Re: Creating Presentations USING KeyNote

2012-02-08 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Ezzie,

On 8 Feb 2012, at 01:44, ezzie bueno wrote:
> My presentation must include two pictures along with a biography, 
> motivations, something interesting about myself, and my future plans.  Would 
> it be a good idea to discuss these items in their own separate slides?

Do you have to send this presentation to someone, or will you deliver it in 
person? This makes all the difference to the way you arrange it.

If you have to send it to someone, choose a theme in keeping with the 
situation. You haven't explained the purpose of this presentation, but if it is 
an application for a job, choose a theme to suit the company profile.

In the Toolbar, you'll find a menu button labeled Masters. Click this and 
you'll find a selection of slide types, some of which include photos.

Don't put too much text into one slide, wordy presentations are boring.

> How can I get pictures into the document itself?
Choose a slide type that provides for a picture and paste it in.

This is a very sketchy explanation. It took two full days of training to teach 
a totally blind person to put together a professional presentation that 
included quite a few pictures.



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just checking in

2012-02-08 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Can't believe how quiet it is on the e-mail front; and so, if y'all don't mind, 
I just thought I'd do a server test and check to see if all y'all are okay.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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Re: Assigning Braille command to toggle between 8 and 6 dot Braille possible

2012-02-08 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Ioana,

I haven't found a way to do this, but I accidentally set my Braillino to 6-dot 
braille in its own software, and when connected to the Mac, it refused to 
produce 8-dot Braille, so that might be a solution for you.

Of course, contracted Braille is always 6-dot.



On 7 Feb 2012, at 18:59, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have successfully added braille key assignments to my brilliant 40 before 
> but cannot find any option for changing from 8 to 6 dot braille. I looked in 
> the command menus under braille but there does not appear to be anything 
> useful there.
> Am I missing something or is this worth sending  apple accessibility a note?
> Thanks,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> -- 
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Re: utorrent and accessibility?

2012-02-08 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
hey eric. good to hear from you.

test and development engineers are able to implement both genuine apple and non 
apple systems as platform runners but from an official standpoint apple has put 
a stop to it in snow leopard.

what folk don't realise on the hackintosh point is there is  a speciality chip 
for security functions unlike a windows rig which is open end. this security 
chip is constantly being checked. so the hack isn't strong enough. not only 
that but since 10.6.6 that code was strengthened and as part of firmware 
updates, the security chip has extra protection measures as well as boot 
support from network master / sub systems.


On 8 Feb 2012, at 03:20, Eric Oyen wrote:

> finding them hasn't been the problem.. finding the money to buy any of them 
> is a very big issue. There is a reason that apple hasn't gone after folks 
> like me. it is because that part of their EULA would be considered 
> unenforceable. there is also a value in having people like me that have such 
> a system setup: debugging and development. 
> as for the USB issue, I wasn't aware of any "Attack code" written into the 
> updater. guess I learn something new everyday. 
> anyway, thanks for the input.
> -eric
> On Feb 7, 2012, at 6:56 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> that explains it.
>> the reason you encounter the USB issue is due to the fact that apple 
>> deliberately  created an attack code for "Hackintosh systems"
>> Though I won't go into the ethics of it I strongly disapprove of 
>> "hackintosh" methods. not only is it not permitted by apple but it's also an 
>> issue of hardware dependancy.
>> if you're looking for a mac capable of running snow leopard, may I suggest 
>> checking places like ebay for some of the earlier intel iMacs, macbooks, 
>> macbook pro's, mac mini's etc as you're bound to come across a system very 
>> cheap which will cater you officially and permit upgrades, especially where 
>> voiceover is concerned.
>> lew
>> On 7 Feb 2012, at 23:26, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> last time I tried to update to 10.6.8, I ran into the problem of my usb 
>>> ports not working, which means no access  to the machine. 
>>> I  will get some sighted help here, as I also happen to be a hackintosh  
>>> user (I know, it is strictly outside the Apple EULA, but it is the only I 
>>> can have accessibility without having to shell out for jaws and windows 7). 
>>> still, I am saving up for either a new mac mini (core i7) or a mac book pro 
>>> (used). 
>>> btw, for those that will inevitably ask: I do own a legal (purchased 
>>> directly from apple) a DVD of Snow Leopard.
>>> -eric
>>> On Feb 7, 2012, at 9:25 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
 regarding utorrent. I use it myself and have no problems with it. please 
 be advised to upgrade to 10.6.8 for better accessibility within certain 
 app environments.
 I swear by utorrent for recovery data volumes and other software through 
 official distributors like linux, etc. love it to bits.
 anyway enough from e.
 On 7 Feb 2012, at 15:00, Wes Smith wrote:
> I'm not just works...didnt change any settings
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 6, 2012, at 10:40 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>> ok, how did you manage this? I am running OS X 10.6.4 and all I get is 
>> the pulldown menus, toolbar items, empty scorell area and some frame 
>> elements.
>> also, I attempted to register on the uTorrent forums and was faced with 
>> a shockwave flash captcha that won't play sound here.
>> so? what settings must I change for accessibility to be usable?
>> -eric
>> On Feb 6, 2012, at 10:26 PM, Wes Smith wrote:
>>> Utorrent works fine for me, I can see everything
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 6, 2012, at 9:59 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
 I used to use torrent as my default torrent transfer agent (torrent 
 makes getting linux distress so much easier). the only problem is that 
 I cannot find the details pane. I also can't tell when a torrent is 
 done or not. this is so frustrating. it seems that the only torrent 
 client that would be worth anything is reorient (A command line 
 client) but I am missing some libs to make the packages here.
 anyone have any suggestions as far as other accessible torrent clients 
 goes? both torrent and fuze don't display anything other than the 
 toolbars and frame elements.
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Re: deleting content from iPod

2012-02-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

try pressing option delete.  If that doesn't work, delete the podcast from 

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 7, 2012, at 10:17 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi guys:
> I have a 5th gen Nano. I can copy and paste content using iTunes. I cannot 
> delete content anymore, nor set the view options, and column browser options. 
> That part is dimmed. When I navigate the podcast table under iPod/podcasts, 
> and hit delete, nothing happens. My settings are to manually manage content. 
> Any thoughts? 
> -- 
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Re: where did my bookmarks go?

2012-02-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

Why not go to book marks in the menu bar?

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 7, 2012, at 8:08 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hi all.
> I wanted to go to one of my bookmarked sites recently but found that there 
> was no second table when I hit Command Option B to show all bookmarks.
> Has anyone else had this issue?
> Thanks,
> Matthew Campbell.
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Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-08 Thread Sean Murphy

some NAS devices have a iTunes Server. Qnap does have this. But I haven't used 
it yet. 

This is a interesting thread since it is what I wanted to do myself as well.  I 
want to access all the movies, audiobooks, music, etc via the NAS on the ITv. 
But if I cannot control what is seen by who. Then I might have to look at 
another solution.

On 07/02/2012, at 4:03 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Chris,
> Yes I understand that is possible, but unfortunately and unless I am missing 
> something here, the issue is I would have to log in as that user and launch 
> iTunes. THis means I could not be logged in as myself because it would not be 
> possible to effectively have two instances of iTUnes running.
> On Feb 6, 2012, at 11:54 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> I'm saying you can have two different users both logged into the same Mac 
>> and both with their own instance of iTunes running. Give it a try by 
>> creating a second account and then switching to that user without logging 
>> out of the current user. If you launch iTunes you'll find a pristine library 
>> with settings all its own.
>> CB
>> On 2/6/12 10:45 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Chris,
>>> Yes a Mini would work in this case, but not looking to go that route. I'm 
>>> done buying computers for a while. :)
>>> So, with that said my wife is a user on my Mac. I could obviously log in as 
>>> her and setup iTunes and that would work great. However, I do not know how 
>>> I could have us both logged into the same machine and I think what you are 
>>> saying is you have two different Macs in this scenario?
>>> Seems to me the problem is that iTunes has to be running and that library 
>>> active. If I could get around that I probably would solve my problem. :)
>>> THanks,
>>> On Feb 6, 2012, at 10:40 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 As an aside, an old MacMini would also make a nice media computer if you 
 want real storage and more than what an AppleTV will get you. The 
 headphone jack is actually a digital optical output which you can connect 
 to any typical surround-sound stereo to get the full 5.1 output from DVDs 
 and such.
 That said, I did try just duplicating the iTunes app to try and run two 
 instances, but no luck, they share the same preference files. What did 
 work was setting up another user on my Mac and having that second user 
 logged in running iTunes. That instance had it's own library and 
 preferences so I could share two libraries from the same machine with two 
 users logged in.
 On 2/6/12 10:11 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> If you had a 1st Generation Apple TV with the built-in HD, this would 
> work as once the Apple TV is synced, you wouldn't need to have the iTunes 
> Library actually active.  Now, of course, they're hard to find now and 
> you need sighted assistance to set them up, but after that, you'd be 
> golden.  I was also thinking about iTunes Match on the 2nd Gen Apple TV, 
> you'd be able to use a matched Library in that situation except, at the 
> moment, it only applies to iTunes music files, not movie and TV shows.  
> You might also have volume restrictions from your ISP that could 
> interfere with this idea as well.
> Not helping much, am I?
> Hmmm, you could stoop to putting Windows on your Mac as well so that you 
> could run Fusion or Parallels, thus having two Libraries running 
> simultaneously from the same machine.  I don't particularly care for 
> Windows though, even though I have to use it at work sometimes.
> I'll think some more and let you know if I come up with anything.
> Later...
> On 2012-02-06, at 4:34 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Tim and Ricardo,
>>> I figured out how to do this, but sadly I ran into one problem that I 
>>> suspect there is no solution for. In order to make this Home SHaring 
>>> thing work you have to have iTunes running and that library active 
>>> which means I cannot use my library. So, it amounts to all or nothing. 
>>> So, that idea ain't gonna work.
>>> THanks,
>>> On Feb 6, 2012, at 6:02 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Re: utorrent and accessibility?

2012-02-08 Thread Eric Oyen
oh. *THAT* chip (the TPM). yeah, that is rather an inconvenience. The one major 
problem I see with Trusted Platform Modules is that if you want to install 
another OS, or reinstall the same one you currently have (due to a corruption 
of some kind), you are stuck. You can't change the keys once written (unless 
they changed the spec for it in the last 4 years). The TPM is also very closed 
source, which means that a company like MS (or Apple) can pretty much dictate 
what you can put on that device. I don't see this as a problem on iOS hardware, 
but I would like to have the right of choice on either a laptop or a desktop.

Now with MS trying to make UEFI a requirement to run windows 8 (and further 
require that only digitally signed OS'es can run on such hardware) means that 
people like me are going to be forced to either use their OS or stay with my 
current hardware. 

as for snow leopard, I may have to go to Lion sooner or later. The primary 
issue is going to be the cost of the hardware to put it on. right now, any 
recent vintage macbook or macbook pro is selling for near new price, even 
though it is refurbished or used equipment. this makes it insanely difficult 
for me to save enough in a reasonable amount of time to purchase. if I got with 
hardware older than 2009, I risk the issue of not having full support after OS 
10.8 (when it comes out). 

anyway, I think this thread is pretty much run its course on the list.


On Feb 8, 2012, at 2:05 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> hey eric. good to hear from you.
> test and development engineers are able to implement both genuine apple and 
> non apple systems as platform runners but from an official standpoint apple 
> has put a stop to it in snow leopard.
> what folk don't realise on the hackintosh point is there is  a speciality 
> chip for security functions unlike a windows rig which is open end. this 
> security chip is constantly being checked. so the hack isn't strong enough. 
> not only that but since 10.6.6 that code was strengthened and as part of 
> firmware updates, the security chip has extra protection measures as well as 
> boot support from network master / sub systems.
> lew
> On 8 Feb 2012, at 03:20, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> finding them hasn't been the problem.. finding the money to buy any of them 
>> is a very big issue. There is a reason that apple hasn't gone after folks 
>> like me. it is because that part of their EULA would be considered 
>> unenforceable. there is also a value in having people like me that have such 
>> a system setup: debugging and development. 
>> as for the USB issue, I wasn't aware of any "Attack code" written into the 
>> updater. guess I learn something new everyday. 
>> anyway, thanks for the input.
>> -eric
>> On Feb 7, 2012, at 6:56 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> that explains it.
>>> the reason you encounter the USB issue is due to the fact that apple 
>>> deliberately  created an attack code for "Hackintosh systems"
>>> Though I won't go into the ethics of it I strongly disapprove of 
>>> "hackintosh" methods. not only is it not permitted by apple but it's also 
>>> an issue of hardware dependancy.
>>> if you're looking for a mac capable of running snow leopard, may I suggest 
>>> checking places like ebay for some of the earlier intel iMacs, macbooks, 
>>> macbook pro's, mac mini's etc as you're bound to come across a system very 
>>> cheap which will cater you officially and permit upgrades, especially where 
>>> voiceover is concerned.
>>> lew
>>> On 7 Feb 2012, at 23:26, Eric Oyen wrote:
 last time I tried to update to 10.6.8, I ran into the problem of my usb 
 ports not working, which means no access  to the machine. 
 I  will get some sighted help here, as I also happen to be a hackintosh  
 user (I know, it is strictly outside the Apple EULA, but it is the only I 
 can have accessibility without having to shell out for jaws and windows 
 7). still, I am saving up for either a new mac mini (core i7) or a mac 
 book pro (used). 
 btw, for those that will inevitably ask: I do own a legal (purchased 
 directly from apple) a DVD of Snow Leopard.
 On Feb 7, 2012, at 9:25 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> regarding utorrent. I use it myself and have no problems with it. please 
> be advised to upgrade to 10.6.8 for better accessibility within certain 
> app environments.
> I swear by utorrent for recovery data volumes and other software through 
> official distributors like linux, etc. love it to bits.
> anyway enough from e.
> lew
> On 7 Feb 2012, at 15:00, Wes Smith wrote:
>> I'm not just works...didnt change any settings
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 6, 2012, at 10:40 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>>> ok, how did you manage this? I am running O

Re: Anyone Using Google Chrome with VO?

2012-02-08 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I don't understand that issue with lists, all the lists i've seen from popup 
buttons to content lists have worked very well with Chrome, no problem 
whatsoever. As for VO not responding when clicking links, well that happens in 
Safari and webkit too and i have also seen this behaviour with other screen 
readers on other platforms.

8 feb 2012 kl. 01:17 skrev Mike Arrigo:

> It work well with voice over, but there are a few issues. Voiceover does not 
> see lists, such as what you might find on some email sites. Also, pressing vo 
> shift u to hear the location of a link does not work. I have also seen times 
> where using voiceover to click links does not work, but this only happens 
> sometimes. Over all chrome is good to have around, you can also install 
> chromevox and enable and disable it as you wish.
> On Feb 7, 2012, at 12:39 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> Upon a cursory look at vO with Google chrome, I notice no major 
>> accessibility booboos. Does anyone else use VO successfully with this app? 
>> I'm finding that I don't really care to use a separate voicing app for one 
>> particular web browser, because I have to turn off VO, and turn it back on 
>> when switching windows, and also, the two text-to-speech chrome extensions, 
>> Chromevox and MetalMouth, do not work in parts of the browser other than the 
>> page content.
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
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Re: Anyone Using Google Chrome with VO?

2012-02-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

What about tables?

Are you able to get to objects in table using the web rotor or item chooser?  
I'm not.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 8, 2012, at 5:57 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't understand that issue with lists, all the lists i've seen from popup 
> buttons to content lists have worked very well with Chrome, no problem 
> whatsoever. As for VO not responding when clicking links, well that happens 
> in Safari and webkit too and i have also seen this behaviour with other 
> screen readers on other platforms.
> /Krister
> 8 feb 2012 kl. 01:17 skrev Mike Arrigo:
>> It work well with voice over, but there are a few issues. Voiceover does not 
>> see lists, such as what you might find on some email sites. Also, pressing 
>> vo shift u to hear the location of a link does not work. I have also seen 
>> times where using voiceover to click links does not work, but this only 
>> happens sometimes. Over all chrome is good to have around, you can also 
>> install chromevox and enable and disable it as you wish.
>> On Feb 7, 2012, at 12:39 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> Upon a cursory look at vO with Google chrome, I notice no major 
>>> accessibility booboos. Does anyone else use VO successfully with this app? 
>>> I'm finding that I don't really care to use a separate voicing app for one 
>>> particular web browser, because I have to turn off VO, and turn it back on 
>>> when switching windows, and also, the two text-to-speech chrome extensions, 
>>> Chromevox and MetalMouth, do not work in parts of the browser other than 
>>> the page content.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Teresa
>>> -- 
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Re: converting m4a to wav or mp3

2012-02-08 Thread Paul Erkens
I don't know of the differences between lite and amadeus pro, but I think I 
remember that the pro only has a batch converter and some other nifty things as 
a plus. You can drop a marker with amadeus in 2 ways, either at the playhead by 
hitting p during playback, or by pausing, then moving the insertion point to 
the playhead with command y, and then hitting m in pause to set the marker.
P.s.: amadeus pro is in the app store if you want it.
On Feb 7, 2012, at 8:38 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> Hi,
> Can Amadeus light drop markers in the playing track, like gold wave for 
> example or do you need to input the exact time for each marker?
> Is this something only possible in pro if at all?
> Also, can I open a movie file let's say .avi or .mp4 and extract the audio 
> file from it with Amadeus?
> Thanks,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> On Feb 7, 2012, at 12:35 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Angie and Others,
>> You can download a free trial version of Amadeus Pro from the developer's 
>> web site:
>> There's both a Pro and lite  version, and I think the difference in price is 
>> $60 for Pro and $40 for lite.  Batch conversion (that Paul described) is 
>> only supported in the Pro version, which also features multi-track editing 
>> and support of Audio plug-ins -- other features not in the lite version.
>> The editing interface is likely to be different from what your are used to.  
>> Check the guides at Keith's icanworkthisthing site for a quick, VoiceOver 
>> friendly summary of command shortcuts:
>> • Audio and Recording With Mac and Voiceover:
>> You can purchase Amadeus Pro from either the App Store or separately from 
>> the developer's site.  The App Store is the easy way to buy it, but check 
>> the developer's web site for trial versions, and additional downloadable 
>> plug-ins.  He also maintains a forum for user questions and discussions.  
>> Colin has already described how to convert using iTunes.  Basically, you can 
>> choose your default importing format for music.  If you don't do anything, 
>> it will be set to AAC format.  This is done from the iTunes preferences 
>> file, brought up with Command-comma.  On the general tab, in addition to a 
>> pop-up menu button that lets you choose the default action when a CD is 
>> inserted, there will be an "Import Settings" button.  Press this to bring up 
>> the dialog window for choosing the format and quality of your default 
>> encoding method.   You'll find options for AAC and MP3 as compressed 
>> options, along with Apple Lossless, and uncompressed WAV and AIFF options -- 
>> the default Windows and Mac uncompressed formats.  After that, your selected 
>> format will be used as the default for when you rip CDs.  If you add other 
>> audio files to iTunes, you'll have the option to convert the file to your 
>> default audio importing format when you check the menu options under the 
>> "Advanced" menu on your iTunes menu bar. And you can change this via your 
>> preferences menu at any later time.  (Chris Blouch actually said all this in 
>> his succinct reply; I'm just fleshing out the details.)
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Feb 7, 2012, at 4:27 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>>> Angie,
>>> Yes amadeus pro is in the mac app store.
>>> Paul.
>>> On Feb 6, 2012, at 9:36 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:
 Wow, that was really helpfull, I was considering purchasing amadeus pro 
 anyway, this may be the good enough reason to do so.
 Can I find it on the app store?
 On Feb 6, 2012, at 2:48 PM, Paul Erkens wr ote:
> Hi Angie,
> I use amadeus pro all the time. I don't know if you ever used it, but if 
> you already bought it it's a breeze. Just hit command shift n after you 
> start amadeus pro, and a new batch converter window will appear. You have 
> a formats tab, where you set what you want your new files to become, in 
> yor case mp3. You also set the mp3 encoding settings in this tab. In the 
> actions tab, you can pick actions to be performed on the files, like 
> normalization if you want, before being converted. In the other 2 tabs, 
> you can instruct amadeus what to do with meta info such as the file tag 
> and its art work, or you can leave that out altogether if you wish, on 
> your to be created mp3 files. Then when you point to a folder to convert, 
> it can also recursively search that folder for all the files it contains, 
> and then do them all in one simple go. You can also tell amadeus to 
> convert a folder, and put all new files in the same location as their 
> originals, and then deleting the originals. If you know what you are 
> doing this can be a breeze. Once you are familiar with the little 

Amadeus for Marlaina

2012-02-08 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Marlaina,

I love Amadeus and use it exclusively for all my recording needs. It's not as 
professional as Pro Tools, but it works well for my needs. I basically just 
record acoustic instruments and then track vocals, harmonies etc on top. There 
are others on this list that are much more expierenced than I at using this 
wonderful program, but I will give  you the commands I use the most.
To configure Amadeus to use markers, you have to go in the preferences and 
general by pressing command comma. Then do the following  in playback behavior 
set if selection is empty play from insertion point,
If selection is not empty play selection,
The most important one is this one which is display follows playback this box 
has to be unchecked. If you don't configure Amadeus like this, you will have 
great difficulty in dropping markers. I learned this from Eric Caron's podcast 
on Blind Cool tech. Here are the commands I use most frequently.

to drop a marker is P as in Paul
to jump between next and previous markers is option right and left arrow. Right 
arrow with option for next and left with option for prevous. You can also use 
option left arrow to go to the beginning of a sound. You can also interact with 
a track by pressing VO shift down arriow and explore the settings there like 
volume, name the track and paning. To delete a marker just hit delete once you 
have reached that marker. I know there are more commands that I'm not even 
thinking of right now. Oh, to record a track command N for new sound. Then 
press command R and you will see the recording dialog. You can also paste 
things you have recorded to different tracks, there is a paste special command 
which I believe is command option V as in Victor. If you would like more 
assistance, you are more than welcome to write me offlist. I can do a custom 
podcast for you. I hope this helps get you started. Have a great day.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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Re: where did my bookmarks go?

2012-02-08 Thread Matthew Campbell
The book mark folder I want doesn't show up in there.
On 2012-02-08, at 5:21 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Why not go to book marks in the menu bar?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 7, 2012, at 8:08 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I wanted to go to one of my bookmarked sites recently but found that there 
>> was no second table when I hit Command Option B to show all bookmarks.
>> Has anyone else had this issue?
>> Thanks,
>> Matthew Campbell.
>> -- 
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Re: deleting content from iPod

2012-02-08 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Remember, my iPod is set for manually sync, so I copy and paste files to the 
iPod. Deleting from iTunes doesn't work. I cannot delete from iPod source table 
in iTunes. I can delete fine from the main part of iTunes, however of course it 
won't delete from my iPod. Option delete doesn't work.
On Feb 8, 2012, at 4:20 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> try pressing option delete.  If that doesn't work, delete the podcast from 
> iTunes.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 7, 2012, at 10:17 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi guys:
>> I have a 5th gen Nano. I can copy and paste content using iTunes. I cannot 
>> delete content anymore, nor set the view options, and column browser 
>> options. That part is dimmed. When I navigate the podcast table under 
>> iPod/podcasts, and hit delete, nothing happens. My settings are to manually 
>> manage content. Any thoughts? 
>> -- 
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can't get braillesense plus to pare with mac

2012-02-08 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi all,  One of my clients has a new macbook pro OSX lion and an old 
braillesense plus hwv1.0 swv6.1.  I tried to get these to pare so I could show 
my client how to use the sense as a braille display and it isn't playing ball.

I've made sure bluetooth is on and msc mode is off.
Then I turned on termonal for screen readers in utilities.
Then I went to vo control panel, braille, displays, add bluetooth braille 
The braillesense shows up in the table and I press enter on it.
I gave it the pin , and it said "failed to load driver".
There-after, it remembered the pin, so I'm assuming it got that much of it 

I'm not sure where to go from here.  Is there something I'm missing?


Erik Burggraaf
Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New drive 
imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

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Re: new episode of getting started with garageband

2012-02-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

Yes.  Sorry I'm getting back so late.  They can all be found at

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 5, 2012, at 12:37 PM, Ronald van Rhijn wrote:

> Hi Ricardo,
> The linkk gives a 404 not found. All your older podcast on Garageband are no 
> longer on the Mobileaccess site either. Is all your stuff removed from there 
> or something?
> Thanks,
> Ronald
> Op 8 dec. 2011, om 16:59 heeft Ricardo Walker het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi folks,
>> I know its been a while but, I just put up a new garageband podcast.  I go 
>> more into manipulating regions and importing audio samples.  You can listen 
>> at
>> I hope to have another episode out demoing garageband on IOS before the new 
>> year.  I'm not sure If I'll make this date but, I'll try.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
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Re: can't get braillesense plus to pare with mac

2012-02-08 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi Eric,

I went through this a couple of months ago.  I finally contacted HIMS tech 
support.  Apparently, there is an issue with Lion seeing the BSP driver as the 
BrailleNote driver.  So, to the best of my knowledge, it is not possible to 
pair the BSP with a Mac at this time.  I wrote to Apple accessibility about 
this, but never heard back from them.
On Feb 8, 2012, at 8:04 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi all,  One of my clients has a new macbook pro OSX lion and an old 
> braillesense plus hwv1.0 swv6.1.  I tried to get these to pare so I could 
> show my client how to use the sense as a braille display and it isn't playing 
> ball.
> I've made sure bluetooth is on and msc mode is off.
> Then I turned on termonal for screen readers in utilities.
> Then I went to vo control panel, braille, displays, add bluetooth braille 
> display.
> The braillesense shows up in the table and I press enter on it.
> I gave it the pin , and it said "failed to load driver".
> There-after, it remembered the pin, so I'm assuming it got that much of it 
> right.
> I'm not sure where to go from here.  Is there something I'm missing?
> Thanks,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New 
> drive imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
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Re: can't get braillesense plus to pare with mac

2012-02-08 Thread erik burggraaf
Thanks Donna,

This happened in the days of leopard and early snow leopard too as I recall.  I 
eventually got an old company demo unit to play nice before the company sold it 
and took away my toy, but dang, it's disappointing to see they've broken it 


Erik Burggraaf
Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New drive 
imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-02-08, at 8:14 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> I went through this a couple of months ago.  I finally contacted HIMS tech 
> support.  Apparently, there is an issue with Lion seeing the BSP driver as 
> the BrailleNote driver.  So, to the best of my knowledge, it is not possible 
> to pair the BSP with a Mac at this time.  I wrote to Apple accessibility 
> about this, but never heard back from them.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 8, 2012, at 8:04 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi all,  One of my clients has a new macbook pro OSX lion and an old 
>> braillesense plus hwv1.0 swv6.1.  I tried to get these to pare so I could 
>> show my client how to use the sense as a braille display and it isn't 
>> playing ball.
>> I've made sure bluetooth is on and msc mode is off.
>> Then I turned on termonal for screen readers in utilities.
>> Then I went to vo control panel, braille, displays, add bluetooth braille 
>> display.
>> The braillesense shows up in the table and I press enter on it.
>> I gave it the pin , and it said "failed to load driver".
>> There-after, it remembered the pin, so I'm assuming it got that much of it 
>> right.
>> I'm not sure where to go from here.  Is there something I'm missing?
>> Thanks,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New 
>> drive imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
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Re: can't get braillesense plus to pare with mac

2012-02-08 Thread Goodin, Donna
Yeah, I agree.  The BSP is such a nice display, I wish that they would fix it.  
If you have any success, let me know.

On Feb 8, 2012, at 8:27 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Thanks Donna,
> This happened in the days of leopard and early snow leopard too as I recall.  
> I eventually got an old company demo unit to play nice before the company 
> sold it and took away my toy, but dang, it's disappointing to see they've 
> broken it again.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New 
> drive imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2012-02-08, at 8:14 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> I went through this a couple of months ago.  I finally contacted HIMS tech 
>> support.  Apparently, there is an issue with Lion seeing the BSP driver as 
>> the BrailleNote driver.  So, to the best of my knowledge, it is not possible 
>> to pair the BSP with a Mac at this time.  I wrote to Apple accessibility 
>> about this, but never heard back from them.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 8, 2012, at 8:04 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi all,  One of my clients has a new macbook pro OSX lion and an old 
>>> braillesense plus hwv1.0 swv6.1.  I tried to get these to pare so I could 
>>> show my client how to use the sense as a braille display and it isn't 
>>> playing ball.
>>> I've made sure bluetooth is on and msc mode is off.
>>> Then I turned on termonal for screen readers in utilities.
>>> Then I went to vo control panel, braille, displays, add bluetooth braille 
>>> display.
>>> The braillesense shows up in the table and I press enter on it.
>>> I gave it the pin , and it said "failed to load driver".
>>> There-after, it remembered the pin, so I'm assuming it got that much of it 
>>> right.
>>> I'm not sure where to go from here.  Is there something I'm missing?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New 
>>> drive imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> -- 
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terminal: prompt

2012-02-08 Thread Paul Erkens
Dear list,

I am learning to change the terminal prompt. It now includes my machine name 
and my user name, which is what I want to get rid of. I think that the prompt 
is contained in an environment variable. I found that I can look at them by 
using env without parameters, and that works. However, prompt is not in here. 
Where do I need to look, to find the placeholders string that gives me my 


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Re: Help getting started with Amadeus

2012-02-08 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Marlaina,

at first: Amadeus Pro is great. But with Sound Forge I'm way faster. Amadeus is 
a bit less intuitive. 

1. Amadeus has not that many short cuts as SF. But you can define your own ones 
in the system preferences. That's much better then in Windows.

2. You should read the help section of Amadeus and read the guides on

After that you should be able to answer your questions yourself. If not ask 
again here.

All the best
Am 07.02.2012 um 23:16 schrieb Marlaina Lieberg:

> After all the good things I've read, I have downloaded the trial of the light 
> version.  I cannot locate info on keyboard commands.  Could somebody get me 
> started?  I'd like to know where I might find a list, but would like to know 
> for starters how to select sound, highlight it, drop markers, etc.  I am 
> using sound forge on my windows machine, but would dearly love to be able to 
> do more recording on the mac side of the house.
> Reach within you, find the beauty of you, then share your light with the 
> world!
> Marlaina Lieberg
> -- 
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terminal: what is bzw

2012-02-08 Thread Paul Erkens
Dear listers,
Subject says it all. How is bz2 different from zip? Can you generalize it by 
saying that bz2 is simply another file compression format like rar etc? In 
which cases is bz2 generally used?

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Re: Help getting started with Amadeus

2012-02-08 Thread Paul Erkens
To add to Jurgen.
Load up a file: hit command o in amadeus and browse as usual.
2. To save a file, it's in the file menu where you expect it. Just like in a 
text editor you can choose the file type, so you can also save directly into 
mp3, into wav, aac or whatever you want.
3. There is one concept to be very aware of. Amadeus has what is called the 
play head, and it has a separate editing cursor, called the insertion point. I 
wish there were a way to bind them together, but often when editing, I 
sometimes still forget that the playhead is not where the insertion point is. 
In general, the play head is at the spot you are listening to, moving along as 
playtime goes by. The insertion point stays where it is, and you have to 
manually pull it towards the play head with command y. The play head is 
something you might remember from old reel to reel recorders. It's a metal 
solid object, that plays audio as the tape is pulled past it.

Once playing, you can stop with the space bar. Space again to resume. Turn 
quicknav off and left and right arrows will skip back a few seconds, or 
forward. Once stopped, or while playing, hit p to drop a marker at the play 
head. Play on by hitting space, and fast forward with right arrow till you have 
your next spot where you want another marker, optionally pause playback and hit 
p to drop another marker. You can view how many markers you have set, and also 
where in time they are, by looking in the window menu. You'll find a marker 
menu option there, that displays a window where you have this marker and time 
info. To clear all markers, first hit command a before using the delete all 
markers command, or else they won't be deleted. I found that out the hard way 
and had to ask on the hairersoft forum on their site. 

And a last thing. Once you have a file open, and you notice that space for play 
and pause no longer works, then the scroll area that the amadeus focus should 
be on is no longer in focus. This happens if you voiceover away from that 
scroll area, while exploring other parts of the screen. If space doesn't do its 
thing anymore, or the arrows to skim through the audio, then move back to the 
scroll area, and then perform a mouse click there. Do that like this: first 
route the mouse to where the voiceover cursor is. The voiceover cursor should 
be on the scroll area in the amadeus window. Hit command vo f5 to route the 
mouse to the voiceover cursor. Now perform a mouse click, by hitting shift vo 
space. Focus is then restored to the scroll area, and now space etc will work 
Hope this helps you some, to get you going.
On Feb 7, 2012, at 11:16 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> After all the good things I've read, I have downloaded the trial of the light 
> version.  I cannot locate info on keyboard commands.  Could somebody get me 
> started?  I'd like to know where I might find a list, but would like to know 
> for starters how to select sound, highlight it, drop markers, etc.  I am 
> using sound forge on my windows machine, but would dearly love to be able to 
> do more recording on the mac side of the house.
> Reach within you, find the beauty of you, then share your light with the 
> world!
> Marlaina Lieberg
> -- 
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Re: Amadeus for Marlaina

2012-02-08 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Allison,
I think more of us could benifit from an amadeus podcast if you are planning to 
do one. Hope you will.
On Feb 8, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Marlaina,
> I love Amadeus and use it exclusively for all my recording needs. It's not as 
> professional as Pro Tools, but it works well for my needs. I basically just 
> record acoustic instruments and then track vocals, harmonies etc on top. 
> There are others on this list that are much more expierenced than I at using 
> this wonderful program, but I will give  you the commands I use the most.
> To configure Amadeus to use markers, you have to go in the preferences and 
> general by pressing command comma. Then do the following  in playback 
> behavior set if selection is empty play from insertion point,
> If selection is not empty play selection,
> The most important one is this one which is display follows playback this box 
> has to be unchecked. If you don't configure Amadeus like this, you will have 
> great difficulty in dropping markers. I learned this from Eric Caron's 
> podcast on Blind Cool tech. Here are the commands I use most frequently.
> to drop a marker is P as in Paul
> to jump between next and previous markers is option right and left arrow. 
> Right arrow with option for next and left with option for prevous. You can 
> also use option left arrow to go to the beginning of a sound. You can also 
> interact with a track by pressing VO shift down arriow and explore the 
> settings there like volume, name the track and paning. To delete a marker 
> just hit delete once you have reached that marker. I know there are more 
> commands that I'm not even thinking of right now. Oh, to record a track 
> command N for new sound. Then press command R and you will see the recording 
> dialog. You can also paste things you have recorded to different tracks, 
> there is a paste special command which I believe is command option V as in 
> Victor. If you would like more assistance, you are more than welcome to write 
> me offlist. I can do a custom podcast for you. I hope this helps get you 
> started. Have a great day.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> -- 
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Re: can't get braillesense plus to pare with mac

2012-02-08 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi Donna,

Just got word from HIMS that they expect our issue to be fixed by the beginning 
of april in the 7.0 swv.  Meanwhile they tell me we can get it working USB 
which isn't ideal but will at least allow me to do the training they're paying 
me for.  :)

Have fun,

Erik Burggraaf
Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New drive 
imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-02-08, at 8:32 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> Yeah, I agree.  The BSP is such a nice display, I wish that they would fix 
> it.  If you have any success, let me know.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 8, 2012, at 8:27 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Thanks Donna,
>> This happened in the days of leopard and early snow leopard too as I recall. 
>>  I eventually got an old company demo unit to play nice before the company 
>> sold it and took away my toy, but dang, it's disappointing to see they've 
>> broken it again.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New 
>> drive imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2012-02-08, at 8:14 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> Hi Eric,
>>> I went through this a couple of months ago.  I finally contacted HIMS tech 
>>> support.  Apparently, there is an issue with Lion seeing the BSP driver as 
>>> the BrailleNote driver.  So, to the best of my knowledge, it is not 
>>> possible to pair the BSP with a Mac at this time.  I wrote to Apple 
>>> accessibility about this, but never heard back from them.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Feb 8, 2012, at 8:04 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 Hi all,  One of my clients has a new macbook pro OSX lion and an old 
 braillesense plus hwv1.0 swv6.1.  I tried to get these to pare so I could 
 show my client how to use the sense as a braille display and it isn't 
 playing ball.
 I've made sure bluetooth is on and msc mode is off.
 Then I turned on termonal for screen readers in utilities.
 Then I went to vo control panel, braille, displays, add bluetooth braille 
 The braillesense shows up in the table and I press enter on it.
 I gave it the pin , and it said "failed to load driver".
 There-after, it remembered the pin, so I'm assuming it got that much of it 
 I'm not sure where to go from here.  Is there something I'm missing?
 Erik Burggraaf
 Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New 
 drive imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
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2012-02-08 Thread Paul Erkens
Dear listers,

What I know so far. From what I googled, x11 is software that gives you a 
framework with display support, and also a rich set of input devices. Using 
x11, a client program can be built. All that is often used to access remote 
computers. Where you log in to your mac being the only user, there are other 
computers that you don't need to sit behind, if you want to use them. Instead, 
you log in over a network or over the internet, and you get time cycles from a 
remote machine, allocated to your programs that you use. Not only you, but a 
lot of users can be logged in to such a remote machine, each over their own 
internet connection, each user running their own programs, simultaneous with 
the other users. Such a remote machine is called a time sharing computer. 
Correct so far?

Why is x11 installed by the lion installer, and if an application is built 
using x11, is it accessible by voiceover then? 

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plugins and audio highjack pro

2012-02-08 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi folks,
Does anyone know how or if the plugins that are with audio highjack pro 
accessible to VO?

Sent from my macbook pro

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Re: x11

2012-02-08 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, x11 apps aren't accessible with voiceover.  In order to use such it needs 
to be self-voicing which can be accomplished during the development process by 
building in NVDA and SAPI5 voices but would substantially increase the size of 
the app.

Hope this helps,

Erik Burggraaf
Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New drive 
imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-02-08, at 10:05 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Dear listers,
> What I know so far. From what I googled, x11 is software that gives you a 
> framework with display support, and also a rich set of input devices. Using 
> x11, a client program can be built. All that is often used to access remote 
> computers. Where you log in to your mac being the only user, there are other 
> computers that you don't need to sit behind, if you want to use them. 
> Instead, you log in over a network or over the internet, and you get time 
> cycles from a remote machine, allocated to your programs that you use. Not 
> only you, but a lot of users can be logged in to such a remote machine, each 
> over their own internet connection, each user running their own programs, 
> simultaneous with the other users. Such a remote machine is called a time 
> sharing computer. Correct so far?
> Why is x11 installed by the lion installer, and if an application is built 
> using x11, is it accessible by voiceover then? 
> Paul.
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Creating Ringtones for Iphone

2012-02-08 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey everyone. Has anyone been successful creating their own ringtones? I stayed 
up last night until 4 in the morning trying to accomplish this. First, I used a 
program in the Mac App Store called Free Ringtone Maker. It is kinda 
accessible, but there are a few unlabelled buttons that I'm sure when pressed, 
they do some kind of function. I also used iTunes to make a ringtone and 
followed some steps on how to do this, but still no go. It is shown on the 
phone but it says it's dimmed. So, is there a way of making a ringtone yourself 
or is there an accessible app to do this?


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Re: Creating Ringtones for Iphone

2012-02-08 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Shawn!
Ok I've made some using Itunes and they work great!
I do not know how long you've made yours but to use as either a ringtone or as 
a text alert they must be 30 seconds or less!
And if only for a ringtone they can be up to 39 seconds!
But I know from other posts about this that Amadeus has a export as ringtone 
section in it!
hth Colin

On 8 Feb 2012, at 15:41, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hey everyone. Has anyone been successful creating their own ringtones? I 
> stayed up last night until 4 in the morning trying to accomplish this. First, 
> I used a program in the Mac App Store called Free Ringtone Maker. It is kinda 
> accessible, but there are a few unlabelled buttons that I'm sure when 
> pressed, they do some kind of function. I also used iTunes to make a ringtone 
> and followed some steps on how to do this, but still no go. It is shown on 
> the phone but it says it's dimmed. So, is there a way of making a ringtone 
> yourself or is there an accessible app to do this?
> Shawn
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Re: plugins and audio highjack pro

2012-02-08 Thread Ricardo Walker
I doubt it since the effects tab is inaccessible.  At least it was the last 
time I checked.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 8, 2012, at 10:07 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Does anyone know how or if the plugins that are with audio highjack pro 
> accessible to VO?
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
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Re: can't get braillesense plus to pare with mac

2012-02-08 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi Erik,

Thats great news!  thanks for the update.

On Feb 8, 2012, at 9:42 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> Just got word from HIMS that they expect our issue to be fixed by the 
> beginning of april in the 7.0 swv.  Meanwhile they tell me we can get it 
> working USB which isn't ideal but will at least allow me to do the training 
> they're paying me for.  :)
> Have fun,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New 
> drive imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2012-02-08, at 8:32 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Yeah, I agree.  The BSP is such a nice display, I wish that they would fix 
>> it.  If you have any success, let me know.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 8, 2012, at 8:27 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Thanks Donna,
>>> This happened in the days of leopard and early snow leopard too as I 
>>> recall.  I eventually got an old company demo unit to play nice before the 
>>> company sold it and took away my toy, but dang, it's disappointing to see 
>>> they've broken it again.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New 
>>> drive imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2012-02-08, at 8:14 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
 Hi Eric,
 I went through this a couple of months ago.  I finally contacted HIMS tech 
 support.  Apparently, there is an issue with Lion seeing the BSP driver as 
 the BrailleNote driver.  So, to the best of my knowledge, it is not 
 possible to pair the BSP with a Mac at this time.  I wrote to Apple 
 accessibility about this, but never heard back from them.
 On Feb 8, 2012, at 8:04 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi all,  One of my clients has a new macbook pro OSX lion and an old 
> braillesense plus hwv1.0 swv6.1.  I tried to get these to pare so I could 
> show my client how to use the sense as a braille display and it isn't 
> playing ball.
> I've made sure bluetooth is on and msc mode is off.
> Then I turned on termonal for screen readers in utilities.
> Then I went to vo control panel, braille, displays, add bluetooth braille 
> display.
> The braillesense shows up in the table and I press enter on it.
> I gave it the pin , and it said "failed to load driver".
> There-after, it remembered the pin, so I'm assuming it got that much of 
> it right.
> I'm not sure where to go from here.  Is there something I'm missing?
> Thanks,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New 
> drive imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
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xcode subset accessibility

2012-02-08 Thread Paul Erkens
Dear listers,

Which parts of xcode are actually accessible with voiceover? Of course, most, 
if not all of the stuff for the command line is, because it is text based, but 
what about the rest? If at all you are using parts of it, can you elaborate a 
bit on them? For example, I know that the form designer is completely 
inaccessible. But what about other parts of the ide? And suplemantary tools?

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Re: terminal: what is bzw

2012-02-08 Thread Chris Blouch
You can answer some questions about commands by going to the terminal 
and using the manual pages. In this case you would do

man bz2

which gives you a bit of info followed by how to use the bz2 command. In 
the instructions they have a link to

which also gives you details. Summary is, as you expected, it's another 
file compressor although they claim much faster compression and 
uncompression speeds among other advantages. Disadvantage is that it's 
not as popular so if you send a bzip file to someone else they might not 
know what to do with it.


On 2/8/12 9:25 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

Dear listers,
Subject says it all. How is bz2 different from zip? Can you generalize it by 
saying that bz2 is simply another file compression format like rar etc? In 
which cases is bz2 generally used?

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Re: x11

2012-02-08 Thread Chris Blouch
X11 and xTerminals have been around for decades. The idea is to separate 
the GUI from the CPU. So drop down menus, window management, mouse, 
keyboard, audio and other user-facing aspects are all a separate 
framework. In the days of yore you could actually buy dumb xterms and 
have a room full of them hooked to a single CPU over ethernet. That 
said, xterm displays and such are now just software used to support 
connections to remote computers (almost always unix) with something more 
than a command line. As has been mentioned, xterm and the x11 apps that 
run on it are not accessible and, based on the vintage of the 
technology, probably will never be. There is less and less need for 
xterms with web clients, screen sharing and desktop computers 
everywhere. It did have some neat features that I could, in theory, have 
a computer anywhere on the internet and route its GUI display to my Mac 
running xterm, but how useful is that today with other screen sharing 
apps readily available? They had a whole system set up where the remote 
CPU could send a command to my xterm to pop a new window of certain size 
and location. My xterm could also send a command back saying the window 
was moved from one location to another. All very low bandwidth stuff. 
Today bandwidth is such that they just do a brute force method to take 
screen shots 10 times a second and send that whole video stream over the 
wire. Who needs delicate frameworks when you can do that, and it handles 
anything that can be thrown on the screen.

Anyway, just some history. Today you have to install the Xcode developer 
stuff to get x11 since most people don't need or care about this, and 
most developers probably wouldn't either. Just for fun I went ahead and 
did this (1.8GB download for Xcode). After installing I went to terminal 
and did a cd into the X11 directory

cd /usr/X11/bin

and then did

xcalc &

which fires up an x11 calculator. Voiceover couldn't even find the 
calcualtor window in the xterminal. Even if it did, it would probably 
just be a big giant bitmap as far as VO was concerned. With XCode 
installed you can do a

man X

to read more about xwindows.


On 2/8/12 10:05 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

Dear listers,

What I know so far. From what I googled, x11 is software that gives you a 
framework with display support, and also a rich set of input devices. Using 
x11, a client program can be built. All that is often used to access remote 
computers. Where you log in to your mac being the only user, there are other 
computers that you don't need to sit behind, if you want to use them. Instead, 
you log in over a network or over the internet, and you get time cycles from a 
remote machine, allocated to your programs that you use. Not only you, but a 
lot of users can be logged in to such a remote machine, each over their own 
internet connection, each user running their own programs, simultaneous with 
the other users. Such a remote machine is called a time sharing computer. 
Correct so far?

Why is x11 installed by the lion installer, and if an application is built 
using x11, is it accessible by voiceover then?

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Re: plugins and audio highjack pro

2012-02-08 Thread chris hallsworth

Hello all.
Sorry if this is off topic. Please can I ask, does Audio Hijack Pro have 
some resemblance to Total Recorder? In other words, can I digitally 
capture audio with this program? Again, sorry if this is off topic. Thanks!

Christopher H

On 08/02/2012 15:07, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Hi folks,
Does anyone know how or if the plugins that are with audio highjack pro
accessible to VO?

Sent from my macbook pro

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Re: new episode of getting started with garageband

2012-02-08 Thread Thuy
Hi Ricardo. That's great news. Please keep me informed as soon as you
do get a tutorial with GB on IOS? I've been dabbling with it a bit and
have a few struggles with it, especially outputting to external MIDI
devices and editing. If you have any good work arounds, please let me



On 08/12/2011, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I know its been a while but, I just put up a new garageband podcast.  I go
> more into manipulating regions and importing audio samples.  You can listen
> at
> I hope to have another episode out demoing garageband on IOS before the new
> year.  I'm not sure If I'll make this date but, I'll try.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
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Re: plugins and audio highjack pro

2012-02-08 Thread Matt Dierckens
Yes, that's what audio highjack pro does. it captures audio from anything you 
throw at it. fm radio, tape decks, skype, pulsar, safari, and other things. 
Grab a demo off their site. If you want to buy it, it's only $32. Best $32 ever 
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2012-02-08, at 11:49 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

> Hello all.
> Sorry if this is off topic. Please can I ask, does Audio Hijack Pro have some 
> resemblance to Total Recorder? In other words, can I digitally capture audio 
> with this program? Again, sorry if this is off topic. Thanks!
> Christopher H
> On 08/02/2012 15:07, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Does anyone know how or if the plugins that are with audio highjack pro
>> accessible to VO?
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
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Re: terminal: prompt

2012-02-08 Thread Chris Blouch
Rather than reproduce lore of bash terminal prompt modification, here is 
a detailed howto on the topic:


On 2/8/12 8:54 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

Dear list,

I am learning to change the terminal prompt. It now includes my machine name 
and my user name, which is what I want to get rid of. I think that the prompt 
is contained in an environment variable. I found that I can look at them by 
using env without parameters, and that works. However, prompt is not in here. 
Where do I need to look, to find the placeholders string that gives me my 


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Re: New epub Reader

2012-02-08 Thread Patricia Lockwood
If I understand this...this will NOT work on books that are in Kindle
format on my computer.  Anyone know what will

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 8:05 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> That is good news about this app. But I wonder where can one find
> unprotected epub material? It seems all the epub stuff I'm familiar with
> has drm of some sort or other.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Pat Lockwood
"You must be the change you want to see in the world."

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Re: Amadeus for Marlaina

2012-02-08 Thread Marlaina Lieberg

Thank you so very much!  I will play with this for sure.  I so appreciate your 
detailed response, and will be in touch.

Reach within you, find the beauty of you, then share your light with the world!

Marlaina Lieberg

On Feb 8, 2012, at 4:00 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:

Hi Marlaina,

I love Amadeus and use it exclusively for all my recording needs. It's not as 
professional as Pro Tools, but it works well for my needs. I basically just 
record acoustic instruments and then track vocals, harmonies etc on top. There 
are others on this list that are much more expierenced than I at using this 
wonderful program, but I will give  you the commands I use the most.
To configure Amadeus to use markers, you have to go in the preferences and 
general by pressing command comma. Then do the following  in playback behavior 
set if selection is empty play from insertion point,
If selection is not empty play selection,
The most important one is this one which is display follows playback this box 
has to be unchecked. If you don't configure Amadeus like this, you will have 
great difficulty in dropping markers. I learned this from Eric Caron's podcast 
on Blind Cool tech. Here are the commands I use most frequently.

to drop a marker is P as in Paul
to jump between next and previous markers is option right and left arrow. Right 
arrow with option for next and left with option for prevous. You can also use 
option left arrow to go to the beginning of a sound. You can also interact with 
a track by pressing VO shift down arriow and explore the settings there like 
volume, name the track and paning. To delete a marker just hit delete once you 
have reached that marker. I know there are more commands that I'm not even 
thinking of right now. Oh, to record a track command N for new sound. Then 
press command R and you will see the recording dialog. You can also paste 
things you have recorded to different tracks, there is a paste special command 
which I believe is command option V as in Victor. If you would like more 
assistance, you are more than welcome to write me offlist. I can do a custom 
podcast for you. I hope this helps get you started. Have a great day.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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Re: question about spell check

2012-02-08 Thread Adie

I just can't get the VO M to bring up the spelling suggestions any
more in Text Edit, it still works in Mail. I think I may have messed
with a setting, but I have been trying various different
configurations and it seems to make no difference.



On Feb 7, 4:09 pm, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Gigi,
> On 6 Feb 2012, at 23:35, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> > I know the command semicolon is the command to call up spell checking. What 
> > is the command to replace the misspelled word with the correct one?
> You just press VO-Shift-m to get a contextual menu and select the word you 
> want.
> Cheers,
> Anne

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Re: question about spell check

2012-02-08 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Adie,

VO-Shift-m still works for me in TextEdit. Did you remember the shift?



On 8 Feb 2012, at 18:31, Adie wrote:

> Hi
> I just can't get the VO M to bring up the spelling suggestions any
> more in Text Edit, it still works in Mail. I think I may have messed
> with a setting, but I have been trying various different
> configurations and it seems to make no difference.

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Re: Help getting started with Amadeus

2012-02-08 Thread Robert Carter

I switched from Amadeus to Sound Studio because I found Sound Studio much 
easier to use with VoiceOver. About all I do is edit podcasts. Sound Studio may 
or may not meet your needs but it is in the app store.

Robert Carter
On Feb 7, 2012, at 4:16 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> After all the good things I've read, I have downloaded the trial of the light 
> version.  I cannot locate info on keyboard commands.  Could somebody get me 
> started?  I'd like to know where I might find a list, but would like to know 
> for starters how to select sound, highlight it, drop markers, etc.  I am 
> using sound forge on my windows machine, but would dearly love to be able to 
> do more recording on the mac side of the house.
> Reach within you, find the beauty of you, then share your light with the 
> world!
> Marlaina Lieberg
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Re: Help getting started with Amadeus

2012-02-08 Thread Ray Foret Jr
For my part, I would very much like to know what you find easier about Sound 
Studio.  In short, what is better about it than amadeus Pro?  

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Feb 8, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi,
> I switched from Amadeus to Sound Studio because I found Sound Studio much 
> easier to use with VoiceOver. About all I do is edit podcasts. Sound Studio 
> may or may not meet your needs but it is in the app store.
> Robert Carter
> On Feb 7, 2012, at 4:16 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> After all the good things I've read, I have downloaded the trial of the 
>> light version.  I cannot locate info on keyboard commands.  Could somebody 
>> get me started?  I'd like to know where I might find a list, but would like 
>> to know for starters how to select sound, highlight it, drop markers, etc.  
>> I am using sound forge on my windows machine, but would dearly love to be 
>> able to do more recording on the mac side of the house.
>> Reach within you, find the beauty of you, then share your light with the 
>> world!
>> Marlaina Lieberg
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Re: plugins and audio highjack pro

2012-02-08 Thread chris hallsworth

Wow, so there is a Total Recorder equivalent for the mac! Cheers!

Christopher H

On 08/02/2012 17:00, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Yes, that's what audio highjack pro does. it captures audio from
anything you throw at it. fm radio, tape decks, skype, pulsar, safari,
and other things. Grab a demo off their site. If you want to buy it,
it's only $32. Best $32 ever spent.
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2012-02-08, at 11:49 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

Hello all.
Sorry if this is off topic. Please can I ask, does Audio Hijack Pro
have some resemblance to Total Recorder? In other words, can I
digitally capture audio with this program? Again, sorry if this is off
topic. Thanks!

Christopher H

On 08/02/2012 15:07, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Hi folks,
Does anyone know how or if the plugins that are with audio highjack pro
accessible to VO?

Sent from my macbook pro

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Re: plugins and audio highjack pro

2012-02-08 Thread Matt Dierckens
Yeah. If you want, I can do a podcast on it for you. It really is a great 

Sent from my macbook pro

On 2012-02-08, at 3:11 PM, chris hallsworth wrote:

> Wow, so there is a Total Recorder equivalent for the mac! Cheers!
> Christopher H
> On 08/02/2012 17:00, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Yes, that's what audio highjack pro does. it captures audio from
>> anything you throw at it. fm radio, tape decks, skype, pulsar, safari,
>> and other things. Grab a demo off their site. If you want to buy it,
>> it's only $32. Best $32 ever spent.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2012-02-08, at 11:49 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>>> Hello all.
>>> Sorry if this is off topic. Please can I ask, does Audio Hijack Pro
>>> have some resemblance to Total Recorder? In other words, can I
>>> digitally capture audio with this program? Again, sorry if this is off
>>> topic. Thanks!
>>> Christopher H
>>> On 08/02/2012 15:07, Matt Dierckens wrote:
 Hi folks,
 Does anyone know how or if the plugins that are with audio highjack pro
 accessible to VO?
 Sent from my macbook pro
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Re: plugins and audio highjack pro

2012-02-08 Thread chris hallsworth

Sounds good.

Christopher H

On 08/02/2012 20:13, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Yeah. If you want, I can do a podcast on it for you. It really is a
great application.

Sent from my macbook pro

On 2012-02-08, at 3:11 PM, chris hallsworth wrote:

Wow, so there is a Total Recorder equivalent for the mac! Cheers!

Christopher H

On 08/02/2012 17:00, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Yes, that's what audio highjack pro does. it captures audio from
anything you throw at it. fm radio, tape decks, skype, pulsar, safari,
and other things. Grab a demo off their site. If you want to buy it,
it's only $32. Best $32 ever spent.
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2012-02-08, at 11:49 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

Hello all.
Sorry if this is off topic. Please can I ask, does Audio Hijack Pro
have some resemblance to Total Recorder? In other words, can I
digitally capture audio with this program? Again, sorry if this is off
topic. Thanks!

Christopher H

On 08/02/2012 15:07, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Hi folks,
Does anyone know how or if the plugins that are with audio highjack pro
accessible to VO?

Sent from my macbook pro

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Re: Digest for - 14 Messages in 9 Topics

2012-02-08 Thread Chenelle Hancock

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 8, 2012, at 4:59 PM, wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
> plugins and audio highjack pro [4 Updates]
> Help getting started with Amadeus [2 Updates]
> question about spell check [2 Updates]
> Amadeus for Marlaina [1 Update]
> New epub Reader [1 Update]
> terminal: prompt [1 Update]
> new episode of getting started with garageband [1 Update]
> x11 [1 Update]
> Demonstrating the iPhone to a larger audience [1 Update]
>  plugins and audio highjack pro
> chris hallsworth  Feb 08 04:49PM  
> Hello all.
> Sorry if this is off topic. Please can I ask, does Audio Hijack Pro have 
> some resemblance to Total Recorder? In other words, can I digitally 
> capture audio with this program? Again, sorry if this is off topic. Thanks!
> Christopher H
> On 08/02/2012 15:07, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Matt Dierckens  Feb 08 12:00PM -0500  
> Yes, that's what audio highjack pro does. it captures audio from anything you 
> throw at it. fm radio, tape decks, skype, pulsar, safari, and other things. 
> Grab a demo off their site. If you want to buy it, it's only $32. Best $32 
> ever spent.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2012-02-08, at 11:49 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
> chris hallsworth  Feb 08 08:11PM  
> Wow, so there is a Total Recorder equivalent for the mac! Cheers!
> Christopher H
> On 08/02/2012 17:00, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Matt Dierckens  Feb 08 03:13PM -0500  
> Yeah. If you want, I can do a podcast on it for you. It really is a great 
> application.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2012-02-08, at 3:11 PM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>  Help getting started with Amadeus
> Robert Carter  Feb 08 12:53PM -0600  
> Hi,
> I switched from Amadeus to Sound Studio because I found Sound Studio much 
> easier to use with VoiceOver. About all I do is edit podcasts. Sound Studio 
> may or may not meet your needs but it is in the app store.
> Robert Carter
> On Feb 7, 2012, at 4:16 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> Ray Foret Jr  Feb 08 01:32PM -0600  
> For my part, I would very much like to know what you find easier about Sound 
> Studio. In short, what is better about it than amadeus Pro? 
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Feb 8, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
>  question about spell check
> Adie  Feb 08 09:31AM -0800  
> Hi
> I just can't get the VO M to bring up the spelling suggestions any
> more in Text Edit, it still works in Mail. I think I may have messed
> with a setting, but I have been trying various different
> configurations and it seems to make no difference.
> Regards
> A
> Anne Robertson  Feb 08 07:19PM +0100  
> Hello Adie,
> VO-Shift-m still works for me in TextEdit. Did you remember the shift?
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 8 Feb 2012, at 18:31, Adie wrote:
>  Amadeus for Marlaina
> Marlaina Lieberg <> Feb 08 09:29AM -0800  
> Alison,
> Thank you so very much! I will play with this for sure. I so appreciate your 
> detailed response, and will be in touch.
> Reach within you, find the beauty of you, then share your light with the 
> world!
> Marlaina Lieberg
> On Feb 8, 2012, at 4:00 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi Marlaina,
> I love Amadeus and use it exclusively for all my recording needs. It's not as 
> professional as Pro Tools, but it works well for my needs. I basically just 
> record acoustic instruments and then track vocals, harmonies etc on top. 
> There are others on this list that are much more expierenced than I at using 
> this wonderful program, but I will give you the commands I use the most.
> To configure Amadeus to use markers, you have to go in the preferences and 
> general by pressing command comma. Then do the following in playback behavior 
> set if selection is empty play from insertion point,
> If selection is not empty play selection,
> The most important one is this one which is display follows playback this box 
> has to be unchecked. If you don't configure Amadeus like this, you will have 
> great difficulty in dropping markers. I learned this from Eric Caron's 
> podcast on Blind Cool tech. Here are the commands I use most frequently.
> to drop a marker is P as in Paul
> to jump between next and previous markers is option right and left arrow. 
> Right arrow with option for next and left with option for prevous. You can 
> also use option left arrow to go to the beginning of a sound. You can also 
> interact with a track by pressing VO shift down arriow and explore the 
> settings there like volume, name the track and paning. To delete a m

Re: plugins and audio highjack pro

2012-02-08 Thread ROD SKENE
Hi Matt,
If you wanted to record from Pulsar, would you use Amadeus Pro or Audio 
Highjack Pro?
I'd love a podcast showing how to do this.  
Thanks everyone for such a great resource!

On Feb 8, 2012, at 11:00 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> Yes, that's what audio highjack pro does. it captures audio from anything you 
> throw at it. fm radio, tape decks, skype, pulsar, safari, and other things. 
> Grab a demo off their site. If you want to buy it, it's only $32. Best $32 
> ever spent.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2012-02-08, at 11:49 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> Sorry if this is off topic. Please can I ask, does Audio Hijack Pro have 
>> some resemblance to Total Recorder? In other words, can I digitally capture 
>> audio with this program? Again, sorry if this is off topic. Thanks!
>> Christopher H
>> On 08/02/2012 15:07, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Does anyone know how or if the plugins that are with audio highjack pro
>>> accessible to VO?
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
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Re: plugins and audio highjack pro

2012-02-08 Thread Matt Dierckens
I use audio highjack for pulsar.
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2012-02-08, at 7:32 PM, ROD SKENE wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> If you wanted to record from Pulsar, would you use Amadeus Pro or Audio 
> Highjack Pro?
> I'd love a podcast showing how to do this.  
> Thanks everyone for such a great resource!
> Rod 
> On Feb 8, 2012, at 11:00 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Yes, that's what audio highjack pro does. it captures audio from anything 
>> you throw at it. fm radio, tape decks, skype, pulsar, safari, and other 
>> things. Grab a demo off their site. If you want to buy it, it's only $32. 
>> Best $32 ever spent.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2012-02-08, at 11:49 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>>> Hello all.
>>> Sorry if this is off topic. Please can I ask, does Audio Hijack Pro have 
>>> some resemblance to Total Recorder? In other words, can I digitally capture 
>>> audio with this program? Again, sorry if this is off topic. Thanks!
>>> Christopher H
>>> On 08/02/2012 15:07, Matt Dierckens wrote:
 Hi folks,
 Does anyone know how or if the plugins that are with audio highjack pro
 accessible to VO?
 Sent from my macbook pro
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Fwd: Declaration addressed to Apple for Accessibility inprovement

2012-02-08 Thread Red.Falcon

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Daniela Rubio 
> Date: 8 February 2012 22:42:42 GMT
> To: Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility 
> Subject: Declaration addressed to Apple for Accessibility improvement
> Reply-To: Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility 
> Hello all:
> Here I send a link for a sign recollection addressed to Apple.
> The initiative was started by a group of spanish speaking people, but I think 
> it would be great for all, regardless of our native language.
> The page is in spanish, but is very easy to follow. The form fields are just: 
> Name, Last name, E-mail, post code or zip code and the check box where you 
> accept the regulations of the page.
> In the page we can see the letter in english and spanish, but I paste it here 
> before the link.
> Users with and without disabilities who use Apple products declare the 
> following:
> We recognise the great work done by Apple in order to include support for 
> multiple  disability profiles for their products. With this, many people can 
> access a big variety  of services and content on the same date, in the same 
> way and paying the same as people without disabilities. However, the great 
> potential of this effort made by Apple could grow more.  A major commitment 
> by the company is required to achieve full accessibility in their products 
> and services, as people with disabilities still face problems accessing them 
> freely. For all this we request:
> Apple should give more importance to the accessibility of applications from 
> the App store and the Mac app store, since there are many developers who 
> ignore or do not pay attention to the needs of people with disabilities. It 
> is very important to raise the presence   of accessible design issues and 
> tools for improving accessibility within the documentation, design guidelines 
> and development tools provided by Apple to its developers, for at this time, 
> , documentation and accessibility tools fill in   positions of minor 
> importance, and many developers are unaware of these elements.
> Apple should reward the efforts of developers who create  accessible 
> applications  by giving them  a greater visibility within the application 
> stores. for this  a new category or  distinction  for applications should be 
> created in  the Mac App store and app store,  where  applications in which  
> accessibility is assured are classified. To achieve this, besides creating 
> the distinctive character or the corresponding category in the App Store, 
> Apple should define procedures for evaluating the   applications 
> accessibility during the review process prior to the publishing of each 
> application.
> Apple should integrate accessibility within their staff. Employees at Apple 
> should have more training and awareness about accessibility and disabilities  
> , so they can more effectively help this group of users to take more 
> advantage of Apple's products and services.
> According to the fact  that Spanish is a language whose speakers number is 
> high worldwide, and more people from spanish speaking   countries acquire and 
> use Apple products, we find necessary  that the support of 
> extends into Spanish  in order  to improve  the 
> feedback  between Apple and its users, for this feedback has proved to be 
> very important for the company.
> here you have the link
> EN TWITTER: @macneticos
> EN TWITTER: @macneticos
> <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->
> To reply to this post, please address your message to 
> You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
> either the list's own dedicated web archive:
> or at the public Mail Archive:
> .
> Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:
> The Mac-Access mailing list is guaranteed malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
> worm-free!
> Please remember to update your membership options periodically by visiting 
> the list website at:

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Fwd: Declaration addressed to Apple for Accessibility inprovement

2012-02-08 Thread Red . Falcon
Hi all!
Sorry I got carried away with the spell check and mucked up the link!
So here it is as it should be


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Daniela Rubio 
> Date: 8 February 2012 22:42:42 GMT
> To: Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility 
> Subject: Declaration addressed to Apple for Accessibility improvement
> Reply-To: Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility 
> Hello all:
> Here I send a link for a sign recollection addressed to Apple.
> The initiative was started by a group of spanish speaking people, but I think 
> it would be great for all, regardless of our native language.
> The page is in spanish, but is very easy to follow. The form fields are just: 
> Name, Last name, E-mail, post code or zip code and the check box where you 
> accept the regulations of the page.
> In the page we can see the letter in english and spanish, but I paste it here 
> before the link.
> Users with and without disabilities who use Apple products declare the 
> following:
> We recognise the great work done by Apple in order to include support for 
> multiple  disability profiles for their products. With this, many people can 
> access a big variety  of services and content on the same date, in the same 
> way and paying the same as people without disabilities. However, the great 
> potential of this effort made by Apple could grow more.  A major commitment 
> by the company is required to achieve full accessibility in their products 
> and services, as people with disabilities still face problems accessing them 
> freely. For all this we request:
> Apple should give more importance to the accessibility of applications from 
> the App store and the Mac app store, since there are many developers who 
> ignore or do not pay attention to the needs of people with disabilities. It 
> is very important to raise the presence   of accessible design issues and 
> tools for improving accessibility within the documentation, design guidelines 
> and development tools provided by Apple to its developers, for at this time, 
> , documentation and accessibility tools fill in   positions of minor 
> importance, and many developers are unaware of these elements.
> Apple should reward the efforts of developers who create  accessible 
> applications  by giving them  a greater visibility within the application 
> stores. for this  a new category or  distinction  for applications should be 
> created in  the Mac App store and app store,  where  applications in which  
> accessibility is assured are classified. To achieve this, besides creating 
> the distinctive character or the corresponding category in the App Store, 
> Apple should define procedures for evaluating the   applications 
> accessibility during the review process prior to the publishing of each 
> application.
> Apple should integrate accessibility within their staff. Employees at Apple 
> should have more training and awareness about accessibility and disabilities  
> , so they can more effectively help this group of users to take more 
> advantage of Apple's products and services.
> According to the fact  that Spanish is a language whose speakers number is 
> high worldwide, and more people from spanish speaking   countries acquire and 
> use Apple products, we find necessary  that the support of 
> extends into Spanish  in order  to improve  the 
> feedback  between Apple and its users, for this feedback has proved to be 
> very important for the company.
> here you have the link
> EN TWITTER: @macneticos
> EN TWITTER: @macneticos
> <--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->
> To reply to this post, please address your message to 
> You can find an archive of all messages postedto the Mac-Access forum at 
> either the list's own dedicated web archive:
> or at the public Mail Archive:
> .
> Subscribe to the list's RSS feed from:
> The Mac-Access mailing list is guaranteed malware, spyware, Trojan, virus and 
> worm-free!
> Please remember to update your membership options periodically by visiting 
> the list website at:

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To p

sim card on iphone 3gs?

2012-02-08 Thread Hank Smith
Hello where exactly is the hole to put a paper clip, to get the sim tray 
to pop out on the 3gs?

is it buy the power switch on the top of the phone?
also would a push pin work, or does it have to be a paper clip or apple 
removal tool?


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Re: x11

2012-02-08 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
X11 is a windowing framework that MIT did extensive development for in the 
1990's  It is client server based, and is almost always associated with UNIX 
systems.  All windowing systems I have heard of for the LINUX operating system 
are X11 based.

One "neat  thing about X11 is that there are several "WIndow Managers" out 
there GNOME, FVWM, VWM, Motif.   Each of these have different buttons for 
minimizing and zooming windows and exactly how it is determined which window 
takes input from the keyboard.  So, X11 is good if you are working with 
graphical programs from a Linux or Solaris system, or have ported LInux 
software to your macintosh.  I don't believe that Voice Over interacts with X11 
at all, but since there are API's that  say put text x in Window y, and Linux 
now has ORCA or some other screen readers it is quite possible I am mistaken.  
I have not accessed an X11 application from my Macintosh in 5 years.

Best wishes,


Jonathan C. Cohn

On Feb 8, 2012, at 10:05 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Dear listers,
> What I know so far. From what I googled, x11 is software that gives you a 
> framework with display support, and also a rich set of input devices. Using 
> x11, a client program can be built. All that is often used to access remote 
> computers. Where you log in to your mac being the only user, there are other 
> computers that you don't need to sit behind, if you want to use them. 
> Instead, you log in over a network or over the internet, and you get time 
> cycles from a remote machine, allocated to your programs that you use. Not 
> only you, but a lot of users can be logged in to such a remote machine, each 
> over their own internet connection, each user running their own programs, 
> simultaneous with the other users. Such a remote machine is called a time 
> sharing computer. Correct so far?
> Why is x11 installed by the lion installer, and if an application is built 
> using x11, is it accessible by voiceover then? 
> Paul.
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Re: terminal: prompt

2012-02-08 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
The prompt string  is defined in the variable PS1 for the bourne shell.  I 
believe that bash  (bourne again shell ) also uses this variable.  Note: you 
only need to set it, no need to export it to the environment.  

First check to verify the shell you are running 

then run a man page on the shell (if you want to get fancy , then code like the 
below should bring up the man page in preview...

man -t bash | open -a preview -f 

But then again, google can find man pages, and there is actually a option in 
Google settings to indicate that you want a UNIX man page when you enter  "man 
XXX" in the google search bar.

Best wishes,

Jonathan C. Cohn

On Feb 8, 2012, at 8:54 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Dear list,
> I am learning to change the terminal prompt. It now includes my machine name 
> and my user name, which is what I want to get rid of. I think that the prompt 
> is contained in an environment variable. I found that I can look at them by 
> using env without parameters, and that works. However, prompt is not in here. 
> Where do I need to look, to find the placeholders string that gives me my 
> prompt?
> Paul.
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google voice iphone apps?

2012-02-08 Thread Hank Smith
hello any one recommend any good google voice apps that work with iphone 
am wanting a app that would also allow me to change alot of the google 
voice settings as well.


personal email:
Amateur radio call sign:
check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
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Re: sim card on iphone 3gs?

2012-02-08 Thread Doug Lawlor
The sim card hole is next to the head phone jack  a push pin will work if you 
get it positioned just right. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 2012-02-09, at 2:04 AM, Hank Smith  wrote:

> Hello where exactly is the hole to put a paper clip, to get the sim tray to 
> pop out on the 3gs?
> is it buy the power switch on the top of the phone?
> also would a push pin work, or does it have to be a paper clip or apple 
> removal tool?
> Hank
> -- 
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