Re: new growl 1.3 usage

2011-10-08 Thread Paul Erkens
Ji Jef Bishop,
Unfortunately the 1.3 growl preferences are no longer located in system 
preferences. How do you get to them if you want to change something?
On Oct 7, 2011, at 8:20 PM, Jeff Bishop wrote:

> Relaunch the app to get to them. This is how I found them.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Paul Erkens
> Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 11:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: new growl 1.3 usage
> Dear listers,
> I just got growl 1.3 from the mac app store. I have been using 1.2.2 for a
> while, and I removed it using a script provided on the site.
> Then, I rebooted and installed 1.3 from the store and rebooted again to give
> growl a chance to load its new preferences pain, and detect dropbox running.
> Does anyone know where the growl preferences are? I can no longer find them
> in the system preferences.
> Paul.
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crashed Lion last night

2011-10-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Guys.
I managed to crash Lion last night, and I'd like to tell you guys how I did it 
because it's something a lot of VoiceOver users might be tempted to do. 
However, you don't want to do what I did last evening. 

I was in Numbers. I had a file open, and discovered that I had made a mistake. 
I took a row out. Then I decided that my mistake was worse than I thought so I 
wanted to go to September 19 version. Well, last time I had so much trouble 
getting to the right version and calling it up that I decided to do what I used 
to do in Windows all the time, copy the old version from my thumb drive.

Unfortunately, I forgot to press command-W. Most of the time this has not been 
a problem because Lion will let you copy files that are still in memory. 
However, unbeknownst to me, I created two of these files in memory. I had never 
had that happen before. 

After making the copy, I went back in and there was the old one. So, I made 
some changes, took that same row out plus did some more. Then I went to another 
window in Numbers, and lo, I found the other copy with, as best I can remember, 
the same name. 

I tried closing both files with command-w, and that was when my computer 
crashed. I couldn't go anywhere or do anything. VoiceOver did some talking, but 
the only way I finally got to shut down was when I got desperate and pressed 
the power key. When I did that, I got the shut down menu. When I did that, 
copied the file over again, and went back into Numbers again, everything was 


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[Mac-cessibility News] The Mac-cessibility Round Table Podcast #16 - 4S is "For Steve"

2011-10-08 Thread Maccessibility
The Mac-cessibility Round Table Podcast #16 - 4S is "For Steve"

In episode #16, the knights share their thoughts on the loss of the man who made
so many new things possible for all of us. After, as Steve Jobs would have
undoubtedly wanted, we discuss the latest addition from Cupertino to delight
Apple users, the iPhone 4S, and what we think of the new Siri [...]

You can read the rest of this news item at:

The Mac-cessibility Network
"'s all within our reach..."

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No items found

2011-10-08 Thread Manohar Singaram
Dear friends, 
I went into the system preference to change the behavior of the function keys. 
It was successfully done,however  since then my down cursor key is not working. 
Example when I  press voice over plus Mand enter menu then try to cursor 
down under apple to go to system preference it does not go down. 
Strangely when I  use the item  chooser voice over I  it says 0  items. So is 
the case in all the other menus. I must have blundered on something along the 
Help from my respected friends is most appreciated. 
Regards Mano   

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New voices in Lion with new accounts

2011-10-08 Thread Joseph Norton
 Hi list:

Just a note to anyone who creates a new account and wants to use it with 

If you create a new user account, (or delete your own VoiceOver preferences), 
the new voices offered with Lion will not show up by default.  You need to go 
into VoiceOver utility, select the Speech tab, then, when selecting the default 
voice, you choose "Customize".  The voices will show up unchecked.  You just 
need to check the ones you want.  Don't worry about downloading them--if you 
have already downloaded them initially, they're still there.  But, VoiceOver 
will not offer them until you check them again.  Interestingly, when this 
happened to me, I was offered the Tom, Karen, Serena, and several of the other 
Nuance voices in compact mode, these weren't initially offered with the install 
of Lion.

Of course, not many people will want the compact voices, unless they just want 
the same sound between their I devices and the Mac.

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[Mac-cessibility News] The Lives He Touched...

2011-10-08 Thread Maccessibility
The Lives He Touched...

Many members of the visually impaired community who have contributed in one way
or another to this web site, and the greater VI Apple community at large, have
shared their thoughts on the tragic loss of Steve Jobs. We offer this glimpse
into the lives he touched as our tribute to Steve. Click here to [...]

You can read the rest of this news item at:

The Mac-cessibility Network
"'s all within our reach..."

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Re: crashed Lion last night

2011-10-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
Oh, wow. I'm proud of you; it isn't easy to crash OS X. :) I'm perfectly 
capable of doing the same sort of thing, so I'm crossing my fingers. Glad it's 
all working again.

I once crash Windows trying to run two screen-readers, Jaws and Virgo at the 
same time. It completely destroyed my display drivers and I had to reformat my 
hard drive and reinstall the OS. I'm so glad OS X is not so fragile.

On Oct 8, 2011, at 6:13 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Guys.
> I managed to crash Lion last night, and I'd like to tell you guys how I did 
> it because it's something a lot of VoiceOver users might be tempted to do. 
> However, you don't want to do what I did last evening. 
> I was in Numbers. I had a file open, and discovered that I had made a 
> mistake. I took a row out. Then I decided that my mistake was worse than I 
> thought so I wanted to go to September 19 version. Well, last time I had so 
> much trouble getting to the right version and calling it up that I decided to 
> do what I used to do in Windows all the time, copy the old version from my 
> thumb drive.
> Unfortunately, I forgot to press command-W. Most of the time this has not 
> been a problem because Lion will let you copy files that are still in memory. 
> However, unbeknownst to me, I created two of these files in memory. I had 
> never had that happen before. 
> After making the copy, I went back in and there was the old one. So, I made 
> some changes, took that same row out plus did some more. Then I went to 
> another window in Numbers, and lo, I found the other copy with, as best I can 
> remember, the same name. 
> I tried closing both files with command-w, and that was when my computer 
> crashed. I couldn't go anywhere or do anything. VoiceOver did some talking, 
> but the only way I finally got to shut down was when I got desperate and 
> pressed the power key. When I did that, I got the shut down menu. When I did 
> that, copied the file over again, and went back into Numbers again, 
> everything was ok. 
> Regards,
> Gigi
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Re: crashed Lion last night

2011-10-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Teresa.
No, it's not near as sensitive in some areas. I'm at the Apple store right now 
doing a backup for the first time. Say, I never would have thought of running 
two screen readers under Windows. I had enough trouble with one, although to be 
fair, I ran Jaws successfully for quite a long time. I still have it, and can 
run it if I need to. 

VoiceOver is not as sensitive to having braille displays taken on and off 
without restarting the program. That's nice. I do it all the time. 


On Oct 8, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Oh, wow. I'm proud of you; it isn't easy to crash OS X. :) I'm perfectly 
> capable of doing the same sort of thing, so I'm crossing my fingers. Glad 
> it's all working again.
> I once crash Windows trying to run two screen-readers, Jaws and Virgo at the 
> same time. It completely destroyed my display drivers and I had to reformat 
> my hard drive and reinstall the OS. I'm so glad OS X is not so fragile.
> Teresa
> On Oct 8, 2011, at 6:13 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi Guys.
>> I managed to crash Lion last night, and I'd like to tell you guys how I did 
>> it because it's something a lot of VoiceOver users might be tempted to do. 
>> However, you don't want to do what I did last evening. 
>> I was in Numbers. I had a file open, and discovered that I had made a 
>> mistake. I took a row out. Then I decided that my mistake was worse than I 
>> thought so I wanted to go to September 19 version. Well, last time I had so 
>> much trouble getting to the right version and calling it up that I decided 
>> to do what I used to do in Windows all the time, copy the old version from 
>> my thumb drive.
>> Unfortunately, I forgot to press command-W. Most of the time this has not 
>> been a problem because Lion will let you copy files that are still in 
>> memory. However, unbeknownst to me, I created two of these files in memory. 
>> I had never had that happen before. 
>> After making the copy, I went back in and there was the old one. So, I made 
>> some changes, took that same row out plus did some more. Then I went to 
>> another window in Numbers, and lo, I found the other copy with, as best I 
>> can remember, the same name. 
>> I tried closing both files with command-w, and that was when my computer 
>> crashed. I couldn't go anywhere or do anything. VoiceOver did some talking, 
>> but the only way I finally got to shut down was when I got desperate and 
>> pressed the power key. When I did that, I got the shut down menu. When I did 
>> that, copied the file over again, and went back into Numbers again, 
>> everything was ok. 
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> -- 
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Re: new growl 1.3 usage

2011-10-08 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Is it possible for DB to tell a user when someone has added/removed/
edited a file in a shared foldwmer the emway it did on my old XP C?

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About Opening File Attachments in TextEdit?

2011-10-08 Thread Dan
Hello All,
I know how to attach files to a document in TextEdit. However, I cannot find 
any way, using VO to open an attachment after the file has been saved as  
File.RTFD. Does anyone know how to open an attached file to such a document 
using TextEdit and VO?


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mouse keys and mouse focus

2011-10-08 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Has anybody using Lion tried to turn their mouse keys on using the option key 
five times?  I have mine set to do that; but, the mouse keys always turn off 
right away.  Also, in the Universal preferences tab, it's impossible to check 
the mouse keys on using the radio buttons because the second you do, the mouse 
keys just toggle back off again.  I wonder whether or not this has anything to 
do with the dificulty we seem to be having pressing control+F8 and then moving 
the mouse to the special menu at the right end of the menu bar?  
BTW, any word on when that will be fixed?


The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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Re: listening to and using loops in Garage Band?

2011-10-08 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi Recardo, CJ and all

Does anyone on the list know what I need to do in GarageBand in order to hook 
up my Kurzweil K2600 workstation up with it?



PS. OT: CJ, I lost your email address.  Can you please send it to me off list?

Thanks greatly,

Johnny Chilelli

On Oct 6, 2011, at 4:14 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:

> Hi Riccardo,
> I really appreciate it.  Listened to the first one last night.  I'm wondering 
> what you think the best source for loops is?  Again, I thank you!
> CJ
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 8:06 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Sure,
>> Here goes the links.
>> Part 1.
>> Part 2.
>> Part 3.
>> And the bonus episode.
>> I hope you find them useful.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:39 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>>> Ricardo,
>>> Any chance of downloading the Garage Band tutorials from some where, before 
>>> the Mobile Access site is up & running again?  I'd really appreciate it, if 
>>> it is possible.  I was hoping to get started with my learning curve, now 
>>> that I have Lion installed.
>>> Thanks,
>>> CJ
>>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 5:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 you should check out the audio tutorials I did on Garageband.  I cover 
 this and a whole lot more.  Go to and on the site, do 
 a search for garageband. 
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
 On Aug 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently downloaded the 1.2gb pack of Apple instruments and loops and 
> all that.  I then enabled the loop browser and was looking at the table 
> of drum loops (in column view).  The help tag says to click a loop to 
> hear it, or drag it to use it in the project.  However, selecting a table 
> row (vo-space, up-down, mouse click) will not play the loop.  How do I 
> get a loop to play? How, if I decide to use a loop, do I "drag" it to my 
> song in order to use it, as the tag says? As always, thanks for all your 
> help!
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
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Johnny Angel!

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New to Growl

2011-10-08 Thread Joseph Norton

I've heard several of you mention Growl, so I thought I'd get it--only $1.99.

Now that I have it, I don't see anything that just jumps out at me that I can 
benefit from.

So, what can I do with Growl?

I've seen references to it's telling me about new Emails and telling me when 
downloads finish, but, I am not sure what I need to add to it, if that's what I 

Thanks for any help!

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Re: mouse keys and mouse focus

2011-10-08 Thread Candie Stiles
I have experienced the same thing. I haven't been able to figure out a way to 
get the mouse keys to stay on. I've done some research and so far haven't come 
across a date of when this will be fixed.
On Oct 8, 2011, at 1:10 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Has anybody using Lion tried to turn their mouse keys on using the option key 
> five times?  I have mine set to do that; but, the mouse keys always turn off 
> right away.  Also, in the Universal preferences tab, it's impossible to check 
> the mouse keys on using the radio buttons because the second you do, the 
> mouse keys just toggle back off again.  I wonder whether or not this has 
> anything to do with the dificulty we seem to be having pressing control+F8 
> and then moving the mouse to the special menu at the right end of the menu 
> bar?  
> BTW, any word on when that will be fixed?
> Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
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Trying Again, Ricardo's Garage Band Podcasts

2011-10-08 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Does anyone have the links to Ricardo's garage band podcasts?


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Re: Trying Again, Ricardo's Garage Band Podcasts

2011-10-08 Thread Francisco Salvador Crespo
I'd like also download this podcast. Where can i find Ricardo's podcasts?
El 08/10/2011, a las 21:49, Kevin Mattingly escribió:

> Does anyone have the links to Ricardo's garage band podcasts?
> Thanks,
> Kev
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a question concerning scrolling with trackpad commander

2011-10-08 Thread Cam
Hi all

I can scroll text on a website with the trackpad comander - I'm a
proficient IPhone user so have no trouble actually scrolling. However
when I scroll to say p33 of 36 on a website, and hit VO right arrow
expecting to see links on p33, I'm returned to the top of the web
page. What am I doing wrong? I want to scroll say halfway down a
webpage and then be able to either flick left and right or use VO plus
right and left arrows to see where I am and what links I'm on etc. Can
someone please help?

Many thanks

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avout Ricardo's podcasts

2011-10-08 Thread Francisco Salvador Crespo

I paste a Ricardo's messaje where are the links to his podcasts, but like his 
website is in mantenainze, you can't download it
In the same website, Ricardo says us that the website will return on october 11 
th, but i'm shure that the links wil be the same


HiChristina and Suzanne,

Its no problem at all.  I hope you find them useful. :)

Here goes the links to the 4 Garageband podcasts I did in order





Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

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Re: Trying Again, Ricardo's Garage Band Podcasts

2011-10-08 Thread Ricardo Walker
Here you go.
> Here goes the links.
> Part 1.
> Part 2.
> Part 3.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Oct 8, 2011, at 8:49 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> Does anyone have the links to Ricardo's garage band podcasts?
> Thanks,
> Kev
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