Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-24 Thread Eric Oyen
the problem isn't Amazon. its the American Author's Guild. Amazon is simply the 
marketplace. now, Amazon has also done its own little bit when it came to their 
tablet device (and they were forced to have to deal with us after their 
contract with ASU popped up a problem with blind students). I am not sure if 
their latest kindle product (the kindle fire) is accessible. had they bothered 
to include accessibility in the design from the first drawing board designs, 
there would be a much larger market for them to sell to. since they discounted 
us (like a lot of private firms often do) they lost out. most retailers online 
tend to discount us simply because they think there are a lot less of us than 
there actually is. the result is that they fail to realize any market 
potential. I know of several authors (Dianne Duane for instance) who try to 
include provisions in their publishing contracts that allow production of audio 
books for the blind (a secondary market separate from commercial audiobooks). I 
have met several authors over the years at the various conventions held here in 
the valley. in all cases, they were a lot more receptive to allowing the blind  
"nearly free" access to their works in audio format. Unfortunately, their 
publishing agents were not so receptive (one going so far as to ask me why I 
even bother reading. its not like I can see to read). that particular agent 
that made that quip managed to lose three authors on that weekend because of 
what he said. He didn't last long at Random House after that.

The biggest problem I see with the American Author's Guild is that they are 
trying to lock up the audio book market, regardless of whether or not they 
actually represent the particular author or not. what is even worse is the fact 
they even lock down public domain works offered for free through Amazon. They 
don't own the rights, yet they can control how a work can be presented. I have 
several such books here from Amazon and because the read-aloud flag is 
disabled, I cannot read these books. so? what use are they to me then?

I would dare say that with the increased use of digital media, we are gradually 
seeing an end to paper bound books (the latest example of this is the 
Encyclopedia Britanica). so, the paper publishing industry is trying to hang on 
to an outdated business model (much like the RIAA and the MPAA). when the 
market changes, the retailers and producers either better adapt or go out of 
business. its that simple. with this in mind, it is no wonder that a lot of 
authors are going the direct publishing route. they get to earn more from their 
work than assigning to a publisher the rights and getting a pittance for their 
work. this is the same market model that iTunes uses and it has been very 
successful, even after the fight that the RIAA put up trying to close them 
down. This is the digital age and the old business models are no longer 
effective (or relevant). The authors know this and the publishing industry is 
painfully aware of this. 

as an example of what works, look at Glenn Beck. He runs his own publishing 
house. He publishes in paper and digital formats. the Digital formats are far 
more profitable than paper (though paper has its own appeal). The man nets $40 
million a year from all his ventures. I have his books in audiobook format (and 
all I had to do was ask, and I got a good discount). He sees which way the wind 
is blowing. 

so, here we are. a small market, but not without some power to affect things. 
all we need to do is use it. Those of us with print disabilities (due to 
neurological malfunction, blindness, etc.) comprise slightly more than 15% of 
the general population, with the blind being a large percentage of that 
(roughly 9% here in the US). that is a non-trivial market figure. 26 million 
visually impaired/blind people in the US alone. that is not a small market 
segment. we need to organize like the deaf did back in the 1970's and force the 
publishing industry to recognize us. we need to be voting with our wallets. 
that is the only tool they understand.


On Mar 23, 2012, at 10:35 PM, David Tanner wrote:

> Well, I guess I am not as convinced as you are.  The truth is it really is 
> all about the money, and rich publishers figure they aren't going to make 
> much money off of blind people anyway, so why should they give in because 
> they have the money and the control and they would just as soon keep it that 
> way.
> If blind folks would tell Amazon that the blind are going to start a campeign 
> to publically advertise the lame way that they have bowed to the publishers 
> and that every attempt would be made to convince people not to buy from 
> Amazon until they changed their actions then maybe they might get somewhere.
> But, I know a whole lot of blind people who complain about Kindell and go 
> right ahead and purchase all kinds of other things from Amazon.  So, if they 
> really want to get the point a

iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-24 Thread David Hole
hi folks.
I just wonder, and many here have asked, so I thought I'd ask you in
this group.
What's the benefit for blind people to have an iPad instead of an
I mean, as far as I can see, the difference is only the screen size...
Am I right?
Actually I'd like to have one myself, but I can't find any good
reasons to have it, since I have both an iPhone and a Mac.
Hope someone here can give me reasons to get one :p
Best regards David

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Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-24 Thread Lewis Alexander
let's compare the iphone 4s against an ipad 3...

first off, the obvious feature is a much larger display on the ipad. this as a 
feature gives you much more room to work on applications. taking into an 
example of pages or anything like that. try performing those tasks on an iphone 
and you'll be interacting with objects you don't want because you would require 
a much higher degree of tactile accuracy to interact with an item compared to a 
larger surface area on the ipad. The available memory, processor and GPU  are 
of a higher specification to my understanding, in terms of interconnectivity 
with 3rd party products, you can add interfaces like USB adaptors, audio 
interfaces, camera adaptors and more as both the ipad and OS support those 
features to work with certain apps.

the list really is endless.

The iPad is an amazing product to work with as a tactile interface. I go back 
to the days of using graphics tablets in my research on Human User Interfacing 
for IT needs in a disabled world and testing the same practicalities and 
adaptations which the iPad and iPhone both give these functions straight away.

at the end of the day, what you have to ask yourself is.. Do you want to use 
applications in a more fluid and effective way? if so, the answer is "Yes 
please" and fly out and grab an iPad 3. I'm no salesman. I have experience with 
both iPads and iphones and I'd rather be the owner of an iPad to run apps with 
and use the iphone  as a phone and note taker. simple as that my friends. 
simple as that...


On 24 Mar 2012, at 08:43, David Hole wrote:

> hi folks.
> I just wonder, and many here have asked, so I thought I'd ask you in
> this group.
> What's the benefit for blind people to have an iPad instead of an
> iPhone?
> I mean, as far as I can see, the difference is only the screen size...
> Am I right?
> Actually I'd like to have one myself, but I can't find any good
> reasons to have it, since I have both an iPhone and a Mac.
> Hope someone here can give me reasons to get one :p
> Best regards David
> -- 
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Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-24 Thread Scott Howell

You are limited to the USB devices you can attach. However, the most 
significant difference is the interface of apps. There are certainly situations 
where having the larger real estate can make a difference and conversely  less 
real estate can be advantageous . The whole issue will come down to what works 
best for you and your workflow. I have both devices and use both devices. There 
are cases where having the larger screen which allows for a different interface 
can make things more efficient. So, you may not believe you need an iPad and 
that is fine, but having the tools available and having the option is great.

On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:52 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> let's compare the iphone 4s against an ipad 3...
> first off, the obvious feature is a much larger display on the ipad. this as 
> a feature gives you much more room to work on applications. taking into an 
> example of pages or anything like that. try performing those tasks on an 
> iphone and you'll be interacting with objects you don't want because you 
> would require a much higher degree of tactile accuracy to interact with an 
> item compared to a larger surface area on the ipad. The available memory, 
> processor and GPU  are of a higher specification to my understanding, in 
> terms of interconnectivity with 3rd party products, you can add interfaces 
> like USB adaptors, audio interfaces, camera adaptors and more as both the 
> ipad and OS support those features to work with certain apps.
> the list really is endless.
> The iPad is an amazing product to work with as a tactile interface. I go back 
> to the days of using graphics tablets in my research on Human User 
> Interfacing for IT needs in a disabled world and testing the same 
> practicalities and adaptations which the iPad and iPhone both give these 
> functions straight away.
> at the end of the day, what you have to ask yourself is.. Do you want to use 
> applications in a more fluid and effective way? if so, the answer is "Yes 
> please" and fly out and grab an iPad 3. I'm no salesman. I have experience 
> with both iPads and iphones and I'd rather be the owner of an iPad to run 
> apps with and use the iphone  as a phone and note taker. simple as that my 
> friends. simple as that...
> lew
> On 24 Mar 2012, at 08:43, David Hole wrote:
>> hi folks.
>> I just wonder, and many here have asked, so I thought I'd ask you in
>> this group.
>> What's the benefit for blind people to have an iPad instead of an
>> iPhone?
>> I mean, as far as I can see, the difference is only the screen size...
>> Am I right?
>> Actually I'd like to have one myself, but I can't find any good
>> reasons to have it, since I have both an iPhone and a Mac.
>> Hope someone here can give me reasons to get one :p
>> Best regards David
>> -- 
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Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-24 Thread Ricardo Walker

I think all this really boils down to, does the screen real estate make the 
apps more fluid in their use, and you seem to say yes.  Me, I'm not so sure.  I 
honestly believe this is completely subjective, and also depends on what kind 
of apps your using.  For example, garageband is much more enjoyable on an iPad, 
than an iPhone.  But, I've met many blind people who prefer the smaller screen 
because its easier to pin point elements on the screen in a given app.  
Honestly, its just all about the screen, price, and the phone aspect.  If your 
comparing an iPhone 4s to the New iPad, there is indeed more RAM but, I doubt 
this would really make much of a difference for most users.  IOS manages 
resources so well, its almost a non issue.  And, if you were to hold out for 
the next iPhone, it would almost certainly be running a similar processor under 
clocked, with the same amount of RAM.  I think where the iPad really shines is 
in that market that use to belong to the netbook.  Its relatively cheap, 
versatile, and ultra portable, with great battery life.  I would much rather 
type out an e-mail on an iPad than an iPhone.  But as a person who owns a 
Macbook pro and an iPhone 4S, I would never trade my phone for an iPad for 
example.  And that being the case, as cool as they are, I honestly couldn't 
justify paying for one with my current set up.  I don't think apps rendered on 
a large screen, except for a hand full of exceptions, tips the balance in the 
iPads favor if you have a Macbook and an iPhone.


Ricardo Walker

On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:52 AM, Lewis Alexander  

> let's compare the iPhone 4s against an iPad 3...
> first off, the obvious feature is a much larger display on the iPad. this as 
> a feature gives you much more room to work on applications. taking into an 
> example of pages or anything like that. try performing those tasks on an 
> iphone and you'll be interacting with objects you don't want because you 
> would require a much higher degree of tactile accuracy to interact with an 
> item compared to a larger surface area on the ipad. The available memory, 
> processor and GPU  are of a higher specification to my understanding, in 
> terms of interconnectivity with 3rd party products, you can add interfaces 
> like USB adaptors, audio interfaces, camera adaptors and more as both the 
> ipad and OS support those features to work with certain apps.
> the list really is endless.
> The iPad is an amazing product to work with as a tactile interface. I go back 
> to the days of using graphics tablets in my research on Human User 
> Interfacing for IT needs in a disabled world and testing the same 
> practicalities and adaptations which the iPad and iPhone both give these 
> functions straight away.
> at the end of the day, what you have to ask yourself is.. Do you want to use 
> applications in a more fluid and effective way? if so, the answer is "Yes 
> please" and fly out and grab an iPad 3. I'm no salesman. I have experience 
> with both iPads and iphones and I'd rather be the owner of an iPad to run 
> apps with and use the iphone  as a phone and note taker. simple as that my 
> friends. simple as that...
> lew
> On 24 Mar 2012, at 08:43, David Hole wrote:
>> hi folks.
>> I just wonder, and many here have asked, so I thought I'd ask you in
>> this group.
>> What's the benefit for blind people to have an iPad instead of an
>> iPhone?
>> I mean, as far as I can see, the difference is only the screen size...
>> Am I right?
>> Actually I'd like to have one myself, but I can't find any good
>> reasons to have it, since I have both an iPhone and a Mac.
>> Hope someone here can give me reasons to get one :p
>> Best regards David
>> -- 
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Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-24 Thread Lewis Alexander
this debate on touch screen size has re-awoken my desire for apple to unleash 
an upgraded macbook pro with a touch screen interface. would absolutely love 
it. would be great for manipulation, especially with CAD work, etc.

I do agree here with the aspects of working between the ipad and iphone. the 
logic though is this and it's from years of research in HUI method. if you're 
handling a touch screen as a blind user such as the size of the iphone, if 
you're like me and have large hands, trying to navigate around a small touch 
screen to send emails, browse the web, etc can be rather touch intensive and 
yes errors can occur. with a larger touch area, due to the redesign of the GUI 
on the iPad for larger realestate, you have a much better chance of hitting the 
right spot and this is what I've noticed from road testing. 

I have to admit, I use both my macbook pro and iphone 3GS. love them both to 
bits but in a workshop situation or on site, the iPad would really help a lot, 
especially with autocad sketch to take rough design data or notes for 
measurements back to the workshop.


On 24 Mar 2012, at 09:27, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I think all this really boils down to, does the screen real estate make the 
> apps more fluid in their use, and you seem to say yes.  Me, I'm not so sure.  
> I honestly believe this is completely subjective, and also depends on what 
> kind of apps your using.  For example, garageband is much more enjoyable on 
> an iPad, than an iPhone.  But, I've met many blind people who prefer the 
> smaller screen because its easier to pin point elements on the screen in a 
> given app.  Honestly, its just all about the screen, price, and the phone 
> aspect.  If your comparing an iPhone 4s to the New iPad, there is indeed more 
> RAM but, I doubt this would really make much of a difference for most users.  
> IOS manages resources so well, its almost a non issue.  And, if you were to 
> hold out for the next iPhone, it would almost certainly be running a similar 
> processor under clocked, with the same amount of RAM.  I think where the iPad 
> really shines is in that market that use to belong to the netbook.  Its 
> relatively cheap, versatile, and ultra portable, with great battery life.  I 
> would much rather type out an e-mail on an iPad than an iPhone.  But as a 
> person who owns a Macbook pro and an iPhone 4S, I would never trade my phone 
> for an iPad for example.  And that being the case, as cool as they are, I 
> honestly couldn't justify paying for one with my current set up.  I don't 
> think apps rendered on a large screen, except for a hand full of exceptions, 
> tips the balance in the iPads favor if you have a Macbook and an iPhone.
> JMO. 
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:52 AM, Lewis Alexander  
> wrote:
>> let's compare the iPhone 4s against an iPad 3...
>> first off, the obvious feature is a much larger display on the iPad. this as 
>> a feature gives you much more room to work on applications. taking into an 
>> example of pages or anything like that. try performing those tasks on an 
>> iphone and you'll be interacting with objects you don't want because you 
>> would require a much higher degree of tactile accuracy to interact with an 
>> item compared to a larger surface area on the ipad. The available memory, 
>> processor and GPU  are of a higher specification to my understanding, in 
>> terms of interconnectivity with 3rd party products, you can add interfaces 
>> like USB adaptors, audio interfaces, camera adaptors and more as both the 
>> ipad and OS support those features to work with certain apps.
>> the list really is endless.
>> The iPad is an amazing product to work with as a tactile interface. I go 
>> back to the days of using graphics tablets in my research on Human User 
>> Interfacing for IT needs in a disabled world and testing the same 
>> practicalities and adaptations which the iPad and iPhone both give these 
>> functions straight away.
>> at the end of the day, what you have to ask yourself is.. Do you want to use 
>> applications in a more fluid and effective way? if so, the answer is "Yes 
>> please" and fly out and grab an iPad 3. I'm no salesman. I have experience 
>> with both iPads and iphones and I'd rather be the owner of an iPad to run 
>> apps with and use the iphone  as a phone and note taker. simple as that my 
>> friends. simple as that...
>> lew
>> On 24 Mar 2012, at 08:43, David Hole wrote:
>>> hi folks.
>>> I just wonder, and many here have asked, so I thought I'd ask you in
>>> this group.
>>> What's the benefit for blind people to have an iPad instead of an
>>> iPhone?
>>> I mean, as far as I can see, the difference is only the screen size...
>>> Am I right?
>>> Actually I'd like to have one myself, but I can't find any good
>>> reasons to have it, since I have both an iPhone an

Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-24 Thread Daniela Rubio
Yes, they have the same operating system, but in some tasks I find iPad more 
intuitive to use. For example, in Mail, you can just select an e-mail on the 
left side of the screen and you find the text on the wright one. You don't need 
to go back and fourth. the same thing ocures on notes, where you can even put 
your finger where you want to insert or modificative text. these are very 
simple examples with native Apps of IOS, but for me it is a good difference as 
well as the processing speed. Garageband for example is great on iPad.

 EN TWITTER: @macneticos

El 24/03/2012, a las 09:52, Lewis Alexander escribió:

> let's compare the iphone 4s against an ipad 3...
> first off, the obvious feature is a much larger display on the ipad. this as 
> a feature gives you much more room to work on applications. taking into an 
> example of pages or anything like that. try performing those tasks on an 
> iphone and you'll be interacting with objects you don't want because you 
> would require a much higher degree of tactile accuracy to interact with an 
> item compared to a larger surface area on the ipad. The available memory, 
> processor and GPU  are of a higher specification to my understanding, in 
> terms of interconnectivity with 3rd party products, you can add interfaces 
> like USB adaptors, audio interfaces, camera adaptors and more as both the 
> ipad and OS support those features to work with certain apps.
> the list really is endless.
> The iPad is an amazing product to work with as a tactile interface. I go back 
> to the days of using graphics tablets in my research on Human User 
> Interfacing for IT needs in a disabled world and testing the same 
> practicalities and adaptations which the iPad and iPhone both give these 
> functions straight away.
> at the end of the day, what you have to ask yourself is.. Do you want to use 
> applications in a more fluid and effective way? if so, the answer is "Yes 
> please" and fly out and grab an iPad 3. I'm no salesman. I have experience 
> with both iPads and iphones and I'd rather be the owner of an iPad to run 
> apps with and use the iphone  as a phone and note taker. simple as that my 
> friends. simple as that...
> lew
> On 24 Mar 2012, at 08:43, David Hole wrote:
>> hi folks.
>> I just wonder, and many here have asked, so I thought I'd ask you in
>> this group.
>> What's the benefit for blind people to have an iPad instead of an
>> iPhone?
>> I mean, as far as I can see, the difference is only the screen size...
>> Am I right?
>> Actually I'd like to have one myself, but I can't find any good
>> reasons to have it, since I have both an iPhone and a Mac.
>> Hope someone here can give me reasons to get one :p
>> Best regards David
>> -- 
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Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-24 Thread Eric Oyen
the iPad has more computing power and also uses a solid state drive. that and 
its greater battery life make it an excellent portable device. 

On Mar 24, 2012, at 1:43 AM, David Hole wrote:

> hi folks.
> I just wonder, and many here have asked, so I thought I'd ask you in
> this group.
> What's the benefit for blind people to have an iPad instead of an
> iPhone?
> I mean, as far as I can see, the difference is only the screen size...
> Am I right?
> Actually I'd like to have one myself, but I can't find any good
> reasons to have it, since I have both an iPhone and a Mac.
> Hope someone here can give me reasons to get one :p
> Best regards David
> -- 
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Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-24 Thread Krister Ekstrom
For me, the fact that the IPad has a larger display is both a blessing and a 
curse. I have never been friends with the IPad because when i try navigating on 
it, it misunderstands my gestures so if i swipe to a side, it thinks i want to 
move the cursor a character at a time, change language or something like that 
and i more often than not find myself stuck at the place where i started 
navigating and this can be several pages from where i want to be. Having a 
keyboard helps in times like those, but i tend to think that's defying the 
purpose of the screen as it's constructed now. This is why i use my IPhone much 
more than i use the IPad, i can simply not navigate it effectively enough using 
the touch screen which is the way it should be navigated. I still am greatful 
for tips on navigating around with the touch screen so if you have any keep 'em 

24 mar 2012 kl. 09:52 skrev Lewis Alexander:

> let's compare the iphone 4s against an ipad 3...
> first off, the obvious feature is a much larger display on the ipad. this as 
> a feature gives you much more room to work on applications. taking into an 
> example of pages or anything like that. try performing those tasks on an 
> iphone and you'll be interacting with objects you don't want because you 
> would require a much higher degree of tactile accuracy to interact with an 
> item compared to a larger surface area on the ipad. The available memory, 
> processor and GPU  are of a higher specification to my understanding, in 
> terms of interconnectivity with 3rd party products, you can add interfaces 
> like USB adaptors, audio interfaces, camera adaptors and more as both the 
> ipad and OS support those features to work with certain apps.
> the list really is endless.
> The iPad is an amazing product to work with as a tactile interface. I go back 
> to the days of using graphics tablets in my research on Human User 
> Interfacing for IT needs in a disabled world and testing the same 
> practicalities and adaptations which the iPad and iPhone both give these 
> functions straight away.
> at the end of the day, what you have to ask yourself is.. Do you want to use 
> applications in a more fluid and effective way? if so, the answer is "Yes 
> please" and fly out and grab an iPad 3. I'm no salesman. I have experience 
> with both iPads and iphones and I'd rather be the owner of an iPad to run 
> apps with and use the iphone  as a phone and note taker. simple as that my 
> friends. simple as that...
> lew
> On 24 Mar 2012, at 08:43, David Hole wrote:
>> hi folks.
>> I just wonder, and many here have asked, so I thought I'd ask you in
>> this group.
>> What's the benefit for blind people to have an iPad instead of an
>> iPhone?
>> I mean, as far as I can see, the difference is only the screen size...
>> Am I right?
>> Actually I'd like to have one myself, but I can't find any good
>> reasons to have it, since I have both an iPhone and a Mac.
>> Hope someone here can give me reasons to get one :p
>> Best regards David
>> -- 
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Re: iPad, iPhone, Mac for the blind

2012-03-24 Thread Ricardo Walker

it really doesn't.  I mean, the iPad and the iPhone 4S are both running 1.0GHZ 
dual core processors.  The main difference the GPU is quad core.  But that 
won't make the iPad faster as far as launching apps or anything like that.  Its 
for handling all those pixels. lol.  And the extra half a gig of RAM would 
count when playing those resource intensive games.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 24, 2012, at 6:33 AM, Eric Oyen  wrote:

> the iPad has more computing power and also uses a solid state drive. that and 
> its greater battery life make it an excellent portable device. 
> -eric
> On Mar 24, 2012, at 1:43 AM, David Hole wrote:
>> hi folks.
>> I just wonder, and many here have asked, so I thought I'd ask you in
>> this group.
>> What's the benefit for blind people to have an iPad instead of an
>> iPhone?
>> I mean, as far as I can see, the difference is only the screen size...
>> Am I right?
>> Actually I'd like to have one myself, but I can't find any good
>> reasons to have it, since I have both an iPhone and a Mac.
>> Hope someone here can give me reasons to get one :p
>> Best regards David
>> -- 
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copying a wedding dvd

2012-03-24 Thread wayne coles
Hello all because this is my first time at trying this can somebody please
give me step by step instructions on how to copy the dvd wich is only
pictures of the wedding but as a newbe I am not sure on how to do it so
thanks in advance for any help 

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Re: pdf converter

2012-03-24 Thread Karen Lewellen
fully realizing others may have shared this by now, I still say sending 
files via email here,
with the format of choice for converting in the subject line,
say rtf or text,
is a terrific way to manage most pdf files, or at least the ones I must deal 

you can read about the service at
But the proof is the pudding.

On Fri, 23 Mar 2012, annelie robledo wrote:


I wanted to find out from the list wheither there is an accessible pdf 
converter for the macl  Would greatly appreciate any help.

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Re: pdf converter

2012-03-24 Thread Jeff Berwick
Does this, by any chance, separate out the special notes that authors now like 
to put in yellow boxes?  I have a text book like this now and the information 
in the yellow boxes comes in the middle of a sentence, causing me to lose my 
train of thought and fight to figure out when the sentence starts up again.  It 
is very frustrating!


On 2012-03-24, at 9:38 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> fully realizing others may have shared this by now, I still say sending files 
> via email here,
> with the format of choice for converting in the subject line,
> say rtf or text,
> is a terrific way to manage most pdf files, or at least the ones I must deal 
> with.
> you can read about the service at
> But the proof is the pudding.
> Karen
> On Fri, 23 Mar 2012, annelie robledo wrote:
>> Hi
>> I wanted to find out from the list wheither there is an accessible pdf 
>> converter for the macl  Would greatly appreciate any help.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Anyone Else Using Pure music? If so, a Question.

2012-03-24 Thread Al Puzzuoli

Just wondering if anyone else is using the pure Music player from 
Channel D? If so, I'm having an odd issue that I wonder if someone has 
seen. Basically, whenever I play a new track in iTunes, the Pure Music 
window jumps in front of iTunes and snatches the focus. This recently 
began happening on one machine, so I can only assume I changed a setting 
somewhere; However if so, for the life of me, I can't find it.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,


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Scrween dims during reading

2012-03-24 Thread Jenny Keller
I know I asked about this before but when I did what I was told it didn't 
change anything. I use the 2 finger flick to read mail and if the nessage is 
too long the screen sins in the middle of reading and stops reading. This is a 

Can someone help?

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:27 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> I think all this really boils down to, does the screen real estate make the 
> apps more fluid in their use, and you seem to say yes.  Me, I'm not so sure.  
> I honestly believe this is completely subjective, and also depends on what 
> kind of apps your using.  For example, garageband is much more enjoyable on 
> an iPad, than an iPhone.  But, I've met many blind people who prefer the 
> smaller screen because its easier to pin point elements on the screen in a 
> given app.  Honestly, its just all about the screen, price, and the phone 
> aspect.  If your comparing an iPhone 4s to the New iPad, there is indeed more 
> RAM but, I doubt this would really make much of a difference for most users.  
> IOS manages resources so well, its almost a non issue.  And, if you were to 
> hold out for the next iPhone, it would almost certainly be running a similar 
> processor under clocked, with the same amount of RAM.  I think where the iPad 
> really shines is in that market that use to belong to the netbook.  Its 
> relatively cheap, versatile, and ultra portable, with great battery life.  I 
> would much rather type out an e-mail on an iPad than an iPhone.  But as a 
> person who owns a Macbook pro and an iPhone 4S, I would never trade my phone 
> for an iPad for example.  And that being the case, as cool as they are, I 
> honestly couldn't justify paying for one with my current set up.  I don't 
> think apps rendered on a large screen, except for a hand full of exceptions, 
> tips the balance in the iPads favor if you have a Macbook and an iPhone.
> JMO. 
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:52 AM, Lewis Alexander  
> wrote:
>> let's compare the iPhone 4s against an iPad 3...
>> first off, the obvious feature is a much larger display on the iPad. this as 
>> a feature gives you much more room to work on applications. taking into an 
>> example of pages or anything like that. try performing those tasks on an 
>> iphone and you'll be interacting with objects you don't want because you 
>> would require a much higher degree of tactile accuracy to interact with an 
>> item compared to a larger surface area on the ipad. The available memory, 
>> processor and GPU  are of a higher specification to my understanding, in 
>> terms of interconnectivity with 3rd party products, you can add interfaces 
>> like USB adaptors, audio interfaces, camera adaptors and more as both the 
>> ipad and OS support those features to work with certain apps.
>> the list really is endless.
>> The iPad is an amazing product to work with as a tactile interface. I go 
>> back to the days of using graphics tablets in my research on Human User 
>> Interfacing for IT needs in a disabled world and testing the same 
>> practicalities and adaptations which the iPad and iPhone both give these 
>> functions straight away.
>> at the end of the day, what you have to ask yourself is.. Do you want to use 
>> applications in a more fluid and effective way? if so, the answer is "Yes 
>> please" and fly out and grab an iPad 3. I'm no salesman. I have experience 
>> with both iPads and iphones and I'd rather be the owner of an iPad to run 
>> apps with and use the iphone  as a phone and note taker. simple as that my 
>> friends. simple as that...
>> lew
>> On 24 Mar 2012, at 08:43, David Hole wrote:
>>> hi folks.
>>> I just wonder, and many here have asked, so I thought I'd ask you in
>>> this group.
>>> What's the benefit for blind people to have an iPad instead of an
>>> iPhone?
>>> I mean, as far as I can see, the difference is only the screen size...
>>> Am I right?
>>> Actually I'd like to have one myself, but I can't find any good
>>> reasons to have it, since I have both an iPhone and a Mac.
>>> Hope someone here can give me reasons to get one :p
>>> Best regards David
>>> -- 
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Unable to download anything

2012-03-24 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

Whenever I try to download something, the download often stops midway
due to some reason.
For example, I recently tried to download U Torrent, Adobe Reader,
Adobe Flash Player, etc and this happened every single time.

I've also recently been trying to install the latest version of Lion,
but I always get an error message and the update fails to get
The error message often says something like, ' Please check your
Internet connection', or 'The file you're trying to download maybe

On my Windows Machine, I am not facing any such issues, even though
the Internet connection is the same.
So, how can I fix this?

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All About CSUN 2012 brand new Tech Doctor podcast

2012-03-24 Thread Robert Carter

In this just published tech doctor podcast, Robert Carter and Jessica Rathwell 
explore Jessica's experiences at the recently concluded CSUN 2012 conference.

In addition to discussing presentations and products, Robert and Jessi explore 
the personal aspects of attending such events. They look at the importance of 
the disability community reaching out to the mainstream technology developers.

The podcast is available at
Feel free to subscribe via iTunes. The direct feed subscription address is

Robert Carter

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OT wiping a shuffle

2012-03-24 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
Hi all, slightly off topic. I need to reset my iPod shuffle and switch off vo 
so I can pass it onto someone else. How do I go about it?  

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Unable to download anything

2012-03-24 Thread Steve Holmes
Arre you wired with a cable to your ISP or are you using WIFI? I know,
that doesn't necessarily explain the difference between your windows
box and your mac but perhaps a direct wire connection to your router
may give you a more stable connection; especially when it comes to
downloading large files or system updates.

On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 09:11:44PM +0530, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
> Hi all,
> Whenever I try to download something, the download often stops midway
> due to some reason.
> For example, I recently tried to download U Torrent, Adobe Reader,
> Adobe Flash Player, etc and this happened every single time.
> I've also recently been trying to install the latest version of Lion,
> but I always get an error message and the update fails to get
> downloaded.
> The error message often says something like, ' Please check your
> Internet connection', or 'The file you're trying to download maybe
> damaged'.
> On my Windows Machine, I am not facing any such issues, even though
> the Internet connection is the same.
> So, how can I fix this?
> -- 
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Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-24 Thread Steve Holmes
On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 07:03:30PM -0700, Jamie Tachiyama wrote:
> They get around it by making the Kindle for PC app accessible.
> On 3/22/12, Hank Smith  wrote:
> > so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the ebooks?
> > On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:
> >> Hi Jeff,
> >>
> >> There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable VoiceOver's
> >> ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights
> >> management.  This is also true if you try to use the Barnes & Noble
> >> Nook app, for example.  You'll notice that usually you can access
> >> everything except for the actual content of the text.  That's being
> >> blocked.  You can verify this by taking a screen capture, and sending
> >> the results to an OCR app like Prizmo or TextGrabber.  The OCR app
> >> will tell you what the contents are, but obviously you're not going to
> >> read the book by screen capturing every page and sending it to an OCR app.
> >>
> >> If you want to read another example of this viewpoint, that the
> >> ability of screen readers to access text would promote copyright
> >> violation, take a look at Greg Kearney's posted response from
> >> Fictionwise in the archives, sent in reply to his inquiry about ebook
> >> accessibility for their ebook reading app just a few months after the
> >> iPhone 3GS was released with VoiceOver support:
> >> • Fwd: Response for Support Ticket #102495
> >>
> >> Since this is the Mail Archive post, if you're reading on your
> >> computer, you can also use access key shortcuts of Control-N to read
> >> down the thread for other reader comments.
> >>
> >> Best,
> >>
> >> Esther
> >>
> >> On Mar 22, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> >>
> >>> Forget it.  It ain't gonna happen.
> >>>
> >>> It ain't accessible at all.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Sincerely,
> >>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> >>>
> >>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> >>>
> >>> Skype name:
> >>> barefootedray
> >>>
> >>> Facebook:
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 7:38 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
> >>>
>  Hi All,
>  I downloaded the Kindle app so I can read some of the books that my
>  wife is reading.  I can't, however, figure out how to get it to
>  work.  Has anybody had success with the Kindle app?  Is it
>  accessible?  Any tips?
>  It looks like, to me, that it is displaying images instead of
>  rendering the text.
>  Thx,
>  Jeff
> >>
> >> --
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> >> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
> >> To post to this group, send email to
> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >>
> >> For more options, visit this group at
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > websites:
> >
> >
> >
> > personal email:
> >
> > facebook:
> >
> > Klango:
> > hanksmith
> > Skype:
> > hank.smith966
> > Amateur radio call sign:
> > ke7ief
> > check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
> >
> > also you can find my youtube channel at:
> >
> >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "MacVisionaries" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Jamie T
> Twitter: jathlete76
> Facebook: jathlete76
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

Yeah, but that's only valid for windows users.  What about those who
use a mac or linux? That's the typical line; use windows and shut up,
or do without.

Also another point that was never made on this thread is disabling
book access through VoiceOver and other a11y technologies is denying
access to Braille readers! To use Braille devices on IOS devices, you
need to use VoiceOver.  

Eric, right on about the publishers, theyare in the same greedy pocket
along with RIAA and MPAA! Another thing one can do with screen reader
solutions instead 

Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-24 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Say Steve, your reply appears to be way at the bottom of the message.  Unless i 
am mistaken, it seems to be common practice to set one's e-mail client to set 
the reply at the top of the message.  Less scroling down.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Mar 24, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 07:03:30PM -0700, Jamie Tachiyama wrote:
>> They get around it by making the Kindle for PC app accessible.
>> On 3/22/12, Hank Smith  wrote:
>>> so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the ebooks?
>>> On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:
 Hi Jeff,
 There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable VoiceOver's
 ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights
 management.  This is also true if you try to use the Barnes & Noble
 Nook app, for example.  You'll notice that usually you can access
 everything except for the actual content of the text.  That's being
 blocked.  You can verify this by taking a screen capture, and sending
 the results to an OCR app like Prizmo or TextGrabber.  The OCR app
 will tell you what the contents are, but obviously you're not going to
 read the book by screen capturing every page and sending it to an OCR app.
 If you want to read another example of this viewpoint, that the
 ability of screen readers to access text would promote copyright
 violation, take a look at Greg Kearney's posted response from
 Fictionwise in the archives, sent in reply to his inquiry about ebook
 accessibility for their ebook reading app just a few months after the
 iPhone 3GS was released with VoiceOver support:
 • Fwd: Response for Support Ticket #102495
 Since this is the Mail Archive post, if you're reading on your
 computer, you can also use access key shortcuts of Control-N to read
 down the thread for other reader comments.
 On Mar 22, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Forget it.  It ain't gonna happen.
> It ain't accessible at all.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Mar 22, 2012, at 7:38 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I downloaded the Kindle app so I can read some of the books that my
>> wife is reading.  I can't, however, figure out how to get it to
>> work.  Has anybody had success with the Kindle app?  Is it
>> accessible?  Any tips?
>> It looks like, to me, that it is displaying images instead of
>> rendering the text.
>> Thx,
>> Jeff
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> --
>>> websites:
>>> personal email:
>>> facebook:
>>> Klango:
>>> hanksmith
>>> Skype:
>>> hank.smith966
>>> Amateur radio call sign:
>>> ke7ief
>>> check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
>>> also you can find my youtube channel at:
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>> -- 
>> Jamie T
>> Twitter: jathlete76
>> Facebook: jathlete76
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> Yeah, but that's only valid for windows users.  What about those who
> u

Screen Curtain

2012-03-24 Thread Traci
Hi all,

I have a bit of vision and I like to use screen curtain from time to time.  I 
always thought screen curtain turned the screen dark.  Are there options here?

Just recently, I hit screen curtain, and my screen looks white, not dark.  Does 
anyone know anything about this?  A bug maybe?


Sent by Macbook Air Mail

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Re: Screen Curtain

2012-03-24 Thread Jürgen Fleger

the accessibility team wrote to me it was a bug in Mac OS 10.7.3. Hopefully 
they fix it in a next update.

All the best

Von meinem iPad gesendet

Am 24.03.2012 um 18:54 schrieb Traci :

> Hi all,
> I have a bit of vision and I like to use screen curtain from time to time.  I 
> always thought screen curtain turned the screen dark.  Are there options here?
> Just recently, I hit screen curtain, and my screen looks white, not dark.  
> Does anyone know anything about this?  A bug maybe?
> Thanks,
> Traci
> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: Activation of Windows 7 on VM virtual machine

2012-03-24 Thread Bill Holton
Didn't have time until now to try this, and as I suspected, the problem was
between my chair and my keyboard.  Thanks for your help.
Two more questions, though.
First, I don't seem to be able to swap the alt and Windows key.  They are
both in the key remapping table, but they don't work correctly, even when I
restart windows.  I am running a PC keyboard on a Mac mini, and I have
already used the Mac's key remapping to swap them once.  I wonder if you
can't do it a second time with Fusion and maybe I need to try Sharp keys?

Secondly, somehow, playing with the key remapping, I seem to have lost my
network connection.  It was running fine, now I have a network disconnected,
and when I try to start it the option to start it is dimmed out.  I have it
set to N E T like it was before, and Lion is browsing the web fine.
Any thoughts on these two problems greatly appreciated.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of chris hallsworth
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2012 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: Activation of Windows 7 on VM virtual machine

You do not use the Anytime Upgrade option at all. You instead run the setup
program for Windows 7 then choose the upgrade option.

Christopher H

On 17/03/2012 18:45, Bill Holton wrote:
> So my mistake is that there must be some way to do the anytime upgrade and
> do the repair/install, and then enter my activation code sometime after I
> have done the upgrade?  Will it take the code then without saying you have
> to activate first?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of chris hallsworth
> Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2012 2:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Activation of Windows 7 on VM virtual machine
> What you do is upgrade your edition to the same edition, affectively doing
> repair install. Then you can use your key to activate the software.
> Christopher H
> On 17/03/2012 16:27, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I do have a complete copy of Windows XP Ultimate that has never been
>> used, but I cannot install it in the VM Fusion4. I also have a license
>> for a Windows 7 professional upgrade. According to what I've read on the
>> VM site, the way to do this is to install from the upgrade media, but
>> not to activate the copy of windows. Then, do an anytime upgrade and use
>> your key for this upgrade. The trouble is, now Windows says I need to
>> activate windows before I do the upgrade, and when I try to activate it
>> says I cannot activate from this copy because the license is only an
>> upgrade license.
>> Anyone have suggestions, or an email address to VM support?
>> Thanks.
>> Bill
>> --
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Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-24 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi all.

What is the NFB, ACB, and other organisations who support print disable people 
doing about this?

They have the funds and expertise to challenge it in a class action. I

In relation to the number of people who have been restricted from reading 
Ebooks via this method is larger then America. This effects any country that 
you can buy Amazon books. The DMR also effects purchasing of Audio books from 
other english speaking country. So the Authors Gill is forcing American law on 
to other countries which is a bigger problem. 

The problem has to be fixed within USA. So guys I would suggest you all start 
talking to your federal members of government, NFB, etc. Get everyone involved 
who is USA and feels the same. Make this a real big problem. Being quite about 
it or complaining on this or other list isn't enough.

Get out there and do something proactive. I would, but I am not an American 
citizen. So I cannot even leave base one.


On 25/03/2012, at 4:26 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Say Steve, your reply appears to be way at the bottom of the message.  Unless 
> i am mistaken, it seems to be common practice to set one's e-mail client to 
> set the reply at the top of the message.  Less scroling down.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Mar 24, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 07:03:30PM -0700, Jamie Tachiyama wrote:
>>> They get around it by making the Kindle for PC app accessible.
>>> On 3/22/12, Hank Smith  wrote:
 so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the ebooks?
 On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable VoiceOver's
> ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights
> management.  This is also true if you try to use the Barnes & Noble
> Nook app, for example.  You'll notice that usually you can access
> everything except for the actual content of the text.  That's being
> blocked.  You can verify this by taking a screen capture, and sending
> the results to an OCR app like Prizmo or TextGrabber.  The OCR app
> will tell you what the contents are, but obviously you're not going to
> read the book by screen capturing every page and sending it to an OCR app.
> If you want to read another example of this viewpoint, that the
> ability of screen readers to access text would promote copyright
> violation, take a look at Greg Kearney's posted response from
> Fictionwise in the archives, sent in reply to his inquiry about ebook
> accessibility for their ebook reading app just a few months after the
> iPhone 3GS was released with VoiceOver support:
> • Fwd: Response for Support Ticket #102495
> Since this is the Mail Archive post, if you're reading on your
> computer, you can also use access key shortcuts of Control-N to read
> down the thread for other reader comments.
> Best,
> Esther
> On Mar 22, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Forget it.  It ain't gonna happen.
>> It ain't accessible at all.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 7:38 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I downloaded the Kindle app so I can read some of the books that my
>>> wife is reading.  I can't, however, figure out how to get it to
>>> work.  Has anybody had success with the Kindle app?  Is it
>>> accessible?  Any tips?
>>> It looks like, to me, that it is displaying images instead of
>>> rendering the text.
>>> Thx,
>>> Jeff
> --
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 personal email:
 Amateur radio call sign:

Re: anyone else noticing wierdness?

2012-03-24 Thread Sean Murphy
The mail issue isn't isolated to Hot mail. I get it with Gmail and my ISP. Mail 
now and then prompts for the password and refuses to send a message. Very 
flakey program. Don't know if I should go through my passwords and remove all 
the duplicate entries. This might be a part of the issue.

On 22/03/2012, at 7:02 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> I can't get chrome to work under voiceover in snow leopard. every time I try, 
> it segfaults on me or simply doesn't tell me anything (blank scroll area). 
> chromevox doesn't like my system either. I would upgrade to lion or mountain 
> lion, but my gear is just old enough to cause problems with the upgrade.
> -eric
> On Mar 22, 2012, at 12:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> have your tried using the google chrome browser?  It might work a little 
>> better on that site.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 1:55 AM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>>> oh yeah, I also get one other problem (unrelated to
>>> any attempt to do anything more than simply browse the hotmail site results 
>>> in their non-standard javascript crashing Safari (and webkit). its getting 
>>> to be a real pain. Since I don't have windows (nor a spare machine to put 
>>> it on), I am stuck with messages in the spam folder that are not spam. 
>>> anyone have any clues on how to work around this?
>>> -eric
>>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 10:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 I've been seeing this all day as well.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:06 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> hello all..
> I seem to be encountering some weirdness of late with and 
> the weirdness is the fact that will work normally 
> and then kick up a dialog box saying that rejected my 
> password. since I have not changed my password in a long time and I 
> routinely check the hotmail site junk folder from their web interface, I 
> am at a loss as to what is actually causing this.
> anyone here a guru?
> -eric
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: anyone else noticing wierdness?

2012-03-24 Thread Simon Cavendish
No problem here at all.
On 24 Mar 2012, at 21:28, Sean Murphy wrote:

> The mail issue isn't isolated to Hot mail. I get it with Gmail and my ISP. 
> Mail now and then prompts for the password and refuses to send a message. 
> Very flakey program. Don't know if I should go through my passwords and 
> remove all the duplicate entries. This might be a part of the issue.
> Sean 
> On 22/03/2012, at 7:02 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> I can't get chrome to work under voiceover in snow leopard. every time I 
>> try, it segfaults on me or simply doesn't tell me anything (blank scroll 
>> area). chromevox doesn't like my system either. I would upgrade to lion or 
>> mountain lion, but my gear is just old enough to cause problems with the 
>> upgrade.
>> -eric
>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 12:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> have your tried using the google chrome browser?  It might work a little 
>>> better on that site.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 1:55 AM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
 oh yeah, I also get one other problem (unrelated to
 any attempt to do anything more than simply browse the hotmail site 
 results in their non-standard javascript crashing Safari (and webkit). its 
 getting to be a real pain. Since I don't have windows (nor a spare machine 
 to put it on), I am stuck with messages in the spam folder that are not 
 spam. anyone have any clues on how to work around this?
 On Mar 21, 2012, at 10:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been seeing this all day as well.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:06 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>> hello all..
>> I seem to be encountering some weirdness of late with and 
>> the weirdness is the fact that will work normally 
>> and then kick up a dialog box saying that rejected my 
>> password. since I have not changed my password in a long time and I 
>> routinely check the hotmail site junk folder from their web interface, I 
>> am at a loss as to what is actually causing this.
>> anyone here a guru?
>> -eric
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: anyone else noticing wierdness?

2012-03-24 Thread Sean Murphy
So how does your response helps others with strange behaviour? Stone the crows, 
some people.
On 25/03/2012, at 8:52 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> No problem here at all.
> On 24 Mar 2012, at 21:28, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> The mail issue isn't isolated to Hot mail. I get it with Gmail and my ISP. 
>> Mail now and then prompts for the password and refuses to send a message. 
>> Very flakey program. Don't know if I should go through my passwords and 
>> remove all the duplicate entries. This might be a part of the issue.
>> Sean 
>> On 22/03/2012, at 7:02 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> I can't get chrome to work under voiceover in snow leopard. every time I 
>>> try, it segfaults on me or simply doesn't tell me anything (blank scroll 
>>> area). chromevox doesn't like my system either. I would upgrade to lion or 
>>> mountain lion, but my gear is just old enough to cause problems with the 
>>> upgrade.
>>> -eric
>>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 12:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 have your tried using the google chrome browser?  It might work a little 
 better on that site.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Mar 22, 2012, at 1:55 AM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> oh yeah, I also get one other problem (unrelated to
> any attempt to do anything more than simply browse the hotmail site 
> results in their non-standard javascript crashing Safari (and webkit). 
> its getting to be a real pain. Since I don't have windows (nor a spare 
> machine to put it on), I am stuck with messages in the spam folder that 
> are not spam. anyone have any clues on how to work around this?
> -eric
> On Mar 21, 2012, at 10:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been seeing this all day as well.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:06 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>>> hello all..
>>> I seem to be encountering some weirdness of late with and 
>>> the weirdness is the fact that will work normally 
>>> and then kick up a dialog box saying that rejected my 
>>> password. since I have not changed my password in a long time and I 
>>> routinely check the hotmail site junk folder from their web interface, 
>>> I am at a loss as to what is actually causing this.
>>> anyone here a guru?
>>> -eric
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> macvisionaries+

Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-24 Thread Karen Lewellen

Hi folks,
responding to a couple of comments here.
First the nfb and acb do not talk much to each other, they are hardly going 
to unite on this, especially  with some in their camp benefiting in a way 
from the issues, they can still sell their own products at high process 
for reading materials.

I do have two questions though.
First, thanks to the party below who provided the link to that archived 
ahem, this company, or any company actually thinks someone is going to 
record an entire book using a screen reader...and do what with it?
after all text to speech as some e-book creators have noted on this list is 
no flawless means  of pronunciation's sometimes, especially as some 
companies create the book.
Still what I find a bit surprising is why people feel this is a 
*blindness* only issue.  many  people make use of voiceover who are not 
experiencing vision loss, with the significant percentage of the us 
population alone facing literacy and reading issues, speech provides a 
way to learn often faster than they might if they could read conventionally 
with ease.  I have seen numbers as high as 30% of the us population with 
learning disabilities, greater with literacy.
So, add those experiencing vision loss, and the numbers are rather  high. 
Too high for such ignorance about how screen readers work or should work.
the more common ground approach to addressing the issue, the easier it 
becomes to get it fixed.
last  two part question is, first where is this copyright law, and second, 
is someone actually meaning the writers guild of America?

Wait, one more I will ask in a different email.

On Sun, 25 Mar 2012, Sean Murphy wrote:

Hi all.

What is the NFB, ACB, and other organisations who support print disable people 
doing about this?

They have the funds and expertise to challenge it in a class action. I

In relation to the number of people who have been restricted from reading 
Ebooks via this method is larger then America. This effects any country that 
you can buy Amazon books. The DMR also effects purchasing of Audio books from 
other english speaking country. So the Authors Gill is forcing American law on 
to other countries which is a bigger problem.

The problem has to be fixed within USA. So guys I would suggest you all start 
talking to your federal members of government, NFB, etc. Get everyone involved 
who is USA and feels the same. Make this a real big problem. Being quite about 
it or complaining on this or other list isn't enough.

Get out there and do something proactive. I would, but I am not an American 
citizen. So I cannot even leave base one.


On 25/03/2012, at 4:26 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Say Steve, your reply appears to be way at the bottom of the message.  Unless i 
am mistaken, it seems to be common practice to set one's e-mail client to set 
the reply at the top of the message.  Less scroling down.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Mar 24, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 07:03:30PM -0700, Jamie Tachiyama wrote:

They get around it by making the Kindle for PC app accessible.

On 3/22/12, Hank Smith  wrote:

so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the ebooks?
On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:

Hi Jeff,

There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable VoiceOver's
ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights
management.  This is also true if you try to use the Barnes & Noble
Nook app, for example.  You'll notice that usually you can access
everything except for the actual content of the text.  That's being
blocked.  You can verify this by taking a screen capture, and sending
the results to an OCR app like Prizmo or TextGrabber.  The OCR app
will tell you what the contents are, but obviously you're not going to
read the book by screen capturing every page and sending it to an OCR app.

If you want to read another example of this viewpoint, that the
ability of screen readers to access text would promote copyright
violation, take a look at Greg Kearney's posted response from
Fictionwise in the archives, sent in reply to his inquiry about ebook
accessibility for their ebook reading app just a few months after the
iPhone 3GS was released with VoiceOver support:
• Fwd: Response for Support Ticket #102495
Since this is the Mail Archive post, if you're reading on your
computer, you can also use access key shortcuts of Control-N to read
down the thread for other reader comments.



On Mar 22, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Forget it.  It ain't gonna happen.

It ain't accessible at all.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


Re: anyone else noticing wierdness?

2012-03-24 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Did you get outa the wrong side of bed? as i saw nothing wrong with his reply 

On 24 Mar 2012, at 10:02 PM, Sean Murphy  wrote:

> So how does your response helps others with strange behaviour? Stone the 
> crows, some people.
> On 25/03/2012, at 8:52 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> No problem here at all.
>> On 24 Mar 2012, at 21:28, Sean Murphy wrote:
>>> The mail issue isn't isolated to Hot mail. I get it with Gmail and my ISP. 
>>> Mail now and then prompts for the password and refuses to send a message. 
>>> Very flakey program. Don't know if I should go through my passwords and 
>>> remove all the duplicate entries. This might be a part of the issue.
>>> Sean 
>>> On 22/03/2012, at 7:02 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
 I can't get chrome to work under voiceover in snow leopard. every time I 
 try, it segfaults on me or simply doesn't tell me anything (blank scroll 
 area). chromevox doesn't like my system either. I would upgrade to lion or 
 mountain lion, but my gear is just old enough to cause problems with the 
 On Mar 22, 2012, at 12:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> have your tried using the google chrome browser?  It might work a little 
> better on that site.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 22, 2012, at 1:55 AM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>> oh yeah, I also get one other problem (unrelated to
>> any attempt to do anything more than simply browse the hotmail site 
>> results in their non-standard javascript crashing Safari (and webkit). 
>> its getting to be a real pain. Since I don't have windows (nor a spare 
>> machine to put it on), I am stuck with messages in the spam folder that 
>> are not spam. anyone have any clues on how to work around this?
>> -eric
>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 10:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've been seeing this all day as well.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:06 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
 hello all..
 I seem to be encountering some weirdness of late with and the weirdness is the fact that will work 
 normally and then kick up a dialog box saying that 
 rejected my password. since I have not changed my password in a long 
 time and I routinely check the hotmail site junk folder from their web 
 interface, I am at a loss as to what is actually causing this.
 anyone here a guru?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-24 Thread Eric Oyen
not sure what they are, or are not,  doing. I am thinking that they may think 
the case may be hard to win. personally, it may be about the cost the lawyers 
are going to extract before any monies get paid to the recipients of the class. 

anyway, I really hate to have to use the hammer of the law, but what else can 
one do against a privately held LLC like the American Author's Guild.


On Mar 24, 2012, at 2:19 PM, Sean Murphy wrote:

> Hi all.
> What is the NFB, ACB, and other organisations who support print disable 
> people doing about this?
> They have the funds and expertise to challenge it in a class action. I
> In relation to the number of people who have been restricted from reading 
> Ebooks via this method is larger then America. This effects any country that 
> you can buy Amazon books. The DMR also effects purchasing of Audio books from 
> other english speaking country. So the Authors Gill is forcing American law 
> on to other countries which is a bigger problem. 
> The problem has to be fixed within USA. So guys I would suggest you all start 
> talking to your federal members of government, NFB, etc. Get everyone 
> involved who is USA and feels the same. Make this a real big problem. Being 
> quite about it or complaining on this or other list isn't enough.
> Get out there and do something proactive. I would, but I am not an American 
> citizen. So I cannot even leave base one.
> Sean 
> On 25/03/2012, at 4:26 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Say Steve, your reply appears to be way at the bottom of the message.  
>> Unless i am mistaken, it seems to be common practice to set one's e-mail 
>> client to set the reply at the top of the message.  Less scroling down.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Mar 24, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 07:03:30PM -0700, Jamie Tachiyama wrote:
 They get around it by making the Kindle for PC app accessible.
 On 3/22/12, Hank Smith  wrote:
> so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the ebooks?
> On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable VoiceOver's
>> ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights
>> management.  This is also true if you try to use the Barnes & Noble
>> Nook app, for example.  You'll notice that usually you can access
>> everything except for the actual content of the text.  That's being
>> blocked.  You can verify this by taking a screen capture, and sending
>> the results to an OCR app like Prizmo or TextGrabber.  The OCR app
>> will tell you what the contents are, but obviously you're not going to
>> read the book by screen capturing every page and sending it to an OCR 
>> app.
>> If you want to read another example of this viewpoint, that the
>> ability of screen readers to access text would promote copyright
>> violation, take a look at Greg Kearney's posted response from
>> Fictionwise in the archives, sent in reply to his inquiry about ebook
>> accessibility for their ebook reading app just a few months after the
>> iPhone 3GS was released with VoiceOver support:
>> • Fwd: Response for Support Ticket #102495
>> Since this is the Mail Archive post, if you're reading on your
>> computer, you can also use access key shortcuts of Control-N to read
>> down the thread for other reader comments.
>> Best,
>> Esther
>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Forget it.  It ain't gonna happen.
>>> It ain't accessible at all.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
>>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 7:38 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
 Hi All,
 I downloaded the Kindle app so I can read some of the books that my
 wife is reading.  I can't, however, figure out how to get it to
 work.  Has anybody had success with the Kindle app?  Is it
 accessible?  Any tips?
 It looks like, to me, that it is displaying images instead of
 rendering the text.
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.

Re: Screen Curtain

2012-03-24 Thread Ricardo Walker

until the bug is fixed, you can press FN + F1 to turn down the screen 
brightness and FN + F2 to turn it back up.  Note: if using a Macbook, turning 
brightness to 0%, will turn off the screen.  No one will be able to see 
anything.  This is not the case with iMacs and Mac minis.


Ricardo Walker

On Mar 24, 2012, at 1:54 PM, Traci  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a bit of vision and I like to use screen curtain from time to time.  I 
> always thought screen curtain turned the screen dark.  Are there options here?
> Just recently, I hit screen curtain, and my screen looks white, not dark.  
> Does anyone know anything about this?  A bug maybe?
> Thanks,
> Traci
> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: anyone else noticing wierdness?

2012-03-24 Thread Ricardo Walker
Its only effecting pop accounts as far as I can tell.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 24, 2012, at 5:52 PM, Simon Cavendish  

> No problem here at all.
> On 24 Mar 2012, at 21:28, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> The mail issue isn't isolated to Hot mail. I get it with Gmail and my ISP. 
>> Mail now and then prompts for the password and refuses to send a message. 
>> Very flakey program. Don't know if I should go through my passwords and 
>> remove all the duplicate entries. This might be a part of the issue.
>> Sean 
>> On 22/03/2012, at 7:02 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> I can't get chrome to work under voiceover in snow leopard. every time I 
>>> try, it segfaults on me or simply doesn't tell me anything (blank scroll 
>>> area). chromevox doesn't like my system either. I would upgrade to lion or 
>>> mountain lion, but my gear is just old enough to cause problems with the 
>>> upgrade.
>>> -eric
>>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 12:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 have your tried using the google chrome browser?  It might work a little 
 better on that site.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Mar 22, 2012, at 1:55 AM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> oh yeah, I also get one other problem (unrelated to
> any attempt to do anything more than simply browse the hotmail site 
> results in their non-standard javascript crashing Safari (and webkit). 
> its getting to be a real pain. Since I don't have windows (nor a spare 
> machine to put it on), I am stuck with messages in the spam folder that 
> are not spam. anyone have any clues on how to work around this?
> -eric
> On Mar 21, 2012, at 10:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been seeing this all day as well.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Mar 21, 2012, at 11:06 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>>> hello all..
>>> I seem to be encountering some weirdness of late with and 
>>> the weirdness is the fact that will work normally 
>>> and then kick up a dialog box saying that rejected my 
>>> password. since I have not changed my password in a long time and I 
>>> routinely check the hotmail site junk folder from their web interface, 
>>> I am at a loss as to what is actually causing this.
>>> anyone here a guru?
>>> -eric
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Help with navigon

2012-03-24 Thread Jenny Keller
I tried to use navigon and I used to get turn by turn directions but now it 
only tells me when I'vereached my destination but if I don't know how to get 
there it does me no good. I don't know why it stopped doing what I need it to 
do. It didn't even give me the names of the cross streets.


Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:19 PM, Sean Murphy  wrote:

> Hi all.
> What is the NFB, ACB, and other organisations who support print disable 
> people doing about this?
> They have the funds and expertise to challenge it in a class action. I
> In relation to the number of people who have been restricted from reading 
> Ebooks via this method is larger then America. This effects any country that 
> you can buy Amazon books. The DMR also effects purchasing of Audio books from 
> other english speaking country. So the Authors Gill is forcing American law 
> on to other countries which is a bigger problem. 
> The problem has to be fixed within USA. So guys I would suggest you all start 
> talking to your federal members of government, NFB, etc. Get everyone 
> involved who is USA and feels the same. Make this a real big problem. Being 
> quite about it or complaining on this or other list isn't enough.
> Get out there and do something proactive. I would, but I am not an American 
> citizen. So I cannot even leave base one.
> Sean 
> On 25/03/2012, at 4:26 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Say Steve, your reply appears to be way at the bottom of the message.  
>> Unless i am mistaken, it seems to be common practice to set one's e-mail 
>> client to set the reply at the top of the message.  Less scroling down.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Mar 24, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 07:03:30PM -0700, Jamie Tachiyama wrote:
 They get around it by making the Kindle for PC app accessible.
 On 3/22/12, Hank Smith  wrote:
> so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the ebooks?
> On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable VoiceOver's
>> ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights
>> management.  This is also true if you try to use the Barnes & Noble
>> Nook app, for example.  You'll notice that usually you can access
>> everything except for the actual content of the text.  That's being
>> blocked.  You can verify this by taking a screen capture, and sending
>> the results to an OCR app like Prizmo or TextGrabber.  The OCR app
>> will tell you what the contents are, but obviously you're not going to
>> read the book by screen capturing every page and sending it to an OCR 
>> app.
>> If you want to read another example of this viewpoint, that the
>> ability of screen readers to access text would promote copyright
>> violation, take a look at Greg Kearney's posted response from
>> Fictionwise in the archives, sent in reply to his inquiry about ebook
>> accessibility for their ebook reading app just a few months after the
>> iPhone 3GS was released with VoiceOver support:
>> • Fwd: Response for Support Ticket #102495
>> Since this is the Mail Archive post, if you're reading on your
>> computer, you can also use access key shortcuts of Control-N to read
>> down the thread for other reader comments.
>> Best,
>> Esther
>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Forget it.  It ain't gonna happen.
>>> It ain't accessible at all.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
>>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 7:38 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
 Hi All,
 I downloaded the Kindle app so I can read some of the books that my
 wife is reading.  I can't, however, figure out how to get it to
 work.  Has anybody had success with the Kindle app?  Is it
 accessible?  Any tips?
 It looks like, to me, that it is displaying images instead of
 rendering the text.
>> --
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e-book formats, was kindle ap for the iphone.

2012-03-24 Thread Karen Lewellen

Hi again,
I ask this because of the technically smart folks here, and as  at least I 
can tell, it might be a solution that helps both parties.
remember, or still using for that matter,  books recorded in 15/16 ips? 
nls, rfb&d all produced that way, and those allowing for production had 
little fear where copyright was concerned.
Why cannot such a format be created, wider than Dasi I mean, to insure the 
same access and copyright protection?

say an. act format, for accessible text.
Either any application like the kindle or nook slated for educational use 
would be required to read them in all formats, or they could not sell / 
distribute their apps for other products, and or ebook producers would be 
required to create an act format of their book  just as they might for the
 kindle or nook, or if the books are phone / ap specific, to be used with 
whatever  apps /phones they are producing the books for now.
I am not saying that cannot sell the books, although some should be 
provided for educational purposes, much as textbook publishers would get 
books to learning ally.
What I am saying is that a single consistent accessible format should be 
created that insures everyone can read, while protecting content creators.
I may be missing a detail, I do not read this way because the readers do 
not exist.

still, what is wrong technically with the idea?
The legal mandate would be rather simple actually, by comparison.


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Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-24 Thread James Mannion
Which is why this stupid nonsense will probably rob us of access in
the name of their closed minded greed until the old members of the
gild all die and we get minds in there with open minds to a moddern
world perspective. The good part is there excessive greed will put
them under extra stress which will drive them to the grave sooner.

On 3/22/12, Esther  wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> You're correct that the policy of blocking VoiceOver access to eBook content
> in the Kindle app arises from the Author's Guild suit, but the guild is
> mostly worried about readers who are not visually impaired making use of
> these text-to-speech capabilities to listen to ebooks instead of buying
> audiobooks.  It's the very fact that Apple has been building in VoiceOver
> capabilities into every iOS device and computer that constitutes the danger,
> from their point of view.  That's why a Kindle app for the PC, that can be
> used with screen readers like JAWS, has been released, but there is no
> similar application for the Mac.  If the only way that you could access the
> Kindle ebook content on your computer was by investing in blindness-specific
> software that equals or exceeds the cost of your computer, it's pretty hard
> to argue that you configured your machine this way just to avoid buying the
> audiobook versions.  But the fact that every iPhone, iPod Touch, an iPad now
> support VoiceOver, and that the same is true for every Mac, means that any
> user of an iPhone, Mac, etc. could enable VoiceOver functionality in reading
> Kindle ebooks, if this capability were not explicitly blocked.
> And so, if you carry the argument of the Author's Guild to its natural
> conclusion, non-visually impaired Kindle customers who find VoiceOver's
> reading "good enough" to listen to, will turn on this feature instead of
> buying audiobook versions that they would otherwise purchase.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Mar 22, 2012, at 4:03 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> That's not quite true.  It's not because of copy right.  The truth is
>> this.  It's because of the Author's guild.  They don't want the blind to
>> be able to read their books without extra costs.  Their twisted reasoning
>> is that the text to speech tecnhology will rob them of sales.  Every
>> single organization of the blind is fighting this stipid infantile logic.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 8:39 PM, Hank Smith wrote:
>>> so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the ebooks?
>>> On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:

 Hi Jeff,

 There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable VoiceOver's
 ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights
 management.  This is also true if you try to use the Barnes & Noble Nook
 app, for example.  You'll notice that usually you can access everything
 except for the actual content of the text.  That's being blocked.  You
 can verify this by taking a screen capture, and sending the results to
 an OCR app like Prizmo or TextGrabber.  The OCR app will tell you what
 the contents are, but obviously you're not going to read the book by
 screen capturing every page and sending it to an OCR app.

 If you want to read another example of this viewpoint, that the ability
 of screen readers to access text would promote copyright violation, take
 a look at Greg Kearney's posted response from Fictionwise in the
 archives, sent in reply to his inquiry about ebook accessibility for
 their ebook reading app just a few months after the iPhone 3GS was
 released with VoiceOver support:
 • Fwd: Response for Support Ticket #102495
 Since this is the Mail Archive post, if you're reading on your computer,
 you can also use access key shortcuts of Control-N to read down the
 thread for other reader comments.



 On Mar 22, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Forget it.  It ain't gonna happen.
> It ain't accessible at all.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Mar 22, 2012, at 7:38 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I downloaded the Kindle app so I can read some of the books that my
>> wife is reading.  I can't, however, figure out how to get it to work.
>> Has anybody had success with the Kindle app?  Is it accessible?  Any
>> tips?
>> It looks like, to me, that it is displaying images instead of
>> rendering the text.
>> Thx,
>> Je

Amadeus and GarageBand

2012-03-24 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi folks,

I'm so thankful for this group.  I've learned so very much just keeping my 
mouth, or rather fingers shut and listening in on the informative  dialog 
herein.  I am in the process of building a little home studio for my own 
entertainment, or perhaps I should say, amusement.Anyway, I hear a 
lot about Amadeus Pro and GarageBand.  Admittedly,I ask in ignorance:

What are the primary differences between the two?  Is one easier to use?  
Better then the other?

Thanks for helping me so I can make a better informed choice on which one to go 
with.  Or is it that I should consider using both programs to produce live 
recordings?  Just to give you a little more insight into what we are doing, I 
should tell you that I wish to record my own music using a musical keyboard 
workstation.  I would also like to get back into producing comercial jingles 
and a little radio broadcasting for our local ministry her in Erie, PA.

Thanks everyone,

Johnny Chilelli 
Johnny Angel!

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Re: Amadeus and GarageBand

2012-03-24 Thread Ed Worrell
I have not used Amadeus much, but I think the big difference is that Garageband 
has virtual instruments, I don't believe Amadeus does, I could be wrong. I use 
Garageband and all the Jam Pack extensions, I love the accessibility of 
Garageband, there are a few parts of Garageband that are not accessible, but I 
have not run into many occasions where I wish it was more accessible. If you 
would like to hear some stuff done with Garageband you can check out my 
soundcloud page
All these songs and remixes were done with Garageband. Enjoy, and I am more 
then willing to help out were I can.


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Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-24 Thread Karen Lewellen

Two questions.
Does the author's guild have statistical evidence that the average mac 
product user even knows that voiceover is there let alone that they would 
opt for this behavior?
I might point out that audiobooks, commercial ones were not created for the 
vision challenged population, but for the general public, so the argument 
that a vision challenged person would opt for a voiceover edition 
instead of a commercial one, seems well silly.  They have figures to 
document what percentage of the billions of audiobooks sold are sold to  individuals with vision 
loss?  After all, that population was serviced via nls and other programs 
for decades, with commercial audio books selling just fine.

lastly, would not creating an access specific format not solve that issue 
then?  there would be no risk of random  audio hungry people learning how 
to use voiceover just so they can avoid listening to a real person read an 
audio book.
Not picking on you, just wanting your thoughts since you understand their 


On Sat, 24 Mar 2012, James Mannion wrote:

Which is why this stupid nonsense will probably rob us of access in
the name of their closed minded greed until the old members of the
gild all die and we get minds in there with open minds to a moddern
world perspective. The good part is there excessive greed will put
them under extra stress which will drive them to the grave sooner.

On 3/22/12, Esther  wrote:

Hi Ray,

You're correct that the policy of blocking VoiceOver access to eBook content
in the Kindle app arises from the Author's Guild suit, but the guild is
mostly worried about readers who are not visually impaired making use of
these text-to-speech capabilities to listen to ebooks instead of buying
audiobooks.  It's the very fact that Apple has been building in VoiceOver
capabilities into every iOS device and computer that constitutes the danger,
from their point of view.  That's why a Kindle app for the PC, that can be
used with screen readers like JAWS, has been released, but there is no
similar application for the Mac.  If the only way that you could access the
Kindle ebook content on your computer was by investing in blindness-specific
software that equals or exceeds the cost of your computer, it's pretty hard
to argue that you configured your machine this way just to avoid buying the
audiobook versions.  But the fact that every iPhone, iPod Touch, an iPad now
support VoiceOver, and that the same is true for every Mac, means that any
user of an iPhone, Mac, etc. could enable VoiceOver functionality in reading
Kindle ebooks, if this capability were not explicitly blocked.

And so, if you carry the argument of the Author's Guild to its natural
conclusion, non-visually impaired Kindle customers who find VoiceOver's
reading "good enough" to listen to, will turn on this feature instead of
buying audiobook versions that they would otherwise purchase.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Mar 22, 2012, at 4:03 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

That's not quite true.  It's not because of copy right.  The truth is
this.  It's because of the Author's guild.  They don't want the blind to
be able to read their books without extra costs.  Their twisted reasoning
is that the text to speech tecnhology will rob them of sales.  Every
single organization of the blind is fighting this stipid infantile logic.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Mar 22, 2012, at 8:39 PM, Hank Smith wrote:

so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the ebooks?
On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:

Hi Jeff,

There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable VoiceOver's
ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights
management.  This is also true if you try to use the Barnes & Noble Nook
app, for example.  You'll notice that usually you can access everything
except for the actual content of the text.  That's being blocked.  You
can verify this by taking a screen capture, and sending the results to
an OCR app like Prizmo or TextGrabber.  The OCR app will tell you what
the contents are, but obviously you're not going to read the book by
screen capturing every page and sending it to an OCR app.

If you want to read another example of this viewpoint, that the ability
of screen readers to access text would promote copyright violation, take
a look at Greg Kearney's posted response from Fictionwise in the
archives, sent in reply to his inquiry about ebook accessibility for
their ebook reading app just a few months after the iPhone 3GS was
released with VoiceOver support:
• Fwd: Response for Support Ticket #102495
Since this is the Mail Archive post, if you're reading on your computer,
you can also use access key shortcuts of Control-N to read down the
thread for other reader comments.



Got network back, but still two VM Fusion questions

2012-03-24 Thread Bill Holton

I did manage to get the network back online in my VM Win 7 machine.  I still
cannot remap the keys, though, and I am also wondering if this is normal VM
behavior.  I am using Win 7 with the latest Window-eyes, and whenever I
resume the virtual machine after suspending it window-eyes starts reading
the same line over and over again and the only way I can stop it is to
restart Windows.  Insights appreciated.

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This is frustrating

2012-03-24 Thread Jenny Keller
I am looking for an email that I think I deleted but I don't know how to search 
for it. I have looked in other boxes that have stuff in it that shouldnt be in 
them at all. 

I try to delete my all mail folder and I have to select 1 thing at time. I have 
thousands of messages in several boxes that I don't know how they got there but 
I can't keep selecting 1 ata time to delete.

Help please.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 24, 2012, at 9:16 PM, "Bill Holton"  wrote:

> Hi.
> I did manage to get the network back online in my VM Win 7 machine.  I still 
> cannot remap the keys, though, and I am also wondering if this is normal VM 
> behavior.  I am using Win 7 with the latest Window-eyes, and whenever I 
> resume the virtual machine after suspending it window-eyes starts reading the 
> same line over and over again and the only way I can stop it is to restart 
> Windows.  Insights appreciated.
> -- 
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Re: Screen Curtain

2012-03-24 Thread Traci
Thanks guys,

Lol, I like to have the screen brightness up when watching youTube, but I like 
to quickly darken it while actually searching youTube.  :)

Sent by Macbook Air Mail

On Mar 24, 2012, at 3:55 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> until the bug is fixed, you can press FN + F1 to turn down the screen 
> brightness and FN + F2 to turn it back up.  Note: if using a Macbook, turning 
> brightness to 0%, will turn off the screen.  No one will be able to see 
> anything.  This is not the case with iMacs and Mac minis.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 24, 2012, at 1:54 PM, Traci  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a bit of vision and I like to use screen curtain from time to time.  
>> I always thought screen curtain turned the screen dark.  Are there options 
>> here?
>> Just recently, I hit screen curtain, and my screen looks white, not dark.  
>> Does anyone know anything about this?  A bug maybe?
>> Thanks,
>> Traci
>> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
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