Re: audio hi-jack pro the one method to record simultaneous sources at once. Please help

2013-01-08 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Okay.  I've given it some consideration, and, perhaps you might try these steps 
which assume you're going to be using a seperate recording app other than Audio 
Hijack Pro to actually make the recordings:

1.  Start your recording app.

2.  Get it recording.

3.  Now, in Audio Hijack Pro, select each source and press command+g to Hijack 
that source.

I almost forgot to mention one very important part.  You'll need to set your 
recording app to receive from a source which Audio Hijack Pro can put out to.  
You might, perhaps, need Sound Flower to make this work.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 8, 2013, at 12:58 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:

> Hi ALl,
> So i've managed to find a lot of different sources and uses for audiohijack, 
> and it's a great tool to have.
> However, i'm looking for a definite and efficient way to simultaneously 
> record different sources at once (for podcasting, skype while using system 
> sounds, etc etc.). The only half baked method i've found was to schedule a 
> recording at a certain time, say in 5 minutes, for two or more sources, and 
> wait until it starts. Not the best though there's no audio work to do to 
> synch each source's recording afterward.
> Any help greatly appreciated.
> Best 
> yYuma 
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> Mob: +642102277190
> Skype: Shainobi1
> twitter:
> This message is protected by article 4-210 of a certain book of laws but you 
> don't have to worry about privacy issues if you are the intended recipient. 
> However, if any freakish circumstance such as ip sniffing, honey pot open 
> relay servers or an honest mistake caused a transmission error, please advise 
> the sender and throw your laptop into a bubble bath to avoid all illicit data 
> retention.
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Re: The new I Mac.

2013-01-08 Thread Kliphton A M
Why a USB keyboard, why not the apple BT keyboard that comes with iMac's?  Or 
did they stop giving that as an option?
On Jan 7, 2013, at 10:27 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hello.
> Writing this from my I phone.  I unpacked my new I Mac yesterday and couldn't 
> believe how thin it was and for the fact everything was if it wasn't there 
> i.e. one long screen with no chunky unit like windows machines.  I couldn't 
> believe the small USB keyboard as I thought it was going to be one of those 
> horrible keyboards like you get with a windows machine.  That took my breath 
> away and you know normally, you get a computer of any kind and you get so 
> much packaging.  Well this time not so much.  I've only bought one item 
> before such as the MacBook Pro, in the computer line,  and I'd forgotten how 
> neatly Apple pack their products.
> Anyway, I set the Mac up last night and as I'd not typed on a Mac for over a 
> month and a half, it felt foreign to me.  I haven't used it extensively yet 
> due to a migraine but it's going to be strange.  I may have lots of questions 
> about Itunes and as I've not read all the threads when Itunes came out, I 
> hope you all will forgive me.  Even the small USB keyboard is different but 
> will use that when I set up Windows 8 later on.
> Take care all and have a blessed day or evening wherever you may be.  By the 
> way, I'm not meaning to slag off Window devices just trying to explain how 
> neat the Apple products are.
> Kawal.
> -- 
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Re: VMWare Fusion 5 with mapping Capslock to Insert

2013-01-08 Thread Kliphton A M
Yes I am, but when I first did it, I was using fusion 4.
On Jan 7, 2013, at 8:34 AM, "Jeff Bishop"  wrote:

> Hello,
> Are you using Fusion 5?
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Kliphton A M
> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 5:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion 5 with mapping Capslock to Insert
> I left the mac keyboard alone altogether.  I just used sharp keys, and mapped 
> the grave key as the caps lock key in windows.  This gives me the caps lock 
> key, and the insert key all in one.  Been doing it for over 2 years, and have 
> never had to change it.  I also mapped the backslash key as my right control 
> key, so now I have 2 control keys that I am use to in windows.  My info is 
> below if anyone wants more help
> Kliphton Senior
> (Email&iMessage)
> (Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
> (Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
> (Life Journal)
> On Jan 6, 2013, at 9:03 PM, Jeff Bishop  wrote:
> Hello,
> Has anyone gotten the capslock key to function as the insert key when using
> VMWare Fusion Version 5.02 with Window-Eyes or JAWS? There is an AppleVis
> article on this but multiple people that I know are having difficulties
> getting that to function after following the steps exactly.
> We have also tried mapping using Fusion's keyboard mapping in Preferences to
> make the CapsLock key act as the Insert key. When doing this it appears as
> the capslock function doesn't work (doesn't capitalize letters) but the
> screen reader announces caps on and off.
> Any clues here?
> Jeff
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iText and Bookmarks

2013-01-08 Thread Steve Holmes
I just put up iText Express and it shows promise as a rich text editor.  Alas, 
I can't seem to navigate to bookmarks.  An example is the instruction manual 
that comes with the editor. It has a bunch of bookmarks already defined for the 
various chapters and I navigated into the drawer of bookmarks.  I can interact 
with that table and choose the bookmark I want but then when I navigate with VO 
keys back over to the scroll area and interact down into the text area, I'm 
back at the top of the document.  Does anyone know how to use bookmarks in this 

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Re: program to read pdf's well on the mac?

2013-01-08 Thread Steve Holmes
The first 2 gigs of space is absolutely free and there are ways people can 
increase that free space by getting referrals and stuff; more info on Dropbox 
site.  You can also buy 100 GB for something like $10 / month.

On Jan 7, 2013, at 5:24 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi there
> What's the fee for using drop box?
> Regards
> Gigi
> On Jan 7, 2013, at 1:49 PM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>> Yet even another way is to use Dropbox.  With that setup, you can just
>> copy the PDF or Epub formatted file, for that matter to the desired
>> folder within the Dropbox folder on the computer and then fire up the
>> Dropbox app on your iPhone and access the file.  It will give you the
>> choice to put it into iBook or possibly other apps you may have on
>> your device that are compatible with these files.
>> HTH.
>> On 1/7/13, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi there
>>> Another quick way to get PDF files into your iPhone is to email it to
>>> yourself. Then when your iPhone picks it up it will ask you if you want to
>>> open it in iBooks. Of course you choose yes. It works quite fine.
>>> Regards
>>> Gigi
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 6, 2013, at 4:28 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
 Hello Lisette,
 To get a PDF into iBooks on my iPhone, I open the PDF in iTunes where it
 goes into the Books category, and the next time I sync my iPhone with my
 Mac, the PDF goes into iBooks.
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iBlindTech 37 - Podcasting with Amadeus Pro

2013-01-08 Thread Garth Humphreys
Hi All

We leave iOS behind for the first time this week. I wanted to share a demo of 
Amadeus Pro on the mac. I walk through creating a podcast and editing it. I 
explain some of the basic concepts with the app and show you some of the 
preferences I change. I show the basics of editing and putting together a 
series of audio pieces with AP. I assume you have a basic knowledge of the Mac 
and cover a number of the keyboard shortcuts used with Amadeus Pro. Hope you 

Please send any feedback to me at 


Search for iBlindTech in iTunes or your favourite pod catcher to subscribe to 
the iBlindTech Democast.

Send email to

Follow me on twitter @iBlindTech or @iBlindTechDemo for just the podcast info.

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Re: Strange problem with Do Not Disturb.

2013-01-08 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
My Do not Disturb feature is now working again.


On 7 Jan 2013, at 05:26 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Mine is back to normal today.
> CB
> On 1/7/13 9:10 AM, Blake Sinnett wrote:
>> I would recommend following tech news. At least look at AppleInsider. This 
>> bug is well publicised all over the net.
>> In case you are wondering what this thing is about, it's not totally Apple's 
>> fault. It's actually a problem with the ISO date. See here:
>> Blake
>> --
>> From: "Donna Goodin" 
>> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 5:58 AM
>> To: 
>> Subject: Re: Strange problem with Do Not Disturb.
>>> Hi Kawal,
>>> I'm having the exact same problem. I have not done a restore, so I doubt 
>>> that's the cause. Like you I've tried turning it on and off, resetting the 
>>> schedule, etc., and nothing has worked. If anyone has any thoughts on what 
>>> might be going on, I'd also be interested.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 6, 2013, at 11:04 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
 I've had this problem for some weeks.
 I have a schedule for Do Not Disturb for example, from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. 
 However, this is not working and it has not been working for some weeks. 
 It doesn't matter if I switch the phone off or on or I get rid of 
 everything from the Appswitcher. I think this feature stopped working a 
 couple of weeks ago. Any ideas? I did however had to restore the phone due 
 to Voice over not coming back on after switching it off.
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> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: Strange problem with Do Not Disturb.

2013-01-08 Thread Donna Goodin
Yep, same here.
On Jan 8, 2013, at 4:52 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> My Do not Disturb feature is now working again.
> Kawal.
> On 7 Jan 2013, at 05:26 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Mine is back to normal today.
>> CB
>> On 1/7/13 9:10 AM, Blake Sinnett wrote:
>>> I would recommend following tech news. At least look at AppleInsider. This 
>>> bug is well publicised all over the net.
>>> In case you are wondering what this thing is about, it's not totally 
>>> Apple's fault. It's actually a problem with the ISO date. See here:
>>> Blake
>>> --
>>> From: "Donna Goodin" 
>>> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 5:58 AM
>>> To: 
>>> Subject: Re: Strange problem with Do Not Disturb.
 Hi Kawal,
 I'm having the exact same problem. I have not done a restore, so I doubt 
 that's the cause. Like you I've tried turning it on and off, resetting the 
 schedule, etc., and nothing has worked. If anyone has any thoughts on what 
 might be going on, I'd also be interested.
 On Jan 6, 2013, at 11:04 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Hello.
> I've had this problem for some weeks.
> I have a schedule for Do Not Disturb for example, from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. 
> However, this is not working and it has not been working for some weeks. 
> It doesn't matter if I switch the phone off or on or I get rid of 
> everything from the Appswitcher. I think this feature stopped working a 
> couple of weeks ago. Any ideas? I did however had to restore the phone 
> due to Voice over not coming back on after switching it off.
> Kawal.
> -- 
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>> -- 
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> -- 
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Re: Strange problem with Do Not Disturb.

2013-01-08 Thread Matt Dierckens
I heard on twitter that they fixed that issue yesterday.

Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692

On 2013-01-08, at 7:00 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Yep, same here.
> Donna
> On Jan 8, 2013, at 4:52 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> My Do not Disturb feature is now working again.
>> Kawal.
>> On 7 Jan 2013, at 05:26 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> Mine is back to normal today.
>>> CB
>>> On 1/7/13 9:10 AM, Blake Sinnett wrote:
 I would recommend following tech news. At least look at AppleInsider. This 
 bug is well publicised all over the net.
 In case you are wondering what this thing is about, it's not totally 
 Apple's fault. It's actually a problem with the ISO date. See here:
 From: "Donna Goodin" 
 Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 5:58 AM
 Subject: Re: Strange problem with Do Not Disturb.
> Hi Kawal,
> I'm having the exact same problem. I have not done a restore, so I doubt 
> that's the cause. Like you I've tried turning it on and off, resetting 
> the schedule, etc., and nothing has worked. If anyone has any thoughts on 
> what might be going on, I'd also be interested.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Jan 6, 2013, at 11:04 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I've had this problem for some weeks.
>> I have a schedule for Do Not Disturb for example, from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. 
>> However, this is not working and it has not been working for some weeks. 
>> It doesn't matter if I switch the phone off or on or I get rid of 
>> everything from the Appswitcher. I think this feature stopped working a 
>> couple of weeks ago. Any ideas? I did however had to restore the phone 
>> due to Voice over not coming back on after switching it off.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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>>> -- 
>>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>> -- 
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Re: The new I Mac.

2013-01-08 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I already have an Apple Blue Tooth keyboard. I purchased the USB keyboard 
because of NDVDA for Windows 8 and I actually love it as it's not plastic and 
horrible. Don't know all the keys but know some.

On 8 Jan 2013, at 01:04 PM, Kliphton A M  wrote:

> Why a USB keyboard, why not the apple BT keyboard that comes with iMac's?  Or 
> did they stop giving that as an option?
> On Jan 7, 2013, at 10:27 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Writing this from my I phone.  I unpacked my new I Mac yesterday and 
>> couldn't believe how thin it was and for the fact everything was if it 
>> wasn't there i.e. one long screen with no chunky unit like windows machines. 
>>  I couldn't believe the small USB keyboard as I thought it was going to be 
>> one of those horrible keyboards like you get with a windows machine.  That 
>> took my breath away and you know normally, you get a computer of any kind 
>> and you get so much packaging.  Well this time not so much.  I've only 
>> bought one item before such as the MacBook Pro, in the computer line,  and 
>> I'd forgotten how neatly Apple pack their products.
>> Anyway, I set the Mac up last night and as I'd not typed on a Mac for over a 
>> month and a half, it felt foreign to me.  I haven't used it extensively yet 
>> due to a migraine but it's going to be strange.  I may have lots of 
>> questions about Itunes and as I've not read all the threads when Itunes came 
>> out, I hope you all will forgive me.  Even the small USB keyboard is 
>> different but will use that when I set up Windows 8 later on.
>> Take care all and have a blessed day or evening wherever you may be.  By the 
>> way, I'm not meaning to slag off Window devices just trying to explain how 
>> neat the Apple products are.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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Re: iBlindTech 37 - Podcasting with Amadeus Pro

2013-01-08 Thread Daniel C
I cannot find episode 37 of your podcast on iTunes. When will it be posted?

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I Books with Braille Display.

2013-01-08 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

At last I have mastered how to read I books with Braille Display with speech 
turned off. I actually like it and it's better than listening to an I book with 
Voice Over. I hope that Dream Reader has Braille display support. Has anyone 
used Dream Reader with Braille Display?


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Re: audio hi-jack pro the one method to record simultaneous sources at once. Please help

2013-01-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

The best way I've found to do this is to first hijack all the sources you would 
like to use then, use this multi recording apple script I will be providing a 
link for at the end of this message.  I've taken the script, placed it in Mac 
HD/library/scripts so I could then assign the script with a VO keyboard 
commander shortcut or, a trackpad commander shortcut if you prefer.  So once my 
sources are hijacked, I press the command to trigger the multi record script, 
and all sources I hijacked are being recorded and they are synced.

The down side is all hijacked sources are on individual files.  I then put all 
the recordings into Garageband and export as a single file.  Of course, you can 
use any multi track recorder of your choice to do this.

I found myself having to jump through all these hoops because, later versions 
of hijack pro with instan on didn't record my microphone while system audio was 
being recorded. 

multi record script plus the script to stop multi recordings.

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 8, 2013, at 1:58 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:

> Hi ALl,
> So i've managed to find a lot of different sources and uses for audiohijack, 
> and it's a great tool to have.
> However, i'm looking for a definite and efficient way to simultaneously 
> record different sources at once (for podcasting, skype while using system 
> sounds, etc etc.). The only half baked method i've found was to schedule a 
> recording at a certain time, say in 5 minutes, for two or more sources, and 
> wait until it starts. Not the best though there's no audio work to do to 
> synch each source's recording afterward.
> Any help greatly appreciated.
> Best 
> yYuma 
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> Mob: +642102277190
> Skype: Shainobi1
> twitter:
> This message is protected by article 4-210 of a certain book of laws but you 
> don't have to worry about privacy issues if you are the intended recipient. 
> However, if any freakish circumstance such as ip sniffing, honey pot open 
> relay servers or an honest mistake caused a transmission error, please advise 
> the sender and throw your laptop into a bubble bath to avoid all illicit data 
> retention.
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Re: iBlindTech 37 - Podcasting with Amadeus Pro

2013-01-08 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there!
It was there for me [UK] so it might be there now!

On 8 Jan 2013, at 14:12, Daniel C  wrote:

> Hello,
> I cannot find episode 37 of your podcast on iTunes. When will it be posted?
> -- 
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Re: Drag and Drop Problem.

2013-01-08 Thread Phil Halton
A clue in your message was reference to "different program". if yo're doing 
a drag and drop from one program (open window) to another, both windows have 
to be visible on screen. What I normally do is use the window resize 
function to place each program window in a different place on screen. In 
fact, I place them side-by-side each occupying half the screen - one on the 
left half, and the other on the right.

press VO shift tilda to bring up the window resize menu, then select resize 
and move to section. Move one program to the left half section, and the 
other to the right half section.

Now try the drag and drop. I find it's very particular about dragging from 
one window to another, and it doesn't always work for me this way either, 
but this has helped in the past.

- Original Message - 
From: "Emilio Hernandez" 

Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 11:55 PM
Subject: Drag and Drop Problem.

Hello everyone,

I hope this message is finding everyone well.
I have tried several times to execute the drag and drop feature, but to no 
I have used VO-comma to select my items, then move to the application 
table I want to drop the items into.
Each time I either try to drop the items onto the table directly or 
interact with the table and dry to drop the items by using VO-period, I 
get the message that "the item is no longer drag able."
I have also tried invoking the mouse click function, but this does not 
work either.
A caveat to all this is that each time I attempt to drag and drop a series 
of contiguous items into a different program's table, I must force finder 
to relaunch because the downloads folder becomes disabled from being able 
to close or select items.
This is somewhat frustrating because I do not want to have to select each 
item individually and both of the aforementioned features have worked well 

I welcome any suggestions - thanks.

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Re: mac dvd ripper pro

2013-01-08 Thread Chris Blouch
I haven't used this software but I think most DVD rippers simply copy 
the DVD MPEG2 files intact to your hard drive. You would then need to 
open those in something else to convert them from MPEG2 to AVI format. I 
suspect QuickTime Pro ($) or Handbrake (Free) might do what you want.


On 1/7/13 10:28 PM, May and Noah wrote:

Hi, trying again to see if someone can answer.

I have mac dvd ripper pro but can't figure out how to get it to save in avi 
format. Can someone help please?

May and Prince Noah


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Re: Controlling iTunes from an iPhone

2013-01-08 Thread Marc Rocheleau
I can get the iPhone to show up in my iTunes when remote is launched
but how do I enter the passcode that shows up on the phone when I go
to add a library? I cannot figure it out?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


On 1/4/13, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> Only complaint I have is it is a bit laggy. Couple seconds before iTunes
> responds. I was helping with the Christmas program at my church where
> they had a CD of music/sound effect tracks to be played at certain
> points and I thought it would be much easier to do that via the iPhone
> remote to my laptop than fiddle with the CD player. The couple seconds
> delay made it a no go and I went back to just playing the sounds from
> iTunes via the keyboard. Worked well that way.
> CB
> On 12/15/12 7:01 PM, chris bruinenberg wrote:
>> I couldn't agree more. It's one of my favorite applications.
>> On Dec 15, 2012, at 3:49 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> It's also useful if you are playing music through your computer, but
>>> are not right at the keyboard, or maybe you're in another application
>>> and it's just more convenient to hit "next" on your phone or iPod than
>>> to switch out of what you are doing to change the song or select a new
>>> playlist.
>>> On 12/15/12, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
 Hi Pam,

 The app is just called Remote and it is developed by Apple themselves.
 use it when I have iTunes playing through Airplay to either of the
 systems in our house.  If I don't feel like the song that is playing, I
 skip to the next or totally change the Playlist if I wish.  It is
 useful when we are outside around the fire pit listening to music and I
 to control the music that is playing.


 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada

 On 2012-12-15, at 2:40 PM, wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Please forgive my ignorance. What is the name of the remote app in
> question? Also, how does controlling itunes from your iphone differ
> from
> controlling it on your computer? What is to be gained?
> thanks
> Pam Francis
> On Dec 15, 2012, at 2:59 PM, chris bruinenberg 
> wrote:
> Hi Max.
> Yes, it's very possible.
> Download the remote application made by apple. It will prompt you to
> type
> in a code on the amc and then you can control the mac with your phone
> with
> iTunes.
> I use this quite frequently, it works like a charm.
> THanks.
> Chris
> On Dec 15, 2012, at 12:52 PM, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hello all, I have been told that it is possible to control iTunes from
>> an
>> iPhone. Is this correct? If so how is this possible?
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Max.
>> --
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Re: audio hi-jack pro the one method to record simultaneous sources at once. Please help

2013-01-08 Thread Cheryl Homiak
I just want to make it clear that you don't need a script to record two or more 
sessions at the same time. It's only when you are trying to use two or more 
sources to work together in the same recording or project or from sources that 
conflict in some way that you would need a script. I can, for instance, hijack 
vlc and safari at the same time as long as what I want is to record from two 
sources which I happen to be running at the same time but which I am not trying 
to use together in some way. Probably everybody understood this but i just 
wanted to make sure there was no confusion.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 8, 2013, at 10:18 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hello,
> The best way I've found to do this is to first hijack all the sources you 
> would like to use then, use this multi recording apple script I will be 
> providing a link for at the end of this message.  I've taken the script, 
> placed it in Mac HD/library/scripts so I could then assign the script with a 
> VO keyboard commander shortcut or, a trackpad commander shortcut if you 
> prefer.  So once my sources are hijacked, I press the command to trigger the 
> multi record script, and all sources I hijacked are being recorded and they 
> are synced.
> The down side is all hijacked sources are on individual files.  I then put 
> all the recordings into Garageband and export as a single file.  Of course, 
> you can use any multi track recorder of your choice to do this.
> I found myself having to jump through all these hoops because, later versions 
> of hijack pro with instan on didn't record my microphone while system audio 
> was being recorded. 
> multi record script plus the script to stop multi recordings.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jan 8, 2013, at 1:58 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:
>> Hi ALl,
>> So i've managed to find a lot of different sources and uses for audiohijack, 
>> and it's a great tool to have.
>> However, i'm looking for a definite and efficient way to simultaneously 
>> record different sources at once (for podcasting, skype while using system 
>> sounds, etc etc.). The only half baked method i've found was to schedule a 
>> recording at a certain time, say in 5 minutes, for two or more sources, and 
>> wait until it starts. Not the best though there's no audio work to do to 
>> synch each source's recording afterward.
>> Any help greatly appreciated.
>> Best 
>> yYuma 
>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>> Mob: +642102277190
>> Skype: Shainobi1
>> twitter:
>> This message is protected by article 4-210 of a certain book of laws but you 
>> don't have to worry about privacy issues if you are the intended recipient. 
>> However, if any freakish circumstance such as ip sniffing, honey pot open 
>> relay servers or an honest mistake caused a transmission error, please 
>> advise the sender and throw your laptop into a bubble bath to avoid all 
>> illicit data retention.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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Re: Iphone 4 vs 5

2013-01-08 Thread Chris Blouch
I didn't notice a reply to your question. Here is a nice article 
comparing the 4s to the 5 camera:

Short version is that there is only slight improvements to the camera 
and what most people attribute to being better pictures on the 5 is 
actually the better screen. As the author points out, it is really 
something that they even got similar quality out of a thinner unit, not 
to mention some better imagery.


On 12/7/12 7:59 AM, Jessica Moss wrote:
Ok, for those using the 5 who have used the 4S prior to getting the 5, 
have you seen any difference in the camera's performance?  I've 
thought about at some point upgrading, and tried explaing how much 
better the camera was supposed to be compared to the one on the 4S to 
my dad who is sighted, and to a friend of mine who hasn't had an 
IPhone yet, and where my dad was concerned I got the response "whoever 
told you that is full of shit," and my friend didn't seem to think it 
was that much better but couldn't tell me why, so just wanted an 
oppinion from someone who can compare these 2 side-by-side.

On Dec 6, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

Well, if you want a free one (with contract), then the 4 will do it. 
If you can swing the $200, though, here's what you get:

•4G support, if your carrier has 4G coverage in your area
•a much, much better processor, ram, and other internals that make 
the device much snappier and able to support more applications (for 
instance, my iPod can't run Read2Go without running out of memory, 
but the 4s and 5 can run it no problem)
•a larger screen, meaning you can have more apps on your home screen 
and more room for gestures and content

•Siri (need I say more?)
•a better camera, though I have heard reports that the 4s does as 
good a job with ocr and bar code reading as the 5, but both are 
better than the 4
•the new Lightning connector, which you can plug cords into both ways 
and which is smaller than the old one

•better-sounding speaker and better-quality microphones
•construction that is mostly aluminum on the back instead of glass, 
plus a much tougher screen and camera lens
•future-proofing: the 3gs is no longer supported by iOS updates, so 
the 4 will be next. That is, I'm betting iOS7 will be out for the 
iPhone4, but no updates after that. The iPhone5 should support 
updates for at least two more years, instead of not even one.

On Dec 6, 2012, at 3:14 PM, "Krysti .Power" > wrote:

Hey all I want a iphone witch is better the 4 or 5?

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini) 

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Re: Controlling iTunes from an iPhone

2013-01-08 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Go to where it has your iPhone and tab. It might not announce where it is but 
it worked for me!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 8, 2013, at 9:49 AM, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:

> I can get the iPhone to show up in my iTunes when remote is launched
> but how do I enter the passcode that shows up on the phone when I go
> to add a library? I cannot figure it out?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> -Marc
> On 1/4/13, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Only complaint I have is it is a bit laggy. Couple seconds before iTunes
>> responds. I was helping with the Christmas program at my church where
>> they had a CD of music/sound effect tracks to be played at certain
>> points and I thought it would be much easier to do that via the iPhone
>> remote to my laptop than fiddle with the CD player. The couple seconds
>> delay made it a no go and I went back to just playing the sounds from
>> iTunes via the keyboard. Worked well that way.
>> CB
>> On 12/15/12 7:01 PM, chris bruinenberg wrote:
>>> I couldn't agree more. It's one of my favorite applications.
>>> On Dec 15, 2012, at 3:49 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 It's also useful if you are playing music through your computer, but
 are not right at the keyboard, or maybe you're in another application
 and it's just more convenient to hit "next" on your phone or iPod than
 to switch out of what you are doing to change the song or select a new
 On 12/15/12, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi Pam,
> The app is just called Remote and it is developed by Apple themselves.
> I
> use it when I have iTunes playing through Airplay to either of the
> sound
> systems in our house.  If I don't feel like the song that is playing, I
> can
> skip to the next or totally change the Playlist if I wish.  It is
> especially
> useful when we are outside around the fire pit listening to music and I
> wish
> to control the music that is playing.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-12-15, at 2:40 PM, wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Please forgive my ignorance. What is the name of the remote app in
>> question? Also, how does controlling itunes from your iphone differ
>> from
>> controlling it on your computer? What is to be gained?
>> thanks
>> Pam Francis
>> On Dec 15, 2012, at 2:59 PM, chris bruinenberg 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Max.
>> Yes, it's very possible.
>> Download the remote application made by apple. It will prompt you to
>> type
>> in a code on the amc and then you can control the mac with your phone
>> with
>> iTunes.
>> I use this quite frequently, it works like a charm.
>> THanks.
>> Chris
>> On Dec 15, 2012, at 12:52 PM, Agent086b  wrote:
>>> Hello all, I have been told that it is possible to control iTunes from
>>> an
>>> iPhone. Is this correct? If so how is this possible?
>>> Thanks for any help.
>>> Max.
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 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 "MacVisionaries" group.

Re: audio hi-jack pro the one method to record simultaneous sources at once. Please help

2013-01-08 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Cheryl
Thanks for clarifying that. I'm still slightly confused about the programme  
generally  but am working on it (smile).
What is the difference between highjacking something and recording something? 
That's what's confusing me. You seem to  have to check both boxes to get a 
recording so they are obviously different but how?

On 9/01/2013, at 6:55 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> I just want to make it clear that you don't need a script to record two or 
> more sessions at the same time. It's only when you are trying to use two or 
> more sources to work together in the same recording or project or from 
> sources that conflict in some way that you would need a script. I can, for 
> instance, hijack vlc and safari at the same time as long as what I want is to 
> record from two sources which I happen to be running at the same time but 
> which I am not trying to use together in some way. Probably everybody 
> understood this but i just wanted to make sure there was no confusion.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Jan 8, 2013, at 10:18 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The best way I've found to do this is to first hijack all the sources you 
>> would like to use then, use this multi recording apple script I will be 
>> providing a link for at the end of this message.  I've taken the script, 
>> placed it in Mac HD/library/scripts so I could then assign the script with a 
>> VO keyboard commander shortcut or, a trackpad commander shortcut if you 
>> prefer.  So once my sources are hijacked, I press the command to trigger the 
>> multi record script, and all sources I hijacked are being recorded and they 
>> are synced.
>> The down side is all hijacked sources are on individual files.  I then put 
>> all the recordings into Garageband and export as a single file.  Of course, 
>> you can use any multi track recorder of your choice to do this.
>> I found myself having to jump through all these hoops because, later 
>> versions of hijack pro with instan on didn't record my microphone while 
>> system audio was being recorded. 
>> multi record script plus the script to stop multi recordings.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Jan 8, 2013, at 1:58 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:
>>> Hi ALl,
>>> So i've managed to find a lot of different sources and uses for 
>>> audiohijack, and it's a great tool to have.
>>> However, i'm looking for a definite and efficient way to simultaneously 
>>> record different sources at once (for podcasting, skype while using system 
>>> sounds, etc etc.). The only half baked method i've found was to schedule a 
>>> recording at a certain time, say in 5 minutes, for two or more sources, and 
>>> wait until it starts. Not the best though there's no audio work to do to 
>>> synch each source's recording afterward.
>>> Any help greatly appreciated.
>>> Best 
>>> yYuma 
>>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>>> Mob: +642102277190
>>> Skype: Shainobi1
>>> twitter:
>>> This message is protected by article 4-210 of a certain book of laws but 
>>> you don't have to worry about privacy issues if you are the intended 
>>> recipient. However, if any freakish circumstance such as ip sniffing, honey 
>>> pot open relay servers or an honest mistake caused a transmission error, 
>>> please advise the sender and throw your laptop into a bubble bath to avoid 
>>> all illicit data retention.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Re: audio hi-jack pro the one method to record simultaneous sources at once. Please help

2013-01-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

Thank you very much for clarifying this.  Yes indeed.  When I want to for 
example, hijack and record skype and system audio lets say, this is easily 
done.  In my specific case, its recording system audio and the mic thats not 

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 8, 2013, at 12:55 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> I just want to make it clear that you don't need a script to record two or 
> more sessions at the same time. It's only when you are trying to use two or 
> more sources to work together in the same recording or project or from 
> sources that conflict in some way that you would need a script. I can, for 
> instance, hijack vlc and safari at the same time as long as what I want is to 
> record from two sources which I happen to be running at the same time but 
> which I am not trying to use together in some way. Probably everybody 
> understood this but i just wanted to make sure there was no confusion.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Jan 8, 2013, at 10:18 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The best way I've found to do this is to first hijack all the sources you 
>> would like to use then, use this multi recording apple script I will be 
>> providing a link for at the end of this message.  I've taken the script, 
>> placed it in Mac HD/library/scripts so I could then assign the script with a 
>> VO keyboard commander shortcut or, a trackpad commander shortcut if you 
>> prefer.  So once my sources are hijacked, I press the command to trigger the 
>> multi record script, and all sources I hijacked are being recorded and they 
>> are synced.
>> The down side is all hijacked sources are on individual files.  I then put 
>> all the recordings into Garageband and export as a single file.  Of course, 
>> you can use any multi track recorder of your choice to do this.
>> I found myself having to jump through all these hoops because, later 
>> versions of hijack pro with instan on didn't record my microphone while 
>> system audio was being recorded. 
>> multi record script plus the script to stop multi recordings.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Jan 8, 2013, at 1:58 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:
>>> Hi ALl,
>>> So i've managed to find a lot of different sources and uses for 
>>> audiohijack, and it's a great tool to have.
>>> However, i'm looking for a definite and efficient way to simultaneously 
>>> record different sources at once (for podcasting, skype while using system 
>>> sounds, etc etc.). The only half baked method i've found was to schedule a 
>>> recording at a certain time, say in 5 minutes, for two or more sources, and 
>>> wait until it starts. Not the best though there's no audio work to do to 
>>> synch each source's recording afterward.
>>> Any help greatly appreciated.
>>> Best 
>>> yYuma 
>>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>>> Mob: +642102277190
>>> Skype: Shainobi1
>>> twitter:
>>> This message is protected by article 4-210 of a certain book of laws but 
>>> you don't have to worry about privacy issues if you are the intended 
>>> recipient. However, if any freakish circumstance such as ip sniffing, honey 
>>> pot open relay servers or an honest mistake caused a transmission error, 
>>> please advise the sender and throw your laptop into a bubble bath to avoid 
>>> all illicit data retention.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: audio hi-jack pro the one method to record simultaneous sources at once. Please help

2013-01-08 Thread Cheryl Homiak
When you hijack the program, you are able to control it: for instance mute it 
and I think change volume though I don't think we can do that accessibly; of 
course we can mute it with the mute checkbox. The record checkbox actually 
records. Also, I like the fact that you don't have to hop between windows if 
you are hijacking from more than one source or application. Everything is 
controlled by simply going to the item in the Components and Session list and 
setting and monitoring your settings for that source. I also like the fact that 
in recording I can set it up to handle silent periods by stopping or starting a 
new file or omitting  the silent periods. That way when something I am 
recording stops while I am not thee to attend to it I don't have minutes or 
hours of silence on the recording.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Jan 8, 2013, at 12:04 PM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Hi Cheryl
> Thanks for clarifying that. I'm still slightly confused about the programme  
> generally  but am working on it (smile).
> What is the difference between highjacking something and recording something? 
> That's what's confusing me. You seem to  have to check both boxes to get a 
> recording so they are obviously different but how?
> Lisette
> On 9/01/2013, at 6:55 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>> I just want to make it clear that you don't need a script to record two or 
>> more sessions at the same time. It's only when you are trying to use two or 
>> more sources to work together in the same recording or project or from 
>> sources that conflict in some way that you would need a script. I can, for 
>> instance, hijack vlc and safari at the same time as long as what I want is 
>> to record from two sources which I happen to be running at the same time but 
>> which I am not trying to use together in some way. Probably everybody 
>> understood this but i just wanted to make sure there was no confusion.
>> -- 
>> Cheryl
>> May the words of my mouth
>> and the meditation of my heart
>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>> On Jan 8, 2013, at 10:18 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> The best way I've found to do this is to first hijack all the sources you 
>>> would like to use then, use this multi recording apple script I will be 
>>> providing a link for at the end of this message.  I've taken the script, 
>>> placed it in Mac HD/library/scripts so I could then assign the script with 
>>> a VO keyboard commander shortcut or, a trackpad commander shortcut if you 
>>> prefer.  So once my sources are hijacked, I press the command to trigger 
>>> the multi record script, and all sources I hijacked are being recorded and 
>>> they are synced.
>>> The down side is all hijacked sources are on individual files.  I then put 
>>> all the recordings into Garageband and export as a single file.  Of course, 
>>> you can use any multi track recorder of your choice to do this.
>>> I found myself having to jump through all these hoops because, later 
>>> versions of hijack pro with instan on didn't record my microphone while 
>>> system audio was being recorded. 
>>> multi record script plus the script to stop multi recordings.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Jan 8, 2013, at 1:58 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:
 Hi ALl,
 So i've managed to find a lot of different sources and uses for 
 audiohijack, and it's a great tool to have.
 However, i'm looking for a definite and efficient way to simultaneously 
 record different sources at once (for podcasting, skype while using system 
 sounds, etc etc.). The only half baked method i've found was to schedule a 
 recording at a certain time, say in 5 minutes, for two or more sources, 
 and wait until it starts. Not the best though there's no audio work to do 
 to synch each source's recording afterward.
 Any help greatly appreciated.
 "Light has no value without darkness"
 Mob: +642102277190
 Skype: Shainobi1
 This message is protected by article 4-210 of a certain book of laws but 
 you don't have to worry about privacy issues if you are the intended 
 recipient. However, if any freakish circumstance such as ip sniffing, 
 honey pot open relay servers or an honest mistake caused a transmission 
 error, please advise the sender and throw your laptop into a bubble bath 
 to avoid all illicit data retention.
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2013-01-08 Thread Scott Rumery
Hello listers,

I have been using YoruFukurou  since I moved over to the Mac more than a year 
ago.  I tried several Twitter clients since I have been using a Mac and I find 
that YoruFukurou  is about the best when it comes to accessibility, but I do 
have one problem with the program.  When I am trying to reply to someones tweet 
by pressing the return key on my keyboard for some reason YoruFukurou  is 
selecting a different tweet than the one Voice Over is reading.  The only way 
that I can seem to get YoruFukurou  to reply to the correct tweet is to 
interact with that specific tweet and then press return.  My question to the 
group is, is this the way that YoruFukurou  is suppose to behave or am I doing 
something wrong?

Scott Rumery
Senior Partner
Fedora Outlier, LLC
Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
888-958-6979 ext.5801

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Re: YoruFukurou

2013-01-08 Thread Buddy Brannan
Mine definitely doesn't act like that, but the one thing you might want to do 
is make sure all your cursors and VO are tracking. VO follows keyboard, 
keyboard follows VO, insertion point the same, and mouse pointer follow VO 
cursor. I have mine set up like this and I'm always on the tweet I think I am. 
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Jan 8, 2013, at 5:16 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Hello listers,
> I have been using YoruFukurou  since I moved over to the Mac more than a year 
> ago.  I tried several Twitter clients since I have been using a Mac and I 
> find that YoruFukurou  is about the best when it comes to accessibility, but 
> I do have one problem with the program.  When I am trying to reply to 
> someones tweet by pressing the return key on my keyboard for some reason 
> YoruFukurou  is selecting a different tweet than the one Voice Over is 
> reading.  The only way that I can seem to get YoruFukurou  to reply to the 
> correct tweet is to interact with that specific tweet and then press return.  
> My question to the group is, is this the way that YoruFukurou  is suppose to 
> behave or am I doing something wrong?
> Scott Rumery
> Senior Partner
> Fedora Outlier, LLC
> Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
> 888-958-6979 ext.5801
> -- 
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Re: YoruFukurou

2013-01-08 Thread Alex Hall
Quicknav is likely the culprit here. With it on, vo reads tweets as
you arrow once you interact with the table, but it won't track which
one you are on. Make sure quicknav is off and see if things work

On 1/8/13, Buddy Brannan  wrote:
> Mine definitely doesn't act like that, but the one thing you might want to
> do is make sure all your cursors and VO are tracking. VO follows keyboard,
> keyboard follows VO, insertion point the same, and mouse pointer follow VO
> cursor. I have mine set up like this and I'm always on the tweet I think I
> am.
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Jan 8, 2013, at 5:16 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>> Hello listers,
>> I have been using YoruFukurou  since I moved over to the Mac more than a
>> year ago.  I tried several Twitter clients since I have been using a Mac
>> and I find that YoruFukurou  is about the best when it comes to
>> accessibility, but I do have one problem with the program.  When I am
>> trying to reply to someones tweet by pressing the return key on my
>> keyboard for some reason YoruFukurou  is selecting a different tweet than
>> the one Voice Over is reading.  The only way that I can seem to get
>> YoruFukurou  to reply to the correct tweet is to interact with that
>> specific tweet and then press return.  My question to the group is, is
>> this the way that YoruFukurou  is suppose to behave or am I doing
>> something wrong?
>> Scott Rumery
>> Senior Partner
>> Fedora Outlier, LLC
>> Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
>> 888-958-6979 ext.5801
>> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)

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Re: YoruFukurou

2013-01-08 Thread Scott Rumery
Yes this was the issue here.  I found the solution just after posting my 
message.  Another thing is that you need to have quicknav turned off and you 
need to use the dedicated arrow keys instead of using the number pad.  This was 
my problem, I have a keyboard with a number pad and I use numpad commanders for 
using VO.

Scott Rumery
Senior Partner
Fedora Outlier, LLC
Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
888-958-6979 ext.5801

On Jan 8, 2013, at 5:32 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Quicknav is likely the culprit here. With it on, vo reads tweets as
> you arrow once you interact with the table, but it won't track which
> one you are on. Make sure quicknav is off and see if things work
> better.
> On 1/8/13, Buddy Brannan  wrote:
>> Mine definitely doesn't act like that, but the one thing you might want to
>> do is make sure all your cursors and VO are tracking. VO follows keyboard,
>> keyboard follows VO, insertion point the same, and mouse pointer follow VO
>> cursor. I have mine set up like this and I'm always on the tweet I think I
>> am.
>> --
>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>> On Jan 8, 2013, at 5:16 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>>> Hello listers,
>>> I have been using YoruFukurou  since I moved over to the Mac more than a
>>> year ago.  I tried several Twitter clients since I have been using a Mac
>>> and I find that YoruFukurou  is about the best when it comes to
>>> accessibility, but I do have one problem with the program.  When I am
>>> trying to reply to someones tweet by pressing the return key on my
>>> keyboard for some reason YoruFukurou  is selecting a different tweet than
>>> the one Voice Over is reading.  The only way that I can seem to get
>>> YoruFukurou  to reply to the correct tweet is to interact with that
>>> specific tweet and then press return.  My question to the group is, is
>>> this the way that YoruFukurou  is suppose to behave or am I doing
>>> something wrong?
>>> Scott Rumery
>>> Senior Partner
>>> Fedora Outlier, LLC
>>> Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
>>> 888-958-6979 ext.5801
>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> --
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> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> -- 
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What a mess in Skype for Mac.

2013-01-08 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I've switched on my I Mac this evening and started downloading what I need.  
Opened Skype and signed in with my Microsoft ID and what a mess Skype is.  I 
thought the I phone Skype was messy but this? It's clunky.  I can't always find 
my online contacts and when I do, the contacts are not in a list instead you 
have to vo right and vo left.  I don't know what I'll make of iTunes!


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Re: What a mess in Skype for Mac.

2013-01-08 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Nope.  Not really a mess at all.  Look just to the right of the tool bar.  
You'll notice that it's all organized in tables.  Contacts is the third table.  
You want then to organize by online contacts.  That's done with the radio 
buttons just to the right of the table.  Another thing you want to do is go in 
to Skype's view menu and set it to show contacts by list instead of by picture.

Jus a few points to get you started.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 8, 2013, at 4:56 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hello.
> I've switched on my I Mac this evening and started downloading what I need.  
> Opened Skype and signed in with my Microsoft ID and what a mess Skype is.  I 
> thought the I phone Skype was messy but this? It's clunky.  I can't always 
> find my online contacts and when I do, the contacts are not in a list instead 
> you have to vo right and vo left.  I don't know what I'll make of iTunes!
> Kawal. 
> -- 
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Re: Strange problem with Do Not Disturb.

2013-01-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Didn't really test it admittedly.  I don't really right now have a reason to 
test it, but it definitely is good information so if I ever do need to use 
it down the road.

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Babcock" 

Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: Strange problem with Do Not Disturb.

Hello Chris;
Did you get an opportunity to try it out? I just wanted to follow up with 
you, and verify that the directions actually worked.

Hope you are doing well.
Empowering the blind, one person at a time.

On Jan 7, 2013, at 12:09 PM, Chris Gilland  wrote:

Hello Mike.

Yes, that does help tremendously. I will give that a try a bit later. Have 
an excellent day.


This message was very likely created using Siri dictation. I therefore 
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On Jan 7, 2013, at 1:28 PM, Michael Babcock  

Yes, you can. Go to settings, notifications, do not disturb. It is the 
first button you come to when flicking from the top left corner of the 
screen. Hope this helps.
Empowering the blind, one person at a time.

On Jan 7, 2013, at 11:05 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

Wo!  You can set a dnd schedule?  How do you do that?  I thought it was 
just either an on or off thing.

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message - From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" 
To: ; "macvisionaries" 

Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 12:04 AM
Subject: Strange problem with Do Not Disturb.


I've had this problem for some weeks.

I have a schedule for Do Not Disturb for example, from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. 
However, this is not working and it has not been working for some weeks. 
It doesn't matter if I switch the phone off or on or I get rid of 
everything from the Appswitcher.  I think this feature stopped working a 
couple of weeks ago.  Any ideas?  I did however had to restore the phone 
due to Voice over not coming back on after switching it off.


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Re: YoruFukurou

2013-01-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
You're not doing anything wrong, no, but it definitely shouldn't be acting 
that way.

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Rumery" 

Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 5:16 PM
Subject: YoruFukurou

Hello listers,

I have been using YoruFukurou  since I moved over to the Mac more than a 
year ago.  I tried several Twitter clients since I have been using a Mac and 
I find that YoruFukurou  is about the best when it comes to accessibility, 
but I do have one problem with the program.  When I am trying to reply to 
someones tweet by pressing the return key on my keyboard for some reason 
YoruFukurou  is selecting a different tweet than the one Voice Over is 
reading.  The only way that I can seem to get YoruFukurou  to reply to the 
correct tweet is to interact with that specific tweet and then press return. 
My question to the group is, is this the way that YoruFukurou  is suppose to 
behave or am I doing something wrong?

Scott Rumery
Senior Partner
Fedora Outlier, LLC
Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
888-958-6979 ext.5801

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Re: What a mess in Skype for Mac.

2013-01-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland


I use Skype on both my mac and on my phone and find neither clunky at all. 
Especially not the IPhone version.  Where are you finding you have to 
vo+right arrow to see your contacts on the mac version.  I'm not seeing that 
at all.

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message - 
From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" 

To: "macvisionaries" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 5:56 PM
Subject: What a mess in Skype for Mac.


I've switched on my I Mac this evening and started downloading what I need. 
Opened Skype and signed in with my Microsoft ID and what a mess Skype is.  I 
thought the I phone Skype was messy but this? It's clunky.  I can't always 
find my online contacts and when I do, the contacts are not in a list 
instead you have to vo right and vo left.  I don't know what I'll make of 


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My iTuness questions.

2013-01-08 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I told you all I'd have questions for iTunes!

1.  Where is the ring tones folder?

2.  Where is the Podcast folder?

3.  How can I associate my computer to the Cloud and how to disassociate my 
last computer please?

I like how iTunes is but there is no sources list and no podcast list or 
tables.  My feelings as I open iTunes.


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Re: What a mess in Skype for Mac.

2013-01-08 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
I think you might need to change the view to list view.

On Jan 8, 2013, at 3:32 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  

> Kawal,
> I use Skype on both my mac and on my phone and find neither clunky at all. 
> Especially not the IPhone version.  Where are you finding you have to 
> vo+right arrow to see your contacts on the mac version.  I'm not seeing that 
> at all.
> Thank you kindly,
> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> - Original Message - From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" 
> To: "macvisionaries" 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 5:56 PM
> Subject: What a mess in Skype for Mac.
> Hello.
> I've switched on my I Mac this evening and started downloading what I need. 
> Opened Skype and signed in with my Microsoft ID and what a mess Skype is.  I 
> thought the I phone Skype was messy but this? It's clunky.  I can't always 
> find my online contacts and when I do, the contacts are not in a list instead 
> you have to vo right and vo left.  I don't know what I'll make of iTunes!
> Kawal.
> -- 
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Re: What a mess in Skype for Mac.

2013-01-08 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
VO left and right to see which contact was online.  I'll change the contacts to 
list.  It's wonderful to be writing on a computer again especially the Mac.
On 8 Jan 2013, at 23:32, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:

> Kawal,
> I use Skype on both my mac and on my phone and find neither clunky at all. 
> Especially not the IPhone version.  Where are you finding you have to 
> vo+right arrow to see your contacts on the mac version.  I'm not seeing that 
> at all.
> Thank you kindly,
> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> - Original Message - From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" 
> To: "macvisionaries" 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 5:56 PM
> Subject: What a mess in Skype for Mac.
> Hello.
> I've switched on my I Mac this evening and started downloading what I need. 
> Opened Skype and signed in with my Microsoft ID and what a mess Skype is.  I 
> thought the I phone Skype was messy but this? It's clunky.  I can't always 
> find my online contacts and when I do, the contacts are not in a list instead 
> you have to vo right and vo left.  I don't know what I'll make of iTunes!
> Kawal.
> -- 
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Tax Act Web Site

2013-01-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys. 
Help!! I could contact the Tax Act people about this, but I suspect I need my 
fellow blind instead. So, some of you guys that have been using Tax Act may be 
able to tell me what I am doing wrong here. 

I got a Schedule C input. The problem is I have two of them, one with 0 income, 
so I want to get rid of it. The other one needs more added to it. If VoiceOver 
says something is clickable, does that mean to press VO shift space or 
something else? 

I am finding myself going in circles. 

Gigi, who is going crazy and I know it's my fault somewhere because some of you 
have done this web site

Eugenia Firth

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Re: program to read pdf's well on the mac?

2013-01-08 Thread Jessica Moss
How in the world do you get dropbox to run on the mac?  I installed and 
launched it, and always end up getting some message telling me "dropbox has no 
  I found something somewhere that has this long list of instructions on how to 
make it accessible with voiceover, that I can't even remember, but remember it 
had something to do with going into the terminal, which I'm not familiar with, 
but managed to follow the steps it provided, only to still have it not work.  
Can someone please help out with this?
On Jan 8, 2013, at 8:48 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> The first 2 gigs of space is absolutely free and there are ways people can 
> increase that free space by getting referrals and stuff; more info on Dropbox 
> site.  You can also buy 100 GB for something like $10 / month.
> On Jan 7, 2013, at 5:24 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi there
>> What's the fee for using drop box?
>> Regards
>> Gigi
>> On Jan 7, 2013, at 1:49 PM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>>> Yet even another way is to use Dropbox.  With that setup, you can just
>>> copy the PDF or Epub formatted file, for that matter to the desired
>>> folder within the Dropbox folder on the computer and then fire up the
>>> Dropbox app on your iPhone and access the file.  It will give you the
>>> choice to put it into iBook or possibly other apps you may have on
>>> your device that are compatible with these files.
>>> HTH.
>>> On 1/7/13, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi there
 Another quick way to get PDF files into your iPhone is to email it to
 yourself. Then when your iPhone picks it up it will ask you if you want to
 open it in iBooks. Of course you choose yes. It works quite fine.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Jan 6, 2013, at 4:28 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Lisette,
> To get a PDF into iBooks on my iPhone, I open the PDF in iTunes where it
> goes into the Books category, and the next time I sync my iPhone with my
> Mac, the PDF goes into iBooks.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: My iTuness questions.

2013-01-08 Thread Phil Halton

select "music" from the popup, and VO arrow right to find podcasts etc

- Original Message - 
From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" 

To: "macvisionaries" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 6:34 PM
Subject: My iTuness questions.

I told you all I'd have questions for iTunes!

1.  Where is the ring tones folder?

2.  Where is the Podcast folder?

3.  How can I associate my computer to the Cloud and how to disassociate 
my last computer please?

I like how iTunes is but there is no sources list and no podcast list or 
tables.  My feelings as I open iTunes.


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Re: YoruFukurou

2013-01-08 Thread Steve Holmes
Another thing I've noticed is I have best results when I do not interact with 
the table of tweets (the time line).

On Jan 8, 2013, at 3:30 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  

> You're not doing anything wrong, no, but it definitely shouldn't be acting 
> that way.
> Thank you kindly,
> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> - Original Message - From: "Scott Rumery" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 5:16 PM
> Subject: YoruFukurou
> Hello listers,
> I have been using YoruFukurou  since I moved over to the Mac more than a year 
> ago.  I tried several Twitter clients since I have been using a Mac and I 
> find that YoruFukurou  is about the best when it comes to accessibility, but 
> I do have one problem with the program.  When I am trying to reply to 
> someones tweet by pressing the return key on my keyboard for some reason 
> YoruFukurou  is selecting a different tweet than the one Voice Over is 
> reading.  The only way that I can seem to get YoruFukurou  to reply to the 
> correct tweet is to interact with that specific tweet and then press return. 
> My question to the group is, is this the way that YoruFukurou  is suppose to 
> behave or am I doing something wrong?
> Scott Rumery
> Senior Partner
> Fedora Outlier, LLC
> Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
> 888-958-6979 ext.5801
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Apple TV to stereo receiver

2013-01-08 Thread Eric Caron
Hi listers,

I am interested in purchasing a Apple TB to use with my stereo 
receiver.  I'm not sure how to  do this as I understand the Apple TV has a HDMI 
output  and my receiver has something called a DVD optical in put, that is 
square.  A single port called a digital input that is round. and analogue input 
with RCA jacks. 

Can anyone let me know if they are using a Apple TV with a stereo 
receiver, and let me know if any of my input options could work?

Eric Caron 

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Re: program to read pdf's well on the mac?

2013-01-08 Thread Steve Holmes
I installed Dropbox quite some time ago so don't remember specifics. I think it 
started out something funky but somewhere in the initial run, you need to be 
able to set up your account and login stuff.  Once that is done, just go into 
Menu Extras and VO over to the Dropbox menu and press VO-Space to open that 
menu up.  Also, it should create a folder called Dropbox in your $HOME 

On Jan 8, 2013, at 4:53 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> How in the world do you get dropbox to run on the mac?  I installed and 
> launched it, and always end up getting some message telling me "dropbox has 
> no windows."
>  I found something somewhere that has this long list of instructions on how 
> to make it accessible with voiceover, that I can't even remember, but 
> remember it had something to do with going into the terminal, which I'm not 
> familiar with, but managed to follow the steps it provided, only to still 
> have it not work.  Can someone please help out with this?
> On Jan 8, 2013, at 8:48 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> The first 2 gigs of space is absolutely free and there are ways people can 
>> increase that free space by getting referrals and stuff; more info on 
>> Dropbox site.  You can also buy 100 GB for something like $10 / month.
>> On Jan 7, 2013, at 5:24 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi there
>>> What's the fee for using drop box?
>>> Regards
>>> Gigi
>>> On Jan 7, 2013, at 1:49 PM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
 Yet even another way is to use Dropbox.  With that setup, you can just
 copy the PDF or Epub formatted file, for that matter to the desired
 folder within the Dropbox folder on the computer and then fire up the
 Dropbox app on your iPhone and access the file.  It will give you the
 choice to put it into iBook or possibly other apps you may have on
 your device that are compatible with these files.
 On 1/7/13, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hi there
> Another quick way to get PDF files into your iPhone is to email it to
> yourself. Then when your iPhone picks it up it will ask you if you want to
> open it in iBooks. Of course you choose yes. It works quite fine.
> Regards
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 6, 2013, at 4:28 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Lisette,
>> To get a PDF into iBooks on my iPhone, I open the PDF in iTunes where it
>> goes into the Books category, and the next time I sync my iPhone with my
>> Mac, the PDF goes into iBooks.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
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Re: YoruFukurou

2013-01-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

I've honestly never had this happen.  Are you interacting with the table by any 
chance?  If so, don't.  I remember someone else having the same issue, and this 
was the cause. 

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 8, 2013, at 5:16 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Hello listers,
> I have been using YoruFukurou  since I moved over to the Mac more than a year 
> ago.  I tried several Twitter clients since I have been using a Mac and I 
> find that YoruFukurou  is about the best when it comes to accessibility, but 
> I do have one problem with the program.  When I am trying to reply to 
> someones tweet by pressing the return key on my keyboard for some reason 
> YoruFukurou  is selecting a different tweet than the one Voice Over is 
> reading.  The only way that I can seem to get YoruFukurou  to reply to the 
> correct tweet is to interact with that specific tweet and then press return.  
> My question to the group is, is this the way that YoruFukurou  is suppose to 
> behave or am I doing something wrong?
> Scott Rumery
> Senior Partner
> Fedora Outlier, LLC
> Top down, BETTER THAN EXCELLENT ™ consulting, teaching and support
> 888-958-6979 ext.5801
> -- 
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The new I Mac.

2013-01-08 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Remember you can always explore the keyboard keys using VO-K to turn on 
keyboard assistant. Press escape to exit keyboard assistant.

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Re: Apple TV to stereo receiver

2013-01-08 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't have an AppleTV (used a MacMini hooked to my receiver) but the 
specs say that one of the ports is a Optical Audio connection in 
addition to the HDMI port. So I would assume that this optical output 
could be connected to the square DVD optical input using typical optical 
home theater audio cables.


On 1/8/13 8:10 PM, Eric Caron wrote:

Hi listers,

I am interested in purchasing a Apple TB to use with my stereo 
receiver.  I'm not sure how to  do this as I understand the Apple TV has a HDMI 
output  and my receiver has something called a DVD optical in put, that is 
square.  A single port called a digital input that is round. and analogue input 
with RCA jacks.

Can anyone let me know if they are using a Apple TV with a stereo 
receiver, and let me know if any of my input options could work?

Eric Caron


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Re: Apple TV to stereo receiver

2013-01-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
For one thing, you don't run the Apple TV directly into the receiver.  I 
mean, I suppose you could if you had h d m i, but me personally, I ran my 
Apple TV via HDMI into my television, then I run my television out via RCA 
to the red white RCA in on my 5.1 surround receiver.

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message - 
From: "Eric Caron" 

Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 8:10 PM
Subject: Apple TV to stereo receiver

Hi listers,

I am interested in purchasing a Apple TB to use with my stereo receiver. 
I'm not sure how to  do this as I understand the Apple TV has a HDMI output 
and my receiver has something called a DVD optical in put, that is square. 
A single port called a digital input that is round. and analogue input with 
RCA jacks.

Can anyone let me know if they are using a Apple TV with a stereo receiver, 
and let me know if any of my input options could work?

Eric Caron

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Re: Apple TV to stereo receiver

2013-01-08 Thread Chris Blouch
There are a number of ways to do it. Running HDMI to the TV sets up the 
TV to do the decoding but running an RCA pair from the TV to the 
receiver means you're only getting stereo. Now if you only have two 
speakers then that's fine but if you have the center, subwoofer and rear 
channel stuff you probably want to get the full 6-channel digital signal 
to your receiver somehow. Some newer receivers have HDMI inputs as well 
but my old Dennon just has the optical and coaxial (RCA) digital inputs.


On 1/8/13 10:07 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
For one thing, you don't run the Apple TV directly into the receiver. 
I mean, I suppose you could if you had h d m i, but me personally, I 
ran my Apple TV via HDMI into my television, then I run my television 
out via RCA to the red white RCA in on my 5.1 surround receiver.

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message - From: "Eric Caron" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 8:10 PM
Subject: Apple TV to stereo receiver

Hi listers,

I am interested in purchasing a Apple TB to use with my stereo 
receiver. I'm not sure how to do this as I understand the Apple TV has 
a HDMI output and my receiver has something called a DVD optical in 
put, that is square. A single port called a digital input that is 
round. and analogue input with RCA jacks.

Can anyone let me know if they are using a Apple TV with a stereo 
receiver, and let me know if any of my input options could work?

Eric Caron


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Re: iBlindTech 37 - Podcasting with Amadeus Pro

2013-01-08 Thread Garth Humphreys

iTunes only updates it's index periodically. I am not sure exactly how often, 
it may only be once or twice a day. I always upload the podcast to my site 
prior to informing the list so you can always go directly there if you like 
however iTunes isn't usually too far behind.

Thanks for listening 


Search for iBlindTech in iTunes or your favourite pod catcher to subscribe to 
the iBlindTech Democast.

Send email to

Follow me on twitter @iBlindTech or @iBlindTechDemo for just the podcast info.

On 09/01/2013, at 12:12 AM, Daniel C  wrote:

> Hello,
> I cannot find episode 37 of your podcast on iTunes. When will it be posted?
> -- 
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Re: program to read pdf's well on the mac?

2013-01-08 Thread Phil Halton
its the simplest thing in the world. I just installed it on my fresh 
reinstall of Mountain Lion.

First, make sure you have the latest version for mac (ver 1.6.10). download 
it from and follow the link for "getting started". once 
downloaded, mount the .dmg file by pressing command-o on it. then you can 
just command-o on the file.

You'll be asked to log into your dropbox account, and from there its just 
following the prompts. I usually skip the tutorial, but you might want to 
take it.

Honestly, there's nothing to it! You don't have to do anything with Terminal 
or any other gymnastics to get it installed.

Once installed, it places a "dropbox" folder in your home directory, and a 
menu item in the Extras menu (VO + m twice).

- Original Message - 
From: "Jessica Moss" 

Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: program to read pdf's well on the mac?

How in the world do you get dropbox to run on the mac?  I installed and 
launched it, and always end up getting some message telling me "dropbox has 
no windows."
 I found something somewhere that has this long list of instructions on how 
to make it accessible with voiceover, that I can't even remember, but 
remember it had something to do with going into the terminal, which I'm not 
familiar with, but managed to follow the steps it provided, only to still 
have it not work.  Can someone please help out with this?

On Jan 8, 2013, at 8:48 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:

The first 2 gigs of space is absolutely free and there are ways people can 
increase that free space by getting referrals and stuff; more info on 
Dropbox site.  You can also buy 100 GB for something like $10 / month.

On Jan 7, 2013, at 5:24 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

Hi there
What's the fee for using drop box?
On Jan 7, 2013, at 1:49 PM, Steve Holmes  

Yet even another way is to use Dropbox.  With that setup, you can just
copy the PDF or Epub formatted file, for that matter to the desired
folder within the Dropbox folder on the computer and then fire up the
Dropbox app on your iPhone and access the file.  It will give you the
choice to put it into iBook or possibly other apps you may have on
your device that are compatible with these files.


On 1/7/13, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

Hi there
Another quick way to get PDF files into your iPhone is to email it to
yourself. Then when your iPhone picks it up it will ask you if you want 

open it in iBooks. Of course you choose yes. It works quite fine.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 6, 2013, at 4:28 PM, Anne Robertson  

Hello Lisette,

To get a PDF into iBooks on my iPhone, I open the PDF in iTunes where 
goes into the Books category, and the next time I sync my iPhone with 

Mac, the PDF goes into iBooks.



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Re: Apple TV to stereo receiver

2013-01-08 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi all,

As CB mentioned, there are a number of ways of doing this.  Depending on your 
receiver, it may do some magic and decode your analogue signal from the TV and 
surround it.  Most newer receivers have this capability.  If you have no 
intention of actually using the video signal portion of the ATV, then you could 
simply use the optical audio from the ATV directly to your receiver and you 
should be able to hear everything that is to be heard and with excellent 
quality as well.  For me, I use HDMI from the ATV to my receiver then HDMI from 
the receiver to the TV.  Sometimes, when I'm home alone (sounds like a good 
title for a movie doesn't it?), I don't bother turning on the TV and everything 
works just fine whether I'm listening to music or simply listening to a movie.  
The rest of my family doesn't appreciate it that way but, oh well.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-01-08, at 8:18 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> There are a number of ways to do it. Running HDMI to the TV sets up the TV to 
> do the decoding but running an RCA pair from the TV to the receiver means 
> you're only getting stereo. Now if you only have two speakers then that's 
> fine but if you have the center, subwoofer and rear channel stuff you 
> probably want to get the full 6-channel digital signal to your receiver 
> somehow. Some newer receivers have HDMI inputs as well but my old Dennon just 
> has the optical and coaxial (RCA) digital inputs.
> CB
> On 1/8/13 10:07 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> For one thing, you don't run the Apple TV directly into the receiver. I 
>> mean, I suppose you could if you had h d m i, but me personally, I ran my 
>> Apple TV via HDMI into my television, then I run my television out via RCA 
>> to the red white RCA in on my 5.1 surround receiver.
>> Thank you kindly,
>> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
>> Founder of CLG Productions
>> - Original Message - From: "Eric Caron" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 8:10 PM
>> Subject: Apple TV to stereo receiver
>> Hi listers,
>> I am interested in purchasing a Apple TB to use with my stereo receiver. I'm 
>> not sure how to do this as I understand the Apple TV has a HDMI output and 
>> my receiver has something called a DVD optical in put, that is square. A 
>> single port called a digital input that is round. and analogue input with 
>> RCA jacks.
>> Can anyone let me know if they are using a Apple TV with a stereo receiver, 
>> and let me know if any of my input options could work?
>> Eric Caron
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: Apple TV to stereo receiver

2013-01-08 Thread Eric Caron
In my case i do not have a TV.  I only want the Apple TV to mirror my computer 
and also to act as a air play receiver for my iPhone.  If there is a digital 
output on the Apple TV then I should be able to find the correct cable to go to 
my digital input.  These are connections I have never used before.  My receiver 
is fairly old and does not have a HDMI or USB or Apple dock or anything like 
that.  The Apple rep did not mention any other output then the HDMI on the 
Apple TV, so I will need to confirm there is a optical output. If present that 
should solve my problem.

Eric Caron 

On Jan 8, 2013, at 10:18 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> There are a number of ways to do it. Running HDMI to the TV sets up the TV to 
> do the decoding but running an RCA pair from the TV to the receiver means 
> you're only getting stereo. Now if you only have two speakers then that's 
> fine but if you have the center, subwoofer and rear channel stuff you 
> probably want to get the full 6-channel digital signal to your receiver 
> somehow. Some newer receivers have HDMI inputs as well but my old Dennon just 
> has the optical and coaxial (RCA) digital inputs.
> CB
> On 1/8/13 10:07 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> For one thing, you don't run the Apple TV directly into the receiver. I 
>> mean, I suppose you could if you had h d m i, but me personally, I ran my 
>> Apple TV via HDMI into my television, then I run my television out via RCA 
>> to the red white RCA in on my 5.1 surround receiver.
>> Thank you kindly,
>> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
>> Founder of CLG Productions
>> - Original Message - From: "Eric Caron" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 8:10 PM
>> Subject: Apple TV to stereo receiver
>> Hi listers,
>> I am interested in purchasing a Apple TB to use with my stereo receiver. I'm 
>> not sure how to do this as I understand the Apple TV has a HDMI output and 
>> my receiver has something called a DVD optical in put, that is square. A 
>> single port called a digital input that is round. and analogue input with 
>> RCA jacks.
>> Can anyone let me know if they are using a Apple TV with a stereo receiver, 
>> and let me know if any of my input options could work?
>> Eric Caron
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: My iTuness questions.

2013-01-08 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Kawal,

To show the sources table, press command option S.  To show ringtones and 
podcast in the sources table, go to iTunes preferences and check podcasts and 
Tones.  It is in general.

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 8, 2013, at 6:34 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> I told you all I'd have questions for iTunes!
> 1.  Where is the ring tones folder?
> 2.  Where is the Podcast folder?
> 3.  How can I associate my computer to the Cloud and how to disassociate my 
> last computer please?
> I like how iTunes is but there is no sources list and no podcast list or 
> tables.  My feelings as I open iTunes.
> Kawal.
> -- 
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Re: Apple TV to stereo receiver

2013-01-08 Thread Michael Babcock
This would work for us, however our Apple TV is going via HDMI into our flat 
screen TV. Our flatscreen TV does not have RCA out. And I know I personally 
would like to run audio into my mixing board from our TV, so I can use our 
speakers up to create a virtual surround sound environment.
Empowering the blind, one step at a time.

On Jan 8, 2013, at 8:07 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  

> For one thing, you don't run the Apple TV directly into the receiver.  I 
> mean, I suppose you could if you had h d m i, but me personally, I ran my 
> Apple TV via HDMI into my television, then I run my television out via RCA to 
> the red white RCA in on my 5.1 surround receiver.
> Thank you kindly,
> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> - Original Message - From: "Eric Caron" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 8:10 PM
> Subject: Apple TV to stereo receiver
> Hi listers,
> I am interested in purchasing a Apple TB to use with my stereo receiver. I'm 
> not sure how to  do this as I understand the Apple TV has a HDMI output and 
> my receiver has something called a DVD optical in put, that is square. A 
> single port called a digital input that is round. and analogue input with RCA 
> jacks.
> Can anyone let me know if they are using a Apple TV with a stereo receiver, 
> and let me know if any of my input options could work?
> Eric Caron
> -- 
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Re: What a mess in Skype for Mac.

2013-01-08 Thread Mike Arrigo
Actually, I think skype on the mac is more accessible than windows. After the 
tool bar, you will have a table, interact with that and you can select what 
shows on the rest of the screen.
On Jan 8, 2013, at 4:56 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hello.
> I've switched on my I Mac this evening and started downloading what I need.  
> Opened Skype and signed in with my Microsoft ID and what a mess Skype is.  I 
> thought the I phone Skype was messy but this? It's clunky.  I can't always 
> find my online contacts and when I do, the contacts are not in a list instead 
> you have to vo right and vo left.  I don't know what I'll make of iTunes!
> Kawal. 
> -- 
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Re: What a mess in Skype for Mac.

2013-01-08 Thread Mark Baxter
Skype's layout is a wonderful example of why it's helpful to be able to 
visualize the screen and where things are on it.  Vo is making lots of sounds 
to tell you "this table is below the screen in relation to the tool bar, but 
this table is right next to it, separated by a vertical bar,, and results of 
these tables appears below your current position in the window."  If you start 
to visualize where in the process you're changing which parameters, it starts 
to make some more sense.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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55.1 speakers w/ mac mini -- is there adapter available?

2013-01-08 Thread Marc Rocheleau
Hey listers,

I set up my mac mini over the weekend and came upon a realization. While my P
C had three speaker jacks to plug my speakers into, the mac mini only
has one. As a result, I only have sound coming out of my right speaker
at the moment. lol

What I'm wondering is if there is some kind of adaptor available that
would enable me to plug my speakers in properly? If so, could someone
direct me as to where I should look? I am also in Canada so any links
to Canadian sites people could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


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iText and Bookmarks

2013-01-08 Thread Steve Holmes
I just put up iText Express and it shows promise as a rich text editor.  Alas, 
I can't seem to navigate to bookmarks.  An example is the instruction manual 
that comes with the editor. It has a bunch of bookmarks already defined for the 
various chapters and I navigated into the drawer of bookmarks.  I can interact 
with that table and choose the bookmark I want but then when I navigate with VO 
keys back over to the scroll area and interact down into the text area, I'm 
back at the top of the document.  Does anyone know how to use bookmarks in this 

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Re: audio hi-jack pro the one method to record simultaneous sources at once. Please help

2013-01-08 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Hi all,

Thanks for the applescript suggestion ricardo. Nice to know it has it's own 
library to work with. Will fiddle with it to see what can be done.



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On 9/01/2013, at 5:18 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hello,
> The best way I've found to do this is to first hijack all the sources you 
> would like to use then, use this multi recording apple script I will be 
> providing a link for at the end of this message.  I've taken the script, 
> placed it in Mac HD/library/scripts so I could then assign the script with a 
> VO keyboard commander shortcut or, a trackpad commander shortcut if you 
> prefer.  So once my sources are hijacked, I press the command to trigger the 
> multi record script, and all sources I hijacked are being recorded and they 
> are synced.
> The down side is all hijacked sources are on individual files.  I then put 
> all the recordings into Garageband and export as a single file.  Of course, 
> you can use any multi track recorder of your choice to do this.
> I found myself having to jump through all these hoops because, later versions 
> of hijack pro with instan on didn't record my microphone while system audio 
> was being recorded. 
> multi record script plus the script to stop multi recordings.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jan 8, 2013, at 1:58 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:
>> Hi ALl,
>> So i've managed to find a lot of different sources and uses for audiohijack, 
>> and it's a great tool to have.
>> However, i'm looking for a definite and efficient way to simultaneously 
>> record different sources at once (for podcasting, skype while using system 
>> sounds, etc etc.). The only half baked method i've found was to schedule a 
>> recording at a certain time, say in 5 minutes, for two or more sources, and 
>> wait until it starts. Not the best though there's no audio work to do to 
>> synch each source's recording afterward.
>> Any help greatly appreciated.
>> Best 
>> yYuma 
>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>> Mob: +642102277190
>> Skype: Shainobi1
>> twitter:
>> This message is protected by article 4-210 of a certain book of laws but you 
>> don't have to worry about privacy issues if you are the intended recipient. 
>> However, if any freakish circumstance such as ip sniffing, honey pot open 
>> relay servers or an honest mistake caused a transmission error, please 
>> advise the sender and throw your laptop into a bubble bath to avoid all 
>> illicit data retention.
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