anyone tried?

2012-06-05 Thread Maria Chapman
HI.  wondering if anyone has tried world radio lite?  I can see the table with  
the stations but can't figure out how to start one playing or stop it change 
the volume etc.  Speaking of the app store, If there isn't a lite version of an 
app available how do folks determine if the app is accessible or not?  What 
then happens if you buy an app and it doesn't work at all with voice over?

thanks for the info.

Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb
twitter: bubbygirl 
skype: bubbygirl1972

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Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-05 Thread Sean Murphy
Hello to all.

I wish to clear up some possible misunderstandings that people have with the  
virtualisation route.

Depending on available resources on your Mac will determine how to configure 
the VMWare. If you have a Mac with 8gb of physical memory. VMWare states only 
to use a maximum of 50% of the physical memory for the guess OS. This is more 
then enough memory for a 64 bit OS which would be 4gb for the guess. If you are 
planning to use a 32 bit OS, then I wouldn't allocate more then 3 gb of 
physical memory for a 8 gb PC. If you have 4gb physical RAM, then I would use 
the rule of thumb of no more then 50% and allocate accordingly.

In relation to the virtual hard drive that you set up for the guess OS. This is 
really up to you how much you allocate.  The rule of thumb I use is around 40 
to 50 gb. I generally find this is more then enough. I also configure the 
VMWare to share the documents, desktop, music, etc between Windows and the Mac. 
Again, I am reducing the amount of disk spaced used by the Guess windows OS by 
doing this. So the virtual disk is allocated for programs and those files 
needed by the app. The other tip is that I set up my Mac user directory as a 
VMWare shared drive under windows. So it is really easy to copy between both 
environments. Also you can launch your window app from within the Mac  
environment. For example, I can open the word document within windows by 
opening it from the Mac. This is the true power and flexibility of having 
windows in a virtual environment.

If you are having performance issues. It is a good starting point to find out 
how much memory is being shared between the Mac and guess OS. How many cores 
are being used. I find a max of 50% of the cores available is a good guideline. 
EG: a duel core I would only allocate one. On my Mac Book Pro, I have 4 cores, 
so I allocate 2. When allocating the virtual disks, I have read somewhere that 
the 2gb files allocation reduces performance. When you do allocate virtual 
disks, they will grow as you use it to the maximum allocated.

In relation to authorisation of Jaws. This is a known problem with virtual 
environments. It is one of those bugs that sit with the company who FS uses to 
set up the authentication and VMWare. It isn't a FS issues per say, rather it 
is their vendors problem who they use for the authentication. The pro's and 
cons of having FS authentication is not a discussion for this list.

I haven't had any problems with the authentication of Jaws. I even back up the 
whole virtual directory on a periodic bases. So if the virtual guess breaks, I 
can replace it with a known working version.

The other issues you have to be aware of is keyboard conflicts with Windows and 
the Mac. Voice Over is very aggressive and doesn't like anyone else using the 
Capslock key, control option together and any arrow key with the function key. 
.  The Mac does not have any Insert key. So under windows, you have to remap a 
Mac keyboard key to an insert. This is done by an program called sharp keys. 
Another thing I am currently playing with is remapping the Mac keys. I am 
planning to remap the right option  key to a right control key. Under windows, 
I am going to remap the right control key to a insert or caps lock. This will 
give me more flexibility with using Jaws commands. This is a real pain and 
Apple needs to address the keyboard conflict issue. Since if you use VMWare 
under windows. Once the control is passed to the guess OS. Windows doesn't 
interfere with the keys at all. 

One final point, if you turn off Voice Over, the cap lock issue doesn't occur.


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Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with items

2012-06-05 Thread Gigi
Hi Chris
You may have already thought of this, but have you thought about asking her why 
she's not practicing? She may be afraid that she's going to break her computer 
if you're not fair to help her. She may also have other reasons that she's not 
telling. After all, she's not lying to you. She could say that she was 
practicing, even when she was not.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 4, 2012, at 8:30 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  

> Being she only has 3 weeks, and constantly is admitting she's not practicing 
> at all...  she's not paying me so I'm not out any money, gbut she is waisting 
> my time.  I don't wanna be rude but I'm really at my limit.  Maybe I'm just 
> too nice of a person.  I do tend to tell it like it is most of the time, but 
> not when it's in a professional type environment.  Then, I try to refrane.
> Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: erik burggraaf
> To:
> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 7:18 AM
> Subject: Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with 
> items
> Hi Chris,  Erik here from ebony consulting in toronto.  I feel your pain.
> To comment on a couple of things that have been said, I actually find that if 
> you turn automatic interaction via tab key then things work more like 
> windows, in direct contrast to what others have said.
> I also liked what Gigi said about sometimes when there's a disconnect trying 
> to teach the theory and apply it, you might be better off just rolling with 
> it.  Teach a set of steps to accomplish a task and forget why it works as 
> long as it does.  That's a more limited approach but it removes the fear 
> barrier as long as the set of steps works reliably.
> All that assumes practice.  15 minutes a day is not really a hardship for 
> anyone.  I always recommend that to my clients.  I have two thoughts on this. 
>  If my client is paying their own bills, then Iwill sit them down and 
> tell them straight up that they're wasting their money unless they make some 
> changes.  Then if they still want to pay I keep taking their money and muddle 
> along as best I can.  If an organization is paying for the support, then I 
> sit the client down and tell them they have to make the changes or they are 
> going to lose their funding.  I have to document every hour as I'm sure you 
> do as well.  When I get consistent no practice, I put it in the report and 
> the client loses their funding.  It sucks to have to do that, but quite 
> honestly,  I'm not making the kind of money that makes me want to deal with a 
> lot of frustration.  As long as the effort is there I don't care how long it 
> takes to nail down a skill, but if the effort isn't there, then there's some 
> one waiting in line to take that person's spot, one fringe benefit of being a 
> good trainer.  :)  You can't save the world.
> Hope this helps,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
> $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2012-06-03, at 11:47 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:
>> okay… I really could use you awls help.
>> I myself am also a Mac voiceover trainer. I have a student who is starting 
>> from ground one. to the best of my knowledge, I do not believe that she even 
>> knew what voiceover was left alone how to use it until I told her of its 
>> existence. she is doing great, however now we're to the point where I am 
>> trying to help her learn the concept of interacting with certain items. at 
>> this point, she is following behind miserably. I'm not saying that it's her 
>> fault, it's probably the way that I am presenting it to her. I honestly am 
>> not sure how else to make this easier. I have tried literally almost every 
>> analogy underneath the sun. I tried explaining to her that voiceover works 
>> very hierarchically. to her, that made entirely no sense. she somewhat gets 
>> the concept when interacting with tables, but that's about as far as it 
>> goes. even then, I can tell that her concept on the matter is very hazy. I 
>> told her also to think of a bookshelf with three or four ring binders if she 
>> wanted to get to the third binder, and then look at the 15th page within 
>> that binder, she would first have to cross over the first and second binder 
>> without even looking inside of them. then, once at the third binder, she 
>> could then open it up, and then flip to the 15th page. I tried explaining to 
>> her that interacting with items on voiceover is much the same. you have an 
>> item where your voiceover cursor sits. you can either use voice over 
>> navigation to pass right over the items, or you can climb a level down and 
>> see what is underneath that item, by interacting with it. her exact words 
>> when I said this work: "okay, now you really lost me! " I am pretty much out

Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with items

2012-06-05 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
She did great last night, so let's just hope the pattern continues.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Gigi 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 5:21 AM
  Subject: Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with 

  Hi Chris
  You may have already thought of this, but have you thought about asking her 
why she's not practicing? She may be afraid that she's going to break her 
computer if you're not fair to help her. She may also have other reasons that 
she's not telling. After all, she's not lying to you. She could say that she 
was practicing, even when she was not.

  Sent from my iPhone

  On Jun 4, 2012, at 8:30 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

Being she only has 3 weeks, and constantly is admitting she's not 
practicing at all...  she's not paying me so I'm not out any money, gbut she is 
waisting my time.  I don't wanna be rude but I'm really at my limit.  Maybe I'm 
just too nice of a person.  I do tend to tell it like it is most of the time, 
but not when it's in a professional type environment.  Then, I try to refrane.


  - Original Message - 
  From: erik burggraaf 
  Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 7:18 AM
  Subject: Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting 
with items

  Hi Chris,  Erik here from ebony consulting in toronto.  I feel your pain. 

  To comment on a couple of things that have been said, I actually find 
that if you turn automatic interaction via tab key then things work more like 
windows, in direct contrast to what others have said.

  I also liked what Gigi said about sometimes when there's a disconnect 
trying to teach the theory and apply it, you might be better off just rolling 
with it.  Teach a set of steps to accomplish a task and forget why it works as 
long as it does.  That's a more limited approach but it removes the fear 
barrier as long as the set of steps works reliably.

  All that assumes practice.  15 minutes a day is not really a hardship for 
anyone.  I always recommend that to my clients.  I have two thoughts on this.  
If my client is paying their own bills, then I will sit them down and tell them 
straight up that they're wasting their money unless they make some changes.  
Then if they still want to pay I keep taking their money and muddle along as 
best I can.  If an organization is paying for the support, then I sit the 
client down and tell them they have to make the changes or they are going to 
lose their funding.  I have to document every hour as I'm sure you do as well.  
When I get consistent no practice, I put it in the report and the client loses 
their funding.  It sucks to have to do that, but quite honestly,  I'm not 
making the kind of money that makes me want to deal with a lot of frustration.  
As long as the effort is there I don't care how long it takes to nail down a 
skill, but if the effort isn't there, then there's some one waiting in line to 
take that person's spot, one fringe benefit of being a good trainer.  :)  You 
can't save the world.

  Hope this helps,

  Erik Burggraaf
  Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, 
starting at $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
  Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
  or on the web at

  On 2012-06-03, at 11:47 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:

okay… I really could use you awls help.

I myself am also a Mac voiceover trainer. I have a student who is 
starting from ground one. to the best of my knowledge, I do not believe that 
she even knew what voiceover was left alone how to use it until I told her of 
its existence. she is doing great, however now we're to the point where I am 
trying to help her learn the concept of interacting with certain items. at this 
point, she is following behind miserably. I'm not saying that it's her fault, 
it's probably the way that I am presenting it to her. I honestly am not sure 
how else to make this easier. I have tried literally almost every analogy 
underneath the sun. I tried explaining to her that voiceover works very 
hierarchically. to her, that made entirely no sense. she somewhat gets the 
concept when interacting with tables, but that's about as far as it goes. even 
then, I can tell that her concept on the matter is very hazy. I told her also 
to think of a bookshelf with three or four ring binders if she wanted to get to 
the third binder, and then look at the 15th page within that binder, she would 
first have to cross over the first and second binder without even looking 
inside of them. then, once at the third binder, she could then open it up, and 
then flip to the 15th page. I tried explaining to her that interacting with 
items on voiceover is much the same. you have an item where your voiceover 
cursor sits. you ca

Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-05 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Sean,

This is really useful information.  I have not set up VMware Fusion on our new 
iMac yet, as I still use a PC as I must operate outside of a virtual window for 
some contract work I am doing.  I will definitely save your message for future 
reference when I set this up, and if I have questions, I'd like to contact you 
off-list.  Thanks again for posting a really helpful message.

On Jun 5, 2012, at 5:17 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:

> Hello to all.
> I wish to clear up some possible misunderstandings that people have with the  
> virtualisation route.
> Depending on available resources on your Mac will determine how to configure 
> the VMWare. If you have a Mac with 8gb of physical memory. VMWare states only 
> to use a maximum of 50% of the physical memory for the guess OS. This is more 
> then enough memory for a 64 bit OS which would be 4gb for the guess. If you 
> are planning to use a 32 bit OS, then I wouldn't allocate more then 3 gb of 
> physical memory for a 8 gb PC. If you have 4gb physical RAM, then I would use 
> the rule of thumb of no more then 50% and allocate accordingly.
> In relation to the virtual hard drive that you set up for the guess OS. This 
> is really up to you how much you allocate.  The rule of thumb I use is around 
> 40 to 50 gb. I generally find this is more then enough. I also configure the 
> VMWare to share the documents, desktop, music, etc between Windows and the 
> Mac. Again, I am reducing the amount of disk spaced used by the Guess windows 
> OS by doing this. So the virtual disk is allocated for programs and those 
> files needed by the app. The other tip is that I set up my Mac user directory 
> as a VMWare shared drive under windows. So it is really easy to copy between 
> both environments. Also you can launch your window app from within the Mac  
> environment. For example, I can open the word document within windows by 
> opening it from the Mac. This is the true power and flexibility of having 
> windows in a virtual environment.
> If you are having performance issues. It is a good starting point to find out 
> how much memory is being shared between the Mac and guess OS. How many cores 
> are being used. I find a max of 50% of the cores available is a good 
> guideline. EG: a duel core I would only allocate one. On my Mac Book Pro, I 
> have 4 cores, so I allocate 2. When allocating the virtual disks, I have read 
> somewhere that the 2gb files allocation reduces performance. When you do 
> allocate virtual disks, they will grow as you use it to the maximum allocated.
> In relation to authorisation of Jaws. This is a known problem with virtual 
> environments. It is one of those bugs that sit with the company who FS uses 
> to set up the authentication and VMWare. It isn't a FS issues per say, rather 
> it is their vendors problem who they use for the authentication. The pro's 
> and cons of having FS authentication is not a discussion for this list.
> I haven't had any problems with the authentication of Jaws. I even back up 
> the whole virtual directory on a periodic bases. So if the virtual guess 
> breaks, I can replace it with a known working version.
> The other issues you have to be aware of is keyboard conflicts with Windows 
> and the Mac. Voice Over is very aggressive and doesn't like anyone else using 
> the Capslock key, control option together and any arrow key with the function 
> key. .  The Mac does not have any Insert key. So under windows, you have to 
> remap a Mac keyboard key to an insert. This is done by an program called 
> sharp keys. Another thing I am currently playing with is remapping the Mac 
> keys. I am planning to remap the right option  key to a right control key. 
> Under windows, I am going to remap the right control key to a insert or caps 
> lock. This will give me more flexibility with using Jaws commands. This is a 
> real pain and Apple needs to address the keyboard conflict issue. Since if 
> you use VMWare under windows. Once the control is passed to the guess OS. 
> Windows doesn't interfere with the keys at all. 
> One final point, if you turn off Voice Over, the cap lock issue doesn't occur.
> Sean 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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RE: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-05 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. I'm having an issue with VMWare Fusion. I'm trying to
connect mhy Victor Reader. I used to connect it and when I did, VMWare
Fusion gave me a choice. Now it doesn't. The Stream connects to the Mac and
I cann't get VMWare to take control of it even from the usb menu. I suspect
that I inadvertently told VMWare to connect it to the Mac and inadvertently
checked the box telling VMWare not to give me a choice. Can anyone tell me
how to fix this? I want to download an Audible book and store it on the

Thanks so much.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sean Murphy
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 4:18 AM
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions

Hello to all.

I wish to clear up some possible misunderstandings that people have with the
virtualisation route.

Depending on available resources on your Mac will determine how to configure
the VMWare. If you have a Mac with 8gb of physical memory. VMWare states
only to use a maximum of 50% of the physical memory for the guess OS. This
is more then enough memory for a 64 bit OS which would be 4gb for the guess.
If you are planning to use a 32 bit OS, then I wouldn't allocate more then 3
gb of physical memory for a 8 gb PC. If you have 4gb physical RAM, then I
would use the rule of thumb of no more then 50% and allocate accordingly.

In relation to the virtual hard drive that you set up for the guess OS. This
is really up to you how much you allocate.  The rule of thumb I use is
around 40 to 50 gb. I generally find this is more then enough. I also
configure the VMWare to share the documents, desktop, music, etc between
Windows and the Mac. Again, I am reducing the amount of disk spaced used by
the Guess windows OS by doing this. So the virtual disk is allocated for
programs and those files needed by the app. The other tip is that I set up
my Mac user directory as a VMWare shared drive under windows. So it is
really easy to copy between both environments. Also you can launch your
window app from within the Mac  environment. For example, I can open the
word document within windows by opening it from the Mac. This is the true
power and flexibility of having windows in a virtual environment.

If you are having performance issues. It is a good starting point to find
out how much memory is being shared between the Mac and guess OS. How many
cores are being used. I find a max of 50% of the cores available is a good
guideline. EG: a duel core I would only allocate one. On my Mac Book Pro, I
have 4 cores, so I allocate 2. When allocating the virtual disks, I have
read somewhere that the 2gb files allocation reduces performance. When you
do allocate virtual disks, they will grow as you use it to the maximum

In relation to authorisation of Jaws. This is a known problem with virtual
environments. It is one of those bugs that sit with the company who FS uses
to set up the authentication and VMWare. It isn't a FS issues per say,
rather it is their vendors problem who they use for the authentication. The
pro's and cons of having FS authentication is not a discussion for this

I haven't had any problems with the authentication of Jaws. I even back up
the whole virtual directory on a periodic bases. So if the virtual guess
breaks, I can replace it with a known working version.

The other issues you have to be aware of is keyboard conflicts with Windows
and the Mac. Voice Over is very aggressive and doesn't like anyone else
using the Capslock key, control option together and any arrow key with the
function key. .  The Mac does not have any Insert key. So under windows, you
have to remap a Mac keyboard key to an insert. This is done by an program
called sharp keys. Another thing I am currently playing with is remapping
the Mac keys. I am planning to remap the right option  key to a right
control key. Under windows, I am going to remap the right control key to a
insert or caps lock. This will give me more flexibility with using Jaws
commands. This is a real pain and Apple needs to address the keyboard
conflict issue. Since if you use VMWare under windows. Once the control is
passed to the guess OS. Windows doesn't interfere with the keys at all. 

One final point, if you turn off Voice Over, the cap lock issue doesn't


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Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-05 Thread Chris Blouch

Good summary. A couple tidbits to go along.

Fusion defaults to 60GB for Win7 disk allocation and 1GB RAM. These 
might be minimums but probably work well for most situations. It also 
defaults to the 2GB allocations as separate files. Not sure the 
advantage other than for backing up maybe. If you do something you might 
only have a few 2GB files that have been changed. I know a couple people 
who share their user folders (Documents, Music, Photos) from the Mac 
side to Fusion so there is no user generated content in the virtual 
machine. So if the VM blows up nothing is lost and they only need to 
backup the Mac side. Another trick is to use the Snapshots feature. If 
all your documents are outside the virtual machine you can create a 
snapshot at a known good point. If anything goes wonky you can just 
restore to the snapshot state. I've even heard of people using the 
snapshot to run Jaws in 40-minute mode and then jump back again when 
time was up. At least for developers who just run Jaws for testing that 
might be a good solution.

On 6/5/12 5:17 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:

Hello to all.

I wish to clear up some possible misunderstandings that people have with the  
virtualisation route.

Depending on available resources on your Mac will determine how to configure 
the VMWare. If you have a Mac with 8gb of physical memory. VMWare states only 
to use a maximum of 50% of the physical memory for the guess OS. This is more 
then enough memory for a 64 bit OS which would be 4gb for the guess. If you are 
planning to use a 32 bit OS, then I wouldn't allocate more then 3 gb of 
physical memory for a 8 gb PC. If you have 4gb physical RAM, then I would use 
the rule of thumb of no more then 50% and allocate accordingly.

In relation to the virtual hard drive that you set up for the guess OS. This is 
really up to you how much you allocate.  The rule of thumb I use is around 40 
to 50 gb. I generally find this is more then enough. I also configure the 
VMWare to share the documents, desktop, music, etc between Windows and the Mac. 
Again, I am reducing the amount of disk spaced used by the Guess windows OS by 
doing this. So the virtual disk is allocated for programs and those files 
needed by the app. The other tip is that I set up my Mac user directory as a 
VMWare shared drive under windows. So it is really easy to copy between both 
environments. Also you can launch your window app from within the Mac  
environment. For example, I can open the word document within windows by 
opening it from the Mac. This is the true power and flexibility of having 
windows in a virtual environment.

If you are having performance issues. It is a good starting point to find out 
how much memory is being shared between the Mac and guess OS. How many cores 
are being used. I find a max of 50% of the cores available is a good guideline. 
EG: a duel core I would only allocate one. On my Mac Book Pro, I have 4 cores, 
so I allocate 2. When allocating the virtual disks, I have read somewhere that 
the 2gb files allocation reduces performance. When you do allocate virtual 
disks, they will grow as you use it to the maximum allocated.

In relation to authorisation of Jaws. This is a known problem with virtual 
environments. It is one of those bugs that sit with the company who FS uses to 
set up the authentication and VMWare. It isn't a FS issues per say, rather it 
is their vendors problem who they use for the authentication. The pro's and 
cons of having FS authentication is not a discussion for this list.

I haven't had any problems with the authentication of Jaws. I even back up the 
whole virtual directory on a periodic bases. So if the virtual guess breaks, I 
can replace it with a known working version.

The other issues you have to be aware of is keyboard conflicts with Windows and 
the Mac. Voice Over is very aggressive and doesn't like anyone else using the 
Capslock key, control option together and any arrow key with the function key. 
.  The Mac does not have any Insert key. So under windows, you have to remap a 
Mac keyboard key to an insert. This is done by an program called sharp keys. 
Another thing I am currently playing with is remapping the Mac keys. I am 
planning to remap the right option  key to a right control key. Under windows, 
I am going to remap the right control key to a insert or caps lock. This will 
give me more flexibility with using Jaws commands. This is a real pain and 
Apple needs to address the keyboard conflict issue. Since if you use VMWare 
under windows. Once the control is passed to the guess OS. Windows doesn't 
interfere with the keys at all.

One final point, if you turn off Voice Over, the cap lock issue doesn't occur.


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Re: Garage Band Loops

2012-06-05 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, platninum Loops, Mac loops, just look up garageband loops in google and 
you get a few things.


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Re: Recording on MacBook

2012-06-05 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't think so. That need something with a second timeline to raise or 
lower the volume. This would probably be more in the realm of a real 
editor like Garage Band or the like.


On 6/4/12 7:30 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

Can you edit the volume in quick time?
On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Well, you can do editing in Quicktime but I wouldn't attempt anything fancy. Others can 
recommend better apps such as GarageBand which has a lot more features. Generally with 
Quicktime you can trim junk off the beginning or end fairly easily. Load up your clip and 
then choose Trim from the Edit menu (or hit Command-T). That puts you in the editor where 
you can navigate to the "multiple indicators timeline". Interact with that and 
you'll find two draggable indicators for start time and end time. You can jump between 
those with VO-Up and VO-Down. To change the value of either one you interact with it and 
then VO-Left or VO-right. Plain old home and end moves the play head to either end of 
what you have left. Once you have the positions where you want them stop interacting with 
the timeline (you will have to VO-shift-up twice) find the trim button and action that. 
Escape will take you out of edit and all that's left is what you didn't trim. Then you 
can choose iTunes from the Share menu to dump your trimmed audio into iTunes to do 
whatever you like with it.


On 6/4/12 4:38 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

I'm using quick time.
On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

What app are you using for editing?


On 5/31/12 4:51 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

I've just figured out how to make a recording, but when I try and edit it 
delete, undo, etc. all my edit options are dimmed.
Do I need to change any settings in quicktime?
On May 31, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

That's pretty broad. The simplest thing would be to use the built-in mic of 
your mac and choose New Audio Recording from the QuickTime Player menu. Beyond 
that it depends on what kind of recording you want to make and at what level of 


On 5/31/12 1:48 PM, Mary Scott wrote:

Is there a way to record a note or singing?  How might I do that?

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Re: Recording on MacBook

2012-06-05 Thread Chris Blouch
Right, for laptops there is no separate home/end key so you use the 
function key to give the arrows a second purpose. Function up/down also 
maps to pageup/pagedown. Did you interact with the end points before 
trying to move them? So you'll be interacting twice after going into 
Trim mode. Once with the timeline and then once with the endpoint. After 
that second interact VO-left and VO-right should move it in .01 second 
increments. Might be some other modifiers to jump by larger chunks. I'm 
on OSX 10.7 so maybe the keys are slightly different on other versions.

I haven't played as much with iMove. Maybe others can help there.


On 6/4/12 9:02 PM, Blinkin wrote:

I have a couple questions.
According to the keyboard help FN plus left or right arrow is the same 
as pressing the hime and end button.
I tried this both in quicktime and iMovie to adjust the sliders and as 
far as I could tell nothing at all happened.
I really want to find our how to adjust the start and end sliders in 
iMovie especially This will make my video editing a lot faster.
I appreciate any help with this. Take care!

On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Well, you can do editing in Quicktime but I wouldn't attempt anything fancy. Others can 
recommend better apps such as GarageBand which has a lot more features. Generally with 
Quicktime you can trim junk off the beginning or end fairly easily. Load up your clip and 
then choose Trim from the Edit menu (or hit Command-T). That puts you in the editor where 
you can navigate to the "multiple indicators timeline". Interact with that and 
you'll find two draggable indicators for start time and end time. You can jump between 
those with VO-Up and VO-Down. To change the value of either one you interact with it and 
then VO-Left or VO-right. Plain old home and end moves the play head to either end of 
what you have left. Once you have the positions where you want them stop interacting with 
the timeline (you will have to VO-shift-up twice) find the trim button and action that. 
Escape will take you out of edit and all that's left is what you didn't trim. Then you 
can choose iTunes from the Share menu to dump your trimmed audio into iTunes to do 
whatever you like with it.


On 6/4/12 4:38 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

I'm using quick time.
On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

What app are you using for editing?


On 5/31/12 4:51 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

I've just figured out how to make a recording, but when I try and edit it 
delete, undo, etc. all my edit options are dimmed.
Do I need to change any settings in quicktime?
On May 31, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

That's pretty broad. The simplest thing would be to use the built-in mic of 
your mac and choose New Audio Recording from the QuickTime Player menu. Beyond 
that it depends on what kind of recording you want to make and at what level of 


On 5/31/12 1:48 PM, Mary Scott wrote:

Is there a way to record a note or singing?  How might I do that?

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Re: Reverting Files in Text Edit

2012-06-05 Thread Steve Holmes
Any ideas on how to do this with VoiceOver? Saw no replies to original message.

On 6/4/12, Steve Holmes  wrote:
> What is the easiest way to revert a document while using Text Edit and
> VoiceOver? When I choose File -> Revert, I get the dialog with a
> button for revert to most recent save and another button for viewing
> all past versions.  the problem I have is viewing past versions.  At
> least when I tried this, I only saw a single line with the same date
> and time in it twice.  If I interacted with it, I just interacted with
> text.  I thought there would be a table or something.  I'm new to this
> idea of reverting to prior versions, so maybe some background info
> would be of good help.  Are there special tricks for VO users to
> access this area?
> Thanks for any possible help.

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Re: Freedom Pro Bluetooth keyboard shortcut keys for the iPhone for ass

2012-06-05 Thread Ricardo Walker
There are no shortcuts for individual applications.  You just have to use the 
standard Voiceover navigation commands.

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:00 AM, Beefcakes  wrote:

> Hi everyone, does anyone know where there is a list of shortcut keys for the 
> freedom Pro Bluetooth keyboard using the iPhone 4S for programs like mail? I 
> could sure use all the help I get from you guys and I thank you! Johnny
> Cakes
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Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with items

2012-06-05 Thread Steve Holmes
I'm fairly new to the Mac world but I had been exposed to the concept
of interacting from previous podcasts and discussions.  So I didn't
really have that much trouble with the concept of interacting.  But
that doesn't help your student.  What I learned concerning interacting
is when using the VO arrow keys, I could sail right past a group of
radio buttons, table, list of objects or whatever.  Once I would
interact with any of those groups, then I could see the insides so to
speak.  Try the iTunes interface for example.  Lots of interaction and
uninteraction is necessary to get around there.  But then again, this
might blow her away if brought in too soon.  I have seen instances
where one can navigate around in tables without interacting with them
but some of the overall behavior is affected.  these differences are
hard to explain for sure.  that's where Veronica's suggestion of just
diving in and trying with and without interacting to observe the
differences.  As frustrating as this might be to many people, the
removal of interacting would have disasterous consequences to VO as we
currently know it.  Interacting with groups in Groups mode with Safari
is an excellent concept when a website lends itself to it well.

I totally agree with you concerning practice.  She really needs to
find a good and practical use for the mac to get interested in trying
to use it.  I have Linux and Windows at home and when I got the mac, I
took it up more slowly than I originally expected because it was
always easier to go and use my Linux box to do a given task.  I
finally had to force myself to try and use a Mac solution for those
same tasks to really get it down and move on.  Now I feel comfortable
doing these tasks on either platform smoothly.  Maybe have her try and
read some email or go to her favorite websites with the mac instead of
her current methods.  Maybe practical use might be more effective than
a "practice script."

Just some ideas here.

On 6/5/12, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:
> She did great last night, so let's just hope the pattern continues.
> Chris.
>   - Original Message -
>   From: Gigi
>   To:
>   Cc: 
>   Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 5:21 AM
>   Subject: Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting
> with items
>   Hi Chris
>   You may have already thought of this, but have you thought about asking
> her why she's not practicing? She may be afraid that she's going to break
> her computer if you're not fair to help her. She may also have other reasons
> that she's not telling. After all, she's not lying to you. She could say
> that she was practicing, even when she was not.
>   Regards
>   Gigi
>   Sent from my iPhone
>   On Jun 4, 2012, at 8:30 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
>  wrote:
> Being she only has 3 weeks, and constantly is admitting she's not
> practicing at all...  she's not paying me so I'm not out any money, gbut she
> is waisting my time.  I don't wanna be rude but I'm really at my limit.
> Maybe I'm just too nice of a person.  I do tend to tell it like it is most
> of the time, but not when it's in a professional type environment.  Then, I
> try to refrane.
> Chris.
>   - Original Message -
>   From: erik burggraaf
>   To:
>   Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 7:18 AM
>   Subject: Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting
> with items
>   Hi Chris,  Erik here from ebony consulting in toronto.  I feel your
> pain.
>   To comment on a couple of things that have been said, I actually find
> that if you turn automatic interaction via tab key then things work more
> like windows, in direct contrast to what others have said.
>   I also liked what Gigi said about sometimes when there's a disconnect
> trying to teach the theory and apply it, you might be better off just
> rolling with it.  Teach a set of steps to accomplish a task and forget why
> it works as long as it does.  That's a more limited approach but it removes
> the fear barrier as long as the set of steps works reliably.
>   All that assumes practice.  15 minutes a day is not really a hardship
> for anyone.  I always recommend that to my clients.  I have two thoughts on
> this.  If my client is paying their own bills, then I will sit them down and
> tell them straight up that they're wasting their money unless they make some
> changes.  Then if they still want to pay I keep taking their money and
> muddle along as best I can.  If an organization is paying for the support,
> then I sit the client down and tell them they have to make the changes or
> they are going to lose their funding.  I have to document every hour as I'm
> sure you do as well.  When I get consistent no practice, I put it in the
> report and the client loses their funding.  It sucks to have to do that, but
> quite honestly,  I'm not making the kind of money that makes me wa

Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-05 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Just my thoughts everyone.

Why not get a Jaws Dongle rather than using your ILM counts?  Just that if you 
lose your virtual machine, then you will not lose your activation.  I at 
present run jaws in 40 minute mode but am planning to get another SMA with 
Dongle in the near future.

On 5 Jun 2012, at 14:56, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Good summary. A couple tidbits to go along.
> Fusion defaults to 60GB for Win7 disk allocation and 1GB RAM. These might be 
> minimums but probably work well for most situations. It also defaults to the 
> 2GB allocations as separate files. Not sure the advantage other than for 
> backing up maybe. If you do something you might only have a few 2GB files 
> that have been changed. I know a couple people who share their user folders 
> (Documents, Music, Photos) from the Mac side to Fusion so there is no user 
> generated content in the virtual machine. So if the VM blows up nothing is 
> lost and they only need to backup the Mac side. Another trick is to use the 
> Snapshots feature. If all your documents are outside the virtual machine you 
> can create a snapshot at a known good point. If anything goes wonky you can 
> just restore to the snapshot state. I've even heard of people using the 
> snapshot to run Jaws in 40-minute mode and then jump back again when time was 
> up. At least for developers who just run Jaws for testing that might be a 
> good solution.
> On 6/5/12 5:17 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hello to all.
>> I wish to clear up some possible misunderstandings that people have with the 
>>  virtualisation route.
>> Depending on available resources on your Mac will determine how to configure 
>> the VMWare. If you have a Mac with 8gb of physical memory. VMWare states 
>> only to use a maximum of 50% of the physical memory for the guess OS. This 
>> is more then enough memory for a 64 bit OS which would be 4gb for the guess. 
>> If you are planning to use a 32 bit OS, then I wouldn't allocate more then 3 
>> gb of physical memory for a 8 gb PC. If you have 4gb physical RAM, then I 
>> would use the rule of thumb of no more then 50% and allocate accordingly.
>> In relation to the virtual hard drive that you set up for the guess OS. This 
>> is really up to you how much you allocate.  The rule of thumb I use is 
>> around 40 to 50 gb. I generally find this is more then enough. I also 
>> configure the VMWare to share the documents, desktop, music, etc between 
>> Windows and the Mac. Again, I am reducing the amount of disk spaced used by 
>> the Guess windows OS by doing this. So the virtual disk is allocated for 
>> programs and those files needed by the app. The other tip is that I set up 
>> my Mac user directory as a VMWare shared drive under windows. So it is 
>> really easy to copy between both environments. Also you can launch your 
>> window app from within the Mac  environment. For example, I can open the 
>> word document within windows by opening it from the Mac. This is the true 
>> power and flexibility of having windows in a virtual environment.
>> If you are having performance issues. It is a good starting point to find 
>> out how much memory is being shared between the Mac and guess OS. How many 
>> cores are being used. I find a max of 50% of the cores available is a good 
>> guideline. EG: a duel core I would only allocate one. On my Mac Book Pro, I 
>> have 4 cores, so I allocate 2. When allocating the virtual disks, I have 
>> read somewhere that the 2gb files allocation reduces performance. When you 
>> do allocate virtual disks, they will grow as you use it to the maximum 
>> allocated.
>> In relation to authorisation of Jaws. This is a known problem with virtual 
>> environments. It is one of those bugs that sit with the company who FS uses 
>> to set up the authentication and VMWare. It isn't a FS issues per say, 
>> rather it is their vendors problem who they use for the authentication. The 
>> pro's and cons of having FS authentication is not a discussion for this list.
>> I haven't had any problems with the authentication of Jaws. I even back up 
>> the whole virtual directory on a periodic bases. So if the virtual guess 
>> breaks, I can replace it with a known working version.
>> The other issues you have to be aware of is keyboard conflicts with Windows 
>> and the Mac. Voice Over is very aggressive and doesn't like anyone else 
>> using the Capslock key, control option together and any arrow key with the 
>> function key. .  The Mac does not have any Insert key. So under windows, you 
>> have to remap a Mac keyboard key to an insert. This is done by an program 
>> called sharp keys. Another thing I am currently playing with is remapping 
>> the Mac keys. I am planning to remap the right option  key to a right 
>> control key. Under windows, I am going to remap the right control key to a 
>> insert or caps lock. This will give me more flexibility with using Jaws 
>> commands. This is a real pain and 

Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with items

2012-06-05 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi All.

I thought I'd tell you my experience of learning Voice Over and this might be 
able to help Chris to understand as this is what his pupil may be feeling, I do 
not know.

I got my Mac Book Pro two years ago or just over when I was in the USA for a 

At first, I was excited to get the Mac and the person who I was with who had 
also got the same model as me, didn't think I would get the model I was shown.  
Now bearing in mind, I was there for a week!

I remember him telling me to do the Voice Over tutorial.  When he left the 
room, I started doing it and I kept thinking is this all?  I'm sure I'm doing 
things wrong as I kept thinking there was much more to it.  Now when he came 
back he asked me if I'd done it and I remember saying in a small voice yes but 
I think I've done it wrong.  Then he'd sit down with me and start reading the 
manual to me which he had in braille and each time it came to interacting, I 
could not grasp it.  In fact when we ever talked about interacting, I would get 
miserable as I thought I'd never get this bearing in mind I was with this 
person for a week.  He would give me a hard time because I could not grasp this 
concept.  He would make me sit and practice and would go through the manual and 
oh I remember I wanted to use windows when things got too complicated.  He 
would tell me that sighted people would read across the screen rather than 
doing the jaws traditional way as never seeing, I did not know how sighted 
people read.

I am not very good with Voice Over and can only use the menus as I still can't 
grasp the short cuts.  I just do the best I can and do not worry too much as 
long as I can grasp what I need to do.

I even had to listen to how windows was installed via Fusion or I would have 
not dreamed of installing windows as I remember being amazed.  I do not know 
how I learned what I did in a week but I was scared to go home alone and not 
want to use the Mac in case I broke it.  But now two years later, I am using 
the Mac comfortable with what I know.

On 5 Jun 2012, at 16:17, Steve Holmes wrote:

> I'm fairly new to the Mac world but I had been exposed to the concept
> of interacting from previous podcasts and discussions.  So I didn't
> really have that much trouble with the concept of interacting.  But
> that doesn't help your student.  What I learned concerning interacting
> is when using the VO arrow keys, I could sail right past a group of
> radio buttons, table, list of objects or whatever.  Once I would
> interact with any of those groups, then I could see the insides so to
> speak.  Try the iTunes interface for example.  Lots of interaction and
> uninteraction is necessary to get around there.  But then again, this
> might blow her away if brought in too soon.  I have seen instances
> where one can navigate around in tables without interacting with them
> but some of the overall behavior is affected.  these differences are
> hard to explain for sure.  that's where Veronica's suggestion of just
> diving in and trying with and without interacting to observe the
> differences.  As frustrating as this might be to many people, the
> removal of interacting would have disasterous consequences to VO as we
> currently know it.  Interacting with groups in Groups mode with Safari
> is an excellent concept when a website lends itself to it well.
> I totally agree with you concerning practice.  She really needs to
> find a good and practical use for the mac to get interested in trying
> to use it.  I have Linux and Windows at home and when I got the mac, I
> took it up more slowly than I originally expected because it was
> always easier to go and use my Linux box to do a given task.  I
> finally had to force myself to try and use a Mac solution for those
> same tasks to really get it down and move on.  Now I feel comfortable
> doing these tasks on either platform smoothly.  Maybe have her try and
> read some email or go to her favorite websites with the mac instead of
> her current methods.  Maybe practical use might be more effective than
> a "practice script."
> Just some ideas here.
> On 6/5/12, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:
>> She did great last night, so let's just hope the pattern continues.
>> Chris.
>>  - Original Message -
>>  From: Gigi
>>  To:
>>  Cc: 
>>  Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 5:21 AM
>>  Subject: Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting
>> with items
>>  Hi Chris
>>  You may have already thought of this, but have you thought about asking
>> her why she's not practicing? She may be afraid that she's going to break
>> her computer if you're not fair to help her. She may also have other reasons
>> that she's not telling. After all, she's not lying to you. She could say
>> that she was practicing, even when she was not.
>>  Regards
>>  Gigi
>>  Sent from my iPhone
>>  On Jun 4, 2012, at 8:30 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
>>  wro

VO is unable to read a book in PDF format

2012-06-05 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

I just downloaded a book in PDF and tried to read it with Preview and Safari.
But I assume that the pages of the book are in the form of images, so VoiceOver 
is unable to read them.
So, what should I do to convert the book into a VoiceOver-accessible form?
I used to use Fine Reader for this purpose in Windows.

As always, your help would be much appreciated.


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Re: VO is unable to read a book in PDF format

2012-06-05 Thread Ricardo Walker

I would download the file and then download Stanza.  Its very good at reading 
and converting PDFs. 

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 5, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just downloaded a book in PDF and tried to read it with Preview and Safari.
> But I assume that the pages of the book are in the form of images, so 
> VoiceOver is unable to read them.
> So, what should I do to convert the book into a VoiceOver-accessible form?
> I used to use Fine Reader for this purpose in Windows.
> As always, your help would be much appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Rahul
> -- 
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Re: Recording on MacBook

2012-06-05 Thread Krysti .Power
How would I record my voice plus music with no background noise on my mac
On 2012-06-04 8:30 PM, "Stacey Robinson"  wrote:

> Can you edit the volume in quick time?
> On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> > Well, you can do editing in Quicktime but I wouldn't attempt anything
> fancy. Others can recommend better apps such as GarageBand which has a lot
> more features. Generally with Quicktime you can trim junk off the beginning
> or end fairly easily. Load up your clip and then choose Trim from the Edit
> menu (or hit Command-T). That puts you in the editor where you can navigate
> to the "multiple indicators timeline". Interact with that and you'll find
> two draggable indicators for start time and end time. You can jump between
> those with VO-Up and VO-Down. To change the value of either one you
> interact with it and then VO-Left or VO-right. Plain old home and end moves
> the play head to either end of what you have left. Once you have the
> positions where you want them stop interacting with the timeline (you will
> have to VO-shift-up twice) find the trim button and action that. Escape
> will take you out of edit and all that's left is what you didn't trim. Then
> you can choose iTunes from the Share menu to dump your trimmed audio into
> iTunes to do whatever you like with it.
> >
> > CB
> >
> > On 6/4/12 4:38 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> >> I'm using quick time.
> >> On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> >>
> >>> What app are you using for editing?
> >>>
> >>> CB
> >>>
> >>> On 5/31/12 4:51 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>  Chris,
>  I've just figured out how to make a recording, but when I try and
> edit it delete, undo, etc. all my edit options are dimmed.
>  Do I need to change any settings in quicktime?
>  On May 31, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> > That's pretty broad. The simplest thing would be to use the built-in
> mic of your mac and choose New Audio Recording from the QuickTime Player
> menu. Beyond that it depends on what kind of recording you want to make and
> at what level of quality.
> >
> > CB
> >
> > On 5/31/12 1:48 PM, Mary Scott wrote:
> >> Is there a way to record a note or singing?  How might I do that?
> >>
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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> >
> >>> --
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> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >>> For more options, visit this group at
> >>>
> >>
> >
> > --
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> >
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Re: Recording on MacBook

2012-06-05 Thread Ricardo Walker
Use garageband.  As far as no background noise, do you have a sound proof 
booth?  If not, it will just be as quite as the quietest room you can find.

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 5, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Krysti .Power  wrote:

> How would I record my voice plus music with no background noise on my mac
> On 2012-06-04 8:30 PM, "Stacey Robinson"  wrote:
> Can you edit the volume in quick time?
> On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> > Well, you can do editing in Quicktime but I wouldn't attempt anything 
> > fancy. Others can recommend better apps such as GarageBand which has a lot 
> > more features. Generally with Quicktime you can trim junk off the beginning 
> > or end fairly easily. Load up your clip and then choose Trim from the Edit 
> > menu (or hit Command-T). That puts you in the editor where you can navigate 
> > to the "multiple indicators timeline". Interact with that and you'll find 
> > two draggable indicators for start time and end time. You can jump between 
> > those with VO-Up and VO-Down. To change the value of either one you 
> > interact with it and then VO-Left or VO-right. Plain old home and end moves 
> > the play head to either end of what you have left. Once you have the 
> > positions where you want them stop interacting with the timeline (you will 
> > have to VO-shift-up twice) find the trim button and action that. Escape 
> > will take you out of edit and all that's left is what you didn't trim. Then 
> > you can choose iTunes from the Share menu to dump your trimmed audio into 
> > iTunes to do whatever you like with it.
> >
> > CB
> >
> > On 6/4/12 4:38 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> >> I'm using quick time.
> >> On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> >>
> >>> What app are you using for editing?
> >>>
> >>> CB
> >>>
> >>> On 5/31/12 4:51 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>  Chris,
>  I've just figured out how to make a recording, but when I try and edit 
>  it delete, undo, etc. all my edit options are dimmed.
>  Do I need to change any settings in quicktime?
>  On May 31, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> > That's pretty broad. The simplest thing would be to use the built-in 
> > mic of your mac and choose New Audio Recording from the QuickTime 
> > Player menu. Beyond that it depends on what kind of recording you want 
> > to make and at what level of quality.
> >
> > CB
> >
> > On 5/31/12 1:48 PM, Mary Scott wrote:
> >> Is there a way to record a note or singing?  How might I do that?
> >>
> > --
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Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-05 Thread Ricardo Walker
NVDA is also a good solution.  Especially for those who won't be booting into 
windows much.

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 5, 2012, at 11:55 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Just my thoughts everyone.
> Why not get a Jaws Dongle rather than using your ILM counts?  Just that if 
> you lose your virtual machine, then you will not lose your activation.  I at 
> present run jaws in 40 minute mode but am planning to get another SMA with 
> Dongle in the near future.
> Kawal.
> On 5 Jun 2012, at 14:56, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Good summary. A couple tidbits to go along.
>> Fusion defaults to 60GB for Win7 disk allocation and 1GB RAM. These might be 
>> minimums but probably work well for most situations. It also defaults to the 
>> 2GB allocations as separate files. Not sure the advantage other than for 
>> backing up maybe. If you do something you might only have a few 2GB files 
>> that have been changed. I know a couple people who share their user folders 
>> (Documents, Music, Photos) from the Mac side to Fusion so there is no user 
>> generated content in the virtual machine. So if the VM blows up nothing is 
>> lost and they only need to backup the Mac side. Another trick is to use the 
>> Snapshots feature. If all your documents are outside the virtual machine you 
>> can create a snapshot at a known good point. If anything goes wonky you can 
>> just restore to the snapshot state. I've even heard of people using the 
>> snapshot to run Jaws in 40-minute mode and then jump back again when time 
>> was up. At least for developers who just run Jaws for testing that might be 
>> a good solution.
>> On 6/5/12 5:17 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>>> Hello to all.
>>> I wish to clear up some possible misunderstandings that people have with 
>>> the  virtualisation route.
>>> Depending on available resources on your Mac will determine how to 
>>> configure the VMWare. If you have a Mac with 8gb of physical memory. VMWare 
>>> states only to use a maximum of 50% of the physical memory for the guess 
>>> OS. This is more then enough memory for a 64 bit OS which would be 4gb for 
>>> the guess. If you are planning to use a 32 bit OS, then I wouldn't allocate 
>>> more then 3 gb of physical memory for a 8 gb PC. If you have 4gb physical 
>>> RAM, then I would use the rule of thumb of no more then 50% and allocate 
>>> accordingly.
>>> In relation to the virtual hard drive that you set up for the guess OS. 
>>> This is really up to you how much you allocate.  The rule of thumb I use is 
>>> around 40 to 50 gb. I generally find this is more then enough. I also 
>>> configure the VMWare to share the documents, desktop, music, etc between 
>>> Windows and the Mac. Again, I am reducing the amount of disk spaced used by 
>>> the Guess windows OS by doing this. So the virtual disk is allocated for 
>>> programs and those files needed by the app. The other tip is that I set up 
>>> my Mac user directory as a VMWare shared drive under windows. So it is 
>>> really easy to copy between both environments. Also you can launch your 
>>> window app from within the Mac  environment. For example, I can open the 
>>> word document within windows by opening it from the Mac. This is the true 
>>> power and flexibility of having windows in a virtual environment.
>>> If you are having performance issues. It is a good starting point to find 
>>> out how much memory is being shared between the Mac and guess OS. How many 
>>> cores are being used. I find a max of 50% of the cores available is a good 
>>> guideline. EG: a duel core I would only allocate one. On my Mac Book Pro, I 
>>> have 4 cores, so I allocate 2. When allocating the virtual disks, I have 
>>> read somewhere that the 2gb files allocation reduces performance. When you 
>>> do allocate virtual disks, they will grow as you use it to the maximum 
>>> allocated.
>>> In relation to authorisation of Jaws. This is a known problem with virtual 
>>> environments. It is one of those bugs that sit with the company who FS uses 
>>> to set up the authentication and VMWare. It isn't a FS issues per say, 
>>> rather it is their vendors problem who they use for the authentication. The 
>>> pro's and cons of having FS authentication is not a discussion for this 
>>> list.
>>> I haven't had any problems with the authentication of Jaws. I even back up 
>>> the whole virtual directory on a periodic bases. So if the virtual guess 
>>> breaks, I can replace it with a known working version.
>>> The other issues you have to be aware of is keyboard conflicts with Windows 
>>> and the Mac. Voice Over is very aggressive and doesn't like anyone else 
>>> using the Capslock key, control option together and any arrow key with the 
>>> function key. .  The Mac does not have any Insert key. So under windows, 
>>> you have to remap a Mac keyboard key to an insert. This is done by an 
>>> program cal

Re: Recording on MacBook

2012-06-05 Thread Chris Blouch
This is probably where you want to get into GarageBand. You would want 
the music on one track and your voice on the other. As far as noise that 
depends on your room and your mic placement/proximity. If you just use 
the mic built into  your mac you're going to get a lot of room noise and 
sounds from the hard drive etc. Instead I would hook up something 
external and be close to the mic to overcome any ambient noise.


On 6/5/12 1:17 PM, Krysti .Power wrote:

How would I record my voice plus music with no background noise on my mac

On 2012-06-04 8:30 PM, "Stacey Robinson" > wrote:

Can you edit the volume in quick time?
On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Well, you can do editing in Quicktime but I wouldn't attempt
anything fancy. Others can recommend better apps such as
GarageBand which has a lot more features. Generally with Quicktime
you can trim junk off the beginning or end fairly easily. Load up
your clip and then choose Trim from the Edit menu (or hit
Command-T). That puts you in the editor where you can navigate to
the "multiple indicators timeline". Interact with that and you'll
find two draggable indicators for start time and end time. You can
jump between those with VO-Up and VO-Down. To change the value of
either one you interact with it and then VO-Left or VO-right.
Plain old home and end moves the play head to either end of what
you have left. Once you have the positions where you want them
stop interacting with the timeline (you will have to VO-shift-up
twice) find the trim button and action that. Escape will take you
out of edit and all that's left is what you didn't trim. Then you
can choose iTunes from the Share menu to dump your trimmed audio
into iTunes to do whatever you like with it.
> CB
> On 6/4/12 4:38 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>> I'm using quick time.
>> On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> What app are you using for editing?
>>> CB
>>> On 5/31/12 4:51 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
 I've just figured out how to make a recording, but when I try
and edit it delete, undo, etc. all my edit options are dimmed.
 Do I need to change any settings in quicktime?
 On May 31, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> That's pretty broad. The simplest thing would be to use the
built-in mic of your mac and choose New Audio Recording from the
QuickTime Player menu. Beyond that it depends on what kind of
recording you want to make and at what level of quality.
> CB
> On 5/31/12 1:48 PM, Mary Scott wrote:
>> Is there a way to record a note or singing?  How might I do
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Re: VO is unable to read a book in PDF format

2012-06-05 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Rahul,

If the book is indeed just images, then ABBYY FineReader Express for Mac will 
do the OCR for you. You can buy it from the Mac App Store. I think it costs 
around $80.



On 5 Jun 2012, at 18:40, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just downloaded a book in PDF and tried to read it with Preview and Safari.
> But I assume that the pages of the book are in the form of images, so 
> VoiceOver is unable to read them.
> So, what should I do to convert the book into a VoiceOver-accessible form?
> I used to use Fine Reader for this purpose in Windows.
> As always, your help would be much appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Rahul
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Mail Questions

2012-06-05 Thread Linda Adams

I tried checking the archives for my questions but the Google Group page looks 
a lot different and I couldn't figure out how to conduct a topic search.

I finally upgraded to Lion last week so am learning my way around the new 
stuff.  In Mail I had a folder set up for my Macvisionaries messages with a 
rule that sent them directly to the folder.  Well, I can't locate the folder.  
I hear the tone announcing new mail and feel certain that's what is  coming in.

In the side bar under the first level of Gmail it shows the second level Gmail 
as collapsed.  I've tried the old method using Option and right arrow to open 
it but that doesn't do it.  I've tried all other key combinations but nothing 
works.  I've checked menus etc. with no luck.  I check the favorites but it 
wasn't there either.

Assuming the folder is hiding somehow somewhere, how can I get to it?

Also, is there a link to a discussion of the Lion changes that affect Voiceover?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Mail Questions

2012-06-05 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Try command-shift-M this should toggle the mailbox list.

In Lion mail there is a "favorites" mailbox region.  You can drag  folders in 
and out of that region and in the process assign hot keys to move message to 
folder and read folder.  

The address book is a bit different, but you should be able to figure that out.

In terms of mail, mail will hide content being quoted in replies just like 
google on the Web. The major other change for me was VO commands for drag and 
drop and the file move option.

Best wishes,

Jonathan C. Cohn
+1 *(703) 573-6956

On Jun 5, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Linda Adams wrote:

> Hello,
> I tried checking the archives for my questions but the Google Group page 
> looks a lot different and I couldn't figure out how to conduct a topic search.
> I finally upgraded to Lion last week so am learning my way around the new 
> stuff.  In Mail I had a folder set up for my Macvisionaries messages with a 
> rule that sent them directly to the folder.  Well, I can't locate the folder. 
>  I hear the tone announcing new mail and feel certain that's what is  coming 
> in.
> In the side bar under the first level of Gmail it shows the second level 
> Gmail as collapsed.  I've tried the old method using Option and right arrow 
> to open it but that doesn't do it.  I've tried all other key combinations but 
> nothing works.  I've checked menus etc. with no luck.  I check the favorites 
> but it wasn't there either.
> Assuming the folder is hiding somehow somewhere, how can I get to it?
> Also, is there a link to a discussion of the Lion changes that affect 
> Voiceover?
> Thanks in advance,
> Linda
> -- 
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Re: facebook menus

2012-06-05 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Lion does do a bit better at these things.

. Facebook has a tendency to change things around when the mouse moves over 
certain items, so I have found it better to have mouse cursor not follow 
voiceover cursor.
2. I would also suggest you make sure you are using the latest webkit and/or 
Google Chrome.  

When these menus are properly defined, which I believe Facebooks are, then 
keyboard focus will move to the menu when you click on the entry button.   At 
that point you should be able to use the arrow keys with out VO /quicknav to 
navigate the menu.

If chromevox on chrome works on your system I would highly recomend just using 
that for facebook.

If you really need help I could pull out my G4 systems and see what happens 
these days.

Best wishes,


Jonathan C. Cohn
+1 *(703) 573-6956

On Jun 5, 2012, at 1:11 AM, Justin Harris wrote:

> Hello.
> I am having problems navigating some of the popup menus in Facebook. For 
> example, to unsubscribe myself from someone's status updates, or to add 
> something to my timeline. Voiceover will announce that there is a menu, and 
> tell me to press VO and space to select the current item, but nothing 
> happens. Also, it says that there is only one menu item, but I know that not 
> to be true. I can not interact with the menu.
> If it makes any difference, I am using Snow Leopard. I can not update to Lion 
>  because I have one of the macbooks that is no longer supported.
> -- 
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Re: facebook menus

2012-06-05 Thread Maria From Australia
Hi, you could also try  menu tap , it's an app for Facebook

I found it on applevis  under  the latest entry for  mac apps   Havent played 
with it a whole lot  but it looks fairly accessible  Blessings!  Maria and my 
guide Karly  email

Sent from my iPhone

On 06/06/2012, at 6:31 AM, "Jonathan C. Cohn"  wrote:

> Lion does do a bit better at these things.
> . Facebook has a tendency to change things around when the mouse moves over 
> certain items, so I have found it better to have mouse cursor not follow 
> voiceover cursor.
> 2. I would also suggest you make sure you are using the latest webkit and/or 
> Google Chrome.  
> When these menus are properly defined, which I believe Facebooks are, then 
> keyboard focus will move to the menu when you click on the entry button.   At 
> that point you should be able to use the arrow keys with out VO /quicknav to 
> navigate the menu.
> If chromevox on chrome works on your system I would highly recomend just 
> using that for facebook.
> If you really need help I could pull out my G4 systems and see what happens 
> these days.
> Best wishes,
> JOnathan
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> +1 *(703) 573-6956
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 1:11 AM, Justin Harris wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I am having problems navigating some of the popup menus in Facebook. For 
>> example, to unsubscribe myself from someone's status updates, or to add 
>> something to my timeline. Voiceover will announce that there is a menu, and 
>> tell me to press VO and space to select the current item, but nothing 
>> happens. Also, it says that there is only one menu item, but I know that not 
>> to be true. I can not interact with the menu.
>> If it makes any difference, I am using Snow Leopard. I can not update to 
>> Lion  because I have one of the macbooks that is no longer supported.
>> -- 
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Garageband podcast

2012-06-05 Thread Stacey Robinson
Can you give me a direct link to your garageband podcast? I couldn't find it on 
your site.
Stacey and GEB dog Chesley

On Jun 5, 2012, at 12:28 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Use garageband.  As far as no background noise, do you have a sound proof 
> booth?  If not, it will just be as quite as the quietest room you can find.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Krysti .Power  wrote:
>> How would I record my voice plus music with no background noise on my mac
>> On 2012-06-04 8:30 PM, "Stacey Robinson"  wrote:
>> Can you edit the volume in quick time?
>> On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> Well, you can do editing in Quicktime but I wouldn't attempt anything 
>>> fancy. Others can recommend better apps such as GarageBand which has a lot 
>>> more features. Generally with Quicktime you can trim junk off the beginning 
>>> or end fairly easily. Load up your clip and then choose Trim from the Edit 
>>> menu (or hit Command-T). That puts you in the editor where you can navigate 
>>> to the "multiple indicators timeline". Interact with that and you'll find 
>>> two draggable indicators for start time and end time. You can jump between 
>>> those with VO-Up and VO-Down. To change the value of either one you 
>>> interact with it and then VO-Left or VO-right. Plain old home and end moves 
>>> the play head to either end of what you have left. Once you have the 
>>> positions where you want them stop interacting with the timeline (you will 
>>> have to VO-shift-up twice) find the trim button and action that. Escape 
>>> will take you out of edit and all that's left is what you didn't trim. Then 
>>> you can choose iTunes from the Share menu to dump your trimmed audio into 
>>> iTunes to do whatever you like with it.
>>> CB
>>> On 6/4/12 4:38 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
 I'm using quick time.
 On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> What app are you using for editing?
> CB
> On 5/31/12 4:51 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>> Chris,
>> I've just figured out how to make a recording, but when I try and edit 
>> it delete, undo, etc. all my edit options are dimmed.
>> Do I need to change any settings in quicktime?
>> On May 31, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> That's pretty broad. The simplest thing would be to use the built-in 
>>> mic of your mac and choose New Audio Recording from the QuickTime 
>>> Player menu. Beyond that it depends on what kind of recording you want 
>>> to make and at what level of quality.
>>> CB
>>> On 5/31/12 1:48 PM, Mary Scott wrote:
 Is there a way to record a note or singing?  How might I do that?
>>> --
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Re: facebook menus

2012-06-05 Thread Justin Harris
If it would let me edit my timeline, that would be awesome.
I downloaded the latest webkit nightly build, and tried adding an event again, 
with no luck. I tried chrome vox, but couldn't find much  documentation.

El jun 5, 2012, a las 4:56 p.m., Maria From Australia  

> Hi, you could also try  menu tap , it's an app for Facebook
> I found it on applevis  under  the latest entry for  mac apps   Havent played 
> with it a whole lot  but it looks fairly accessible  Blessings!  Maria and my 
> guide Karly  email
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 06/06/2012, at 6:31 AM, "Jonathan C. Cohn"  wrote:
>> Lion does do a bit better at these things.
>> . Facebook has a tendency to change things around when the mouse moves over 
>> certain items, so I have found it better to have mouse cursor not follow 
>> voiceover cursor.
>> 2. I would also suggest you make sure you are using the latest webkit and/or 
>> Google Chrome.  
>> When these menus are properly defined, which I believe Facebooks are, then 
>> keyboard focus will move to the menu when you click on the entry button.   
>> At that point you should be able to use the arrow keys with out VO /quicknav 
>> to navigate the menu.
>> If chromevox on chrome works on your system I would highly recomend just 
>> using that for facebook.
>> If you really need help I could pull out my G4 systems and see what happens 
>> these days.
>> Best wishes,
>> JOnathan
>> Jonathan C. Cohn
>> +1 *(703) 573-6956
>> On Jun 5, 2012, at 1:11 AM, Justin Harris wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> I am having problems navigating some of the popup menus in Facebook. For 
>>> example, to unsubscribe myself from someone's status updates, or to add 
>>> something to my timeline. Voiceover will announce that there is a menu, and 
>>> tell me to press VO and space to select the current item, but nothing 
>>> happens. Also, it says that there is only one menu item, but I know that 
>>> not to be true. I can not interact with the menu.
>>> If it makes any difference, I am using Snow Leopard. I can not update to 
>>> Lion  because I have one of the macbooks that is no longer supported.
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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Re: Garageband podcast

2012-06-05 Thread Ricardo Walker

You can find them here.

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 5, 2012, at 6:04 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:

> Ricardo,
> Can you give me a direct link to your garageband podcast? I couldn't find it 
> on your site.
> Thanks,
> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 12:28 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Use garageband.  As far as no background noise, do you have a sound proof 
>> booth?  If not, it will just be as quite as the quietest room you can find.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Jun 5, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Krysti .Power  wrote:
>>> How would I record my voice plus music with no background noise on my mac
>>> On 2012-06-04 8:30 PM, "Stacey Robinson"  wrote:
>>> Can you edit the volume in quick time?
>>> On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 Well, you can do editing in Quicktime but I wouldn't attempt anything 
 fancy. Others can recommend better apps such as GarageBand which has a lot 
 more features. Generally with Quicktime you can trim junk off the 
 beginning or end fairly easily. Load up your clip and then choose Trim 
 from the Edit menu (or hit Command-T). That puts you in the editor where 
 you can navigate to the "multiple indicators timeline". Interact with that 
 and you'll find two draggable indicators for start time and end time. You 
 can jump between those with VO-Up and VO-Down. To change the value of 
 either one you interact with it and then VO-Left or VO-right. Plain old 
 home and end moves the play head to either end of what you have left. Once 
 you have the positions where you want them stop interacting with the 
 timeline (you will have to VO-shift-up twice) find the trim button and 
 action that. Escape will take you out of edit and all that's left is what 
 you didn't trim. Then you can choose iTunes from the Share menu to dump 
 your trimmed audio into iTunes to do whatever you like with it.
 On 6/4/12 4:38 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> I'm using quick time.
> On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> What app are you using for editing?
>> CB
>> On 5/31/12 4:51 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>> Chris,
>>> I've just figured out how to make a recording, but when I try and edit 
>>> it delete, undo, etc. all my edit options are dimmed.
>>> Do I need to change any settings in quicktime?
>>> On May 31, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 That's pretty broad. The simplest thing would be to use the built-in 
 mic of your mac and choose New Audio Recording from the QuickTime 
 Player menu. Beyond that it depends on what kind of recording you want 
 to make and at what level of quality.
 On 5/31/12 1:48 PM, Mary Scott wrote:
> Is there a way to record a note or singing?  How might I do that?
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Adium Trouble

2012-06-05 Thread Jane
Every contact in my Adium list of contacts speaks normally, except for one. The 
voice for that one is very high and very fast. Now, I'd love to increase the 
speed on all the contacts, but I want to reduce the pitch so it's back to 
Alex's nice, normal sound.  I don't even know how I managed to mess this one 
contact up.  Where do I go to fix individual settings for a contact, and what 
do I fix?


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Mail Threads

2012-06-05 Thread Blinkin
Seasons greetings,
So when there are multiple emails in one thread how do I get to the 
first one that was sent?
If there are more than one it always makes me open the newest first and 
I have to delete it before I can read the others.
Is there a way to turn the threads off so they just all show up or 
should I change the reading order to olders first instead of newest.
Thanks for any help!

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Garageband podcast

2012-06-05 Thread Stacey Robinson
Thanks so much.
I'll go look now.

On Jun 5, 2012, at 9:14 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> You can find them here.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 6:04 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>> Ricardo,
>> Can you give me a direct link to your garageband podcast? I couldn't find it 
>> on your site.
>> Thanks,
>> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
>> On Jun 5, 2012, at 12:28 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Use garageband.  As far as no background noise, do you have a sound proof 
>>> booth?  If not, it will just be as quite as the quietest room you can find.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Jun 5, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Krysti .Power  wrote:
 How would I record my voice plus music with no background noise on my mac
 On 2012-06-04 8:30 PM, "Stacey Robinson"  wrote:
 Can you edit the volume in quick time?
 On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Well, you can do editing in Quicktime but I wouldn't attempt anything 
> fancy. Others can recommend better apps such as GarageBand which has a 
> lot more features. Generally with Quicktime you can trim junk off the 
> beginning or end fairly easily. Load up your clip and then choose Trim 
> from the Edit menu (or hit Command-T). That puts you in the editor where 
> you can navigate to the "multiple indicators timeline". Interact with 
> that and you'll find two draggable indicators for start time and end 
> time. You can jump between those with VO-Up and VO-Down. To change the 
> value of either one you interact with it and then VO-Left or VO-right. 
> Plain old home and end moves the play head to either end of what you have 
> left. Once you have the positions where you want them stop interacting 
> with the timeline (you will have to VO-shift-up twice) find the trim 
> button and action that. Escape will take you out of edit and all that's 
> left is what you didn't trim. Then you can choose iTunes from the Share 
> menu to dump your trimmed audio into iTunes to do whatever you like with 
> it.
> CB
> On 6/4/12 4:38 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>> I'm using quick time.
>> On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> What app are you using for editing?
>>> CB
>>> On 5/31/12 4:51 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
 I've just figured out how to make a recording, but when I try and edit 
 it delete, undo, etc. all my edit options are dimmed.
 Do I need to change any settings in quicktime?
 On May 31, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> That's pretty broad. The simplest thing would be to use the built-in 
> mic of your mac and choose New Audio Recording from the QuickTime 
> Player menu. Beyond that it depends on what kind of recording you 
> want to make and at what level of quality.
> CB
> On 5/31/12 1:48 PM, Mary Scott wrote:
>> Is there a way to record a note or singing?  How might I do that?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

Re: Garageband podcast

2012-06-05 Thread Stacey Robinson
I still don't see them.
I saw iPad unboxing and other podcasts but not garage band. What am I doing 

On Jun 5, 2012, at 9:14 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> You can find them here.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 6:04 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>> Ricardo,
>> Can you give me a direct link to your garageband podcast? I couldn't find it 
>> on your site.
>> Thanks,
>> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
>> On Jun 5, 2012, at 12:28 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Use garageband.  As far as no background noise, do you have a sound proof 
>>> booth?  If not, it will just be as quite as the quietest room you can find.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Jun 5, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Krysti .Power  wrote:
 How would I record my voice plus music with no background noise on my mac
 On 2012-06-04 8:30 PM, "Stacey Robinson"  wrote:
 Can you edit the volume in quick time?
 On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Well, you can do editing in Quicktime but I wouldn't attempt anything 
> fancy. Others can recommend better apps such as GarageBand which has a 
> lot more features. Generally with Quicktime you can trim junk off the 
> beginning or end fairly easily. Load up your clip and then choose Trim 
> from the Edit menu (or hit Command-T). That puts you in the editor where 
> you can navigate to the "multiple indicators timeline". Interact with 
> that and you'll find two draggable indicators for start time and end 
> time. You can jump between those with VO-Up and VO-Down. To change the 
> value of either one you interact with it and then VO-Left or VO-right. 
> Plain old home and end moves the play head to either end of what you have 
> left. Once you have the positions where you want them stop interacting 
> with the timeline (you will have to VO-shift-up twice) find the trim 
> button and action that. Escape will take you out of edit and all that's 
> left is what you didn't trim. Then you can choose iTunes from the Share 
> menu to dump your trimmed audio into iTunes to do whatever you like with 
> it.
> CB
> On 6/4/12 4:38 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>> I'm using quick time.
>> On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> What app are you using for editing?
>>> CB
>>> On 5/31/12 4:51 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
 I've just figured out how to make a recording, but when I try and edit 
 it delete, undo, etc. all my edit options are dimmed.
 Do I need to change any settings in quicktime?
 On May 31, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> That's pretty broad. The simplest thing would be to use the built-in 
> mic of your mac and choose New Audio Recording from the QuickTime 
> Player menu. Beyond that it depends on what kind of recording you 
> want to make and at what level of quality.
> CB
> On 5/31/12 1:48 PM, Mary Scott wrote:
>> Is there a way to record a note or singing?  How might I do that?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Garageband podcast

2012-06-05 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Stacey!
OK I went from this link in this message and they are there look for getting 
started with garage band!
If you have not used the web rota you can call this up with VO+U and if your on 
links just start typing G E and you will be left with the Garage band links so 
just press vo space to take you to the link from the rota and then you can 
either just start it with vo space or use one of the options to download!
HTH colin
OH yeah there is also the item chooser with VO +I and like the web rota if you 
type get then that should also take you to the links!

On 6 Jun 2012, at 04:39, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Ricardo,
> I still don't see them.
> I saw iPad unboxing and other podcasts but not garage band. What am I doing 
> wrong.
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 9:14 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You can find them here.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Jun 5, 2012, at 6:04 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>>> Ricardo,
>>> Can you give me a direct link to your garageband podcast? I couldn't find 
>>> it on your site.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
>>> On Jun 5, 2012, at 12:28 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 Use garageband.  As far as no background noise, do you have a sound proof 
 booth?  If not, it will just be as quite as the quietest room you can find.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Jun 5, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Krysti .Power  wrote:
> How would I record my voice plus music with no background noise on my mac
> On 2012-06-04 8:30 PM, "Stacey Robinson"  wrote:
> Can you edit the volume in quick time?
> On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Well, you can do editing in Quicktime but I wouldn't attempt anything 
>> fancy. Others can recommend better apps such as GarageBand which has a 
>> lot more features. Generally with Quicktime you can trim junk off the 
>> beginning or end fairly easily. Load up your clip and then choose Trim 
>> from the Edit menu (or hit Command-T). That puts you in the editor where 
>> you can navigate to the "multiple indicators timeline". Interact with 
>> that and you'll find two draggable indicators for start time and end 
>> time. You can jump between those with VO-Up and VO-Down. To change the 
>> value of either one you interact with it and then VO-Left or VO-right. 
>> Plain old home and end moves the play head to either end of what you 
>> have left. Once you have the positions where you want them stop 
>> interacting with the timeline (you will have to VO-shift-up twice) find 
>> the trim button and action that. Escape will take you out of edit and 
>> all that's left is what you didn't trim. Then you can choose iTunes from 
>> the Share menu to dump your trimmed audio into iTunes to do whatever you 
>> like with it.
>> CB
>> On 6/4/12 4:38 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>> I'm using quick time.
>>> On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 What app are you using for editing?
 On 5/31/12 4:51 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> Chris,
> I've just figured out how to make a recording, but when I try and 
> edit it delete, undo, etc. all my edit options are dimmed.
> Do I need to change any settings in quicktime?
> On May 31, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> That's pretty broad. The simplest thing would be to use the built-in 
>> mic of your mac and choose New Audio Recording from the QuickTime 
>> Player menu. Beyond that it depends on what kind of recording you 
>> want to make and at what level of quality.
>> CB
>> On 5/31/12 1:48 PM, Mary Scott wrote:
>>> Is there a way to record a note or singing?  How might I do that?
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
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 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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Re: Mail Threads

2012-06-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
Go into the viewing area of Mail preferences. Make sure that "show most recent 
message at the top" is unchecked.


"Nobody ever tells me anything!"--James Forsyte, quoted in the Forsyte Saga

On Jun 5, 2012, at 7:54 PM, Blinkin wrote:

> Seasons greetings,
>   So when there are multiple emails in one thread how do I get to the 
> first one that was sent?
>   If there are more than one it always makes me open the newest first and 
> I have to delete it before I can read the others.
>   Is there a way to turn the threads off so they just all show up or 
> should I change the reading order to olders first instead of newest.
>   Thanks for any help!
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Garageband podcast

2012-06-05 Thread Ricardo Walker

click on the older post link.  That should take you to the page with the 
podcasts.  The link I provided in the last message should have taken you 
straight to that page.  It did over here when I tested it before pasting it 
into the e-mail.

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 5, 2012, at 11:39 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:

> Ricardo,
> I still don't see them.
> I saw iPad unboxing and other podcasts but not garage band. What am I doing 
> wrong.
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 9:14 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You can find them here.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Jun 5, 2012, at 6:04 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>>> Ricardo,
>>> Can you give me a direct link to your garageband podcast? I couldn't find 
>>> it on your site.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
>>> On Jun 5, 2012, at 12:28 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 Use garageband.  As far as no background noise, do you have a sound proof 
 booth?  If not, it will just be as quite as the quietest room you can find.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Jun 5, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Krysti .Power  wrote:
> How would I record my voice plus music with no background noise on my mac
> On 2012-06-04 8:30 PM, "Stacey Robinson"  wrote:
> Can you edit the volume in quick time?
> On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Well, you can do editing in Quicktime but I wouldn't attempt anything 
>> fancy. Others can recommend better apps such as GarageBand which has a 
>> lot more features. Generally with Quicktime you can trim junk off the 
>> beginning or end fairly easily. Load up your clip and then choose Trim 
>> from the Edit menu (or hit Command-T). That puts you in the editor where 
>> you can navigate to the "multiple indicators timeline". Interact with 
>> that and you'll find two draggable indicators for start time and end 
>> time. You can jump between those with VO-Up and VO-Down. To change the 
>> value of either one you interact with it and then VO-Left or VO-right. 
>> Plain old home and end moves the play head to either end of what you 
>> have left. Once you have the positions where you want them stop 
>> interacting with the timeline (you will have to VO-shift-up twice) find 
>> the trim button and action that. Escape will take you out of edit and 
>> all that's left is what you didn't trim. Then you can choose iTunes from 
>> the Share menu to dump your trimmed audio into iTunes to do whatever you 
>> like with it.
>> CB
>> On 6/4/12 4:38 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>> I'm using quick time.
>>> On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 What app are you using for editing?
 On 5/31/12 4:51 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> Chris,
> I've just figured out how to make a recording, but when I try and 
> edit it delete, undo, etc. all my edit options are dimmed.
> Do I need to change any settings in quicktime?
> On May 31, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> That's pretty broad. The simplest thing would be to use the built-in 
>> mic of your mac and choose New Audio Recording from the QuickTime 
>> Player menu. Beyond that it depends on what kind of recording you 
>> want to make and at what level of quality.
>> CB
>> On 5/31/12 1:48 PM, Mary Scott wrote:
>>> Is there a way to record a note or singing?  How might I do that?
>> --
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