Re: Apple TV opinions wanted.

2011-04-27 Thread Scott Howell
The only problems I have had with streaming were a direct result of my internet 
connection, Otherwise, I have been very pleased with my Apple TV.
On Apr 26, 2011, at 7:19 PM, Neil James wrote:

> Greetings one and all. Well, the subject line says it all. I am thinking of 
> giving an Apple TV as a Birthday present and would like opinions on this 
> device. I have read a number of reviews on the web which claim that the Apple 
> TV has problems with streaming video such as stuttering and freezing, but I'm 
> taking such reviews with a grain of salt since the issues mentioned above 
> could be caused by a number of factors. Thanks in advance for any help.
> Neil
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RE: Apple TV opinions wanted.

2011-04-27 Thread Brian Miller
Hi there,
Love, love, love the Apple TV!  We've had very few issues with streaming --
but the one interruption we've had wasn't due to the device, but our
broadband connection.  

It's not perfect, but it's been a game-changer for us.  I stream my music,
we watch our netflix, check out the latest stupid videos on youtube, watch
movies on demand, and listen to internet radio.  It's brilliant.  

Brian Miller

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preliminary questions before my Mac arrives.

2011-04-27 Thread ShamelessFanGirl
Hello all,

Since it appears my Mac will be arriving next Monday, here are some last 
minute/general information questions for you. It will also give me a bit more 
time to cram/read manuals, etc. :) So without further ado, here we go:

1. Are there any special considerations I'll need to keep in mind/know when 
setting up a Mac for the first time? I'm referring largely to potential 
profiles/rights management, etc. Or, anything else which might apply here.

2. controlling VO via the track pad commander, versus keyboard input. Which do 
you personally use, and are there commands available to the keyboard which 
haven't yet been ported to the track pad method?

3. Repositories of accessible apps. Does such a thing exist for VO users as 
Apple Vis does for the IOS side of things?

4. Are there any other pieces of advice/suggestions y'all might have for this 
blatant new-be? 

As always, thanks for any/all consideration; as always, your input is 
invaluable, and immensely appreciated.

Twitter: @IndigoCellist

Skype: shameless_FanGirl

Sent from my iPhone

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how to run a script

2011-04-27 Thread Paul Erkens

Hi list,

Given an s c p t file, like I have here a move file dot s c p t, how do I 
execute such a file? I can open it, but then I fall into script editor. I 
that the thing to run a script in?

Kind regards,

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Re: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-04-27 Thread Matt Dierckens
doesn't the weather ap on the iphone work just fine? and you can listen to your 
local weather radio with tune in radio, which is free.
On 2011-04-26, at 11:53 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Is this the 10 dollar app I just saw in the app store? 10 bucks is a whole 
> lot to pay for just a weather app. Is there a different one I'm not seeing?
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-04-27 Thread Scott Howell
Hello Sarai,

Question concerning this app. Does it provide textual information about the 
weather or only audio information via an audio feed. In other words, can you 
look at the local forecast without having to just listen? I know this app is a 
little expensive, but I'm still curious about the quality and quantity of 
information provided. So, with that said, what information does it provide with 
respect to the weather forecasts and current conditions. THe description was 
not very clear about this.
ALso, have you found any aspects of the app that are not accessible? ANy other 
comments etc. you would like to share regarding the app or how it compares to 
other weather apps you may have tried?


On Apr 26, 2011, at 11:21 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> All:
> I wanted to let you know Imap Weather Radio has just arrived in the app store 
> today. It's accessible with Voiceover. This weather radio can alert you to 
> bad weather using your GPS location, or you can program up to 5 locations. 
> Allerts can be customized for specific weather events. So far, it is very 
> good. You can also listen to your local weather radio station.
> -- 
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how to run a script

2011-04-27 Thread louie
You can run a script from the script editor just press command r. You can save 
the script as a application by saving using the save as command + shift + s.


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RE: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-04-27 Thread Scott Ford
Hi Thank you for the heads up.  This sounds great, however the 9.95 seems
just a bit high to me compaired to other apps.  I was able to listen to my
weather station using the tuneup app.  This certainly does not compare to
the feather set that imap provides thanks again.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sarai Bucciarelli
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 11:22 PM
Subject: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

I wanted to let you know Imap Weather Radio has just arrived in the app
store today. It's accessible with Voiceover. This weather radio can alert
you to bad weather using your GPS location, or you can program up to 5
locations. Allerts can be customized for specific weather events. So far, it
is very good. You can also listen to your local weather radio station.

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Re: how to run a script

2011-04-27 Thread Esther
Hi Paul,

As Louie stated, AppleScript files can be run by pressing Command-R.  However, 
that mode of running scripts is usually used when you are using the script 
editor to examine or modify a script.  If you have a script that you want to 
routinely run, you can save it as an application (Command-Shift-S for the "Save 
As" dialog, then set the name and location, and choose the "File format" as 
"Application".  (The saved "application" just executes when you activate it, so 
the script format lets you view the contents in the script editor.)

If this is a move script from the Italian Mac VoiceOver users' group, there are 
usage instructions at their web site in an instructions link just next to the 
download link.  These explain how to save to script so you can set up a 
Services menu shortcut. I'll give the link to the English version of their 
AppleScripts web page:

There is also a commercial product called "MoveAddict" ($7.99) that lets you 
cut and paste files, and also, optionally merge them when moving to a new 
destination (something that move scripts don't feature). Some forum members had 
difficulty initially had problems setting this up, though.  Although this app 
is sold in the App Store, there's a special preferences pane for VoiceOver 
users that only seems to be available from downloadable version the developer's 
site.  I know that some people who bought the app from the App Store, then 
downloaded the from the developer's site to get the additional folder and 
Readme for VoiceOver users did successfully set up this app, but perhaps others 
could comment on this.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Apr 27, 2011, at 03:34, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi list,
> Given an s c p t file, like I have here a move file dot s c p t, how do I 
> execute such a file? I can open it, but then I fall into script editor. I 
> that the thing to run a script in?
> Kind regards,
> Paul. 

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iPhone keypad question?

2011-04-27 Thread Maurice Mines
Hello list, when I first got my phone when typing I was able to double top of 
each letter in order to accomplish typing a letter. Now all it seemed that the 
single tab accomplishes this, much sooner than I intended to. I have some 
cerebral palsy, so I would very much appreciate being able to go back to the 
double tap method. As it would allow me to type the letters I want, instead of 
the letters that I'm trying to avoid. It makes typing a very frustrating 
experience. Other any suggestions in order to go back to the double tap method? 
Hope everyone on the list is having a great day. Now back to trying to get some 
schoolwork done of course on my Mac. Cheers everybody. Amateur radio call sign 

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Re: iPhone keypad question?

2011-04-27 Thread Ronald McEwan
While in an edit field move the router to typing and choose standard. 

In the Journey, 


On Apr 27, 2011, at 11:02 AM, Maurice Mines wrote:

> Hello list, when I first got my phone when typing I was able to double top of 
> each letter in order to accomplish typing a letter. Now all it seemed that 
> the single tab accomplishes this, much sooner than I intended to. I have some 
> cerebral palsy, so I would very much appreciate being able to go back to the 
> double tap method. As it would allow me to type the letters I want, instead 
> of the letters that I'm trying to avoid. It makes typing a very frustrating 
> experience. Other any suggestions in order to go back to the double tap 
> method? Hope everyone on the list is having a great day. Now back to trying 
> to get some schoolwork done of course on my Mac. Cheers everybody. Amateur 
> radio call sign kd0iko.
> -- 
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Re: iPhone keypad question?

2011-04-27 Thread Esther
Hi Maurice,

To change back to standard typing mode from touch-typing, once you're in any 
edit field, change your rotor to "Typing Mode", then flick up or down until you 
hear "Standard Typing".  You might also want to set your rotor to  something 
like "Characters" or "Words" before exiting, so you do not accidentally change 
the typing mode when you flick up and down.

Have you considered using a Bluetooth keyboard like the Apple Wireless Keyboard 
paired to your iPhone?  Even if you don't regularly use it when you are out and 
about, you may find it easier to change rotor settings, etc. (Press left and 
right arrow keys to turn QuickNav on, then press the Up Arrow+Left Arrow keys 
to move to previous rotor setting, or the Up Arrow+Right Arrow keys to move to 
next rotor setting until you reach "Typing Mode", then press the up or down 
arrow keys to set to "Standard Typing".  Press the Up Arrow+Left or Right arrow 
to move to another rotor setting before exiting.)  You can also control 
VoiceOver through the Keyboard by navigating to next and previous controls by 
pressing the right or left arrow keys (in QuickNav mode), activate buttons by 
pressing the Up and Down arrow keys together (in QuickNav mode), move to the 
first and last elements on the page (Control+Up Arrow or Down Arrow), "Read 
All" (Control+Option+A or B -- for reading from start of page or from current 
location), and many other things.

Hope this helps.  Cheers,


HTH.  Cheers,

On Apr 27, 2011, at 07:02, Maurice Mines wrote:

> Hello list, when I first got my phone when typing I was able to double top of 
> each letter in order to accomplish typing a letter. Now all it seemed that 
> the single tab accomplishes this, much sooner than I intended to. I have some 
> cerebral palsy, so I would very much appreciate being able to go back to the 
> double tap method. As it would allow me to type the letters I want, instead 
> of the letters that I'm trying to avoid. It makes typing a very frustrating 
> experience. Other any suggestions in order to go back to the double tap 
> method? Hope everyone on the list is having a great day. Now back to trying 
> to get some schoolwork done of course on my Mac. Cheers everybody. Amateur 
> radio call sign kd0iko.

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Re: iPhone keypad question?

2011-04-27 Thread Matt Dierckens
what you have to do is change it in the router. You have to use two fingers and 
twist them like a dial until it says typing mode, now swipe down until it says 
standard typing. hth.
On 2011-04-27, at 1:02 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:

> Hello list, when I first got my phone when typing I was able to double top of 
> each letter in order to accomplish typing a letter. Now all it seemed that 
> the single tab accomplishes this, much sooner than I intended to. I have some 
> cerebral palsy, so I would very much appreciate being able to go back to the 
> double tap method. As it would allow me to type the letters I want, instead 
> of the letters that I'm trying to avoid. It makes typing a very frustrating 
> experience. Other any suggestions in order to go back to the double tap 
> method? Hope everyone on the list is having a great day. Now back to trying 
> to get some schoolwork done of course on my Mac. Cheers everybody. Amateur 
> radio call sign kd0iko.
> -- 
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Re: iPhone keypad question?

2011-04-27 Thread Cheree
Cheree Heppe here:

Are you finding that this rotor gesture is illusive?

I started by holding my two fingers, the fingers that were supposed to be 
turning an imaginary knob, too close together.  I nearly had my fingers 
touching.  If that is what is happening, widen the gap between your two fingers 
that rest on the glass screen.  Then, try turning the two fingers around an 
imaginary central point to both fingers.  you should hear a sort of fast 
clicking noise and words will be said about the indicators you are passing with 
the rotation.

It might be a good idea to try to get a keyboard.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 27/04/2011, at 10:02 AM, Maurice Mines  wrote:

> Hello list, when I first got my phone when typing I was able to double top of 
> each letter in order to accomplish typing a letter. Now all it seemed that 
> the single tab accomplishes this, much sooner than I intended to. I have some 
> cerebral palsy, so I would very much appreciate being able to go back to the 
> double tap method. As it would allow me to type the letters I want, instead 
> of the letters that I'm trying to avoid. It makes typing a very frustrating 
> experience. Other any suggestions in order to go back to the double tap 
> method? Hope everyone on the list is having a great day. Now back to trying 
> to get some schoolwork done of course on my Mac. Cheers everybody. Amateur 
> radio call sign kd0iko.
> -- 
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Re: preliminary questions before my Mac arrives.

2011-04-27 Thread Mike Arrigo
Hi, the set up works very well. When you power it up for the first 
time, after several seconds, you will hear a guy tell you that you can 
press command f5 to start voiceover. The set up is fully accessible, 
and creating your user account is part of this. For my macbook, I love 
the trackpad commander. If you already have an iphone, you have an 
advantage, the commands are the same. For my 2 mac minis, I use the 
numpad commander for navigation.

Original message:

Hello all,

Since it appears my Mac will be arriving next Monday, here are some 
last minute/general information questions for you. It will also give me 
a bit more time to cram/read manuals, etc. :) So without further ado, 
here we go:

1. Are there any special considerations I'll need to keep in mind/know 
when setting up a Mac for the first time? I'm referring largely to 
potential profiles/rights management, etc. Or, anything else which 
might apply here.

2. controlling VO via the track pad commander, versus keyboard input. 
Which do you personally use, and are there commands available to the 
keyboard which haven't yet been ported to the track pad method?

3. Repositories of accessible apps. Does such a thing exist for VO 
users as Apple Vis does for the IOS side of things?

4. Are there any other pieces of advice/suggestions y'all might have 
for this blatant new-be?

As always, thanks for any/all consideration; as always, your input is 
invaluable, and immensely appreciated.

Twitter: @IndigoCellist

Skype: shameless_FanGirl

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Re: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-04-27 Thread Mike Arrigo
Probably the best app for listening to weather radio stations is wunder 
radio, note the odd spelling, there's around 200 of them I think.

Original message:
doesn't the weather ap on the iphone work just fine? and you can listen 
to your local weather radio with tune in radio, which is free.

On 2011-04-26, at 11:53 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

Is this the 10 dollar app I just saw in the app store? 10 bucks is a 
whole lot to pay for just a weather app. Is there a different one I'm 
not seeing?


Mary Otten

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Re: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-04-27 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Neither wake the phone up with an alarm when the warnings sound. Wonderful when 
you are sleeping, and a warning comes. 
On Apr 27, 2011, at 9:10 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> doesn't the weather ap on the iphone work just fine? and you can listen to 
> your local weather radio with tune in radio, which is free.
> On 2011-04-26, at 11:53 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>> Is this the 10 dollar app I just saw in the app store? 10 bucks is a whole 
>> lot to pay for just a weather app. Is there a different one I'm not seeing?
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
>> -- 
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Re: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-04-27 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
App provides text and audio. It woke me up from a sound sleep at 5 A.M. when we 
were under a tornado warning. That was worth the $10. Tunein and Weather apps 
only work if you are awake to look at thim.
On Apr 27, 2011, at 9:32 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hello Sarai,
> Question concerning this app. Does it provide textual information about the 
> weather or only audio information via an audio feed. In other words, can you 
> look at the local forecast without having to just listen? I know this app is 
> a little expensive, but I'm still curious about the quality and quantity of 
> information provided. So, with that said, what information does it provide 
> with respect to the weather forecasts and current conditions. THe description 
> was not very clear about this.
> ALso, have you found any aspects of the app that are not accessible? ANy 
> other comments etc. you would like to share regarding the app or how it 
> compares to other weather apps you may have tried?
> THanks,
> Scott
> On Apr 26, 2011, at 11:21 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> All:
>> I wanted to let you know Imap Weather Radio has just arrived in the app 
>> store today. It's accessible with Voiceover. This weather radio can alert 
>> you to bad weather using your GPS location, or you can program up to 5 
>> locations. Allerts can be customized for specific weather events. So far, it 
>> is very good. You can also listen to your local weather radio station.
>> -- 
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Re: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-04-27 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I have that app, but the app won't sound an alarm when the warning is issued.
On Apr 27, 2011, at 2:08 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Probably the best app for listening to weather radio stations is wunder 
> radio, note the odd spelling, there's around 200 of them I think.
> Original message:
>> doesn't the weather ap on the iphone work just fine? and you can listen to 
>> your local weather radio with tune in radio, which is free.
>> On 2011-04-26, at 11:53 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>>> Is this the 10 dollar app I just saw in the app store? 10 bucks is a whole 
>>> lot to pay for just a weather app. Is there a different one I'm not seeing?
>>> Mary
>>> Mary Otten
>>> --
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> -- 
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Re: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-04-27 Thread Courtney Curran
So this new app wakes your iphone or ipod touch  up from sleep if there's a 
warning, that's very cool.
On Apr 27, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> App provides text and audio. It woke me up from a sound sleep at 5 A.M. when 
> we were under a tornado warning. That was worth the $10. Tunein and Weather 
> apps only work if you are awake to look at thim.
> On Apr 27, 2011, at 9:32 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hello Sarai,
>> Question concerning this app. Does it provide textual information about the 
>> weather or only audio information via an audio feed. In other words, can you 
>> look at the local forecast without having to just listen? I know this app is 
>> a little expensive, but I'm still curious about the quality and quantity of 
>> information provided. So, with that said, what information does it provide 
>> with respect to the weather forecasts and current conditions. THe 
>> description was not very clear about this.
>> ALso, have you found any aspects of the app that are not accessible? ANy 
>> other comments etc. you would like to share regarding the app or how it 
>> compares to other weather apps you may have tried?
>> THanks,
>> Scott
>> On Apr 26, 2011, at 11:21 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> All:
>>> I wanted to let you know Imap Weather Radio has just arrived in the app 
>>> store today. It's accessible with Voiceover. This weather radio can alert 
>>> you to bad weather using your GPS location, or you can program up to 5 
>>> locations. Allerts can be customized for specific weather events. So far, 
>>> it is very good. You can also listen to your local weather radio station.
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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Re: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-04-27 Thread Geoff Waaler
Hi Sarai and others,

Thanks so much for bringing this app to our attention.  One last follow-up 
question if I may.

On the other list I mentioned the WeatherAlert app which will wake you up.  
That's a good thing, but then it repeats identical warnings such as a 
thunderstorm or tornado watch every hour day or night unless you disable such 
alerts completely.  Is imapWeather Radio able to filter duplicate alerts?  If 
so, that would place it ahead of MyCast which is asking ten dollars annually 
for this service and from what I've seen doesn't even offer an accessible way 
to complete the in-app purchase.

Best regards.

On Apr 27, 2011, at 10:10 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> doesn't the weather ap on the iphone work just fine? and you can listen to 
> your local weather radio with tune in radio, which is free.
> On 2011-04-26, at 11:53 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>> Is this the 10 dollar app I just saw in the app store? 10 bucks is a whole 
>> lot to pay for just a weather app. Is there a different one I'm not seeing?
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
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Re: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-04-27 Thread Jenny Wood
Hi there, and thanks for the info on this app.  I have already purchased and 
installed it.  However, I am a little baffled as to what the media partner is.  
I am assuming this is referring to access to local stations?  I was browsing 
through the FAQ and it mentioned that if you wish to change your media partner, 
then you would need to completely uninstall and reinstall the app.  Any idea 
what this is and how you go about changing it?  I'm not even sure if I have a 
media partner selected. LOL 


Jenny Wood
Phone:  (972) 989-3894
Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni

On Apr 27, 2011, at 2:30 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> So this new app wakes your iphone or ipod touch  up from sleep if there's a 
> warning, that's very cool.
> Courtney
> On Apr 27, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> App provides text and audio. It woke me up from a sound sleep at 5 A.M. when 
>> we were under a tornado warning. That was worth the $10. Tunein and Weather 
>> apps only work if you are awake to look at thim.
>> On Apr 27, 2011, at 9:32 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Hello Sarai,
>>> Question concerning this app. Does it provide textual information about the 
>>> weather or only audio information via an audio feed. In other words, can 
>>> you look at the local forecast without having to just listen? I know this 
>>> app is a little expensive, but I'm still curious about the quality and 
>>> quantity of information provided. So, with that said, what information does 
>>> it provide with respect to the weather forecasts and current conditions. 
>>> THe description was not very clear about this.
>>> ALso, have you found any aspects of the app that are not accessible? ANy 
>>> other comments etc. you would like to share regarding the app or how it 
>>> compares to other weather apps you may have tried?
>>> THanks,
>>> Scott
>>> On Apr 26, 2011, at 11:21 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 I wanted to let you know Imap Weather Radio has just arrived in the app 
 store today. It's accessible with Voiceover. This weather radio can alert 
 you to bad weather using your GPS location, or you can program up to 5 
 locations. Allerts can be customized for specific weather events. So far, 
 it is very good. You can also listen to your local weather radio station.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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adium and facebook, help pls

2011-04-27 Thread William Windels
Hello all,
I believe , since 2/3 months, the people on … that I send messages, receive 
I have upgraded adium to the last version and I have also removed and 
re-installed adium.
Also , the shared files were removed.

The same adium seems to work well with my msn-accounts.
So, I think, something on the settings is changed on Facebook by the creators 
of Facebook.

Any hints should be very appreciated,

best regards,
William Windels

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Re: iOS 4.3.2: New Software Keyboard Rotor Option

2011-04-27 Thread William Windels
If I understand well, this is perhaps something like vo+j on the macbook?

Op 19-apr-2011, om 22:23 heeft Esther het volgende geschreven:

> Hi Erik,
> I haven't updated my iPad to iOS 4.3.2 yet, but a rotor setting for 
> "containers" is great.  Containers are the separate sub-units of the screen 
> that make use of the larger screen format of the iPad. For example, in the 
> Mail app on the iPad, when you're in landscape mode there is a list of 
> Mailboxes or messages on the left side of the screen, and the currently 
> selected message displayed on the right.  Similarly, in Settings you have the 
> list of "Settings" categories on the left, and the detailed menu page (e.g. 
> "Accessibility", "VoiceOver", or "Web Rotor") on the right. Those are two 
> different containers, and it sounds as though the rotor has added an easy way 
> to navigate between the two, which is something that I've been wanting.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther 
> On Apr 19, 2011, at 08:53, Erik Heil wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just updated my iPad to iOS 4.3.2 and noticed a new rotor option within te 
>> software keyboards called "containers". Anyone of you guys knw what this is? 
>> Thanks for the help.
>> Sent from my iPad
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forcing podcasts to download

2011-04-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I'm trying to download a podcast, but every time I click on the Download link, 
it starts to play rather than download.  Is there some way I can force it to 

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Re: forcing podcasts to download

2011-04-27 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Donna,

When on the link, press option return.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Apr 27, 2011, at 6:15 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to download a podcast, but every time I click on the Download 
> link, it starts to play rather than download.  Is there some way I can force 
> it to download?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: forcing podcasts to download

2011-04-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Hey Ricardo,

thanks.  I thought there was something like this, but couldn't find it in my 
saved messages.  I'll now save your message. *grin*

On Apr 27, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> When on the link, press option return.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On Apr 27, 2011, at 6:15 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to download a podcast, but every time I click on the Download 
>> link, it starts to play rather than download.  Is there some way I can force 
>> it to download?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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how do I make a plain text document

2011-04-27 Thread Christina

I feel dumb asking but I need to create a plain text (.txt) document.  I 
thought I could just use text edit but in the drop down menu for save document 
as there is no plain text option.  I thought I could just add the dot txt to 
the end of the file name but a message dialog prompted me that I could not save 
it as a txt but I could save it as rtf or both an rtf and txt with both 
extensions on the file name.

I need this document to be a plain text document so that is read properly when 
imported into a program.

Thanks ahead of time.


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Re: how do I make a plain text document

2011-04-27 Thread Colin M
Hi Christina!
In the menus there is a make plain text command!
I do not know if that  will do the trick!

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 27 Apr 2011, at 23:25, Christina wrote:

> Hello,
> I feel dumb asking but I need to create a plain text (.txt) document.  I 
> thought I could just use text edit but in the drop down menu for save 
> document as there is no plain text option.  I thought I could just add the 
> dot txt to the end of the file name but a message dialog prompted me that I 
> could not save it as a txt but I could save it as rtf or both an rtf and txt 
> with both extensions on the file name.
> I need this document to be a plain text document so that is read properly 
> when imported into a program.
> Thanks ahead of time.
> Christina
> -- 
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Re: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-04-27 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey all. I was reading about this app for IOS devices and it sounds cool. My 
question is is there any accessible app like that for Mac? I tried using the 
weather widgit that Dashboard has and I didn't like it. It would be nice if 
there were an actual app for Mac like the one you're talking about. When I 
owned a PC, I really liked a program called Weatheraloud but it didn't show any 
watches or warnings. I'd like something for this thing that would read current 
conditions and forecasts like that for the Mac. I'll do a google search but I 
figured that I'd ask all of you guys as well.


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Re: Apple TV and streaming movies

2011-04-27 Thread Justin Kauflin
you can determine how big you want the files to be before you import the DVD.

On Apr 26, 2011, at 5:20 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> How big does handbreak make the files when you rip them?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jenny Wood
> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 3:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Apple TV and streaming movies
> Um, actually, we use handbrake to rip DVD's.  So far, this has been the
> easiest, most reliable method of copying movies onto the hard drive for us.
> We simply leave handbrake's settings set to the defaults, except for
> optimizing the output file for iPod/iPhones.  Although, I think it may even
> have a setting to optimize the file for the AppleTV, but don't recall for
> sure.  So far, all of the movies in our collection stream beautifully via
> the AppleTV.  My apologies, I don't have much experience with many other DVD
> ripping applications.  We have just stuck with what works for us. 
> --
> Jenny Wood
> Phone:(972) 989-3894
> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:   kc5gni
> On Apr 26, 2011, at 2:09 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> a silly question but what do you use to get your movies into a form that
> can be share don your network to the apple ios divices?
>> handbrake is a joke from what I have seen and he last vd i tried to 
>> rip with dvd shrink was garbage with no audio mac the ripper gave the 
>> same results but I odn't know what I'm doing with either mac the 
>> ripper or handbrake  how ever you spell it lol so it could be my fault  
>> it would be nice to be able to listen to my discs without having to 
>> handle media thanks michael you can write me off list if you prefer :)
>> On Apr 23, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>>> Hi there.  Thank you so very much for the response!  Actually, we had
> already enabled homesharing and were able to see our music, but for some
> reason the movies were not available.  Strangely enough though, after my
> husband converted another movie to the appropriate format and added it to
> our library, all of the other movies suddenly showed up.  We have no idea
> what happened there, but I suppose I won't sweat it so long as it works. :-)
> So now we have our family library setup on a desktop with all of our movies
> and music, able to stream to the Apple TV, iPods or iPhones.  I have a
> feeling this little device will more than pay for itself in short order.
>   Thank you again!  
>>> --
>>> Jenny Wood
>>> Phone:  (972) 989-3894
>>> Email:
>>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni
>>> On Apr 23, 2011, at 2:10 PM, Mike Huckabay wrote:
 Hi Jenny One thing you could do to be able to stream tv and movies from
> your iTunes on your mac to your apple tv is enabling home sharing that way
> you could stream movies and tv across your network to your apple tv. If I
> can help further send a privet message to I
> hope this helps you though.
 On 2011-04-23, at 8:38 AM, Jenny Wood wrote:
> Good day all!  Okay, so my husband and I just purchased a new Apple 
> TV, and so far, we love it!  Streaming Netflix is absolutely 
> awesome, and I love having so many choices of streaming internet 
> radio stations to listen to.  My question though, is concerning 
> movies.  Can one stream movies using airplay from an iTunes library 
> on another machine?  More specifically, can you stream movies that 
> are not necessarily purchased from the iTunes store?  We have a lot 
> of movies that are currently in a format compatible with the 
> iPod/iPhone, but when we attempt to view the list of movies using 
> the Apple TV, it says it is unable to connect to movies in our 
> library.  It can access the music with no problem.  Thank you in 
> advance for any assistance you have to offer. :-)
> --
> Jenny Wood
> Phone:(972) 989-3894
> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:   kc5gni
> --
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iOS Astronomy Apps [was Re: Sun and Moon position?]

2011-04-27 Thread Esther
Hi Gabriel,

Regarding my recommendation of the free Sun Seeker Lite app by ozPDA (listed 
below) to find the elevation and azimuth of the Sun: 

Sun Seeker Lite (free) by ozPDA:

you further asked:

On Apr 27, 2011,  Gabriel Battaglia wrote:

> Hi Esther.
> Wonderful answer and nice app you've suggested.
> Many many thanks.
> Do you know something like that but for moon and others solar system planets?
> Thanks.
I'll cc this reply to the macvisionaries list, since it is lengthy and I don't 
want to have to type this again, or strain to find this in the viphone list 
archives if someone asks again about this.  I assume that the Moon Seeker app 
($1.99) from the same developer gives the information about lunar phase and 
location with comparable accessibility, but I haven't tried it. Sun Seeker (the 
paid version) was recently listed by AppAdvice as the top app in a new list of 
Sun Seeker Apps that appeared about a week ago:
I tried the free Lite edition.  The full edition should let you adjust date and 
a few other things.  It also presumably updates the solstice sun positions for 
2011 instead of 2010, although that shouldn't change too much.

I'm not sure what you mean by something like this app for the Moon and other 
solar system planets.  If you're asking about other accessible, or partially 
accessible astronomy apps, there is a "SkySafari Lite" app issued by Carina 
Software (now renamed Southern Stars).  The Lite version is $2.99, but has been 
offered free on occasion in the past, most recently a couple of weeks ago in 
honor of the 50th anniversary of the first instance of a manned orbit of the 
Earth by astronaut Yuri Gagarin. 

• SkySafari Lite ($2.99) by Carina Software:

Here's the description: "SkySafari Lite is a celestial travel guide. It's an 
easy-to-use planetarium program app to help you explore the night sky. It is 
brought to you by Southern Stars, previously the mobile application division of 
Carina Software."

It's a universal binary app, so I have this loaded on my iPad.  But here's the 
brief description.  This is a planetarium app, so it comes up with a view of 
your sky, set for your "Current Location" (top left of screen) and current date 
and time (top right of the screen).  With VoiceOver on, you flick right through 
those entries at the top, and 5 buttons at the bottom of the screen for 
"Search", "Info", "Settings", "Time", and "Help".  The basic information on how 
the app works and what its features are accessed via the "Help" button in the 
bottom right corner.  You'll get a list view of topics, including a an entry 
reviewing "Basic Concepts" like astronomical coordinates, date and time, phases 
of the moon, etc.  This is all accessible, but contains graphics links.  So you 
probably don't want to click on any links in under the explanations, because 
they just display the graphic that illustrates the point in enlarged fashion, 
so that it takes up the whole screen.  There's quite a lot about planets and 
their motion, star formation and evolution, galaxies, etc. under the "Basic 

The "Settings" button (3rd of 5, above "Home" button) lets you configure the 
display.  You likely won't use most of these, but you can choose things like 
your location, default time used for the app's display (current time, sunset, 
sunrise, moonset, moonrise, etc.) and things like the size of the field of view 
in the display.  Some of this affects the default information that is shown 
when you double tap the "Info" button (2nd of 5)  for detailed information 
about an object -- like what the azimuth is from your position (given as an 
angle value, along with a direction, like "East"), and its altitude (along 
given as an angle, along with a description like "above (or below) horizon").   
The object information includes basic data like object name, distance, brief 
description (e.g. "Moon of Saturn"), brightness, and a section on astronomical 
coordinates and visibility (alluded to earlier, including rise or set time). 
There's also a verbal description (e.g. "Mimas is the innermost large Moon of 
Saturn" with  a history of its discovery and properties).  Again, in these 
sections, links are invariably to graphics.  If you end up double tapping them, 
and can't get out, just toggle VoiceOver off with a triple click of the Home 
button, double tap the center of the screen, then toggle VoiceOver on again 
with triple click Home.  On the iPad, there are two info sections with the 
basic data and the detailed description.  There are "center" and "done" buttons 
that return you to the main screen.  ("Center" puts the object that you are 
reading about in the center of the screen, and "Done" just returns without 
updating the screen -- you won't use the display information with VoiceOver.) 


Re: Apple TV and streaming movies

2011-04-27 Thread Tim Kilburn
> Hi,

I have Handbrake set to rip to Apple Universal format and movies end up 
anywhere from 1.3 GB to 2.5 GB depending on the length and quality of the 
original.  This is pretty close to the same size as what you get from the 
iTunes Store, maybe a little bigger in some cases.  I've found, at least with 
my 1st Generation Apple TV, that making sure that things are either set to 
Apple Universal or Apple TV that things work without a hitch.  My sighted 
family has never complained about the video quality and I've always enjoyed the 
sound quality.


> On Apr 26, 2011, at 5:20 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
>> How big does handbreak make the files when you rip them?
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Jenny Wood
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 3:10 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Apple TV and streaming movies
>> Um, actually, we use handbrake to rip DVD's.  So far, this has been the
>> easiest, most reliable method of copying movies onto the hard drive for us.
>> We simply leave handbrake's settings set to the defaults, except for
>> optimizing the output file for iPod/iPhones.  Although, I think it may even
>> have a setting to optimize the file for the AppleTV, but don't recall for
>> sure.  So far, all of the movies in our collection stream beautifully via
>> the AppleTV.  My apologies, I don't have much experience with many other DVD
>> ripping applications.  We have just stuck with what works for us. 
>> --
>> Jenny Wood
>> Phone:   (972) 989-3894
>> Email:
>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:  kc5gni
>> On Apr 26, 2011, at 2:09 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> a silly question but what do you use to get your movies into a form that
>> can be share don your network to the apple ios divices?
>>> handbrake is a joke from what I have seen and he last vd i tried to 
>>> rip with dvd shrink was garbage with no audio mac the ripper gave the 
>>> same results but I odn't know what I'm doing with either mac the 
>>> ripper or handbrake  how ever you spell it lol so it could be my fault  
>>> it would be nice to be able to listen to my discs without having to 
>>> handle media thanks michael you can write me off list if you prefer :)
>>> On Apr 23, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
 Hi there.  Thank you so very much for the response!  Actually, we had
>> already enabled homesharing and were able to see our music, but for some
>> reason the movies were not available.  Strangely enough though, after my
>> husband converted another movie to the appropriate format and added it to
>> our library, all of the other movies suddenly showed up.  We have no idea
>> what happened there, but I suppose I won't sweat it so long as it works. :-)
>> So now we have our family library setup on a desktop with all of our movies
>> and music, able to stream to the Apple TV, iPods or iPhones.  I have a
>> feeling this little device will more than pay for itself in short order.
>>   Thank you again!  
 Jenny Wood
 Phone: (972) 989-3894
 On Apr 23, 2011, at 2:10 PM, Mike Huckabay wrote:
> Hi Jenny One thing you could do to be able to stream tv and movies from
>> your iTunes on your mac to your apple tv is enabling home sharing that way
>> you could stream movies and tv across your network to your apple tv. If I
>> can help further send a privet message to I
>> hope this helps you though.
> On 2011-04-23, at 8:38 AM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> Good day all!  Okay, so my husband and I just purchased a new Apple 
>> TV, and so far, we love it!  Streaming Netflix is absolutely 
>> awesome, and I love having so many choices of streaming internet 
>> radio stations to listen to.  My question though, is concerning 
>> movies.  Can one stream movies using airplay from an iTunes library 
>> on another machine?  More specifically, can you stream movies that 
>> are not necessarily purchased from the iTunes store?  We have a lot 
>> of movies that are currently in a format compatible with the 
>> iPod/iPhone, but when we attempt to view the list of movies using 
>> the Apple TV, it says it is unable to connect to movies in our 
>> library.  It can access the music with no problem.  Thank you in 
>> advance for any assistance you have to offer. :-)
>> --
>> Jenny Wood
>> Phone:   (972) 989-3894
>> Email:
>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:  kc5gni
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to

Re: forcing podcasts to download

2011-04-27 Thread Mike Arrigo
Yes, there are actually 2 ways. Once you're on the link, press control option 
shift m to open the actions menu, choose download linked file. Alternatively, 
once you have focused the link, hold the option key and press enter, this will 
start the download.
On Apr 27, 2011, at 5:15 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to download a podcast, but every time I click on the Download 
> link, it starts to play rather than download.  Is there some way I can force 
> it to download?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: how do I make a plain text document

2011-04-27 Thread Mike Arrigo
Text edit has a command that will do this. Press command shift t. Once that is 
done, saving the file should produce plain text.
On Apr 27, 2011, at 5:25 PM, Christina wrote:

> Hello,
> I feel dumb asking but I need to create a plain text (.txt) document.  I 
> thought I could just use text edit but in the drop down menu for save 
> document as there is no plain text option.  I thought I could just add the 
> dot txt to the end of the file name but a message dialog prompted me that I 
> could not save it as a txt but I could save it as rtf or both an rtf and txt 
> with both extensions on the file name.
> I need this document to be a plain text document so that is read properly 
> when imported into a program.
> Thanks ahead of time.
> Christina
> -- 
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Re: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-04-27 Thread Mike Arrigo
I actually got this app, it is very accessible. The radio part does not 
actually play the NOAA weather radio, but rather, a computer voice reading the 
current conditions and forecast. Looks like the voices they are using are from 
Cepstral. This app has an interesting side effect though. Once installed, 
location tracking stays on all the time. I could understand this happening if 
the app was running, but even killing it in the app switcher and turning off 
notifications does not turn the location tracking off. The only way I could do 
this was to turn off location tracking in settings.
On Apr 27, 2011, at 5:42 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hey all. I was reading about this app for IOS devices and it sounds cool. My 
> question is is there any accessible app like that for Mac? I tried using the 
> weather widgit that Dashboard has and I didn't like it. It would be nice if 
> there were an actual app for Mac like the one you're talking about. When I 
> owned a PC, I really liked a program called Weatheraloud but it didn't show 
> any watches or warnings. I'd like something for this thing that would read 
> current conditions and forecasts like that for the Mac. I'll do a google 
> search but I figured that I'd ask all of you guys as well.
> Shawn
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Re: Accessible Weather Radio App for iOS devices

2011-04-27 Thread Deb Lewis
Overall, I'm very impressed with this app. It is very accessible. It
does notify you when there is an alert for a city you are watching and
you can watch 5 I believe. You can read or hear the warnings &
forecasts. In the FAQ they tell you that you may occasionally need to
close it int he App switcher & restart if it isn't ab le to get data.
I've had to do that once but then all was well. Whether it's worth $10
probably depends on a variety of personal factors, but it does what it
says it does & does it accessibly. So if a weather radio style app is
what you want, this will probably do the trick.

On 4/27/11, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
> I actually got this app, it is very accessible. The radio part does not
> actually play the NOAA weather radio, but rather, a computer voice reading
> the current conditions and forecast. Looks like the voices they are using
> are from Cepstral. This app has an interesting side effect though. Once
> installed, location tracking stays on all the time. I could understand this
> happening if the app was running, but even killing it in the app switcher
> and turning off notifications does not turn the location tracking off. The
> only way I could do this was to turn off location tracking in settings.
> On Apr 27, 2011, at 5:42 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
>> Hey all. I was reading about this app for IOS devices and it sounds cool.
>> My question is is there any accessible app like that for Mac? I tried
>> using the weather widgit that Dashboard has and I didn't like it. It would
>> be nice if there were an actual app for Mac like the one you're talking
>> about. When I owned a PC, I really liked a program called Weatheraloud but
>> it didn't show any watches or warnings. I'd like something for this thing
>> that would read current conditions and forecasts like that for the Mac.
>> I'll do a google search but I figured that I'd ask all of you guys as
>> well.
>> Shawn
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Re: forcing podcasts to download

2011-04-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Mike,

That's interesting.  I tried Ctrl-Option-Shift-M, but there was no download 
file option.  Thanks for letting me know that that is sometimes an option, 
though, I'll keep it in mind.

On Apr 27, 2011, at 9:07 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Yes, there are actually 2 ways. Once you're on the link, press control option 
> shift m to open the actions menu, choose download linked file. Alternatively, 
> once you have focused the link, hold the option key and press enter, this 
> will start the download.
> On Apr 27, 2011, at 5:15 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to download a podcast, but every time I click on the Download 
>> link, it starts to play rather than download.  Is there some way I can force 
>> it to download?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
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debating whether or not to extend my warrantee on the macbook pro

2011-04-27 Thread Priscilla Garces
Hey folks,
How are yo?
I have a few questions about the mackbook pro since I am kind of a newby to the 
I got an email from the apple store saying that my 1 year warrantee for the mac 
is about to expire next month.
I am debating wether or not I should get the apple care plan mostly because of 
the cost.
I know that this piece of equipment is very expensive and serves all of the 
needs I have.
I can't be anymore happier with the mac myself since I first got it. I'm still 
learning a lot about the mac even though i've had it for 1 year.

What do you think about the apple care plan. Should I go ahead and pay the 
$249$ for the extension of the warranty which is 2 years or should I just forgo 
that? What are the benefits of the apple care plan? When is it necessary to 
have the extended warrantee? Is there a payment plan in case I can't afford the 
high cost of the warrantee extension?

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.

Priscilla Garces

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Re: iPhone keypad question?

2011-04-27 Thread gerry cook
I just wonder if you've got your phone in touch typing mode instead of 
standard typing, because, in standard, typing you have to put your finger on 
the letter, tap once more  to confirm the letter where as you  lift your 
finger off in touch, typing once you find the letter. but i may be wrong I 
hope its close to the mark.

cheers gerry skype gerry.cook1
- Original Message - 
From: "Maurice Mines" 

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 3:02 AM
Subject: iPhone keypad question?

Hello list, when I first got my phone when typing I was able to double top 
of each letter in order to accomplish typing a letter. Now all it seemed 
that the single tab accomplishes this, much sooner than I intended to. I 
have some cerebral palsy, so I would very much appreciate being able to go 
back to the double tap method. As it would allow me to type the letters I 
want, instead of the letters that I'm trying to avoid. It makes typing a 
very frustrating experience. Other any suggestions in order to go back to 
the double tap method? Hope everyone on the list is having a great day. 
Now back to trying to get some schoolwork done of course on my Mac. Cheers 
everybody. Amateur radio call sign kd0iko.

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Re: debating whether or not to extend my warrantee on the macbook pro

2011-04-27 Thread Maurice Mines
yes get the plan.
On Apr 27, 2011, at 9:17 PM, Priscilla Garces wrote:

> Hey folks,
> How are yo?
> I have a few questions about the mackbook pro since I am kind of a newby to 
> the mac.
> I got an email from the apple store saying that my 1 year warrantee for the 
> mac is about to expire next month.
> I am debating wether or not I should get the apple care plan mostly because 
> of the cost.
> I know that this piece of equipment is very expensive and serves all of the 
> needs I have.
> I can't be anymore happier with the mac myself since I first got it. I'm 
> still learning a lot about the mac even though i've had it for 1 year.
> What do you think about the apple care plan. Should I go ahead and pay the 
> $249$ for the extension of the warranty which is 2 years or should I just 
> forgo that? What are the benefits of the apple care plan? When is it 
> necessary to have the extended warrantee? Is there a payment plan in case I 
> can't afford the high cost of the warrantee extension?
> Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.
> Priscilla Garces
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sounds in Bootcamp

2011-04-27 Thread Shen
Hi everyone,
I have a MacBook Pro with a BootCamp partition. It is installed with Windows 7.
I am having a problem where the headphones is not working in Windows. The 
speakers are working just fine giving me all the sounds. But as soon as I plug 
in the headphones, sounds disappear. I verified that the volume is at maximum, 
but still no sounds.
Any suggestions is appreciated.

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Connecting Nokia BH108 bluetooth headset to iPod touch

2011-04-27 Thread brandt
Hi there folks,

I bought a Nokia BH108 Bluetooth headset to interchangeably use with my E71 and 
iPod touch third gen. Connecting and paring with the nokia was child splay, but 
what to do with the iPod? When I go to general/Bluetooth and turn Bluetooth on, 
the iPod doesn't see the BH108.

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

If you like country, oldies and the occasional modern track, you can tune in to 
my show, "an Eclectic mess" every Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM UTC by going to

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Twitter @brandtsteenkamp

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