 1?  I've tried 
>>> "Go to Begining"  and Go to Top of Window"  and neither works properly.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
 IDE never thought of using keyboard commander like that. Thanks for
>>> opening my mind a bit more. 
 Kind regards,
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 04/03/2013, at 11:40 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
> Your best bet is to create a commander.  I use option 1 to go to the 
> top, and option 2 to go to the bottom.  I don't think there is any 
> other
>>> way.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Noel Romey
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: moving to the top of message list in mail
> Hey guys,
> Does anyone know the easiest way to go to the top of the message 
> list in mail in Mountain lion?  I have seen that command+up arrow 
> held down and and it is supposed to move to the top.  VO doesn't 
> allow me to do this.. Any ideas or experiences?
> Thanks.
> Noel
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Latest Garageband help needed

2013-03-04 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi folks,

I'm stumped with learning how to start using Garageband.  Are there any good 
tutorials or podcasts available to help us learn the basics with the latest 
Thanks for being patient with me,


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Johnny "Angel" Chilelli

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OS X Maintenance And Troubleshooting

2013-03-04 Thread -

I found this page which would appear to address many of the problems some 
people report having with their macs.  There is a table of contents at the 
top which takes one to the relevant part of the page.  Several utilities 
are suggested and but for one they are free.  I have no idea how speech 
friendly they are.

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Re: How to open a .bin file.

2013-03-04 Thread Chris Blouch

Never used a Genesis emulator but found docs on this one:

which says the files should just be raw binary or they can be 
compressed. Maybe your emulator is different or the files are corrupt. 
I've never used torrent so who knows if the files are good.


On 3/4/13 12:52 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:

I downloaded them as a torrent file, so have no idea.
On Mar 4, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

I thought most emulators wanted their files in zip format. So maybe Safari 
already uncompressed these for you and now the emulator won't touch them.


On 3/3/13 8:49 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:

I have one, and had it open at the same time, so thought they would load when I 
opened the roms themselves.  I've done that with other emulators and they 
loaded without me having to tell it to open them, navigate all over the place 
to find them, which can be a royal pain, then open them once I finally find 
them, so have no idea what the deal is, but will see if this one is any 
On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:53 PM, Georgina Joyce wrote:


I was curious to what these were and the site quite clearly states:

In order to play these Genesis games, you must first download an Genesis 
which is used to load the Genesis ROMS (games).

So the answer is you need to download an emulator.

Good luck.


On 03/03/2013 12:38, Jessica Moss wrote:

I've just downloaded a bunch of Sega Genesis roms and had no idea the folder 
was a .bin file, and now have no idea how to open it.  Can anyone help out here?

"If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives outside the 
box" Barbara Otto

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Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue with VoiceOver on iPhone

2013-03-04 Thread Sean Paul

I don't think most sighted people that you come in contact with can even 
understand voiceover nor do they even care who is calling you. Again, at 
least we have the ability to have caller ID unlike when cell phones first 
came out. What if you have a home phone line & a talking caller ID box 
hooked up to it & someone is over at your house visiting is it any real big 
deal if they hear it? Are you going to go cut it off because you're afraid 
that they may hear it & have some sort of issue with who's calling you? I 
dare say those things are much easier to understand than any voiceover is... 
I certainly don't think so. What is a big deal to me is that we have the 
ability to have caller id, text messaging capabilities, web browsing, email, 
etc on our mobile devices which puts us at least on a somewhat level playing 
field with our sighted piers. I'd bet if you asked most sighted folks they 
wouldn't even care if someone saw their caller id...  Probably wouldn't have 
an issue if it were flashed up on some bilboard somewhere. I think there are 
much bigger fish to fry in the accessibility world than this one. Again, 
just be thankful that Apple cared enough about those of us who are visually 
impaired to give us something like voiceover.  Just one man's opinion & yes, 
sometimes I do get paid for it.
- Original Message - 
From: "Emrah" 

Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 09:32
Subject: Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue 
with VoiceOver on iPhone


How exactly do you think you are being constructive here?

On the same register as your message, don't you think sighted people would 
have an issue if their caller ID were flashed on a billboard for everyone to 
see every time they get a call?

It goes without saying that it is great we have access to caller ID. What is 
not so great is that it is announced out loud automatically for every one in 
your immediate surroundings to hear.

I know that blind people sometimes have a hard time acknowledging the 
presence of other people who can see and hear. I like using my phone in a 
rather discrete fashion with a Bluetooth earpiece. I personally find it 
annoying that incoming calls make Samantha irrupt through my speakerphone 
and freak out the fellow traveller who is sitting right across from me. :) I 
don't quite like being the subject of other's curiosity. They suddenly have 
to acknowledge that there is a blind guy in the house.

I am happy for you if you don't consider it to be an issue. I guess it 
depends on a multitude of settings and appreciate your opinion.

However, I still believe I have a valid point here. There is no reason for 
us to broadcast the name and number of people who are calling us.



On Mar 4, 2013, at 6:05 AM, Sean Paul  wrote:

So, would you complain if it wasn't spoken at all? I'd bet you would. 
Isn't it a good thing that we get caller ID at all? I mean? Seriously?

- Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 15:54
Subject: Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue 
with VoiceOver on iPhone


Not to sound discouraging but, I honestly don't know how many really share 
this concern.  I'm not so sure it's unavoidable either.  One could mute 
speech with a 3 finger double tap when not in use or, turn Voiceover off 
all together with a 3 triple press of home, and turn either back on when 
receiving an incoming call or, just want access to the phone.  You could 
even turn down the volume of voiceover so it would be hard to hear if not 
holding the device in your hand.  But I must say, of all bugs I want 
fixed, or features I want to see added, This wouldn't even make my top 10.

But, who knows?  I might be in the minority on this topic.  Hopefully your 
message will urge others with the same concerns to contact Apple about it.


Ricardo Walker

On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:28 PM, Emrah  wrote:

Hi list,

I remember reporting this a while ago to Apple Accessibility… To no 
VoiceOver users have an unavoidable privacy issue: the automatic 
announcement of the caller ID of an incoming call.
It should be possible to make this optional, with the ability to manually 
interrogate the screen to know who is calling.

Moreover, why is it that when we have a headphone connected, the caller 
ID is still spoken out loud through the speakerphone?

What do we have to do for Apple to take this into consideration? A 

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Re: Midi and garageband.

2013-03-04 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't have garageband connected to my keyboard (yet) so I don't know 
how all that works, but you can change the tempo and time signature.

With your project open you'll navigate past a couple major areas like 
'layout area' and 'track info group' and eventually you'll go past the 
pause/play controls to something called the "LCD group" Interact with 
that and you'll find something called "LCD Mode popup button" and one of 
the choices in that popup is "Project". I think it defaults to 
"Measures". After that navigate right to the "LCD Summary Group" Inside 
there you'll find Key, Tempo and Signature headers with a popup button 
below each one. Action those popups to change the key, temp and 
signature for the project. The temp and keychange should happen 
immediately . Not sure the time signature really has much effect with MIDI.

Hope this helps.


On 3/3/13 4:45 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:


Ok I will try to use garageband for editing a midifile. But it is not without 
problems. I will try to mention some of them, and if you know about some 
instruction I can read, or if you will explain some of my problems, I would be 
1. I create a project, in which I will import a midifile and paste the file 
into the project. I can not always see if my midifile is 2/4 or 4/4 how can I 
let the midifile decide the tempo and if it is 2/4, 3/4 or 4/4 or what it can 
2. I have a great clavinova that I would like to play the midifiles, so that 
garageband will send the midi to my clavinova, and uses the sounds from my 
3. How can I change an instrument, if I e.g. wants a flute instead of a oboe, 
just an example.

Best regards Annie.


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Re: Does Chromevox read Flash Content in Google Chrome?

2013-03-04 Thread Chris Blouch
As I had mentioned in previous discussion about flash there are a couple 
hurdles, one being the accessibility API being supported by Flash. Adobe 
does not support the Apple accessibility API so it is not likely that 
Chrome/Chromevox will make this any better. At least I'd be surprised if 
Chrome implemented some kind of shim to transport iAccessible2 calls 
from flash into Apple API calls. I doubt Adobe even attempts to make 
those calls on the Mac since normally they would all fail.


On 3/1/13 10:18 PM, Nicholas Parsons wrote:

Hi all,

The subject really says it all. How accessible is flash content in Google 
Chrome with Chromevox?



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Re: VoiceOver and HTMLVoiceOver Getting Started Table of Contents

2013-03-04 Thread Chris Blouch
Generally Voiceover, like NVDA on Windows or Linux, takes a stricter 
approach to reading HTML in that it does not attempt to repair things. 
Jaws does try to fix things up but by doing so can guess wrong and/or 
obscure faults in the page, leading web developers to a false sense of 
security and encouraging them to repeat bad behavior in future products. 
So if you're learning how to code HTML accessibly, doing it with 
voiceover is going to be a step ahead because it won't candy-coat any 
mistakes. That said, you should get familiar with html validators, WCAG 
and ARIA standards which is what all browsers 'should' adhere to. 
Safari/Voiceover, like any platform, has bugs but don't be tempted to go 
down the path of hacking stuff for different browser/AT combinations. 
It's a fragile path that usually doesn't end well. Instead go the 
standards way to give yourself futureproof code and eventually the user 
agents will catch up. I'd also keep up with Steve Faulkner who does a 
lot of writings in this area:


On 3/1/13 9:45 PM, Nicholas Parsons wrote:

Thanks, Bill. I've learnt HTML already. Indeed, HTML is HTML, but different 
screen readers read it differently. For instance, for links, does it read the 
on-screen text of the link first, its URL (href attribute), its title attribute 
or the alt text attribute? JAWS is set to read the on-screen text by default. 
I've noticed VoiceOver often reads file extentions on links such as PHP, ASP 
and HTM, which makes me think it's reading the href attribute rather than the 
on-screen text. JAWS, for example, allows the user to choose whether they want 
JAWs to read out the URL of an image, or its alt text, or both, and so on. Does 
VoiceOver treat tables used for layout purposes as tables or does it ignore 
them like JAWS?


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Re: Is there a music program that allows working with midi files.

2013-03-04 Thread Chris Blouch
I played around with this a bit and was able to import some generic midi 
I found on a random web site just fine. Main problem I had was 
re-orchestrating the tracks so the drums were no being played with a 
piano etc. That's been the bane of MIDI for a long time.


On 3/1/13 7:40 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

Hi Chris.

I have tried with garageband, but it sounds as if the bars is being split up. I 
have tried listening to the midifile with qmidi and sweetmidi, and the files 
work, but I will give them another try with garageband.

If anything goes wrong, could I use sonar in VMWare in windows 7.

Best regards Annie.
On Mar 1, 2013, at 6:40 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

You can load a midi file into garage band by copying it in the finder and then 
pasting it into a project in garage band. Like a lot of midi apps the 
instrument assignments usually don't come through correctly so you'll probably 
have to reassign instruments to the tracks to make sure everything isn't being 
played by a piano.


On 2/28/13 5:39 PM, Phil Halton wrote:

GarageBand would allow for deleting a track, transposing keys, changing tempos 
and instrument assignments. It does not allow for any note editting, (note 
editting is possible, but not accessible with VoiceOver).

I have never tried to load an existing midi (.mid) file into GB, but have 
always created my software tracks (midi) in GB. I don't even know if that can 
be done. it might require pasting the midi data from the clipboard, but I'm not 
sure on that.

- Original Message - From: "Annie Skov Nielsen" 

Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 5:55 PM
Subject: Is there a music program that allows working with midi files.


Is there any accessible music program that allows playing and editing a little 
in midifiles. I would like to transpose change tempo, and delete an instrument 
or change an instrument to another instrument.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: Som inconsistency with braille commands.

2013-03-04 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Thank you very much.  I will have a look.  In the meantime, take care and get 
well soon.

On 4 Mar 2013, at 19:19, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:

> Hi Kawal.
> I will need to look more into this problem, but I am not feeling well today.
> You can change some of the commands under braille in VOiceOver. Try playing 
> with it, and I will help you later this week.
> Best regards Annie.
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 12:25 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hello All.
>> Normally, I use my braille display with my I phone.  However, today, I 
>> thought I'd connect my braille display via bluetooth to my I Mac.  I put 
>> keyboard help on and got familiar with the commands when using braille as I 
>> work faster and learn quicker when playing with something rather than  
>> reading a manual at times, depending on what it is.  I'm quite familiar with 
>> using my display with my I phone as I use a display 90% of the time.
>> So, I was rather put out when writing an imaginary I message, on my Mac 
>> using the display that I could not use the following commands which work on 
>> the I phone.
>> These commands on the I phone are chord lower H to select text, chord lower 
>> J to deselect text and chord D to delete selected text, chord C to copy, 
>> chord V to paste and chord U to cut.  However, some of these commands on the 
>> Mac are used for other things.  So, how can one select text, unselect text, 
>> copy, paste, cut and delete selected text please?  I apologise if I've got 
>> some of the commands wrong as I remember them most when I actually do them 
>> as I do them without thinking about it.
>> Thank you in advance.
>> Kawal.
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Re: Som inconsistency with braille commands.

2013-03-04 Thread Kristeen Hughes


On Mar 4, 2013, at 5:16 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Thank you very much.  I will have a look.  In the meantime, take care and get 
> well soon.
> Kawal.
> On 4 Mar 2013, at 19:19, Annie Skov Nielsen  
> wrote:
>> Hi Kawal.
>> I will need to look more into this problem, but I am not feeling well today.
>> You can change some of the commands under braille in VOiceOver. Try playing 
>> with it, and I will help you later this week.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> On Mar 4, 2013, at 12:25 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Hello All.
>>> Normally, I use my braille display with my I phone.  However, today, I 
>>> thought I'd connect my braille display via bluetooth to my I Mac.  I put 
>>> keyboard help on and got familiar with the commands when using braille as I 
>>> work faster and learn quicker when playing with something rather than  
>>> reading a manual at times, depending on what it is.  I'm quite familiar 
>>> with using my display with my I phone as I use a display 90% of the time.
>>> So, I was rather put out when writing an imaginary I message, on my Mac 
>>> using the display that I could not use the following commands which work on 
>>> the I phone.
>>> These commands on the I phone are chord lower H to select text, chord lower 
>>> J to deselect text and chord D to delete selected text, chord C to copy, 
>>> chord V to paste and chord U to cut.  However, some of these commands on 
>>> the Mac are used for other things.  So, how can one select text, unselect 
>>> text, copy, paste, cut and delete selected text please?  I apologise if 
>>> I've got some of the commands wrong as I remember them most when I actually 
>>> do them as I do them without thinking about it.
>>> Thank you in advance.
>>> Kawal.
>>> -- 
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Re: Som inconsistency with braille commands.

2013-03-04 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I do remember however, I did try and assign commands, but the time allowed to 
do that was very short and I could not get it to work.  Anne, would you 
consider a Skype conversation sometime over the weekend if you can make that?  
Just that I work full time during the week and when I get home, it can be late. 
 Have a think about it and write to me privately off list if you can do it and 
I'll give you my Skype ID.

Thanks again, best regards.

On 4 Mar 2013, at 22:24, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:

> On Mar 4, 2013, at 5:16 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Thank you very much.  I will have a look.  In the meantime, take care and 
>> get well soon.
>> Kawal.
>> On 4 Mar 2013, at 19:19, Annie Skov Nielsen  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Kawal.
>>> I will need to look more into this problem, but I am not feeling well today.
>>> You can change some of the commands under braille in VOiceOver. Try playing 
>>> with it, and I will help you later this week.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> On Mar 4, 2013, at 12:25 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
 Hello All.
 Normally, I use my braille display with my I phone.  However, today, I 
 thought I'd connect my braille display via bluetooth to my I Mac.  I put 
 keyboard help on and got familiar with the commands when using braille as 
 I work faster and learn quicker when playing with something rather than  
 reading a manual at times, depending on what it is.  I'm quite familiar 
 with using my display with my I phone as I use a display 90% of the time.
 So, I was rather put out when writing an imaginary I message, on my Mac 
 using the display that I could not use the following commands which work 
 on the I phone.
 These commands on the I phone are chord lower H to select text, chord 
 lower J to deselect text and chord D to delete selected text, chord C to 
 copy, chord V to paste and chord U to cut.  However, some of these 
 commands on the Mac are used for other things.  So, how can one select 
 text, unselect text, copy, paste, cut and delete selected text please?  I 
 apologise if I've got some of the commands wrong as I remember them most 
 when I actually do them as I do them without thinking about it.
 Thank you in advance.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 email to
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Re: wireless controls that support multiple emulaters for the mac.

2013-03-04 Thread Chris Blouch

Some forums like this one:

suggest you can actually bluetooth pair a Sony Dualshock 3 wireless game 
controller to a Mac. This article lists a number of gamepads that are 
compatible with the Mac:

with two of them being wireless, the Logitech F710 and the Microsoft 
xBox gamepads.


On 3/1/13 5:53 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:

I've got emulators for about 4 different games that I play on occasion on my 
mac, and would love to know if there's a wireless control I could get that 
would be easy to configure to work with all of these so I don't have to try to 
memorize different keystrokes for different programs/end up wearing out my 
computer's keyboard prematurely, depending on what game I end up playing.  Does 
anyone know if such a thing exists?
   A friend of mine told me about a logitech one I think it was, that I made 
the mistake of buying a while back, but I think this person was mistakened 
about it being wireless, because it had a cord, and was not only not 
speech-friendly, but was a pain in the kneck to configure, and I made the 
mistake of buying 2 of them, which another friend of mine, who's really good 
with computers, never could get to configure either after playing around with 
it half the day and later taking it home with him.


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RE: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue with VoiceOver on iPhone

2013-03-04 Thread Moses Choo
Dear all,
While you are all on the topic of the caller ID anouncement, I have yet
something more irritating.  Not only does the phone anounce when it rings,
even during the conversation it will also anounce the caller or his number.
Besides muting the speech while we are on the line, is there something else
that we can do?



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Emrah
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 5:05 AM
Subject: Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue
with VoiceOver on iPhone


Thanks for your prompt input.
The fact is that if you wish VO to speak lower on incoming calls, you must
lower the volume of the ringer alert.
Otherwise turning down the volume of VO is not extremely practical since
there are too many cases where you need the volume back at a normal level.
And muting VO every time you are done with it? I don't think the setting is
intended to be used that way.

Did you see the issue where an incoming call triggers VO to speak through
the speakerphone even with a headset connected?

The fact is that I am not asking for an improvement here, but something that
should have been there at the first place. 
I am far from being over concerned by privacy, but I happen to feel a little
uncomfortable when VO announces the names of people that call me when I am
sitting on a train, in a meeting or basically close to strangers.


On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:38 PM, James Mannion  wrote:

> Maybe try turning down the volume when not in use so it will not 
> announce it to any extent that anyone would be able to hear it that 
> you don't want to hear it? Maybe do the 3 finger double tap to mute 
> speech when not in use and then just quickly unmute it with the same 
> command when you want to hear it? In my opinion worrying about this is 
> just an obsession with privacy that will have you always fighting 
> battles to no end in your life, but to each their own I guess and 
> there are ways around it if one care that much.
> On 3/3/13, Emrah  wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I remember reporting this a while ago to Apple Accessibility. To no
>> VoiceOver users have an unavoidable privacy issue: the automatic 
>> announcement of the caller ID of an incoming call.
>> It should be possible to make this optional, with the ability to 
>> manually interrogate the screen to know who is calling.
>> Moreover, why is it that when we have a headphone connected, the 
>> caller ID is still spoken out loud through the speakerphone?
>> What do we have to do for Apple to take this into consideration? A 
>> petition?
>> --
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Re: moving to the top of message list in mail

2013-03-04 Thread Donna Goodin
Hello Ricardo,

I must have done something like that.  But, whatever I did, it's working now.  
Thanks for the response.

Take care,
On Mar 4, 2013, at 8:55 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Good morning Donna,
> Your not interacting with the messages table it sounds like.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 6:25 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> When I use Go to Beginning, I am taken to the ToolBar.  When I use Go to Top 
>> of Window, I'm taken to the Close button.  any thoughts what I might be 
>> doing wrong?
>> thanks,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 9:13 PM, Kliphton  wrote:
>>> I am using 1 with the option key to go to top, and 2 to go to the end.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:39 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
>>> Just curious, what command are you guys assigning to 1?  I've tried "Go to
>>> Begining"  and Go to Top of Window"  and neither works properly.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
 IDE never thought of using keyboard commander like that. Thanks for
>>> opening my mind a bit more. 
 Kind regards,
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 04/03/2013, at 11:40 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
> Your best bet is to create a commander.  I use option 1 to go to the 
> top, and option 2 to go to the bottom.  I don't think there is any other
>>> way.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Noel Romey
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: moving to the top of message list in mail
> Hey guys,
> Does anyone know the easiest way to go to the top of the message list 
> in mail in Mountain lion?  I have seen that command+up arrow held 
> down and and it is supposed to move to the top.  VO doesn't allow me 
> to do this.. Any ideas or experiences?
> Thanks.
> Noel
> --
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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Donna Goodin
Hmm, sounds like Caliber is more trouble than it's worth.  Thanks for telling 
me this.
Take care,
On Mar 4, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> There are plug ins that will allow caliber to strip drm and then convert the 
> books. I have several kindle books in iBooks on my iPad that were converted 
> using caliber then put into iTunes and from there onto the iPad in iBooks. 
> However, it required sighted spouse to do the Caliber work, as the gui is 
> totally useless with VO.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Annie,

That's kind of my take on DRM as well.  And I would never share a book that I 
had removed the DRM from with others.

So how do you convert books in Caliber without the command line?
On Mar 4, 2013, at 8:06 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen  

> Hi.
> You can convert without installing the command line. But I have some troubles 
> with it. I can not figure out how to convert a folder of books.
> I am only removing DRM because of accessibility, I do not like to do it, but 
> on the other hand should I when scan the books, use a lot of time, and not 
> always get the result I would like.
> Best regards Annie.
> Best regards Annie.
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:31 PM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:
>> Hello Donna,
>> I'm affraid I haven't had the sighted support to get the command line tools 
>> installed. The graphical interface is inaccessible. To install the command 
>> line tools requires opening the advanced preferences of the program. I 
>> believe that I'll be able to convert ebooks into different formats from the 
>> command line. As I do currently on Windows.
>> However, Calibre will not convert books that have DRM. You'll have to use 
>> another tool to remove DRM. Depending upon what country you reside will 
>> influence your personal feelings about removing something that the producers 
>> have employed to stop such activity.
>> I personally, remove DRM from books I've purchased for personal use. Simply, 
>> in order to access it. But I respect that some people wish to obey the 
>> strict letter of the law of their country. I would rather buy an iBook 
>> version of a book than have to remove DRM from another format.
>> HTH
>> Gena
>> On 04/03/2013 12:08, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I haven't followed this thread closely, so my apologies in advance if I'm 
>>> covering old ground.
>>> What is the current status with Caliber?  I've seen posts where people were 
>>> having trouble using it.  Is it a good accessible resource for converting 
>>> files to ebooks?  What will it do and not do?  How does it handle DRM 
>>> management?
>>> thanks,
>>> Donna
>> -- 
>> "If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives 
>> outside the box" Barbara Otto
>> -- 
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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Jamie Tachiyama
I use kindle drm removal from ePub soft to remove drm.  I then use for the conversion.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:58 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi Annie,
> That's kind of my take on DRM as well.  And I would never share a book that I 
> had removed the DRM from with others.
> So how do you convert books in Caliber without the command line?
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 8:06 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen  
> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> You can convert without installing the command line. But I have some 
>> troubles with it. I can not figure out how to convert a folder of books.
>> I am only removing DRM because of accessibility, I do not like to do it, but 
>> on the other hand should I when scan the books, use a lot of time, and not 
>> always get the result I would like.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:31 PM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:
>>> Hello Donna,
>>> I'm affraid I haven't had the sighted support to get the command line tools 
>>> installed. The graphical interface is inaccessible. To install the command 
>>> line tools requires opening the advanced preferences of the program. I 
>>> believe that I'll be able to convert ebooks into different formats from the 
>>> command line. As I do currently on Windows.
>>> However, Calibre will not convert books that have DRM. You'll have to use 
>>> another tool to remove DRM. Depending upon what country you reside will 
>>> influence your personal feelings about removing something that the 
>>> producers have employed to stop such activity.
>>> I personally, remove DRM from books I've purchased for personal use. 
>>> Simply, in order to access it. But I respect that some people wish to obey 
>>> the strict letter of the law of their country. I would rather buy an iBook 
>>> version of a book than have to remove DRM from another format.
>>> HTH
>>> Gena
>>> On 04/03/2013 12:08, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi all,
 I haven't followed this thread closely, so my apologies in advance if I'm 
 covering old ground.
 What is the current status with Caliber?  I've seen posts where people 
 were having trouble using it.  Is it a good accessible resource for 
 converting files to ebooks?  What will it do and not do?  How does it 
 handle DRM management?
>>> -- 
>>> "If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives 
>>> outside the box" Barbara Otto
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Re: moving to the top of message list in mail

2013-03-04 Thread Noel Romey
Hey guys,

I never thought that my question would invoke such a discussion.  Thanks for 
all of the help and for the suggestions re: keyboard commander.  I just got 
this macbook and really enjoy it as I'm kinda used to commands that I used on 
my mac mini, but there are still some things that I'm not 100% on.  Thanks 
again. The keyboard command works flawlessly though i glad I have the full full 
complement of fingers as it's a bit of a stretch to hit all of the keys at once 
:). Suppose I'll get on the keyboard commander sooner rather than later.

Thanks again.


On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:59 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> That command works on keyboards with a function key. If you have a home key, 
> you can use vo-shift-home (vo-shift-end to go to the bottom). Note that you 
> must be interacting with the messages table at the time you press the 
> command, or you will go to the top of the window. This command jumps you to 
> the top of whatever vo is interacting with, so watch out for that. FYI, 
> fn-left acts as home on keyboards that lack that key, and fn-right acts as 
> end.
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:54 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> FN+VO+shift+lft arrow.
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 5:47 PM, Noel Romey  wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> Does anyone know the easiest way to go to the top of the message list in 
>>> mail in Mountain lion?  I have seen that command+up arrow held down and and 
>>> it is supposed to move to the top.  VO doesn't allow me to do this.. Any 
>>> ideas or experiences?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Noel
>>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Donna.

You can use the converter function. If you have removed the DRM, you can 
convert. My problem is, that I can not figure out how to do a folder of books, 
so I am using windows for that, because I have found out how to do it there, 
but I wish I could find the correct command for it on the mac, so I will not 
have to start up wmware and windows 7 for that. I will find the information I 
have gathered, and maybe we can use that for something. Another thing is, that 
if someone made some automator scripts for us, we could do it from finder, but 
I can not find out how to do that.

Best regards Annie.
On Mar 4, 2013, at 11:58 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi Annie,
> That's kind of my take on DRM as well.  And I would never share a book that I 
> had removed the DRM from with others.
> So how do you convert books in Caliber without the command line?
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 8:06 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen  
> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> You can convert without installing the command line. But I have some 
>> troubles with it. I can not figure out how to convert a folder of books.
>> I am only removing DRM because of accessibility, I do not like to do it, but 
>> on the other hand should I when scan the books, use a lot of time, and not 
>> always get the result I would like.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:31 PM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:
>>> Hello Donna,
>>> I'm affraid I haven't had the sighted support to get the command line tools 
>>> installed. The graphical interface is inaccessible. To install the command 
>>> line tools requires opening the advanced preferences of the program. I 
>>> believe that I'll be able to convert ebooks into different formats from the 
>>> command line. As I do currently on Windows.
>>> However, Calibre will not convert books that have DRM. You'll have to use 
>>> another tool to remove DRM. Depending upon what country you reside will 
>>> influence your personal feelings about removing something that the 
>>> producers have employed to stop such activity.
>>> I personally, remove DRM from books I've purchased for personal use. 
>>> Simply, in order to access it. But I respect that some people wish to obey 
>>> the strict letter of the law of their country. I would rather buy an iBook 
>>> version of a book than have to remove DRM from another format.
>>> HTH
>>> Gena
>>> On 04/03/2013 12:08, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi all,
 I haven't followed this thread closely, so my apologies in advance if I'm 
 covering old ground.
 What is the current status with Caliber?  I've seen posts where people 
 were having trouble using it.  Is it a good accessible resource for 
 converting files to ebooks?  What will it do and not do?  How does it 
 handle DRM management?
>>> -- 
>>> "If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives 
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Re: Som inconsistency with braille commands.

2013-03-04 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

What we could do is to make a skype conference sunday evening, maybe late 
evening here, when it will work for you I think. I am from Denmark, I do not 
know where you are from.

Christine you are wellcome too.

We could be a few more people on a conference if someone would like it.

I will write to you of list later this week.

Best regards Annie.
On Mar 4, 2013, at 11:30 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> I do remember however, I did try and assign commands, but the time allowed to 
> do that was very short and I could not get it to work.  Anne, would you 
> consider a Skype conversation sometime over the weekend if you can make that? 
>  Just that I work full time during the week and when I get home, it can be 
> late.  Have a think about it and write to me privately off list if you can do 
> it and I'll give you my Skype ID.
> Thanks again, best regards.
> Kawal.
> On 4 Mar 2013, at 22:24, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>> On Mar 4, 2013, at 5:16 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Thank you very much.  I will have a look.  In the meantime, take care and 
>>> get well soon.
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 4 Mar 2013, at 19:19, Annie Skov Nielsen  
>>> wrote:
 Hi Kawal.
 I will need to look more into this problem, but I am not feeling well 
 You can change some of the commands under braille in VOiceOver. Try 
 playing with it, and I will help you later this week.
 Best regards Annie.
 On Mar 4, 2013, at 12:25 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Hello All.
> Normally, I use my braille display with my I phone.  However, today, I 
> thought I'd connect my braille display via bluetooth to my I Mac.  I put 
> keyboard help on and got familiar with the commands when using braille as 
> I work faster and learn quicker when playing with something rather than  
> reading a manual at times, depending on what it is.  I'm quite familiar 
> with using my display with my I phone as I use a display 90% of the time.
> So, I was rather put out when writing an imaginary I message, on my Mac 
> using the display that I could not use the following commands which work 
> on the I phone.
> These commands on the I phone are chord lower H to select text, chord 
> lower J to deselect text and chord D to delete selected text, chord C to 
> copy, chord V to paste and chord U to cut.  However, some of these 
> commands on the Mac are used for other things.  So, how can one select 
> text, unselect text, copy, paste, cut and delete selected text please?  I 
> apologise if I've got some of the commands wrong as I remember them most 
> when I actually do them as I do them without thinking about it.
> Thank you in advance.
> Kawal.
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Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue with VoiceOver on iPhone

2013-03-04 Thread James Mannion
I agree and although I don't think there is generally anything wrong
with possible customizing options and settings, I think it is a bit
much to put this forth as some huge issue of any sort. There are
absolutely options to us the controls available to eliminate this
speaking if it is such a concern. I tend to agree that it is a bit to
the extreme to consider it a huge issue, especially when one can just
change a setting to not have it speak at all already or to not have it
at megaphone levels. If you don't want the caller ID speaking so loud,
does the phone have to ring that loud either? One can adjust the
ringer volume accordingly. A 3 fingr double tap is very quick and easy
to do. What I really take issue with and where I think peoples'
preferences are a bit of a problem is when they are presented as some
huge violation deficiency in the product issue. If we throw everything
at them as some huge issue at some point everything will be considered
the same thing. Just more complaining about everything. I don't know
how else to say it. THis just seems like taking something stupid to
the extreme without being willing to use what is available to us to
manage the use of the device and what it is set to do. It is not
practical to expect everything to automate to our ever preference at
every second and to consider it unreasonable to just do a double tap
with 3 fingers to the screen or to go and, gasp, have to change a
setting to fit the current need.

On 3/4/13, Sean Paul  wrote:
> Seriously?
> I don't think most sighted people that you come in contact with can even
> understand voiceover nor do they even care who is calling you. Again, at
> least we have the ability to have caller ID unlike when cell phones first
> came out. What if you have a home phone line & a talking caller ID box
> hooked up to it & someone is over at your house visiting is it any real big
> deal if they hear it? Are you going to go cut it off because you're afraid
> that they may hear it & have some sort of issue with who's calling you? I
> dare say those things are much easier to understand than any voiceover is...
> I certainly don't think so. What is a big deal to me is that we have the
> ability to have caller id, text messaging capabilities, web browsing, email,
> etc on our mobile devices which puts us at least on a somewhat level playing
> field with our sighted piers. I'd bet if you asked most sighted folks they
> wouldn't even care if someone saw their caller id...  Probably wouldn't have
> an issue if it were flashed up on some bilboard somewhere. I think there are
> much bigger fish to fry in the accessibility world than this one. Again,
> just be thankful that Apple cared enough about those of us who are visually
> impaired to give us something like voiceover.  Just one man's opinion & yes,
> sometimes I do get paid for it.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Emrah" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 09:32
> Subject: Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue
> with VoiceOver on iPhone
> Hi,
> How exactly do you think you are being constructive here?
> On the same register as your message, don't you think sighted people would
> have an issue if their caller ID were flashed on a billboard for everyone to
> see every time they get a call?
> It goes without saying that it is great we have access to caller ID. What is
> not so great is that it is announced out loud automatically for every one in
> your immediate surroundings to hear.
> I know that blind people sometimes have a hard time acknowledging the
> presence of other people who can see and hear. I like using my phone in a
> rather discrete fashion with a Bluetooth earpiece. I personally find it
> annoying that incoming calls make Samantha irrupt through my speakerphone
> and freak out the fellow traveller who is sitting right across from me. :) I
> don't quite like being the subject of other's curiosity. They suddenly have
> to acknowledge that there is a blind guy in the house.
> I am happy for you if you don't consider it to be an issue. I guess it
> depends on a multitude of settings and appreciate your opinion.
> However, I still believe I have a valid point here. There is no reason for
> us to broadcast the name and number of people who are calling us.
> Cheers
> E
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 6:05 AM, Sean Paul  wrote:
>> So, would you complain if it wasn't spoken at all? I'd bet you would.
>> Isn't it a good thing that we get caller ID at all? I mean? Seriously?
>> - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker"
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 15:54
>> Subject: Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue
>> with VoiceOver on iPhone
>> Hi,
>> Not to sound discouraging but, I honestly don't know how many really share
>> this concern.  I'm not so sure it's unavoidable either.  One could mute
>> speech with a 3 finger double tap when not in use or, 

Re: wireless controls that support multiple emulaters for the mac.

2013-03-04 Thread Jessica Moss
Oh cool, will have a look at those, how easy do you think those would be to 
configure with each emulator, considering the fact that the button layouts 
would be slightly different, and some of the games would have more functions, 
causing them to have more of them to press?
  Sounds like that could get pretty complicated, and unfortunately, I'm not 
that tech-savvi.
On Mar 4, 2013, at 5:33 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Some forums like this one:
> suggest you can actually bluetooth pair a Sony Dualshock 3 wireless game 
> controller to a Mac. This article lists a number of gamepads that are 
> compatible with the Mac:
> with two of them being wireless, the Logitech F710 and the Microsoft xBox 
> gamepads.
> CB
> On 3/1/13 5:53 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> I've got emulators for about 4 different games that I play on occasion on my 
>> mac, and would love to know if there's a wireless control I could get that 
>> would be easy to configure to work with all of these so I don't have to try 
>> to memorize different keystrokes for different programs/end up wearing out 
>> my computer's keyboard prematurely, depending on what game I end up playing. 
>>  Does anyone know if such a thing exists?
>>   A friend of mine told me about a logitech one I think it was, that I made 
>> the mistake of buying a while back, but I think this person was mistakened 
>> about it being wireless, because it had a cord, and was not only not 
>> speech-friendly, but was a pain in the kneck to configure, and I made the 
>> mistake of buying 2 of them, which another friend of mine, who's really good 
>> with computers, never could get to configure either after playing around 
>> with it half the day and later taking it home with him.
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue with VoiceOver on iPhone

2013-03-04 Thread Ricardo Walker

no.  There is no customizable setting to prevent this.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 4, 2013, at 5:45 PM, "Moses Choo"  wrote:

> Dear all,
> While you are all on the topic of the caller ID anouncement, I have yet
> something more irritating.  Not only does the phone anounce when it rings,
> even during the conversation it will also anounce the caller or his number.
> Besides muting the speech while we are on the line, is there something else
> that we can do?
> Regards,
> Moses. 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Emrah
> Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 5:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue
> with VoiceOver on iPhone
> Friend,
> Thanks for your prompt input.
> The fact is that if you wish VO to speak lower on incoming calls, you must
> lower the volume of the ringer alert.
> Otherwise turning down the volume of VO is not extremely practical since
> there are too many cases where you need the volume back at a normal level.
> And muting VO every time you are done with it? I don't think the setting is
> intended to be used that way.
> Did you see the issue where an incoming call triggers VO to speak through
> the speakerphone even with a headset connected?
> The fact is that I am not asking for an improvement here, but something that
> should have been there at the first place. 
> I am far from being over concerned by privacy, but I happen to feel a little
> uncomfortable when VO announces the names of people that call me when I am
> sitting on a train, in a meeting or basically close to strangers.
> Cheers!
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:38 PM, James Mannion  wrote:
>> Maybe try turning down the volume when not in use so it will not 
>> announce it to any extent that anyone would be able to hear it that 
>> you don't want to hear it? Maybe do the 3 finger double tap to mute 
>> speech when not in use and then just quickly unmute it with the same 
>> command when you want to hear it? In my opinion worrying about this is 
>> just an obsession with privacy that will have you always fighting 
>> battles to no end in your life, but to each their own I guess and 
>> there are ways around it if one care that much.
>> On 3/3/13, Emrah  wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> I remember reporting this a while ago to Apple Accessibility. To no
> avail.
>>> VoiceOver users have an unavoidable privacy issue: the automatic 
>>> announcement of the caller ID of an incoming call.
>>> It should be possible to make this optional, with the ability to 
>>> manually interrogate the screen to know who is calling.
>>> Moreover, why is it that when we have a headphone connected, the 
>>> caller ID is still spoken out loud through the speakerphone?
>>> What do we have to do for Apple to take this into consideration? A 
>>> petition?
>>> --
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Re: Reading epub drm protected books from kobo and similar with voiceover

2013-03-04 Thread Esther
Hi Andrew and Lisette,

Lisette is correct: there is an accessibility problem with the latest version 
of the Kobo app used on the iPad that is not present when it is used on the 
iPhone or iPod Touch.  There is a button in the top left corner of the screen 
that VoiceOver is not announcing/recognizing.  This was described in a post 
that preceded the linked post I originally gave you on the mac-access list, 
that described how to set up your library in list view.  (I tend to read both 
up and down threads when I find links using the Mail Archive search functions, 
by using Control-N to read the next post in a thread, and Control-P to read the 
previous post.  I often read through the entire thread to check out the context 
of earlier discussions.)  Here's the mac-access post I mean that outlines the 
problems with using Kobo on the iPad:
• Re: Accessible ebook reader for Mac
If you follow the thread down by using the Control-N keyboard shortcut twice, 
you'll reach my earlier linked post that explains how to change the display 
view of your Kobo library from "shelf" to "list", and which also includes a 
second way to speed up navigation to your library that is available in the most 
recent version of the Kobo app for iPhone and iPod Touch, which lets you flick 
right to past "My Recent Reads" to the "iPhone Home Disclosure" button and 
double tap.  (In previous versions of the app you had to double tap the large, 
unlabeled button that took up most of the bottom left corner of the screen, and 
which had a labeled "Library" entry just below the button -- this still works, 
but I find flicking to "iPhone Home Disclosure" a bit faster.  It's just a 
matter of personal preference.)

You might be able to configure the iPad version of the Kobo app with sighted 
help.  I haven't pursued this.  If you do get this set up, the iPad version of 
the Kobo app doesn't have an option to select a page transition style of 
"scrolling".  It was still possible to navigate past the beginning and end of 
chapters, and past cover images and graphics, but just less convenient if you 
were used a paired keyboard or Braille device.  In the Kobo app you can always 
navigate to the next page by toggling VoiceOver off and tapping the right side 
of the screen.  Similarly, you can always navigate to the previous page with 
VoiceOver toggled off by tapping the left side of the screen.  Alternatively, 
you can navigate to the table of contents (currently announced as "iPhone 
Toolbar Contents" button on my iPhone in the page controls near the top of the 
screen) and select a Chapter to move to a new section.  This is doable but less 
convenient than using the scrolling page transition style with a keyboard 
because: 1) you can't just activate a linkimage with your paired device at the 
beginning or end of a chapter to move to the previous or next chapter and 2) 
you may have to bring up the page controls by double tapping in the center of 
the screen. (This toggles the page controls at the top and bottom of the screen 
between show and hide.)

The key to using Adobe Digital Editions and avoiding crashing with VoiceOver on 
your Mac is not to try interacting.  Instead, just navigate to the next using 
the controls in the application for the content to be automatically read, and 
use  your arrow keys to switch pages.  Also, you can select a small font so 
that more text appears on each page that you copy with VO-Shift-C.

Here's a sample response describing how to avoid crashing this way from the 
macvisionaries list archives:
• Re: Accessible ebook reader for Mac
This includes both my reply and Anne's earlier response on the subject.

Hopefully, a later version of Adobe Digital Editions will include improvements 
in navigation.  These did get added for Windows screen readers in the last 
version of the application, but you still cannot navigate by paragraph, line, 
word, or character within the application using VoiceOver on the Mac.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Mar 4, 2013, at 07:58, Lisette Wesseling wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> I've not had as much success with the iPad version of the Kobo app. I can't 
> seem to get past the log in screne, so I've sort of given up for now. It 
> could just be me, but I find the iPhone version easier to use.
> Lisette
> On 4/03/2013, at 9:26 PM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:
>> Dear Lisette and Esther,
>> Thank you very much for the explanations and tips regarding reading drm 
>> protected ebooks on the mac and idevices. Do you know whether I can use the 
>> kobo app with my iPad 2?
>> Also, I've been having lots of crashes of Voiceover in adobe digital edition 
>> when trying to interact with the page that's currently being read. Reading 
>> the archives of the list in googlegroups regarding adobe digital edition, I 
>> can see that others have

Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Mary Otten
If you have sighted help or don't mind the command line stuff, then it is worth 
it. There are so many things out there that you can't get except on Kindle, 
unless you want to scan them yourself. You can convert a whole mess of books at 
once with the gui interface. I just wish it were vo friendly.


Mary Otten

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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Mary Otten
I've never heard of this program from epup soft. Is it a Mac or a pc program?   


Mary Otten

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Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue with VoiceOver on iPhone

2013-03-04 Thread James Mannion
I wasn't saying there is. I was saying I don't see anything wrong with
someone putting a suggestion in for an additional customization
setting to control this, but differentiating that from putting it out
there as a huge issue that just completely violates privacy instead of
looking it as manageable with the settings currently available now and
further automation could be possible with additional settings options.

On 3/4/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hello,
> no.  There is no customizable setting to prevent this.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 5:45 PM, "Moses Choo"  wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> While you are all on the topic of the caller ID anouncement, I have yet
>> something more irritating.  Not only does the phone anounce when it
>> rings,
>> even during the conversation it will also anounce the caller or his
>> number.
>> Besides muting the speech while we are on the line, is there something
>> else
>> that we can do?
>> Regards,
>> Moses.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Emrah
>> Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 5:05 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Automatic caller ID announcement, an important privacy issue
>> with VoiceOver on iPhone
>> Friend,
>> Thanks for your prompt input.
>> The fact is that if you wish VO to speak lower on incoming calls, you
>> must
>> lower the volume of the ringer alert.
>> Otherwise turning down the volume of VO is not extremely practical since
>> there are too many cases where you need the volume back at a normal
>> level.
>> And muting VO every time you are done with it? I don't think the setting
>> is
>> intended to be used that way.
>> Did you see the issue where an incoming call triggers VO to speak through
>> the speakerphone even with a headset connected?
>> The fact is that I am not asking for an improvement here, but something
>> that
>> should have been there at the first place.
>> I am far from being over concerned by privacy, but I happen to feel a
>> little
>> uncomfortable when VO announces the names of people that call me when I
>> am
>> sitting on a train, in a meeting or basically close to strangers.
>> Cheers!
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:38 PM, James Mannion  wrote:
>>> Maybe try turning down the volume when not in use so it will not
>>> announce it to any extent that anyone would be able to hear it that
>>> you don't want to hear it? Maybe do the 3 finger double tap to mute
>>> speech when not in use and then just quickly unmute it with the same
>>> command when you want to hear it? In my opinion worrying about this is
>>> just an obsession with privacy that will have you always fighting
>>> battles to no end in your life, but to each their own I guess and
>>> there are ways around it if one care that much.
>>> On 3/3/13, Emrah  wrote:
 Hi list,

 I remember reporting this a while ago to Apple Accessibility. To no
>> avail.
 VoiceOver users have an unavoidable privacy issue: the automatic
 announcement of the caller ID of an incoming call.
 It should be possible to make this optional, with the ability to
 manually interrogate the screen to know who is calling.

 Moreover, why is it that when we have a headphone connected, the
 caller ID is still spoken out loud through the speakerphone?

 What do we have to do for Apple to take this into consideration? A

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Re: Som inconsistency with braille commands.

2013-03-04 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I'm in the UK.  I know that you are from Denmark Annie, and I think you are one 
hour ahead, as Denmark is the EU.


On 5 Mar 2013, at 12:24 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen  

> Hi.
> What we could do is to make a skype conference sunday evening, maybe late 
> evening here, when it will work for you I think. I am from Denmark, I do not 
> know where you are from.
> Christine you are wellcome too.
> We could be a few more people on a conference if someone would like it.
> I will write to you of list later this week.
> Best regards Annie.
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 11:30 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> I do remember however, I did try and assign commands, but the time allowed 
>> to do that was very short and I could not get it to work.  Anne, would you 
>> consider a Skype conversation sometime over the weekend if you can make 
>> that?  Just that I work full time during the week and when I get home, it 
>> can be late.  Have a think about it and write to me privately off list if 
>> you can do it and I'll give you my Skype ID.
>> Thanks again, best regards.
>> Kawal.
>> On 4 Mar 2013, at 22:24, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
>>> On Mar 4, 2013, at 5:16 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
 Thank you very much.  I will have a look.  In the meantime, take care and 
 get well soon.
 On 4 Mar 2013, at 19:19, Annie Skov Nielsen  
> Hi Kawal.
> I will need to look more into this problem, but I am not feeling well 
> today.
> You can change some of the commands under braille in VOiceOver. Try 
> playing with it, and I will help you later this week.
> Best regards Annie.
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 12:25 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hello All.
>> Normally, I use my braille display with my I phone.  However, today, I 
>> thought I'd connect my braille display via bluetooth to my I Mac.  I put 
>> keyboard help on and got familiar with the commands when using braille 
>> as I work faster and learn quicker when playing with something rather 
>> than  reading a manual at times, depending on what it is.  I'm quite 
>> familiar with using my display with my I phone as I use a display 90% of 
>> the time.
>> So, I was rather put out when writing an imaginary I message, on my Mac 
>> using the display that I could not use the following commands which work 
>> on the I phone.
>> These commands on the I phone are chord lower H to select text, chord 
>> lower J to deselect text and chord D to delete selected text, chord C to 
>> copy, chord V to paste and chord U to cut.  However, some of these 
>> commands on the Mac are used for other things.  So, how can one select 
>> text, unselect text, copy, paste, cut and delete selected text please?  
>> I apologise if I've got some of the commands wrong as I remember them 
>> most when I actually do them as I do them without thinking about it.
>> Thank you in advance.
>> Kawal.
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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Jamie Tachiyama
It is available for both.  Do a search for kindle drm removal.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 4, 2013, at 4:48 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> I've never heard of this program from epup soft. Is it a Mac or a pc program? 
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Mary,

Yeah, I know what you mean about the Kindle selection.  But I think I'll hold 
out for an option that doesn't involve sighted help.  Both my husband and I are 
feeling sort of overwhelmed these days, so I kind of hate to put that on him 
right about now. :)
On Mar 4, 2013, at 6:46 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> If you have sighted help or don't mind the command line stuff, then it is 
> worth it. There are so many things out there that you can't get except on 
> Kindle, unless you want to scan them yourself. You can convert a whole mess 
> of books at once with the gui interface. I just wish it were vo friendly.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks, Jamie, this sounds promising.
On Mar 4, 2013, at 8:06 PM, Jamie Tachiyama  wrote:

> It is available for both.  Do a search for kindle drm removal.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 4:48 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> I've never heard of this program from epup soft. Is it a Mac or a pc 
>> program?
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Annie,

Thanks, you've obviously spent a lot of time on this.  Would you mind telling 
me how you do this in Windows?  You can write me off-list at
On Mar 4, 2013, at 6:14 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen  

> Hi Donna.
> You can use the converter function. If you have removed the DRM, you can 
> convert. My problem is, that I can not figure out how to do a folder of 
> books, so I am using windows for that, because I have found out how to do it 
> there, but I wish I could find the correct command for it on the mac, so I 
> will not have to start up wmware and windows 7 for that. I will find the 
> information I have gathered, and maybe we can use that for something. Another 
> thing is, that if someone made some automator scripts for us, we could do it 
> from finder, but I can not find out how to do that.
> Best regards Annie.
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 11:58 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Annie,
>> That's kind of my take on DRM as well.  And I would never share a book that 
>> I had removed the DRM from with others.
>> So how do you convert books in Caliber without the command line?
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 4, 2013, at 8:06 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> You can convert without installing the command line. But I have some 
>>> troubles with it. I can not figure out how to convert a folder of books.
>>> I am only removing DRM because of accessibility, I do not like to do it, 
>>> but on the other hand should I when scan the books, use a lot of time, and 
>>> not always get the result I would like.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:31 PM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:
 Hello Donna,
 I'm affraid I haven't had the sighted support to get the command line 
 tools installed. The graphical interface is inaccessible. To install the 
 command line tools requires opening the advanced preferences of the 
 program. I believe that I'll be able to convert ebooks into different 
 formats from the command line. As I do currently on Windows.
 However, Calibre will not convert books that have DRM. You'll have to use 
 another tool to remove DRM. Depending upon what country you reside will 
 influence your personal feelings about removing something that the 
 producers have employed to stop such activity.
 I personally, remove DRM from books I've purchased for personal use. 
 Simply, in order to access it. But I respect that some people wish to obey 
 the strict letter of the law of their country. I would rather buy an iBook 
 version of a book than have to remove DRM from another format.
 On 04/03/2013 12:08, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I haven't followed this thread closely, so my apologies in advance if I'm 
> covering old ground.
> What is the current status with Caliber?  I've seen posts where people 
> were having trouble using it.  Is it a good accessible resource for 
> converting files to ebooks?  What will it do and not do?  How does it 
> handle DRM management?
> thanks,
> Donna
 "If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives 
 outside the box" Barbara Otto
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moving to the top of message list in mail

2013-03-04 Thread Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers
Just thought I'd also mention that, if you are on the last item in your 
mailbox, shift control option command and down arrow will take you back up to 
the top item. Obviously the reverse works too.

I know some people find it tricky holding that big a key combination down, but, 
if you can manage it, it works fine.  



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Re: more on converting files to ebooks, Caliber?

2013-03-04 Thread Jamie Tachiyama
I don't usually do it this way.  But both kindle drm removal, and zamzar allow 
for multiple files at one time.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 4, 2013, at 6:14 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Thanks, Jamie, this sounds promising.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Mar 4, 2013, at 8:06 PM, Jamie Tachiyama  wrote:
>> It is available for both.  Do a search for kindle drm removal.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 4, 2013, at 4:48 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>>> I've never heard of this program from epup soft. Is it a Mac or a pc 
>>> program?
>>> Mary
>>> Mary Otten
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