Re: Why can't I delete .band file?

2012-06-17 Thread Blinkin
No it's closed

On Jun 17, 2012, at 1:02 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> are you trying to delete the file with the garageband project still open?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jun 16, 2012, at 9:14 PM, Blinkin  wrote:
>> All,
>>I have been doing a lot of playing with Garage Band and for some reason 
>> two times when I have created a new track it also places a file with the 
>> same name that ends with dot band.
>>I don't know why this is happening but It won't let me delete the file. 
>> it says my song dot band cannot be deleted. 
>>Any ideas here?
>>Thanks yawl 
>> -- 
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An update on scanning software

2012-06-17 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hi all.
I've gotten this message from the developer of VueScan. This is a feature I'm 
sure some of you on here have put in a request fore. I my self requested 
auto-rotation of text back in 2008 [according to this message].
This is his response about this feature. I'm sure that this will make scanning 
a lot easier for some.
Hope this helps someone,
Matthew Campbell.
Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Ed Hamrick" 
> Subject: Re: VueScan Suggestion
> Date: 16 June, 2012 3:57:22 PM EDT
> To: "matthew Campbell" 
> Hi Matthew,
> I just released VueScan 9.1.05 with the "Input | Auto rotate"
> feature.  Let me know if this works well for you.
> You can download it from:
> Regards,
> Ed Hamrick
> - Original Message - From: "matthew Campbell" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 2:14 PM
> Subject: VueScan Suggestion
>> Hi. I'd like to suggest the feature of page orientation and or auto
>> page orientation. This would make it easier for totally blind people
>> like my self to scan printed documents. Thanks

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Re: An update on scanning software

2012-06-17 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Is there a freeware version of this, and does it work with Snow Leopard?  I 
suppose I'll just go look for myself but I"m being lazy.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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DVD to mp3

2012-06-17 Thread Craig J Dunlop
Sometime back I could see messages about getting MP3 audio off of DVDs. I did 
not have the need to do that when the messages came out but now I do what is 
the program that people have used that works well with voice over to strip the 
MP3 off of a DVD. Thank you for any help

Sent from my iPhone 

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Re: An update on scanning software

2012-06-17 Thread Matthew Campbell
If I remember correctly, there is a trial. I'm not sure what the period of time 
or the limitations are.

On 2012-06-17, at 6:56 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Is there a freeware version of this, and does it work with Snow Leopard?  I 
> suppose I'll just go look for myself but I"m being lazy.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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good old good old question, MBP or MBA

2012-06-17 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

I guess by now some of you may have feel totally frustrated with me,
as i bringing this out every so often...
I'm about to get a mac laptop, in the next few days.
But i'm torn between MBP 13inch and MBA.
my question is, what Mac will be the best? Either the MBP13inch,
MBA13inch with 128GB, or MBA11Inch 128GB?
I know the spects for all these three are very similar, and i also
know that MBA will operate somewhat faster in live time compare to
MBP, more portable, etc. I also know that mbp is great for  post
processing, and heavy duty usage such as vedeo edditing etc etc.
As this will be the very first Mac notebook that i own, and coming
from the windows screen reader for laptop background, i'm interested
to know, if voiceover will slow any of the mbp or mba down from the
specs performance?
As my windows brain kick in, sort of telling me that the greater
processer, memory, will be better as far as screen reader is concern.

i'll mainly using it for studying e.g. research, browsing, word
processer etc purposes, however, i also uses it for audio edditing,
and basic photo edditing as well.

The size of the storage doesn't really effect me as much, however, who
would say no to a bigger size harddrive? The optical drive also not
the priority, as i have a 4 year old IMac sitting at home as my

All of your advice is very much appreciated.



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Upgrading a macbook pro from late 2010

2012-06-17 Thread David Hole
Hi folks.

Is it possible to upgrade a mbp from late 2010 with more ram and maybe
a ssd disk?
If so, is it worth doing it?


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RE: good old good old question, MBP or MBA

2012-06-17 Thread Missy Hoppe
Well, my personal opinion is to go for the Macbook Pro. To me, it's just a more 
solid machine. I've had 1 for just about a
year now, and it's really growing on me. I looked at a macbook air at the Apple 
store, and just didn't like the feel of it.
If you're worried about speed, I understand that you could put an SSD into a 
macbook pro, but so far, I haven't found a
genuine need to do that. I guess it depends on what you're planning to do. 
Also, I think the macbook Pro has slightly better
sound, just based on my memories of looking at the air at the store, I was not 
impressed by its sound quality. I also like my
pro because it still has the CD/DVD drive as well as an sd card slot. I just 
think that for the money, the pro is the best
machine out there, but I'm sure others will provide opinions as well. Good luck 
with your purchase, and I hope this helps you
a little.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Joanne Chua
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2012 8:05 PM
To: macvisionaries; macvoiceover
Subject: good old good old question, MBP or MBA

Hi all,

I guess by now some of you may have feel totally frustrated with me, as i 
bringing this out every so often...
I'm about to get a mac laptop, in the next few days.
But i'm torn between MBP 13inch and MBA.
my question is, what Mac will be the best? Either the MBP13inch, MBA13inch with 
128GB, or MBA11Inch 128GB?
I know the spects for all these three are very similar, and i also know that 
MBA will operate somewhat faster in live time
compare to MBP, more portable, etc. I also know that mbp is great for  post 
processing, and heavy duty usage such as vedeo
edditing etc etc.
As this will be the very first Mac notebook that i own, and coming from the 
windows screen reader for laptop background, i'm
interested to know, if voiceover will slow any of the mbp or mba down from the 
specs performance?
As my windows brain kick in, sort of telling me that the greater processer, 
memory, will be better as far as screen reader is

i'll mainly using it for studying e.g. research, browsing, word processer etc 
purposes, however, i also uses it for audio
edditing, and basic photo edditing as well.

The size of the storage doesn't really effect me as much, however, who would 
say no to a bigger size harddrive? The optical
drive also not the priority, as i have a 4 year old IMac sitting at home as my 

All of your advice is very much appreciated.



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Re: Can't get out of Flash update!

2012-06-17 Thread Steve Holmes
I hate flash so much, I won't install it on any of my systems, regardless of 
the operating system. Adobe writes such shotty software, full of security holes 
and a11y problems! Just say "No."

On Jun 9, 2012, at 7:48 PM, Veronica Elsea wrote:

> Thanks so much, Tim. I did eventually think of hitting the space, but 
> wondered if I'd made the right choice there. When I did it, I landed back in 
> the part of the installer where I enter my password. So I hit escape and then 
> I was out, but the .dmg file was still on my desktop. I went in there and 
> found a quit button and that finally made it go away.
> Then when I returned to the page in YouTube that I was originally trying to 
> listen to, I had to refresh a couple of times before the song would play. But 
> at least, I finally heard the song I wanted and saved it as a bookmark. Whew!
> Thanks again for the info.
> Veronica
> At 07:25 PM 6/9/2012, you wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just use your spacebar.  That is, in the Flash installer, you can tab around 
>> then when you wish to activate your button or checkbox, just hit the 
>> spacebar.  Notice, no VO keys at all, just the tab key and the spacebar.
>> That should do it for you.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2012-06-09, at 6:07 PM, Veronica Elsea wrote:
>>> Okay, can somebody please rescue me from Adobe flash update. I thought I 
>>> was being so smart by not letting Adobe update automatically. But every 
>>> time I go to YouTube, there's another stupid Flash update. Sheesh!
>>> Anyway, it's clear that there are some images that need clicking or 
>>> something. I got so frustrated looking for the install that when my sighted 
>>> husband walked by, I just let him click it.  But now it says it's 
>>> done. I can tab through radio button, let adobe update for me, learn more 
>>> and then to a done button. But I can't seem to click on the done button. 
>>> First I tried VO-space, then enter. Then I thought I remembered from an 
>>> earlier discussion about mouse keys so I then tried VO-command-4 to route 
>>> the mouse cursor. Then I tried shift-VO-space to click the mouse. It made a 
>>> nice clicking sound, but didn't work. I think it just landed on "image" 
>>> rather than a done button. I'm a little ahead of myself here in terms of 
>>> learning mouse keys and the like. But boy, I'd sure like to dump this 
>>> installer. Help! 
>>> Thanks a huge bunch to any and all of you who can sort me out. No cheating 
>>> now. My hubby is at the hardware store. Hahahaha! Thanks.
>>> Veronica
>>> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at 
>>> Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
>>> Veronica Elsea, Owner
>>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>>> Santa Cruz, California
>>> 831-429-6407
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> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at 
> Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
>   Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> 831-429-6407
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Re: good old good old question, MBP or MBA

2012-06-17 Thread David Tanner
Well, my only comments come from my experiences working on MBP 13s, and 
compaired to my MBP 15.6 which is almost 4 years old they aren't as fast, 
and can't be made run as fast because you can't get the faster processor for 
a 13 that you can with a 15 inch because of heat problems with the 13 inch.

I would really think about the limitations that the 13 inch give you due to 
heat problems that a 15 inch will not have.  And, if you look at the weight 
of the new MBP 15 inch it isn't that heavy at 14.46 pounds.  But, you get a 
lot faster processor and more memory expansion is possible later if you 
decide for any reason that you need it.

AS far as the MBA you are paying a much higher price for less memory and a 
processor that is still no place close to that of the new MBP 15.

- Original Message - 
From: "Joanne Chua" 
To: "macvisionaries" ; "macvoiceover" 

Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2012 7:05 PM
Subject: good old good old question, MBP or MBA

Hi all,

I guess by now some of you may have feel totally frustrated with me,
as i bringing this out every so often...
I'm about to get a mac laptop, in the next few days.
But i'm torn between MBP 13inch and MBA.
my question is, what Mac will be the best? Either the MBP13inch,
MBA13inch with 128GB, or MBA11Inch 128GB?
I know the spects for all these three are very similar, and i also
know that MBA will operate somewhat faster in live time compare to
MBP, more portable, etc. I also know that mbp is great for  post
processing, and heavy duty usage such as vedeo edditing etc etc.
As this will be the very first Mac notebook that i own, and coming
from the windows screen reader for laptop background, i'm interested
to know, if voiceover will slow any of the mbp or mba down from the
specs performance?
As my windows brain kick in, sort of telling me that the greater
processer, memory, will be better as far as screen reader is concern.

i'll mainly using it for studying e.g. research, browsing, word
processer etc purposes, however, i also uses it for audio edditing,
and basic photo edditing as well.

The size of the storage doesn't really effect me as much, however, who
would say no to a bigger size harddrive? The optical drive also not
the priority, as i have a 4 year old IMac sitting at home as my

All of your advice is very much appreciated.



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2012-06-17 Thread Vivianna
Hi all.
i just purchased the mudder app from the app store.  it specifically states 
that this app works with voiceover however, when i open the app i am presented 
with "unknown".  i am unable to do anything with this app.  please help if you 
have used this app.  thanks so much.


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Re: good old good old question, MBP or MBA

2012-06-17 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
At one time, I'd say the Pro; however with the new Air that just came out, 
along with the availability of iCloud, that choice is much more difficult. 
Google Macbook Pro S Macbook Air. There are some speck sheets floating around. 
I don't think they've updated the 13 inch pro yet. I'm suspecting a new Pro 
would come out in October. Based on everything you've told me, not counting 
finances, I'd get an air. VO isn't like Jaws. RAM isn't going to matter as much 
because the screen reader is a built-in application, not an addition. 
On Jun 17, 2012, at 7:05 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:

> Hi all,
> I guess by now some of you may have feel totally frustrated with me,
> as i bringing this out every so often...
> I'm about to get a mac laptop, in the next few days.
> But i'm torn between MBP 13inch and MBA.
> my question is, what Mac will be the best? Either the MBP13inch,
> MBA13inch with 128GB, or MBA11Inch 128GB?
> I know the spects for all these three are very similar, and i also
> know that MBA will operate somewhat faster in live time compare to
> MBP, more portable, etc. I also know that mbp is great for  post
> processing, and heavy duty usage such as vedeo edditing etc etc.
> As this will be the very first Mac notebook that i own, and coming
> from the windows screen reader for laptop background, i'm interested
> to know, if voiceover will slow any of the mbp or mba down from the
> specs performance?
> As my windows brain kick in, sort of telling me that the greater
> processer, memory, will be better as far as screen reader is concern.
> i'll mainly using it for studying e.g. research, browsing, word
> processer etc purposes, however, i also uses it for audio edditing,
> and basic photo edditing as well.
> The size of the storage doesn't really effect me as much, however, who
> would say no to a bigger size harddrive? The optical drive also not
> the priority, as i have a 4 year old IMac sitting at home as my
> desttop.
> All of your advice is very much appreciated.
> Thanks
> Joanne
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2012-06-17 Thread Walter Harper
How do you open an attachment in mail?  I have a PDF file that I need to open.

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Re: mail

2012-06-17 Thread erik burggraaf
Press enter on the email message to open it.
Press control option right arrow until you get to the slideshow button.
Press control option space.
This will open the PDF file in quicklook so you can view it's contents.
When you are done, press the space bar on it's own to get rid of the window.


Erik Burggraaf
Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
$0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-06-17, at 9:48 PM, Walter Harper wrote:

> How do you open an attachment in mail?  I have a PDF file that I need to open.
> -- 
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Re: mail

2012-06-17 Thread Walter Harper
I need to be able to same the attachment 
On Jun 17, 2012, at 9:51 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

> Press enter on the email message to open it.
> Press control option right arrow until you get to the slideshow button.
> Press control option space.
> This will open the PDF file in quicklook so you can view it's contents.
> When you are done, press the space bar on it's own to get rid of the window.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
> $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2012-06-17, at 9:48 PM, Walter Harper wrote:
>> How do you open an attachment in mail?  I have a PDF file that I need to 
>> open.
>> -- 
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Re: retrieving los password fot digit-eyes account so difficult

2012-06-17 Thread Nancy M
Hi William,

The problem with printing labels is fixed (yes, it was down after our 
server change). 

But it should now be working.

You can also correspond directly with us at the support address 
support@digit-eyes-com and we are more likely to see it sooner...


On Friday, June 15, 2012 1:34:02 AM UTC-5, William Windels wrote:
> Hello,
> The problem with the password is already solved: I found the right 
> password somewhere in my mail.s
> But, When I login, I try to make new labels , I receive a empty screen 
> after pressing the button create labels.
> Also, a sighted people has tried it with chrome and safari but also 
> without success this morning.
> Is the service down?
> kind regards,
> William Windels
> Op 14-jun.-2012, om 19:31 heeft Nancy M het volgende geschreven:
> On Thursday, June 14, 2012 12:28:47 PM UTC-5, Nancy M wrote:
>> Hi WIlliam,
>> I'm sorry this was a problem.   I'll take a look at it this afternoon and 
>> in the interim, I've sent the password to your email address.
>> Am I correct in understanding you were trying to retrieve it using your 
>> iPhone and VoiceOver?  Or were you using a laptop / desktop browser?
>> N
>> On Thursday, June 14, 2012 2:31:56 AM UTC-5, William Windels wrote:
>>> Hello, 
>>> It seems so difficult to fill in the form to retrieve lost password for 
>>> my account on the digit-eyes homepage. 
>>> If I figured out well, I have to fill in a form but that form is in a 
>>> table and, I think voiceover can't handle thiswell with chrome or 
>>> safari. 
>>> I can't interact with the forms. 
>>> I hope apple will make better handling of tables in websites and/or in 
>>> documents in the near future. 
>>> For me this can be a big frustration and perhaps for others also. 
>>> kind regards, 
>>> William 
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Re: DVD to mp3

2012-06-17 Thread Ricardo Walker

you can use DVD remaster.

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 17, 2012, at 7:32 PM, Craig J Dunlop  wrote:

> Sometime back I could see messages about getting MP3 audio off of DVDs. I did 
> not have the need to do that when the messages came out but now I do what is 
> the program that people have used that works well with voice over to strip 
> the MP3 off of a DVD. Thank you for any help
> Sent from my iPhone 
> -- 
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Re: Upgrading a macbook pro from late 2010

2012-06-17 Thread Ricardo Walker

Yes it is.  I upgraded the RAM, and put an SSD into my 2010 Macbook pro.  I 
also took out my optical drive and replaced it with the old rotating hard drive 
that came with my Mac.  The performance is great.

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 17, 2012, at 8:30 PM, David Hole  wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Is it possible to upgrade a mbp from late 2010 with more ram and maybe
> a ssd disk?
> If so, is it worth doing it?
> -David
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Re: good old good old question, MBP or MBA

2012-06-17 Thread Ricardo Walker

not for nothing, in my opinion, the speed of the processor is often over rated. 
 either way,  Adding an SSD, and upgrading Ram, 9 times out of 10 will increase 
performance more than upgrading your processor.  It's also a less involved 
business.  And in regards to just upgrading your RAM, that's probably 4 times 
cheaper than upgrading a processor.  Unless we are talking about going from a 
stock 13 inch MBP to a quad core new 15 inch MBP with the fancy new display, 
the processor in the 13 inch is plenty fast for what the majority of people 
want to do.

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 17, 2012, at 9:11 PM, David Tanner  wrote:

> Well, my only comments come from my experiences working on MBP 13s, and 
> compaired to my MBP 15.6 which is almost 4 years old they aren't as fast, and 
> can't be made run as fast because you can't get the faster processor for a 13 
> that you can with a 15 inch because of heat problems with the 13 inch.
> I would really think about the limitations that the 13 inch give you due to 
> heat problems that a 15 inch will not have.  And, if you look at the weight 
> of the new MBP 15 inch it isn't that heavy at 14.46 pounds.  But, you get a 
> lot faster processor and more memory expansion is possible later if you 
> decide for any reason that you need it.
> AS far as the MBA you are paying a much higher price for less memory and a 
> processor that is still no place close to that of the new MBP 15.
> - Original Message - From: "Joanne Chua" 
> To: "macvisionaries" ; "macvoiceover" 
> Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2012 7:05 PM
> Subject: good old good old question, MBP or MBA
>> Hi all,
>> I guess by now some of you may have feel totally frustrated with me,
>> as i bringing this out every so often...
>> I'm about to get a mac laptop, in the next few days.
>> But i'm torn between MBP 13inch and MBA.
>> my question is, what Mac will be the best? Either the MBP13inch,
>> MBA13inch with 128GB, or MBA11Inch 128GB?
>> I know the spects for all these three are very similar, and i also
>> know that MBA will operate somewhat faster in live time compare to
>> MBP, more portable, etc. I also know that mbp is great for  post
>> processing, and heavy duty usage such as vedeo edditing etc etc.
>> As this will be the very first Mac notebook that i own, and coming
>> from the windows screen reader for laptop background, i'm interested
>> to know, if voiceover will slow any of the mbp or mba down from the
>> specs performance?
>> As my windows brain kick in, sort of telling me that the greater
>> processer, memory, will be better as far as screen reader is concern.
>> i'll mainly using it for studying e.g. research, browsing, word
>> processer etc purposes, however, i also uses it for audio edditing,
>> and basic photo edditing as well.
>> The size of the storage doesn't really effect me as much, however, who
>> would say no to a bigger size harddrive? The optical drive also not
>> the priority, as i have a 4 year old IMac sitting at home as my
>> desttop.
>> All of your advice is very much appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> Joanne
>> -- 
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Re: mail

2012-06-17 Thread Ricardo Walker

why not just press command Y?  You don't even have to open the message. lol

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 17, 2012, at 9:51 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

> Press enter on the email message to open it.
> Press control option right arrow until you get to the slideshow button.
> Press control option space.
> This will open the PDF file in quicklook so you can view it's contents.
> When you are done, press the space bar on it's own to get rid of the window.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
> $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2012-06-17, at 9:48 PM, Walter Harper wrote:
>> How do you open an attachment in mail?  I have a PDF file that I need to 
>> open.
>> -- 
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Re: mail

2012-06-17 Thread Ricardo Walker

if you wish to save, go to the file menu when your on the message in the 
messages table and press enter on save attachment.


Ricardo Walker

On Jun 17, 2012, at 9:52 PM, Walter Harper  wrote:

> I need to be able to same the attachment 
> On Jun 17, 2012, at 9:51 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>> Press enter on the email message to open it.
>> Press control option right arrow until you get to the slideshow button.
>> Press control option space.
>> This will open the PDF file in quicklook so you can view it's contents.
>> When you are done, press the space bar on it's own to get rid of the window.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting 
>> at $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2012-06-17, at 9:48 PM, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> How do you open an attachment in mail?  I have a PDF file that I need to 
>>> open.
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: mail

2012-06-17 Thread Walter Harper
really didn't know that thanks for that information I will give it a try

On Jun 17, 2012, at 11:43 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> why not just press command Y?  You don't even have to open the message. lol
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jun 17, 2012, at 9:51 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>> Press enter on the email message to open it.
>> Press control option right arrow until you get to the slideshow button.
>> Press control option space.
>> This will open the PDF file in quicklook so you can view it's contents.
>> When you are done, press the space bar on it's own to get rid of the window.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting 
>> at $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2012-06-17, at 9:48 PM, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> How do you open an attachment in mail?  I have a PDF file that I need to 
>>> open.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: good old good old question, MBP or MBA

2012-06-17 Thread Ricardo Walker

there are new 13 inch MBPs.  They updated all their Mac books last week.  The 
SSD is the real game changer here.  although you are giving up storage space 
with an MBA, most won't notice nor care about the lesser processor found in the 
MBA.  Not unless your doing something resource intensive task that just demands 
a more powerful processor and more RAM than you can get in a MBA.  And if this 
is the case, you probably need a 15 inch MBP or an iMac anyway.


Ricardo Walker

On Jun 17, 2012, at 9:25 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  

> Hi:
> At one time, I'd say the Pro; however with the new Air that just came out, 
> along with the availability of iCloud, that choice is much more difficult. 
> Google Macbook Pro S Macbook Air. There are some speck sheets floating 
> around. I don't think they've updated the 13 inch pro yet. I'm suspecting a 
> new Pro would come out in October. Based on everything you've told me, not 
> counting finances, I'd get an air. VO isn't like Jaws. RAM isn't going to 
> matter as much because the screen reader is a built-in application, not an 
> addition. 
> On Jun 17, 2012, at 7:05 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I guess by now some of you may have feel totally frustrated with me,
>> as i bringing this out every so often...
>> I'm about to get a mac laptop, in the next few days.
>> But i'm torn between MBP 13inch and MBA.
>> my question is, what Mac will be the best? Either the MBP13inch,
>> MBA13inch with 128GB, or MBA11Inch 128GB?
>> I know the spects for all these three are very similar, and i also
>> know that MBA will operate somewhat faster in live time compare to
>> MBP, more portable, etc. I also know that mbp is great for  post
>> processing, and heavy duty usage such as vedeo edditing etc etc.
>> As this will be the very first Mac notebook that i own, and coming
>> from the windows screen reader for laptop background, i'm interested
>> to know, if voiceover will slow any of the mbp or mba down from the
>> specs performance?
>> As my windows brain kick in, sort of telling me that the greater
>> processer, memory, will be better as far as screen reader is concern.
>> i'll mainly using it for studying e.g. research, browsing, word
>> processer etc purposes, however, i also uses it for audio edditing,
>> and basic photo edditing as well.
>> The size of the storage doesn't really effect me as much, however, who
>> would say no to a bigger size harddrive? The optical drive also not
>> the priority, as i have a 4 year old IMac sitting at home as my
>> desttop.
>> All of your advice is very much appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> Joanne
>> -- 
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Re: Upgrading a macbook pro from late 2010

2012-06-17 Thread David Philip Martin Babula Hole
Thanks much.

But can I do it myself, or do I have to visit an apple store?


Sendt fra min iPhone

Den 18. juni 2012 kl. 05:33 skrev Ricardo Walker :


Yes it is.  I upgraded the RAM, and put an SSD into my 2010 Macbook
pro.  I also took out my optical drive and replaced it with the old
rotating hard drive that came with my Mac.  The performance is great.

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 17, 2012, at 8:30 PM, David Hole  wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Is it possible to upgrade a mbp from late 2010 with more ram and maybe
> a ssd disk?
> If so, is it worth doing it?
> -David
> --
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Re: Upgrading a macbook pro from late 2010

2012-06-17 Thread Ricardo Walker

If you feel comfortable working inside a notebook computer, or any computer for 
that matter, you can do it yourself.  I don't even think the Apple store will 
do such an upgrade like puttin in a new SSD in a Macbook pro.

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 17, 2012, at 11:52 PM, David Philip Martin Babula Hole 

> Thanks much.
> But can I do it myself, or do I have to visit an apple store?
> -David
> Sendt fra min iPhone
> Den 18. juni 2012 kl. 05:33 skrev Ricardo Walker :
> Hi,
> Yes it is.  I upgraded the RAM, and put an SSD into my 2010 Macbook
> pro.  I also took out my optical drive and replaced it with the old
> rotating hard drive that came with my Mac.  The performance is great.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jun 17, 2012, at 8:30 PM, David Hole  wrote:
>> Hi folks.
>> Is it possible to upgrade a mbp from late 2010 with more ram and maybe
>> a ssd disk?
>> If so, is it worth doing it?
>> -David
>> --
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Re: good old good old question, MBP or MBA

2012-06-17 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav

As I write to you, I'm using a brand new iMac, 3.4Ghz i7 quad core processor, 
16Gb RAM, enhanced graphics card, 256Gb SSD and 2Tb SATA drive. This is as 
loaded as you can make an iMac, it cannot be speced any higher. In contrast, I 
have an 11in MBA for use when at the office or out and about, or, even for when 
just sitting in the sitting room at home. My 11in MBA is an 1.8 i7 dual core 
processor, 4Gb RAM and a 128Gb SSD. At the time of ordering it, July last year, 
it was the most spec you could put on an MBA 11in.

In terms of Voice Over performance I find no difference in either machine, so, 
with one machine seemingly to be, on face value, massively over powered 
compared to its portable counter part, I can honestly tell you that I have no 
discernible differences perceivable to myself even during heavy usage.

I will very often have Safari up with 5 to 8 tabs open, Pages with 3 or so docs 
on the go, Mail with 6 accounts syncing every minute, Numbers with 2 or so 
spreadsheets open, and iTunes to boot. None of this slows the MBA down and I am 
ever constantly impressed with its capabilities.

Now, you mention audio editing, it really depends on what you mean by that, 
picture editing, on an iPhoto level will be fine, I even have sighted people 
use Aperture on my MBA without issue. However, if you mean PhotoShop level  of 
image manipulation at the intense end of reasonable, then you may, and only 
may, find the MBA under powered. But, I would ask myself very carefully how 
much image editing you really do.

Otherwise, the MBA 11in is the machine if you are ever going to be carrying it 
about, the keyboard is not compromised in terms of physical key size, bar the F 
row, which face it, is used less often anyhow.

I, in case you are wondering, have my iMac pumped up to the max, as a family 
friend edits together all my high end digital photography and home movies at 
full HD and as such, the power makes it more easy to do so.

hope that this helps you.


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS, 
Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

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Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 18 Jun 2012, at 01:05, Joanne Chua wrote:

> Hi all,
> I guess by now some of you may have feel totally frustrated with me,
> as i bringing this out every so often...
> I'm about to get a mac laptop, in the next few days.
> But i'm torn between MBP 13inch and MBA.
> my question is, what Mac will be the best? Either the MBP13inch,
> MBA13inch with 128GB, or MBA11Inch 128GB?
> I know the spects for all these three are very similar, and i also
> know that MBA will operate somewhat faster in live time compare to
> MBP, more portable, etc. I also know that mbp is great for  post
> processing, and heavy duty usage such as vedeo edditing etc etc.
> As this will be the very first Mac notebook that i own, and coming
> from the windows screen reader for laptop background, i'm interested
> to know, if voiceover will slow any of the mbp or mba down from the
> specs performance?
> As my windows brain kick in, sort of telling me that the greater
> processer, memory, will be better as far as screen reader is concern.
> i'll mainly using it for studying e.g. research, browsing, word
> processer etc purposes, however, i also uses it for audio edditing,
> and basic photo edditing as well.
> The size of the storage doesn't really effect me as much, however, who
> would say no to a bigger size harddrive? The optical drive also not
> the priority, as i have a 4 year old IMac sitting at home as my
> desttop.
> All of your advice is very much appreciated.
> Thanks
> Joanne
> -- 
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