Re: Pages for the Mac.

2011-10-24 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I tried buying I work through the App store. but all were individual prices. 
Anyone know how to buy Keynote and Numbers together?

What do you mean e-mailing docs to I Cloud?


Sent from my iPhone

On 23 Oct 2011, at 10:53 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:

> DOn't quote me on this, but I think the kluge workaround is to use the iWorks 
> beta site, which can be accessed through the apps in the iWorks suite such as 
> Pages. I know APple is working on a new version of the iWorks package and I 
> would anticipate full iCloud integration. So for now you may have to punish 
> yourself and do the e-mail thing, but hopefully soon APple wil have iWorks 
> updated, more accessible, and integrated with iCloud. Hey, how do you like 
> pages on the iOS platform? I now have all of the iWOrks apps and they are 
> really starting to show promise. There is work to do yet, but progress has 
> been made. I was even able to work with a PowerPoint presentation. Now I 
> would not say I did much to impress anyone, but I could at least read the 
> file and make some edits; all be it a little basic and messy. :)
> Scott
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 5:45 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hi All.
>> I bought Pages for the Mac although I did buy Pages for the I phone.
>> My question is, if I import all my word documents into pages, is there are a 
>> way to save them in I cloud?
>> Any help will be appreciated.
>> Kawal.
>> ___
>> Kawal Gucukoglu
>> (E-mail/MSN):
>> (Skype ID):
>> kawalgucukoglu
>> (Mobile/text):
>> +447905618396
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question: are the importing vo-settings problems since 10.7.2 already fixed?

2011-10-24 Thread William Windels
Since I would like to do a clean install of lion in stead off a upgrade from 
10.6 to 10.7, I was wondering if the import of vo-settings is fixed already.

Before, I think 10.7, I have tried  a clean install of Lion but, after , I have 
discovered that I couldn't import all my vo-settings from the 10.7 update 
install to the 10.7 clean install.

So, is the import of all (old)  vo-settings already possible since 10.7.2?

Thx for your answers,

kind regards,
William Windels 

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Re: iCal and iCloud not playing nice - any suggestions?

2011-10-24 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I too was a Mobile Me member, and after getting some kind assistance from Mark 
Taylor, I managed to migrate to ICloud. Now everything works like a dream!


Sent from my iPhone

On 24 Oct 2011, at 01:48 AM, Matthew Campbell  wrote:

> Hi.
> I have tried all of that. I was a mobile me member too and upgraded to 
> iCloud. I could never get mobile me's calendars to sync either. A call to 
> Apple may be warranted.
> On 2011-10-23, at 8:27 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I have it working. Not sure if it matters, but I have ben syncing for quite 
>> a while using MObileMe and all worked once i migrated to iCloud.
>> Did you check your account settings in the iCal settings. I'll assume you 
>> toggled the calendar from System Preferences in the Mail/contacs/etc.?
>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 7:05 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hello List.
>>> Well I've got calendar syncing working fine on my iPad and iPhone but not 
>>> working on my Mac using iCal.
>>> Am I missing a step here? I've got iCloud fully set up on my Mac, I've 
>>> tried using Apple's rather useless troubleshooting articles, and I checked 
>>> iCal's help and my preferences.
>>> Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there something about IOS 
>>> calendars that make them incompatible with iCal?
>>> Thanks for any suggestions.
>>> Matthew Campbell.
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IOS: accessible VO cloent

2011-10-24 Thread Massimo Vettoretti
Hello guys.

I am looking for an accessible Facebook client under IOS5. I Tried the official 
FB App and Facely HD too, but  it was a very frustrating experience. Facely HD 
refreshers very frequently the screen, causing VO to loose focus. Write a note 
becomes a very challenging task and even reading posts is not a piece of cake. 
The link/button/control to comment a post or to say that I like it is missing: 
I mean, it is visible on the screen and it is displayed as a plus sign ("+"), 
but for VO it is as if it was not there. 

Any suggestion?

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Re: Pages for the Mac.

2011-10-24 Thread Scott Howell

You would spend the same if you purchased all of them together or separately, 
so buy one or buy them all.
My advice is to e-mail the file to yourself for now. You can from within pages 
access the iWOrk site where you can upload documents. I have to play with this 
a bit more because when I did it, I was not able to download it. Pages will put 
it up there and it seems the apps on the iOS devices will access it, but again, 
this was a really brief experiment, so I have to spend more time with it.

On Oct 24, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> I tried buying I work through the App store. but all were individual prices. 
> Anyone know how to buy Keynote and Numbers together?
> What do you mean e-mailing docs to I Cloud?
> Kawal.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 23 Oct 2011, at 10:53 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> DOn't quote me on this, but I think the kluge workaround is to use the 
>> iWorks beta site, which can be accessed through the apps in the iWorks suite 
>> such as Pages. I know APple is working on a new version of the iWorks 
>> package and I would anticipate full iCloud integration. So for now you may 
>> have to punish yourself and do the e-mail thing, but hopefully soon APple 
>> wil have iWorks updated, more accessible, and integrated with iCloud. Hey, 
>> how do you like pages on the iOS platform? I now have all of the iWOrks apps 
>> and they are really starting to show promise. There is work to do yet, but 
>> progress has been made. I was even able to work with a PowerPoint 
>> presentation. Now I would not say I did much to impress anyone, but I could 
>> at least read the file and make some edits; all be it a little basic and 
>> messy. :)
>> Scott
>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 5:45 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Hi All.
>>> I bought Pages for the Mac although I did buy Pages for the I phone.
>>> My question is, if I import all my word documents into pages, is there are 
>>> a way to save them in I cloud?
>>> Any help will be appreciated.
>>> Kawal.
>>> ___
>>> Kawal Gucukoglu
>>> (E-mail/MSN):
>>> (Skype ID):
>>> kawalgucukoglu
>>> (Mobile/text):
>>> +447905618396
>>> -- 
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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-24 Thread Scott Howell

I find it interesting that folks would want to read books on the computer. I'm 
not saying it is right, wrong, or anything like that. It just seems to me that 
the iOS devices make the most sense as a way to read books. I wonder if sighted 
people read books on the computer? None I know do. I'm only asking the question 
because I have read on the list more than once where people want to do this and 
I find it interesting. So, not a criticism again, just asking the question.

On Oct 23, 2011, at 9:30 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Sorry, but no IBooks on the Mac. I would love it if that would change, but 
> thus far, no go.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Seri on the Mac?

2011-10-24 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hey All,

What do you all reckon about having Seri on the Mac? I myself would love it. 

Just imagine, rather than typing, dictating e-mails and more!

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: iCal Bug in Lion?

2011-10-24 Thread Scott Howell
AH, something got confused in the thread somewhere on my end, so my apologies 
to Sarai.

On Oct 23, 2011, at 10:40 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Scott!
> Sarai was probily saying that my suggestion did not work!
> Not yours! :)
> Colin
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 24 Oct 2011, at 01:23, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> Sarai,
>> I tested each step as I wrote them, so they do in fact work. EIther you are 
>> having another issue or you are missing a step. Are you sure you can enter 
>> the table where the calendar is? You also can go to the calendar in the 
>> table and do a VO-shift-m, choose info, and rename the calendar from there.
>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 6:34 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> It does not work. As soon as you choose where you want the calendar saved, 
>>> it immediately creates it and calls it "Untitled." You cannot edit the 
>>> name, just delete the entire calendar.
>>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
 Hi Sarai!
 I do not know if this will work!
 But in address book when naming a new group you have to turn vo off then 
 type the name you wish!
 So try command+f5 and see if that helps!
 I cannot try it because I'm still on snowy kitty!
 hth Colin
 On 23 Oct 2011, at 21:37, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi guys:
> I might have found an issue with iCal and Lion. I didn't have this issue 
> with SN. When you go create a new calendar, and you choose where you want 
> the calendar to be created, I.E. iCloud. VO says untitled. You cannot 
> edit, or type in a calendar name. Can anyone duplicate?
> -- 
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Re: iCal Bug in Lion?

2011-10-24 Thread Scott Howell
DOn't know then because it works just fine for me. You can always do a VO-m as 
I stated in a subsequent message and go to info and edit the name there. 
However, if you plan to publish/share the calendar, be sure to do the edit 
prior to sharing.

On Oct 23, 2011, at 11:10 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> Step 4 does not work for me. I am not aloud to type anything in column 2. 
> I've even tried erasing untitled,using the left mouse click, etc. NO luck.
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Turning VoiceOver off is not necessary for any functions in the Address Book 
>> nor iCal. I have successfully created calendars and I also posted steps a 
>> few days ago if memory serves; however, I will post below for your reference.
>> 1. Go to the File menu in iCal and locate the "New Calendar" submenu. I'm 
>> going to assume it is a submenu for you because here is where you get to 
>> choose where the calendar will be created, (i.e. on your Mac, iCloud, etc.).
>> 2. Press enter and you should get a popover that says something like:
>> "Interact with Calendar List table row 2 selected column 1"
>> 3. Locate the "Untitled" calendar in the table (look at column two of the 
>> table) and interact with the "Untitled" title.
>> 4. Erase the word or type over what is there and give it your own name.
>> Stop interacting and you are done. Note: you do not have to press enter etc. 
>> The checkbox in column one hides or shows the events of that calendar in the 
>> overall unified calendar.
>> So, to clarify, all the calendars that are checked will present the events 
>> on a unified calendar.
>> Hth,
>> Scott
>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 5:23 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>>> Hi Sarai!
>>> I do not know if this will work!
>>> But in address book when naming a new group you have to turn vo off then 
>>> type the name you wish!
>>> So try command+f5 and see if that helps!
>>> I cannot try it because I'm still on snowy kitty!
>>> hth Colin
>>> On 23 Oct 2011, at 21:37, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 Hi guys:
 I might have found an issue with iCal and Lion. I didn't have this issue 
 with SN. When you go create a new calendar, and you choose where you want 
 the calendar to be created, I.E. iCloud. VO says untitled. You cannot 
 edit, or type in a calendar name. Can anyone duplicate?
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Re: iCal Bug in Lion?

2011-10-24 Thread Scott Howell
Sarai, sorry I have no idea why you are having this problem. Maybe some other 
folks could try the same steps and report on their success. Do you have someone 
sighted who can take a look? I'm just wondering if there is some sort of focus 
issue or something that is not apparent.

On Oct 23, 2011, at 11:14 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Oh, yeah, I'm positive I'm not missing a step. This worked fine in Snow 
> Leopard. I even tried vo shift m and info to edit the calendar. It will not 
> let me type in a name. I've also made sure the app is maximized. This is 
> driving me crazy!
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Sarai,
>> I tested each step as I wrote them, so they do in fact work. EIther you are 
>> having another issue or you are missing a step. Are you sure you can enter 
>> the table where the calendar is? You also can go to the calendar in the 
>> table and do a VO-shift-m, choose info, and rename the calendar from there.
>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 6:34 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> It does not work. As soon as you choose where you want the calendar saved, 
>>> it immediately creates it and calls it "Untitled." You cannot edit the 
>>> name, just delete the entire calendar.
>>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
 Hi Sarai!
 I do not know if this will work!
 But in address book when naming a new group you have to turn vo off then 
 type the name you wish!
 So try command+f5 and see if that helps!
 I cannot try it because I'm still on snowy kitty!
 hth Colin
 On 23 Oct 2011, at 21:37, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi guys:
> I might have found an issue with iCal and Lion. I didn't have this issue 
> with SN. When you go create a new calendar, and you choose where you want 
> the calendar to be created, I.E. iCloud. VO says untitled. You cannot 
> edit, or type in a calendar name. Can anyone duplicate?
> -- 
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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-24 Thread Teresa Cochran

I'm not Mary, but I can put in my two cents. I like to read from the computer 
with my Braille display while listening to a sports webcast. I suppose I can 
just as easily do it with my IPod, come to think of it. :) Old habits die hard.


I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.

On Oct 24, 2011, at 2:37 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Mary,
> I find it interesting that folks would want to read books on the computer. 
> I'm not saying it is right, wrong, or anything like that. It just seems to me 
> that the iOS devices make the most sense as a way to read books. I wonder if 
> sighted people read books on the computer? None I know do. I'm only asking 
> the question because I have read on the list more than once where people want 
> to do this and I find it interesting. So, not a criticism again, just asking 
> the question.
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 9:30 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>> Sorry, but no IBooks on the Mac. I would love it if that would change, but 
>> thus far, no go.
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
>> -- 
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Re: Seri on the Mac?

2011-10-24 Thread Chris Moore
Well you have guessed it, it will be part of Mac OS x 10.8 (Lynx) :) 

Well I would not be surprised if Apple did licence more Nuance speech to text 
stuff for the Mac, and perhaps some built in OCR so we can read graphics and 
DVD menus just like JAWS 13 

Let's hope VO gets a complete rewrite on the Mac though, the buffering is a 

On 24 Oct 2011, at 10:59, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hey All,
> What do you all reckon about having Seri on the Mac? I myself would love it. 
> Just imagine, rather than typing, dictating e-mails and more!
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-24 Thread Joanne Chua
After reading on my iphone using IBooks, i agree with Scott, its
definitely one of the best experience i ever have reading a book with
fully control. However, i guess it is just some people prefference
reading on the computer. I used to done that quite a lot few years
ago, but now, i'm simply grow bore of it. i mean, i want something
that i can read on the go, not something that i stuck on my chair and
having my headphone , listening to voiceover or jaws or whatever
screen reader read to me. Before discovering how accessible IBooks is,
i use to listen to my daisy player. Now, after discovering IBooks, i
don't think i can ever put down a book again.

A book a day is no longer a dream for me, but its a reality. :)

On 24/10/2011, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not Mary, but I can put in my two cents. I like to read from the
> computer with my Braille display while listening to a sports webcast. I
> suppose I can just as easily do it with my IPod, come to think of it. :) Old
> habits die hard.
> Teresa
> I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 2:37 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Mary,
>> I find it interesting that folks would want to read books on the computer.
>> I'm not saying it is right, wrong, or anything like that. It just seems to
>> me that the iOS devices make the most sense as a way to read books. I
>> wonder if sighted people read books on the computer? None I know do. I'm
>> only asking the question because I have read on the list more than once
>> where people want to do this and I find it interesting. So, not a
>> criticism again, just asking the question.
>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 9:30 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>>> Sorry, but no IBooks on the Mac. I would love it if that would change,
>>> but thus far, no go.
>>> Mary
>>> Mary Otten
>>> --
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Importing Documents.

2011-10-24 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi All.

Just been messing around with Pages on my I phone. So, I went in to add 
document menu and saw the option of copying docs from I Disk,  (as I kept lots 
of documents in I Disk) Bearing in mind that the I disk software is not on my 
phone, I copied a document in to pages! 

Wow! So now I can import my documents in to pages but then how am I to get them 
to Icloud!

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Terminal problem: speech getting interrupted when new text appears

2011-10-24 Thread Scott Howell

I'm still trying to track this down for you. Just wanted you to know I have not 
forgotten, but it may actually be in the Terminal APp options.


On Oct 22, 2011, at 5:38 AM, Johanna Herranen wrote:

> Hello,
> I am new to this list -- actually I am also a complete newbie with Mac. I got 
> my very first Macbook Pro just couple days ago. So far
> I'm very impressed and happy with it.However, I seem to have a small issue 
> with the Terminal application: I am using ssh to connect
> to another machine from Terminal. There I'm using a program that puts lots of 
> text on the screen. Some times then I see that
> VoiceOver doesn't speak everything, because every time there is a new event 
> on the screen, the speech gets interrupted and only the
> newest text is spoken. I have been going through VoiceOver settings trying to 
> find a way to fix it, but can't find anything. Also, I
> love Alex, but am finding it a bit slow some times. Is there somewhere a 
> setting to tell Alex to stop breathing and pausing between
> words? Or could someone recommend some other less human-like voice to use 
> when needed?
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Johanna
> -- 
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Re: IOS: accessible VO cloent

2011-10-24 Thread Doug Lawlor
Check out Focus for Facebook in the app store. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2011-10-24, at 6:11 AM, Massimo Vettoretti  wrote:

> Hello guys.
> I am looking for an accessible Facebook client under IOS5. I Tried the 
> official FB App and Facely HD too, but  it was a very frustrating experience. 
> Facely HD refreshers very frequently the screen, causing VO to loose focus. 
> Write a note becomes a very challenging task and even reading posts is not a 
> piece of cake. The link/button/control to comment a post or to say that I 
> like it is missing: I mean, it is visible on the screen and it is displayed 
> as a plus sign ("+"), but for VO it is as if it was not there. 
> Any suggestion?
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Re: Terminal problem: speech getting interrupted when new text appears

2011-10-24 Thread Red.Falcon
I do not know if this will help!
But here is a couple of suggestions from people who know more about this than I

When terminal is scrolling, but I want to read line-by-line (such as during a 
compile) I simply turn off cursor tracking with vo-shift-f3, and then when I'm 
finished, I press vo-shift-f3 again, and vo now follows the system cursor again 
as usual.  This method has always worked well for me, whether I was running 
tiger, leopard, or snow leopard (haven't had a chance to try lion yet), but 
just figured I'd mention it.

Also, just to make things (slightly) better, you may want to go into terminal 
preferences, and change your cursor from a block cursor to a pointer (or 
something similar, don't have the terminal preferences in front of me, so it's 
from memory, but it should get you to the right point) I find that sometimes, 
the block cursor causes issues, where as the pointer, or blinking, one does 
not. (odd, I know) but give that a try and see if it helps any.
When I get myself a lion machine, I'll test terminal again, and post a 
configuration that may work better for vo users if they differ significantly 
from the defaults.

On Aug 4, 2011, at 12:48 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
Also, if you encounter the issue where information scrolls so rapidly down the 
screen that VoiceOver simply skips to the last information received, you can 
simply hit VO-H-H. This enters the command menu. Simply type "s p ok" and hit 
enter on the option, and VoiceOver will not move the cursor as text appears. 
While VoiceOver will not read text automatically if this option is selected, 
you can use the VoiceOver keys to move down the screen if you are interacting 
with the text.
> Regards,
> Nic
On 24 Oct 2011, at 11:47, Scott Howell wrote:

> Johanna,
> I'm still trying to track this down for you. Just wanted you to know I have 
> not forgotten, but it may actually be in the Terminal APp options.
> Scott
> On Oct 22, 2011, at 5:38 AM, Johanna Herranen wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am new to this list -- actually I am also a complete newbie with Mac. I 
>> got my very first Macbook Pro just couple days ago. So far
>> I'm very impressed and happy with it.However, I seem to have a small issue 
>> with the Terminal application: I am using ssh to connect
>> to another machine from Terminal. There I'm using a program that puts lots 
>> of text on the screen. Some times then I see that
>> VoiceOver doesn't speak everything, because every time there is a new event 
>> on the screen, the speech gets interrupted and only the
>> newest text is spoken. I have been going through VoiceOver settings trying 
>> to find a way to fix it, but can't find anything. Also, I
>> love Alex, but am finding it a bit slow some times. Is there somewhere a 
>> setting to tell Alex to stop breathing and pausing between
>> words? Or could someone recommend some other less human-like voice to use 
>> when needed?
>> Any help is much appreciated.
>> Johanna
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Steps on how to download the lion Installer if you already have lion installed

2011-10-24 Thread Dean Adams

Hi Everyone,
I am trying to help a friend of mine to download and burn a 
recovery install DVD for lion which he has already installed which 
was installed when it was purchased. When he goes to the app store it 
says to delete a file before he can download the installer but it 
does not say which file to delete. I have the steps on how to get the 
dmg file out of the installer but I need to be able to get around the 
problem of being able to download the installer to start with so if 
anyone can give me the steps to get around this problem with the app 
store so my friend can download the installer.

Regards Dean

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Re: Seri on the Mac?

2011-10-24 Thread Red.Falcon
Well Star Trek here we come!
Just do not say eject the core!
So would people like the capability to name there Mac or just stick to computer!
I like the idea to say!
Thor send email to Fred Blogs execute!

On 24 Oct 2011, at 11:23, Chris Moore wrote:

> Well you have guessed it, it will be part of Mac OS x 10.8 (Lynx) :) 
> Well I would not be surprised if Apple did licence more Nuance speech to text 
> stuff for the Mac, and perhaps some built in OCR so we can read graphics and 
> DVD menus just like JAWS 13 
> Let's hope VO gets a complete rewrite on the Mac though, the buffering is a 
> joke.
> Chris 
> On 24 Oct 2011, at 10:59, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hey All,
>> What do you all reckon about having Seri on the Mac? I myself would love it. 
>> Just imagine, rather than typing, dictating e-mails and more!
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: can't figure out iCloud on Mac

2011-10-24 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Mary.
I am running Lion. I have discovered since I wrote the message last night that 
my bookmarks are messed up. Luckily, I have an appointment at the Apple store 
in North Park Mall for finishing what we started last Wednesday. I need to 
figure out now how to edit the  ulrs on m y bookmarks because they don't work 
any more in Safari on either the iPhone or the Mac. 


On Oct 23, 2011, at 10:43 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Are you running Lion on your Mac? You can't do ICloud on SL. Lion only on the 
> Mac.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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RE: Seri on the Mac?

2011-10-24 Thread Missy Hoppe
Well, hopefully, if 10.8  happens, they'll release it soon. I realize I'm 
probably in the minority here, but as far as I'm
concerned, Lion is like Windows me, and over all, I regret buying it. I'm still 
happily using what I believe some folks on
here have referred to as the snowy kitty on my main drive, and it allows me to 
accomplish anything I want to on my mac and is
much less agrivating than lion. I'm not into dictating emails and stuff; I love 
to type, but some of other Siri's uses would
be extremely appreciated on the mac platform since I'm in no position to afford 
an IToy. I've heard rumors that my wireless
provider is going to carry the Iphone, but nothing on their web site supports 
said rumors. Ah well. Enough aimless rambling.
Take care, all, and I hope that everyone is having a great day.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Chris Moore
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 6:23 AM
Subject: Re: Seri on the Mac?

Well you have guessed it, it will be part of Mac OS x 10.8 (Lynx) :)

Well I would not be surprised if Apple did licence more Nuance speech to text 
stuff for the Mac, and perhaps some built in
OCR so we can read graphics and DVD menus just like JAWS 13

Let's hope VO gets a complete rewrite on the Mac though, the buffering is a 

On 24 Oct 2011, at 10:59, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hey All,
> What do you all reckon about having Seri on the Mac? I myself would love it.
> Just imagine, rather than typing, dictating e-mails and more!
> Sent from my iPhone
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RE: Seri on the Mac?

2011-10-24 Thread Missy Hoppe
Yes! If this happens, giving the computer a name would be a nice feature. I 
could imagine it being in system preferences.
That way, if folks weren't creative, they could just say computer, but if we 
had a name in mind, we could set that up. I
think that should even be an option for the IOS version, but maybe it just 
isn't practical.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Red.Falcon
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: Seri on the Mac?

Well Star Trek here we come!
Just do not say eject the core!
So would people like the capability to name there Mac or just stick to computer!
I like the idea to say!
Thor send email to Fred Blogs execute!

On 24 Oct 2011, at 11:23, Chris Moore wrote:

> Well you have guessed it, it will be part of Mac OS x 10.8 (Lynx) :)
> Well I would not be surprised if Apple did licence more Nuance speech
> to text stuff for the Mac, and perhaps some built in OCR so we can
> read graphics and DVD menus just like JAWS 13
> Let's hope VO gets a complete rewrite on the Mac though, the buffering is a 
> joke.
> Chris
> On 24 Oct 2011, at 10:59, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hey All,
>> What do you all reckon about having Seri on the Mac? I myself would love it.
>> Just imagine, rather than typing, dictating e-mails and more!
>> Sent from my iPhone
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2011-10-24 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

I downloaded YoruFukurou just a few days ago.
It's working very well, but I have a couple of questions related to it.
1. How can you search for people, tweets, etc on YoruFukurou?
2. Is it possible to open a particular person's profile on YoruFukurou
to check his tweets and stuff, like we do on Twitter?

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: iCal Bug in Lion?

2011-10-24 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
VOM doesn't' work wfor me either. I go to info, but still cannot rename the 
calendar. I might  have to reinstall Lion. Safari is being goofy anyway.
On Oct 24, 2011, at 5:07 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> DOn't know then because it works just fine for me. You can always do a VO-m 
> as I stated in a subsequent message and go to info and edit the name there. 
> However, if you plan to publish/share the calendar, be sure to do the edit 
> prior to sharing.
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 11:10 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> Step 4 does not work for me. I am not aloud to type anything in column 2. 
>> I've even tried erasing untitled,using the left mouse click, etc. NO luck.
>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Turning VoiceOver off is not necessary for any functions in the Address 
>>> Book nor iCal. I have successfully created calendars and I also posted 
>>> steps a few days ago if memory serves; however, I will post below for your 
>>> reference.
>>> 1. Go to the File menu in iCal and locate the "New Calendar" submenu. I'm 
>>> going to assume it is a submenu for you because here is where you get to 
>>> choose where the calendar will be created, (i.e. on your Mac, iCloud, etc.).
>>> 2. Press enter and you should get a popover that says something like:
>>> "Interact with Calendar List table row 2 selected column 1"
>>> 3. Locate the "Untitled" calendar in the table (look at column two of the 
>>> table) and interact with the "Untitled" title.
>>> 4. Erase the word or type over what is there and give it your own name.
>>> Stop interacting and you are done. Note: you do not have to press enter 
>>> etc. The checkbox in column one hides or shows the events of that calendar 
>>> in the overall unified calendar.
>>> So, to clarify, all the calendars that are checked will present the events 
>>> on a unified calendar.
>>> Hth,
>>> Scott
>>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 5:23 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
 Hi Sarai!
 I do not know if this will work!
 But in address book when naming a new group you have to turn vo off then 
 type the name you wish!
 So try command+f5 and see if that helps!
 I cannot try it because I'm still on snowy kitty!
 hth Colin
 On 23 Oct 2011, at 21:37, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi guys:
> I might have found an issue with iCal and Lion. I didn't have this issue 
> with SN. When you go create a new calendar, and you choose where you want 
> the calendar to be created, I.E. iCloud. VO says untitled. You cannot 
> edit, or type in a calendar name. Can anyone duplicate?
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good media players that aren't iTunes?

2011-10-24 Thread Alex Hall

Hi all,
I am looking for a good media player that is NOT iTunes.  I don't 
want something to manage my "music library", since I rely on the 
folder structure I have created to do that.  I just want 
something to play the files, and the more gooddies the better 
(pitch changer, bookmarking in files, whatever).  Mostly, though, 
it just needs to play media in a way that is easy for vo to use 
and, preferably, has keyboard shortcuts for common playback 
controls.  Any suggestions?

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;

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Re: good media players that aren't iTunes?

2011-10-24 Thread Brianna Snyder

VLC is what I use for playing media. It's an awesome little program. 


On Oct 24, 2011, at 9:41 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am looking for a good media player that is NOT iTunes.  I don't want 
> something to manage my "music library", since I rely on the folder structure 
> I have created to do that.  I just want something to play the files, and the 
> more gooddies the better (pitch changer, bookmarking in files, whatever).  
> Mostly, though, it just needs to play media in a way that is easy for vo to 
> use and, preferably, has keyboard shortcuts for common playback controls.  
> Any suggestions?
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
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can't use safari ! please help

2011-10-24 Thread banu.bc
hello there
thanks for your recommends. I'm learning a lot  from Mike arigo's
podcasts. still I can't use safari aficiently.  I open safari, press
commend  L and write the address.  for example. I find and
press mac in order to download skype. when I'm the home page It  can
read  everything. after  clicking a link, it  says few things such as
a link name. I press link list and see all the links there. move one
of them but can't activate that link.  It's kind of a vicious circle.
I couldn't download skype.
and try to listen " but after first clicking ıt's the
same just reads one link. am I doing something wrong? is there any
adjustment for it?
thanks  in advance.

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Re: YoruFukurou

2011-10-24 Thread Shannon Dyer

To open a buffer for a particular person, type command u and type the person's 
twitter name without the at sign.

I hope this helps.

Are you a fan of women's music? If so, join me each Thursday from noon until 
three for the Eclectic Collection: a Celebration of Women In Music. Point your 
media player to:

On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:35 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Hi all,
> I downloaded YoruFukurou just a few days ago.
> It's working very well, but I have a couple of questions related to it.
> 1. How can you search for people, tweets, etc on YoruFukurou?
> 2. Is it possible to open a particular person's profile on YoruFukurou
> to check his tweets and stuff, like we do on Twitter?
> Your help would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Rahul
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Re: Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama, 'You're Headed For A One-Term Presidency'

2011-10-24 Thread Dan Roy
It's on audible, now.  It must have appeared sometime during the night or vary 
early this morning. Unless I just totally missed itk, there was no mention of 
it last night.  
Well, it does;n't matter anyway, it wasn't released officially until this 
morning.  Anyway, I snagged it first thing.

On Oct 21, 2011, at 7:39 PM, Rod Skene wrote:

> done better regardless of political views, I am very excited to read the 
> book. Does anybody know if it will be on audible? 

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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-24 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Scott,
Well, Amazon has kindle for pc and Mac, so I assume they must think at least 
some sighted people would like to read books on a computer. Quite honestly, one 
of the reasons I would like to see IBooks on the computer is that I'd really 
like to read with the Alex voice and not the voices on my IPad. I certainly 
agree that portability is a huge advantage, but if you had a MBP or and MBA, 
then you'd still have portability, especially with the MBA. If you had an 
IPhone and an MBA and were sighted, I could definitely see wanting to read the 
books on a screen larger than the phone offers. 


Mary Otten

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Re: Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama, 'You're Headed For A One-Term Presidency'

2011-10-24 Thread Teresa Cochran
I got an ad from Barnes and Noble that indicated it had come out, too. Guess 
it's just been published.


"Nobody ever tells me anything!"--James Forsyte, quoted in the Forsyte Saga

On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:36 AM, Dan Roy wrote:

> It's on audible, now.  It must have appeared sometime during the night or 
> vary early this morning. Unless I just totally missed itk, there was no 
> mention of it last night.  
> Well, it does;n't matter anyway, it wasn't released officially until this 
> morning.  Anyway, I snagged it first thing.
> On Oct 21, 2011, at 7:39 PM, Rod Skene wrote:
>> done better regardless of political views, I am very excited to read the 
>> book. Does anybody know if it will be on audible? 
> -- 
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ICloud and Voiceover

2011-10-24 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Hello Listers,

In your experience, how accessible is iCloud with Voiceover? Is iCloud
functioning fully for those of us who live in the UK?

Thanks for any tips you share.

With best wishes


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Re: ICloud and Voiceover

2011-10-24 Thread Mika Pyyhkala
iCloud on iOS devices works well, but the
web site has not worked for me at all at least with a Windows screen reader.


On 10/24/11, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:
> Hello Listers,
> In your experience, how accessible is iCloud with Voiceover? Is iCloud
> functioning fully for those of us who live in the UK?
> Thanks for any tips you share.
> With best wishes
> Andrew
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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-24 Thread ezzie bueno

Hello Scott and others,

What about those of us who do not have ios devices? Although I do 
read my books on my BrailleNote, I would still like to have the 
option of downloading ibooks onto my Mac, seeing as some books 
are not available in Braille.  Those that are available on 
Bookshare's website are sometimes a pain.

These are just my thoughts.


- Original Message -
From: Mary Otten Well, Amazon has kindle for pc and Mac, so I assume they must 
think at least some sighted people would like to read books on a 
computer.  Quite honestly, one of the reasons I would like to see 
IBooks on the computer is that I'd really like to read with the 
Alex voice and not the voices on my IPad.  I certainly agree that 
portability is a huge advantage, but if you had a MBP or and MBA, 
then you'd still have portability, especially with the MBA.  If 
you had an IPhone and an MBA and were sighted, I could definitely 
see wanting to read the books on a screen larger than the phone 


Mary Otten

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Re: IOS: accessible VO cloent

2011-10-24 Thread Massimo Vettoretti
In data Lunedě 24 Ottobre 2011 13.23.56, Doug Lawlor 
 ha scritto:

Check out Focus for Facebook in the app store.
Thanks Doug, donwloaded, installed and tried out. It... works... in some 
way. Of course, it doesn't fully support FB features. You cannot Add or 
edit notes, you cannot access "Places" or Check-in, but, at least, you 
can read feeds, status messages and say if you do like them or not and 
you can post comment. What I would like to have is the ufficial FB app 
made accessible. But :)

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Re: ICloud and Voiceover

2011-10-24 Thread Scott Howell
Yep, the iCloud site needs some help, so let Apple know. THey aren't perfect, 
but then no one is perfect.

On Oct 24, 2011, at 12:22 PM, Mika Pyyhkala wrote:

> Hi,
> iCloud on iOS devices works well, but the
> web site has not worked for me at all at least with a Windows screen reader.
> Best,
> Mika
> On 10/24/11, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:
>> Hello Listers,
>> In your experience, how accessible is iCloud with Voiceover? Is iCloud
>> functioning fully for those of us who live in the UK?
>> Thanks for any tips you share.
>> With best wishes
>> Andrew
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Re: A few verbosity withh Mail questions

2011-10-24 Thread John André Netland

If a message is the first to appear with this topic, you will only see the name 
of the sender. If there is a conversation going on, and you still have the 
previous messages stored, the number of new messages in the thread is shown. If 
there is only one new, the number will be 1. This way, you always know how many 
messages have been added to the conversation. This will vary a bit from your 
setup and use of Mail, but in general, this is a way to explain it.

For the announcements, you have the ability to restrict much of what VoiceOver 
says in VoiceOver Utility. For example, you can go to the Verbosity category, 
choose the Speech verbosity tab, click the checkbox to show the detailed list 
of verbosity options, and find the "Disclosure triangle" control. Set this to 
Custom, and uncheck the Type checkbox. This will make VoiceOver only say the 
number, and if the triangle is open or closed.

HOpe this helps!

John André

John André Netland - Voice/SMS/MMS (+47) 971 68 794
Visit online at

On 24. okt. 2011, at 04:12, Candie Stiles wrote:

> Both of your questions are excellent. If someone has the answers to these I 
> would love to know as well. Especially the question about getting rid of all 
> the exess chatter voice over reads when there is more than one message in a 
> conversation.
> Candie
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 11:17 AM, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Hi.When I have my emails grouped by conversation how come I get several “One 
>> message in conversation” notifications whereas other single messages do not 
>> have this?
>> Also, is there any way I can cut back on some of the excess verbiage when I 
>> get some thing like “Four message conversation?” Would rather it say 
>> something like 4mc or something like that.
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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RE: A few verbosity withh Mail questions

2011-10-24 Thread Bill Holton
Thanks.  I had found the disclosure triangle setting, and that helps.  I was
hoping I could find some way to change the rest, though.  Currently in
Outlook I have my screen reader saying re instead of red and f instead of
forwarded and u for unread.  Doesn’t sound like much, but it sure does make
scrolling through mail a lot more pleasurable experience.  Are these
announcements in Mail icons that can be renamed, and if so, how would I do




[] On Behalf Of John André Netland
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: A few verbosity withh Mail questions




If a message is the first to appear with this topic, you will only see the
name of the sender. If there is a conversation going on, and you still have
the previous messages stored, the number of new messages in the thread is
shown. If there is only one new, the number will be 1. This way, you always
know how many messages have been added to the conversation. This will vary a
bit from your setup and use of Mail, but in general, this is a way to
explain it.


For the announcements, you have the ability to restrict much of what
VoiceOver says in VoiceOver Utility. For example, you can go to the
Verbosity category, choose the Speech verbosity tab, click the checkbox to
show the detailed list of verbosity options, and find the "Disclosure
triangle" control. Set this to Custom, and uncheck the Type checkbox. This
will make VoiceOver only say the number, and if the triangle is open or


HOpe this helps!


John André



John André Netland - Voice/SMS/MMS (+47) 971 68 794

Visit online at



On 24. okt. 2011, at 04:12, Candie Stiles wrote:

Both of your questions are excellent. If someone has the answers to these I
would love to know as well. Especially the question about getting rid of all
the exess chatter voice over reads when there is more than one message in a


On Oct 23, 2011, at 11:17 AM, Bill Holton wrote:

Hi.When I have my emails grouped by conversation how come I get several “One
message in conversation” notifications whereas other single messages do not
have this?

Also, is there any way I can cut back on some of the excess verbiage when I
get some thing like “Four message conversation?” Would rather it say
something like 4mc or something like that.





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iPod Touch

2011-10-24 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

I have a 4th generation iPod Touch, but I am not being able to use it
with VoiceOver.
VO reads everything that's given on the screen, but I really don't
know how to move forward.
I have never used a device with a touchscreen before, so that could be
the reason for the problem I'm facing.

So, can anyone here give some tips that might be useful?
I really want to be able to use my iPod Touch.


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Re: YoruFukurou

2011-10-24 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi Shannon,

Thank you for your help.
Wow, that really works!
BTW, how can I search for things on YoruFukurou?

On 24/10/2011, Shannon Dyer  wrote:
> Hi.
> To open a buffer for a particular person, type command u and type the
> person's twitter name without the at sign.
> I hope this helps.
> Shannon
> Are you a fan of women's music? If so, join me each Thursday from noon until
> three for the Eclectic Collection: a Celebration of Women In Music. Point
> your media player to:
> or
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:35 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I downloaded YoruFukurou just a few days ago.
>> It's working very well, but I have a couple of questions related to it.
>> 1. How can you search for people, tweets, etc on YoruFukurou?
>> 2. Is it possible to open a particular person's profile on YoruFukurou
>> to check his tweets and stuff, like we do on Twitter?
>> Your help would be greatly appreciated.
>> Cheers,
>> Rahul
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Re: A few verbosity withh Mail questions

2011-10-24 Thread John André Netland
In some ways you can, by using the object label feature in VoiceOver. Interact 
with the message list when you have an unread message there, focus on the 
unread button, and open the label feature to enter whatever you want VO to say 
instead. Every time VoiceOver sees such a button again, it will use your new 
term. Also, you can do the same for "Forwarded" and "Replied" messages. Just 
find such a message, interact until you find the correct button, and label it 
with something else. And of course, if you don't have a forwarded or replied 
message on hand, just forward or reply to yourself, to have the buttons appear 
in your inbox. :)

John André Netland - Voice/SMS/MMS (+47) 971 68 794
Visit online at

On 24. okt. 2011, at 20:53, Bill Holton wrote:

> Thanks.  I had found the disclosure triangle setting, and that helps.  I was 
> hoping I could find some way to change the rest, though.  Currently in 
> Outlook I have my screen reader saying re instead of red and f instead of 
> forwarded and u for unread.  Doesn’t sound like much, but it sure does make 
> scrolling through mail a lot more pleasurable experience.  Are these 
> announcements in Mail icons that can be renamed, and if so, how would I do 
> that.
> Thanks.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of John André Netland
> Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 2:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: A few verbosity withh Mail questions
> Hi,
> If a message is the first to appear with this topic, you will only see the 
> name of the sender. If there is a conversation going on, and you still have 
> the previous messages stored, the number of new messages in the thread is 
> shown. If there is only one new, the number will be 1. This way, you always 
> know how many messages have been added to the conversation. This will vary a 
> bit from your setup and use of Mail, but in general, this is a way to explain 
> it.
> For the announcements, you have the ability to restrict much of what 
> VoiceOver says in VoiceOver Utility. For example, you can go to the Verbosity 
> category, choose the Speech verbosity tab, click the checkbox to show the 
> detailed list of verbosity options, and find the "Disclosure triangle" 
> control. Set this to Custom, and uncheck the Type checkbox. This will make 
> VoiceOver only say the number, and if the triangle is open or closed.
> HOpe this helps!
> John André
> ***
> John André Netland - Voice/SMS/MMS (+47) 971 68 794
> Visit online at
> ***
> On 24. okt. 2011, at 04:12, Candie Stiles wrote:
> Both of your questions are excellent. If someone has the answers to these I 
> would love to know as well. Especially the question about getting rid of all 
> the exess chatter voice over reads when there is more than one message in a 
> conversation.
> Candie
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 11:17 AM, Bill Holton wrote:
> Hi.When I have my emails grouped by conversation how come I get several “One 
> message in conversation” notifications whereas other single messages do not 
> have this?
> Also, is there any way I can cut back on some of the excess verbiage when I 
> get some thing like “Four message conversation?” Would rather it say 
> something like 4mc or something like that.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email 
> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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RE: A few verbosity withh Mail questions

2011-10-24 Thread Bill Holton
Thanks.  Figured it was there, just couldn’t find it.



[] On Behalf Of John André Netland
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: A few verbosity withh Mail questions


In some ways you can, by using the object label feature in VoiceOver.
Interact with the message list when you have an unread message there, focus
on the unread button, and open the label feature to enter whatever you want
VO to say instead. Every time VoiceOver sees such a button again, it will
use your new term. Also, you can do the same for "Forwarded" and "Replied"
messages. Just find such a message, interact until you find the correct
button, and label it with something else. And of course, if you don't have a
forwarded or replied message on hand, just forward or reply to yourself, to
have the buttons appear in your inbox. :)



John André Netland - Voice/SMS/MMS (+47) 971 68 794

Visit online at



On 24. okt. 2011, at 20:53, Bill Holton wrote:

Thanks.  I had found the disclosure triangle setting, and that helps.  I was
hoping I could find some way to change the rest, though.  Currently in
Outlook I have my screen reader saying re instead of red and f instead of
forwarded and u for unread.  Doesn’t sound like much, but it sure does make
scrolling through mail a lot more pleasurable experience.  Are these
announcements in Mail icons that can be renamed, and if so, how would I do




[] On Behalf Of John André Netland
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: A few verbosity withh Mail questions




If a message is the first to appear with this topic, you will only see the
name of the sender. If there is a conversation going on, and you still have
the previous messages stored, the number of new messages in the thread is
shown. If there is only one new, the number will be 1. This way, you always
know how many messages have been added to the conversation. This will vary a
bit from your setup and use of Mail, but in general, this is a way to
explain it.


For the announcements, you have the ability to restrict much of what
VoiceOver says in VoiceOver Utility. For example, you can go to the
Verbosity category, choose the Speech verbosity tab, click the checkbox to
show the detailed list of verbosity options, and find the "Disclosure
triangle" control. Set this to Custom, and uncheck the Type checkbox. This
will make VoiceOver only say the number, and if the triangle is open or


HOpe this helps!


John André



John André Netland - Voice/SMS/MMS (+47) 971 68 794

Visit online at



On 24. okt. 2011, at 04:12, Candie Stiles wrote:

Both of your questions are excellent. If someone has the answers to these I
would love to know as well. Especially the question about getting rid of all
the exess chatter voice over reads when there is more than one message in a


On Oct 23, 2011, at 11:17 AM, Bill Holton wrote:

Hi.When I have my emails grouped by conversation how come I get several “One
message in conversation” notifications whereas other single messages do not
have this?

Also, is there any way I can cut back on some of the excess verbiage when I
get some thing like “Four message conversation?” Would rather it say
something like 4mc or something like that.





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Re: Newsstand problems

2011-10-24 Thread Caitlyn Furness
You might be able to get a refund, just use the link on your receipt where it 
says something like, report a problem.. this might not work, though.

Just fyi, as an alternative to the dumb news stand thing, there is an app 
called zinio.  It's another news stand type thing, offering all sorts of 
magazines.  I currently subscribe to mac world magazine and get single cpies of 
several other mags at my whim, like Weight Watchers, clean Eating, Outside, and 
a couple dog and horse mags, and all of those have been delightfully 
accessible.  I am totally blind, for what it's worth, so you might want to 
check this app out.  Also, the subscription prices on zinio are often much 
lower then the regular prices as well as the single copy prices.  They also 
have a web site-I think it's, where you can set up an account.  I 
don't know how accessible the desk top magazine reader is, though, but the i 
phone app is definitely accessible.


On Oct 22, 2011, at 5:38 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:

> Hi,
> I bought a magazine but i can't read it with Voice Over. What can i do? does 
> someone know if Apple thinks in accessibility features for Newsstand?
> thanks,
> Francisco
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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-24 Thread Badger, Nancy
go to
On Oct 23, 2011, at 4:08 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

Good morning all,
As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new apps, to expand 
the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs app junky, so I'd like to cary 
that obsession over to the mac.
All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource of apps that 
are and aren't accessible.
I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps,
For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app, are there any 
accesible games?
I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for mac osX, for 
text adventures, but what else is there?
We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac users have!

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Nancy L. Badger, Ph.D.
Director, Counseling and Career Planning
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Services
U. of TN Chattanooga
Phone: 423-425-4438
Fax: 423-425-5527

NOTE: Be aware that email communication cannot be considered confidential based 
on the University System’s policies and procedures and the state ofTennessee ’s 
position that email sent and received in the course of state business is public 
record. Because of this, it is possible that information divulged in this 
manner would not legally be considered privileged communication. In addition, 
receipt and response to email communication cannot be guaranteed.

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Unable to read Mail with regular cursor keys

2011-10-24 Thread Scott Howell
Question for you all.
I read messages sometimes using the standard arrow keys, but for some unknown 
reason I am only able to read the first line of a message now. I have seen this 
happen on occasion, but generally logging out and back in wil resolve the times 
when it really has gotten out of whack.
However, that trick is not working and I even tried resetting all VO settings 
with no luck. I cannot find anything in Mail that would cause the problem. So, 
any thoughts?


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Re: steve Jobs in 1994.

2011-10-24 Thread Chris Blouch

Original link is here:


On 10/23/11 10:34 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Hi All,
I promised to share this, and I am sorry it took longer than planned.  
I must admit that since my dad's recent passing, I can have a hard 
time getting things done.
Anyway, it totally amazing, the article, not just because of what it 
reveals about Jobs, but about how he was thinking ahead.  So much so 
that you may laugh out loud at how correct he was...even about how 
long it would take cable boxes to do very much.  He even points out 
why it is hard for screen reader developers to get Windows to  be as 
flexible as the mac, although the comment is not specific to speech.

it is all here, and a long one, but worth it.
Steve Jobs in 1994: The Rolling Stone Interview
   Anne Knudsen/Liaison

   The story of Apple CEO Steve Jobs is one of the most familiar in 
American business -- shaggy Bob-Dylan-loving kid starts a computer 
company in a Silicon Valley garage and changes the world. But like 
any  compelling story, it has its dark moments. Before the iPad or the 
iPhone, Jobs, then the head of the short-lived NeXT Computer, sat down 
with Rolling Stone's Jeff Goodell. It was 1994, Jobs had long ago been 
booted from Apple, the internet was still the province of geeks and 
academics, and the personal computer revolution looked like it might 
be over. But even at one of the low points in his career, Jobs still 
had confidence in the limitless potential of personal computing. Read 
on to get Jobs' prescient take on PDAs and object-oriented software, 
as well as his relationship with Bill Gates and why he wanted the 
internet in his den, but not living room. Steve Jobs died of 
pancreatic cancer at the age of 56 on October 5th, 2011.

 Like other Phenomena of the '80s, Steve Jobs was supposed to be long 
gone by now. After the spectacular rise of Apple, which went from a 
garage start-up to a $1.4 billion company in just eight years, the 
Entrepreneur of the Decade (as one magazine anointed him in 1989) 
tried to do it all again with a new company called NeXT. He was going 
to build the next generation of the personal computer, a machine so 
beautiful, so powerful, so insanely great, it would put Apple to shame.
 It didn't happen. After eight long years of struggle and after 
running through some $250 million, NeXT closed down its hardware 
division last year and laid off more than 200 employees. It seemed 
only a matter of time until the whole thing collapsed and Jobs 
disappeared into hyperspace.

But it turns out that Jobs isn't as far gone as some techno-pundits 
thought. There are big changes coming in software development -- and 
Jobs, of all people, is trying to lead the way. This time the Holy 
Grail is object-oriented programming; some have compared the effect it 
will have on the production of software to the effect the industrial  
revolution had om manufactured goods. "In my 20 years in this 
industry, I have never seen a revolution as profound as this," says 
Jobs, with characteristic understatement. "You can build software 
literally five to 10 times faster, and that software is much more 
reliable, much easier to maintain and much more powerful."

This article appeared in the June 16, 1994 issue of Rolling Stone.  
The issue is available in the online archive.

Of course, this being Silicon Valley, there is always a new revolution 
to hype. And to hear it coming from Jobs -- Mr. Revolution himself -- 
is bound to raise some eyebrows. "Steve is a little like the boy who 
cried wolf," says Robert Cringely, a columnist at Info World, a PC 
industry newsweekly. "He has cried revolution one too many times.  
People still listen to him, but now they're more skeptical." And even 
if object-oriented software does take off, Jobs may very well end up a 
minor figure rather than the flag-waving leader of the pack he clearly 
sees himself as.  Whatever role Jobs ends up playing, there is no 
question evolutionary forces will soon reshape the software industry. 
Since the Macintosh changed the world 10 years ago with its brilliant 
point-and-click interface, all the big leaps in computer evolution 
have been on the hardware side. Machines have gotten smaller, faster 
and cheaper.  Software, by contrast, has gotten bigger, more 
complicated and much more expensive to produce. Writing a new 
spreadsheet or word-processing program these days is a tedious 
process, like building a skyscraper out of toothpicks. Object-oriented 
programming will change that. To put it simply, it will allow 
gigantic, complex programs to be assembled like Tinkertoys. Instead of 
starting from the ground up every time, layering in one line of code 
after another, programmers will be able to use preassembled chunks to 
build 80 percent of a program, thus saving an enormous amount of time 
and money. Because these objects will work with a wide ran

Re: can't use safari ! please help

2011-10-24 Thread Robert Nelson
It sounds like you have cursor tracking turned off.  VO-shift  F3 toggles  
cursor tracking on and off.

there are two  separate cursors in  Voice Over, the VoiceOver cursor and the 
keyboard cursor.  Where the  VoiceOver  cursor is is what is read.  The 
keyboard  cursor must be on whatever object or in this specific case the link  
is in order to activate the link.  

If you press VO-F4 it will tell you where the keyboard cursor is.

toggle cursor tracking on.  It should solve your problem.

Sincerely Yours,

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Problems Activating iCloud

2011-10-24 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Dear Listers,

I am at my wits' end. I've spent many an hour trying to activate
iCloud via system preferences as advised by Apple. There doesnt seem
to be any other way of moving MobileMe to iCloud. When I press the
button in system preferences that is supposed to begin the process of
moving my MobileMe account to iCloud, Safari gets launched and all I
get is the usual horror situation where Safari reports alternately
busy/ready and I can't seem to do anything.

I have a Macbook air with 4 gb RAM purchased in December 2010 so I
think its specs should be good enough to cope and yet I feel I am
stumped. Has anyone else experienced similar problems?

I've written to Accessibility to share my experience with them but in
the meantime, facing the prospect of MobileMe being phased out, what
is one to do?

Any hints, solution will be appreciated.


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Pages on iPhone

2011-10-24 Thread Gigi
> Hi guys.
I just got back from the Apple store, and I got a keyboard for my iPhone plus I 
downloaded Pages and Numbers to my iPhone. How do you save files in Pages on 
the iPhone? I got a file opened an d typed some text on the iPhone. If it 
matters, I have the iPhone  4. I can't get Siri yet. I have to wait all the way 
to 2013 if I want to pay less money. 

I tried command s to save files. Quite a few VoiceOver commands nwork. 


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Re: Pages on iPhone

2011-10-24 Thread Scott Howell
It seems you do not actually have to save it. Instead it is saved 
automatically. It is a new way of thinking about how you deal with documents.

On Oct 24, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Gigi wrote:

>> Hi guys.
> I just got back from the Apple store, and I got a keyboard for my iPhone plus 
> I downloaded Pages and Numbers to my iPhone. How do you save files in Pages 
> on the iPhone? I got a file opened an d typed some text on the iPhone. If it 
> matters, I have the iPhone  4. I can't get Siri yet. I have to wait all the 
> way to 2013 if I want to pay less money. 
> I tried command s to save files. Quite a few VoiceOver commands nwork. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi
> -- 
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Resolved my Mail reading problem

2011-10-24 Thread Scott Howell
SInce I cannot find my original message, I had stated I could not read messages 
with the regular arrow keys. SO, I decided to run Cocktail and do a little 
housecleaning and rebooted. THe problem is now resolved. DOn't know why this 
did't occur to me before, but hey it worked!


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making an exact copy of my old exturnel hard drive to my new exturnal hard drive?

2011-10-24 Thread trahern culver
hey all how would i go about making an exact coppy of my old exturnle
hard drive to my new external hard drive?

thanks for your help kind regards trahern.

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Re: Pages on iPhone

2011-10-24 Thread Gigi
Hi Scott. 
Thanks for your response. Actually, my old BrailleLite 40 used to handle files 
in this way. Since I had the BrailleLite for nine years, I can get used to 
that. pretty easily I guess I didn't say it right. Once you have made a file 
and typed some text in  there, how do you give the file a name? So far, I have 
not found it anywhere, although it seems logical that you should be able to put 
file names in.. I think I had better read the file that came with it more. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 24, 2011, at 5:49 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:

> It seems you do not actually have to save it. Instead it is saved 
> automatically. It is a new way of thinking about how you deal with documents.
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Gigi wrote:
>>> Hi guys.
>> I just got back from the Apple store, and I got a keyboard for my iPhone 
>> plus I downloaded Pages and Numbers to my iPhone. How do you save files in 
>> Pages on the iPhone? I got a file opened an d typed some text on the iPhone. 
>> If it matters, I have the iPhone  4. I can't get Siri yet. I have to wait 
>> all the way to 2013 if I want to pay less money. 
>> I tried command s to save files. Quite a few VoiceOver commands nwork. 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Seri on the Mac?

2011-10-24 Thread Mike Arrigo
I would not be surprised if apple includes something like that in the next 
major release of their operating system, doubt it will come to lion.
On Oct 24, 2011, at 4:59 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hey All,
> What do you all reckon about having Seri on the Mac? I myself would love it. 
> Just imagine, rather than typing, dictating e-mails and more!
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: good media players that aren't iTunes?

2011-10-24 Thread Mike Arrigo
By far, vlc player will be your best friend, I think the site is, 
I sort of think of it as winamp for the mac, it plays pretty much everything.
On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:41 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am looking for a good media player that is NOT iTunes.  I don't want 
> something to manage my "music library", since I rely on the folder structure 
> I have created to do that.  I just want something to play the files, and the 
> more gooddies the better (pitch changer, bookmarking in files, whatever).  
> Mostly, though, it just needs to play media in a way that is easy for vo to 
> use and, preferably, has keyboard shortcuts for common playback controls.  
> Any suggestions?
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
> -- 
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Re: making an exact copy of my old exturnel hard drive to my new exturnal hard drive?

2011-10-24 Thread Mike Arrigo
Try either super duper or carbon copy cloner, both of those should do the trick.
On Oct 24, 2011, at 6:17 PM, trahern culver wrote:

> hey all how would i go about making an exact coppy of my old exturnle
> hard drive to my new external hard drive?
> thanks for your help kind regards trahern.
> -- 
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Re: Problems Activating iCloud

2011-10-24 Thread Scott Howell
WHat you can try is going to and I found that just 
putting in my user ID, password, and clicking next a bunch of times got the job 
done. Honestly, this is one place I have needed to ping Apple on because the 
site is not very friendly. Of course if you have a set of eyes to throw at the 
problem it would help get the pain over with sooner. Not a good solution for 
sure, but will get the job done.

Good luck,

On Oct 24, 2011, at 6:12 PM, Andrew Lamanche wrote:

> Dear Listers,
> I am at my wits' end. I've spent many an hour trying to activate
> iCloud via system preferences as advised by Apple. There doesnt seem
> to be any other way of moving MobileMe to iCloud. When I press the
> button in system preferences that is supposed to begin the process of
> moving my MobileMe account to iCloud, Safari gets launched and all I
> get is the usual horror situation where Safari reports alternately
> busy/ready and I can't seem to do anything.
> I have a Macbook air with 4 gb RAM purchased in December 2010 so I
> think its specs should be good enough to cope and yet I feel I am
> stumped. Has anyone else experienced similar problems?
> I've written to Accessibility to share my experience with them but in
> the meantime, facing the prospect of MobileMe being phased out, what
> is one to do?
> Any hints, solution will be appreciated.
> Andrew
> -- 
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Re: Pages on iPhone

2011-10-24 Thread Scott Howell
There is an info button, but I need to go play again myself and tell you. :) 
I'll check it out and send along instructions if someone does not beat me to it 
or you don't figure it out. :)

On Oct 24, 2011, at 7:36 PM, Gigi wrote:

> Hi Scott. 
> Thanks for your response. Actually, my old BrailleLite 40 used to handle 
> files in this way. Since I had the BrailleLite for nine years, I can get used 
> to that. pretty easily I guess I didn't say it right. Once you have made a 
> file and typed some text in  there, how do you give the file a name? So far, 
> I have not found it anywhere, although it seems logical that you should be 
> able to put file names in.. I think I had better read the file that came with 
> it more. 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 5:49 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> It seems you do not actually have to save it. Instead it is saved 
>> automatically. It is a new way of thinking about how you deal with documents.
>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Gigi wrote:
 Hi guys.
>>> I just got back from the Apple store, and I got a keyboard for my iPhone 
>>> plus I downloaded Pages and Numbers to my iPhone. How do you save files in 
>>> Pages on the iPhone? I got a file opened an d typed some text on the 
>>> iPhone. If it matters, I have the iPhone  4. I can't get Siri yet. I have 
>>> to wait all the way to 2013 if I want to pay less money. 
>>> I tried command s to save files. Quite a few VoiceOver commands nwork. 
>>> Regards, 
>>> Gigi
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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cannot get e-mails in order i want

2011-10-24 Thread Denise Avant
hello all,
I have a problem with my e-mail. i want the most recent e-mail firs in the list 
in all mail boxes. i have attempted to make this happen. but with no luck. so 
could someone send me the step-by-step process to get this done. i am probably 
missing a step. thanks.

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Re: Pages on iPhone

2011-10-24 Thread Aser Tolentino
Hi Scott and others,
The instructions for the iPad version are to tap and hold on the file name. 
I've never gotten this to work with VoiceOver enabled as it doesn't recognize 
the name as a separate object, so I too could use some enlightenment. Thanks.

Aser Tolentino, Esq.
(916) 572-2737
Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 24, 2011, at 17:19, Scott Howell  wrote:

> There is an info button, but I need to go play again myself and tell you. :) 
> I'll check it out and send along instructions if someone does not beat me to 
> it or you don't figure it out. :)
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 7:36 PM, Gigi wrote:
>> Hi Scott. 
>> Thanks for your response. Actually, my old BrailleLite 40 used to handle 
>> files in this way. Since I had the BrailleLite for nine years, I can get 
>> used to that. pretty easily I guess I didn't say it right. Once you have 
>> made a file and typed some text in  there, how do you give the file a name? 
>> So far, I have not found it anywhere, although it seems logical that you 
>> should be able to put file names in.. I think I had better read the file 
>> that came with it more. 
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 5:49 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
>>> It seems you do not actually have to save it. Instead it is saved 
>>> automatically. It is a new way of thinking about how you deal with 
>>> documents.
>>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Gigi wrote:
> Hi guys.
 I just got back from the Apple store, and I got a keyboard for my iPhone 
 plus I downloaded Pages and Numbers to my iPhone. How do you save files in 
 Pages on the iPhone? I got a file opened an d typed some text on the 
 iPhone. If it matters, I have the iPhone  4. I can't get Siri yet. I have 
 to wait all the way to 2013 if I want to pay less money. 
 I tried command s to save files. Quite a few VoiceOver commands nwork. 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Re: Pages on iPhone

2011-10-24 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. I can rename files but it's strange. I have to go to the name 
turn off voiceover and tap and hold. Voiceover doesn't respond to a double tap 
hold in Pages.
On Oct 24, 2011, at 7:45 PM, Aser Tolentino wrote:

> Hi Scott and others,
> The instructions for the iPad version are to tap and hold on the file name. 
> I've never gotten this to work with VoiceOver enabled as it doesn't recognize 
> the name as a separate object, so I too could use some enlightenment. Thanks.
> Respectfully,
> Aser Tolentino, Esq.
> (916) 572-2737
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 17:19, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> There is an info button, but I need to go play again myself and tell you. :) 
>> I'll check it out and send along instructions if someone does not beat me to 
>> it or you don't figure it out. :)
>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 7:36 PM, Gigi wrote:
>>> Hi Scott. 
>>> Thanks for your response. Actually, my old BrailleLite 40 used to handle 
>>> files in this way. Since I had the BrailleLite for nine years, I can get 
>>> used to that. pretty easily I guess I didn't say it right. Once you have 
>>> made a file and typed some text in  there, how do you give the file a name? 
>>> So far, I have not found it anywhere, although it seems logical that you 
>>> should be able to put file names in.. I think I had better read the file 
>>> that came with it more. 
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 5:49 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
 It seems you do not actually have to save it. Instead it is saved 
 automatically. It is a new way of thinking about how you deal with 
 On Oct 24, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Gigi wrote:
>> Hi guys.
> I just got back from the Apple store, and I got a keyboard for my iPhone 
> plus I downloaded Pages and Numbers to my iPhone. How do you save files 
> in Pages on the iPhone? I got a file opened an d typed some text on the 
> iPhone. If it matters, I have the iPhone  4. I can't get Siri yet. I have 
> to wait all the way to 2013 if I want to pay less money. 
> I tried command s to save files. Quite a few VoiceOver commands nwork. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi
> -- 
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: good media players that aren't iTunes?

2011-10-24 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks, I'll try it. Will it do ogg files? Right now, the mac thinks
they are Unix executables, which is odd, and Quicktime won't play

On 10/24/11, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
> By far, vlc player will be your best friend, I think the site is
>, I sort of think of it as winamp for the mac, it plays pretty
> much everything.
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:41 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am looking for a good media player that is NOT iTunes.  I don't want
>> something to manage my "music library", since I rely on the folder
>> structure I have created to do that.  I just want something to play the
>> files, and the more gooddies the better (pitch changer, bookmarking in
>> files, whatever).  Mostly, though, it just needs to play media in a way
>> that is easy for vo to use and, preferably, has keyboard shortcuts for
>> common playback controls.  Any suggestions?
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Pages on iPhone

2011-10-24 Thread Gigi
Hi again guys.
Ok, maybe I am missing something here, but how can you rename files if you have 
to turn off VoiceOver to do it?  If I turn VoiceOver off, I'm big time lost. 


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:11 PM, Paul Hunt  wrote:

> Hello everyone. I can rename files but it's strange. I have to go to the name 
> turn off voiceover and tap and hold. Voiceover doesn't respond to a double 
> tap hold in Pages.
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 7:45 PM, Aser Tolentino wrote:
>> Hi Scott and others,
>> The instructions for the iPad version are to tap and hold on the file name. 
>> I've never gotten this to work with VoiceOver enabled as it doesn't 
>> recognize the name as a separate object, so I too could use some 
>> enlightenment. Thanks.
>> Respectfully,
>> Aser Tolentino, Esq.
>> (916) 572-2737
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 17:19, Scott Howell  wrote:
>>> There is an info button, but I need to go play again myself and tell you.. 
>>> :) I'll check it out and send along instructions if someone does not beat 
>>> me to it or you don't figure it out. :)
>>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 7:36 PM, Gigi wrote:
 Hi Scott. 
 Thanks for your response. Actually, my old BrailleLite 40 used to handle 
 files in this way. Since I had the BrailleLite for nine years, I can get 
 used to that. pretty easily I guess I didn't say it right. Once you have 
 made a file and typed some text in  there, how do you give the file a 
 name? So far, I have not found it anywhere, although it seems logical that 
 you should be able to put file names in.. I think I had better read the 
 file that came with it more. 
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Oct 24, 2011, at 5:49 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:

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Re: iPod Touch

2011-10-24 Thread Alex Hall
Start by reading the FAQ's "gestures" section (and any other sections
that you find helpful). Then I would find podcasts on places like and listen to them. Finally, throw out everything
you know about screen reading; the iPod does things differently, for
the most part, and it is best to start with no expectations or

On 10/24/11, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a 4th generation iPod Touch, but I am not being able to use it
> with VoiceOver.
> VO reads everything that's given on the screen, but I really don't
> know how to move forward.
> I have never used a device with a touchscreen before, so that could be
> the reason for the problem I'm facing.
> So, can anyone here give some tips that might be useful?
> I really want to be able to use my iPod Touch.
> Cheers,
> Rahul
> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: iPod Touch

2011-10-24 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Rahul,

You can start with your home screen.  You can explore it by moving one finger 
around on the screen. As you move, VO tells you which items are under your 
finger. Along the bottom of the screen are 4 applications. The home screen has 
different "pages", but the four things at the bottom of the screen in the dock 
area are always there. Next, you can try swiping a finger to the right. This 
will take you to the next item, and swiping left will take you to the previous 

to open an application, you can find it and double-tap on it. I'm fairly sure 
that if you find Safari on the bottom dock area and double-tap it, you'll land 
on the page for the manual. In any document, such as a web page, you can swipe 
down with two fingers from near the top and it will read continuously. Tap once 
with two fingers to pause and restart it.

This will get you started. Once you're more comfortable navigating, you can 
explore the gesture practice in the VO settings.

"Visualize whirled peas."

On Oct 24, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a 4th generation iPod Touch, but I am not being able to use it
> with VoiceOver.
> VO reads everything that's given on the screen, but I really don't
> know how to move forward.
> I have never used a device with a touchscreen before, so that could be
> the reason for the problem I'm facing.
> So, can anyone here give some tips that might be useful?
> I really want to be able to use my iPod Touch.
> Cheers,
> Rahul
> -- 
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Ejecting A Flash Drive

2011-10-24 Thread ezzie bueno

Hello Folks,

How exactly am I supposed to eject a USB flash drive? I've tried 
Command E and that doesn't do it.  I've looked : the menu bar, 
but do not see the option to eject.

Any help is welcome.

Ezzie Ez Bueno
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Skype: sillyez
Google Talk:
Google Plus:

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Re: good media players that aren't iTunes?

2011-10-24 Thread Mike Arrigo
Yes, vlc will handle these.
On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:26 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Thanks, I'll try it. Will it do ogg files? Right now, the mac thinks
> they are Unix executables, which is odd, and Quicktime won't play
> them.
> On 10/24/11, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>> By far, vlc player will be your best friend, I think the site is
>>, I sort of think of it as winamp for the mac, it plays pretty
>> much everything.
>> On Oct 24, 2011, at 8:41 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am looking for a good media player that is NOT iTunes.  I don't want
>>> something to manage my "music library", since I rely on the folder
>>> structure I have created to do that.  I just want something to play the
>>> files, and the more gooddies the better (pitch changer, bookmarking in
>>> files, whatever).  Mostly, though, it just needs to play media in a way
>>> that is easy for vo to use and, preferably, has keyboard shortcuts for
>>> common playback controls.  Any suggestions?
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
>>> --
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Re: Ejecting A Flash Drive

2011-10-24 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi Ezzie, if you bring up a context menu on the drive, you can choose the 
'eject' option. YOu can either do a control click or VO-shift-M to bring up the 
context menu.

HTH and have a lovely evening!…


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

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On Oct 24, 2011, at 6:43 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

Hello Folks,

How exactly am I supposed to eject a USB flash drive? I've tried Command E and 
that doesn't do it.  I've looked : the menu bar, but do not see the option to 
Any help is welcome.

Ezzie Ez Bueno
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Skype: sillyez
Google Talk:
Google Plus:

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Re: Ejecting A Flash Drive

2011-10-24 Thread Gerry Cook
Hi cara as i have lion installed when i baught this macbook pro! could i get 
lion on a bootable dvd? if i wanted to give a copy to my sisters who have 18 
month old imac and macbook pros?
Gerry Cook
cheers gerry

On 25/10/2011, at 4:51 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

> Hi Ezzie, if you bring up a context menu on the drive, you can choose the 
> 'eject' option. YOu can either do a control click or VO-shift-M to bring up 
> the context menu.
> HTH and have a lovely evening!…
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Oct 24, 2011, at 6:43 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> How exactly am I supposed to eject a USB flash drive? I've tried Command E 
> and that doesn't do it.  I've looked : the menu bar, but do not see the 
> option to eject.
> Any help is welcome.
> Thanks,
> Ezzie Ez Bueno
> Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
> Skype: sillyez
> Facebook:
> Google Talk:
> Google Plus:
> Twitter:
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