Help with restoring from Time Machine backups please!

2011-03-03 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the Mac life style smile. My Mac was 
repaired, and all my stuff on the hard drive was wiped clean. I have a Time 
Machine backup, but I'm having problems with the drive I did the backup on. 
Some of the files are unusable saying the disc could not be read or written to. 
I'm afraid to sync my Ihpone with the Mac for fear I will lose my addressbook. 
I tried using Migration Assistant to restroe the files, but it says what is 
contained on the backup drive exceeds the Mac's storage capacity. If anhyone 
knows a way to get most of my files back, I'd grately appreciate it. I'm afraid 
my addressbook, music files, and  others are lost forever. Thank you in advance 
for any assistance you can provide.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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Re: Help with restoring from Time Machine backups please!

2011-03-03 Thread Matthew Campbell
You could boot off the install Disk and restore from a time machine backup from 
I haven't done this often enough to give steps on how to do this but you should 
be able to figure it out. If not, maybe someone else could chime in.
One thing that I will coshin you to do is to make sure that the only drive 
connected to your mac is the drive containing the time machine backup. The 
reason I say this is because it is difficult to select which drive to restore 
Hope this helps.

On 2011-03-03, at 7:59 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the Mac life style smile. My Mac 
> was repaired, and all my stuff on the hard drive was wiped clean. I have a 
> Time Machine backup, but I'm having problems with the drive I did the backup 
> on. Some of the files are unusable saying the disc could not be read or 
> written to. I'm afraid to sync my Ihpone with the Mac for fear I will lose my 
> addressbook. I tried using Migration Assistant to restroe the files, but it 
> says what is contained on the backup drive exceeds the Mac's storage 
> capacity. If anhyone knows a way to get most of my files back, I'd grately 
> appreciate it. I'm afraid my addressbook, music files, and  others are lost 
> forever. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
> Sincerely,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
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Re: Editing Tracks in Amadeus

2011-03-03 Thread Jürgen Fleger

just set by pressing CMD + Y the insertion point in Track one where your outro 
should start. paste now the outro from clipboard to a new track by pressing CMD 
+ Option + V. 

Before you should have prepaired the fade in of your outro. Then you can 
flatten the document and you'll get one track.

All the best

Am 02.03.2011 um 23:51 schrieb Sarah Alawami:

> Actually I do everythign in one track. 1. load yoru podcast track. 2. past in 
> yoru intro at the begining. 3. past your outtro at the end. I add silences to 
> mine and stuff but you do not have to do that.
> On Mar 2, 2011, at 2:26 PM, Austin Seraphin wrote:
>> I use Amadeus to do podcasts. So I have a track with my voice. Then ideally 
>> I will have another track with the intro and outro music. I think I've 
>> figured about expanding and collapsing the boxes in the scroll area to tell 
>> it the track(s) on which you wish to work, do I have that right? Anyway, I 
>> can paste the intro in the track fine, but what about the outro? Markers 
>> seem to only apply to one track. Really I want to set the markers in my 
>> voice track, then bring them down to the music track so I can drop in the 
>> outro. This doesn't seem to work. Any help? I read about moving tracks in 
>> the manual, but it only described it with drag and drop gestures. I tried 
>> the drag/drop VoiceOver commands but they didn't work. I suppose I could 
>> compute the length and generate silence then put in the outro, but that 
>> sounds torturous at best, and I know a better way exists. I just have to 
>> learn. Thanks for any guidance anyone can give.
>> - Austin
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Re: Help with restoring from Time Machine backups please!

2011-03-03 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. just copuy and paste from the time machine back up from the shortcut 
called latest. that way you can pick and choose what you want or don't want.

Good luck.
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM:


On Mar 3, 2011, at 5:08 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> You could boot off the install Disk and restore from a time machine backup 
> from there.
> I haven't done this often enough to give steps on how to do this but you 
> should be able to figure it out. If not, maybe someone else could chime in.
> One thing that I will coshin you to do is to make sure that the only drive 
> connected to your mac is the drive containing the time machine backup. The 
> reason I say this is because it is difficult to select which drive to restore 
> from.
> Hope this helps.
> On 2011-03-03, at 7:59 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the Mac life style smile. My Mac 
>> was repaired, and all my stuff on the hard drive was wiped clean. I have a 
>> Time Machine backup, but I'm having problems with the drive I did the backup 
>> on. Some of the files are unusable saying the disc could not be read or 
>> written to. I'm afraid to sync my Ihpone with the Mac for fear I will lose 
>> my addressbook. I tried using Migration Assistant to restroe the files, but 
>> it says what is contained on the backup drive exceeds the Mac's storage 
>> capacity. If anhyone knows a way to get most of my files back, I'd grately 
>> appreciate it. I'm afraid my addressbook, music files, and  others are lost 
>> forever. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
>> Sincerely,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> -- 
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Re: by way of introduction

2011-03-03 Thread Frank Carmickle
Hey Joe

Good to see your still out there.  Haven't heard from you in a long time.  I 
think you will enjoy mac os very much once you learn how voiceover works.  It 
took me a long time.  Do hang in there with it if you get frustrated.

Take care

On Feb 28, 2011, at 11:41 PM, Joseph Norton wrote:

> Hi:
> My name is Joseph Norton, from Dalton, GA.
> As i mentioned before, I have just ordered a new Mac Mini and am anxiously 
> awaiting delivery.
> I have long been a DOS and Windows user and have had experience in Linux, 
> most notably the console mode.  While I have recently played around with ORCA 
> under X-Windows, I have mostly stuck to command-line stuff under Linux.
> From some recent BlindCoolTech podcasts, (Thanks Mike), and from comments of 
> other happy Mac users of VoiceOver, I decided the time had come to learn a 
> new OS.  Also, the fact that I could just go out and buy the computer and not 
> have to spend a dime on another screen-reader was a big deciding factor.  Not 
> to mention the fact that, if I so desire, I can install the OS from scratch, 
> without sighted assistance, if I need to--and I probably will do it, just to 
> get the feel for it.  I may be a bit strange, but, I like to play with 
> installing an OS, trying different ways to configure it, and, even see how I 
> can have more than one OS on the same machine.
> Back a few years ago, I had a machine with Windows 98 SE, Windows XP and 
> Linux.  It was so nice to know that, I had tools for accomplishing different 
> things in each OS, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.  I even had 
> drive images of different versions of Windows so I could troubleshoot.
> One time, for example, I had a friend who spent two hours with AOL tech 
> support because he could not access the Internet through their service.  
> Since he was using Windows 95, I used by image of Windows 95 and was able to 
> duplicate his problem.  I was able to tell him how to access hidden older 
> versions of the AOL software on the CD's they used to send out, which fixed 
> his problem.  The AOL support person did not have a clue what my friend 
> should do.  I had him up and running in 10 minutes or so, after I found out 
> what the problem was.
> Now, I hope to add experience with MAC OS to my learnings.
> I have seen posts on this list and you all seem to be very helpful.  Keep up 
> the good work.  We newbie's out there may need a hint or two along the way.  
> I have already learned some things I might need to know.
> This is probably the longest post from me that you will see.  I apologize if 
> I have taken more time than necessary, but, I will keep it more to the point 
> in the future.
> Again, I can't wait to dive into this new experience.
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
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click to flash

2011-03-03 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Tyler:
Click to flash is a plugin extenuation that, as I understand it, prevents flash 
images from getting in the way of text content on a webpage.  
Flash content on the Mac with voiceover is a no-go.   I also had an experience 
where eventhough I had disabled click to flash, the page images were blocked, 
which seems strange to me.

Carolyn H
On Mar 2, 2011, at 3:11 PM, Tyler wood wrote:

> Click to flash? What is that.
> Speaking of flash on the do you use it, or can you, with vo?
> thanks...
> On 2011-03-02, at 2:29 PM, Justin Ekis wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> For one thing, the voices on the mac will be of a higher quality than on 
>> iOS. Apple insider has samples of the voices. I didn't think much of Jill, 
>> but samantha sounded better than she has on any previous platform, and tom 
>> was just fabulous. I think Tom has a good chance of replacing alex for me. 
>> For those having trouble finding the samples, I think having click to flash 
>> installed makes this kind of thing much easier. Here's the link to the 
>> article.
>> HTTP://
>> Also, I would think that everyone waiting for Alex on iOS will be slightly 
>> disappointed. He will be pleasant to hear for sure, but not up to the 
>> standards we expect of that voice on the mac. I would guess it would be a 
>> marginal improvement over samantha at best. Remember, quality is somewhat 
>> limited by the lower specifications of the device. This is why, for example, 
>> Samantha sounds so terrible on the Victer reader stream and so good on the 
>> iPhone.
>> Nobody need worry about Alex going anywhere. Apple knows Alex is the most 
>> popular voice.
>> Justin
>> On Mar 2, 2011, at 9:27 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> I am not a mac user, but I, too, emailed apple about porting Alex over
>> to the iOS platform since he sounds so much better than Karen or
>> Samantha. I hope they do not get rid of him, and I doubt they will. I
>> heard a rumor (a tweet, actually) that he has been improved in the
>> newest 10.7 beta; not quite as choppy on some syllables and overall
>> smoother. Remember, everyone, to email to
>> express your desire that Alex not be retired, just to be on the safe
>> side!
>> On 3/2/11, carolyn Haas  wrote:
>>> Hi Mary:
>>> I recently wrote to Apple Accessibility regarding voicing.  I inquired about
>>> the possibility of the Alex voice being made available for the iPad.  The
>>> response I got was encouraging in that Accessibility indicated they had
>>> gotten a lot of good feedback about Alex, and they couldn't comment as to
>>> whether he'd be brought over there.  Nothing in their response seemed to
>>> point toward  his being retired, but instead, they , mentioned his
>>> popularity.:)
>>> So, there's a bit of hope for us Alex fans.
>>> Carolyn
>>> On Mar 2, 2011, at 9:46 AM, Mary Otten wrote:
 According to the article found at
 Mac OS 10 offers high quality multi-lingual voices,
 There are going to be a whole lot of high quality voices, in a variety of
 languages, available for download in the next iteration of Apple's os. For
 me, the one possible sour note was the reference to Samantha and Tom as an
 improvement over Alex that we have now. I hope this will not mean that
 Apple will decide to retire Alex in favor of what are, for me at least,
 vastly inferior voices in Samantha and Tom. There will be other English
 voices, the ones we know on the IPhone. Indeed, it sounds like the voices
 that are coming to Lion are those we now have on the I-devices. Great for
 speakers of languages other than English. Great for folks who prefer a
 non-U.S. English reading voice. But a definite leap backwards if they can
 Alex in favor of what's on the IPhone now, even if they include the male
 Mary Otten
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: by way of introduction

2011-03-03 Thread Chris Moore
Welcome to the world of Mac and VoiceoVer, I am sure you will have a lot of 
fun.  You do not have very long to wait for Mac 10.7 (Lion) either which will 
come with even more VoiceOver enhancements and apparently a whole host of new 
voices in various languages.


On 3 Mar 2011, at 16:06, Frank Carmickle wrote:

> Hey Joe
> Good to see your still out there.  Haven't heard from you in a long time.  I 
> think you will enjoy mac os very much once you learn how voiceover works.  It 
> took me a long time.  Do hang in there with it if you get frustrated.
> Take care
> --FC
> On Feb 28, 2011, at 11:41 PM, Joseph Norton wrote:
>> Hi:
>> My name is Joseph Norton, from Dalton, GA.
>> As i mentioned before, I have just ordered a new Mac Mini and am anxiously 
>> awaiting delivery.
>> I have long been a DOS and Windows user and have had experience in Linux, 
>> most notably the console mode.  While I have recently played around with 
>> ORCA under X-Windows, I have mostly stuck to command-line stuff under Linux.
>> From some recent BlindCoolTech podcasts, (Thanks Mike), and from comments of 
>> other happy Mac users of VoiceOver, I decided the time had come to learn a 
>> new OS.  Also, the fact that I could just go out and buy the computer and 
>> not have to spend a dime on another screen-reader was a big deciding factor. 
>>  Not to mention the fact that, if I so desire, I can install the OS from 
>> scratch, without sighted assistance, if I need to--and I probably will do 
>> it, just to get the feel for it.  I may be a bit strange, but, I like to 
>> play with installing an OS, trying different ways to configure it, and, even 
>> see how I can have more than one OS on the same machine.
>> Back a few years ago, I had a machine with Windows 98 SE, Windows XP and 
>> Linux.  It was so nice to know that, I had tools for accomplishing different 
>> things in each OS, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.  I even had 
>> drive images of different versions of Windows so I could troubleshoot.
>> One time, for example, I had a friend who spent two hours with AOL tech 
>> support because he could not access the Internet through their service.  
>> Since he was using Windows 95, I used by image of Windows 95 and was able to 
>> duplicate his problem.  I was able to tell him how to access hidden older 
>> versions of the AOL software on the CD's they used to send out, which fixed 
>> his problem.  The AOL support person did not have a clue what my friend 
>> should do.  I had him up and running in 10 minutes or so, after I found out 
>> what the problem was.
>> Now, I hope to add experience with MAC OS to my learnings.
>> I have seen posts on this list and you all seem to be very helpful.  Keep up 
>> the good work.  We newbie's out there may need a hint or two along the way.  
>> I have already learned some things I might need to know.
>> This is probably the longest post from me that you will see.  I apologize if 
>> I have taken more time than necessary, but, I will keep it more to the point 
>> in the future.
>> Again, I can't wait to dive into this new experience.
>> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
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Re: one liners

2011-03-03 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Ricardo and Sarah:
The one-line type responses are often confusing for readers if they happen upon 
your post before the questioner's post.  That doesn't mean 5 page essays are 
desirable.  But, there are certainly ways of responding to a question such that 
someone just joining a discussion can do so without having to backtrack to see 
where you're coming from.


On Mar 2, 2011, at 4:13 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> I agree.
> sometimes one line responses are all thats necessary.  Example, does the Mac 
> have an option for a blue ray player?  NO it doesn't.  I mean, how much could 
> you say about it?  lol. :)
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On Mar 2, 2011, at 5:58 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> to me if a one liner can explain something and explain it well then go for 
>> it, but if it is just simply, yes then no.
>> example number 1: Yes
>> example 2: 
>> Yes the feature you suggested does work very well with voice over and is 
>> very accessible. All you need to do is tap tap hold and flick to the choice.
>> Ok the second one was not a 1 liner but it is close enough. lol!
>> Take care all.
>> On Mar 2, 2011, at 1:56 PM, Tyler wood wrote:
>>> I agree with the below statement.
>>> And not that I've seen this a lot, but you would think that, considering 
>>> the volume of the list, the one liner messages could be avoided, if at all 
>>> possible - imho, it is common sense.
>>> Again this is just me. It will complicate more than it would solve.
>>> On 2011-03-01, at 1:35 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
 I disagree, this is not consistent but is genearally backwards although 
 lists do it both ways.
 On Mar 1, 2011, at 11:25 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> With respect, I cannot agree.  I say that command+r should reply only to 
> the sender and command+shift+r should reply to the list.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Mar 1, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Justin Ekis wrote:
>> I personally would not like this at all. Most of the time, I want my 
>> reply to go to the list. I think that the default for the reply hotkey 
>> should be the most commonly preferred action. We would have people 
>> sending answers to questions only to the original poster. It would have 
>> to be explained to every new member that the reply button does not do 
>> what is generally expected on a list of this type. Some people don't 
>> even read the welcome message, since it's usually the same instructions. 
>> This would complicate more than it would solve. Please do not change how 
>> list replies work just to avoid a few one-line replies coming to the 
>> list.
>> On Mar 1, 2011, at 11:09 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Alex:
>> I think that would be a great solution.  Let me look into it. 
>> Thanks very much for your understanding and your great suggestion..  
>> Carolyn H
>> :)
>> On Mar 1, 2011, at 11:52 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> In response to a recent thread about keeping one-line "thank-yous" and
>>> similar content off the list, I would like to make a suggestion.
>>> Currently, replying to the sender or replying to all will send a copy
>>> of the message to the list. However, some lists I am on are set up so
>>> that replying to the sender will do just that, reply only to the
>>> sender of the message. To send a message to the list, one must reply
>>> to all. This is a great setup as it allows posters to very easily take
>>> a conversation off the list and keep it going privately; to do so, one
>>> party needs only to reply to sender, instead of reply to all, and the
>>> rest of the list will not see the subsequent messages (unless someone
>>> copies the list address on a message for some reason).
>>> What do people think of setting up this list that way, if possible?
>>> -- 
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>>> -- 
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Re: So, I Believe I hve an iTunes problem, but not sure

2011-03-03 Thread Frank Carmickle

Oh boy.  It's really hard to trouble shoot this.  Way to many variables.  You 
need to make sure that you have itunes set to not sync all content.  I can't 
remember where that setting is right now.  You want to see the table that let's 
you select the items to sync.  Why you are not seeing the phone...  Maybe it is 
configured with a different itunes account than the computer.  That will not 
work.  They have to be the same.


On Mar 2, 2011, at 8:34 AM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> So, yesterday for the first time since getting my MacBook a week and a half 
> ago, I authorized and attempted to sync my iPhone. I removed some albums from 
> my sync list, and attempted to sync.  While I was making the changes, itunes 
> was horribly slow and kept giving me the message "iTunes busy". Then, I hit 
> sync, and received a message that the sync could not take place because the 
> iPhone was not connected.  Yet, it showed up in the Sources list. Also, the 
> capacity bar insisted I was 1.24 gigs over, but I had *removed* items and I 
> had over 5 gig available before.  Is this an iTunes issue, a connection 
> issue, or an iPhone issue? What should I do or attempt?
> Thanks.
> Christine
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Re: Email signatures

2011-03-03 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Louie:
If I'm understanding you correctly, you can set up your signatures with sayings 
and vary them from within apple mail.  You can arrange them under mail 
preferences and pick whichever you want on any given message.


On Mar 2, 2011, at 2:02 PM, louie wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there a application that will  add a saying to my e-mail signature? This 
> saying should change for every new e-mail.
> Thanks
> louie
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Re: Email signatures

2011-03-03 Thread louie
Hi Carolyn,
no that is not correct. What I want to do is have a file of sayings. The saying 
would be picked randomly from this file every time a e-mail is sent and added 
as a  :  signature.
 siiture is selected.

On Mar 3, 2011, at 8:44 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Louie:
> If I'm understanding you correctly, you can set up your signatures with 
> sayings and vary them from within apple mail.  You can arrange them under 
> mail preferences and pick whichever you want on any given message.
> Carolyn
> On Mar 2, 2011, at 2:02 PM, louie wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is there a application that will  add a saying to my e-mail signature? This 
>> saying should change for every new e-mail.
>> Thanks
>> louie
>> -- 
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Vo on speech off

2011-03-03 Thread Christine Grassman
Howdo i reverse?!

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Vo on speech off

2011-03-03 Thread Ricardo Walker
Sounds like you might have muted voiceover.  Try a 3 finger triple tap.  Just 
like on the iPhone.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Mar 3, 2011, at 3:55 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Howdo i reverse?!
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: Email signatures

2011-03-03 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh I've seen those in the  unnamed OS. like tag picker or something? Yeah I've 
been wondering that too.

Take care.
On Mar 3, 2011, at 11:23 AM, louie wrote:

> Hi Carolyn,
> no that is not correct. What I want to do is have a file of sayings. The 
> saying would be picked randomly from this file every time a e-mail is sent 
> and added as a  :  signature.
> siiture is selected.
> On Mar 3, 2011, at 8:44 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Louie:
>> If I'm understanding you correctly, you can set up your signatures with 
>> sayings and vary them from within apple mail.  You can arrange them under 
>> mail preferences and pick whichever you want on any given message.
>> HTH
>> Carolyn
>> On Mar 2, 2011, at 2:02 PM, louie wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Is there a application that will  add a saying to my e-mail signature? This 
>>> saying should change for every new e-mail.
>>> Thanks
>>> louie
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> louie
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Sending from my new Mac

2011-03-03 Thread Joseph Norton
Hi list:

Just to say I'm sending this message from my new mac mini right now.

Hope it works.

VoiceOver rocks!

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Re: Vo on speech off

2011-03-03 Thread Andre Nuno Soares

Ricardo means a three finger double tap :-)

There's a very useful "cheat sheet" in the VO manual:


On Mar 3, 2011, at 9:17 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Sounds like you might have muted voiceover.  Try a 3 finger triple tap.  Just 
> like on the iPhone.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On Mar 3, 2011, at 3:55 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> Howdo i reverse?!
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: some good and some possibly bad news for bo users

2011-03-03 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello joseph,

You already have this with Snow Leopard, and it's a user preference, so you can 
have different users with different languages.
Check system preferences, languages and text.

What we don't get with SL are non-english voices, so long live the Lion King :-)


On Mar 3, 2011, at 12:32 AM, joseph wrote:

> hi list
> having heard that there will be more non english voices in lion, does this 
> mean that these voices would read mac's interface in a particular language, 
> for example, if we have a french voice, would i be able to change mac's 
> interface to french and have all the commands, buttons as well as text red by 
> the french voice?
> best
> On 2 Mar 2011, at 22:57, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Right,
>> And I'm assuming the voices on the Mac would be at a significantly higher 
>> bit rate than those found on IOS.  So you can't really say they will sound 
>> worse just based on how they sound on the IOS platform.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> On Mar 2, 2011, at 1:17 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Guys relax. I heard a sample of the voices and sorry I should have posted 
>>> the article, but someone will. I have to say the new voices sound great and 
>>> certainly no worse than Alex. So, I think we're going to be in for a real 
>>> treat. In fact the voices will be a download option as well, so you won't 
>>> have to have every voice on your machine.
>>> I really think folks will like them. Of course I don't mind the Samantha 
>>> voice on the iOS platform all that much, but hell she grows on you after a 
>>> while; sort of like mold. :)
>>> Scott
>>> On Mar 2, 2011, at 12:58 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 Well, voices are totally subjective, and I can't speak for other 
 languages, but I'd much rather have US espeak than tom or samantha.  To me 
 those voices sound like complete garbage.
 Every ear is different though.  Some of my clients love those voices.  
 Personally I think it will be a grand day when alex is ported to IOS.
 Erik Burggraaf
 User support consultant,
 Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
 On 2011-03-02, at 12:42 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Oh come on, the scansoft voices ain't so bad, be thankful it isn't espeak 
> or Orpheus. I for one think that the swedish scansoft voices are way way 
> better in terms of language treatment than the Infovox ones.
> /Krister
> 2 mar 2011 kl. 17.46 skrev Mary Otten:
>> According to the article found at
>> Mac OS 10 offers high quality multi-lingual voices,
>> There are going to be a whole lot of high quality voices, in a variety 
>> of languages, available for download in the next iteration of Apple's 
>> os. For me, the one possible sour note was the reference to Samantha and 
>> Tom as an improvement over Alex that we have now. I hope this will not 
>> mean that Apple will decide to retire Alex in favor of what are, for me 
>> at least, vastly inferior voices in Samantha and Tom. There will be 
>> other English voices, the ones we know on the IPhone. Indeed, it sounds 
>> like the voices that are coming to Lion are those we now have on the 
>> I-devices. Great for speakers of languages other than English. Great for 
>> folks who prefer a non-U.S. English reading voice. But a definite leap 
>> backwards if they can Alex in favor of what's on the IPhone now, even if 
>> they include the male voice.
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
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Re: Sending from my new Mac

2011-03-03 Thread Cheree
Cheree Heppe here:


As another lister already said:

Long live the Lion king.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 03/03/2011, at 13:24, Joseph Norton  wrote:

> Hi list:
> Just to say I'm sending this message from my new mac mini right now.
> Hope it works.
> VoiceOver rocks!
> -- 
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Re: iTunes question

2011-03-03 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello Matthew,

You seem to have the Mac firewall activated. If this isn't what you want, you 
can turn it off in System Preferences, Security, Firewall tab.

If you want the firewall on, check the "allow signed software to received 
incoming traffic" option, in the Advanced configuration in the same Firewall 

Hope this helps,

On Mar 3, 2011, at 12:16 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello listers.
> I'm wondering if any of you are experiencing this problem.
> When I launch iTunes every time, a dialog comes up asking me if I want to 
> allow incoming connections. This happens with other apps too but when I say 
> allow, for any other app accept iTunes,it never comes up again.
> If any of you are experiencing this, have you found a fix? If not, I guess 
> I'll be sending a bug report to Apple Feedback.
> Thanks for any info.
> Matthew Campbell
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Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Brinkman
Hi listers,

I've had my macbook for a few months now, searched the voiceover help
and listened to a few of the podcasts on blindcooltech.  But I've
found no info on how I can have VO tell me the time.  The only
time-related voice feature I've found is the ability to announce the
time on the quarter-hour, half-hour, or hour in the settings.  Is
there a way to have the time announced when I want to hear it?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?

2011-03-03 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Erick

Yes, Left Option plus T
On Mar 3, 2011, at 5:30 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:

> Hi listers,
> I've had my macbook for a few months now, searched the voiceover help
> and listened to a few of the podcasts on blindcooltech.  But I've
> found no info on how I can have VO tell me the time.  The only
> time-related voice feature I've found is the ability to announce the
> time on the quarter-hour, half-hour, or hour in the settings.  Is
> there a way to have the time announced when I want to hear it?
> Thanks in advance.
> Eric
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Re: Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Brinkman
This doesn't work.  I only have one option key on my Mac (it's the
Macbook Air that came out at the end of October), but it's the second
key to the left of the space bar.  Pressing and holding it and then
pressing T does nothing.


On 3/3/11, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi Erick
> Yes, Left Option plus T
> Donna
> On Mar 3, 2011, at 5:30 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> Hi listers,
>> I've had my macbook for a few months now, searched the voiceover help
>> and listened to a few of the podcasts on blindcooltech.  But I've
>> found no info on how I can have VO tell me the time.  The only
>> time-related voice feature I've found is the ability to announce the
>> time on the quarter-hour, half-hour, or hour in the settings.  Is
>> there a way to have the time announced when I want to hear it?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Eric
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Re: Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?

2011-03-03 Thread Colin M
Hi Eric!
You can enable keyboard commander and allow vo to be controlled by apple 
1, open vo utility vo+f8
2, scroll until you get to the vo controlled by apple scripts button and check 
3, go to the table and interact with it and scroll down to commanders and then 
stop interacting!
4, scroll th the keyboard tab and check it then scroll the enable button and 
check that!
5, you will now need to pick which option key you would like to use it should 
be set on the right one but you can select the left one if you prefer!
6, if you then scroll to the table of items and interact with it you will see 
some preset scripts one of which is read time using the command [ in my case ] 
right option+t!
you will also have the option to make your own shortcuts and seeing you've got 
a mbp there should be trackpad options as well!
anyway I hope thats some help!

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 3 Mar 2011, at 22:30, Eric Brinkman wrote:

> Hi listers,
> I've had my macbook for a few months now, searched the voiceover help
> and listened to a few of the podcasts on blindcooltech.  But I've
> found no info on how I can have VO tell me the time.  The only
> time-related voice feature I've found is the ability to announce the
> time on the quarter-hour, half-hour, or hour in the settings.  Is
> there a way to have the time announced when I want to hear it?
> Thanks in advance.
> Eric
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Re: Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Brinkman
Ah excellent, thanks.  I knew I should've spent more time examining
the different parts of Voiceover Utility.


On 3/3/11, Colin M  wrote:
> Hi Eric!
> You can enable keyboard commander and allow vo to be controlled by apple
> scripts!
> 1, open vo utility vo+f8
> 2, scroll until you get to the vo controlled by apple scripts button and
> check it!
> 3, go to the table and interact with it and scroll down to commanders and
> then stop interacting!
> 4, scroll th the keyboard tab and check it then scroll the enable button and
> check that!
> 5, you will now need to pick which option key you would like to use it
> should be set on the right one but you can select the left one if you
> prefer!
> 6, if you then scroll to the table of items and interact with it you will
> see some preset scripts one of which is read time using the command [ in my
> case ] right option+t!
> you will also have the option to make your own shortcuts and seeing you've
> got a mbp there should be trackpad options as well!
> anyway I hope thats some help!
> Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 3 Mar 2011, at 22:30, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> Hi listers,
>> I've had my macbook for a few months now, searched the voiceover help
>> and listened to a few of the podcasts on blindcooltech.  But I've
>> found no info on how I can have VO tell me the time.  The only
>> time-related voice feature I've found is the ability to announce the
>> time on the quarter-hour, half-hour, or hour in the settings.  Is
>> there a way to have the time announced when I want to hear it?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Eric
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Re: Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?

2011-03-03 Thread Andre Nuno Soares

Just to add to what Donna and Colin said, the fastest way to get the date and 
time without the keyboard commander is to press Control F8 and then left arrow.
Control F8 (or VO M, M) jumps you to the status bar, where you have icons for 
clock, battery, bluetooth, etc.
Pressing left arrow once puts you on the clock icon.
Note that in fact the clock icon is the last one on the row, and the left arrow 
wraps around to the last position. This doesn't happen if you have QuickNav on.


On Mar 3, 2011, at 10:48 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Eric!
> You can enable keyboard commander and allow vo to be controlled by apple 
> scripts!
> 1, open vo utility vo+f8
> 2, scroll until you get to the vo controlled by apple scripts button and 
> check it!
> 3, go to the table and interact with it and scroll down to commanders and 
> then stop interacting!
> 4, scroll th the keyboard tab and check it then scroll the enable button and 
> check that!
> 5, you will now need to pick which option key you would like to use it should 
> be set on the right one but you can select the left one if you prefer!
> 6, if you then scroll to the table of items and interact with it you will see 
> some preset scripts one of which is read time using the command [ in my case 
> ] right option+t!
> you will also have the option to make your own shortcuts and seeing you've 
> got a mbp there should be trackpad options as well!
> anyway I hope thats some help!
> Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 3 Mar 2011, at 22:30, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> Hi listers,
>> I've had my macbook for a few months now, searched the voiceover help
>> and listened to a few of the podcasts on blindcooltech.  But I've
>> found no info on how I can have VO tell me the time.  The only
>> time-related voice feature I've found is the ability to announce the
>> time on the quarter-hour, half-hour, or hour in the settings.  Is
>> there a way to have the time announced when I want to hear it?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Eric
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Re: Sending from my new Mac

2011-03-03 Thread Teresa Cochran
See, there ya go! I sent my first email out about an hour and a half after I 
took it out of the box. What fun.

On Mar 3, 2011, at 1:24 PM, Joseph Norton wrote:

> Hi list:
> Just to say I'm sending this message from my new mac mini right now.
> Hope it works.
> VoiceOver rocks!
> -- 
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Re: Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Brinkman
Oh ok, this is comparable to touching near the top of the screen on
the iPhone (I had an iPhone with VO before I bought this computer).
Thanks!  I'm surprised I didn't find this in the voiceover
documentation.  Makes me think I'm not getting my money's worth out of
this machine.


On 3/3/11, Andre Nuno Soares  wrote:
> Hello,
> Just to add to what Donna and Colin said, the fastest way to get the date
> and time without the keyboard commander is to press Control F8 and then left
> arrow.
> Control F8 (or VO M, M) jumps you to the status bar, where you have icons
> for clock, battery, bluetooth, etc.
> Pressing left arrow once puts you on the clock icon.
> Note that in fact the clock icon is the last one on the row, and the left
> arrow wraps around to the last position. This doesn't happen if you have
> QuickNav on.
> HTH,
> André
> On Mar 3, 2011, at 10:48 PM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi Eric!
>> You can enable keyboard commander and allow vo to be controlled by apple
>> scripts!
>> 1, open vo utility vo+f8
>> 2, scroll until you get to the vo controlled by apple scripts button and
>> check it!
>> 3, go to the table and interact with it and scroll down to commanders and
>> then stop interacting!
>> 4, scroll th the keyboard tab and check it then scroll the enable button
>> and check that!
>> 5, you will now need to pick which option key you would like to use it
>> should be set on the right one but you can select the left one if you
>> prefer!
>> 6, if you then scroll to the table of items and interact with it you will
>> see some preset scripts one of which is read time using the command [ in
>> my case ] right option+t!
>> you will also have the option to make your own shortcuts and seeing you've
>> got a mbp there should be trackpad options as well!
>> anyway I hope thats some help!
>> Colin
>> Qapla!
>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>> On 3 Mar 2011, at 22:30, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>>> Hi listers,
>>> I've had my macbook for a few months now, searched the voiceover help
>>> and listened to a few of the podcasts on blindcooltech.  But I've
>>> found no info on how I can have VO tell me the time.  The only
>>> time-related voice feature I've found is the ability to announce the
>>> time on the quarter-hour, half-hour, or hour in the settings.  Is
>>> there a way to have the time announced when I want to hear it?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Eric
>>> --
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For more options, visit this group at causes safari to crash with VO

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Brinkman
Hello again listers, is a music criticism website that I sometimes read.
However, when I go there on my Mac with VO, I can't seem to navigate
past the first couple of links before Safari crashes.  Starting from
the top of the page, after the "playlist", I hear list end, and when I
try to go further it always crashes.  Does this happen to anyone else?

Thanks in advance.


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litle script question

2011-03-03 Thread William Windels

Can someone help me with a litle bash-script?

I would like to test if there is a txt-file in the current working directory.

I was thinking about the following code for the bashscript:

var=${ls *.txt}  && if [ -n "$var" ]; then echo "yes" else echo "no" ; fi

The error I have here is:
${ls *.txt}: bad substitution

the -n options looks if the variable is not empty , I think.

Could someone help me pls?

Thx for your help,

best regards,
William Windels

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Re: Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?

2011-03-03 Thread joseph
hi, how can you make the mac announce the time automatically at the hour, 
quarter etc?
On 3 Mar 2011, at 22:43, Eric Brinkman wrote:

> This doesn't work.  I only have one option key on my Mac (it's the
> Macbook Air that came out at the end of October), but it's the second
> key to the left of the space bar.  Pressing and holding it and then
> pressing T does nothing.
> Eric
> On 3/3/11, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Erick
>> Yes, Left Option plus T
>> Donna
>> On Mar 3, 2011, at 5:30 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>>> Hi listers,
>>> I've had my macbook for a few months now, searched the voiceover help
>>> and listened to a few of the podcasts on blindcooltech.  But I've
>>> found no info on how I can have VO tell me the time.  The only
>>> time-related voice feature I've found is the ability to announce the
>>> time on the quarter-hour, half-hour, or hour in the settings.  Is
>>> there a way to have the time announced when I want to hear it?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Eric
>>> --
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Re: causes safari to crash with VO

2011-03-03 Thread joseph
same here
On 3 Mar 2011, at 23:34, Eric Brinkman wrote:

> Hello again listers,
> is a music criticism website that I sometimes read.
> However, when I go there on my Mac with VO, I can't seem to navigate
> past the first couple of links before Safari crashes.  Starting from
> the top of the page, after the "playlist", I hear list end, and when I
> try to go further it always crashes.  Does this happen to anyone else?
> Thanks in advance.
> Eric
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Re: litle script question

2011-03-03 Thread Andre Nuno Soares
Hello William,

I'm no expert in shell scripting, but why not just do:
if [ -f *.txt ]; then echo "yes" else echo "no" ; fi


On Mar 3, 2011, at 11:35 PM, William Windels wrote:

> Hello,
> Can someone help me with a litle bash-script?
> I would like to test if there is a txt-file in the current working directory.
> I was thinking about the following code for the bashscript:
> var=${ls *.txt}  && if [ -n "$var" ]; then echo "yes" else echo "no" ; fi
> The error I have here is:
> ${ls *.txt}: bad substitution
> the -n options looks if the variable is not empty , I think.
> Could someone help me pls?
> Thx for your help,
> best regards,
> William Windels
> -- 
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Re: Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?

2011-03-03 Thread Eric Brinkman
Go to the system preferences and select "date and time".  Under the
"clock" tab, there is a check box for announcing time.  Check it and
use the pop-up button next to it to select when you want it announced.


On 3/3/11, joseph  wrote:
> hi, how can you make the mac announce the time automatically at the hour,
> quarter etc?
> On 3 Mar 2011, at 22:43, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> This doesn't work.  I only have one option key on my Mac (it's the
>> Macbook Air that came out at the end of October), but it's the second
>> key to the left of the space bar.  Pressing and holding it and then
>> pressing T does nothing.
>> Eric
>> On 3/3/11, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Hi Erick
>>> Yes, Left Option plus T
>>> Donna
>>> On Mar 3, 2011, at 5:30 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
 Hi listers,

 I've had my macbook for a few months now, searched the voiceover help
 and listened to a few of the podcasts on blindcooltech.  But I've
 found no info on how I can have VO tell me the time.  The only
 time-related voice feature I've found is the ability to announce the
 time on the quarter-hour, half-hour, or hour in the settings.  Is
 there a way to have the time announced when I want to hear it?

 Thanks in advance.


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TrackPad Commander version of the answer [was Re: Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?]

2011-03-03 Thread Esther
Hi Eric,

If you want something close to your iPhone experience, you can use the TrackPad 
Commander gestures to navigate.  You'll find this is particularly efficient in 
moving through items like tables where you would otherwise have to press 
multi-key shortcuts to interact.  Here's the equivalent instructions to the 
ones that Colin gave for navigating through the VoiceOver Utility menu to turn 
on Keyboard Commanders performed with TrackPad Commander gestures.  I'll note 
that you do not have to check the box for "Allow VoiceOver to be controlled 
with AppleScript" under the "General" menu of VoiceOver Utility in order to 
have the time spoken if you use the default Keyboard Commanders time 
definition, so I'll skip this step in my instructions.  However, if you want to 
customize your own AppleScripts for the way time is spoken, or for other 
commands that you add to the Keyboard Commander, you will need to check this 

I think TrackPad Commander is turned on by default for the MacBook Air.  At 
least, it was turned on for the MacBook Air that I set up for someone.  You can 
turn TrackPad Commander on and off either by pressing the VO-keys (Control and 
Option) while making a clockwise rotor gesture with two fingers on the TrackPad 
or by checking the box to "Enable TrackPad Commander" in the Commanders menu of 
VoiceOver Utility (VO-F8). VO+clockwise two finger rotor gesture on the 
TrackPad turns TrackPad Commander on, while VO+counterclockwise two finger 
rotor gesture on the TrackPad turns TrackPad Commander off.

1. Press VO-F8 to bring up VoiceOver Utility.  (I assume that you have your 
keyboard options set so that you don't have to press the "Fn" key together with 
the F8 key to bring up VoiceOver Utility.  If not, go to the "Keyboard" menu of 
System Preferences (Control-F2 or VO-M to the Apple menu bar, arrow down and 
press "s y" to go to the "System Preferences" options and press Return, then 
navigate to the "Keyboard" menu and select with VO-Space.)  On the "Keyboard" 
tab, make sure that you've checked (with VO-Space) the check box for  "Use all 
F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" .  These commands are all given as 
standard VoiceOver sequences, though you can also use TrackPad commander 
gestures to navigate and select, as I'll demonstrate in the following 
2. Press "c" to go to "Commanders", then do a series of one finger flicks right 
on the trackpad to move to the "Keyboard" tab  and double tap to select.  
3. Flick right once to the "Enable Keyboard Commander" check box, and double 
tap to select.
4. Flick right to read the radio button options for selecting either the Right 
or Left Option key to use as the modifier key for Keyboard Commander shortcuts 
and double tap to make your selection
5. Flick right to the table of default Keyboard Commander shortcut definitions 
and interact with the table by doing a two finger swipe to the right on the 
6. Flick right to read the table entries. You can change the action associated 
with a keyboard key (such as "t" for running the AppleScript script 
"TimeofDay") command by double tapping the command menu button, which brings up 
a menu of various other commands you could assign to this key.  Flick up and 
down the categories, and flick right to move into submenus for a category, 
where you can also flick up and down for options, or flick left to go back up 
to the menu category.  Double tap to select a new assignment.  The two finger 
scrub gesture on the trackpad will get you out of the menu (or you can press 
the "escape" key).  
7. Do a two finger swipe left on the trackpad to stop interacting with the 
8. Command-W to the close the window and exit VoiceOver Utility.

Just as with the iPhone and Bluetooth Keyboard support, you can use a 
combination of gestures and keyboard commands for the same actions.  For 
example, if I have Quick Nav turned on, I can move to the next element by 
tapping my right arrow key as well as by flicking.  I can "Read All" with 
either VO-A or a two finger flick up (or down, if it's read all from the 
current position) on the Trackpad.  You can interrupt VoiceOver speaking either 
by pressing the Control key or with the two finger tap on the Trackpad, and 
resume with either the key press (Control) or the gesture (two finger tap on 
the Trackpad).

I don't usually give the instructions this way, since the standard VoiceOver 
keyboard shortcuts are universal, and desktop Macs or older laptops (such as my 
own 13" MacBook) require the Magic TrackPad and Snow Leopard to use the 
TrackPac gestures, while the standard shortcuts work for all versions of 
VoiceOver (back to Tiger!).  However, since Colin and other have given you the 
instructions with keyboard based command options, and since you say you have a 
MacBook Air, and have come to the Mac from the iPhone, these options may feel 
more familiar to you.

To find out more about the TrackPad gestures, check t

Re: Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?

2011-03-03 Thread David McLean
It works if you turn on the keyboard commander first.  
On Mar 3, 2011, at 5:43 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:

> This doesn't work.  I only have one option key on my Mac (it's the
> Macbook Air that came out at the end of October), but it's the second
> key to the left of the space bar.  Pressing and holding it and then
> pressing T does nothing.
> Eric
> On 3/3/11, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Erick
>> Yes, Left Option plus T
>> Donna
>> On Mar 3, 2011, at 5:30 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>>> Hi listers,
>>> I've had my macbook for a few months now, searched the voiceover help
>>> and listened to a few of the podcasts on blindcooltech.  But I've
>>> found no info on how I can have VO tell me the time.  The only
>>> time-related voice feature I've found is the ability to announce the
>>> time on the quarter-hour, half-hour, or hour in the settings.  Is
>>> there a way to have the time announced when I want to hear it?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Eric
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Re: Vo on speech off

2011-03-03 Thread Christine Grassman
The ironic thing is that that is precisely what I tried, but it did not work 
until I did it in the bottom left-hand corner of the panel. I was doing it 
mid-panel and was getting nowhere. (And of course with speech off, I couldn't 
read the vo commands!)

On Mar 3, 2011, at 4:37 PM, Andre Nuno Soares wrote:

> Hello,
> Ricardo means a three finger double tap :-)
> There's a very useful "cheat sheet" in the VO manual:
> HTH,
> André
> On Mar 3, 2011, at 9:17 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Sounds like you might have muted voiceover.  Try a 3 finger triple tap.  
>> Just like on the iPhone.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> On Mar 3, 2011, at 3:55 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> Howdo i reverse?!
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: causes safari to crash with VO

2011-03-03 Thread Bryan Jones
I get the same crash in safari when attempting to navigate that site using VO 
Right Arrow. Tried it with and without click to flash, but no difference. All 
open safari windows close and I am presented with the Apple problem reporter. I 
didn't try any other methods of navigating around the site. I wonder if this 
happens on the latest webkit.
I'm running the latest safari and all SL patches on a unibody mac mini.


On Mar 3, 2011, at 6:34 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:

> Hello again listers,
> is a music criticism website that I sometimes read.
> However, when I go there on my Mac with VO, I can't seem to navigate
> past the first couple of links before Safari crashes.  Starting from
> the top of the page, after the "playlist", I hear list end, and when I
> try to go further it always crashes.  Does this happen to anyone else?
> Thanks in advance.
> Eric
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A more explicit description of my weird iTunes issue

2011-03-03 Thread Christine Grassman
I realize that I should have given more information about what I did before 
giving up in frustration the other night when I could not sync my iPhone. Some 
of the suggestions I received I already tried, e.g., my first try was after 
checking do not sync all content, and I did try powering everything down and 
then back up.  I did see the iPhone in the Sources menu, and initially, the 
summary was correct. I was continually asked whether I wanted to transfer 
purchased items to the library, and I kept telling it to transfer. But when I 
attempted to sync, everything went crazy.  I kept getting the message that the 
iPhone was not connected, even though it was still in the Sources menu. Now 
though, the capacity was completely wrong.  When I disconnected the iPhone, the 
only music on it was the recently purchased music -- 12 songs!  All of my apps 
were unmolested and fine. 
Must I deauthorize my other computer; currently, both are authorized, but I 
only intend to use the Mac for syncing with the iPhone from this point forward, 
with the PC as an unlikely back-up.
Thanks for any further ideas.

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Re: litle script question

2011-03-03 Thread Jim Barbour
Try this...

shopt -s nullglob
# no need for ls, echo is built-in to the shell
var=$( echo *.txt )
if [ -n "$var" ]; then
  echo "yes"
  echo "no"

On Fri, Mar 04, 2011 at 12:35:06AM +0100, William Windels wrote:
> Hello,
> Can someone help me with a litle bash-script?
> I would like to test if there is a txt-file in the current working directory.
> I was thinking about the following code for the bashscript:
> var=${ls *.txt}  && if [ -n "$var" ]; then echo "yes" else echo "no" ; fi
> The error I have here is:
> ${ls *.txt}: bad substitution
> the -n options looks if the variable is not empty , I think.
> Could someone help me pls?
> Thx for your help,
> best regards,
> William Windels
> -- 
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Re: Sending from my new Mac

2011-03-03 Thread Mike Arrigo
Yes, your message came through just fine, congradulations on the new mac mini!
On Mar 3, 2011, at 3:24 PM, Joseph Norton wrote:

> Hi list:
> Just to say I'm sending this message from my new mac mini right now.
> Hope it works.
> VoiceOver rocks!
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Re: causes safari to crash with VO

2011-03-03 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Joseph and Eric:
You may want to drop a note to accessibility@apple.comand let them know.  They 
will often forward things to developers to seek a work-around or getting them 

On Mar 3, 2011, at 5:14 PM, joseph wrote:

> same here
> On 3 Mar 2011, at 23:34, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> Hello again listers,
>> is a music criticism website that I sometimes read.
>> However, when I go there on my Mac with VO, I can't seem to navigate
>> past the first couple of links before Safari crashes.  Starting from
>> the top of the page, after the "playlist", I hear list end, and when I
>> try to go further it always crashes.  Does this happen to anyone else?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Eric
>> -- 
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Re: RFB&D Releases RFB&D Audio iOS App

2011-03-03 Thread Michael Thurman
nls is becoming irrelevant   most of the books I want I can't get through nls 
in digital anyway

On Mar 1, 2011, at 4:01 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> No. nls is under a different set of legislation then rfbd so they in theory 
> will never develop an app for iphone.
> Take care all.
> Sarah Alawami
> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
> for more info. If you need to contact me my 
> info is below.
> MSN and AIM:
> website:
> Podcast:
> youtube:
> On Mar 1, 2011, at 6:06 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
>> hi,
>> can we hope for nls. probably not, but it's a thought.
>> On Mar 1, 2011, at 7:53 AM, Brian Miller wrote:
>>> I think this is an awesome development, and easily worth $20 -- I haven't
>>> tried the app yet, but I will... It just might bring me back to RFB&D again,
>>> a service I haven't used in many  years.  I just hope it isn't under-cooked,
>>> that they didn't roll it out too soon and that it won't be as functional as
>>> it could be.
>>> Brian Miller
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of David Tanner
>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 12:47 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: RFB&D Releases RFB&D Audio iOS App
>>> It's a lot cheaper than a Victor Reader Stream, and it means being able to
>>> do more of what you need to do on one device.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Sarah Alawami" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 6:18 PM
>>> Subject: Re: RFB&D Releases RFB&D Audio iOS App
 tht's true. the bookshare app also will cause $20 so they would spend $40 
 in totle for the bookshare and the rfbd apps. Ouch for some of us.
 On Feb 28, 2011, at 4:03 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> I am in the same boat. I am holding out for the Bookshare app. Still,
> this will be a huge help to all the students who already have iPods
> and iPhones; no more needing a special player just to read books.
> On 2/28/11, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> Thanks. I can't myself justify the $20 cost as I only use them about 1 
>> time
>> a year or so but ah well.
>> On Feb 28, 2011, at 3:02 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Here is the direct link:
>>> On 2/28/11, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
 REad more at the link below. you need to click on the blind bargains 
 though to find the info. good luck.  #a11y #accessibility #news
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>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Verizon to Drop Unlimited iPhone Data Plans as Soon as This Summer

2011-03-03 Thread Michael Thurman
yeah  by the time i can afford an I phone I will get screwed   why am I not 
suprised that verizon wil lbe doing a bait and switch  and if i DID have a 
contract and when I renewed they wouldn't le tme keep unlimited I'm shove the 
phone up the most convenient oriface and give upif the droid keeps getting 
better I'll be gettin gone of those instead I suspect  as it is i can't afford 
to spend almost 100 for a phone

On Mar 1, 2011, at 9:29 PM, James Mannion wrote:

> I really think it is because mobile networks are not able yet to
> handel people putting unlimited demands for data access on them. Any
> network has its upper limits and mobile networks are still less able
> to handel demand than land line networks. If they put limits that
> serve a purpose, but are not over limiting, that keeps people from
> constantly doing things like streaming the most data intensive video
> stuff and whatever else they can fid with no concern of any
> consequences to themselves, bringing down the entire network so nobody
> can do anything and then everybody is left unhappy. People will be a
> little more reasonable with what they do if there is a cost to them.
> Having said that, AT&T's netwrk can not even handel the limited use in
> some areas including the city where I live. During the day I can not
> even pull up a small web page on AT&T's 3g network. It simply times
> out. I can not stream pandora, I can barely use the weather app to
> pull its small amount of data. Since my contract is almost up, I have
> signed on with Verizon and I can tell you that right now their network
> actually works in my area. My understanding is that this exact
> situation is not uncommon at all. Maybe Verizon will manage their
> resources and growth in a way that does not create another AT&T.
> On 3/1/11, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> what's the theory behind VZ droping its unlimited data plan? read more:
>> --
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Re: Verizon to Drop Unlimited iPhone Data Plans as Soon as This Summer

2011-03-03 Thread Wes Smith

I usually don't chime in like  this BUT:
OMG.  Can we learn how to use commas and please spell check?  I mean really!  
Come on people!  It's nothing new, using commas, is it?
Sorry, I just get irrated
On Mar 3, 2011, at 7:09 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> yeah  by the time i can afford an I phone I will get screwed   why am I not 
> suprised that verizon wil lbe doing a bait and switch  and if i DID have a 
> contract and when I renewed they wouldn't le tme keep unlimited I'm shove the 
> phone up the most convenient oriface and give upif the droid keeps 
> getting better I'll be gettin gone of those instead I suspect  as it is i 
> can't afford to spend almost 100 for a phone
> On Mar 1, 2011, at 9:29 PM, James Mannion wrote:
>> I really think it is because mobile networks are not able yet to
>> handel people putting unlimited demands for data access on them. Any
>> network has its upper limits and mobile networks are still less able
>> to handel demand than land line networks. If they put limits that
>> serve a purpose, but are not over limiting, that keeps people from
>> constantly doing things like streaming the most data intensive video
>> stuff and whatever else they can fid with no concern of any
>> consequences to themselves, bringing down the entire network so nobody
>> can do anything and then everybody is left unhappy. People will be a
>> little more reasonable with what they do if there is a cost to them.
>> Having said that, AT&T's netwrk can not even handel the limited use in
>> some areas including the city where I live. During the day I can not
>> even pull up a small web page on AT&T's 3g network. It simply times
>> out. I can not stream pandora, I can barely use the weather app to
>> pull its small amount of data. Since my contract is almost up, I have
>> signed on with Verizon and I can tell you that right now their network
>> actually works in my area. My understanding is that this exact
>> situation is not uncommon at all. Maybe Verizon will manage their
>> resources and growth in a way that does not create another AT&T.
>> On 3/1/11, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> what's the theory behind VZ droping its unlimited data plan? read more:
>>> --
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Re: Verizon to Drop Unlimited iPhone Data Plans as Soon as This Summer

2011-03-03 Thread Wes Smith

Hit send to quick.  LOL.  Let's try that again.
Can we learn how to use commas, and please spell check, and capitalize 
sentences?  Please? I mean, come on people!  It isn't anything new, is it?
I just get really irritated when I have to think about if it's in some other 
language before realizing it's a bashed form of English someone created.  Geeze 
people.  Sorry, I just had to vent.
On Mar 3, 2011, at 7:09 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> yeah  by the time i can afford an I phone I will get screwed   why am I not 
> suprised that verizon wil lbe doing a bait and switch  and if i DID have a 
> contract and when I renewed they wouldn't le tme keep unlimited I'm shove the 
> phone up the most convenient oriface and give upif the droid keeps 
> getting better I'll be gettin gone of those instead I suspect  as it is i 
> can't afford to spend almost 100 for a phone
> On Mar 1, 2011, at 9:29 PM, James Mannion wrote:
>> I really think it is because mobile networks are not able yet to
>> handel people putting unlimited demands for data access on them. Any
>> network has its upper limits and mobile networks are still less able
>> to handel demand than land line networks. If they put limits that
>> serve a purpose, but are not over limiting, that keeps people from
>> constantly doing things like streaming the most data intensive video
>> stuff and whatever else they can fid with no concern of any
>> consequences to themselves, bringing down the entire network so nobody
>> can do anything and then everybody is left unhappy. People will be a
>> little more reasonable with what they do if there is a cost to them.
>> Having said that, AT&T's netwrk can not even handel the limited use in
>> some areas including the city where I live. During the day I can not
>> even pull up a small web page on AT&T's 3g network. It simply times
>> out. I can not stream pandora, I can barely use the weather app to
>> pull its small amount of data. Since my contract is almost up, I have
>> signed on with Verizon and I can tell you that right now their network
>> actually works in my area. My understanding is that this exact
>> situation is not uncommon at all. Maybe Verizon will manage their
>> resources and growth in a way that does not create another AT&T.
>> On 3/1/11, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> what's the theory behind VZ droping its unlimited data plan? read more:
>>> --
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pitch correction in garage band

2011-03-03 Thread joseph
hi list

it came to my attention that there is pitch correction feature in garage band, 
like autotune in windows.  is this accessible with voice over?  if so, any 
instruction would help.

thank you in advance


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Re: RFB&D Releases RFB&D Audio iOS App

2011-03-03 Thread Sarah Alawami
I can. I'm reading some  OBrian books  that are just stunning but yeah there ya 
On Mar 3, 2011, at 6:00 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> nls is becoming irrelevant   most of the books I want I can't get through nls 
> in digital anyway
> On Mar 1, 2011, at 4:01 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> No. nls is under a different set of legislation then rfbd so they in theory 
>> will never develop an app for iphone.
>> Take care all.
>> Sarah Alawami
>> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
>> for more info. If you need to contact me my 
>> info is below.
>> MSN and AIM:
>> website:
>> Podcast:
>> youtube:
>> On Mar 1, 2011, at 6:06 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> can we hope for nls. probably not, but it's a thought.
>>> On Mar 1, 2011, at 7:53 AM, Brian Miller wrote:
 I think this is an awesome development, and easily worth $20 -- I haven't
 tried the app yet, but I will... It just might bring me back to RFB&D 
 a service I haven't used in many  years.  I just hope it isn't 
 that they didn't roll it out too soon and that it won't be as functional as
 it could be.
 Brian Miller
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of David Tanner
 Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 12:47 AM
 Subject: Re: RFB&D Releases RFB&D Audio iOS App
 It's a lot cheaper than a Victor Reader Stream, and it means being able to
 do more of what you need to do on one device.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Sarah Alawami" 
 Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 6:18 PM
 Subject: Re: RFB&D Releases RFB&D Audio iOS App
> tht's true. the bookshare app also will cause $20 so they would spend $40 
> in totle for the bookshare and the rfbd apps. Ouch for some of us.
> On Feb 28, 2011, at 4:03 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> I am in the same boat. I am holding out for the Bookshare app. Still,
>> this will be a huge help to all the students who already have iPods
>> and iPhones; no more needing a special player just to read books.
>> On 2/28/11, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> Thanks. I can't myself justify the $20 cost as I only use them about 1 
>>> time
>>> a year or so but ah well.
>>> On Feb 28, 2011, at 3:02 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
 Here is the direct link:
 On 2/28/11, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> REad more at the link below. you need to click on the blind bargains 
> post
> though to find the info. good luck.
>  #a11y #accessibility #news
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 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from GMail website);
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>> -- 
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Verizon to Drop Unlimited iPhone Data Plans as Soon as This Summer

2011-03-03 Thread Sarah Alawami
I think it's a good idea actually. Yu can go on the cheapest contract and if 
there is let's say an 8 gig 4gs that runs vo  you could probably spend only $49 
let's say for a contract and that might be everything so yeah I'm all for it.
On Mar 3, 2011, at 6:16 PM, Wes Smith wrote:

> Oops.
> Hit send to quick.  LOL.  Let's try that again.
> Can we learn how to use commas, and please spell check, and capitalize 
> sentences?  Please? I mean, come on people!  It isn't anything new, is it?
> I just get really irritated when I have to think about if it's in some other 
> language before realizing it's a bashed form of English someone created.  
> Geeze people.  Sorry, I just had to vent.
> On Mar 3, 2011, at 7:09 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> yeah  by the time i can afford an I phone I will get screwed   why am I not 
>> suprised that verizon wil lbe doing a bait and switch  and if i DID have a 
>> contract and when I renewed they wouldn't le tme keep unlimited I'm shove 
>> the phone up the most convenient oriface and give upif the droid keeps 
>> getting better I'll be gettin gone of those instead I suspect  as it is i 
>> can't afford to spend almost 100 for a phone
>> On Mar 1, 2011, at 9:29 PM, James Mannion wrote:
>>> I really think it is because mobile networks are not able yet to
>>> handel people putting unlimited demands for data access on them. Any
>>> network has its upper limits and mobile networks are still less able
>>> to handel demand than land line networks. If they put limits that
>>> serve a purpose, but are not over limiting, that keeps people from
>>> constantly doing things like streaming the most data intensive video
>>> stuff and whatever else they can fid with no concern of any
>>> consequences to themselves, bringing down the entire network so nobody
>>> can do anything and then everybody is left unhappy. People will be a
>>> little more reasonable with what they do if there is a cost to them.
>>> Having said that, AT&T's netwrk can not even handel the limited use in
>>> some areas including the city where I live. During the day I can not
>>> even pull up a small web page on AT&T's 3g network. It simply times
>>> out. I can not stream pandora, I can barely use the weather app to
>>> pull its small amount of data. Since my contract is almost up, I have
>>> signed on with Verizon and I can tell you that right now their network
>>> actually works in my area. My understanding is that this exact
>>> situation is not uncommon at all. Maybe Verizon will manage their
>>> resources and growth in a way that does not create another AT&T.
>>> On 3/1/11, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
 what's the theory behind VZ droping its unlimited data plan? read more:
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Re: causes safari to crash with VO

2011-03-03 Thread Bryan Jones
Eric - I had the same problem this evening on both the pitchfork and 
sites. Same symptoms, same steps to cause the crash, and I submitted problem 
reports for both. These two crashes in one day equal the total number of safari 
crashes I had last year, so it makes me itchy. BTW - today's build of webkit 
isn't exhibiting this problem for me, though webkit has it's own glitches.


On Mar 3, 2011, at 6:34 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:

> Hello again listers,
> is a music criticism website that I sometimes read.
> However, when I go there on my Mac with VO, I can't seem to navigate
> past the first couple of links before Safari crashes.  Starting from
> the top of the page, after the "playlist", I hear list end, and when I
> try to go further it always crashes.  Does this happen to anyone else?
> Thanks in advance.
> Eric
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Re: Verizon to Drop Unlimited iPhone Data Plans as Soon as This Summer

2011-03-03 Thread Scott Granados
Uh you might want to take your own advice.:)

I don't care either way but when you ask people to use better grammar and then 
have errors it loses a lot of its punch.:)


On Mar 3, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Wes Smith wrote:

> OK.
> I usually don't chime in like  this BUT:
> OMG.  Can we learn how to use commas and please spell check?  I mean really!  
> Come on people!  It's nothing new, using commas, is it?
> Sorry, I just get irrated
> On Mar 3, 2011, at 7:09 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> yeah  by the time i can afford an I phone I will get screwed   why am I not 
>> suprised that verizon wil lbe doing a bait and switch  and if i DID have a 
>> contract and when I renewed they wouldn't le tme keep unlimited I'm shove 
>> the phone up the most convenient oriface and give upif the droid keeps 
>> getting better I'll be gettin gone of those instead I suspect  as it is i 
>> can't afford to spend almost 100 for a phone
>> On Mar 1, 2011, at 9:29 PM, James Mannion wrote:
>>> I really think it is because mobile networks are not able yet to
>>> handel people putting unlimited demands for data access on them. Any
>>> network has its upper limits and mobile networks are still less able
>>> to handel demand than land line networks. If they put limits that
>>> serve a purpose, but are not over limiting, that keeps people from
>>> constantly doing things like streaming the most data intensive video
>>> stuff and whatever else they can fid with no concern of any
>>> consequences to themselves, bringing down the entire network so nobody
>>> can do anything and then everybody is left unhappy. People will be a
>>> little more reasonable with what they do if there is a cost to them.
>>> Having said that, AT&T's netwrk can not even handel the limited use in
>>> some areas including the city where I live. During the day I can not
>>> even pull up a small web page on AT&T's 3g network. It simply times
>>> out. I can not stream pandora, I can barely use the weather app to
>>> pull its small amount of data. Since my contract is almost up, I have
>>> signed on with Verizon and I can tell you that right now their network
>>> actually works in my area. My understanding is that this exact
>>> situation is not uncommon at all. Maybe Verizon will manage their
>>> resources and growth in a way that does not create another AT&T.
>>> On 3/1/11, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
 what's the theory behind VZ droping its unlimited data plan? read more:
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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an update on what audio hijack devs had to say with there latest version.

2011-03-03 Thread Sarah Alawami
Well I contacted audio hijack support and here's what they have to say.

Hi Sarah,

Apologies for the delay to respond. Your best bet would be to include your 
microphone as a VoiceOver effect to your System Audio session. Hope that helps!

It does but here's what I said.

the effects tab is not accessible with voice over, the screen reader. Any plans 
to get sound flower back in the mix of things?  I had to downgrade just to get 
that function back.


I hope they  do add sound flower in as with nice cast you have to use sound 
flower and audio hijack to hijack  multiple sources at once.

Take care.

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Re: some good and some possibly bad news for bo users

2011-03-03 Thread brandt

Well, let me put it this way.

If the eSpeak voices worked on the mac, I would use them. I can and for that 
matter do, run eSpeak at full spead on my vinux box and also in windows with 
Jaws. I love Alex, but I just don't understand him at that kinda high 
speads. The only other voices I can run that fast is the Keynote Voice on 
the BrailleNote and Dectalk on my Phone.

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

You can tune in to my show wednesday afternoons at 3 PM UTC by going to

Contact me:

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
Google talk/AIM:
Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
- Original Message - 
From: "Krister Ekstrom" 

Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: some good and some possibly bad news for bo users

Oh come on, the scansoft voices ain't so bad, be thankful it isn't espeak or 
Orpheus. I for one think that the swedish scansoft voices are way way better 
in terms of language treatment than the Infovox ones.


2 mar 2011 kl. 17.46 skrev Mary Otten:

According to the article found at
Mac OS 10 offers high quality multi-lingual voices,
There are going to be a whole lot of high quality voices, in a variety of 
languages, available for download in the next iteration of Apple's os. For 
me, the one possible sour note was the reference to Samantha and Tom as an 
improvement over Alex that we have now. I hope this will not mean that 
Apple will decide to retire Alex in favor of what are, for me at least, 
vastly inferior voices in Samantha and Tom. There will be other English 
voices, the ones we know on the IPhone. Indeed, it sounds like the voices 
that are coming to Lion are those we now have on the I-devices. Great for 
speakers of languages other than English. Great for folks who prefer a 
non-U.S. English reading voice. But a definite leap backwards if they can 
Alex in favor of what's on the IPhone now, even if they include the male 


Mary Otten

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Just finished re-installing OS

2011-03-03 Thread Joseph Norton
Hi list:

Well, I just had to try this:

I just re-installed the MAC OS and everything worked as expected.

I had a little problem with the keyboard acting funny, but, removal of 
VoiceOver and reactivating it fixed everything.

I haven't re-installed the apps that came with the system yet, as I'm not too 
worried  about them right now.

Anyway, what can I say.

This is beyond cool!

How many Windows systems can we install with the standard CD with no script and 
no monitor?

Not many, I'd bet!

Anyway, this is going to be a fun experience.

Take care!

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Re: some good and some possibly bad news for bo users

2011-03-03 Thread Sarah Alawami
I run alex at 90 percent and he sounds just fine but I've been always known to 
run voices at close to 100 with practice lol!

Take care all.
On Mar 3, 2011, at 9:01 PM, brandt wrote:

> Well, let me put it this way.
> If the eSpeak voices worked on the mac, I would use them. I can and for that 
> matter do, run eSpeak at full spead on my vinux box and also in windows with 
> Jaws. I love Alex, but I just don't understand him at that kinda high speads. 
> The only other voices I can run that fast is the Keynote Voice on the 
> BrailleNote and Dectalk on my Phone.
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> You can tune in to my show wednesday afternoons at 3 PM UTC by going to 
> Contact me:
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> MSN:
> Google talk/AIM:
> Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
> - Original Message - From: "Krister Ekstrom" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 7:42 PM
> Subject: Re: some good and some possibly bad news for bo users
> Oh come on, the scansoft voices ain't so bad, be thankful it isn't espeak or 
> Orpheus. I for one think that the swedish scansoft voices are way way better 
> in terms of language treatment than the Infovox ones.
> /Krister
> 2 mar 2011 kl. 17.46 skrev Mary Otten:
>> According to the article found at
>> Mac OS 10 offers high quality multi-lingual voices,
>> There are going to be a whole lot of high quality voices, in a variety of 
>> languages, available for download in the next iteration of Apple's os. For 
>> me, the one possible sour note was the reference to Samantha and Tom as an 
>> improvement over Alex that we have now. I hope this will not mean that Apple 
>> will decide to retire Alex in favor of what are, for me at least, vastly 
>> inferior voices in Samantha and Tom. There will be other English voices, the 
>> ones we know on the IPhone. Indeed, it sounds like the voices that are 
>> coming to Lion are those we now have on the I-devices. Great for speakers of 
>> languages other than English. Great for folks who prefer a non-U.S. English 
>> reading voice. But a definite leap backwards if they can Alex in favor of 
>> what's on the IPhone now, even if they include the male voice.
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
>> -- 
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Re: Is there a command to announce the time on a Mac?

2011-03-03 Thread AZ

It's fine, but how can i edit the script to say the date and time in a 
non english language?

04.03.2011 1:39, Donna Goodin writes:

Hi Erick

Yes, Left Option plus T
On Mar 3, 2011, at 5:30 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:

Hi listers,

I've had my macbook for a few months now, searched the voiceover help
and listened to a few of the podcasts on blindcooltech.  But I've
found no info on how I can have VO tell me the time.  The only
time-related voice feature I've found is the ability to announce the
time on the quarter-hour, half-hour, or hour in the settings.  Is
there a way to have the time announced when I want to hear it?

Thanks in advance.


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re-pitch correction in garage band

2011-03-03 Thread chad
hi joseph its accessible create a audio track with your voice on it make sure 
the editor is checked then navigate to the editer group then interact with it
vo right over to enhanced tuning there's a slider it say 0 percent just 
interact with it then increase it
also next to the enhanced tuning slider there's a button that says limit to key 
i usually keep that on just press it it will try to stay in that scale you set 

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