Re: Unlabeled Flash Player Buttons on [Was, Re: Two unrelated inquiries: Garage band accessibility and unlabeled Flash Player buttons on Web site]

2011-03-30 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Christine,

I suspect you haven't got MouseKeys configured. To do this, open System 
Preferences which is in the Apple menu. Go to the Universal Access pane and 
select Mouse&Trackpad. The first thing you will find when navigating right is 



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Re: Safari issues

2011-03-30 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Carlene,
As a test, I decided to open a couple pages in different tabs and see how 
VoiceOver handled them.   I opened Safari and started a new tab with cmd-t, did 
a Google search in it with cmd-option-f, and then stopped interacting and went 
up to the top of the window and found the first tab.  I clicked it with 
vo-space, and it did indeed just tell me the tab was pressed.  I checked back 
at the HTML content and found, as I expected, the first page I'd started from.  
Are you possibly being tripped up by the fact VO isn't making a sound to let 
you know the HTML content has changed?
As far as Facebook, I don't use it myself, but have heard on this list and 
other places that it has its own general accessibility issues.  I wouldn't be 
surprised if it misbehaved more than average.  
I'm sorry VO keeps crashing for you.  All I can say is that I don't experience 
the problem nearly as often as some people seem to, and I use my Macbook Pro 
extremely heavily.  When I bought it a couple months ago, I decided to jump in 
and put my old Linux laptop in a drawer.  I haven't pulled it out since.
Hope this helps.  I wish I had more concrete information for you.  You 
mentioned redoing your setup from scratch, I suppose that included a complete 
OS reinstall?  If not, perhaps it's time to try that, after suitable backups of 
course.  But then again, that is a pretty drastic measure...
On Mar 29, 2011, at 11:40 PM, carlene knight wrote:

> Hi Zach:
> Thanks for your  reply.  I do use cmd+l to load pages also.  I think that the 
> worst problem I have is when I am loading links from pages that are already 
> open.  Also, on Facebook in particular, I have a heck of a time going past 
> the latest news page.  I have turned the load images feature off in the VO 
> web settings which helped with some of the sites, but now when loading 
> certain pages like the AP news pages, it will only show the tabs opened and I 
> have to use the reader, which is fine in most cases, to read an article.  I 
> don't know what  might happen though when it can't find the text, which 
> happens sometimes.  Perhaps the page I was trying to load from Google had 
> some problems, but VO kept saying name of the link and pressed.  If I wanted 
> to go somewhere in a page that loads just showing the tab, I don't quite know 
> what I would do.  When I try to activate the tab with vo/spacebar it simply 
> says the name of the tab pressed.  My computer knows I am complaining as VO 
> just crashed while writing this message.  :)  Sometimes I just wish things 
> would work as they are supposed too.
> On Mar 28, 2011, at 2:46 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

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Navigon and GPS reception

2011-03-30 Thread E.J. Zufelt
Good morning,

I found the podcast on BCT about the GPS options for iOS.  It was helpful.

I have been playing with Navigon on my iPhone 3G S and every time I try to 
start a route it tells me that GPS reception is not sufficient.  It doesn't 
matter if I am inside, outside, or in a vehicle, reception has never been 
sufficient.  It does seem to appropriately identify nearby POIs, so GPS must be 
working to some degree.   Curious if anyone else has had this problem and if 
they know of a solution.

Everett Zufelt

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purchasing a screenprotector for ipad2

2011-03-30 Thread William Windels
Hello all,

I will have a ipad2 in a few weeks.
I was looking to purchase a screenprotector for the ipad2 from solon.
I would like to buy the protector for a full sized keyboard in landscape mode.

I have red here some posts about purchasing screenprotectors and the problems.
I have also paid to much when I have purchased a screenprotector for the 
iphone4 so, I would like to contact Mr. Maldonado.

He is on my sckypelist but seems never online.
Can I have other contacts from him?

Thanx for your answers,

best regards,
William Windels

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Re: Navigon and GPS reception

2011-03-30 Thread Bryan Jones
Hello Everett,

Here is a link to Navigon's FAQ titled, "How can I improve the GPS signal of my 

Before performing the 7 step process in the FAQ, make sure to try the 
suggestions at the bottom of the FAQ ensuring, of course, that you first have 
Location Services turned on in your iPhone's Settings.


On Mar 30, 2011, at 7:43 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
> I have been playing with Navigon on my iPhone 3G S and every time I try to 
> start a route it tells me that GPS reception is not sufficient.  It doesn't 
> matter if I am inside, outside, or in a vehicle, reception has never been 
> sufficient.  It does seem to appropriately identify nearby POIs, so GPS must 
> be working to some degree.   Curious if anyone else has had this problem and 
> if they know of a solution.

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Re: Navigon and GPS reception

2011-03-30 Thread E.J. Zufelt

I find it extremely doubtful that performing a reset on the phone will actually 
do anything, but it's worth a try.

Thanks again,
Everett Zufelt

Follow me on Twitter

View my LinkedIn Profile

On 2011-03-30, at 9:16 AM, Bryan Jones wrote:

> Hello Everett,
> Here is a link to Navigon's FAQ titled, "How can I improve the GPS signal of 
> my iPhone?"
> Before performing the 7 step process in the FAQ, make sure to try the 
> suggestions at the bottom of the FAQ ensuring, of course, that you first have 
> Location Services turned on in your iPhone's Settings.
> HTH,
> Bryan
> On Mar 30, 2011, at 7:43 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> I have been playing with Navigon on my iPhone 3G S and every time I try to 
>> start a route it tells me that GPS reception is not sufficient.  It doesn't 
>> matter if I am inside, outside, or in a vehicle, reception has never been 
>> sufficient.  It does seem to appropriately identify nearby POIs, so GPS must 
>> be working to some degree.   Curious if anyone else has had this problem and 
>> if they know of a solution.
> -- 
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VoiceOVer hot spots podcast, someone wanted a permenantly link for his webpage?

2011-03-30 Thread Jes Smith
Hi folks,

Someone contacted me, saying  they would like to know when a permenant link was 
available for the podcast I produced on VoiceOVer and hot spots for the Mac. If 
this individual would contact me off list,  I would appreciate it. Thank you.


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Re: Navigon and GPS reception

2011-03-30 Thread Esther
Hi Everett,

Anna Dresner followed that procedure with her iPhone 3GS and reported that 
afterwards Navigon acquired a lock on the GPS signal much faster: typically 
within 30 seconds where previously it took her 10 minutes or more.  This 
process not only resets your memory settings, but reorganizes the currently 
used memory from your back up.  I suspect that it makes the process and timing 
of the GPS acquisition more efficient, since your iPhone is using assisted GPS 
to lock onto the signal. While it didn't affect GPS signal strength, it did 
improve the effectiveness of GPS acquisition speed.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Mar 30, 2011, at 03:31, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Thanks,
> I find it extremely doubtful that performing a reset on the phone will 
> actually do anything, but it's worth a try.
> Thanks again,
> Everett Zufelt
> Follow me on Twitter
> View my LinkedIn Profile
> On 2011-03-30, at 9:16 AM, Bryan Jones wrote:
>> Hello Everett,
>> Here is a link to Navigon's FAQ titled, "How can I improve the GPS signal of 
>> my iPhone?"
>> Before performing the 7 step process in the FAQ, make sure to try the 
>> suggestions at the bottom of the FAQ ensuring, of course, that you first 
>> have Location Services turned on in your iPhone's Settings.
>> HTH,
>> Bryan
>> On Mar 30, 2011, at 7:43 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>>> I have been playing with Navigon on my iPhone 3G S and every time I try to 
>>> start a route it tells me that GPS reception is not sufficient.  It doesn't 
>>> matter if I am inside, outside, or in a vehicle, reception has never been 
>>> sufficient.  It does seem to appropriately identify nearby POIs, so GPS 
>>> must be working to some degree.   Curious if anyone else has had this 
>>> problem and if they know of a solution.

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Re: Introducing myself, and a couple of questions

2011-03-30 Thread Ashley Cox

that's the one i was thinking of!
ALso, OWC is a great site, so is
though I think they may only be in the UK

On 30/03/2011 00:18, Bryan Jones wrote:

Hi Gail,

Ashley's response regarding the older Mac Mini should work for you as far as 
opening it up. I think the tool she was referring to is a putty knife.
Also, there are lots of websites that list the compatible RAM and hard drives. 
My personal favorite is Other World Computing at
On that site, select the link labeled "Memory, RAM, SD." Then select Mac Mini 
and then Mac Mini 2007 - 2008. There you will find more specs and options for RAM and 
hard drive upgrades. A quick look shows that model can physically accept up to 4 GB RAM 
but is limited to addressing up to 3 GB of that RAM.


On Mar 29, 2011, at 11:08 AM, Gail the U. S. Male wrote:

It's a Macmini2,1
1.83 GHZ intel dual core processor, running 1 GB of ddr2 SDRam consisting of
two 512 MB ram sticks bus speed 667 MHZ, and an 80 GB serial AD * which I'm
assuming is what I know as a sataHard drive  version 10.5.8.  I'm planning
to upgrade to Snow leopard, once I get these other upgrades done. Possibly
sooner!  It has a rubber material on the bottom, if that helps any.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bryan Jones
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: Introducing myself, and a couple of questions

Hi Gail,

Welcome to the List! Some Mac Minis are harder than others to upgrade. Can
you tell us what model of Mini you have, the processor, RAM and hard drive
size / interface? You can find all of this info in the System Profiler
application found in your Applications / Utilities folder. Also tell us what
exact version of OSX you are running. You can find this by choosing the
Apple menu and selecting "About this Mac."


On Mar 28, 2011, at 7:26 PM, Gail the U. S. Male wrote:

2.  I'd love to upgrade both my RAM and my hard drive.  Is the Hard drive


laptop drive?
3. Also, has anyone opened up a Mac Mini, and if so, could you write me


list, and tell me how it opens?

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Getting rid of silent spaces in audio with amadeus pro

2011-03-30 Thread Courtney Curran
I have an audio file that has a lot of silent spaces in it, is there a way to 
get rid of them with Amadeus pro? If so, how can this be done?

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Re: Voice Over and Pages

2011-03-30 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hi Kevin. Yes, the textbook is a doc file but it has pictures in it. I have 
used TextEdit in the past to read this particular text but at the top of it, it 
has a whole bunch of degree signs and other weird symbols. I'm guessing it's 
because of the pictures. And as for converting it into a PDF format, that would 
be ideal if I wanted to read a whole chapter, but I don't plan on doing that 
and I don't want to keep starting all over again from the top. Any other ideas 
or suggestions will be appreciated.


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current mac beta testers

2011-03-30 Thread Yuma Decaux

For those who are currently mac developers and testing the latest os and 
respecting the Non Disclosure Agreement, could you please mail me off-list to 
compare notes and bulk send bug reports and requests through the developer's 

I have been spending a lot of time writing down all the changes and need to 
compare with other developers so that we can hopefully have these changes and 
fixes made for the official release.

Best regards,


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Re: Voice Over and Pages

2011-03-30 Thread Kevin Shaw
HI Shawn,

If you're still looking at reading uninerrupted on the Mac, I'd suggest 
breaking up the document into smaller sections. I do know that you can bookmark 
things in Preview and come back to them. This has worked for me before.

Outside that, I'm not sure if anyone else on the list has a better idea. This 
would be good to know, as I have several long documents I'd like to read 
without having to continually press VO-A to read all.


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Connect to internet over cell network

2011-03-30 Thread Brandon Olivares

I have a Verizon aircard, which basically allows you to connect to the internet 
from anywhere, using the cell signal. I'm wondering if there is something 
similar to this specifically for the Mac/Apple products, or goign through At&T?

Brandon Olivares - Healing the Whole Person
Spiritual development and healing for all people

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Question about Itunes and audio-books.

2011-03-30 Thread Phantom.Vader
Hi people!

I've been importing my audio-books into Itunes, but it sometimes seems
like its getting the files out of order.  Like, it'll list them track
11, track 10, track 20, track 22, like that.  Does anyone know why it
does that and how I can get it to list and play them in the right
order?  Could it have to do with the fact that, after importing them,
I'm multi-selecting them in the "music" table and then re-labelling
the lot as audio-book-files using the investigator?  Should I be doing
them one file at a time instead?

Anyway, any help would be hugely appreciated, as I'd really like to be
able to listen to my favourite books in my Itunes!

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death
your right to say it." (either Thomas Pain or Voltaire)

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Re: Connect to internet over cell network

2011-03-30 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Brandon.

I, too, have a Verizon Wireless Air Card that connects to computers via USB 

I use this card successfully on all of my computers including Windows 7 
Desktop, Notebook/net book and MacBook Pro computers.

Mac OS Snow Leopard totally supports this card or, moreover, Verizon Wireless 
provides drivers for this card on the Mac.

On Mar 30, 2011, at 1:08 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a Verizon aircard, which basically allows you to connect to the 
> internet from anywhere, using the cell signal. I'm wondering if there is 
> something similar to this specifically for the Mac/Apple products, or goign 
> through At&T?
> Thanks,
> Brandon Olivares
> - Healing the Whole Person
> Spiritual development and healing for all people
> -- 
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Re: Connect to internet over cell network

2011-03-30 Thread Brandon Olivares

Thanks. yes I realize it works. I was wondering if you knew if there was 
anything that went through At&T specifically. I'd kind of like to consolidate 


On Mar 30, 2011, at 9:41 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Brandon.
> I, too, have a Verizon Wireless Air Card that connects to computers via USB 
> port.
> I use this card successfully on all of my computers including Windows 7 
> Desktop, Notebook/net book and MacBook Pro computers.
> Mac OS Snow Leopard totally supports this card or, moreover, Verizon Wireless 
> provides drivers for this card on the Mac.
> Mark
> On Mar 30, 2011, at 1:08 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a Verizon aircard, which basically allows you to connect to the 
>> internet from anywhere, using the cell signal. I'm wondering if there is 
>> something similar to this specifically for the Mac/Apple products, or goign 
>> through At&T?
>> Thanks,
>> Brandon Olivares
>> - Healing the Whole Person
>> Spiritual development and healing for all people
>> -- 
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2011-03-30 Thread Courtney Curran
I'm trying to set hot spots in voiceover with vo plus the number that I want, 
but it's not saying hot spot saved. Is there a way to enable hot spots in vo, 
it doesn't seem to be working here?

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Re: Hotspots

2011-03-30 Thread Colin M
Hi Courtney!
I think you have to add shift to your key stroke!
vo+shift+the number and you should be good to go!

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 31 Mar 2011, at 03:41, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to set hot spots in voiceover with vo plus the number that I want, 
> but it's not saying hot spot saved. Is there a way to enable hot spots in vo, 
> it doesn't seem to be working here?
> Courtney
> -- 
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Re: Question about Itunes and audio-books.

2011-03-30 Thread Tim Kilburn

I'm wondering if iTunes is treating your titles as text and thus sorting 
differently than if they were numbers.For example, when sorting textually, 
the following would occur:

Track 1, through Track 20 would sort as Track 1, Track 10, Track 11, Track 12, 
Track 13 on through to Track 19 then Track 2, Track 20, Track 3, Track 4 until 
Track 9.

This happens consistently when sorting textual data because of the placement of 
the digits.

You can usually get around this by using 2 digit Track numbers if the highest 
track does not exceed 99.  Therefore, Track 1 becomes Track 01 (zero-one not 
o-one as it may read) and all other track numbers up to nine also must be 
preceded by the zero.

The way that iTunes itself gets around this is that the numbers precede the 
Song title in the filename but is not displayed in the iTunes Songs Table.  So, 
the folder is named "My Book" with items inside that folder named as 01-Chapter 
1, 02-Chapter 2 and so on.  Using this method, music albums can be played in 
the order that they are on the album and the titles thus do not appear 
alphabetically in the Songs Table.

Long explanation but I'm guessing that this is what's going on for you.  If 
this is not the case, give me a specific example and I'll attempt to replicate 
the issue.



On 2011-03-30, at 7:23 PM, Phantom.Vader wrote:

> Hi people!
> I've been importing my audio-books into Itunes, but it sometimes seems
> like its getting the files out of order.  Like, it'll list them track
> 11, track 10, track 20, track 22, like that.  Does anyone know why it
> does that and how I can get it to list and play them in the right
> order?  Could it have to do with the fact that, after importing them,
> I'm multi-selecting them in the "music" table and then re-labelling
> the lot as audio-book-files using the investigator?  Should I be doing
> them one file at a time instead?
> Anyway, any help would be hugely appreciated, as I'd really like to be
> able to listen to my favourite books in my Itunes!
> -- 
> "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death
> your right to say it." (either Thomas Pain or Voltaire)
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-30 Thread Charlie Bates
Hi everyone

I am struggling a little bit and just wanted to know whether anyone
else is in the same situation.

I have a 2008 iMac and a 2010 Macbook pro. With my low vision, i
generally use the zoom feature on the macs but sometimes use the
voiceover feature when reading long passages of text.

My issue is this:

I hate using my macbook pro and would rather be on my imac. I think
its because the imac has the larger screen so when zoomed it has more
screen to pan across than the macbook pros does. With the macbook pro
being only 15 inches, i find it hard to use when i am zoomed because
you have to navigate around the screen so much.

Does anyone else have this issue? and how do you get over the feeling
of hating the laptop??? because i really would like to use it more.

I hope this makes sense and you can understand what I am getting at?


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cross platform voice conference client.

2011-03-30 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Hi listers.
I am trying to set up a voice chat client for some blind users here in Greece 
and I am looking for a suitable client and hosting server. 
The client must work on both windows and Mac, and must of course be accessible. 
Is there such a thing? I am looking in to Ventrilo, and it looks promising. 
Any help is very much appreciated.


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Re: cross platform voice conference client.

2011-03-30 Thread Rose Morales
I'd love to recommend Teamtalk. It is an awesome client, and there is a mac 
version. There is an early build of it which is almost completely accessible. 
However, if you are looking for complete accessibility on both platforms, 
Ventrilo is still the way to go. I hate to say it, but it's true. I used 
Ventrilo for a few years. It has quite a few cool features. Other than needing 
to pay for a server, there really is nothing I can say against the program.


On Mar 30, 2011, at 11:36 PM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:

> Hi listers.
> I am trying to set up a voice chat client for some blind users here in Greece 
> and I am looking for a suitable client and hosting server. 
> The client must work on both windows and Mac, and must of course be 
> accessible. 
> Is there such a thing? I am looking in to Ventrilo, and it looks promising. 
> Any help is very much appreciated.
> Nektarios.
> -- 
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RE: current mac beta testers

2011-03-30 Thread
When is the official release?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Yuma Decaux
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 4:38 PM
Subject: current mac beta testers


For those who are currently mac developers and testing the latest os and
respecting the Non Disclosure Agreement, could you please mail me off-list
to compare notes and bulk send bug reports and requests through the
developer's portal?

I have been spending a lot of time writing down all the changes and need to
compare with other developers so that we can hopefully have these changes
and fixes made for the official release.

Best regards,


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Re: Question About Downloading Podcasts

2011-03-30 Thread carlene knight

You can choose the episode you want to download, press vo/backslash to expand 
the podcast, vo/shift/m to the context menu, arrow up once and
press  return to download it.  If you want to download all of them, expand the 
podcast list, then while on the podecast hname, press vo/m and arrow up to the 
get all podcasts choice and hit return.  Hope that helps.  On Mar 29, 2011, at 
12:35 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

> Hello listers,
>I just subscribed to a podcast. I know that iTunes will download the 
> latest episode.
>I see a list of "undownloaded" podcasts within the podcast itself. How 
> exactly do I ensure iTunes downloads those episodes, without me going into 
> the iTunes store, searching for the podcast, and manually downloading the 
> missing episodes?
>Any help is appreciated.
> Ezzie Bueno
> (512) 553-8553
> Google Talk:
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Re: Hotspots

2011-03-30 Thread Simon Cavendish
Yes, vo+shift+number of the hot spot, and vo+number to go to the hotspot you 
have already set.
On 31 Mar 2011, at 04:02, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Courtney!
> I think you have to add shift to your key stroke!
> vo+shift+the number and you should be good to go!
> Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 31 Mar 2011, at 03:41, Courtney Curran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to set hot spots in voiceover with vo plus the number that I 
>> want, but it's not saying hot spot saved. Is there a way to enable hot spots 
>> in vo, it doesn't seem to be working here?
>> Courtney
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Re: Hotspots

2011-03-30 Thread Geoff Waaler

I'm not clear on how your post varies from what Colin already said?  If you are 
attempting to add new information, you may want to rephrase it.  If your intent 
was to rehashColin's answer, I would suggest that you consider responding 
privately so as to help minimize the time required for the 658 people 
subscribed to this list to follow it.

I was about to answer Courtney's query, but noticed Colin beat me to the punch 
with a reply that seemed completely responsive, hence I decided not to waste 
everyone's time.

Best regards.

On Mar 31, 2011, at 1:32 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Yes, vo+shift+number of the hot spot, and vo+number to go to the hotspot you 
> have already set.
> On 31 Mar 2011, at 04:02, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi Courtney!
>> I think you have to add shift to your key stroke!
>> vo+shift+the number and you should be good to go!
>> Colin
>> Qapla!
>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>> On 31 Mar 2011, at 03:41, Courtney Curran wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to set hot spots in voiceover with vo plus the number that I 
>>> want, but it's not saying hot spot saved. Is there a way to enable hot 
>>> spots in vo, it doesn't seem to be working here?
>>> Courtney
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Re: Connect to internet over cell network

2011-03-30 Thread M. Taylor
Hi Brandon.

I am feeling kind of stupid but I do not understand your question.

Could you restate it in very specific terms?

What is it that you want?

On Mar 30, 2011, at 7:15 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks. yes I realize it works. I was wondering if you knew if there was 
> anything that went through At&T specifically. I'd kind of like to consolidate 
> everything.
> Thanks,
> Brandon
> On Mar 30, 2011, at 9:41 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello Brandon.
>> I, too, have a Verizon Wireless Air Card that connects to computers via USB 
>> port.
>> I use this card successfully on all of my computers including Windows 7 
>> Desktop, Notebook/net book and MacBook Pro computers.
>> Mac OS Snow Leopard totally supports this card or, moreover, Verizon 
>> Wireless provides drivers for this card on the Mac.
>> Mark
>> On Mar 30, 2011, at 1:08 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have a Verizon aircard, which basically allows you to connect to the 
>>> internet from anywhere, using the cell signal. I'm wondering if there is 
>>> something similar to this specifically for the Mac/Apple products, or goign 
>>> through At&T?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brandon Olivares
>>> - Healing the Whole Person
>>> Spiritual development and healing for all people
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Re: Getting used to the screen on a Macbook pro

2011-03-30 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Charlie.

For many, many years, I used a hand-held magnifier to read my desktop computer 

Then, applications such as ZoomText came on the market and I was glad for I 
thought it would make things better for me.  The issue was that in order for me 
to efficiently navigate the screen I had to keep Zoomtext at a level that was 
too small to read; thus, I continued to use my hand-held magnifier for browsing 
the web, etc.  I also found that it took longer to read long passages with 
Zoomtext for it would beautifully scroll the screen but at a constant rate--not 
good for jumping around the screen.

Then, notebook computers became very popular.  the notebook screens were far 
too small for my hand-held magnifier so Zoomtext was really the only solution.  
To be honest, though, it was so very uncomfortable using notebooks with my 
residual vision.

One day, I was visiting a friend who was totally blind.  I was amazed at how 
fast he could navigate computer screens and browse the web using Jaws.  Up 
until then, I never considered Jaws for it was a solution  for the blind--not 
the low-vision  of which I considered myself.

Returning home I began using my computer but was struck at how much slower I 
was than he.

So, I decided to install Jaws on my notebook.

I won't kid you, I hated it for about 2 weeks.  It was all I could do to keep 
from invoking Zoomtext.  I felt stupid when I could not remember all of the 
commands that one needs to use Jaws well.

Don't get me wrong, I continued to use my usual method on my desktop computer.  
In fact, I purchased a huge monitor but found that this did not help me as much 
as I thought because it forced me to lean further to one side or the other in 
order to track the Insertion point.

One day, someone asked me a question and, without thinking, I went to my 
notebook and found the information more quickly than I had ever before.  After 
that, I began using Jaws to read emails.  I couldn't believe it, I was reading 
them so fast and without straining my eyes or my body.  I realized that I could 
lean back comfortably in my chair and relax as I browsed the web.  What was 
even more important, I could use my notebook without every sighted person in 
the room being abel to see what I was doing.  It was fantastic.

Letting go of my vision as a primary means of using notebook computers was the 
single best thing I've ever done and, I might add, one of the most difficult.

Now I use Jaws and VoiceOver 70% of the time.  In fact, I would not consider 
using Zoomtext or a huge screen on a regular basis, anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy my residual vision and when the proverbial 
bomb drops and I have to know what's going on the screen, I will use my vision 
but only in very specific instances such as when I am beta testing.

My point:  Force yourself to use VoiceOver on your notebook for doing so will 
free you from the constraints and headaches of using your vision.  Making the 
change will not be easy or feel right until it just does.  It's kind of like 
learning a foreign language.  one day, out of nowhere, you will realize that 
you can speak the language.

While I continue to use Jaws 12 and Windows 7 on a daily basis, I can tell you 
that VoiceOver is one of the most eloquent screen reading solutions I've ever 
used and given that I got my first screen reader back in 1986, I've seen them 

Good Luck,

On Mar 30, 2011, at 8:28 PM, Charlie Bates wrote:

> Hi everyone
> I am struggling a little bit and just wanted to know whether anyone
> else is in the same situation.
> I have a 2008 iMac and a 2010 Macbook pro. With my low vision, i
> generally use the zoom feature on the macs but sometimes use the
> voiceover feature when reading long passages of text.
> My issue is this:
> I hate using my macbook pro and would rather be on my imac. I think
> its because the imac has the larger screen so when zoomed it has more
> screen to pan across than the macbook pros does. With the macbook pro
> being only 15 inches, i find it hard to use when i am zoomed because
> you have to navigate around the screen so much.
> Does anyone else have this issue? and how do you get over the feeling
> of hating the laptop??? because i really would like to use it more.
> I hope this makes sense and you can understand what I am getting at?
> Charlie
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