Re: Show all Bookmarks shows me the table of folders but not the bookmarks within the folders

2011-11-25 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Another small problem. When I go to the bookmarks bar and go to the
bookmarks table, choosing the bookmark doesn't allow me to load that
page. I don't know why.  I can edit my bookmarks but I can't seem to
go to a website using the bookmarks from the table.

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Re: some MacBook Air questions

2011-11-25 Thread sandi sørensen
hi, as a whole i will say that given size and all it is pretty
responsive. I have used Airs since they came out, why?
Im a thin girl so it was the only option for me, have not tried too
use a vitural machine on it though, but since it have a Flash drive i
am 90% sure that should not give you any problems though.
The only irritating thing i have found, but i am sure that is tied too
the operating system is that sometimes if you are scrolling fast in a
rtf file textedig becomes unresponsive, there is a nice little hack
for that.
Make a plane txt file and just dump what you wanna read in to that. If
you have more questions don't hold back but write.
Never ask to ask, just ask.


On 11/24/11, Matthew Campbell  wrote:
> Hi all.
> I've got a few questions for those of you who are using the 2011 MacBook
> air.
> 1. How's the speed? Is VO responsive? Do applications run quickly?
> 2. How well do virtual machines run on it?
> I'd like to purchase a MacBook air with the core I7 upgrade but am wondering
> how the MacBook air as a whole is performing for those of you who have one.
> Thanks to all who can answer my questions.
> Matthew Campbell.
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Re: Show all Bookmarks shows me the table of folders but not the bookmarks within the folders

2011-11-25 Thread Scott Howell

Have you tried interacting with the bookmark and do a VO-shift-m to bring up 
the context menu? There you can choose open.

On Nov 25, 2011, at 4:09 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> Another small problem. When I go to the bookmarks bar and go to the
> bookmarks table, choosing the bookmark doesn't allow me to load that
> page. I don't know why.  I can edit my bookmarks but I can't seem to
> go to a website using the bookmarks from the table.
> -- 
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Re: Mac feel natural

2011-11-25 Thread Scott Howell
I concur Recardo and I also would like some examples as well. I have been using 
the Mac since 2005 and I have never felt as though keyboard commands are an 

On Nov 24, 2011, at 10:10 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I completely disagree that Mac OSX keystrokes feel like add ons or after 
> thoughts in comparison to Windows.  I would appreciate if you can give some 
> examples of this.   
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Nov 24, 2011, at 7:19 PM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> Hi Missy
>> I think one the reasons your not getting that comfortable with the word 
>> processing options on the Mac is that they actually aren't that great 
>> compared to MS Word. This goes beyond just that we are use to using Word. 
>> Keystrokes on the Mac seem to be much more of an add on or after thought 
>> then they are in windows. I don't mean this just from the perspective of a 
>> blind user, but in general without any reference to screen readers.
>> I don't want to sound like I am bashing the Mac, I actually really like 
>> using it.  I just want to be realistic about the limitations as well. 
>> Especially given that potential new users watch this list in the same way 
>> that I did before buying my MBA. 
>> Garth 
>> On 24/11/2011, at 11:50 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>>> I agree. I'm very comfortable with basic finder commands in particular; 
>>> have caught myself trying to use them on the PC
>>> recently. Even the mail commands are fairly intuitive once you memorize 
>>> them, which usually isn't a problem for me. I just
>>> can't get genuinely comfortable with any of the word processing options for 
>>> the mac, and there are a lot of instances where
>>> things just seem more complicated than they have to be: for example, I 
>>> don't always know when interracting is mandatory, and
>>> I've heard some instructions on this list that just seem way too complex 
>>> considering the task trying to be accomplished. I
>>> wish I could think of an example, but I do remember 1 thing I read recently 
>>> where there were 4-5 steps, including
>>> interracting several times, and I just thought to myself that whatever the 
>>> task was isn't nearly so complicated to do under
>>> windows. Still, I am to the point where I try to boot up the mac at least a 
>>> few times a week, but unless I can find a better
>>> word processor, some audio games and/or a mud client that actually works, I 
>>> don't ever see myself abandoning the PC.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Garth Humphreys
>>> Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 8:41 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Mac feel natural
>>> Hi
>>> I would agree with the general sentiment that you need to just use your mac 
>>> for a while. I have only had my Mac for a couple
>>> of months but I have used it everyday.
>>> I feel relatively comfortable on the Mac. I wouldn't agree that you need to 
>>> stop using Windows completely. I have been using
>>> Windows XP at work everyday as well and also I've been using Windows 7 and 
>>> Vista at home as well.
>>> I think the important thing is to use the Mac regularly. It is just 
>>> practice and to a degree muscle memory. There are
>>> obviously lots of factors but one major component of feeling comfortable is 
>>> simply knowing what keystroke to press without
>>> having to think about it. The simple fact is that the required keystroke to 
>>> achieve something on a Mac is likely to be more
>>> complicated then it would be on a Windows machine. I don't mean that it is 
>>> necessarily less intuitive I just mean that it is
>>> likely to involve more keys and so maybe harder to remember.
>>> When it comes time for me to send this message for example I won't have to 
>>> think through what the key stroke is. I have used
>>> the mac mail app enough that it is second nature to hit Cmd+Shift+D.
>>> In short, like others have said practise. If you have to put your Windows 
>>> machine out of reach for while to force yourself
>>> then sure, why not.
>>> For me personally the thing I have loved most about using my mac is the 
>>> physical hardware it's self. The MBA is truly a
>>> lovely machine. I like using Lion and VO but for somethings it is just no 
>>> replacement for an up-to-date windows machine. Word
>>> with JAWS or even NVDA is far better then Pages and VO in my opinion. And I 
>>> would be really happy if I never had to hear busy
>>> busy   busy   busy again.
>>> NVDA is becoming or should I say has become a first class screen reader and 
>>> it is free.
>>> I do love my Mac but Windows is also an excellent OS.
>>> Garth
>>> ,
>>> On 24/11/2011, at 7:50 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
 I have been using th

Re: Mac feel natural

2011-11-25 Thread Pete Nalda
Okay I don't want to add to the debate however I'm just curious how many 
keyboard commands are there on a mac compare to windows?

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'Day, Mates)
Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
Twitter @lpnalda

Scott Howell  wrote:

I concur Recardo and I also would like some examples as well. I have been using 
the Mac since 2005 and I have never felt as though keyboard commands are an 

On Nov 24, 2011, at 10:10 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I completely disagree that Mac OSX keystrokes feel like add ons or after 
> thoughts in comparison to Windows. I would appreciate if you can give some 
> examples of this. 
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Nov 24, 2011, at 7:19 PM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> Hi Missy
>> I think one the reasons your not getting that comfortable with the word 
>> processing options on the Mac is that they actually aren't that great 
>> compared to MS Word. This goes beyond just that we are use to using Word. 
>> Keystrokes on the Mac seem to be much more of an add on or after thought 
>> then they are in windows. I don't mean this just from the perspective of a 
>> blind user, but in general without any reference to screen readers.
>> I don't want to sound like I am bashing the Mac, I actually really like 
>> using it. I just want to be realistic about the limitations as well. 
>> Especially given that potential new users watch this list in the same way 
>> that I did before buying my MBA. 
>> Garth 
>> On 24/11/2011, at 11:50 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>>> I agree. I'm very comfortable with basic finder commands in particular; 
>>> have caught myself trying to use them on the PC
>>> recently. Even the mail commands are fairly intuitive once you memorize 
>>> them, which usually isn't a problem for me. I just
>>> can't get genuinely comfortable with any of the word processing options for 
>>> the mac, and there are a lot of instances where
>>> things just seem more complicated than they have to be: for example, I 
>>> don't always know when interracting is mandatory, and
>>> I've heard some instructions on this list that just seem way too complex 
>>> considering the task trying to be accomplished. I
>>> wish I could think of an example, but I do remember 1 thing I read recently 
>>> where there were 4-5 steps, including
>>> interracting several times, and I just thought to myself that whatever the 
>>> task was isn't nearly so complicated to do under
>>> windows. Still, I am to the point where I try to boot up the mac at least a 
>>> few times a week, but unless I can find a better
>>> word processor, some audio games and/or a mud client that actually works, I 
>>> don't ever see myself abandoning the PC.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Garth Humphreys
>>> Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 8:41 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Mac feel natural
>>> Hi
>>> I would agree with the general sentiment that you need to just use your mac 
>>> for a while. I have only had my Mac for a couple
>>> of months but I have used it everyday.
>>> I feel relatively comfortable on the Mac. I wouldn't agree that you need to 
>>> stop using Windows completely. I have been using
>>> Windows XP at work everyday as well and also I've been using Windows 7 and 
>>> Vista at home as well.
>>> I think the important thing is to use the Mac regularly. It is just 
>>> practice and to a degree muscle memory. There are
>>> obviously lots of factors but one major component of feeling comfortable is 
>>> simply knowing what keystroke to press without
>>> having to think about it. The simple fact is that the required keystroke to 
>>> achieve something on a Mac is likely to be more
>>> complicated then it would be on a Windows machine. I don't mean that it is 
>>> necessarily less intuitive I just mean that it is
>>> likely to involve more keys and so maybe harder to remember.
>>> When it comes time for me to send this message for example I won't have to 
>>> think through what the key stroke is. I have used
>>> the mac mail app enough that it is second nature to hit Cmd+Shift+D.
>>> In short, like others have said practise. If you have to put your Windows 
>>> machine out of reach for while to force yourself
>>> then sure, why not.
>>> For me personally the thing I have loved most about using my mac is the 
>>> physical hardware it's self. The MBA is truly a
>>> lovely machine. I like using Lion and VO but for somethings it is just no 
>>> replacement for an up-to-date windows machine. Word
>>> with JAWS or even NVDA is far better then Pages and VO in my opinion. And I 
>>> would be really happy if I never had to hear busy
>>> busy bus

Re: Show all Bookmarks shows me the table of folders but not the bookmarks within the folders

2011-11-25 Thread Pete Nalda
I don't wanna sound dumb but I have a dumb question. What is the voice over 
equivalent of pressing the space bar? Because enter edits the name of the 

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'Day, Mates)
Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
Twitter @lpnalda

Scott Howell  wrote:


Have you tried interacting with the bookmark and do a VO-shift-m to bring up 
the context menu? There you can choose open.

On Nov 25, 2011, at 4:09 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> Another small problem. When I go to the bookmarks bar and go to the
> bookmarks table, choosing the bookmark doesn't allow me to load that
> page. I don't know why. I can edit my bookmarks but I can't seem to
> go to a website using the bookmarks from the table.
> -- 
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Re: Attaching a file in apple Mail seems ridiculous

2011-11-25 Thread Thomas McMahan
Cnage view to collom is the fast way, then you should just be able to move to 
the right of downloads folder and scroll down to the specific file then back 
out of interaction and then proceed on.   That is the advantage of collom view, 
however, in some situations it will do the "busy" thing too.   
On Nov 13, 2011, at 6:18 AM, David Eagle wrote:

> Here we go again. Just as me and the Mac start to get along, the Mac goes and 
> does something completely ridiculous. This time I'm trying to send a file 
> attachment in Apple Mail. I'min list view. I like list view and use it all 
> the time for various rings but it seems as if Apple Mail doesn't like list 
> view at all. I select the downloads folder. Normaly you press Command O to 
> open that folder and you're then presented with the files in that folder. So 
> I press command O on my downloads folder and the stupid thing announces that 
> Mail is busy and then after some time proceeds to attach the whole 5 gig 
> folder. This is completely different behaviour to how list view works in any 
> other setting. 
> What can I do? 
> -- 
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Re: iTunes 10.5 And Mudding On the Mac

2011-11-25 Thread Thomas McMahan
Multi User Dungeon games. Mud.  Text based games so multi pal rooms, places, 
and even worlds depending on the game and of course multi player.  That's 
muding as I know it.

Now if anybody knows a good client that will work in Lion feel free to let me 
know.  Mud walker apparently won't work because it was written originally as a 
power pc, or my new machine sees something pertaining to power pc and so it 
doesn't want to work for me  Suppose could just go into my games though and 
link throughout the telnet and see how terminal works it worked before when I 
was using my power pc.  So perhaps all isn't lost *lol*.  
On Nov 19, 2011, at 2:27 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Have any of you been using the latest version of iTunes? Is it worth updating?
> What exactly is "mudding"? I really have no idea.  LOL.
> Any feedback is appreciated.
> Ezzie Ez Bueno
> Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
> Skype: sillyez
> Facebook:
> Google Talk:
> Google Plus:
> Twitter:
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Re: Disabling reopening last visited file on app specific basis in Lion?

2011-11-25 Thread Tim Kilburn

Sorry, I have misinformed you as the Safari option I was thinking of doesn't 
appear to work as it should.  You could, though, use the Terminal script that 
was mentioned in an earlier post:

defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false

...but, instead of the boolean value set to False,, you should set it to True.  

defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool true

I have tested this and it does appear to work as it should.  I also suspect 
that you could use this same command to set specific apps such as Pages by 
simply changing the as in:

defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false

I have not tested this but it seems logical.  You may need to look in the 
Preferences folder of your Home Library folder to learn the specific or file to reference in the terminal command.



On 2011-11-23, at 11:31 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> Well, I appear to be half cool.  I was able to kill the open last page
> in apps in the general pane of system Preferences.  but I wasn't able
> to find the open to last page in Safari specifically.  where would
> that have been?
> thanks,
> K.
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Mac feel natural

2011-11-25 Thread Ricardo Walker

If one is comparing VO commands to those of screen readers on windows, I might 
be able to see the other side of the equation.  But, I think the Mac OSX 
commands are well thought out, and are very versatile.  Hey, they are even 
customizable to a extent via keyboard shortcuts.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Nov 25, 2011, at 6:00 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> I concur Recardo and I also would like some examples as well. I have been 
> using the Mac since 2005 and I have never felt as though keyboard commands 
> are an afterthought.
> On Nov 24, 2011, at 10:10 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I completely disagree that Mac OSX keystrokes feel like add ons or after 
>> thoughts in comparison to Windows.  I would appreciate if you can give some 
>> examples of this.   
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Nov 24, 2011, at 7:19 PM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>> Hi Missy
>>> I think one the reasons your not getting that comfortable with the word 
>>> processing options on the Mac is that they actually aren't that great 
>>> compared to MS Word. This goes beyond just that we are use to using Word. 
>>> Keystrokes on the Mac seem to be much more of an add on or after thought 
>>> then they are in windows. I don't mean this just from the perspective of a 
>>> blind user, but in general without any reference to screen readers.
>>> I don't want to sound like I am bashing the Mac, I actually really like 
>>> using it.  I just want to be realistic about the limitations as well. 
>>> Especially given that potential new users watch this list in the same way 
>>> that I did before buying my MBA. 
>>> Garth 
>>> On 24/11/2011, at 11:50 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
 I agree. I'm very comfortable with basic finder commands in particular; 
 have caught myself trying to use them on the PC
 recently. Even the mail commands are fairly intuitive once you memorize 
 them, which usually isn't a problem for me. I just
 can't get genuinely comfortable with any of the word processing options 
 for the mac, and there are a lot of instances where
 things just seem more complicated than they have to be: for example, I 
 don't always know when interracting is mandatory, and
 I've heard some instructions on this list that just seem way too complex 
 considering the task trying to be accomplished. I
 wish I could think of an example, but I do remember 1 thing I read 
 recently where there were 4-5 steps, including
 interracting several times, and I just thought to myself that whatever the 
 task was isn't nearly so complicated to do under
 windows. Still, I am to the point where I try to boot up the mac at least 
 a few times a week, but unless I can find a better
 word processor, some audio games and/or a mud client that actually works, 
 I don't ever see myself abandoning the PC.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Garth Humphreys
 Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 8:41 AM
 Subject: Re: Mac feel natural
 I would agree with the general sentiment that you need to just use your 
 mac for a while. I have only had my Mac for a couple
 of months but I have used it everyday.
 I feel relatively comfortable on the Mac. I wouldn't agree that you need 
 to stop using Windows completely. I have been using
 Windows XP at work everyday as well and also I've been using Windows 7 and 
 Vista at home as well.
 I think the important thing is to use the Mac regularly. It is just 
 practice and to a degree muscle memory. There are
 obviously lots of factors but one major component of feeling comfortable 
 is simply knowing what keystroke to press without
 having to think about it. The simple fact is that the required keystroke 
 to achieve something on a Mac is likely to be more
 complicated then it would be on a Windows machine. I don't mean that it is 
 necessarily less intuitive I just mean that it is
 likely to involve more keys and so maybe harder to remember.
 When it comes time for me to send this message for example I won't have to 
 think through what the key stroke is. I have used
 the mac mail app enough that it is second nature to hit Cmd+Shift+D.
 In short, like others have said practise. If you have to put your Windows 
 machine out of reach for while to force yourself
 then sure, why not.
 For me personally the thing I have loved most about using my mac is the 
 physical hardware it's self. The MBA is truly a
 lovely machine. I like using Lion and VO but for somethings it is just no 

Re: Mac feel natural

2011-11-25 Thread Tim Kilburn

I would also have to disagree with the comments made with respect to keyboard 
commands being an after thought.  In fact, many of the keyboard commands that 
Windows uses are more or less the same as the MacOS.


Cut, Copy, Paste, Print, Open Save as well as commonly used style commands such 
as Bold, Italic and Underline all use the same keyboard letter.  On Windows you 
simply use the control key whereas in the MacOS, you use the cmd key.  There 
are numerous other commands that are so very close to each other that it is 
quite easy to move back and forth.  I admit that there are many commands  that 
are totally different and these, for the most part, are simply accomplished 
differently, not necessarily more or less difficultly.


On Windows, press Alt to quickly get to the menubar, in the MacOS, VO users can 
press VO-m or anybody, including VO users, can simply press control-f2.  There 
are tons of keyboard alternatives on the Mac but I'd venture to say that most 
people don't know or realize that they exist.

The concept of Interacting With items can in some cases slow down one 
process/activity but in most cases, speeds up navigation.  The reason that one 
must Interact with something also means that one can quickly navigate past that 
entire group quickly without Interacting, if they do not wish to deal with the 
detail of its contents.

The GUI for the MacOS was out about 10 years prior to the release of Windows 95 
and I'd guess that MS based much of it's interface on the same concepts that 
Apple had already implemented.  Since then, improvements have been made on both 
platforms and I'd also guess that some improvements on  each, were built on 
concepts the other had already implemented.

I'm certainly not an expert on Windows, as 99.5% of my computer use is on the 
Mac.  The only things I use a PC for now is accessing the Active Directory on 
our Windows Server at work.

I see it more as a different way of doing things, and being that us humans are 
creatures of habit, what we believe as more logical or intuitive, sometimes is 
primarily due to the way our brains have been trained  Parents often find the 
new way that their kids do Math and such as totally confusing but their kids 
find our ways confusing.  Parts of the world, like the UK, find it much more 
logical to drive on the right side of the car and on the left side of the road, 
very illogical and problematic to people in North America and other countries 
that do otherwise.

I've belaboured this enough, so I'll stop.

Have a great day.  For my neighbours to the south, don't spend too much money 
on Black Friday deals.


On 2011-11-25, at 8:00 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Right,
> If one is comparing VO commands to those of screen readers on windows, I 
> might be able to see the other side of the equation.  But, I think the Mac 
> OSX commands are well thought out, and are very versatile.  Hey, they are 
> even customizable to a extent via keyboard shortcuts.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Nov 25, 2011, at 6:00 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I concur Recardo and I also would like some examples as well. I have been 
>> using the Mac since 2005 and I have never felt as though keyboard commands 
>> are an afterthought.
>> On Nov 24, 2011, at 10:10 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I completely disagree that Mac OSX keystrokes feel like add ons or after 
>>> thoughts in comparison to Windows.  I would appreciate if you can give some 
>>> examples of this.   
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> On Nov 24, 2011, at 7:19 PM, Garth Humphreys wrote:
 Hi Missy
 I think one the reasons your not getting that comfortable with the word 
 processing options on the Mac is that they actually aren't that great 
 compared to MS Word. This goes beyond just that we are use to using Word. 
 Keystrokes on the Mac seem to be much more of an add on or after thought 
 then they are in windows. I don't mean this just from the perspective of a 
 blind user, but in general without any reference to screen readers.
 I don't want to sound like I am bashing the Mac, I actually really like 
 using it.  I just want to be realistic about the limitations as well. 
 Especially given that potential new users watch this list in the same way 
 that I did before buying my MBA. 
 On 24/11/2011, at 11:50 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
> I agree. I'm very comfortable with basic finder commands in particular; 
> have caught myself trying to use them on the PC
> recently. Even the mail commands are fairly intuitive once you memorize 
> them, which usually isn't a problem for me. I just
> can't get genuinely comfortable with any of the word processing options 
> for the mac, 

Re: Help! Lost iTunes Match

2011-11-25 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I only have 1 iTunes account with 1 Apple ID. It's like the iTunes store won't 
accept my password.
On Nov 24, 2011, at 11:26 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> i don't know if this is the same thing.  I think I have two iTunes
> accounts, each with its own ID.  I have some items which were
> purchased with one account and one with another.  the interesting
> thing is that I tried to use account 2  as my iTunes match account but
> couldn't get the PW to work on my mac.  so, i used the ID for account
> 1.  Unfortunately, iTunes match on my iPhone expects account 2.  I've
> transferred 3,000 plus tunes to the cloud using account 1 It's
> possible that if I buy a song on my Mac with account 1, it may
> transfer without a physical sync to my iPhone.  However, if I buy a
> tune from the iTunes store using account 2, it probably won't transfer
> to my Mac without a physical sync.  I really don't want to pay for
> iTunes match twice.  I guess I'll call Apple Care tomorrow.  but if
> anyone knows how I might fix this, I'd appreciate an answer.
> thanks,
> K.
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Youtube videos and selecting text from safary

2011-11-25 Thread Francisco Salvador Crespo

Today i have two questions:
First, i can't watch youtube videos, approximately a week ago. I've flash 
player installed, what can i do?
Second, i'd like know how to select and copy text from a website on Safary?

Best regards,


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Black Friday Mac App Store Sales

2011-11-25 Thread Esther
Hi All,

I'm forwarding excerpts from a post I made to the mac-access list about Mac App 
Store sales. Apologies to those of you seeing this content again.  Also, you 
can refer to Scott's earlier post to the Macvisionaries list about Soulver for 
more details about that app.

In connection with Black Friday, the first day after U.S. Thanksgiving, when 
there are sales to start off the Christmas shopping season, a number of 
interesting sales have shown up in the Mac App Store for applications or 
subjects that have been recently discussed.  Some of these will be for today 
only, some for the Friday and Saturday, and some will extend through Monday.

Here are a few of the items I've noted:
• ABBYY Fine Reader Express $49.99 (50% off regular price, this weekend only)
• Bento 4 $33.99 (price just dropped from $49.99, no comments about this sale 
price or how long it will last at the App Store or at the main Bento web page, 
where the price is still listed as $49.99)
• YummySoup! $4.99 (75% off regular price of $19.99 Thanksgiving through Cyber 

All three of the above applications (ABBYY Fine Reader Express for OCR with 
scanners, Bento for database, and YummySoup! for recipes) have been previously 
discussed on the mac-access list.  All of these products have 15-day free trial 
downloads at their main web sites (through the link on the Mac App Store page 
for each product).  (I'll give a direct link for the ABBYY Fine Reader Express 
trial download, since navigating the main web page is confusing, and while 
there is a link that eventually gets you to the Mac product buried in the page 
under a name like "Try Try", the link to "Trial Downloads" takes you to trial 
downloads for their Windows products). The ABBYY Fine Reader Express trial 
download can be found at:

Other applications at the Mac App Store that have been mentioned as accessible, 
but that I've not used, include:
• Checkbook $6.99 (normally $14.99, on sale this Friday only)
• Checkbook Pro $11.99 (normally $24.99, on sale this Friday only)
Another Splasm Software product that I have used is flagged with the same "over 
50% off for Black Friday only" label, but as far as I can tell, the price has 
only dropped by a dollar:
• Audiobook Builder $4.99 (normally $5.99)
• Soulver $11.99 (normally $24.99, on sale for Thanksgiving and Black Friday)
Scott Howell posted elsewhere about Soulver, which is an app for doing 
calculations that gives you a combination of functions somewhere between 
calculator, spread sheet, and text editor.  I'll excerpt a bit from the recent 
MacLife article, since that site puts in annoying ad pop-ups if you just open a 
link to the page:
"Soulver Calculator Review posted 11/21/2011"

Hey! You got your text editor in my spreadsheet!
Wouldn’t it be nice if the calculations you scribbled on scrap paper were 
interactive, or if spreadsheets were easy enough to use at the drop of a hat? 
Soulver is a calculator that aims to combine these tools into something that’s 
both easy to use and powerful enough to crunch data in useful ways. Soulver 
lets you enter problems from simple arithmetic to trigonometry in natural 
language—using words as well as numbers and symbols—and combine the answers in 
flexible “math-processor” documents.

Typing “15.3% of $29.95” will get you an answer, for example, but Soulver isn’t 
quite magic, or even Siri. You have to use the vocabulary it expects, which is 
usually varied enough to get the job done, but it still requires a trip to the 
built-in cheat sheet every now and then. Nevertheless, its text-friendly design 
is great for adding notes and context to your numbers, and it’s even better for 
unit and currency conversions. Soulver even recognizes stock ticker symbols, so 
you can quickly figure out how much your 50 shares of AAPL are worth in yen 
(lucky you).

Soulver offers more power than just a cool input gimmick, however. You can 
easily define custom variables and save them for use in multiple files. Answers 
are summed automatically, and you can view their average, variance, or standard 
deviation with a click. You can even save answers as keys to use throughout a 
document, so when the original answer changes, problems containing its key 
update instantly. When you’ve finished working, Soulver exports to multiple 
file types, including PDF and HTML, with various styling options.

The bottom line. While pricey as a simple replacement

Re: spotify and the Mac

2011-11-25 Thread Hank Smith
Hello it is simi accessibile on a windows device am unsure on ios and on 
am surprised one can not make it vo friendly with the new graphic button 
labeling system in lion though.

On 11/24/2011 12:16 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

My brother was telling me about a program called spotify. It is used to listen 
to music of all types. Instead of buying music, you just search for an artist 
and you can listen from your computer as much as you like. I downloaded the 
application for the Mac but it doesn't seem to be accessible. Does anyone know 
if it is accessible on windows and or on an IOS device?


personal email:
Amateur radio call sign:
check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
also you can find my youtube channel at:

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Re: Attaching a file in apple Mail seems ridiculous

2011-11-25 Thread Jürgen Fleger

to atache a file just copy it in the finder to the clipboard, switch to your 
e-mail window and press CMD + v in the mailbody. Here you are. Much easier then 
in Windows.

All the best
Am 25.11.2011 um 14:15 schrieb Thomas McMahan:

> Cnage view to collom is the fast way, then you should just be able to move to 
> the right of downloads folder and scroll down to the specific file then back 
> out of interaction and then proceed on.   That is the advantage of collom 
> view, however, in some situations it will do the "busy" thing too.   
> On Nov 13, 2011, at 6:18 AM, David Eagle wrote:
>> Here we go again. Just as me and the Mac start to get along, the Mac goes 
>> and does something completely ridiculous. This time I'm trying to send a 
>> file attachment in Apple Mail. I'min list view. I like list view and use it 
>> all the time for various rings but it seems as if Apple Mail doesn't like 
>> list view at all. I select the downloads folder. Normaly you press Command O 
>> to open that folder and you're then presented with the files in that folder. 
>> So I press command O on my downloads folder and the stupid thing announces 
>> that Mail is busy and then after some time proceeds to attach the whole 5 
>> gig folder. This is completely different behaviour to how list view works in 
>> any other setting. 
>> What can I do? 
>> -- 
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slowing down a track in itunes

2011-11-25 Thread Chris Westbrook
I have a track that I have burned into my iTunes library, and I want to slow it 
down sometimes so I can learn it.  I see there are options out there, but are 
any of them accessible?  Thanks for any help.

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Re: Attaching a file in apple Mail seems ridiculous

2011-11-25 Thread Tim Kilburn

copy and Paste is the easiest but if you prefer using List view, simply press 
VO-back slash to open the Downloads folder then navigate to the item you wish 
to attach then press return.  What Mail is allowing you to do here in your 
original post is to actually attach folders which is quite useful and was not 
supported in the past.


On 2011-11-25, at 2:03 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> Hi,
> to atache a file just copy it in the finder to the clipboard, switch to your 
> e-mail window and press CMD + v in the mailbody. Here you are. Much easier 
> then in Windows.
> All the best
> Jürgen
> Am 25.11.2011 um 14:15 schrieb Thomas McMahan:
>> Cnage view to collom is the fast way, then you should just be able to move 
>> to the right of downloads folder and scroll down to the specific file then 
>> back out of interaction and then proceed on.   That is the advantage of 
>> collom view, however, in some situations it will do the "busy" thing too.   
>> On Nov 13, 2011, at 6:18 AM, David Eagle wrote:
>>> Here we go again. Just as me and the Mac start to get along, the Mac goes 
>>> and does something completely ridiculous. This time I'm trying to send a 
>>> file attachment in Apple Mail. I'min list view. I like list view and use it 
>>> all the time for various rings but it seems as if Apple Mail doesn't like 
>>> list view at all. I select the downloads folder. Normaly you press Command 
>>> O to open that folder and you're then presented with the files in that 
>>> folder. So I press command O on my downloads folder and the stupid thing 
>>> announces that Mail is busy and then after some time proceeds to attach the 
>>> whole 5 gig folder. This is completely different behaviour to how list view 
>>> works in any other setting. 
>>> What can I do? 
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: gmail and trash

2011-11-25 Thread Tim Kilburn

You may wish to go under the Preferences in Mail, in the Accounts pane, select 
the appropriate account then over to the Mailbox Behaviours tab.  Tell Mail to 
not to move your messages to the Trash and yes to store them on the Server.  
See if that does any good for you.


On 2011-11-24, at 11:37 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm using iMap.
> On Nov 23, 2011, at 10:14 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Are you using Pop or iMap?
>> Later...
>> On 2011-11-23, at 10:17 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> Still no luck. All my trash is downloading.
>>> On Nov 22, 2011, at 9:42 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
 In your GMail settings, the ones on the Mail portion of the GMail site, 
 you should be able to set your GMail trash to delete automatically after 
 30 days.  In fact, I thought that was the default.  Alternatively, there 
 are some support documents where Google mentions that, at least when using 
 iMap, to set your Apple Mail so that it leaves Trash messages on the 
 Server.  I believe that the reason for this is that there is sometimes a 
 conflict between the Apple Mail removing trash task and the GMail 
 archiving process.  I've had mixed results with either setting but that 
 could be part of your issues.  In either case, I suggest you go to your 
 GMail site and check out the Settings area.
 On 2011-11-22, at 7:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi guys:
> Okay, Gmail keeps downloading my trash in the trash folder. I want it 
> gone!! I cannot delete it off the server b/c there isn't a delete all. 
> I'm talking about over 15000 messages. Help!
> -- 
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 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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weird photo issue with iPad2

2011-11-25 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi guys:
It appears I do not have a photo app like I do on my iPhone 4, so I cannot view 
my albums, or my photo streams. I can view the picts I took from with in the 
camera app, but not my camera roll, or photo Stream. Photo Stream is enabled on 
iPhoto, Mac, and iPhone, as well as iPad2. It works on other devices. Any 

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something I've noticed with regard to the nuance voices

2011-11-25 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey Mike, getting back on topic with the Nuance voices, yes, I did notice this 
as well with Voiceover. But when I ran either the RS Games or Chromevox, 
everything was normal. That's weird.


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Re: gmail and trash

2011-11-25 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I went to do this, and discovered my setting were already set to these settings.
On Nov 25, 2011, at 3:11 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> You may wish to go under the Preferences in Mail, in the Accounts pane, 
> select the appropriate account then over to the Mailbox Behaviours tab.  Tell 
> Mail to not to move your messages to the Trash and yes to store them on the 
> Server.  See if that does any good for you.
> Later...
> On 2011-11-24, at 11:37 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I'm using iMap.
>> On Nov 23, 2011, at 10:14 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Are you using Pop or iMap?
>>> Later...
>>> On 2011-11-23, at 10:17 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 Still no luck. All my trash is downloading.
 On Nov 22, 2011, at 9:42 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> In your GMail settings, the ones on the Mail portion of the GMail site, 
> you should be able to set your GMail trash to delete automatically after 
> 30 days.  In fact, I thought that was the default.  Alternatively, there 
> are some support documents where Google mentions that, at least when 
> using iMap, to set your Apple Mail so that it leaves Trash messages on 
> the Server.  I believe that the reason for this is that there is 
> sometimes a conflict between the Apple Mail removing trash task and the 
> GMail archiving process.  I've had mixed results with either setting but 
> that could be part of your issues.  In either case, I suggest you go to 
> your GMail site and check out the Settings area.
> Later...
> On 2011-11-22, at 7:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi guys:
>> Okay, Gmail keeps downloading my trash in the trash folder. I want it 
>> gone!! I cannot delete it off the server b/c there isn't a delete all. 
>> I'm talking about over 15000 messages. Help!
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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Re: Black Friday Mac App Store Sales

2011-11-25 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Checkbook Pro is wonderful. I use it constantly to manage my finances.
On Nov 25, 2011, at 1:32 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm forwarding excerpts from a post I made to the mac-access list about Mac 
> App Store sales. Apologies to those of you seeing this content again.  Also, 
> you can refer to Scott's earlier post to the Macvisionaries list about 
> Soulver for more details about that app.
> In connection with Black Friday, the first day after U.S. Thanksgiving, when 
> there are sales to start off the Christmas shopping season, a number of 
> interesting sales have shown up in the Mac App Store for applications or 
> subjects that have been recently discussed.  Some of these will be for today 
> only, some for the Friday and Saturday, and some will extend through Monday.
> Here are a few of the items I've noted:
> • ABBYY Fine Reader Express $49.99 (50% off regular price, this weekend only)
> • Bento 4 $33.99 (price just dropped from $49.99, no comments about this sale 
> price or how long it will last at the App Store or at the main Bento web 
> page, where the price is still listed as $49.99)
> • YummySoup! $4.99 (75% off regular price of $19.99 Thanksgiving through 
> Cyber Monday)
> All three of the above applications (ABBYY Fine Reader Express for OCR with 
> scanners, Bento for database, and YummySoup! for recipes) have been 
> previously discussed on the mac-access list.  All of these products have 
> 15-day free trial downloads at their main web sites (through the link on the 
> Mac App Store page for each product).  (I'll give a direct link for the ABBYY 
> Fine Reader Express trial download, since navigating the main web page is 
> confusing, and while there is a link that eventually gets you to the Mac 
> product buried in the page under a name like "Try Try", the link to "Trial 
> Downloads" takes you to trial downloads for their Windows products). The 
> ABBYY Fine Reader Express trial download can be found at:
> Other applications at the Mac App Store that have been mentioned as 
> accessible, but that I've not used, include:
> • Checkbook $6.99 (normally $14.99, on sale this Friday only)
> • Checkbook Pro $11.99 (normally $24.99, on sale this Friday only)
> Another Splasm Software product that I have used is flagged with the same 
> "over 50% off for Black Friday only" label, but as far as I can tell, the 
> price has only dropped by a dollar:
> • Audiobook Builder $4.99 (normally $5.99)
> • Soulver $11.99 (normally $24.99, on sale for Thanksgiving and Black Friday)
> Scott Howell posted elsewhere about Soulver, which is an app for doing 
> calculations that gives you a combination of functions somewhere between 
> calculator, spread sheet, and text editor.  I'll excerpt a bit from the 
> recent MacLife article, since that site puts in annoying ad pop-ups if you 
> just open a link to the page:
> Source:
> "Soulver Calculator Review posted 11/21/2011"
> Hey! You got your text editor in my spreadsheet!
> Wouldn’t it be nice if the calculations you scribbled on scrap paper were 
> interactive, or if spreadsheets were easy enough to use at the drop of a hat? 
> Soulver is a calculator that aims to combine these tools into something 
> that’s both easy to use and powerful enough to crunch data in useful ways. 
> Soulver lets you enter problems from simple arithmetic to trigonometry in 
> natural language—using words as well as numbers and symbols—and combine the 
> answers in flexible “math-processor” documents.
> Typing “15.3% of $29.95” will get you an answer, for example, but Soulver 
> isn’t quite magic, or even Siri. You have to use the vocabulary it expects, 
> which is usually varied enough to get the job done, but it still requires a 
> trip to the built-in cheat sheet every now and then. Nevertheless, its 
> text-friendly design is great for adding notes and context to your numbers, 
> and it’s even better for unit and currency conversions. Soulver even 
> recognizes stock ticker symbols, so you can quickly figure out how much your 
> 50 shares of AAPL are worth in yen (lucky you).
> Soulver offers more power than just a cool input gimmick, however. You can 
> easily define custom variables and save them for use in multiple files. 
> Answers are summed automatically, and you can view their average, variance, 
> or standard deviation with a click. You can even save answers as keys to use 
> through

switching radio stations in iTunes

2011-11-25 Thread Traci
Hi all,

When I'm running down the radio list, how do I play one station then move onto 
a second one to play?  I get press spacebar to play my first choice, but I 
can't figure how to play that second station.  Pressing spacebar seems to 
toggle play for that first choice.

Sent by Macbook Air Mail

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Re: switching radio stations in iTunes

2011-11-25 Thread Scott Howell
Try enter
On Nov 25, 2011, at 6:38 PM, Traci wrote:

> Hi all,
> When I'm running down the radio list, how do I play one station then move 
> onto a second one to play?  I get press spacebar to play my first choice, but 
> I can't figure how to play that second station.  Pressing spacebar seems to 
> toggle play for that first choice.
> Thanks,
> Traci
> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: Black Friday Mac App Store Sales

2011-11-25 Thread Scott Howell
Esther and all,

I did want to mention that I did get a note back from Zac the dev for Soulver 
and he wil be working to make the iPhone and iPad versions accessible and there 
will be further enhancements. He was very responsive and willing to accept user 

On Nov 25, 2011, at 2:32 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm forwarding excerpts from a post I made to the mac-access list about Mac 
> App Store sales. Apologies to those of you seeing this content again.  Also, 
> you can refer to Scott's earlier post to the Macvisionaries list about 
> Soulver for more details about that app.
> In connection with Black Friday, the first day after U.S. Thanksgiving, when 
> there are sales to start off the Christmas shopping season, a number of 
> interesting sales have shown up in the Mac App Store for applications or 
> subjects that have been recently discussed.  Some of these will be for today 
> only, some for the Friday and Saturday, and some will extend through Monday.
> Here are a few of the items I've noted:
> • ABBYY Fine Reader Express $49.99 (50% off regular price, this weekend only)
> • Bento 4 $33.99 (price just dropped from $49.99, no comments about this sale 
> price or how long it will last at the App Store or at the main Bento web 
> page, where the price is still listed as $49.99)
> • YummySoup! $4.99 (75% off regular price of $19.99 Thanksgiving through 
> Cyber Monday)
> All three of the above applications (ABBYY Fine Reader Express for OCR with 
> scanners, Bento for database, and YummySoup! for recipes) have been 
> previously discussed on the mac-access list.  All of these products have 
> 15-day free trial downloads at their main web sites (through the link on the 
> Mac App Store page for each product).  (I'll give a direct link for the ABBYY 
> Fine Reader Express trial download, since navigating the main web page is 
> confusing, and while there is a link that eventually gets you to the Mac 
> product buried in the page under a name like "Try Try", the link to "Trial 
> Downloads" takes you to trial downloads for their Windows products). The 
> ABBYY Fine Reader Express trial download can be found at:
> Other applications at the Mac App Store that have been mentioned as 
> accessible, but that I've not used, include:
> • Checkbook $6.99 (normally $14.99, on sale this Friday only)
> • Checkbook Pro $11.99 (normally $24.99, on sale this Friday only)
> Another Splasm Software product that I have used is flagged with the same 
> "over 50% off for Black Friday only" label, but as far as I can tell, the 
> price has only dropped by a dollar:
> • Audiobook Builder $4.99 (normally $5.99)
> • Soulver $11.99 (normally $24.99, on sale for Thanksgiving and Black Friday)
> Scott Howell posted elsewhere about Soulver, which is an app for doing 
> calculations that gives you a combination of functions somewhere between 
> calculator, spread sheet, and text editor.  I'll excerpt a bit from the 
> recent MacLife article, since that site puts in annoying ad pop-ups if you 
> just open a link to the page:
> Source:
> "Soulver Calculator Review posted 11/21/2011"
> Hey! You got your text editor in my spreadsheet!
> Wouldn’t it be nice if the calculations you scribbled on scrap paper were 
> interactive, or if spreadsheets were easy enough to use at the drop of a hat? 
> Soulver is a calculator that aims to combine these tools into something 
> that’s both easy to use and powerful enough to crunch data in useful ways. 
> Soulver lets you enter problems from simple arithmetic to trigonometry in 
> natural language—using words as well as numbers and symbols—and combine the 
> answers in flexible “math-processor” documents.
> Typing “15.3% of $29.95” will get you an answer, for example, but Soulver 
> isn’t quite magic, or even Siri. You have to use the vocabulary it expects, 
> which is usually varied enough to get the job done, but it still requires a 
> trip to the built-in cheat sheet every now and then. Nevertheless, its 
> text-friendly design is great for adding notes and context to your numbers, 
> and it’s even better for unit and currency conversions. Soulver even 
> recognizes stock ticker symbols, so you can quickly figure out how much your 
> 50 shares of AAPL are worth in yen (lucky you).
> Soulver offers more power than just a cool input gimmick, however. You can 
> easily define custom variables and save them fo

Maps apps for Mac or IPhone

2011-11-25 Thread Francisco Salvador Crespo

I search an app that allows me explore a map of an accessible form, for Mac or 
I tested Ariadne Gps but the exploring is very slowly and at my country i can't 
be a lot time with the IPhone in the street because someones cold stolen me
I'd prefer an IPhone app, but if there isn't it i'd use an app for Mac

I with your answers



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Re: slowing down a track in itunes

2011-11-25 Thread Chris Blouch
Not sure how/if you can do it in iTunes but if you pull the file up in 
QuickTime Player 7 you can open up the A/V Controls (Command-K) and 
among the numerous controls is Playback Speed which you can decrease at 
will. I think Apple stopped installing QuickTime Player 7 and instead 
puts the feature-lacking QTP 10 instead. So you might have to go get it. 
If you do have it QTP7 should be in your Utilities folder. Otherwise you 
have to pull it from your installer CD. Apple article here:


On 11/25/11 4:11 PM, Chris Westbrook wrote:

I have a track that I have burned into my iTunes library, and I want to slow it 
down sometimes so I can learn it.  I see there are options out there, but are 
any of them accessible?  Thanks for any help.

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