Re: OT :Abbyy FineReader Express on sale in Mac App Store!

2013-01-27 Thread Danny Noonan
It runs through Sunday us or uk time so some time tomorrow I'm sorry.

Sent from my iPhone

On 27/01/2013, at 6:25 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:

> why is it that these things always go on sale when I have the least cash? I 
> will just bet that it will be back up to regular price by the 3rd of next 
> month. 
> -eric
> On Jan 26, 2013, at 12:45 PM, wrote:
>> OT :Abbyy FineReader Express! 
>> For anybody who has been considering purchasing Abbyy FineReader Express, 
>> now is your best opportunity. It is on sale in the Mac App Store. It 
>> normally sells for 99.99, it is 50% off. It is now on sale for 49.99. This 
>> is one of the best OCR engines. The voice over capability with Express is 
>> wonderful. Just so you know, it supports many different languages. Hope this 
>> helps some people considering this purchase. j. p.
>> Sent from my iPod:
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Re: Accidentally Removed App from LaunchPad!

2013-01-27 Thread Chris H

Is it in the Trash?

Christopher Hallsworth

On 27/01/2013 00:30, wrote:

Hey guys,
I need assistance! Today is totally not my day. I accidently removed an app 
from launchpad on my MacBook Pro. How can I put it back there. Thanks for the 
j. P.

Typed with Fleksy

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Re: TTS for mac?

2013-01-27 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey Devin. The options you have for TTS are the default Mac voices, the Nuance 
voices which as you know you can download, Cepstral which I don't recommend 
because they crash Voiceover, Acapela which in my opinion is going downhill 
because the voices don't sound as natural as they used to, and the best brand 
of voices in my opinion, a Scottish TTS company called Cereproc. Unfortunately 
they don't let you try demoes of the voices and they cost 25 pounds 99 pents 
which translates to $41 US but you get really good voices in my opinion. My 
favorite voices are Jack and Sarah, which are two UK English voices, especially 
Sarah because she sounds like Ivona Amy and I think, is the first female voice 
to take breaths.

Sent from my white Mac Book

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Re: TTS for mac?

2013-01-27 Thread May and Noah
I listened to the Cereproc voices and I think Heather, Tyler and Will from 
Acapela sound better than those.

May and Prince Noah

On 2013-01-27, at 3:50 AM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:

> Acapela

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Re: IBooks Author

2013-01-27 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Joanne,

I tried it several times and it works as good or as bad as Keynote. It's OK and 
you can work in it. But having fun is a different thing, at least to me. Mostly 
VO doesn't speak correctly in the text area but apart from that it's just a big 
structure in which you have to interact very often to get what you want.
But of course this is just my experience and some others might have different 

All the best

Am 27.01.2013 um 02:14 schrieb Joanne Chua :

> Hi All,
> Have anyone on this list use IBooks Author before? If so, how
> accessible and user friendly for voiceover user.
> Thanks
> Regards
> Joanne
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I O S: What's the point of the edit rotor setting?

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

OK, this might seem like a really odd question, but hear me out here.

What is the point of the edit rotor option when in a text box?  Before you 
start explaining to me what it does, no no no... that's not what I'm asking. 
I know what it does!, but, why?

See, here's the thing...  If you are on a text field, or honestly, for that 
mind, a text message, etc. if you double tap on the content, and leave your 
finger on the screen after the second tap, then after hearing the 3 little 
pass gesture through bleep tone, you then lift your finger, you'll hear 
another little popup sound.  It's the same sound you get when I O S is 
trying to auto-correct.  Now, if you flick right from that text box, text 
message, etc. etc. you'll see that right there you have menu options like 
select, select all, copy, paste, etc.  And before anyone says, yeah, but 
tapping on them doesn't work, that's why you need the rotor... Oh, you wanna 
make a bet they don't work?  I just did it over here, and they work 
perfectly!  I can't figure out in the edit rotor setting nor in this method 
how to select a portion of text without selecting all.  We had this 
discussion once on list, about pinching in and out to select, but no matter 
what I try, and apparently by far I'm not the only one who's had issues, I 
can't get it to work regardless what I do.  Anyway, that's not the point. 
Point being, why make a rotor setting for this stuff, when doing it the 
non-voiceover way like normal... pardon the pun, sighted people would do, 
works perfectly?  Isn't that kind of a waiste of source code?  What 'em I 
missing here?  Just seems a bit redundant.  Is it more just a preference 
thing one may like doing it one way where another might like the other way, 
or is there actually a specific reason why to do one over the other?


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Re: program that will back up macintosh drive and bootcamp drive on osx?

2013-01-27 Thread Paul Erkens
Hey Hank,

You will need 2 separate programs to do this, as far as I'm aware, but a cloner 
might be able to access your bootcamp partition as well. I don't use bootcamp. 
Can you see your windows partition from within finder? Command shift c takes 
you into a list of volumes accessible from finder. If so, then a cloner like 
super duper, which has a free demo, and carbon copy cloner, will be able to 
back that up as well. If you can not see your bootcamp partition from within 
finder, then you will have to back that up from within windows itself.

For windows, a very handy tool is called snapshot. It's at It's a tiny, no nonsense utility, that makes an image of 
your windows partition, and writes that out to a dot s n a file. After the 
image has been created, you can do with the file what you want, i.e. move it 
over to a usb stick etc. Snapshot is a demo, but it's not free, though very 
accessible and worth having.

One thing I'm wondering about myself, is how you would restore any backup, back 
into bootcamp. How would you boot into an operating system, from which you can 
then run the restore utility? I don't know Hank, but maybe someone else can 
chime in on this.

As far as your macintosh hd is concerned, you can always use super duper, which 
makes a bootable backup, so that you can always boot off of the backup, and 
then restore your entire macintosh hd partition back to your internal drive 
from there.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 6:07 AM, hank smith  wrote:

> Hello I am looking for a back up program that will back both my macintosh 
> drive and my bootcamp parttition to a external drive
> is there such a beast that can do this and also allow me to restore both 
> successfully?
> Hank
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Re: I O S: What's the point of the edit rotor setting?

2013-01-27 Thread Danny Noonan
Because its easier, quicker and keeps constancy with the entire roter method. 
Why swipe left or right when you can move your finger round until you find what 
you want. Sighted people don't swipe that way. 

A good system will try to have more than 1 way to do something as people have 
different likes and methods. 

Personally, I like the edit roter as even though I can do it another way, I 
find it quicker and I'm very used to using the roter all the time. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 27/01/2013, at 9:51 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  

> OK, this might seem like a really odd question, but hear me out here.
> What is the point of the edit rotor option when in a text box?  Before you 
> start explaining to me what it does, no no no... that's not what I'm asking. 
> I know what it does!, but, why?
> See, here's the thing...  If you are on a text field, or honestly, for that 
> mind, a text message, etc. if you double tap on the content, and leave your 
> finger on the screen after the second tap, then after hearing the 3 little 
> pass gesture through bleep tone, you then lift your finger, you'll hear 
> another little popup sound.  It's the same sound you get when I O S is trying 
> to auto-correct.  Now, if you flick right from that text box, text message, 
> etc. etc. you'll see that right there you have menu options like select, 
> select all, copy, paste, etc.  And before anyone says, yeah, but tapping on 
> them doesn't work, that's why you need the rotor... Oh, you wanna make a bet 
> they don't work?  I just did it over here, and they work perfectly!  I can't 
> figure out in the edit rotor setting nor in this method how to select a 
> portion of text without selecting all.  We had this discussion once on list, 
> about pinching in and out to select, but no matter what I try, and apparently 
> by far I'm not the only one who's had issues, I can't get it to work 
> regardless what I do.  Anyway, that's not the point. Point being, why make a 
> rotor setting for this stuff, when doing it the non-voiceover way like 
> normal... pardon the pun, sighted people would do, works perfectly?  Isn't 
> that kind of a waiste of source code?  What 'em I missing here?  Just seems a 
> bit redundant.  Is it more just a preference thing one may like doing it one 
> way where another might like the other way, or is there actually a specific 
> reason why to do one over the other?
> Chris. 
> -- 
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Re: I O S: What's the point of the edit rotor setting?

2013-01-27 Thread Chris H
Chris, in my experience at least, I cannot always get the edit menu to 
become visible. I double tap and hold, I hear the tri tone, I then 
release, I then hear the bubble type sound, but in some cases I cannot 
find the menu items anywhere. So this is why I personally use the edit 

Christopher Hallsworth

On 27/01/2013 10:51, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

OK, this might seem like a really odd question, but hear me out here.

What is the point of the edit rotor option when in a text box?  Before
you start explaining to me what it does, no no no... that's not what I'm
asking. I know what it does!, but, why?

See, here's the thing...  If you are on a text field, or honestly, for
that mind, a text message, etc. if you double tap on the content, and
leave your finger on the screen after the second tap, then after hearing
the 3 little pass gesture through bleep tone, you then lift your finger,
you'll hear another little popup sound.  It's the same sound you get
when I O S is trying to auto-correct.  Now, if you flick right from that
text box, text message, etc. etc. you'll see that right there you have
menu options like select, select all, copy, paste, etc.  And before
anyone says, yeah, but tapping on them doesn't work, that's why you need
the rotor... Oh, you wanna make a bet they don't work?  I just did it
over here, and they work perfectly!  I can't figure out in the edit
rotor setting nor in this method how to select a portion of text without
selecting all.  We had this discussion once on list, about pinching in
and out to select, but no matter what I try, and apparently by far I'm
not the only one who's had issues, I can't get it to work regardless
what I do.  Anyway, that's not the point. Point being, why make a rotor
setting for this stuff, when doing it the non-voiceover way like
normal... pardon the pun, sighted people would do, works perfectly?
Isn't that kind of a waiste of source code?  What 'em I missing here?
Just seems a bit redundant.  Is it more just a preference thing one may
like doing it one way where another might like the other way, or is
there actually a specific reason why to do one over the other?


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Re: TTS for mac?

2013-01-27 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I agree.  The Ryan voice from Acapella sounds more authoritative and almost 
military-like.  Will sounds more layd bak and relaxed.  Humanware is soon going 
to come out with a brand new Victor Reader Stream which, among other things, 
will use the Acapella voices.  My guess is that they'll use the US English 
Heather and I can't guess about the male voice.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 27, 2013, at 3:14 AM, May and Noah  wrote:

> I listened to the Cereproc voices and I think Heather, Tyler and Will from 
> Acapela sound better than those.
> May and Prince Noah
> On 2013-01-27, at 3:50 AM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:
>> Acapela
> -- 
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Re: Question about dropbox iOS app.

2013-01-27 Thread Angelo
Oddly enough I was just trying to do a similar task, My question is where and 
how do I access the ICloud photo stream on the Mac? Do i just copy and paste 
the photos in this folder? I is this part of ITunes?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Alex Hall 
  Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 10:30 PM
  Subject: Re: Question about dropbox iOS app.

  Do you have a computer? If so, you can just move the files into your iCloud's 
photostream folder (you decide where that is in iCloud settings on the 
computer). Then they will appear on your iPad's list of photos next time you 
sync, assuming the iPad has Photostream enabled, and they won't be in Dropbox 
anymore. Aside from that there's no way I can think of; Dropbox is designed to 
be a way to sync files across different machines, so it would not make sense 
for it to offer local storage.
  On Jan 25, 2013, at 10:22 PM, Christopher Gilland  

  > i have a bit of a scenario, and I am wondering if there is an easy way to 
do this.
  > In my dropbox account, more specifically, in my photos folder, I have just 
now probably over 25 to 30 MB worth of pictures. I would like to transfer all 
of these photos over to my iPad. This way they will locally be in an album 
located on my iPad itself that I can view offline. The problem is, as you 
probably can imagine, 25 MB worth the pictures is quite a lot. I really am not 
up to opening each picture individually, and then saving it individually over 
onto the iPad. So, here is my question. Is there a way that I can select all of 
the pictures in one shebang, and then simply copy them and one big batch over 
to the iPad. This way I don't have to spend tedious time doing each picture one 
by one. I'll do it with the former method, but man is it going to be your 
dictating! There has got to be an easier way. Shortly I am making this way 
harder than it has to be. On another note, I am noticing that Siri is 
butchering a lot of this message which I am dictating via voice. Has anybody 
found that like me, they have way less results As far as accuracy is concerned 
when using an iPad, where if they use an iPhone, it works a lot better? What I 
really need to do is probably just pair my Bluetooth keyboard that I have to my 
iPad. Period. Oh well. Period. That's for a whole different post. Period. LOL! 
Anyway, forgive the typos. I know it looks sloppy but whatever.
  > Chris.
  > Sent from my iPad
  > -- 
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  Have a great day,
  Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: I O S: What's the point of the edit rotor setting?

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Maybe I'm taking your message out of context, but it seems my question has 
either, 1, offended you, or 2, makes you think I"m complaining/stupid for 
asking.  I'm sorry if I irritated you, as your tones seems to be implying. 
I just was asking a question.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Danny Noonan" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 6:09 AM
Subject: Re: I O S: What's the point of the edit rotor setting?

Because its easier, quicker and keeps constancy with the entire roter 
method. Why swipe left or right when you can move your finger round until 
you find what you want. Sighted people don't swipe that way.

A good system will try to have more than 1 way to do something as people 
have different likes and methods.

Personally, I like the edit roter as even though I can do it another way, I 
find it quicker and I'm very used to using the roter all the time.


Sent from my iPhone

On 27/01/2013, at 9:51 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

OK, this might seem like a really odd question, but hear me out here.

What is the point of the edit rotor option when in a text box?  Before you 
start explaining to me what it does, no no no... that's not what I'm 
asking. I know what it does!, but, why?

See, here's the thing...  If you are on a text field, or honestly, for 
that mind, a text message, etc. if you double tap on the content, and 
leave your finger on the screen after the second tap, then after hearing 
the 3 little pass gesture through bleep tone, you then lift your finger, 
you'll hear another little popup sound.  It's the same sound you get when 
I O S is trying to auto-correct.  Now, if you flick right from that text 
box, text message, etc. etc. you'll see that right there you have menu 
options like select, select all, copy, paste, etc.  And before anyone 
says, yeah, but tapping on them doesn't work, that's why you need the 
rotor... Oh, you wanna make a bet they don't work?  I just did it over 
here, and they work perfectly!  I can't figure out in the edit rotor 
setting nor in this method how to select a portion of text without 
selecting all.  We had this discussion once on list, about pinching in and 
out to select, but no matter what I try, and apparently by far I'm not the 
only one who's had issues, I can't get it to work regardless what I do. 
Anyway, that's not the point. Point being, why make a rotor setting for 
this stuff, when doing it the non-voiceover way like normal... pardon the 
pun, sighted people would do, works perfectly?  Isn't that kind of a 
waiste of source code?  What 'em I missing here?  Just seems a bit 
redundant.  Is it more just a preference thing one may like doing it one 
way where another might like the other way, or is there actually a 
specific reason why to do one over the other?

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Re: I O S: What's the point of the edit rotor setting?

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I'll confess, I've not really played much with the method that I described, 
but it seems to be working consistently here.  If something does however 
crop up, I'll let you guys know.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Chris H" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 6:21 AM
Subject: Re: I O S: What's the point of the edit rotor setting?

Chris, in my experience at least, I cannot always get the edit menu to 
become visible. I double tap and hold, I hear the tri tone, I then 
release, I then hear the bubble type sound, but in some cases I cannot 
find the menu items anywhere. So this is why I personally use the edit 

Christopher Hallsworth

On 27/01/2013 10:51, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

OK, this might seem like a really odd question, but hear me out here.

What is the point of the edit rotor option when in a text box?  Before
you start explaining to me what it does, no no no... that's not what I'm
asking. I know what it does!, but, why?

See, here's the thing...  If you are on a text field, or honestly, for
that mind, a text message, etc. if you double tap on the content, and
leave your finger on the screen after the second tap, then after hearing
the 3 little pass gesture through bleep tone, you then lift your finger,
you'll hear another little popup sound.  It's the same sound you get
when I O S is trying to auto-correct.  Now, if you flick right from that
text box, text message, etc. etc. you'll see that right there you have
menu options like select, select all, copy, paste, etc.  And before
anyone says, yeah, but tapping on them doesn't work, that's why you need
the rotor... Oh, you wanna make a bet they don't work?  I just did it
over here, and they work perfectly!  I can't figure out in the edit
rotor setting nor in this method how to select a portion of text without
selecting all.  We had this discussion once on list, about pinching in
and out to select, but no matter what I try, and apparently by far I'm
not the only one who's had issues, I can't get it to work regardless
what I do.  Anyway, that's not the point. Point being, why make a rotor
setting for this stuff, when doing it the non-voiceover way like
normal... pardon the pun, sighted people would do, works perfectly?
Isn't that kind of a waiste of source code?  What 'em I missing here?
Just seems a bit redundant.  Is it more just a preference thing one may
like doing it one way where another might like the other way, or is
there actually a specific reason why to do one over the other?


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Re: Question about dropbox iOS app.

2013-01-27 Thread Alex Hall
I think you can check that in system preferences, iCloud, and set th"a folder 
used. It should probably be a subfolder in the photos folder of your home 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2013, at 7:35, "Angelo"  wrote:

> Oddly enough I was just trying to do a similar task, My question is where and 
> how do I access the ICloud photo stream on the  Mac? Do i just copy and paste 
> the photos in this folder? I is this part of ITunes?
> - Original Message -
> From: Alex Hall
> To:
> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 10:30 PM
> Subject: Re: Question about dropbox iOS app.
> Do you have a computer? If so, you can just move the files into your iCloud's 
> photostream folder (you decide where that is in iCloud settings on the 
> computer). Then they will appear on your iPad's list of photos next time you 
> sync, assuming the iPad has Photostream enabled, and they won't be in Dropbox 
> anymore. Aside from that there's no way I can think of; Dropbox is designed 
> to be a way to sync files across different machines,so it would not make 
> sense for it to offer local storage.
> On Jan 25, 2013, at 10:22 PM, Christopher Gilland  
> wrote:
> > i have a bit of a scenario, and I am wondering if there is an easy way to 
> > do this.
> > 
> > In my dropbox account, more specifically, in my photos folder, I have just 
> > now probably over 25 to 30 MB worth of pictures. I would like to transfer 
> > all of these photos over to my iPad. This way they will locally be in an 
> > album located on my iPad itself that I can view offline. The problem is, as 
> > you probably can imagine, 25 MB worth the pictures is quite a lot. I really 
> > am not up to opening each picture individually, and then saving it 
> > individually over onto the iPad. So, here is my question. Is there a way 
> > that I can select all of the pictures in one shebang, and then simply copy 
> > them and one big batch over to the iPad. This way I don't have to spend 
> > tedious time doing each picture one by one. I'll do it with the former 
> > method, but man is it going to be your dictating! There has got to be an 
> > easier way. Shortly I am making this way harder than it has to be. On 
> > another note, I am noticing that Siri is butchering a lot of this message 
> > which I am dictating via voice. Has anybody found that like me, they have 
> > way less results As far as accuracy is concerned when using an iPad, where 
> > if they use an iPhone, it works a lot better? What I really need to do is 
> > probably just pair my Bluetooth keyboard that I have to my iPad. Period. Oh 
> > well. Period. That's for a whole different post. Period. LOL! Anyway, 
> > forgive the typos. I know it looks sloppy but whatever.
> > 
> > Chris.
> > 
> > Sent from my iPad
> > 
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> > 
> Have a great day,
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Re: Albums and I Cloud and I Cloud Match

2013-01-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

It looks like you've hardly used any of your allotted space.  I also thing that 
you may be confusing iTunes Match with iCloud storage.  Unless I missed some 
info along the way, the iTunes Match service is totally separate from the 
iCloud storage space.  The iTunes Match service is billed separately as far as 
I'm aware.  All iTunes purchases are recorded within Apple's cloud computing 
space but the music purchased is simply "marked" to your iTunes Library and 
thus always available to you when accessing the Internet.  Your iCloud storage 
is for files and such that you wish backed up and/or accessible anytime/any 



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-01-25, at 8:21 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> I have the largest space possible, and have purchased 58 albums and have some 
> which I have matched. However, my storage space says I have 55 GB but have 
> only 54,8 GB available. So what does that mean? As I was a  mobile Me 
> customer for the last two years I have not had to pay.
> Kawal., 
> On 25 Jan 2013, at 02:46 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The 25,000 limit only refers to those songs in your iTunes Match that were 
>> not purchased by you from the iTunes Store.  So, if you are purchasing these 
>> albums from the iTunes Store yourself, then you can purchase as many as you 
>> wish and it will not count towards the songs in the 25,000 limit.  If these 
>> albums are acquired in some other manner, then it is not the number of 
>> albums but is the number of songs within each album that will count towards 
>> you limit.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-01-25, at 4:09 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> I'd like to ask a question about I cloud. I wish to know is there a limit 
>>> on how many albums you can download? also, depending on how many albums you 
>>> downloaded, would this impact on your I Cloud Match quota? as you get 25 
>>> thousand sonGs if I remember rightly from the Apple events.
>>> Kawal.
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How do I remove someone from my VIPs list?

2013-01-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I'm on a mailing list, and somehow, mail from that list is going to my VIPs 
mailbox.  I'm not sure how this is happening, because I didn't add this sender 
to my VIPs list.  How can I remove him from that list?

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Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Krysti
Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6 

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: How do I remove someone from my VIPs list?

2013-01-27 Thread Alex Hall
Open an email from him,  and vo-arrow around to the "read" button. Oddly, this 
is the button to add/remove VIPs.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:35, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm on a mailing list, and somehow, mail from that list is going to my VIPs 
> mailbox.  I'm not sure how this is happening, because I didn't add this 
> sender to my VIPs list.  How can I remove him from that list?
> TIA,
> Donna
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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Mauricio Almeida
well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do such a 
thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in addition to 
making you lose all your jail break data every time you update your IOS?

On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti  wrote:

> Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6 
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: How do I remove someone from my VIPs list?

2013-01-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Oh, how odd.  Glad I asked, I wouldn't have figured that out. :)  thanks, Alex.
On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:45 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Open an email from him,  and vo-arrow around to the "read" button. Oddly, 
> this is the button to add/remove VIPs.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:35, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm on a mailing list, and somehow, mail from that list is going to my VIPs 
>> mailbox.  I'm not sure how this is happening, because I didn't add this 
>> sender to my VIPs list.  How can I remove him from that list?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
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Re: I O S: What's the point of the edit rotor setting?

2013-01-27 Thread Danny Noonan
Sorry?  I'm not upset or anything at all. The only thing that may have lead to 
the tone you think I had is that I tend to write shorter fraises when writing 
quick responses on my iPhone touch screen. 

Sorry if you thought I was angry  or something. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 28/01/2013, at 12:02 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  

> Maybe I'm taking your message out of context, but it seems my question has 
> either, 1, offended you, or 2, makes you think I"m complaining/stupid for 
> asking.  I'm sorry if I irritated you, as your tones seems to be implying. I 
> just was asking a question.
> Chris Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> E-mail:
> Phone: 803-760-7136
> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
> - Original Message - From: "Danny Noonan" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 6:09 AM
> Subject: Re: I O S: What's the point of the edit rotor setting?
> Because its easier, quicker and keeps constancy with the entire roter method. 
> Why swipe left or right when you can move your finger round until you find 
> what you want. Sighted people don't swipe that way.
> A good system will try to have more than 1 way to do something as people have 
> different likes and methods.
> Personally, I like the edit roter as even though I can do it another way, I 
> find it quicker and I'm very used to using the roter all the time.
> Danny.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 27/01/2013, at 9:51 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  
> wrote:
>> OK, this might seem like a really odd question, but hear me out here.
>> What is the point of the edit rotor option when in a text box?  Before you 
>> start explaining to me what it does, no no no... that's not what I'm asking. 
>> I know what it does!, but, why?
>> See, here's the thing...  If you are on a text field, or honestly, for that 
>> mind, a text message, etc. if you double tap on the content, and leave your 
>> finger on the screen after the second tap, then after hearing the 3 little 
>> pass gesture through bleep tone, you then lift your finger, you'll hear 
>> another little popup sound.  It's the same sound you get when I O S is 
>> trying to auto-correct.  Now, if you flick right from that text box, text 
>> message, etc. etc. you'll see that right there you have menu options like 
>> select, select all, copy, paste, etc.  And before anyone says, yeah, but 
>> tapping on them doesn't work, that's why you need the rotor... Oh, you wanna 
>> make a bet they don't work?  I just did it over here, and they work 
>> perfectly!  I can't figure out in the edit rotor setting nor in this method 
>> how to select a portion of text without selecting all.  We had this 
>> discussion once on list, about pinching in and out to select, but no matter 
>> what I try, and apparently by far I'm not the only one who's had issues, I 
>> can't get it to work regardless what I do. Anyway, that's not the point. 
>> Point being, why make a rotor setting for this stuff, when doing it the 
>> non-voiceover way like normal... pardon the pun, sighted people would do, 
>> works perfectly?  Isn't that kind of a waiste of source code?  What 'em I 
>> missing here?  Just seems a bit redundant.  Is it more just a preference 
>> thing one may like doing it one way where another might like the other way, 
>> or is there actually a specific reason why to do one over the other?
>> Chris.
>> -- 
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Re: Question about dropbox iOS app.

2013-01-27 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav

Do you mean 25Gb of messages rather than 25Mb, as 25Mb should be about 35 - 50 
pictures taken on an iPhone, perhaps even less.

gigabytes is a totally different story.

On the note as to how to move them over, do you have a computer, PC or MAc, as 
you can sync them all over to it, and then using iTunes you can have it sync an 
entire library or folder over to both devices.

in other words, import all the pictures into the computer, then sync to both 
devices. the nice thing about this approach is as you add new pictures to the 
folder, both devices would get those pictures each time they sync up.

finally, using Siri on an iPad its important to note that the iPad microphone 
is at the very top of the unit on the edge in the middle.

so it should not be covered with a case or your hand, say for example landscape 
holding, and, you should direct your voice to that area of the iPad, not the 
bottom as with an iPhone.


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS, 
Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
e-mail: -
Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 26 Jan 2013, at 03:22, Christopher Gilland  wrote:

> i have a bit of a scenario, and I am wondering if there is an easy way to do 
> this.
> In my dropbox account, more specifically, in my photos folder, I have just 
> now probably over 25 to 30 MB worth of pictures. I would like to transfer all 
> of these photos over to my iPad. This way they will locally be in an album 
> located on my iPad itself that I can view offline. The problem is, as you 
> probably can imagine, 25 MB worth the pictures is quite a lot. I really am 
> not up to opening each picture individually, and then saving it individually 
> over onto the iPad. So, here is my question. Is there a way that I can select 
> all of the pictures in one shebang, and then simply copy them and one big 
> batch over to the iPad. This way I don't have to spend tedious time doing 
> each picture one by one. I'll do it with the former method, but man is it 
> going to be your dictating! There has got to be an easier way. Shortly I am 
> making this way harder than it has to be. On another note, I am noticing that 
> Siri is butchering a lot of this message which I am dictating via voice. Has 
> anybody found that like me, they have way less results As far as accuracy is 
> concerned when using an iPad, where if they use an iPhone, it works a lot 
> better? What I really need to do is probably just pair my Bluetooth keyboard 
> that I have to my iPad. Period. Oh well. Period. That's for a whole different 
> post. Period. LOL! Anyway, forgive the typos. I know it looks sloppy but 
> whatever.
> Chris.
> Sent from my iPad
> -- 
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Re: Question about dropbox iOS app.

2013-01-27 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav

Your method only works for up to 1000 photos or the last month worth of taken 

Photo Stream is only used for up to one months pictures and at that, only 1000 
as a maximum.

So Chris would only be able to sync the last 31 days worth of taken photos, and 
up to no more than 1000.

More over, if the pictures at this time are not in his photo real, or whatever 
it is that Apple call it, they will not sync up through Photo Stream.


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS, 
Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
e-mail: -
Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 26 Jan 2013, at 03:30, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Do you have a computer? If so, you can just move the files into your iCloud's 
> photostream folder (you decide where that is in iCloud settings on the 
> computer). Then they will appear on your iPad's list of photos next time you 
> sync, assuming the iPad has Photostream enabled, and they won't be in Dropbox 
> anymore. Aside from that there's no way I can think of; Dropbox is designed 
> to be a way to sync files across different machines, so it would not make 
> sense for it to offer local storage.
> On Jan 25, 2013, at 10:22 PM, Christopher Gilland  
> wrote:
>> i have a bit of a scenario, and I am wondering if there is an easy way to do 
>> this.
>> In my dropbox account, more specifically, in my photos folder, I have just 
>> now probably over 25 to 30 MB worth of pictures. I would like to transfer 
>> all of these photos over to my iPad. This way they will locally be in an 
>> album located on my iPad itself that I can view offline. The problem is, as 
>> you probably can imagine, 25 MB worth the pictures is quite a lot. I really 
>> am not up to opening each picture individually, and then saving it 
>> individually over onto the iPad. So, here is my question. Is there a way 
>> that I can select all of the pictures in one shebang, and then simply copy 
>> them and one big batch over to the iPad. This way I don't have to spend 
>> tedious time doing each picture one by one. I'll do it with the former 
>> method, but man is it going to be your dictating! There has got to be an 
>> easier way. Shortly I am making this way harder than it has to be. On 
>> another note, I am noticing that Siri is butchering a lot of this message 
>> which I am dictating via voice. Has anybody found that like me, they have 
>> way less results As far as accuracy is concerned when using an iPad, where 
>> if they use an iPhone, it works a lot better? What I really need to do is 
>> probably just pair my Bluetooth keyboard that I have to my iPad. Period. Oh 
>> well. Period. That's for a whole different post. Period. LOL! Anyway, 
>> forgive the typos. I know it looks sloppy but whatever.
>> Chris.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Question about dropbox iOS app.

2013-01-27 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
Photo Stream on the Mac can be found by launching either iPhoto or Aperture, 
which ever you use.

Within its preferences you can enable Photo Stream.

Personally I use iPhoto, but have Aperture in case we need to adjust a photo in 
a far more professional manner.


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS, 
Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
e-mail: -
Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 27 Jan 2013, at 12:35, Angelo  wrote:

> Oddly enough I was just trying to do a similar task, My question is where and 
> how do I access the ICloud photo stream on the Mac? Do i just copy and paste 
> the photos in this folder? I is this part of ITunes?
> - Original Message -
> From: Alex Hall
> To:
> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 10:30 PM
> Subject: Re: Question about dropbox iOS app.
> Do you have a computer? If so, you can just move the files into your iCloud's 
> photostream folder (you decide where that is in iCloud settings on the 
> computer). Then they will appear on your iPad's list of photos next time you 
> sync, assuming the iPad has Photostream enabled, and they won't be in Dropbox 
> anymore. Aside from that there's no way I can think of; Dropbox is designed 
> to be a way to sync files across different machines, so it would not make 
> sense for it to offer local storage.
> On Jan 25, 2013, at 10:22 PM, Christopher Gilland  
> wrote:
> > i have a bit of a scenario, and I am wondering if there is an easy way to 
> > do this.
> > 
> > In my dropbox account, more specifically, in my photos folder, I have just 
> > now probably over 25 to 30 MB worth of pictures. I would like to transfer 
> > all of these photos over to my iPad. This way they will locally be in an 
> > album located on my iPad itself that I can view offline. The problem is, as 
> > you probably can imagine, 25 MB worth the pictures is quite a lot. I really 
> > am not up to opening each picture individually, and then saving it 
> > individually over onto the iPad. So, here is my question. Is there a way 
> > that I can select all of the pictures in one shebang, and then simply copy 
> > them and one big batch over to the iPad. This way I don't have to spend 
> > tedious time doing each picture one by one. I'll do it with the former 
> > method, but man is it going to be your dictating! There has got to be an 
> > easier way. Shortly I am making this way harder than it has to be. On 
> > another note, I am noticing that Siri is butchering a lot of this message 
> > which I am dictating via voice. Has anybody found that like me, they have 
> > way less results As far as accuracy is concerned when using an iPad, where 
> > if they use an iPhone, it works a lot better? What I really need to do is 
> > probably just pair my Bluetooth keyboard that I have to my iPad. Period. Oh 
> > well. Period. That's for a whole different post. Period. LOL! Anyway, 
> > forgive the typos. I know it looks sloppy but whatever.
> > 
> > Chris.
> > 
> > Sent from my iPad
> > 
> > -- 
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> > 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Stata and R for Mac

2013-01-27 Thread Max
Hi Rafael
I have now played with Stata for Mac a little. It seems to be more 
accessible than R for Mac. It is hard to know though, since i am just 
learning to use Stata and some difficulties i am having might be Stata 
issues rather than accessibility issues. The learning curve is substantial.
Anyway, it seems you can do a lot from the built-in text editor and that 
you can quite easilly export your results to other programs. In other 
words, if some core functions are not accessible, there should be 
relatively simple work-arounds.
I will post again in a few weeks when i've actually done some substantial 
work with the software. Please also post if you learn anything useful.

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Re: TTS for mac?

2013-01-27 Thread Devin Prater
Interesting. I'll seriously consider Ceroprok Sarah.
On Jan 27, 2013, at 2:50 AM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:

> Hey Devin. The options you have for TTS are the default Mac voices, the 
> Nuance voices which as you know you can download, Cepstral which I don't 
> recommend because they crash Voiceover, Acapela which in my opinion is going 
> downhill because the voices don't sound as natural as they used to, and the 
> best brand of voices in my opinion, a Scottish TTS company called Cereproc. 
> Unfortunately they don't let you try demoes of the voices and they cost 25 
> pounds 99 pents which translates to $41 US but you get really good voices in 
> my opinion. My favorite voices are Jack and Sarah, which are two UK English 
> voices, especially Sarah because she sounds like Ivona Amy and I think, is 
> the first female voice to take breaths.
> Shawn
> Sent from my white Mac Book
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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Krysti .Power
I only have a limited worthy with apple and I don't plan on updating the
iOS as its currently up to date

On Sunday, January 27, 2013, Mauricio Almeida wrote:

> well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do
> such a thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in
> addition to making you lose all your jail break data every time you update
> your IOS?
> mauricio
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti >
> wrote:
> > Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Krysti .Power
Plus there's a few numbers I want blocked from calling Me and texting me so
I wanted iblacklist

On Sunday, January 27, 2013, Mauricio Almeida wrote:

> well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do
> such a thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in
> addition to making you lose all your jail break data every time you update
> your IOS?
> mauricio
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti >
> wrote:
> > Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6
> >O I wanted iblacklist
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Michael Babcock
As of this moment, you're currently unable to jailbreak the iOS six on iPhone 
4S, at least, this is as of the best of my research.
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 7:50 AM, Mauricio Almeida  

> well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do such a 
> thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in addition to 
> making you lose all your jail break data every time you update your IOS?
> mauricio
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti  wrote:
>> Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Michael Babcock
In addition, another thing you can do with a jailbroken phone, is get access to 
thousands and thousands of ring tones for free.
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:50 AM, "Krysti .Power"  wrote:

> Plus there's a few numbers I want blocked from calling Me and texting me so I 
> wanted iblacklist
> On Sunday, January 27, 2013, Mauricio Almeida wrote:
>> well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do such 
>> a thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in addition 
>> to making you lose all your jail break data every time you update your IOS?
>> mauricio
>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti  wrote:
>> > Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6
>> >O I wanted iblacklist
>> > Sent from my iPhone
>> >
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Re: Accidentally Removed App from LaunchPad!

2013-01-27 Thread J.P.
Hey Chris, No it isn't. It still shows in applications and in the dock. It is 
the App Store icon, so I don't think I could delete even if I tried. Your help 
would be appreciated.

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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Randy George
Hi Kristi,
I'm not sure if anybody recommended this or not, but this is what I did when I 
jailbroke my old iPhone. There are lots of stores around most cities that will 
be happy to jailbreak your phone for you. It cost me between 20 and 30 bucks, 
and it was totally worth it because it only took them about 10 minutes and 
every thing went extremely smoothly. If you just google jailbreak iPhone and 
your ZIP Code, and number of stores should come up. Of course you're able to do 
it yourself, but I would rather somebody do it who has done it hundreds or 
thousands of times.
I hope this helps,

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2013, at 10:47 AM, "Krysti .Power"  wrote:

> I only have a limited worthy with apple and I don't plan on updating the iOS 
> as its currently up to date
> On Sunday, January 27, 2013, Mauricio Almeida wrote:
>> well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do such 
>> a thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in addition 
>> to making you lose all your jail break data every time you update your IOS?
>> mauricio
>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti  wrote:
>> > Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6
>> >
>> > Sent from my iPhone
>> >
>> > --
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Re: Accidentally Removed App from LaunchPad!

2013-01-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
If you got it in the app store, you can download it again from your store 
purchases. If it's built into the operating system, it isn't possible to delete 
those. If it's a third-party app, it may be in your trash.


"We're made of star-stuff."--Carl Sagan

On Jan 26, 2013, at 4:30 PM, wrote:

> Hey guys, 
> I need assistance! Today is totally not my day. I accidently removed an app 
> from launchpad on my MacBook Pro. How can I put it back there. Thanks for the 
> help! 
> j. P. 
> Typed with Fleksy
> reply://
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App for blocking numbers iPhone

2013-01-27 Thread Krysti
Hey all is there a  app that will allow me to block numbers from texting me or 
calling me If not how would I block numbers 

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Krysti
Thanks guys 

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-01-27, at 12:03 PM, Randy George  wrote:

> Hi Kristi,
> I'm not sure if anybody recommended this or not, but this is what I did when 
> I jailbroke my old iPhone. There are lots of stores around most cities that 
> will be happy to jailbreak your phone for you. It cost me between 20 and 30 
> bucks, and it was totally worth it because it only took them about 10 minutes 
> and every thing went extremely smoothly. If you just google jailbreak iPhone 
> and your ZIP Code, and number of stores should come up. Of course you're able 
> to do it yourself, but I would rather somebody do it who has done it hundreds 
> or thousands of times.
> I hope this helps,
> Randy
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 10:47 AM, "Krysti .Power"  wrote:
>> I only have a limited worthy with apple and I don't plan on updating the iOS 
>> as its currently up to date
>> On Sunday, January 27, 2013, Mauricio Almeida wrote:
>>> well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do such 
>>> a thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in addition 
>>> to making you lose all your jail break data every time you update your IOS?
>>> mauricio
>>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti  wrote:
>>> > Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6
>>> >
>>> > Sent from my iPhone
>>> >
>>> > --
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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Krysti
Could I downgrade to ios 5.1

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-01-27, at 12:03 PM, Randy George  wrote:

> Hi Kristi,
> I'm not sure if anybody recommended this or not, but this is what I did when 
> I jailbroke my old iPhone. There are lots of stores around most cities that 
> will be happy to jailbreak your phone for you. It cost me between 20 and 30 
> bucks, and it was totally worth it because it only took them about 10 minutes 
> and every thing went extremely smoothly. If you just google jailbreak iPhone 
> and your ZIP Code, and number of stores should come up. Of course you're able 
> to do it yourself, but I would rather somebody do it who has done it hundreds 
> or thousands of times.
> I hope this helps,
> Randy
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 10:47 AM, "Krysti .Power"  wrote:
>> I only have a limited worthy with apple and I don't plan on updating the iOS 
>> as its currently up to date
>> On Sunday, January 27, 2013, Mauricio Almeida wrote:
>>> well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do such 
>>> a thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in addition 
>>> to making you lose all your jail break data every time you update your IOS?
>>> mauricio
>>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti  wrote:
>>> > Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6
>>> >
>>> > Sent from my iPhone
>>> >
>>> > --
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Separate iCloud accounts

2013-01-27 Thread Jane
Finally am setting up the iPad to work with Heather's computer. I want her to 
have a separate iCoud account even though she is using my Apple ID. Is 
thisposible, even though she s only using Snow Leopard?  If so, where do I go 
to set it up.

Also, is it safe to update iTunes on her computer?


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A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with the jailbreaking iOS six end up

2013-01-27 Thread Michael Babcock
>From what I am learning at the video below, Apple just released iOS version 
>6.1, Beta number five. This beta version looks like the version that Apple 
>releases before they release a public version of their iOS software. This 
>means, Syria had Akley within the next week, we can hope to have iOS six point 
>one out.
This video also answers any questions related to jailbreaking iOS six:
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Michael Babcock
Obtain information about the current iOS 6.1 jailbreak status here:
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:09 AM, Krysti  wrote:

> Could I downgrade to ios 5.1
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2013-01-27, at 12:03 PM, Randy George  wrote:
>> Hi Kristi,
>> I'm not sure if anybody recommended this or not, but this is what I did when 
>> I jailbroke my old iPhone. There are lots of stores around most cities that 
>> will be happy to jailbreak your phone for you. It cost me between 20 and 30 
>> bucks, and it was totally worth it because it only took them about 10 
>> minutes and every thing went extremely smoothly. If you just google 
>> jailbreak iPhone and your ZIP Code, and number of stores should come up. Of 
>> course you're able to do it yourself, but I would rather somebody do it who 
>> has done it hundreds or thousands of times.
>> I hope this helps,
>> Randy
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 10:47 AM, "Krysti .Power"  
>> wrote:
>>> I only have a limited worthy with apple and I don't plan on updating the 
>>> iOS as its currently up to date
>>> On Sunday, January 27, 2013, Mauricio Almeida wrote:
 well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do 
 such a thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in 
 addition to making you lose all your jail break data every time you update 
 your IOS?
 On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti  wrote:
 > Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6
 > Sent from my iPhone
 > --
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Re: Accidentally Removed App from LaunchPad!

2013-01-27 Thread J.P.

Hey Teresa, 
Let me try explaining this again. I didn't delete the app. I can't delete it, 
because it's the App Store. So I can't even send it to the trash. I did however 
manage to remove it from launchpad. It is still in the dock, and it is still in 
the application list. I just want to put it back in launchpad, because that is 
where I usually launch from. Any ideas? 
Thanks, J. p. 

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Re: Separate iCloud accounts

2013-01-27 Thread Mauricio Almeida
it is always safe to update anything for mac.
about iCloud, yes it is. just set it up suing a different id when asked for one.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 11:19 AM, Jane  wrote:

> Finally am setting up the iPad to work with Heather's computer. I want her to 
> have a separate iCoud account even though she is using my Apple ID. Is 
> thisposible, even though she s only using Snow Leopard?  If so, where do I go 
> to set it up.
> Also, is it safe to update iTunes on her computer?
> Jane
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Re: App for blocking numbers iPhone

2013-01-27 Thread Mauricio Almeida
calling your telephone service provider and requesting that such be done.
On Jan 27, 2013, at 11:07 AM, Krysti  wrote:

> Hey all is there a  app that will allow me to block numbers from texting me 
> or calling me If not how would I block numbers 
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: Accidentally Removed App from LaunchPad!

2013-01-27 Thread Devin Prater
Slightly OT, but what is the use of the launchpad? I have only been using the 
apps folder.
On Jan 27, 2013, at 10:50 AM, "J.P."  wrote:

> Hey Teresa, 
> Let me try explaining this again. I didn't delete the app. I can't delete it, 
> because it's the App Store. So I can't even send it to the trash. I did 
> however manage to remove it from launchpad. It is still in the dock, and it 
> is still in the application list. I just want to put it back in launchpad, 
> because that is where I usually launch from. Any ideas? 
> Thanks, J. p. 
> -- 
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Re: App for blocking numbers iPhone

2013-01-27 Thread Michael Babcock
The only problem that arises with this, is some telephone companies sprint for 
example, don't have the ability of actually blocking numbers. The customer 
service representatives may actually tell you that they block the numbers, but 
the way that their network runs, they don't have the ability of blocking 
numbers. Check out an application called Mr. number. I'm not sure about 
accessibility on iOS, but it's usable on android.
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:51 AM, Mauricio Almeida  

> calling your telephone service provider and requesting that such be done.
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 11:07 AM, Krysti  wrote:
>> Hey all is there a  app that will allow me to block numbers from texting me 
>> or calling me If not how would I block numbers 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Randy George
I think so, but I am not 100% sure. I feel like they should be able to install 
whatever iOS version you are interested in as long as they have it.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2013, at 11:09 AM, Krysti  wrote:

> Could I downgrade to ios 5.1
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2013-01-27, at 12:03 PM, Randy George  wrote:
>> Hi Kristi,
>> I'm not sure if anybody recommended this or not, but this is what I did when 
>> I jailbroke my old iPhone. There are lots of stores around most cities that 
>> will be happy to jailbreak your phone for you. It cost me between 20 and 30 
>> bucks, and it was totally worth it because it only took them about 10 
>> minutes and every thing went extremely smoothly. If you just google 
>> jailbreak iPhone and your ZIP Code, and number of stores should come up. Of 
>> course you're able to do it yourself, but I would rather somebody do it who 
>> has done it hundreds or thousands of times.
>> I hope this helps,
>> Randy
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 10:47 AM, "Krysti .Power"  
>> wrote:
>>> I only have a limited worthy with apple and I don't plan on updating the 
>>> iOS as its currently up to date
>>> On Sunday, January 27, 2013, Mauricio Almeida wrote:
 well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do 
 such a thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in 
 addition to making you lose all your jail break data every time you update 
 your IOS?
 On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti  wrote:
 > Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6
 > Sent from my iPhone
 > --
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using Eloquent Bible software with VO

2013-01-27 Thread Devin Prater
Hello all. I have the app called Eloquent. I can read commentaries that I have 
gotten, through the module installer thing, but when I go to a single Bible 
view, all I can see past all the toolbars are a few vertical slider things, and 
when I change them, nothing is different. I can't find the text field that is 
there in the commentaries viewer.

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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Krysti
Thank you guys 

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-01-27, at 12:58 PM, Randy George  wrote:

> I think so, but I am not 100% sure. I feel like they should be able to 
> install whatever iOS version you are interested in as long as they have it.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 11:09 AM, Krysti  wrote:
>> Could I downgrade to ios 5.1
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2013-01-27, at 12:03 PM, Randy George  wrote:
>>> Hi Kristi,
>>> I'm not sure if anybody recommended this or not, but this is what I did 
>>> when I jailbroke my old iPhone. There are lots of stores around most cities 
>>> that will be happy to jailbreak your phone for you. It cost me between 20 
>>> and 30 bucks, and it was totally worth it because it only took them about 
>>> 10 minutes and every thing went extremely smoothly. If you just google 
>>> jailbreak iPhone and your ZIP Code, and number of stores should come up. Of 
>>> course you're able to do it yourself, but I would rather somebody do it who 
>>> has done it hundreds or thousands of times.
>>> I hope this helps,
>>> Randy
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 10:47 AM, "Krysti .Power"  
>>> wrote:
 I only have a limited worthy with apple and I don't plan on updating the 
 iOS as its currently up to date
 On Sunday, January 27, 2013, Mauricio Almeida wrote:
> well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do 
> such a thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in 
> addition to making you lose all your jail break data every time you 
> update your IOS?
> mauricio
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti  wrote:
> > Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
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sharing labels

2013-01-27 Thread Devin Prater
Hello. I was wondering if there was a place, or even a way, to share the labels 
for controls in apps? I remember reading something about being able to import 
control labels to the VO preferences. Is there a place to get, and maybe share, 

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attaching photos in mail

2013-01-27 Thread Randy George
hi everyone, 

i guess this is another silly question, but how do i go about attaching photos 
to mail messages?  i'm able to attach documents just fine, but when ever I try 
to access my photos folder, voiceover stops working in the same manner in which 
it does when i am accessing documents and videos and things like that.  even 
when i go to my home folder and go in to photos that way i'm not able to select 
a specific photo, all i'm able to find are dates--i'm assuming these are dates 
in which my photo library was updated?  

Any help would be really appreciated. 


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it is possible to remote a mac with mountain lion

2013-01-27 Thread Jørgen Skov Nielsen
Hi All
Is it possible to remote a mac with mountain lion.
I want to help my sighted friends with their mac computers with mountain Lion.
Thans in advance.
Best regards

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Re: Accidentally Removed App from LaunchPad!

2013-01-27 Thread Chris H
Oh ok well I'm not sure if you can add things to the launchpad so if 
anyone knows please share. Thanks!

Christopher Hallsworth

On 27/01/2013 16:00, J.P. wrote:

Hey Chris, No it isn't. It still shows in applications and in the dock. It is 
the App Store icon, so I don't think I could delete even if I tried. Your help 
would be appreciated.

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Re: it is possible to remote a mac with mountain lion

2013-01-27 Thread Kerri
Hi, yes it is. I use team viewer which is free and does work well. 
On 2013-01-27, at 10:27 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen  wrote:

> Hi All
> Is it possible to remote a mac with mountain lion.
> I want to help my sighted friends with their mac computers with mountain Lion.
> Thans in advance.
> Best regards
> Jorgen
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Re: it is possible to remote a mac with mountain lion

2013-01-27 Thread Mauricio Almeida

can we remotely control other persons mac with team viewer? how accessible is 
this part of things?

On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> Hi, yes it is. I use team viewer which is free and does work well. 
> On 2013-01-27, at 10:27 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>> Hi All
>> Is it possible to remote a mac with mountain lion.
>> I want to help my sighted friends with their mac computers with mountain 
>> Lion.
>> Thans in advance.
>> Best regards
>> Jorgen
>> -- 
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A couple of questions

2013-01-27 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi all., I was just wondering if there was a way on the Mac to convert just 
audio files from dVD discs., If so, please write me back. Also, I was wondering 
if there was a way to convert .AVI files into MP3
Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692

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Re: how can I add a finder context menu item to perform a quick action?

2013-01-27 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Esther,

Thanks for your clear explanation. The one thing I don't undersand though is, 
why itunes is involved here. In other words: what happens, so that a converted 
file ends up in itunes? Are you saying that if I find a third party app to 
convert a file from one format to the other, that supports either a command 
line syntax or an automator or apple script interface, the resulting file will 
always end up in itunes, even though I do not specify so in the Apple script, 
shell script or automator work flow? Seems interesting. How did Apple put that 

On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:48 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Dear Paul,
> There is already support for the action of converting a wav file to
> 256 kbps m4a (aac files) from Finder under Mountain Lion and Lion, if
> you select/highlight your wav files and use VO-Shift-M to bring up the
> context menu, then select "Encode Selected Video Files".  The "Encode
> Media" dialog window will have a "Setting:" pop up menu button that
> you should VO-Space on and change from "480p" to "Audio Only".  (Under
> Lion this is under "Encode Selected Audio Files" under the Services
> menu.)  If you want to make your own Service for converting to 256
> kbps mp3 files, you can do so with Automator.  Automator and
> AppleScript can be used to do the kind of operation you describe,
> where you select files and then select a menu option option to run an
> Automator service or workflow, or run an AppleScript, but these only
> work for applications where the developers have supplied the hooks to
> make them AppleScriptable, work with Automator, or support terminal
> command line usage so that they are shell scriptable.
> What this means is that although it is very easy to create an
> Automator service to convert files you select in Finder to 256 kbps
> mp3 files with just a couple of Automator action steps, the basic
> assumption is that you want the results to appear in iTunes. You can
> even construct a folder action that will automatically put converted
> files into into the same directory folder or a separate one of your
> specification, but the converted mp3 files always get added to your
> iTunes library folder.  This is fine if you use iTunes to organize
> your music (as I do), but I suspect this is not what you want.  There
> isn't an action to automatically delete the tracks from iTunes.  So it
> can be very easy to use Automator or AppleScripts within the context
> of the default supported actions, and this can work for a lot of
> applications on the Mac, but in general you can't use these with a
> random third party app.  And it doesn't mean that it isn't doable (at
> least with AppleScripting) -- it just isn't going to be transparent or
> simple to implement.
> I don't have any recent detailed descriptions of Automator actions on
> this list, since I only usually take a look at this when questions
> come up.  The last fairly detailed post I made about using Automator
> was on the mac-access list, which is also archived at the Mail Archive
> web site.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jan 21, 12:15 am, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> Often, I have a file that I want to perform a specific action on. For 
>> example, this could be a stereo wave file, that I want to convert to a 256 
>> kilibit stereo mp3 file. Is there a way you can think of, that I can add a 
>> new menu item to the vo shift mcontextmenu on a file, and then select from a 
>> few user defined actions? Of course, the program in question must support 
>> this way of getting commands, but I'd first like to know iffinderlets us do 
>> this type of thing. So, I go to a wave file, I'd like to hit vo shift m, and 
>> then select convert  to mp3 256 with amadeus. Is such a mechanism available? 
>> What about services? I have no idea yet how they work, nor how to use 
>> automator. Please shed some light and knowledge on this if you have it. I'm 
>> very curious because it could be a huge time saver. Thanks a lot in advance.
>> Paul.
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Re: A couple of questions

2013-01-27 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Matt,

Well I read about just that this morning. There's a thing called switch audio 
converter that can do this. Not only does it convert audio from one format to 
the other, but one of its power functions is that it can grab a dvd, and spit 
out audio in the format you want.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 7:42 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi all., I was just wondering if there was a way on the Mac to convert just 
> audio files from dVD discs., If so, please write me back. Also, I was 
> wondering if there was a way to convert .AVI files into MP3
> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
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Re: A couple of questions

2013-01-27 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi Paul.
Just wondering , Isn't this app paid?
 I think it is, because I tried it out once, and it was a devil.
Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692

On 2013-01-27, at 12:29 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> Well I read about just that this morning. There's a thing called switch audio 
> converter that can do this. Not only does it convert audio from one format to 
> the other, but one of its power functions is that it can grab a dvd, and spit 
> out audio in the format you want.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 7:42 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Hi all., I was just wondering if there was a way on the Mac to convert just 
>> audio files from dVD discs., If so, please write me back. Also, I was 
>> wondering if there was a way to convert .AVI files into MP3
>> Matt
>> Sent from my mac
>> Twitter: matt692
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Re: A couple of questions

2013-01-27 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Matt,

What do you mean it was a devil? The app is payed, yes, but it does what you 
want as far as I'm aware.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:32 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi Paul.
> Just wondering , Isn't this app paid?
> I think it is, because I tried it out once, and it was a devil.
> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
> On 2013-01-27, at 12:29 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Hi Matt,
>> Well I read about just that this morning. There's a thing called switch 
>> audio converter that can do this. Not only does it convert audio from one 
>> format to the other, but one of its power functions is that it can grab a 
>> dvd, and spit out audio in the format you want.
>> Hth,
>> Paul.
>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 7:42 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>>> Hi all., I was just wondering if there was a way on the Mac to convert just 
>>> audio files from dVD discs., If so, please write me back. Also, I was 
>>> wondering if there was a way to convert .AVI files into MP3
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my mac
>>> Twitter: matt692
>>> -- 
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Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with the jailbreaking iOS six end up

2013-01-27 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Michael,

So to summarize, ios 6.1 is just around the corner. Second, as soon as that 
comes out, then shortly afterwards, it is likely that the untethered jailbreak 
for ios 6.1 is ready as well. Did I miss anything important? It's a lot of 
talking, isn't it? Smile.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Michael Babcock  

> From what I am learning at the video below, Apple just released iOS version 
> 6.1, Beta number five. This beta version looks like the version that Apple 
> releases before they release a public version of their iOS software. This 
> means, Syria had Akley within the next week, we can hope to have iOS six 
> point one out.
> This video also answers any questions related to jailbreaking iOS six:
> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
> -- 
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Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with the jailbreaking iOS six end up

2013-01-27 Thread Michael Babcock
It is, a lot of talking, but it has given me a good grasp of the understanding 
of what's going on with iOS. Yes, you understand that the same way that I do. I 
am kind of excited, simply to see what changes if any invoice overcome with iOS 
6.1. In addition, I am kind of a geek, and I like to do weird things. 
Therefore, the intriguing idea of jailbreaking my phone in iOS 6.1 is Very 
exciting, and I can't wait to see what can be done with it. I will record a 
brief tutorial as soon as I get information about how to jailbreak, that 
explains the jailbreaking process, and demonstrates how it can potentially be 
done accessibly.
Here's to hoping that the software is accessible, I am working on writing a 
blog posting and going to tweet that blog posting to this group. That way, we 
can hope that they consider accessibility towards the beginning of releasing 
it. At least, this is my hope.
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 12:41 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> So to summarize, ios 6.1 is just around the corner. Second, as soon as that 
> comes out, then shortly afterwards, it is likely that the untethered 
> jailbreak for ios 6.1 is ready as well. Did I miss anything important? It's a 
> lot of talking, isn't it? Smile.
> Regards,
> Paul.
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Michael Babcock  
> wrote:
>> From what I am learning at the video below, Apple just released iOS version 
>> 6.1, Beta number five. This beta version looks like the version that Apple 
>> releases before they release a public version of their iOS software. This 
>> means, Syria had Akley within the next week, we can hope to have iOS six 
>> point one out.
>> This video also answers any questions related to jailbreaking iOS six:
>> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
>> -- 
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Re: it is possible to remote a mac with mountain lion

2013-01-27 Thread Jürgen Fleger
And what about VoiceOver support? Does it work?
Am 27.01.2013 um 19:39 schrieb Mauricio Almeida :

> hello,
> can we remotely control other persons mac with team viewer? how accessible is 
> this part of things?
> mauricio
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> Hi, yes it is. I use team viewer which is free and does work well. 
>> On 2013-01-27, at 10:27 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> Is it possible to remote a mac with mountain lion.
>>> I want to help my sighted friends with their mac computers with mountain 
>>> Lion.
>>> Thans in advance.
>>> Best regards
>>> Jorgen
>>> -- 
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Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with the jailbreaking iOS six end up

2013-01-27 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Mike,

I hope jailbreaking will still be as simple as:
1. Hook up the phone to the mac or pc using the usb cable.
2. Start the jailbreak util.
3. Hit start and wait, then enjoy.
Do you think it'll still be that easy?

On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:50 PM, Michael Babcock  

> It is, a lot of talking, but it has given me a good grasp of the 
> understanding of what's going on with iOS. Yes, you understand that the same 
> way that I do. I am kind of excited, simply to see what changes if any 
> invoice overcome with iOS 6.1. In addition, I am kind of a geek, and I like 
> to do weird things. Therefore, the intriguing idea of jailbreaking my phone 
> in iOS 6.1 is Very exciting, and I can't wait to see what can be done with 
> it. I will record a brief tutorial as soon as I get information about how to 
> jailbreak, that explains the jailbreaking process, and demonstrates how it 
> can potentially be done accessibly.
> Here's to hoping that the software is accessible, I am working on writing a 
> blog posting and going to tweet that blog posting to this group. That way, we 
> can hope that they consider accessibility towards the beginning of releasing 
> it. At least, this is my hope.
> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 12:41 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> So to summarize, ios 6.1 is just around the corner. Second, as soon as that 
>> comes out, then shortly afterwards, it is likely that the untethered 
>> jailbreak for ios 6.1 is ready as well. Did I miss anything important? It's 
>> a lot of talking, isn't it? Smile.
>> Regards,
>> Paul.
>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Michael Babcock  
>> wrote:
>>> From what I am learning at the video below, Apple just released iOS version 
>>> 6.1, Beta number five. This beta version looks like the version that Apple 
>>> releases before they release a public version of their iOS software. This 
>>> means, Syria had Akley within the next week, we can hope to have iOS six 
>>> point one out.
>>> This video also answers any questions related to jailbreaking iOS six:
>>> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
>>> -- 
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Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with the jailbreaking iOS six end up

2013-01-27 Thread Michael Babcock
I don't know, if you watch the video series, you learned that they completely 
redesigned the entire utility. It is no longer the:
Jailbreak utility because of some of the hardware changes Apple made on the 
fours and later. However, one can hope that the process is as easy, if not 
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> I hope jailbreaking will still be as simple as:
> 1. Hook up the phone to the mac or pc using the usb cable.
> 2. Start the jailbreak util.
> 3. Hit start and wait, then enjoy.
> Do you think it'll still be that easy?
> Regards,
> Paul.
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:50 PM, Michael Babcock  
> wrote:
>> It is, a lot of talking, but it has given me a good grasp of the 
>> understanding of what's going on with iOS. Yes, you understand that the same 
>> way that I do. I am kind of excited, simply to see what changes if any 
>> invoice overcome with iOS 6.1. In addition, I am kind of a geek, and I like 
>> to do weird things. Therefore, the intriguing idea of jailbreaking my phone 
>> in iOS 6.1 is Very exciting, and I can't wait to see what can be done with 
>> it. I will record a brief tutorial as soon as I get information about how to 
>> jailbreak, that explains the jailbreaking process, and demonstrates how it 
>> can potentially be done accessibly.
>> Here's to hoping that the software is accessible, I am working on writing a 
>> blog posting and going to tweet that blog posting to this group. That way, 
>> we can hope that they consider accessibility towards the beginning of 
>> releasing it. At least, this is my hope.
>> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 12:41 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>>> Hi Michael,
>>> So to summarize, ios 6.1 is just around the corner. Second, as soon as that 
>>> comes out, then shortly afterwards, it is likely that the untethered 
>>> jailbreak for ios 6.1 is ready as well. Did I miss anything important? It's 
>>> a lot of talking, isn't it? Smile.
>>> Regards,
>>> Paul.
>>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Michael Babcock  
>>> wrote:
 From what I am learning at the video below, Apple just released iOS 
 version 6.1, Beta number five. This beta version looks like the version 
 that Apple releases before they release a public version of their iOS 
 software. This means, Syria had Akley within the next week, we can hope to 
 have iOS six point one out.
 This video also answers any questions related to jailbreaking iOS six:
 Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
 email to
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 Visit this group at
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
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>> -- 
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Re: it is possible to remote a mac with mountain lion

2013-01-27 Thread Scott Rumery
Is this accessible with VO?  My team and I are looking for just a solution.

Scott Rumery
Senior Partner
Fedora Outlier, LLC
Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
888-958-6979 ext.5801

On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> Hi, yes it is. I use team viewer which is free and does work well. 
> On 2013-01-27, at 10:27 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>> Hi All
>> Is it possible to remote a mac with mountain lion.
>> I want to help my sighted friends with their mac computers with mountain 
>> Lion.
>> Thans in advance.
>> Best regards
>> Jorgen
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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reading epub and mobi files on the mac.

2013-01-27 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Hi list.
I understand that this topic has been discussed extensively on this list and I 
am searching through the archives already. 
I got Itext express and I am able to read epub books successfuly that way. 
However, some of the books that I must access here are  in the mobi file 
format. Itext express doesn't seem to handle those files. Is there a way to 
convert mobi files to text? Caliber, as you already know is entirely 
inaccessible. Is there another sollution for this? 

Kind regards. 

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: garage band podcasts?

2013-01-27 Thread hank smith
Hello I tried searching for garage band on

nothing came up
can I get direct links to the podcasts please?
On 1/19/2013 8:21 AM, Phil Halton wrote:

to which GB podcasts do you refer?

Ricardo has a five part series on GB on his website. Maybe he'll chime 
in and direct you. I think his website is

Although, it might be .info - I'm not sure.

- Original Message - From: "hank smith" 
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 12:18 AM
Subject: garage band podcasts?

Hello where can I get the garage band podcasts at?
I can not find them on apple vis.
I am also interested in beat mapping with other tempos.
eg matching tempos with other beats so they all go together, can I 
also get instructions on how to do this? if there is a auto beat 
mapping feature that to would be cool or a add on that does this.


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Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with the jailbreaking iOS six end up

2013-01-27 Thread Scott Davert
I suspect you will be disappointed in iOS 6.1 in terms of
accessibility enhancements. However, avid users of Siri will most
likely enjoy it from what I've read.


On 1/27/13, Michael Babcock  wrote:
> I don't know, if you watch the video series, you learned that they
> completely redesigned the entire utility. It is no longer the:
> Redsn0w
> Jailbreak utility because of some of the hardware changes Apple made on the
> fours and later. However, one can hope that the process is as easy, if not
> easier.
> Michael
> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> I hope jailbreaking will still be as simple as:
>> 1. Hook up the phone to the mac or pc using the usb cable.
>> 2. Start the jailbreak util.
>> 3. Hit start and wait, then enjoy.
>> Do you think it'll still be that easy?
>> Regards,
>> Paul.
>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:50 PM, Michael Babcock 
>> wrote:
>>> It is, a lot of talking, but it has given me a good grasp of the
>>> understanding of what's going on with iOS. Yes, you understand that the
>>> same way that I do. I am kind of excited, simply to see what changes if
>>> any invoice overcome with iOS 6.1. In addition, I am kind of a geek, and
>>> I like to do weird things. Therefore, the intriguing idea of jailbreaking
>>> my phone in iOS 6.1 is Very exciting, and I can't wait to see what can be
>>> done with it. I will record a brief tutorial as soon as I get information
>>> about how to jailbreak, that explains the jailbreaking process, and
>>> demonstrates how it can potentially be done accessibly.
>>> Here's to hoping that the software is accessible, I am working on writing
>>> a blog posting and going to tweet that blog posting to this group. That
>>> way, we can hope that they consider accessibility towards the beginning
>>> of releasing it. At least, this is my hope.
>>> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
>>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 12:41 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
 Hi Michael,

 So to summarize, ios 6.1 is just around the corner. Second, as soon as
 that comes out, then shortly afterwards, it is likely that the
 untethered jailbreak for ios 6.1 is ready as well. Did I miss anything
 important? It's a lot of talking, isn't it? Smile.

 On Jan 27, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Michael Babcock

> From what I am learning at the video below, Apple just released iOS
> version 6.1, Beta number five. This beta version looks like the version
> that Apple releases before they release a public version of their iOS
> software. This means, Syria had Akley within the next week, we can hope
> to have iOS six point one out.
> This video also answers any questions related to jailbreaking iOS six:
> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
> --
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> --
> You received this mes

Re: reading epub and mobi files on the mac.

2013-01-27 Thread Georgina Joyce


Can you not get the command line tools of the caliber package installed? 
To use it on windows is to do it via the command line too. It's too late 
now, but I'll try as this is something I need to do for myself.

Of course it would be nice just to have a nice graphical interface but 
it's not always possible.

Good luck!


On 27/01/2013 21:47, Nektarios Mallas wrote:

Hi list.
I understand that this topic has been discussed extensively on this list and I 
am searching through the archives already.
I got Itext express and I am able to read epub books successfuly that way.
However, some of the books that I must access here are  in the mobi file 
format. Itext express doesn't seem to handle those files. Is there a way to 
convert mobi files to text? Caliber, as you already know is entirely 
inaccessible. Is there another sollution for this?

Kind regards.

"If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives 
outside the box" Barbara Otto

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Re: garage band podcasts?

2013-01-27 Thread Phil Halton
Hank, there's no space between garage and band. its all one word 
"GarageBand". The podcasts are all there, search again.

- Original Message - 
From: "hank smith" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: garage band podcasts?

Hello I tried searching for garage band on

nothing came up
can I get direct links to the podcasts please?
On 1/19/2013 8:21 AM, Phil Halton wrote:

to which GB podcasts do you refer?

Ricardo has a five part series on GB on his website. Maybe he'll chime in 
and direct you. I think his website is

Although, it might be .info - I'm not sure.

- Original Message - From: "hank smith" 
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 12:18 AM
Subject: garage band podcasts?

Hello where can I get the garage band podcasts at?
I can not find them on apple vis.
I am also interested in beat mapping with other tempos.
eg matching tempos with other beats so they all go together, can I also 
get instructions on how to do this? if there is a auto beat mapping 
feature that to would be cool or a add on that does this.


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Re: reading epub and mobi files on the mac.

2013-01-27 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Hi there, thanks for your reply. 
I installed caliber through the usual way on the mac. Did that installation 
include the command line tools? I don't know. 

Will see.


On Jan 28, 2013, at 1:18 AM, Georgina Joyce  wrote:

> Hello,
> Can you not get the command line tools of the caliber package installed? To 
> use it on windows is to do it via the command line too. It's too late now, 
> but I'll try as this is something I need to do for myself.
> Of course it would be nice just to have a nice graphical interface but it's 
> not always possible.
> Good luck!
> Gena
> On 27/01/2013 21:47, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>> Hi list.
>> I understand that this topic has been discussed extensively on this list and 
>> I am searching through the archives already.
>> I got Itext express and I am able to read epub books successfuly that way.
>> However, some of the books that I must access here are  in the mobi file 
>> format. Itext express doesn't seem to handle those files. Is there a way to 
>> convert mobi files to text? Caliber, as you already know is entirely 
>> inaccessible. Is there another sollution for this?
>> Kind regards.
>> Nektarios.
> -- 
> "If you want someone who thinks outside the box, hire someone who lives 
> outside the box" Barbara Otto
> -- 
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Re: it is possible to remote a mac with mountain lion

2013-01-27 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi all!
I had someone use this with My Mac and on my side using the app was accessible 
a code is made and you give that to the other person and they can control your 
Mac from there computer and there is a time limit to get stuff done or you will 
have to set up another session!
And although I did not need to control the other computer I think that could be 
done as well!
But you'll have to find that out for yourself! :]
I think there might be a payed version that will give more features [but not 
hth Colin

On 27 Jan 2013, at 21:20, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Is this accessible with VO?  My team and I are looking for just a solution.
> Scott Rumery
> Senior Partner
> Fedora Outlier, LLC
> Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
> 888-958-6979 ext.5801
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> Hi, yes it is. I use team viewer which is free and does work well. 
>> On 2013-01-27, at 10:27 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> Is it possible to remote a mac with mountain lion.
>>> I want to help my sighted friends with their mac computers with mountain 
>>> Lion.
>>> Thans in advance.
>>> Best regards
>>> Jorgen
>>> -- 
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This new ram is, in a word, amazing!

2013-01-27 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
Since I got my Mac in August of 2011 it has had 2gb of ram, and I didn't use it 
for a year because it was so slow. Finally, in May of 2012, I bit the bullet 
and got an adapter so I could hook up a screen, and that helped. By August I 
had switched to the mac as my primary machine, and I was feeling the pinch; if 
I used three apps I was okay, but switch to a fourth and things would slow 
down, or even switch to a new tab or window in an open app and I would get busy 
messages with much grinding of my poor hard drive. I was getting more and more 
frustrated, especially after I started playing with resource hogs like 
Garageband and Xcode.

Last week I bit another bullet and got myself 8gb of ram from It 
arrived yesterday and I installed it in my mini; the only sighted help I needed 
was getting the plastic cover back over the Mini's access port, but I think I 
could have gotten it myself with more patience. To be fair, though, I have 
experience swapping out ram modules, so if you've never done this please find 
someone who has (and has done it successfully) to give you a hand. The mini's 
ram slots offer themselves up at an angle, and it is weird to figure out at 

Anyway, I've now used this ram for a little while (I got home only an hour or 
so ago) and all I can say is.. WOW! Everything is snappy, there's no lag in 
switching Safari tabs or moving between open programs, and even my "say time" 
command is now almost immediate instead of taking the five seconds it used to. 
I have not yet run a full memory test on the new ram sticks, but only because 
Apple Hardware Test failed to pick up my wifi network (apparently some routers 
block access to computers running in diagnostic mode). So, I am still nervous 
when using the mac, waiting for something to crash or explode, but I'll test 
the ram as soon as I can so I can breathe easier. Bottom line though: if you 
have 2gb of ram like I did and your machine is able to accept user-replaced 
ram, treat yourself to 8gb (4gb was not much cheaper, and 8gb was the better 
buy). You will not regret it. Now, if anyone can tell me how to use my wifi 
with AHT, and/or boot into Single-user mode so I can run a memory test, I'd be 
home free!

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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another resource for Visually Impaired Apple users

2013-01-27 Thread Gabe Vega
Hi all:

I am writing to let you know about another resource available to you if you are 
a visually impaired Apple product user. support is offered free no charge by 
certified, support and training specialists at no charge or expectations. this 
is a free no strings attached offering. 

This yahoo group was created after observing that many users just want a simple 
straight answer to a question, with no guessing or personal opinions. many 
users have a hard time digging through dozens of posts from high traffic lists 
in order to get a simple question answered with a simple answer. just ask a 
question and get a simple to the point answer.

Check out the Apple Support for the Visually Impaired located on yahoo groups 

Feel free to post or forward to where you feel this notice may best serve 

Gabe Vega
Commtech LLC
Phone: (623) 565-9357

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a good merging utility and audio question

2013-01-27 Thread Kerri
Hello to all those people who are audio fanatics on this list. What is a good 
program to merge files? Also, if and when they ever get Java rectified so I can 
return to tc conferencing, what is a good way to play music through my sound 
card in the room and mute the microphone? On my pc I use what is called stereo 
mix (windows 7) to accomplish this. I downloaded something called sound flower 
but have a distinct feeling it is the wrong program. Thanks and have a great 

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Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with the jailbreaking iOS six end up

2013-01-27 Thread Kerri
Oh always siri, is that thing supposed to be the holy grail?

Kerri who is not a fan (nor have i) used it.
On 2013-01-27, at 3:12 PM, Scott Davert  wrote:

> I suspect you will be disappointed in iOS 6.1 in terms of
> accessibility enhancements. However, avid users of Siri will most
> likely enjoy it from what I've read.
> Scott
> On 1/27/13, Michael Babcock  wrote:
>> I don't know, if you watch the video series, you learned that they
>> completely redesigned the entire utility. It is no longer the:
>> Redsn0w
>> Jailbreak utility because of some of the hardware changes Apple made on the
>> fours and later. However, one can hope that the process is as easy, if not
>> easier.
>> Michael
>> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>>> Hi Mike,
>>> I hope jailbreaking will still be as simple as:
>>> 1. Hook up the phone to the mac or pc using the usb cable.
>>> 2. Start the jailbreak util.
>>> 3. Hit start and wait, then enjoy.
>>> Do you think it'll still be that easy?
>>> Regards,
>>> Paul.
>>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:50 PM, Michael Babcock 
>>> wrote:
 It is, a lot of talking, but it has given me a good grasp of the
 understanding of what's going on with iOS. Yes, you understand that the
 same way that I do. I am kind of excited, simply to see what changes if
 any invoice overcome with iOS 6.1. In addition, I am kind of a geek, and
 I like to do weird things. Therefore, the intriguing idea of jailbreaking
 my phone in iOS 6.1 is Very exciting, and I can't wait to see what can be
 done with it. I will record a brief tutorial as soon as I get information
 about how to jailbreak, that explains the jailbreaking process, and
 demonstrates how it can potentially be done accessibly.
 Here's to hoping that the software is accessible, I am working on writing
 a blog posting and going to tweet that blog posting to this group. That
 way, we can hope that they consider accessibility towards the beginning
 of releasing it. At least, this is my hope.
 Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
 On Jan 27, 2013, at 12:41 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> So to summarize, ios 6.1 is just around the corner. Second, as soon as
> that comes out, then shortly afterwards, it is likely that the
> untethered jailbreak for ios 6.1 is ready as well. Did I miss anything
> important? It's a lot of talking, isn't it? Smile.
> Regards,
> Paul.
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Michael Babcock
>  wrote:
>> From what I am learning at the video below, Apple just released iOS
>> version 6.1, Beta number five. This beta version looks like the version
>> that Apple releases before they release a public version of their iOS
>> software. This means, Syria had Akley within the next week, we can hope
>> to have iOS six point one out.
>> This video also answers any questions related to jailbreaking iOS six:
>> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
>> --
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Re: it is possible to remote a mac with mountain lion

2013-01-27 Thread Kerri
yes it is It is a bit of a track to grab the license you need to give the party 
you want to connect too and vice versa but I did it recently and did very well. 
It does work better if you can read the license key with a Braille display but 
not required.
On 2013-01-27, at 1:20 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Is this accessible with VO?  My team and I are looking for just a solution.
> Scott Rumery
> Senior Partner
> Fedora Outlier, LLC
> Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
> 888-958-6979 ext.5801
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> Hi, yes it is. I use team viewer which is free and does work well. 
>> On 2013-01-27, at 10:27 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> Is it possible to remote a mac with mountain lion.
>>> I want to help my sighted friends with their mac computers with mountain 
>>> Lion.
>>> Thans in advance.
>>> Best regards
>>> Jorgen
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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Re: TTS for mac?

2013-01-27 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
In my opinion, Will sounds too much like Neospeech Paul, very robotic and 
bored. I used to like Heather and Ryan but it seems like Acapela has taken away 
the things that made me like them, such as their inflections in their voices 
and you can hear them take breaths once in a while. I prefer Sarah from 
Cereproc better than those voices. Oh and to the person that said they wished 
Ivona would come to Mac, I contacted Ivona about that and they said that it's 
in their plans to make a Mac version of their voices this year.

Sent from my white Mac Book

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Re: This new ram is, in a word, amazing!

2013-01-27 Thread Randy George
I have eight on my MacBook Pro and love it. Combine that with a TB hard drive, 
and all runs smoothly.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Since I got my Mac in August of 2011 it has had 2gb of ram, and I didn't use 
> it for a year because it was so slow. Finally, in May of 2012, I bit the 
> bullet and got an adapter so I could hook up a screen, and that helped. By 
> August I had switched to the mac as my primary machine, and I was feeling the 
> pinch; if I used three apps I was okay, but switch to a fourth and things 
> would slow down, or even switch to a new tab or window in an open app and I 
> would get busy messages with much grinding of my poor hard drive. I was 
> getting more and more frustrated, especially after I started playing with 
> resource hogs like Garageband and Xcode.
> Last week I bit another bullet and got myself 8gb of ram from It 
> arrived yesterday and I installed it in my mini; the only sighted help I 
> needed was getting the plastic cover back over the Mini's access port, but I 
> think I could have gotten it myself with more patience. To be fair, though, I 
> have experience swapping out ram modules, so if you've never done this please 
> find someone who has (and has done it successfully) to give you a hand. The 
> mini's ram slots offer themselves up at an angle, and it is weird to figure 
> out at first.
> Anyway, I've now used this ram for a little while (I got home only an hour or 
> so ago) and all I can say is.. WOW! Everything is snappy, there's no lag in 
> switching Safari tabs or moving between open programs, and even my "say time" 
> command is now almost immediate instead of taking the five seconds it used 
> to. I have not yet run a full memory test on the new ram sticks, but only 
> because Apple Hardware Test failed to pick up my wifi network (apparently 
> some routers block access to computers running in diagnostic mode). So, I am 
> still nervous when using the mac, waiting for something to crash or explode, 
> but I'll test the ram as soon as I can so I can breathe easier. Bottom line 
> though: if you have 2gb of ram like I did and your machine is able to accept 
> user-replaced ram, treat yourself to 8gb (4gb was not much cheaper, and 8gb 
> was the better buy). You will not regret it. Now, if anyone can tell me how 
> to use my wifi with AHT, and/or boot into Single-user mode so I can run a 
> memory test, I'd be home free!
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: it is possible to remote a mac with mountain lion

2013-01-27 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi again!
I forgot to say before [and some people might want to know this]
When the other party was moving my mouse around VO was telling me what they 
were doing so I could keep track!
hth Colin

On 28 Jan 2013, at 01:38, Kerri  wrote:

> yes it is It is a bit of a track to grab the license you need to give the 
> party you want to connect too and vice versa but I did it recently and did 
> very well. It does work better if you can read the license key with a Braille 
> display but not required.
> On 2013-01-27, at 1:20 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>> Is this accessible with VO?  My team and I are looking for just a solution.
>> Scott Rumery
>> Senior Partner
>> Fedora Outlier, LLC
>> Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
>> 888-958-6979 ext.5801
>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>>> Hi, yes it is. I use team viewer which is free and does work well. 
>>> On 2013-01-27, at 10:27 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen  wrote:
 Hi All
 Is it possible to remote a mac with mountain lion.
 I want to help my sighted friends with their mac computers with mountain 
 Thans in advance.
 Best regards
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How do I add to playlists in iTunes 11?

2013-01-27 Thread Donna Goodin
iTunes seems to want me to drag and drop but I can't figure out how to do it.  
Appreciate any help anyone can offer.

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Re: TTS for mac?

2013-01-27 Thread Devin Prater
Ah, wow. I used to like the accapella voices too, but now as I've said they 
just sound like a bunch of samples forced together, I believe "choppy" would 
describe it well. I wish the demo bar on the ceroprok site was accessible, but 
I did try the Bushomatic thing, and I was mildly impresed. 

Sent from my iPod with iCloud

On 27 Jan 2013, at 7:41 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:

In my opinion, Will sounds too much like Neospeech Paul, very robotic and 
bored. I used to like Heather and Ryan but it seems like Acapela has taken away 
the things that made me like them, such as their inflections in their voices 
and you can hear them take breaths once in a while. I prefer Sarah from 
Cereproc better than those voices. Oh and to the person that said they wished 
Ivona would come to Mac, I contacted Ivona about that and they said that it's 
in their plans to make a Mac version of their voices this year.

Sent from my white Mac Book

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Re: This new ram is, in a word, amazing!

2013-01-27 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Glad it worked out for you. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2013, at 6:20 PM, Randy George  wrote:

> I have eight on my MacBook Pro and love it. Combine that with a TB hard 
> drive, and all runs smoothly.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Since I got my Mac in August of 2011 it has had 2gb of ram, and I didn't use 
>> it for a year because it was so slow. Finally, in May of 2012, I bit the 
>> bullet and got an adapter so I could hook up a screen, and that helped. By 
>> August I had switched to the mac as my primary machine, and I was feeling 
>> the pinch; if I used three apps I was okay, but switch to a fourth and 
>> things would slow down, or even switch to a new tab or window in an open app 
>> and I would get busy messages with much grinding of my poor hard drive. I 
>> was getting more and more frustrated, especially after I started playing 
>> with resource hogs like Garageband and Xcode.
>> Last week I bit another bullet and got myself 8gb of ram from It 
>> arrived yesterday and I installed it in my mini; the only sighted help I 
>> needed was getting the plastic cover back over the Mini's access port, but I 
>> think I could have gotten it myself with more patience. To be fair, though, 
>> I have experience swapping out ram modules, so if you've never done this 
>> please find someone who has (and has done it successfully) to give you a 
>> hand. The mini's ram slots offer themselves up at an angle, and it is weird 
>> to figure out at first.
>> Anyway, I've now used this ram for a little while (I got home only an hour 
>> or so ago) and all I can say is.. WOW! Everything is snappy, there's no lag 
>> in switching Safari tabs or moving between open programs, and even my "say 
>> time" command is now almost immediate instead of taking the five seconds it 
>> used to. I have not yet run a full memory test on the new ram sticks, but 
>> only because Apple Hardware Test failed to pick up my wifi network 
>> (apparently some routers block access to computers running in diagnostic 
>> mode). So, I am still nervous when using the mac, waiting for something to 
>> crash or explode, but I'll test the ram as soon as I can so I can breathe 
>> easier. Bottom line though: if you have 2gb of ram like I did and your 
>> machine is able to accept user-replaced ram, treat yourself to 8gb (4gb was 
>> not much cheaper, and 8gb was the better buy). You will not regret it. Now, 
>> if anyone can tell me how to use my wifi with AHT, and/or boot into 
>> Single-user mode so I can run a memory test, I'd be home free!
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
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Re: How do I add to playlists in iTunes 11?

2013-01-27 Thread Phil Halton
I think I just copied the song and pasted it on the list - it's been a 
while, but try that.
- Original Message - 
From: "Donna Goodin" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 9:23 PM
Subject: How do I add to playlists in iTunes 11?

iTunes seems to want me to drag and drop but I can't figure out how to do 
it.  Appreciate any help anyone can offer.


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Re: How do I add to playlists in iTunes 11?

2013-01-27 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Just find the song and vo shift m and there will be an option. 
Hath a good day. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2013, at 6:46 PM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

> I think I just copied the song and pasted it on the list - it's been a while, 
> but try that.
> - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 9:23 PM
> Subject: How do I add to playlists in iTunes 11?
>> iTunes seems to want me to drag and drop but I can't figure out how to do 
>> it.  Appreciate any help anyone can offer.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: How do I add to playlists in iTunes 11?

2013-01-27 Thread Donna Goodin
That worked, but you have to have the Sort Manually option checked.
On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:46 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> I think I just copied the song and pasted it on the list - it's been a while, 
> but try that.
> - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 9:23 PM
> Subject: How do I add to playlists in iTunes 11?
>> iTunes seems to want me to drag and drop but I can't figure out how to do 
>> it.  Appreciate any help anyone can offer.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: How do I add to playlists in iTunes 11?

2013-01-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Hmm, I tried that.  I'll try it again, next time.
On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:59 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Just find the song and vo shift m and there will be an option. 
> Hath a good day. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2013, at 6:46 PM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:
>> I think I just copied the song and pasted it on the list - it's been a 
>> while, but try that.
>> - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 9:23 PM
>> Subject: How do I add to playlists in iTunes 11?
>>> iTunes seems to want me to drag and drop but I can't figure out how to do 
>>> it.  Appreciate any help anyone can offer.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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Re: garage band podcasts?

2013-01-27 Thread Devin Prater
Are there any podcasts for Garageband for iOs? 

Sent from my iPod with iCloud

On 27 Jan 2013, at 5:21 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

Hank, there's no space between garage and band. its all one word "GarageBand". 
The podcasts are all there, search again.

- Original Message - From: "hank smith" 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: garage band podcasts?

> Hello I tried searching for garage band on 
> nothing came up
> can I get direct links to the podcasts please?
> Hank
> On 1/19/2013 8:21 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
>> to which GB podcasts do you refer?
>> Ricardo has a five part series on GB on his website. Maybe he'll chime in 
>> and direct you. I think his website is
>> Although, it might be .info - I'm not sure.
>> - Original Message - From: "hank smith" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 12:18 AM
>> Subject: garage band podcasts?
>>> Hello where can I get the garage band podcasts at?
>>> I can not find them on apple vis.
>>> I am also interested in beat mapping with other tempos.
>>> eg matching tempos with other beats so they all go together, can I also get 
>>> instructions on how to do this? if there is a auto beat mapping feature 
>>> that to would be cool or a add on that does this.
>>> Hank
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Re: it is possible to remote a mac with mountain lion

2013-01-27 Thread Kerri
Hi, colin:

Then team viewer should work just fine.
On 2013-01-27, at 6:22 PM, Red.Falcon  wrote:

> Hi again!
> I forgot to say before [and some people might want to know this]
> When the other party was moving my mouse around VO was telling me what they 
> were doing so I could keep track!
> hth Colin
> On 28 Jan 2013, at 01:38, Kerri  wrote:
>> yes it is It is a bit of a track to grab the license you need to give the 
>> party you want to connect too and vice versa but I did it recently and did 
>> very well. It does work better if you can read the license key with a 
>> Braille display but not required.
>> On 2013-01-27, at 1:20 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>>> Is this accessible with VO?  My team and I are looking for just a solution.
>>> Scott Rumery
>>> Senior Partner
>>> Fedora Outlier, LLC
>>> Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
>>> 888-958-6979 ext.5801
>>> On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Kerri  wrote:
 Hi, yes it is. I use team viewer which is free and does work well. 
 On 2013-01-27, at 10:27 AM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen  wrote:
> Hi All
> Is it possible to remote a mac with mountain lion.
> I want to help my sighted friends with their mac computers with mountain 
> Lion.
> Thans in advance.
> Best regards
> Jorgen
> -- 
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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

I second this question by far and away!

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Krysti" 

To: "Mac" 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 9:45 AM
Subject: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
For one thing, this is why you don't update until you know there is a 
jailbreak available for the update, and more importantly that doesn't it 
doesn't screw with your baseband.

Generally, unless it's untethered, I won't do it.  If you were trying to do 
the 3GS, then I could a helped you definitely, as I've very very 
successfully done it with one of those devices.  Granted, it wasn't runniong 
I O S 6, it was only on 5, at that time, but! bottom line is, it did work.

What I'll say, is do a search for


basically thing red snow as all one word, only the letter o before the w is 
actually the number 0, not the letter o.  r e d, s n 0! w.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Mauricio Almeida" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do 
such a thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in 
addition to making you lose all your jail break data every time you update 
your IOS?

On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti  wrote:

Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: I O S: What's the point of the edit rotor setting?

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
oh, ok.  no hard feelings taken.  It just seemed, as you said, a little 
short.  Pardon me.  Again, no hard feelings.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Danny Noonan" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: I O S: What's the point of the edit rotor setting?

Sorry?  I'm not upset or anything at all. The only thing that may have lead 
to the tone you think I had is that I tend to write shorter fraises when 
writing quick responses on my iPhone touch screen.

Sorry if you thought I was angry  or something.


Sent from my iPhone

On 28/01/2013, at 12:02 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

Maybe I'm taking your message out of context, but it seems my question has 
either, 1, offended you, or 2, makes you think I"m complaining/stupid for 
asking.  I'm sorry if I irritated you, as your tones seems to be implying. 
I just was asking a question.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - From: "Danny Noonan" 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 6:09 AM
Subject: Re: I O S: What's the point of the edit rotor setting?

Because its easier, quicker and keeps constancy with the entire roter 
method. Why swipe left or right when you can move your finger round until 
you find what you want. Sighted people don't swipe that way.

A good system will try to have more than 1 way to do something as people 
have different likes and methods.

Personally, I like the edit roter as even though I can do it another way, 
I find it quicker and I'm very used to using the roter all the time.


Sent from my iPhone

On 27/01/2013, at 9:51 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

OK, this might seem like a really odd question, but hear me out here.

What is the point of the edit rotor option when in a text box?  Before 
you start explaining to me what it does, no no no... that's not what I'm 
asking. I know what it does!, but, why?

See, here's the thing...  If you are on a text field, or honestly, for 
that mind, a text message, etc. if you double tap on the content, and 
leave your finger on the screen after the second tap, then after hearing 
the 3 little pass gesture through bleep tone, you then lift your finger, 
you'll hear another little popup sound.  It's the same sound you get when 
I O S is trying to auto-correct.  Now, if you flick right from that text 
box, text message, etc. etc. you'll see that right there you have menu 
options like select, select all, copy, paste, etc.  And before anyone 
says, yeah, but tapping on them doesn't work, that's why you need the 
rotor... Oh, you wanna make a bet they don't work?  I just did it over 
here, and they work perfectly!  I can't figure out in the edit rotor 
setting nor in this method how to select a portion of text without 
selecting all.  We had this discussion once on list, about pinching in 
and out to select, but no matter what I try, and apparently by far I'm 
not the only one who's had issues, I can't get it to work regardless what 
I do. Anyway, that's not the point. Point being, why make a rotor setting 
for this stuff, when doing it the non-voiceover way like normal... pardon 
the pun, sighted people would do, works perfectly?  Isn't that kind of a 
waiste of source code?  What 'em I missing here?  Just seems a bit 
redundant.  Is it more just a preference thing one may like doing it one 
way where another might like the other way, or is there actually a 
specific reason why to do one over the other?

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Re: Question about dropbox iOS app.

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
First of all, I'm a computer tech instructor, so yes, I completely know the 
difference in GB vs. MB, vs. Gb, and Mb.

No hard tone meant, you didn't know.  I'm just making it clear that yes, I 
do know the difference.  Yes, I do have 25MB.  That is a total for me of 
about 800 pictures.  You have to understand that the digital camera I was 
using was a real el cheapo camera my x wife found at Wallie's world, 
(Sorry... WalMart...)  which only was about literally 30 bucks.  It was made 
to be a toy for little kids to take pictures with, but the truth be, 
actually, the picture quality though not great, certainly! not the IPhone by 
any stretch, actually! was pretty darn good!  It really shocked the heck out 
of all of my family.  Again, Realisticly, it's only gonna be but so good, I 
think it was only like maybe a 1.5 or 2.0MP and I don't know the aspect 
ratio, nor the DPI resolution, but it was pretty darn good for it's time. 
Anyway, because of this, the pics are actually really teeny.  One JPeg 
probably before I put it in photo shop, and doctored it up a bit probably 
ran me around 10 or so KB, if that.  Before anyone asks, no, Photo Shop is 
not accessible.  I didn't do anything really heavy in there.  All the things 
I did were right in the menu bar and were pretty automatic.  I basically 
ajusted the brightness of the pic if needed, auto toned the color a bit, and 
ran the red eye remover utility.

If anyone would like to see the quality, and has enough vision to do so, 
write me off list, and I'll send you privately a pic I took with the thing 
back in the days.  Anyway, for this reason, there are a lot of pics in my 
photo library.  Trust me, I hear what you're saying, and you'd be correct 
under normal circumstance, but this is kind of a unique situation, and I 
definitely do know what I'm doing and what I'm talking about.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Neil Barnfather - TalkNav" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: Question about dropbox iOS app.


Do you mean 25Gb of messages rather than 25Mb, as 25Mb should be about 35 - 
50 pictures taken on an iPhone, perhaps even less.

gigabytes is a totally different story.

On the note as to how to move them over, do you have a computer, PC or MAc, 
as you can sync them all over to it, and then using iTunes you can have it 
sync an entire library or folder over to both devices.

in other words, import all the pictures into the computer, then sync to both 
devices. the nice thing about this approach is as you add new pictures to 
the folder, both devices would get those pictures each time they sync up.

finally, using Siri on an iPad its important to note that the iPad 
microphone is at the very top of the unit on the edge in the middle.

so it should not be covered with a case or your hand, say for example 
landscape holding, and, you should direct your voice to that area of the 
iPad, not the bottom as with an iPhone.


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple 
iOS, Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your

accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
e-mail: -
Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 26 Jan 2013, at 03:22, Christopher Gilland  wrote:

i have a bit of a scenario, and I am wondering if there is an easy way to 
do this.

In my dropbox account, more specifically, in my photos folder, I have just 
now probably over 25 to 30 MB worth of pictures. I would like to transfer 
all of these photos over to my iPad. This way they will locally be in an 
album located on my iPad itself that I can view offline. The problem is, 
as you probably can imagine, 25 MB worth the pictures is quite a lot. I 
really am not up to opening each picture individually, and then saving it 
individually over onto the iPad. So, here is my question. Is there a way 
that I can select all of the pictures in one shebang, and then simply copy 
them and one big batch over to the iPad. This way I don't have to spend 
tedious time doing each picture one by one. I'll do it with the former 
method, but man is it going to be your dictating! There has got to be an 
easier way. Shortly I am making this way harder than it has to be. On 
another note, I am noticing that Siri is butchering a lot of this message 
which I am dictating via voice. Has anybody found that like me, they have 
way less results As far as accuracy is concerned when using an iPad, where 
if they use an iPhone, it works a lot better? What I really need to do is 
probably just pair my Bluetooth keyboard that I have to my iPad. Period. 
Oh well. Period. That's for a 

Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland


I assume that this is the same with the IPhone 5?

BTW, I need you to get with me as I can't seem to get my Apple TV 
jailbroken.  It is a 3rd gen, although I also have a 2nd gen and am having 
the same problems.  Yeah, am using Seas0npass.

Call me tomorrow, or whenever, and maybe we can work on it.  Call my cell 
number though, not the work number.  For security, I won't reveal the whole 
number and I trust you won't either publicly, but I'm referring to the 
number that starts with 3 9 0, not the 8 4 3 line.


Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Babcock" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

As of this moment, you're currently unable to jailbreak the iOS six on 
iPhone 4S, at least, this is as of the best of my research.
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 7:50 AM, Mauricio Almeida 

well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do 
such a thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in 
addition to making you lose all your jail break data every time you 
update your IOS?

On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti  wrote:

Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Not very easily, seeing that Apple no longer approves the certificate for that 
firmware.  Even if you found an IPSW, it probably wouldn't work.  I could be 
wrong, but I don't think so.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Krysti 
  Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 11:09 AM
  Subject: Re: Jailbreak iPhone 4S

  Could I downgrade to ios 5.1

  Sent from my iPhone

  On 2013-01-27, at 12:03 PM, Randy George  wrote:

Hi Kristi,
I'm not sure if anybody recommended this or not, but this is what I did 
when I jailbroke my old iPhone. There are lots of stores around most cities 
that will be happy to jailbreak your phone for you. It cost me between 20 and 
30 bucks, and it was totally worth it because it only took them about 10 
minutes and every thing went extremely smoothly. If you just google jailbreak 
iPhone and your ZIP Code, and number of stores should come up. Of course you're 
able to do it yourself, but I would rather somebody do it who has done it 
hundreds or thousands of times.
I hope this helps,

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2013, at 10:47 AM, "Krysti .Power"  

  I only have a limited worthy with apple and I don't plan on updating the 
iOS as its currently up to date

  On Sunday, January 27, 2013, Mauricio Almeida wrote:

well, there probably is. my question to you is though why youw ould do 
such a thing if it messes your ability of gaining support from apple in 
addition to making you lose all your jail break data every time you update your 

On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:45 AM, Krysti  wrote:

> Hey is there anyway I can jailbreak my iPhone 4S running ios 6
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
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Re: sharing labels

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

Totally! second this question!

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Devin Prater" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 12:04 PM
Subject: sharing labels

Hello. I was wondering if there was a place, or even a way, to share the 
labels for controls in apps? I remember reading something about being able 
to import control labels to the VO preferences. Is there a place to get, 
and maybe share, labels?

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Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with the jailbreaking iOS six end up

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Ya missed a step.

You gotta go into DFU mode, don't forget.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Paul Erkens 
  Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 3:53 PM
  Subject: Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with 
the jailbreaking iOS six end up

  Hi Mike,

  I hope jailbreaking will still be as simple as:
  1. Hook up the phone to the mac or pc using the usb cable.
  2. Start the jailbreak util.
  3. Hit start and wait, then enjoy.
  Do you think it'll still be that easy?


  On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:50 PM, Michael Babcock  

It is, a lot of talking, but it has given me a good grasp of the 
understanding of what's going on with iOS. Yes, you understand that the same 
way that I do. I am kind of excited, simply to see what changes if any invoice 
overcome with iOS 6.1. In addition, I am kind of a geek, and I like to do weird 
things. Therefore, the intriguing idea of jailbreaking my phone in iOS 6.1 is 
Very exciting, and I can't wait to see what can be done with it. I will record 
a brief tutorial as soon as I get information about how to jailbreak, that 
explains the jailbreaking process, and demonstrates how it can potentially be 
done accessibly.
Here's to hoping that the software is accessible, I am working on writing a 
blog posting and going to tweet that blog posting to this group. That way, we 
can hope that they consider accessibility towards the beginning of releasing 
it. At least, this is my hope.
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 12:41 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

  Hi Michael,

  So to summarize, ios 6.1 is just around the corner. Second, as soon as 
that comes out, then shortly afterwards, it is likely that the untethered 
jailbreak for ios 6.1 is ready as well. Did I miss anything important? It's a 
lot of talking, isn't it? Smile.


  On Jan 27, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Michael Babcock 

From what I am learning at the video below, Apple just released iOS 
version 6.1, Beta number five. This beta version looks like the version that 
Apple releases before they release a public version of their iOS software. This 
means, Syria had Akley within the next week, we can hope to have iOS six point 
one out.
This video also answers any questions related to jailbreaking iOS six:
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

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Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with the jailbreaking iOS six end up

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

Why, what all does Seri do from what you've heard that it won't do already?

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Davert" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with 
the jailbreaking iOS six end up

I suspect you will be disappointed in iOS 6.1 in terms of
accessibility enhancements. However, avid users of Siri will most
likely enjoy it from what I've read.


On 1/27/13, Michael Babcock  wrote:

I don't know, if you watch the video series, you learned that they
completely redesigned the entire utility. It is no longer the:
Jailbreak utility because of some of the hardware changes Apple made on 
fours and later. However, one can hope that the process is as easy, if 

Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

Hi Mike,

I hope jailbreaking will still be as simple as:
1. Hook up the phone to the mac or pc using the usb cable.
2. Start the jailbreak util.
3. Hit start and wait, then enjoy.
Do you think it'll still be that easy?

On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:50 PM, Michael Babcock 


It is, a lot of talking, but it has given me a good grasp of the
understanding of what's going on with iOS. Yes, you understand that the
same way that I do. I am kind of excited, simply to see what changes if
any invoice overcome with iOS 6.1. In addition, I am kind of a geek, 
I like to do weird things. Therefore, the intriguing idea of 
my phone in iOS 6.1 is Very exciting, and I can't wait to see what can 
done with it. I will record a brief tutorial as soon as I get 

about how to jailbreak, that explains the jailbreaking process, and
demonstrates how it can potentially be done accessibly.
Here's to hoping that the software is accessible, I am working on 

a blog posting and going to tweet that blog posting to this group. That
way, we can hope that they consider accessibility towards the beginning
of releasing it. At least, this is my hope.
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 12:41 PM, Paul Erkens  

Hi Michael,

So to summarize, ios 6.1 is just around the corner. Second, as soon as
that comes out, then shortly afterwards, it is likely that the
untethered jailbreak for ios 6.1 is ready as well. Did I miss anything
important? It's a lot of talking, isn't it? Smile.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Michael Babcock

From what I am learning at the video below, Apple just released iOS
version 6.1, Beta number five. This beta version looks like the 

that Apple releases before they release a public version of their iOS
software. This means, Syria had Akley within the next week, we can 

to have iOS six point one out.
This video also answers any questions related to jailbreaking iOS 
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

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Re: another resource for Visually Impaired Apple users

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

Gabe.  Thanks.  I'm gonna subscribe here in a second.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Gabe Vega" 

To: ; 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 8:32 PM
Subject: another resource for Visually Impaired Apple users

Hi all:

I am writing to let you know about another resource available to you if you 
are a visually impaired Apple product user. support is offered free no 
charge by certified, support and training specialists at no charge or 
expectations. this is a free no strings attached offering.

This yahoo group was created after observing that many users just want a 
simple straight answer to a question, with no guessing or personal opinions. 
many users have a hard time digging through dozens of posts from high 
traffic lists in order to get a simple question answered with a simple 
answer. just ask a question and get a simple to the point answer.

Check out the Apple Support for the Visually Impaired located on yahoo 
groups at:

Feel free to post or forward to where you feel this notice may best serve 

Gabe Vega
Commtech LLC
Phone: (623) 565-9357

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Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with the jailbreaking iOS six end up

2013-01-27 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
You may not like it, but a lot of us do, thank you.  Was your comment really 

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
- Original Message - 
From: "Kerri" 

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with 
the jailbreaking iOS six end up

Oh always siri, is that thing supposed to be the holy grail?

Kerri who is not a fan (nor have i) used it.
On 2013-01-27, at 3:12 PM, Scott Davert  wrote:

I suspect you will be disappointed in iOS 6.1 in terms of
accessibility enhancements. However, avid users of Siri will most
likely enjoy it from what I've read.


On 1/27/13, Michael Babcock  wrote:

I don't know, if you watch the video series, you learned that they
completely redesigned the entire utility. It is no longer the:
Jailbreak utility because of some of the hardware changes Apple made on 
fours and later. However, one can hope that the process is as easy, if 

Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

Hi Mike,

I hope jailbreaking will still be as simple as:
1. Hook up the phone to the mac or pc using the usb cable.
2. Start the jailbreak util.
3. Hit start and wait, then enjoy.
Do you think it'll still be that easy?

On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:50 PM, Michael Babcock 


It is, a lot of talking, but it has given me a good grasp of the
understanding of what's going on with iOS. Yes, you understand that 
same way that I do. I am kind of excited, simply to see what changes 
any invoice overcome with iOS 6.1. In addition, I am kind of a geek, 
I like to do weird things. Therefore, the intriguing idea of 
my phone in iOS 6.1 is Very exciting, and I can't wait to see what can 
done with it. I will record a brief tutorial as soon as I get 

about how to jailbreak, that explains the jailbreaking process, and
demonstrates how it can potentially be done accessibly.
Here's to hoping that the software is accessible, I am working on 
a blog posting and going to tweet that blog posting to this group. 
way, we can hope that they consider accessibility towards the 

of releasing it. At least, this is my hope.
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 12:41 PM, Paul Erkens  

Hi Michael,

So to summarize, ios 6.1 is just around the corner. Second, as soon 

that comes out, then shortly afterwards, it is likely that the
untethered jailbreak for ios 6.1 is ready as well. Did I miss 

important? It's a lot of talking, isn't it? Smile.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Michael Babcock

From what I am learning at the video below, Apple just released iOS
version 6.1, Beta number five. This beta version looks like the 
that Apple releases before they release a public version of their 
software. This means, Syria had Akley within the next week, we can 

to have iOS six point one out.
This video also answers any questions related to jailbreaking iOS 
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

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RE: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with the jailbreaking iOS six end up

2013-01-27 Thread Scott Berry
What exactly is DFU mode?






[] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark
Sent: January 27, 2013 21:42
Subject: Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with
the jailbreaking iOS six end up


Ya missed a step.


You gotta go into DFU mode, don't forget.

Chris Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.

- Original Message - 

From: Paul Erkens   


Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 3:53 PM

Subject: Re: A little bit about iOS 6.1 release date, and the progress with
the jailbreaking iOS six end up


Hi Mike, 


I hope jailbreaking will still be as simple as:

1. Hook up the phone to the mac or pc using the usb cable.

2. Start the jailbreak util.

3. Hit start and wait, then enjoy.

Do you think it'll still be that easy?




On Jan 27, 2013, at 8:50 PM, Michael Babcock 

It is, a lot of talking, but it has given me a good grasp of the
understanding of what's going on with iOS. Yes, you understand that the same
way that I do. I am kind of excited, simply to see what changes if any
invoice overcome with iOS 6.1. In addition, I am kind of a geek, and I like
to do weird things. Therefore, the intriguing idea of jailbreaking my phone
in iOS 6.1 is Very exciting, and I can't wait to see what can be done with
it. I will record a brief tutorial as soon as I get information about how to
jailbreak, that explains the jailbreaking process, and demonstrates how it
can potentially be done accessibly.
Here's to hoping that the software is accessible, I am working on writing a
blog posting and going to tweet that blog posting to this group. That way,
we can hope that they consider accessibility towards the beginning of
releasing it. At least, this is my hope.   

Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 27, 2013, at 12:41 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

Hi Michael, 


So to summarize, ios 6.1 is just around the corner. Second, as soon as that
comes out, then shortly afterwards, it is likely that the untethered
jailbreak for ios 6.1 is ready as well. Did I miss anything important? It's
a lot of talking, isn't it? Smile.




On Jan 27, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Michael Babcock 

>From what I am learning at the video below, Apple just released iOS version
6.1, Beta number five. This beta version looks like the version that Apple
releases before they release a public version of their iOS software. This
means, Syria had Akley within the next week, we can hope to have iOS six
point one out.
This video also answers any questions related to jailbreaking iOS six:   

Empowering the blind, one step at a time.


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