Re: Ejecting a disk.

2012-04-10 Thread Ricardo Walker

Shift in not needed.  just command E will do the job.


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 10, 2012, at 1:09 AM, Gerry Cook  wrote:

> pressing cmd shift e will eject the disk, and vo should tell you that it has 
> been ejected, Hope that helps.
> cheers gerry have a great day
> skype: gerry.cook1
> email:
> On 10/04/2012, at 12:58 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If I need to eject a disk such as a thumb drive or sd card, How do I tell 
>> when it is ejected?
>> Thanks,
>> Stacey and Chesley
>> -- 
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Re: Ejecting a disk.

2012-04-10 Thread Gerry Cook
thanks sorry about that haven't done it for a wile. 
cheers gerry have a great day
skype: gerry.cook1

On 10/04/2012, at 5:22 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Shift in not needed.  just command E will do the job.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 1:09 AM, Gerry Cook  wrote:
>> pressing cmd shift e will eject the disk, and vo should tell you that it has 
>> been ejected, Hope that helps.
>> cheers gerry have a great day
>> skype: gerry.cook1
>> email:
>> On 10/04/2012, at 12:58 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> If I need to eject a disk such as a thumb drive or sd card, How do I tell 
>>> when it is ejected?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Stacey and Chesley
>>> -- 
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Re: Any cheaper way to get a new charger that works with my somewhat older Macbook?

2012-04-10 Thread Lewis Alexander
the firmware update will resolve power support. however, there are 2 different 
power packs available. these have different wattages and therefore a lower 
wattage will not help you with both power and charge cycles, in fact this can 
cause damage to the battery and power inverter of the laptop.

in regards the keyboard, I have been checking up on my technical databases with 
apple and the only way to resolve your problem is a keyboard replacement. as 
the key in question has been damaged in removal and a mount point is missing.

sorry but that's how it is. it's not like buying a windows laptop, undo a 
bracket and the keyboard dismounts, the macbook is a different kettle of fish 
all together and requires attention to service. if you were in the UK, I would 
be willing to service this for you but as you're in the USA, you would need to 
find a techie that's willing to udnertake the work as a favour with parts.


On 9 Apr 2012, at 22:12, Esther wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> Brent's correct that the older MacBook models from 2007-2008 require a 
> firmware update in order to charge from the recent model power bricks (with 
> the L-shaped connectors).  The affected models are:
> • MacBook (13-inch Late 2007)
> • MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2008)
> • MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008)
> • MacBook (13-inch, Early 2008)
> • MacBook (13-inch, Late 2008)
> Here's the link to the Apple Knowledge base article that appeared in October 
> 2010:
> • Portables: L-shaped MagSafe power adapter does not charge computer and LED 
> indicator light does not illuminate:
> There should be a link in that document to the appropriate firmware download. 
>  I'd just apply the firmware download, and then you can use any laptop power 
> brick that delivers sufficient power.  E-bay is probably a good source, as 
> you say.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Apr 9, 2012, at 10:46 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> I'm always interchanging power bricks and they all worked just fine. If you 
>> use a small low-wattage one it will run most laptops but you won't be able 
>> to charge your battery at the same time. Last time I needed to buy one was 
>> when my wife found one of the kids sucking on the plug. He was unharmed but 
>> the power supply never worked right after that. At the time I found a pretty 
>> good price at
>> but they seem to be having some database issue at the moment.
>> CB
>> On 4/7/12 4:47 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> from the early intel macbooks, they were the same as the recent ones, with 
>>> exception of wattage ratings.
>>> where abouts are you? I can look up a specialist refurbs place in the USA 
>>> who carries older components.
>>> what I could do with is the machine serial number and then go from there.
>>> the system serial can be found through going to about this mac in the apple 
>>> manu and then going to more info, this opens system profiler and you can 
>>> get the system serial number and model from there.
>>> cheers.
>>> lew
>>> On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:44, Brent Harding wrote:
 Yeah, I just knew that there were L shaped and T shaped ones, and if you 
 don't have the correct one, depending on the firmware in the machine, if 
 you originally had the older one, that's all you could charge with, and I 
 heard Apple doesn't make the old one now. Maybe I can get by with that 
 plug, but there's probably plenty of them on Ebay.
 - Original Message - From: "Lewis 
 Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 3:25 PM
 Subject: Re: Any cheaper way to get a new charger that works with my 
 somewhat older Macbook?
 hi, the apple charger is pretty much a standard unit and there are no 
 compatible products due to patent applications from apple preventing 
 an option or two open to you is ebay for a refurb or used pack or even an 
 apple refurb company depending on where you are in the world.
 On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:21, Brent Harding wrote:
> Hi there. I have this Mac Book that I bought for a good deal some time in 
> 2008 or 2009, that was upgraded and was only 6 months used at that time, 
> if the guy ever did much with it besides keeping it around to sell. When 
> I took it home to my parents' place once, I never noticed that the 
> charger got in front of the car door, and some bracket snapped off. My 
> dad was able to super glue it back together and it works here, but I 
> might be getting a work experience where I might need to move it around 
> from one outlet to another since it only goes about 90 minutes in 
> Windows, and maybe a little more in Snow Leopard. From what I've read, a 
> new one of these costs around $80 and may not work, depending if my 
> machine successfully took a certain firmware update. Is ther

Re: Recording app that allows recording of audio from other apps?

2012-04-10 Thread chris hallsworth
Is this for iOS devices? I realized I should have told you my specs, 
sorry about that. I have an iPhone 4 running iOS 5.1.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 10/04/2012 01:23, Ezzie Bueno wrote:

Hello Chris,

Try Piezo. It has worked well for me.


Ezzie Bueno
Sent from my Macbook Pro
(323) 448-0757

Check out daily jokes and more!

On Apr 9, 2012, at 8:31 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

Hello all.
The subject says it all. I found a major bug I think with Dropvox and apps that 
plays or streams audio where part of the recording isn't included. So is there 
an app that not only helps me record my podcasts, but also allows recording 
from audio playing or streaming from other apps? I have contacted Dropvox 
support, so let's see what happens. For now though, thanks in advance for any 

Christopher Hallsworth

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Re: 5:1 sound output on a mac?

2012-04-10 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi The way I make mmy computer surround sounds is that I have an audio cable 
hooked in from the back of the computer and the other end is hooked up to the 
exilary output in the stereo. Hope that helps.
On Apr 9, 2012, at 1:44 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I am cross posting this to 2 groups that have some of the best experts for 
> macs around (and also deal with the blind).
> what i am looking for is this: I woold like to be able to have 5:1 or higher 
> surround sound output from my mac (either via firewater or USB device) and 
> haven't had a lot of luck finding anything. can any of you suggest a 
> manufacturer or some place that has this hardware and also... does anyone 
> have any experience setting up such devices. I would like to be able to use 
> my Mac as part of a home theater system and this is the last stumbling block.
> thanks.
> -eric
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Re: Ejecting a disk.

2012-04-10 Thread Stacey Robinson
Thanks so much. That's easy to figure out.

On Apr 9, 2012, at 10:01 PM, Michael Malarsie wrote:

> I am pretty sure your good to go once it's not on the desktop anymore. At 
> least thats what I do with my harddrive.
> Mike Malarsie 
> On Apr 9, 2012, at 9:58 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If I need to eject a disk such as a thumb drive or sd card, How do I tell 
>> when it is ejected?
>> Thanks,
>> Stacey and Chesley
>> -- 
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Re: Ejecting a disk.

2012-04-10 Thread Stacey Robinson
Hi Ray,
Yep, got it.
Thanks to everyone.
This is a really nice list.

On Apr 9, 2012, at 10:25 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Sure thing; but, remember, she asked specifically how to eject a drive or 
> disk.  She knows now, I think.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Apr 9, 2012, at 10:01 PM, Michael Malarsie wrote:
>> I am pretty sure your good to go once it's not on the desktop anymore. At 
>> least thats what I do with my harddrive.
>> Mike Malarsie 
>> On Apr 9, 2012, at 9:58 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> If I need to eject a disk such as a thumb drive or sd card, How do I tell 
>>> when it is ejected?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Stacey and Chesley
>>> -- 
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Re: iPhone and t-mobile

2012-04-10 Thread Jim Gatteys
So I am currently using an n82 and don't find it terribly slow with the 
internet.  Wonder how that compares to the iPhone speed with t-mobile?

On Apr 9, 2012, at 11:04 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> You can buy one unlocked and insert a t-mobile sim card.
> On Apr 9, 2012, at 7:41 PM, Jasonlefevers.massage wrote:
>> I m confused how do you get a iPhone with t Mobil? I thought it was only 
>> Verizon, sprint, and AT&T where you can get iPhone service?
>> Jason LeFevers 
>> State of Maryland Registered massage practitioner 
>> Call 443-570-8660 or email to schedule a 
>> massage today! 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 9, 2012, at 8:17 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> is it just the web that is at that speed or the overall operation of the 
>>> phone?
>>> ?  Not sure how that all works.  Thanks for any info.
>>> Jim
>>> On Apr 9, 2012, at 6:33 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
 I use mine, works fine, only works at 2 g speeds but that's good enough 
 for me.
 On Apr 9, 2012, at 5:20 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
> Hi all!
> Does anyone on here use their iPhone with t-mobile and if so, is it 
> really slow?
> Thanks,
> Jim
> -
> Chat with me on facebook:
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> Skype: jimintexas
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Chat with me on facebook:
Skype: jimintexas
Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys

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How do I switch from sheet to sheet in Numbers?

2012-04-10 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Dear Listers,

I've added a new sheet to my spreadsheet in Numbers and now I can't
work out how to move from sheet to sheet to add entries to them. Is
there a shortcut key to do so or is there an area I need to interact
with to accomplish this? I can't seem to be able to locate it.

Thanks for any help.

Best wishes


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how to rip a DVD on a mac?

2012-04-10 Thread Elena Brescacin
I would like to know: is there any program, utility, which allows me
to convert a dvd into avi, or mov, or any other youtube-compatible
video format?
It's not a copyright protected material, it has no protection it's a
personal video
When I insert the dvd into my macbook pro's cd-room slot, DVD player opens
A co-worker suggested me "handbrake", but I do not know how to figure
it out! It opens a window but the "start" and other controls are
grayed. deactivated.
thanks and let me know

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Re: how to rip a DVD on a mac?

2012-04-10 Thread Chris Blouch
You might also try Ripit which will compress into several device 
friendly formats or just a plain old m4v.


On 4/10/12 9:04 AM, Elena Brescacin wrote:

I would like to know: is there any program, utility, which allows me
to convert a dvd into avi, or mov, or any other youtube-compatible
video format?
It's not a copyright protected material, it has no protection it's a
personal video
When I insert the dvd into my macbook pro's cd-room slot, DVD player opens
A co-worker suggested me "handbrake", but I do not know how to figure
it out! It opens a window but the "start" and other controls are
grayed. deactivated.
thanks and let me know

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Notes Experiment

2012-04-10 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Guys. 
I have been doing some experiments with Notes and braille, specifically brf 
files. Hey, guys, Apple never intended for it to be used like this, but Notes 
will swallow a whole brf file such as o you would get from Web Braille. Notes 
will do  transformation such as making all the text lower case, but it's faster 
to do that in TextEdit and also to avoid Mail Busy. However, Mail Busy did come 
out of it on ÿ computer. Also, Notes takes the display of the most irritating 
outhe control characters, the carriage returns and the line feeds. The spaces 
and the page breaks are displayed, but they are displayed in such a way that it 
doesn't interfere with where the goes on the idsplay. In other words, what's 
supposed to be in cell 40 is. If i had known this sooner, I would have tried it 
two weeks ago when I was using my Mac to read brf files. 

Because Web braille files have a margin of cell 38, this reading using this 
method should better on them. This is because the computer insists on showing a 
blank line if there is acharacter in cell 40. There won't be a character in 
cell 40 in a Web braille file. I think the display of control characters is a 
silent one in notes, and that's why you see a blank line with files that have a 
40 cell margin. But for those with cell 38 no what appears to be a blank line 
should be displayed. 

I hope all this makes sense. This means yours truly can use an iPad with Notes 
for my reports because they are much shorter than those brf files. It also 
means, that, if I wanted to, I could use either a Mac or the iPad to read a brf 
file with very little conversion. 


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Re: How do I switch from sheet to sheet in Numbers?

2012-04-10 Thread Chris Blouch

According to the keyboard shortcuts list:

Command PageUp and PageDown switch you from sheet to sheet.


On 4/10/12 8:54 AM, Andrew Lamanche wrote:

Dear Listers,

I've added a new sheet to my spreadsheet in Numbers and now I can't
work out how to move from sheet to sheet to add entries to them. Is
there a shortcut key to do so or is there an area I need to interact
with to accomplish this? I can't seem to be able to locate it.

Thanks for any help.

Best wishes


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Re: how to rip a DVD on a mac?

2012-04-10 Thread Elena Brescacin
downloaded. I found some unlabelled buttons which I have not pressed
it has converted in normal dvd player format, I do not know if it's
compatible with youtube I'll find...
now I'd try to convert it in a better format, these options were in
unlabelled buttons I did not give it a try not to get lost more than
I'm going to contact developers, before buying a license, to tell them
about this RipIt issue

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trouble with YouTube videos

2012-04-10 Thread Jim Gatteys
Hi all!
Lately I've noticed that when I try to play some YouTube videos it says video 
is currently not available and then sometimes there's a "watch later" link that 
will work.  Anybody else have this trouble?
I'm including the most recent link I tried to play and got this message.  Will 
somebody check it out and see if you get the same results?  Its a recording of 
last year's Joplin tornado so it could be scary.
Chat with me on facebook:
Skype: jimintexas
Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys

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Re: how to rip a DVD on a mac?

2012-04-10 Thread Chris Blouch
I think the default m4v format compression should work for youtube but 
I've never tried it. The main buttons are Rip, unlabeled, unlabeled and 
Compress. The first unlabeled will eject the DVD. The second seems to do 
the same thing as Compress.


On 4/10/12 10:11 AM, Elena Brescacin wrote:

downloaded. I found some unlabelled buttons which I have not pressed
it has converted in normal dvd player format, I do not know if it's
compatible with youtube I'll find...
now I'd try to convert it in a better format, these options were in
unlabelled buttons I did not give it a try not to get lost more than
I'm going to contact developers, before buying a license, to tell them
about this RipIt issue

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Re: Any cheaper way to get a new charger that works with my somewhat older Macbook?

2012-04-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Interesting. Maybe the machines I used it with were already updated. 
Hard to keep track of all that.


On 4/9/12 5:12 PM, Esther wrote:

Hi Chris,

Brent's correct that the older MacBook models from 2007-2008 require a firmware 
update in order to charge from the recent model power bricks (with the L-shaped 
connectors).  The affected models are:
• MacBook (13-inch Late 2007)
• MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2008)
• MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008)
• MacBook (13-inch, Early 2008)
• MacBook (13-inch, Late 2008)

Here's the link to the Apple Knowledge base article that appeared in October 
• Portables: L-shaped MagSafe power adapter does not charge computer and LED 
indicator light does not illuminate:

There should be a link in that document to the appropriate firmware download.  
I'd just apply the firmware download, and then you can use any laptop power 
brick that delivers sufficient power.  E-bay is probably a good source, as you 



On Apr 9, 2012, at 10:46 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

I'm always interchanging power bricks and they all worked just fine. If you use 
a small low-wattage one it will run most laptops but you won't be able to 
charge your battery at the same time. Last time I needed to buy one was when my 
wife found one of the kids sucking on the plug. He was unharmed but the power 
supply never worked right after that. At the time I found a pretty good price at

but they seem to be having some database issue at the moment.


On 4/7/12 4:47 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

from the early intel macbooks, they were the same as the recent ones, with 
exception of wattage ratings.

where abouts are you? I can look up a specialist refurbs place in the USA who 
carries older components.

what I could do with is the machine serial number and then go from there.

the system serial can be found through going to about this mac in the apple 
manu and then going to more info, this opens system profiler and you can get 
the system serial number and model from there.



On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:44, Brent Harding wrote:

Yeah, I just knew that there were L shaped and T shaped ones, and if you don't 
have the correct one, depending on the firmware in the machine, if you 
originally had the older one, that's all you could charge with, and I heard 
Apple doesn't make the old one now. Maybe I can get by with that plug, but 
there's probably plenty of them on Ebay.

- Original Message - From: "Lewis 
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: Any cheaper way to get a new charger that works with my somewhat 
older Macbook?

hi, the apple charger is pretty much a standard unit and there are no 
compatible products due to patent applications from apple preventing clones.

an option or two open to you is ebay for a refurb or used pack or even an apple 
refurb company depending on where you are in the world.


On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:21, Brent Harding wrote:

Hi there. I have this Mac Book that I bought for a good deal some time in 2008 
or 2009, that was upgraded and was only 6 months used at that time, if the guy 
ever did much with it besides keeping it around to sell. When I took it home to 
my parents' place once, I never noticed that the charger got in front of the 
car door, and some bracket snapped off. My dad was able to super glue it back 
together and it works here, but I might be getting a work experience where I 
might need to move it around from one outlet to another since it only goes 
about 90 minutes in Windows, and maybe a little more in Snow Leopard. From what 
I've read, a new one of these costs around $80 and may not work, depending if 
my machine successfully took a certain firmware update. Is there cheaper places 
to get one like the original one that I have so I don't find myself in a 
situation that a different kind doesn't charge the battery?


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Re: how to rip a DVD on a mac?

2012-04-10 Thread Michael Malarsie
For YouTube videos I just load the file into iMovie. Even if you don't edit it 
at all you can upload it strait from there to YouTube.

Mike Malarsie 
On Apr 10, 2012, at 9:24 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I think the default m4v format compression should work for youtube but I've 
> never tried it. The main buttons are Rip, unlabeled, unlabeled and Compress. 
> The first unlabeled will eject the DVD. The second seems to do the same thing 
> as Compress.
> CB
> On 4/10/12 10:11 AM, Elena Brescacin wrote:
>> downloaded. I found some unlabelled buttons which I have not pressed
>> it has converted in normal dvd player format, I do not know if it's
>> compatible with youtube I'll find...
>> now I'd try to convert it in a better format, these options were in
>> unlabelled buttons I did not give it a try not to get lost more than
>> now
>> I'm going to contact developers, before buying a license, to tell them
>> about this RipIt issue
> -- 
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Re: how to rip a DVD on a mac?

2012-04-10 Thread Elena Brescacin
thanks for information
I'll try to open it with iMovie then upload it via youtube
I suppose the menu is usable, so I do not ask any longer

2012/4/10, Michael Malarsie :
> For YouTube videos I just load the file into iMovie. Even if you don't edit
> it at all you can upload it strait from there to YouTube.
> Mike Malarsie
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 9:24 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> I think the default m4v format compression should work for youtube but
>> I've never tried it. The main buttons are Rip, unlabeled, unlabeled and
>> Compress. The first unlabeled will eject the DVD. The second seems to do
>> the same thing as Compress.
>> CB
>> On 4/10/12 10:11 AM, Elena Brescacin wrote:
>>> downloaded. I found some unlabelled buttons which I have not pressed
>>> it has converted in normal dvd player format, I do not know if it's
>>> compatible with youtube I'll find...
>>> now I'd try to convert it in a better format, these options were in
>>> unlabelled buttons I did not give it a try not to get lost more than
>>> now
>>> I'm going to contact developers, before buying a license, to tell them
>>> about this RipIt issue
>> --
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Re: Notes Experiment

2012-04-10 Thread Stacey Robinson
Wow, how did you get the brf file into notes?
On Apr 10, 2012, at 8:35 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Guys. 
> I have been doing some experiments with Notes and braille, specifically brf 
> files. Hey, guys, Apple never intended for it to be used like this, but Notes 
> will swallow a whole brf file such as o you would get from Web Braille. Notes 
> will do  transformation such as making all the text lower case, but it's 
> faster to do that in TextEdit and also to avoid Mail Busy. However, Mail Busy 
> did come out of it on ÿ computer. Also, Notes takes the display of the most 
> irritating outhe control characters, the carriage returns and the line feeds. 
> The spaces and the page breaks are displayed, but they are displayed in such 
> a way that it doesn't interfere with where the goes on the idsplay. In other 
> words, what's supposed to be in cell 40 is. If i had known this sooner, I 
> would have tried it two weeks ago when I was using my Mac to read brf files. 
> Because Web braille files have a margin of cell 38, this reading using this 
> method should better on them. This is because the computer insists on showing 
> a blank line if there is acharacter in cell 40. There won't be a character in 
> cell 40 in a Web braille file. I think the display of control characters is a 
> silent one in notes, and that's why you see a blank line with files that have 
> a 40 cell margin. But for those with cell 38 no what appears to be a blank 
> line should be displayed. 
> I hope all this makes sense. This means yours truly can use an iPad with 
> Notes for my reports because they are much shorter than those brf files. It 
> also means, that, if I wanted to, I could use either a Mac or the iPad to 
> read a brf file with very little conversion. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> -- 
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Re: scientific calculator after some use

2012-04-10 Thread Chris Blouch
If you're going to go that route you might want to pop up an OSX 
terminal and do man on bc or dc which are arbitrary precision 
calculators that work from a command line.


On 3/1/12 10:12 PM, Emrah wrote:

Hi there,

I gave up on built in calculators and now remotely connect on my Linux box to 
use Qalc.
I am sure qalc can be installed on a Mac with no difficulties.
Qalc uses a command line interface.

On Mar 1, 2012, at 7:45 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

It's called CalcMadeEasy Free and there's also the pro version. They're working 
on the ios version and as soon as they're done, they'll provide accessiblity, 
or moreso label the buttons.

On 1/03/2012, at 11:35 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:


WHich app is this one?

On Mar 1, 2012, at 2:58 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

Hi Chris,

Thanks for that one. Will be checking it in detail later this week.

I found another one with a note taking part where you can paste past 
calculations or parts of it and plug it back into equations. The issue is that 
all the buttons are unlabelled :) The devver was forthcoming in rectifying this 
so good, but i need an immediate solution so your suggestion might stick once 
i've understood the layout

Thanks again


On 1/03/2012, at 7:25 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

I don't think the built-in calculator will do it. The only Deg button is just to switch 
modes from degrees to radians. There are a jillion calculators in the app store so you 
might want to take a poke through there. The LXVII calculator is one of those HP RPN 
calculators which should do the trick. Every button has three additional functions 
beyond its stated feature but on the 1 button there were R<  and>P functions. If I 
left VO focus on there for a few seconds it read the help text saying it was rectangular 
to polar coordinates. On the third row of buttons are three unlabeled buttons which are 
the f, g and h buttons (which also read in the help text if you wait). They activate the 
secondary functions written in different colors. So the g button says it activates the 
blue functions which VO-A actually says are turquoise, which would be the>P secondary 
function on the 1 key. The f key activates the
yellow functions which VO actually reads as 'a shade of merliwood" or something 
like that. So that would be the R<  on the one key. I also noticed that it didn't 
announce the values in the display at the top without my moving VO focus there so I set 
up a hotspot VO-shift-1 and then turned on monitoring of the hotspot VO-Command-shift-1.

Hope that makes some sense.


On 2/24/12 6:52 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

Hi All,

The mac os calculator either has some serious performance problems and doesn't 
have what i need or it's my perception that wants everything to be extra zippy, 
and it does in fact have what i want. But the question i have needs 
clairifcation before i endeavor for an alternative solution:

With the current default calculator, i have to do some tedious work before 
getting results i want, ie for changing values from rectangular to polar forms 
when doing complex numbers.

Normally there's a rec deg function available on all scientific calculators but 
on this one, i have to manually enter the values which is a complete drag and 

Can anyone please tell me if there is in fact a way to do this and i'm missing 
out on something somewhere?

Best regards,


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Re: Notes Experiment

2012-04-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Gigi,

I'm glad this works for you. I tried reading a book in Notes and it seemed that 
the file was too big, because my VO kept freezing and starting over, no matter 
how many times I rebooted the IPod. I've basically started reading larger files 
in Safari and Filer.

Take care,

"We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos

On Apr 10, 2012, at 6:35 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Guys. 
> I have been doing some experiments with Notes and braille, specifically brf 
> files. Hey, guys, Apple never intended for it to be used like this, but Notes 
> will swallow a whole brf file such as o you would get from Web Braille. Notes 
> will do  transformation such as making all the text lower case, but it's 
> faster to do that in TextEdit and also to avoid Mail Busy. However, Mail Busy 
> did come out of it on ÿ computer. Also, Notes takes the display of the most 
> irritating outhe control characters, the carriage returns and the line feeds. 
> The spaces and the page breaks are displayed, but they are displayed in such 
> a way that it doesn't interfere with where the goes on the idsplay. In other 
> words, what's supposed to be in cell 40 is. If i had known this sooner, I 
> would have tried it two weeks ago when I was using my Mac to read brf files. 
> Because Web braille files have a margin of cell 38, this reading using this 
> method should better on them. This is because the computer insists on showing 
> a blank line if there is acharacter in cell 40. There won't be a character in 
> cell 40 in a Web braille file. I think the display of control characters is a 
> silent one in notes, and that's why you see a blank line with files that have 
> a 40 cell margin. But for those with cell 38 no what appears to be a blank 
> line should be displayed. 
> I hope all this makes sense. This means yours truly can use an iPad with 
> Notes for my reports because they are much shorter than those brf files. It 
> also means, that, if I wanted to, I could use either a Mac or the iPad to 
> read a brf file with very little conversion. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> -- 
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Re: how to rip a DVD on a mac?

2012-04-10 Thread Elena Brescacin
what I am wondering, if RipIt without license, rips the DVD with
banners included in the video
I hope not! It's the first of 10 documented in RipIt's unregistered features

2012/4/10, Elena Brescacin :
> thanks for information
> I'll try to open it with iMovie then upload it via youtube
> I suppose the menu is usable, so I do not ask any longer
> 2012/4/10, Michael Malarsie :
>> For YouTube videos I just load the file into iMovie. Even if you don't
>> edit
>> it at all you can upload it strait from there to YouTube.
>> Mike Malarsie
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 9:24 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> I think the default m4v format compression should work for youtube but
>>> I've never tried it. The main buttons are Rip, unlabeled, unlabeled and
>>> Compress. The first unlabeled will eject the DVD. The second seems to do
>>> the same thing as Compress.
>>> CB
>>> On 4/10/12 10:11 AM, Elena Brescacin wrote:
 downloaded. I found some unlabelled buttons which I have not pressed
 it has converted in normal dvd player format, I do not know if it's
 compatible with youtube I'll find...
 now I'd try to convert it in a better format, these options were in
 unlabelled buttons I did not give it a try not to get lost more than
 I'm going to contact developers, before buying a license, to tell them
 about this RipIt issue

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Creating a list of all the headings and links on a webpage

2012-04-10 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

Is there a way of creating a list of all the headings and links on a
webpage with VoiceOver?
I use this function with JAWS,  and it makes browsing webpages a lot
easier and faster.
So, please shed some light on this matter.


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Re: scientific calculator after some use

2012-04-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Just noticed there is one little gotcha. There is a scale command to say 
how many digits of accuracy you want bc to do. It defaults to 20 but 
that actually means the last digit will not neccissarily be correct. For 
example, I did

4*a(1) which gives you pi but noticed the 20th digit was actually wrong 
and not just rounded wrong. It showed the 19th digit as 4 when it should 
be 6. Yes, for a while I memorized another digit of pi for each birthday 
but stopped that silliness after 22. It was a moment of geekness.


On 4/10/12 11:10 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
If you're going to go that route you might want to pop up an OSX 
terminal and do man on bc or dc which are arbitrary precision 
calculators that work from a command line.


On 3/1/12 10:12 PM, Emrah wrote:

Hi there,

I gave up on built in calculators and now remotely connect on my 
Linux box to use Qalc.

I am sure qalc can be installed on a Mac with no difficulties.
Qalc uses a command line interface.

On Mar 1, 2012, at 7:45 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

It's called CalcMadeEasy Free and there's also the pro version. 
They're working on the ios version and as soon as they're done, 
they'll provide accessiblity, or moreso label the buttons.

On 1/03/2012, at 11:35 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:


WHich app is this one?

On Mar 1, 2012, at 2:58 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

Hi Chris,

Thanks for that one. Will be checking it in detail later this week.

I found another one with a note taking part where you can paste 
past calculations or parts of it and plug it back into equations. 
The issue is that all the buttons are unlabelled :) The devver was 
forthcoming in rectifying this so good, but i need an immediate 
solution so your suggestion might stick once i've understood the 

Thanks again


On 1/03/2012, at 7:25 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

I don't think the built-in calculator will do it. The only Deg 
button is just to switch modes from degrees to radians. There are 
a jillion calculators in the app store so you might want to take 
a poke through there. The LXVII calculator is one of those HP RPN 
calculators which should do the trick. Every button has three 
additional functions beyond its stated feature but on the 1 
button there were R<  and>P functions. If I left VO focus on 
there for a few seconds it read the help text saying it was 
rectangular to polar coordinates. On the third row of buttons are 
three unlabeled buttons which are the f, g and h buttons (which 
also read in the help text if you wait). They activate the 
secondary functions written in different colors. So the g button 
says it activates the blue functions which VO-A actually says are 
turquoise, which would be the>P secondary function on the 1 key. 
The f key activates the
yellow functions which VO actually reads as 'a shade of 
merliwood" or something like that. So that would be the R<  on 
the one key. I also noticed that it didn't announce the values in 
the display at the top without my moving VO focus there so I set 
up a hotspot VO-shift-1 and then turned on monitoring of the 
hotspot VO-Command-shift-1.

Hope that makes some sense.


On 2/24/12 6:52 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

Hi All,

The mac os calculator either has some serious performance 
problems and doesn't have what i need or it's my perception that 
wants everything to be extra zippy, and it does in fact have 
what i want. But the question i have needs clairifcation before 
i endeavor for an alternative solution:

With the current default calculator, i have to do some tedious 
work before getting results i want, ie for changing values from 
rectangular to polar forms when doing complex numbers.

Normally there's a rec deg function available on all scientific 
calculators but on this one, i have to manually enter the values 
which is a complete drag and annoyance.

Can anyone please tell me if there is in fact a way to do this 
and i'm missing out on something somewhere?

Best regards,


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Re: Creating a list of all the headings and links on a webpage

2012-04-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Rahul,

The closest option is to use VO-i to bring up the item chooser. The toolbar 
buttons and other window controls will also be displayed, however. You can use 
return to go to an item or escape to exit without changes.


"Man is matter's ability to contemplate itself."--Albert Einstein

On Apr 10, 2012, at 8:26 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there a way of creating a list of all the headings and links on a
> webpage with VoiceOver?
> I use this function with JAWS,  and it makes browsing webpages a lot
> easier and faster.
> So, please shed some light on this matter.
> Regards,
> Rahul
> -- 
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Re: how to rip a DVD on a mac?

2012-04-10 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't think they do that. I think it stops working after 10 rips if 
you don't decide to buy it.


On 4/10/12 11:18 AM, Elena Brescacin wrote:

what I am wondering, if RipIt without license, rips the DVD with
banners included in the video
I hope not! It's the first of 10 documented in RipIt's unregistered features

2012/4/10, Elena Brescacin:

thanks for information
I'll try to open it with iMovie then upload it via youtube
I suppose the menu is usable, so I do not ask any longer

2012/4/10, Michael Malarsie:

For YouTube videos I just load the file into iMovie. Even if you don't
it at all you can upload it strait from there to YouTube.

Mike Malarsie
On Apr 10, 2012, at 9:24 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

I think the default m4v format compression should work for youtube but
I've never tried it. The main buttons are Rip, unlabeled, unlabeled and
Compress. The first unlabeled will eject the DVD. The second seems to do
the same thing as Compress.


On 4/10/12 10:11 AM, Elena Brescacin wrote:

downloaded. I found some unlabelled buttons which I have not pressed
it has converted in normal dvd player format, I do not know if it's
compatible with youtube I'll find...
now I'd try to convert it in a better format, these options were in
unlabelled buttons I did not give it a try not to get lost more than
I'm going to contact developers, before buying a license, to tell them
about this RipIt issue

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Re: Creating a list of all the headings and links on a webpage

2012-04-10 Thread Simon Cavendish
When on a web page, press vo+u and you will be presented with a choice of 
elements in categories. You can then use your right and left arrow keys to move 
from category to category, e.g. headings, links, visited links, form controls, 
tables, regions, etc. Once you find the category you wish, use up and down 
arrow to read the headings or links within the category and then press enter on 
the one you want. You will find yourself on the element you want to examine. If 
you don't want to make any choices, just press escape to get out of the list of 
categories. Also, remember that item chooser menu which you call up with vo+i, 
will list all the elements/objects on the page, and if you know what you are 
after, you can just start typing the first letters of the element/object and 
you will be on it. Press enter to land on it. Press escape if you don't want to 
make a choice, press backspace while in item chooser menu to start typing a new 
string if you have failed to find what you are looking for or if you change 
your mind and want to look for a different string.

Hope this helps.

On 10 Apr 2012, at 16:26, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there a way of creating a list of all the headings and links on a
> webpage with VoiceOver?
> I use this function with JAWS,  and it makes browsing webpages a lot
> easier and faster.
> So, please shed some light on this matter.
> Regards,
> Rahul
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2012-04-10 Thread Stacey Robinson
Hi all,
Can someone give me instructions on how to create a signature with my name on 
one line and email address on the other?
I've tried this and just can't make it work.
Please help.
Stacey Robinson

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Re: Creating a list of all the headings and links on a webpage

2012-04-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks, Simon; I'd entirely forgotten about VO-U.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Apr 10, 2012, at 8:40 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> When on a web page, press vo+u and you will be presented with a choice of 
> elements in categories. You can then use your right and left arrow keys to 
> move from category to category, e.g. headings, links, visited links, form 
> controls, tables, regions, etc. Once you find the category you wish, use up 
> and down arrow to read the headings or links within the category and then 
> press enter on the one you want. You will find yourself on the element you 
> want to examine. If you don't want to make any choices, just press escape to 
> get out of the list of categories. Also, remember that item chooser menu 
> which you call up with vo+i, will list all the elements/objects on the page, 
> and if you know what you are after, you can just start typing the first 
> letters of the element/object and you will be on it. Press enter to land on 
> it. Press escape if you don't want to make a choice, press backspace while in 
> item chooser menu to start typing a new string if you have failed to find 
> what you are looking for or if you change your mind and want to look for a 
> different string.
> Hope this helps.
> Simon
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 16:26, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is there a way of creating a list of all the headings and links on a
>> webpage with VoiceOver?
>> I use this function with JAWS,  and it makes browsing webpages a lot
>> easier and faster.
>> So, please shed some light on this matter.
>> Regards,
>> Rahul
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Re: Signatures

2012-04-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Stacey,

Go into Mail preferences. Find the signatures button and press it. The first 
thing you'll encounter is a table that allows you to choose which mail account 
to use with your signatures. Go on to the names table. Here you'll find a 
default name for a new signature that Mail suggests, such as Signature number 
1. You can backspace that out and type your own name. Then navigate to the 
"contents area" and type in your signature the way you want it. Then you can 
use command-w to close preferences. Just before you get to the body of a new 
message while composing, you'll find a signature popup menu. You can use any of 
the ones you've created, or you can be strange like me and use "random". :)


"Visualize whirled peas."

On Apr 10, 2012, at 8:44 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Hi all,
> Can someone give me instructions on how to create a signature with my name on 
> one line and email address on the other?
> I've tried this and just can't make it work.
> Please help.
> Thanks,
> Stacey Robinson
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Re: Signatures

2012-04-10 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Signatures are complicated; remember to interact with all the tables you see so 
that you're putting data in the right places, then just create a signature line 
by line in the box.  I would offer to help you more, but I"m bringing my MBP 
into the shop for deep maintenance, and don't know when they'll get to it.  Til 
then ... Peace out yall.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Audio book recovery

2012-04-10 Thread Yamil
Hey all i download my audio books from itunes. I was sinking my ipod to itunes 
and too of my audio books disappeared from my mac and ipod. I went to purchased 
link on my itunes but i only saw a link to video tv shows and music. If anyone 
can help i appreciate it thanks

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Signatures

2012-04-10 Thread Stacey Robinson
Can you interact with more than one table at a time?

On Apr 10, 2012, at 11:00 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Signatures are complicated; remember to interact with all the tables you see 
> so that you're putting data in the right places, then just create a signature 
> line by line in the box.  I would offer to help you more, but I"m bringing my 
> MBP into the shop for deep maintenance, and don't know when they'll get to 
> it.  Til then ... Peace out yall.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: Creating a list of all the headings and links on a webpage

2012-04-10 Thread Daniela Rubio
Sure you can:
You can use the web rotor (vo U) which will activate a table in which you can 
find all the objects of a page in columns. Links, Headings, form controls, 
tables, etc. Also, you can navigate with the quick nab commands of l for links, 
h for headings and so on.
Good luck

 EN TWITTER: @macneticos

El 10/04/2012, a las 17:44, Teresa Cochran escribió:

> Thanks, Simon; I'd entirely forgotten about VO-U.
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 8:40 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> When on a web page, press vo+u and you will be presented with a choice of 
>> elements in categories. You can then use your right and left arrow keys to 
>> move from category to category, e.g. headings, links, visited links, form 
>> controls, tables, regions, etc. Once you find the category you wish, use up 
>> and down arrow to read the headings or links within the category and then 
>> press enter on the one you want. You will find yourself on the element you 
>> want to examine. If you don't want to make any choices, just press escape to 
>> get out of the list of categories. Also, remember that item chooser menu 
>> which you call up with vo+i, will list all the elements/objects on the page, 
>> and if you know what you are after, you can just start typing the first 
>> letters of the element/object and you will be on it. Press enter to land on 
>> it. Press escape if you don't want to make a choice, press backspace while 
>> in item chooser menu to start typing a new string if you have failed to find 
>> what you are looking for or if you change your mind and want to look for a 
>> different string.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Simon
>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 16:26, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Is there a way of creating a list of all the headings and links on a
>>> webpage with VoiceOver?
>>> I use this function with JAWS,  and it makes browsing webpages a lot
>>> easier and faster.
>>> So, please shed some light on this matter.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rahul
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Re: Creating a list of all the headings and links on a webpage

2012-04-10 Thread Esther
Hi Teresa, Rahul, and Simon,

Just to add a few comments to Simon's answer.  Remember, too, that if you are 
working in Lion and want to browse web pages, that you can enable single-key 
web page navigation when using Quick Nav mode.  Quick Nav mode, where you just 
press the right or left arrow keys to navigate instead of using VO-right arrow 
or VO-left arrow, and can activate links and elements by simultaneously 
pressing the up and down arrow keys instead of pressing VO-space, is 
particularly useful in navigating web pages.  You can toggle Quick Nav mode on 
or off by simultaneously pressing the left and right arrow keys. To enable 
single-key web page navigation when Quick Nav mode is turned on, bring up  
VoiceOver Utility (VO-F8) and navigate to "Commanders" (e.g., press Command-8 
to quickly go there), then navigate to the "Quick Nav" tab and select it. On 
the Quick Nav tab, check the box for "Enable single key navigation when using 
Quick Nav", then close the window with Command-w to exit VoiceOver utility.

You can now type "1" for the next heading level 1, etc. up through the number 
6. You can also type "m" to find the next heading at the same level, etc., or 
just "h" to find the next heading. This is one of the features that may be 
familiar to users of the iPhone and other iOS devices who use paired Bluetooth 
keyboards.  It was added to Lion as a Quick Nav option.

A very common problem for new VoiceOver users, however, is keeping track of 
when they are in Quick Nav mode.  Remember that if you need to enter text, such 
as typing in your login name and password on web pages, you have to exit Quick 
Nav mode if you want this to work. If VoiceOver suddenly doesn't seem to be 
behaving the way you expect, check whether you are in QuickNav mode and need to 
turn this off by simultaneously pressing the left and right arrow keys.

Another follow-up comment to Teresa and Simon's remarks about using item 
chooser menu (VO-I): as Simon described, you can type the first few letters of 
the element you are searching for, and the item chooser menu window will  use 
your search terms to filter out resulting matches.  You can then navigate 
through this filtered list to find the item you want to select.  However, you 
can also use item chooser menu to further filter this list by category.  So if 
I want to find a specific element that I know is a link or a button, after 
quickly typing the first few letters of the element to get a list of matches, I 
can then type "b u t" or "l i n" to further filter the list of item chooser 
matches to only include matches that are buttons, in the first case, or links, 
in the second case, before I navigate through the list of matches to find the 
one that I want.

Also, remember that when you select one of the item chooser menu entries 
(either by pressing "return", using VO-space, or by simultaneously pressing the 
up and down arrow keys when in Quick Nav mode), this only takes you to the 
position of the item you've been searching for.  If it's a button or link, you 
still need to press or activate it with another VO-space or whatever, if that's 
what you want to do.  (And we haven't even mentioned using TrackPad Commander  
for navigation and activating links -- that's also possible to use.)

HTH.  Cheers,


On Apr 10, 2012, at 5:44 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Thanks, Simon; I'd entirely forgotten about VO-U.
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 8:40 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> When on a web page, press vo+u and you will be presented with a choice of 
>> elements in categories. You can then use your right and left arrow keys to 
>> move from category to category, e.g. headings, links, visited links, form 
>> controls, tables, regions, etc. Once you find the category you wish, use up 
>> and down arrow to read the headings or links within the category and then 
>> press enter on the one you want. You will find yourself on the element you 
>> want to examine. If you don't want to make any choices, just press escape to 
>> get out of the list of categories. Also, remember that item chooser menu 
>> which you call up with vo+i, will list all the elements/objects on the page, 
>> and if you know what you are after, you can just start typing the first 
>> letters of the element/object and you will be on it. Press enter to land on 
>> it. Press escape if you don't want to make a choice, press backspace while 
>> in item chooser menu to start typing a new string if you have failed to find 
>> what you are looking for or if you change your mind and want to look for a 
>> different string.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Simon
>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 16:26, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Is there a way of creating a list of all the headings and links on a
>>> webpage with VoiceOver?
>>> I use this function with JAWS,  and it makes browsing webpages a lot
>>> easie

Re: scientific calculator after some use

2012-04-10 Thread Esther
Hi Chris and Others,

FIrst of all, the dev for "CalcMadeEasy" has made accessibility improvements to 
the iOS app in the time since Yuma's original post, as I think Scott Howell 
posted (may have been on the viphone list, though).  He has also been working 
on the MacOS App Store version of this app.

And to follow up the "moment of geekiness" experience Chris described, there 
are various famous tricks for remembering the number of digits in pi, like "May 
I have a drink, alcoholic of course?" or "See I find a rhyme assisting, my 
feeble brain its tasks resisting" where the number of letters in each word give 
the next number in the sequence of digits for pi.  Of course, you then have to 
count up the letters in each word, if you don't simply remember the digit 
sequence.   I think it's one of the those random acts of trivia -- like being 
told that you can remember the square root of 3 as being 1.732, because 1732 is 
the year George Washington was born.  Of course, at the time you're told this, 
you also didn't know that George Washington was born in 1732.

Geek mode off.


On Apr 10, 2012, at 5:27 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Just noticed there is one little gotcha. There is a scale command to say how 
> many digits of accuracy you want bc to do. It defaults to 20 but that 
> actually means the last digit will not neccissarily be correct. For example, 
> I did
> 4*a(1) which gives you pi but noticed the 20th digit was actually wrong and 
> not just rounded wrong. It showed the 19th digit as 4 when it should be 6. 
> Yes, for a while I memorized another digit of pi for each birthday but 
> stopped that silliness after 22. It was a moment of geekness.
> CB
> On 4/10/12 11:10 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> If you're going to go that route you might want to pop up an OSX terminal 
>> and do man on bc or dc which are arbitrary precision calculators that work 
>> from a command line.
>> CB
>> On 3/1/12 10:12 PM, Emrah wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I gave up on built in calculators and now remotely connect on my Linux box 
>>> to use Qalc.
>>> I am sure qalc can be installed on a Mac with no difficulties.
>>> Qalc uses a command line interface.
>>> Emrah
>>> On Mar 1, 2012, at 7:45 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
 It's called CalcMadeEasy Free and there's also the pro version. They're 
 working on the ios version and as soon as they're done, they'll provide 
 accessiblity, or moreso label the buttons.
 On 1/03/2012, at 11:35 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
> Yuma,
> WHich app is this one?
> On Mar 1, 2012, at 2:58 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> Thanks for that one. Will be checking it in detail later this week.
>> I found another one with a note taking part where you can paste past 
>> calculations or parts of it and plug it back into equations. The issue 
>> is that all the buttons are unlabelled :) The devver was forthcoming in 
>> rectifying this so good, but i need an immediate solution so your 
>> suggestion might stick once i've understood the layout
>> Thanks again
>> Yuma
>> On 1/03/2012, at 7:25 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> I don't think the built-in calculator will do it. The only Deg button 
>>> is just to switch modes from degrees to radians. There are a jillion 
>>> calculators in the app store so you might want to take a poke through 
>>> there. The LXVII calculator is one of those HP RPN calculators which 
>>> should do the trick. Every button has three additional functions beyond 
>>> its stated feature but on the 1 button there were R<  and>P functions. 
>>> If I left VO focus on there for a few seconds it read the help text 
>>> saying it was rectangular to polar coordinates. On the third row of 
>>> buttons are three unlabeled buttons which are the f, g and h buttons 
>>> (which also read in the help text if you wait). They activate the 
>>> secondary functions written in different colors. So the g button says 
>>> it activates the blue functions which VO-A actually says are turquoise, 
>>> which would be the>P secondary function on the 1 key. The f key 
>>> activates the
>>> yellow functions which VO actually reads as 'a shade of merliwood" or 
>>> something like that. So that would be the R<  on the one key. I also 
>>> noticed that it didn't announce the values in the display at the top 
>>> without my moving VO focus there so I set up a hotspot VO-shift-1 and 
>>> then turned on monitoring of the hotspot VO-Command-shift-1.
>>> Hope that makes some sense.
>>> CB
>>> On 2/24/12 6:52 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
 Hi All,
 The mac os calculator either has some serious performance problems and 
 doesn't have what i need or it's my

Re: Signatures

2012-04-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Stacey,

You can only interact with one table at a time. However, if you have VO set up 
to interact when the tab key is pressed, this makes things much easier. You can 
find that setting in the VO Utility, navigation area.

"Nobody ever tells me anything!"--James Forsyte, quoted in the Forsyte Saga

On Apr 10, 2012, at 9:55 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Mark,
> Can you interact with more than one table at a time?
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 11:00 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>> Signatures are complicated; remember to interact with all the tables you see 
>> so that you're putting data in the right places, then just create a 
>> signature line by line in the box.  I would offer to help you more, but I"m 
>> bringing my MBP into the shop for deep maintenance, and don't know when 
>> they'll get to it.  Til then ... Peace out yall.
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
>> -- 
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Re: Audio book recovery

2012-04-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
If they are from Audible, you can go to the Audible website and choose the 
books again from your library.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Apr 10, 2012, at 9:54 AM, Yamil wrote:

> Hey all i download my audio books from itunes. I was sinking my ipod to 
> itunes and too of my audio books disappeared from my mac and ipod. I went to 
> purchased link on my itunes but i only saw a link to video tv shows and 
> music. If anyone can help i appreciate it thanks
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: Notes Experiment

2012-04-10 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Teresa. 
I don't how I can use Safari in my case, since I'm getting the files off the 
internet. However, where do you get this Filer program? Does it come from the 
App store, and how much is it? 

Also, in as so far as your Vo messing up when you did a big file, I'm in Lion 
kitty. I don't remember which one you have. In my case, I wasn't moving around 
a lot in the file, and I suppose that might " had something to do with more. 


Eugenia Firth

On Apr 10, 2012, at 10:14 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, Gigi,
> I'm glad this works for you. I tried reading a book in Notes and it seemed 
> that the file was too big, because my VO kept freezing and starting over, no 
> matter how many times I rebooted the IPod. I've basically started reading 
> larger files in Safari and Filer.
> Take care,
> Teresa
> "We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 6:35 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi Guys. 
>> I have been doing some experiments with Notes and braille, specifically brf 
>> files. Hey, guys, Apple never intended for it to be used like this, but 
>> Notes will swallow a whole brf file such as o you would get from Web 
>> Braille. Notes will do  transformation such as making all the text lower 
>> case, but it's faster to do that in TextEdit and also to avoid Mail Busy. 
>> However, Mail Busy did come out of it on ÿ computer. Also, Notes takes the 
>> display of the most irritating outhe control characters, the carriage 
>> returns and the line feeds. The spaces and the page breaks are displayed, 
>> but they are displayed in such a way that it doesn't interfere with where 
>> the goes on the idsplay. In other words, what's supposed to be in cell 40 
>> is. If i had known this sooner, I would have tried it two weeks ago when I 
>> was using my Mac to read brf files. 
>> Because Web braille files have a margin of cell 38, this reading using this 
>> method should better on them. This is because the computer insists on 
>> showing a blank line if there is acharacter in cell 40. There won't be a 
>> character in cell 40 in a Web braille file. I think the display of control 
>> characters is a silent one in notes, and that's why you see a blank line 
>> with files that have a 40 cell margin. But for those with cell 38 no what 
>> appears to be a blank line should be displayed. 
>> I hope all this makes sense. This means yours truly can use an iPad with 
>> Notes for my reports because they are much shorter than those brf files. It 
>> also means, that, if I wanted to, I could use either a Mac or the iPad to 
>> read a brf file with very little conversion. 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi 
>> -- 
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Re: Notes Experiment

2012-04-10 Thread Esther
Hi Gigi,

Teresa is speaking about an iOS app:
• Filer ($3.99) by Dan Leehr L.L.C.

It's a download app, but also lets you organize and play many formats of 
documents and multimedia files within then app, with the benefit of generally 
keeping your bookmark location.  Also a handy way to transfer downloaded files 
so you can open them in other iOS applications.  Theres a quite flexible web 
browser interface, with bookmarklets, too, as well as the ability to download 
directly from your Dropbox, etc.

The nice feature is using this for documents reading and keeping your place.  I 
don't know how to get around Teresa's question about the behavior of 
bookmarking for large files in Braille, though.



On Apr 10, 2012, at 7:18 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Teresa. 
> I don't how I can use Safari in my case, since I'm getting the files off the 
> internet. However, where do you get this Filer program? Does it come from the 
> App store, and how much is it? 
> Also, in as so far as your Vo messing up when you did a big file, I'm in Lion 
> kitty. I don't remember which one you have. In my case, I wasn't moving 
> around a lot in the file, and I suppose that might " had something to do with 
> more. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> Eugenia Firth
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 10:14 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, Gigi,
>> I'm glad this works for you. I tried reading a book in Notes and it seemed 
>> that the file was too big, because my VO kept freezing and starting over, no 
>> matter how many times I rebooted the IPod. I've basically started reading 
>> larger files in Safari and Filer.
>> Take care,
>> Teresa
>> "We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 6:35 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hi Guys. 
>>> I have been doing some experiments with Notes and braille, specifically brf 
>>> files. Hey, guys, Apple never intended for it to be used like this, but 
>>> Notes will swallow a whole brf file such as o you would get from Web 
>>> Braille. Notes will do  transformation such as making all the text lower 
>>> case, but it's faster to do that in TextEdit and also to avoid Mail Busy. 
>>> However, Mail Busy did come out of it on ÿ computer. Also, Notes takes the 
>>> display of the most irritating outhe control characters, the carriage 
>>> returns and the line feeds. The spaces and the page breaks are displayed, 
>>> but they are displayed in such a way that it doesn't interfere with where 
>>> the goes on the idsplay. In other words, what's supposed to be in cell 40 
>>> is. If i had known this sooner, I would have tried it two weeks ago when I 
>>> was using my Mac to read brf files. 
>>> Because Web braille files have a margin of cell 38, this reading using this 
>>> method should better on them. This is because the computer insists on 
>>> showing a blank line if there is acharacter in cell 40. There won't be a 
>>> character in cell 40 in a Web braille file. I think the display of control 
>>> characters is a silent one in notes, and that's why you see a blank line 
>>> with files that have a 40 cell margin. But for those with cell 38 no what 
>>> appears to be a blank line should be displayed. 
>>> I hope all this makes sense. This means yours truly can use an iPad with 
>>> Notes for my reports because they are much shorter than those brf files. It 
>>> also means, that, if I wanted to, I could use either a Mac or the iPad to 
>>> read a brf file with very little conversion. 
>>> Regards, 
>>> Gigi 

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Re: Notes Experiment

2012-04-10 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Stacey. 
It was real easy to get it in there. Get TextEdit to accept brf files. On my 
computer these days, I told TextEdit to open brf files. Then I did a 
transformation by first selecting all the text, going to edit, and down to 
transformations. Then I chose to make all the text lower case. This has no 
effect except to make the braille easier to read by taking out most of the dots 
7 & 8's. This all took no time at all. Then I did command c, went into a Note 
file, and pressed command v. 

I could have done the transformation within Notes after I copied the text. 
However, TextEdit does not go into busy mode and is faster. 

I haven't tried Filer yet. Notes does take out most of the control characters 
as I said before. It should work fine in Web braille files, although I guess 
you could read them in Safari. If you did it in Notes, however, you wouldn't 
have to have the Internet. Try it. If it's a brf file that's near and dear to 
your heart, you may want to copy it first and do this on the copy. This because 
you can easily change it by banging the space bar or another key. As far as 
Notes is concerned, I worst thing that could happen is having to force quit if 
you have the same problem Teresa did. 


Eugenia Firth

On Apr 10, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Wow, how did you get the brf file into notes?
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 8:35 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi Guys. 
>> I have been doing some experiments with Notes and braille, specifically brf 
>> files. Hey, guys, Apple never intended for it to be used like this, but 
>> Notes will swallow a whole brf file such as o you would get from Web 
>> Braille. Notes will do  transformation such as making all the text lower 
>> case, but it's faster to do that in TextEdit and also to avoid Mail Busy. 
>> However, Mail Busy did come out of it on ÿ computer. Also, Notes takes the 
>> display of the most irritating outhe control characters, the carriage 
>> returns and the line feeds. The spaces and the page breaks are displayed, 
>> but they are displayed in such a way that it doesn't interfere with where 
>> the goes on the idsplay. In other words, what's supposed to be in cell 40 
>> is. If i had known this sooner, I would have tried it two weeks ago when I 
>> was using my Mac to read brf files. 
>> Because Web braille files have a margin of cell 38, this reading using this 
>> method should better on them. This is because the computer insists on 
>> showing a blank line if there is acharacter in cell 40. There won't be a 
>> character in cell 40 in a Web braille file. I think the display of control 
>> characters is a silent one in notes, and that's why you see a blank line 
>> with files that have a 40 cell margin. But for those with cell 38 no what 
>> appears to be a blank line should be displayed. 
>> I hope all this makes sense. This means yours truly can use an iPad with 
>> Notes for my reports because they are much shorter than those brf files. It 
>> also means, that, if I wanted to, I could use either a Mac or the iPad to 
>> read a brf file with very little conversion. 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi 
>> -- 
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Re: Notes Experiment

2012-04-10 Thread Eugenia Firth
Thanks Esther. 
First, it's amazing to me how stuff you know about this. I'm impressed. I'll 
save this info for that future iPad. I don't really need it for my iPhone. 


Eugenia Firth

On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:26 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Gigi,
> Teresa is speaking about an iOS app:
> • Filer ($3.99) by Dan Leehr L.L.C.
> It's a download app, but also lets you organize and play many formats of 
> documents and multimedia files within then app, with the benefit of generally 
> keeping your bookmark location.  Also a handy way to transfer downloaded 
> files so you can open them in other iOS applications.  Theres a quite 
> flexible web browser interface, with bookmarklets, too, as well as the 
> ability to download directly from your Dropbox, etc.
> The nice feature is using this for documents reading and keeping your place.  
> I don't know how to get around Teresa's question about the behavior of 
> bookmarking for large files in Braille, though.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 7:18 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi Teresa. 
>> I don't how I can use Safari in my case, since I'm getting the files off the 
>> internet. However, where do you get this Filer program? Does it come from 
>> the App store, and how much is it? 
>> Also, in as so far as your Vo messing up when you did a big file, I'm in 
>> Lion kitty. I don't remember which one you have. In my case, I wasn't moving 
>> around a lot in the file, and I suppose that might " had something to do 
>> with more. 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi 
>> Eugenia Firth
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 10:14 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi, Gigi,
>>> I'm glad this works for you. I tried reading a book in Notes and it seemed 
>>> that the file was too big, because my VO kept freezing and starting over, 
>>> no matter how many times I rebooted the IPod. I've basically started 
>>> reading larger files in Safari and Filer.
>>> Take care,
>>> Teresa
>>> "We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos
>>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 6:35 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
 Hi Guys. 
 I have been doing some experiments with Notes and braille, specifically 
 brf files. Hey, guys, Apple never intended for it to be used like this, 
 but Notes will swallow a whole brf file such as o you would get from Web 
 Braille. Notes will do  transformation such as making all the text lower 
 case, but it's faster to do that in TextEdit and also to avoid Mail Busy. 
 However, Mail Busy did come out of it on ÿ computer. Also, Notes takes the 
 display of the most irritating outhe control characters, the carriage 
 returns and the line feeds. The spaces and the page breaks are displayed, 
 but they are displayed in such a way that it doesn't interfere with where 
 the goes on the idsplay. In other words, what's supposed to be in cell 40 
 is. If i had known this sooner, I would have tried it two weeks ago when I 
 was using my Mac to read brf files. 
 Because Web braille files have a margin of cell 38, this reading using 
 this method should better on them. This is because the computer insists on 
 showing a blank line if there is acharacter in cell 40. There won't be a 
 character in cell 40 in a Web braille file. I think the display of control 
 characters is a silent one in notes, and that's why you see a blank line 
 with files that have a 40 cell margin. But for those with cell 38 no what 
 appears to be a blank line should be displayed. 
 I hope all this makes sense. This means yours truly can use an iPad with 
 Notes for my reports because they are much shorter than those brf files. 
 It also means, that, if I wanted to, I could use either a Mac or the iPad 
 to read a brf file with very little conversion. 
> -- 
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Re: Notes Experiment

2012-04-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Gigi,

I use Filer on my IPod, and I use textEdit on the Mac for brf files. Notes is 
fine on the Mac, but really struggles for me on the Ipod. It used to be 
possible to read brf files with Safari, but now there doesn't seem to be an 
eight-dot mode on the Mac.


"Slow down; you'll get there faster."

On Apr 10, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Thanks Esther. 
> First, it's amazing to me how stuff you know about this. I'm impressed. I'll 
> save this info for that future iPad. I don't really need it for my iPhone. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> Eugenia Firth
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:26 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Gigi,
>> Teresa is speaking about an iOS app:
>> • Filer ($3.99) by Dan Leehr L.L.C.
>> It's a download app, but also lets you organize and play many formats of 
>> documents and multimedia files within then app, with the benefit of 
>> generally keeping your bookmark location.  Also a handy way to transfer 
>> downloaded files so you can open them in other iOS applications.  Theres a 
>> quite flexible web browser interface, with bookmarklets, too, as well as the 
>> ability to download directly from your Dropbox, etc.
>> The nice feature is using this for documents reading and keeping your place. 
>>  I don't know how to get around Teresa's question about the behavior of 
>> bookmarking for large files in Braille, though.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 7:18 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hi Teresa. 
>>> I don't how I can use Safari in my case, since I'm getting the files off 
>>> the internet. However, where do you get this Filer program? Does it come 
>>> from the App store, and how much is it? 
>>> Also, in as so far as your Vo messing up when you did a big file, I'm in 
>>> Lion kitty. I don't remember which one you have. In my case, I wasn't 
>>> moving around a lot in the file, and I suppose that might " had something 
>>> to do with more. 
>>> Regards, 
>>> Gigi 
>>> Eugenia Firth
>>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 10:14 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
 Hi, Gigi,
 I'm glad this works for you. I tried reading a book in Notes and it seemed 
 that the file was too big, because my VO kept freezing and starting over, 
 no matter how many times I rebooted the IPod. I've basically started 
 reading larger files in Safari and Filer.
 Take care,
 "We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos
 On Apr 10, 2012, at 6:35 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi Guys. 
> I have been doing some experiments with Notes and braille, specifically 
> brf files. Hey, guys, Apple never intended for it to be used like this, 
> but Notes will swallow a whole brf file such as o you would get from Web 
> Braille. Notes will do  transformation such as making all the text lower 
> case, but it's faster to do that in TextEdit and also to avoid Mail Busy. 
> However, Mail Busy did come out of it on ÿ computer. Also, Notes takes 
> the display of the most irritating outhe control characters, the carriage 
> returns and the line feeds. The spaces and the page breaks are displayed, 
> but they are displayed in such a way that it doesn't interfere with where 
> the goes on the idsplay. In other words, what's supposed to be in cell 40 
> is. If i had known this sooner, I would have tried it two weeks ago when 
> I was using my Mac to read brf files. 
> Because Web braille files have a margin of cell 38, this reading using 
> this method should better on them. This is because the computer insists 
> on showing a blank line if there is acharacter in cell 40. There won't be 
> a character in cell 40 in a Web braille file. I think the display of 
> control characters is a silent one in notes, and that's why you see a 
> blank line with files that have a 40 cell margin. But for those with cell 
> 38 no what appears to be a blank line should be displayed. 
> I hope all this makes sense. This means yours truly can use an iPad with 
> Notes for my reports because they are much shorter than those brf files. 
> It also means, that, if I wanted to, I could use either a Mac or the iPad 
> to read a brf file with very little conversion. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
>> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.

flashback virus fix commands.

2012-04-10 Thread Lewis Alexander
hi guys.

does someone here still have the email with the terminal instructions to kill 
or assess the flashback bug?

just need to check the status of an iMac running lion.



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Re: flashback virus fix commands.

2012-04-10 Thread Maxwell Ivey
i keep hearing about it, but can't find where i download the patch. i've run 
software update several times with no new updates appearing. thanks, max 
On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> hi guys.
> does someone here still have the email with the terminal instructions to kill 
> or assess the flashback bug?
> just need to check the status of an iMac running lion.
> cheers
> lew
> -- 
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Re: flashback virus fix commands.

2012-04-10 Thread Lewis Alexander
it's ok. found an email on server relating to this, I will provide the link 
below for the article. where it says "download scripts" open the link and 
download the zip file. inside the zip file, there are 2 files.  use both to 
track if anything happens. you are most likely safe but if not, there are 
instructions on the site as to how to remove the contaminated files.


On 10 Apr 2012, at 18:55, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

> i keep hearing about it, but can't find where i download the patch. i've run 
> software update several times with no new updates appearing. thanks, max 
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> hi guys.
>> does someone here still have the email with the terminal instructions to 
>> kill or assess the flashback bug?
>> just need to check the status of an iMac running lion.
>> cheers
>> lew
>> -- 
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Re: flashback virus fix commands.

2012-04-10 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Max. 
I got chicken and took my Mac Book Pro for what turned out to be a five minute 
genius bar appointment. Since I paid Apple for two more years on my Mac, I 
figured I might as well. He said, first of all my Mac was clean,but also I 
would be ok if I kept my updates current. That's because I don't have that Java 


Eugenia Firth

On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:55 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

> i keep hearing about it, but can't find where i download the patch. i've run 
> software update several times with no new updates appearing. thanks, max 
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> hi guys.
>> does someone here still have the email with the terminal instructions to 
>> kill or assess the flashback bug?
>> just need to check the status of an iMac running lion.
>> cheers
>> lew
>> -- 
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Re: Audio book recovery

2012-04-10 Thread Yamil
Is their a library link? Do i log in through my apple account? And do i go to 
the web page through my ipod or mac

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 10, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> If they are from Audible, you can go to the Audible website and choose the 
> books again from your library.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 9:54 AM, Yamil wrote:
>> Hey all i download my audio books from itunes. I was sinking my ipod to 
>> itunes and too of my audio books disappeared from my mac and ipod. I went to 
>> purchased link on my itunes but i only saw a link to video tv shows and 
>> music. If anyone can help i appreciate it thanks
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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Re: flashback virus fix commands.

2012-04-10 Thread Maxwell Ivey
okay, mine is just a couple weeks out of the store.  the updates are current. 
but how do i know if i have that java thing or not? thanks, max 
On Apr 10, 2012, at 1:12 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Max. 
> I got chicken and took my Mac Book Pro for what turned out to be a five 
> minute genius bar appointment. Since I paid Apple for two more years on my 
> Mac, I figured I might as well. He said, first of all my Mac was clean,but 
> also I would be ok if I kept my updates current. That's because I don't have 
> that Java thing. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> Eugenia Firth
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:55 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
>> i keep hearing about it, but can't find where i download the patch. i've run 
>> software update several times with no new updates appearing. thanks, max 
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> hi guys.
>>> does someone here still have the email with the terminal instructions to 
>>> kill or assess the flashback bug?
>>> just need to check the status of an iMac running lion.
>>> cheers
>>> lew
>>> -- 
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Re: Notes Experiment

2012-04-10 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Teresa. 
I have an 8 dot mode on my Mac. That's how I got computer braille to come up so 
I could read grade 2. Do you not get a choice for 8 dots when you go into the 
braille option in the vo utility? 

I use TextEdit too for brf files, but I can't stop TextEdit from showing 
control characters. This is`  important for me because I'm not reading; I am 
proofing brf files for pay. Since these characters take up one or two spaces on 
the display, any word that would normally end either in cell 39 or 40 is pushed 
over to left side of the display. Most of the time I can figure out what's 
what, but occasionally I have to get the cursor to the beginning of the line so 
I `an determine for sure if a transcriber has made an error and the word in the 
wrong place. I've figured out how to do that, but it would be more efficient If 
did not have to do that. 


On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:48 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, Gigi,
> I use Filer on my IPod, and I use textEdit on the Mac for brf files. Notes is 
> fine on the Mac, but really struggles for me on the Ipod. It used to be 
> possible to read brf files with Safari, but now there doesn't seem to be an 
> eight-dot mode on the Mac.
> Teresa
> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Thanks Esther. 
>> First, it's amazing to me how stuff you know about this. I'm impressed. I'll 
>> save this info for that future iPad. I don't really need it for my iPhone. 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi 
>> Eugenia Firth
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:26 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Gigi,
>>> Teresa is speaking about an iOS app:
>>> • Filer ($3.99) by Dan Leehr L.L.C.
>>> It's a download app, but also lets you organize and play many formats of 
>>> documents and multimedia files within then app, with the benefit of 
>>> generally keeping your bookmark location.  Also a handy way to transfer 
>>> downloaded files so you can open them in other iOS applications.  Theres a 
>>> quite flexible web browser interface, with bookmarklets, too, as well as 
>>> the ability to download directly from your Dropbox, etc.
>>> The nice feature is using this for documents reading and keeping your 
>>> place.  I don't know how to get around Teresa's question about the behavior 
>>> of bookmarking for large files in Braille, though.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 7:18 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
 Hi Teresa. 
 I don't how I can use Safari in my case, since I'm getting the files off 
 the internet. However, where do you get this Filer program? Does it come 
 from the App store, and how much is it? 
 Also, in as so far as your Vo messing up when you did a big file, I'm in 
 Lion kitty. I don't remember which one you have. In my case, I wasn't 
 moving around a lot in the file, and I suppose that might " had something 
 to do with more. 
 Eugenia Firth
 On Apr 10, 2012, at 10:14 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Hi, Gigi,
> I'm glad this works for you. I tried reading a book in Notes and it 
> seemed that the file was too big, because my VO kept freezing and 
> starting over, no matter how many times I rebooted the IPod. I've 
> basically started reading larger files in Safari and Filer.
> Take care,
> Teresa
> "We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 6:35 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi Guys. 
>> I have been doing some experiments with Notes and braille, specifically 
>> brf files. Hey, guys, Apple never intended for it to be used like this, 
>> but Notes will swallow a whole brf file such as o you would get from Web 
>> Braille. Notes will do  transformation such as making all the text lower 
>> case, but it's faster to do that in TextEdit and also to avoid Mail 
>> Busy. However, Mail Busy did come out of it on ÿ computer. Also, Notes 
>> takes the display of the most irritating outhe control characters, the 
>> carriage returns and the line feeds. The spaces and the page breaks are 
>> displayed, but they are displayed in such a way that it doesn't 
>> interfere with where the goes on the idsplay. In other words, what's 
>> supposed to be in cell 40 is. If i had known this sooner, I would have 
>> tried it two weeks ago when I was using my Mac to read brf files. 
>> Because Web braille files have a margin of cell 38, this reading using 
>> this method should better on them. This is because the computer insists 
>> on showing a blank line if there is acharacter in cell 40. There won't 
>> be a character in cell 40 in a Web braille file. I think the disp

Re: flashback virus fix commands.

2012-04-10 Thread Maxwell Ivey
okay, i downloaded the two scripts and ran them.  it said the file didn't exist 
and said click okay on both of them.  so, does this mean i'm safe for now? 
thanks, max 
On Apr 10, 2012, at 1:07 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> it's ok. found an email on server relating to this, I will provide the link 
> below for the article. where it says "download scripts" open the link and 
> download the zip file. inside the zip file, there are 2 files.  use both to 
> track if anything happens. you are most likely safe but if not, there are 
> instructions on the site as to how to remove the contaminated files.
> lew
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 18:55, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
>> i keep hearing about it, but can't find where i download the patch. i've run 
>> software update several times with no new updates appearing. thanks, max 
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> hi guys.
>>> does someone here still have the email with the terminal instructions to 
>>> kill or assess the flashback bug?
>>> just need to check the status of an iMac running lion.
>>> cheers
>>> lew
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: flashback virus fix commands.

2012-04-10 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Max. 
I'm not the one to answer that question. However, if I had a two-week-old Mac, 
I would either go for my five minute Genius Bar appointment or call that Apple 
Accessibility phone number at 877-204-3930. If you're not in the States, I 
guess you can call with Skype. Otherwise, you cn have your serial number handy 
and talk to those folks there. They are very helpful,and you sure are lucky 
they have this number these days. 


Eugenia Firth

On Apr 10, 2012, at 1:19 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

> okay, mine is just a couple weeks out of the store.  the updates are current. 
> but how do i know if i have that java thing or not? thanks, max 
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 1:12 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi Max. 
>> I got chicken and took my Mac Book Pro for what turned out to be a five 
>> minute genius bar appointment. Since I paid Apple for two more years on my 
>> Mac, I figured I might as well. He said, first of all my Mac was clean,but 
>> also I would be ok if I kept my updates current. That's because I don't have 
>> that Java thing. 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi 
>> Eugenia Firth
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:55 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
>>> i keep hearing about it, but can't find where i download the patch. i've 
>>> run software update several times with no new updates appearing. thanks, 
>>> max 
>>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
 hi guys.
 does someone here still have the email with the terminal instructions to 
 kill or assess the flashback bug?
 just need to check the status of an iMac running lion.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Re: flashback virus fix commands.

2012-04-10 Thread Lewis Alexander
yes that's correct.


On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:29, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

> okay, i downloaded the two scripts and ran them.  it said the file didn't 
> exist and said click okay on both of them.  so, does this mean i'm safe for 
> now? thanks, max 
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 1:07 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> it's ok. found an email on server relating to this, I will provide the link 
>> below for the article. where it says "download scripts" open the link and 
>> download the zip file. inside the zip file, there are 2 files.  use both to 
>> track if anything happens. you are most likely safe but if not, there are 
>> instructions on the site as to how to remove the contaminated files.
>> lew
>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 18:55, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
>>> i keep hearing about it, but can't find where i download the patch. i've 
>>> run software update several times with no new updates appearing. thanks, 
>>> max 
>>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
 hi guys.
 does someone here still have the email with the terminal instructions to 
 kill or assess the flashback bug?
 just need to check the status of an iMac running lion.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Re: flashback virus fix commands.

2012-04-10 Thread Lewis Alexander
hi gigi

to make sure you are updated on JAVA, the first thing is to determine if JAVA 
is installed. to do this, go to your applications folder, then go into 
utilities, go to JAVA preferences. run it, if it presents a message saying it 
needs to download java, please install it, it then connects to the software 
update interface and installs straight away. when installed, then load it. quit 
it, then use the scripts provided on the link in my last email

or here

then run these scripts. if they tell you they cannot find the files, your 
system is safe.

any problems, please drop me a line, if you're on skype, I'll walk you through 
if you need it.

take care.


On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:32, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Max. 
> I'm not the one to answer that question. However, if I had a two-week-old 
> Mac, I would either go for my five minute Genius Bar appointment or call that 
> Apple Accessibility phone number at 877-204-3930. If you're not in the 
> States, I guess you can call with Skype. Otherwise, you cn have your serial 
> number handy and talk to those folks there. They are very helpful,and you 
> sure are lucky they have this number these days. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> Eugenia Firth
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 1:19 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
>> okay, mine is just a couple weeks out of the store.  the updates are 
>> current. but how do i know if i have that java thing or not? thanks, max 
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 1:12 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hi Max. 
>>> I got chicken and took my Mac Book Pro for what turned out to be a five 
>>> minute genius bar appointment. Since I paid Apple for two more years on my 
>>> Mac, I figured I might as well. He said, first of all my Mac was clean,but 
>>> also I would be ok if I kept my updates current. That's because I don't 
>>> have that Java thing. 
>>> Regards, 
>>> Gigi 
>>> Eugenia Firth
>>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:55 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
 i keep hearing about it, but can't find where i download the patch. i've 
 run software update several times with no new updates appearing. thanks, 
 On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
> hi guys.
> does someone here still have the email with the terminal instructions to 
> kill or assess the flashback bug?
> just need to check the status of an iMac running lion.
> cheers
> lew
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2012-04-10 Thread Walter Harper
Hi all listers,
I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking something 
more than garageband that comes with it.

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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Lewis Alexander

I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a waste of 
money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no interaction nor 
labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the main windows including 
mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple need to pull their finger out to 
fix it.

your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher than logic 
in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system on the market at the 
moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.


On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:

> Hi all listers,
> I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking something 
> more than garageband that comes with it.
> Walter 
> -- 
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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Walter Harper
I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
Does it have voiceover support?
On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> hi.
> I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a waste of 
> money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no interaction nor 
> labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the main windows including 
> mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple need to pull their finger out to 
> fix it.
> your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher than logic 
> in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system on the market at 
> the moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.
> lew
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:
>> Hi all listers,
>> I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking something 
>> more than garageband that comes with it.
>> Walter 
>> -- 
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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Lewis Alexander
ProTools is not a straight download.

pro tools is a combined hardware and software system. though ProTools 10 is now 
hardware independent, it requires an iLoc key which is a USB dongle to use. 
then your audio interface of choice to work. it is voiceover friendly and avid 
are constantly working on improving the system. each update will contain some 
tune ups for voiceover. I am not a pro tools user but have been over the years, 
I've recently road tested it and am impressed.

you need to find an avid dealer for pro tools but be advised, pro tools is 
rather pricy. about £545 for the software, you can pick up a package deal 
including Avid's Mbox series interfaces for a reasonable price.

ProTools is used in educational establishments and in most production and 
recording studios, sound design environments and much more. so look into it.

for more info on Avid ProTools systems, check out


On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:29, Walter Harper wrote:

> Ok,
> I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
> Does it have voiceover support?
> Walter 
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> hi.
>> I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a waste of 
>> money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no interaction nor 
>> labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the main windows including 
>> mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple need to pull their finger out to 
>> fix it.
>> your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher than 
>> logic in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system on the 
>> market at the moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.
>> lew
>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> Hi all listers,
>>> I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking 
>>> something more than garageband that comes with it.
>>> Walter 
>>> -- 
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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Lewis Alexander
further note...

to road test it for a very limited time before purchase, there is a free demo 
available on the site. you can see for yourself.


On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:29, Walter Harper wrote:

> Ok,
> I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
> Does it have voiceover support?
> Walter 
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> hi.
>> I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a waste of 
>> money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no interaction nor 
>> labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the main windows including 
>> mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple need to pull their finger out to 
>> fix it.
>> your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher than 
>> logic in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system on the 
>> market at the moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.
>> lew
>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> Hi all listers,
>>> I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking 
>>> something more than garageband that comes with it.
>>> Walter 
>>> -- 
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Re: Notes Experiment

2012-04-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
Ah, I didn't look in the utility for the 8-dot Braille option. I may have to 
assign a keystroke to it, as I don't notice it by default.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Apr 10, 2012, at 11:26 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Teresa. 
> I have an 8 dot mode on my Mac. That's how I got computer braille to come up 
> so I could read grade 2. Do you not get a choice for 8 dots when you go into 
> the braille option in the vo utility? 
> I use TextEdit too for brf files, but I can't stop TextEdit from showing 
> control characters. This is`  important for me because I'm not reading; I am 
> proofing brf files for pay. Since these characters take up one or two spaces 
> on the display, any word that would normally end either in cell 39 or 40 is 
> pushed over to left side of the display. Most of the time I can figure out 
> what's what, but occasionally I have to get the cursor to the beginning of 
> the line so I `an determine for sure if a transcriber has made an error and 
> the word in the wrong place. I've figured out how to do that, but it would be 
> more efficient If did not have to do that. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:48 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, Gigi,
>> I use Filer on my IPod, and I use textEdit on the Mac for brf files. Notes 
>> is fine on the Mac, but really struggles for me on the Ipod. It used to be 
>> possible to read brf files with Safari, but now there doesn't seem to be an 
>> eight-dot mode on the Mac.
>> Teresa
>> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Thanks Esther. 
>>> First, it's amazing to me how stuff you know about this. I'm impressed. 
>>> I'll save this info for that future iPad. I don't really need it for my 
>>> iPhone. 
>>> Regards, 
>>> Gigi 
>>> Eugenia Firth
>>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:26 PM, Esther wrote:
 Hi Gigi,
 Teresa is speaking about an iOS app:
 • Filer ($3.99) by Dan Leehr L.L.C.
 It's a download app, but also lets you organize and play many formats of 
 documents and multimedia files within then app, with the benefit of 
 generally keeping your bookmark location.  Also a handy way to transfer 
 downloaded files so you can open them in other iOS applications.  Theres a 
 quite flexible web browser interface, with bookmarklets, too, as well as 
 the ability to download directly from your Dropbox, etc.
 The nice feature is using this for documents reading and keeping your 
 place.  I don't know how to get around Teresa's question about the 
 behavior of bookmarking for large files in Braille, though.
 On Apr 10, 2012, at 7:18 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi Teresa. 
> I don't how I can use Safari in my case, since I'm getting the files off 
> the internet. However, where do you get this Filer program? Does it come 
> from the App store, and how much is it? 
> Also, in as so far as your Vo messing up when you did a big file, I'm in 
> Lion kitty. I don't remember which one you have. In my case, I wasn't 
> moving around a lot in the file, and I suppose that might " had something 
> to do with more. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> Eugenia Firth
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 10:14 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, Gigi,
>> I'm glad this works for you. I tried reading a book in Notes and it 
>> seemed that the file was too big, because my VO kept freezing and 
>> starting over, no matter how many times I rebooted the IPod. I've 
>> basically started reading larger files in Safari and Filer.
>> Take care,
>> Teresa
>> "We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 6:35 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hi Guys. 
>>> I have been doing some experiments with Notes and braille, specifically 
>>> brf files. Hey, guys, Apple never intended for it to be used like this, 
>>> but Notes will swallow a whole brf file such as o you would get from 
>>> Web Braille. Notes will do  transformation such as making all the text 
>>> lower case, but it's faster to do that in TextEdit and also to avoid 
>>> Mail Busy. However, Mail Busy did come out of it on ÿ computer. Also, 
>>> Notes takes the display of the most irritating outhe control 
>>> characters, the carriage returns and the line feeds. The spaces and the 
>>> page breaks are displayed, but they are displayed in such a way that it 
>>> doesn't interfere with where the goes on the idsplay. In other words, 
>>> what's supposed to be in cell 40 i

Re: Web shortcut files [was Re: Drag and drop with VO]

2012-04-10 Thread jason lefevers
ÎHi Jason
I've created several of those .url files over the years and they are great.  
When in textedit did you switch from rich text to plain text?  That's the only 
thing I can think of.  So it beeps when you press command-s?

On Apr 9, 2012, at 2:28 PM, jason lefevers wrote:

> hey ester, I tryed doing this and when I try to save it it nwill not let me 
> save it. I am just trying to do one for google just to try it out I followed 
> all your steps went to save it and typed google.url in to save s box and hit 
> return and it just makes a noise at me and thats as far as I could get . any 
> idea what I may be doing wrong? thanks. Jason  
> On Apr 9, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Ricardo and Stacey,
>> I was just drafting a reply to Stacey when I read Ricardo's post.  Two 
>> comments: first, for Ricardo's method, you can press Command-Shift-D to 
>> point directly to the Desktop, without having to navigate to the Home 
>> folder.  Secondly, what you're actually saving with this technique is a web 
>> archive of all the contents of the web page in question, while you only need 
>> a pointer to address URL.  You can make a file that willl do this by using 
>> TextEdit to create a plain text file:
>> 1. From Finder, press Command-Shift-A to navigate to your Applications folder
>> 2. Press "t" to navigate to TextEdit, and open it with Command-Down arrow or 
>> Command-O
>> 3. If you're using the default TextEdit settings, press Command-Shift-T to 
>> switch from rich text to plain text format. 
>> 4. Type the following three lines, noting that for the third line you will 
>> simply be pressing the return key:
>> [InternetShortcut]
>> URL=
>> 5. Save the file with Command-S, and if you want it saved to your Desktop 
>> press Command-Shift-D.  Type in a name in the text box like "bard.url" 
>> (without the quotes), and press return.  You'll be asked to confirm that you 
>> want to use the ".url" extension instead of ".txt"'; just press return to 
>> accept this.
>> 6. Close the file with Command-W
>> Now you have a file on your Desktop that will open Safari to the bard web 
>> site whenever you open it.  If you want to create a similar file for another 
>> web site, just change the URL address that you put into this file.  In fact, 
>> you can simply copy the file you created, open the copy with TextEdit to 
>> change the URL address, and then save it to another file name with a ".url" 
>> extension.
>> On most web sites, using the .url format will be between ten to a few 
>> hundred times smaller than a web archive file.  This is AppleScriptable, but 
>> I'd have to dig this up.  For earlier versions of the OS (Tiger and 
>> Leopard), I used a small utility called weblocmaker.
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Apr 9, 2012, at 4:15 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Drag and drop is really not necessary.  First, go to the webpage you wish 
>>> to put on your desktop.  Now, press command S to bring up the save dialog.  
>>> Press command shift H to bring the file browser to your Home folder.  In 
>>> here,navigate to the desktop folder.  Now press enter.  The site should now 
>>> be on your desktop.
>>> hth  
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Apr 9, 2012, at 9:37 AM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
 I read in the VO manual for snow leopard that you can drag and drop things 
 with VoiceOver. I want to put a shortcut to the bard website on my desktop 
 but can't make this work.
 I know it can be done, but can someone give me step by step instructions 
 to do it?
 Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Walter Harper
what is the website 

On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:37 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> further note...
> to road test it for a very limited time before purchase, there is a free demo 
> available on the site. you can see for yourself.
> lew
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:29, Walter Harper wrote:
>> Ok,
>> I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
>> Does it have voiceover support?
>> Walter 
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> hi.
>>> I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a waste of 
>>> money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no interaction 
>>> nor labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the main windows 
>>> including mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple need to pull their 
>>> finger out to fix it.
>>> your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher than 
>>> logic in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system on the 
>>> market at the moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.
>>> lew
>>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:
 Hi all listers,
 I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking 
 something more than garageband that comes with it.
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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Lewis Alexander


On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:58, Walter Harper wrote:

> what is the website 
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:37 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> further note...
>> to road test it for a very limited time before purchase, there is a free 
>> demo available on the site. you can see for yourself.
>> lew
>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:29, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> Ok,
>>> I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
>>> Does it have voiceover support?
>>> Walter 
>>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
 I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a waste of 
 money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no interaction 
 nor labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the main windows 
 including mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple need to pull their 
 finger out to fix it.
 your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher than 
 logic in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system on the 
 market at the moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.
 On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:
> Hi all listers,
> I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking 
> something more than garageband that comes with it.
> Walter 
> -- 
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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Walter Harper
So what is he program that you use now for recording?
Can you add me to skype whatper1121
On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> ProTools is not a straight download.
> pro tools is a combined hardware and software system. though ProTools 10 is 
> now hardware independent, it requires an iLoc key which is a USB dongle to 
> use. then your audio interface of choice to work. it is voiceover friendly 
> and avid are constantly working on improving the system. each update will 
> contain some tune ups for voiceover. I am not a pro tools user but have been 
> over the years, I've recently road tested it and am impressed.
> you need to find an avid dealer for pro tools but be advised, pro tools is 
> rather pricy. about £545 for the software, you can pick up a package deal 
> including Avid's Mbox series interfaces for a reasonable price.
> ProTools is used in educational establishments and in most production and 
> recording studios, sound design environments and much more. so look into it.
> for more info on Avid ProTools systems, check out 
> lew
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:29, Walter Harper wrote:
>> Ok,
>> I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
>> Does it have voiceover support?
>> Walter 
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> hi.
>>> I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a waste of 
>>> money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no interaction 
>>> nor labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the main windows 
>>> including mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple need to pull their 
>>> finger out to fix it.
>>> your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher than 
>>> logic in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system on the 
>>> market at the moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.
>>> lew
>>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:
 Hi all listers,
 I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking 
 something more than garageband that comes with it.
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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Lewis Alexander
I don't.

I left the music business after an instrument maker managed to ruin my work and 
chances. so these days I am working as a cabinet maker. I do on occasions test 
run software etc, maybe in the hope that one day I may come back to the 
business but for the moment, I have big commitments ahead of me.all in the name 
of money.


On 10 Apr 2012, at 21:00, Walter Harper wrote:

> So what is he program that you use now for recording?
> Can you add me to skype whatper1121
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> ProTools is not a straight download.
>> pro tools is a combined hardware and software system. though ProTools 10 is 
>> now hardware independent, it requires an iLoc key which is a USB dongle to 
>> use. then your audio interface of choice to work. it is voiceover friendly 
>> and avid are constantly working on improving the system. each update will 
>> contain some tune ups for voiceover. I am not a pro tools user but have been 
>> over the years, I've recently road tested it and am impressed.
>> you need to find an avid dealer for pro tools but be advised, pro tools is 
>> rather pricy. about £545 for the software, you can pick up a package deal 
>> including Avid's Mbox series interfaces for a reasonable price.
>> ProTools is used in educational establishments and in most production and 
>> recording studios, sound design environments and much more. so look into it.
>> for more info on Avid ProTools systems, check out 
>> lew
>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:29, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> Ok,
>>> I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
>>> Does it have voiceover support?
>>> Walter 
>>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
 I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a waste of 
 money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no interaction 
 nor labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the main windows 
 including mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple need to pull their 
 finger out to fix it.
 your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher than 
 logic in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system on the 
 market at the moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.
 On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:
> Hi all listers,
> I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking 
> something more than garageband that comes with it.
> Walter 
> -- 
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Mail Slow while Composing

2012-04-10 Thread Austin Seraphin
I have no idea why, but recently Mail has begun delaying while composing 
messages. It happens from time to time and the delay lasts a second or two, 
then the characters entered all come up at once. I wonder what has changed to 
cause this. Any ideas? Thanks. This happens in Mac OS 10.7.3.

 - Austin

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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Walter Harper
So would you recommend any other program than garageband and protools?
On Apr 10, 2012, at 4:03 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> I don't.
> I left the music business after an instrument maker managed to ruin my work 
> and chances. so these days I am working as a cabinet maker. I do on occasions 
> test run software etc, maybe in the hope that one day I may come back to the 
> business but for the moment, I have big commitments ahead of me.all in the 
> name of money.
> lew
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 21:00, Walter Harper wrote:
>> So what is he program that you use now for recording?
>> Can you add me to skype whatper1121
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> ProTools is not a straight download.
>>> pro tools is a combined hardware and software system. though ProTools 10 is 
>>> now hardware independent, it requires an iLoc key which is a USB dongle to 
>>> use. then your audio interface of choice to work. it is voiceover friendly 
>>> and avid are constantly working on improving the system. each update will 
>>> contain some tune ups for voiceover. I am not a pro tools user but have 
>>> been over the years, I've recently road tested it and am impressed.
>>> you need to find an avid dealer for pro tools but be advised, pro tools is 
>>> rather pricy. about £545 for the software, you can pick up a package deal 
>>> including Avid's Mbox series interfaces for a reasonable price.
>>> ProTools is used in educational establishments and in most production and 
>>> recording studios, sound design environments and much more. so look into it.
>>> for more info on Avid ProTools systems, check out 
>>> lew
>>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:29, Walter Harper wrote:
 I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
 Does it have voiceover support?
 On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
> hi.
> I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a waste 
> of money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no 
> interaction nor labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the 
> main windows including mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple need 
> to pull their finger out to fix it.
> your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher than 
> logic in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system on the 
> market at the moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.
> lew
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:
>> Hi all listers,
>> I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking 
>> something more than garageband that comes with it.
>> Walter 
>> -- 
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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Lewis Alexander
first off, before I go into the why's and wherefores of this, may I ask as to 
your level of sight loss? I.E. do you use voiceover only or are you using 
screen magnification?


On 10 Apr 2012, at 21:13, Walter Harper wrote:

> ok,
> So would you recommend any other program than garageband and protools?
> Walter
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 4:03 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> I don't.
>> I left the music business after an instrument maker managed to ruin my work 
>> and chances. so these days I am working as a cabinet maker. I do on 
>> occasions test run software etc, maybe in the hope that one day I may come 
>> back to the business but for the moment, I have big commitments ahead of 
>> me.all in the name of money.
>> lew
>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 21:00, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> So what is he program that you use now for recording?
>>> Can you add me to skype whatper1121
>>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
 ProTools is not a straight download.
 pro tools is a combined hardware and software system. though ProTools 10 
 is now hardware independent, it requires an iLoc key which is a USB dongle 
 to use. then your audio interface of choice to work. it is voiceover 
 friendly and avid are constantly working on improving the system. each 
 update will contain some tune ups for voiceover. I am not a pro tools user 
 but have been over the years, I've recently road tested it and am 
 you need to find an avid dealer for pro tools but be advised, pro tools is 
 rather pricy. about £545 for the software, you can pick up a package deal 
 including Avid's Mbox series interfaces for a reasonable price.
 ProTools is used in educational establishments and in most production and 
 recording studios, sound design environments and much more. so look into 
 for more info on Avid ProTools systems, check out
 On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:29, Walter Harper wrote:
> Ok,
> I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
> Does it have voiceover support?
> Walter 
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> hi.
>> I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a waste 
>> of money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no 
>> interaction nor labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the 
>> main windows including mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple need 
>> to pull their finger out to fix it.
>> your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher than 
>> logic in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system on the 
>> market at the moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.
>> lew
>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> Hi all listers,
>>> I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking 
>>> something more than garageband that comes with it.
>>> Walter 
>>> -- 
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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Walter Harper
I use voiceover only.
can we talk by skype?

On Apr 10, 2012, at 4:15 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> first off, before I go into the why's and wherefores of this, may I ask as to 
> your level of sight loss? I.E. do you use voiceover only or are you using 
> screen magnification?
> lew
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 21:13, Walter Harper wrote:
>> ok,
>> So would you recommend any other program than garageband and protools?
>> Walter
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 4:03 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> I don't.
>>> I left the music business after an instrument maker managed to ruin my work 
>>> and chances. so these days I am working as a cabinet maker. I do on 
>>> occasions test run software etc, maybe in the hope that one day I may come 
>>> back to the business but for the moment, I have big commitments ahead of 
>>> me.all in the name of money.
>>> lew
>>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 21:00, Walter Harper wrote:
 So what is he program that you use now for recording?
 Can you add me to skype whatper1121
 On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
> ProTools is not a straight download.
> pro tools is a combined hardware and software system. though ProTools 10 
> is now hardware independent, it requires an iLoc key which is a USB 
> dongle to use. then your audio interface of choice to work. it is 
> voiceover friendly and avid are constantly working on improving the 
> system. each update will contain some tune ups for voiceover. I am not a 
> pro tools user but have been over the years, I've recently road tested it 
> and am impressed.
> you need to find an avid dealer for pro tools but be advised, pro tools 
> is rather pricy. about £545 for the software, you can pick up a package 
> deal including Avid's Mbox series interfaces for a reasonable price.
> ProTools is used in educational establishments and in most production and 
> recording studios, sound design environments and much more. so look into 
> it.
> for more info on Avid ProTools systems, check out 
> lew
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:29, Walter Harper wrote:
>> Ok,
>> I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
>> Does it have voiceover support?
>> Walter 
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> hi.
>>> I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a waste 
>>> of money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no 
>>> interaction nor labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the 
>>> main windows including mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple need 
>>> to pull their finger out to fix it.
>>> your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher than 
>>> logic in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system on the 
>>> market at the moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.
>>> lew
>>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:
 Hi all listers,
 I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking 
 something more than garageband that comes with it.
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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Lewis Alexander
yes of course.

my skype name is freemacsfortheblind. I am available now.


On 10 Apr 2012, at 21:26, Walter Harper wrote:

> I use voiceover only.
> can we talk by skype?
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 4:15 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> first off, before I go into the why's and wherefores of this, may I ask as 
>> to your level of sight loss? I.E. do you use voiceover only or are you using 
>> screen magnification?
>> lew
>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 21:13, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> ok,
>>> So would you recommend any other program than garageband and protools?
>>> Walter
>>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 4:03 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
 I don't.
 I left the music business after an instrument maker managed to ruin my 
 work and chances. so these days I am working as a cabinet maker. I do on 
 occasions test run software etc, maybe in the hope that one day I may come 
 back to the business but for the moment, I have big commitments ahead of 
 me.all in the name of money.
 On 10 Apr 2012, at 21:00, Walter Harper wrote:
> So what is he program that you use now for recording?
> Can you add me to skype whatper1121
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> ProTools is not a straight download.
>> pro tools is a combined hardware and software system. though ProTools 10 
>> is now hardware independent, it requires an iLoc key which is a USB 
>> dongle to use. then your audio interface of choice to work. it is 
>> voiceover friendly and avid are constantly working on improving the 
>> system. each update will contain some tune ups for voiceover. I am not a 
>> pro tools user but have been over the years, I've recently road tested 
>> it and am impressed.
>> you need to find an avid dealer for pro tools but be advised, pro tools 
>> is rather pricy. about £545 for the software, you can pick up a package 
>> deal including Avid's Mbox series interfaces for a reasonable price.
>> ProTools is used in educational establishments and in most production 
>> and recording studios, sound design environments and much more. so look 
>> into it.
>> for more info on Avid ProTools systems, check out 
>> lew
>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:29, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> Ok,
>>> I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
>>> Does it have voiceover support?
>>> Walter 
>>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
 I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a 
 waste of money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no 
 interaction nor labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the 
 main windows including mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple 
 need to pull their finger out to fix it.
 your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher 
 than logic in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system 
 on the market at the moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.
 On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:
> Hi all listers,
> I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking 
> something more than garageband that comes with it.
> Walter 
> -- 
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Re: Some help with vlc

2012-04-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Just catching up on some old mail and didn't see a answer to this. What 
about just using the afplay command? You can do afplay -h to get the 
parameters but basically you do afplay something.mp3 and it starts 
playing it. Should handle any format QuickTime can do.


On 3/5/12 8:05 AM, .dan. wrote:

I have installed vlc and want to use it from the command line in 

As is no doubt known, it is a very complex application with many 

All I want to do at this point is to give a command and have a mp3 
file played.  The same with a streaming audio source and podcasts is 
of interest.

I have tried to do the mp3 function using what I gleaned from the man 
page and some online discussion, no joy.

Can you help please?


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Anyone Had Any Luck Using ZTerm in Lion With Notetakers?

2012-04-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

I used to use ZTerm to put brf books from WebBraille onto my Braille Lite. I've 
tried updating my serial-to-USB drivers and making sure I have the latest 
version of ZTerm. I get no communication with Zterm and my Braille Lite 40. The 
notetaker works fine with Windows computers.

Any thoughts?


"We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos

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Re: Notes Experiment

2012-04-10 Thread Stacey Robinson
Hi Gigi,
I'll give this a try.
On Apr 10, 2012, at 12:31 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Stacey. 
> It was real easy to get it in there. Get TextEdit to accept brf files. On my 
> computer these days, I told TextEdit to open brf files. Then I did a 
> transformation by first selecting all the text, going to edit, and down to 
> transformations. Then I chose to make all the text lower case. This has no 
> effect except to make the braille easier to read by taking out most of the 
> dots 7 & 8's. This all took no time at all. Then I did command c, went into a 
> Note file, and pressed command v. 
> I could have done the transformation within Notes after I copied the text. 
> However, TextEdit does not go into busy mode and is faster. 
> I haven't tried Filer yet. Notes does take out most of the control characters 
> as I said before. It should work fine in Web braille files, although I guess 
> you could read them in Safari. If you did it in Notes, however, you wouldn't 
> have to have the Internet. Try it. If it's a brf file that's near and dear to 
> your heart, you may want to copy it first and do this on the copy. This 
> because you can easily change it by banging the space bar or another key. As 
> far as Notes is concerned, I worst thing that could happen is having to force 
> quit if you have the same problem Teresa did. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> Eugenia Firth
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>> Wow, how did you get the brf file into notes?
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 8:35 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hi Guys. 
>>> I have been doing some experiments with Notes and braille, specifically brf 
>>> files. Hey, guys, Apple never intended for it to be used like this, but 
>>> Notes will swallow a whole brf file such as o you would get from Web 
>>> Braille. Notes will do  transformation such as making all the text lower 
>>> case, but it's faster to do that in TextEdit and also to avoid Mail Busy. 
>>> However, Mail Busy did come out of it on ÿ computer. Also, Notes takes the 
>>> display of the most irritating outhe control characters, the carriage 
>>> returns and the line feeds. The spaces and the page breaks are displayed, 
>>> but they are displayed in such a way that it doesn't interfere with where 
>>> the goes on the idsplay. In other words, what's supposed to be in cell 40 
>>> is. If i had known this sooner, I would have tried it two weeks ago when I 
>>> was using my Mac to read brf files. 
>>> Because Web braille files have a margin of cell 38, this reading using this 
>>> method should better on them. This is because the computer insists on 
>>> showing a blank line if there is acharacter in cell 40. There won't be a 
>>> character in cell 40 in a Web braille file. I think the display of control 
>>> characters is a silent one in notes, and that's why you see a blank line 
>>> with files that have a 40 cell margin. But for those with cell 38 no what 
>>> appears to be a blank line should be displayed. 
>>> I hope all this makes sense. This means yours truly can use an iPad with 
>>> Notes for my reports because they are much shorter than those brf files. It 
>>> also means, that, if I wanted to, I could use either a Mac or the iPad to 
>>> read a brf file with very little conversion. 
>>> Regards, 
>>> Gigi 
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RE: Anyone Had Any Luck Using ZTerm in Lion With Notetakers?

2012-04-10 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Theresa,

I have no idea of what zTerm is or does but I have never been successful in
getting my Freedom Scientific BrailleLite Millennium 20 to work on my Mac.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Teresa Cochran
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 2:08 PM
Subject: Anyone Had Any Luck Using ZTerm in Lion With Notetakers?

Hi, all,

I used to use ZTerm to put brf books from WebBraille onto my Braille Lite.
I've tried updating my serial-to-USB drivers and making sure I have the
latest version of ZTerm. I get no communication with Zterm and my Braille
Lite 40. The notetaker works fine with Windows computers.

Any thoughts?


"We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos

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Resolved, was Re: Anyone Had Any Luck Using ZTerm in Lion With Notetakers?

2012-04-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
Ok, I'm going to post this in case I or anyone else looks it up on the list. I 
went into the settings menu in ZTerm and looked up Modem settings. Sure enough, 
it was set on Bluetooth. My decrepit Braille Lite knows not a glimmer about 
Bluetooth, so I reset it to my serial-to-USB adapter driver and everything 
works without a hitch.


""The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham

On Apr 10, 2012, at 2:07 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I used to use ZTerm to put brf books from WebBraille onto my Braille Lite. 
> I've tried updating my serial-to-USB drivers and making sure I have the 
> latest version of ZTerm. I get no communication with Zterm and my Braille 
> Lite 40. The notetaker works fine with Windows computers.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> "We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos

"Visualize whirled peas."

On Apr 10, 2012, at 2:07 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I used to use ZTerm to put brf books from WebBraille onto my Braille Lite. 
> I've tried updating my serial-to-USB drivers and making sure I have the 
> latest version of ZTerm. I get no communication with Zterm and my Braille 
> Lite 40. The notetaker works fine with Windows computers.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> "We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos

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Computer Braille Reference Card

2012-04-10 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone,

I am cross-posting this to both the V iPhone and Mac Visionaries Mailing

National Braille Press will send you a free hardcopy of the computer Braille
Reference card upon request.  This is an extremely useful pamphlet used to
acquaint Braille readers with the finer points of computer Braille.  They
also sell a Nemeth code reference card for approximately $20.00.  

To order the free computer Braille reference card call:
(888) 965-8965

Or go to their website at

If calling, keep in mind that they are located on the east coast of the US.


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Re: Anyone Had Any Luck Using ZTerm in Lion With Notetakers?

2012-04-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
The braille Lite isn't supported as a Braille display in OS X. I use an 
application called ZTerm, which communicates to the serial port as a 
file-transfer option. I still like to transfer files back and fort to it. It's 
my old, quaint, legacy, bearskin-and-flint-knife method, and I'm used to it. :) 
But it is a little tricky. Again, doing this does not allow it to function as a 
Braille display. This is why I broke down and bought a Focus 40 Blue eventually.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Apr 10, 2012, at 2:26 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Theresa,
> I have no idea of what zTerm is or does but I have never been successful in
> getting my Freedom Scientific BrailleLite Millennium 20 to work on my Mac.
> Mark

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Re: Tips for reading PDF documents on the Mac

2012-04-10 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
I haven't, but you raise a good point, I have never found it possible to read 
PDF columns properly with Jaws and used to have to use fine reader to translate 
into an MS Doc. The PDFs I am currently putting into Safari are mainly journal 
articles-they have some tables and I don't think those read properly, but I 
will try to remember to take a look at some PDFs in columns and see. I think 
we're likely to have little success however, as it's about translating 
graphical representation into words and a logical order to people-many of whom 
don't have a great concept of layout and formatting. 

On 9 Apr 2012, at 16:21, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:

> Those are very helpful suggestions.  I wonder, though: Have you ever tried 
> reading pdf documents formatted in multiple columns?  I can do so using an 
> old PowerPC iBook running Tiger, but I can't seem to do so with newer Macs 
> and OSs.
> Cordially,
> Rafael Bejarano
> On Apr 8, 2012, at 4:47 PM, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:
>> Hi all, 
>> A few weeks ago, someone asked what was the best way of reading PDFs. I gave 
>> some vague response, and though I can't remember who asked, I know it comes 
>> up quite often, so, below I list more specific steps. I hope they help 
>> whoever wanted to know. 
>> 1. Find your document in your folder system. 
>> 2. Press VO-M and navigate to the File menu. 
>> 3. Go down to the Open With menu. 
>> 4. Arrow right and then down to Safari. 
>> 5. Leave the document to open-this might take some time if it is large for 
>> example-when it starts reading, arrow until you are in the window (rather 
>> than in the other web functions such as add to reading list etc). 
>> 6. Interact with the window with the VO-Down Arrow-Shift command. 
>> 7. If you want to read line by line, try to get your reading setting to 
>> 'navigation', otherwise when you use the down arrow, you will be reading via 
>> character or word. 
>> 8. Use the arrows to read up and down each line. 
>> 9. Close or quit when you are finished. 
>> N.B.: the default setting for PDFs is Preview, which I personally find hard 
>> to access. 
>> This has worked for me so far most often. 
>> I think I said to use Google Chrome last time I emailed, but I think I 
>> should really have said Safari, as Chrome seems not to open the document in 
>> the same way-often saying 'empty HTML' which Safari does not. 
>> Kind regards 
>> Kirsten. 
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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Hank Smith

is a hardware interface a requirement?
On 4/10/2012 1:00 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:


On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:58, Walter Harper wrote:

what is the website

On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:37 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

further note...

to road test it for a very limited time before purchase, there is a free demo 
available on the site. you can see for yourself.


On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:29, Walter Harper wrote:

I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
Does it have voiceover support?
On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:


I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a waste of 
money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no interaction nor 
labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the main windows including 
mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple need to pull their finger out to 
fix it.

your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher than logic 
in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system on the market at the 
moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.


On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:

Hi all listers,
I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking something 
more than garageband that comes with it.

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Re: Creating a list of all the headings and links on a webpage

2012-04-10 Thread Ricardo Walker
Not exactly.

I would use the web rotor with VO U.  then you can use left or right arrow to 
navigate through the links list, headings, buttons, etc.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 10, 2012, at 11:36 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Rahul,
> The closest option is to use VO-i to bring up the item chooser. The toolbar 
> buttons and other window controls will also be displayed, however. You can 
> use return to go to an item or escape to exit without changes.
> HTh,
> Teresa
> "Man is matter's ability to contemplate itself."--Albert Einstein
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 8:26 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is there a way of creating a list of all the headings and links on a
>> webpage with VoiceOver?
>> I use this function with JAWS,  and it makes browsing webpages a lot
>> easier and faster.
>> So, please shed some light on this matter.
>> Regards,
>> Rahul
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plain an iTunes movie

2012-04-10 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
How do you get an iTunes movie to play in full screen? 

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Re: plain an iTunes movie

2012-04-10 Thread Charlie Doremus
go to view then video playback and arrow down to fullscreen

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli <> wrote:

> Hi:
> How do you get an iTunes movie to play in full screen?
> --
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Re: logic

2012-04-10 Thread Emrah

Thank you for all the wealth of information you are sharing so patiently. Your 
detailed replies are always pleasant to read.
Thanks to this thread I know that Pro Tools is seeing some accessibility 
efforts. I always thought that only the basics were accessible with VO.

It looks like you are in a tough patch and I wish you the best of luck in all 
your future endeavors. 

On Apr 10, 2012, at 4:29 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> yes of course.
> my skype name is freemacsfortheblind. I am available now.
> lew
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 21:26, Walter Harper wrote:
>> I use voiceover only.
>> can we talk by skype?
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 4:15 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> first off, before I go into the why's and wherefores of this, may I ask as 
>>> to your level of sight loss? I.E. do you use voiceover only or are you 
>>> using screen magnification?
>>> lew
>>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 21:13, Walter Harper wrote:
 So would you recommend any other program than garageband and protools?
 On Apr 10, 2012, at 4:03 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
> I don't.
> I left the music business after an instrument maker managed to ruin my 
> work and chances. so these days I am working as a cabinet maker. I do on 
> occasions test run software etc, maybe in the hope that one day I may 
> come back to the business but for the moment, I have big commitments 
> ahead of me.all in the name of money.
> lew
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 21:00, Walter Harper wrote:
>> So what is he program that you use now for recording?
>> Can you add me to skype whatper1121
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> ProTools is not a straight download.
>>> pro tools is a combined hardware and software system. though ProTools 
>>> 10 is now hardware independent, it requires an iLoc key which is a USB 
>>> dongle to use. then your audio interface of choice to work. it is 
>>> voiceover friendly and avid are constantly working on improving the 
>>> system. each update will contain some tune ups for voiceover. I am not 
>>> a pro tools user but have been over the years, I've recently road 
>>> tested it and am impressed.
>>> you need to find an avid dealer for pro tools but be advised, pro tools 
>>> is rather pricy. about £545 for the software, you can pick up a package 
>>> deal including Avid's Mbox series interfaces for a reasonable price.
>>> ProTools is used in educational establishments and in most production 
>>> and recording studios, sound design environments and much more. so look 
>>> into it.
>>> for more info on Avid ProTools systems, check out 
>>> lew
>>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:29, Walter Harper wrote:
 I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
 Does it have voiceover support?
 On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
> hi.
> I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a 
> waste of money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no 
> interaction nor labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the 
> main windows including mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple 
> need to pull their finger out to fix it.
> your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher 
> than logic in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system 
> on the market at the moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.
> lew
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:
>> Hi all listers,
>> I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking 
>> something more than garageband that comes with it.
>> Walter 
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apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-10 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, can an apple tve be used without a tv set attached? I was 
wondering it i set up a speaker set that had digital audio support could I 
still use the apple tv?

Thanks Ed

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Re: Recording app that allows recording of audio from other apps?

2012-04-10 Thread Ezzie Bueno
Sorry. As far as I know, this app works on Macs. Good luck finding an app 
that'll work for you!

Ezzie Bueno
Sent from my Macbook Pro
(323) 448-0757

Check out daily jokes and more!

On Apr 10, 2012, at 2:13 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

> Is this for iOS devices? I realized I should have told you my specs, sorry 
> about that. I have an iPhone 4 running iOS 5.1.
> Christopher Hallsworth
> On 10/04/2012 01:23, Ezzie Bueno wrote:
>> Hello Chris,
>> Try Piezo. It has worked well for me.
>> HTH,
>> Ezzie
>> Ezzie Bueno
>> Sent from my Macbook Pro
>> (323) 448-0757
>> Check out daily jokes and more!
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>> Twitter:
>> On Apr 9, 2012, at 8:31 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>>> Hello all.
>>> The subject says it all. I found a major bug I think with Dropvox and apps 
>>> that plays or streams audio where part of the recording isn't included. So 
>>> is there an app that not only helps me record my podcasts, but also allows 
>>> recording from audio playing or streaming from other apps? I have contacted 
>>> Dropvox support, so let's see what happens. For now though, thanks in 
>>> advance for any recommendations.
>>> --
>>> Christopher Hallsworth
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something to make it easier for you

2012-04-10 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Hi Guys,

Just wanted to drop you guys a little script i made to help you with copy and 
pasting stuff from pdfs web or anything actually.

The basic premise here is to copy whatever sentence paragraph or whatever text 
you have, use the copy last phrase to clipboard command and my script will 
automatically paste it to the end of your text editor window.

This is very useful if you have long text that you want copied and pasted from 
pdf files just as they are supposed to be without wasting time on switching 
apps, reformatting etc.

Here's the script:

set thetext to get the clipboard
tell application "TextEdit"
set theindex to every paragraph of front document
set thecount to count theindex
set thecount to thecount + 1
set paragraph thecount of front document to thetext

say "pasted to text editor"
end tell

Copy it all, paste it into your applescript editor which is 
/applications/utilitiesapplescript editor

The best thing to do next is to apply a gesture to the script.

Here is how i do this:

I have option one finger flick down to read the next sentence

Option tow finger flick down for next paragraph 

Then i have option four finger flick left to copy last phrase to clipboard

Lastly, i use option pinch out for running the script

With this, every paragraph you want to copy is then pasted without switching to 
the text editor and back.

I'll make a better version later on but if you want to play with this one 
already and test it out, be my guest :)

I might make a short podcast to demonstrate how faast one's productivity can 
get with this technique 



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