Re: growl?

2011-08-07 Thread joseph

try this:


hthOn 7 Aug 2011, at 04:32, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> Does anyone have the download info for growl?  I tried to google  it, but 
> every page I go to says this product has been moved to a different developer. 
>  Thanks.
> Kliphton SR
> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
> (Marriage Blog)
> (Marriage group)
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Re: Where to use VO+Shift+J [Was, Re: What's a Menu Pop-up Link?]

2011-08-07 Thread Jürgen Fleger

just briefly added: To reach the area with the suggestions for correction you 
can also just press arrow down after hearing the blip sound. Anter chooses the 
suggested word. Press arrow up to leave that area and you are back in the text.

All the best
Am 07.08.2011 um 01:54 schrieb Bryan Jones:

> Hello Teresa,
> I can try to answer your question regarding the use of VO+Shift+J to navigate 
> pop-up items in Lion. First let me say that I'm still not sure I have this 
> feature totally figured out myself, but hopefully this will make sense and 
> will shed at least some light on the feature. To start with, here's the 
> official one line definition from Apple's Lion VO quick start guide just in 
> case you haven't seen it yet:  "Jump from the current location 
> to any displayed input method or auto correction panel, and then jump back to 
> the original location." .
> Here's what I've found while trying to figure this feature out in more 
> detail. I forget if you have n i-Device, but if you do you might recognize a 
> small "blip" sound that is sometimes made in IOS when a popup list of 
> spelling corrections is presented. Lion now has the ability to mimic that 
> same behavior and the same sound when a misspelling is encountered. When you 
> hear that sound, you can press VO+Shift+J and the VO cursor will move to the 
> pop-up list of spelling choices where you can then use VO+left / right arrow 
> to navigate the choices and VO will read them to you. While you are 
> navigating that list, VO will speak the currently highlighted word, will tell 
> you the number of possible choices in the list, and if you let the VO cursor 
> sit on a highlighted word for a second it will spell the selection out loud.
> As an example, if I misspell the word "the" as "ths" I will hear the little 
> blip sound and VO will announce "six suggested corrections." If I then press 
> VO+Shift+J VO will announce, "the, suggested correction one of six, t-h-e." 
> If I then proceed to VO-right arrow I will hear the same thing repeated for 
> the other suggested words in the list: "the, this, thus, these, and those." 
> When I've highlighted the word I want to use, I can press Enter and it will 
> replace the misspelled word.
> Now, here are a few things I still haven't figured out about this feature.
> 1. I'm not sure exactly what options need to be turned on or off for this to 
> work in Lion, but I'm pretty sure the "Correct Spelling Automatically" 
> feature needs to be turned on either globally or in the current application. 
> For example, while I'm typing this message in Mail, the feature is working if 
> I have "Correct Spelling Automatically" checked in Mail's Edit menu / 
> Spelling and Grammar. However, if I uncheck that option the spelling popup 
> and associated blip don't seem to appear. Note that I have "correct spelling 
> automatically" unchecked in System Prefs / Language and Text / Text.
> 2. Sometimes the blip and popup will happen before I finish typing a word, as 
> if it's acting as a sort of auto-complete feature.
> 3. Sometimes I can misspell a word and nothing happens, but if I left arrow 
> back to the word I will then hear the blip and get the popup. It almost seems 
> like I'm typing too fast for the spell checker to keep up, but I guarantee 
> you I type slow enough for a turtle to easily keep up. .
> 4. I'm not sure if VO+Shift+J gives access to any other sort of popup. I 
> haven't found any yet, but also haven't really looked around much.
> If you have any questions or thoughts about this, please email me off-list as 
> I'm unsubscribing.
> HTH,
> Bryan
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 11:28 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Perhaps a related question: I notice that the keystroke VO-shift-J will "go 
>> to pop-up item". I can't for the life of me find an example of a context in 
>> which to use this particular command.
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Re: Garageband success again

2011-08-07 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I can confirm this behaviour and it has been so since Ed posted his first 
songs, that is i have never managed to get the songs to play.
6 aug 2011 kl. 19:58 skrev Paul Erkens:

> Hi Ed Worrel,
> I'm trying to open your song by clicking the link in your email, but it won't 
> play. Could it be that you moved or removed your song? There's a play button 
> on the website, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Interested to hear your 
> garage band creation. Do you know why it won't play?
> Paul.
> On Jul 27, 2011, at 7:05 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:
>> Hello listers, sorry if this is off topic I just wanted to share My new 
>> creation with you all. I have created a new song with Garageband and I am 
>> very proud of it. I would love it if you could give me a little feedback, 
>> please email me at with comments. So her is the link 
>> to My sound cloud page, the song is called The Suspect
>> Thanks ED
>> P.S. here is the link to my Soundcloud profile
>> -- 
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Re: Google Chrome Web Browser

2011-08-07 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Umm, are you saying that Canary now is accessible or only sorta? When i tested 
it before it wasn't. /Krister

6 aug 2011 kl. 20:30 skrev Bryan Jones:

> Hello Kevin,
> I'm currently running Chrome 13.0.782.109 beta on Lion. It has some flaws but 
> is mostly accessible and doesn't suffer from the VO lag still present in 
> Opera. I still do most of my surfing in the nightly builds of Webkit, but 
> when I come across an issue on a particular page I appreciate now having 
> Chrome as a useable alternative to help with troubleshooting. Sorry I don't 
> have time to write a more detailed report at the moment, but I'll try later. 
> I highly recommend giving the chrome 13 beta a whirl, and if you're like me 
> and don't mind tweaking and troubleshooting, you might want to give the 
> "Canary" version a try. It's their bleeding edge build and can be installed 
> and run side-by-side without screwing up other settings.
> HTH,
> Bryan
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>> Please, I would like to know if OS X Lion Voiceover users have tried
>> Google Chrome web browser? If so, what are people's experience with
>> it, especially the accessibility or inaccessibility of it. If there
>> are features or aspects that are very accessible or inaccessible,
>> please do share those details.
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Re: Trillian - a new kid on the IM block

2011-08-07 Thread Krister Ekstrom
That's the strange thing, the comment button seems to work, but i can for the 
life of me not find the button to send posts i write myself. Other than that, 
Trillian is really good, and i'm debating whether to switch from Adium to 
Trillian in the hopes that the Facebook and Twitter issues soon will be 

7 aug 2011 kl. 08:28 skrev Ollie:

> Yeah, the issues do seem to still be there. I do like it though. It
> seems that it's cut out a lot of the rubbish from my newsfeed too.
> There is a button that says comment after I comment on someones post
> but I'm not sure if that is working. I'll send them an email too after
> I've had a bit more of a play.
> Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi folks.
>>> I am testing out an app that could or couldn't be an alternative to Adium. 
>>> The name of the program is Trillian and it's available from the Mac App 
>>> store. It's free, but apparently there is a pro version ov it as well, 
>>> though i haven't tested that one.
>> This app has a whole lot of goodies, like facebook, twitter, and the most 
>> common Instant messaging services like Aim, Icq and MSN and more.
>> The facebook plugin actually lets you not only chat, but also lets you read 
>> and write posts, like and comment on others posts and see friends and so on. 
>> In the Twitter part, you can see following and followers. The IM part works 
>> like Adium, it has an edit box for you to type your message in, and a html 
>> area where the answer appears. Both are very accessible, although the bug 
>> where in groups mode you can't see more than one page is there.
>> On the whole, Trillian seems at least to me to be accessible, however there 
>> are some tips and tricks one should be aware of: In the facebook part, if 
>> you want to comment on a certain message, you have to find it and then route 
>> the mouse to it (vo+cmd+f5) then you'll have to click the mouse 
>> (vo+shift+spacebar) to highlight the message. After this, you can right 
>> click on the message (vo+shift+m) and from the popup menu, decide what to do.
>> Trillian works with Growl so it's actually possible to have Trillian speak 
>> the incoming chat messages, however that seems to be true only when the app 
>> is in the back ground.
>> The biggest issue this app has is that when in the Facebook or twitter part 
>> of the app, you can't send your own posts to the services. There's an edit 
>> box to type in your message, but there's no send button that VO can see and 
>> the shortcuts for sending don't seem to work. I have filed a bug at the 
>> Cerulian studios bug tracker, so let's see if this gets fixed soon.
>> Over all, i think Trillian is a nice experience, and hadn't it been for the 
>> fact that i can't send posts to facebook or Twitter, i might actually switch 
>> from Adium to Trillian.
>> /Krister
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Re: Question about what I am typing not being spoken in edit boxes

2011-08-07 Thread André Nuno Soares
Hello Christine,

This was also asked by Selina and Laura, a few days before you.

There's a great archive of this list at:

Here's Cara Quinn's answer on top of mine to Selina and Laura's question:

On Aug 3, 2011, at 12:30 AM, Cara Quinn wrote:

> Actually there is a partial work-around. Once you've typed text into a field, 
> interact with that field. YOu'll now at least be able to reread / edit your 
> text.
> this doesn't solve the issue of the characters or words not being spoken as 
> you type them, but it does at least improve the situation just a bit.
> HTH and have a great day!
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Aug 2, 2011, at 4:17 PM, André Nuno Soares wrote:
> Hello,
> This happens with Safari 5.1 in Snow Leopard.
> There's no fix for it for now, except upgrading to Lion, sorry…
> HTH,
> André
> On Aug 2, 2011, at 10:14 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:
>> I am having the same problem. It has happened to me on all websites
>> where I have tried to enter text. Two of  the websites are Facebook
>> and
>> Does anyone have ideas how to correct this?
>> Thank you,
>> laura Selena Sang wrote:
>>> Hey, I don't know if it's me with the problem with the new update to safari 
>>> and pages like Google, but I have been experiencing some problems with text 
>>> fields. When I go to google to search, voiceover does not read anything I'm 
>>> typing though it does type. After my search is complete and I want to 
>>> search again, sometimes it reads as I'm typing. I've noticed this with a 
>>> few other sites but can't think of them right now. Does anyone know if this 
>>> is a google thing or a voiceover thing or a safari thing?
>>> Selena


On Aug 6, 2011, at 7:36 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Since I updated SL a few days ago, I have noticed that when I input text into 
> an edit box of any kind: status on FB, a Tweet, a search box on Google, what 
> I am typing is not being spoken.  Also, if I interact with the text, it is 
> not reading, so I cannot edit. I've resorted to writing in my e-mail, fixing 
> mistakes if any, then copying into the boxes. Annoying. Anyone know what 
> might be going on? This is the only time this happens.
> Christine
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Re: Google Chrome Web Browser

2011-08-07 Thread André Nuno Soares
Hello Scott,

Yes, tables now work properly in Chrome. 
Apparently the main remaining problem regarding VO accessibility is feedback in 
editable form fields:

After Brian's message, I installed the latest Chrome 13 beta, but didn't notice 
any improvements in accessibility.

I also noticed problems with the page refreshing while in Preferences, but 
haven't come across any web page where the same problem showed.


On Aug 7, 2011, at 1:50 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Bryan, does Chrome now handle tables? This was a real problem in the early 
> versions and why I removed it from my system. ALl tables showed as being 
> empty.
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 2:30 PM, Bryan Jones wrote:
>> Hello Kevin,
>> I'm currently running Chrome 13.0.782.109 beta on Lion. It has some flaws 
>> but is mostly accessible and doesn't suffer from the VO lag still present in 
>> Opera. I still do most of my surfing in the nightly builds of Webkit, but 
>> when I come across an issue on a particular page I appreciate now having 
>> Chrome as a useable alternative to help with troubleshooting. Sorry I don't 
>> have time to write a more detailed report at the moment, but I'll try later. 
>> I highly recommend giving the chrome 13 beta a whirl, and if you're like me 
>> and don't mind tweaking and troubleshooting, you might want to give the 
>> "Canary" version a try. It's their bleeding edge build and can be installed 
>> and run side-by-side without screwing up other settings.
>> HTH,
>> Bryan
>> On Aug 6, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>>> Please, I would like to know if OS X Lion Voiceover users have tried
>>> Google Chrome web browser? If so, what are people's experience with
>>> it, especially the accessibility or inaccessibility of it. If there
>>> are features or aspects that are very accessible or inaccessible,
>>> please do share those details.
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accessible radio station apps

2011-08-07 Thread chad baker
hi i know there's iTunes for radio is there any alternative or no
on the windows side i use tap in radio but no mac version yet

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Re: Garageband success again

2011-08-07 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Krister and Paul!
I've just gone to the page using the link in this message and from there 
pressed the play for [The Suspect] and it started playing straight away!
I've also listened to a few of Ed's tracks!
So they do work, why you cannot get them I don't know!

On 7 Aug 2011, at 10:39, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi,
> I can confirm this behaviour and it has been so since Ed posted his first 
> songs, that is i have never managed to get the songs to play.
> /Krister
> 6 aug 2011 kl. 19:58 skrev Paul Erkens:
>> Hi Ed Worrel,
>> I'm trying to open your song by clicking the link in your email, but it 
>> won't play. Could it be that you moved or removed your song? There's a play 
>> button on the website, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Interested to 
>> hear your garage band creation. Do you know why it won't play?
>> Paul.
>> On Jul 27, 2011, at 7:05 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:
>>> Hello listers, sorry if this is off topic I just wanted to share My new 
>>> creation with you all. I have created a new song with Garageband and I am 
>>> very proud of it. I would love it if you could give me a little feedback, 
>>> please email me at with comments. So her is the link 
>>> to My sound cloud page, the song is called The Suspect
>>> Thanks ED
>>> P.S. here is the link to my Soundcloud profile
>>> -- 
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Re: Question about what I am typing not being spoken in edit boxes

2011-08-07 Thread Christine Grassman
Interacting with the text is not helping me, as stated.  Anyone having this 
completely mute edit box issue?

Sent from my iPhone

On 07/08/2011, at 6:30, André Nuno Soares  wrote:

> Hello Christine,
> This was also asked by Selina and Laura, a few days before you.
> There's a great archive of this list at:
> Here's Cara Quinn's answer on top of mine to Selina and Laura's question:
> On Aug 3, 2011, at 12:30 AM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>> Actually there is a partial work-around. Once you've typed text into a 
>> field, interact with that field. YOu'll now at least be able to reread / 
>> edit your text.
>> this doesn't solve the issue of the characters or words not being spoken as 
>> you type them, but it does at least improve the situation just a bit.
>> HTH and have a great day!
>> Smiles,
>> Cara :)
>> ---
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>> Follow me on Twitter!
>> On Aug 2, 2011, at 4:17 PM, André Nuno Soares wrote:
>> Hello,
>> This happens with Safari 5.1 in Snow Leopard.
>> There's no fix for it for now, except upgrading to Lion, sorry…
>> HTH,
>> André
>> On Aug 2, 2011, at 10:14 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:
>>> I am having the same problem. It has happened to me on all websites
>>> where I have tried to enter text. Two of  the websites are Facebook
>>> and
>>> Does anyone have ideas how to correct this?
>>> Thank you,
>>> laura Selena Sang wrote:
 Hey, I don't know if it's me with the problem with the new update to 
 safari and pages like Google, but I have been experiencing some problems 
 with text fields. When I go to google to search, voiceover does not read 
 anything I'm typing though it does type. After my search is complete and I 
 want to search again, sometimes it reads as I'm typing. I've noticed this 
 with a few other sites but can't think of them right now. Does anyone know 
 if this is a google thing or a voiceover thing or a safari thing?
> HTH,
> André
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 7:36 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> Since I updated SL a few days ago, I have noticed that when I input text 
>> into an edit box of any kind: status on FB, a Tweet, a search box on Google, 
>> what I am typing is not being spoken.  Also, if I interact with the text, it 
>> is not reading, so I cannot edit. I've resorted to writing in my e-mail, 
>> fixing mistakes if any, then copying into the boxes. Annoying. Anyone know 
>> what might be going on? This is the only time this happens.
>> Christine
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Re: Garageband success again

2011-08-07 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Christer,
Unlike some on the list, I can go to edz  page, but even pressing the play 
button won't play the tune. Maybe, public dropbox links are an alternative good 
way of sharing stuff. Still, it would be interesting to find what is causing 
some macs to play, and some macs refusing it. I don't have a clue so far.

On Aug 7, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Krister and Paul!
> I've just gone to the page using the link in this message and from there 
> pressed the play for [The Suspect] and it started playing straight away!
> I've also listened to a few of Ed's tracks!
> So they do work, why you cannot get them I don't know!
> Colin
> On 7 Aug 2011, at 10:39, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I can confirm this behaviour and it has been so since Ed posted his first 
>> songs, that is i have never managed to get the songs to play.
>> /Krister
>> 6 aug 2011 kl. 19:58 skrev Paul Erkens:
>>> Hi Ed Worrel,
>>> I'm trying to open your song by clicking the link in your email, but it 
>>> won't play. Could it be that you moved or removed your song? There's a play 
>>> button on the website, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Interested to 
>>> hear your garage band creation. Do you know why it won't play?
>>> Paul.
>>> On Jul 27, 2011, at 7:05 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:
 Hello listers, sorry if this is off topic I just wanted to share My new 
 creation with you all. I have created a new song with Garageband and I am 
 very proud of it. I would love it if you could give me a little feedback, 
 please email me at with comments. So her is the link 
 to My sound cloud page, the song is called The Suspect
 Thanks ED
 P.S. here is the link to my Soundcloud profile
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Garageband success again

2011-08-07 Thread Chris Moore
Seems to play fine for me via the Sound Cloud website.  *shrugs 
On 7 Aug 2011, at 14:21, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Christer,
> Unlike some on the list, I can go to edz  page, but even pressing the play 
> button won't play the tune. Maybe, public dropbox links are an alternative 
> good way of sharing stuff. Still, it would be interesting to find what is 
> causing some macs to play, and some macs refusing it. I don't have a clue so 
> far.
> Paul.
> On Aug 7, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Hi Krister and Paul!
>> I've just gone to the page using the link in this message and from there 
>> pressed the play for [The Suspect] and it started playing straight away!
>> I've also listened to a few of Ed's tracks!
>> So they do work, why you cannot get them I don't know!
>> Colin
>> On 7 Aug 2011, at 10:39, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I can confirm this behaviour and it has been so since Ed posted his first 
>>> songs, that is i have never managed to get the songs to play.
>>> /Krister
>>> 6 aug 2011 kl. 19:58 skrev Paul Erkens:
 Hi Ed Worrel,
 I'm trying to open your song by clicking the link in your email, but it 
 won't play. Could it be that you moved or removed your song? There's a 
 play button on the website, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Interested 
 to hear your garage band creation. Do you know why it won't play?
 On Jul 27, 2011, at 7:05 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:
> Hello listers, sorry if this is off topic I just wanted to share My new 
> creation with you all. I have created a new song with Garageband and I am 
> very proud of it. I would love it if you could give me a little feedback, 
> please email me at with comments. So her is the 
> link to My sound cloud page, the song is called The Suspect
> Thanks ED
> P.S. here is the link to my Soundcloud profile
> -- 
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Re: Copying files frone one drive to another.

2011-08-07 Thread Mike Arrigo
The mac can read ntfs but not write to it, if you want the drive to be read and 
written to on both platforms, format it as fat32
On Aug 7, 2011, at 12:26 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:

> It appears you can't copy files from a Mac to a passport NTFS drive. It must 
> first be formatted to Mac extended journal.
> I was hoping to copy files to the NTFS drive so I could retrieve them on 
> either Mac or windows.
> You can retrieve files from an NTFS drive, but it doesn't appear you can copy 
> to it from a Mac.
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 6:57 PM, Cody wrote:
>> open the first drive, interact with the area where your files area, press 
>> command C, then navigate to your destination folder in the finder and press 
>> command V
>> hth,
>> Cody
>> On Aug 6, 2011, at 9:55 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>>> Is there a way to copy from one external drive to another?
>>> Thanks. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Making an Install Flash Drive for Lion: Tutorial Link

2011-08-07 Thread Joseph Norton

Both CCC (Carbon Copy Cloner) and Super Duper (from Shirt Pocket
Software) will handle this for you.  I successfully created a bootable
flash drive with both my original OS X Snow Leopard disc and the Lion
install image.

Super Duper worked like a champ.

On 8/7/11, Georges Zaynoun  wrote:
> I simply accomplished this task by using CCC instead of disk utility,
> that is much easier and it yielded same result in the end, a bootable
> flash drive.
> Original message:
>> Here's how to get around the issue, click the restore tab, then in the
>> list of disks, control click the flash drive and choose set as
>> destination. You need to move the mouse to the item, and control click
>> it, doing VO shift m won't work, which is probably a bug in disk
>> utility. Once that's done, select the disk image for the source in the
>> usual way
>> On Aug 6, 2011, at 8:36 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hello everybody.
>>> Did we ever end up solving the VO dragging and dropping of the flash
>>> drive on the the destination field in disc utility? I'm trying to make
>>> a Lion drive right now and am having this issue.
>>> Thanks all.
>>> On 2011-07-24, at 6:00 PM, Dan wrote:
 I followed the instructions in Disc utility and as far as the drag and
 drop, I got as far as setting the drive to be drug, but it never
 completed the drag. Then once I got it to complete, but then it became
 the source destination.
 This whole drag and drop thing is really iffy at best.
 I have Lion on a DVD, but for what ever reason, I am totally unable to
 get the dmg file to properly be placed on the flash drive. I have never
 had any problem with dealing with image files and using disk utility.
 Does any one have any suggestions for doing the whole process of
 putting the install dmg file on the flash drive as a bootable drive, I
 don't mean the part about creating the partition and stuff, I mean the
 restore part, it just isn't working at all. So again, instructions for
 VO only would be appreciated.
 On Jul 24, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Courtney Currant wrote:
> Hi,
> I partitioned a 32 gb flash drive, then I went to the restore tab in
> disc utility. I chose the .dmg file as my source, but how can I choose
> my destination as the flash drive?
> Thanks,
> Courtney
> On Jul 24, 2011, at 5:53 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>> Hi Teresa and list,
>> Am 24.07.2011 um 08:03 schrieb Teresa Cochran:
>>> I saw a few questions on this list about this, so I looked it up.
>>> Here's a link. Note that it's geared more toward sighted users, but
>>> basically it involves taking the .dmg file and working with it in
>>> Disc Utility.
>> Quite interesting. The only issue: There is no Lion file in my
>> application folder. Do you have an idea what to do then?
>> Thanks and
>> all the best
>> Jürgen
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Re: Garageband success again

2011-08-07 Thread André Nuno Soares

You need to have flash installed to play tracks in SoundCloud.


On Aug 7, 2011, at 2:21 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Christer,
> Unlike some on the list, I can go to edz  page, but even pressing the play 
> button won't play the tune. Maybe, public dropbox links are an alternative 
> good way of sharing stuff. Still, it would be interesting to find what is 
> causing some macs to play, and some macs refusing it. I don't have a clue so 
> far.
> Paul.
> On Aug 7, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Hi Krister and Paul!
>> I've just gone to the page using the link in this message and from there 
>> pressed the play for [The Suspect] and it started playing straight away!
>> I've also listened to a few of Ed's tracks!
>> So they do work, why you cannot get them I don't know!
>> Colin
>> On 7 Aug 2011, at 10:39, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I can confirm this behaviour and it has been so since Ed posted his first 
>>> songs, that is i have never managed to get the songs to play.
>>> /Krister
>>> 6 aug 2011 kl. 19:58 skrev Paul Erkens:
 Hi Ed Worrel,
 I'm trying to open your song by clicking the link in your email, but it 
 won't play. Could it be that you moved or removed your song? There's a 
 play button on the website, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Interested 
 to hear your garage band creation. Do you know why it won't play?
 On Jul 27, 2011, at 7:05 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:
> Hello listers, sorry if this is off topic I just wanted to share My new 
> creation with you all. I have created a new song with Garageband and I am 
> very proud of it. I would love it if you could give me a little feedback, 
> please email me at with comments. So her is the 
> link to My sound cloud page, the song is called The Suspect
> Thanks ED
> P.S. here is the link to my Soundcloud profile
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looking for an sfv checker

2011-08-07 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi,  I'm disgruntled with checksome plus because since snow leopard it only 
lets me create one checksome at a time.  I have to restart the program for each 
checksome I want to to create.  Evaluating works just fine but i'm frustrated 
with the creation procedure.  So I've tried ISFV, superSFV, and MacSFV, and I 
don't like any of them.  They work fine for checking but they stink for 
creating.  I'd appreciate any suggestions.


Erik Burggraaf
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2011-08-07 Thread louie
Hi all I check the archives about and found no resolution 
for the file coming up at boot. Did anyone find a fix?


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2011-08-07 Thread Missy Hoppe
I haven't found anything, but I sent it on a list of other issues I was having 
with Lion, and supposedly, it's a VO related
problem that apple is aware of. I was informed that it will be fixed in a 
future update, but unfortunately, I was given no
estimated timeframe for when that might happen.
Maybe if enough of us write to and express our 
frustration with this problem, they'll get around to
fixing it sooner rather than later.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of louie
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 11:51 AM

Hi all I check the archives about and found no resolution 
for the file coming up at boot. Did anyone
find a fix?


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2011-08-07 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Louie,

I think that in time it just goes away.  I've also found that if you don't 
start pressing VO keys until VO finishes saying whatever it has to say upon 
login, it resolves itself anyway.  It doesn't happen to me anymore as far as I 
can tell.


On 2011-08-07, at 10:15 AM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> I haven't found anything, but I sent it on a list of other issues I was 
> having with Lion, and supposedly, it's a VO related
> problem that apple is aware of. I was informed that it will be fixed in a 
> future update, but unfortunately, I was given no
> estimated timeframe for when that might happen.
> Maybe if enough of us write to and express our 
> frustration with this problem, they'll get around to
> fixing it sooner rather than later.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of louie
> Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 11:51 AM
> To:
> Subject:
> Hi all I check the archives about and found no 
> resolution for the file coming up at boot. Did anyone
> find a fix?
> louie
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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2011-08-07 Thread louie
I sen a e-mail off to accessibility.

On Aug 7, 2011, at 9:15 AM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> I haven't found anything, but I sent it on a list of other issues I was 
> having with Lion, and supposedly, it's a VO related
> problem that apple is aware of. I was informed that it will be fixed in a 
> future update, but unfortunately, I was given no
> estimated timeframe for when that might happen.
> Maybe if enough of us write to and express our 
> frustration with this problem, they'll get around to
> fixing it sooner rather than later.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of louie
> Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 11:51 AM
> To:
> Subject:
> Hi all I check the archives about and found no 
> resolution for the file coming up at boot. Did anyone
> find a fix?
> louie
> --
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Re: selecting a large block of text?

2011-08-07 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Kliphton!
vo+enter at the beginning and end of the text block should do it!
Vo will say highlighted and after you've pressed vo+enter on the beginning and 
as you arrow to the end you'll hear a [for a better name] whooshing sound!
hth Colin

On 7 Aug 2011, at 14:44, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> So is there a way to select large blocks of text?  A way to mark the 
> beginning and end of the block or selection of text?  Thanks.
> Kliphton SR
> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
> (Marriage Blog)
> (Marriage group)
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double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread Mary Otten
Some time back, I reported a bug to the Accessibility team at Apple, namely 
that any time you are using the Safari or webkit reader and encounter text that 
is a link, vo reads that text twice, once as plain text and the second time 
announcing the "link" and reading the same text. This can lead to a great deal 
of totally unneeded chatter when reading articles with lots of links in them. I 
wonder if this problem has been fixed in Lion. I note it is still present in 
the updated Safari and on builds of webkit that came after Safari 5.1. If this 
irritating problem hasn't been fixed, I hope people will write to the 
accessibility folks. Maybe it requires more noise to get something done about 
it. I haven't any idea why this happens, of course, but I've never seen it with 
other screen reading situations, and it really is irritating.


Mary Otten

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Questions about cursoring

2011-08-07 Thread Graham Roby

Often when I'm reading posts on here on how to do various things, I see the 
comment, hit vo f5 to route your mouse cursor to your vo cursor and then hit vo 

Now I have my mouse cursor set to track the vo cursor. 
What I'd like to know is what are the advantages/disadvantages to using this 

Also how do you move around the screen with just your mouse cursor in a similar 
way to how its possible in Jaws/Widnow Eyes on the dark side? 

Kind regards


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A question about ITunes

2011-08-07 Thread Matt Dierckens
Good afternoon all. I hope this email finds you all well.
I have a couple of questions about ITunes with lion. It asked me if I wanted to 
update my IPhone to a new version. I said sure, and it brought the message of 
you have purchased apps that aren't synced to the library. How would I go about 
doing this? Also, how can I get podcasts on the IPhone from ITunes, like 
getting older episodes downloaded automatically?
Thanks and sorry if I am getting annoying asking all these questions.

Sent from my macbook pro

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Re: Question about what I am typing not being spoken in edit boxes

2011-08-07 Thread Shannon Dyer
I updated SL a few days ago, and find this in some edit boxes. Some, it treats 
normally, but not all. Very strange, this. I would definitely be interested in 
any insight anyone has to offer.

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On Aug 6, 2011, at 2:36 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Since I updated SL a few days ago, I have noticed that when I input text into 
> an edit box of any kind: status on FB, a Tweet, a search box on Google, what 
> I am typing is not being spoken.  Also, if I interact with the text, it is 
> not reading, so I cannot edit. I've resorted to writing in my e-mail, fixing 
> mistakes if any, then copying into the boxes. Annoying. Anyone know what 
> might be going on? This is the only time this happens.
> Christine
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Spellchecker in mail.

2011-08-07 Thread John Chilelli
Hi good folks,

Thanks so much to everyone who has replied to all of my questions with friendly 
helpfulness.  You guys are the best!

My latest concern has to do with the relentless spellchecker in Lion mail.  How 
do I shut it off?  I am conscientious enough to to manually check my spelling 
if I deem it necessary to do so when needed.  As it is, the spellchecker is 
interrupting my reading or writing and constantly telling me that a word or 
name is misspelled.  I'm virtually pulling my hair out!   I have gone 
into the menus to try to shut off the spellchecker, but it keeps coming back.  
Oh my!  Thanks in advance everyone for all of your very kind helpfulness.

Johnny misspelled Chilelli

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Re: bible desk top clients?

2011-08-07 Thread John Chilelli
Hi guys,

Please be so kind as to publish your help using Eloquent as I am also a 
minister of the Gospel and in need of a good computer based Bible study program 
for my MBP.

Thank you very much!


On Jul 17, 2011, at 11:23 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> I can't find nothing to download for different translations.  All it gives me 
> is the KJV, witch is fine since that's what my theology class uses.  But 
> sometimes I need to look up different things in different translations, and 
> sometimes comintaries would be nice.  When I try to search for other 
> versions, and other materials, it says nothing found, or source table empty.  
> so if you could help with this that would be great.  If you'd like email me 
> privately.  
> Thanks.
> Sent from Minister Miller's IPhone
> On Jul 17, 2011, at 8:08 PM, CJ Daniel  wrote:
>> Kliff,
>> Before you give up on Eloquent, can you let us know what problem you're 
>> having?  I'm using it, quite successfully, on my MBP for the same purposes 
>> you describe.  I'd be glad to help if I can.
>> CJ
>> On Jul 17, 2011, at 5:07 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
>>> So what bible apps are out there that will work with voice over?  I have 
>>> tried elloquent, but no go.  Someone gave me some instructions that just 
>>> didn't work out.  I have tried word search on the PC side, but don't feel 
>>> like buying that for the mac just to see if it will work.  All I want to do 
>>> is to be able to study, read and search the bible, and access commentaries 
>>> if available.  Thanks.  And before anyone says it, I've already googled it. 
>>>  Just trying to see if there is anything someone else has tried.
>>> Kliphton SR
>>> (twitter)
>>> (Marriage Blog)
>>> Sent from my IMac
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Re: Focus jumps to the top of the list in mail

2011-08-07 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
This is Lion's behaviour.  Just VO left or VO right arrow if you are in 
threaded view.
On 7 Aug 2011, at 01:53, John Chilelli wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing the following:
> Your on row 29.  You read a post and then you delete the message.  Mail moves 
> VO focus to the first message every time you do this.  Is there a fix for 
> this?  I wish to stay where I am currently in the list.  Help needed indeed!
> Thanks,
> Johnny
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Kawal Gucukoglu

(Skype ID):




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2011-08-07 Thread Mike Arrigo
Currently there's no way around this that I know of, but it's easy to get 
around, just press command tab one time.
On Aug 7, 2011, at 10:50 AM, louie wrote:

> Hi all I check the archives about and found no 
> resolution for the file coming up at boot. Did anyone find a fix?
> louie
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Re: Questions about cursoring

2011-08-07 Thread Mike Arrigo
There's usually no reason to move around with just the mouse cursor, the 
closest thing voiceover offers to that is the way you have it set, to have the 
mouse follow the voiceover cursor. Usually there is no advantage to this, since 
the voiceover cursor is able to activate items. The one case I've found this 
useful is on some web sites. Really this is bad web design, but some sites use 
a feature called mouseover, that is, when the mouse pointer itself is ona 
certain item, other items are revealed, this only works by putting the mouse on 
an item, tabbing won't work. Usually, if the mouse follows the voiceover 
cursor, you will see the new items. Again, this really is not something web 
developers should use, it's very nonstandard, but some do.
On Aug 7, 2011, at 1:06 PM, Graham Roby wrote:

> Hi, 
> Often when I'm reading posts on here on how to do various things, I see the 
> comment, hit vo f5 to route your mouse cursor to your vo cursor and then hit 
> vo space. 
> Now I have my mouse cursor set to track the vo cursor. 
> What I'd like to know is what are the advantages/disadvantages to using this 
> configuration? 
> Also how do you move around the screen with just your mouse cursor in a 
> similar way to how its possible in Jaws/Widnow Eyes on the dark side? 
> Kind regards
> Graham
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Re: double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread Scott Howell
Mary can you provide me an example? I need something, which demonstrates the 
issue consistently. If you have such, and if you have any thoughts you would 
like to share, please let me know.


On Aug 7, 2011, at 1:00 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Some time back, I reported a bug to the Accessibility team at Apple, namely 
> that any time you are using the Safari or webkit reader and encounter text 
> that is a link, vo reads that text twice, once as plain text and the second 
> time announcing the "link" and reading the same text. This can lead to a 
> great deal of totally unneeded chatter when reading articles with lots of 
> links in them. I wonder if this problem has been fixed in Lion. I note it is 
> still present in the updated Safari and on builds of webkit that came after 
> Safari 5.1. If this irritating problem hasn't been fixed, I hope people will 
> write to the accessibility folks. Maybe it requires more noise to get 
> something done about it. I haven't any idea why this happens, of course, but 
> I've never seen it with other screen reading situations, and it really is 
> irritating.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: Question about what I am typing not being spoken in edit boxes

2011-08-07 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Yes I do have this issue.  So I turned Voice Over off then turned it back on 
and I could read what I had typed.
On 7 Aug 2011, at 14:21, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Interacting with the text is not helping me, as stated.  Anyone having this 
> completely mute edit box issue?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 07/08/2011, at 6:30, André Nuno Soares  wrote:
>> Hello Christine,
>> This was also asked by Selina and Laura, a few days before you.
>> There's a great archive of this list at:
>> Here's Cara Quinn's answer on top of mine to Selina and Laura's question:
>> On Aug 3, 2011, at 12:30 AM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>>> Actually there is a partial work-around. Once you've typed text into a 
>>> field, interact with that field. YOu'll now at least be able to reread / 
>>> edit your text.
>>> this doesn't solve the issue of the characters or words not being spoken as 
>>> you type them, but it does at least improve the situation just a bit.
>>> HTH and have a great day!
>>> Smiles,
>>> Cara :)
>>> ---
>>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>>> Follow me on Twitter!
>>> On Aug 2, 2011, at 4:17 PM, André Nuno Soares wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> This happens with Safari 5.1 in Snow Leopard.
>>> There's no fix for it for now, except upgrading to Lion, sorry…
>>> HTH,
>>> André
>>> On Aug 2, 2011, at 10:14 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:
 I am having the same problem. It has happened to me on all websites
 where I have tried to enter text. Two of  the websites are Facebook
 Does anyone have ideas how to correct this?
 Thank you,
 laura Selena Sang wrote:
> Hey, I don't know if it's me with the problem with the new update to 
> safari and pages like Google, but I have been experiencing some problems 
> with text fields. When I go to google to search, voiceover does not read 
> anything I'm typing though it does type. After my search is complete and 
> I want to search again, sometimes it reads as I'm typing. I've noticed 
> this with a few other sites but can't think of them right now. Does 
> anyone know if this is a google thing or a voiceover thing or a safari 
> thing?
> Selena
>> HTH,
>> André
>> On Aug 6, 2011, at 7:36 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> Since I updated SL a few days ago, I have noticed that when I input text 
>>> into an edit box of any kind: status on FB, a Tweet, a search box on 
>>> Google, what I am typing is not being spoken.  Also, if I interact with the 
>>> text, it is not reading, so I cannot edit. I've resorted to writing in my 
>>> e-mail, fixing mistakes if any, then copying into the boxes. Annoying. 
>>> Anyone know what might be going on? This is the only time this happens.
>>> Christine
>>> -- 
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Kawal Gucukoglu

(Skype ID):




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Re: selecting a large block of text?

2011-08-07 Thread
Will I have to have quick nab off in order for this to work?
Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Marriage Blog)
(Marriage group)

On Aug 7, 2011, at 11:48 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Kliphton!
> vo+enter at the beginning and end of the text block should do it!
> Vo will say highlighted and after you've pressed vo+enter on the beginning 
> and as you arrow to the end you'll hear a [for a better name] whooshing sound!
> hth Colin
> On 7 Aug 2011, at 14:44, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
>> So is there a way to select large blocks of text?  A way to mark the 
>> beginning and end of the block or selection of text?  Thanks.
>> Kliphton SR
>> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
>> (Marriage Blog)
>> (Marriage group)
>> -- 
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Re: selecting a large block of text?

2011-08-07 Thread
-- Previous Message --
Will I have to have quick nab off in order for this to work?
Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Marriage Blog)
(Marriage group)

On Aug 7, 2011, at 11:48 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Kliphton!
> vo+enter at the beginning and end of the text block should do it!
> Vo will say highlighted and after you've pressed vo+enter on the beginning 
> and as you arrow to the end you'll hear a [for a better name] whooshing sound!
> hth Colin
> On 7 Aug 2011, at 14:44, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
>> So is there a way to select large blocks of text?  A way to mark the 
>> beginning and end of the block or selection of text?  Thanks.
>> Kliphton SR
>> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
>> (Marriage Blog)
>> (Marriage group)
>> -- 
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Re: selecting a large block of text?

2011-08-07 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Kliphton!
It works fine with quick nav so just down arrow with qn and then maybe right 
arrow to the last word you wish to highlight and then vo+enter and away you go!
hth Colin

On 7 Aug 2011, at 22:46, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> Will I have to have quick nab off in order for this to work?
> Kliphton SR
> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
> (Marriage Blog)
> (Marriage group)
> On Aug 7, 2011, at 11:48 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Hi Kliphton!
>> vo+enter at the beginning and end of the text block should do it!
>> Vo will say highlighted and after you've pressed vo+enter on the beginning 
>> and as you arrow to the end you'll hear a [for a better name] whooshing 
>> sound!
>> hth Colin
>> On 7 Aug 2011, at 14:44, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
>>> So is there a way to select large blocks of text?  A way to mark the 
>>> beginning and end of the block or selection of text?  Thanks.
>>> Kliphton SR
>>> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
>>> (Marriage Blog)
>>> (Marriage group)
>>> -- 
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Re: Question about what I am typing not being spoken in edit boxes

2011-08-07 Thread May McDonald
Yes, I'm having this issue as well, rather annoying.

May and Prince Noah
On 2011-08-07, at 5:34 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Yes I do have this issue.  So I turned Voice Over off then turned it back on 
> and I could read what I had typed.
> On 7 Aug 2011, at 14:21, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> Interacting with the text is not helping me, as stated.  Anyone having this 
>> completely mute edit box issue?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 07/08/2011, at 6:30, André Nuno Soares  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Christine,
>>> This was also asked by Selina and Laura, a few days before you.
>>> There's a great archive of this list at:
>>> Here's Cara Quinn's answer on top of mine to Selina and Laura's question:
>>> On Aug 3, 2011, at 12:30 AM, Cara Quinn wrote:
 Actually there is a partial work-around. Once you've typed text into a 
 field, interact with that field. YOu'll now at least be able to reread / 
 edit your text.
 this doesn't solve the issue of the characters or words not being spoken 
 as you type them, but it does at least improve the situation just a bit.
 HTH and have a great day!
 Cara :)
 View my Online Portfolio at:
 Follow me on Twitter!
 On Aug 2, 2011, at 4:17 PM, André Nuno Soares wrote:
 This happens with Safari 5.1 in Snow Leopard.
 There's no fix for it for now, except upgrading to Lion, sorry…
 On Aug 2, 2011, at 10:14 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:
> I am having the same problem. It has happened to me on all websites
> where I have tried to enter text. Two of  the websites are Facebook
> and
> Does anyone have ideas how to correct this?
> Thank you,
> laura Selena Sang wrote:
>> Hey, I don't know if it's me with the problem with the new update to 
>> safari and pages like Google, but I have been experiencing some problems 
>> with text fields. When I go to google to search, voiceover does not read 
>> anything I'm typing though it does type. After my search is complete and 
>> I want to search again, sometimes it reads as I'm typing. I've noticed 
>> this with a few other sites but can't think of them right now. Does 
>> anyone know if this is a google thing or a voiceover thing or a safari 
>> thing?
>> Selena
>>> HTH,
>>> André
>>> On Aug 6, 2011, at 7:36 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
 Since I updated SL a few days ago, I have noticed that when I input text 
 into an edit box of any kind: status on FB, a Tweet, a search box on 
 Google, what I am typing is not being spoken.  Also, if I interact with 
 the text, it is not reading, so I cannot edit. I've resorted to writing in 
 my e-mail, fixing mistakes if any, then copying into the boxes. Annoying. 
 Anyone know what might be going on? This is the only time this happens.
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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> Kawal Gucukoglu
> (E-mail/MSN):
> (Skype ID):
> kawalgucukoglu
> (Mobile/text):
> +447905618396
> -- 
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Re: double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread André Nuno Soares
Hello Mary,

In Lion Safari reader only speaks each link once, so that bug must have been 

One small annoyance that persists is that the reader appends "clickable" to 
each section of text you read, so when you're going through an article you're 
regularly hearing "clickable".

This also happens with some web pages, but with the reader it's constant.

I'm not sure, but I think this was already present in SL?


On Aug 7, 2011, at 6:00 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Some time back, I reported a bug to the Accessibility team at Apple, namely 
> that any time you are using the Safari or webkit reader and encounter text 
> that is a link, vo reads that text twice, once as plain text and the second 
> time announcing the "link" and reading the same text. This can lead to a 
> great deal of totally unneeded chatter when reading articles with lots of 
> links in them. I wonder if this problem has been fixed in Lion. I note it is 
> still present in the updated Safari and on builds of webkit that came after 
> Safari 5.1. If this irritating problem hasn't been fixed, I hope people will 
> write to the accessibility folks. Maybe it requires more noise to get 
> something done about it. I haven't any idea why this happens, of course, but 
> I've never seen it with other screen reading situations, and it really is 
> irritating.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Earthlink Web Mail

2011-08-07 Thread Linda Adams

I've run into something that has changed and I can't figure out why.  I am 
using Quick Nav with Snow  Leopard, so Lion is not involved.  I believe a 
Safari update was included the last time I did a software update but no other 
changes have been made.

I wanted to see if there is an Earthlink user on this list and see if Web Mail 
is doing the same on their Mac.  

As of a couple of weeks ago, on the Earthlink Web Mail page, I had no problem 
accessing the messages in my inbox.  They may have been arranged in a  table 
visually, but VO read each one as if the row data was stacked on top of each 

I hadn't looked at it again until this past Friday and now I can't seem to 
access the inbox messages.  It seems like they are in a table format and I've 
used VO right arrow but it won't take me to the column with the sender etc 
data.  I knew of one message that should be there and the find feature, VO F 
took me to the subject of that message, but pressing the up/down arrows 
simultaneously did not open the message as it had in the past.   I'm getting 
very frustrated.

Any Earthlink users with some advice for me?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Scott,
Here you go. This is from MacWorld. Pretty much any of their newsletter 
articles will do. Once on this page, activate the "reader" command shift r, and 
listen for double text every time a link is encountered. First time, the text 
is just read out. Second time, the linked text is read with the word "link". I 
hope this link doesn't wrap.
Mary Otten

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A Question About Closing Dashboard Widgets

2011-08-07 Thread M. Taylor
Hello All,

I've been exploring several of the Dashboard widgets and I'm very impressed.

I do have one question, however; how does one close a widget other than 
disabling it from the Widget manager?

Thank you,


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Re: A Question About Closing Dashboard Widgets

2011-08-07 Thread John Panarese
Hi Mark,
Control-option-command-F2 will do this for an open widget.  You'll be asked 
if you are sure you want to close the widget first.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Aug 7, 2011, at 7:08 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello All,
> I've been exploring several of the Dashboard widgets and I'm very impressed.
> I do have one question, however; how does one close a widget other than 
> disabling it from the Widget manager?
> Thank you,
> Mark
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Re: A question about ITunes

2011-08-07 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Matt,

If you plug in your iPhone via your USB port on your Mac, you can go to the 
File Menu in iTunes and choose transfer purchases in that manner.  That;'s 
exactly what I didn't do before updating my iPhone, and I lost a few of my apps 
as a result.

On Aug 7, 2011, at 2:06 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> Good afternoon all. I hope this email finds you all well.
> I have a couple of questions about ITunes with lion. It asked me if I wanted 
> to update my IPhone to a new version. I said sure, and it brought the message 
> of you have purchased apps that aren't synced to the library. How would I go 
> about doing this? Also, how can I get podcasts on the IPhone from ITunes, 
> like getting older episodes downloaded automatically?
> Thanks and sorry if I am getting annoying asking all these questions.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> -- 
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Re: A question about ITunes

2011-08-07 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi, I plugged it in, and I transferred the apps over, or so I thought. Then I 
went to update and it still wanted me to backup the apps. I updated it anyway, 
and I don't think I have lost anything.
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-08-07, at 7:17 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> If you plug in your iPhone via your USB port on your Mac, you can go to the 
> File Menu in iTunes and choose transfer purchases in that manner.  That;'s 
> exactly what I didn't do before updating my iPhone, and I lost a few of my 
> apps as a result.
> Les
> On Aug 7, 2011, at 2:06 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Good afternoon all. I hope this email finds you all well.
>> I have a couple of questions about ITunes with lion. It asked me if I wanted 
>> to update my IPhone to a new version. I said sure, and it brought the 
>> message of you have purchased apps that aren't synced to the library. How 
>> would I go about doing this? Also, how can I get podcasts on the IPhone from 
>> ITunes, like getting older episodes downloaded automatically?
>> Thanks and sorry if I am getting annoying asking all these questions.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> -- 
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Re: double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread Randy Stegall
Hi Mary,

Are you in groups or dom mode?  I have seen this behavior in groups mode 
however, when I switch to dom mode the links are spoken once.


Randy Stegall
Sent from my Mac Mini.

On Aug 7, 2011, at 7:01 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> Here you go. This is from MacWorld. Pretty much any of their newsletter 
> articles will do. Once on this page, activate the "reader" command shift r, 
> and listen for double text every time a link is encountered. First time, the 
> text is just read out. Second time, the linked text is read with the word 
> "link". I hope this link doesn't wrap.
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Randy,
I'm definitely in dom mode. I never have found a lot of use for groups mode, 
possibly because I came from Windows and am very use to that way of doing 


Mary Otten

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RE: Trillian - a new kid on the IM block

2011-08-07 Thread Missy Hoppe
Hi! I've just installed trillian, and it was much easier to set up than adium. 
The problem is, I've got my accounts set up,
but now, I can't figure out how to do anything with them. There are a bunch of 
unlabled buttons, and I can't figure out how
to do anything, especially regarding the facebook features you described. If 
you could please explain how to get started, I
would really appreciate it. Like I said, I've got it logged in to all my 
accounts; that part was relatively easy, but I can't
figure out anything else.
Thanks for your time, and I hope that you're having a great day!

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Krister Ekstrom
Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2011 8:04 AM
Subject: Trillian - a new kid on the IM block

Hi folks.
>I am testing out an app that could or couldn't be an alternative to Adium. The 
>name of the program is Trillian and it's
available from the Mac App store. It's free, but apparently there is a pro 
version ov it as well, though i haven't tested
that one.
This app has a whole lot of goodies, like facebook, twitter, and the most 
common Instant messaging services like Aim, Icq and
MSN and more.
The facebook plugin actually lets you not only chat, but also lets you read and 
write posts, like and comment on others posts
and see friends and so on. In the Twitter part, you can see following and 
followers. The IM part works like Adium, it has an
edit box for you to type your message in, and a html area where the answer 
appears. Both are very accessible, although the
bug where in groups mode you can't see more than one page is there.
On the whole, Trillian seems at least to me to be accessible, however there are 
some tips and tricks one should be aware of:
In the facebook part, if you want to comment on a certain message, you have to 
find it and then route the mouse to it
(vo+cmd+f5) then you'll have to click the mouse (vo+shift+spacebar) to 
highlight the message. After this, you can right click
on the message (vo+shift+m) and from the popup menu, decide what to do.
Trillian works with Growl so it's actually possible to have Trillian speak the 
incoming chat messages, however that seems to
be true only when the app is in the back ground.
The biggest issue this app has is that when in the Facebook or twitter part of 
the app, you can't send your own posts to the
services. There's an edit box to type in your message, but there's no send 
button that VO can see and the shortcuts for
sending don't seem to work. I have filed a bug at the Cerulian studios bug 
tracker, so let's see if this gets fixed soon.
Over all, i think Trillian is a nice experience, and hadn't it been for the 
fact that i can't send posts to facebook or
Twitter, i might actually switch from Adium to Trillian.

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Re: double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread Scott Howell
Hi Mary,

I'm not hearing any double links, so trying to reproduce the issue. Is there 
any specific links? I know you said it was a number of them, but I'm trying to 
see how I can again, recreate the problem. I'll keep trying and see what I come 
up with.
THanks for the URL.


On Aug 7, 2011, at 7:01 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> Here you go. This is from MacWorld. Pretty much any of their newsletter 
> articles will do. Once on this page, activate the "reader" command shift r, 
> and listen for double text every time a link is encountered. First time, the 
> text is just read out. Second time, the linked text is read with the word 
> "link". I hope this link doesn't wrap.
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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RE: A Question About Closing Dashboard Widgets

2011-08-07 Thread M. Taylor
Hello John and thank you ever so much for telling me how to close a widget.
I had absolutely no idea.   

As I write this, I have a Braille copy of the Snow Leopard VoiceOver getting
Started manual on my lap.  I have just read through the table of contents
and see no reference to neither Dashboard or Widgets.

Thank you, again.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of John Panarese
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: A Question About Closing Dashboard Widgets

Hi Mark,
Control-option-command-F2 will do this for an open widget.  You'll be
asked if you are sure you want to close the widget first.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Aug 7, 2011, at 7:08 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello All,
> I've been exploring several of the Dashboard widgets and I'm very
> I do have one question, however; how does one close a widget other than
disabling it from the Widget manager?
> Thank you,
> Mark
> -- 
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Upgrading to lion, a litle question.

2011-08-07 Thread Juan Pablo
Hello there, good evening.

A few days ago I bought a mbp early 2011. The machine comes with SL pre 
installed but apple offered me a free upgrade to lion. In the mid time, I 
installed Windows 7 32 bit using bootcam.
My question regards the lion update.
After make that, Should I to reinstall windows?
All the best and thanks a lot,

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taking the plunge

2011-08-07 Thread May McDonald
Well, while I still have a free moment before classes start, I'm going to take 
the plunge an update to lion.

Now, if I could only remember where I hid that sl cd in case I don't like it, 
lol. For those that have made the switch, anything important you care to share? 
I already know about the dropox issue and have saved that email that deals with 

May and Prince Noah

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RE: taking the plunge

2011-08-07 Thread Missy Hoppe
My only advice is if you have a means of doing so, back up your system as it is 
now. I used CCC to back it up, and when lion
just didn't work out for me, I was able to restore my system. I went ahead and 
backed up lion too, so plan to try it out once
in a while. Once the bugs get worked out, I can do the CCC thing in reverse. 
Good luck, and I hope you are successful in
taming that there lion!

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of May McDonald
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 8:54 PM
Subject: taking the plunge

Well, while I still have a free moment before classes start, I'm going to take 
the plunge an update to lion.

Now, if I could only remember where I hid that sl cd in case I don't like it, 
lol. For those that have made the switch,
anything important you care to share? I already know about the dropox issue and 
have saved that email that deals with that.

May and Prince Noah

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Re: double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Mary and Scott!
So a little input from me! :]
Well I've never used the reader before so I went to the site using the link in 
this message and then used the reader command!
Then I had to start vo with vo+A and it did indeed start reading the article!
And as it went through it just red the links as links!
I'm also running SL and in dom!
If I understand what your saying [Mary] the Link should have been said before 
without the link being said first!
This did not happen for me!
I hope this was useful!
All the best!

On 8 Aug 2011, at 01:30, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hi Mary,
> I'm not hearing any double links, so trying to reproduce the issue. Is there 
> any specific links? I know you said it was a number of them, but I'm trying 
> to see how I can again, recreate the problem. I'll keep trying and see what I 
> come up with.
> THanks for the URL.
> Scott
> On Aug 7, 2011, at 7:01 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Here you go. This is from MacWorld. Pretty much any of their newsletter 
>> articles will do. Once on this page, activate the "reader" command shift r, 
>> and listen for double text every time a link is encountered. First time, the 
>> text is just read out. Second time, the linked text is read with the word 
>> "link". I hope this link doesn't wrap.
>> Mary Otten
>> -- 
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Re: A Question About Closing Dashboard Widgets

2011-08-07 Thread John Panarese
Not a problem.  I believe Keith Reedy actually was the one who told me how 
to use and close widgets.  It isn't, to my knowledge, in the manual, though it 
could be in the list of commands in Appendix A.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Aug 7, 2011, at 8:34 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello John and thank you ever so much for telling me how to close a widget.
> I had absolutely no idea.   
> As I write this, I have a Braille copy of the Snow Leopard VoiceOver getting
> Started manual on my lap.  I have just read through the table of contents
> and see no reference to neither Dashboard or Widgets.
> Thank you, again.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of John Panarese
> Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 4:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: A Question About Closing Dashboard Widgets
> Hi Mark,
>Control-option-command-F2 will do this for an open widget.  You'll be
> asked if you are sure you want to close the widget first.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Aug 7, 2011, at 7:08 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I've been exploring several of the Dashboard widgets and I'm very
> impressed.
>> I do have one question, however; how does one close a widget other than
> disabling it from the Widget manager?
>> Thank you,
>> Mark
>> -- 
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Re: A Question About Closing Dashboard Widgets

2011-08-07 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

Hey Mark.

It's really easy.

When you're on the widget you want to close, hit vo+command+F2.  You'll then 
be asked to hit return to close the widget, or escape to cancel.

On that note, does anyone know how to change the city in the weather widget 
from Cupertino to my city, which is charlotte NC?


- Original Message - 
From: "M. Taylor" 

Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 7:08 PM
Subject: A Question About Closing Dashboard Widgets

Hello All,

I've been exploring several of the Dashboard widgets and I'm very 

I do have one question, however; how does one close a widget other than 
disabling it from the Widget manager?

Thank you,


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Re: double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Scott,
Maybe the issue is fixed in Lion. I think Andre posted that he thought it had 
been fixed. It happens in the reader for me on SL with all linked text. I 
always get the double text, first time just read out loud as text, second time 
with text preceded by the word "link". There were several links in that 
article, so if none of them read twice, it sounds like the issue is solved, or 
you and I have something set different in our vo. I'd be curious if there are 
people on SL who don't get the double reading when using the Safari or Webkit 
reader. I love that reader feature. The double text is the only irritating 
thing about it. This double reading does not occur for me if I find the 
beginning of an article not in the reader and just do a vo a to start reading 
from the cursor down.


Mary Otten

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Re: double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread Randy Stegall
Hmmm, strange, strange indeed.  Groups mode is the only time I get the double 
reading of links.  Oh well.  Sorry.

Randy Stegall
Sent from my Mac Mini.

On Aug 7, 2011, at 8:03 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi Randy,
> I'm definitely in dom mode. I never have found a lot of use for groups mode, 
> possibly because I came from Windows and am very use to that way of doing 
> things.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Colin,
Once in the reader, you should not have to start with vo a. It should just read 
out to you. That's the cool thing about the reader. It doesn't always find the 
article, but if it does, it should just read straight through, no vo A or any 
other intervention required.


Mary Otten

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Re: double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread Mike Arrigo
One thing that could be happening here, sometimes links are labeled with text 
and also an alt or title tag, if this is the case, voiceover will read both, 
especially if you have the option to read help tags enabled. This can be a good 
thing, because on some sites, such as wikipedia, the text of the link and the 
title tag may be different, and it's good that voiceover provides both of these.
On Aug 7, 2011, at 6:01 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> Here you go. This is from MacWorld. Pretty much any of their newsletter 
> articles will do. Once on this page, activate the "reader" command shift r, 
> and listen for double text every time a link is encountered. First time, the 
> text is just read out. Second time, the linked text is read with the word 
> "link". I hope this link doesn't wrap.
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread Mike Arrigo
It's really a personal preference, but I always use dom mode too, I find the 
group mode to be less helpful, and involves much more interacting with things. 
If I want to get somewhere on a page fast, I use the search feature.
On Aug 7, 2011, at 7:03 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi Randy,
> I'm definitely in dom mode. I never have found a lot of use for groups mode, 
> possibly because I came from Windows and am very use to that way of doing 
> things.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: Upgrading to lion, a litle question.

2011-08-07 Thread Mike Arrigo
You should not have to reinstall windows, the lion install should not mess with 
the windows volume.
On Aug 7, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Juan Pablo wrote:

> Hello there, good evening.
> A few days ago I bought a mbp early 2011. The machine comes with SL pre 
> installed but apple offered me a free upgrade to lion. In the mid time, I 
> installed Windows 7 32 bit using bootcam.
> My question regards the lion update.
> After make that, Should I to reinstall windows?
> All the best and thanks a lot,
> Juan.
> -- 
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Re: taking the plunge

2011-08-07 Thread Mike Arrigo
There are a few minor issues, but that's typical any time a new operating 
system is released, but I have no interest in going to back to SL. Just make 
sure you have a full backup of your system before upgrading.
On Aug 7, 2011, at 7:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> Well, while I still have a free moment before classes start, I'm going to 
> take the plunge an update to lion.
> Now, if I could only remember where I hid that sl cd in case I don't like it, 
> lol. For those that have made the switch, anything important you care to 
> share? I already know about the dropox issue and have saved that email that 
> deals with that.
> Thanks,
> May and Prince Noah
> -- 
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Re: Upgrading to lion, a litle question.

2011-08-07 Thread Georges Zaynoun

No never, I have same situation like you and windows was never touched.
Original message:

Hello there, good evening.
A few days ago I bought a mbp early 2011. The machine comes with SL pre 
installed but apple offered me a free upgrade to lion. In the mid time, 
I installed Windows 7 32 bit using bootcam.

My question regards the lion update.
After make that, Should I to reinstall windows?
All the best and thanks a lot,
Juan. --
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Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
Mobile: +46707567315

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: double reading of linked text in safari reader

2011-08-07 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Mike,
Regarding the double reading of text if you have the reading of help tags 
enabled and there is an alt tag on a link, wouldn't you expect voice over 
behavior to be the same, whether the reading was done on the page with vo A or 
from within the reader with vo reading directly after the reader is invoked? If 
so, then I have to say that I never hear this double text business when I'm on 
a page and reading a block of text that has links in it using vo A. But the 
next time I use the reader, I will go into vo utility and turn off the reading 
of help tags and see if that makes a difference. I don't see why it should, and 
if it does, then why isn't the problem consistent regardless whether you're in 
or out of the reader when reading the block of text?


Mary Otten

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Re: A Question About Closing Dashboard Widgets

2011-08-07 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Chris,

In the Weather Widget, press the Info button at the bottom, I believe, right of 
the widget.  That will flip the widget over where you have the ability to 
change the city, the Celsius/Farenheit and some other options.  Just press the 
Done button when you have the settings the way you want them and it will flip 
back over to the regular side.



On 2011-08-07, at 7:15 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> Hey Mark.
> It's really easy.
> When you're on the widget you want to close, hit vo+command+F2.  You'll then 
> be asked to hit return to close the widget, or escape to cancel.
> On that note, does anyone know how to change the city in the weather widget 
> from Cupertino to my city, which is charlotte NC?
> Thanks.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "M. Taylor" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 7:08 PM
> Subject: A Question About Closing Dashboard Widgets
>> Hello All,
>> I've been exploring several of the Dashboard widgets and I'm very impressed.
>> I do have one question, however; how does one close a widget other than 
>> disabling it from the Widget manager?
>> Thank you,
>> Mark
>> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Copying files frone one drive to another.

2011-08-07 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Thanks, Mike. These are just drives to store things anyway; not a backup drive.

On Aug 7, 2011, at 7:11 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> The mac can read ntfs but not write to it, if you want the drive to be read 
> and written to on both platforms, format it as fat32
> On Aug 7, 2011, at 12:26 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>> It appears you can't copy files from a Mac to a passport NTFS drive. It must 
>> first be formatted to Mac extended journal.
>> I was hoping to copy files to the NTFS drive so I could retrieve them on 
>> either Mac or windows.
>> You can retrieve files from an NTFS drive, but it doesn't appear you can 
>> copy to it from a Mac.
>> On Aug 6, 2011, at 6:57 PM, Cody wrote:
>>> open the first drive, interact with the area where your files area, press 
>>> command C, then navigate to your destination folder in the finder and press 
>>> command V
>>> hth,
>>> Cody
>>> On Aug 6, 2011, at 9:55 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
 Is there a way to copy from one external drive to another?
 Sent from my iPhone
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] New Open Office 3.3.0 (fwd)

2011-08-07 Thread Karen Lewellen

For fans of the program here.

... is available for download

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Re: A Question About Closing Dashboard Widgets

2011-08-07 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

Hi Tim.

Thank you very much.  that worked absolutely perfectly.


- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Kilburn" 

Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: A Question About Closing Dashboard Widgets

Hi Chris,

In the Weather Widget, press the Info button at the bottom, I believe, right 
of the widget.  That will flip the widget over where you have the ability to 
change the city, the Celsius/Farenheit and some other options.  Just press 
the Done button when you have the settings the way you want them and it will 
flip back over to the regular side.



On 2011-08-07, at 7:15 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

Hey Mark.

It's really easy.

When you're on the widget you want to close, hit vo+command+F2.  You'll 
then be asked to hit return to close the widget, or escape to cancel.

On that note, does anyone know how to change the city in the weather 
widget from Cupertino to my city, which is charlotte NC?


- Original Message - From: "M. Taylor" 
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 7:08 PM
Subject: A Question About Closing Dashboard Widgets

Hello All,

I've been exploring several of the Dashboard widgets and I'm very 

I do have one question, however; how does one close a widget other than 
disabling it from the Widget manager?

Thank you,


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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: A question about ITunes

2011-08-07 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Matt,

Sounds like you're set.  Always good to transfer those apps before doing any 

On Aug 7, 2011, at 7:26 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> Hi, I plugged it in, and I transferred the apps over, or so I thought. Then I 
> went to update and it still wanted me to backup the apps. I updated it 
> anyway, and I don't think I have lost anything.
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2011-08-07, at 7:17 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Hi Matt,
>> If you plug in your iPhone via your USB port on your Mac, you can go to the 
>> File Menu in iTunes and choose transfer purchases in that manner.  That;'s 
>> exactly what I didn't do before updating my iPhone, and I lost a few of my 
>> apps as a result.
>> Les
>> On Aug 7, 2011, at 2:06 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Good afternoon all. I hope this email finds you all well.
>>> I have a couple of questions about ITunes with lion. It asked me if I 
>>> wanted to update my IPhone to a new version. I said sure, and it brought 
>>> the message of you have purchased apps that aren't synced to the library. 
>>> How would I go about doing this? Also, how can I get podcasts on the IPhone 
>>> from ITunes, like getting older episodes downloaded automatically?
>>> Thanks and sorry if I am getting annoying asking all these questions.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
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