IMPORTANT REMINDER ANNOUNCEMENT With An Audio Link: Talking About iOS With VoiceOver Part 1

2011-07-15 Thread M. Taylor
Since we've had a few new users join us, who may not as yet have joined the
v iPhone list, I am cross-posting this message at the bottom of which you
will find a direct link to the audio announcement:


Hello Everyone,  


Sometimes when I read the questions that are posted to the list I wish there
was enough time to provide all of the nuances in the answers that would
provide a more comprehensive understanding of the issues being raised.  I am
certain that many of you feel the same; but, as is often the case, some
answers would require a novel to do them justice.


So, in an effort to welcome and further assist new iOS users as well as get
to know some of our iOS veterans, I invite you all to join me on Friday,
July 15, at 6:00pm PDT on the Secret Life of Mark Marcus Live show.


The following is the official description:  


Begin Description:

Talking About iOS With VoiceOver Part 1


On Friday, July 15 at 6:00pm PDT, Mark Taylor will be discussing and taking
live calls from those using Apple iOS devices including iPhones, iPads, etc
via VoiceOver, Apple's software screen reading solution for the blind and
low vision on his Secret Life of Mark Marcus talk show.  To listen to or
participate in the conversation, during show time call (724) 898-1193.  To
learn more about the Secret Life of Mark Marcus including how you can sign
up for text message alerts and how you can listen online, go to 

End Description


I'm hoping that some of you old-timers will participate so that, together,
we can provide some high quality live VoiceOver tech support for those who
have questions.


Depending upon the participation level, we may make this a regular event.  


Hope To See You There.


Here to listen to the Audio Promo of the upcoming episode.



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some files can not be moved macbook partissioning error

2011-07-15 Thread trahern culver
hey guys i'm trying to set up a vinux partission on my macbook every
time i try to do this i get an error message saying "this disk can not
be partissioned because some files can not be moved" does any one know
how to solve this problem?

your help would be most welcom!!

kind regards trahern.

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Migrating Outlook folders to apple Mail

2011-07-15 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. I have a bunch of folders that I would like to move from
Microsoft Outlook to Apple mail. Fortunately, I don't have to migrate any
contacts or calendar items. I have tried o2m from but
it's not accessible so exporting with reliability is not guaranteed. Do any
of you know of an accessible tool for doing this?


Thanks so much.

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Re: Network problems

2011-07-15 Thread carolyn Haas
Hello Mark and Geoff:
With all due respect to both of you, Please take this discussion off list.  It 
really is kind of off topic, and not conducive to the resourcefulness we're 
striving for.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


On Jul 14, 2011, at 2:56 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Geoff,  
> I truly don't understand your apparent hostility towards me nor your desire
> to publicly insult someone to whom you don't bother to extend the most basic
> of courtesies.  
> Are you incapable of asking me a question without attacking my character?  
> Geoff, it has been said by those wiser than I, that people tend to view
> others as they view themselves; something we should all keep in mind before
> we attack those with whom we have never met.
> Regardless of the mean-spirited tone of your post, I am certain that you are
> a nice person who wishes to help others and this is why I have decided to
> pay you the respect you clearly do not think I deserve by both ignoring your
> antagonistic remarks and answering your question said answer being the
> following:
> The reason I responded to Ed, on-list, is so that other list members would
> know that a reply was posted.  Moreover, it has been my experience that few,
> if any, tend to reply to network issues for the reasons stated in the post
> to which I am referring.  Some members, who receive few or, in some cases,
> no replies to a question may take it personally and I, like you, don't want
> anyone to feel as though they are being ignored, pre-judged, or attacked.
> That is All.
> [The Gospel According To Mark, Chapter 221.]  (Big Smile)  
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Geoff Waaler
> Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 10:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Network problems
> Hi Mark,
> Other than illustrating your proclivity toward boundless narsisism, what
> purpose was served by sending this to the list?
> Best regards.
> Geoff
> On Jul 13, 2011, at 4:12 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello Ed.
>> Troubleshooting network connectivity issues can be one of the most
> challenging a support person can face.
>> However, rather than engaging in lengthy email correspondence, please send
> me your contact telephone number, off-list, and I will endeavor to assist
> you.
>> Please include the city/state/time zone in which you live and the best
> time to call.
>> Mark
>> On Jul 13, 2011, at 11:58 AM, Ed Worrell wrote:
>>> Hello Listers, I am having some issues with seeing my network hard drive.
> My drive is plugged into a NetGear wireless hub. I can not see the hub or
> the drive plugged into it with my MacBook Pro. My MBP is running the latest
> version of the OS. Please help me figure it out. If need be , contact me off
> list at
>>> Thanks ED
>>> please check out my music at
>>> Follow me on twitter at
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Re: One of the Best Voiceover Experiences Ever!

2011-07-15 Thread Justin Thornton
the problem with the dm-420 recorder is not stared in the manual
this recorder can not:
record inwav
disable autogain control
no manual level control
you can do all this with the upgraded model the dm-520 for like 170 on amazon
On Jul 2, 2011, at 1:13 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> I have to tell you all, I just had one of the best Voiceover experiences 
> ever!  So, I was in the market for a new Olympus Digital voice Recorder. So, 
> I go to Best Buy and for $129.00 before tax, get the DM-420.  This thing is 
> absolutely? Sweet!  Not only does it have the austrailian female lady on the 
> guided menus on the recorder itself, but this is where the mac side comes 
> in... get a load a this!  The thing doesn't just! record into WMA, oh sure, 
> it can, but it'll even do .mp3 all the way from 1 28K all the way up to 3 
> 20K!  And, you know what that means!  MP3!  So, guess what smack that sucker 
> in your mac, pop it up in your finder, and boom!  there are your mp3's ready 
> to go, and be played or tagged!  It'll even see the micro SD card in the unit 
> as another volume on the desktop.  And, as if that isn't enough, the Olympus 
> Sonority software that comes with it has a Windows installer, yeah, but it 
> also! has a Mac! installer!  And, get a load of this, OK, there are? some 
> unlabeled buttons yeah, but ever? single? one of 'em have included help tags 
> that are very descriptive, so if you use vo+shift+H in combination with 
> vo+slash, you really can get things labeled like I did very! nicely!
> Needless to say for any mac user, I'd highly! highly! suggest this recorder. 
> Write me off list if you want more info.  Not only are the buttons tagged 
> well in the software that comes with the recorder, BTW, the over all 
> accessibility of the software with Voiceover is just! Phenomenal!
> Chris. 
> -- 
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Re: roomer has it that lion won't be released today?

2011-07-15 Thread James Malone
Exactly. I mean sure it will be quite different in Apple, but I'm not
always full of excitement everytime something like that happens. I
mean hey, look at Windows Vista! Everyone rushed out, then within a
day were using XP again. I mean hey, great!

On 7/15/11, Shen  wrote:
> I was going to say tomorrow, Friday, July 15th.
> Apple generally likes to make a big splash when it releases something no
> matter what it is.
> But Spotify just about took the spotlight away today. So I think it's going
> to be next week.
> Although I hear the stores in China are closed overnight to load new
> shipments of Mac computers. So there's still a good chance Lion will be
> released tomorrow.
> Are you people that impatient and itchy? Lion will be out when it is out.
> Apple is not going to speed things up just because we are here talking about
> it.
> Remember the announcement at WWDC is that Lion will be released in July.
> Today is July 14th, Apple still has 17 days.
> On Jul 14, 2011, at 6:24 AM, James Malone wrote:
>> Look. I dare say it will be out either tomorrow or Tuesday. After
>> that, I'm stumped. Upon saying tomorrow though, I heighly doubt it
>> will happened. Although, Apple really do like bringing things on a
>> Friday.
>> On 7/14/11, Kliph&Sharrie  wrote:
>>> I didn't make this up, read here
>>> Kliphton SR
>>> (twitter)
>>> (Marriage Blog)
>>> Sent from my IMac
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Re: mp3 to txt?

2011-07-15 Thread Jon Cohn
I believe the folks at MacSpeech had an application for this.  


On Jul 13, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> does anyone know if there's an app that will convert an mp3 file to txt?  I 
> know it's probably a long-shot, but I figured that if it exists, someone on 
> this list would know. 
> Cheers,
> Donna
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Re: complex networking question (double nating)

2011-07-15 Thread Jon Cohn

I would suggest using the bridge mode on the Apple routers.  Generally only 
tunnelling will cause you issues, but any VPN will probably use tunneling.  You 
should still be able to block MAC addresses in one of the manual airport 
controls  even with DHCP turned off.

My problem with NAT is that the router needs to keep a mapping of all traffic 
and on a busy network it will eventually decide to drop that mapping.  So if 
you are double natting then you are going to have twice the chance that a long 
not very active session will get dropped by one of your routers.



On Jul 10, 2011, at 6:06 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> All,
> Here is the situation. I recently switched to Comcast business class. I was 
> provided with a SMC Network cable modem. THis box is actually a switch 
> consisting of four ports. Currently I have my AirPort router plugged into the 
> SMC and thus I have a double nat situation. THe SMC is configured to handout 
> DHCP addresses, which is how my AirPort gets its address, but I also am 
> handing out addresses using DHCP to the devices on my private network. I 
> actually am using DHCP reservations and for a specific reason.
> I have setup mac address filtering to control certain machines on the 
> network. Unfortunately the SMC lacks some of the features for controlling 
> machines that are found in the Apple router. However, this double nat 
> situation can and has created some issues for me. I could of course just 
> bridge the AirPort and give up the whole deal on controlling machines on the 
> network. That may very well end up being necessary in the end; however, 
> before I do so, I wanted to ask if anyone had any thoughts. I did a little 
> searching around on Google, but unfortunately I'm not sure exactly what to 
> look for either. I don't think Google would take my message as a search term 
> either. :)
> Although I do not have any plans to do this, the advantage of double nat in 
> this case is I could strap three more routers onto the gateway (SMC) and have 
> some fun. Now maybe there is a way around all of this, but seems the current 
> issue is IP6 tunneling, but I am more concerned if this could pose problems 
> with other services. So, thoughts welcome and I'll keep poking around and see 
> what I can learn. The good thing is that all seems to be working for the most 
> part, so this is not a critical need situation. Just need to make sure I can 
> vpn into the network at the office. :)
> Thanks,
> Scott
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quick mac mini question

2011-07-15 Thread Joe Paton

good afternoon all,

Just 1 quick question, which I can't find out the answer from the 
spec sheets.  Does the mac Mini have an onboard loud speaker?

Many thanks.


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Re: quick mac mini question

2011-07-15 Thread Teresa Cochran

Hi, Joe,

Yes, the Mac Mini has a single speaker. It's not meant to be used for anything 
other than glorious living mono sound, and it's a little tinny, but it works.


On Jul 15, 2011, at 7:19 AM, Joe Paton wrote:

> good afternoon all,
> Just 1 quick question, which I can't find out the answer from the spec 
> sheets.  Does the mac Mini have an onboard loud speaker?
> Many thanks.
> Joe
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Re: Stop Using Headset Annoying.

2011-07-15 Thread Jon Cohn
In the blue tooth system settings you will find a table of known devices.

Select your headset and hit the delete key.

I usually get to the blue tooth system settings by going to the bluetooth 
status menu and selecting the last item in the menu.


Just for completeness there is another way of doing this...

1. Go to the system status menu VO-m twice 
2. Use option and arrow keys until you find the bluetooth menu.
3. go through the menu and find your device 
4. the last item in the device sub-menu will be remove device.

Best regards,


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Re: quick mac mini question

2011-07-15 Thread matthew Dyer
Yes the mini does have an inturnal speaker, but it is not go fro llistening to 
music so you would want eather headphones or external speakers foor better 


On Jul 15, 2011, at 10:19 AM, Joe Paton wrote:

> good afternoon all,
> Just 1 quick question, which I can't find out the answer from the spec 
> sheets.  Does the mac Mini have an onboard loud speaker?
> Many thanks.
> Joe
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Prizmo on the Mac!

2011-07-15 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi all!
Sorry to bring up OCR again!
But I've seen on the discussions people talking about vu scan and that one 
beginning with D and Abby fine reader!
Then people really like Prizmo on the Iphone!
But Prizmo is also available for the Mac and I was wondering why that is not 
Is the Mac version not as good as the others or is it not vo friendly!
Or no one has tried it or no one has heard of it!
Any input welcome!
Where ever you are have a great Day, Night or even Morning!

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Re: quick mac mini question

2011-07-15 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Joe,

All Macs have onboard speakers and the Mini is no different.



On 15 Jul 2011, at 16:19, Joe Paton wrote:

> good afternoon all,
> Just 1 quick question, which I can't find out the answer from the spec 
> sheets.  Does the mac Mini have an onboard loud speaker?
> Many thanks.
> Joe
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Re: Prizmo on the Mac!

2011-07-15 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Colin,

I've tried Prizmo on the Mac and wish I hadn't wasted my money. It's totally 
unusable. Even for a sighted person it's messy to use as you have to select the 
block of text you wish to OCR. I was really disappointed since I love Prizmo 
for the iPhone.

I would recommend VueScan as the cheapest effective option. It doesn't handle 
orientation, but that's quickly sorted and it lets you scan a whole book into 
one file. You can also set the scanning to auto-repeat and adjust the time 
between scans.



On 15 Jul 2011, at 17:14, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi all!
> Sorry to bring up OCR again!
> But I've seen on the discussions people talking about vu scan and that one 
> beginning with D and Abby fine reader!
> Then people really like Prizmo on the Iphone!
> But Prizmo is also available for the Mac and I was wondering why that is not 
> mentioned!
> Is the Mac version not as good as the others or is it not vo friendly!
> Or no one has tried it or no one has heard of it!
> Any input welcome!
> Where ever you are have a great Day, Night or even Morning!
> Colin
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Screenreader for old mac

2011-07-15 Thread Ashley Cox

Hi all,
Am looking for a screenreader for an old iMac g3 (first gen bondi blue). 
I know of outspoken, but can't find anywhere to download it, not even a demo
I know these machines can run 10.4, but have tried and it's slow on this 
one, as it's only 233 mhz with 160mb ram
does anybody know of a screenreader that I can get (prefferably free) 
that will run on OS9?
or is the demo /full version of outspoken still available somewhere, 
again prefferably free?


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Exporting a project in Garage Band

2011-07-15 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
OK, so here's the deal, I have a project I recorded in Garage band that 
consists of about 8 or so software instruments.  There are absolutely no 
loops or real instruments in this file.  It's totally 100 percent software 
instruments.  Some of the instruments I used like my base and drums were 
just the built in standard garage band samples, whilst I used an electric 
guitar from the jam pack rhythm section, and a few more things from the Jam 
pack synthany set.  So everything was done via midi through software 
instruments.  I'm seeing how to save the project as a .band file, for 
working in Garage band, but I can't seem to figure out how to export my song 
to an mp3 file.  I do see under file/save as, a section to compact the file 
but the check box is dimmed, and the little pop up menu in the save as box 
that is set to AAC is also dimmed so I can't change that either.  Granted, 
it was only a dinky dank little recording of Twinkle Little Star, so nothing 
really that great, certainly not me at my most complexed capability, but 
this was more just to play around and have fun and see if I could do it.  I 
did, but again, the problem is, I'm more satisfied with the outcome than I 
thought I'd be and would like to show a friend of mine who doesn't even use 
a mac let alone garage band the recording, which of course, I can't do, 
unless it's an mp3.  Plus, if I want it in ITunes... there has to be a way 
to do this.

Can someone give me a hand.  If you'd like the .band file, I would be happy 
to send it to anyone on sendspace off list, if you need first to kind a get 
an idea how I did things before you truely can tell me where to go next.



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Moderating advice -> was network problems.

2011-07-15 Thread Geoff Waaler
> With all due respect, Carolyn,  since it was obvious after over 17 hours that 
> I intended to let Mark have the last word, what was your post intended to 
> accomplish other than an attempt to go on your typical power trip and 
> publicly embarrass Mark and me?

> As Mark implicitly stated in his introductory mod note there was a perception 
> among some (Mark privately told us hundreds, though I'd love to see him 
> produce all those e-mails) that the mod team was excessively negative and 
> intrusive.  As I don't believe this perception existed when Cara and me had 
> the primary mod responsibilities, let your ex mod Uncle Geoff give you a 
> little advice which is worth every penny you paid for it .  There are 
> no right answers, and everyone is bound to make mistakes, but it really helps 
> to not consider the job a power trip and exercise a modicum of judgement.  I 
> tried to never lose site of the fact that the list belonged to the 
> subscribers, and that my mod notes also took up band width and hence needed 
> to be posted sparingly.  I saw the job as a balancing act to be as 
> unobtrusive as possible while protecting the time investment of subscribers.  
> To that end it was some times necessary to take administrative action, but I 
> got no joy from doing that and tried to only use it as a last resort.

Therefore, in the case of off topic threads, I'd usually look at the time 
stamps.  If a certain inteveral had past, I would conclude that the topic died 
a natural death and accordingly wouldn't consume everyone's time beating a dead 
horse.  This can't be done perfectly, and sometimes new posts would straggle in 
long after the topic appeared to have died.  Some times I would jump in quickly 
if I saw a potential for strong opinions and flaming, such as someone posting 
that all blind people want to get everything for free.

> As for the specifics of this case, I would probably have admonished Mark and 
> me privately.  This way I would avoid further wasting everyone's band width 
> and publicly embarrassing anyone.  As an ex mod, I knew that my choice to 
> post my comment to Mark was inappropriate, so I'm not sure what a private 
> note would have accomplished other than to state the obvious.  This is why I 
> chose not to continue the discussion.

My concern remains that when a moderator posts what amounts to a private 
message, this sets a bad example.  I've seen Mark do this several times 
previously which is why I was driven to express my concern publicly even though 
I knew better :) -- I was reacting to the below and similar posts where the 
entire list was advised (for example) of certain administrative actions such as 
changing a subscribers e-mail address when a private note to the affected party 
and rest of the mod team would have sufficed.  I viewed helping people off list 
the same way, though I'd keep it on list if the topic might be of general 

But to address your immediate concern, the topic has long been closed as far as 
I was concerned, but thanks for the belated suggestion -- now we all continue 
to realize that you are the all powerful mod .

Best regards.
> On Jul 15, 2011, at 9:04 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hello Mark and Geoff:
>> With all due respect to both of you, Please take this discussion off list.  
>> It really is kind of off topic, and not conducive to the resourcefulness 
>> we're striving for.
>> Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
>> Friendly,
>> Carolyn
>> On Jul 14, 2011, at 2:56 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>>> Geoff,  
>>> I truly don't understand your apparent hostility towards me nor your desire
>>> to publicly insult someone to whom you don't bother to extend the most basic
>>> of courtesies.  
>>> Are you incapable of asking me a question without attacking my character?  
>>> Geoff, it has been said by those wiser than I, that people tend to view
>>> others as they view themselves; something we should all keep in mind before
>>> we attack those with whom we have never met.
>>> Regardless of the mean-spirited tone of your post, I am certain that you are
>>> a nice person who wishes to help others and this is why I have decided to
>>> pay you the respect you clearly do not think I deserve by both ignoring your
>>> antagonistic remarks and answering your question said answer being the
>>> following:
>>> The reason I responded to Ed, on-list, is so that other list members would
>>> know that a reply was posted.  Moreover, it has been my experience that few,
>>> if any, tend to reply to network issues for the reasons stated in the post
>>> to which I am referring.  Some members, who receive few or, in some cases,
>>> no replies to a question may take it personally and I, like you, don't want
>>> anyone to feel as though they are being ignored, pre-judged, or attacked.
>>> That is All.
>>> [The Gospel According To Mark, Chapter 221.]  (Big Smile)  
>>> Mark

Re: Stop Using Headset Annoying.

2011-07-15 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Is there a way to speed up or lessen the keystrokes necessary to activate a 
Bluetooth device?  I have the streamer paired with my MBP to provide audio to 
my hearing aids; works like a headset, and in order to activate it, I have to 
do as previously stated; O M twice, over to Bluetooth, down to the headset, 
over and down to Use as stereo device, enter... so, can I set up a script or 
something to do this?

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Prizmo on the Mac!

2011-07-15 Thread carolyn Haas
Hey Colin:
I had no idea it was available for the Mac.  So, I have no other input except 
thanks for pointing this out.:)

On Jul 15, 2011, at 9:14 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi all!
> Sorry to bring up OCR again!
> But I've seen on the discussions people talking about vu scan and that one 
> beginning with D and Abby fine reader!
> Then people really like Prizmo on the Iphone!
> But Prizmo is also available for the Mac and I was wondering why that is not 
> mentioned!
> Is the Mac version not as good as the others or is it not vo friendly!
> Or no one has tried it or no one has heard of it!
> Any input welcome!
> Where ever you are have a great Day, Night or even Morning!
> Colin
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Resignation of Moderator

2011-07-15 Thread carolyn Haas
Hello listers:
I'm just writing to let everyone know I am no longer moderating for this group 
or the ViPhone group.  I thnk Cara for the opportunity to be a part of 
something so useful and regret having to give in to the suggestion that my 
being here was a power issue.  I'm not interested in Power, I'm interested in 
things Apple.  For anyone who assumes otherwise of me, Assuming leads to 
misunderstanding and hurt.

Enjoy your mac journey everyone.

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Figured out my Garage Band problem

2011-07-15 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland


I figured out how to export my song to mp3 as I was asking how to do, so I 
really don't need any further help regarding that question.

for those wonderring, what you gotta do is, once in your project, go to your 
menu bar with vo+M.  Once there, vo+right arrow over to the share menu. 
Drop it open, then go down to export to disk.  OK, now in this screen, 
you'll be given the option of how to save it, compressed or not, and if! 
compressed, what format, like AAC, mp3, etc. do you want.  You also can 
choose the quality, although high quality is the best for  music according 
to what it says.  then go down and vo+space on your export button.  Once 
done, you'll get a standard save as dialog.  Now just save it like normal. 
It'll take a bit to convert and export, but once done, you'll have a nicve 
mp3 file or, whatever you chose.

Also, in your share menu there is an option to directly export to ITunes, 
but I've not played with that, so I can't comment.

Once your file's exported, then in your finder you can highlight the file, 
and hit command+I.  then from the info screen, you should be able to set all 
the tagged meta data like artist album song, genre, etc.

I tell ya, I'm really getting to like Garage Band!

Until I can get equipped with ProTools, this really for the time being is 
looking incredibly! promising.


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flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-15 Thread Karen Lewellen

Hi all,
Can anyone send me a simple source that explains why flash is such a major 
closed door?
I am *trying* to get access to an on line course, where the audio for the 
class would be just as good, especially with what one must pay.  even their 
order page triggers a forbidden error, so i want to educate the company if 
I can that they may be shedding customers this way.
I sort of remember Apple talking about no longer supporting flash, so that 
is certainly a start.  anything or anywhere else I might send them?


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Re: Exporting a project in Garage Band

2011-07-15 Thread Thomas Byskov Dalgaard
Hi Chris!

you can export the project by going to the share menu and here select export to 

Best regards

Mail & MSN:

Den 15/07/2011 kl. 18.18 skrev Christopher-Mark Gilland:

> OK, so here's the deal, I have a project I recorded in Garage band that 
> consists of about 8 or so software instruments.  There are absolutely no 
> loops or real instruments in this file.  It's totally 100 percent software 
> instruments.  Some of the instruments I used like my base and drums were just 
> the built in standard garage band samples, whilst I used an electric guitar 
> from the jam pack rhythm section, and a few more things from the Jam pack 
> synthany set.  So everything was done via midi through software instruments.  
> I'm seeing how to save the project as a .band file, for working in Garage 
> band, but I can't seem to figure out how to export my song to an mp3 file.  I 
> do see under file/save as, a section to compact the file but the check box is 
> dimmed, and the little pop up menu in the save as box that is set to AAC is 
> also dimmed so I can't change that either.  Granted, it was only a dinky dank 
> little recording of Twinkle Little Star, so nothing really that great, 
> certainly not me at my most complexed capability, but this was more just to 
> play around and have fun and see if I could do it.  I did, but again, the 
> problem is, I'm more satisfied with the outcome than I thought I'd be and 
> would like to show a friend of mine who doesn't even use a mac let alone 
> garage band the recording, which of course, I can't do, unless it's an mp3.  
> Plus, if I want it in ITunes... there has to be a way to do this.
> Can someone give me a hand.  If you'd like the .band file, I would be happy 
> to send it to anyone on sendspace off list, if you need first to kind a get 
> an idea how I did things before you truely can tell me where to go next.
> Thanks.
> Chris. 
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Re: Resignation of Moderator

2011-07-15 Thread Eric Oyen
I never saw anything wrong with what you were doing. sorry to see you go.


On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:06 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hello listers:
> I'm just writing to let everyone know I am no longer moderating for this 
> group or the ViPhone group.  I thnk Cara for the opportunity to be a part of 
> something so useful and regret having to give in to the suggestion that my 
> being here was a power issue.  I'm not interested in Power, I'm interested in 
> things Apple.  For anyone who assumes otherwise of me, Assuming leads to 
> misunderstanding and hurt.
> Enjoy your mac journey everyone.
> Carolyn
> -- 
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Remote support on the Mac

2011-07-15 Thread Thomas Byskov Dalgaard

Is it possible to share another person's screen while Voiceover is running so 
e.g. one can try to figure out a problem on another Mac-computer?
I found something in the Mainmenu archives but haven't seen or found any other 
information regarding this topic. So:
Is it possible and if it is how to do it?

Best regards

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Re: flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-15 Thread Eric Oyen
flash is such a pain mostly because the company never bothered to make it 
accessible.  unfortunately, there is no screen reader that can readit. as for 
apple support, you are correct. 

one point, the place you are taking the course from may be violating the US ADA 
and you might have legal recourse.


On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> Hi all,
> Can anyone send me a simple source that explains why flash is such a major 
> closed door?
> I am *trying* to get access to an on line course, where the audio for the 
> class would be just as good, especially with what one must pay.  even their 
> order page triggers a forbidden error, so i want to educate the company if I 
> can that they may be shedding customers this way.
> I sort of remember Apple talking about no longer supporting flash, so that is 
> certainly a start.  anything or anywhere else I might send them?
> thanks,
> Karen
> -- 
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Re: Resignation of Moderator

2011-07-15 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi Carolyn,

I don't have any memory of you being on a power trip. Being a moderator is 
definetely a hard job as it can turn to be repetitive and unquestionably 
stressful if some individuals stand up against what you suggest.

But your choice is one which in the end will make you feel better for your own 
sake, and i hope you will keep bringing in your indeed valuable suggestions, 
ideas and help to those who have just started their mac journey.

My best wishes to you, and see you around.

On 16/07/2011, at 6:33 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> I never saw anything wrong with what you were doing. sorry to see you go.
> -Eric
> On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:06 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hello listers:
>> I'm just writing to let everyone know I am no longer moderating for this 
>> group or the ViPhone group.  I thnk Cara for the opportunity to be a part of 
>> something so useful and regret having to give in to the suggestion that my 
>> being here was a power issue.  I'm not interested in Power, I'm interested 
>> in things Apple.  For anyone who assumes otherwise of me, Assuming leads to 
>> misunderstanding and hurt.
>> Enjoy your mac journey everyone.
>> Carolyn
>> -- 
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Re: Prizmo on the Mac!

2011-07-15 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Anne!
Well what a  Bummer!
So at least Me and any others will not have to find out the hard way!
Thank you for letting us know! :]

On 15 Jul 2011, at 16:44, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Colin,
> I've tried Prizmo on the Mac and wish I hadn't wasted my money. It's totally 
> unusable. Even for a sighted person it's messy to use as you have to select 
> the block of text you wish to OCR. I was really disappointed since I love 
> Prizmo for the iPhone.
> I would recommend VueScan as the cheapest effective option. It doesn't handle 
> orientation, but that's quickly sorted and it lets you scan a whole book into 
> one file. You can also set the scanning to auto-repeat and adjust the time 
> between scans.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 15 Jul 2011, at 17:14, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> Sorry to bring up OCR again!
>> But I've seen on the discussions people talking about vu scan and that one 
>> beginning with D and Abby fine reader!
>> Then people really like Prizmo on the Iphone!
>> But Prizmo is also available for the Mac and I was wondering why that is not 
>> mentioned!
>> Is the Mac version not as good as the others or is it not vo friendly!
>> Or no one has tried it or no one has heard of it!
>> Any input welcome!
>> Where ever you are have a great Day, Night or even Morning!
>> Colin
>> -- 
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Re: Screenreader for old mac

2011-07-15 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Ash,

According to this post from earlier in the 
year, you can phone and 
request it from . This is just a googlefest on my part, and I 
don't have firsthand experience with it, so I do hope it helps.

On Jul 15, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Ashley Cox wrote:

> Hi all,
> Am looking for a screenreader for an old iMac g3 (first gen bondi blue). I 
> know of outspoken, but can't find anywhere to download it, not even a demo
> I know these machines can run 10.4, but have tried and it's slow on this one, 
> as it's only 233 mhz with 160mb ram
> does anybody know of a screenreader that I can get (prefferably free) that 
> will run on OS9?
> or is the demo /full version of outspoken still available somewhere, again 
> prefferably free?
> thanks!
> Ash
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Big step of Amadeus Pro 2 in terms of accessibility

2011-07-15 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi All,

recently there was an update of Amadeus Pro to version 2. I just want to inform 
anyone who don't know that this version of Amadeus took a big step in terms of 

1. It's now possible to read the volume level in the record window. Now there 
are two level metres. The normal one is still not accessible. But next to that 
you'll find a peak metre. It shows the peak of the incoming sound. It's shown 
as a button. Press that button to bring it to zero.

2. By pressing a or f you can move the insertion point to the left or to the 
right in steps depending on the width you've choosen in percentage.

3. To hear the left part before the insertion point just press k. To hear the 
right one just press Shift + K. In my opinion that's a good way to hear the 
exact position of the insertion point. That makes it much easier to set a 
marker to an exactly defined point.

Have fun and 
all the best

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Re: Big step of Amadeus Pro 2 in terms of accessibility

2011-07-15 Thread Thomas Byskov Dalgaard
Hi Jürgen!

Great news, how did you discover this?
Best regards

Mail & MSN:

Den 15/07/2011 kl. 22.01 skrev Jürgen Fleger:

> Hi All,
> recently there was an update of Amadeus Pro to version 2. I just want to 
> inform anyone who don't know that this version of Amadeus took a big step in 
> terms of accessibility:
> 1. It's now possible to read the volume level in the record window. Now there 
> are two level metres. The normal one is still not accessible. But next to 
> that you'll find a peak metre. It shows the peak of the incoming sound. It's 
> shown as a button. Press that button to bring it to zero.
> 2. By pressing a or f you can move the insertion point to the left or to the 
> right in steps depending on the width you've choosen in percentage.
> 3. To hear the left part before the insertion point just press k. To hear the 
> right one just press Shift + K. In my opinion that's a good way to hear the 
> exact position of the insertion point. That makes it much easier to set a 
> marker to an exactly defined point.
> Have fun and 
> all the best
> Jürgen
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Re: roomer has it that lion won't be released today?

2011-07-15 Thread Ricardo Walker
I don't think you can compare this to vista.  lol.  Apple isn't building it up 
like the next coming like windows did.  And we pretty much know what we're 
getting here.  And for $30, it won't break many peoples budget.  And unlike 
Vista, Lion will have significant accessibility upgrades and added features 
that pretty much guarantees it being on my Mac as soon as possible.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

On Jul 15, 2011, at 9:49 AM, James Malone wrote:

> Exactly. I mean sure it will be quite different in Apple, but I'm not
> always full of excitement everytime something like that happens. I
> mean hey, look at Windows Vista! Everyone rushed out, then within a
> day were using XP again. I mean hey, great!
> On 7/15/11, Shen  wrote:
>> I was going to say tomorrow, Friday, July 15th.
>> Apple generally likes to make a big splash when it releases something no
>> matter what it is.
>> But Spotify just about took the spotlight away today. So I think it's going
>> to be next week.
>> Although I hear the stores in China are closed overnight to load new
>> shipments of Mac computers. So there's still a good chance Lion will be
>> released tomorrow.
>> Are you people that impatient and itchy? Lion will be out when it is out.
>> Apple is not going to speed things up just because we are here talking about
>> it.
>> Remember the announcement at WWDC is that Lion will be released in July.
>> Today is July 14th, Apple still has 17 days.
>> On Jul 14, 2011, at 6:24 AM, James Malone wrote:
>>> Look. I dare say it will be out either tomorrow or Tuesday. After
>>> that, I'm stumped. Upon saying tomorrow though, I heighly doubt it
>>> will happened. Although, Apple really do like bringing things on a
>>> Friday.
>>> On 7/14/11, Kliph&Sharrie  wrote:
 I didn't make this up, read here
 Kliphton SR
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Re: quick mac mini question

2011-07-15 Thread Ricardo Walker

It sounds like crap.  lol.  Its one of the worse speakers you will hear.  I've 
heard more bass out of a talking watch.  Headphones or, other speakers are a 
must with a mac mini in my opinion.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

On Jul 15, 2011, at 10:38 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, Joe,
> Yes, the Mac Mini has a single speaker. It's not meant to be used for 
> anything other than glorious living mono sound, and it's a little tinny, but 
> it works.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> On Jul 15, 2011, at 7:19 AM, Joe Paton wrote:
>> good afternoon all,
>> Just 1 quick question, which I can't find out the answer from the spec 
>> sheets.  Does the mac Mini have an onboard loud speaker?
>> Many thanks.
>> Joe
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Re: flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-15 Thread Ricardo Walker

Apple not supporting Flash, at least on the Mac, is not true.  Its just that 
Adobe Flash is no longer pre installed on Macs.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

On Jul 15, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> flash is such a pain mostly because the company never bothered to make it 
> accessible.  unfortunately, there is no screen reader that can readit. as for 
> apple support, you are correct. 
> one point, the place you are taking the course from may be violating the US 
> ADA and you might have legal recourse.
> -Eric
> On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Can anyone send me a simple source that explains why flash is such a major 
>> closed door?
>> I am *trying* to get access to an on line course, where the audio for the 
>> class would be just as good, especially with what one must pay.  even their 
>> order page triggers a forbidden error, so i want to educate the company if I 
>> can that they may be shedding customers this way.
>> I sort of remember Apple talking about no longer supporting flash, so that 
>> is certainly a start.  anything or anywhere else I might send them?
>> thanks,
>> Karen
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Re: Screenreader for old mac

2011-07-15 Thread Ashley Cox

Hi Teresa,
Thanks for your response. I did consider them, but when I contacted them 
they wanted $195 for the product, and there is no way i'm paying that 
for a 10 year old screenreader, when all I want it for is for a bit of 
fun playing around with a mac I got for nothing in the first place. :)

On 15/07/2011 20:52, Teresa Cochran wrote:

Hi, Ash,

According to this post from earlier in the 
year, you can phone and 
request it from . This is just a googlefest on my part, and I 
don't have firsthand experience with it, so I do hope it helps.

On Jul 15, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Ashley Cox wrote:

Hi all,
Am looking for a screenreader for an old iMac g3 (first gen bondi blue). I know 
of outspoken, but can't find anywhere to download it, not even a demo
I know these machines can run 10.4, but have tried and it's slow on this one, 
as it's only 233 mhz with 160mb ram
does anybody know of a screenreader that I can get (prefferably free) that will 
run on OS9?
or is the demo /full version of outspoken still available somewhere, again 
prefferably free?


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RE: Migrating Outlook folders to apple Mail

2011-07-15 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Paul,


You Wrote:

Hello everyone. I have a bunch of folders that I would like to move from
Microsoft Outlook to Apple mail. Fortunately, I don't have to migrate any
contacts or calendar items. I have tried o2m from but
it's not accessible so exporting with reliability is not guaranteed. Do any
of you know of an accessible tool for doing this?



I generally recommend one of two options for accomplishing your task:
Please note that the following two suggestions assume that you are not using
iMap for your Outlook mail delivery.



Use the export feature of MS Outlook to save your Outlook info into a file
that can then be imported into Apple Mail.  



This one has more far reaching implications but configure Outlook so that it
is using iMap rather than POP3 protocol.  The most popular and free iMap
sources is gMail from Google.  Once iMap is configured correctly with MS
Outlook, then Apple Mail will simply sync all of the iMap folders.  


This is the method I currently employ.  Consequently, when I receive a new
message, I can see it delivered to both my MS Outlook 2010 Inbox and my
Apple Mail Inbox simultaneously.  Further, regardless of which client from
which I send an email, I can see the sent message in the Sent Items iMap
folder on either computer.






[] On Behalf Of Paul Hunt
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 4:12 AM
Subject: Migrating Outlook folders to apple Mail


Hello everyone. I have a bunch of folders that I would like to move from
Microsoft Outlook to Apple mail. Fortunately, I don't have to migrate any
contacts or calendar items. I have tried o2m from but
it's not accessible so exporting with reliability is not guaranteed. Do any
of you know of an accessible tool for doing this?


Thanks so much.

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Re: Network problems

2011-07-15 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Mark. Thank you for thee offer to help.

Great Falls, Mt
11am to 2pm
please check out my music at

Follow me on twitter at!/blindworrell

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RE: nas storage finally connected, and a USB speaker question

2011-07-15 Thread M. Taylor
You Wrote:
Can one backup a bootcamp partition and get same results?

No, you cannot treat a BootCamp partition as if it were a VM Ware Fusion
virtual machine.  Some have recently asked if it is possible to create a
bootable Bootcamp DVD that would allow one to perform a partition restore;
thus far, the consensus seems to be no, as well.


-Original Message-

[] On Behalf Of Georges Zaynoun
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: nas storage finally connected, and a USB speaker question

Can one backup a bootcamp partition and get same results?
Original message:

> Hello Kliphton,

> Thank you for the answer to how you got your virtual machine to 
> recognize/see your network attached storage.

> To answer your next question, “Yes”; backing up your virtual machine 
> means that you will not have to reinstall or authorize any Windows

> Kliphton, keep in mind that, regardless of how it may appear from 
> within Fusion, your entire virtual machine, complete with all of its 
> settings and installed software, is nothing but a single file. As such, 
> merely copying the file to another folder or drive on your Mac 
> constitutes a backup, such as it is.

> I cannot remember where the file is stored but it’s pretty easy to 
> locate using Finder when you are not running Fusion.

> Generally speaking, once I get my virtual machine tweaked just right, I 
> copy the file to a remote destination; then, should something go wrong 
> on the virtual machine, I simply copy it back to the appropriate 
> destination and I’m back in business.

> It works kind of like a poor man’s version of Windows Steady-State, one 
> of the best pieces of software I’ve ever used.

> Enjoy,

> Mark

> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Kliph&Sharrie
> Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 6:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: nas storage finally connected, and a USB speaker question

> Well, instead of interacting with the tool bar with the voice over 
> navigation, I went to the apple menu and arrowed over to virtual 
> machine menu. Once there I arrowed down until I came to network adapter 
> sub menu. Once there I made sure network adapter was connected as well 
> as the network to bridge directly to my network, if you don’t tell it 
> to bridge directly, and just auto connect, it will just share the 
> connection with the apple side and not see everything on your network. 
> By bridging directly it saw my nas storage, as well as my router and 
> xbox360. It’s pretty easy once you know what you’re doing. I didn’t so 
> had to ask questions and play around a little bit. Another question I 
> have. If I back up my VM machine, does that mean I don’t have to 
> activate any of my software again when I import it? Like office, jaws, 
> and anything else saved within it? That’s what someone on another list
told me.

> Kliphton SR

> (twitter) 

> (Marriage Blog) 

> (Marrriage group) 

> Sent From my Imac

> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of M. Taylor
> Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 7:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: nas storage finally connected, and a USB speaker question

> Hello Kliphton,

> You are most welcomed for the help; could you please tell us what the 
> problem was in getting your Windows Virtual machine to see your network 
> attached storage?

> This will most definitely be useful to others who may encounter the same

> By the way, which version of Windows do you have on your VM Ware Fusion 
> Virtual Machine?

> As to your question regarding USB speakers, I’ve never used USB 
> speakers with my Mac; however, I am certain that there will be someone 
> on the list who can help.

> Eagerly Awaiting Your Reply,

> Mark

> From: 
> [] 
>  On Behalf Of
> Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 4:51 PM
> To:

> Subject: nas storage finally connected, and a USB speaker question

> Hello, thanks to Mark and others for your patients. I finally figured 
> out what the issue was. Last thing is, I have a set of USB speakers, so 
> how do I tell my mac I want them to play sound out of them, instead of 
> treating them like a input device?

> Kliphton SR

> (twitter) 

Re: flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-15 Thread David Eagle
It should be noted that Flash is accessible on Windows with a
Screenreader. I thought I better mention this because someone inferred
that it wasn't accessible at all with screen readers. In fact, it is
accessible with NVDA screenreader which is free. Lack of Flash
accessibility is one thing that annoys me about the Mac and a big
reason why I still use both Mac and windows.

On 15/07/2011, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> Apple not supporting Flash, at least on the Mac, is not true.  Its just that
> Adobe Flash is no longer pre installed on Macs.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
> On Jul 15, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> flash is such a pain mostly because the company never bothered to make it
>> accessible.  unfortunately, there is no screen reader that can readit. as
>> for apple support, you are correct.
>> one point, the place you are taking the course from may be violating the
>> US ADA and you might have legal recourse.
>> -Eric
>> On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Can anyone send me a simple source that explains why flash is such a
>>> major closed door?
>>> I am *trying* to get access to an on line course, where the audio for the
>>> class would be just as good, especially with what one must pay.  even
>>> their order page triggers a forbidden error, so i want to educate the
>>> company if I can that they may be shedding customers this way.
>>> I sort of remember Apple talking about no longer supporting flash, so
>>> that is certainly a start.  anything or anywhere else I might send them?
>>> thanks,
>>> Karen
>>> --
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Re: MacBook questions

2011-07-15 Thread Esther
Hi Richard,

You're asking a slightly different question than Becky did, but this should 
really go on the macvisionaries list.  Yes, you can write and format college 
papers or professional papers on a Mac.  If you need to write technical 
professional papers with detailed equations or math (of the sort that Word 
completely fails at) you can use TeX through the TeXShop program with complete 
accessibility.  This offers far more formatting control than Word, Pages, or 
any similar word processing program.  But it's not a good solution for the 
general user, because the initial learning curve is high, and unless you 
regularly use the features it's not worth the effort.  However, one of the 
assistant moderators on the mac-access list decided to learn TeX for his 
university papers, even though he was not majoring in a technical area.  TeX is 
free cross-platform in Windows, Linux, and Mac, and also multi-lingual.

A better solution for some people that works as another alternative to Pages on 
the Mac might be Nisus Writer Pro in the recent version 2 release.  This is a 
very accessible commercial product that was discussed on the mac-access list at 
the end of June and beginning of July, but you can read the recent TidBITS 
review of Nisus Writer Pro 2.0 by Joe Kissell to check the details:

What is still lacking for people who have to work with Microsoft Word documents 
is the complete compatibility of passing the same document back and forth 
between programs like Microsoft Office and  Pages or Nisus Writer Pro without 
having to fiddle anything.  

If you want to join the mac-access list or read the forums, use this link:

HTH. Cheers,


On Jul 15, 2011, at 03:54, Richard Turner wrote:

> Are there any users that have successfully written and formatted college
> papers, or professional papers on a Mac?
> If so, how did you do it?
> As far as formatting, centering, indenting, bold or   italic text, creating
> headers, and bulleted lists.
> Richard

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Re: flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-15 Thread Eric Oyen
I stand corrected.
still, it such a pain in the butt to have to deal with websites that have 
nothing but flash. take my cell provider: t-mobile. they use flash to display 
plan info, billing details and payment input fields.

I have repeatedly notified them of the problem over the last year, but to no 
avail. I am now in the process of breaking my contract with themand I will 
contest their early termination fee on contractual and legal grounds. I have an 
iPhone from AT&T that I intend to use. AT&T, at least, has an accessibility 
resolutions Dept where t-mobile does not. about the only other thing I can do 
is sue t-mobile, but I don't yet have the support from the NFB or other 
organizations. I hate to have to do this, but these guys aren't giving me a lot 
of choices.

On Jul 15, 2011, at 1:24 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Apple not supporting Flash, at least on the Mac, is not true.  Its just that 
> Adobe Flash is no longer pre installed on Macs.
> hth 
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
> On Jul 15, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> flash is such a pain mostly because the company never bothered to make it 
>> accessible.  unfortunately, there is no screen reader that can readit. as 
>> for apple support, you are correct. 
>> one point, the place you are taking the course from may be violating the US 
>> ADA and you might have legal recourse.
>> -Eric
>> On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Can anyone send me a simple source that explains why flash is such a major 
>>> closed door?
>>> I am *trying* to get access to an on line course, where the audio for the 
>>> class would be just as good, especially with what one must pay.  even their 
>>> order page triggers a forbidden error, so i want to educate the company if 
>>> I can that they may be shedding customers this way.
>>> I sort of remember Apple talking about no longer supporting flash, so that 
>>> is certainly a start.  anything or anywhere else I might send them?
>>> thanks,
>>> Karen
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-15 Thread Eric Oyen
I think NVDA is the only one then. I just called a jaws user here in town to 
ask about his experience and he reported that jaws was unable to read any text 
embedded inside flash graphics and he only had minimal access to the player 
controls. still, it is worth investigating to see if jaws can do some of the 
same stuff. I may have to set up vmware fusion here and install windows and see 
what it can do.


On Jul 15, 2011, at 2:29 PM, David Eagle wrote:

> It should be noted that Flash is accessible on Windows with a
> Screenreader. I thought I better mention this because someone inferred
> that it wasn't accessible at all with screen readers. In fact, it is
> accessible with NVDA screenreader which is free. Lack of Flash
> accessibility is one thing that annoys me about the Mac and a big
> reason why I still use both Mac and windows.
> On 15/07/2011, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Apple not supporting Flash, at least on the Mac, is not true.  Its just that
>> Adobe Flash is no longer pre installed on Macs.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
>> On Jul 15, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> flash is such a pain mostly because the company never bothered to make it
>>> accessible.  unfortunately, there is no screen reader that can readit. as
>>> for apple support, you are correct.
>>> one point, the place you are taking the course from may be violating the
>>> US ADA and you might have legal recourse.
>>> -Eric
>>> On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
 Hi all,
 Can anyone send me a simple source that explains why flash is such a
 major closed door?
 I am *trying* to get access to an on line course, where the audio for the
 class would be just as good, especially with what one must pay.  even
 their order page triggers a forbidden error, so i want to educate the
 company if I can that they may be shedding customers this way.
 I sort of remember Apple talking about no longer supporting flash, so
 that is certainly a start.  anything or anywhere else I might send them?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
> -- 
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Re: flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-15 Thread Teresa Cochran
Even Orca for linux has more flash accessibility than VO. However, I hope to 
see flash phased out soon and replaced by the leaner and meaner HTML5. Flash is 
inefficient, proprietary, and a resource hog compared to the concept of 
building the player into the HTML markup. Just saying. :) I hope to see more 
pages using HTML5 so that I can keep using my Mac Mini for all my needs.

On Jul 15, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> I think NVDA is the only one then. I just called a jaws user here in town to 
> ask about his experience and he reported that jaws was unable to read any 
> text embedded inside flash graphics and he only had minimal access to the 
> player controls. still, it is worth investigating to see if jaws can do some 
> of the same stuff. I may have to set up vmware fusion here and install 
> windows and see what it can do.
> -Eric
> On Jul 15, 2011, at 2:29 PM, David Eagle wrote:
>> It should be noted that Flash is accessible on Windows with a
>> Screenreader. I thought I better mention this because someone inferred
>> that it wasn't accessible at all with screen readers. In fact, it is
>> accessible with NVDA screenreader which is free. Lack of Flash
>> accessibility is one thing that annoys me about the Mac and a big
>> reason why I still use both Mac and windows.
>> On 15/07/2011, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Apple not supporting Flash, at least on the Mac, is not true.  Its just that
>>> Adobe Flash is no longer pre installed on Macs.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
>>> On Jul 15, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
 flash is such a pain mostly because the company never bothered to make it
 accessible.  unfortunately, there is no screen reader that can readit. as
 for apple support, you are correct.
 one point, the place you are taking the course from may be violating the
 US ADA and you might have legal recourse.
 On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can anyone send me a simple source that explains why flash is such a
> major closed door?
> I am *trying* to get access to an on line course, where the audio for the
> class would be just as good, especially with what one must pay.  even
> their order page triggers a forbidden error, so i want to educate the
> company if I can that they may be shedding customers this way.
> I sort of remember Apple talking about no longer supporting flash, so
> that is certainly a start.  anything or anywhere else I might send them?
> thanks,
> Karen
> --
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>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
>> -- 
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RE: Network problems

2011-07-15 Thread M. Taylor
Hi Ed,

OK, my cell number is:

I'm glad you're up and running.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ed Worrell
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: Network problems

Hello Mark. Thank you for thee offer to help.

Great Falls, Mt
11am to 2pm
please check out my music at

Follow me on twitter at!/blindworrell

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Re: Flash to HTML5; Can it be done?

2011-07-15 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Doug,

Google has made available a flash to HTML converter called Swiffy:

I saw a reference to it in, but never used it :-)

Hope it's useful...


On Jul 14, 2011, at 11:17 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> Hello list:
> I am looking for either a Safari Extension or plugin that will allow me to 
> convert any flash video to HTML5. I've seem extensions that will let me do 
> this with Youtube videos but not videos from other sites. I'm taking a course 
> that has lots of flash videos and am wondering if there is something 
> available that can do this. 
> Thanks in advance, 
> Doug
> -- 
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Re: flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-15 Thread Karen Lewellen
Funny you would mention html5, w3c the web accessibility people are 
seeking an 
engineer to work specifically on html5 access policy.  I have the job 
description  details, so if anyone is interested, I will share them 
privately.   not sure it is topical enough for a post.
What will motivate more sites to use html5 over flash will take some 
consumer education, since I dare say most like the company I am dealing 
with, just grab a program off the shelf without thinking.  Things will 
either have to be the default, or more of an effort must be made to 
demonstrate that many suffer via flash.


On Fri, 15 Jul 2011, Teresa Cochran wrote:

Even Orca for linux has more flash accessibility than VO. However, I hope to 
see flash phased out soon and replaced by the leaner and meaner HTML5. Flash is 
inefficient, proprietary, and a resource hog compared to the concept of 
building the player into the HTML markup. Just saying. :) I hope to see more 
pages using HTML5 so that I can keep using my Mac Mini for all my needs.

On Jul 15, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

I think NVDA is the only one then. I just called a jaws user here in town to 
ask about his experience and he reported that jaws was unable to read any text 
embedded inside flash graphics and he only had minimal access to the player 
controls. still, it is worth investigating to see if jaws can do some of the 
same stuff. I may have to set up vmware fusion here and install windows and see 
what it can do.


On Jul 15, 2011, at 2:29 PM, David Eagle wrote:

It should be noted that Flash is accessible on Windows with a
Screenreader. I thought I better mention this because someone inferred
that it wasn't accessible at all with screen readers. In fact, it is
accessible with NVDA screenreader which is free. Lack of Flash
accessibility is one thing that annoys me about the Mac and a big
reason why I still use both Mac and windows.

On 15/07/2011, Ricardo Walker  wrote:


Apple not supporting Flash, at least on the Mac, is not true.  Its just that
Adobe Flash is no longer pre installed on Macs.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

On Jul 15, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

flash is such a pain mostly because the company never bothered to make it
accessible.  unfortunately, there is no screen reader that can readit. as
for apple support, you are correct.

one point, the place you are taking the course from may be violating the
US ADA and you might have legal recourse.


On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Hi all,
Can anyone send me a simple source that explains why flash is such a
major closed door?
I am *trying* to get access to an on line course, where the audio for the
class would be just as good, especially with what one must pay.  even
their order page triggers a forbidden error, so i want to educate the
company if I can that they may be shedding customers this way.
I sort of remember Apple talking about no longer supporting flash, so
that is certainly a start.  anything or anywhere else I might send them?

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Re: flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-15 Thread Eric Oyen
same here. I already use html 5 on youtube. those videos that are html 5 
generally are a lot more accessible, especially in safari.


On Jul 15, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Even Orca for linux has more flash accessibility than VO. However, I hope to 
> see flash phased out soon and replaced by the leaner and meaner HTML5. Flash 
> is inefficient, proprietary, and a resource hog compared to the concept of 
> building the player into the HTML markup. Just saying. :) I hope to see more 
> pages using HTML5 so that I can keep using my Mac Mini for all my needs.
> Teresa
> On Jul 15, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> I think NVDA is the only one then. I just called a jaws user here in town to 
>> ask about his experience and he reported that jaws was unable to read any 
>> text embedded inside flash graphics and he only had minimal access to the 
>> player controls. still, it is worth investigating to see if jaws can do some 
>> of the same stuff. I may have to set up vmware fusion here and install 
>> windows and see what it can do.
>> -Eric
>> On Jul 15, 2011, at 2:29 PM, David Eagle wrote:
>>> It should be noted that Flash is accessible on Windows with a
>>> Screenreader. I thought I better mention this because someone inferred
>>> that it wasn't accessible at all with screen readers. In fact, it is
>>> accessible with NVDA screenreader which is free. Lack of Flash
>>> accessibility is one thing that annoys me about the Mac and a big
>>> reason why I still use both Mac and windows.
>>> On 15/07/2011, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 Apple not supporting Flash, at least on the Mac, is not true.  Its just 
 Adobe Flash is no longer pre installed on Macs.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
 On Jul 15, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
> flash is such a pain mostly because the company never bothered to make it
> accessible.  unfortunately, there is no screen reader that can readit. as
> for apple support, you are correct.
> one point, the place you are taking the course from may be violating the
> US ADA and you might have legal recourse.
> -Eric
> On Jul 15, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Can anyone send me a simple source that explains why flash is such a
>> major closed door?
>> I am *trying* to get access to an on line course, where the audio for the
>> class would be just as good, especially with what one must pay.  even
>> their order page triggers a forbidden error, so i want to educate the
>> company if I can that they may be shedding customers this way.
>> I sort of remember Apple talking about no longer supporting flash, so
>> that is certainly a start.  anything or anywhere else I might send them?
>> thanks,
>> Karen
>> --
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Thanks to Mark Taylor, for helping with networking problems

2011-07-15 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Listers, I would just like to say thank you to Mark for helping resolving 
my not so simple networking problems. He was great to deal with, and very very 
nice to talk with. Very knowledgeable wiht the networking issues. Thanks again 

ED Worrell
please check out my music at

Follow me on twitter at!/blindworrell

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Re: Big step of Amadeus Pro 2 in terms of accessibility

2011-07-15 Thread Matt Dierckens
How much is this program? I've heard its a great program for audio.

On 2011-07-15, at 4:01 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> Hi All,
> recently there was an update of Amadeus Pro to version 2. I just want to 
> inform anyone who don't know that this version of Amadeus took a big step in 
> terms of accessibility:
> 1. It's now possible to read the volume level in the record window. Now there 
> are two level metres. The normal one is still not accessible. But next to 
> that you'll find a peak metre. It shows the peak of the incoming sound. It's 
> shown as a button. Press that button to bring it to zero.
> 2. By pressing a or f you can move the insertion point to the left or to the 
> right in steps depending on the width you've choosen in percentage.
> 3. To hear the left part before the insertion point just press k. To hear the 
> right one just press Shift + K. In my opinion that's a good way to hear the 
> exact position of the insertion point. That makes it much easier to set a 
> marker to an exactly defined point.
> Have fun and 
> all the best
> Jürgen
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2011-07-15 Thread Steve Vandecar

The like and comment buttons have disappeared from my facebook.  Any ideas 
would be appreciated.


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Re: complex networking question (double nating)

2011-07-15 Thread Scott Howell
Hi Jonathan,

THanks for the info. I was going to try bridge mode and have the gateway 
handout the DHCP addresses, but of course this means I loose my DHCP 
reservations. That isn't a big deal really and I could probably set the lease 
time to something really long if it were necessary. As long as I don't loose 
the ability to control things via mac address, this might solve all the 
problems. Of course I screwed myself by accident by turning off the DHCP server 
on the gateway and forgot to fix the AirPort and had to call COmcast to have 
them fix the mistake. :) Yep, really should not muck about with these things 
when tired and to busy to focus on more than 10 things at once. :)


On Jul 15, 2011, at 10:19 AM, Jon Cohn wrote:

> Scott,
> I would suggest using the bridge mode on the Apple routers.  Generally only 
> tunnelling will cause you issues, but any VPN will probably use tunneling.  
> You should still be able to block MAC addresses in one of the manual airport 
> controls  even with DHCP turned off.
> My problem with NAT is that the router needs to keep a mapping of all traffic 
> and on a busy network it will eventually decide to drop that mapping.  So if 
> you are double natting then you are going to have twice the chance that a 
> long not very active session will get dropped by one of your routers.
> As 
> Jonathan
> On Jul 10, 2011, at 6:06 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> All,
>> Here is the situation. I recently switched to Comcast business class. I was 
>> provided with a SMC Network cable modem. THis box is actually a switch 
>> consisting of four ports. Currently I have my AirPort router plugged into 
>> the SMC and thus I have a double nat situation. THe SMC is configured to 
>> handout DHCP addresses, which is how my AirPort gets its address, but I also 
>> am handing out addresses using DHCP to the devices on my private network. I 
>> actually am using DHCP reservations and for a specific reason.
>> I have setup mac address filtering to control certain machines on the 
>> network. Unfortunately the SMC lacks some of the features for controlling 
>> machines that are found in the Apple router. However, this double nat 
>> situation can and has created some issues for me. I could of course just 
>> bridge the AirPort and give up the whole deal on controlling machines on the 
>> network. That may very well end up being necessary in the end; however, 
>> before I do so, I wanted to ask if anyone had any thoughts. I did a little 
>> searching around on Google, but unfortunately I'm not sure exactly what to 
>> look for either. I don't think Google would take my message as a search term 
>> either. :)
>> Although I do not have any plans to do this, the advantage of double nat in 
>> this case is I could strap three more routers onto the gateway (SMC) and 
>> have some fun. Now maybe there is a way around all of this, but seems the 
>> current issue is IP6 tunneling, but I am more concerned if this could pose 
>> problems with other services. So, thoughts welcome and I'll keep poking 
>> around and see what I can learn. The good thing is that all seems to be 
>> working for the most part, so this is not a critical need situation. Just 
>> need to make sure I can vpn into the network at the office. :)
>> Thanks,
>> Scott
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getting back old emails

2011-07-15 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi all.
I accidentally deleted all of my untrashed emails on apple mail, but apparently 
they are still on the gmail servor. How can i get these back? There are some 
important college stuff that I need to get back.

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Re: Big step of Amadeus Pro 2 in terms of accessibility

2011-07-15 Thread David McLean
On Jul 15, 2011, at 7:47 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> How much is this program? I've heard its a great program for audio.
> Thanks
> Matt
> On 2011-07-15, at 4:01 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> recently there was an update of Amadeus Pro to version 2. I just want to 
>> inform anyone who don't know that this version of Amadeus took a big step in 
>> terms of accessibility:
>> 1. It's now possible to read the volume level in the record window. Now 
>> there are two level metres. The normal one is still not accessible. But next 
>> to that you'll find a peak metre. It shows the peak of the incoming sound. 
>> It's shown as a button. Press that button to bring it to zero.
>> 2. By pressing a or f you can move the insertion point to the left or to the 
>> right in steps depending on the width you've choosen in percentage.
>> 3. To hear the left part before the insertion point just press k. To hear 
>> the right one just press Shift + K. In my opinion that's a good way to hear 
>> the exact position of the insertion point. That makes it much easier to set 
>> a marker to an exactly defined point.
>> Have fun and 
>> all the best
>> Jürgen
>> -- 
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Auto start of bt sound devices.

2011-07-15 Thread Jon Cohn

My blue tooth headset has decided to stop working on me, so I have nothing to 
test with right now.  My memory however is that there is a helper program of 
some kind that is started when you select a bluetooth audio device.  

Some possibilities 

1. The volume / sound status bar item will allow you to change audio output if 
it is selected with the option key. (I described this process earlier today in 
my note about bluetooth but for the bluetooth menu.
2. You can use User Agent Appel Script to do this.

I got as far as turning on / off bluetooth on my mac using an apple script.
doing User agent scripting is almost like jaws scripting...

tell application "System Preferences" to activate
tell system events
selectmenu item "Bluetoot" of menu view 

end tell

The above is not supposed to be a real applescript program, just an idea of 
what would have to be in it.  Just like in jaws there are ways to find all the 
elements in a window.  There is an example of this that is somewhere like 
 but you don't need to look for it there, since you can almost jump to the 
right place from the help menu in the AppleScript editor.  If you feel this is 
really beyond your comfort level but something that would make your Macintosh 
life easier, I might be convinced to help you. :-)

In any case since I am not consistently reading my MacVisionaries feel free to 
contact me offlist.


On Jul 15, 2011, at 12:34 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Is there a way to speed up or lessen the keystrokes necessary to activate a 
> Bluetooth device?  I have the streamer paired with my MBP to provide audio to 
> my hearing aids; works like a headset, and in order to activate it, I have to 
> do as previously stated; O M twice, over to Bluetooth, down to the headset, 
> over and down to Use as stereo device, enter... so, can I set up a script or 
> something to do this?
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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can't get my macbook to stay shut down

2011-07-15 Thread Christina
Hi all,

Every time I shutdown my macbook it won't stay off.  No, I am not hitting 
restart instead of shut down.  A couple of months ago I had to take my mac book 
to the genius bar so I kept shutting down the computer and it kept restarting.  
I wanted to turn the computer off before I put it into the bag.  Well, I told 
them about it at the apple store and the problem would not reproduce.  Last 
week I had to travel and I encountered the same problem when trying to pack my 
laptop.  I thought I finally got it to stay shut off but it restarted all on 
it's own in the bag.  So, tonight, I tried to google the problem and I cannot 
find any help.  I have very recently repaired permissions so I don't think that 
would be helpful.  Any ideas?


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Re: flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-15 Thread Chris Blouch
Thought I just posted this in another thread so I'll post again with a 
bit more detail.

Flash can be accessible on platforms that use the MSAA (Microsoft Active 
Accessibility) APIs which means not on the Mac. Adobe also supports the 
newer cross platform IAccessible2 accessibility APIs so it also works 
with browsers and screen readers which support this such as Firefox on 
on Linux or the like. The spat is that Adobe claims Apple should just 
implement IAccessible2 on OSX and then Flash accessibility would be 
possible. Obviously Apple has already implemented their own full 
accessibility API. I'm sure they think it's better than IAccessible2 and 
so they say Adobe should just hook flash into the accessibility APIs 
Apple already provides, just like anything else that runs on OSX. Or, 
somebody should sponsor implementing an IAccessible2 to Apple 
accessibility API bridge for OSX, but nobody seems to be interested in 
implementing that (not to mention that somebody would probably have to 
be Apple and they already implemented a perfectly dandy API, thank you 
very much).

As an aside, this is the same issues we have with Firefox and 
Thunderbird not being accessible since they support the IAccessible2 
stuff and really don't care to implement another accessibility API 
(Apple's) unless somebody wants to sponsor it.

So we have Adobe and Apple both pointing at each other while Flash 
remains inaccessible on OSX. Of course Apple's anti-Flash letter from 
Jobs didn't help to increase the love.

Even if all the above were resolved, there are three technical hurdles 
that tend to block Flash accessibility even on Windows today:

When embedding flash in a page there is a wmode setting. The default is 
to not really put flash in the page. Rather the browser engine leaves a 
blank spot and the Flash plugin renders the flash stuff on top of the 
page. Normally people don't notice but when layering gets involved the 
illusion of flash being nestled in the HTML can be broken. Common bad 
scenario is a flash ad where fake html pull-down menus go under the 
flash. Sooo, folks will change the wmode to something called "opaque" or 
"transparent" which really does put it into the DOM render tree so it 
plays nice with CSS layers etc. Unfortunatly this change also breaks 
access to the MSAA or IAccessible2 APIs rendering the Flash inaccessible 
even on Windows/Jaws/NVDA etc. This is not that uncommon with all the 
widget wizardry going on now days in web pages where they need flash to 
behave itself when it comes to CSS layers.

2. Flash a11y off by default
While it's not hard to enable, the demos I've been to at CSUN and other 
places showing how to make accessible flash usually involve turning on 
some checkboxes which are off by default. That's just a bad choice as 
many flash developers are either unaware or don't care about 
accessibility. Even if they do care or somehow stumble upon these 
settings and turn them on, they also have to go through, just like in 
any other development environment, and label their buttons and such, 
which often is not done. So you get a "button button" or "Graphic 14" 
for the UI elements. A situation familiar to any voiceover user.

3. Wacky UIs
A common, almost cherished aspect of Flash development is that it's good 
for creating those cutting edge unusual UIs that would be difficult to 
create in straight HTML/CSS/JS and standards controls. To say it the 
other way, fi all we needed was normal user interface stuff we could 
just do that in HTML, not that some Flash developers don't see it as a 
giant hammer to nail every UI. By definition this means they are rolling 
their own user interface elements rather than using the standard ones 
provided by Adobe. As on all other platforms, developers who create 
custom controls often are unaware or don't care to do the work to hook 
them into the accessibility APIs. So Flash's most common use 
case/justification often exposes the worst in user interface accessibility.

So in summary, if we stick to standard controls, turn on accessibility, 
fill in proper accessibility attributes in the UI builder or know how to 
add them in actionscript, embed the thing in a non-layer friendly way 
and load it on Windows in an MSAA or Iaccessible2 compliant browser the 
Flash will be nice and accessible.

Anyone care to guess the odds of that happening? And, if you're on a 
Mac, obviously the odds of success are 0.


On 7/15/11 5:40 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

I stand corrected.
still, it such a pain in the butt to have to deal with websites that have 
nothing but flash. take my cell provider: t-mobile. they use flash to display 
plan info, billing details and payment input fields.

I have repeatedly notified them of the problem over the last year, but to no avail. I 
am now in the process of breaking my contract with themand I will contest their early 
termination fee on contractual and legal grounds. I have an iPhone from AT&T that I

Re: Remote support on the Mac

2011-07-15 Thread Chris Blouch
This comes up every now and then and last I heard there wasn't a way 
that also transmits the audio. Lots of solutions which send over the 
visuals and give remote mouse/keyboard control. Maybe I missed it in the 
thread last time. I've done it with somebody running a concurrent 
speakerphone session so I could hear their voiceover but the quality was 
not great, like any speakerphone.


On 7/15/11 2:36 PM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard wrote:


Is it possible to share another person's screen while Voiceover is running so 
e.g. one can try to figure out a problem on another Mac-computer?
I found something in the Mainmenu archives but haven't seen or found any other 
information regarding this topic. So:
Is it possible and if it is how to do it?

Best regards

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Re: flash why is it such a pain?

2011-07-15 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks for that exposition, Chris. It should really be in a blog or wiki. Much 

On Jul 15, 2011, at 9:52 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Thought I just posted this in another thread so I'll post again with a bit 
> more detail.
> Flash can be accessible on platforms that use the MSAA (Microsoft Active 
> Accessibility) APIs which means not on the Mac. Adobe also supports the newer 
> cross platform IAccessible2 accessibility APIs so it also works with browsers 
> and screen readers which support this such as Firefox on on Linux or the 
> like. The spat is that Adobe claims Apple should just implement IAccessible2 
> on OSX and then Flash accessibility would be possible. Obviously Apple has 
> already implemented their own full accessibility API. I'm sure they think 
> it's better than IAccessible2 and so they say Adobe should just hook flash 
> into the accessibility APIs Apple already provides, just like anything else 
> that runs on OSX. Or, somebody should sponsor implementing an IAccessible2 to 
> Apple accessibility API bridge for OSX, but nobody seems to be interested in 
> implementing that (not to mention that somebody would probably have to be 
> Apple and they already implemented a perfectly dandy API, thank you very 
> much).
> As an aside, this is the same issues we have with Firefox and Thunderbird not 
> being accessible since they support the IAccessible2 stuff and really don't 
> care to implement another accessibility API (Apple's) unless somebody wants 
> to sponsor it.
> So we have Adobe and Apple both pointing at each other while Flash remains 
> inaccessible on OSX. Of course Apple's anti-Flash letter from Jobs didn't 
> help to increase the love.
> Even if all the above were resolved, there are three technical hurdles that 
> tend to block Flash accessibility even on Windows today:
> 1. WMODE
> When embedding flash in a page there is a wmode setting. The default is to 
> not really put flash in the page. Rather the browser engine leaves a blank 
> spot and the Flash plugin renders the flash stuff on top of the page. 
> Normally people don't notice but when layering gets involved the illusion of 
> flash being nestled in the HTML can be broken. Common bad scenario is a flash 
> ad where fake html pull-down menus go under the flash. Sooo, folks will 
> change the wmode to something called "opaque" or "transparent" which really 
> does put it into the DOM render tree so it plays nice with CSS layers etc. 
> Unfortunatly this change also breaks access to the MSAA or IAccessible2 APIs 
> rendering the Flash inaccessible even on Windows/Jaws/NVDA etc. This is not 
> that uncommon with all the widget wizardry going on now days in web pages 
> where they need flash to behave itself when it comes to CSS layers.
> 2. Flash a11y off by default
> While it's not hard to enable, the demos I've been to at CSUN and other 
> places showing how to make accessible flash usually involve turning on some 
> checkboxes which are off by default. That's just a bad choice as many flash 
> developers are either unaware or don't care about accessibility. Even if they 
> do care or somehow stumble upon these settings and turn them on, they also 
> have to go through, just like in any other development environment, and label 
> their buttons and such, which often is not done. So you get a "button button" 
> or "Graphic 14" for the UI elements. A situation familiar to any voiceover 
> user.
> 3. Wacky UIs
> A common, almost cherished aspect of Flash development is that it's good for 
> creating those cutting edge unusual UIs that would be difficult to create in 
> straight HTML/CSS/JS and standards controls. To say it the other way, fi all 
> we needed was normal user interface stuff we could just do that in HTML, not 
> that some Flash developers don't see it as a giant hammer to nail every UI. 
> By definition this means they are rolling their own user interface elements 
> rather than using the standard ones provided by Adobe. As on all other 
> platforms, developers who create custom controls often are unaware or don't 
> care to do the work to hook them into the accessibility APIs. So Flash's most 
> common use case/justification often exposes the worst in user interface 
> accessibility.
> So in summary, if we stick to standard controls, turn on accessibility, fill 
> in proper accessibility attributes in the UI builder or know how to add them 
> in actionscript, embed the thing in a non-layer friendly way and load it on 
> Windows in an MSAA or Iaccessible2 compliant browser the Flash will be nice 
> and accessible.
> Anyone care to guess the odds of that happening? And, if you're on a Mac, 
> obviously the odds of success are 0.
> CB
> On 7/15/11 5:40 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> ok,
>> I stand corrected.
>> still, it such a pain in the butt to have to deal with websites that have 
>> nothing but flash. take my cell provider: t-mobile. they use flash to 
>> displa