Re: problem in TextEdit

2012-10-13 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I wound up getting rid of Growl because it would throw off my focus every so 
often, especially if I was typing in Mail.

Seems to me the latest version of that app is not as good as prior versions.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Oct 13, 2012, at 12:43 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hi Eugenia,
> 1. I don't know what you mean by "Finer een". If it is is another window or 
> program you might have touched  the Trackpad with your thumps accidentally.
> 2. The only issue I know of making programs freesing is Growl. Do you use it? 
> Switch it off and see wether the issue still occurs.
> All the best
> Jürgen
> Am 12.10.2012 um 18:11 schrieb Eugenia Firth :
>> Hi guys 
>> I have been having a rather strange problem with TextEdit lately. I'll be 
>> typing along, and suddenly find myself in Finer een I don't think I did 
>> anything. This has happened several times. The other thing is that I have 
>> been having a problem with TextEdit freezing so that I can't move the cursor 
>> or type anything until I quit TextEdit and restart it again. I haven't had 
>> to force quit, but this is annoying. Sometimes this happens after I have 
>> pressed command tab to go to other apps. I once had this happen this Jaws 
>> long time ago, so I'm thinking it's a VoiceOver thing. Has anybody else had 
>> this happen? 
>> -- 
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problems sending e-mails.

2012-10-13 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi All.

I am having problems with my e-mails.  I am posting this to two lists just in 
case others are having this problem.

If I send e-mails from my I phone even though my present e-mail is selected, I 
get the message, has been rejected from the server 
as in the from field that e-mail address is selected even though I'm using and when I go into the settings I see is selected 
and I see that is the default address.  So I do not know why my other e-mail is 
still being used.  Any ideas?

This problem only started today but it was only a few days ago when I noticed 
that new e-mail.   I am using my Mac Book Pro to send this mail as I can't send 
using my I phone until this has been resolved.  I can get incoming mail with no 

Thank you.


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Fixed the problem

2012-10-13 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I fixed the problem my e-mail and am now sending again using my I phone.

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Re: problem in TextEdit

2012-10-13 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Ray and Júrgen 
I have been suspecting for a while that I might need to turn growl off, or 
better yet, uninstall it. It was doing better under Mountain Lion, except for 
this thing here. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 13, 2012, at 12:43 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hi Eugenia,
> 1. I don't know what you mean by "Finer een". If it is is another window or 
> program you might have touched  the Trackpad with your thumps accidentally.
> 2. The only issue I know of making programs freesing is Growl. Do you use it? 
> Switch it off and see wether the issue still occurs.
> All the best
> Jürgen
> Am 12.10.2012 um 18:11 schrieb Eugenia Firth :
>> Hi guys 
>> I have been having a rather strange problem with TextEdit lately. I'll be 
>> typing along, and suddenly find myself in Finer een I don't think I did 
>> anything. This has happened several times. The other thing is that I have 
>> been having a problem with TextEdit freezing so that I can't move the cursor 
>> or type anything until I quit TextEdit and restart it again. I haven't had 
>> to force quit, but this is annoying. Sometimes this happens after I have 
>> pressed command tab to go to other apps. I once had this happen this Jaws 
>> long time ago, so I'm thinking it's a VoiceOver thing. Has anybody else had 
>> this happen? 
>> -- 
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Re: Reading header rows in Numbers

2012-10-13 Thread Eugenia Firth
Yes, you can set the number of header rows and columns you want in Numbers. 
It's been a while since I did this. The default is one header row and one 
column row. If you go into the menu and press the right arrow key to table, and 
then go down arrow, you will find the options for doing this. There is a 
submenu for headers.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 12, 2012, at 9:16 PM, Agent086b  wrote:

> Thanks, so this means I can not set what row I wish to be column headers? 
> Well may have to delete the first 2 rows. This is a problem when I print the 
> document as each page will not say what the document is.
> Max.
> On 13/10/2012, at 11:03 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:
>> From what I have read in earlier posts dealing with Numbers, by default, VO 
>> reads the data in the first row and column as you navigate, as though they 
>> were row and column headers. In other words, the first row and column are 
>> assumed to contain row and column titles. Of course, I could be way off 
>> here. I'm sure someone else will chime in  with a more authoritative answer.
>> - Original Message - From: "Agent086b" 
>> To: "Mac List" 
>> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 6:17 PM
>> Subject: Reading header rows in Numbers
>>> Hello all, I have a spreadsheet I created in MS Excel that I am now using 
>>> in Numbers.
>>> Row one has the title of the spreadsheet, row two is blank and row three 
>>> has the names of each column. Can I get VO to read the column headers as I 
>>> move across the columns?
>>> Thanks for any help.
>>> Max.
>>> -- 
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Re: Fixed the problem

2012-10-13 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Care to tell us just how you did it; if, by some chance, others had or have the 
same issue?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Oct 13, 2012, at 6:37 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> I fixed the problem my e-mail and am now sending again using my I phone.
> -- 
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Re: iTunes expanding sources tree

2012-10-13 Thread Teresa Cochran
Try right-arrow or VO-backslash.


On Oct 12, 2012, at 11:27 PM, KJSC radio  wrote:

> HI all. I am trying to figure out how to expand or collapse the iTunes  
> sources tree. I'm trying to expand when I get to my iPhone sources, it's 
> collapsed. how can  I expand this source with VO? thanks.
> -- 
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Re: siriusxm

2012-10-13 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hi Pam. They've stopped letting people subscribe to only the Internet service 
as of October 1.

Sent from my white Mac Book

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Re: Bookshare books and Olearia

2012-10-13 Thread Maria Chapman
Hi. this is interesting 
I didn't think it was possible to read book share books in oleria.

does olearia use it's own voice to read? or does it use the system voice?

I guess saving your place is the same when reading book share books with safari?

God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

On 13/10/2012, at 12:56 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I was able to open a book successfully. Granted, it does a poor job of saving 
> my place, navigation is buggy, and the speech rate won't move past a 
> frustratingly slow setting, but it does work. What happens when you open the 
> book? How are you trying to go about this? I had to manually unzip the book, 
> then point Olearia to the folder and select one of the two files it shows.
> On Oct 12, 2012, at 9:08 PM, Becky Knaub  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I downloaded Olearia and tried playing both versions of bookshare daisy 
>> books but it wouldn't play them. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas. I 
>> used to read them when they were in XML format but now even that won't work. 
>> If anyone has any ideas I would be very appreciative. Thank you
>> Becky and Ceil
>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Email address in iMessage

2012-10-13 Thread Jeff Berwick
Hi all,

I added a new email address in the account tab of iMessage preferences.  I 
think it may consider this the default account now, which is not what I want.  
Is there a way to reorder or delete this?  If there is, I can't figure it out.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


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Re: Email address in iMessage

2012-10-13 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I have a similar problem though it's on the phone.  I am going to copy this to 
the I phone list just in case any one can help there too.

What it is, I want to not associate an e-mail address with I message but when I 
do that, any messages I wish to send to an I message user, they will send at 
normal Text MS message even though I message is on.  This did not happen in 
IOS5, and it didn't matter if you had an e-mail or not.  So why is this 
happening.  Have others done this?  If I want I message, I have to associate an 
e-mail address to do so.

Hope some one can help.

On 13 Oct 2012, at 14:53, Jeff Berwick  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I added a new email address in the account tab of iMessage preferences.  I 
> think it may consider this the default account now, which is not what I want. 
>  Is there a way to reorder or delete this?  If there is, I can't figure it 
> out.
> Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
> Tia,
> Jeff
> -- 
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Re: Bookshare books and Olearia

2012-10-13 Thread Alex Hall
It defaults to the system voice, but you can choose another in preferences. The 
new voice, however, seems to need a new book before it will take effect and may 
not switch at all. It seems to save your place exactly until you restart or 
close the app; once you do this, you are taken to the top of the section you 
were on.
On Oct 13, 2012, at 9:40 AM, Maria Chapman  wrote:

> Hi. this is interesting 
> I didn't think it was possible to read book share books in oleria.
> does olearia use it's own voice to read? or does it use the system voice?
> I guess saving your place is the same when reading book share books with 
> safari?
> God Bless! Maria from australia
>  Newbie mac user.
> will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
> skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 
> On 13/10/2012, at 12:56 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I was able to open a book successfully. Granted, it does a poor job of 
>> saving my place, navigation is buggy, and the speech rate won't move past a 
>> frustratingly slow setting, but it does work. What happens when you open the 
>> book? How are you trying to go about this? I had to manually unzip the book, 
>> then point Olearia to the folder and select one of the two files it shows.
>> On Oct 12, 2012, at 9:08 PM, Becky Knaub  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I downloaded Olearia and tried playing both versions of bookshare daisy 
>>> books but it wouldn't play them. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas. I 
>>> used to read them when they were in XML format but now even that won't 
>>> work. If anyone has any ideas I would be very appreciative. Thank you
>>> Becky and Ceil
>>> -- 
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Fixed the problem

2012-10-13 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

Here are the steps all performed on the I phone.

1.  Go into settings.

2. Go to Icloud.

3. Go to your e-mail account and make sure all the information is the same as 
the information if you go to your mail account as there is also a separate one 
for mail and make sure your default e-mail account is on rather than your I 
cloud being the default as this was what caused my problem.

On 13 Oct 2012, at 14:09, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Care to tell us just how you did it; if, by some chance, others had or have 
> the same issue?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Oct 13, 2012, at 6:37 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> I fixed the problem my e-mail and am now sending again using my I phone.
>> -- 
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Rogue Amoeba | Pulsar is no longer being developed

2012-10-13 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hello everyone.
This message is slightly off topic, but I know that some of you probably use 
Pulsar for listening to you're satellite radio.

As it states in the message below, Sirius / XM is no longer allowing 3rd party 
access to they're servers for online listening.

I have checked, and here in Canada, the online listening experience is not 
accessible from what I can see.

I just thought I'd bring this to your attention.
My apologies if this has been discussed before.

Matthew Campbell.

Recent Moves by SiriusXM Have Forced Us to Retire Pulsar

Effective October 1st, 2012, Pulsar is no longer available for purchase. While 
it is still available for download for existing users, we have no further 
planned updates for it.

Why This Has Happened

Changes SiriusXM has made throughout the past year represent deliberate moves 
to lock out others. Pulsar has always existed at the mercy of SiriusXM, and 
their recent actions make it clear that they wish to lock out all third-party 
players. We enjoyed both making and using Pulsar, and we'll be very 
disappointed to see it go. It is clear, however, that SiriusXM wants you to do 
all your listening through their web-based players.

Current Status

Sirius Canada and XM Canada Users 
SiriusXM subscribers in Canada are no longer able access their audio via 
Pulsar. SiriusXM Canada has moved exclusively to a new audio player, breaking 
Pulsar. We no longer have any way to access SiriusXM audio in Canada.

American SiriusXM Users 
SiriusXM subscribers in the United States can still access audio with Pulsar. 
Pulsar connects to an older player on SiriusXM's website, which is still 
functional at this time. Sadly, it is likely SiriusXM will remove this old 
player and break Pulsar's access at some point in the near future.

Next Step

Use SiriusXM's web-based player

At this time, the only truly reliably way to listen to SiriusXM is via their 
web players. It's clear that this is how SiriusXM wishes for listeners to hear 
their content.

SiriusXM US Player SiriusXM Canada Player

Downloading Pulsar

For the time being, we are still providing a download link for the last version 
of Pulsar. This version can be used by already-licensed users in the US.

Get Pulsar 2.3.4 from on our Legacy page.

It is likely Pulsar will cease functioning soon. Please note, this version is 
not supported.

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Re: Bookshare books and Olearia

2012-10-13 Thread Becky Knaub
I get the following message.
There was a problem loading an audio file.
 Please check the book format for problems.
Olearia will now reset as this book will not play 
I am not sure how you unzip the books. I tried to open them in Olearia 2 
different ways. the first was to open them once I was in Olearia and the second 
was to go to the folder where I have the books and open them that way.

Becky and Ceil
On Oct 12, 2012, at 9:56 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I was able to open a book successfully. Granted, it does a poor job of saving 
> my place, navigation is buggy, and the speech rate won't move past a 
> frustratingly slow setting, but it does work. What happens when you open the 
> book? How are you trying to go about this? I had to manually unzip the book, 
> then point Olearia to the folder and select one of the two files it shows.
> On Oct 12, 2012, at 9:08 PM, Becky Knaub  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I downloaded Olearia and tried playing both versions of bookshare daisy 
>> books but it wouldn't play them. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas. I 
>> used to read them when they were in XML format but now even that won't work. 
>> If anyone has any ideas I would be very appreciative. Thank you
>> Becky and Ceil
>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: Bookshare books and Olearia

2012-10-13 Thread Alex Hall
You download the daisy format, which comes as a zip or bks2 file. Open that and 
the mac will unzip it automatically. Now open Olearia, hit cmd-o, and go to the 
folder into which the mac unzipped the daisy files. Select either of the two 
the app presents and you should be all set. I don't think it supports audio 
playback, so downloading the audio version of the book will likely not work.
On Oct 13, 2012, at 1:27 PM, Becky Knaub  wrote:

> Alex,
> I get the following message.
> There was a problem loading an audio file.
> Please check the book format for problems.
> Olearia will now reset as this book will not play 
> I am not sure how you unzip the books. I tried to open them in Olearia 2 
> different ways. the first was to open them once I was in Olearia and the 
> second was to go to the folder where I have the books and open them that way.
> Thanks.
> Becky and Ceil
> On Oct 12, 2012, at 9:56 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I was able to open a book successfully. Granted, it does a poor job of 
>> saving my place, navigation is buggy, and the speech rate won't move past a 
>> frustratingly slow setting, but it does work. What happens when you open the 
>> book? How are you trying to go about this? I had to manually unzip the book, 
>> then point Olearia to the folder and select one of the two files it shows.
>> On Oct 12, 2012, at 9:08 PM, Becky Knaub  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I downloaded Olearia and tried playing both versions of bookshare daisy 
>>> books but it wouldn't play them. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas. I 
>>> used to read them when they were in XML format but now even that won't 
>>> work. If anyone has any ideas I would be very appreciative. Thank you
>>> Becky and Ceil
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Making an iPhone Ringtone

2012-10-13 Thread Scott Rumery

Is there anyone out there that knows how to make an iPhone ringtone using 
Fission?  I know that I can make a ringtone simply by using iTunes, and I do 
know how to do this, but I am wanting to learn how to do some basic audio 
editing with Fission.  I have been trying to do this for a couple of hours now, 
and I am getting a little frustrated with it.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Rogue Amoeba | Pulsar is no longer being developed

2012-10-13 Thread Mike Arrigo
That's a shame since the web player is totally inaccessible. Pulsar still works 
but when it no longer does, I will probably discontinue my on line access
On Oct 13, 2012, at 12:07 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> This message is slightly off topic, but I know that some of you probably use 
> Pulsar for listening to you're satellite radio.
> As it states in the message below, Sirius / XM is no longer allowing 3rd 
> party access to they're servers for online listening.
> I have checked, and here in Canada, the online listening experience is not 
> accessible from what I can see.
> I just thought I'd bring this to your attention.
> My apologies if this has been discussed before.
> Matthew Campbell.
> Recent Moves by SiriusXM Have Forced Us to Retire Pulsar
> Effective October 1st, 2012, Pulsar is no longer available for purchase. 
> While it is still available for download for existing users, we have no 
> further planned updates for it.
> Why This Has Happened
> Changes SiriusXM has made throughout the past year represent deliberate moves 
> to lock out others. Pulsar has always existed at the mercy of SiriusXM, and 
> their recent actions make it clear that they wish to lock out all third-party 
> players. We enjoyed both making and using Pulsar, and we'll be very 
> disappointed to see it go. It is clear, however, that SiriusXM wants you to 
> do all your listening through their web-based players.
> Current Status
> Sirius Canada and XM Canada Users 
> SiriusXM subscribers in Canada are no longer able access their audio via 
> Pulsar. SiriusXM Canada has moved exclusively to a new audio player, breaking 
> Pulsar. We no longer have any way to access SiriusXM audio in Canada.
> American SiriusXM Users 
> SiriusXM subscribers in the United States can still access audio with Pulsar. 
> Pulsar connects to an older player on SiriusXM's website, which is still 
> functional at this time. Sadly, it is likely SiriusXM will remove this old 
> player and break Pulsar's access at some point in the near future.
> Next Step
> Use SiriusXM's web-based player
> At this time, the only truly reliably way to listen to SiriusXM is via their 
> web players. It's clear that this is how SiriusXM wishes for listeners to 
> hear their content.
> SiriusXM US Player SiriusXM Canada Player
> Downloading Pulsar
> For the time being, we are still providing a download link for the last 
> version of Pulsar. This version can be used by already-licensed users in the 
> US.
> Get Pulsar 2.3.4 from on our Legacy page.
> It is likely Pulsar will cease functioning soon. Please note, this version is 
> not supported.
> -- 
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Re: Rogue Amoeba | Pulsar is no longer being developed

2012-10-13 Thread Matt Dierckens
Yes Mike, it will still work in the US but not here in Canada.
Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692
skype: blindman3221

On 2012-10-13, at 11:51 AM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> That's a shame since the web player is totally inaccessible. Pulsar still 
> works but when it no longer does, I will probably discontinue my on line 
> access
> On Oct 13, 2012, at 12:07 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello everyone.
>> This message is slightly off topic, but I know that some of you probably use 
>> Pulsar for listening to you're satellite radio.
>> As it states in the message below, Sirius / XM is no longer allowing 3rd 
>> party access to they're servers for online listening.
>> I have checked, and here in Canada, the online listening experience is not 
>> accessible from what I can see.
>> I just thought I'd bring this to your attention.
>> My apologies if this has been discussed before.
>> Matthew Campbell.
>> Recent Moves by SiriusXM Have Forced Us to Retire Pulsar
>> Effective October 1st, 2012, Pulsar is no longer available for purchase. 
>> While it is still available for download for existing users, we have no 
>> further planned updates for it.
>> Why This Has Happened
>> Changes SiriusXM has made throughout the past year represent deliberate 
>> moves to lock out others. Pulsar has always existed at the mercy of 
>> SiriusXM, and their recent actions make it clear that they wish to lock out 
>> all third-party players. We enjoyed both making and using Pulsar, and we'll 
>> be very disappointed to see it go. It is clear, however, that SiriusXM wants 
>> you to do all your listening through their web-based players.
>> Current Status
>> Sirius Canada and XM Canada Users 
>> SiriusXM subscribers in Canada are no longer able access their audio via 
>> Pulsar. SiriusXM Canada has moved exclusively to a new audio player, 
>> breaking Pulsar. We no longer have any way to access SiriusXM audio in 
>> Canada.
>> American SiriusXM Users 
>> SiriusXM subscribers in the United States can still access audio with 
>> Pulsar. Pulsar connects to an older player on SiriusXM's website, which is 
>> still functional at this time. Sadly, it is likely SiriusXM will remove this 
>> old player and break Pulsar's access at some point in the near future.
>> Next Step
>> Use SiriusXM's web-based player
>> At this time, the only truly reliably way to listen to SiriusXM is via their 
>> web players. It's clear that this is how SiriusXM wishes for listeners to 
>> hear their content.
>> SiriusXM US Player SiriusXM Canada Player
>> Downloading Pulsar
>> For the time being, we are still providing a download link for the last 
>> version of Pulsar. This version can be used by already-licensed users in the 
>> US.
>> Get Pulsar 2.3.4 from on our Legacy page.
>> It is likely Pulsar will cease functioning soon. Please note, this version 
>> is not supported.
>> -- 
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system preferences in dock

2012-10-13 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Is it possible to get system prefs in the dock? I notice that on some podcasts 
people seem to get to system prefs from there but it's not in mine and can't 
figure out how to get it in there.
Thanks for any help.


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Re: system preferences in dock

2012-10-13 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Lisette,

First, find System Preferences in the Apple menu. Once you have System Prefs 
open, go to the dock and find it there. Do a VO-shift-m to bring up the 
contextual menu and go into the options submenu. Choose "keep in dock."


On Oct 13, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Hi
> Is it possible to get system prefs in the dock? I notice that on some 
> podcasts people seem to get to system prefs from there but it's not in mine 
> and can't figure out how to get it in there.
> Thanks for any help.
> Lisette
> -- 
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does this message mean i can't run the app?

2012-10-13 Thread Philippa Woodcraft
hi. trying to run an open source app called Open Song. when i click on the app 
to open it it says something like "the folder item object is nil in xdoc from 
file macintosh HD applications settings". 
does this mean the app is not compatible with mountain lion or am i missing 
many thanks. 

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backing up before and after updating.

2012-10-13 Thread Gerard Doody
Hi all, I want to back up my mac before I ungrade to Mountain Lion.  After I do 
the backup, I want to ungrade my computer.  What will happen, again using time 
machine, if I backup again after the upgrade?  I know that Time Machine will 
automatically back up the changed or alter files. How does this relate to the 
operating system if I have a previous system in he original backup?  Will it 
save both or just the upgraded system? Thanks in advance for any help. 

Sent from my iPhone

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an Itunes question

2012-10-13 Thread Gerard Doody
Hi again.  I have a somewhat extensive itunes library composed of itunes and my 
whocd collection.  I want to know whether I can copy the library to a hard 
drive without destroying the original.  Can I export the library to a hard 
drive without damage to the originalLibrary?  I will have a time machine backup 
of the whole computer before I attempt anything.  But, I want simples copies of 
the music accessible from anothe source. Any Help would be appreciated. thanks 

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: system preferences in dock

2012-10-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

Another way is to go to your Applications folder, locate the System Preferences 
app then press cmd-shift-t to place that item on the Dock.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-10-13, at 12:42 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Lisette,
> First, find System Preferences in the Apple menu. Once you have System Prefs 
> open, go to the dock and find it there. Do a VO-shift-m to bring up the 
> contextual menu and go into the options submenu. Choose "keep in dock."
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Oct 13, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Lisette Wesseling  
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Is it possible to get system prefs in the dock? I notice that on some 
>> podcasts people seem to get to system prefs from there but it's not in mine 
>> and can't figure out how to get it in there.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Lisette
>> -- 
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Re: Making an iPhone Ringtone

2012-10-13 Thread Chris

Hello Scott.
Got a tip for you.
Want the first 40 seconds of a song as a ringtone?
1. Open the song.
2. Choose export as iPhone ringtone from the file menu.
3. Oblige the message, and click cut.
4. The newly created ringtone will be added to iTunes, ready to be 
synced to your phone.
I haven't fully explored Fission yet so not sure how to do editing of 
any kind.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 13/10/2012 18:50, Scott Rumery wrote:


Is there anyone out there that knows how to make an iPhone ringtone using 
Fission?  I know that I can make a ringtone simply by using iTunes, and I do 
know how to do this, but I am wanting to learn how to do some basic audio 
editing with Fission.  I have been trying to do this for a couple of hours now, 
and I am getting a little frustrated with it.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: an Itunes question

2012-10-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

The basic answer is yes.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-10-13, at 1:18 PM, Gerard Doody  wrote:

> Hi again.  I have a somewhat extensive itunes library composed of itunes and 
> my whocd collection.  I want to know whether I can copy the library to a hard 
> drive without destroying the original.  Can I export the library to a hard 
> drive without damage to the originalLibrary?  I will have a time machine 
> backup of the whole computer before I attempt anything.  But, I want simples 
> copies of the music accessible from anothe source. Any Help would be 
> appreciated. thanks 
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: siriusxm

2012-10-13 Thread Scott Davert
No, it's not worth paying the extra money for a radio I cannot use.
Too bad for them, guess I'll just invest my money in other things.
I'll bet they remove the trial internet only subscriptions soon too,as
they're very easy to abues. Not that I'm going to sit here and
encourage anyone to do so, only pointing out the fact that it's very
easily done.


On 10/13/12, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:
> Hi Pam. They've stopped letting people subscribe to only the Internet
> service as of October 1.
> Shawn
> Sent from my white Mac Book
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Re: Making an iPhone Ringtone

2012-10-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

• Bring the item you wish to make a Ringtone from into Fission.
• Play the item until the place you wish to start the Ringtone from and pause 
it there.
•  Press cmd-t to Split the clip at the Playhead.

Now comes the part that sometimes is tricky.  You'll need to use the items 
under the Clip menu.  What I usually do is press cmd-[ (left bracket) to select 
the previous clip then press cmd-k to crop the selected area.  You can then 
play the new clip to confirm that everything was cropped properly.  Sometimes, 
in this case, I've had difficulties determining whether to use cmd-[ or cmd] 
for selecting previous or next clip because the wrong thing gets cropped.  In 
these situations, I just press cmd-z to Undo my error then use the opposite 
command.  Remember that the Undo remembers multiple actions so the Undo is 
quite useful.  After I have the start position set, I move my playhead to the 
end position and use cmd-t to split the clip there.  I can then use the same 
process again to crop the leftover away.  Now I'll have a segment that is less 
than 40 seconds that can be used as an iTunes Ringtone.  Just go under the File 
menu and select Save As Ringtone and it will be done.

Hopefully, this is clear.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-10-13, at 11:50 AM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there anyone out there that knows how to make an iPhone ringtone using 
> Fission?  I know that I can make a ringtone simply by using iTunes, and I do 
> know how to do this, but I am wanting to learn how to do some basic audio 
> editing with Fission.  I have been trying to do this for a couple of hours 
> now, and I am getting a little frustrated with it.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Scott
> -- 
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2012-10-13 Thread Walter Harper
Hello all,
I was wondering how do you create a form in pages?  Also how do you fill out a 
formatting templet without loosing the formatting?

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Re: pages

2012-10-13 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Walter
In pages, you want to say without any file you create in the template format. 
So when you go down to save, and it ask you what format then you need to go 
down until you find the template format. You also want make sure you save it 
into the folder where the template files are.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 13, 2012, at 3:23 PM, Walter Harper  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I was wondering how do you create a form in pages?  Also how do you fill out 
> a formatting templet without loosing the formatting?
> Walter
> -- 
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Re: Making an iPhone Ringtone

2012-10-13 Thread Chris
Actually and I don't know if this aplies to all countries and all 
cellular providers but my iPhone 4 running iOS 6 locked to the O2 
cellular provider will accept 40 second ringtones.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 13/10/2012 20:50, Tim Kilburn wrote:


• Bring the item you wish to make a Ringtone from into Fission.
• Play the item until the place you wish to start the Ringtone from and
pause it there.
•  Press cmd-t to Split the clip at the Playhead.

Now comes the part that sometimes is tricky.  You'll need to use the
items under the Clip menu.  What I usually do is press cmd-[ (left
bracket) to select the previous clip then press cmd-k to crop the
selected area.  You can then play the new clip to confirm that
everything was cropped properly.  Sometimes, in this case, I've had
difficulties determining whether to use cmd-[ or cmd] for selecting
previous or next clip because the wrong thing gets cropped.  In these
situations, I just press cmd-z to Undo my error then use the opposite
command.  Remember that the Undo remembers multiple actions so the Undo
is quite useful.  After I have the start position set, I move my
playhead to the end position and use cmd-t to split the clip there.  I
can then use the same process again to crop the leftover away.  Now I'll
have a segment that is less than 40 seconds that can be used as an
iTunes Ringtone.  Just go under the File menu and select Save As
Ringtone and it will be done.

Hopefully, this is clear.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-10-13, at 11:50 AM, Scott Rumery>> wrote:


Is there anyone out there that knows how to make an iPhone ringtone
using Fission?  I know that I can make a ringtone simply by using
iTunes, and I do know how to do this, but I am wanting to learn how to
do some basic audio editing with Fission.  I have been trying to do
this for a couple of hours now, and I am getting a little frustrated
with it.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Making an iPhone Ringtone

2012-10-13 Thread Tim Kilburn
I did say less than 40 but I guess I should have said 40 or less.  Sorry.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-10-13, at 2:53 PM, Chris  wrote:

> Actually and I don't know if this aplies to all countries and all cellular 
> providers but my iPhone 4 running iOS 6 locked to the O2 cellular provider 
> will accept 40 second ringtones.
> Christopher Hallsworth
> On 13/10/2012 20:50, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> • Bring the item you wish to make a Ringtone from into Fission.
>> • Play the item until the place you wish to start the Ringtone from and
>> pause it there.
>> •  Press cmd-t to Split the clip at the Playhead.
>> Now comes the part that sometimes is tricky.  You'll need to use the
>> items under the Clip menu.  What I usually do is press cmd-[ (left
>> bracket) to select the previous clip then press cmd-k to crop the
>> selected area.  You can then play the new clip to confirm that
>> everything was cropped properly.  Sometimes, in this case, I've had
>> difficulties determining whether to use cmd-[ or cmd] for selecting
>> previous or next clip because the wrong thing gets cropped.  In these
>> situations, I just press cmd-z to Undo my error then use the opposite
>> command.  Remember that the Undo remembers multiple actions so the Undo
>> is quite useful.  After I have the start position set, I move my
>> playhead to the end position and use cmd-t to split the clip there.  I
>> can then use the same process again to crop the leftover away.  Now I'll
>> have a segment that is less than 40 seconds that can be used as an
>> iTunes Ringtone.  Just go under the File menu and select Save As
>> Ringtone and it will be done.
>> Hopefully, this is clear.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2012-10-13, at 11:50 AM, Scott Rumery > > wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Is there anyone out there that knows how to make an iPhone ringtone
>>> using Fission?  I know that I can make a ringtone simply by using
>>> iTunes, and I do know how to do this, but I am wanting to learn how to
>>> do some basic audio editing with Fission.  I have been trying to do
>>> this for a couple of hours now, and I am getting a little frustrated
>>> with it.
>>> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>>> Scott
>>> --
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getting rid of preview pane in Lion?

2012-10-13 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I am on the mini with Lion. I am trying to get rid of the preview pane, but 
what I did in ML is not working. I route the mouse to the vertical splitter 
between the messages and message content areas, then simulate a double click, 
but nothing happens. What step am I missing? This worked in ML… Thanks.

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Re: pages

2012-10-13 Thread Walter Harper
Oh ok,
Like for example is it possible to search online for templets in pages like you 
can do in Microsoft word?  I no there are some templets that pages doesn't have 
in the default folder.
On Oct 13, 2012, at 4:33 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi Walter
> In pages, you want to say without any file you create in the template format. 
> So when you go down to save, and it ask you what format then you need to go 
> down until you find the template format. You also want make sure you save it 
> into the folder where the template files are.
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 13, 2012, at 3:23 PM, Walter Harper  wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I was wondering how do you create a form in pages?  Also how do you fill out 
>> a formatting templet without loosing the formatting?
>> Walter
>> -- 
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VoiceBook advancing pages

2012-10-13 Thread Mary Scott
I can not figure out how to move through pages inFB using VoiceBook.  It seems 
to be stuck.  Mel 

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Re: Rogue Amoeba | Pulsar is no longer being developed

2012-10-13 Thread Matthew Campbell
You're lucky. As Matt said, the Canadian Sirius dropped even legacy support for 
Pulsar and we are stuck with that afore mentioned inaccessible player.
I know one thing, they've lost a customer. I'll find more accessible options 
for listening to radio. I'll sure miss my favorite station though.
On 2012-10-13, at 1:51 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> That's a shame since the web player is totally inaccessible. Pulsar still 
> works but when it no longer does, I will probably discontinue my on line 
> access
> On Oct 13, 2012, at 12:07 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello everyone.
>> This message is slightly off topic, but I know that some of you probably use 
>> Pulsar for listening to you're satellite radio.
>> As it states in the message below, Sirius / XM is no longer allowing 3rd 
>> party access to they're servers for online listening.
>> I have checked, and here in Canada, the online listening experience is not 
>> accessible from what I can see.
>> I just thought I'd bring this to your attention.
>> My apologies if this has been discussed before.
>> Matthew Campbell.
>> Recent Moves by SiriusXM Have Forced Us to Retire Pulsar
>> Effective October 1st, 2012, Pulsar is no longer available for purchase. 
>> While it is still available for download for existing users, we have no 
>> further planned updates for it.
>> Why This Has Happened
>> Changes SiriusXM has made throughout the past year represent deliberate 
>> moves to lock out others. Pulsar has always existed at the mercy of 
>> SiriusXM, and their recent actions make it clear that they wish to lock out 
>> all third-party players. We enjoyed both making and using Pulsar, and we'll 
>> be very disappointed to see it go. It is clear, however, that SiriusXM wants 
>> you to do all your listening through their web-based players.
>> Current Status
>> Sirius Canada and XM Canada Users 
>> SiriusXM subscribers in Canada are no longer able access their audio via 
>> Pulsar. SiriusXM Canada has moved exclusively to a new audio player, 
>> breaking Pulsar. We no longer have any way to access SiriusXM audio in 
>> Canada.
>> American SiriusXM Users 
>> SiriusXM subscribers in the United States can still access audio with 
>> Pulsar. Pulsar connects to an older player on SiriusXM's website, which is 
>> still functional at this time. Sadly, it is likely SiriusXM will remove this 
>> old player and break Pulsar's access at some point in the near future.
>> Next Step
>> Use SiriusXM's web-based player
>> At this time, the only truly reliably way to listen to SiriusXM is via their 
>> web players. It's clear that this is how SiriusXM wishes for listeners to 
>> hear their content.
>> SiriusXM US Player SiriusXM Canada Player
>> Downloading Pulsar
>> For the time being, we are still providing a download link for the last 
>> version of Pulsar. This version can be used by already-licensed users in the 
>> US.
>> Get Pulsar 2.3.4 from on our Legacy page.
>> It is likely Pulsar will cease functioning soon. Please note, this version 
>> is not supported.
>> -- 
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mapping network drives through time capsule on windows?

2012-10-13 Thread Kliphton
Hello, I still use windows, for business purposes only.  I got my 3TB time
capsule today, set up was a breeze, but I have a couple of network attached
storage units that I use to back up certain data.  I want to map them for
easy access, but I'm not seeing them in the list, it's like there not even
connected, but can see them through my iMac, what am I doing wrong?  I
downloaded the airport utility for windows, but there is nothing in there
about allowing access for network storage units.  Suggestions?

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Re: mapping network drives through time capsule on windows?

2012-10-13 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hello Kliphton.

Have you been in Fusion preferences, where you can connect various drives such 
as DVD drives?  I don't know if your time capsules are connected through 
wireless or with an internet cable?  Then in where the drives are, see if you 
can find your time capsule disc and try and connect it that way.  It's just a 
thought as I had to connect my Apple card reader like that as it was showing on 
the Mac and not in windows but had to do that at the time due to putting in my 
Treker Breeze card as it did not work on the Mac.

I am sorry if this doesn't work but it's a thought.

On 14 Oct 2012, at 00:26, Kliphton  wrote:

> Hello, I still use windows, for business purposes only.  I got my 3TB time 
> capsule today, set up was a breeze, but I have a couple of network attached 
> storage units that I use to back up certain data.  I want to map them for 
> easy access, but I’m not seeing them in the list, it’s like there not even 
> connected, but can see them through my iMac, what am I doing wrong?  I 
> downloaded the airport utility for windows, but there is nothing in there 
> about allowing access for network storage units.  Suggestions?
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email 
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OT: Win an Apple TV or an audio described movie

2012-10-13 Thread Chris Snyder
Hi Folks,
Apologies for the slightly off topic nature of the message. It is Apple product 
related however.
If you're not in the US, it doesn't matter. You can still enter.
The members of the West Coast Vanguard NFB  Chapter, a new chapter to help
serve Northridge California and its surrounding cities, will be raffling an 
TV during the 2012 California state convention.
What is an Apple TV?
The Apple TV is quiet, energy efficient, and so small it fits in the
palm of your hand. It is a box that you connect to your widescreen TV
through an HDMI cable, giving you anytime access to endless
Watch HD movies and TV shows from iTunes, have the entire Netflix
streaming catalog at your fingertips, and watch the latest hit shows
from Hulu Plus from the comfort of your own couch. You can also listen
to your favorite music through online radio stations or your iPhone,
iPad, or iPod touch. What’s more, use your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
to control Apple TV. Most importantly, Apple TV has Voiceover; Apple’s
built in screenreader, giving you independent access to the Apple TV
and online content.
As a bonus, a one-year subscription to Netflix is included with the Apple TV.

There are two additional drawings. Each allows you to win an audio Described 
movie of your choice. Pick any movie that is not yet described, and Audio Eyes 
a Professional audio description company will personally describe it for you. 
Raffle tickets will be sold by members of the WCVC, as well as at the
Audio Eyes table in the exhibit hall. Tickets are $5 each or you can
perches 6 tickets for $20. The winner of the Apple TV or a described movie will 
be drawn at
the close of the NFBC Convention Banquet on October 20th, 2012. You do
not need to be present to win. Contact Chris Snyder at
you can send money to pay for your tickets through paypal at:
Good luck!


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Re: mapping network drives through time capsule on windows?

2012-10-13 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I meant in fussion settings by doing Command E once Fusion is open.  Sorry 

On 14 Oct 2012, at 01:28, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hello Kliphton.
> Have you been in Fusion preferences, where you can connect various drives 
> such as DVD drives?  I don't know if your time capsules are connected through 
> wireless or with an internet cable?  Then in where the drives are, see if you 
> can find your time capsule disc and try and connect it that way.  It's just a 
> thought as I had to connect my Apple card reader like that as it was showing 
> on the Mac and not in windows but had to do that at the time due to putting 
> in my Treker Breeze card as it did not work on the Mac.
> I am sorry if this doesn't work but it's a thought.
> Kawal.
> On 14 Oct 2012, at 00:26, Kliphton  wrote:
>> Hello, I still use windows, for business purposes only.  I got my 3TB time 
>> capsule today, set up was a breeze, but I have a couple of network attached 
>> storage units that I use to back up certain data.  I want to map them for 
>> easy access, but I’m not seeing them in the list, it’s like there not even 
>> connected, but can see them through my iMac, what am I doing wrong?  I 
>> downloaded the airport utility for windows, but there is nothing in there 
>> about allowing access for network storage units.  Suggestions?
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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Re: OT: Win an Apple TV or an audio described movie

2012-10-13 Thread Buddy Brannan

Just don't let Paypal catch you taking money for a raffle. NAGDU got into a bit 
of hot water for that and had to withdraw from their web page until they 
straightened out with Paypal and promised not to do it again.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Oct 13, 2012, at 8:20 PM, Chris Snyder  wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> Apologies for the slightly off topic nature of the message. It is Apple 
> product related however.
> If you're not in the US, it doesn't matter. You can still enter.
> The members of the West Coast Vanguard NFB  Chapter, a new chapter to help
> serve Northridge California and its surrounding cities, will be raffling an 
> Apple
> TV during the 2012 California state convention.
> What is an Apple TV?
> The Apple TV is quiet, energy efficient, and so small it fits in the
> palm of your hand. It is a box that you connect to your widescreen TV
> through an HDMI cable, giving you anytime access to endless
> entertainment.
> Watch HD movies and TV shows from iTunes, have the entire Netflix
> streaming catalog at your fingertips, and watch the latest hit shows
> from Hulu Plus from the comfort of your own couch. You can also listen
> to your favorite music through online radio stations or your iPhone,
> iPad, or iPod touch. What’s more, use your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
> to control Apple TV. Most importantly, Apple TV has Voiceover; Apple’s
> built in screenreader, giving you independent access to the Apple TV
> and online content.
> As a bonus, a one-year subscription to Netflix is included with the Apple TV.
> There are two additional drawings. Each allows you to win an audio Described 
> movie of your choice. Pick any movie that is not yet described, and Audio 
> Eyes a Professional audio description company will personally describe it for 
> you. 
> Raffle tickets will be sold by members of the WCVC, as well as at the
> Audio Eyes table in the exhibit hall. Tickets are $5 each or you can
> perches 6 tickets for $20. The winner of the Apple TV or a described movie 
> will be drawn at
> the close of the NFBC Convention Banquet on October 20th, 2012. You do
> not need to be present to win. Contact Chris Snyder at
> you can send money to pay for your tickets through paypal at: 
> Good luck!
> Friendly,
> Chris
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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Re: OT: Win an Apple TV or an audio described movie

2012-10-13 Thread Chris Snyder
If that is the case, then just contact me via the eMail address I gave, and 
I'll help you deal with it without involving PayPal. :) I'm versatile. 


On Oct 13, 2012, at 5:38 PM, Buddy Brannan  wrote:

> Hi,
> Just don't let Paypal catch you taking money for a raffle. NAGDU got into a 
> bit of hot water for that and had to withdraw from their web page until they 
> straightened out with Paypal and promised not to do it again.
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Oct 13, 2012, at 8:20 PM, Chris Snyder  wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> Apologies for the slightly off topic nature of the message. It is Apple 
>> product related however.
>> If you're not in the US, it doesn't matter. You can still enter.
>> The members of the West Coast Vanguard NFB  Chapter, a new chapter to help
>> serve Northridge California and its surrounding cities, will be raffling an 
>> Apple
>> TV during the 2012 California state convention.
>> What is an Apple TV?
>> The Apple TV is quiet, energy efficient, and so small it fits in the
>> palm of your hand. It is a box that you connect to your widescreen TV
>> through an HDMI cable, giving you anytime access to endless
>> entertainment.
>> Watch HD movies and TV shows from iTunes, have the entire Netflix
>> streaming catalog at your fingertips, and watch the latest hit shows
>> from Hulu Plus from the comfort of your own couch. You can also listen
>> to your favorite music through online radio stations or your iPhone,
>> iPad, or iPod touch. What’s more, use your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
>> to control Apple TV. Most importantly, Apple TV has Voiceover; Apple’s
>> built in screenreader, giving you independent access to the Apple TV
>> and online content.
>> As a bonus, a one-year subscription to Netflix is included with the Apple TV.
>> There are two additional drawings. Each allows you to win an audio Described 
>> movie of your choice. Pick any movie that is not yet described, and Audio 
>> Eyes a Professional audio description company will personally describe it 
>> for you. 
>> Raffle tickets will be sold by members of the WCVC, as well as at the
>> Audio Eyes table in the exhibit hall. Tickets are $5 each or you can
>> perches 6 tickets for $20. The winner of the Apple TV or a described movie 
>> will be drawn at
>> the close of the NFBC Convention Banquet on October 20th, 2012. You do
>> not need to be present to win. Contact Chris Snyder at
>> you can send money to pay for your tickets through paypal at: 
>> Good luck!
>> Friendly,
>> Chris
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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sort of OT: ripping DVDs with description track?

2012-10-13 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I'm using Handbrake to rip DVDs my family owns so we can have them all stored 
on the (ever more useful) family mac mini. A couple of our DVDs include a 
description track, and I am wondering how to include it? I only started using 
Handbrake today, and of course no tutorial mentions descriptions, so any 
suggestions would be great. Needless to say I am using the afore mentioned mac 
to do the ripping and storing, so instructions in the mac language, not 
windows, would be perfect. Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: sort of OT: ripping DVDs with description track?

2012-10-13 Thread Jane
The best way to rip DVDs that have auio description is to tell it to rip all 
traks. You go into the audio tab and hit "add all tracks." It will include the 
audio description track then.


On Oct 13, 2012, at 9:00 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm using Handbrake to rip DVDs my family owns so we can have them all stored 
> on the (ever more useful) family mac mini. A couple of our DVDs include a 
> description track, and I am wondering how to include it? I only started using 
> Handbrake today, and of course no tutorial mentions descriptions, so any 
> suggestions would be great. Needless to say I am using the afore mentioned 
> mac to do the ripping and storing, so instructions in the mac language, not 
> windows, would be perfect. Thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: mapping network drives through time capsule on windows?

2012-10-13 Thread Kliphton
It's a thought, I will give it a try.


[] On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2012 7:31 PM
To: macvisionaries
Subject: Re: mapping network drives through time capsule on windows?


I meant in fussion settings by doing Command E once Fusion is open.  Sorry



On 14 Oct 2012, at 01:28, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

Hello Kliphton.


Have you been in Fusion preferences, where you can connect various drives
such as DVD drives?  I don't know if your time capsules are connected
through wireless or with an internet cable?  Then in where the drives are,
see if you can find your time capsule disc and try and connect it that way.
It's just a thought as I had to connect my Apple card reader like that as it
was showing on the Mac and not in windows but had to do that at the time due
to putting in my Treker Breeze card as it did not work on the Mac.


I am sorry if this doesn't work but it's a thought.



On 14 Oct 2012, at 00:26, Kliphton  wrote:

Hello, I still use windows, for business purposes only.  I got my 3TB time
capsule today, set up was a breeze, but I have a couple of network attached
storage units that I use to back up certain data.  I want to map them for
easy access, but I'm not seeing them in the list, it's like there not even
connected, but can see them through my iMac, what am I doing wrong?  I
downloaded the airport utility for windows, but there is nothing in there
about allowing access for network storage units.  Suggestions?


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RE: mapping network drives through time capsule on windows?

2012-10-13 Thread Kliphton
How do you use your time capsule as a network attached storage, instead of a
shared access point?


[] On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2012 7:31 PM
To: macvisionaries
Subject: Re: mapping network drives through time capsule on windows?


I meant in fussion settings by doing Command E once Fusion is open.  Sorry



On 14 Oct 2012, at 01:28, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

Hello Kliphton.


Have you been in Fusion preferences, where you can connect various drives
such as DVD drives?  I don't know if your time capsules are connected
through wireless or with an internet cable?  Then in where the drives are,
see if you can find your time capsule disc and try and connect it that way.
It's just a thought as I had to connect my Apple card reader like that as it
was showing on the Mac and not in windows but had to do that at the time due
to putting in my Treker Breeze card as it did not work on the Mac.


I am sorry if this doesn't work but it's a thought.



On 14 Oct 2012, at 00:26, Kliphton  wrote:

Hello, I still use windows, for business purposes only.  I got my 3TB time
capsule today, set up was a breeze, but I have a couple of network attached
storage units that I use to back up certain data.  I want to map them for
easy access, but I'm not seeing them in the list, it's like there not even
connected, but can see them through my iMac, what am I doing wrong?  I
downloaded the airport utility for windows, but there is nothing in there
about allowing access for network storage units.  Suggestions?


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a really bad problem with the Facebook app for iPad.

2012-10-13 Thread Chris Gilland
Okay. This is ridiculous! I am pulling my hair out trying to figure this out.

Normally, I am very good at figuring these things out, however, I even had my 
mother look, who is completely cited, and she cannot even figure it out. Here's 
the situation. I have a friend, actually a relative, to be more precise, who 
commented on a photo which I uploaded to Facebook. She also commented on a 
couple of textual wall posts that I created. I textual wall posts, I simply 
just mean status messages. Anyway, I had Facebook set up to text me every time 
that I get a comment to my posts. So all of a sudden, I received a text message 
from 32665 That tells me patricia McCorkle commented on one of my status 
messages. The problem is, I actually open to the Facebook app on my iPad And 
not on my iPhone. I sold that I had five notifications all total. I double tap 
the notification spy button, and that presented me with the pop up which 
contained all of my notifications if I could double tap on to expand and react 
to. Sorry for the typos before going any further by the way. I am using Siri to 
dictate this email, as I am not by my computer. I'm actually outside on my back 
screened in porch enjoying the nice weather. So please forgive me. Anyway, the 
problem that I am running into is, after dismissing this Papa, even if I close 
the app and completely get it out of my app switcher, and then go back in, I 
find it now, it is saying notifications zero button. Normally, this would be 
correct. The problem however is, Patricia Commented once again on one of my 
status messages, I do not even believe the same one, while I still had the 
Facebook app running on my iPad. I haven't closed the app before she commented 
the second time. Now, upon looking at the notifications icon, without first 
double tapping on it, I am noticing that it still is showing notifications 
zero. It is almost as if it is not refreshing in real time. I definitely would 
not however expect for it too. Ultimately, my bottom line point in all of this 
is to say, how do I go about refreshing my newsfeed, notifications, etc., with 
the iPad app specifically. I am on the most recent update. I know that with a 
lot of apps on my iPhone, there is a thing that says hold down to refresh. With 
that, I can simply double tap and then slide my finger down and it will 
automatically refresh. That does not seem to be happening here though. I cannot 
find such an icon anywhere. As I said, worst scenario, you would think that if 
I simply got rid of the app out of the app switcher, and then went and 
relaunched it from my home screen, that would Denver fresh automatically. 
However, that does not even seem to be working. I am just curious what needs to 
happen to get this to properly work. I don't know about the iPhone version, as 
I hardly have used it, but the iPad version looks very very promising.

Again as I said: please excuse all the typos in this message. I am quite 
confident that there are quite a few. Usually, Siri does very well with me 
dictating, however, as of lately, it is really been crappy.

Anyhow, I think you all get the point, nevertheless. Please do let me know, if 
any of you guys have any earthly idea how to get this to properly work. Just to 
give you a couple more specs, this is an iPad third-generation, running the 
very most newest version of the Facebook app, and it is currently running on 
iOS six. More specifically, this is the iPad third-generation, 16 gig black. 
Not that that matters… But just figured I would tell you anyway. Smile.


Sent from my iPhone

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Re: a really bad problem with the Facebook app for iPad.

2012-10-13 Thread Pam Francis
Hello how are you? Have you tried tapping on the newsfeed when you reopen your 
Facebook app? That may refresh your news feed an intern refresher notifications.

Pam Francis

On Oct 13, 2012, at 9:47 PM, Chris Gilland  wrote:

Okay. This is ridiculous! I am pulling my hair out trying to figure this out.

Normally, I am very good at figuring these things out, however, I even had my 
mother look, who is completely cited, and she cannot even figure it out. Here's 
the situation. I have a friend, actually a relative, to be more precise, who 
commented on a photo which I uploaded to Facebook. She also commented on a 
couple of textual wall posts that I created. I textual wall posts, I simply 
just mean status messages. Anyway, I had Facebook set up to text me every time 
that I get a comment to my posts. So all of a sudden, I received a text message 
from 32665 That tells me patricia McCorkle commented on one of my status 
messages. The problem is, I actually open to the Facebook app on my iPad And 
not on my iPhone. I sold that I had five notifications all total. I double tap 
the notification spy button, and that presented me with the pop up which 
contained all of my notifications if I could double tap on to expand and react 
to. Sorry for the typos before going any further by the way. I am using Siri to 
dictate this email, as I am not by my computer. I'm actually outside on my back 
screened in porch enjoying the nice weather. So please forgive me. Anyway, the 
problem that I am running into is, after dismissing this Papa, even if I close 
the app and completely get it out of my app switcher, and then go back in, I 
find it now, it is saying notifications zero button. Normally, this would be 
correct. The problem however is, Patricia Commented once again on one of my 
status messages, I do not even believe the same one, while I still had the 
Facebook app running on my iPad. I haven't closed the app before she commented 
the second time. Now, upon looking at the notifications icon, without first 
double tapping on it, I am noticing that it still is showing notifications 
zero. It is almost as if it is not refreshing in real time. I definitely would 
not however expect for it too. Ultimately, my bottom line point in all of this 
is to say, how do I go about refreshing my newsfeed, notifications, etc., with 
the iPad app specifically. I am on the most recent update. I know that with a 
lot of apps on my iPhone, there is a thing that says hold down to refresh. With 
that, I can simply double tap and then slide my finger down and it will 
automatically refresh. That does not seem to be happening here though. I cannot 
find such an icon anywhere. As I said, worst scenario, you would think that if 
I simply got rid of the app out of the app switcher, and then went and 
relaunched it from my home screen, that would Denver fresh automatically. 
However, that does not even seem to be working. I am just curious what needs to 
happen to get this to properly work. I don't know about the iPhone version, as 
I hardly have used it, but the iPad version looks very very promising.

Again as I said: please excuse all the typos in this message. I am quite 
confident that there are quite a few. Usually, Siri does very well with me 
dictating, however, as of lately, it is really been crappy.

Anyhow, I think you all get the point, nevertheless. Please do let me know, if 
any of you guys have any earthly idea how to get this to properly work. Just to 
give you a couple more specs, this is an iPad third-generation, running the 
very most newest version of the Facebook app, and it is currently running on 
iOS six. More specifically, this is the iPad third-generation, 16 gig black. 
Not that that matters… But just figured I would tell you anyway. Smile.


Sent from my iPhone

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