Seemingly lost the ability to block people on Twitter

2011-05-13 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello, all.  Subject says it all. I used to be able to go straight to a profile 
page, then follow or block someone on Twitter, either on my iPhone or on 
Twitter on the Mac.  I can't seem to find the block option now. The only option 
seems to be "follow". I even tried using the web item rotor to look for block, 
as well as the item chooser. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Have a great day -- or great night -- depending where you are. :)

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becoming a pre-tester of osx: conditions, restrictions, procedures...

2011-05-13 Thread William Windels
I am working no more then 2 years with osx and in global, I feel satisfied with 

However, and this is normal, a new release of osk like lion in the summer, 
brings new features but also new bugs, and this is normal.

I have discovered in snow leopard that it has token until 10.6.3 until the most 
bugs where fixt and some aren't until today like drag and drop.

So, perhaps, more testers are needed and specially blind users.

So, my questions:
What are the procedures to become a pre-tester for osx?
Do you have, as tester, special tools to test so that you can still use your 
old (stable) system?
Does it cost something?
And last but not least: should they also work on voiceover-issues in the 
test-periode or only big bugs?
I should have time in July so, I tought, it's a good moment or is this to late?

Thanx a lot for your comments/suggestions.

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Re: Seemingly lost the ability to block people on Twitter

2011-05-13 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I use Syrinx on the mac, and I block using the client.  Try switching to Old 
twitter and see if that helps; it's what I had to do the other day.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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macbook pro or macbook air?

2011-05-13 Thread Stephanie Mitchell
What are the differences between these two machines? My macbook 
pro I'd had for 2 years.  The kids spilt something on it, and the 
apple retrailer said it's not repaira.  So i'm in the market for 
a new machine.


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Re: macbook pro or macbook air?

2011-05-13 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Steph,

The MacBook Air has no DVD drive, no FireWire, just two USB ports. On the plus 
side, it's incredibly thin and light.

If you have no other computer, the MacBook Pro is a much better machine, and 
you can have a much bigger hard drive in it too.

I've just ordered a MacBook Air, but I already have a MacBook and a MacBook Pro 
available to me, as well as several external hard drives of various types.

It's all a matter of preference and needs.



On 13 May 2011, at 13:26, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

> What are the differences between these two machines? My macbook pro I'd had 
> for 2 years.  The kids spilt something on it, and the apple retrailer said 
> it's not repaira.  So i'm in the market for a new machine.
> Steph
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Re: macbook pro or macbook air?

2011-05-13 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
The Pro gives you more bang for your buck. Go with the Pro.
On May 13, 2011, at 7:21 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Steph,
> The MacBook Air has no DVD drive, no FireWire, just two USB ports. On the 
> plus side, it's incredibly thin and light.
> If you have no other computer, the MacBook Pro is a much better machine, and 
> you can have a much bigger hard drive in it too.
> I've just ordered a MacBook Air, but I already have a MacBook and a MacBook 
> Pro available to me, as well as several external hard drives of various types.
> It's all a matter of preference and needs.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 13 May 2011, at 13:26, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:
>> What are the differences between these two machines? My macbook pro I'd had 
>> for 2 years.  The kids spilt something on it, and the apple retrailer said 
>> it's not repaira.  So i'm in the market for a new machine.
>> Steph
>> -- 
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Re: macbook pro or macbook air?

2011-05-13 Thread Buddy Brannan
That's not necessarily so. While you get more hard disk space and a faster 
processor, the Pro is significantly thicker and heavier than the Air, and boots 
up more slowly owing to still using a mechanical hard drive. I got to play a 
bit with an Air last week, and the solid state drive really makes a huge 
difference in how quickly things open. Safari just popped up instantly, and I 
really do mean instantly. So if you don't have a lot of storage needs to carry 
with you, and really need something light and very portable, the Air may well 
be just what you need. Of course, if you need an everyday machine for 
production and storing lots of stuff, an Air is definitely not a good fit at 
all. I'd love to have an Air for a second machine, but I don't think it would 
be appropriate as a primary machine. Yep, I do love my Macbook Pro, but I 
showed remarkable restraint in not buying an Air.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On May 13, 2011, at 9:44 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> The Pro gives you more bang for your buck. Go with the Pro.
> On May 13, 2011, at 7:21 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Steph,
>> The MacBook Air has no DVD drive, no FireWire, just two USB ports. On the 
>> plus side, it's incredibly thin and light.
>> If you have no other computer, the MacBook Pro is a much better machine, and 
>> you can have a much bigger hard drive in it too.
>> I've just ordered a MacBook Air, but I already have a MacBook and a MacBook 
>> Pro available to me, as well as several external hard drives of various 
>> types.
>> It's all a matter of preference and needs.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 13 May 2011, at 13:26, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:
>>> What are the differences between these two machines? My macbook pro I'd had 
>>> for 2 years.  The kids spilt something on it, and the apple retrailer said 
>>> it's not repaira.  So i'm in the market for a new machine.
>>> Steph
>>> -- 
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Re: dropbox

2011-05-13 Thread Teresa Cochran
I hate to tell you this, but the setup and login in Dropbox are currently not 
accessible with Voiceover. I had to get sighted help to do it, but once I did, 
I am able to use it to share files just fine. I've seen correspondence with the 
dropbox team on this list regarding accessibility and they are aware of the 

On May 12, 2011, at 1:56 PM, Hayri Tulumcu wrote:

> how can i login to my dropbox on my mac, using voiceover?
> -- 
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Re: software compatibility

2011-05-13 Thread Tammy Cantrell
Thanks for the info and the offer.  I just might take you up on it.  smile!  I 
just need to sit down and get busy reading.
Thanks much!
  - Original Message - 
  From: carolyn Haas 
  Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 10:31 PM
  Subject: Re: software compatibility

  Hi Tammy:
  There is a fairly decent app built-in called text-edit, which you will access 
from either your dock, (like a taskbar at the bottom of the screen) or from the 
Applications folder, (which you can reach with command-shift-A.  You can read 
microsoft documents if they are converted to rtf files.  Otherwise, Apple's 
word processor of choice is Pages, which you can find in your mac app store.  
It is part of the Iwork suite.
  I'd recommend starting with the VO tutorial on your Mac, and also the welcome 
to snow leopard, and  which is a pdf file on your computer, there is also a 
self contained users guide.  The Apple website has a lot of good simple reading 
text explanations of the operating system.  On, go to support, and 
look up Mac101, or getting started, or switching.
  If you prefer podcast tutorials, there are a boatload of them on

  If you need more specifics on any of this, contact me off list and I'll be 
glad to help.

  Carolyn Haas

  On May 12, 2011, at 7:46 PM, Tammy Cantrell wrote:

What software can I use to create documents?  Is there a way to access a 
Microsoft document on a Mac?

Lots to learn.
Thanks for the assistance!

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Re: Uncommonly used keystrokes for selecting items?

2011-05-13 Thread Colin M
Hi Rose!
Further to what Tim said!
After turning off cursor tracking, if you lock the vo keys with command+semi 
colon you'll only have to down arrow through your list and when you've got to 
one of the items to select then just press command+space!
You can also check what you've selected by just pressing the f6 key, do not 
forget to unlock vo keys with the same command as you used to lock them!
And put on cursor tracking!
hth Colin
Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 13 May 2011, at 02:03, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Rose,
> To select non-contiguous items:
> 1.  Navigate to the first item in your list.
> 2.  Press VO-shift-f3 to turn off Cursor Tracking.
> 3.  Navigate to the next item then press VO-cmd-space.
> 4.  Repeat steps 2 and 3 until everything you wish to select has been 
> selected.
> 5.  Don't forget to turn Cursor Tracking back on with VO-shift-f3 as leaving 
> it off gets rather frustrating until you figure out that you've forgot.  Yes 
> I speak from experience.
> To Deselect all:
> • I don't know a specific keystroke but you could do either of the following:
> 1.  close the specific window then re-open.
> or 
> 2.  Make sure that Cursor Tracking is on then simply navigate once up or down 
> in the list and then only the item you are on will be selected.  Next, press 
> VO-cmd-space to deselect the item you are on and then nothing will be 
> selected within that area anymore.
> HTH.
> Later...
> On 2011-05-12, at 6:17 PM, Rose Morales wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> There are two selection keystrokes I'm wondering about. I used to know them, 
>> but my memory escapes me. It's been awhile since I needed them, and I've 
>> been involved in so many tech projects since tackling a thorough 
>> understanding of Voiceover two years ago. One is selecting multiple items. I 
>> know shift up and down arrow will do this. However, i'm looking for 
>> something more complex. The keystroke I'm thinking of allows you to select 
>> multiple items at once which are not in order. For instance, perhaps I want 
>> to select items 1, 2, 4, 5, and 9. This keystroke will let me check the 
>> items I want. Also, I'm looking for another keystroke which will deselect 
>> everything. That is to say, I want no items in a folder or list selected.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Rose
>> -- 
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Fwd: Uncommonly used keystrokes for selecting items?

2011-05-13 Thread Colin M
Hi there!
Oops! Me Bad!
The lock vo keys command is!
vo+semi colon 
Sorry about that :]
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Colin M 
> Date: 13 May 2011 16:16:43 GMT+01:00
> To:
> Subject: Re: Uncommonly used keystrokes for selecting items?
> Hi Rose!
> Further to what Tim said!
> After turning off cursor tracking, if you lock the vo keys with command+semi 
> colon you'll only have to down arrow through your list and when you've got to 
> one of the items to select then just press command+space!
> You can also check what you've selected by just pressing the f6 key, do not 
> forget to unlock vo keys with the same command as you used to lock them!
> And put on cursor tracking!
> hth Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 13 May 2011, at 02:03, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi Rose,
>> To select non-contiguous items:
>> 1.  Navigate to the first item in your list.
>> 2.  Press VO-shift-f3 to turn off Cursor Tracking.
>> 3.  Navigate to the next item then press VO-cmd-space.
>> 4.  Repeat steps 2 and 3 until everything you wish to select has been 
>> selected.
>> 5.  Don't forget to turn Cursor Tracking back on with VO-shift-f3 as leaving 
>> it off gets rather frustrating until you figure out that you've forgot.  Yes 
>> I speak from experience.
>> To Deselect all:
>> • I don't know a specific keystroke but you could do either of the following:
>> 1.  close the specific window then re-open.
>> or 
>> 2.  Make sure that Cursor Tracking is on then simply navigate once up or 
>> down in the list and then only the item you are on will be selected.  Next, 
>> press VO-cmd-space to deselect the item you are on and then nothing will be 
>> selected within that area anymore.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> On 2011-05-12, at 6:17 PM, Rose Morales wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> There are two selection keystrokes I'm wondering about. I used to know 
>>> them, but my memory escapes me. It's been awhile since I needed them, and 
>>> I've been involved in so many tech projects since tackling a thorough 
>>> understanding of Voiceover two years ago. One is selecting multiple items. 
>>> I know shift up and down arrow will do this. However, i'm looking for 
>>> something more complex. The keystroke I'm thinking of allows you to select 
>>> multiple items at once which are not in order. For instance, perhaps I want 
>>> to select items 1, 2, 4, 5, and 9. This keystroke will let me check the 
>>> items I want. Also, I'm looking for another keystroke which will deselect 
>>> everything. That is to say, I want no items in a folder or list selected.
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Rose
>>> -- 
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adobe pdf viewer

2011-05-13 Thread Terry Klarich
Hello All:

In a previous message, I said that I installed adobe pdf reader.  I quickly 
learned it is not accessible or at least not convenient
to use.  I wanted to go back to preview.

I opened the information screen on a pdf file on the disk and put preview back 
is the program to use for all pdf files.  This
worked fine.  I can now read pdf files from disk using preview.

Safari still wants to open pdf links with adobe reader though.  So, I removed 
adobe reader.  Now, when opening a pdf link, a screen
comes up saying:

Select an adobe viewer for this pdf
Adobe pdf viewer can not find a compatible adobe acrobat or adobe reader to 
view this pdf.  Please select one.

When sellecting preview from the application file list, the select button 
remains grayed out.

Obviously, adobe doesn't clean up after itself during an uninstall.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

What is the equivalent of a right click on a link in safari?

When is Lion coming out?

Many thanks


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Re: Keyboard Commander [was Re: apple script perform command]

2011-05-13 Thread Colin M
Hi Louie!
I do not know if you can do this on the numpad, but one keyboard shortcut I 
find useful is add last phrase to clipboard!
Which I've made right option +c
Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 13 May 2011, at 00:03, Esther wrote:

> Hi Louie,
> I feel as though I am missing your main point.  Do I understand that you have 
> set up your Numpad Commander definition so that Shift+1 is set to "Describe 
> Item in Mouse Cursor" and you want to set up an AppleScript to "Describe Item 
> in Mouse Cursor"?  As a Mac laptop (only) user from back in Tiger, when there 
>  was no Numpad Commander, I'm used to typing the keyboard shortcuts directly. 
>  So I would just press VO-F5 to get a description of what is under the Mouse 
> Cursor, just as I would press VO-F3 to get a description of what is in the 
> VoiceOver Cursor.
> Now, let's say that you wanted to set something up that worked more simply, 
> either because you find it annoying to press that many keys, or because it 
> just hasn't sunk down that deep into muscle memory and you might not remember 
> the keystrokes.  Why wouldn't you just set up a Keyboard Commander shortcut 
> for this?  For example, let's say that I wanted to set up a shortcut so that 
> when I press the right Option key plus the letter "d" VoiceOver would 
> describe what is under the mouse cursor.  I could set this up in VoiceOver 
> Utility. (I'll digress to describe how the Keyboard Commander table is laid 
> out in step 5.  Ignore all but the first sentence if you only want to set up 
> a shortcut.  I'll also describe what the navigation is like with TrackPad 
> Commander): 
> 1. VO-F8  to open VoiceOver Utility
> 2. Press "c" to navigate to "Commanders"
> 3. VO-Right arrow to the "Keyboard" tab and select with VO-Space
> 4. Navigate (VO-Right arrow) to the check box "Enable Keyboard Commander" and 
> check it (VO-Space)
> 5. Navigate (VO-Right arrow) to the radio button for which Option key (left 
> or right) to use with the keyboard shortcut command and select it (VO-Space) 
> (e.g., I would choose the right option key here).  If I want to check the 
> default keyboard commander definitions, I'd navigate (VO-Right arrow) to the 
> table and interact (VO-Shift-Down Arrow). I'd find a list of keyboard keys 
> and their command actions.  For example, the first entry would have the 
> keyboard key "m", and in the next column (VO-Right arrow) the associated 
> command is "Open Application: Mail".  If I wanted to changed the key 
> assignment for the command, I could move my Mouse cursor to the VoiceOver 
> cursor (VO-Command-F5) and highlight it by clicking (VO-Shift-Space), then 
> press "Return" to edit the field and type in a new letter. To change the 
> associated command, you would navigate (VO-Right arrow) to the command 
> column, VO-Space on the menu button, and use your arrow keys to select 
> another option.  Stop interacting with the table (VO-Shift-Up arrow) when 
> done.
> 6. Navigate (VO-RIght arrow) past the table of keyboard commands to the "Add" 
> button and press (VO-Space)
> 7. A new entry will be added to the table of keyboard commands, and you'll be 
> placed in the edit field for the keyboard key (VoiceOver says "One row added, 
> edit text").  I'd type "d" here if I wanted to define a Keyboard Commander 
> shortcut activated by pressing the (Right) Option+d keys. Then I'd press tab 
> to move to the next field.  There seems to be a VoiceOver bug, in that focus 
> stays on the "Add" button outside of the table, so VO-Left arrow (to get 
> focus back to the table), and interact (VO-Shift down arrow). Navigate back 
> to the Command column (VO-Right arrow). To select the command ("Describe Item 
> in Mouse Cursor"), VO-Space.  Then VO-Down arrow "Information" and right 
> arrow to the sub-menu entries to "Describe Item in Mouse Cursor" and VO-Space 
> to select that entry.
> 8. Stop interacting with the table (VO-Shift-Up arrow) when done.
> 9. You'll now have a Keyboard Commander Shortcut definition for "Describe 
> Item in Mouse Cursor" when you press the Right Option Key+d.
> Interestingly, the process of navigating and assigning the shortcut is easier 
> with TrackPad Commander.  If you have a recent MacBook (the Unibody models 
> with single trackpad area -- clicks by pushing down the entire trackpad 
> instead of a trackpad button) or a connected Magic TrackPad under Snow 
> Leopard, make sure TrackPad Commander is on (hold down the VO keys and rotate 
> two fingers clockwise on the trackpad).
> 1. VO-F8 to bring up VoiceOver Utility
> 2. Press "c" to navigate to "Commanders"
> 3. On the trackpad, flick right to "Keyboard" and double tap
> 4. Flick right to the checkbox for enabling keyboard commander and double tap
> 5. Flick right to the radio button for using the right option key and double 
> tap. 
> 6. Flick right past the table of keyboard commander shortcuts to the "Add" 
> button and double tap
> 7. Press "d" (or whichever k

Help please, Mail is freaking out

2011-05-13 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,
I was configuring a new email account and somehow my SMTP servers got messed
up.  Now, when I open mail, I see the dialog "Message X could not be sent by
server null"etc.  The problem is that Mail won't let me click on any of the
buttons.  I've tried them all, Edit SMTP Server, Connection Doctor, Try
again Later, but when I press VO-Space, I just hear that kthunk sound that
VO makes when it doesn't like the keystroke you just entered.  Anyone know
what I can do?  I've already tried checking Cursor Tracking, it's on.  I've
also tried using the mouse, but that didn't work either.
Thanks in advance!

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Virtual viewer in Safari?

2011-05-13 Thread Geoff Waaler

When I read code examples from URL:
 via JFW and FireFox/MSIE, the lines appear correctly in Jaws's virtual viewer.

When I navigate via Safari in OSX 10.6.7, however there is no easy way to 
copy/paste lines of code or even to easily discern where a line ends.  I tried 
both DOM and group modes and the reader (command-shift-r), but have not yet 
discovered a way to read lines of code as they are written.

When I use the trackpad, only the part of the line under my finger is read.  My 
VO utility setting to announce all punctuation is apparently ignored because 
characters such as the equal sign are not verbalized as I move over them, but 
are visible to voiceOver when I use the "move right" command (right flick or 
vo-arrow).  When I interact, only part of the line is displayed.  I attempted 
to select all and copy to a file in the textEdit application, but the result 
was also unreadable.

I feel as though I must be missing something because many here are using OSX 
exclusively to navigate the web, yet I repeatedly see examples such as the one 
illustrated above where tasks are difficult or impossible to perform in Safari 
which can be done easily in JFW.

TIA for any/all suggestions other than my current solution of reading the page 
in JFW and manually copying lines into xCode.

Best regards.

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mail issue resolved

2011-05-13 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

Just letting you know that the mail issue is solved.  there was a hidden window 
that I had to deal with before it would let me access my smtp options.

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Re: Help please, Mail is freaking out

2011-05-13 Thread Robert Nelson
Dear Donna,

Have you checked to see if  preferences is unlocked and on the same idea  are 
you logged in as theadministrator rather than a user?

Sincerely Yours,
Robert Nelson

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Re: Uncommonly used keystrokes for selecting items?

2011-05-13 Thread Esther
Hi Rose,

Tim and Colin have already given you an answer on how to select non-contiguous 
items in a list, by turning cursor tracking off (VO-Shift-F3) and using 
VO-Command-Space. (And I'll just add to what both of them said that the usual 
gotcha is to remember to turn cursor tracking back on again with another 
VO-Shift-F3 when you're done.)  Tim already implied this in his answer, but the 
VO-Command-Space key sequence you use to select is a toggle action, and can be 
used to de-select any items that have been selected.  And as Colin has 
answered, you can check the items that are selected at any time with VO-F6, so 
if you find that you need to make an adjustment, just navigate to the object 
you want to de-select, and use VO-Command-Space again.

Colin also gave you the hint that if you are in a very long list of items 
(e.g., in Finder, or perhaps in the Songs table of iTunes where you are 
selecting tracks for a playlist that you will create with the Command-Shift-N 
"New Playlist from Selection" shortcut) it is convenient to lock your VoiceOver 
keys (VO-Semi-colon), and then just arrow up and down the list pressing 
Command-Space to select/deselect and F6 to check your selection (and then 
possibly turn cursor tracking back on with Shift-F3, or if you have pressed 
Semi-colon to turn lock off first, use the full VO-Shift-F3).

To deselect all items, I would use the second method that Tim outlines: with 
cursor tracking on, I move to an item, which selects it (and if you have cursor 
tracking on, only the item you have moved to will be selected.)  Then I would 
use VO-Command-Space to de-select that item, and check with VO-F6 that nothing 
was selected.  In practice, just turning cursor tracking on gets you out of the 
multiple selection issue.  Similarly, the other way that people select multiple 
items (in contiguous blocks, without turning cursor tracking off) is to simply 
hold down the Shift key as they arrow down the list.  Again, you can check what 
you selected with VO-F6.  The fact that selection is a toggle action means that 
you can be creative about how you select items.  For example, if you want to 
select nearly everything in a contiguous list, except for one or two items, you 
can hold down your Shift key and arrow up or down.  Then you can turn cursor 
tracking off (VO-Shift-F3), navigate to the few items you want to de-select 
(VO-Up or Down arrow), and de-select them with VO-Command-Space.  You can also 
arrange items so that you take the minimum number of actions by either 
filtering the results (e.g., in Finder, use Command-Option-F to move to the 
search field, and type in terms to match, thus cutting down the listed 
results), and/or sorting the list of the displayed items (e.g., if I wanted the 
5 most recent files with a certain name, I'd type the name in the search field, 
then after interacting with the table I might navigate to the "Last Opened" 
column and sort with VO-Shift-Backslash (on an English input keyboard; in 
another language I might have to use VO-H-H and look for the sort command under 
the tables menu entry)).  If you don't find the view parameter you want to make 
sorting easy, you can always add it to your table by bringing up the View 
Options (Command-J) and checking what you want (e.g. "Date Created", "Date 
Modified", etc.) -- even just for temporary display and use.  I find that with 
the combination of filtering and sorting, I can often get away without having 
to do non-contiguous selections, and when I do need to select non-contiguous 
items in a list, I can cut down my work.  Often I can just filter a result, 
select all (Command-A), and then modify by de-selecting the few items that I 
don't want .

If you want to read an example of selecting non-contiguously, with step-by-step 
instructions in order, and all the other tips in the same place (including the 
tips about locking VoiceOver keys and using VO-F6 to check), try reading the 
following posts from the archive:
• "Tips on on Non-Contiguous Selection [was Re: selecting specific tracks in 

HTH.  Cheers,


On May 13, 2011, at 05:24, Colin M wrote:

> Hi there!
> Oops! Me Bad!
> The lock vo keys command is!
> vo+semi colon 
> Sorry about that :]
> Colin
> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Colin M 
>> Date: 13 May 2011 16:16:43 GMT+01:00
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Uncommonly used keystrokes for selecting items?
>> Hi Rose!
>> Further to what Tim said!
>> After turning off cursor tracking, if you lock the vo keys with command+semi 
>> colon you'll only have to down arrow through your list and when you've got 
>> to one of the items to select then just press command+space!
>> You can also check what you've selected by just pressing the f6 key, do not 
>> forget to unlock vo keys with the same 

RE: Virtual viewer in Safari?

2011-05-13 Thread Tony Hernandez
Hi Geoff.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but VO in Safari doesn't seem to
support the functionality you're referring to. Vo doesn't navigate the
document in the word-processor-like style you're used to in JFW. I'm a JFW
user as well, and I lament this issue very much for the exact same reason
you do, reading/copying code. I wrote to Apple about it and explained this
style of web navigation and requested that they make it an option in VO in
addition to the other methods already available. I sent the note 2 or 3 days
ago, so we'll see what happens. I suggest you do the same. The address is

Tony Hernandez
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Geoff Waaler
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 12:17 PM
Subject: Virtual viewer in Safari?


When I read code examples from URL:
ne-development via JFW and FireFox/MSIE, the lines appear correctly in
Jaws's virtual viewer.

When I navigate via Safari in OSX 10.6.7, however there is no easy way to
copy/paste lines of code or even to easily discern where a line ends.  I
tried both DOM and group modes and the reader (command-shift-r), but have
not yet discovered a way to read lines of code as they are written.

When I use the trackpad, only the part of the line under my finger is read.
My VO utility setting to announce all punctuation is apparently ignored
because characters such as the equal sign are not verbalized as I move over
them, but are visible to voiceOver when I use the "move right" command
(right flick or vo-arrow).  When I interact, only part of the line is
displayed.  I attempted to select all and copy to a file in the textEdit
application, but the result was also unreadable.

I feel as though I must be missing something because many here are using OSX
exclusively to navigate the web, yet I repeatedly see examples such as the
one illustrated above where tasks are difficult or impossible to perform in
Safari which can be done easily in JFW.

TIA for any/all suggestions other than my current solution of reading the
page in JFW and manually copying lines into xCode.

Best regards.

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Re: adobe pdf viewer

2011-05-13 Thread Ryan Mann
You could try hitting Option+Enter to tell Safari to download the file 
instead of view it.  That is, hit the Option and the Enter key at the 
same time.  The download window will come up and the file will be downloaded.

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: Virtual viewer in Safari?

2011-05-13 Thread Geoff Waaler
Hi Tony,

Thanks for the note.  Frankly it's hard to understand why so many former JFW 
users claim on this list that they never look back because web navigation 
(which is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in application dialogs) is totally 
substandard by any objective analysis.

It was challenging, but possible to update my JawBone Jambox in MSIE.  Don't 
even think about attempting this task in Safari.  The tables on are so much easier to navigate in Windows.  Yes it's 
possible to ascertain information such as current conditions and records, but 
the process is far to time consuming.  I always book flights on Southwest or 
peruse my supermarket's weekly adds in Windows for the same reason.  Up till 
now I suspected I was missing something obvious because the only alternative 
possibility is that this list is completely populated with coo laid drinking 
cheer  leaders who are totally out of touch with reality!

I will compose a note to the accessibility team, but suspect web navigation 
might have been implemented much better had the former switchers afforded 
themselves a modicum of objectivity rather than focusing on the price of the 
screen reader (which in the case of web navigation is worth every penny we pay 
for it).

Best regards.

On May 13, 2011, at 12:47 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:

> Hi Geoff.
> I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but VO in Safari doesn't seem to
> support the functionality you're referring to. Vo doesn't navigate the
> document in the word-processor-like style you're used to in JFW. I'm a JFW
> user as well, and I lament this issue very much for the exact same reason
> you do, reading/copying code. I wrote to Apple about it and explained this
> style of web navigation and requested that they make it an option in VO in
> addition to the other methods already available. I sent the note 2 or 3 days
> ago, so we'll see what happens. I suggest you do the same. The address is
> Tony Hernandez
> Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
> commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
> work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
> it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Geoff Waaler
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 12:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: Virtual viewer in Safari?
> Greetings,
> When I read code examples from URL:
> ne-development via JFW and FireFox/MSIE, the lines appear correctly in
> Jaws's virtual viewer.
> When I navigate via Safari in OSX 10.6.7, however there is no easy way to
> copy/paste lines of code or even to easily discern where a line ends.  I
> tried both DOM and group modes and the reader (command-shift-r), but have
> not yet discovered a way to read lines of code as they are written.
> When I use the trackpad, only the part of the line under my finger is read.
> My VO utility setting to announce all punctuation is apparently ignored
> because characters such as the equal sign are not verbalized as I move over
> them, but are visible to voiceOver when I use the "move right" command
> (right flick or vo-arrow).  When I interact, only part of the line is
> displayed.  I attempted to select all and copy to a file in the textEdit
> application, but the result was also unreadable.
> I feel as though I must be missing something because many here are using OSX
> exclusively to navigate the web, yet I repeatedly see examples such as the
> one illustrated above where tasks are difficult or impossible to perform in
> Safari which can be done easily in JFW.
> TIA for any/all suggestions other than my current solution of reading the
> page in JFW and manually copying lines into xCode.
> Best regards.
> Geoff
> -- 
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Re: many of the conmands don't work on imac

2011-05-13 Thread Robert Nelson
Dear Stephanie,

I have an IMac  and as far as I know all of my keyboard commands  work .  CMD-, 
 does open the preference pane, CMD-O does bring up the OPEN  dialogue box.  I 
don't know why your IMac isbehaving this way.  I can only think that it has 
something to do with keyboard preferences.Since you only mentioned commands 
 that only use the  command key, it could be one  of two issues.  It could be 
mechanical , i.e. the command key is not making contact.   Or somehow in the 
keyboard  preference pane  there is a button  called  modifier keys which 
brings  up a table  that allows you to change the  use of the command key to 
none rather than command..  You may want to confirm that the command modifier 
key is indeed set to command.  Do you have any trouble using commands that use 
the VO keys or the F1, F2…  Keys also?

I hope this helps.

Sincerely Yours,

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RE: macbook pro or macbook air?

2011-05-13 Thread
Everything boots up fast when it's new and doesn't have much stored on it.
But as time goes on, as you do more with it, it will eventually slow down.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Buddy Brannan
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: macbook pro or macbook air?

That's not necessarily so. While you get more hard disk space and a faster
processor, the Pro is significantly thicker and heavier than the Air, and
boots up more slowly owing to still using a mechanical hard drive. I got to
play a bit with an Air last week, and the solid state drive really makes a
huge difference in how quickly things open. Safari just popped up instantly,
and I really do mean instantly. So if you don't have a lot of storage needs
to carry with you, and really need something light and very portable, the
Air may well be just what you need. Of course, if you need an everyday
machine for production and storing lots of stuff, an Air is definitely not a
good fit at all. I'd love to have an Air for a second machine, but I don't
think it would be appropriate as a primary machine. Yep, I do love my
Macbook Pro, but I showed remarkable restraint in not buying an Air.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On May 13, 2011, at 9:44 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> The Pro gives you more bang for your buck. Go with the Pro.
> On May 13, 2011, at 7:21 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Steph,
>> The MacBook Air has no DVD drive, no FireWire, just two USB ports. On the
plus side, it's incredibly thin and light.
>> If you have no other computer, the MacBook Pro is a much better machine,
and you can have a much bigger hard drive in it too.
>> I've just ordered a MacBook Air, but I already have a MacBook and a
MacBook Pro available to me, as well as several external hard drives of
various types.
>> It's all a matter of preference and needs.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 13 May 2011, at 13:26, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:
>>> What are the differences between these two machines? My macbook pro I'd
had for 2 years.  The kids spilt something on it, and the apple retrailer
said it's not repaira.  So i'm in the market for a new machine.
>>> Steph
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Re: macbook pro or macbook air?

2011-05-13 Thread Kimberly
On 5/13/11, Kliph&Sharrie  wrote:
> Everything boots up fast when it's new and doesn't have much stored on it.

Of course this is true. But the solid state is lightning fast when
compared to a mechanical drive.

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mobile me driving me nuts

2011-05-13 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi list,

I've been having a weird issue with mobile me which doesn't seem to have any 
resolve so far, and it's driving me crazy.

My @me account works fine in mail for reception but i can't send any messages 
for the life of me, pun intended. It just gives me the boink noise telling me 
i'm hitting a wall.

I've desynced all my computers, resynced, unregistered each computer one by 
one, resynced, repairpermission all volumes *but since this is systemic to all 
my computers, it must be mobileme and not local installations of mail* , made a 
restore and chanted in shakazulu voodoo but i can't send mail, only receive.

I've called apple for help, but since this is a mobile me issue, they 
automatically direct me to the live chat thing on the mobile me support page, 
which itself is basically not very friendly with VO.

Has anyone encountered this really annoying issue?

Any help greatly appreciated

Thanks, and best 


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Re: More on iMovie 11

2011-05-13 Thread Ashley Cox
That's awesome! you should definetly try writing a guide of some kind, 
or a podcast or something. It would help out a lot of people...


On 13/05/2011 06:53, M. Taylor wrote:


Well, sometimes the bear gets you and sometimes you get the bear.  Today was my 

I am absolutely delighted to report that I am now in command of iMovie 11.

Why I am no means an expert, I can accomplish all of the tasks i need to make a 
pretty dazzling movie complete with green screen effects and color videos and 
photos slowly fading into black&  white.

The trick, it seems is that first has to accept the fact that VoiceOver has 
some serious problems with various aspects of iMovie 11.  This means that 
should one attempt to use voiceover to add a transition, one will most likely 

At this time, it is necessary for me to, at times, turn off VO in favor of 
using the screen magnification in order to accomplish tasks.

Once one accepts this, the iMovie 11 gate is opened and the fun begins.


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Terminal usability...

2011-05-13 Thread Jon Cohn
Two   more notes on terminal. 

by default terminal does not clear out scrollback items, so your entire 
terminal session will be in both the terminal window and the VoiceOver text 
block.  You can change this in the preference panels or by hitting command-K  
when you are about to start something new..  For example: I often will pipe a 
man command to cat and but hit command-K to clear the scroll-back before 
hitting enter. Three finger swipes will let you page through the text, and 
VO-shift-J followed by VO-shift-uparrow (or shift+numpad 8 in numpad commander 
mode) will get you to the top. I bet you can guess how to get to the bottom.
In terms of cursor tracking, I usually have it off in command-line mode and on  
incurses mode. Any function that will move the terminal cursor will then cause 
the VO cursor to track it, but not the other way around.

Best of luck,

Jonathan Cohn 

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Re: open with?

2011-05-13 Thread Jon Cohn
You can start textedit and open the program. I don't know about setting up a 
default but if it is possible it would be the same basic process as for PDF 
files.  Also there is the command-line (terminal) command "open"

so to open file funnybone 
open -a textedit funnybone 

will open the file in textedit.


On May 6, 2011, at 1:11 PM, John Sanfilippo wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a bunch of known plain text files which have nonstandard txt or rtf 
> extensions. Short of renaming them all, is there some way I can have the 
> system open them in Text Edit?
> 1, Is there a way to open this file just once in text edit?
> 2, Is there a way to indicate that this type of file will always open in text 
> edit?
> 3, Would there be a way of terminating the opening of type x in text edit?
> Thanks,
> John S
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Re: Renaming multiple file extensions

2011-05-13 Thread Jon Cohn
with thefollowing commands in terminal you should be able to do this.
find and/or for  
mv (the unix rename command)
3. dirname a command that returns a file name w/o the extension)


On May 10, 2011, at 5:47 PM, Shameless FanGirl wrote:

> Evening all,
> Is this possible under the current OS, or are there third-party applications 
> which will assist? I'll be renaming filetypes contained within various 
> folders mostly. Also, how do you find audiobook builder to behave both given 
> what it does, and with VO?
> Thanks a lot all
> -- 
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RE: Virtual viewer in Safari?

2011-05-13 Thread Tony Hernandez
HI Geoff. I know it's annoying the way VO reads some web stuff, but it seems
that most folks do have their needs met concerning web navigation on the
Mac. It isn't that they are out of touch with reality. IF it meets their
needs, human nature sometimes causes anyone of us to be unaware of
circumstances that might call for a different approach of doing something.

I've found that I don't like the way that VO reads the column and row
information in HTML tables, so I just turned that off in the web category in
the VO utility. VO is still a relatively new screen reader and does need
work in areas, but what they've done so far is amazing to me, even if I do
agree that their web navigation approach needs work. That's why I wrote to
them. I'm sure that with patience from the consumers VO will start to blow
all screen readers out of the water in every aspect before we know it. I
predict that in time other screen readers might even start to copy the VO
approach of doing things. For instance, this concept of having to enter
forms mode has always bugged me even if I got used to it. Even the auto
forms mode in JAWS is buggy because it sometimes makes it hard to navigate
with the arrow keys for certain auto-complete fields, not to mention that it
has a crazy way of behaving in certain configurations when one tries to exit
forms mode from edit boxes. 

I think all screen reader companies, though they compete, can and do learn
from one another even if that means simply creating a feature similar to
that in a competing product just to keep up or jump ahead of the

Tony Hernandez
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Geoff Waaler
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: Virtual viewer in Safari?

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the note.  Frankly it's hard to understand why so many former JFW
users claim on this list that they never look back because web navigation
(which is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in application dialogs) is
totally substandard by any objective analysis.

It was challenging, but possible to update my JawBone Jambox in MSIE.  Don't
even think about attempting this task in Safari.  The tables on are so much easier to navigate in Windows.  Yes
it's possible to ascertain information such as current conditions and
records, but the process is far to time consuming.  I always book flights on
Southwest or peruse my supermarket's weekly adds in Windows for the same
reason.  Up till now I suspected I was missing something obvious because the
only alternative possibility is that this list is completely populated with
coo laid drinking cheer  leaders who are totally out of touch with reality!

I will compose a note to the accessibility team, but suspect web navigation
might have been implemented much better had the former switchers afforded
themselves a modicum of objectivity rather than focusing on the price of the
screen reader (which in the case of web navigation is worth every penny we
pay for it).

Best regards.

On May 13, 2011, at 12:47 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:

> Hi Geoff.
> I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but VO in Safari doesn't seem to
> support the functionality you're referring to. Vo doesn't navigate the
> document in the word-processor-like style you're used to in JFW. I'm a JFW
> user as well, and I lament this issue very much for the exact same reason
> you do, reading/copying code. I wrote to Apple about it and explained this
> style of web navigation and requested that they make it an option in VO in
> addition to the other methods already available. I sent the note 2 or 3
> ago, so we'll see what happens. I suggest you do the same. The address is
> Tony Hernandez
> Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
> commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
> work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or
> it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Geoff Waaler
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 12:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: Virtual viewer in Safari?
> Greetings,
> When I read code examples from URL:
> ne-development via JFW and FireFox/MSIE, the lines appear correctly in
> Jaws's virtual viewer.
> When I navigate via Safari in OSX 10.6.7, however there is no easy way to
> copy/paste 

[no subject]

2011-05-13 Thread Tony Hernandez


I set up a pop account in mail and need to change the outgoing port to 26.
When I go to edit the account and go to the port, it says 110, but the help
says that this is supposed to be the SMTP port. The standard port is 25, but
this shows the port for incoming mail. There is a possibility that this is
happening because the smtp and the pop servers for this account both start
with mail rather than starting with pop or smtp, i.e., mail.domain.tld for
both incoming and outgoing. Anyone know whether I should just go ahead and
put the number 26 here even if it shows 110?


Tony Hernandez

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)



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Re: macbook pro or macbook air?

2011-05-13 Thread Buddy Brannan
Oh, I know that, but seriously, the SSD is very fast. Much faster than I would 
have expected even under ideal conditions. 
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On May 13, 2011, at 1:53 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> Everything boots up fast when it's new and doesn't have much stored on it.
> But as time goes on, as you do more with it, it will eventually slow down.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Buddy Brannan
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 8:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: macbook pro or macbook air?
> That's not necessarily so. While you get more hard disk space and a faster
> processor, the Pro is significantly thicker and heavier than the Air, and
> boots up more slowly owing to still using a mechanical hard drive. I got to
> play a bit with an Air last week, and the solid state drive really makes a
> huge difference in how quickly things open. Safari just popped up instantly,
> and I really do mean instantly. So if you don't have a lot of storage needs
> to carry with you, and really need something light and very portable, the
> Air may well be just what you need. Of course, if you need an everyday
> machine for production and storing lots of stuff, an Air is definitely not a
> good fit at all. I'd love to have an Air for a second machine, but I don't
> think it would be appropriate as a primary machine. Yep, I do love my
> Macbook Pro, but I showed remarkable restraint in not buying an Air.
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On May 13, 2011, at 9:44 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> The Pro gives you more bang for your buck. Go with the Pro.
>> On May 13, 2011, at 7:21 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Steph,
>>> The MacBook Air has no DVD drive, no FireWire, just two USB ports. On the
> plus side, it's incredibly thin and light.
>>> If you have no other computer, the MacBook Pro is a much better machine,
> and you can have a much bigger hard drive in it too.
>>> I've just ordered a MacBook Air, but I already have a MacBook and a
> MacBook Pro available to me, as well as several external hard drives of
> various types.
>>> It's all a matter of preference and needs.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 13 May 2011, at 13:26, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:
 What are the differences between these two machines? My macbook pro I'd
> had for 2 years.  The kids spilt something on it, and the apple retrailer
> said it's not repaira.  So i'm in the market for a new machine.
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2011-05-13 Thread Jon Cohn
Lower down in your Account settings window, you will see a outgoing mailserver 
item with a pop-up button.  click the pop-up button and you will find a edit 
SMTP serves line. Select this and you should be on your way...


On May 13, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:

> Hi.
> I set up a pop account in mail and need to change the outgoing port to 26. 
> When I go to edit the account and go to the port, it says 110, but the help 
> says that this is supposed to be the SMTP port. The standard port is 25, but 
> this shows the port for incoming mail. There is a possibility that this is 
> happening because the smtp and the pop servers for this account both start 
> with mail rather than starting with pop or smtp, i.e., mail.domain.tld for 
> both incoming and outgoing. Anyone know whether I should just go ahead and 
> put the number 26 here even if it shows 110?
> Tony Hernandez
> Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His 
> commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every 
> work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether 
> it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
> -- 
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Re: adobe pdf viewer

2011-05-13 Thread Jon Cohn
You are getting these errors because the Adobe plugin is still in your system. 

In either:
/Library/Internet PLugins" or /Library/Internet Plugins"

You should find a item from Adobe hthat should be removed.  ..  
On May 13, 2011, at 11:37 AM, Terry Klarich wrote:

> Hello All:
> In a previous message, I said that I installed adobe pdf reader.  I quickly 
> learned it is not accessible or at least not convenient
> to use.  I wanted to go back to preview.
> I opened the information screen on a pdf file on the disk and put preview 
> back is the program to use for all pdf files.  This
> THere might be a way with the Safari preference pane to disable a plugin, but 
> I don't remember there being one.


> worked fine.  I can now read pdf files from disk using preview.
> Safari still wants to open pdf links with adobe reader though.  So, I removed 
> adobe reader.  Now, when opening a pdf link, a screen
> comes up saying:
> Select an adobe viewer for this pdf
> Adobe pdf viewer can not find a compatible adobe acrobat or adobe reader to 
> view this pdf.  Please select one.
> When sellecting preview from the application file list, the select button 
> remains grayed out.
> Obviously, adobe doesn't clean up after itself during an uninstall.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> What is the equivalent of a right click on a link in safari?
> When is Lion coming out?
> Many thanks
> Terry
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outgoing smtp port in mail

2011-05-13 Thread Tony Hernandez
Hi John. Thanks for the reply.  . sorry again for failing to fill in the 
subject  line.
Tony Hernandez
“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his 
commandments: for this [is] the whole [duty] of man. For God shall bring every 
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, or whether 
[it be] evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

On May 13, 2011, at 2:55 PM, Jon Cohn wrote:

> Lower down in your Account settings window, you will see a outgoing 
> mailserver item with a pop-up button.  click the pop-up button and you will 
> find a edit SMTP serves line. Select this and you should be on your way...
> Jon
> On May 13, 2011, at 2:40 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I set up a pop account in mail and need to change the outgoing port to 26. 
>> When I go to edit the account and go to the port, it says 110, but the help 
>> says that this is supposed to be the SMTP port. The standard port is 25, but 
>> this shows the port for incoming mail. There is a possibility that this is 
>> happening because the smtp and the pop servers for this account both start 
>> with mail rather than starting with pop or smtp, i.e., mail.domain.tld for 
>> both incoming and outgoing. Anyone know whether I should just go ahead and 
>> put the number 26 here even if it shows 110?
>> Tony Hernandez
>> Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His 
>> commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every 
>> work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether 
>> it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
>> -- 
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2011-05-13 Thread Hayri Tulumcu
Hi Kevin. Wich version of ProTools do you use? do you use version 9.0 ore

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Kindle For Ios4 Accessible? {{]sans}}

2011-05-13 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi all,

I can read the controls, but not book text. Is this the way it is, or am I 
missing something? By the way, I set up my Amazon account without a hitch.


Winging its way from my iPod

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Re: Virtual viewer in Safari

2011-05-13 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey. I don't experience any problems here with Safari although sometimes it 
doesn't let me select a word I can't spell or a website within another website 
that I can't spell and copy it. And sure, I got kinda confused the first time I 
used Safari with VO. I was used to navigating up and down through a page as 
opposed to left or right, but now I'm used to it. It just takes a little time I 
Also about the Auto Forms Mode in JAWS and how VO handles forms, there's 
another screen reader for Windows called System Access and it lets you type in 
forms without extra keys as well. I highly doubt that Window-Eyes will develop 
something like this, as Freedom Science Fiction is famous for suing people for 
stealing their ideas.


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Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread Shameless FanGirl
Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm 
asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because obviously 
other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.

Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it is; at 
least here. :)

Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
Twitter: IndigoCellist

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RE: Virtual viewer in Safari

2011-05-13 Thread Tony Hernandez
Selection problems like this are part of Geoff's difficulty, as well as
mine. Also, while I don't mind using the VO DOM method of navigating, I
sometimes do want to have a sense of where one line ends and the next begins
for practical reasons. I think it would be quite an improvement if Apple
were to add this ability to VO on the web.

Tony Hernandez
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Shawn Krasniuk
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: Virtual viewer in Safari

Hey. I don't experience any problems here with Safari although sometimes it
doesn't let me select a word I can't spell or a website within another
website that I can't spell and copy it. And sure, I got kinda confused the
first time I used Safari with VO. I was used to navigating up and down
through a page as opposed to left or right, but now I'm used to it. It just
takes a little time I guess.
Also about the Auto Forms Mode in JAWS and how VO handles forms, there's
another screen reader for Windows called System Access and it lets you type
in forms without extra keys as well. I highly doubt that Window-Eyes will
develop something like this, as Freedom Science Fiction is famous for suing
people for stealing their ideas.


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Re: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread Jes Smith
Ever  heard of VLC?

On May 13, 2011, at 5:09 PM, Shameless FanGirl wrote:

> Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm 
> asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because obviously 
> other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.
> Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it is; 
> at least here. :)
> Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
> Twitter: IndigoCellist
> -- 
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Re: Virtual viewer in Safari

2011-05-13 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Tony,
I do agree, and see the potential usefulness of this sort of knowledge on 
occasions, such as the one JEff mentions.  However, I must disagree with the 
overall impression that browsing with Safari is less productive than with JFW.  
It does take some getting used to, but in particular I consider group mode one 
of the best things that ever happened to accessible web browsing.  I check the 
weather underground site mentioned every day, and find it no less useful with 
VO than under Jaws.  Maybe it's all a matter of what you use the web for, I 
don't know, or a case of bad page design on some sites.
On May 13, 2011, at 2:14 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:

> Selection problems like this are part of Geoff's difficulty, as well as
> mine. Also, while I don't mind using the VO DOM method of navigating, I
> sometimes do want to have a sense of where one line ends and the next begins
> for practical reasons. I think it would be quite an improvement if Apple
> were to add this ability to VO on the web.
> Tony Hernandez
> Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
> commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
> work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
> it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Shawn Krasniuk
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 4:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Virtual viewer in Safari
> Hey. I don't experience any problems here with Safari although sometimes it
> doesn't let me select a word I can't spell or a website within another
> website that I can't spell and copy it. And sure, I got kinda confused the
> first time I used Safari with VO. I was used to navigating up and down
> through a page as opposed to left or right, but now I'm used to it. It just
> takes a little time I guess.
> Also about the Auto Forms Mode in JAWS and how VO handles forms, there's
> another screen reader for Windows called System Access and it lets you type
> in forms without extra keys as well. I highly doubt that Window-Eyes will
> develop something like this, as Freedom Science Fiction is famous for suing
> people for stealing their ideas.
> Shawn
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Re: mobile me driving me nuts

2011-05-13 Thread Bryan Jones
Hello Yuma,

I don't recall having the problem you describe. Can you give some more details 
about your situation? When did this problem start happening for you? Was it 
working previously? What devices and OS versions are you trying to get it 
working on? Are you using the built-in mail apps?


On May 13, 2011, at 2:04 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Hi list,
> I've been having a weird issue with mobile me which doesn't seem to have any 
> resolve so far, and it's driving me crazy.
> My @me account works fine in mail for reception but i can't send any messages 
> for the life of me, pun intended. It just gives me the boink noise telling me 
> i'm hitting a wall.
> I've desynced all my computers, resynced, unregistered each computer one by 
> one, resynced, repairpermission all volumes *but since this is systemic to 
> all my computers, it must be mobileme and not local installations of mail* , 
> made a restore and chanted in shakazulu voodoo but i can't send mail, only 
> receive.
> I've called apple for help, but since this is a mobile me issue, they 
> automatically direct me to the live chat thing on the mobile me support page, 
> which itself is basically not very friendly with VO.

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RE: Virtual viewer in Safari

2011-05-13 Thread Tony Hernandez
Right, it's a matter of what you use the web for. That's one of the many
wonderful things about Voiceover. You can use different methods of web
navigation for different types of activities. The word processor style
helps with some things, but it isn't necessary or might even be a bit
cumbersome in other situations. The group way is good for some things but
might not be so good for other things. The DOM method is fine for things
that group and word processor type navigation might not handle as well. In
JAWS, Window Eyes, etc., navigation methods are more limited. iOS has a way
to navigate by line, which I sometimes use but not always. OS X users would
benefit from that approach as well.

Tony Hernandez
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Zachary Kline
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: Virtual viewer in Safari

Hi Tony,
I do agree, and see the potential usefulness of this sort of knowledge on
occasions, such as the one JEff mentions.  However, I must disagree with the
overall impression that browsing with Safari is less productive than with
JFW.  It does take some getting used to, but in particular I consider group
mode one of the best things that ever happened to accessible web browsing.
I check the weather underground site mentioned every day, and find it no
less useful with VO than under Jaws.  Maybe it's all a matter of what you
use the web for, I don't know, or a case of bad page design on some sites.
On May 13, 2011, at 2:14 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:

> Selection problems like this are part of Geoff's difficulty, as well as
> mine. Also, while I don't mind using the VO DOM method of navigating, I
> sometimes do want to have a sense of where one line ends and the next
> for practical reasons. I think it would be quite an improvement if Apple
> were to add this ability to VO on the web.
> Tony Hernandez
> Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
> commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
> work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or
> it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Shawn Krasniuk
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 4:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Virtual viewer in Safari
> Hey. I don't experience any problems here with Safari although sometimes
> doesn't let me select a word I can't spell or a website within another
> website that I can't spell and copy it. And sure, I got kinda confused the
> first time I used Safari with VO. I was used to navigating up and down
> through a page as opposed to left or right, but now I'm used to it. It
> takes a little time I guess.
> Also about the Auto Forms Mode in JAWS and how VO handles forms, there's
> another screen reader for Windows called System Access and it lets you
> in forms without extra keys as well. I highly doubt that Window-Eyes will
> develop something like this, as Freedom Science Fiction is famous for
> people for stealing their ideas.
> Shawn
> -- 
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Next Chrome with screen reader support

2011-05-13 Thread Pierre Heim

Haven't try it yet...



VfB ein Leben lang!

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Next Chrome with screen reader support

2011-05-13 Thread Pierre Heim

Haven't try it yet...



VfB ein Leben lang!

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Re: Virtual viewer in Safari

2011-05-13 Thread Geoff Waaler
Hi Zack,

Thanks for your post.  It's reassuring that you use the site daily, but here again perhaps it depends on what 
you want to read there.  How, for example can you quickly ascertain the normal 
and record temperatures  In the JFW virtual viewer I can read the entire 
forecast followed by these details.  In Safari I must read one field at a time, 
or perhaps get to what I want more quickly via the item chooser.  Group mode 
does not appear to buy me anything there, and the reader is unavailable.

I really hope there is a method I'm missing here, but to me sites such as this 
one are much faster to navigate in Windows.

Best regards.

On May 13, 2011, at 5:27 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

> Hi Tony,
> I do agree, and see the potential usefulness of this sort of knowledge on 
> occasions, such as the one JEff mentions.  However, I must disagree with the 
> overall impression that browsing with Safari is less productive than with 
> JFW.  It does take some getting used to, but in particular I consider group 
> mode one of the best things that ever happened to accessible web browsing.  I 
> check the weather underground site mentioned every day, and find it no less 
> useful with VO than under Jaws.  Maybe it's all a matter of what you use the 
> web for, I don't know, or a case of bad page design on some sites.
> Best,
> Zack.
> On May 13, 2011, at 2:14 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:
>> Selection problems like this are part of Geoff's difficulty, as well as
>> mine. Also, while I don't mind using the VO DOM method of navigating, I
>> sometimes do want to have a sense of where one line ends and the next begins
>> for practical reasons. I think it would be quite an improvement if Apple
>> were to add this ability to VO on the web.
>> Tony Hernandez
>> Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
>> commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
>> work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
>> it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Shawn Krasniuk
>> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 4:59 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Virtual viewer in Safari
>> Hey. I don't experience any problems here with Safari although sometimes it
>> doesn't let me select a word I can't spell or a website within another
>> website that I can't spell and copy it. And sure, I got kinda confused the
>> first time I used Safari with VO. I was used to navigating up and down
>> through a page as opposed to left or right, but now I'm used to it. It just
>> takes a little time I guess.
>> Also about the Auto Forms Mode in JAWS and how VO handles forms, there's
>> another screen reader for Windows called System Access and it lets you type
>> in forms without extra keys as well. I highly doubt that Window-Eyes will
>> develop something like this, as Freedom Science Fiction is famous for suing
>> people for stealing their ideas.
>> Shawn
>> -- 
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
There's Vlc player. 
To download it, go to

skype: leogirl48
aim: scholarmistress

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Shameless FanGirl
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 5:10 PM
Subject: Other media players than iTunes.

Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm
asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because
obviously other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.

Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it is;
at least here. :)

Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
Twitter: IndigoCellist

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Re: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread Ray Foret Jr
There's Cog too.

That one has ENQ on it.  I don't think any of the others do.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On May 13, 2011, at 5:26 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:

> There's Vlc player. 
> To download it, go to
> Email:
> facebook:
> Twitter:
> skype: leogirl48
> msn:
> aim: scholarmistress
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Shameless FanGirl
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 5:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Other media players than iTunes.
> Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm
> asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because
> obviously other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.
> Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it is;
> at least here. :)
> Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
> Twitter: IndigoCellist
> -- 
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Re: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread Rose Morales
Personally, I love Cog. It doesn't play video, but it's still worth checking 
out. It has global shortcuts, a simple interface, and the now playing list is 

On May 13, 2011, at 6:26 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:

> There's Vlc player. 
> To download it, go to
> Email:
> facebook:
> Twitter:
> skype: leogirl48
> msn:
> aim: scholarmistress
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Shameless FanGirl
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 5:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Other media players than iTunes.
> Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm
> asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because
> obviously other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.
> Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it is;
> at least here. :)
> Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
> Twitter: IndigoCellist
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread brandt

I believe VLC is accessible and so is cog, (spelling)

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

If you like country, oldies and the ocasional modern track, you can tune in 
to my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by 
going to

Contact me:

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
Google talk/AIM:
Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
- Original Message - 
From: "Shameless FanGirl" 

Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 11:09 PM
Subject: Other media players than iTunes.

Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm 
asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because 
obviously other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.

Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it 
is; at least here. :)

Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
Twitter: IndigoCellist

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"MacVisionaries" group.

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Re: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread erik burggraaf
Well, since I got my sansa E series, I don't listen to books or music on my 
computer very often, but I really like VLC as an ITunes replacement.  There are 
one or two others, but as far as I know, they all take control over your music 
the way ITunes does and on that basis, they are well worth avoiding.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-05-13, at 5:09 PM, Shameless FanGirl wrote:

> Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm 
> asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because obviously 
> other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.
> Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it is; 
> at least here. :)
> Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
> Twitter: IndigoCellist
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Virtual viewer in Safari

2011-05-13 Thread Colin M
Hi Geoff!
I've just been looking at that site myself!
I've never used jaws or windows!
I've found when I've came across a table like the one on that site, when I'm on 
the 1st row [there was 21] if I hold the vo keys then I can quickly down arrow 
each one to [like] record temp or moon rise!
Then right arrow to get the info!
I'm using quick nav!
Also I've no idea if this will help you with your getting more of your text 
when you interact but under vo utility in visuals then under caption panel you 
can select up to ten lines showing mine was set to 2!
hth Colin
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 13 May 2011, at 23:23, Geoff Waaler wrote:

> Hi Zack,
> Thanks for your post.  It's reassuring that you use the 
> site daily, but here again perhaps it depends on 
> what you want to read there.  How, for example can you quickly ascertain the 
> normal and record temperatures  In the JFW virtual viewer I can read the 
> entire forecast followed by these details.  In Safari I must read one field 
> at a time, or perhaps get to what I want more quickly via the item chooser.  
> Group mode does not appear to buy me anything there, and the reader is 
> unavailable.
> I really hope there is a method I'm missing here, but to me sites such as 
> this one are much faster to navigate in Windows.
> Best regards.
> Geoff
> On May 13, 2011, at 5:27 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>> Hi Tony,
>> I do agree, and see the potential usefulness of this sort of knowledge on 
>> occasions, such as the one JEff mentions.  However, I must disagree with the 
>> overall impression that browsing with Safari is less productive than with 
>> JFW.  It does take some getting used to, but in particular I consider group 
>> mode one of the best things that ever happened to accessible web browsing.  
>> I check the weather underground site mentioned every day, and find it no 
>> less useful with VO than under Jaws.  Maybe it's all a matter of what you 
>> use the web for, I don't know, or a case of bad page design on some sites.
>> Best,
>> Zack.
>> On May 13, 2011, at 2:14 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:
>>> Selection problems like this are part of Geoff's difficulty, as well as
>>> mine. Also, while I don't mind using the VO DOM method of navigating, I
>>> sometimes do want to have a sense of where one line ends and the next begins
>>> for practical reasons. I think it would be quite an improvement if Apple
>>> were to add this ability to VO on the web.
>>> Tony Hernandez
>>> Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
>>> commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
>>> work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
>>> it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Shawn Krasniuk
>>> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 4:59 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Virtual viewer in Safari
>>> Hey. I don't experience any problems here with Safari although sometimes it
>>> doesn't let me select a word I can't spell or a website within another
>>> website that I can't spell and copy it. And sure, I got kinda confused the
>>> first time I used Safari with VO. I was used to navigating up and down
>>> through a page as opposed to left or right, but now I'm used to it. It just
>>> takes a little time I guess.
>>> Also about the Auto Forms Mode in JAWS and how VO handles forms, there's
>>> another screen reader for Windows called System Access and it lets you type
>>> in forms without extra keys as well. I highly doubt that Window-Eyes will
>>> develop something like this, as Freedom Science Fiction is famous for suing
>>> people for stealing their ideas.
>>> Shawn
>>> -- 
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Re: Next Chrome with screen reader support

2011-05-13 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Seems to work. Not to bad so far.

On May 10, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Pierre Heim wrote:

> Haven't try it yet...
> Pierre
> ---
> VfB ein Leben lang!
> -- 
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Re: iTunes Library location verse media location

2011-05-13 Thread Jon Cohn
There was a article  on how to do this in Tidbits 1-3 months ago.  Do a search 
on, they went into detail of how to set things up and what issues 
might arise for example each system will download podcasts.

Best regards,

On May 1, 2011, at 5:28 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Hi All,
> hopefully a quick note, thanks to Esther who has already been helping out 
> with this one...
> I wish to know the following, at present I keep my iTunes Library itself, on 
> a NAS (network attached storage device), this means that I can access both 
> the content stored in the iTunes Media folder as well as other more specific 
> iTunes Library Database elements from any of my Mac devices without problems, 
> albeit only at one time, as the iTunes Library XML file can only be open at 
> one given time on one machine.
> This has worked fine for me for a while now, but now I wish to change this 
> arrangement for various reasons and I'd like to know if the following setup 
> is possible.
> I'd like to have individual iTunes Libraries on each Mac, three in total, 
> with the Media Folder pointing to my NAS. now this would result in one 
> location for all content, but presumably here is where I'd run into an issue. 
> if I made a change on my iMac, this change would not automatically update the 
> XML database on my MacBook Air or my MacMini. thus the change on those two 
> devices would be invisible.
> or would it, by storing the content in terms of hte Media Folder in the same 
> location, and pointing the iTunes Library Database XML file to the same 
> storage location, would this in some way result in an auto updating effect on 
> each machine, or is there another way of achieving this?
> I'm aware of Home sharing, but this would require each machine to be turned 
> on to move / update the other. what I'd like in effect, is one library 
> database on each machine, with one single Media Folder that they all share 
> and look to. i.e. in the advanced options in Preferences.
> Then when I launch iTunes on any of the Mac's, the library would 
> automatically scan or check the Media Folder for any new content / changes 
> and update its respective XML database. or am I in XML denial?
> Ultimately I'd really not like to use Home Sharing as this is really not what 
> I'd like...
> if this is off the reasonable topic front, please e-mail me back at 
> many thanks.
> Regards,
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> URL: -
> e-mail: -
> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
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Re: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Yep,  I just wish it did crossfading.  Now, that would be nice.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On May 13, 2011, at 5:37 PM, Rose Morales wrote:

> Personally, I love Cog. It doesn't play video, but it's still worth checking 
> out. It has global shortcuts, a simple interface, and the now playing list is 
> useful.
> Hth,
> Rose
> On May 13, 2011, at 6:26 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>> There's Vlc player. 
>> To download it, go to
>> Email:
>> facebook:
>> Twitter:
>> skype: leogirl48
>> msn:
>> aim: scholarmistress
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Shameless FanGirl
>> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 5:10 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Other media players than iTunes.
>> Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm
>> asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because
>> obviously other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.
>> Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it is;
>> at least here. :)
>> Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
>> Twitter: IndigoCellist
>> -- 
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RE: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread Blake Sinnett

I use Cog for audio and VLC for video. Of course one of my favorite features of 
Cog is the FLAC playback capabilities. I believe VLC supports flac as well.
> Subject: Re: Other media players than iTunes.
> From:
> Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 18:37:14 -0400
> To:
> Personally, I love Cog. It doesn't play video, but it's still worth checking 
> out. It has global shortcuts, a simple interface, and the now playing list is 
> useful.
> Hth,
> Rose
> On May 13, 2011, at 6:26 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
> > There's Vlc player. 
> > To download it, go to
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Email:
> > 
> > facebook:
> > 
> > Twitter:
> > 
> > skype: leogirl48
> > 
> > msn:
> > 
> > aim: scholarmistress
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Shameless FanGirl
> > Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 5:10 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Other media players than iTunes.
> > 
> > Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm
> > asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because
> > obviously other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.
> > 
> > Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it is;
> > at least here. :)
> > 
> > Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
> > Twitter: IndigoCellist
> > 
> > -- 
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
> > 
> > -- 
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> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
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> >
> > 
> -- 
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Re: macbook pro or macbook air?

2011-05-13 Thread Mike Arrigo
The macbook air is much thinner, but not as powerful. You would probably get 
more for the money with a macbook pro, or you could just get the regular 
On May 13, 2011, at 6:26 AM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

> What are the differences between these two machines? My macbook pro I'd had 
> for 2 years.  The kids spilt something on it, and the apple retrailer said 
> it's not repaira.  So i'm in the market for a new machine.
> Steph
> -- 
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Re: Virtual viewer in Safari

2011-05-13 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Jeff,
As a test, I decided to log onto the site and look up weather for my city.  I 
can either use vo-cmd-t to move directly to the table of values, or do a VO-f 
search for the word "normal."  This takes me right to the field in question, 
with record temperatures right below it.  Hard to believe we once reached 94º 
here in May…
I rarely ever use the Item CHooser, instead relying on the VO-CMD-based 
shortcuts or the roter control, along with liberal application of the search 
On May 13, 2011, at 3:23 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote:

> Hi Zack,
> Thanks for your post.  It's reassuring that you use the 
> site daily, but here again perhaps it depends on 
> what you want to read there.  How, for example can you quickly ascertain the 
> normal and record temperatures  In the JFW virtual viewer I can read the 
> entire forecast followed by these details.  In Safari I must read one field 
> at a time, or perhaps get to what I want more quickly via the item chooser.  
> Group mode does not appear to buy me anything there, and the reader is 
> unavailable.
> I really hope there is a method I'm missing here, but to me sites such as 
> this one are much faster to navigate in Windows.
> Best regards.
> Geoff
> On May 13, 2011, at 5:27 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>> Hi Tony,
>> I do agree, and see the potential usefulness of this sort of knowledge on 
>> occasions, such as the one JEff mentions.  However, I must disagree with the 
>> overall impression that browsing with Safari is less productive than with 
>> JFW.  It does take some getting used to, but in particular I consider group 
>> mode one of the best things that ever happened to accessible web browsing.  
>> I check the weather underground site mentioned every day, and find it no 
>> less useful with VO than under Jaws.  Maybe it's all a matter of what you 
>> use the web for, I don't know, or a case of bad page design on some sites.
>> Best,
>> Zack.
>> On May 13, 2011, at 2:14 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote:
>>> Selection problems like this are part of Geoff's difficulty, as well as
>>> mine. Also, while I don't mind using the VO DOM method of navigating, I
>>> sometimes do want to have a sense of where one line ends and the next begins
>>> for practical reasons. I think it would be quite an improvement if Apple
>>> were to add this ability to VO on the web.
>>> Tony Hernandez
>>> Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
>>> commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
>>> work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
>>> it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Shawn Krasniuk
>>> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 4:59 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Virtual viewer in Safari
>>> Hey. I don't experience any problems here with Safari although sometimes it
>>> doesn't let me select a word I can't spell or a website within another
>>> website that I can't spell and copy it. And sure, I got kinda confused the
>>> first time I used Safari with VO. I was used to navigating up and down
>>> through a page as opposed to left or right, but now I'm used to it. It just
>>> takes a little time I guess.
>>> Also about the Auto Forms Mode in JAWS and how VO handles forms, there's
>>> another screen reader for Windows called System Access and it lets you type
>>> in forms without extra keys as well. I highly doubt that Window-Eyes will
>>> develop something like this, as Freedom Science Fiction is famous for suing
>>> people for stealing their ideas.
>>> Shawn
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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> -- 
> You rec

Fwd: Interesting read! Look what is forthcoming to assist us who are blind or visually impaired

2011-05-13 Thread Dan Roy

Begin forwarded message:

> Phone app lets the blind see through the crowd's eyes
> 16:09 11 May 2011 
> Yasmina, a student at the University of Rochester in New York, is in the
> mood for some soup. 
> She opens her cupboard where she knows the coconut milk she needs is
> sitting on the shelf amongst other canned goods. Instead of reaching for
> the right can, she hesitates. Yasmina is blind. She holds her iPhone to
> the open cupboard, snaps a picture of the cans, makes an audio recording
> of her question - "which one is the coconut milk?" - and double taps to
> send off her query. 
> Approximately 45 seconds later her iPhone replies in an electronic
> timbre: "The answer is the one on the right." "Great," Yasmina says,
> feeling for the rightmost can, "that's awesome."
> Yasmina just used VizWiz
>  , a new mobile
> phone application that provides the visually impaired with nearly
> real-time solutions to everyday problems. VizWiz can, for example, help
> the blind read their mail, coordinate their outfits, understand menus in
> restaurants, check expiration dates and interpret street signs. The app
> owes its swiftness and accuracy to a marriage of computer chips and good
> old-fashioned human brainpower.
> Designing a computer program that can reliably recognize text and
> distinguish objects in the real world has proven to be a massive
> challenge for artificial intelligence researchers. To get around this,
> the researchers behind VizWiz - a team consisting of computer scientists
> from several universities, including the University of Rochester -
> decided to outsource the task of problem-solving to people:
> specifically, to Amazon Mechanical Turk's masses of online workers.
> To make sure users get answers as quickly as possible, the researchers
> programmed an intelligent queuing system they call Quik Turkit to speed
> things up. Quik Turkit recruits Mechanical Turk workers even as a VizWiz
> user is taking a picture, so someone is always ready to answer an
> incoming query.
> Eleven blind iPhone users tested out VizWiz, asking questions like:
> "What denomination is this bill?", "Do you see picnic tables across the
> parking lot?", and "What temperature is my oven set to?" 
> They received an average of three responses per query and waited an
> average of 133.3 seconds for the first answer. The first answer received
> was accurate or helpful in 71 of 82 cases. By the third answer, all
> questions were correctly answered.
> In a second test, the volunteers got to use VizWiz 2.0, which includes
> improved image processing techniques. Their response time was cut to an
> average of 27 seconds.
> Most of the volunteers were excited about VizWiz and said they would pay
> for the service. VizWiz could be "very useful," said one participant,
> "because I get so frustrated when I need sighted help and no one is
> there."
> Here you go. A link which will bring more info about the product as well
> as a video you can watch/listen to:

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Re: -- SPAM --RE: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread David McLean
There are a few others as well, Cog, Realplayer, and Decibel which isn't free 
but is an outstanding app.
On May 13, 2011, at 6:26 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:

> There's Vlc player. 
> To download it, go to
> Email:
> facebook:
> Twitter:
> skype: leogirl48
> msn:
> aim: scholarmistress
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Shameless FanGirl
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 5:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Other media players than iTunes.
> Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm
> asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because
> obviously other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.
> Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it is;
> at least here. :)
> Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
> Twitter: IndigoCellist
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at
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Re: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread Mike Arrigo
Get vlc player, it's great, I use it to play all my media.
On May 13, 2011, at 4:09 PM, Shameless FanGirl wrote:

> Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm 
> asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because obviously 
> other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.
> Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it is; 
> at least here. :)
> Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
> Twitter: IndigoCellist
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Re: Interesting read! Look what is forthcoming to assist us who are blind or visually impaired

2011-05-13 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I had this idea like 15 years ago, but of course, people laughed at me. :)  I'm 
not sure, though, that I'd want strangers viewing pictures of my private life 
or sensitive documents such as might be contained in snail-mail.  Now, if it 
could give us a real-time solution to traffic lights, or in department stores, 
malls, supermarkets, etc...

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Shameless:
Just a voice from the dark saying I have no trouble working with iTunes.  If 
there's anything in particular I can be of help with, write me off list, or 
contact me at care.bear459 on Skype.

On May 13, 2011, at 6:51 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Get vlc player, it's great, I use it to play all my media.
> On May 13, 2011, at 4:09 PM, Shameless FanGirl wrote:
>> Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm 
>> asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because 
>> obviously other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.
>> Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it is; 
>> at least here. :)
>> Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
>> Twitter: IndigoCellist
>> -- 
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Re: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread Christopher Peppel
My only problem with VLC is that it wouldn't play the old real audio files.  
That's why I bought Jaksta.  It costs $50.00 but there is an audio only version 
that costs $29.00.

On May 13, 2011, at 8:51 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Get vlc player, it's great, I use it to play all my media.
> On May 13, 2011, at 4:09 PM, Shameless FanGirl wrote:
>> Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm 
>> asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because 
>> obviously other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.
>> Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it is; 
>> at least here. :)
>> Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
>> Twitter: IndigoCellist
>> -- 
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Re: Kindle For Ios4 Accessible? {{]sans}}

2011-05-13 Thread Kimberly thurman
Sorry, for now, that's the way it is.  The only accessible Kindle app is the 
one for the Windows PC.  hth :)

On May 13, 2011, at 4:33 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi all,
> I can read the controls, but not book text. Is this the way it is, or am I 
> missing something? By the way, I set up my Amazon account without a hitch.
> TIA,
> Teresa
> Winging its way from my iPod
> -- 
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Re: Next Chrome with screen reader support

2011-05-13 Thread David McLean
It works well on some pages but I've found that tables won't read at all.  
Every page I've tried that has tables shows as 0 rows 0 columns.
So they have a bit of work to do still.
On May 12, 2011, at 1:24 PM, Pierre Heim wrote:

> Haven't try it yet...
> Pierre
> ---
> VfB ein Leben lang!
> -- 
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Re: macbook pro or macbook air?

2011-05-13 Thread Stephanie Mitchell

Hi all.
This mac will be used for the kids to do school work and the 
internet.  I have an imac for every day use.  And an ipod touch.


- Original Message -
From: Buddy Brannan That's not necessarily so.  While you get more hard disk space 
and a faster processor, the Pro is significantly thicker and 
heavier than the Air, and boots up more slowly owing to still 
using a mechanical hard drive.  I got to play a bit with an Air 
last week, and the solid state drive really makes a huge 
difference in how quickly things open.  Safari just popped up 
instantly, and I really do mean instantly.  So if you don't have 
a lot of storage needs to carry with you, and really need 
something light and very portable, the Air may well be just what 
you need.  Of course, if you need an everyday machine for 
production and storing lots of stuff, an Air is definitely not a 
good fit at all.  I'd love to have an Air for a second machine, 
but I don't think it would be appropriate as a primary machine.  
Yep, I do love my Macbook Pro, but I showed remarkable restraint 
in not buying an Air.

Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On May 13, 2011, at 9:44 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

The Pro gives you more bang for your buck.  Go with the Pro.
On May 13, 2011, at 7:21 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

Hello Steph,

The MacBook Air has no DVD drive, no FireWire, just two USB 
ports.  On the plus side, it's incredibly thin and light.

If you have no other computer, the MacBook Pro is a much better 
machine, and you can have a much bigger hard drive in it too.

I've just ordered a MacBook Air, but I already have a MacBook 
and a MacBook Pro available to me, as well as several external 
hard drives of various types.

It's all a matter of preference and needs.



On 13 May 2011, at 13:26, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

What are the differences between these two machines? My macbook 
pro I'd had for 2 years.  The kids spilt something on it, and the 
apple retrailer said it's not repaira.  So i'm in the market for 
a new machine.


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Re: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread Shameless FanGirl
Hi all,

Thanks so much for all your suggestions/replies. Upon finishing importing my 
media to my iPod Classics, I'm off to have a play with each of them.

Hmm, I could have sworn I added you to Skype Carolyn. If not, I certainly meant 
to. :)

Thanks again everyone, as always, you're fantastic.
On May 13, 2011, at 9:32 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Shameless:
> Just a voice from the dark saying I have no trouble working with iTunes.  If 
> there's anything in particular I can be of help with, write me off list, or 
> contact me at care.bear459 on Skype.
> Carolyn
> On May 13, 2011, at 6:51 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Get vlc player, it's great, I use it to play all my media.
>> On May 13, 2011, at 4:09 PM, Shameless FanGirl wrote:
>>> Subject covers it. Are there others, if so, what are they? Naturally, I'm 
>>> asking more from an accessibility standpoint than anything, because 
>>> obviously other means by which one can play media on the Mac exist.
>>> Thanks for any/all input, and have a fabulous evening all, hot though it 
>>> is; at least here. :)
>>> Skype: Shameless_FanGirl
>>> Twitter: IndigoCellist
>>> -- 
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Re: Next Chrome with screen reader support

2011-05-13 Thread Kimberly thurman
I have tried it on a couple of pages with some success, but on the mobile 
Facebook site, while posting on someone's wall, the text I was writing was not 
read, but when I pressed the "Post" button, the post was added to the person's 
wall with what I had written.  Makes it tough to proofread.  :)
On May 13, 2011, at 10:27 PM, David McLean wrote:

> It works well on some pages but I've found that tables won't read at all.  
> Every page I've tried that has tables shows as 0 rows 0 columns.
> So they have a bit of work to do still.
> On May 12, 2011, at 1:24 PM, Pierre Heim wrote:
>> Haven't try it yet...
>> Pierre
>> ---
>> VfB ein Leben lang!
>> -- 
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Re: mobile me driving me nuts

2011-05-13 Thread Yuma Decaux

Well just when i send an S.O.S to the list, something clicks in my head and i 
resolve the issue. I thought i'd manually added and removed my mobileme account 
which i didn't, only through system preferences and not directly through mail. 
Incidentally it also resolved a longstanding issue with my mailboxes and their 
contents having dissapeared.

So to anyone with mobile me issues, probably on all versions of the OS, a 
manual reset of your mobile me account in mail should do the trick.

Have a great weekend 

Yuma On 14/05/2011, at 9:30 AM, Bryan Jones wrote:

> Hello Yuma,
> I don't recall having the problem you describe. Can you give some more 
> details about your situation? When did this problem start happening for you? 
> Was it working previously? What devices and OS versions are you trying to get 
> it working on? Are you using the built-in mail apps?
> Bryan
> On May 13, 2011, at 2:04 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I've been having a weird issue with mobile me which doesn't seem to have any 
>> resolve so far, and it's driving me crazy.
>> My @me account works fine in mail for reception but i can't send any 
>> messages for the life of me, pun intended. It just gives me the boink noise 
>> telling me i'm hitting a wall.
>> I've desynced all my computers, resynced, unregistered each computer one by 
>> one, resynced, repairpermission all volumes *but since this is systemic to 
>> all my computers, it must be mobileme and not local installations of mail* , 
>> made a restore and chanted in shakazulu voodoo but i can't send mail, only 
>> receive.
>> I've called apple for help, but since this is a mobile me issue, they 
>> automatically direct me to the live chat thing on the mobile me support 
>> page, which itself is basically not very friendly with VO.
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Re: Next Chrome with screen reader support

2011-05-13 Thread Jonathan Chacón Barbero

I tested ChromeVox, the screen reader for Google Chrome web browser and Google 
Chrome OS, the operating system for laptops.
I tested ChromeVox on Google Chrome web browser for Mac and Windows and it 
could be enought for a blind user whereas Windows or Mac doesn't show a system 
dialog or web browser stops.

I explain my experience in Windows

I had to ask a friend for help to configure Google Chrome web browser because 
it isn't accessible with Jaws or NVDA 
Well, I installed ChromeVox extension and all of its dependences in Google 
chrome web browser. I ran it usin Control+Alt+Z keystroke.

ChromeVox uses System voices in Windows and Mac

ChromeVox ran well in page but I tryed to surf other news paper 
pages or TV channel pages and ChromeVox ran slow 
At certain moment, Windows shew a dialog window with a error notification of 
Microsoft outlook. CrhomeVox didn't tell me anything. ChromeVox only speaks 
when you use Google Chrome web browser. it doesn't let you use your operating 

I'll try Google Chrome OS in a native installation soon. I'll post an article 
about it in my blog

Jonathan Chacón Barbero
  Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant

Phone: +34 679953948
Skype: Tyflos_

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vizwiz and other non-Mac devices

2011-05-13 Thread Rebecca Blaevoet
I know this is a Mac list so I won't say much, but there are other 
devices on the market which do the same, (except the picnic tables 
across the field) more immediately, in Braille and speech and without 
relying on an internet connection or volunteers working 24/7 at the 
other end of a line. I'm talking about Top-Braille, for which there is 
no equivalent anywhere else. It's not an app, nor is it a Mac product.
It's only been recently released. You can find out more through our 
website since we distribute it:
and other sites.
I'm a keen proponent of IPhone but I know that Top-Braille works.


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Re: Kindle For Ios4 Accessible?

2011-05-13 Thread Teresa Cochran

Thanks for the info, Kim. At least I know.


On May 13, 2011, at 7:13 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Sorry, for now, that's the way it is.  The only accessible Kindle app is the 
> one for the Windows PC.  hth :)
> Kim
> On May 13, 2011, at 4:33 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I can read the controls, but not book text. Is this the way it is, or am I 
>> missing something? By the way, I set up my Amazon account without a hitch.
>> TIA,
>> Teresa
>> Winging its way from my iPod
>> -- 
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