Re: first-time user: a bunch of basic questions

2011-08-20 Thread Jennifer Perdue

The command for send is command  shift D.  To help you remember it just 
remember the word deliver.  like deliver your mail.  

Hope this helps.  

Jenny and Brooks my faithful Guide
On Aug 19, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Perhaps, but is a hard thing not to do. I will definitely keep this in mind, 
> though, and try harder to take the mac for what it is. I think I am just 
> looking for ways of doing the same things I did in windows that made 
> navigation easier, like dialog access keys. For instance, I am writing this 
> on the mac in the mail app. Is there a command to send, or do I have to 
> tab/arrow to the send buton? It is really more about efficiency, at least 
> regarding this point, than a windows comparison.
> On 18 Aug 2011, at 21:31, Mik e Arrigo wrote:
>> Based on your questions, I do think you're comparing voiceover and the mac 
>> to windows too much, and this may cause you problems. While there are some 
>> similarities, the mac has its own way of doing things. For instance, on the 
>> web, you mainly move element by element, it doesn't navigate line by line 
>> the way windows screen readers do. You can still read an entire page by 
>> pressing control option a. The main place you find shortcut keys are in 
>> menus. They usually don't appear in dialog boxes. The more you use it, the 
>> easier it should become for you.
>> On Aug 18, 2011, at 9:10 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I was on here a few months ago asking some basic questions about vo.
>>> Now, I am proud to say, I have a Mac Mini sitting on the desk all
>>> shiny and new from Best Buy as of two nights ago.  I can get around
>>> the basics, like system or vo settings, and I can do things like
>>> checking for updates, but beyond that I am stuck.  Here, in no
>>> particular order, is my list of questions.  Rest assured, more will be
>>> coming!
>>> 1.  It seems that dialogs have access keys (on Windows, one might
>>> press alt-a to activate the "add" button, for instance), since I found
>>> that pressing s within the shutdown dialog will make the computer
>>> sleep.  However, vo will not read these keys, if they exist at all, so
>>> I never know what letter will activate a button.  I have found the
>>> option to use cmd+letter to move to elements starting with that
>>> letter, but that is not the same thing since developers can assign any
>>> letter to be the access key.
>>> 2.  I have trouble with html content (web pages, the App Store, and so
>>> on).  I can get around by arrowing from one element to another or by
>>> using the rotor, but I cannot figure out the following:
>>> a.  I have enabled single-key navigation on webpages, but nothing
>>> wraps.  For instance, if I am below a search edit which is the page's
>>> only input field and I press f, I am told "text field not found"
>>> instead of being taken to the field above me (at the top of the page).
>>> b.  How can I just read the page? With jaws on Windows, I can arrow up
>>> and down on the page to read it like a document, which is great if I
>>> don't know what the page looks like or do not have a destination in
>>> mind.  Arrowing in vo, though, seems impossible.  Am I to read pages
>>> element by element only? If I go to a heading which is, say, an
>>> article title, how can I just arrow down to see what the article is,
>>> instead of reading the page from my current position? This is useful
>>> if there is a by line, a social network sharing frame, or other
>>> content after the heading but before the article.
>>> 3.  How do I use the Finder? I have no idea what it is doing, and only
>>> found a file I was looking for by accident.  Should I use Spotlight
>>> instead? What is the difference? Is there a third-party file and
>>> folder manager that people recommend?
>>> 4.  From what I can gather, the left-hand menu is kind of like the
>>> system tray in Windows, with network information, sound, bluetooth,
>>> and the like.  How do I access it?
>>> 5.  When the mac starts, vo does not.  I have to hit cmd-f5 to run it
>>> each time, and I am not sure how long to wait (I think I could wait a
>>> lot less time than I am).  How can I fix this? I am running a usb
>>> keyboard, no mouse, and no monitor at the moment.
>>> 6.  Can vo announce the time and date like most other screen readers?
>>> This is not a big deal to me, but it would be nice sometimes.  I have
>>> enabled the keyboard commander, but the speech used is not my vo
>>> speech, but rather the system speech, and there is quite a delay
>>> between the keypress and the speaking.
>>> 7.  Why is it that, when I go into the launcher and try to open my
>>> downloads folder, nothing happens? It should have two files in it, so
>>> I know it is not empty.  I am pressing enter, space, vo-space, the up
>>> and down arrows (quick nav is on), but nothing happens.
>>> 8.  Nothing ever goes onto the desktop.  I am not sure how to use it
>>> or what good it

Re: turning off trackpad on macbooks

2011-08-20 Thread Red.Falcon
The only thing I could find and I do not know if this will help you with your 
It seems if you have a mouse or external track pad you can turn off the built 
in track pad in universal prefs under mouse/track pad there is an option there 
to do it!
So plug in a old mouse [if you got one ] and then I suppose you can then turn 
off the trackpad!
hth Colin

On 20 Aug 2011, at 06:28, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> I think everyone is a little confused.  I don't think he's trying to turn off 
> trackpad commander, correct me if I'm wrong.  I think he literally wants to 
> completely bump the track pad out of existence.  He wants to make it where 
> it's as if the track pad never was there to start with.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "gerry cook" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 10:44 PM
> Subject: Re: turning off trackpad on MacBooks
>> Hi i think if you use the cmd key and rotate 2 fingers in an anti clock wise 
>> direction on the track pad, it'll be turned off. I got that from studying 
>> the voiceover guide.
>> cheers gerry skype gerry.cook1
>> - Original Message - From: "Paul Erkens" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 4:07 AM
>> Subject: turning off trackpad on MacBooks
>>> Hi list,
>>> Is there a way to turn off the trackpad entirely, while using a macbook or 
>>> macbook pro with Lion? When accidentally touching it, even when I am in 
>>> VmWare fusion inside windows, a whooshing sound may be heard, which means I 
>>> am in dash board. Of course, you can turn that off, but is there a way to 
>>> have the trackpad not react to me when I accidentally touch it? I know you 
>>> can turn on mouse keys, but that is not really a solution. Having an 
>>> external mouse or trackpad can be done as well, but I'm hoping to find how 
>>> to just turn off the internal laptop trackpad. Any ideas?
>>> Paul.
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cmd-f7 and other commands?

2011-08-20 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I was looking at the pre-defined keyboard shortcuts yesterday and ran
across cmd-f7, which says it "changes the behavior of the tab key".
When I tried it, though, it just moved me between the toolbar and the
list of buttons in system settings. What, exactly, does this keystroke
do, and are there other keystrokes to move between parts of a window?
Are there any other (non-vo) keystrokes I should know about to make
getting around faster? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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cmd-f7 and other commands?

2011-08-20 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I was looking at the pre-defined keyboard shortcuts yesterday and ran
across cmd-f7, which says it "changes the behavior of the tab key".
When I tried it, though, it just moved me between the toolbar and the
list of buttons in system settings. What, exactly, does this keystroke
do, and are there other keystrokes to move between parts of a window?
Are there any other (non-vo) keystrokes I should know about to make
getting around faster? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: cmd-f7 and other commands?

2011-08-20 Thread
I have never came across this documentation, but by accident the other day, I 
did control f2, this gave me the menu options like if you did vo shift down 
arrow.  I guess it's something else to do if you don't want to push as many 
Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Marriage Blog)
(Marriage group)

On Aug 20, 2011, at 7:44 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was looking at the pre-defined keyboard shortcuts yesterday and ran
> across cmd-f7, which says it "changes the behavior of the tab key".
> When I tried it, though, it just moved me between the toolbar and the
> list of buttons in system settings. What, exactly, does this keystroke
> do, and are there other keystrokes to move between parts of a window?
> Are there any other (non-vo) keystrokes I should know about to make
> getting around faster? Thanks.
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> -- 
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Re: cmd-f7 and other commands?

2011-08-20 Thread Alex Hall
You're right. It was ctrl-f7, not cmd, and it seems that there are a
few other ctrl-f# keystrokes for moving around and doing things.

On 8/20/11, Kliph&Sharrie  wrote:
> I have never came across this documentation, but by accident the other day,
> I did control f2, this gave me the menu options like if you did vo shift
> down arrow.  I guess it's something else to do if you don't want to push as
> many keys.
> Kliphton SR
> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
> (Marriage Blog)
> (Marriage group)
> On Aug 20, 2011, at 7:44 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was looking at the pre-defined keyboard shortcuts yesterday and ran
>> across cmd-f7, which says it "changes the behavior of the tab key".
>> When I tried it, though, it just moved me between the toolbar and the
>> list of buttons in system settings. What, exactly, does this keystroke
>> do, and are there other keystrokes to move between parts of a window?
>> Are there any other (non-vo) keystrokes I should know about to make
>> getting around faster? Thanks.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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a couple lion questions

2011-08-20 Thread Mike Arrigo
Hey everyone, a couple things about lion have me puzzled so thought I would 
ask. In safari, when pressing command l to open a page, if you press the dash 
key, has anyone noticed that voiceover says turn hiding on or turn hiding off? 
What exactly does this change, I've noticed you need to hold the dash key for a 
second to actually type the dash, any way to disable this behavior? The other 
question relates to booting from the recovery partition. Apparently there is a 
way to connect to wireless networks from here, but there seems to be no way to 
do this with voiceover. Pressing control option m a couple times does not 
access the status menus where the wifi setting is, also pressing control F8 or 
control function f8 does not work either.

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pop and gmail?

2011-08-20 Thread Christopher Harrington
Hi everyone
I hope everyone's having a great weekend!! I was just wanting to see how to set 
up pop access with gmail on the mac? I've had it setup, but it hasn't gotten my 
email downloaded, and it wouldn't let me send.
Here's my issue. I have an iPhone that I use to check email when I'm away from 
the computer. I have gmail set up on the mac, however it is setup as imap. So, 
when I download messages on to my mac, they stay on my phone. 
I am sorry for such a basic question, I have had my MBP for about two days so 
please bear with me. I have used voice over before, so I'm relatively 
sufficient, however I am still learning the OS.
Thank you all so much,
Chris Harrington

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ClickToPlugin Settings with Audible Samples?

2011-08-20 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

I was under the impression that Click-to-flash had to be used in conjunction 
with ClickToPlugin. I'm trying ClickToPlugin by itself and I've uninstalled 
ClickToFlash. I still can't get the audible samples to work. How do I get the 
little accessible players back?


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2011-08-20 Thread ezzie bueno

Hello list,

I am taking some courses online that use Blackboard.  For these 
courses, I am required to post answers to the Discussion Board.  
When I click on the question and try to click the "Create Thread" 
link, Voiceover says "Menu Bar".  I see the Create Thread" link 
via the Web Item Rooter and the Item Chooser menu, but get the 
"menu bar" when I point my cursor to it.  I've tried interracting 
with the "menu bar", but it appears as text.  I cannot click on 
What do you all do in these cases, beside asking for sighted 

Ezzie Bueno
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Skype: sillyez
Google Talk:

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Re: ClickToPlugin Settings with Audible Samples?

2011-08-20 Thread Randy Stegall
I'll try to help.

1.  Go to
2.  Press option plus the comma key
3.  Press control option command f to move to the frame
4.  Interact with the frame VO shift down arrow
5.   Interact with content list 6 items General
6.  VO right arrow until you hear Media player
7.  VO space on Media player
8.  Stop interacting with content list  6 items content list
9.  VO right arrow until you hear HTML5 Default media player: pop up button
10.  VO right arrow until you hear Load media player automatically checked 
check box if this is unchecked VO space to check it
11.  VO right arrow until you hear Start buffering Initial behavior: pop up 
12.  Everything else in that tab should remain unchecked13 Close the click to 
plugin preferences with command w

This should bring back the audio element controller toolbar item palette group

I hope this helps.
Randy Stegall
Sent from my Mac Mini.

On Aug 20, 2011, at 2:00 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I was under the impression that Click-to-flash had to be used in conjunction 
> with ClickToPlugin. I'm trying ClickToPlugin by itself and I've uninstalled 
> ClickToFlash. I still can't get the audible samples to work. How do I get the 
> little accessible players back?
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> -- 
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re: pop and gmail?

2011-08-20 Thread ezzie bueno

Hello, Chris,

Weird.  I have Gmail working with Imap settings as well.
If you do not want the same emails downloading to your phone and 
Mac, you'll need to log into gmailCom via the web interface.  
When you log in, clcck on "settings" then "forwarding And Pop".  
Scroll down to the POP and Imap settings and select "only 
download email that arrives from now on" on the combo box.


- Original Message -
From: Christopher Harrington I hope everyone's having a great weekend!! I was just wanting to 
see how to set up pop access with gmail on the mac? I've had it 
setup, but it hasn't gotten my email downloaded, and it wouldn't 
let me send.
Here's my issue.  I have an iPhone that I use to check email when 
I'm away from the computer.  I have gmail set up on the mac, 
however it is setup as imap.  So, when I download messages on to 
my mac, they stay on my phone.
I am sorry for such a basic question, I have had my MBP for about 
two days so please bear with me.  I have used voice over before, 
so I'm relatively sufficient, however I am still learning the OS.

Thank you all so much,
Chris Harrington

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Re: ClickToPlugin Settings with Audible Samples?

2011-08-20 Thread Teresa Cochran
Excellent! That did it. Thanks so much. :)

On Aug 20, 2011, at 11:43 AM, Randy Stegall wrote:

> I'll try to help.
> 1.  Go to
> 2.  Press option plus the comma key
> 3.  Press control option command f to move to the frame
> 4.  Interact with the frame VO shift down arrow
> 5.   Interact with content list 6 items General
> 6.  VO right arrow until you hear Media player
> 7.  VO space on Media player
> 8.  Stop interacting with content list  6 items content list
> 9.  VO right arrow until you hear HTML5 Default media player: pop up button
> 10.  VO right arrow until you hear Load media player automatically checked 
> check box if this is unchecked VO space to check it
> 11.  VO right arrow until you hear Start buffering Initial behavior: pop up 
> button
> 12.  Everything else in that tab should remain unchecked13 Close the click to 
> plugin preferences with command w
> This should bring back the audio element controller toolbar item palette group
> I hope this helps.
> Randy Stegall
> Sent from my Mac Mini.
> On Aug 20, 2011, at 2:00 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> I was under the impression that Click-to-flash had to be used in conjunction 
>> with ClickToPlugin. I'm trying ClickToPlugin by itself and I've uninstalled 
>> ClickToFlash. I still can't get the audible samples to work. How do I get 
>> the little accessible players back?
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
>> -- 
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Re: cmd-f7 and other commands?

2011-08-20 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Well, ctrl+F8 will get you to the status menus with your clock, wi-fi, etc. 
but I don't know about F7.


- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: cmd-f7 and other commands?

You're right. It was ctrl-f7, not cmd, and it seems that there are a
few other ctrl-f# keystrokes for moving around and doing things.

On 8/20/11, Kliph&Sharrie  wrote:
I have never came across this documentation, but by accident the other 

I did control f2, this gave me the menu options like if you did vo shift
down arrow.  I guess it's something else to do if you don't want to push 

many keys.
Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Marriage Blog)
(Marriage group)

On Aug 20, 2011, at 7:44 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

Hi all,
I was looking at the pre-defined keyboard shortcuts yesterday and ran
across cmd-f7, which says it "changes the behavior of the tab key".
When I tried it, though, it just moved me between the toolbar and the
list of buttons in system settings. What, exactly, does this keystroke
do, and are there other keystrokes to move between parts of a window?
Are there any other (non-vo) keystrokes I should know about to make
getting around faster? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Adium and Facebook chat

2011-08-20 Thread Francisco Salvador Crespo

I'm using Adium with messenger and Facebook, but it dosn't show my Facebook 
friends. However, when a Facebook  friend write me adium shows his message
What can i do?

Thanks in advanced,


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Re: ClickToPlugin Settings with Audible Samples?

2011-08-20 Thread Randy Stegall
Any time.  That's what the list is for to help one another if we can.

Randy Stegall
Sent from my Mac Mini.

On Aug 20, 2011, at 3:25 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Excellent! That did it. Thanks so much. :)
> Teresa
> On Aug 20, 2011, at 11:43 AM, Randy Stegall wrote:
>> I'll try to help.
>> 1.  Go to
>> 2.  Press option plus the comma key
>> 3.  Press control option command f to move to the frame
>> 4.  Interact with the frame VO shift down arrow
>> 5.   Interact with content list 6 items General
>> 6.  VO right arrow until you hear Media player
>> 7.  VO space on Media player
>> 8.  Stop interacting with content list  6 items content list
>> 9.  VO right arrow until you hear HTML5 Default media player: pop up button
>> 10.  VO right arrow until you hear Load media player automatically checked 
>> check box if this is unchecked VO space to check it
>> 11.  VO right arrow until you hear Start buffering Initial behavior: pop up 
>> button
>> 12.  Everything else in that tab should remain unchecked13 Close the click 
>> to plugin preferences with command w
>> This should bring back the audio element controller toolbar item palette 
>> group
>> I hope this helps.
>> Randy Stegall
>> Sent from my Mac Mini.
>> On Aug 20, 2011, at 2:00 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> I was under the impression that Click-to-flash had to be used in 
>>> conjunction with ClickToPlugin. I'm trying ClickToPlugin by itself and I've 
>>> uninstalled ClickToFlash. I still can't get the audible samples to work. 
>>> How do I get the little accessible players back?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Teresa
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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radium for mac

2011-08-20 Thread Larry McCreary
I have been looking at the  radium app in the mac store.  I was under the 
impression that there was a free trial copy.  I don't want to pay $25.00 and 
not know the app will work with vo.
Is there a free copy, and is the $25 app accessible?
Thanks much.

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Re: Adium and Facebook chat

2011-08-20 Thread Mike Huckabay
Hi there. Is your Facebook account on line? If so make sure your Facebook 
friends list is not calllapst and if so just hit right airo on your keyboard to 
show the contact's lists. I hope this helps your problem with fb.t 
On 2011-08-20, at 2:35 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using Adium with messenger and Facebook, but it dosn't show my Facebook 
> friends. However, when a Facebook  friend write me adium shows his message
> What can i do?
> Thanks in advanced,
> Francisco
> -- 
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Re: charger Compadibility

2011-08-20 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi all,

They will all work with each other although, electrically, there are some 
things you should note:

1.  If a unit is expecting a 45 watt power supply and you give it an 85 watt 
power supply, you may decrease the life of both the battery and the charging 
unit.  consider that you're pushing almost twice the wattage into the charging 
unit as it is rated for.  In some cases this will burn the unit out faster, and 
in some cases, it will simply burn it out immediately.  Also, consider that 
heat is one of the most damaging factors in battery life, if an increased 
amount of power is being pushed onto the battery, it will heat up more, thus, 
the battery will get hotter during charging probably reducing its life.

2.  The other direction, charging with a 45 watt when expecting an 85 watt 
power supply, does not hurt anything really.  It will simply make the charging 
process take longer.

3.  You may get away with things for a while, but I recommend that you use the 
proper rated power supply, especially if you have any warranty left on the 


On 2011-08-15, at 8:00 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> While not quite the same setup my MacBook Pro charger works just fine in my 
> wife's old little MacBook and vice versa. Main thing is that her power supply 
> is not quite as big (physically and wattage) so it takes longer to charge up 
> my laptop if I'm using her power supply. I would assume similar things with 
> the Air and your MacBookPro where the Air uses a 45 watt power supply:
> While the current MacBookPro has an 85w power supply
> So I think whomever you passed the MacBookPro along to would appreciate 
> getting the correct larger power supply.
> CB
> On 8/14/11 7:55 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> It should be, the macbook pro is a higher wattage charger, so, assuming it 
>> fits, it should work, though of course it won't charge any faster.
>> On Aug 14, 2011, at 1:08 PM, Dan Roy wrote:
>>> I am expecting my new macbook air to arrive tomorrow. Does anybody know if 
>>> the charger from the macbook pro is compatible with the 1 from the macbook 
>>> air.
>>> If I do sell the macbook pro, if the chargers are compatible, I can package 
>>> the macbook pro with the brand new charger. Knowing my luck, this won't 
>>> work.  I just wanted to check and see if anyone knew for sure?
>>> If this is considered off topic, you can reply to me at:
>>> thanks.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: charger Compadibility

2011-08-20 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

Tim wrote:

3.  You may get away with things for a while, but I recommend that you use 
the proper rated power supply, especially if you have any warranty left on 
the machine.

I highly agree.  It's never that great of an idea, in my opinion to 
mix-match chargers, that's only asking for trouble in the long run.

Now, if you have to products same make same model same everything, then, 
that's a different story, but...


- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Kilburn" 

Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: charger Compadibility

Hi all,

They will all work with each other although, electrically, there are some 
things you should note:

1.  If a unit is expecting a 45 watt power supply and you give it an 85 watt 
power supply, you may decrease the life of both the battery and the charging 
unit.  consider that you're pushing almost twice the wattage into the 
charging unit as it is rated for.  In some cases this will burn the unit out 
faster, and in some cases, it will simply burn it out immediately.  Also, 
consider that heat is one of the most damaging factors in battery life, if 
an increased amount of power is being pushed onto the battery, it will heat 
up more, thus, the battery will get hotter during charging probably reducing 
its life.

2.  The other direction, charging with a 45 watt when expecting an 85 watt 
power supply, does not hurt anything really.  It will simply make the 
charging process take longer.

3.  You may get away with things for a while, but I recommend that you use 
the proper rated power supply, especially if you have any warranty left on 
the machine.


On 2011-08-15, at 8:00 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

While not quite the same setup my MacBook Pro charger works just fine in 
my wife's old little MacBook and vice versa. Main thing is that her power 
supply is not quite as big (physically and wattage) so it takes longer to 
charge up my laptop if I'm using her power supply. I would assume similar 
things with the Air and your MacBookPro where the Air uses a 45 watt power 

While the current MacBookPro has an 85w power supply

So I think whomever you passed the MacBookPro along to would appreciate 
getting the correct larger power supply.


On 8/14/11 7:55 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
It should be, the macbook pro is a higher wattage charger, so, assuming 
it fits, it should work, though of course it won't charge any faster.

On Aug 14, 2011, at 1:08 PM, Dan Roy wrote:

I am expecting my new macbook air to arrive tomorrow. Does anybody know 
if the charger from the macbook pro is compatible with the 1 from the 
macbook air.

If I do sell the macbook pro, if the chargers are compatible, I can 
package the macbook pro with the brand new charger. Knowing my luck, 
this won't work.  I just wanted to check and see if anyone knew for 

If this is considered off topic, you can reply to me at: thanks.

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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Adium and Facebook chat

2011-08-20 Thread Francisco Salvador Crespo
Thanks. I put it online and now the contacts appear, but they appear all 
disconnected. Must i waith like on windows Live or is there a problem?


El 20/08/2011, a las 17:48, Mike Huckabay escribió:

> Hi there. Is your Facebook account on line? If so make sure your Facebook 
> friends list is not calllapst and if so just hit right airo on your keyboard 
> to show the contact's lists. I hope this helps your problem with fb.t 
> On 2011-08-20, at 2:35 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using Adium with messenger and Facebook, but it dosn't show my Facebook 
>> friends. However, when a Facebook  friend write me adium shows his message
>> What can i do?
>> Thanks in advanced,
>> Francisco
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Considering a Mac, what are the positives and negatives?

2011-08-20 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
I am seriously considering the move from a Windows (7) machine onto a Mac. I
have an IPhone so I know how VO works. I visited an Apple retailer today and
know that the Mac Book Pro is probably the one I want (the tracker pad was a
new concept but I like the idea) . I have been on the Apple site but am
overwhelmed with information and there are so many links to click on that I
would be there for days I think! 
I use my computer all the time for work, particularly the office
applications, I have never got these to work on my IPhone so I assumed they
wouldn't work on a Mac either: However I see in the Apple store that you can
by Office products as a bundle when buying the Mac. Obviously I have to get
over the price, (though I worked out that a Mac will cost me the same as my
laptop; office products; Jaws and Kerzweil upgrades cost me 18 months ago)
so actually it seems to make financial sense. I need to be able to do stuff
at home which I can transfer, either on memory stick or via email to my work
Windows laptop. 
Before I make this big move (I know it'll be so different from Windows and
that is kind of scary) please could I have some thoughts on: 
*The positives of the Mac over a Windows machine (if they can be compared
that is); 
*The negatives. 
*Whether I can really and successfully use it with Office products and to
transfer things to and from Windows computers for work? 
*Whether (If anyone knows) I can run Index embossers etc from a Mac as I
need to do this regularly and if I can run my existing embosser and printer
etc from one. 
*How easy it is to use the internet. 
*If it's possible to read PDF documents (something else I can't do on my
phone) and what happens to flash content (as that doesn't work on IOS4. 
*If I could use a scanner in conjunction with a Mac. 
*If they need repairing is it easy? 
*How anti-virus software might work? 
*If there's a basic user manual (I found one easily before I got an IPhone
but can't find one for a Mac Book on the Apple site) but think it might be
handy to read through. 

I'm sorry if these seem like big or stupid or simple questions, or if
they've been asked to you time and time again, but I really want to have all
the facts before I make this leap and I know as VI users you are the people
to ask. 
I would keep my windows Laptop but would like to be whole-hearted in this
If it's easier to send me information off list my email address is 
Or if it's easier to send me links to pages then please do. 
Thanks in advance for all your help and information. 


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Flash player and facebook updates

2011-08-20 Thread Francisco Salvador Crespo

A friend sent me a flash plug-in for Safary. I installed it but i can't, for 
example, listen an audio. This friend told me that this plug-in can be 
configured. How can i do? because the installer of the regular flash isn't 

an other question:
Is there some app that allows me see my Facebook updates without the website?



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Re: Considering a Mac, what are the positives and negatives?

2011-08-20 Thread ShamelessFanGirl
Good evening,

Having made the switch myself a few months ago, I'll weigh in on some of your 
questions, and hope this assists you somewhat at least.

I too came to the Mac because of my iPhone experience. I had friends who were 
Mac users, and after playing with their machines here and there, using my 
iPhone nearly exclusively by way of a bluetooth keyboard, and spending 
extensive time at my local Apple store, I began prepping myself for the 

I read, read, and read more, asked questions to the lists, and even delved into 
the podcasts available on sites such as but the real 
education came from jumping into the experience, and, well, getting to know the 

Office products particularly those by Microsoft aren't accessible to us, so 
save your money. I use Pages, and Text edit nearly exclusively, but so far, not 
for anything extensively demanding. I.E documents which require a lot of 
formatting, tables etc. You can, however, run windows on your Mac, either via 
bootcamp, which provides you with a dual boot setup, or via a VM situation, 
thus allowing for both operating systems to run intandem.

Web navigation, particularly under Lion is fantastic, though I'd suggest giving 
your Mac as much ram as you can afford when configuring it. If you've used 
quicknav with a bluetooth keyboard on your iPhone, Safari on the Mac works 
similarly, with the addition of first letter navigation.

You can use iBooks under IOS to read pdfs btw.

That about covers it for me, though if you've any other questions, or simply 
want further thoughts, suggestions, ideas, feel free to contact me off list at 
this address.

Have a good evening, and happy decision-making. I love my Mac, this is a 
fantastic community, so you're in good hands as to assistance with this choice.

Foursquare: IndigoCellist

Twitter: @IndigoCellist

Skype: shameless_FanGirl

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 20, 2011, at 6:09 PM, "Kirsten Edmondson" 

> Hi, 
> I am seriously considering the move from a Windows (7) machine onto a Mac. I
> have an IPhone so I know how VO works. I visited an Apple retailer today and
> know that the Mac Book Pro is probably the one I want (the tracker pad was a
> new concept but I like the idea) . I have been on the Apple site but am
> overwhelmed with information and there are so many links to click on that I
> would be there for days I think! 
> I use my computer all the time for work, particularly the office
> applications, I have never got these to work on my IPhone so I assumed they
> wouldn't work on a Mac either: However I see in the Apple store that you can
> by Office products as a bundle when buying the Mac. Obviously I have to get
> over the price, (though I worked out that a Mac will cost me the same as my
> laptop; office products; Jaws and Kerzweil upgrades cost me 18 months ago)
> so actually it seems to make financial sense. I need to be able to do stuff
> at home which I can transfer, either on memory stick or via email to my work
> Windows laptop. 
> Before I make this big move (I know it'll be so different from Windows and
> that is kind of scary) please could I have some thoughts on: 
> *The positives of the Mac over a Windows machine (if they can be compared
> that is); 
> *The negatives. 
> *Whether I can really and successfully use it with Office products and to
> transfer things to and from Windows computers for work? 
> *Whether (If anyone knows) I can run Index embossers etc from a Mac as I
> need to do this regularly and if I can run my existing embosser and printer
> etc from one. 
> *How easy it is to use the internet. 
> *If it's possible to read PDF documents (something else I can't do on my
> phone) and what happens to flash content (as that doesn't work on IOS4. 
> *If I could use a scanner in conjunction with a Mac. 
> *If they need repairing is it easy? 
> *How anti-virus software might work? 
> *If there's a basic user manual (I found one easily before I got an IPhone
> but can't find one for a Mac Book on the Apple site) but think it might be
> handy to read through. 
> I'm sorry if these seem like big or stupid or simple questions, or if
> they've been asked to you time and time again, but I really want to have all
> the facts before I make this leap and I know as VI users you are the people
> to ask. 
> I would keep my windows Laptop but would like to be whole-hearted in this
> move. 
> If it's easier to send me information off list my email address is 
> Or if it's easier to send me links to pages then please do. 
> Thanks in advance for all your help and information. 
> Kirsten 
> -- 
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Re: control-f7 and other commands?

2011-08-20 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi all!
here is a list of commands!

1. control+f2 open main menu [ use the first letter of desired item IE: E for 
edit V for view]

2. control+f3 opens the doc

3. control+f4 moves focus to active or next window

4. control+f5 moves focus to the windows tool bar

5. control+f6 moves focus to floating window

6. control+f7 toggles between how tabbing interacts [ from text boxes and lists 
only to all controls ]
7. control+f8 opens the status bar!

As far as I can tell there is no other control+ f keys options!
If you have a spare few mins or are just curious go to keyboard under system 
prefs and select keyboard shortcuts and there is quite a lot of choices under 
different categories!
It looks like you can set options yourself and turn off ones you do not like!
My thanks to Esther for pointing me in the right direction!
hth Colin

On 20 Aug 2011, at 20:29, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> Well, ctrl+F8 will get you to the status menus with your clock, wi-fi, etc. 
> but I don't know about F7.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 10:41 AM
> Subject: Re: cmd-f7 and other commands?
>> You're right. It was ctrl-f7, not cmd, and it seems that there are a
>> few other ctrl-f# keystrokes for moving around and doing things.
>> On 8/20/11, Kliph&Sharrie  wrote:
>>> I have never came across this documentation, but by accident the other day,
>>> I did control f2, this gave me the menu options like if you did vo shift
>>> down arrow.  I guess it's something else to do if you don't want to push as
>>> many keys.
>>> Kliphton SR
>>> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
>>> (Marriage Blog)
>>> (Marriage group)
>>> On Aug 20, 2011, at 7:44 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
 Hi all,
 I was looking at the pre-defined keyboard shortcuts yesterday and ran
 across cmd-f7, which says it "changes the behaviour of the tab key".
 When I tried it, though, it just moved me between the toolbar and the
 list of buttons in system settings. What, exactly, does this keystroke
 do, and are there other keystrokes to move between parts of a window?
 Are there any other (non-vo) keystrokes I should know about to make
 getting around faster? Thanks.
 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from GMail website);
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> -- 
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Dictionary dialog

2011-08-20 Thread Johnny Angel!

Does anyone know what the checkbox is foer in the dictionary dialog box when 
selecting a word you wish to look up and pressing control option shift M?
Johnny Angel!

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Voiceover stops for no reason

2011-08-20 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I'm having a real problem.  I'm using Snow Leopard and VO.  for some
reason, Voiceover will simply stop speaking for no reason at no
reliable time.  turning Voiceover off and back on doesn't do the
trick.  I have enough vision to see the caption panel, which I have
concealed until now.  I'm going to leave it on the screen so I can see
whether Voiceover is on or off the next time one of these failures
occurs.  The only solution seems to be to restart the computer.
that's not acceptable. All my software is up to date on Snow
Leopard.  I have not installed Lion.

Unfortunately, I did apparently install the latest versions of Safari
and iTunes which I didn't intend to do when I installed the latest
version of Snow Leopard.  I have no reason to think that did
anything.  I just don't have a clue.  I even called Apple Care and, of
course, the problem wouldn't happen while I was on the phone.

Any ideas?

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Re: Voiceover stops for no reason

2011-08-20 Thread Tim Kilburn
Try turning VO off then on again four or five times.  Make sure you wait 3 or 4 
seconds between key presses.  It will usually come back on.


On 2011-08-20, at 7:38 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> guys,
> I'm having a real problem.  I'm using Snow Leopard and VO.  for some
> reason, Voiceover will simply stop speaking for no reason at no
> reliable time.  turning Voiceover off and back on doesn't do the
> trick.  I have enough vision to see the caption panel, which I have
> concealed until now.  I'm going to leave it on the screen so I can see
> whether Voiceover is on or off the next time one of these failures
> occurs.  The only solution seems to be to restart the computer.
> that's not acceptable. All my software is up to date on Snow
> Leopard.  I have not installed Lion.
> Unfortunately, I did apparently install the latest versions of Safari
> and iTunes which I didn't intend to do when I installed the latest
> version of Snow Leopard.  I have no reason to think that did
> anything.  I just don't have a clue.  I even called Apple Care and, of
> course, the problem wouldn't happen while I was on the phone.
> Any ideas?
> Kevin
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Using the "remote" ap on my iphone

2011-08-20 Thread Frank Ventura
I all, I have the "Remote" app installed on my IPhone from apple. I am
trying to use it to control my Mac mini's ITunes. When I tap on add
library it brings me to a screen that gives me a four digit passcode and
tells me to open ITunes on the Mac and find my IPhone in the sources. I
can find my IPhone in the sources but I cannot figure out where to put
in the passcode. Does anyone have any suggestions.

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Re: pop and gmail?

2011-08-20 Thread Christopher Harrington
this setting is already active. I'm wanting to permanently download my emails 
to the mac, but pop won't work, and I am trying to figure out why…
Thanks for any help you all can give,
Chris Harrington
On Aug 20, 2011, at 2:51 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

> Hello, Chris,
> Weird.  I have Gmail working with Imap settings as well.
> If you do not want the same emails downloading to your phone and Mac, you'll 
> need to log into gmailCom via the web interface.  When you log in, clcck on 
> "settings" then "forwarding And Pop".  Scroll down to the POP and Imap 
> settings and select "only download email that arrives from now on" on the 
> combo box.
> HTH,
> Ezzie
> - Original Message -
> From: Christopher Harrington  To:
> Date sent: Sat, 20 Aug 2011 11:51:58 -0400
> Subject: pop and gmail?
> Hi everyone
> I hope everyone's having a great weekend!! I was just wanting to see how to 
> set up pop access with gmail on the mac? I've had it setup, but it hasn't 
> gotten my email downloaded, and it wouldn't let me send.
> Here's my issue.  I have an iPhone that I use to check email when I'm away 
> from the computer.  I have gmail set up on the mac, however it is setup as 
> imap.  So, when I download messages on to my mac, they stay on my phone.
> I am sorry for such a basic question, I have had my MBP for about two days so 
> please bear with me.  I have used voice over before, so I'm relatively 
> sufficient, however I am still learning the OS.
> Thank you all so much,
> Chris Harrington
> --
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Re: Using the "remote" ap on my iphone

2011-08-20 Thread joseph

just curious, what is this app called?  how accessible is it?  is it free or 

thanks in advance


On 21 Aug 2011, at 03:00, Frank Ventura wrote:

> I all, I have the "Remote" app installed on my IPhone from apple. I am
> trying to use it to control my Mac mini's ITunes. When I tap on add
> library it brings me to a screen that gives me a four digit passcode and
> tells me to open ITunes on the Mac and find my IPhone in the sources. I
> can find my IPhone in the sources but I cannot figure out where to put
> in the passcode. Does anyone have any suggestions.
> thanks
> Frank
> -- 
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RE: pop and gmail?

2011-08-20 Thread Missy Hoppe
Hi! I think you might want to doublecheck the port number. I can't remember, 
but I think the default is 993 and it needs to
be 995, or perhaps it's the other way around. Either way, I know that pop3 and 
Gmail work great on the mac because I set up a
little Gmail address just for practice purposes. I still prefer to get email 
from my primary address on the PC for now.
Good luck, and I hope this helps!

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Christopher Harrington
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: pop and gmail?

this setting is already active. I'm wanting to permanently download my emails 
to the mac, but pop won't work, and I am trying
to figure out why. Thanks for any help you all can give, Chris Harrington On 
Aug 20, 2011, at 2:51 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

> Hello, Chris,
> Weird.  I have Gmail working with Imap settings as well.
> If you do not want the same emails downloading to your phone and Mac, you'll 
> need to log into gmailCom via the web
interface.  When you log in, clcck on "settings" then "forwarding And Pop".  
Scroll down to the POP and Imap settings and
select "only download email that arrives from now on" on the combo box.
> HTH,
> Ezzie
> - Original Message -
> From: Christopher Harrington  To:
> Date sent: Sat, 20 Aug 2011 11:51:58 -0400
> Subject: pop and gmail?
> Hi everyone
> I hope everyone's having a great weekend!! I was just wanting to see how to 
> set up pop access with gmail on the mac? I've
had it setup, but it hasn't gotten my email downloaded, and it wouldn't let me 
> Here's my issue.  I have an iPhone that I use to check email when I'm away 
> from the computer.  I have gmail set up on the
mac, however it is setup as imap.  So, when I download messages on to my mac, 
they stay on my phone.
> I am sorry for such a basic question, I have had my MBP for about two days so 
> please bear with me.  I have used voice over
before, so I'm relatively sufficient, however I am still learning the OS.
> Thank you all so much,
> Chris Harrington
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RE: Radio tuner aps for the Mac

2011-08-20 Thread Frank Ventura
Thank you very much for this. I finally got back to trying this today
and it seems to work pretty good.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Esther
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: Radio tuner aps for the Mac

Hi Frank,

I've only played with the trial version of Radium, but if you are using
TrackPad Commander, you can navigate to the Radium icon in the Dock and
double tap on the TrackPad to bring up the menu.  You'll be in the
search field, and can type in the station you want, and flick to the
menu button and other controls to configure shortcuts and preferences.
However, I'm used to using keyboard shortcuts, and if you don't want to
use TrackPad Commander, once you launch Radium, you can just press
Command+comma to bring up the preferences menu, then navigate to the
"Controls" tab, and interact with the table of keyboard shortcuts,
checking the boxes for any that you want to activate.  Among these will
be a shortcut to start/stop Radium (Command+Shift+E by default).  Once
this is checked, and the preferences window is closed, using this
shortcut will take you to the search field in the Radium menu and allow
you to start a search for a station, or else access the other parts of
the menu (e.g. view the last selected station, resume playing, check it
to mark as a favorite, access the menu button for other options
including setting preferences, etc.)  The keyboard shortcut of
Command+Shift+E toggles open and closed the menu window that you would
normally get by clicking the Radium icon on the status menu bar. (If you
want to change this to a different keyboard shortcut, in the table on
the "Controls" pane in the "Preferences" menu where you checked the box
for the "Start/Stop Radium" option, use VO-Space on the column listing
the keyboard shortcut, then type in a new shortcut sequence.)

As far as I know there are no Tutorials. I find it helpful to Google for
a review when I want to learn about an app's features and capabilities.
You can use the Mail Archive search to find and read my earlier posts,
which give a bit more details on the menu layout and other preference
tab options, such as subscriptions. 

The Mail Archive page for this list is:

Type your search terms like:
Esther radium
to bring up links to relevant posts.  Since the Mail Archive supports
searching by author, a better search would be to use terms like:
from: Esther radium   
where there is a colon after "from"

This will get you the link to the first post:
* Re: radio app for macbook air

To read down the thread to my later posts, press Control+n  (for
"next").  To read the earlier posts in the thread, discussing Radioshift
and Piano Pub, press Control+p (for "previous"). User of different
browsers can substitute the appropriate access key (e.g., use "Alt"
instead of "Control" for Internet Explorer.)

You can read more about Mail Archive search syntax options and shortcut
keys from their FAQ:

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 14, 2011, at 22:24, Frank Ventura wrote:

> Thanks for the recommendation. Can anyone tell me how to operate this 
> with VO. From my understanding it should sit in the menu bar. I can't 
> seem to find it in any menu. When I launch the Radium app from the 
> apps folder it just Radium has no Windows. I don't see anything 
> helpful in the help menu. Is there a tutorial somewhere? Any help 
> would be appreciated.
> Frank
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Mary Otten
> Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 11:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Radio tuner aps for the Mac
> Recently, Esther posted abgout an application called Radium. It is 
> available in the app store for $25, but there is a free trial demo 
> available from the developer as well. The most recently update had 
> comments that it has been made voice-over accessible. I love it when 
> developers go out of their way to do that and then comment on it!
> Mary
> Mary Otten

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RE: radium for mac

2011-08-20 Thread Frank Ventura
Larry, yes the app is accessible. I was playing around with it today and
it works well.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Larry McCreary
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 4:48 PM
Subject: radium for mac

I have been looking at the  radium app in the mac store.  I was
under the impression that there was a free trial copy.  I don't want to
pay $25.00 and not know the app will work with vo.
Is there a free copy, and is the $25 app accessible?
Thanks much.

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Re: Radio tuner aps for the Mac

2011-08-20 Thread David McLean
Another interesting thing about this app is it will also play SiriusXM 
channels. Just another alternative for doing this.
On Aug 20, 2011, at 10:54 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:

> Thank you very much for this. I finally got back to trying this today
> and it seems to work pretty good.
> Frank
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Esther
> Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 9:27 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Radio tuner aps for the Mac
> Hi Frank,
> I've only played with the trial version of Radium, but if you are using
> TrackPad Commander, you can navigate to the Radium icon in the Dock and
> double tap on the TrackPad to bring up the menu.  You'll be in the
> search field, and can type in the station you want, and flick to the
> menu button and other controls to configure shortcuts and preferences.
> However, I'm used to using keyboard shortcuts, and if you don't want to
> use TrackPad Commander, once you launch Radium, you can just press
> Command+comma to bring up the preferences menu, then navigate to the
> "Controls" tab, and interact with the table of keyboard shortcuts,
> checking the boxes for any that you want to activate.  Among these will
> be a shortcut to start/stop Radium (Command+Shift+E by default).  Once
> this is checked, and the preferences window is closed, using this
> shortcut will take you to the search field in the Radium menu and allow
> you to start a search for a station, or else access the other parts of
> the menu (e.g. view the last selected station, resume playing, check it
> to mark as a favorite, access the menu button for other options
> including setting preferences, etc.)  The keyboard shortcut of
> Command+Shift+E toggles open and closed the menu window that you would
> normally get by clicking the Radium icon on the status menu bar. (If you
> want to change this to a different keyboard shortcut, in the table on
> the "Controls" pane in the "Preferences" menu where you checked the box
> for the "Start/Stop Radium" option, use VO-Space on the column listing
> the keyboard shortcut, then type in a new shortcut sequence.)
> As far as I know there are no Tutorials. I find it helpful to Google for
> a review when I want to learn about an app's features and capabilities.
> You can use the Mail Archive search to find and read my earlier posts,
> which give a bit more details on the menu layout and other preference
> tab options, such as subscriptions. 
> The Mail Archive page for this list is:
> Type your search terms like:
> Esther radium
> to bring up links to relevant posts.  Since the Mail Archive supports
> searching by author, a better search would be to use terms like:
> from: Esther radium   
> where there is a colon after "from"
> This will get you the link to the first post:
> * Re: radio app for macbook air
> tml
> To read down the thread to my later posts, press Control+n  (for
> "next").  To read the earlier posts in the thread, discussing Radioshift
> and Piano Pub, press Control+p (for "previous"). User of different
> browsers can substitute the appropriate access key (e.g., use "Alt"
> instead of "Control" for Internet Explorer.)
> You can read more about Mail Archive search syntax options and shortcut
> keys from their FAQ:
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Aug 14, 2011, at 22:24, Frank Ventura wrote:
>> Thanks for the recommendation. Can anyone tell me how to operate this 
>> with VO. From my understanding it should sit in the menu bar. I can't 
>> seem to find it in any menu. When I launch the Radium app from the 
>> apps folder it just Radium has no Windows. I don't see anything 
>> helpful in the help menu. Is there a tutorial somewhere? Any help 
>> would be appreciated.
>> Frank
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Mary Otten
>> Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 11:54 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Radio tuner aps for the Mac
>> Recently, Esther posted abgout an application called Radium. It is 
>> available in the app store for $25, but there is a free trial demo 
>> available from the developer as well. The most recently update had 
>> comments that it has been made voice-over accessible. I love it when 
>> developers go out of their way to do that and then comment on it!
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
> --
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> For more options, 

Looking for an iso to disk burner

2011-08-20 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Hi. Is there a good ISO to disk burner which is accessible? I have seen two in 
the app store. 
One is $4.99 and the other $5.99. 

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Re: charger Compatibility

2011-08-20 Thread Chris Blouch
If you try to run a 50watt device from a 25watt source the source power 
supply is going to either overheat or be current limited such that the 
device will get only 25watt of power. Apple supplies current limit. Just 
because your MacBookPro can draw 85w of power doesn't mean the 45w 
supply starts to overheat, it just gives it all it has and no more. So 
using a 45w or 60w power supply for an 85w machine might be enough to 
limp along on but not enough to charge your batteries at the same time.

The reverse case is also safe. Using a larger supply on a smaller mac 
shouldn't hurt anything. Just because your supply can crank out more 
amps doesn't mean the device will make use of it. Just like the power 
available from the power company has a lot more amps than you can 
(safely) use it doesn't mean your coffee pot will start to melt. Only if 
they started sending you the wrong voltage would things go awry.

The main problem with DC power supplies is getting the wrong voltage. If 
your device needed 6 volts and you plug in a 12 volt supply you may fry 
its innards. Doesn't matter what the current draw is. So in the case of 
swapping power supplies between models, all the voltages are the same. 
Apple has a FAQ on this topic here:

and I recall a similar thread coming up elsewhere because the apple 
airplane adapter apparently could only produce enough power to operate 
the machine without charging the batteries. Apparently the airlines 
limited power on their jacks to the point where drawing any more would 
pop their circuit breakers. I guess it was designed with iPods, not 
laptops in mind.


On 8/20/11 5:41 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

Tim wrote:

3.  You may get away with things for a while, but I recommend that you 
use the proper rated power supply, especially if you have any warranty 
left on the machine.

I highly agree.  It's never that great of an idea, in my opinion to 
mix-match chargers, that's only asking for trouble in the long run.

Now, if you have to products same make same model same everything, 
then, that's a different story, but...


- Original Message - From: "Tim Kilburn" 
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: charger Compadibility

Hi all,

They will all work with each other although, electrically, there are 
some things you should note:

1.  If a unit is expecting a 45 watt power supply and you give it an 
85 watt power supply, you may decrease the life of both the battery 
and the charging unit.  consider that you're pushing almost twice the 
wattage into the charging unit as it is rated for.  In some cases this 
will burn the unit out faster, and in some cases, it will simply burn 
it out immediately.  Also, consider that heat is one of the most 
damaging factors in battery life, if an increased amount of power is 
being pushed onto the battery, it will heat up more, thus, the battery 
will get hotter during charging probably reducing its life.

2.  The other direction, charging with a 45 watt when expecting an 85 
watt power supply, does not hurt anything really.  It will simply make 
the charging process take longer.

3.  You may get away with things for a while, but I recommend that you 
use the proper rated power supply, especially if you have any warranty 
left on the machine.


On 2011-08-15, at 8:00 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

While not quite the same setup my MacBook Pro charger works just fine 
in my wife's old little MacBook and vice versa. Main thing is that 
her power supply is not quite as big (physically and wattage) so it 
takes longer to charge up my laptop if I'm using her power supply. I 
would assume similar things with the Air and your MacBookPro where 
the Air uses a 45 watt power supply:

While the current MacBookPro has an 85w power supply

So I think whomever you passed the MacBookPro along to would 
appreciate getting the correct larger power supply.


On 8/14/11 7:55 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
It should be, the macbook pro is a higher wattage charger, so, 
assuming it fits, it should work, though of course it won't charge 
any faster.

On Aug 14, 2011, at 1:08 PM, Dan Roy wrote:

I am expecting my new macbook air to arrive tomorrow. Does anybody 
know if the charger from the macbook pro is compatible with the 1 
from the macbook air.

If I do sell the macbook pro, if the chargers are compatible, I can 
package the macbook pro with the brand new charger. Knowing my 
luck, this won't work.  I just wanted to check and see if anyone 
knew for sure?

If this is considered off topic, you can reply to me at: thanks.

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Re: Using the "remote" ap on my iphone

2011-08-20 Thread wes smith
All you have to do is just start typing when you find your phone and
it's 100 percent accessible.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 20, 2011, at 8:36 PM, joseph  wrote:

> hi
> just curious, what is this app called?  how accessible is it?  is it free or 
> not?
> thanks in advance
> best
> joseph
> On 21 Aug 2011, at 03:00, Frank Ventura wrote:
>> I all, I have the "Remote" app installed on my IPhone from apple. I am
>> trying to use it to control my Mac mini's ITunes. When I tap on add
>> library it brings me to a screen that gives me a four digit passcode and
>> tells me to open ITunes on the Mac and find my IPhone in the sources. I
>> can find my IPhone in the sources but I cannot figure out where to put
>> in the passcode. Does anyone have any suggestions.
>> thanks
>> Frank
>> --
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Re: Looking for an iso to disk burner

2011-08-20 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Why not just use the native Disk Utility?  It works perfectly for burning 
ISO's.  If you really insist though on a 3rd party app, try Simplyburns. 
It's totally free, and 100 percent accessible.


- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Henrichsen" 

To: "Mac Visionaries Discussion List" 
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 11:50 PM
Subject: Looking for an iso to disk burner

Hi. Is there a good ISO to disk burner which is accessible? I have seen 
two in the app store.

One is $4.99 and the other $5.99.

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