Restoring The Original Arrangement.

2011-04-25 Thread Georges Zaynoun

Happy continuation of the Easter holidays folks!

I am wondering here if I happened to mess around with the order of apps 
on the home screen on the iOS devices i.e ipod touch, ipad and iphone, 
is there any way to restore the order they had from settings or is the 
only way a factory reset with all what that means to connect to itunes, 
enable vo and certainly reinstall apps?

Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
Mobile: +46707567315

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: Technical AirPort question

2011-04-25 Thread Simon Cavendish
I understand from reading "take control books" k- and I am currently struggling 
with setting up a similar network to yours, Scott, that iPad has not the 
capacity to connect to 5ghz radio as it is still 8211G rather than N. With 
Express, it has as you point out a dual capacity  and it should switch 
autimatically unless you do not allow it in the configurations. I too find the 
configuring troublesome as I can't seem to access certain options when 
extending the network.

I will see what else I can find.

On 25 Apr 2011, at 01:57, Scott Howell wrote:

> All,
> I hope this will make sense, but this is a little complicated perhaps. 
> Currently I have an AirPort Time Capsule as the main router and an AirPort 
> Express on another floor to extend the range of the network. The Time Capsule 
> has both a 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz radio. I learned the AIrPort Express does as well. 
> I have effectively two networks it seems in that devices can connect to the 
> 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz network, which has the same name accept the 5Ghz network 
> actually states network name followed by 5Ghz. The goal of course was to 
> segregate the 8211G devices from the 8211N devices by allowing devices 
> supporting 8211N to only access the 5Ghz network. THis seems to work fine, 
> but I noticed that my iPad was loosing it's connection until I allowed it to 
> connect to the AirPort Express by entering the password (which is the same 
> for the entire network). My thought was that perhaps for some reason although 
> the Express is extending the network, the iPad was not making the switch to 
> the extender. So, that got me to wondering if the iPad was connecting to the 
> 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz portion/radio of the network. I'm still not entirely sure 
> since it seems the AirPort Express when setup does not allow access to a lot 
> of the configuration options. Well ok, of course you can change anything, but 
> when configured to extend the range of the network, it would make sense that 
> you would not need access to all options (if that made sense).
> So, once I connected it seem to behave as expected, but at that time I did 
> not realize the AirPort Express had both 2.4 and 5Ghz radios. So, after all 
> that prattle, does anyone know a bit on how these routers work as far as 
> handing off traffic to an extender and how a device knows to make the switch? 
> I suspect I know more than I realize, but just haven't found the best 
> resource to learn. 
> Thanks,
> Scott
> -- 
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Re: Restoring The Original Arrangement.

2011-04-25 Thread Chinyoka on Macbook
Sure you can restore without doing a factory restore. Just go to Settings -> 
General -> Reset and swipe to "Reset Home Screen Layout".



On 25 Apr,2011, at 9:03 AM, Georges Zaynoun wrote:

> Happy continuation of the Easter holidays folks!
> I am wondering here if I happened to mess around with the order of apps on 
> the home screen on the iOS devices i.e ipod touch, ipad and iphone, is there 
> any way to restore the order they had from settings or is the only way a 
> factory reset with all what that means to connect to itunes, enable vo and 
> certainly reinstall apps?
> -- 
> Georges Zeinoun
> Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
> Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
> Mobile: +46707567315
> E-mail:
> Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit 
> to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> For more options, visit this group at 


Mobile number: +263 772 930 422
Skype ID: sunshinechinyoka

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cannot find the .m file in Xcode

2011-04-25 Thread Tony Hernandez
Hi everyone. 


In trying to make a hello world program based on a command line tool
template, I was instructed to find the .m file to change the code. I could
only find a file called "helloWorld", "helloWorld.1", and "main.c." The
Objective-C book from Apple still states that the .m file is used, so I
wonder what I'm doing wrong. These files are in a table, and they're the
only 3 files I can find. I'm sure it's something simple that I'm doing if
that .m file does indeed exist. Thanks in advance.


Tony Hernandez

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His
commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether
it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)


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Re: Technical AirPort question

2011-04-25 Thread Scott Howell
Mary, yes it does. The network would not appear as an option if it could not 
connect. THis is the case with my iPhone 3GS. Both the iPad 1 and 2 has the 
ability to connect to a 5Ghz network.

On Apr 24, 2011, at 10:48 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> This is probably a really stupid question, Scott. But are you sure the IPad 
> has a 5GhZ radio in it? I know Macs do. But do I-devices as well?
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: Technical AirPort question

2011-04-25 Thread Scott Howell
Hi SImon,

The iPads do have 8211N. In fact the iPhone 4 does as well, but the 3GS and 
previous generation iPods are 8211G only. Everything Apple has now supports 
8211N. I'm going to dig into this as well and we'll exchange notes.
It should be automatic and here is how I know.
I took my iPhone and checked the network strength as I went from one floor to 
another. I noticed the number of bars dropped until the iPhone connected to the 
AirPort Express and then it went back up to 3 bars. Conversely with the iPad it 
was connected to the 5Ghz radio of the TIme Capsule and when I went to the 
upper floor the bars dropped from 3 to 2 and remained there. THis told me that 
it had not switched to the Express. My suspicion is the Express can only 
operate on either the 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz band instead of both as the Time Capsule 
or Extreme can. That is what I'm going to check into.

ScottOn Apr 25, 2011, at 3:30 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> I understand from reading "take control books" k- and I am currently 
> struggling with setting up a similar network to yours, Scott, that iPad has 
> not the capacity to connect to 5ghz radio as it is still 8211G rather than N. 
> With Express, it has as you point out a dual capacity  and it should switch 
> autimatically unless you do not allow it in the configurations. I too find 
> the configuring troublesome as I can't seem to access certain options when 
> extending the network.
> I will see what else I can find.
> Simon
> On 25 Apr 2011, at 01:57, Scott Howell wrote:
>> All,
>> I hope this will make sense, but this is a little complicated perhaps. 
>> Currently I have an AirPort Time Capsule as the main router and an AirPort 
>> Express on another floor to extend the range of the network. The Time 
>> Capsule has both a 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz radio. I learned the AIrPort Express does 
>> as well. I have effectively two networks it seems in that devices can 
>> connect to the 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz network, which has the same name accept the 
>> 5Ghz network actually states network name followed by 5Ghz. The goal of 
>> course was to segregate the 8211G devices from the 8211N devices by allowing 
>> devices supporting 8211N to only access the 5Ghz network. THis seems to work 
>> fine, but I noticed that my iPad was loosing it's connection until I allowed 
>> it to connect to the AirPort Express by entering the password (which is the 
>> same for the entire network). My thought was that perhaps for some reason 
>> although the Express is extending the network, the iPad was not making the 
>> switch to the extender. So, that got me to wondering if the iPad was 
>> connecting to the 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz portion/radio of the network. I'm still not 
>> entirely sure since it seems the AirPort Express when setup does not allow 
>> access to a lot of the configuration options. Well ok, of course you can 
>> change anything, but when configured to extend the range of the network, it 
>> would make sense that you would not need access to all options (if that made 
>> sense).
>> So, once I connected it seem to behave as expected, but at that time I did 
>> not realize the AirPort Express had both 2.4 and 5Ghz radios. So, after all 
>> that prattle, does anyone know a bit on how these routers work as far as 
>> handing off traffic to an extender and how a device knows to make the 
>> switch? I suspect I know more than I realize, but just haven't found the 
>> best resource to learn. 
>> Thanks,
>> Scott
>> -- 
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Re: Mod Note - Happy Easter and OT reminder

2011-04-25 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Cara,
Happy Resurrection day to you also!

Sent from my Mac Pro


On Apr 24, 2011, at 8:53 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

Hi All;

Just let me wish a very happy Easter to those who celebrate! -Thanks  
for your continued interest / participation in this group! -You rock!

I just want to remind everyone that OT posts are not permitted here.  
The quick rule would be that if you feel you might possibly need to  
put OT in the subject line at all, then don't send your note without  
first asking one of the moderators, K?…

People who ignore this will have their posting privileges removed.

I'm posting this only as a reminder and to ask that people not  
respond to the latest OT post on this list. When you do this, you're  
simply making the traffic noisier and causing others to be moved to  
do the same. So I just want to mention this now, before this  
happens. -Make sense?…

Anyway, once again, I hope peeps have had a lovely day and that we  
all have a wonderful rest of our weekends! K?

Y'all rock! Talk with you soon!…


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

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Re: [aiphone] M-A podcast number 5

2011-04-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
Thanks Scott,

That was a very fun Podcast.  Carlos and Taylor gave me the green light to use 
some instrumentals for the the music bed during my editing of the show.  So I 
mixed in some popular stuff with some of my own beats, with some sound effects 
thrown in. :) BTW, all editing and the beats I made were done in Garageband on 
my Macbook pro.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Apr 23, 2011, at 11:51 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> I like the music in the background.
> That and Nick's mike freaking out once in a while and his reaction.:)
> On Apr 22, 2011, at 8:44 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> in episode 5 of the mobile access podcast, we talk about converting to a Mac 
>> and the expectations one should have in doing so. We also have a special 
>> guest Nik, joining us from Denmark. Remember, there is adult language used. 
>> You can listen at
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
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Re: Technical AirPort question

2011-04-25 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Scott,

Which version of Time Capsule do you have?  The Simultaneous Dual Bandwidth one 
transmits both a 5GHz and 2.4 GHz signal simultaneously whereas the older 
version can only transmit either/or.  The Airport Express is similar to the 
latter, whereby it can only transmit either/or.

If using the newer Simultaneous Dual Bandwidth version, the Airport Express 
will automatically connect using the 2.4 GHz band when extending with an 
Airport Express as long as you haven't modified it's original settings.

If you're using the older version, you will need to leave it on 2.4 GHz as the 
extending process only works properly on that band.

Hope this makes some sort of sense.  If you wish, you can contact me off-list 
for more info.


On 2011-04-25, at 1:30 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> I understand from reading "take control books" k- and I am currently 
> struggling with setting up a similar network to yours, Scott, that iPad has 
> not the capacity to connect to 5ghz radio as it is still 8211G rather than N. 
> With Express, it has as you point out a dual capacity  and it should switch 
> autimatically unless you do not allow it in the configurations. I too find 
> the configuring troublesome as I can't seem to access certain options when 
> extending the network.
> I will see what else I can find.
> Simon
> On 25 Apr 2011, at 01:57, Scott Howell wrote:
>> All,
>> I hope this will make sense, but this is a little complicated perhaps. 
>> Currently I have an AirPort Time Capsule as the main router and an AirPort 
>> Express on another floor to extend the range of the network. The Time 
>> Capsule has both a 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz radio. I learned the AIrPort Express does 
>> as well. I have effectively two networks it seems in that devices can 
>> connect to the 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz network, which has the same name accept the 
>> 5Ghz network actually states network name followed by 5Ghz. The goal of 
>> course was to segregate the 8211G devices from the 8211N devices by allowing 
>> devices supporting 8211N to only access the 5Ghz network. THis seems to work 
>> fine, but I noticed that my iPad was loosing it's connection until I allowed 
>> it to connect to the AirPort Express by entering the password (which is the 
>> same for the entire network). My thought was that perhaps for some reason 
>> although the Express is extending the network, the iPad was not making the 
>> switch to the extender. So, that got me to wondering if the iPad was 
>> connecting to the 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz portion/radio of the network. I'm still not 
>> entirely sure since it seems the AirPort Express when setup does not allow 
>> access to a lot of the configuration options. Well ok, of course you can 
>> change anything, but when configured to extend the range of the network, it 
>> would make sense that you would not need access to all options (if that made 
>> sense).
>> So, once I connected it seem to behave as expected, but at that time I did 
>> not realize the AirPort Express had both 2.4 and 5Ghz radios. So, after all 
>> that prattle, does anyone know a bit on how these routers work as far as 
>> handing off traffic to an extender and how a device knows to make the 
>> switch? I suspect I know more than I realize, but just haven't found the 
>> best resource to learn. 
>> Thanks,
>> Scott
>> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Diabetes software

2011-04-25 Thread Ronald McEwan
I am looking for some accessible diabetes tracking software for the Mac.  does 
anyone have recommendations? 

In the Journey, 


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Might be of interest for VoiceOver users of the Mac or iOS devices

2011-04-25 Thread John Panarese
Hi folks,
First, an apology up front for those who might have seen this already or 
are seeing it twice on multiple lists.  Additionally, if this violates any list 
policies or breaks any rules, I also apologize in advance and stand guilty of 
whatever rule breaking this might constitute.  However, as this is VoiceOver 
related, I figured that I'd share. 

 My apologies to anyone who doesn't like these kinds of "announcement" 
messages.  I usually avoid making them, but in this case, I think the topic 
certainly fits the subject of these lists.  I have started a new website that 
is meant to be a resource place for blind users of both the Mac and iDevices, 
and I wanted to invite the community to both visit it and to definitely feel 
free to contribute to it.

 Now, I'll first preface this by saying that I know there are more than a 
few sites out there that  are about the Mac or iDevices in regard to their use 
by blind individuals.  In fact, I have used more than a few to help me over the 
years in my efforts to learn how to utilize all of my Apple products.  They are 
all done quite well, and I have a great deal of respect and admiration for the 
folks who maintain them.  Understand that I am not intending on competing or 
outdoing any single one of them, and, instead, want mine to be an additional 
resource out there for the new, experienced or potential user.  We are seeing a 
growing number of iPhone and iDevice users that is leading to adoption of the 
Mac, and with all the frequent questions that are consistently posed on the 
email lists, I wanted to gather material and information to address these areas 
in one place where people can benefit from the efforts of the community.

  You will see that it is done in a blog style.  This is for two reasons.  
Firstly, I want it to be a very community driven site in which the users 
contribute their own information and material, and, subsequently,  become a 
part of it by posting their comments and helping it grow.  Also, from the 
perspective of a guy who is not, by trade, a web designer, the Word Press setup 
is easy to maintain and update without having to bother my webmaster every 
other day.

  I can't emphasize enough the importance of having you guys choose to help 
out.  I have collected quite a bit of material for reading and even downloading 
over the years, which has also kindly  been contributed with permission by 
various folks already.  Please take a long look at the site and provide us with 
feedback.  Yes, you will see that there are areas that are quite lacking, but 
this is where the community will come into play.  I have put in place the 
foundation and structure of the site, but my goal is to have you guys provide 
the building blocks and material that will construct it into something more and 
more each passing day.  

 So not to clutter your inbox any more, you will read in my opening few 
posts on the blog as to what it is we are looking for and how to contribute to 
our effort.  Please feel free to look it all over and provide us with feedback. 
 Let us know what we are missing, what we could do better and, most 
importantly, please contribute with additional information and even your 
questions.  Any and all suggestions would be appreciated, and we hope that you 
guys will assist us in making it a comprehensive and diverse place for the 
blind Mac, iPhone, iPad or iPod user.

  You can visit us here,

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Re: Diabetes software

2011-04-25 Thread Paul Hunt
We use Glucose Buddy. It works on the  Iphone  and it is web based.

On Apr 25, 2011, at 12:17 PM, Ronald McEwan  wrote:

> I am looking for some accessible diabetes tracking software for the Mac.  
> does anyone have recommendations? 
> In the Journey, 
> Ron
> -- 
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Re: Technical AirPort question

2011-04-25 Thread Scott Howell
Hi Tim,

Thanks and that is pretty much what I thought and determined from what I read. 
I understand the 8211G hardware will drag a 8211N network down, but from what I 
have been told, it is not that bad in general. For example, if the G devices 
are not connected, I'm not going to see any loss unless they do connect. Since 
my ADSL connection is slow, any inbound traffic will not benefit in any case 
and only machine to machine transfers would really benefit (or streaming). SO, 
I stopped segregating  the G devices from the N devices and my connection 
issues went away. The goal at the end of the day was to ensure that when we 
were using our iPads or iPhones and moving about the house, the devices would 
switch from the Time Capsule to the Express without loosing the connection. THe 
way I had it setup, I effectively split my network into two networks and 
created problems for myself. I did this by going into the options of the Time 
Capsule and giving the 5Ghz network a different name. APple does not clearly 
indicate what all happens, but essentially that seems to break the network into 
two parts.
I know all this probably isn't making much sense, but the good news is it seems 
to be working. :) I also learned that any device capable of utilizing the 5Ghz 
network will do so and any 2.4Ghz device will connect to that 5Ghz network. 
Here I thought the iPad was able to connect to a 5Ghz network, but it is 
connecting at 2.4Ghz. Ah this wireless stuff gives me a headache. :() If it was 
not so difficult, I'd run cable and setting up the network would be easier in 
many ways. HOwever, my wife has fits about holes in the walls. :) That is 
another subject for another day. :)

On Apr 25, 2011, at 12:36 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> Which version of Time Capsule do you have?  The Simultaneous Dual Bandwidth 
> one transmits both a 5GHz and 2.4 GHz signal simultaneously whereas the older 
> version can only transmit either/or.  The Airport Express is similar to the 
> latter, whereby it can only transmit either/or.
> If using the newer Simultaneous Dual Bandwidth version, the Airport Express 
> will automatically connect using the 2.4 GHz band when extending with an 
> Airport Express as long as you haven't modified it's original settings.
> If you're using the older version, you will need to leave it on 2.4 GHz as 
> the extending process only works properly on that band.
> Hope this makes some sort of sense.  If you wish, you can contact me off-list 
> for more info.
> Later...
> On 2011-04-25, at 1:30 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> I understand from reading "take control books" k- and I am currently 
>> struggling with setting up a similar network to yours, Scott, that iPad has 
>> not the capacity to connect to 5ghz radio as it is still 8211G rather than 
>> N. With Express, it has as you point out a dual capacity  and it should 
>> switch autimatically unless you do not allow it in the configurations. I too 
>> find the configuring troublesome as I can't seem to access certain options 
>> when extending the network.
>> I will see what else I can find.
>> Simon
>> On 25 Apr 2011, at 01:57, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I hope this will make sense, but this is a little complicated perhaps. 
>>> Currently I have an AirPort Time Capsule as the main router and an AirPort 
>>> Express on another floor to extend the range of the network. The Time 
>>> Capsule has both a 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz radio. I learned the AIrPort Express 
>>> does as well. I have effectively two networks it seems in that devices can 
>>> connect to the 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz network, which has the same name accept the 
>>> 5Ghz network actually states network name followed by 5Ghz. The goal of 
>>> course was to segregate the 8211G devices from the 8211N devices by 
>>> allowing devices supporting 8211N to only access the 5Ghz network. THis 
>>> seems to work fine, but I noticed that my iPad was loosing it's connection 
>>> until I allowed it to connect to the AirPort Express by entering the 
>>> password (which is the same for the entire network). My thought was that 
>>> perhaps for some reason although the Express is extending the network, the 
>>> iPad was not making the switch to the extender. So, that got me to 
>>> wondering if the iPad was connecting to the 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz portion/radio of 
>>> the network. I'm still not entirely sure since it seems the AirPort Express 
>>> when setup does not allow access to a lot of the configuration options. 
>>> Well ok, of course you can change anything, but when configured to extend 
>>> the range of the network, it would make sense that you would not need 
>>> access to all options (if that made sense).
>>> So, once I connected it seem to behave as expected, but at that time I did 
>>> not realize the AirPort Express had both 2.4 and 5Ghz radios. So, after all 
>>> that prattle, does anyone know a bit on how these routers work as far as 
>>> h

First-time download of bookshare book on Mac: how to unzip

2011-04-25 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello, all. Just downloaded a book from bookshare; selected it, and tried 
enter. Also tried VO plus space. Received a "decompression failed" message. 

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Re: First-time download of bookshare book on Mac: how to unzip

2011-04-25 Thread Kimberly thurman

You need a program called the Unarchiver.  I'm sure if you do a Google search, 
you'll come up with it.  It's free and works great!  :)

Once you have this program, you can VO/shift/M on the zipped folder, arrow to 
open with, enter and the Unarchiver will be one of your choices.  Enter on 
that, and you folder will be unzipped as soon as you enter your password when 
prompted.  hth
On Apr 25, 2011, at 3:43 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Hello, all. Just downloaded a book from bookshare; selected it, and tried 
> enter. Also tried VO plus space. Received a "decompression failed" message. 
> Help!
> Christine
> -- 
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Re: First-time download of bookshare book on Mac: how to unzip

2011-04-25 Thread Mike Arrigo
The bookshare books are password protected, and the built in zip 
utility cannot handle these. If you do a search for a program called 
the unarchiver, it will unzip these without problems.

Original message:
Hello, all. Just downloaded a book from bookshare; selected it, and 
tried enter. Also tried VO plus space. Received a "decompression 
failed" message. Help!


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Re: First-time download of bookshare book on Mac: how to unzip

2011-04-25 Thread Zachary Kline
Another program called StuffIt Expander, which you can find on the Mac App 
Store, will also handle password-protected zip files just fine.
Hope this helps,
On Apr 25, 2011, at 2:07 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> The bookshare books are password protected, and the built in zip utility 
> cannot handle these. If you do a search for a program called the unarchiver, 
> it will unzip these without problems.
> Original message:
>> Hello, all. Just downloaded a book from bookshare; selected it, and tried 
>> enter. Also tried VO plus space. Received a "decompression failed" message. 
>> Help!
>> Christine
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit 
> to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
> -- 
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Re: extremely frustrated re: reading pfd files

2011-04-25 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey all. Sorry it took this long for me to reply. Tony, you don't necessarily 
need to bookmark where you are in preview if you set the view to single-page 
mode. To do this, in Preview, open the PDF you wish to read, then go into the 
menu bar with VO+M, go to view, and the first thing you see is PDF display. 
There should be several options that say single page, single page continuous, 2 
pages, 2 pages continuous, crop box and media box. You probably have it set to 
single page continuous so if you set it to just single page, then you won't 
need to bookmark where you leave off everytime because once you set it to 
single page, Preview automatically remembers where you leave off. Now that 
you've done this, to switch pages, simply press the function key which is 
located at the very bottom left of the keyboard plus either the down or up 
arrow keys. HTH and happy reading. Single page mode should remember where you 
leave off, it does for me.


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Advice on opening Imac

2011-04-25 Thread Colin M
Hi All!
OK my first really iffy thing for me to do!
I've never opened any computer of any kind, but it looks like I've got to open 
this one!
So any advice on opening a 27 inch Imac [the flat screen one ]
Will I need special tools!
Stupid here has put a ssd card in the disc slot and cannot retrieve it!
Or is this a trip to Apple!
Thanks for any help and advice!

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Re: Advice on opening Imac

2011-04-25 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
Send it to Apple, especially if its still under warranty. The iMac
will probably have a compartment that lets you access the ram; perhaps
even the harddrive and the airport card, but without looking at the
mac in person, I'm fairly sure that you'd be needing to remove the
motherboard or logic board in order to really get at the sd card slot.

Taking computers apart can be really fun and theres no reason why a
total can't get very good at it, but trust me, you don't want your
first take apart to be a iMac.

On 25/04/2011, Colin M  wrote:
> Hi All!
> OK my first really iffy thing for me to do!
> I've never opened any computer of any kind, but it looks like I've got to
> open this one!
> So any advice on opening a 27 inch Imac [the flat screen one ]
> Will I need special tools!
> Stupid here has put a ssd card in the disc slot and cannot retrieve it!
> Or is this a trip to Apple!
> Thanks for any help and advice!
> Colin
> --
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Re: Help with Safari locking up constantly please

2011-04-25 Thread carlene knight
If the mobile Facebook site is down much longer, I will definitely think that 
Facebook doesn't care, they've already killed the lite site.  We're just a 
small part of their overall traffiv.  Restarting Vo at least once gets old when 
trying to go the the comments page, for sure.
On Apr 7, 2011, at 12:37 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Hah! They don't. Care about the low vision community either. Every time you 
> click home you get sent to th touch or mobile site. Neither of which allow 
> for browser zooming. Whie this isn't an issue on my mbp, it sure is on my 
> android phone
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for "G'day, mates!"
> Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
> twitter @lpnalda
> Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:
> Hi. I beg to differ on Mobile Facebook with the whole "Safari busy" crap. I 
> still get that problem on there. I was trying to add a friend and as I was 
> trying to go through my friend's friend list, it kept locking up with that 
> whole busy message. So no matter which facebook site you go to, you'll still 
> run into that obstacle. I guess Facebook doesn't really care about the blind 
> community.
> Shawn
> -- 
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Re: -- SPAM --Advice on opening Imac

2011-04-25 Thread David McLean
It sounds like you might have put it in the wrong slot.  The card doesn't go 
all the way in in the card slot.
On Apr 25, 2011, at 6:49 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi All!
> OK my first really iffy thing for me to do!
> I've never opened any computer of any kind, but it looks like I've got to 
> open this one!
> So any advice on opening a 27 inch Imac [the flat screen one ]
> Will I need special tools!
> Stupid here has put a ssd card in the disc slot and cannot retrieve it!
> Or is this a trip to Apple!
> Thanks for any help and advice!
> Colin
> -- 
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Fwd: Free Eyenote Software Application

2011-04-25 Thread Brandon Olivares

Just heard about this IPhone app that sounds really useful for identifying US 
currency. I just got forarded a message about it and thought it might be 
usefulf or others.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Prince, Amanda" 
> Date: April 25, 2011 8:09:27 PM EDT
> To: "" 
> Subject: FW: Free Eyenote Software Application 
> Brandon,  Hi Hope you are doing well.  Saw this email and thought of you!  
> Don't know if you have apple products or not.  Thought it was pretty cool.  
> Take care!
> Amanda Prince
> At the Spring NCSAB meeting the Bureau of Engraving and Printing provided 
> information about progress towards making paper dollars accessible.   Below 
> is an article that David De Notaris forwarded:
> For IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dawn R. Haley (202) 874-3545 Darlene Anderson 
> (202) 874-2229 Bureau of Engraving and Printing Launches EyeNote(tm)App to 
> Help the Blind and Visually Impaired Denominate US Currency (Washington, DC 
> -April 20, 2011)
> The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) has developed a free downloadable 
> application (app) to assist the blind and visually impaired denominate US 
> currency. The app is called EyeNote(tm). EyeNote(tm) is a mobile device app 
> designed for Apple iPhone (3G, 3Gs, 4), and the 4th Generation iPod Touch and 
> iPad2 platforms, and is available starting today through the Apple iTunes App 
> Store.
> EyeNote(tm) uses image recognition technology to determine a note's 
> denomination. The mobile device's camera requires 51 percent of a note's 
> scanned image, front or back, to process. In a matter of seconds, EyeNote(tm) 
> can provide an audible or vibrating response, and can denominate all Federal 
> Reserve notes issued since 1996. Free downloads will be available whenever 
> new US currency designs are introduced.
> Research indicates that more than 100,000 blind and visually impaired 
> individuals currently own an Apple iPhone.
> The EyeNoteTM app is one of a variety of measures the government is working 
> to deploy to assist the visually impaired community to denominate currency, 
> as proposed in a recent Federal Register notice.
> These measures include implementing a Currency Reader Program whereby a 
> United States resident, who is blind or visually impaired, may obtain a 
> coupon that can be applied toward the purchase of a device to denominate 
> United States currency; continuing to add large high contrast numerals and 
> different background colors to redesigned currency; and, raised tactile 
> features may be added to redesigned currency, which would provide users with 
> a means of identifying each denomination via touch. More information is 
> available at
> __._,_.___

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itunes problem

2011-04-25 Thread Denise Avant
Hello all,
i have experienced a couple of recent problems with itunes. 
1. i have located a podcast through the apple store called website wednesday 
night. I added the feed in itunes, yet when it is time to download any of the 
podcasts, i get a podcast ailed message. i cannot understand why this has 
happened as the feed came straight from the apple store.
2. sometimes, i see two feeds for the same podcast, the second of which i did 
not create. so for example, i see my original feed for serotalk, but also 
serotalk1 has been created somehow.
3. i am wondering if podcasts exists for blind access journal blog and podcast 
and vision australia's mini podcast on the use of the mac

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Re: Free Eyenote Software Application

2011-04-25 Thread Alex Hall
The app is out there. From what I hear, though, it is inferior to the
Money Reader app, which costs $0.99. The free app requires you to take
a picture and is not nearly as fast or accurate. However, it does
provide vibratory feedback on supported devices (iPhones) so the
deaf-blind can use it, a feature currently lacking in the paid
alternative. Still, the $0.99 app is, from what I have read, faster
and more accurate since you need only show the bill to the camera
instead of taking a picture. Note that I have not tried out the free
app yet so am not speaking from personal experience.

On 4/25/11, Brandon Olivares  wrote:
> Hi,
> Just heard about this IPhone app that sounds really useful for identifying
> US currency. I just got forarded a message about it and thought it might be
> usefulf or others.
> Thanks,
> Brandon
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Prince, Amanda" 
>> Date: April 25, 2011 8:09:27 PM EDT
>> To: "" 
>> Subject: FW: Free Eyenote Software Application
>> Brandon,  Hi Hope you are doing well.  Saw this email and thought of you!
>> Don't know if you have apple products or not.  Thought it was pretty cool.
>>  Take care!
>> Amanda Prince
>> At the Spring NCSAB meeting the Bureau of Engraving and Printing provided
>> information about progress towards making paper dollars accessible.
>> Below is an article that David De Notaris forwarded:
>> For IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dawn R. Haley (202) 874-3545 Darlene
>> Anderson (202) 874-2229 Bureau of Engraving and Printing Launches
>> EyeNote(tm)App to Help the Blind and Visually Impaired Denominate US
>> Currency (Washington, DC -April 20, 2011)
>> The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) has developed a free
>> downloadable application (app) to assist the blind and visually impaired
>> denominate US currency. The app is called EyeNote(tm). EyeNote(tm) is a
>> mobile device app designed for Apple iPhone (3G, 3Gs, 4), and the 4th
>> Generation iPod Touch and iPad2 platforms, and is available starting today
>> through the Apple iTunes App Store.
>> EyeNote(tm) uses image recognition technology to determine a note's
>> denomination. The mobile device's camera requires 51 percent of a note's
>> scanned image, front or back, to process. In a matter of seconds,
>> EyeNote(tm) can provide an audible or vibrating response, and can
>> denominate all Federal Reserve notes issued since 1996. Free downloads
>> will be available whenever new US currency designs are introduced.
>> Research indicates that more than 100,000 blind and visually impaired
>> individuals currently own an Apple iPhone.
>> The EyeNoteTM app is one of a variety of measures the government is
>> working to deploy to assist the visually impaired community to denominate
>> currency, as proposed in a recent Federal Register notice.
>> These measures include implementing a Currency Reader Program whereby a
>> United States resident, who is blind or visually impaired, may obtain a
>> coupon that can be applied toward the purchase of a device to denominate
>> United States currency; continuing to add large high contrast numerals and
>> different background colors to redesigned currency; and, raised tactile
>> features may be added to redesigned currency, which would provide users
>> with a means of identifying each denomination via touch. More information
>> is available at
>> __._,_.___
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Mobile Facebook site is back

2011-04-25 Thread carlene knight
 Earlier I posted that the Mobile Facebook site was down.  It appears to ne 
working now though, though my computer had problems loading it.  I think that 
part of the problem in the first place was Safari and Vo fighting which they 
have been doing for a while.  I wrote to accessibility and they said they would 
pass it on to the appropriate party for further research, but who knows if I'll 
ever hear or see the results.  Some sites load fine, but many don't without 
having to thurn Vo off and then turning it back on when the page is loaded.  
Once they're loaded they are fine.  My computer has a mind of its own, and 
lately it's been anything but cooperative.  I wish corporal punishment would 
work.  :)

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Torrent client

2011-04-25 Thread Joseph Norton
Hi list:

Can any of you recommend an accessible torrent client that I can use here on 
the mac?


Joseph Norton

Currently running headless on my Mac Mini!

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Re: Torrent client

2011-04-25 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Joseph,
uTorrent, or MicroTorrent--wish I knew how to type the symbol properly, is an 
accessible torrent client.  Google for uTorrent and you should find it.  I've 
also heard Transmission is accessible, though I can't speak to that myself.
On Apr 25, 2011, at 9:47 PM, Joseph Norton wrote:

> Hi list:
> Can any of you recommend an accessible torrent client that I can use here on 
> the mac?
> Thanks!
> Joseph Norton
> Currently running headless on my Mac Mini!
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Free Eyenote Software Application

2011-04-25 Thread carolyn Haas
This app was discussed quite a bit over the weekend.  Kind of old news already. 
 You might want to look over the past few day's postings.

On Apr 25, 2011, at 6:40 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> The app is out there. From what I hear, though, it is inferior to the
> Money Reader app, which costs $0.99. The free app requires you to take
> a picture and is not nearly as fast or accurate. However, it does
> provide vibratory feedback on supported devices (iPhones) so the
> deaf-blind can use it, a feature currently lacking in the paid
> alternative. Still, the $0.99 app is, from what I have read, faster
> and more accurate since you need only show the bill to the camera
> instead of taking a picture. Note that I have not tried out the free
> app yet so am not speaking from personal experience.
> On 4/25/11, Brandon Olivares  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just heard about this IPhone app that sounds really useful for identifying
>> US currency. I just got forarded a message about it and thought it might be
>> usefulf or others.
>> Thanks,
>> Brandon
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: "Prince, Amanda" 
>>> Date: April 25, 2011 8:09:27 PM EDT
>>> To: "" 
>>> Subject: FW: Free Eyenote Software Application
>>> Brandon,  Hi Hope you are doing well.  Saw this email and thought of you!
>>> Don't know if you have apple products or not.  Thought it was pretty cool.
>>> Take care!
>>> Amanda Prince
>>> At the Spring NCSAB meeting the Bureau of Engraving and Printing provided
>>> information about progress towards making paper dollars accessible.
>>> Below is an article that David De Notaris forwarded:
>>> For IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dawn R. Haley (202) 874-3545 Darlene
>>> Anderson (202) 874-2229 Bureau of Engraving and Printing Launches
>>> EyeNote(tm)App to Help the Blind and Visually Impaired Denominate US
>>> Currency (Washington, DC -April 20, 2011)
>>> The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) has developed a free
>>> downloadable application (app) to assist the blind and visually impaired
>>> denominate US currency. The app is called EyeNote(tm). EyeNote(tm) is a
>>> mobile device app designed for Apple iPhone (3G, 3Gs, 4), and the 4th
>>> Generation iPod Touch and iPad2 platforms, and is available starting today
>>> through the Apple iTunes App Store.
>>> EyeNote(tm) uses image recognition technology to determine a note's
>>> denomination. The mobile device's camera requires 51 percent of a note's
>>> scanned image, front or back, to process. In a matter of seconds,
>>> EyeNote(tm) can provide an audible or vibrating response, and can
>>> denominate all Federal Reserve notes issued since 1996. Free downloads
>>> will be available whenever new US currency designs are introduced.
>>> Research indicates that more than 100,000 blind and visually impaired
>>> individuals currently own an Apple iPhone.
>>> The EyeNoteTM app is one of a variety of measures the government is
>>> working to deploy to assist the visually impaired community to denominate
>>> currency, as proposed in a recent Federal Register notice.
>>> These measures include implementing a Currency Reader Program whereby a
>>> United States resident, who is blind or visually impaired, may obtain a
>>> coupon that can be applied toward the purchase of a device to denominate
>>> United States currency; continuing to add large high contrast numerals and
>>> different background colors to redesigned currency; and, raised tactile
>>> features may be added to redesigned currency, which would provide users
>>> with a means of identifying each denomination via touch. More information
>>> is available at
>>> __._,_.___
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Free Eyenote Software Application

2011-04-25 Thread Brandon Olivares

I'm sorry. I searched for Eyenote in my mail but only found the one message I 
received about it, so had assumed it had not been posted. maybe Mail was 
messing up.


On Apr 26, 2011, at 1:29 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> This app was discussed quite a bit over the weekend.  Kind of old news 
> already.  You might want to look over the past few day's postings.
> On Apr 25, 2011, at 6:40 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> The app is out there. From what I hear, though, it is inferior to the
>> Money Reader app, which costs $0.99. The free app requires you to take
>> a picture and is not nearly as fast or accurate. However, it does
>> provide vibratory feedback on supported devices (iPhones) so the
>> deaf-blind can use it, a feature currently lacking in the paid
>> alternative. Still, the $0.99 app is, from what I have read, faster
>> and more accurate since you need only show the bill to the camera
>> instead of taking a picture. Note that I have not tried out the free
>> app yet so am not speaking from personal experience.
>> On 4/25/11, Brandon Olivares  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Just heard about this IPhone app that sounds really useful for identifying
>>> US currency. I just got forarded a message about it and thought it might be
>>> usefulf or others.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brandon
>>> Begin forwarded message:
 From: "Prince, Amanda" 
 Date: April 25, 2011 8:09:27 PM EDT
 To: "" 
 Subject: FW: Free Eyenote Software Application
 Brandon,  Hi Hope you are doing well.  Saw this email and thought of you!
 Don't know if you have apple products or not.  Thought it was pretty cool.
 Take care!
 Amanda Prince
 At the Spring NCSAB meeting the Bureau of Engraving and Printing provided
 information about progress towards making paper dollars accessible.
 Below is an article that David De Notaris forwarded:
 For IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dawn R. Haley (202) 874-3545 Darlene
 Anderson (202) 874-2229 Bureau of Engraving and Printing Launches
 EyeNote(tm)App to Help the Blind and Visually Impaired Denominate US
 Currency (Washington, DC -April 20, 2011)
 The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) has developed a free
 downloadable application (app) to assist the blind and visually impaired
 denominate US currency. The app is called EyeNote(tm). EyeNote(tm) is a
 mobile device app designed for Apple iPhone (3G, 3Gs, 4), and the 4th
 Generation iPod Touch and iPad2 platforms, and is available starting today
 through the Apple iTunes App Store.
 EyeNote(tm) uses image recognition technology to determine a note's
 denomination. The mobile device's camera requires 51 percent of a note's
 scanned image, front or back, to process. In a matter of seconds,
 EyeNote(tm) can provide an audible or vibrating response, and can
 denominate all Federal Reserve notes issued since 1996. Free downloads
 will be available whenever new US currency designs are introduced.
 Research indicates that more than 100,000 blind and visually impaired
 individuals currently own an Apple iPhone.
 The EyeNoteTM app is one of a variety of measures the government is
 working to deploy to assist the visually impaired community to denominate
 currency, as proposed in a recent Federal Register notice.
 These measures include implementing a Currency Reader Program whereby a
 United States resident, who is blind or visually impaired, may obtain a
 coupon that can be applied toward the purchase of a device to denominate
 United States currency; continuing to add large high contrast numerals and
 different background colors to redesigned currency; and, raised tactile
 features may be added to redesigned currency, which would provide users
 with a means of identifying each denomination via touch. More information
 is available at
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>> -- 
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You receiv

The App Switcher And The Keybord Dock.

2011-04-25 Thread Georges Zaynoun

Hello friends!

I am pressing home on the ipad keybord dock and the app switcher is 
coming. Here I wonder, I know I must double tap and hold until I hear 
the sound and editing apps prompt comes, so is there an equivalent to 
double tap and hold from the ipad keybord dock?

Thanks for all help I got previously so long, regards.

Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
Mobile: +46707567315

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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