Re: Frustrating issues/Needs with Skype 5.1 and Voice Over

2011-03-31 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello to everyone who has been so kind, generous and incredibly patient with me 
as I wrestle with this Skype issue which is of crucial importance to me.  
Believe it or not, every comment, no matter how incidental, has helped.  
Yesterday, something important just clicked after rereading all; of the 
postings that all of you have sent to me.  Now, at least, with 100 percent 
reliability, I can always get to the window where, as you VO up and down 
through your contacts, one can place a call in which the web camera is 
automatically on as soon as the other party answers.

So now, hopefully, with all of your ongoing help, not to mention your 
incredible patience, I'd like to continue working on solving the second crucial 
issue, i.e. turning on or off the video camera while a conversation is in 

I believe, if nobody minds, I will write a step-by-step process for quickly 
getting to the initial window (the one where you can determine a person's 
status, quickly send text messages, etc.) so that others who went back to 
earlier Skype versions because of frustrations like my own, might be encouraged 
to "re-upgrade."

So now, if anyone still is inclined to render assistance, could you help me 
figure out how  the video camera can be turned on or off during a conversation 
that is already in progress?

Most gratefully yours ... truly!!!

On 30,Mar,2011, at 5:17 AM, Zachary Kline wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> That's just it.  The screen shouldn't appear only when you log on, it should 
> be a fairly constant companion throughout.  Are you using the VO cursor to 
> explore the Skype window?  If your version is the same as mine, you should 
> see a Source List on the left, a splitter, and then something on the right 
> which changes depending on the source selected on the left.  If that source 
> is "Contacts", your offline and online contacts should show up on the right.  
> Note that the labels of online or offline only seem to appear when using the 
> VO cursor keys to navigate.  You'll need to interact with the list, of course.
> As I said, I'm not very familiar with video.  I know it is possible to turn 
> it on and off during a call, as I've occasionally seen the options for doing 
> so, but am not sure of precisely where they are.  I would investigate the 
> splitter suggestions made by others.
> Best,
> Zack.
> On Mar 29, 2011, at 7:55 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Zack, and thanks for responding.
>> Right now, the only way I know of to get to the offline contacts is to do 
>> precisely what you suggested.  I knew about this option, but logging off and 
>> then logging back on, just to get to all of one's contacts, seems arduous, 
>> to say the least.  Then, there is also the issue of being able to reach 
>> someone during another call whose status is set to appear offline, though, 
>> in actuality, they are really online. 
>> In terms of interacting with the toolbar and the Conversation Menu, I have 
>> tried this but have not been successful.  While it is possible to do many 
>> things from within the Conversation Menu, turning off and on the video 
>> camera is not one of them, nor can this be accomplished from the Toolbar.
>> If you go into the Skype preferences, you will most definitely find an 
>> option for allowing your camera to automatically start when you place a 
>> call.  However, this still doesn't give you the ability to turn on and off 
>> the video camera at will.  In my particular situation, this is a show 
>> stopper.
>> Back to the initial login screen: I really like it because it allows you to 
>> right arrow between possible actions for the individual whose Skype name is 
>> currently showing in the contact list.  I am wondering if there is an 
>> approach to making this screen appear whenever the need arises, instead of 
>> just when one has logged on.. 
>> Thank you very much for your kind response, and my best to you.
>> Mike
>> On 28,Mar,2011, at 9:29 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>>> Hi Mike,
>>> I can answer at least some of your questions.  There is a way to see your 
>>> entire contact list in Skype 5.  Whenever I log in, the first thing which 
>>> appears is my entire list, offline and all.  It is useful to think of the 
>>> Skype 5 layout as similar to the iTunes layout, as you have a list of 
>>> categories on the left and a dynamically changing list of options on the 
>>> right, depending on what you select on the left.  I wouldn't mess with any 
>>> view options until you've gotten used to the default layout, which does 
>>> work quite well.
>>> I don't use the web cam much, so I'm afraid I can't help with those 
>>> particular questions.  All I can say is explore the window using the VO 
>>> cursor, and don't overlook the menu bar and particularly the conversation 
>>> menu.
>>> Best,
>>> Zack.
>>> On Mar 28, 2011, at 11:43 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
 I am currently in a rather serious situation where using Skype and

Re: cross platform voice conference client.

2011-03-31 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello Nektarios,

Are you the same Nektarios who was visiting Larry Campbell in the States at the 
same time I was?  If you are, do you remember our bold postulations that 
Graphical User Interfaces would indeed be accessible to blind people soon?  If 
you are the same person, that dates you as much as it does me! :)

Now to your question:
Have you considered the Talking Communities software?  While their Mac client 
isn't as far along as their Windows client, it works well enough, and their 
software is indeed accessible.  Recently, the European Blind Union purchased a 
Talking Communities server of our own so that we could cut down on our 
long-term expenses and increase our level of real time communication amongst 
members and commissions.  We are still in the process of getting things set up 
the way we like them, but we are encouraged that we now have (1) something that 
is accessible and (2) a relationship with a company that is eager to work with 
us and accommodate our accessibility needs.  Our Technology Commission has 
tested and used the server for several meetings now, and we are very satisfied.

By the way, since you own a Mac, it'd be great if you would be willing to 
consider working with Mac users on improving accessibility on the Mac side of 
things.  Accessibility can only improve if Talking Communities gets 
constructive feedback.

Best regards from Austria,

On 31,Mar,2011, at 5:36 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:

> Hi listers.
> I am trying to set up a voice chat client for some blind users here in Greece 
> and I am looking for a suitable client and hosting server. 
> The client must work on both windows and Mac, and must of course be 
> accessible. 
> Is there such a thing? I am looking in to Ventrilo, and it looks promising. 
> Any help is very much appreciated.
> Nektarios.
> -- 
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Re: current mac beta testers

2011-03-31 Thread Ricardo Walker
I don't think Apple even knows the official release date. lol.  They just 
released the developer preview for Lion a month ago.  Apple said it will be out 
this summer.  But I don't think anyone really knows more than that.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Mar 31, 2011, at 12:11 AM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> When is the official release?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Yuma Decaux
> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 4:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: current mac beta testers
> Hi,
> For those who are currently mac developers and testing the latest os and
> respecting the Non Disclosure Agreement, could you please mail me off-list
> to compare notes and bulk send bug reports and requests through the
> developer's portal?
> I have been spending a lot of time writing down all the changes and need to
> compare with other developers so that we can hopefully have these changes
> and fixes made for the official release.
> Best regards,
> Yuma
> -- 
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Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread Charlie Bates
Hello Mark

Thank you very much for your reply. It is such a comfort to know that
someone else in the world understands what I am going through.

I applaude you on your use of JAWS. I have tried to use it in the past
(when I used windows as my main operating system) but I could not get
the hang of it because of all the keystrokes...I ended up going
straight back to zoomtext.

Anyway, I think you are right about forcing myself to use voiceover. I
have tried it before but failed, which is why i only use it when
reading long bodies of text. In the same instance with JAWS, I think a
big part of the issue is not being able to memorise all of the
keyboard shortcuts in order to function fully. I just cant imagine
being able to do everything without a mouse.

Do you know of a good way to learn all of the shortcuts? I mean I know
basic VO commands but i couldn't do half of the stuff that i am used
to doing with my mouse. Do you know of any good VO guides? and
shortcut lists?

Sometimes I laugh at myself. I am legally blind, however, I know I use
my vision before any other senses at times...

Do you use a mac full time? you mentioned that you still use windows -
is it through bootcamp?

Thanks again

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Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread brandt
The macbook Pro has a track pad, thus, no keystrokes required to use 
Voiceover. If you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad, and use voiceover on there, you 
will be fine. Whenever I come in contact and have to use a Mac, that's my 
way of dealing with my unfamiliarity with VO.

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

You can tune in to my show wednesday afternoons at 3 PM UTC by going to

Contact me:

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
Google talk/AIM:
Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
- Original Message - 
From: "Charlie Bates" 

To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

Hello Mark

Thank you very much for your reply. It is such a comfort to know that
someone else in the world understands what I am going through.

I applaude you on your use of JAWS. I have tried to use it in the past
(when I used windows as my main operating system) but I could not get
the hang of it because of all the keystrokes...I ended up going
straight back to zoomtext.

Anyway, I think you are right about forcing myself to use voiceover. I
have tried it before but failed, which is why i only use it when
reading long bodies of text. In the same instance with JAWS, I think a
big part of the issue is not being able to memorise all of the
keyboard shortcuts in order to function fully. I just cant imagine
being able to do everything without a mouse.

Do you know of a good way to learn all of the shortcuts? I mean I know
basic VO commands but i couldn't do half of the stuff that i am used
to doing with my mouse. Do you know of any good VO guides? and
shortcut lists?

Sometimes I laugh at myself. I am legally blind, however, I know I use
my vision before any other senses at times...

Do you use a mac full time? you mentioned that you still use windows -
is it through bootcamp?

Thanks again

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Re: Question about Itunes and audio-books.

2011-03-31 Thread Kevin Shaw
You need to change the metadata in the track's info. Press Command-I on the 
given track and change the track number and the track count. 

for example, 1 of 20, 2 of 20, 3 of 20 and so on. 

Usually, when I import an audio book, I change the info for all of the tracks I 
import. This keeps the book title, author, track count and other information 
static. then, I can go back and ensure all of the tracks are identified 
properly. Set a hot spot on the track number field and the Next button in the 
info dialog and you'll breeze through this process.


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Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread Ricardo Walker

The trackpad commander can only get you so far.  For just basic navigation you 
might be able  to pull it off. .  But you would be missing out on a lot of 
features unless you customize trackpad commander.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Mar 31, 2011, at 7:59 AM, brandt wrote:

> The macbook Pro has a track pad, thus, no keystrokes required to use 
> Voiceover. If you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad, and use voiceover on there, you 
> will be fine. Whenever I come in contact and have to use a Mac, that's my way 
> of dealing with my unfamiliarity with VO.
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> You can tune in to my show wednesday afternoons at 3 PM UTC by going to 
> Contact me:
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> MSN:
> Google talk/AIM:
> Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
> - Original Message - From: "Charlie Bates" 
> To: "MacVisionaries" 
> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:44 PM
> Subject: Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro
>> Hello Mark
>> Thank you very much for your reply. It is such a comfort to know that
>> someone else in the world understands what I am going through.
>> I applaude you on your use of JAWS. I have tried to use it in the past
>> (when I used windows as my main operating system) but I could not get
>> the hang of it because of all the keystrokes...I ended up going
>> straight back to zoomtext.
>> Anyway, I think you are right about forcing myself to use voiceover. I
>> have tried it before but failed, which is why i only use it when
>> reading long bodies of text. In the same instance with JAWS, I think a
>> big part of the issue is not being able to memorise all of the
>> keyboard shortcuts in order to function fully. I just cant imagine
>> being able to do everything without a mouse.
>> Do you know of a good way to learn all of the shortcuts? I mean I know
>> basic VO commands but i couldn't do half of the stuff that i am used
>> to doing with my mouse. Do you know of any good VO guides? and
>> shortcut lists?
>> Sometimes I laugh at myself. I am legally blind, however, I know I use
>> my vision before any other senses at times...
>> Do you use a mac full time? you mentioned that you still use windows -
>> is it through bootcamp?
>> Thanks again
>> Charlie
>> -- 
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> -- 
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Re: cross platform voice conference client.

2011-03-31 Thread erik burggraaf
Ventrilo is what I'm using here and it works great.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-03-30, at 11:36 PM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:

> Hi listers.
> I am trying to set up a voice chat client for some blind users here in Greece 
> and I am looking for a suitable client and hosting server. 
> The client must work on both windows and Mac, and must of course be 
> accessible. 
> Is there such a thing? I am looking in to Ventrilo, and it looks promising. 
> Any help is very much appreciated.
> Nektarios.
> -- 
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I think I broke nambu!!

2011-03-31 Thread trahern culver
hey all i chaingegd my twitter user name to t1_soundwarrior and nambu
doesn't display or post tweets or refresh!! please can some help me
with this problem!!!

kind regards trahern.

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Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread Bryan Jones
Hello Charlie, Mark & All,

I just want to second Mark's post and tell you that forcing myself to begin 
using VoiceOver was a big help. I was a Macbook User in 2005 when my vision 
started to fade, so at that time I used OSX's built-in Zoom and White-on-Black 
functions and then added an external 20 inch monitor. As my vision faded more I 
switched to a 24 inch monitor with a higher brightness rating and better 
ergonomic options. Like Mark, I also used a handheld magnifier when necessary. 
Eventually when my eye started growing tired quickly, I decided to try 
VoiceOver. At first I learned to use it to navigate Mail as it was very simple 
to move through the list of mailboxes and then tab to the list of messages and 
then tab to a message body if I wanted to read it, and then VO would do the 
reading for me. Quite a revelation! I then added navigation of the Finder into 
the VO mix and found that to be pretty simple too. The big find came with 
Safari and the ability to navigate directly to different parts of a webpage 
without needing to mouse around or tab through a bunch of links.

While I am getting to be pretty comfortable with VO keystrokes, I use a lot of 
the standard OSX shortcuts instead of their VO counterparts. I've also added 
trackpad gestures into the mix which you can probably also do if your macbook 
is a fairly recent model. I still sometimes use "traditional" mouse navigation 
via my magic trackpad because that's what I am comfortable with and in my 
mind's eye I know what many of the screen layouts look like, so sometimes I 
just go that route. It's nice to have choices. :)

For learning VO, you might want to start with the VO Help menu, which can be 
accessed by pressing VO + H. You can also get to the VO keyboard commands help 
by pressing VO + K. That'll allow you to press different keys and key 
combinations to hear what they can do. There's a series of VO podcasts by Mike 
Arrigo on and has a series of VO 
podcasts as well.

Best of luck,

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Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread Charlie Bates
Hi there Brian. I actually used to work for Vision Australia. I didn't
even think to check their for a guide! thank you for the suggestion i
will go here now. I also looked on but i couldn't
find the podcasts you mentioned.

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Got my Vestax spin today. It's awesome but...

2011-03-31 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, i have got my Vestax spin today and am trying it out with Djay for Mac, it 
works wonders but i have a couple of questions to those who own a spin or 
similar device:
Is there a way to change modes so that instead of pitch shifting i get time 
stretching when adjusting the speed of tracks? That could be really useful. How 
do i set effect parameters such as what kind of effect and how much to have, 
and plese don't tell me this is impossible, because that would be a serious 
3 how do i have the jog wheels to behave similarly? Now one wheel performs a 
scratching effect on the right turn table and the left one is set to sorta 
gradually stop or how you should put it, is it possible to quickly change the 
behaviour of the jog wheel without having to jump through the hoops of having 
to manually reprogram the interface?
I'd be very greatful for any answer to these questions.

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Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread Colin M
Hi Charlie!
When your on the blind cool tech site, open the rota vo+u and get on the links 
column then just type mac and that will narrow the choices!
You should be able to find Mikes podcast's that way, I think there numbered up 
to 13!
All the best

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 31 Mar 2011, at 14:35, Charlie Bates wrote:

> Hi there Brian. I actually used to work for Vision Australia. I didn't
> even think to check their for a guide! thank you for the suggestion i
> will go here now. I also looked on but i couldn't
> find the podcasts you mentioned.
> -- 
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Re: cross platform voice conference client.

2011-03-31 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Hi there! Yes I am the same one!  and I remember you as well. 
Are you on Skype? If yes, please call me. I wish to talk about this and other 
things. My Skype name is: nmallas
I will look in to this client. 

On Mar 31, 2011, at 12:19 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello Nektarios,
> Are you the same Nektarios who was visiting Larry Campbell in the States at 
> the same time I was?  If you are, do you remember our bold postulations that 
> Graphical User Interfaces would indeed be accessible to blind people soon?  
> If you are the same person, that dates you as much as it does me! :)
> Now to your question:
> Have you considered the Talking Communities software?  While their Mac client 
> isn't as far along as their Windows client, it works well enough, and their 
> software is indeed accessible.  Recently, the European Blind Union purchased 
> a Talking Communities server of our own so that we could cut down on our 
> long-term expenses and increase our level of real time communication amongst 
> members and commissions.  We are still in the process of getting things set 
> up the way we like them, but we are encouraged that we now have (1) something 
> that is accessible and (2) a relationship with a company that is eager to 
> work with us and accommodate our accessibility needs.  Our Technology 
> Commission has tested and used the server for several meetings now, and we 
> are very satisfied.
> By the way, since you own a Mac, it'd be great if you would be willing to 
> consider working with Mac users on improving accessibility on the Mac side of 
> things.  Accessibility can only improve if Talking Communities gets 
> constructive feedback.
> Best regards from Austria,
> Mike
> On 31,Mar,2011, at 5:36 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>> Hi listers.
>> I am trying to set up a voice chat client for some blind users here in 
>> Greece and I am looking for a suitable client and hosting server. 
>> The client must work on both windows and Mac, and must of course be 
>> accessible. 
>> Is there such a thing? I am looking in to Ventrilo, and it looks promising. 
>> Any help is very much appreciated.
>> Nektarios.
>> -- 
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> -- 
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changing station in PianoPub

2011-03-31 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all,
This morning I discovered that under preferences you can designate a startup 
station.  As far as I can tell, doing this and restarting the program is the 
only way to change stations with PianoPub.  I'm excited to have an accessible 
Pandora client but it would be nice to do this without restarting the program.  
Has anyone else found other ways to change stations? 


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Re: cross platform voice conference client.

2011-03-31 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello Nektarios,

We looked at a lot of different things and decided on Talking Communities, not 
only because it was possible to easily speak with large numbers of people, but 
it was also possible to do several other things as well.  If you only want to 
use the client for talking, there are probably a lot of options.  However, we 
needed a solution that allowed us to easily accomplish more than people   
talking to one another.  We needed the ability for moderators to briefly take 
people off to the side and have parallel, simultaneous private conversations 
occurring as well. .  

I am indeed on Skype, and this particular list has been very helpful to me in 
that regard, and it will be my pleasure to call you, chat and just catch up.

Best regards,

On 31,Mar,2011, at 3:58 PM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:

> Hi there! Yes I am the same one!  and I remember you as well. 
> Are you on Skype? If yes, please call me. I wish to talk about this and other 
> things. My Skype name is: nmallas
> I will look in to this client. 
> Nektarios.
> On Mar 31, 2011, at 12:19 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Nektarios,
>> Are you the same Nektarios who was visiting Larry Campbell in the States at 
>> the same time I was?  If you are, do you remember our bold postulations that 
>> Graphical User Interfaces would indeed be accessible to blind people soon?  
>> If you are the same person, that dates you as much as it does me! :)
>> Now to your question:
>> Have you considered the Talking Communities software?  While their Mac 
>> client isn't as far along as their Windows client, it works well enough, and 
>> their software is indeed accessible.  Recently, the European Blind Union 
>> purchased a Talking Communities server of our own so that we could cut down 
>> on our long-term expenses and increase our level of real time communication 
>> amongst members and commissions.  We are still in the process of getting 
>> things set up the way we like them, but we are encouraged that we now have 
>> (1) something that is accessible and (2) a relationship with a company that 
>> is eager to work with us and accommodate our accessibility needs.  Our 
>> Technology Commission has tested and used the server for several meetings 
>> now, and we are very satisfied.
>> By the way, since you own a Mac, it'd be great if you would be willing to 
>> consider working with Mac users on improving accessibility on the Mac side 
>> of things.  Accessibility can only improve if Talking Communities gets 
>> constructive feedback.
>> Best regards from Austria,
>> Mike
>> On 31,Mar,2011, at 5:36 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>>> Hi listers.
>>> I am trying to set up a voice chat client for some blind users here in 
>>> Greece and I am looking for a suitable client and hosting server. 
>>> The client must work on both windows and Mac, and must of course be 
>>> accessible. 
>>> Is there such a thing? I am looking in to Ventrilo, and it looks promising. 
>>> Any help is very much appreciated.
>>> Nektarios.
>>> -- 
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Re: changing station in PianoPub

2011-03-31 Thread Ricardo Walker

you need to interact with the station table, navigate to the station you want 
to switch to then, perform a double click with a trackpad or a mouse.  Note: 
you have to have trackpad commander turned off if using a trackpad, and make 
sure the mouse cursor is over the station name by pressing VO command F5.  Keep 
in mind the last step isn't necessary if you have your mouse cursor set to 
follow your VO cursor in VO utilities under navigation.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Mar 31, 2011, at 10:29 AM, Greg Aikens wrote:

> Hello all,
> This morning I discovered that under preferences you can designate a startup 
> station.  As far as I can tell, doing this and restarting the program is the 
> only way to change stations with PianoPub.  I'm excited to have an accessible 
> Pandora client but it would be nice to do this without restarting the 
> program.  Has anyone else found other ways to change stations? 
> -Greg
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Re: changing station in PianoPub

2011-03-31 Thread Greg Aikens
Ah... the double click.  That's what I was missing.  Clicking once doesn't get 
the job done.  I knew there had to be a better way than the one I found.  

Thanks Ricardo. 

On Mar 31, 2011, at 10:03 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Sure,
> you need to interact with the station table, navigate to the station you want 
> to switch to then, perform a double click with a trackpad or a mouse.  Note: 
> you have to have trackpad commander turned off if using a trackpad, and make 
> sure the mouse cursor is over the station name by pressing VO command F5.  
> Keep in mind the last step isn't necessary if you have your mouse cursor set 
> to follow your VO cursor in VO utilities under navigation.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On Mar 31, 2011, at 10:29 AM, Greg Aikens wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> This morning I discovered that under preferences you can designate a startup 
>> station.  As far as I can tell, doing this and restarting the program is the 
>> only way to change stations with PianoPub.  I'm excited to have an 
>> accessible Pandora client but it would be nice to do this without restarting 
>> the program.  Has anyone else found other ways to change stations? 
>> -Greg
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Re: Safari issues

2011-03-31 Thread carlene knight
Thanks Zach.  We did indeed reinstall Snow Leopard as well.  It might have 
helped with busy signals I was getting across the board in basically every 
program I ran.  So the tab opens even though the computer gives no indication 
that it did?  I think I tried looking that way too, but I will check it out 
again.  Why some pages won't load open though is a mystery to me.  Perhaps it 
is one of the VO settings I changed to help the busy signals, and then just the 
general lag time.  I will do more expeerimenting when I have time.  Thanks 

On Mar 30, 2011, at 12:52 AM, Zachary Kline wrote:

> Hi Carlene,
> As a test, I decided to open a couple pages in different tabs and see how 
> VoiceOver handled them.   I opened Safari and started a new tab with cmd-t, 
> did a Google search in it with cmd-option-f, and then stopped interacting and 
> went up to the top of the window and found the first tab.  I clicked it with 
> vo-space, and it did indeed just tell me the tab was pressed.  I checked back 
> at the HTML content and found, as I expected, the first page I'd started 
> from.  Are you possibly being tripped up by the fact VO isn't making a sound 
> to let you know the HTML content has changed?
> As far as Facebook, I don't use it myself, but have heard on this list and 
> other places that it has its own general accessibility issues.  I wouldn't be 
> surprised if it misbehaved more than average.  
> I'm sorry VO keeps crashing for you.  All I can say is that I don't 
> experience the problem nearly as often as some people seem to, and I use my 
> Macbook Pro extremely heavily.  When I bought it a couple months ago, I 
> decided to jump in and put my old Linux laptop in a drawer.  I haven't pulled 
> it out since.
> Hope this helps.  I wish I had more concrete information for you.  You 
> mentioned redoing your setup from scratch, I suppose that included a complete 
> OS reinstall?  If not, perhaps it's time to try that, after suitable backups 
> of course.  But then again, that is a pretty drastic measure...
> Yours,
> Zack.
> On Mar 29, 2011, at 11:40 PM, carlene knight wrote:
>> Hi Zach:
>> Thanks for your  reply.  I do use cmd+l to load pages also.  I think that 
>> the worst problem I have is when I am loading links from pages that are 
>> already open.  Also, on Facebook in particular, I have a heck of a time 
>> going past the latest news page.  I have turned the load images feature off 
>> in the VO web settings which helped with some of the sites, but now when 
>> loading certain pages like the AP news pages, it will only show the tabs 
>> opened and I have to use the reader, which is fine in most cases, to read an 
>> article.  I don't know what  might happen though when it can't find the 
>> text, which happens sometimes.  Perhaps the page I was trying to load from 
>> Google had some problems, but VO kept saying name of the link and pressed.  
>> If I wanted to go somewhere in a page that loads just showing the tab, I 
>> don't quite know what I would do.  When I try to activate the tab with 
>> vo/spacebar it simply says the name of the tab pressed.  My computer knows I 
>> am complaining as VO just crashed while writing this message.  :)  Sometimes 
>> I just wish things would work as they are supposed too.
>> On Mar 28, 2011, at 2:46 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
> -- 
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Re: Safari issues

2011-03-31 Thread carlene knight
I don't know if it's our server as I listen to internet radio quite a bit with 
no issues, as long as I don't try to load a second tab, especially from mail.  
I just get so frustrated.  Having to restart VO every time I load  pages is 
getting pretty old.  Thanks.
On Mar 29, 2011, at 5:02 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hi. I can't reproduce these issues you speak of here with Safari, although 
> when I'm at school and I try to read messages in gmail on the site, it loads 
> poorly. I don't think it's because of my Mac, I think it's because of the 
> school's wireless network and server.
> Shawn
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Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread Christopher Peppel
Charlie, I wonder if the magic trackpad might be of some help to you.  I tried 
it but couldn't get it to work the way I wanted to.  Just a thought.

On Mar 31, 2011, at 6:44 AM, Charlie Bates wrote:

> Hello Mark
> Thank you very much for your reply. It is such a comfort to know that
> someone else in the world understands what I am going through.
> I applaude you on your use of JAWS. I have tried to use it in the past
> (when I used windows as my main operating system) but I could not get
> the hang of it because of all the keystrokes...I ended up going
> straight back to zoomtext.
> Anyway, I think you are right about forcing myself to use voiceover. I
> have tried it before but failed, which is why i only use it when
> reading long bodies of text. In the same instance with JAWS, I think a
> big part of the issue is not being able to memorise all of the
> keyboard shortcuts in order to function fully. I just cant imagine
> being able to do everything without a mouse.
> Do you know of a good way to learn all of the shortcuts? I mean I know
> basic VO commands but i couldn't do half of the stuff that i am used
> to doing with my mouse. Do you know of any good VO guides? and
> shortcut lists?
> Sometimes I laugh at myself. I am legally blind, however, I know I use
> my vision before any other senses at times...
> Do you use a mac full time? you mentioned that you still use windows -
> is it through bootcamp?
> Thanks again
> Charlie
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Re: Connect to internet over cell network

2011-03-31 Thread Brandon Olivares

I'm sorry if I'm not clear. I guess I'm just wondering if there is any 
alternative that people know of, that At&T might offer instead of Verizon.

My aircard just broke recently, so I was using this opportunity to see what 
else is out there.


On Mar 31, 2011, at 2:18 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hi Brandon.
> I am feeling kind of stupid but I do not understand your question.
> Could you restate it in very specific terms?
> What is it that you want?
> Mark
> On Mar 30, 2011, at 7:15 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks. yes I realize it works. I was wondering if you knew if there was 
>> anything that went through At&T specifically. I'd kind of like to 
>> consolidate everything.
>> Thanks,
>> Brandon
>> On Mar 30, 2011, at 9:41 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>>> Hello Brandon.
>>> I, too, have a Verizon Wireless Air Card that connects to computers via USB 
>>> port.
>>> I use this card successfully on all of my computers including Windows 7 
>>> Desktop, Notebook/net book and MacBook Pro computers.
>>> Mac OS Snow Leopard totally supports this card or, moreover, Verizon 
>>> Wireless provides drivers for this card on the Mac.
>>> Mark
>>> On Mar 30, 2011, at 1:08 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
 I have a Verizon aircard, which basically allows you to connect to the 
 internet from anywhere, using the cell signal. I'm wondering if there is 
 something similar to this specifically for the Mac/Apple products, or 
 goign through At&T?
 Brandon Olivares - Healing the Whole Person
 Spiritual development and healing for all people
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Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Charlie.

It's good to hear from you and I am glad you find my words useful.
As for Windows 7, I have it on several Desktop and net book computers.  As for 
my MacBook Pro, I have Windows 7 installed via VM Ware Fusion.  However, 6 
months or so ago, I used it via Boot Camp.  I regularly install it on Macs for 
clients, when they request it.  In addition to being a Mac developer I also 
beta test for Microsoft; I like having my proverbial feet in both worlds--no 
surprises that way, right?

As for learning VoiceOver:

Well, as long as you remember the VO Help command which is Control+Option+K, 
you are well on your way to the path to VoiceOver bliss.  (Smile)  Just 
remember that the Escape is the only way to get out of Help mode.

I found it extremely useful that I owned an iPhone before purchasing my Mac.  
Why?  Because one can use many of the same gesture based commands on a notebook 
computer that is equipped with the multi-touch trackpad UI.  I almost never use 
the keyboard commands for VO because I never had to learn them.  I am sure that 
were I to use an iMac, I would be much less efficient unless it had an external 
trackpad UI.

Even though I have enough residual vision that technically qualify me as a 
medium-level low-vision person, I learned Braille many, many, many moons ago 
just in case I lost either more or all of my vision.  As a result, I am an avid 
Braille reader and value this skill above all else for it allows me to enjoy 
reading the Snow Leopard user guide comfortably when first switching to the Mac.

Now I use my CCTV daily for reading mail, cooking directions, etc however when 
producing hardcopy material for myself, 99% of the time I select my Braille 
embosser to my printer.  In fact, even as I type this I have my embosser 
working hard.  (Smile)

Do not be afraid to ask people questions if you cannot remember how or what a 
VO command does.

You're right, at first glance, VO does seem less efficient when compared to an 
actual mouse but this is only at first glance in most cases if not all.

In the end, Charlie, it all comes down to the concept of a personal toolkit; 
that is, only you have the power to add new tools to your personal toolkit, no 
one can do it for you.  Remember that switching to VoiceOver will give you more 
power and command in your mobile usage of any Mac.   When you get frustrated 
that you cannot accomplish something with VO because you don't know how and you 
get the almost overwhelming urge to use your mouse, remember that what you're 
experiencing is  nothing more than growing pains; the operative word being 
"growing" for that is what you are doing.

Do not be too hard on yourself for it will take time.  The key tis to be 
consistent and committed to your goal of freeing yourself from the restraints 
of low-vision based computer usage.


On Mar 31, 2011, at 3:44 AM, Charlie Bates wrote:

> Hello Mark
> Thank you very much for your reply. It is such a comfort to know that
> someone else in the world understands what I am going through.
> I applaude you on your use of JAWS. I have tried to use it in the past
> (when I used windows as my main operating system) but I could not get
> the hang of it because of all the keystrokes...I ended up going
> straight back to zoomtext.
> Anyway, I think you are right about forcing myself to use voiceover. I
> have tried it before but failed, which is why i only use it when
> reading long bodies of text. In the same instance with JAWS, I think a
> big part of the issue is not being able to memorise all of the
> keyboard shortcuts in order to function fully. I just cant imagine
> being able to do everything without a mouse.
> Do you know of a good way to learn all of the shortcuts? I mean I know
> basic VO commands but i couldn't do half of the stuff that i am used
> to doing with my mouse. Do you know of any good VO guides? and
> shortcut lists?
> Sometimes I laugh at myself. I am legally blind, however, I know I use
> my vision before any other senses at times...
> Do you use a mac full time? you mentioned that you still use windows -
> is it through bootcamp?
> Thanks again
> Charlie
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Re: Connect to internet over cell network

2011-03-31 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Brandon.

Ah!  I see.

A couple of things to keep in mind, OK?  

I am both an A T & T Wireless subscriber as well as a Verizon Wireless 
subscriber.  As such, I have used A T & T's Air Card.  Generally speaking, 
Verizon's solution is faster.

Should you decide to stay with Verizon's Air Card system, I strongly suggest 
that you get one that is USB based as the non-USB devices have the limitation 
of having to be recharged.  I don't know about you but when I'm out and about, 
the last thing I want to be concerned with is if my Air Card is low on battery 


On Mar 31, 2011, at 8:24 AM, Brandon Olivares wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm sorry if I'm not clear. I guess I'm just wondering if there is any 
> alternative that people know of, that At&T might offer instead of Verizon.
> My aircard just broke recently, so I was using this opportunity to see what 
> else is out there.
> Thanks,
> Brandon
> On Mar 31, 2011, at 2:18 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hi Brandon.
>> I am feeling kind of stupid but I do not understand your question.
>> Could you restate it in very specific terms?
>> What is it that you want?
>> Mark
>> On Mar 30, 2011, at 7:15 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks. yes I realize it works. I was wondering if you knew if there was 
>>> anything that went through At&T specifically. I'd kind of like to 
>>> consolidate everything.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brandon
>>> On Mar 30, 2011, at 9:41 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
 Hello Brandon.
 I, too, have a Verizon Wireless Air Card that connects to computers via 
 USB port.
 I use this card successfully on all of my computers including Windows 7 
 Desktop, Notebook/net book and MacBook Pro computers.
 Mac OS Snow Leopard totally supports this card or, moreover, Verizon 
 Wireless provides drivers for this card on the Mac.
 On Mar 30, 2011, at 1:08 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a Verizon aircard, which basically allows you to connect to the 
> internet from anywhere, using the cell signal. I'm wondering if there is 
> something similar to this specifically for the Mac/Apple products, or 
> goign through At&T?
> Thanks,
> Brandon Olivares
> - Healing the Whole Person
> Spiritual development and healing for all people
> -- 
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RE: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread Kimberly
I'm having trouble getting these podcasts.

When I go to the site and try to access the podcast my machine attempts to
play the podcast and I get hosed up every time. Is there a way to download
the podcast without the computer trying to play it? I wanted to transfer it
to my VR stream, but I can't seem to get that far. Btw I'm doing this on a
windows machine -- I know, I know, oh the horror! Lol! But this is the
machine I have access to right now.

Any help would be appreciated.


-Original Message-
[]On Behalf Of Colin M
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

Hi Charlie!
When your on the blind cool tech site, open the rota vo+u and get on the
links column then just type mac and that will narrow the choices!
You should be able to find Mikes podcast's that way, I think there numbered
up to 13!
All the best

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 31 Mar 2011, at 14:35, Charlie Bates wrote:

> Hi there Brian. I actually used to work for Vision Australia. I didn't
> even think to check their for a guide! thank you for the suggestion i
> will go here now. I also looked on but i couldn't
> find the podcasts you mentioned.
> --
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Re: Safari issues

2011-03-31 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Carlene,

I'm probably teaching my grandmother to suck eggs, but are you quitting greedy 
applications when you're not using them or are you just hiding them? 
Applications such as the iWork suite can slow things down considerably. Also, 
some people forget that just closing all the windows in an application does not 
close the application.



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Re: Got my Vestax spin today. It's awesome but...

2011-03-31 Thread Yuma Decaux

Haven't you checked the podcast i sent you? It answers your questions.

In case i wasn't undestood here goes again"

1-pitch lock is what you want for time stretching. It's on the button top right 
of your pitch slide fader.

2- For effects parametres you use the midi learn function and assign the echo 
or reverb wet/dry and ammount to any knob on your spin.
3-This part i think i forgot to mention, on the back of your spin you got two 
knobs which will adjust the torque of your respective turntables. Dial it 
clockwise looking down at it and your torque will increase and though you can 
scratch the track won't play when you release. More on the right and you aren't 
able to scratch but slowly downplay the track. Strike a position on it which 
fits your scratching style.


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Questions for mark, was Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread Gail the U. S. Male
Hi Mark,
I'm a newbie with the mac, but I read some things in the below e-mail to
Charlie, that sparked questions.  You talked about Braille embossers.  I'm
assuming you're using them on the Mac.  Is this correct?  What about Braille
translation software? Also I see you mention VMWare fusion, for running
windows on the mac.  Are there any other accessible Virtual machine programs
out there?  Fusion is probably the one I'll ultimately end up using, just
because of a couple of demos On blind cool tech, but I like to see if there
are any other choices anyway.  What about games. Are there accessible games
for the Mac?  I'm totally blind, but I agree wholeheartedly with what you
say below!  We all get frustrated, at some point, when it comes to learning
new things, and screen readers, by their very nature are indeed, quite
complicated, but I for one am certainly grateful we have them!  I'm old
enough to remember what it was like before we had personal computers, and
the internet. This sort of information availability was only dreamed of back

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of M. Taylor
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

Hello Charlie.

It's good to hear from you and I am glad you find my words useful.
As for Windows 7, I have it on several Desktop and net book computers.  As
for my MacBook Pro, I have Windows 7 installed via VM Ware Fusion.  However,
6 months or so ago, I used it via Boot Camp.  I regularly install it on Macs
for clients, when they request it.  In addition to being a Mac developer I
also beta test for Microsoft; I like having my proverbial feet in both
worlds--no surprises that way, right?

As for learning VoiceOver:

Well, as long as you remember the VO Help command which is Control+Option+K,
you are well on your way to the path to VoiceOver bliss.  (Smile)  Just
remember that the Escape is the only way to get out of Help mode.

I found it extremely useful that I owned an iPhone before purchasing my Mac.
Why?  Because one can use many of the same gesture based commands on a
notebook computer that is equipped with the multi-touch trackpad UI.  I
almost never use the keyboard commands for VO because I never had to learn
them.  I am sure that were I to use an iMac, I would be much less efficient
unless it had an external trackpad UI.

Even though I have enough residual vision that technically qualify me as a
medium-level low-vision person, I learned Braille many, many, many moons ago
just in case I lost either more or all of my vision.  As a result, I am an
avid Braille reader and value this skill above all else for it allows me to
enjoy reading the Snow Leopard user guide comfortably when first switching
to the Mac.

Now I use my CCTV daily for reading mail, cooking directions, etc however
when producing hardcopy material for myself, 99% of the time I select my
Braille embosser to my printer.  In fact, even as I type this I have my
embosser working hard.  (Smile)

Do not be afraid to ask people questions if you cannot remember how or what
a VO command does.

You're right, at first glance, VO does seem less efficient when compared to
an actual mouse but this is only at first glance in most cases if not all.

In the end, Charlie, it all comes down to the concept of a personal toolkit;
that is, only you have the power to add new tools to your personal toolkit,
no one can do it for you.  Remember that switching to VoiceOver will give
you more power and command in your mobile usage of any Mac.   When you get
frustrated that you cannot accomplish something with VO because you don't
know how and you get the almost overwhelming urge to use your mouse,
remember that what you're experiencing is  nothing more than growing pains;
the operative word being "growing" for that is what you are doing.

Do not be too hard on yourself for it will take time.  The key tis to be
consistent and committed to your goal of freeing yourself from the
restraints of low-vision based computer usage.


On Mar 31, 2011, at 3:44 AM, Charlie Bates wrote:

> Hello Mark
> Thank you very much for your reply. It is such a comfort to know that
> someone else in the world understands what I am going through.
> I applaude you on your use of JAWS. I have tried to use it in the past
> (when I used windows as my main operating system) but I could not get
> the hang of it because of all the keystrokes...I ended up going
> straight back to zoomtext.
> Anyway, I think you are right about forcing myself to use voiceover. I
> have tried it before but failed, which is why i only use it when
> reading long bodies of text. In the same instance with JAWS, I think a
> big part of the issue is not being able to memorise all of the
> keyboard shortcuts in order to function fully. I just cant imagine
> being able to do everything without a mouse.

Re: Got my Vestax spin today. It's awesome but...

2011-03-31 Thread Krister Ekstrom

31 mar 2011 kl. 19.11 skrev Yuma Decaux:

> 1-pitch lock is what you want for time stretching. It's on the button top 
> right of your pitch slide fader.

There's no such button, at least i can't find it. That's probably the 
difference between the bigger model that you have and the one i have.
As for the parameters of the effects, well, i'll have to figure out how to best 
do this.
I'm terribly sorry if it seems as i didn't listen to your podcast, i actually 
did, but i was pressed for time when i did it, and had to leave the podcast 
hoping to return to it later, i think you took it away before i managed to 
listen to it today because when i tried visiting the podcast today the page 
could not be found.

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Re: Hotspots

2011-03-31 Thread Jes Smith
I'm concerned that I did not make the process of setting hotspots clear enough 
in my podcast. Should I redo the entire show?

On Mar 30, 2011, at 10:41 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to set hot spots in voiceover with vo plus the number that I want, 
> but it's not saying hot spot saved. Is there a way to enable hot spots in vo, 
> it doesn't seem to be working here?
> Courtney
> -- 
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Re: Hotspots

2011-03-31 Thread Courtney Curran
Hi Jes,
You did a super job on your podcast, I think I missed the part about pressing 
shift,  I don't believe you should do the whole thing over.
On Mar 31, 2011, at 2:33 PM, Jes Smith wrote:

> I'm concerned that I did not make the process of setting hotspots clear 
> enough in my podcast. Should I redo the entire show?
> On Mar 30, 2011, at 10:41 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to set hot spots in voiceover with vo plus the number that I 
>> want, but it's not saying hot spot saved. Is there a way to enable hot spots 
>> in vo, it doesn't seem to be working here?
>> Courtney
>> -- 
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Re: Hotspots

2011-03-31 Thread Jes Smith
Ah, thank you.

On Mar 31, 2011, at 2:35 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi Jes,
> You did a super job on your podcast, I think I missed the part about pressing 
> shift,  I don't believe you should do the whole thing over.
> Courtney
> On Mar 31, 2011, at 2:33 PM, Jes Smith wrote:
>> I'm concerned that I did not make the process of setting hotspots clear 
>> enough in my podcast. Should I redo the entire show?
>> On Mar 30, 2011, at 10:41 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to set hot spots in voiceover with vo plus the number that I 
>>> want, but it's not saying hot spot saved. Is there a way to enable hot 
>>> spots in vo, it doesn't seem to be working here?
>>> Courtney
>>> -- 
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Re: Got my Vestax spin today. It's awesome but...

2011-03-31 Thread Yuma Decaux
Try finding where the pitch increase/decrease buttons are. They're rounded and 
very small, right next to the pitch slider. either above or under. I have to go 
to my local apple shop today for some hardware so i can ask them if they got a 
spin on display. Will check it out 

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Re: Text Writer

2011-03-31 Thread Esther
Hi Mary,

I'm cc' íng this information about the Text Writer iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch app 
(that is currently free until April 2) to the macvisionaries list.  I'll also 
give the link to this text editing app to preclude multiple post traffic asking 
about this:
• Text Writer (normally $0.99, free until April 2, 2011) by Tai Bereznitsky

You wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> I'm curious if those arrow buttons work for you in text writer. There have 
> been a few complaints in the reviews noting that the up and down arrows don't 
> actually work. It is hard for me to imagine how arrow buttons would work with 
> vo. Of course, since I use a blue tooth keyboard for any but very short text 
> entry, this question is more out of curiosity than it would be for practical 
> use. But in a touch screen environment, I don't understand how arrow buttons 
> work, what they do.
> Mary
I've been experimenting with Text Writer, and the arrow buttons do work, 
although it's a bit confusing to start out with, if you're used to using the 
rotor to navigate through your document and are trying to mix the two.  The 
arrow buttons are meant to function like the arrow keys on your Apple Wireless 
Keyboard and move the insertion point.  So let's take an example of where you 
might want to make an editing change.  

Suppose I have just typed a word, and I've either made a spelling error or 
inadvertently let the the autocorrection feature substitute a different word. 
There's only one or two letters that I need to change, but they're in the 
middle of a long word, so I'd rather not delete and retype most of the word. 
Instead, I use the back arrow button to move my insertion point to the place I 
want to change.  Since you have an iPad, I'll describe the action when I'm 
using the virtual keyboard for the iPad in landscape mode, and using touch 
typing.  I shift my finger to the back arrow key, which is the unlabeled key 
that lies above and to the right of the "u" key of the landscape keyboard, so I 
move my finger diagonally up and to the right to reach the back arrow button.  
(I use my right index finger, but initially I used to move this first to right 
to the "i" key and then up to check the location of the right arrow button, 
which is the last of the unlabeled buttons. The right arrow button is directly 
above the "i" key, but the top row buttons are smaller than the letter keys: 
the 10 keys span the space of 8 letter keys. So the left arrow button is above 
and to the right of the "u", or above and to the left of the "i" key.   Once my 
finger is on the back arrow button, I split tap with another finger, so my 
insertion point moves back one character with each letter.  With each tap, 
VoiceOver announces the letter I've just moved over, just as when I use the 
rotor set to "character".  Once I've reached the incorrect letter, I can handle 
this a few different ways, including just using the delete key.

Here's a neat way to do this with this keyboard:  If I move my finger or flick 
left so that focus is no longer on the unlabeled "left arrow" button, but on 
the "Select" button that is 5 buttons earlier, I can double tap and select the 
letter I just heard VoiceOver announce.  Each successive double tap selects the 
next letter to the right.  So, let's say that I just typed "Merry" instead of 
"Mary".  I touch the unlabeled back arrow key that is above the "u" and "i" 
keys, and split tap back to the "e".  Then I flick left 5 times so that focus 
is moved from the unlabeled "back arrow" button to the "Select" button.  
VoiceOver announces "button" (unlabeled down arrow), "button" (unlabeled up 
arrow), "Home button", "End button", and "Select button".  Now, since this 
button has focus, I double tap twice in succession.  The first double tap 
selects "e", which VoiceOver announces.  The second selects the "r".  At this 
point I could delete the selection, using either the delete key on the virtual 
keyboard, or the "Del" button in the top row of keys, which is just to the 
right of the regular "Home" button of the iPad, when I hold this in landscape 
mode with "Home button to the left".  However, I can just slide my finger to 
the "a" key, and lift it up.  At this point the letter "a" is substituted for 
the "e r" that was selected, and "M e r r y" has turned into "M a r y".  If I 
needed to type more letters than "a" for the substitution, my insertion point 
is correctly placed, and I can just type them.  This is pretty neat, and mimics 
the way that I could edit with the Apple Wireless Keyboard, holding down the 
Shift key to select as I navigate by characters (right or left arrow key 
presses) or words (Option key plus right or left arrow key presses).  Again, if 
I start typing after doing a selection, what I type replaces the selected text. 
 The only real pain in the process is the failure to label the arrow buttons.  
You can copy and paste selected text with

VoiceOver When Used with Preview Questions

2011-03-31 Thread M. Taylor
Hello All,

I must read several very large documents in preview.  The PDF documents are
correctly formatted so I can use the Outline Table to jump from section to

However, at present, all I can seem to do is read from the top of the
document down, or so it seems.  

If memory serves a while back someone posted some very useful VO tips for
working with Preview.  Could someone please repost them or just reply with
some suggestions as to what VO can do with Preview?  

Thank you all in advance.

Most Sincerely,


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Adding PDF files to iBooks

2011-03-31 Thread E.J. Zufelt
Good afternoon,

All of the directions I have read for adding PDFs to iBooks includes dragging 
and dropping the files into iTunes.  Does anyone have the directions for VO 

Everett Zufelt

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Re: -- SPAM --Re: changing station in PianoPub

2011-03-31 Thread David McLean
I haven't been able to get that to work.  I wonder if because I have the latest 
version this doesn't work?
The only way I've found as the other user mentions is the restart the app.  
Clicking on tghe stations doesn't seem to do anything for me.
On Mar 31, 2011, at 11:03 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Sure,
> you need to interact with the station table, navigate to the station you want 
> to switch to then, perform a double click with a trackpad or a mouse.  Note: 
> you have to have trackpad commander turned off if using a trackpad, and make 
> sure the mouse cursor is over the station name by pressing VO command F5.  
> Keep in mind the last step isn't necessary if you have your mouse cursor set 
> to follow your VO cursor in VO utilities under navigation.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On Mar 31, 2011, at 10:29 AM, Greg Aikens wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> This morning I discovered that under preferences you can designate a startup 
>> station.  As far as I can tell, doing this and restarting the program is the 
>> only way to change stations with PianoPub.  I'm excited to have an 
>> accessible Pandora client but it would be nice to do this without restarting 
>> the program.  Has anyone else found other ways to change stations? 
>> -Greg
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RE: VoiceOver When Used with Preview Questions

2011-03-31 Thread M. Taylor
Hello All.

Please disregard my previous message on this.  

I did a quick search and found the previous entries on this subject.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of M. Taylor
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:53 PM
Subject: VoiceOver When Used with Preview Questions

Hello All,

I must read several very large documents in preview.  The PDF documents are
correctly formatted so I can use the Outline Table to jump from section to

However, at present, all I can seem to do is read from the top of the
document down, or so it seems.  

If memory serves a while back someone posted some very useful VO tips for
working with Preview.  Could someone please repost them or just reply with
some suggestions as to what VO can do with Preview?  

Thank you all in advance.

Most Sincerely,


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Intro & a Question

2011-03-31 Thread CJ Daniel
Hello All,

I wanted to introduce myself, as a new MacBook user & member of the list.  I've 
used DOS & then Windows, since '89 or '90 with JAWS.  However, I recently made 
the switch to a MacBook Pro & VoiceOver & I am loving it so far.

Also, I wanted to know if anyone has used Band-in-a-Box for the Mac with 
VoiceOver?  If so, I was wondering what kind of results they had gotten?  I 
used to use the program in Windows with JAWS, but it took a lot of scripts to 
make it happen.  That's about it & I look forward to reading your posts & 
learning with you.

>From sunny & dry southern Arizona,


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Re: VoiceOver When Used with Preview Questions

2011-03-31 Thread Bejarano, Rafael P.
Have you tried interacting with the text? You should be able to read by line, 
using the up- and down-arrow keys. You also should be able to read by word, 
using the lef- and right-arrow keys.

Rafael Bejarano
On Mar 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello All,
> I must read several very large documents in preview.  The PDF documents are
> correctly formatted so I can use the Outline Table to jump from section to
> section.
> However, at present, all I can seem to do is read from the top of the
> document down, or so it seems.  
> If memory serves a while back someone posted some very useful VO tips for
> working with Preview.  Could someone please repost them or just reply with
> some suggestions as to what VO can do with Preview?  
> Thank you all in advance.
> Most Sincerely,
> Mark
> -- 
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RE: Questions for mark, was Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Gail and Welcome.  

I will paste my answers to your questions below:  

You talked about Braille embossers.  I'm assuming you're using them on the
Mac.  Is this correct?

Gail, I do not emboss directly from my Mac.  I have a network setup and my
embosser is on the network.  So, when I'm ready to emboss, I open the
Duxbury Braille translator software either from the Virtual copy of Windows
on my Mac or from an actual PC, then send the job out to the device.  Before
replying, I called Duxbury to see if they have a Mac compatible version of
their software and the answer was/is no.  Perhaps someone else on the list
knows how one can emboss to a Braille device from the Mac.  Since one can
easily attach a refreshable Braille device to the Mac, a translation package
may not even be necessary.  I just don't know.  

Also I see you mention VMWare fusion, for running windows on the mac.  Are
there any other accessible Virtual machine programs out there?

Gail, it has been quite some time since I researched this area.  If memory
serves, I believe some have stated that Parallels is VoiceOver Accessible or
somewhat accessible.  However, since I was a beta tester for VM Ware Fusion
and know for a fact that they are extremely receptive to the needs of the
blind and low vision, whenever reasonably possible, I no longer seek an
additional virtual solution for my Mac.

What about games. Are there accessible games for the Mac?

Gail, while I'm sure there are, I cannot make any suggestions.  Again, I'm
hoping someone on the list will jump in here and make some recommendations.
The only game I have played, so far, is the chess game that is included in
Snow Leopard.  



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Gail the U. S. Male
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:20 AM
Subject: Questions for mark, was Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

Hi Mark,
I'm a newbie with the mac, but I read some things in the below e-mail to
Charlie, that sparked questions.  You talked about Braille embossers.  I'm
assuming you're using them on the Mac.  Is this correct?  What about Braille
translation software? Also I see you mention VMWare fusion, for running
windows on the mac.  Are there any other accessible Virtual machine programs
out there?  Fusion is probably the one I'll ultimately end up using, just
because of a couple of demos On blind cool tech, but I like to see if there
are any other choices anyway.  What about games. Are there accessible games
for the Mac?  I'm totally blind, but I agree wholeheartedly with what you
say below!  We all get frustrated, at some point, when it comes to learning
new things, and screen readers, by their very nature are indeed, quite
complicated, but I for one am certainly grateful we have them!  I'm old
enough to remember what it was like before we had personal computers, and
the internet. This sort of information availability was only dreamed of back

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of M. Taylor
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

Hello Charlie.

It's good to hear from you and I am glad you find my words useful.
As for Windows 7, I have it on several Desktop and net book computers.  As
for my MacBook Pro, I have Windows 7 installed via VM Ware Fusion.  However,
6 months or so ago, I used it via Boot Camp.  I regularly install it on Macs
for clients, when they request it.  In addition to being a Mac developer I
also beta test for Microsoft; I like having my proverbial feet in both
worlds--no surprises that way, right?

As for learning VoiceOver:

Well, as long as you remember the VO Help command which is Control+Option+K,
you are well on your way to the path to VoiceOver bliss.  (Smile)  Just
remember that the Escape is the only way to get out of Help mode.

I found it extremely useful that I owned an iPhone before purchasing my Mac.
Why?  Because one can use many of the same gesture based commands on a
notebook computer that is equipped with the multi-touch trackpad UI.  I
almost never use the keyboard commands for VO because I never had to learn
them.  I am sure that were I to use an iMac, I would be much less efficient
unless it had an external trackpad UI.

Even though I have enough residual vision that technically qualify me as a
medium-level low-vision person, I learned Braille many, many, many moons ago
just in case I lost either more or all of my vision.  As a result, I am an
avid Braille reader and value this skill above all else for it allows me to
enjoy reading the Snow Leopard user guide comfortably when first switching
to the Mac.

Now I use my CCTV daily for reading mail, cooking directions, etc however
when producing hardcopy material for myself, 99% of the time I 

Re: Adding PDF files to iBooks

2011-03-31 Thread Teresa Cochran
hello, Everett,

I simply use copy and paste. Copy from the finder, find your device in Itunes, 
navigate to the device Books folder and paste there. Then select PDFs after 
opening IBooks


On Mar 31, 2011, at 12:56 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> All of the directions I have read for adding PDFs to iBooks includes dragging 
> and dropping the files into iTunes.  Does anyone have the directions for VO 
> users
> Thanks,
> Everett Zufelt
> Follow me on Twitter
> View my LinkedIn Profile
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Re: Frustrating issues/Needs with Skype 5.1 and Voice Over

2011-03-31 Thread Jes Smith
Dear Mike,
I just so happen to have Skype version 2.8. If you would like it, email me off 
list so I can try and send it to you.

On Mar 28, 2011, at 7:15 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Carolyn!
> Hopefully you have red my previous post to mike's question!
> I forgot to mention last time that I've recently upgraded to Skype Version 
> and it has 2 tabs in the main window!
> 1st tab Skype
> 2nd tab address contacts!
> So if you now pick the 2nd tab that will give you a list of your address book 
> numbers for landlines and mobiles and the 1st one gives you your Skype 
> contacts!
> hth Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 28 Mar 2011, at 23:18, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Michael:
>> I'll agree with you that Skype is kind of a mess these days.  I can tell you 
>> I managed to find the off-line contacts as "address book", which I was able 
>> to expand and make some use of.  Be sure to interact with every little thing 
>> when you're exploring the Skype tables.
>> As far as going back to 2.8, my only suggestion would be to try googling for 
>> it.
>> Hope this helps just a little.
>> On Mar 28, 2011, at 12:43 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> I am currently in a rather serious situation where using Skype and its 
>>> video feature is a crucial need.  Unfortunately, I recently downloaded 
>>> Skype 5.1, and its user interface is very very different from earlier 
>>> versions such as 2.8 which, I believe, was the prior stable version.
>>> Here are my questions and needs:
>>> 1.  I can't find a way to navigate to contacts that aren't online.  I've 
>>> tried going through some of the view options, but the best I can do is 
>>> either get a list of current online contacts or a history of recent 
>>> contacts with whom I have had conversations.  It is important for me to 
>>> gain access to my entire Skype contact list.
>>> 2.  I cannot find a way to easily turn on my web camera while conversing 
>>> with someone on Skype.  In previous versions, I could use the Voice Over 
>>> Find command to get to the video button.  In the current version of Skype, 
>>> the option to turn on and off the video at random is visually there, but I 
>>> have thus far been able to get Voice Over to go to it.  I know that some 
>>> people have had luck, but for me, it has been hit and miss--mostly miss.  
>>> Unfortunately,use of the web camera is crucially important for me, and I am 
>>> at a loss as to how to configure Skype 5.1 so that I can quickly turn on 
>>> and off the web camera.  Using the Skype preference of having the web 
>>> camera automatically be turned on when I call someone is not always an 
>>> option, so I need to be able to turn this feature on and off at will.
>>> 3.  If it will be necessary for me to go back to an older version of Skype, 
>>> where can I find it?
>>> If I sound desperate, I am.  For professional reasons, I need these 
>>> capabilities.
>>> My best to all,
>>> Mike
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Skype 2.8 will be available for seven days if anyone on list needs it.

2011-03-31 Thread Jes Smith
Hello everyone,

Today is March 31st, 2011. Seeing as there are people who may need Skype 2.8, I 
will make it available to you for one week. IF you need it, go to the following 
Again, this is only for one week. after that, the file will no longer be 
Take care.

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RE: Hotspots

2011-03-31 Thread Gail the U. S. Male
Where can I find your podcast? Thanks.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jes Smith
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: Hotspots

Ah, thank you.

On Mar 31, 2011, at 2:35 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi Jes,
> You did a super job on your podcast, I think I missed the part about
pressing shift,  I don't believe you should do the whole thing over.
> Courtney
> On Mar 31, 2011, at 2:33 PM, Jes Smith wrote:
>> I'm concerned that I did not make the process of setting hotspots clear
enough in my podcast. Should I redo the entire show?
>> On Mar 30, 2011, at 10:41 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to set hot spots in voiceover with vo plus the number that I
want, but it's not saying hot spot saved. Is there a way to enable hot spots
in vo, it doesn't seem to be working here?
>>> Courtney
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Re: VoiceOver When Used with Preview Questions

2011-03-31 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Mark:

If not, you may find pdf info in the group archives.

On Mar 31, 2011, at 1:53 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello All,
> I must read several very large documents in preview.  The PDF documents are
> correctly formatted so I can use the Outline Table to jump from section to
> section.
> However, at present, all I can seem to do is read from the top of the
> document down, or so it seems.  
> If memory serves a while back someone posted some very useful VO tips for
> working with Preview.  Could someone please repost them or just reply with
> some suggestions as to what VO can do with Preview?  
> Thank you all in advance.
> Most Sincerely,
> Mark
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Re: Navigon and GPS reception

2011-03-31 Thread Mike Arrigo
I've seen this with the TomTom app, uninstalling and reinstalling the app fixed 
On Mar 30, 2011, at 6:43 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good morning,
> I found the podcast on BCT about the GPS options for iOS.  It was helpful.
> I have been playing with Navigon on my iPhone 3G S and every time I try to 
> start a route it tells me that GPS reception is not sufficient.  It doesn't 
> matter if I am inside, outside, or in a vehicle, reception has never been 
> sufficient.  It does seem to appropriately identify nearby POIs, so GPS must 
> be working to some degree.   Curious if anyone else has had this problem and 
> if they know of a solution.
> Thanks,
> Everett Zufelt
> Follow me on Twitter
> View my LinkedIn Profile
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Re: Questions for mark, was Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread Charlie Bates

Does VO work in Vmware? I tried it once but was not able to get it to
go into the window

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Re: Questions for mark, was Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Charlie.

In effect, the answer is No.  VoiceOver does not work in a virtual instance of 

On Mar 31, 2011, at 5:38 PM, Charlie Bates wrote:

> Does VO work in Vmware? I tried it once but was not able to get it to
> go into the window
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Re: Got my Vestax spin today. It's awesome but...

2011-03-31 Thread MichaelThurman
Ian notfamiliar worthwhile socanyoudescribeitforme 

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 31, 2011, at 1:11 PM, Yuma Decaux  wrote:

> Christer,
> Haven't you checked the podcast i sent you? It answers your questions.
> In case i wasn't undestood here goes again"
> 1-pitch lock is what you want for time stretching. It's on the button top 
> right of your pitch slide fader.
> 2- For effects parametres you use the midi learn function and assign the echo 
> or reverb wet/dry and ammount to any knob on your spin.
> 3-This part i think i forgot to mention, on the back of your spin you got two 
> knobs which will adjust the torque of your respective turntables. Dial it 
> clockwise looking down at it and your torque will increase and though you can 
> scratch the track won't play when you release. More on the right and you 
> aren't able to scratch but slowly downplay the track. Strike a position on it 
> which fits your scratching style.
> Cheers 
> -- 
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2011-03-31 Thread Sarah May
Hi List!


My name is Sarah.  I'm from Minneapolis, Minnesota and am mostly blind.  For
my birthday, a little over a month ago, I received a Macbook.  I have always
been a PC and Jaws user.  A friend of mine, who visited me this past
September, had his Macbook with him and he used voice over with it.  I
thought it was so cool and seemed more user friendly than Jaws.  So when my
parents gave me the Macbook for my birthday, along with a year's worth of
training over the phone and at the Apple store through Apple cares; I was
utterly amazed and taken aback.  My friend, who introduced me to the Mac,
was in town for my birthday.  My Mom said "your Dad and I thought it would
be a perfect time to give it to you because Mark can help you get acquainted
with it while he's here."  I do love my Macbook and the voice over voices
are so much better than Jaws voice selections by far!  I am having some
frustrations with the Mac, but I knew that would be par for the course,
because I am learning a new type of computer and software.  I alos am unable
to receive my e-mail through my Macbook yet.  For some reason when I try to
set up my G mail account, either I do something wrong, or it just doesn't
want to accept the settings.  Besides that I am navigating Safari quite
well.  I need to call and set up an appointment, with the people at the
Apple store near me, to start my year's worth of training.  I also received
an I-Pod shuffle from my brother along with a twenty-five dollar I-tunes
gift card from my niece and nephew.  So I will be all set with Apple
products.  I don't have an I-phone though.  I looked at one when I needed to
purchase a new phone.  It wouldn't work for me.  I have very short, wide,
and stubby fingers.  When I tried to use the touch screen pad the commands
wouldn't work for me.  So I'm sticking with Verizon.  I have their Haven
phone which I love.


I'm hoping that all you experienced Mac users with voice over will be able
to answer all the questions that is newbie will have for you when I get
stuck in a jam. *smile*  I know that I'll love switching over to the Mac
even though I'll get frustrated from time-to-time.  Also I'm wondering if
any of you are Braille Sense product users?  And if so are you able to use
your Braille Sense product with the Mac?  I have a Braille Sense Plus.  I'm
just curious.


Well, I thought I'd introduce myself by saying hello and look forward in
learning a lot from this list.



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Re: introduction

2011-03-31 Thread ShamelessFanGirl
Welcome aboard. I'm not yet yet an official Mac user myself, but hope to remedy 
that within the next couple of months. I'm waiting to see what is to come for 
the new iMacs, and so am sort of in your position. Welcome to the list 
nevertheless. These are fabulous people, so you'll undoubtedly be given the 
assistance you require.

Twitter: @IndigoCellist
Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 31, 2011, at 8:54 PM, "Sarah May"  wrote:

> Hi List!
> My name is Sarah.  I’m from Minneapolis, Minnesota and am mostly blind.  For 
> my birthday, a little over a month ago, I received a Macbook.  I have always 
> been a PC and Jaws user.  A friend of mine, who visited me this past 
> September, had his Macbook with him and he used voice over with it.  I 
> thought it was so cool and seemed more user friendly than Jaws.  So when my 
> parents gave me the Macbook for my birthday, along with a year’s worth of 
> training over the phone and at the Apple store through Apple cares; I was 
> utterly amazed and taken aback.  My friend, who introduced me to the Mac, was 
> in town for my birthday.  My Mom said “your Dad and I thought it would be a 
> perfect time to give it to you because Mark can help you get acquainted with 
> it while he’s here.”  I do love my Macbook and the voice over voices are so 
> much better than Jaws voice selections by far!  I am having some frustrations 
> with the Mac, but I knew that would be par for the course, because I am 
> learning a new type of computer and software.  I alos am unable to receive my 
> e-mail through my Macbook yet.  For some reason when I try to set up my G 
> mail account, either I do something wrong, or it just doesn’t want to accept 
> the settings.  Besides that I am navigating Safari quite well.  I need to 
> call and set up an appointment, with the people at the Apple store near me, 
> to start my year’s worth of training.  I also received an I-Pod shuffle from 
> my brother along with a twenty-five dollar I-tunes gift card from my niece 
> and nephew.  So I will be all set with Apple products.  I don’t have an 
> I-phone though.  I looked at one when I needed to purchase a new phone.  It 
> wouldn’t work for me.  I have very short, wide, and stubby fingers.  When I 
> tried to use the touch screen pad the commands wouldn’t work for me.  So I’m 
> sticking with Verizon.  I have their Haven phone which I love.
> I’m hoping that all you experienced Mac users with voice over will be able to 
> answer all the questions that is newbie will have for you when I get stuck in 
> a jam. *smile*  I know that I’ll love switching over to the Mac even though 
> I’ll get frustrated from time-to-time.  Also I’m wondering if any of you are 
> Braille Sense product users?  And if so are you able to use your Braille 
> Sense product with the Mac?  I have a Braille Sense Plus.  I’m just curious.
> Well, I thought I’d introduce myself by saying hello and look forward in 
> learning a lot from this list.
> Sarah
> -- 
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RE: introduction

2011-03-31 Thread Sarah May

Thanks for the warm welcome!  It seems like everyone here is very friendly
and helpful to one another.  I wish you luck on purchasing your new I-Mac in
the near future.  I still use my PC with Jaws for e-mail.  I'm hoping in the
near future to remedy the e-mail problem with my Macbook.  Once that problem
is solved; I'll be on it all the time.


Again, thanks for the warm welcome.




[] On Behalf Of ShamelessFanGirl
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: introduction


Welcome aboard. I'm not yet yet an official Mac user myself, but hope to
remedy that within the next couple of months. I'm waiting to see what is to
come for the new iMacs, and so am sort of in your position. Welcome to the
list nevertheless. These are fabulous people, so you'll undoubtedly be given
the assistance you require.


Twitter: @IndigoCellist

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 31, 2011, at 8:54 PM, "Sarah May"  wrote:

Hi List!


My name is Sarah.  I'm from Minneapolis, Minnesota and am mostly blind.  For
my birthday, a little over a month ago, I received a Macbook.  I have always
been a PC and Jaws user.  A friend of mine, who visited me this past
September, had his Macbook with him and he used voice over with it.  I
thought it was so cool and seemed more user friendly than Jaws.  So when my
parents gave me the Macbook for my birthday, along with a year's worth of
training over the phone and at the Apple store through Apple cares; I was
utterly amazed and taken aback.  My friend, who introduced me to the Mac,
was in town for my birthday.  My Mom said "your Dad and I thought it would
be a perfect time to give it to you because Mark can help you get acquainted
with it while he's here."  I do love my Macbook and the voice over voices
are so much better than Jaws voice selections by far!  I am having some
frustrations with the Mac, but I knew that would be par for the course,
because I am learning a new type of computer and software.  I alos am unable
to receive my e-mail through my Macbook yet.  For some reason when I try to
set up my G mail account, either I do something wrong, or it just doesn't
want to accept the settings.  Besides that I am navigating Safari quite
well.  I need to call and set up an appointment, with the people at the
Apple store near me, to start my year's worth of training.  I also received
an I-Pod shuffle from my brother along with a twenty-five dollar I-tunes
gift card from my niece and nephew.  So I will be all set with Apple
products.  I don't have an I-phone though.  I looked at one when I needed to
purchase a new phone.  It wouldn't work for me.  I have very short, wide,
and stubby fingers.  When I tried to use the touch screen pad the commands
wouldn't work for me.  So I'm sticking with Verizon.  I have their Haven
phone which I love.


I'm hoping that all you experienced Mac users with voice over will be able
to answer all the questions that is newbie will have for you when I get
stuck in a jam. *smile*  I know that I'll love switching over to the Mac
even though I'll get frustrated from time-to-time.  Also I'm wondering if
any of you are Braille Sense product users?  And if so are you able to use
your Braille Sense product with the Mac?  I have a Braille Sense Plus.  I'm
just curious.


Well, I thought I'd introduce myself by saying hello and look forward in
learning a lot from this list.



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Re: introduction

2011-03-31 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Well Sarah,  Welcome very much to  the world of Mac.  I am Ray, "The constantly 
barefooted Ray" and, I must say that you made a most excellent choice by 
switching over to the Mac.

Skype very most certainly can be used on the Mac, as very many of us can tell 
you.  You'll find that, when you do experience a necessity to reinstall your 
OS, (a rarity I might add), you can do so with complete accessibility.  That 
alone makes the mac worth it.  Support for Braille devices is mostly plug and 
play.  No need for drivers; except in rare cases.  Again, a most warm welcome 
to the list and to the way cool world of the Mac.  

PS.  You say you have short fingers?  I should think you'd still manage quite 
well with the Iphone.  IN fact, it might amuse you to know that some with large 
hands have complained of the screen size.

Again, a most heart-felt welcome.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:


On Mar 31, 2011, at 7:54 PM, Sarah May wrote:

> Hi List!
> My name is Sarah.  I’m from Minneapolis, Minnesota and am mostly blind.  For 
> my birthday, a little over a month ago, I received a Macbook.  I have always 
> been a PC and Jaws user.  A friend of mine, who visited me this past 
> September, had his Macbook with him and he used voice over with it.  I 
> thought it was so cool and seemed more user friendly than Jaws.  So when my 
> parents gave me the Macbook for my birthday, along with a year’s worth of 
> training over the phone and at the Apple store through Apple cares; I was 
> utterly amazed and taken aback.  My friend, who introduced me to the Mac, was 
> in town for my birthday.  My Mom said “your Dad and I thought it would be a 
> perfect time to give it to you because Mark can help you get acquainted with 
> it while he’s here.”  I do love my Macbook and the voice over voices are so 
> much better than Jaws voice selections by far!  I am having some frustrations 
> with the Mac, but I knew that would be par for the course, because I am 
> learning a new type of computer and software.  I alos am unable to receive my 
> e-mail through my Macbook yet.  For some reason when I try to set up my G 
> mail account, either I do something wrong, or it just doesn’t want to accept 
> the settings.  Besides that I am navigating Safari quite well.  I need to 
> call and set up an appointment, with the people at the Apple store near me, 
> to start my year’s worth of training.  I also received an I-Pod shuffle from 
> my brother along with a twenty-five dollar I-tunes gift card from my niece 
> and nephew.  So I will be all set with Apple products.  I don’t have an 
> I-phone though.  I looked at one when I needed to purchase a new phone.  It 
> wouldn’t work for me.  I have very short, wide, and stubby fingers.  When I 
> tried to use the touch screen pad the commands wouldn’t work for me.  So I’m 
> sticking with Verizon.  I have their Haven phone which I love.
> I’m hoping that all you experienced Mac users with voice over will be able to 
> answer all the questions that is newbie will have for you when I get stuck in 
> a jam. *smile*  I know that I’ll love switching over to the Mac even though 
> I’ll get frustrated from time-to-time.  Also I’m wondering if any of you are 
> Braille Sense product users?  And if so are you able to use your Braille 
> Sense product with the Mac?  I have a Braille Sense Plus.  I’m just curious.
> Well, I thought I’d introduce myself by saying hello and look forward in 
> learning a lot from this list.
> Sarah
> -- 
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Re: Voice Over and Pages

2011-03-31 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey thanks for telling me about converting files to PDF in Pages. My next 
question is is there a way to have only 1 page load or is that strictly an 
Adobe Reader thing?


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Re: Text Writer

2011-03-31 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Dear Esther,
Thanks so much for turning us all on to Textwriter.  While your
explanation was very thorough, I did notice one weird thing.  On my
keyboard, there is no forward delete key in either landscape or
portrait orientation.  I have an iPhone, not an iPad.  Is this the

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Dragon stopped connecting

2011-03-31 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I've been using Dragon all day to make FB posts, send short e-mails,
etc.  Suddenly, right now, while trying to post a reply to a thread on
this forum, Dragon's iPhone app kept saying, "unable to connect to our
system.  Make sure you have an internet connection."  I have an
internet connection.  I was able to read the web, mail, news and
everything else.  I've tried even resetting my profile on Dragon.  I'm
sure that will cause Dragon to forget my voice and have to relearn my
style.  Any idea what's up?  Does Nuance have a limit on how many
times you can use Dragon in a day?  Nothing else makes sense.


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Garage Band Tutorials again please?

2011-03-31 Thread James Malone
Hi guys. Can someone please post the links to the Garage Band tutorials that 
were done a while ago? I seem to have lost them.

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Re: Dragon stopped connecting

2011-03-31 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Sorry, Guys.  For whatever reason, it just started working again out
of the blue.  If it fails again,m I'll let you know.

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Accessible Games For The Mac

2011-03-31 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hi. I was just reading the latest digest for the list and someone asked about 
accessible games for the Mac. And the answer is, yes, there are indeed other 
accessible games for this lovely computer besides Chess. There's a company 
called RS Games that have made their games cross-platformed. Their game client 
includes Monopoly, Uno, Blackjack, and Yatzee. Check them out at and try them out for yourself. The games are 
self-voicing so you can turn off or mute Voice Over.


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Re: Accessible Games For The Mac

2011-03-31 Thread James Malone
Oh, don't forget Audio Quake on the mac. I have yet to try it, but apparently 
its great.
On 01/04/2011, at 4:26 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hi. I was just reading the latest digest for the list and someone asked about 
> accessible games for the Mac. And the answer is, yes, there are indeed other 
> accessible games for this lovely computer besides Chess. There's a company 
> called RS Games that have made their games cross-platformed. Their game 
> client includes Monopoly, Uno, Blackjack, and Yatzee. Check them out at 
> and try them out for yourself. The games are 
> self-voicing so you can turn off or mute Voice Over.
> Shawn
> -- 
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Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-31 Thread Charlie Bates
Hi Kimberly

I am having trouble getting the podcasts to work also. I thought it
was just my machine! :(

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Re: introduction

2011-03-31 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Sarah,

First of all, your BrailleSense will work beautifully with your MacBook, either 
via USB or BlueTooth. I tested one last summer and would have been happy to 
keep it but it was needed by someone else.

When you get more familiar with your Mac, you'll be able to configure VoiceOver 
commands on your BrailleSense to operate your Mac should you wish to.

Now for a couple of useful tips. Control-Option-K turns on Keyboard Help where 
you can press any key and hear what it is, or press any VoiceOver command and 
hear what it does. You leave Keyboard Help by pressing the Escape key at the 
top left corner of your keyboard.

Control-Option-H-H (hold down Control- and Option and press the letter H twice) 
gives you all the VoiceOver commands sorted into menus. Press Return to select 
a command, or Escape to leave the menus.



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video editing program

2011-03-31 Thread Jørgen Skov Nielsen
Hello All
Can anyone recommend
 a program, there is accessible with VoiceOver to edit home video's with.

Best regardsJørgen Skov Nielsen

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Re: video editing program

2011-03-31 Thread Eric Oyen
I use iMovie. its an apple product and complies with the voiceover API.


On Mar 31, 2011, at 11:17 PM, Jørgen Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hello All
> Can anyone recommend
> a program, there is accessible with VoiceOver to edit home video's with.
> Best regardsJørgen Skov Nielsen
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