Re: 21 Useful iTunes 11 Keyboard Shortcuts

2012-12-08 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hey, that was really helpful to me. Thank you very much.

Am 07.12.2012 um 21:25 schrieb Teresa Cochran :

> Hi, all,
> Below is an Itunes 11 keyboard shortcut list from OS X daily. It's HTML, so 
> if you have trouble reading, just go to the website.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> 21 Useful iTunes 11 Keyboard Shortcuts
> The new iTunes interface can be a bit jolting at first, but whether you’re 
> still trying to get the hang of the new iTunes 11 interface of you’ve already 
> made the changes to bring some familiarity back to the app, you’ll find good 
> use out of these keyboard shortcuts.
> We’ve split them up into three distinct sections based on usage, and you’ll 
> be able to start and stop songs, change volume, hide and show the sidebar, 
> toggle the new MiniPlayer, and access all of your media libraries, all with 
> the help of nothing but some simple keyboard shortcuts.
> General Usage & Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts
> Spacebar to play or stop playing the selected song
> Option+Return to add current song to “Up Next”
> Command+. to stop current action
> Command+Right Arrow to go to the next song
> Command+Left Arrow to go to the previous song
> Command+Up Arrow to increase volume
> Command+Down Arrow to decrease volume
> Command+Option+S to Show or Hide Sidebar
> Command+/ to Show or Hide Status Bar
> Access Specific Features
> Command+Option+3 to show or hide the Mini Player
> Command+Option+M to toggle the iTunes window into the Mini Player
> Command+Option+2 to show the Equalizer
> Command+Option+U to show Up Next
> Accessing Media Libraries in iTunes
> Command+1 to see Music library
> Command+2 to go to Movies library
> Command+3 to access TV Shows library
> Command+4 to access Podcasts
> Command+5 to go to iTunes U
> Command+6 jumps to Books library
> Command+7 to go to Apps
> Command+Shift+H to go to the iTunes Store home screen
> You’ll notice that some of the media library keyboard shortcuts won’t work if 
> you don’t have anything stored in them in iTunes. For example, if you have no 
> iBooks available in iTunes, then hitting Command+6 won’t do anything.
> This post was inspired by MacGasm, who listed a handful of the keyboard 
> shortcuts that let you quickly jump around media libraries.
> Are we missing any other useful keyboard shortcuts? Let us know!
> -- 
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Good Call on Upgrading RAM

2012-12-08 Thread Tim Hornik
Just wanted to say thanks for the discussion about upgrading RAM to help 
improve VoiceOver's performance. I have been using a Mid 11 Mac Mini, basic 
model, and noticed several little glitchy things since upgrading to 
Mountain Lion. I am not saying that going from 2G to 8G solved the 
glitches, but it definitely improved overall performance and satisfaction. 
It was not hard to install once I figured out that the RAM is installed via 
a unique apparatus that forces the RAM to first enter at an angle before 
needing to push it down to lock it in. 

Thank you,

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Re: iTunes 11 web area

2012-12-08 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Chris,

sorry for the incorrect naming but what I actually meant was the Genius 
Sidebar. In the mean time I found out that Apple removed this great feature 
from iTunes 11, again. They already removed it in iTunes 10.0 but had to bring 
it back because of protests of the users.
What Genius Sidebar actually does is so simple and great: If you click on a 
song in your library you can find next to the music table a web area in which 
you can find a variety of songs from other artists with the same 
characteristics. There you could by this songs. So it's very similar to Genius 
but not from your own library but from the store. I loved that feature and hope 
they'll implement it in a next version of iTunes again.

All the best

Am 08.12.2012 um 05:17 schrieb Christopher-Mark Gilland :

> The html window is at the most bottom of the screen.  Go as far bottom right 
> corner as you can go without interacting, and it should be there.  If that 
> doesn't land you on it, then maybe your view's set a little differently, but 
> generally, if you vo+left arrow from there a few times, you should hit it. 
> just be sure when you're looking for the area not to be interacting with 
> anything.  I've had even a stranger issue with the itunes store, but I'll get 
> to that in another e-mail.
> Thank you kindly,
> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> - Original Message - From: "Jürgen Fleger" 
> To: "Visionaries Mac Visionaries" 
> Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 3:26 AM
> Subject: iTunes 11 web area
> Hi,
> in earlier versions of iTunes there was a web area next to my music. In this 
> I could find and buy music that fitt to my own music in the library. I 
> enjoyed this function very much and bought quite often music there. In iTunes 
> 11 I can't find this window anymore and can't figure out how to bring it back 
> again.
> Does anyone know what happened to this window? Is it possible to show it up?
> Thanks and regards
> Jürgen
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Re: Not a rant, I promise! A very minor bug in the ITunes11 store

2012-12-08 Thread Jürgen Fleger
If I understood correctly you are not able to click on  different links in your 
account in iTunes and see the reloaded page.. 
My experience is that I have to stop interacting and start interacting with the 
html area to see the changes. If I for example click on manage my abbos nothing 
seems to change on the page. But if I do as discribed I found a different 
content after interacting again. Just try it out.


Am 08.12.2012 um 05:36 schrieb Christopher-Mark Gilland :

> I'm not gonna rant and rave like I have done before, I promise.  Just read 
> what I have to say.  I'm gonna keep this real short and sweet.  I haven't 
> written Apple Accessibility quite yet about this, however, if any more of you 
> are experiencing this as well, let me know, as I'd be happy to write 
> Accessibility on our behalfs although I'd encourage all you do the same, if 
> you find this bug.
> A lotta you may remember the bug that we had with the app store on an IPad 
> with I O S.  Remember how after scrolling down the screen with Voiceover so 
> far, it would quit scrolling?  Well, I think we're having a very similar 
> issue now on the Mac in the ITunes store.  Let me be a little more specific. 
> Again, I'm gonna keep this as brief as I possibly can, unlike I normally do, 
> but at least let me explain.
> OK, let's say that I go to the store menu up in the menu bar, then I go to 
> view my account:
> OK, so I put in my password for security reasons, and go to the ok button, or 
> just hit return. Either/or.  Usually just hit return.  OK, now on the next 
> page which loads, I find that I only can scroll so far down.  Voiceover 
> definitely! reads  the entire html content area, all the way to the tip notch 
> bottom, but it seems like Voiceover is reading, but not correctly tracking, 
> even though the actual focus is set to follow the Voiceover cursor.  And yes, 
> I do have cursor tracking enable, so that's not really a problem.  A 
> practical example is: on this page, if I go down to where it has the manage 
> link to manage my subscriptions.  If I vo+space on that manage link, it wont' 
> click.  I've also tried routing the mous, and hitting command+Vo+F5, then 
> vo+shift+space.  About the only two things I've honestly not yet tried is 
> command+Vo+F5 which really shouldn't be necessary anyhow seeing I have it set 
> to have the mouse cursor follow the Voiceover cursor, but just to be on the 
> safe side... yeah...  Then clicking my actual macbook's trackpad.  I've not 
> tried that nor have I tried doing this with trackpad commander, flicking down 
> there then double tapping the track pad. I almost wonder if I turned on TP 
> commander, then once at a certain point, 3 finger flicked up, if that would 
> scroll things.  The question's just where the heck would I navigate to, 
> before doing that?  I'm not even totally convinced that would work.  It might 
> though.
> This basically also makes it imposible for me to click on the see all link, 
> to be able to look at my purchase history.  I dono if the other store pages 
> are also this way, but I'd suspect they probably would be.  It's almost like 
> voiceover's tracking, and scrolling but the page itself visually isn't, thus 
> causing me to not correctly be able to click things.  Even though vo+F3, and 
> vo+F5 tell me the correct things under the cursors, and even though they both 
> always match each other being they're both tracking each other, I'm still not 
> getting anywhere when I try activating the links.  The item chooser, or web 
> rotor isn't really helping either.  I even tried just tabbing through then 
> hitting return on the links, but that did some very undesirable things.  It 
> seems to be activating links I didn't tell it to activate... usually the link 
> right before the one I want.  Although that's inconsistent, as sometimes if I 
> then say ok, add a link to it, and I go one link past! the one I need  with 
> tab, then hit return, it sometimes then activates the wrong link as well.  
> It's so intermittant that I can't really tell you the exact behavior.  I just 
> wonder if this is something you all also in Mountain Lion are experiencing 
> with ITunes 11.  If so, let me know and I'll go ahead at that point and shoot 
> off an e-mail to Accessibility. They fixed the IPad bug pretty quickly, so I 
> have no reason to believe this also couldn't be taken care of fairly soon.  I 
> almost wonder if Apple's even aware of it.
> Take care.
> Chris. 
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Re: Good Call on Upgrading RAM

2012-12-08 Thread Kristeen Hughes
I really want to do this, but I have turned my mini over and can't seem to 
locate any screws, or at least nothing that looks like a screw. Are these 
different than the norm?


On Dec 8, 2012, at 5:19 AM, Tim Hornik  wrote:

> Just wanted to say thanks for the discussion about upgrading RAM to help 
> improve VoiceOver's performance. I have been using a Mid 11 Mac Mini, basic 
> model, and noticed several little glitchy things since upgrading to Mountain 
> Lion. I am not saying that going from 2G to 8G solved the glitches, but it 
> definitely improved overall performance and satisfaction. It was not hard to 
> install once I figured out that the RAM is installed via a unique apparatus 
> that forces the RAM to first enter at an angle before needing to push it down 
> to lock it in. 
> Thank you,
> Tim
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Re: Moving songs around inside playlist

2012-12-08 Thread Kevin Shaw
Will cut and paste not work? I've been able to do this in iTunes.

On 2012-12-07, at 8:51 PM, Traci  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been playing with my playlist and getting the song order just how I want 
> it.  To do this, I usually use the mouse down keys, then vi-up_arrow or 
> vo-down_arrow.  Well, this is successful about 3 or 4 times, then it doesn't 
> work.  Any ideas why?
> I can still mouse down and up, but the song doesn't actually move.
> Thanks for the help,
> Traci
> Come climb with me (in spirit) and please support The Leukemia & Lymphoma 
> Society with a donation. Our efforts  will help make a big difference in the 
> fight against blood cancers. Learn more & donate here. Thank you.
> -- 
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Re: Good Call on Upgrading RAM

2012-12-08 Thread timothy . hornik
That is because there are no screws. When you flip the many over you should 
feel a very large circular rubber thing.  At the three and nine will be two 
indents. That will turn counter clockwise. Now if all of your ports are to the 
rear with the front of the many facing you, the ram will be at the 10 or 11 
o'clock position in that open circle. You need to push down on the ram gently 
in order to release the ram.

Thank you for your assistance,
Timothy Hornik
(785) 330 | 3503

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Extreme iTunes Frustration: Since Before iTunes 11

2012-12-08 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello all. I am really steamed with iTunes, like never before. Before 11 came 
out, as I have done since the beginning of time with iTunes and the iPhone 
(from my perspective, that is) I manually managed my material, and checked and 
unchecked for syncing at will. It worked fine, once I got the hang of it.
Before 11 came out, I made some changes to my library, and synced. Nothing  
changed. I tried again. Nothing. After iTunes 11, I tried again, but no luck. I 
am at my wit's end. I have no idea how to remedy this. Not a single change is 
In addition, I downloaded two songs from the iTunes store to my phone yesterday 
afternoon, and when I attempt to play them, the next song in the alphabetical 
list of songs, or the next song by the same artist, depending on whether I have 
songs or artists checked, plays. They are listed, but they are not playing. I 
tried syncing -- same result.


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Re: Toast titanium

2012-12-08 Thread BlindBikeTrials
What version of toast are you using? From the versions that I've tried none of 
them have been accessible My original post stated that I used to use toast on 
my old Power Mac that was accessible but since I upgraded to an Intel MacBook 
Pro all the versions of toast for that are not accessible. Are you able to use 
toast fully? From what I have tried absolutely nothing is read by voiceover So 
if you have a version that is working please let me know which one it is. Also 
if you know of any other program that would work similarly to toast I'd 
appreciate that too.

 This application called burn works pretty well for most things that I need. It 
however does not burn a DVD video TS folder to a DVD.Does anyone know of a 
program that is accessible that will take a TS folder and burn it to a DVD?

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2012-12-08 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Dear Listers.

I am cross posting to both of the lists just in case any of you are using the 
following app on your I phone or I pad.

This app for the time being is being trialed in the US.

I will give you the background of the following app as I was told today by an 
HSBC representitive.

Those of you in the UK know that at present there has been a campaign for 
Talking Cash machines which are available in some branches of other banks and 
as far as I know is available in the USA.

So, however, I happened to be talking to a representitive of HSBC Bank where I 
bank.  He told me that at the moment, rather than concentrating on making these 
cash machines accessible for it's disabled visually impaired customers, they 
are trialing anew app designed for the I phone and I pad and it's being trialed 
in the US due to their customer base being low.

So am wondering if any one is trialing this app especially for Voice Over in 
the US?  I am asking this because their last application called Fast Balance 
was not accessible with Voice Over and I hope their new application will not 
suffer the same fate.

I would appreciate any information from anyone to tell me that this app is 
being trialed and proving successful.

Thank you in advance.


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How to change the tags in multiple aac files.

2012-12-08 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I have got a real problem.

I need to edit a lot of m4a files, I simply need to add the composer to all the 
files, but I am not glad to get them into ITunes, it will destroy my 

Can anyone recommend a program, so I can do that without creating a mess.

Best regards Annie.

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2012-12-08 Thread wayne coles
Hello the fast balance app for the iphone is very accessable and I
used it this morning so and I am here in the uk so I don't know what is
going on with your phone 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 11:02 AM
To:; macvisionaries
Subject: New HSBC APP

Dear Listers.

I am cross posting to both of the lists just in case any of you are using
the following app on your I phone or I pad.

This app for the time being is being trialed in the US.

I will give you the background of the following app as I was told today by
an HSBC representitive.

Those of you in the UK know that at present there has been a campaign for
Talking Cash machines which are available in some branches of other banks
and as far as I know is available in the USA.

So, however, I happened to be talking to a representitive of HSBC Bank where
I bank.  He told me that at the moment, rather than concentrating on making
these cash machines accessible for it's disabled visually impaired
customers, they are trialing anew app designed for the I phone and I pad and
it's being trialed in the US due to their customer base being low.

So am wondering if any one is trialing this app especially for Voice Over in
the US?  I am asking this because their last application called Fast Balance
was not accessible with Voice Over and I hope their new application will not
suffer the same fate.

I would appreciate any information from anyone to tell me that this app is
being trialed and proving successful.

Thank you in advance.


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Re: A question about messages?

2012-12-08 Thread Tim Kilburn

If things are set up accordingly, all messages should come to all devices.  
That is, even if you receive the message on your iPhone  first, you should 
still be able to access the same message on your Mac.  This is also true the 
other direction.  Make sure of the following:

On your Mac:

1.  Open Messages.
2.  Press cmd-comma to bring up its Preferences.
3.  Make sure you're have the Accounts pane selected.
4.  Select your iCloud account.
5.  In the Table for "You can be reached at", make sure both your iPhone number 
and iCloud eMail are checked.

On your iPhone:

1.  Go into Settings.
2.  Open the Messages setting pane.
3.  Make sure the same two items are selected, iCloud email address and iPhone 
3.  Deselect any others.

If you did the same on an iPad or even another Mac that you own, messages would 
sync with all the devices that you've set up this way  I have noticed 
sometimes, though, that you need to Quit then re-open the Messages app on my 
Mac as it does not always sync right away.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-12-06, at 12:46 PM, Maurice Mines  wrote:

> I have a question, about the messages application? How do I set it to my 
> iCloud address? Because what I'm finding out is, people who need to send me 
> messages that have attachments to messages wind up going to my phone, not my 
> MacBook. Did anyone have any good suggestions on how to make this so that the 
> phone, and the computer, get the same message? The reason why I'm wanting to 
> do this, is because what is happening now is that I get a message on my phone 
> that I have to look up a response to and/or act on on the computer instead. 
> So it would be nice to be able to choose which device I can use to either 
> respond to a message from. Any help that you guys might be able to offer 
> would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely Maurice mines. thank you very much 
> for reading this.
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2012-12-08 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Has gthe Fast Balance been updated?  I when downloading it sometime ago, I 
could not get past the setting up screen.  I have no notification from the App 
Store for an update.

On 8 Dec 2012, at 04:14 PM, wayne coles  wrote:

>Hello the fast balance app for the iphone is very accessable and I
> used it this morning so and I am here in the uk so I don't know what is
> going on with your phone 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
> Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 11:02 AM
> To:; macvisionaries
> Subject: New HSBC APP
> Dear Listers.
> I am cross posting to both of the lists just in case any of you are using
> the following app on your I phone or I pad.
> This app for the time being is being trialed in the US.
> I will give you the background of the following app as I was told today by
> an HSBC representitive.
> Those of you in the UK know that at present there has been a campaign for
> Talking Cash machines which are available in some branches of other banks
> and as far as I know is available in the USA.
> So, however, I happened to be talking to a representitive of HSBC Bank where
> I bank.  He told me that at the moment, rather than concentrating on making
> these cash machines accessible for it's disabled visually impaired
> customers, they are trialing anew app designed for the I phone and I pad and
> it's being trialed in the US due to their customer base being low.
> So am wondering if any one is trialing this app especially for Voice Over in
> the US?  I am asking this because their last application called Fast Balance
> was not accessible with Voice Over and I hope their new application will not
> suffer the same fate.
> I would appreciate any information from anyone to tell me that this app is
> being trialed and proving successful.
> Thank you in advance.
> Kawal.
> -- 
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Re: clean install or upgrade?

2012-12-08 Thread Tim Kilburn

Yes a Clean install does start things fresh but you will have the issues of 
re-inputting all serial numbers, pass-coes and such.  Depending on the number 
of apps and such that you have on your Mac, this may or may not be a factor.

If your SL system is running fine though, I would say that an upgrade will 
behave just as well as the clean install.  I have performed hundreds of upgrade 
installs with no negative effects in the upgraded OS.

Remember, as well, that the Clean install, then use of Migration Assistant is 
more or less the same process as the Upgrade.  So if you truly wish the Clean 
install, you'll need to re-serialize, re-preference set and re-enter pass-code  
info for all necessary apps.

In the end, it is basically your own comfort.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-12-07, at 8:18 AM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> Some may disagree with me on this, but it's my opinion that any time you 
> install a new release of an operating system, whether the mac, windows, or 
> anything else, it's always best to do a clean install. Not only does this 
> give your system a fresh start, but it also clears out any left over clutter.
> Original message:
>> Hello folks.
>> At the moment I am running Snow Leopard. I have just purchased Mountain 
>> Lion, but have not installed it as yet. I have created a bootable flash 
>> drive. I am very undecided on weather to go for a clean install or just 
>> install it over Snow Leopard. Any advice from those of you who have taken 
>> both paths would be much appreciated.
>> My system is in good condition, so I am very tempted to take the easy way 
>> out and install over my existing tried and trusted Snow Leopard. If I do, is 
>> there anything I need to look out for?
>> Martin --
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2012-12-08 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hello Again.

I have redownloaded Fast Balance and can't get past the terms and conditions as 
the box will not check.  The same problem as before.  So I don't know how you 
can use the App. 

On 8 Dec 2012, at 04:14 PM, wayne coles  wrote:

> This message cannot be displayed because of the way it is formatted. Ask the 
> sender to send it again using a different format or email program. text/plain

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Re: How to change the tags in multiple aac files.

2012-12-08 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there!
OK hopefully if in iTunes under pref's in general you can uncheck the organise 
library so that should not muck up your system and you can then use iTunes to 
do that tagging!

hth Colin

On 8 Dec 2012, at 16:05, Annie Skive Nielsen  wrote:

> Hi.
> I have got a real problem.
> I need to edit a lot of m4a files, I simply need to add the composer to all 
> the files, but I am not glad to get them into iTunes, it will destroy my 
> album sorting.
> Can anyone recommend a program, so I can do that without creating a mess.
> Best regards Annie.
> -- 
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Re: Itunes 11 and sorting (NOT)

2012-12-08 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Okay, this doesn't solve your id tag problem but it will make your songs play 
in the right order.

1. Make a playlist from the folders on your hard drive or wherever they are 
that are in the right order. You can make one big play list or a bunch of small 
ones. I've done this by opening the folders in vlc and then saving the 
playlist(s) as m3u (it's in the vlc file menu).

(2) In iTunes preferences in the advanced tab, uncheck the box for iTunes to 
copy files to iTunes Media when it adds them to the library. Actually, you can 
let it copy them if you want but if you are keeping them elsewhere in the right 
order, don't bother.

(3) import your playlist(s) into iTunes. The files will be added to the iTunes 
library but your files won't be copied and iTunes never messes with the 
organization of files elsewhere than the path to your media folder. .

Now, if you try to view and play your files from the songs view, they will be 
out of order. But as long as you play them from playlist view using the table 
for your playlist, the songs should be played in the right order because they 
follow the playlist you imported and not iTunes' reading of the tags.

If you are planning to fix the info for the songs this might only be a stopgap 
but if you want to play your music in iTunes in the right order, it should do 
the trick.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Dec 6, 2012, at 8:54 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:

> I mean that in the folder I imported them from on my hard drive, they were 
> labeled "01 - This is the FIRST song," and "02 - THis is now the SECOND 
> song," and Itunes decided that 06 should come first, followed by 05 (3, sir, 
> 3!) and didn't keep the numbers.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: How to change the tags in multiple aac files.

2012-12-08 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Actually, it may not be that big a mess in iTunes but it depends on what is in 
the other fields. If you go ahead and import them into the iTunes library and 
then select all of them and do a cmd-i on them, you can change the composer on 
all of them at once if the composer is the same for all of them. Once you do 
that, iTunes will reorganize them appropriately. But if you are going to have 
trouble finding and selecting them all at once, you may be right about it being 
a mess.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Dec 8, 2012, at 10:36 AM, "Red.Falcon"  

> Hi there!
> OK hopefully if in iTunes under pref's in general you can uncheck the 
> organise library so that should not muck up your system and you can then use 
> iTunes to do that tagging!
> hth Colin
> On 8 Dec 2012, at 16:05, Annie Skive Nielsen  
> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have got a real problem.
>> I need to edit a lot of m4a files, I simply need to add the composer to all 
>> the files, but I am not glad to get them into iTunes, it will destroy my 
>> album sorting.
>> Can anyone recommend a program, so I can do that without creating a mess.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> -- 
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Re: Mac and IOS Tutorials

2012-12-08 Thread Mike M
I have done that in the past but since I have a podcast that covers much more 
than just IOS and Mac I wanted to start these lists on my own website.
These are tutorials that people won't have to search a database for, at 
least until I gets huge, which is a while away.
I also plan to start a PC section as well and that isn't exactly on the 
Applevis radar.
Thanks much!

On Dec 7, 2012, at 10:59 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Have you considered submitting your material to They offer very 
> similar services (podcasts and app reviews of os10 and iOS materials).
> On Dec 7, 2012, at 11:54 PM, Mike M  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>>  I am cross posting this to both Mac and iPhone lists.
>>  I have just launched a new section on my website which consists of 
>> short to the point guides and tutorials on Mac and IOS.
>>  There are almost 20 recordings you can listen to right on the website 
>> and as of now, since it's so new, focus on mainly beginner topics. These 
>> recordings are separate from the podcast, which has a new RSS feed and 
>> therefore new iTunes listing. So if you have subscribed to it in the past, 
>> sorry but you have to do it again. Just search How to be Blind in iTunes or 
>> Downcast and you will find it. 
>>  I will constantly be adding to the tutorial pages with more advanced 
>> topics once the beginner ones are knocked out.
>>  App reviews will start as well if your into that.
>>  I am trying to build a good resource for the blind and visually 
>> impaired so if you have feedback please share it with me off list.
>>  To visit my tutorial page you can click this link
>> To visit the How to be Blind homepage just go to
>> Thanks everyone!
>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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clean install or upgrade

2012-12-08 Thread Martin Brown
Thanks to all those who have taken the time to answer my question. All good
advice and much appreciated.

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iTunes 11 and reading titles

2012-12-08 Thread Jürgen Fleger

someone asked for a way to let VO read playing tracks automatically. It works 
without Notification window. Just open the Mini Player by pressing CMD + Option 
+ 3 and leave it open. Now VO reads each track it plays.

All the best

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windows 64 bit and bootcamp.

2012-12-08 Thread Vic
Instructions don't seem to work for me. What computer are you installing this 

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2012-12-08 Thread wayne coles
I have had fast balance about a year but it could be longer but I
never have had any trouble setting up fast balance even when they sen the
security pin it just works but if you need more help email me off list and I
will do what I can do to helpd

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: New HSBC APP

Has gthe Fast Balance been updated?  I when downloading it sometime ago, I
could not get past the setting up screen.  I have no notification from the
App Store for an update.

On 8 Dec 2012, at 04:14 PM, wayne coles  wrote:

>Hello the fast balance app for the iphone is very accessable and I 
> used it this morning so and I am here in the uk so I don't know what 
> is going on with your phone
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
> Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 11:02 AM
> To:; macvisionaries
> Subject: New HSBC APP
> Dear Listers.
> I am cross posting to both of the lists just in case any of you are 
> using the following app on your I phone or I pad.
> This app for the time being is being trialed in the US.
> I will give you the background of the following app as I was told 
> today by an HSBC representitive.
> Those of you in the UK know that at present there has been a campaign 
> for Talking Cash machines which are available in some branches of 
> other banks and as far as I know is available in the USA.
> So, however, I happened to be talking to a representitive of HSBC Bank 
> where I bank.  He told me that at the moment, rather than 
> concentrating on making these cash machines accessible for it's 
> disabled visually impaired customers, they are trialing anew app 
> designed for the I phone and I pad and it's being trialed in the US due to
their customer base being low.
> So am wondering if any one is trialing this app especially for Voice 
> Over in the US?  I am asking this because their last application 
> called Fast Balance was not accessible with Voice Over and I hope 
> their new application will not suffer the same fate.
> I would appreciate any information from anyone to tell me that this 
> app is being trialed and proving successful.
> Thank you in advance.
> Kawal.
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RE: Moving songs around inside playlist

2012-12-08 Thread Marcia Yale
You'll need to make sure your punctuation is on to understand my note. Try
using drag and drop-that works! Find the song you want to move and then hit
VO-, to drag, and then move to where you want the song-I picked the song
that I wanted before the new one, and press shift-VO-. To drop it.

[] On Behalf Of Kevin Shaw
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: Moving songs around inside playlist


Will cut and paste not work? I've been able to do this in iTunes.



On 2012-12-07, at 8:51 PM, Traci  wrote:

Hi all,


I've been playing with my playlist and getting the song order just how I
want it.  To do this, I usually use the mouse down keys, then vi-up_arrow or
vo-down_arrow.  Well, this is successful about 3 or 4 times, then it doesn't
work.  Any ideas why?


I can still mouse down and up, but the song doesn't actually move.


Thanks for the help,


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Re: Toast titanium

2012-12-08 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Is it accessible? I want to transfer shows from my tiro.
On Dec 7, 2012, at 10:09 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> What're you looking for exactly?  Sorry, I'm a bit behind on my e-mail to the 
> list.
> Are you trying to find Roxio Toast Titanium?  If so, you're not gonna find 
> that in the app store.  You'd have to go to and probably find it 
> there.  I actually bought my copy a while back at Best Buy.
> I can look for you and see if I can find the digital download, as I know that 
> they have one up there.  I just need to look and see more specifically where.
> Thank you kindly,
> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> - Original Message - From: "BlindBikeTrials" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 7:27 PM
> Subject: Re: Toast titanium
> I search in the app store for the application called burn. I can't seem to 
> find the exact one you were talking about. Is it actually in the App Store or 
> do I need to find it on a website? Is it possible to send me a link or a 
> specific name for this program? I seen some called ISO  burn, I am not sure 
> if that's the right one or not. All the ones I seem to find are a round five 
> dollars.
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Re: windows 64 bit and bootcamp.

2012-12-08 Thread chris bruinenberg
I'm using a macbook pro 2012. If your not running lion you don't have a restore 
partion that i know of.
sorry if i may have missed a topic.

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Re: iTunes 11 and reading titles

2012-12-08 Thread chris bruinenberg
wow, thank you.
That's cool i will try this.

On Dec 8, 2012, at 9:18 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hi,
> someone asked for a way to let VO read playing tracks automatically. It works 
> without Notification window. Just open the Mini Player by pressing CMD + 
> Option + 3 and leave it open. Now VO reads each track it plays.
> All the best
> Jürgen
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Rearranging column headers in iTunes

2012-12-08 Thread Phil Halton
Is there a way to rearrange the columns you see in, say, the table of songs 
or movies in iTunes? Using the View Options command J dialog, you can select 
what information is displayed, but I want to be able to also rearrange the 
order in which these columns of info are displayed.

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point of scrolling command.

2012-12-08 Thread chris bruinenberg
Hi all.
What is the point of the vo shift s start and stop scrolling command?

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iTunes Library location?

2012-12-08 Thread Kliphton
Okay.  I have over 3TB of media.  Of course I don't have that much space on
my mac.  But how do I tell iTunes to point to this location so it will play
this media from my apple TV and when I want to add stuff to my iPhone, iPad,
or iPod?  I looked at the iTunes folder, and I see that it has a media
folder.  Do I move this folder to the drive destination, and then put the
media in here separated by music and videos?  Thanks in advance!


Kliphton Senior


(Twitter&Skype) kliphton72

(Personal blog-read at your own risk!)

(Life Journal)

(face book)



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Re: iTunes Library location?

2012-12-08 Thread cait furness
I think you have to tell i tunes to point to the location of where your media 
is.  I haven't done this for a long time, but I think in preferences someplace 
you can browse to the folder location and tell i tunes to use that.  Also, make 
sure to have iTunes not copy items to the media folder when it plays things if 
you don't want that.

Hope this helped in some way, if not, I can go digging in the prefs to tell you 
exactly where to go.

On 2012-12-08, at 5:37 PM, "Kliphton"  wrote:

> Okay.  I have over 3TB of media.  Of course I don’t have that much space on 
> my mac.  But how do I tell iTunes to point to this location so it will play 
> this media from my apple TV and when I want to add stuff to my iPhone, iPad, 
> or iPod?  I looked at the iTunes folder, and I see that it has a media 
> folder.  Do I move this folder to the drive destination, and then put the 
> media in here separated by music and videos?  Thanks in advance!
> Kliphton Senior
> (Email&iMessage)
> (Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
> (Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
> (Life Journal)
> (face book)
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Re: Moving songs around inside playlist

2012-12-08 Thread Traci
Thanks all, none of them seem to work except the one I described with the mouse 
down and up keys.  I just tried both copying and pasting and the vo drag and 

The mouse down and up keys aren't consistent though.  I wonder if it is a 
visual thing I'm missing.  I'm glad it works when it does.  :)

Come climb with me (in spirit) and please support The Leukemia & Lymphoma 
Society with a donation. Our efforts  will help make a big difference in the 
fight against blood cancers. Learn more & donate here. Thank you.

On Dec 8, 2012, at 11:50 AM, "Marcia Yale"  wrote:

> You’ll need to make sure your punctuation is on to understand my note. Try 
> using drag and drop—that works! Find the song you want to move and then hit 
> VO-, to drag, and then move to where you want the song—I picked the song that 
> I wanted before the new one, and press shift-VO-. To drop it.
> From: 
> []On Behalf Of Kevin Shaw
> Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 9:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Moving songs around inside playlist
> Will cut and paste not work? I've been able to do this in iTunes.
> Kevin
> On 2012-12-07, at 8:51 PM, Traci  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been playing with my playlist and getting the song order just how I want 
> it.  To do this, I usually use the mouse down keys, then vi-up_arrow or 
> vo-down_arrow.  Well, this is successful about 3 or 4 times, then it doesn't 
> work.  Any ideas why?
> I can still mouse down and up, but the song doesn't actually move.
> Thanks for the help,
> Traci
> Come climb with me (in spirit) and please support The Leukemia & Lymphoma 
> Society with a donation. Our efforts  will help make a big difference in the 
> fight against blood cancers. Learn more & donate here. Thank you.
> -- 
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Re: Rearranging column headers in iTunes

2012-12-08 Thread Traci

I believe this is where you use the vi-shift-back slash keys.  That'll bring 
you into the headers, then use your VO drag and drop keys to move them around.

This has worked nicely for me before, though, I have to admit I haven't done it 
in iTunes 11 yet.

Come climb with me (in spirit) and please support The Leukemia & Lymphoma 
Society with a donation. Our efforts  will help make a big difference in the 
fight against blood cancers. Learn more & donate here. Thank you.

On Dec 8, 2012, at 12:36 PM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

> Is there a way to rearrange the columns you see in, say, the table of songs 
> or movies in iTunes? Using the View Options command J dialog, you can select 
> what information is displayed, but I want to be able to also rearrange the 
> order in which these columns of info are displayed.
> -- 
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Re: How to change the tags in multiple aac files.

2012-12-08 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I need to apply the changes to the tracks, if i unchek the organize buttons, I 
will not get the changes added to my taginfo in my tracks.

Best regards Annie. 
Den Dec 8, 2012 kl. 5:36 PM skrev Red.Falcon :

> Hi there!
> OK hopefully if in iTunes under pref's in general you can uncheck the 
> organise library so that should not muck up your system and you can then use 
> iTunes to do that tagging!
> hth Colin
> On 8 Dec 2012, at 16:05, Annie Skive Nielsen  
> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have got a real problem.
>> I need to edit a lot of m4a files, I simply need to add the composer to all 
>> the files, but I am not glad to get them into iTunes, it will destroy my 
>> album sorting.
>> Can anyone recommend a program, so I can do that without creating a mess.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> -- 
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Re: Moving songs around inside playlist

2012-12-08 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Traci,
Try routing the mouse cursor to the voiceover cursor before you drag.
This weird behavior happens to me sometimes in Pro Tools also.
I have the num pad set up for "one button" mouse down and mouse up which 
streamlines the process for me.
Your mileage May Vary! ;);

Isaiah 26 : 3
 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he 
trusteth in thee.

In GOD I Trust

On Dec 8, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Traci wrote:

> Thanks all, none of them seem to work except the one I described with the 
> mouse down and up keys.  I just tried both copying and pasting and the vo 
> drag and drop.
> The mouse down and up keys aren't consistent though.  I wonder if it is a 
> visual thing I'm missing.  I'm glad it works when it does.  :)
> Traci
> Come climb with me (in spirit) and please support The Leukemia & Lymphoma 
> Society with a donation. Our efforts  will help make a big difference in the 
> fight against blood cancers. Learn more & donate here. Thank you.
> On Dec 8, 2012, at 11:50 AM, "Marcia Yale"  wrote:
>> You’ll need to make sure your punctuation is on to understand my note. Try 
>> using drag and drop—that works! Find the song you want to move and then hit 
>> VO-, to drag, and then move to where you want the song—I picked the song 
>> that I wanted before the new one, and press shift-VO-. To drop it.
>> From: 
>> []On Behalf Of Kevin Shaw
>> Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 9:33 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Moving songs around inside playlist
>> Will cut and paste not work? I've been able to do this in iTunes.
>> Kevin
>> On 2012-12-07, at 8:51 PM, Traci  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been playing with my playlist and getting the song order just how I 
>> want it.  To do this, I usually use the mouse down keys, then vi-up_arrow or 
>> vo-down_arrow.  Well, this is successful about 3 or 4 times, then it doesn't 
>> work.  Any ideas why?
>> I can still mouse down and up, but the song doesn't actually move.
>> Thanks for the help,
>> Traci
>> Come climb with me (in spirit) and please support The Leukemia & Lymphoma 
>> Society with a donation. Our efforts  will help make a big difference in the 
>> fight against blood cancers. Learn more & donate here. Thank you.
>> -- 
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Re: Rearranging column headers in iTunes

2012-12-08 Thread Phil Halton
like a charm

  - Original Message - 
  From: Traci 
  Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 7:11 PM
  Subject: Re: Rearranging column headers in iTunes


  I believe this is where you use the vi-shift-back slash keys.  That'll bring 
you into the headers, then use your VO drag and drop keys to move them around.

  This has worked nicely for me before, though, I have to admit I haven't done 
it in iTunes 11 yet.


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  On Dec 8, 2012, at 12:36 PM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

Is there a way to rearrange the columns you see in, say, the table of songs 
or movies in iTunes? Using the View Options command J dialog, you can 
what information is displayed, but I want to be able to also rearrange the 
order in which these columns of info are displayed.

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Re: point of scrolling command.

2012-12-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
If you get to a scroll bar and interact with it, then press this keystroke, you 
can scroll using the arrow keys.


Visualize whirled peas.

On Dec 8, 2012, at 2:28 PM, chris bruinenberg  wrote:

> Hi all.
> What is the point of the vo shift s start and stop scrolling command?
> Thanks.
> Chris
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Re: iTunes Library location?

2012-12-08 Thread Tim Kilburn

There's two ways of approaching this.

First is to leave the media where it is and let iTunes simply mark where 
everything is in its Library Database file.  In theory, this could be 
accomplished by first going to iTunes Prefs in the Advanced pane and unchecking 
the box that tells iTunes to Copy items to the iTunes Media folder.  Next, you 
would go under the File menu and choose "Add to Library" (cmd-o), navigate to 
the external HD where all your media is, then pressing the Open button on the 
parent directory of all the media on that drive.  The only issue with this 
method is that I seem to recall that iTunes does not always pay attention to 
that preference when your importing from external HDs.  If it works as this 
plan suggests though, you'd have everything accessible to iTunes and all your 
devices with only the Database file residing on the Mac's internal HD.

In the second option, you'll need to create either a new iTunes Library on that 
external HD or move your existing iTunes folder over to that external HD.  In 
this case, when you add the media to iTunes, it will copy everything into the 
iTunes folder and place them all into the proper locations that iTunes needs in 
order to work properly and properly share with the Apple TV and other iDevices. 
 This is the method that I use myself.  The only problem could be that iTunes 
will try to copy all your media into the new iTunes media location.  If you 
have enough space on your external HD to handle multiple copies of the media 
during this Library creation process, then you'll be OK.  If you do not, you 
will need to be creative with where you put media prior to this process so that 
only one copy of the files are on your external HD.  I did this myself by 
making sure that the drive was first empty then created an iTunes Library 
folder onto it. I then spent time placing portions of my media on other drives, 
essentially dividing it up prior to iTunes building the Library.  Then when I 
added the media to iTunes, it copied items to the new iTunes Library location 
and placed everything where iTunes needed it to be.  I did have the advantage 
of having 10 TB of HD space to play with so moving things around was possible.

Hope that this sort of makes sense, it does to me but I'm the writer so that's 
expected.  Good luck.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-12-08, at 3:37 PM, Kliphton  wrote:

> Okay.  I have over 3TB of media.  Of course I don’t have that much space on 
> my mac.  But how do I tell iTunes to point to this location so it will play 
> this media from my apple TV and when I want to add stuff to my iPhone, iPad, 
> or iPod?  I looked at the iTunes folder, and I see that it has a media 
> folder.  Do I move this folder to the drive destination, and then put the 
> media in here separated by music and videos?  Thanks in advance!
> Kliphton Senior
> (Email&iMessage)
> (Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
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Re: point of scrolling command.

2012-12-08 Thread Alex Hall
But what does that do? As far as I know, vo will find all text, even if it may 
not appear visually on the screen. When would scrolling be necessary?
On Dec 8, 2012, at 8:09 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> If you get to a scroll bar and interact with it, then press this keystroke, 
> you can scroll using the arrow keys.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> Visualize whirled peas.
> On Dec 8, 2012, at 2:28 PM, chris bruinenberg  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> What is the point of the vo shift s start and stop scrolling command?
>> Thanks.
>> Chris
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: How to change the tags in multiple aac files.

2012-12-08 Thread Cheryl Homiak
That's right; you don't uncheck the box to keep your files organized. Either 
you have to find another editor to do this or you select groups of tracks and 
apply the composer change to all of them at once; you get a prompt from iTunes 
wanting to know if you really want to work on multiple tracks but it works fine 
and your files and albums are reorganized as you do this.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Dec 8, 2012, at 6:24 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen  

> Hi.
> I need to apply the changes to the tracks, if i unchek the organize buttons, 
> I will not get the changes added to my taginfo in my tracks.
> Best regards Annie. 
> Den Dec 8, 2012 kl. 5:36 PM skrev Red.Falcon 
> :
>> Hi there!
>> OK hopefully if in iTunes under pref's in general you can uncheck the 
>> organise library so that should not muck up your system and you can then use 
>> iTunes to do that tagging!
>> hth Colin
>> On 8 Dec 2012, at 16:05, Annie Skive Nielsen  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I have got a real problem.
>>> I need to edit a lot of m4a files, I simply need to add the composer to all 
>>> the files, but I am not glad to get them into iTunes, it will destroy my 
>>> album sorting.
>>> Can anyone recommend a program, so I can do that without creating a mess.
>>> Best regards Annie.
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Re: Not a rant, I promise! A very minor bug in the ITunes11 store

2012-12-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Aa!  Now that! is totally! wickedly bizarre!  I don't have the macbook 
booted right now, as It's in its carrying case after transporting it to 
another place tonight that I visited.  I'll try it here in just a bit, and 
report back.


Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message - 
From: "Jürgen Fleger" 

Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 5:31 AM
Subject: Re: Not a rant, I promise! A very minor bug in the ITunes11 store

If I understood correctly you are not able to click on  different links in 
your account in iTunes and see the reloaded page..
My experience is that I have to stop interacting and start interacting with 
the html area to see the changes. If I for example click on manage my abbos 
nothing seems to change on the page. But if I do as discribed I found a 
different content after interacting again. Just try it out.


Am 08.12.2012 um 05:36 schrieb Christopher-Mark Gilland 

I'm not gonna rant and rave like I have done before, I promise.  Just read 
what I have to say.  I'm gonna keep this real short and sweet.  I haven't 
written Apple Accessibility quite yet about this, however, if any more of 
you are experiencing this as well, let me know, as I'd be happy to write 
Accessibility on our behalfs although I'd encourage all you do the same, 
if you find this bug.

A lotta you may remember the bug that we had with the app store on an IPad 
with I O S.  Remember how after scrolling down the screen with Voiceover 
so far, it would quit scrolling?  Well, I think we're having a very 
similar issue now on the Mac in the ITunes store.  Let me be a little more 
specific. Again, I'm gonna keep this as brief as I possibly can, unlike I 
normally do, but at least let me explain.

OK, let's say that I go to the store menu up in the menu bar, then I go to 
view my account:

OK, so I put in my password for security reasons, and go to the ok button, 
or just hit return. Either/or.  Usually just hit return.  OK, now on the 
next page which loads, I find that I only can scroll so far down. 
Voiceover definitely! reads  the entire html content area, all the way to 
the tip notch bottom, but it seems like Voiceover is reading, but not 
correctly tracking, even though the actual focus is set to follow the 
Voiceover cursor.  And yes, I do have cursor tracking enable, so that's 
not really a problem.  A practical example is: on this page, if I go down 
to where it has the manage link to manage my subscriptions.  If I vo+space 
on that manage link, it wont' click.  I've also tried routing the mous, 
and hitting command+Vo+F5, then vo+shift+space.  About the only two things 
I've honestly not yet tried is command+Vo+F5 which really shouldn't be 
necessary anyhow seeing I have it set to have the mouse cursor follow the 
Voiceover cursor, but just to be on the safe side... yeah...  Then 
clicking my actual macbook's trackpad.  I've not tried that nor have I 
tried doing this with trackpad commander, flicking down there then double 
tapping the track pad. I almost wonder if I turned on TP commander, then 
once at a certain point, 3 finger flicked up, if that would scroll things. 
The question's just where the heck would I navigate to, before doing that? 
I'm not even totally convinced that would work.  It might though.

This basically also makes it imposible for me to click on the see all 
link, to be able to look at my purchase history.  I dono if the other 
store pages are also this way, but I'd suspect they probably would be. 
It's almost like voiceover's tracking, and scrolling but the page itself 
visually isn't, thus causing me to not correctly be able to click things. 
Even though vo+F3, and vo+F5 tell me the correct things under the cursors, 
and even though they both always match each other being they're both 
tracking each other, I'm still not getting anywhere when I try activating 
the links.  The item chooser, or web rotor isn't really helping either.  I 
even tried just tabbing through then hitting return on the links, but that 
did some very undesirable things.  It seems to be activating links I 
didn't tell it to activate... usually the link right before the one I 
want.  Although that's inconsistent, as sometimes if I then say ok, add a 
link to it, and I go one link past! the one I need  with tab, then hit 
return, it sometimes then activates the wrong link as well.  It's so 
intermittant that I can't really tell you the exact behavior.  I just 
wonder if this is something you all also in Mountain Lion are experiencing 
with ITunes 11.  If so, let me know and I'll go ahead at that point and 
shoot off an e-mail to Accessibility. They fixed the IPad bug pretty 
quickly, so I have no reason to believe this also couldn't be taken care 
of fairly soon.  I almost wonder if Apple's even aware of it.

Take care.

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Re: iTunes 11 web area

2012-12-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland


Is it not something that maybe you just need to re-enable through the menu 
bar?  I find that really hard to believe they would a taken out that 
feature, though I don't doubt your  credibility.  Maybe they indeed did.  I 
never used it, as I found it too adictive.  Before you knew it, I blew my 
whole bank account.  I guess it's great if you can disciplin yourself enough 
to know when you say stop, darn it, you mean, frickin stop! then, it's 
great, but otherwise,... um... yeah...

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message - 
From: "Jürgen Fleger" 

Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 5:23 AM
Subject: Re: iTunes 11 web area

Hi Chris,

sorry for the incorrect naming but what I actually meant was the Genius 
Sidebar. In the mean time I found out that Apple removed this great feature 
from iTunes 11, again. They already removed it in iTunes 10.0 but had to 
bring it back because of protests of the users.
What Genius Sidebar actually does is so simple and great: If you click on a 
song in your library you can find next to the music table a web area in 
which you can find a variety of songs from other artists with the same 
characteristics. There you could by this songs. So it's very similar to 
Genius but not from your own library but from the store. I loved that 
feature and hope they'll implement it in a next version of iTunes again.

All the best

Am 08.12.2012 um 05:17 schrieb Christopher-Mark Gilland 

The html window is at the most bottom of the screen.  Go as far bottom 
right corner as you can go without interacting, and it should be there. 
If that doesn't land you on it, then maybe your view's set a little 
differently, but generally, if you vo+left arrow from there a few times, 
you should hit it. just be sure when you're looking for the area not to be 
interacting with anything.  I've had even a stranger issue with the itunes 
store, but I'll get to that in another e-mail.

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message - From: "Jürgen Fleger" 

To: "Visionaries Mac Visionaries" 
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 3:26 AM
Subject: iTunes 11 web area


in earlier versions of iTunes there was a web area next to my music. In 
this I could find and buy music that fitt to my own music in the library. 
I enjoyed this function very much and bought quite often music there. In 
iTunes 11 I can't find this window anymore and can't figure out how to 
bring it back again.

Does anyone know what happened to this window? Is it possible to show it 

Thanks and regards

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Re: Extreme iTunes Frustration: Since Before iTunes 11

2012-12-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I don't mean to be rude, but I'm incredibly confused what exactly you're 
trying to say is the problem.

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message - 
From: "Christine Grassman" 

To: ; 
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 10:29 AM
Subject: Extreme iTunes Frustration: Since Before iTunes 11

Hello all. I am really steamed with iTunes, like never before. Before 11 
came out, as I have done since the beginning of time with iTunes and the 
iPhone (from my perspective, that is) I manually managed my material, and 
checked and unchecked for syncing at will. It worked fine, once I got the 
hang of it.
Before 11 came out, I made some changes to my library, and synced. Nothing 
changed. I tried again. Nothing. After iTunes 11, I tried again, but no 
luck. I am at my wit's end. I have no idea how to remedy this. Not a single 
change is taking.
In addition, I downloaded two songs from the iTunes store to my phone 
yesterday afternoon, and when I attempt to play them, the next song in the 
alphabetical list of songs, or the next song by the same artist, depending 
on whether I have songs or artists checked, plays. They are listed, but they 
are not playing. I tried syncing -- same result.


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Re: Toast titanium

2012-12-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

I use version 11.  Is that not the latest?  I thought it was.

If you can't get V 11 to work, let me know, and I'll see about making an 
audio demonstration.

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message - 
From: "BlindBikeTrials" 

Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: Toast titanium

What version of toast are you using? From the versions that I've tried none 
of them have been accessible My original post stated that I used to use 
toast on my old Power Mac that was accessible but since I upgraded to an 
Intel MacBook Pro all the versions of toast for that are not accessible. Are 
you able to use toast fully? From what I have tried absolutely nothing is 
read by voiceover So if you have a version that is working please let me 
know which one it is. Also if you know of any other program that would work 
similarly to toast I'd appreciate that too.

This application called burn works pretty well for most things that I need. 
It however does not burn a DVD video TS folder to a DVD.Does anyone know of 
a program that is accessible that will take a TS folder and burn it to a 

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Re: Extreme iTunes Frustration: Since Before iTunes 11

2012-12-08 Thread Christine Grassman
I manage my songs manually, and have some items checked for syncing, and others 
unchecked. No matter what I do as of about a month ago, nothing changes hen I 
sync, even if I changed what is checked and unchecked.
On Dec 8, 2012, at 9:24 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  

> I don't mean to be rude, but I'm incredibly confused what exactly you're 
> trying to say is the problem.
> Thank you kindly,
> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> - Original Message - From: "Christine Grassman" 
> To: ; 
> Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 10:29 AM
> Subject: Extreme iTunes Frustration: Since Before iTunes 11
> Hello all. I am really steamed with iTunes, like never before. Before 11 came 
> out, as I have done since the beginning of time with iTunes and the iPhone 
> (from my perspective, that is) I manually managed my material, and checked 
> and unchecked for syncing at will. It worked fine, once I got the hang of it.
> Before 11 came out, I made some changes to my library, and synced. Nothing 
> changed. I tried again. Nothing. After iTunes 11, I tried again, but no luck. 
> I am at my wit's end. I have no idea how to remedy this. Not a single change 
> is taking.
> In addition, I downloaded two songs from the iTunes store to my phone 
> yesterday afternoon, and when I attempt to play them, the next song in the 
> alphabetical list of songs, or the next song by the same artist, depending on 
> whether I have songs or artists checked, plays. They are listed, but they are 
> not playing. I tried syncing -- same result.
> Christine
> -- 
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RE: iTunes Library location?

2012-12-08 Thread Kliphton
Wow, 10TB?  How many drives was that?  I want to go about this the second
way, I just want to make sure I put the media there properly.  So do I move
the library and then drop the media in there?  Or do I just delete the
directory, redirect the source, and let iTunes do the rest?  Thanks for your
informative answer.  My main point for doing this is so my iTunes library is
ready when my apple TV arrives.  This is the only device missing from my
Apple collection.


[] On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: iTunes Library location?




There's two ways of approaching this.


First is to leave the media where it is and let iTunes simply mark where
everything is in its Library Database file.  In theory, this could be
accomplished by first going to iTunes Prefs in the Advanced pane and
unchecking the box that tells iTunes to Copy items to the iTunes Media
folder.  Next, you would go under the File menu and choose "Add to Library"
(cmd-o), navigate to the external HD where all your media is, then pressing
the Open button on the parent directory of all the media on that drive.  The
only issue with this method is that I seem to recall that iTunes does not
always pay attention to that preference when your importing from external
HDs.  If it works as this plan suggests though, you'd have everything
accessible to iTunes and all your devices with only the Database file
residing on the Mac's internal HD.


In the second option, you'll need to create either a new iTunes Library on
that external HD or move your existing iTunes folder over to that external
HD.  In this case, when you add the media to iTunes, it will copy everything
into the iTunes folder and place them all into the proper locations that
iTunes needs in order to work properly and properly share with the Apple TV
and other iDevices.  This is the method that I use myself.  The only problem
could be that iTunes will try to copy all your media into the new iTunes
media location.  If you have enough space on your external HD to handle
multiple copies of the media during this Library creation process, then
you'll be OK.  If you do not, you will need to be creative with where you
put media prior to this process so that only one copy of the files are on
your external HD.  I did this myself by making sure that the drive was first
empty then created an iTunes Library folder onto it. I then spent time
placing portions of my media on other drives, essentially dividing it up
prior to iTunes building the Library.  Then when I added the media to
iTunes, it copied items to the new iTunes Library location and placed
everything where iTunes needed it to be.  I did have the advantage of having
10 TB of HD space to play with so moving things around was possible.


Hope that this sort of makes sense, it does to me but I'm the writer so
that's expected.  Good luck.




Tim Kilburn

Fort McMurray, AB Canada


On 2012-12-08, at 3:37 PM, Kliphton  wrote:

Okay.  I have over 3TB of media.  Of course I don't have that much space on
my mac.  But how do I tell iTunes to point to this location so it will play
this media from my apple TV and when I want to add stuff to my iPhone, iPad,
or iPod?  I looked at the iTunes folder, and I see that it has a media
folder.  Do I move this folder to the drive destination, and then put the
media in here separated by music and videos?  Thanks in advance!


Kliphton Senior


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Re: A question about messages?

2012-12-08 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hi Tim. I was trying to follow your instructions about setting up messages 
properly so that the Mac gets them as well as the iPhone and I didn't see where 
I could add my number. How exactly do I do this?

Sent from my white Mac Book

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RE: A question about messages?

2012-12-08 Thread Kliphton
You have to be in the accounts tab, and once you sign in with your iCloud
address, your number will show up..  I personally only like using my
iMessage address, so I can't a test to selecting both number and iCloud.
But I do know with my set up, that conversations start and finish on both my


Kliphton Senior


(Twitter&Skype) kliphton72

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[] On Behalf Of Shawn Krasniuk
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: A question about messages?


Hi Tim. I was trying to follow your instructions about setting up messages
properly so that the Mac gets them as well as the iPhone and I didn't see
where I could add my number. How exactly do I do this?



Sent from my white Mac Book


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Re: Toast titanium

2012-12-08 Thread BlindBikeTrials
I am not sure what version I am using my voiceover reads absolutely nothing on 
the screen. The whole entire program is completely not accessible. Which 
computer are you using? Are you using an Intel based Mac? Back in the day I was 
able to use my Power Mac but since I upgraded to an Intel MacBook Pro I have 
not been able to use the version that I have. I will have to look into this 
version 11 that you have and hopefully that will work. I don't think a podcast 
will do me any good seeing hell no matter what I do nothing will read on my 
version of toast.

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Re: iTunes Library location?

2012-12-08 Thread Cheryl Homiak
I'm pasting in instructions for moving your iTunes Media folder; as I recall, I 
got them from iLounge or Apple; I know that when I wanted to change from iTunes 
Music to iTunes Media a long time ago there was a detailed iLounge article that 
I read. . These instructions don't talk about moving the library files 
themselves; in fact, the library data files are left in their original place. 
But I used these instructions just a few months ago with somebody and they 
worked fine so maybe you will find them helpful. Just remember that if you have 
terabytes of media files, it could take iTunes a while to load and you could 
get some of those wonderful "busy" signals. This was written with itunes 9 
mostly in mind but I helped somebody use them with iTunes; haven't check to 
make sure instructions are still the same for iTunes 11.

Open iTunes.
>From the iTunes menu, choose Preferences.
Click the Advanced button in the Preferences window.
Click the Change button in the iTunes Media folder location pane.
In the Change Media Folder Location window that appears, navigate to the 
location where you would like your new iTunes Media folder to be created. Note: 
By default, your iTunes Media folder is a folder named "iTunes Media" in 
~/Music/iTunes/ where the tilde "~" represents your home directory.
Click the New Folder button in the Change Media Folder Location window.
In the New Folder window that appears, enter the name of the new iTunes Media 
Click Create.
Click Open in the Change Media Folder Location window.
Click OK in the Advanced window.
>From the File menu, choose Library and then Organize Library if using iTunes 
>9. If you're using iTunes 7 or iTunes 8 for Mac, choose File > Library and 
>then Consolidate Library.
In the Organize Library (or Consolidate Library) window, select Consolidate 
Click OK.
A message appears that says: "Consolidating your library will copy all of your 
music into the iTunes Media folder. This cannot be undone."
Click Consolidate. Important: This action copies all of your music and media 
files to the new location. There must be enough hard disk space available to 
copy all of your music and media files.
After the folder has been copied, locate your original iTunes Media folder, and 
drag it to the Trash or Recycle Bin. Note: Don't remove the iTunes library 
files that may be in the same location as the iTunes Media folder. 


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Dec 8, 2012, at 8:27 PM, Kliphton  wrote:

> Wow, 10TB?  How many drives was that?  I want to go about this the second 
> way, I just want to make sure I put the media there properly.  So do I move 
> the library and then drop the media in there?  Or do I just delete the 
> directory, redirect the source, and let iTunes do the rest?  Thanks for your 
> informative answer.  My main point for doing this is so my iTunes library is 
> ready when my apple TV arrives.  This is the only device missing from my 
> Apple collection.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf OfTim Kilburn
> Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 7:40 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: iTunes Library location?
> Hi,
> There's two ways of approaching this.
> First is to leave the media where it is and let iTunes simply mark where 
> everything is in its Library Database file.  In theory, this could be 
> accomplished by first going to iTunes Prefs in the Advanced pane and 
> unchecking the box that tells iTunes to Copy items to the iTunes Media 
> folder.  Next, you would go under the File menu and choose "Add to Library" 
> (cmd-o), navigate to the external HD where all your media is, then pressing 
> the Open button on the parent directory of all the media on that drive.  The 
> only issue with this method is that I seem to recall that iTunes does not 
> always pay attention to that preference when your importing from external 
> HDs.  If it works as this plan suggests though, you'd have everything 
> accessible to iTunes and all your devices with only the Database file 
> residing on the Mac's internal HD.
> In the second option, you'll need to create either a new iTunes Library on 
> that external HD or move your existing iTunes folder over to that external 
> HD.  In this case, when you add the media to iTunes, it will copy everything 
> into the iTunes folder and place them all into the proper locations that 
> iTunes needs in order to work properly and properly share with the Apple TV 
> and other iDevices.  This is the method that I use myself.  The only problem 
> could be that iTunes will try to copy all your media into the new iTunes 
> media location.  If you have enough space on your external HD to handle 
> multiple copies of the media during this Library creation process, then 
> you'll be OK.  If you do not, you will need 

Re: Toast titanium

2012-12-08 Thread Cheryl Homiak
You are using a version for intel macs, correct? And do menus, using vo-m, not 
work either?


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Dec 8, 2012, at 9:16 PM, BlindBikeTrials  wrote:

> Chris,
> I am not sure what version I am using my voiceover reads absolutely nothing 
> on the screen. The whole entire program is completely not accessible. Which 
> computer are you using? Are you using an Intel based Mac? Back in the day I 
> was able to use my Power Mac but since I upgraded to an Intel MacBook Pro I 
> have not been able to use the version that I have. I will have to look into 
> this version 11 that you have and hopefully that will work. I don't think a 
> podcast will do me any good seeing hell no matter what I do nothing will read 
> on my version of toast.
> -- 
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Re: Toast titanium

2012-12-08 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
OK, I won't do an audio recording then.  I was thinking it would be good for 
when you did get a version that worked, then you could follow it, but if you 
don't think it's necessary, then ok.  Yes, I do have a mid 2010 white 13 
inch macbook (not a pro, just the regular macbook) running Mountain Lion, 
Intel based, 2 gig ram.  When you are trying to use the program, what app 
exactly are you openning from your finder?  There are several that get 
installed with the package.  You need to be openning the one  that actually 
says: Toast Titanium.

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message - 
From: "BlindBikeTrials" 

Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: Toast titanium

I am not sure what version I am using my voiceover reads absolutely nothing 
on the screen. The whole entire program is completely not accessible. Which 
computer are you using? Are you using an Intel based Mac? Back in the day I 
was able to use my Power Mac but since I upgraded to an Intel MacBook Pro I 
have not been able to use the version that I have. I will have to look into 
this version 11 that you have and hopefully that will work. I don't think a 
podcast will do me any good seeing hell no matter what I do nothing will 
read on my version of toast.

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Re: Tax web sites

2012-12-08 Thread Dan Roy
TaxAct will take you through the entire process without you having to do 
anything with PDF files.  Even with the schedule C, it treats your return like 
an interview, if a schedule C is needed, it will generate it on it's own.  The 
only time you will have PDF files is when you actually save your return.  I 
usually download my return instead of printing it that way, I have an 
accessible copy that I can use later.  Besides, I can always generate a printed 
copy of the PDF if it becomes necessary.  You won't have to physically fill out 
any forms, TaxAct will generate them based on how you answer the interview 

yes, you can always go back and change anything you have entered previously, 
there are links to jump between each section of the return etc.  Just remember, 
the main return is in a frame and you will have to interact with that frame in 
order to see what's going on.  However, in this case, the frames actually do 
make cents.

I have ben using TaxAct now for several years both on windows and Mac with few 
or no problems.

On Dec 6, 2012, at 7:53 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi guys. 
> I know it's a bit early on this, but I have a Schedule C to file again this 
> year, which means it takes time etc. to do one. Here's my question for you 
> guys. Someone on this list said that they had used for their 
> taxes.I went to the web site, and it seemed to work fine with Safari. 
> However, I didn't try any of the forms that they listed. If you use this web 
> site, does anyone know if you get trapped in PDF form files or can you use 
> Safari for the whole thing? Also, can you input information, save it out, and 
> then finish the process later? If you can, can you edit information if you 
> fine you put it in wrong information? 
> I'm asking you guys because I don't want to start the process, only to fine 
> myself needing to deal with some inaccessible pdf file. It's frustrating as 
> all get out for my husband and I to work together on this. It's easier if I 
> can give him the finished thing to sign. 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Eugenia Firth
> -- 
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Re: Tax web sites

2012-12-08 Thread Dan Roy
Electronic filing works just fine. At the end of your return, it will run 
through some checks to make sure everything is ready for electronic filing, 
then,it will happen.  Just follow the insructions, you should do just fine.

TaxAct does, I believe have downloadable software which you can use offline, 
however, using the web site version is cheaper and fully accessible.  Now, 
hopefully, they won't throw something in to mess up the 2012 returns, but, I 
don't expect that will happen.

On Dec 6, 2012, at 11:40 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi there
> I have no idea. I thought tax act was a website and not a program of any 
> kind. You know, electronic filing. That's kind of what I was asking, about 
> the accessibility of this.
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 6, 2012, at 11:36 AM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
>> I used to use TaxAct and found it quite accessible.  Is there a version for 
>> the Mac?
>> Les
>> On Dec 6, 2012, at 10:27 AM, Paul Hunt  wrote:
>>> Hello Gigi. I have ben using Tax Act for several years. There are two ways 
>>> to prepare a tax return. One way is for people who want to get straight to 
>>> the forms. I didn’t find this approach accessible. However, Taxact also 
>>> takes you through a Question and Answer process. This process is accessible 
>>> and editable. Yes, you can start your return, sign out and continue later. 
>>> You can file electronically and don’t need to submit any paper documents at 
>>> all. Noone physically has to sign anything, it’s all done through 
>>> electronic PINS. You never touch the forms. However, you can print your 
>>> return and you get the completed forms on paper and in .pdf documents. I 
>>> haven’t tried the Schedule C yet but I don’t expect any issues. Depending 
>>> on the complexity of your return, you may have to get the paid version. 
>>> I’ll cross that bridge when I file my return.
>>> I’ll let you know how it goes.
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Eugenia Firth
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 7:54 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Tax web sites
>>> Hi guys. 
>>> I know it's a bit early on this, but I have a Schedule C to file again this 
>>> year, which means it takes time etc. to do one. Here's my question for you 
>>> guys. Someone on this list said that they had used for their 
>>> taxes.I went to the web site, and it seemed to work fine with Safari. 
>>> However, I didn't try any of the forms that they listed. If you use this 
>>> web site, does anyone know if you get trapped in PDF form files or can you 
>>> use Safari for the whole thing? Also, can you input information, save it 
>>> out, and then finish the process later? If you can, can you edit 
>>> information if you fine you put it in wrong information? 
>>> I'm asking you guys because I don't want to start the process, only to fine 
>>> myself needing to deal with some inaccessible pdf file. It's frustrating as 
>>> all get out for my husband and I to work together on this. It's easier if I 
>>> can give him the finished thing to sign. 
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> Eugenia Firth
>>> -- 
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Re: Mac and IOS Tutorials

2012-12-08 Thread Michael Babcock
That's an awesome idea, as a cohosts of the HTB to podcast, I feel that we 
really should have a window section as well. We should discuss that more Mike. 
Don't get me wrong, and everyone understand to the best of my knowledge in no 
way shape or form is Mike attempting to compete with Apple VIZ, However bring a 
new idea to the podcasting world. As a cohost I think that HTB need to could 
bring a wonderful unique outlook on blindness in general. Additionally, we are 
just attempting to help our listeners find information faster. Yes, if we 
review an article on Apple VIC, then we will link to them.

Check out the new, and improved,, Voicing the the randomness.
Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 8, 2012, at 10:16 AM, Mike M  wrote:

> I have done that in the past but since I have a podcast that covers much more 
> than just IOS and Mac I wanted to start these lists on my own website.
>These are tutorials that people won't have to search a database for, at 
> least until I gets huge, which is a while away.
>I also plan to start a PC section as well and that isn't exactly on the 
> Applevis radar.
>Thanks much!
> Mike
> On Dec 7, 2012, at 10:59 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Have you considered submitting your material to They offer 
>> very similar services (podcasts and app reviews of os10 and iOS materials).
>> On Dec 7, 2012, at 11:54 PM, Mike M  wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>>I am cross posting this to both Mac and iPhone lists.
>>>I have just launched a new section on my website which consists of short 
>>> to the point guides and tutorials on Mac and IOS.
>>>There are almost 20 recordings you can listen to right on the website 
>>> and as of now, since it's so new, focus on mainly beginner topics. These 
>>> recordings are separate from the podcast, which has a new RSS feed and 
>>> therefore new iTunes listing. So if you have subscribed to it in the past, 
>>> sorry but you have to do it again. Just search How to be Blind in iTunes or 
>>> Downcast and you will find it. 
>>>I will constantly be adding to the tutorial pages with more advanced 
>>> topics once the beginner ones are knocked out.
>>>App reviews will start as well if your into that.
>>>I am trying to build a good resource for the blind and visually impaired 
>>> so if you have feedback please share it with me off list.
>>>To visit my tutorial page you can click this link
>>> To visit the How to be Blind homepage just go to
>>> Thanks everyone!
>>> -- 
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: A question about messages?

2012-12-08 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hi Klyphton. I am signed into my account in Messages. I don't see where I can 
add my number, just only my Apple ID is displayed.

Sent from my white Mac Book

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Re: Toast titanium

2012-12-08 Thread BlindBikeTrials
So the version that I was using was 8.0. I did recently download 11.0. Neither 
of them are working. I am running a Intel-based MacBook Pro with Mountain lion. 
I do know that there are many applications that are downloaded with toast but I 
am definitely using the actual toast program. The only thing that voiceover 
reads for me is the three buttons on the top, the title of the application, and 
a vertical splitter bar, I cannot interact with anything and nothing reads at 
all besides that. I went through the menus and I can do some of the basics but 
I can't actually get in to any of the different functions of the program. I am 
really curious is to how yours is working fully. This is a basically completely 
not accessible in any way for me. I am not sure if you have some kind of 
different version then the newest which is 11? This seems really odd to me. If 
you guys can figure out any kind of reason to mine not working but yours 
actually working, I would really appreciate some feedback. Can you check to 
make sure you are actually using version 11?

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RE: A question about messages?

2012-12-08 Thread Kliphton
When you sign in to your iMessage account, your number should automatically
be added, since it is tied to your apple ID, go to the very end, and look
for a table, that's where you can find your number and iMessage address.


[] On Behalf Of Shawn Krasniuk
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2012 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: A question about messages?


Hi Klyphton. I am signed into my account in Messages. I don't see where I
can add my number, just only my Apple ID is displayed.



Sent from my white Mac Book


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Re: Tax web sites

2012-12-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Dan
Thanks for the information. I also downloadedi the app for the iPhone, and got 
myself registered owner. I had no trouble with the iPhone app at all, and I was 
really surprised that the App Store listed it only with two stars.  I think it 
needs to have more than that.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 8, 2012, at 10:26 PM, Dan Roy  wrote:

> Electronic filing works just fine. At the end of your return, it will run 
> through some checks to make sure everything is ready for electronic filing, 
> then,it will happen.  Just follow the insructions, you should do just fine.
> TaxAct does, I believe have downloadable software which you can use offline, 
> however, using the web site version is cheaper and fully accessible.  Now, 
> hopefully, they won't throw something in to mess up the 2012 returns, but, I 
> don't expect that will happen.
> On Dec 6, 2012, at 11:40 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi there
>> I have no idea. I thought tax act was a website and not a program of any 
>> kind. You know, electronic filing. That's kind of what I was asking, about 
>> the accessibility of this.
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 6, 2012, at 11:36 AM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
>>> I used to use TaxAct and found it quite accessible.  Is there a version for 
>>> the Mac?
>>> Les
>>> On Dec 6, 2012, at 10:27 AM, Paul Hunt  wrote:
 Hello Gigi. I have ben using Tax Act for several years. There are two ways 
 to prepare a tax return. One way is for people who want to get straight to 
 the forms. I didn’t find this approach accessible. However, Taxact also 
 takes you through a Question and Answer process. This process is 
 accessible and editable. Yes, you can start your return, sign out and 
 continue later. You can file electronically and don’t need to submit any 
 paper documents at all. Noone physically has to sign anything, it’s all 
 done through electronic PINS. You never touch the forms. However, you can 
 print your return and you get the completed forms on paper and in .pdf 
 documents. I haven’t tried the Schedule C yet but I don’t expect any 
 issues. Depending on the complexity of your return, you may have to get 
 the paid version. I’ll cross that bridge when I file my return.
 I’ll let you know how it goes.
 [] On Behalf Of Eugenia Firth
 Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 7:54 AM
 Subject: Tax web sites
 Hi guys. 
 I know it's a bit early on this, but I have a Schedule C to file again 
 this year, which means it takes time etc. to do one. Here's my question 
 for you guys. Someone on this list said that they had used for 
 their taxes.I went to the web site, and it seemed to work fine with 
 Safari. However, I didn't try any of the forms that they listed. If you 
 use this web site, does anyone know if you get trapped in PDF form files 
 or can you use Safari for the whole thing? Also, can you input 
 information, save it out, and then finish the process later? If you can, 
 can you edit information if you fine you put it in wrong information? 
 I'm asking you guys because I don't want to start the process, only to 
 fine myself needing to deal with some inaccessible pdf file. It's 
 frustrating as all get out for my husband and I to work together on this. 
 It's easier if I can give him the finished thing to sign. 
 Eugenia Firth
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