Re: VoiceOver and HTMLVoiceOver Getting Started Table of Contents

2013-03-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks for that, but what I'm looking for are resources on coding HTML for 
VoiceOver, not reading HTML with VoiceOver. I'm fine with using VoiceOver, but 
the HTML code I have written doesn't seem to be read by VoiceOver all that well.

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Re: Need some pointers on using Dropbox

2013-03-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Just a little personal tip. I like to create sub folders within my Dropbox 
folder (which, as Alex says, is located in your home user folder). Then, I add 
these subfolders to the Finder sidebar and/or my doc, and create aliases on my 
Desktop. Adding them to the Finder sidebar in particular makes it easy to save 
files into my Dropbox or its subfolders and access files from within it. 
Correctly set up, it doesn't even feel like a separate application anymore, but 
rather just like the regular ol' finder, only with magical syncing abilities.

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Re: frustrated with mail

2013-03-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Just to ad a little to Alexes explanation.

I agree that standard view is the way to go. However, I collapse the preview 
pane as otherwise messages are marked as read as soon as you put focus on them, 
even if you haven't actually read them. However, if this doesn't bother you 
then having the preview pane open should be no problem.

I disagree, however, about the show related option. I like having Mail group 
related messages together in a conversation thread. Makes it much easier to 
read messages and their replies. VoiceOver only annnounces a number and 
collapsed if there is indeed more than one message in the conversation. You can 
press right arrow to expand the thread and view the individual messages, or 
just press command o to open the conversation. Or, of course, just arrow up or 
down to avoid them, or delete to trash the whole conversation.

I currently use five accounts and it works great. I find Take Control of Apple 
Mail a great book so that's a good start you're reading it. having multiple 
accounts will, as Alex says, give you multiple accounts listed under inbox, 
drafts, sent, trash, archive, and VIPs. You can view these individually or view 
the commbined folder. These special mailboxes are collapsable, so you can 
simply view the combined route level or expand them to view the individual 
accounts below. You will also have in your mailbox list collapsable entries for 
each of your accounts, with all their custom folders within once you expand 

Again, as Alex said, adding these to your Favourites Bar is a great idea. 
Another way to do it is as follows:
•   Ensure your mailbox list is visible. You can toggle it with 
•   Ensure you are in full screen mode.
•   Navigate to the mailbox in the mailbox list you wish to add to 
your Favourites Bar.
•   Press VO-Comma to mark it for drag and drop.
•   Navigate to the Favourites Bar and press VO-SHIFT-COMMA to drop 
it before the item under the VoiceOver curser, or VO-SHIFT-PERIOD to drop it 
after the item under the VoiceOver curser.

You can then use COMMAND-numbers 1 through 9 to view the corresponding mailbox 
in your Favourites BAr, or COMMAND-CONTROL-nunbers 1 through 9 to move the 
currently selected message to the corresponding mailbox in your Favourites Bar. 
COMMAND-CONTROL-A is, of course, to archive the selected message.

You can do the following to remove mailboxes from your Favourites Bar:
•Make sure your trackpad commander is off, by pressing the 
VO-keys and rotating two fingers counter clockwise.
•   Navigating to the mailbox in the Favourites BAr you wish to 
•   Routing the mouse to the VO curser with VO-COMMAND-F5.
•   Check that the mouse is over the mailbox you wish to remove by 
pressing VO-F5. If it's not, repete the previous step.
•   Then, click down on your trackpad and drag a finger from the 
top right to the bottom left.

One other tip is that you don't need to interact with the table of messages. By 
simply focusing on it with QuickNav off, you can arrow up and down between the 

Hope some of this helps a little. Best thing is to read Take Control of Apple 
Mail, replacing any clicking or dragging and dropping with the relevant 
VoiceOver keystrokes, and experimenting a bit yourself. 

Best of luck,

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Re: Can anyone help with mail

2013-03-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Is your account using IMAP or POP? Is it enabled to use IMAP/POP on the server? 
What was the conclusion of the Apple person you spoke with?

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special mathematical symbols and the rest

2013-03-01 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Hi all,

I'm still having a lot of trouble reading math symbols properly with voice 
over, especially when they are typed in a stream of characters. For instance 
the greek capital letter phi reads fine by itself, but not when compounded with 
an & symbol and another greek letter after it, with spacing. 

Is there no other granular method of reading out a sentence?

Best regards,


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Re: VoiceOver and HTML

2013-03-01 Thread Chris Moore
What I have noticed is, if the link (such as a graphic link) contains a title 
attribute, the filename and extension is read out.  This can sometimes override 
the alt tag.  I avoid using the title attribute anyway, as JAWS does not read 
them by default.  I would suggest writing to Apple accessibility and pointing 
this bug out to them, and also raising it as a bug on their bug report website. 
 I have done this in the past, but the bug is still there.

On 28 Feb 2013, at 02:36, Nicholas Parsons  

> Are their any good references/resources that describe how VoiceOver reads 
> HTML? I've found that it works slightly differently to JAWS (surprise 
> surprise). For instance, sometimes VoiceOver seems to read the file 
> extentions on links, and it also seems to read the alt text on links like a 
> help tag.
> I do a little amature web design like so many others and would like to know 
> how best to create a website for VoiceOver accessibility.
> Thanks for any help.
> Nic
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RE: frustrated with mail

2013-03-01 Thread Jesus Garcia
Again thanks to all who have answered, no mouse but a track pad, I am using
a mac book pro, and love the track pad. Never thought I would say that what
a difference when an operating system and its access is done correctly. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 22:03
Subject: Re: frustrated with mail

Oh right, I forgot those instructions! The below assumes that you do not
have a physical mouse, but only a keyboard. Also, do not forget that your
system may require you to press function to get the f keys to work as f keys
and not as system command keys, so add function to any commands you need to.

1. Interact with the mailboxes table and find the mailbox you want to drag.
2. Route your mouse there with vo-cmd-f5, then disable cursor tracking with
3. Lock your mouse button down with vo-cmd-shift-space, then stop
interacting with the table, and find the favorites bar. Interact with it and
place your vo focus on the folder after which you want your folder to be
dragged. If you get it wrong, or if I am mistaken and it should be before
the folder, just repeat these instructions to move the folder where you want
4. Route the mouse again, with vo-cmd-f5, then release the mouse button with
vo-cmd-shift-space. You should be done (don't forget to re-enable cursor
tracking with vo-shift-f3).
On Feb 28, 2013, at 9:13 PM, "Jesus Garcia"  wrote:

> Great this helps thank you now one more question how does one go about 
> dragging the accounts to the favorit bar? Again thanks for the help.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 20:50
> To:
> Subject: Re: frustrated with mail
> Add accounts in preferences (cmd-comma), under the accounts tab. Once 
> added, I am not sure what happens as I only use my one gMail account, 
> but I think you will have multiple account names under your inbox, 
> sent, and other folders. You can drag any folder you wish to the 
> favorites bar, to get access to them with cmd-1 through cmd-0. For 
> instance, my inbox is cmd-1, my apple folder is cmd-2, my drafts is 
> cmd-3. Again, I do not use multiple accounts so cannot say for certain 
> what will happen, but give it a shot and then explore the mailboxes 
> table to see how things are set up. You may also want to investigate smart
mailboxes on google, as they may help you here.
> The classic layout is, in my opinion, confusing and not worth it. The 
> standard one is much better and easier to navigate. On a related note, 
> while you are setting that in mail preferences' "viewing" tab, make 
> sure to uncheck "show related", otherwise you will hear "one message 
> conversation collapsed" for every message you get, conversation or not.
> As for shortcuts:
> .cmd-shift-d: send a message you are composing (think "deliver")
> .cmd-r: reply to sender only when viewing, or pointing to, a message
> .cmd-shift-r: reply to all
> .cmd-shift-f: forward message
> .delete: trash the current message
> .cmd-shift-a: attach files to message being written
> .cmd-y: preview attachments to a message being viewed For more 
> shortcuts, look through the menus.
> On Feb 28, 2013, at 7:47 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
>> Evening I think my first question is to stick to the classic format 
>> or go with the new format which is better for a voice over user? 
>> Also, what is the best way to organize the different mail boxes I 
>> have three accounts not counting work. My original home email is a 
>> account which was a
>> pop3 account. I have an apple account which naturally is set up for 
>> iCloud configuration it is the only one that receives both on the mac 
>> and
> my phone.
>> And the gmail account. I would like to be able to quickly and easily 
>> move from box to box and arrow up and down through the message list 
>> deleting what I do not want. Last for now a quick set of short cut 
>> keys for sending a message and getting mail without having to 
>> navigate to
> the tool bar.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
>> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 19:36
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: frustrated with mail
>> What are you having trouble with? Maybe we can help through email or, 
>> if it comes to it, I'll bet someone on here would be willing to skype 
>> you sometime. Give us a list of questions and I, and others, will do 
>> our best to answer them.
>> On Feb 28, 2013, at 6:50 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
>>> Evening if you can find someone willing to spend the time I 
>>> certainly would love a few pointers regarding mail, not having as 
>>> many issues as you s

RE: New to Fusion 5

2013-03-01 Thread Frank Ventura
Thanks, that was very helpful.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Noel Romey
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: New to Fusion 5


Sorry this has taken so long to get a response for you.  If you have VMWare 
fusion set up correctly, and you're in your VM, you'll want to press 
ctrl+commmand and that will relinquish command to the Mac.  I would either 
command tab out of VMware and then turn on VO or do your stuff you need to do 
with vmware i.e. setup etc.  Then when you want to go back into your virtual 
machine, press an arrow or something or tab, and you should be back there.  I 
think there is a keyboard shortcut to grab keyboard focus to the VM regardless, 
but I don't remember it because usually it just works if you are in the focus 
of your actual virtual machine.  There's no real need to turn off voiceover, 
but unless you have keyboard mappings set to not map osx keystrokes, and if you 
don't use control alt much (if you are using Windows), I'd turn it off.

Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

On Feb 26, 2013, at 1:38 AM, Frank Ventura  

> Hello all, I just installed Fusion version 5 on my MBP. Before I set up any 
> virtual machines I was able to use VO M to get to the menu bar (Apple, File , 
> Edit, View, Machine, etc) now that I have installed one virtual machine I 
> can't seem to do that. Can anyone tell me how to change keyboard focus from 
> the virtual machine windw to the menu bar and back and also how to get back 
> to the virtual machine library? Also are there any tutorials on using Fusion?
> Thanks
> Frank
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Re: is this possible?

2013-03-01 Thread erik burggraaf
You might want to just get all your data off and then reformat using an answer 
file if it's a standard windows instillation.  i'd be happy to come fix it for 
you,  but i'm not sure the cost would be worth it to you even if i were cheeper 
than the local staples.

Feel free to call or email me if there is anything I can do to help.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-02-28, at 10:24 PM, May and Noah  wrote:

> Yes, sometimes being blind is a headache.
> It did finally decide to come on, but it looks like some windows things are 
> missing. Important ones that um let me go to restore change passwords, 
> updates and all that.
> I haven't touched that computer in a week and have no clue how or what broke. 
> At least now there is speech, but I have no clue how to fix it.
> Thanks for the ideas though.
> May and Prince Noah
> On 2013-02-28, at 7:51 PM, Aman Singer  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> If you're not sure what's going on, I have generally found it worth
>> taking some sort of camera, whether on the iPhone or on Skype, and
>> calling someone. Point the camera at the screen and have the person
>> you call tell you what's on the monitor. They may not be able to see
>> it easily, though I have almost always found that there is no issue in
>> seeing the text, and it may be too much of a pain to walk through a
>> fix while pointing a camera at the screen, but the point is just to
>> see whether it's a quick fix which can be managed remotely or if
>> there's something more serious wrong. This is one of those things that
>> I really hate about being blind around most computers, there's
>> sometimes no way to distinguish between the volume being muted and the
>> hard drive no longer reading. That is, every event that causes trouble
>> on boot is a major event, no matter if it's really quite easy to fix.
>> Aman
>> On 2/28/13, May and Noah  wrote:
>>> Ok, this may be a strange question, but I want to try everything before I
>>> have to break down and take my stupid windows computer to a computer place
>>> to have it looked at.
>>> Is there anyway at all to use my mac to find out what's up with my pc? The
>>> stupid thing showed all kinds of errors all of a sudden and now speech has
>>> flown the coop and I'm about ready to throw it out the window.
>>> May and Prince Noah
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Garage Band question

2013-03-01 Thread Chris H

Hello all
sorry if this sounds basic but is it possible to play midi notes using 
your mac's keyboard? If so how? I know of some midi programs on the 
other platform that allows you to do this, cutting out the requirement 
for an external midi keyboard. Any responses would be greatly 
appreciated. Thanks!


Christopher Hallsworth

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Crashing Chrome with Chromevox

2013-03-01 Thread Robert Carter

I have been experimenting with the Chromevox extension running the Chrome 
browser on my MacBook Pro. I am finding that with Chromevox running, chrome 
frequently crashes. It sometimes takes VoiceOver downl with it. Is anybody else 
having this issue? Any ideas on how to make chromevox behave better?

It is hard for me to believe that this software isn't better than this.

Robert Carter

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Re: Is there a music program that allows working with midi files.

2013-03-01 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Chris.

I have tried with garageband, but it sounds as if the bars is being split up. I 
have tried listening to the midifile with qmidi and sweetmidi, and the files 
work, but I will give them another try with garageband.

If anything goes wrong, could I use sonar in VMWare in windows 7.

Best regards Annie.
On Mar 1, 2013, at 6:40 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> You can load a midi file into garage band by copying it in the finder and 
> then pasting it into a project in garage band. Like a lot of midi apps the 
> instrument assignments usually don't come through correctly so you'll 
> probably have to reassign instruments to the tracks to make sure everything 
> isn't being played by a piano.
> CB
> On 2/28/13 5:39 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
>> GarageBand would allow for deleting a track, transposing keys, changing 
>> tempos and instrument assignments. It does not allow for any note editting, 
>> (note editting is possible, but not accessible with VoiceOver).
>> I have never tried to load an existing midi (.mid) file into GB, but have 
>> always created my software tracks (midi) in GB. I don't even know if that 
>> can be done. it might require pasting the midi data from the clipboard, but 
>> I'm not sure on that.
>> - Original Message - From: "Annie Skov Nielsen" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 5:55 PM
>> Subject: Is there a music program that allows working with midi files.
>>> Hi.
>>> Is there any accessible music program that allows playing and editing a 
>>> little in midifiles. I would like to transpose change tempo, and delete an 
>>> instrument or change an instrument to another instrument.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> -- 
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> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: Crashing Chrome with Chromevox

2013-03-01 Thread Ricardo Walker

I was experiencing the same behavior.  This is why I just stopped using the 
extension all together.  This was over a year ago mind you, I'm a little 
surprised the problem still persists.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:21 AM, Robert Carter  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been experimenting with the Chromevox extension running the Chrome 
> browser on my MacBook Pro. I am finding that with Chromevox running, chrome 
> frequently crashes. It sometimes takes VoiceOver downl with it. Is anybody 
> else having this issue? Any ideas on how to make chromevox behave better?
> It is hard for me to believe that this software isn't better than this.
> Robert Carter
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MLB spring training games

2013-03-01 Thread Tim Mehok
Anyone using a Mac and listening to spring training games?
If so, let me know how you got it working.


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Re: Size of albums & playlists in iTunes

2013-03-01 Thread Esther
Hi Traci,

As Chris pointed out, the status bar that displays the number of items, playing 
time, and size of your selected playlists at the end of the iTunes window is 
turned off by default under iTunes 11, and you need to turn on showing that 
again either by navigating to the "View" menu on the iTunes menu bar and 
selecting "Show Status Bar", or by using the iTunes 11 keyboard shortcut of 
Command-Slash for toggling the status bar between show and hide.

Another way to control the size of a playlist that syncs to your shuffle or 
other device is to use the smart playlist option of limiting the size of your 
playlist to a specific size.  For example, let's say that you want to create a 
smart playlist with up to 1.8 GB of music content that you want to transfer to 
your iPod Shuffle.  You can use the Command-Option-N keyboard shortcut to 
create a new smart playlist, navigate to rules section and interact to set up 
rules for the content you want to include, like "Artist is" or "Album is" and 
then fill in the name in the text box. Remember that you can set the pop up 
buttons for any of your rule selections to items like "Artist", "Album", or 
"Genre", and that once you create a second rule by pressing the "add" button at 
the end of your first rule, you can navigate back to set the pop up button that 
specifies whether you want to match "all" of the rules or "any" of the rules.  
Once you have set up a few rules for what you want included in your playlist, 
you can stop interacting with the rules section and navigate to the check box 
that allows you to limit the content of your playlist in terms of number of 
items, time, or size (in MB or GB, according to the selected pop up button) and 
by selected criteria, such as album, artist, highest (or lowest) rating, most 
(or least) often played, most (or least) recently added to your library, etc.  
Then you can go view the resulting playlist content and decide whether you want 
to modify any of the rules for content or selection.

Smart playlists are convenient ways to create playlists to specific criteria -- 
like making a workout playlist that is exactly 30 minutes long.  If you like 
the selection criteria, and want to freeze the selections, just do a Command-A 
to select all the items in the smart playlist and then do a Command-Shift-N to 
create a new playlist from your selection and assign it a name.  That will keep 
the selection criteria from changing.  However, if you always want your 
playlist to give preference to the most recently added content of your library, 
for example, using a smart playlist can continuously update its contents to 
meet meet such criteria. You could make one of the rules be that only songs you 
had played a minimum of 20 times be included included in your smart playlist, 
and that rule would update over time.

Just some alternate suggestions for creating playlists.  The ability to limit 
smart playlists by size, and to specify preferred criteria for cutting things 
down to match this, can be very handy for deciding what you want synced to a 

HTH.  Cheers,


On Feb 28, 2013, at 7:23 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> It is normally shown in the status bar at the end of the window which is off 
> by default. You can turn that back on with Command-Slash.
> CB
> On 2/28/13 5:34 PM, Traci wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm having a hard time finding the size of albums & playlists in iTunes.  I 
>> see number of songs & length of time, but where has the memory size gone?  
>> It would be helpful to know, if I can sync a particular playlist or album 
>> onto my Shuffle.  :)
>> Thanks,
>> Traci

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Re: MLB spring training games

2013-03-01 Thread erik burggraaf
first, make sure adobe flash is installed and up to date.
Then go to
Log in with your email address and password.
At the top of the page, you will find a link that says watch/listen.  Click 
press control option I to bring up the item chooser.
Type the call letters of the station you want.
it should come right up.  if not, you may have to arrow down once or twice to 
find it.
press enter once to set focus to that station.
press enter a second time and the player window will pop up.
Wait about 30 seconds and your game should start.

Hope this helps,

Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-01, at 8:28 AM, Tim Mehok  wrote:

> Hi,
> Anyone using a Mac and listening to spring training games?
> If so, let me know how you got it working.
> Thanks,
> Tim
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Re: Facebook Chat with VoiceOver

2013-03-01 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Brian,

The only time you use the "to" field is with your IPhone IMessages. With 
Facebook buddies, you find them in a list and then either press enter or check 
the "text chat" checkbox.

On Feb 28, 2013, at 7:34 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey Teresa, so weird when I tried sending a message through the TO
> field to someone on FB I would get that Imessage error message, but
> using the command F1 works and I am now able to send messages. Thanks
> so much, now to play around with the sounds in preferences. Thanks
> again
> On Feb 27, 8:59 pm, Israel Antonio  wrote:
>> Harry,
>> I can't give any suggestion on FB or chat clients however, I use Voiceover 
>> exclusively with FB chat on the main site and it works well.  It helps that 
>> each time someone starts a chat with you, you'll receive an audio signal.  
>> If you move VO focus away from the FB chat area and you're reading or 
>> writing something at a different part of the site, you'll always receive 
>> said audio cue letting you know person has responded to your chat message or 
>> that someone has begun a new chat with you.
>> For the most part, friends start chats with me.  It use to be easier to 
>> start chats prior to about a year ago when there was a list of every person 
>> online at the time.  Each link was labeled a friend's name and you could 
>> simply clicked to activate any link you wanted within the list and a new 
>> chat window would open up right there with an option just below, I seem to 
>> recall, for when you wish to close the window.
>> Nowadays, I still see the list of links labels Friends On Chat however to 
>> whom each link corresponds is not labeled.  However, just before the list 
>> begins, there is a link which reads Show Sidebar.  If you activate that link 
>> and move VO to the bottom of the FB page, there you can find a list of links 
>> with your friends who are online or whether they are idol but still logged 
>> in.  You can move through this clearly labeled list and pick the friend with 
>> whom you wish to chat.  When you click on the name, a new chat window opens 
>> and you can begin to chat.
>> I hope that helps should you wish to chat on the main FB site with Voiceover.
>> Israel
>> On Feb 27, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>>> Hello guys,
>>> Does the Facebook chat feature work with VoiceOver, and if so, how do I go 
>>> about using it?
>>> I would like to chat with my friends through Facebook in real-time.
>>> Regards,
>>> Harry
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RE: New Podcast Available

2013-03-01 Thread wayne coles
Hi chris just a quick word of thanks for the podcasts they
are full of great information and again thanks for the effort you put in for



[] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: New Podcast Available


OK, thanks, let me look into it.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.

- Original Message - 

From: Michael Babcock   


Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 18:31

Subject: Re: New Podcast Available


I wanted to let you know that unfortunately the podcast that you posted
brings me to a "404" error page. It states it is unable to be found. Just to
inform you

Ask me, and I'll tell you:
To remember, "blog daily, tell people, make money!"
Note: this message likely dictated, however not proofread on my iPhone.
Check us out online:
Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 28, 2013, at 4:21 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"

Just wanted to write to let everyone know there is a new podcast available
on our feed which is regarding how to setup and configure a tethered
internet data wifi hotspot in I O S.  In this episode, I show you how to set
it up, and how to connect.

Direct link to mp3:

To subscribe to our podcast, put the following address into your prefered

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays. 
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Re: MLB spring training games

2013-03-01 Thread ppowells09
Pardon my ignorance,
Given the fact the games are available on game day audio, why mess with the 
video player on the computer? The TV broadcasts are not what they used to be. 
It's geared more for vision is for real sportsman ship and listening/watching.

Pam Francis

On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:35 AM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

first, make sure adobe flash is installed and up to date.
Then go to
Log in with your email address and password.
At the top of the page, you will find a link that says watch/listen.  Click 
press control option I to bring up the item chooser.
Type the call letters of the station you want.
it should come right up.  if not, you may have to arrow down once or twice to 
find it.
press enter once to set focus to that station.
press enter a second time and the player window will pop up.
Wait about 30 seconds and your game should start.

Hope this helps,

Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-01, at 8:28 AM, Tim Mehok  wrote:

> Hi,
> Anyone using a Mac and listening to spring training games?
> If so, let me know how you got it working.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> -- 
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RE: is this possible?

2013-03-01 Thread wayne coles
Hi have you tried a system restore if not give it a try you will not
lose any docs and you can restore back to a date before there was any thing
wrong so hoep this helps by the way system restore is in accessorys in all

-wayneOriginal Message-
[] On Behalf Of May and Noah
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: is this possible?

Yes, sometimes being blind is a headache.

It did finally decide to come on, but it looks like some windows things are
missing. Important ones that um let me go to restore change passwords,
updates and all that.

I haven't touched that computer in a week and have no clue how or what
broke. At least now there is speech, but I have no clue how to fix it.

Thanks for the ideas though.

May and Prince Noah

On 2013-02-28, at 7:51 PM, Aman Singer  wrote:

> Hi.
> If you're not sure what's going on, I have generally found it worth 
> taking some sort of camera, whether on the iPhone or on Skype, and 
> calling someone. Point the camera at the screen and have the person 
> you call tell you what's on the monitor. They may not be able to see 
> it easily, though I have almost always found that there is no issue in 
> seeing the text, and it may be too much of a pain to walk through a 
> fix while pointing a camera at the screen, but the point is just to 
> see whether it's a quick fix which can be managed remotely or if 
> there's something more serious wrong. This is one of those things that 
> I really hate about being blind around most computers, there's 
> sometimes no way to distinguish between the volume being muted and the 
> hard drive no longer reading. That is, every event that causes trouble 
> on boot is a major event, no matter if it's really quite easy to fix.
> Aman
> On 2/28/13, May and Noah  wrote:
>> Ok, this may be a strange question, but I want to try everything 
>> before I have to break down and take my stupid windows computer to a 
>> computer place to have it looked at.
>> Is there anyway at all to use my mac to find out what's up with my 
>> pc? The stupid thing showed all kinds of errors all of a sudden and 
>> now speech has flown the coop and I'm about ready to throw it out the
>> May and Prince Noah
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Re: MLB spring training games

2013-03-01 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, These instructions were for game day audio.

I just assumed that's what was being asked for.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-01, at 11:10 AM, wrote:

> Pardon my ignorance,
> Given the fact the games are available on game day audio, why mess with the 
> video player on the computer? The TV broadcasts are not what they used to be. 
> It's geared more for vision is for real sportsman ship and listening/watching.
> Pam Francis
> On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:35 AM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> first, make sure adobe flash is installed and up to date.
> Then go to
> Log in with your email address and password.
> At the top of the page, you will find a link that says watch/listen.  Click 
> this.
> press control option I to bring up the item chooser.
> Type the call letters of the station you want.
> it should come right up.  if not, you may have to arrow down once or twice to 
> find it.
> press enter once to set focus to that station.
> press enter a second time and the player window will pop up.
> Wait about 30 seconds and your game should start.
> Hope this helps,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
> ontario disability support program at
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-03-01, at 8:28 AM, Tim Mehok  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Anyone using a Mac and listening to spring training games?
>> If so, let me know how you got it working.
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
>> -- 
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Re: frustrated with mail

2013-03-01 Thread matthew Dyer
Hi Jed,  Contact me on skype if your problem has not been fixed.  Might no the 
problem.  Thanks.


On Feb 8, 2013, at 9:11 PM, Jed Barton wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Anyone on here willing to get on Skype to work with me on these mail issues?
> I'm about ready to throw this thing out the window these problems don't make 
> any sense. 
> It's not notifying me when i am getting new mail and i'm having multiple 
> other issues.
> Anyone free to chat?
> Thanks,
> Jed
> -- 
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Re: Crashing Chrome with Chromevox

2013-03-01 Thread ROBERT CARTER
I know how to disable the Chromevox extension, but how does one remove it 
completely? I don't find this information in the user guide.

Robert Carter
On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:28 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> I was experiencing the same behavior.  This is why I just stopped using the 
> extension all together.  This was over a year ago mind you, I'm a little 
> surprised the problem still persists.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:21 AM, Robert Carter  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been experimenting with the Chromevox extension running the Chrome 
>> browser on my MacBook Pro. I am finding that with Chromevox running, chrome 
>> frequently crashes. It sometimes takes VoiceOver downl with it. Is anybody 
>> else having this issue? Any ideas on how to make chromevox behave better?
>> It is hard for me to believe that this software isn't better than this.
>> Robert Carter
>> -- 
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RE: frustrated with mail

2013-03-01 Thread Jed Barton
Hey buddy, just looked for you on there, but didn't see you.
I'm around.

Thanks man,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of matthew Dyer
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: frustrated with mail

Hi Jed,  Contact me on skype if your problem has not been fixed.  Might no
the problem.  Thanks.


On Feb 8, 2013, at 9:11 PM, Jed Barton wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Anyone on here willing to get on Skype to work with me on these mail
> I'm about ready to throw this thing out the window these problems don't
make any sense. 
> It's not notifying me when i am getting new mail and i'm having multiple
other issues.
> Anyone free to chat?
> Thanks,
> Jed
> --
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Re: Garage Band question

2013-03-01 Thread Phil Halton
the keystroke combo command shift K toggles on or off the midi keyboard 
feature which allows playing notes on the keyboard. I think that the asdfg 
and qwert rows play the chromatic scale notes, and the keys z & x shift the 
keyboard by octaves.

You can look in the "window" menu item to check or uncheck the midi keyboard 
feature in case I got the hotkey wrong.

- Original Message - 
From: "Chris H" 

Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 7:10 AM
Subject: Garage Band question

Hello all
sorry if this sounds basic but is it possible to play midi notes using 
your mac's keyboard? If so how? I know of some midi programs on the other 
platform that allows you to do this, cutting out the requirement for an 
external midi keyboard. Any responses would be greatly appreciated. 


Christopher Hallsworth

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Re: VoiceOver and HTML

2013-03-01 Thread Phil Halton

JAWS? Was that a freudian slip?

- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Moore" 

Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 5:32 AM
Subject: Re: VoiceOver and HTML

What I have noticed is, if the link (such as a graphic link) contains a 
title attribute, the filename and extension is read out.  This can sometimes 
override the alt tag.  I avoid using the title attribute anyway, as JAWS 
does not read them by default.  I would suggest writing to Apple 
accessibility and pointing this bug out to them, and also raising it as a 
bug on their bug report website.  I have done this in the past, but the bug 
is still there.

On 28 Feb 2013, at 02:36, Nicholas Parsons  

Are their any good references/resources that describe how VoiceOver reads 
HTML? I've found that it works slightly differently to JAWS (surprise 
surprise). For instance, sometimes VoiceOver seems to read the file 
extentions on links, and it also seems to read the alt text on links like 
a help tag.

I do a little amature web design like so many others and would like to 
know how best to create a website for VoiceOver accessibility.

Thanks for any help.

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Re: VoiceOver and HTMLVoiceOver Getting Started Table of Contents

2013-03-01 Thread Phil Halton

I learned HTML from an excellent teaching site

Maybe that's what you're looking for? I don't think there's anything in HTML 
that'll allow coding for a specific screen reader like VoiceOver. HTML is 
HTML regardless of the browser or software accessing it.
Good HTML coding should be perfectly readable via safari or any other 
browser on the MAC.

- Original Message - 
From: "Nicholas Parsons" 

Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 3:02 AM
Subject: Re: VoiceOver and HTMLVoiceOver Getting Started Table of Contents

Thanks for that, but what I'm looking for are resources on coding HTML for 
VoiceOver, not reading HTML with VoiceOver. I'm fine with using VoiceOver, 
but the HTML code I have written doesn't seem to be read by VoiceOver all 
that well.

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Re: Garage Band question

2013-03-01 Thread Chris H
Cheers! Will check this out. Do I need to do anything before this will 
work, like inserting a new track?

Christopher Hallsworth

On 01/03/2013 19:01, Phil Halton wrote:

the keystroke combo command shift K toggles on or off the midi keyboard
feature which allows playing notes on the keyboard. I think that the
asdfg and qwert rows play the chromatic scale notes, and the keys z & x
shift the keyboard by octaves.

You can look in the "window" menu item to check or uncheck the midi
keyboard feature in case I got the hotkey wrong.

- Original Message - From: "Chris H" 
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 7:10 AM
Subject: Garage Band question

Hello all
sorry if this sounds basic but is it possible to play midi notes using
your mac's keyboard? If so how? I know of some midi programs on the
other platform that allows you to do this, cutting out the requirement
for an external midi keyboard. Any responses would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks!

Christopher Hallsworth

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Re: Garage Band question

2013-03-01 Thread Ricardo Walker

It depends on the type of project template you pick.  Select Piano for example, 
and you will already have a piano track in the project.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 1, 2013, at 2:22 PM, Chris H  wrote:

> Cheers! Will check this out. Do I need to do anything before this will work, 
> like inserting a new track?
> Christopher Hallsworth
> On 01/03/2013 19:01, Phil Halton wrote:
>> the keystroke combo command shift K toggles on or off the midi keyboard
>> feature which allows playing notes on the keyboard. I think that the
>> asdfg and qwert rows play the chromatic scale notes, and the keys z & x
>> shift the keyboard by octaves.
>> You can look in the "window" menu item to check or uncheck the midi
>> keyboard feature in case I got the hotkey wrong.
>> - Original Message - From: "Chris H" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 7:10 AM
>> Subject: Garage Band question
>>> Hello all
>>> sorry if this sounds basic but is it possible to play midi notes using
>>> your mac's keyboard? If so how? I know of some midi programs on the
>>> other platform that allows you to do this, cutting out the requirement
>>> for an external midi keyboard. Any responses would be greatly
>>> appreciated. Thanks!
>>> Chris.
>>> --
>>> Christopher Hallsworth
>>> --
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Re: Facebook Chat with VoiceOver

2013-03-01 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Teresa, Yes, got it all now, just wanted to say thanks again for
all of your help. Now I just have to not let FB messages get in the
way of work HA

On Feb 27, 5:10 pm, Harry Hogue  wrote:
> Hello guys,
> Does the Facebook chat feature work with VoiceOver, and if so, how do I go 
> about using it?
> I would like to chat with my friends through Facebook in real-time.
> Regards,
> Harry

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Re: VoiceOver and HTML

2013-03-01 Thread Chris Moore
On 1 Mar 2013, at 19:02, Phil Halton  wrote:

> JAWS? Was that a freudian slip?
> - Original Message - From: "Chris Moore" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 5:32 AM
> Subject: Re: VoiceOver and HTML
> What I have noticed is, if the link (such as a graphic link) contains a title 
> attribute, the filename and extension is read out.  This can sometimes 
> override the alt tag.  I avoid using the title attribute anyway, as JAWS does 
> not read them by default.  I would suggest writing to Apple accessibility and 
> pointing this bug out to them, and also raising it as a bug on their bug 
> report website.  I have done this in the past, but the bug is still there.
> On 28 Feb 2013, at 02:36, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> Are their any good references/resources that describe how VoiceOver reads 
>> HTML? I've found that it works slightly differently to JAWS (surprise 
>> surprise). For instance, sometimes VoiceOver seems to read the file 
>> extentions on links, and it also seems to read the alt text on links like a 
>> help tag.
>> I do a little amature web design like so many others and would like to know 
>> how best to create a website for VoiceOver accessibility.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Nic
>> -- 
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Re: is this possible?

2013-03-01 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
You're gonna have to be way way way way way more specific.  What type errors 
are you getting, and what type things do you want to check with your windows 
machine from the mac?

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "May and Noah" 

Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 15:58
Subject: is this possible?

Ok, this may be a strange question, but I want to try everything before I 
have to break down and take my stupid windows computer to a computer place 
to have it looked at.

Is there anyway at all to use my mac to find out what's up with my pc? The 
stupid thing showed all kinds of errors all of a sudden and now speech has 
flown the coop and I'm about ready to throw it out the window.

May and Prince Noah

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Re: Is there a music program that allows working with midi files.

2013-03-01 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
You either could use Garage band, or depending on how much power you need, 
which based on what you're saying this would be way way over-kill, you could 
use ProTools.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Annie Skov Nielsen" 

Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 17:55
Subject: Is there a music program that allows working with midi files.


Is there any accessible music program that allows playing and editing a 
little in midifiles. I would like to transpose change tempo, and delete an 
instrument or change an instrument to another instrument.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: Need some pointers on using Dropbox

2013-03-01 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

OK Jamie.

First thing's first.

If you got signed in, what happens if you go into your home directory in the 
Finder at this point, then look for a folder called Dropbox?  Do you see 
your stuff inside there?

If not you might have to uninstall and reinstall Dropbox.  There's a little 
trick to getting the installer to be accessible the whole way through, but 
if you're signed in as you say, it's sounds like you're already up and 
running for the most part.

I can talk you through the reinstallation if be needed, if you'd like either 
over e-mail, or over the phone.  There wouldn't be any charge since this is 
such a basic question.

1-888-405-3185, option 1, from the menu, Monday-Friday 8-5 Eastern.

I'll also be on the Serotek Socializer here in just a bit, so if you'd like, 
you also can hit me up there.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Jamie Pauls" 

Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 19:39
Subject: Need some pointers on using Dropbox

Greetings, all:

This afternoon, I installed Dropbox on my MacBook. When I go into 
applications and attempt to open the program, I receive a message that 
Dropbox has no windows. I successfully signed in to DB when installing. 
Any pointers will be appreciated.

Jamie Pauls

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Re: Crashing Chrome with Chromevox

2013-03-01 Thread Tim Kilburn

Are you sure that ChromeVox is really crashing or are you just outside the HTML 
area that ChromeVox reads?  Try pressing cmd-n to make Chrome open a new window 
to determine if things begin speaking again.  Also, strange things can occur 
when you have both ChromeVox and VO running at the same time.  Google 
recommends that you turn off VO when using ChromeVox.  It's not consistently an 
issue but seems to cause erratic behaviour when both engines are running.  I 
was just at a Google Apps Summit Monday and Tuesday of this week where I let 
some Googlers know about some of the limitations of Chrome.  I did, though, 
find that some of the limitations are just me.  I'm so used to VO that 
navigating with ChromeVox is different than what I'm accustomed to.  Too many 
things for this old brain to remember with VO, ChromeVox, JAWS, Wife's name, 
all that sort of thing.

Anyway, if you really want to remove ChromeVox, make sure that VO is on, go up 
to the Window menu and choose Extensions.  Use Vox keys to navigate through 
whatever extensions you've added to Chrome and right beside the Enable checkbox 
for ChromeVox Extension will be the Remove from Chrome button.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-03-01, at 11:02 AM, Robert Carter  wrote:

> I know how to disable the Chromevox extension, but how does one remove it 
> completely? I don't find this information in the user guide.
> Robert Carter
> On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:28 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was experiencing the same behavior.  This is why I just stopped using the 
>> extension all together.  This was over a year ago mind you, I'm a little 
>> surprised the problem still persists.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:21 AM, Robert Carter  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have been experimenting with the Chromevox extension running the Chrome 
>>> browser on my MacBook Pro. I am finding that with Chromevox running, chrome 
>>> frequently crashes. It sometimes takes VoiceOver downl with it. Is anybody 
>>> else having this issue? Any ideas on how to make chromevox behave better?
>>> It is hard for me to believe that this software isn't better than this.
>>> Robert Carter
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Re: Crashing Chrome with Chromevox

2013-03-01 Thread BBS
Hi guys. I've noticed that it also depends on what voice you're using with 
Chromevox. One thing's for sure, I'd stay away from using the Nuance voices 
with it because it's like Eloquence on the PC when they encounter words it 
doesn't like. Like for example, if somebody says "Sent from my iPod" at the end 
of a message, it crashes. Also it does this for any address it reads. So 
yeah, if you are using the Nuance voices with Chromevox, of course Chrome will 

Sent from my white MacBook

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wireless controls that support multiple emulaters for the mac.

2013-03-01 Thread Jessica Moss
I've got emulators for about 4 different games that I play on occasion on my 
mac, and would love to know if there's a wireless control I could get that 
would be easy to configure to work with all of these so I don't have to try to 
memorize different keystrokes for different programs/end up wearing out my 
computer's keyboard prematurely, depending on what game I end up playing.  Does 
anyone know if such a thing exists?
  A friend of mine told me about a logitech one I think it was, that I made the 
mistake of buying a while back, but I think this person was mistakened about it 
being wireless, because it had a cord, and was not only not speech-friendly, 
but was a pain in the kneck to configure, and I made the mistake of buying 2 of 
them, which another friend of mine, who's really good with computers, never 
could get to configure either after playing around with it half the day and 
later taking it home with him.

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Re: Garage Band question

2013-03-01 Thread Phil Halton
as long as you are placed on a software track (as opposed to a real track), 
then the midi keyboard will play the currently assigned instrument. Opening 
up a project with the piano template will automatically create a software 
track and you will be positioned on it when the project opens. turn on the 
keyboard and start noodling around.

- Original Message - 
From: "Chris H" 

Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: Garage Band question

Cheers! Will check this out. Do I need to do anything before this will 
work, like inserting a new track?

Christopher Hallsworth

On 01/03/2013 19:01, Phil Halton wrote:

the keystroke combo command shift K toggles on or off the midi keyboard
feature which allows playing notes on the keyboard. I think that the
asdfg and qwert rows play the chromatic scale notes, and the keys z & x
shift the keyboard by octaves.

You can look in the "window" menu item to check or uncheck the midi
keyboard feature in case I got the hotkey wrong.

- Original Message - From: "Chris H" 
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 7:10 AM
Subject: Garage Band question

Hello all
sorry if this sounds basic but is it possible to play midi notes using
your mac's keyboard? If so how? I know of some midi programs on the
other platform that allows you to do this, cutting out the requirement
for an external midi keyboard. Any responses would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks!

Christopher Hallsworth

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Re: Crashing Chrome with Chromevox

2013-03-01 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

I never ever have had that issue.  What version of Chrome are you running?

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Carter" 

Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 7:21
Subject: Crashing Chrome with Chromevox


I have been experimenting with the Chromevox extension running the Chrome 
browser on my MacBook Pro. I am finding that with Chromevox running, chrome 
frequently crashes. It sometimes takes VoiceOver downl with it. Is anybody 
else having this issue? Any ideas on how to make chromevox behave better?

It is hard for me to believe that this software isn't better than this.

Robert Carter

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Re: New Podcast Available

2013-03-01 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
You are so more than welcome!  We, at CLG Productions really appreciate the 
listen, and your business.  It's people like you who say such kind words that 
motivate us to keep them up.

By the way, just for you all's knowledge, we now can be found under 
Entertainment, podcasts/assistive technology in the System Access Mobile 
Network, and also can be found under podcasts in IBlink Radio both for Android, 
and for I O S.  3 cheers to Mr. Pauls for helping me get that up and working!  
Stay tune, as I think the next podcast I do will be probably the one on Radium. 
 It's very very close to being finished and ready for upload production.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
  - Original Message - 
  From: wayne coles 
  Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 11:09
  Subject: RE: New Podcast Available

  Hi chris just a quick word of thanks for the podcasts they 
are full of great information and again thanks for the effort you put in for us 



[] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark Gilland
  Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 8:47 PM
  Subject: Re: New Podcast Available


  OK, thanks, let me look into it.

  Chris Gilland.
  Founder of CLG Productions
  Phone: 803-760-7136
  Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
  Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.

- Original Message - 

From: Michael Babcock 


Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 18:31

Subject: Re: New Podcast Available


I wanted to let you know that unfortunately the podcast that you posted 
brings me to a "404" error page. It states it is unable to be found. Just to 
inform you

Ask me, and I'll tell you:
To remember, "blog daily, tell people, make money!";
Note: this message likely dictated, however not proofread on my iPhone.
Check us out online:
Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 28, 2013, at 4:21 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

  Just wanted to write to let everyone know there is a new podcast 
available on our feed which is regarding how to setup and configure a tethered 
internet data wifi hotspot in I O S.  In this episode, I show you how to set it 
up, and how to connect.

  Direct link to mp3:

  To subscribe to our podcast, put the following address into your prefered 

  Chris Gilland.
  Founder of CLG Productions
  Phone: 803-760-7136
  Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
  Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays. 
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Screen readers with Chroam was Crashing Chrome with Chromevox

2013-03-01 Thread Agent086b
Hello all, from the below message, do I understand that you need some other 
screen reader to use Chroam?
On 02/03/2013, at 8:13 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Are you sure that ChromeVox is really crashing or are you just outside the 
> HTML area that ChromeVox reads?  Try pressing cmd-n to make Chrome open a new 
> window to determine if things begin speaking again.  Also, strange things can 
> occur when you have both ChromeVox and VO running at the same time.  Google 
> recommends that you turn off VO when using ChromeVox.  It's not consistently 
> an issue but seems to cause erratic behaviour when both engines are running.  
> I was just at a Google Apps Summit Monday and Tuesday of this week where I 
> let some Googlers know about some of the limitations of Chrome.  I did, 
> though, find that some of the limitations are just me.  I'm so used to VO 
> that navigating with ChromeVox is different than what I'm accustomed to.  Too 
> many things for this old brain to remember with VO, ChromeVox, JAWS, Wife's 
> name, all that sort of thing.
> Anyway, if you really want to remove ChromeVox, make sure that VO is on, go 
> up to the Window menu and choose Extensions.  Use Vox keys to navigate 
> through whatever extensions you've added to Chrome and right beside the 
> Enable checkbox for ChromeVox Extension will be the Remove from Chrome button.
> HTH.

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Re: Screen readers with Chroam was Crashing Chrome with Chromevox

2013-03-01 Thread Tim Kilburn

Sort of.  In Google Chrome, there is n extension that Google has designed 
called ChromeVox that works more or less as a screenreader.  It only works 
within the HTML area of Chrome though and does not access the MacOS menu items 
nor the ToolBars and such.  ChromeVox is a part of the Chrome OS and works on 
Macs, Windows and on their own ChromeBooks.  In various situations, ChromeVox 
handles certain HTML elements better than VO with Safari but not always.  It is 
especially useful if you are a Google Apps user.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-03-01, at 5:12 PM, Agent086b  wrote:

> Hello all, from the below message, do I understand that you need some other 
> screen reader to use Chroam?
> Max. 
> On 02/03/2013, at 8:13 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Are you sure that ChromeVox is really crashing or are you just outside the 
>> HTML area that ChromeVox reads?  Try pressing cmd-n to make Chrome open a 
>> new window to determine if things begin speaking again.  Also, strange 
>> things can occur when you have both ChromeVox and VO running at the same 
>> time.  Google recommends that you turn off VO when using ChromeVox.  It's 
>> not consistently an issue but seems to cause erratic behaviour when both 
>> engines are running.  I was just at a Google Apps Summit Monday and Tuesday 
>> of this week where I let some Googlers know about some of the limitations of 
>> Chrome.  I did, though, find that some of the limitations are just me.  I'm 
>> so used to VO that navigating with ChromeVox is different than what I'm 
>> accustomed to.  Too many things for this old brain to remember with VO, 
>> ChromeVox, JAWS, Wife's name, all that sort of thing.
>> Anyway, if you really want to remove ChromeVox, make sure that VO is on, go 
>> up to the Window menu and choose Extensions.  Use Vox keys to navigate 
>> through whatever extensions you've added to Chrome and right beside the 
>> Enable checkbox for ChromeVox Extension will be the Remove from Chrome 
>> button.
>> HTH.
> -- 
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Re: Crashing Chrome with Chromevox

2013-03-01 Thread ROBERT CARTER

It is really crashing. A Chrome quit unexpectedly message is displayed and a 
crash report is created. This seems to be happening whether VoiceOver is on or 
not. I am using Samantha as my Mac system voice and so that is what chromevox 
is using. Do you all think that Samantha is the problem? Perhaps I will 
temporarily change the system voice back to Alex and see if that solves the 
problem. I must say that I am not impressed at this point.

Robert Carter

On Mar 1, 2013, at 3:13 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Are you sure that ChromeVox is really crashing or are you just outside the 
> HTML area that ChromeVox reads?  Try pressing cmd-n to make Chrome open a new 
> window to determine if things begin speaking again.  Also, strange things can 
> occur when you have both ChromeVox and VO running at the same time.  Google 
> recommends that you turn off VO when using ChromeVox.  It's not consistently 
> an issue but seems to cause erratic behaviour when both engines are running.  
> I was just at a Google Apps Summit Monday and Tuesday of this week where I 
> let some Googlers know about some of the limitations of Chrome.  I did, 
> though, find that some of the limitations are just me.  I'm so used to VO 
> that navigating with ChromeVox is different than what I'm accustomed to.  Too 
> many things for this old brain to remember with VO, ChromeVox, JAWS, Wife's 
> name, all that sort of thing.
> Anyway, if you really want to remove ChromeVox, make sure that VO is on, go 
> up to the Window menu and choose Extensions.  Use Vox keys to navigate 
> through whatever extensions you've added to Chrome and right beside the 
> Enable checkbox for ChromeVox Extension will be the Remove from Chrome button.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-03-01, at 11:02 AM, Robert Carter  wrote:
>> I know how to disable the Chromevox extension, but how does one remove it 
>> completely? I don't find this information in the user guide.
>> Robert Carter
>> On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:28 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was experiencing the same behavior.  This is why I just stopped using the 
>>> extension all together.  This was over a year ago mind you, I'm a little 
>>> surprised the problem still persists.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:21 AM, Robert Carter  wrote:
 I have been experimenting with the Chromevox extension running the Chrome 
 browser on my MacBook Pro. I am finding that with Chromevox running, 
 chrome frequently crashes. It sometimes takes VoiceOver downl with it. Is 
 anybody else having this issue? Any ideas on how to make chromevox behave 
 It is hard for me to believe that this software isn't better than this.
 Robert Carter
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> email to
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
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>> Visit this group at
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> -- 
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Re: Crashing Chrome with Chromevox

2013-03-01 Thread Tim Kilburn

Yes, Samantha is likely your problem.  I switched my System Voice to Samantha 
and experienced the same issue as you.  With Alex, Chrome has seldom had any 
issues and does actually behave better for some elements on certain web-pages.  
In fact, Chrome is easier to use within some of Apple's own Knowledge Base 
articles compared to Safari.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-03-01, at 5:28 PM, ROBERT CARTER  wrote:

> Hi,
> It is really crashing. A Chrome quit unexpectedly message is displayed and a 
> crash report is created. This seems to be happening whether VoiceOver is on 
> or not. I am using Samantha as my Mac system voice and so that is what 
> chromevox is using. Do you all think that Samantha is the problem? Perhaps I 
> will temporarily change the system voice back to Alex and see if that solves 
> the problem. I must say that I am not impressed at this point.
> Robert Carter
> On Mar 1, 2013, at 3:13 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Are you sure that ChromeVox is really crashing or are you just outside the 
>> HTML area that ChromeVox reads?  Try pressing cmd-n to make Chrome open a 
>> new window to determine if things begin speaking again.  Also, strange 
>> things can occur when you have both ChromeVox and VO running at the same 
>> time.  Google recommends that you turn off VO when using ChromeVox.  It's 
>> not consistently an issue but seems to cause erratic behaviour when both 
>> engines are running.  I was just at a Google Apps Summit Monday and Tuesday 
>> of this week where I let some Googlers know about some of the limitations of 
>> Chrome.  I did, though, find that some of the limitations are just me.  I'm 
>> so used to VO that navigating with ChromeVox is different than what I'm 
>> accustomed to.  Too many things for this old brain to remember with VO, 
>> ChromeVox, JAWS, Wife's name, all that sort of thing.
>> Anyway, if you really want to remove ChromeVox, make sure that VO is on, go 
>> up to the Window menu and choose Extensions.  Use Vox keys to navigate 
>> through whatever extensions you've added to Chrome and right beside the 
>> Enable checkbox for ChromeVox Extension will be the Remove from Chrome 
>> button.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-03-01, at 11:02 AM, Robert Carter  wrote:
>>> I know how to disable the Chromevox extension, but how does one remove it 
>>> completely? I don't find this information in the user guide.
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:28 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 I was experiencing the same behavior.  This is why I just stopped using 
 the extension all together.  This was over a year ago mind you, I'm a 
 little surprised the problem still persists.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:21 AM, Robert Carter  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been experimenting with the Chromevox extension running the Chrome 
> browser on my MacBook Pro. I am finding that with Chromevox running, 
> chrome frequently crashes. It sometimes takes VoiceOver downl with it. Is 
> anybody else having this issue? Any ideas on how to make chromevox behave 
> better?
> It is hard for me to believe that this software isn't better than this.
> Robert Carter
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Re: Is there a music program that allows working with midi files.

2013-03-01 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

Ok can I use pro tools, this is new information to me, I have in fact a copy of 
pro tools, but as far as I know, it can not be used by totally blind people in 
mountain lion? I am not much interested in installing lion only because pro 
tools is not accessible in the version that can work in mountain lion. Is there 
any solution for that.

Best regards Annie.
On Mar 1, 2013, at 9:49 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  

> You either could use Garage band, or depending on how much power you need, 
> which based on what you're saying this would be way way over-kill, you could 
> use ProTools.
> Chris Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> E-mail:
> Phone: 803-760-7136
> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
> - Original Message - From: "Annie Skov Nielsen" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 17:55
> Subject: Is there a music program that allows working with midi files.
>> Hi.
>> Is there any accessible music program that allows playing and editing a 
>> little in midifiles. I would like to transpose change tempo, and delete an 
>> instrument or change an instrument to another instrument.
>> Best regards Annie.
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Re: Facebook Chat with VoiceOver

2013-03-01 Thread Harry Hogue
Teresa and Brian,

Thanks to everyone who responded telling me how to go about doing this.  Brian, 
where did you go to find your FB username?

Teresa, thank you so much for all of your detailed thoughts and help with 
Facebook Chat using Messages.

Kind regards,


On Mar 1, 2013, at 12:56 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey Teresa, Yes, got it all now, just wanted to say thanks again for
> all of your help. Now I just have to not let FB messages get in the
> way of work HA
> On Feb 27, 5:10 pm, Harry Hogue  wrote:
>> Hello guys,
>> Does the Facebook chat feature work with VoiceOver, and if so, how do I go 
>> about using it?
>> I would like to chat with my friends through Facebook in real-time.
>> Regards,
>> Harry
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Re: special mathematical symbols and the rest

2013-03-01 Thread Harry Hogue

The best way to read detailed formatting like this is to use a Braille display. 
 Failing that, setting punctuation to "All" can also work well, or, failing 
that, read the section character-by-character.



On Mar 1, 2013, at 2:36 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm still having a lot of trouble reading math symbols properly with voice 
> over, especially when they are typed in a stream of characters. For instance 
> the greek capital letter phi reads fine by itself, but not when compounded 
> with an & symbol and another greek letter after it, with spacing. 
> Is there no other granular method of reading out a sentence?
> Best regards,
> Yuma 
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> Mob: +61 (0)410732547
> Skype: Shainobi1
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Re: VoiceOver and HTMLVoiceOver Getting Started Table of Contents

2013-03-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks, Bill. I've learnt HTML already. Indeed, HTML is HTML, but different 
screen readers read it differently. For instance, for links, does it read the 
on-screen text of the link first, its URL (href attribute), its title attribute 
or the alt text attribute? JAWS is set to read the on-screen text by default. 
I've noticed VoiceOver often reads file extentions on links such as PHP, ASP 
and HTM, which makes me think it's reading the href attribute rather than the 
on-screen text. JAWS, for example, allows the user to choose whether they want 
JAWs to read out the URL of an image, or its alt text, or both, and so on. Does 
VoiceOver treat tables used for layout purposes as tables or does it ignore 
them like JAWS? 

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Re: VoiceOver and HTML

2013-03-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Hi Chris. I've had VoiceOver announce the file names and extentions even for 
links without title attributes. Do you think this is a bug, or is it a feature? 
That is, is this just the way VoiceOver reads HTML? Maybe I just need to do 
some experimenting myself to determine how this is working. Also, what are the 
HTML tags/attributes for setting landmarks?

Phil, my appologies. I think I called you Bill in a previous email. Sorry. Can 
I blame Karen for simply not pronouncing your name properly, or perhaps I was 
just not listening carefully enough.

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Does Chromevox read Flash Content in Google Chrome?

2013-03-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Hi all,

The subject really says it all. How accessible is flash content in Google 
Chrome with Chromevox?


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Arrangement Track in GarageBand

2013-03-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons

Does anyone know how to use the Arrangement Track in GarageBand with VoiceOver?


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Announcment of line indentation

2013-03-01 Thread Jeffrey Wheatley
All, I thought I had seen how to get VO to indicate the level of indentation 
for a line as it is read.  I cannot seem to find the setting.  I need something 
similar to the JAWS function, which indicates the number of white space 
characters, and then reads the line of text.  Jaws actually reads the 
indentation only when it changes.  This function is especially useful for 
source code editing…

Is this possible with VO?

Much thanks and regards, Jeff

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Re: special mathematical symbols and the rest

2013-03-01 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Hi Again,

I know these three methods, but i'm looking for a better solution to read the 
characters without either setting pronounciation to all nor read character by 

Say i have the greek small symbol tau, if it's connected to any other character 
it won't read on any setting other than read all. Is therre any way to bind for 
instance the tau symbol to a "tau" word, like an alias of the word so that next 
time voice over passes the line, it identifies the symbol as a word.

Any help greatly appreciated.


"Light has no value without darkness"
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On 2/03/2013, at 11:56 AM, Harry Hogue  wrote:

> Hello,
> The best way to read detailed formatting like this is to use a Braille 
> display.  Failing that, setting punctuation to "All" can also work well, or, 
> failing that, read the section character-by-character.
> HTH,
> Harry
> On Mar 1, 2013, at 2:36 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm still having a lot of trouble reading math symbols properly with voice 
>> over, especially when they are typed in a stream of characters. For instance 
>> the greek capital letter phi reads fine by itself, but not when compounded 
>> with an & symbol and another greek letter after it, with spacing. 
>> Is there no other granular method of reading out a sentence?
>> Best regards,
>> Yuma 
>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>> Mob: +61 (0)410732547
>> Skype: Shainobi1
>> twitter:
>> This message is protected by article 4-210 of a certain book of laws but you 
>> don't have to worry about privacy issues if you are the intended recipient. 
>> However, if any freakish circumstance such as ip sniffing, honey pot open 
>> relay servers or an honest mistake caused a transmission error, please 
>> advise the sender and throw your laptop into a bubble bath to avoid all 
>> illicit data retention.
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