[MACVISIONARIES] accessible twitter clients?

2011-02-27 Thread Eric Oyen
I have tried Syrinx for OS X and found it wanting. it speaks the updates, but I 
can't seem to interact with the individual tweets to get links, etc.

are there any other accessible twitter clients that allow me to do more?


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Interface builder accessible?

2011-02-27 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi All,
  I've recently become interested in Coco and Objective C, which among other 
things means that a 
lot of tutorials recommend the use of Interface Builder. I've done some 
experimenting, and can't 
seem to do very much with it.
  So I thought I'd ask here, is it useable for us? I don't know of an easy way 
to drag 
controls, for instance. Might I be able to do something with the inspectors?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Best and thanks,

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Two questions about Audio Hijack

2011-02-27 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello everyone,

A very kind person on this list helped me create a macro that automatically 
starts Audio Hijack and selects Skype to hijack.  Though the macro still works 
perfectly, and I use it almost every day, two things have started to occur that 
I don't understand.

1. In the component session, there are now two entries for Skype, and I never 
know which one of these components is actually hijacking the Skype audio.  I 
used to be able to determine this, but no longer.

2.  Voice Over no longer interacts with the Audio Hijack toolbar in either 
Skype entry in the components table.

Thus: Is it possible to erase one of the Skype entries?  And can I do something 
to once again make VO interact with the toolbar so that I can split recordings, 
etc.?  Lastly, if I can somehow erase one of the Skype entries in the 
components table, will my macro still work? 

Thanks a million,



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songs have vanished after use of tagalicious!!!

2011-02-27 Thread trahern culver
hey all i used tagalicious to tag a 33 track album yestoday and now 12
songs have vanished what's the problem?  have they bean compleated
deleted? please help me

kind regards trahern.

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Re: Interface builder accessible?

2011-02-27 Thread Jonathan Chacón Barbero

Interface builder has many accessibility problems.

Here you can read an article about how to design a hello world using Interface 
builder and VoiceOver. It is in my old blog: 

it is a unproductive solution. I preffer design and create the interface from 
code. it's a hard work but it's very accessible for me.

Jonathan Chacón Barbero
   Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant

Phone: +34 679953948
e-Mail: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net
Blog: http://www.programaraciegas.es
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jonathanchacon
LinkedIn: http://es.linkedin.com/in/jonathanchacon
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jonathan.chacon.barbero
Messenger: tyf...@hotmail.com
Skype: Tyflos_
FaceTime: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net

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Re: overdrive books

2011-02-27 Thread Bryan Jones
Hello Denise,

Below I've pasted two recent posts regarding Overdrive: My brief post gives 
some information about the Overdrive iphone App and a more detailed post from 
Esther gives additional Overdrive info and links to past notes..


Begin forwarded messages:

> In addition to Esther's excellent post, I want to add that you might be able 
> to avoid some of the hoops by using the latest version of the Overdrive App 
> which allows patrons of at least some library systems to browse and download 
> titles directly from the iphone, ipad and i-touch. I am able to perform the 
> following functions without requiring any interaction with a Mac or PC:
> 1. Use the App's button labeled "Get Books Plus" to find my library using a 
> town or zip code, or by browsing all libraries.
> 2. Login to my library's system using my library card number.
> 3. Browse iphone-compatible audiobooks, Adobe epub ebooks and public domain 
> ebooks in my library's collection.
> 4. Download available audiobook titles directly to the iphone, ipad or ipod 
> touch and listen to them in the Overdrive Media App, which is fully VO 
> accessible.
> 5. Place a title on hold if it is currently checked out. You supply your 
> email address and will be notified when the title becomes available for 
> checkout.
> My library currently lists a "whopping" 314 iphone-compatible audiobook 
> titles and 1000 Adobe epub titles. In addition, they have a few thousand of 
> the public domain ebooks, all of which I'm sure are available for free from 
> many sources including ibooks and kobo. I tried downloading one of the Adobe 
> epub books and was prompted for an adobe ID. I didn't bother following that 
> trail any further so I can't report on the accessibility of the Adobe epub 
> titles.
> I've pasted a link to the App below.
> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/overdrive-media-console/id366869252?mt=8

> From: Esther 
> Date: February 22, 2011 5:54:37 PM EST
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: downloadable audiobooks from public library questions
> Reply-To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Hi Christina,
> I think you're referring to downloading audiobooks using the OverDrive Media 
> Console software.  I haven't used this for library downloads for some time 
> because available titles for download seem to be limited at my library in 
> recent years due to state budget cuts.  I have had more success requesting 
> audiobook CDs from my library, and ripping those for listening.  However, the 
> process is quite accessible.  There are two types of OverDrive Media books 
> that are carried in downloadable format.  The WMA protected formats can only 
> be downloaded on a Windows computer with the version of OverDrive Media 
> Console for Windows, and the Windows update to support the copy protection 
> scheme in effect. Of these, a subset may be transferred to the iPhone or iPod 
> if the publisher permits it.  Some libraries now maintain a separate link for 
> for iPod-Compatible audiobooks, which includes those WMA titles that can be 
> transferred to an iPod or iPhone and the MP3 titles that can all be 
> transferred to an iPod or iPhone, and which all can be downloaded and played 
> on a Mac, as well as on a Windows PC.
> Before you download an audiobook, you install the OverDrive software (and, in 
> the case of Windows machines, including installations on a Bootcamp partition 
> on your Mac, and I believe also through VMWare virtual machines, you may need 
> to install additional copy protection software).  When you check out a 
> library downloadable audiobook, you download a small file with the name of 
> the book and a ".odm" extension (which are the initials for "OverDrive 
> Media"). This file sets the permission to play the book that you borrow for 
> the fixed period in the OverDrive software.  It is specific to your machine, 
> and you cannot move it (or the audiobook files) to another machine and expect 
> to play the files.  Once you download and open this file, an entry for the 
> audiobook will appear in the OverDrive Media Console, and you will have 
> options in a dialog window to download any number of parts. (Although the 
> files are compressed MP3 files, there will be 1 part for each of the original 
> CDs).  There are menu bar options, and a number of shortcuts for playing and 
> navigating through the Audiobook using the OverDrive Media Player (a separate 
> window). This interface is very nice, with options to control playback speed, 
> set bookmarks, etc.  The actual MP3 files gets downloaded into a folder that 
> is created under the Documents folder of your account: ~/Documents/My 
> Media/MP3 Audiobooks/  in separate folders named for each book.  There will 
> also be an "OverDrive Welcome" folder created in this location.
> I have always found it easiest just to add the files in these locations to my 
> iTunes library with the normal Command-O selection.  At that point, they 

RE: Interface builder accessible?

2011-02-27 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello Jonnathan. I will use your article to create the Hello World solution
with Voiceover. I have created Visual Basic Applications from code and I
assume that the procedure is similar for COCO and Objective C. I assume that
the object model is well documented. Which manual contains documentation for
the Object Model?

Thanks so much for any help you can provide.

-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jonathan Chacón
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 5:06 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Interface builder accessible?


Interface builder has many accessibility problems.

Here you can read an article about how to design a hello world using
Interface builder and VoiceOver. It is in my old blog:

it is a unproductive solution. I preffer design and create the interface
from code. it's a hard work but it's very accessible for me.

Jonathan Chacón Barbero
   Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant

Phone: +34 679953948
e-Mail: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net
Blog: http://www.programaraciegas.es
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jonathanchacon
LinkedIn: http://es.linkedin.com/in/jonathanchacon
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jonathan.chacon.barbero
Messenger: tyf...@hotmail.com
Skype: Tyflos_
FaceTime: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net

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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-02-27 Thread Keith Watson

The reason your Mac slows down has nothing to do with the amount of ram that 
you have in your system. It's the bottleneck in the IO system. You want to 
increase your productivity, buy a SSD instead. This will increase your 
throughput and make the same system appear to now scream.

Just my 2 cents.


On Feb 26, 2011, at 11:02 PM, T wood wrote:

> I almost got it, but my god the price increase was crazy!!! And I could 
> upgrade to 8 now but I can't find it any cheaper, grrr...
> On 2011-02-25, at 3:08 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Actually I might bun my next laptop up to 8 but tha'ts just me. Iwant the 
>> fasted thing inteh universe, Ok not really but I'm not happy wiht 4 gigs. My 
>> mac still slows down when saving  a 4 hour long file lol!
>> Sarah Alawami
>> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
>> http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my 
>> info is below.
>> MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com
>> website: http://music.marrie.org
>> Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
>> youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125
>> On Feb 25, 2011, at 12:11 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>>> Lets be honest though, it's not like ram is expencive unless your
>>> looking for ddr which you won't be. Even on sl, you should see a
>>> difference if you bump it up to 2 or 4GB.
>>> On 25/02/2011, Brandon Misch  wrote:
 i know
 On Feb 25, 2011, at 2:03 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
> If it is, you're screwed.
> Email: jawsgir...@gmail.com
> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jawsgirl87
> Skype: leogirl48
> Facebook: jawsgir...@gmail.com
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Brandon Misch
> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 1:47 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Mac OS X Lion
> i hope that it isn't over 1 gb
> On Feb 25, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>> I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the ram requirements are.
>> Email: jawsgir...@gmail.com
>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jawsgirl87
>> Skype: leogirl48
>> Facebook: jawsgir...@gmail.com
>> -Original Message-
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Brandon Misch
>> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 7:27 AM
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: Mac OS X Lion
>> i can't say yet
>> On Feb 25, 2011, at 12:34 AM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>>> Do you think my mac will run it? I have a regular mac book with two gigs
>> of
>>> ram.
>>> Email: jawsgir...@gmail.com
>>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jawsgirl87
>>> Skype: leogirl48
>>> Facebook: jawsgir...@gmail.com
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Brandon Misch
>>> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 8:46 PM
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Subject: Re: Mac OS X Lion
>>> i just hope the ram requirements aren't higher this time.
>>> On Feb 24, 2011, at 8:39 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
 I'd like to be one. I just don't have the hardware to dedicate to the
>>> task. :(
 On Feb 24, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
> Wonders if there are any blind VoiceOver developers or beta testers?
>> This
>>> is very important, considering this is a major Mac OS X update. It needs
>> to
>>> be tested thoroughly. Based on polling Twitter, specific followers etc,
>> I'm
>>> not sure if there are any blind VoiceOver  beta testers of  Lion.
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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 For more options, visit this group at
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups

RE: Interface builder accessible?

2011-02-27 Thread Vince Mistretta
Go to www.bryansmart.com and search through his blogs.  There is a project
he hosts related to Rennasance which will help design Uis for Apple apps. 

-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Paul Hunt
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 7:25 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: Interface builder accessible?

Hello Jonnathan. I will use your article to create the Hello World solution
with Voiceover. I have created Visual Basic Applications from code and I
assume that the procedure is similar for COCO and Objective C. I assume that
the object model is well documented. Which manual contains documentation for
the Object Model?

Thanks so much for any help you can provide.

-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jonathan Chacón
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 5:06 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Interface builder accessible?


Interface builder has many accessibility problems.

Here you can read an article about how to design a hello world using
Interface builder and VoiceOver. It is in my old blog:

it is a unproductive solution. I preffer design and create the interface
from code. it's a hard work but it's very accessible for me.

Jonathan Chacón Barbero
   Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant

Phone: +34 679953948
e-Mail: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net
Blog: http://www.programaraciegas.es
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jonathanchacon
LinkedIn: http://es.linkedin.com/in/jonathanchacon
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jonathan.chacon.barbero
Messenger: tyf...@hotmail.com
Skype: Tyflos_
FaceTime: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net

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Re: Interface builder accessible?

2011-02-27 Thread Jonathan Chacón Barbero
Hello Paul

all documentation is in official Apple developer site http://developer.apple.com

you have to read about  view control model and more

Jonathan Chacón Barbero
   Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant

Phone: +34 679953948
e-Mail: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net
Blog: http://www.programaraciegas.es
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jonathanchacon
LinkedIn: http://es.linkedin.com/in/jonathanchacon
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jonathan.chacon.barbero
Messenger: tyf...@hotmail.com
Skype: Tyflos_
FaceTime: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net

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Re: Two questions about Audio Hijack

2011-02-27 Thread Thomas Byskov Dalgaard
Hello Michael!

1. I don't know. I haven't seen this before, sorry!

2. You can get around this if you look in the menus there you'll find hotkeys 
for  almost everything you need. I used to use the toolbar until I found the 
hotkeys, but that, however, is a personal preference. So sorry, but it might be 
a workaround which you will like in the long run.

Best regards
Den 27/02/2011 kl. 10.51 skrev Michael Busboom:

> Hello everyone,
> A very kind person on this list helped me create a macro that automatically 
> starts Audio Hijack and selects Skype to hijack.  Though the macro still 
> works perfectly, and I use it almost every day, two things have started to 
> occur that I don't understand.
> 1. In the component session, there are now two entries for Skype, and I never 
> know which one of these components is actually hijacking the Skype audio.  I 
> used to be able to determine this, but no longer.
> 2.  Voice Over no longer interacts with the Audio Hijack toolbar in either 
> Skype entry in the components table.
> Thus: Is it possible to erase one of the Skype entries?  And can I do 
> something to once again make VO interact with the toolbar so that I can split 
> recordings, etc.?  Lastly, if I can somehow erase one of the Skype entries in 
> the components table, will my macro still work? 
> Thanks a million,
> Mike
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Re: overdrive books

2011-02-27 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
Also, there was an article in the last two weeks on tidbits.com about an 
alternative to OverDrive app for iPhone that is supposed to be more convenient  
I suggest  you read the article and possibly post in the comments or e-mail the 
author directly if there are no discussions about VoiceOver with this app.

Jonathan C. Cohn

On Feb 27, 2011, at 2:05 AM, Denise Avant wrote:

> hi all,
> my library has books through overdrive. i know these books are in protected 
> WMA format and adobe. but i think some may be unprotected. is it possible to 
> download these books to my mac in itunes and even transfer them to my iphone? 
> is there an overdrive app for the iphone similar to audible? thanks.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Line-Wrap Settings In Mail?

2011-02-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, folk. I'm just curious about what the default line-wrap settings are in 
mail. Is there a way to change them? I haven't noticed any thus far. I don't 
need to change them as far as I can tell, but there are rumblings on some 
mailing lists (not these) that people have hard line-breaks in quoted text, 
which makes for a lot of gobbletygook.


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Help with Nambu

2011-02-27 Thread Kevin Shaw
Quick question:

Is there a way of quickly jumping to the top of the timeline in Nambu? 
Sometimes, the VO focus will move down 100 tweets and I'll have to up arrow to 
get back to the top of the list. VO-Shift-J doesn't seem to work, and neither 
does my page up or page down keys. 

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Re: overdrive books

2011-02-27 Thread Denise Avant
did anyone here ever find out about the adobe id. i did not know such an id 
existed for the free adobe reader.

On Feb 27, 2011, at 5:58 AM, Bryan Jones wrote:

> Hello Denise,
> Below I've pasted two recent posts regarding Overdrive: My brief post gives 
> some information about the Overdrive iphone App and a more detailed post from 
> Esther gives additional Overdrive info and links to past notes..
> HTH,
> Bryan
> Begin forwarded messages:
>> In addition to Esther's excellent post, I want to add that you might be able 
>> to avoid some of the hoops by using the latest version of the Overdrive App 
>> which allows patrons of at least some library systems to browse and download 
>> titles directly from the iphone, ipad and i-touch. I am able to perform the 
>> following functions without requiring any interaction with a Mac or PC:
>> 1. Use the App's button labeled "Get Books Plus" to find my library using a 
>> town or zip code, or by browsing all libraries.
>> 2. Login to my library's system using my library card number.
>> 3. Browse iphone-compatible audiobooks, Adobe epub ebooks and public domain 
>> ebooks in my library's collection.
>> 4. Download available audiobook titles directly to the iphone, ipad or ipod 
>> touch and listen to them in the Overdrive Media App, which is fully VO 
>> accessible.
>> 5. Place a title on hold if it is currently checked out. You supply your 
>> email address and will be notified when the title becomes available for 
>> checkout.
>> My library currently lists a "whopping" 314 iphone-compatible audiobook 
>> titles and 1000 Adobe epub titles. In addition, they have a few thousand of 
>> the public domain ebooks, all of which I'm sure are available for free from 
>> many sources including ibooks and kobo. I tried downloading one of the Adobe 
>> epub books and was prompted for an adobe ID. I didn't bother following that 
>> trail any further so I can't report on the accessibility of the Adobe epub 
>> titles.
>> I've pasted a link to the App below.
>> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/overdrive-media-console/id366869252?mt=8
>> From: Esther 
>> Date: February 22, 2011 5:54:37 PM EST
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: downloadable audiobooks from public library questions
>> Reply-To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Hi Christina,
>> I think you're referring to downloading audiobooks using the OverDrive Media 
>> Console software.  I haven't used this for library downloads for some time 
>> because available titles for download seem to be limited at my library in 
>> recent years due to state budget cuts.  I have had more success requesting 
>> audiobook CDs from my library, and ripping those for listening.  However, 
>> the process is quite accessible.  There are two types of OverDrive Media 
>> books that are carried in downloadable format.  The WMA protected formats 
>> can only be downloaded on a Windows computer with the version of OverDrive 
>> Media Console for Windows, and the Windows update to support the copy 
>> protection scheme in effect. Of these, a subset may be transferred to the 
>> iPhone or iPod if the publisher permits it.  Some libraries now maintain a 
>> separate link for for iPod-Compatible audiobooks, which includes those WMA 
>> titles that can be transferred to an iPod or iPhone and the MP3 titles that 
>> can all be transferred to an iPod or iPhone, and which all can be downloaded 
>> and played on a Mac, as well as on a Windows PC.
>> Before you download an audiobook, you install the OverDrive software (and, 
>> in the case of Windows machines, including installations on a Bootcamp 
>> partition on your Mac, and I believe also through VMWare virtual machines, 
>> you may need to install additional copy protection software).  When you 
>> check out a library downloadable audiobook, you download a small file with 
>> the name of the book and a ".odm" extension (which are the initials for 
>> "OverDrive Media"). This file sets the permission to play the book that you 
>> borrow for the fixed period in the OverDrive software.  It is specific to 
>> your machine, and you cannot move it (or the audiobook files) to another 
>> machine and expect to play the files.  Once you download and open this file, 
>> an entry for the audiobook will appear in the OverDrive Media Console, and 
>> you will have options in a dialog window to download any number of parts. 
>> (Although the files are compressed MP3 files, there will be 1 part for each 
>> of the original CDs).  There are menu bar options, and a number of shortcuts 
>> for playing and navigating through the Audiobook using the OverDrive Media 
>> Player (a separate window). This interface is very nice, with options to 
>> control playback speed, set bookmarks, etc.  The actual MP3 files gets 
>> downloaded into a folder that is created under the Documents folder of your 
>> account: ~/Documents/My Media/MP3 Audiobooks/  in separate folders

Re: overdrive books

2011-02-27 Thread Esther
Hi Denise,

On Feb 27, 2011 Denise Avant wrote:
my library has books through overdrive. i know these books are in protected WMA 
format and adobe. but i think some may be unprotected. is it possible to 
download these books to my mac in itunes and even transfer them to my iphone? 
is there an overdrive app for the iphone similar to audible? thanks.

I'll respond both to this (macvisionaries) list, and also cc: to the viphone 
list, since this post gives information about the OverDrive app that allows you 
to transfer downloadable audiobooks that you borrow from your public library 
directly to your iPhone.  To briefly summarize, OverDrive is one of two major 
systems used by public libraries in the U.S. and Canada to provide 
electronically downloadable content for borrowers, and is the only one that 
allows you to transfer and play this content on an iPhone, iPod, or iPad.  
OverDrive is also used internationally -- in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, 
Ireland, Singapore, Taiwan, Venezuela and by a few locations in Germany, the 
Netherlands, and other places.  International users can check their public 
library coverage at the OverDrive site, using the "Search Libraries by Name" 
This post only covers audiobooks, and there is not, to my knowledge, any 
accessible means that can be used for downloaded Adobe protected eBook content. 
Bryan Jones has pasted in two recent posts (appended to this post) about using 
OverDrive, either in the Desktop version for your library's downloadable 
audiobooks, which can then be transferred to your iPhone either through iTunes 
or the OverDrive app.  I am following up by forwarding a later reply about my 
experience with the OverDrive app that was made off list, but which was 
intended for general list information (thanks, Christina, for pointing this 
out.)  That post presumes that you also have access to the desktop version of 
the OverDrive Media Console for Mac or PC, which allows you to both download 
and play audiobooks on your computer, as well as transfer them to an iPod or 
iPhone. The desktop software is not required if you choose to only use the free 
OverDrive app for downloading, but be aware that the OverDrive app will only 
permit direct downloads of audiobooks of the kind marked "MP3".  Most libraries 
have both "MP3" and "WMA" versions of audiobooks.  Because of the Digital 
Rights Management and copy protection, the larger class of "WMA" audiobooks 
cannot be downloaded without the additional Windows media copy protection in 
the computer program, which means that they can only be transferred to an 
iPhone or iPod through a Windows desktop version of the OverDrive program 
(which must be run on a PC or either a Windows installation on Bootcamp or on a 
virtual machine on the Mac).  The app will let you borrow both types of 
audiobooks, since it directs you to a general web site interface, but 
downloading "WMA" versions and transferring to an iPhone (if permitted), would 
have to be done through the desktop version, then synced to the iPhone or iPod. 
 The general site for downloading the free OverDrive desktop software is:
The link to the OverDrive App is:
Sorry for the lengthy preface.  You also must have a public library card with 
your local branch so that you can use the account number to check out 
downloadable audiobooks.   

I found that the most efficient way to use the OverDrive app was to browse the 
available collection using the web interface to my library on the computer, and 
place possible selections into my "cart", then to review the "cart" in the 
OverDrive app on my iDevice (within 30 minutes of placing the item into the 
cart).   This is because the computer's web page allows you to go to an 
"Advanced Search" link that lets you filter results only for "MP3 Audiobook", 
and also optionally check a box to only display titles that are currently 
available for borrowing.  This can save you browsing through 30-40 titles 
before you come to the first one that you can check out and download through 
the app.  OK, I'll proceed to the pasted in reply (below my signature), which 
gives a tip on how to play the sound samples.  This is followed by Bryan's post 
with the two previous list posts on the subject.



> On Feb 23, 2011, at 1:51 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Christina,
>> I've tried the OverDrive app, and it is easier to download books you check 
>> out from the library this way.  Many thanks to Bryan for bringing this app 
>> to the attention of the list. I only have a few comments.  First, while the 
>> web pages for your library are easy enough to navigate in the app, I've 
>> found no way to filter for books that are currently available for download, 
>> the way that you can if you go to the same version of the site on your 
>> computer (whe

Re: overdrive books

2011-02-27 Thread Esther
Hi Jonathan and Denise,

I think you're speaking about the Bluefire reader app.  I tried this out, and 
as far as I can tell, the contents are not accessible.  It's like the case with 
the Kindle app -- you can view the items in the catalog, but when you open the 
actual books, you won't be able to read the contents of the pages with 
VoiceOver. I think the experience was the same with the Barnes and Noble app, 
and  This is, perhaps, not unexpected.  Bluefire is meant to work with Adobe 
Digital Editions, which handles copy-protected emedia (eBooks -- not 
audiobooks, although OverDrive tries to handle both formats). Audiobooks are 
handled through OverDrive Media Console.  I think that for library eBooks you 
have to get Adobe Digital Editions and a password.  This is not accessible to 
VoiceOver, and I believe that none of the eBook protected files that use Adobe 
Digital Editions are accessible to any screen reader program on either Windows 
or the Mac.  Greg Kearney wrote to the FIctionwise.com eBook vendors about the 
eReader app, and got a reply that the "being able to scoop the text out, into 
another program, would allow for easy duplication of copyrighted materials.  
Our software cannot be used with screen-reader software."   See Greg's post in 
the archives:

I think this is the TidBITS article you were speaking of (about Bluefire?):



On Feb 27, 2011, at 03:04, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> Also, there was an article in the last two weeks on tidbits.com about an 
> alternative to OverDrive app for iPhone that is supposed to be more 
> convenient  I suggest  you read the article and possibly post in the comments 
> or e-mail the author directly if there are no discussions about VoiceOver 
> with this app.
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> jonc...@cox.net
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 2:05 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
>> hi all,
>> my library has books through overdrive. i know these books are in protected 
>> WMA format and adobe. but i think some may be unprotected. is it possible to 
>> download these books to my mac in itunes and even transfer them to my 
>> iphone? is there an overdrive app for the iphone similar to audible? thanks.

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Re: overdrive books

2011-02-27 Thread Esther
Hi Denise
On Feb 27, 2011, at 04:43, Denise Avant wrote:

> hi,
> did anyone here ever find out about the adobe id. i did not know such an id 
> existed for the free adobe reader.

This ID is something that gets used with Adobe Digital Editions.  It's meant 
for you to create a unique identifier that can be associated with 
copy-protected eBooks that you purchase commercially, or that you download from 
the Library, and that are protected with Adobe Digital Editions.  I don't 
believe that any content that used the ADE copy protection can be read 
accessibly with any screen-reader program on any platform.  I went through the 
exercise of setting up an ID and trying this with the Adobe Digital Editions 
application (separate download) for the Mac. I've also tried this with the 
Bluefire ereader app for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.  In all these 
instances you can hear the books announced, but none of the actual book content 
gets exposed to VoiceOver.  I believe this is also true for all screen readers 
used on other platforms (such as Windows), too.  Maybe this is something that a 
low-vision reader could use, but I couldn't get any feedback with VoiceOver of 
anything within a book.  It's like working (or rather not working ) with 
the Kindle app on the Mac.



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Using CD Drive with another computer

2011-02-27 Thread Jane
I want to install some stuff on a CD onto my Windows computer which doesn't 
have a CD drive.  How can I do this using my Mac Mini's CD/DVD drive?


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What to do with WMP files?

2011-02-27 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi guys:
I've had the joy of getting two files sent to me with WMP extensions.  Is there 
a way to access these without going back to that "wmp" computer of mine?
TIA for any suggestions.
Enjoy the weekend.

Carolyn H

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Re: I believe I broke my finder.

2011-02-27 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Sarah:
I'm guessing another window is blocking it.  I've seen that happen before.  
1.  Try closing windows one at time.  When only one window shows up, try your 
command tab.  Then, if that doesn't seem to show it, try rebooting.

Carolyn H
On Feb 26, 2011, at 6:50 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> what I mean is I can cmd tab and see mail, night owl and skype and back to 
> mail. no finder at all. I can still get to it but if I cmd tab away I cannot 
> get back.
> Sarah Alawami
> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
> http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my 
> info is below.
> MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com
> website: http://music.marrie.org
> Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
> youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125
> On Feb 26, 2011, at 5:12 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Tab order?
>> What do you mean?  Sorry, I'm not following.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> On Feb 26, 2011, at 3:47 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Hello to all. I some how put my finder out of tab order. I can get there 
>>> with vo shift d but that's it. Can anyone help me get my finder bak in tab 
>>> order? I'm headed out the door  to class so might not be able to answer 
>>> right away.
>>> Take care all.
>>> -- 
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replying to messages on facelyHD

2011-02-27 Thread Christina
Hello all,

I can get to my messages in the app but I do not know how to reply to a 
message.  I'm brand new to facebook.  I signed up on Friday.  I did find 
replying to messages on the mobile version of facebook on my mac somewhat 
cumbersome but I would really like to do this via the FacelyHD app on my iPhone.


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deleting a compilation album from my itunes library?

2011-02-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Hello all,

I have a CD in my itunes library that is a compilation of songs from different 
artist.  I'd like to remove it.  Does anyone know if there's some way to just 
remove the whole album, rather than hunting out each of the different artist 
and deleting individual tracks?  As always, any help is much appreciated.

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accessible utility to remove unused preference files?

2011-02-27 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hello Listers.
I'm wondering if anyone has found an accessible utility to remove unused 
preference files from one's library?
I looked to see if onyx could do this but it doesn't look like it can.
Thanks for any help.
Matthew Campbell

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Re: deleting a compilation album from my itunes library?

2011-02-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

1.  Go to Music in your Sources List.
2.  Interact With the Music Table.
3.  Navigate to the Album column.
4.  Press VO-shift-back slash to sort by Album.
5.  Navigate to the first item in that album.
6.  Hold down your sift key as you arrow through the rest of the album.
7.  Press the Delete key to remove it.
8.  You can press "m" to tell iTunes to Move the items to the Trash when the 
dialog appears.

Note:  If the Album column is not displaying, press cmd-j to bring up the View 
Options and check the Album column.


On 2011-02-27, at 11:03 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have a CD in my itunes library that is a compilation of songs from 
> different artist.  I'd like to remove it.  Does anyone know if there's some 
> way to just remove the whole album, rather than hunting out each of the 
> different artist and deleting individual tracks?  As always, any help is much 
> appreciated.
> Best,
> Donna
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: [MACVISIONARIES] accessible twitter clients?

2011-02-27 Thread Rose Morales
Hi Eric,
Try YoruFukurou. It's feature set is the most advanced that you'll find among 
the accessible Mac clients. I'm not feeling too well, so forgive me for not 
thoroughly covering what it can do. But I had to at least refer you to the 
On Feb 27, 2011, at 4:07 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> I have tried Syrinx for OS X and found it wanting. it speaks the updates, but 
> I can't seem to interact with the individual tweets to get links, etc.
> are there any other accessible twitter clients that allow me to do more?
> -Eric
> -- 
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What's the address to the mobile version of facebook

2011-02-27 Thread Christina
I feel so stupid but I thought after I followed the link to try facebook mobile 
that it would take me to the mobile version.  I was having trouble getting 
around and I think I was not actually on the mobile version and I cannot figure 
out how to get to the mobile version.  Can someone please tell me the actual 
address so I can get there.  Maybe I'm totally confused and was at the mobile 
version but I do not think I was because the address line was just the 


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Re: What's the address to the mobile version of facebook

2011-02-27 Thread Hai Nguyen Ly
the correct address is: 
On Feb 27, 2011, at 1:44 PM, Christina wrote:

> I feel so stupid but I thought after I followed the link to try facebook 
> mobile that it would take me to the mobile version.  I was having trouble 
> getting around and I think I was not actually on the mobile version and I 
> cannot figure out how to get to the mobile version.  Can someone please tell 
> me the actual address so I can get there.  Maybe I'm totally confused and was 
> at the mobile version but I do not think I was because the address line was 
> just the www.facebook.com.
> Christina 
> -- 
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Re: What's the address to the mobile version of facebook

2011-02-27 Thread Christina
Thanks so much.  That's so much easier than the alternative.  

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Re: What's the address to the mobile version of facebook

2011-02-27 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

hello;  m.facebook.com
On Feb 27, 2011, at 12:44 PM, Christina wrote:

I feel so stupid but I thought after I followed the link to try  
facebook mobile that it would take me to the mobile version.  I was  
having trouble getting around and I think I was not actually on the  
mobile version and I cannot figure out how to get to the mobile  
version.  Can someone please tell me the actual address so I can get  
there.  Maybe I'm totally confused and was at the mobile version but  
I do not think I was because the address line was just the www.facebook.com 


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Re: deleting a compilation album from my itunes library?

2011-02-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Tim,.

Thanks so much for this.   The VO-Shift-Backslash is a command I hadn't seen 
On Feb 27, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> 1.  Go to Music in your Sources List.
> 2.  Interact With the Music Table.
> 3.  Navigate to the Album column.
> 4.  Press VO-shift-back slash to sort by Album.
> 5.  Navigate to the first item in that album.
> 6.  Hold down your sift key as you arrow through the rest of the album.
> 7.  Press the Delete key to remove it.
> 8.  You can press "m" to tell iTunes to Move the items to the Trash when the 
> dialog appears.
> Note:  If the Album column is not displaying, press cmd-j to bring up the 
> View Options and check the Album column.
> Thanks.
> On 2011-02-27, at 11:03 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a CD in my itunes library that is a compilation of songs from 
>> different artist.  I'd like to remove it.  Does anyone know if there's some 
>> way to just remove the whole album, rather than hunting out each of the 
>> different artist and deleting individual tracks?  As always, any help is 
>> much appreciated.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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Re: deleting a compilation album from my itunes library?

2011-02-27 Thread Esther
Hi Donna,

In addition to Tim's very complete answer, you can also use your (column) 
browser to locate compilations.  In the "View" menu on the iTunes menu bar, the 
"Column Browser" sub-menu lets you check categories to view (e.g. "Artists", 
"Albums", "Composers", etc.), position ("On top" or "On left"), and you can 
also check (or not) entries for "Group Compilations" and "Use Album Artist".  
If you check (VO-Space) "Group Compilations", then if you toggle on the column 
browser with Command-B, and browse under the "Artists" list, the first entry 
will be "Compilations".  Selecting this entry will show you all tracks 
associated with "Compilations", which are basically albums that cannot be 
associated with a single artist (e.g. "Cinema Classics of 2004").  If you 
further tab to the "Albums" section of the browser, you'll find a list of 
albums that are classified as compilations.  Select that album, and then 
navigate to the sources table.  Do a Command-A to select all and then delete.  
Toggle off the column browser again with Command-B.  Incidentally, I keep my 
column browser position set to "On top" -- the way this was set up for numerous 
previous versions of iTunes before they decided to make this a "column" 
browser.  I also keep my iTunes libraries set to display in list view 
(Command-3).  These are no longer the default settings for iTunes.

The other alternative you have is to select all the tracks in your compilation 
and then, instead of deleting, use Command-I ("Get Info") and enter a value in 
the "Album Artist" field. Then, for your column browser sub-menu, check the 
option for "Use Album Artist".  That will preserve artist information for the 
individual tracks, but allow you to search for this album as though it were a 
work by your designated album artist.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Feb 27, 2011, at 08:22, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> 1.  Go to Music in your Sources List.
> 2.  Interact With the Music Table.
> 3.  Navigate to the Album column.
> 4.  Press VO-shift-back slash to sort by Album.
> 5.  Navigate to the first item in that album.
> 6.  Hold down your sift key as you arrow through the rest of the album.
> 7.  Press the Delete key to remove it.
> 8.  You can press "m" to tell iTunes to Move the items to the Trash when the 
> dialog appears.
> Note:  If the Album column is not displaying, press cmd-j to bring up the 
> View Options and check the Album column.
> Thanks.
> On 2011-02-27, at 11:03 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a CD in my itunes library that is a compilation of songs from 
>> different artist.  I'd like to remove it.  Does anyone know if there's some 
>> way to just remove the whole album, rather than hunting out each of the 
>> different artist and deleting individual tracks?  As always, any help is 
>> much appreciated.
>> Best,
>> Donna

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Re: deleting a compilation album from my itunes library?

2011-02-27 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Donna,

What Tim said works fine but, I think their is an easier way.  Just go to music 
in the sources list and then press command option F to take you to the search 
field.  Now type in the name of the album.  All you have to do now is navigate 
to the songs table, press command a to select everything and hit backspace.  
Note:  You will want to make sure only songs from the album you typed int into 
the search are in the songs table.  I just feel avoiding interacting with 
things is a faster way to go about tasks like this.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Feb 27, 2011, at 2:49 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Tim,.
> Thanks so much for this.   The VO-Shift-Backslash is a command I hadn't seen 
> before.  
> Best,
> Donna
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 1.  Go to Music in your Sources List.
>> 2.  Interact With the Music Table.
>> 3.  Navigate to the Album column.
>> 4.  Press VO-shift-back slash to sort by Album.
>> 5.  Navigate to the first item in that album.
>> 6.  Hold down your sift key as you arrow through the rest of the album.
>> 7.  Press the Delete key to remove it.
>> 8.  You can press "m" to tell iTunes to Move the items to the Trash when the 
>> dialog appears.
>> Note:  If the Album column is not displaying, press cmd-j to bring up the 
>> View Options and check the Album column.
>> Thanks.
>> On 2011-02-27, at 11:03 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I have a CD in my itunes library that is a compilation of songs from 
>>> different artist.  I'd like to remove it.  Does anyone know if there's some 
>>> way to just remove the whole album, rather than hunting out each of the 
>>> different artist and deleting individual tracks?  As always, any help is 
>>> much appreciated.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> -- 
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Re: deleting a compilation album from my itunes library?

2011-02-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Wow, Esther, as always you are a wealth of information!  thanks for your very 
detailed post, sounds like I need to spend more time getting familiar with the 
column browser, - I admit I haven't played around with it much.  It sounds 
though like it offers many interesting options.

On Feb 27, 2011, at 2:48 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> In addition to Tim's very complete answer, you can also use your (column) 
> browser to locate compilations.  In the "View" menu on the iTunes menu bar, 
> the "Column Browser" sub-menu lets you check categories to view (e.g. 
> "Artists", "Albums", "Composers", etc.), position ("On top" or "On left"), 
> and you can also check (or not) entries for "Group Compilations" and "Use 
> Album Artist".  If you check (VO-Space) "Group Compilations", then if you 
> toggle on the column browser with Command-B, and browse under the "Artists" 
> list, the first entry will be "Compilations".  Selecting this entry will show 
> you all tracks associated with "Compilations", which are basically albums 
> that cannot be associated with a single artist (e.g. "Cinema Classics of 
> 2004").  If you further tab to the "Albums" section of the browser, you'll 
> find a list of albums that are classified as compilations.  Select that 
> album, and then navigate to the sources table.  Do a Command-A to select all 
> and then delete.  Toggle off the column browser again with Command-B.  
> Incidentally, I keep my column browser position set to "On top" -- the way 
> this was set up for numerous previous versions of iTunes before they decided 
> to make this a "column" browser.  I also keep my iTunes libraries set to 
> display in list view (Command-3).  These are no longer the default settings 
> for iTunes.
> The other alternative you have is to select all the tracks in your 
> compilation and then, instead of deleting, use Command-I ("Get Info") and 
> enter a value in the "Album Artist" field. Then, for your column browser 
> sub-menu, check the option for "Use Album Artist".  That will preserve artist 
> information for the individual tracks, but allow you to search for this album 
> as though it were a work by your designated album artist.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 08:22, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 1.  Go to Music in your Sources List.
>> 2.  Interact With the Music Table.
>> 3.  Navigate to the Album column.
>> 4.  Press VO-shift-back slash to sort by Album.
>> 5.  Navigate to the first item in that album.
>> 6.  Hold down your sift key as you arrow through the rest of the album.
>> 7.  Press the Delete key to remove it.
>> 8.  You can press "m" to tell iTunes to Move the items to the Trash when the 
>> dialog appears.
>> Note:  If the Album column is not displaying, press cmd-j to bring up the 
>> View Options and check the Album column.
>> Thanks.
>> On 2011-02-27, at 11:03 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I have a CD in my itunes library that is a compilation of songs from 
>>> different artist.  I'd like to remove it.  Does anyone know if there's some 
>>> way to just remove the whole album, rather than hunting out each of the 
>>> different artist and deleting individual tracks?  As always, any help is 
>>> much appreciated.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
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Re: deleting a compilation album from my itunes library?

2011-02-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Hey Ricardo,

thanks!  I share your aversion for interacting with things, so I'll definitely 
play around with this.  It hadn't dawned on me to use the search function.  
It's amazing how many different ways there are to accomplish things on the Mac, 
and how, even after using a Mac for a year and a half, you realize how much 
more you have to learn.
On Feb 27, 2011, at 2:51 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> What Tim said works fine but, I think their is an easier way.  Just go to 
> music in the sources list and then press command option F to take you to the 
> search field.  Now type in the name of the album.  All you have to do now is 
> navigate to the songs table, press command a to select everything and hit 
> backspace.  Note:  You will want to make sure only songs from the album you 
> typed int into the search are in the songs table.  I just feel avoiding 
> interacting with things is a faster way to go about tasks like this.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 2:49 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Tim,.
>> Thanks so much for this.   The VO-Shift-Backslash is a command I hadn't seen 
>> before.  
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 27, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> 1.  Go to Music in your Sources List.
>>> 2.  Interact With the Music Table.
>>> 3.  Navigate to the Album column.
>>> 4.  Press VO-shift-back slash to sort by Album.
>>> 5.  Navigate to the first item in that album.
>>> 6.  Hold down your sift key as you arrow through the rest of the album.
>>> 7.  Press the Delete key to remove it.
>>> 8.  You can press "m" to tell iTunes to Move the items to the Trash when 
>>> the dialog appears.
>>> Note:  If the Album column is not displaying, press cmd-j to bring up the 
>>> View Options and check the Album column.
>>> Thanks.
>>> On 2011-02-27, at 11:03 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have a CD in my itunes library that is a compilation of songs from 
 different artist.  I'd like to remove it.  Does anyone know if there's 
 some way to just remove the whole album, rather than hunting out each of 
 the different artist and deleting individual tracks?  As always, any help 
 is much appreciated.
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>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: accessible utility to remove unused preference files?

2011-02-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello google an app called trashme. This is an app I use when removing apps. I 
set it up so every time you remove an app to the trash it detects that and 
removes all unused pref files for that app.
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com

website: http://music.marrie.org
Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125

On Feb 27, 2011, at 10:01 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello Listers.
> I'm wondering if anyone has found an accessible utility to remove unused 
> preference files from one's library?
> I looked to see if onyx could do this but it doesn't look like it can.
> Thanks for any help.
> Matthew Campbell
> -- 
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Re: I believe I broke my finder.

2011-02-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah the reboot worked. I've never ever seen this before. I've seen the 
opposite wherein the mac gets stuck at the finder but not this. lol!
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com

website: http://music.marrie.org
Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125

On Feb 27, 2011, at 9:29 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Sarah:
> I'm guessing another window is blocking it.  I've seen that happen before.  
> 1.  Try closing windows one at time.  When only one window shows up, try your 
> command tab.  Then, if that doesn't seem to show it, try rebooting.
> Carolyn H
> On Feb 26, 2011, at 6:50 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> what I mean is I can cmd tab and see mail, night owl and skype and back to 
>> mail. no finder at all. I can still get to it but if I cmd tab away I cannot 
>> get back.
>> Sarah Alawami
>> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
>> http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my 
>> info is below.
>> MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com
>> website: http://music.marrie.org
>> Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
>> youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125
>> On Feb 26, 2011, at 5:12 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Tab order?
>>> What do you mean?  Sorry, I'm not following.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> On Feb 26, 2011, at 3:47 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Hello to all. I some how put my finder out of tab order. I can get there 
 with vo shift d but that's it. Can anyone help me get my finder bak in tab 
 order? I'm headed out the door  to class so might not be able to answer 
 right away.
 Take care all.
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Re: Two questions about Audio Hijack

2011-02-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
I believe the del session is cmd del. I don't use ahj right now since they 
broke it and i don't have a copy of the older app. oops? thanks to me 
accidentally clearing my time machine drive. Oh well

Take care
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com

website: http://music.marrie.org
Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125

On Feb 27, 2011, at 4:57 AM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard wrote:

> Hello Michael!
> 1. I don't know. I haven't seen this before, sorry!
> 2. You can get around this if you look in the menus there you'll find hotkeys 
> for  almost everything you need. I used to use the toolbar until I found the 
> hotkeys, but that, however, is a personal preference. So sorry, but it might 
> be a workaround which you will like in the long run.
> Best regards
> Thomas
> Den 27/02/2011 kl. 10.51 skrev Michael Busboom:
>> Hello everyone,
>> A very kind person on this list helped me create a macro that automatically 
>> starts Audio Hijack and selects Skype to hijack.  Though the macro still 
>> works perfectly, and I use it almost every day, two things have started to 
>> occur that I don't understand.
>> 1. In the component session, there are now two entries for Skype, and I 
>> never know which one of these components is actually hijacking the Skype 
>> audio.  I used to be able to determine this, but no longer.
>> 2.  Voice Over no longer interacts with the Audio Hijack toolbar in either 
>> Skype entry in the components table.
>> Thus: Is it possible to erase one of the Skype entries?  And can I do 
>> something to once again make VO interact with the toolbar so that I can 
>> split recordings, etc.?  Lastly, if I can somehow erase one of the Skype 
>> entries in the components table, will my macro still work? 
>> Thanks a million,
>> Mike
>> -- 
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Re: deleting a compilation album from my itunes library?

2011-02-27 Thread Esther
Hi Donna,

I'll comment on Ricardo's suggestion to use the Search field, which you can get 
to with Command-Option-F (or Control-Option-F in Windows).  It's a good one, 
provided you know that the search doesn't pull in items from other fields.  The 
thing to realize about the Search text field is that it works as a filter on 
everything that you choose to display for a track in the "View" options for 
that library.  So as long as you type a search field that matches only the 
items in your album, it's fine to do a command-a to select all and then delete. 
Let's say you typed "Abbey Road" into the search field.  It will match all 
instances where these words appear in the Album title, song title, comments, or 
any other field that is views in the songs table -- so you may pull out the 
same song from other albums.  Unless you're very sure that you've typed in a 
unique search term, you'd be better off at least navigating to the songs table 
after your search and doing a sort (VO-Shift-Backslash) on the Album column 
(and yes, you do need to interact), and check that the same album name is at 
the top and bottom of the list -- no interlopers of music tracks that you don't 
want to delete.  If you're clean, do the Command-A to select all and then 
delete.  If not, go up to the last matching album list entry, press your shift 
key and arrow up to the top (or to the first matching entry) and delete.

The trick to working efficiently in iTunes is to work in large blocks with each 
action, and a combination of the file browser and the search box can quickly 
get you to many combinations, since they can work together. With the browser 
you can separately select by artist, album, genre, composer etc. in any 
combination (e.g., first select an artist to filter out all works, then select 
one or more of the albums you want, then use command-option-F and type in 
search text to filter the remaining results).  If that doesn't work, you can 
also use "smart playlist" rule criteria to find things --- e.g. the songs by 
artist so and so that I played more than 50 times in the last 3 months.

Just some things to think about.  Cheers,


On Feb 27, 2011, at 10:13, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hey Ricardo,
> thanks!  I share your aversion for interacting with things, so I'll 
> definitely play around with this.  It hadn't dawned on me to use the search 
> function.  It's amazing how many different ways there are to accomplish 
> things on the Mac, and how, even after using a Mac for a year and a half, you 
> realize how much more you have to learn.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 2:51 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> What Tim said works fine but, I think their is an easier way.  Just go to 
>> music in the sources list and then press command option F to take you to the 
>> search field.  Now type in the name of the album.  All you have to do now is 
>> navigate to the songs table, press command a to select everything and hit 
>> backspace.  Note:  You will want to make sure only songs from the album you 
>> typed int into the search are in the songs table.  I just feel avoiding 
>> interacting with things is a faster way to go about tasks like this.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> On Feb 27, 2011, at 2:49 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Tim,.
>>> Thanks so much for this.   The VO-Shift-Backslash is a command I hadn't 
>>> seen before.  
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Feb 27, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
 1.  Go to Music in your Sources List.
 2.  Interact With the Music Table.
 3.  Navigate to the Album column.
 4.  Press VO-shift-back slash to sort by Album.
 5.  Navigate to the first item in that album.
 6.  Hold down your sift key as you arrow through the rest of the album.
 7.  Press the Delete key to remove it.
 8.  You can press "m" to tell iTunes to Move the items to the Trash when 
 the dialog appears.
 Note:  If the Album column is not displaying, press cmd-j to bring up the 
 View Options and check the Album column.
 On 2011-02-27, at 11:03 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a CD in my itunes library that is a compilation of songs from 
> different artist.  I'd like to remove it.  Does anyone know if there's 
> some way to just remove the whole album, rather than hunting out each of 
> the different artist and deleting individual tracks?  As always, any help 
> is much appreciated.
> Best,
> Donna

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Re: Two questions about Audio Hijack

2011-02-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ok for those that want the older version go here. you will still need your 
license though and if it is too old contact them for help lol.

http://www.rogueamoeba.com/legacy/ I got the older 2.9.2 version I think it was 
and I can now hijack my system via sound flower. Yee! I hope they fix the newer 
version as now I can't upgrade until they get sound flower back. I also use 
nicecast and I need sound flower for that as well.

Take care.
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com

website: http://music.marrie.org
Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125

On Feb 27, 2011, at 4:57 AM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard wrote:

> Hello Michael!
> 1. I don't know. I haven't seen this before, sorry!
> 2. You can get around this if you look in the menus there you'll find hotkeys 
> for  almost everything you need. I used to use the toolbar until I found the 
> hotkeys, but that, however, is a personal preference. So sorry, but it might 
> be a workaround which you will like in the long run.
> Best regards
> Thomas
> Den 27/02/2011 kl. 10.51 skrev Michael Busboom:
>> Hello everyone,
>> A very kind person on this list helped me create a macro that automatically 
>> starts Audio Hijack and selects Skype to hijack.  Though the macro still 
>> works perfectly, and I use it almost every day, two things have started to 
>> occur that I don't understand.
>> 1. In the component session, there are now two entries for Skype, and I 
>> never know which one of these components is actually hijacking the Skype 
>> audio.  I used to be able to determine this, but no longer.
>> 2.  Voice Over no longer interacts with the Audio Hijack toolbar in either 
>> Skype entry in the components table.
>> Thus: Is it possible to erase one of the Skype entries?  And can I do 
>> something to once again make VO interact with the toolbar so that I can 
>> split recordings, etc.?  Lastly, if I can somehow erase one of the Skype 
>> entries in the components table, will my macro still work? 
>> Thanks a million,
>> Mike
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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converting pdf with the command-line

2011-02-27 Thread William Windels
Hi all,
I am looking for a way to convert pdf's to text: rtf, txt.

It should be something on the command-prompt, if possible.
On this way, I can convert very quickly , different files.
The included program textutils, can do such convertions but , unfortunately, 
not for pdf.

Or, another option , perhaps already available on a mac, should be simply to 
print a pdf to a file:
command :
printcommand file.pdf >>outputfile.txt

All hints are very welcome,

best regards,
William Windels

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converting pdf-files in terminal

2011-02-27 Thread William Windels
I was wondering if there is a way to convert pdf-files to txt/rtf from the 
command line?

With textutils, I can convert doc(x),rtf(d),txt,html, odt to one of this 
Pdf seems not possible...

Is there a option to e.g print a pdf to a file from the terminal or another 
commandline tool to convert pdf's?

I should be able to convert a pdf to rtf/txt, htm(l).

Thanx for your answer,

best regards,

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how to add other people to a skype call

2011-02-27 Thread Brandon Misch
Hey i know how to add people to a conversation but not to a call is there a way 
to do that? thanks. am talking about this on the mac. 

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Re: converting pdf with the command-line

2011-02-27 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi William,

Try the pdftotext Shell tool found at:


I've had success with this tool.  It will place a text version of your pdf into 
the same location as the original pdf document.  It will not translate 
protected PDFs.



On 2011-02-27, at 6:29 AM, William Windels wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am looking for a way to convert pdf's to text: rtf, txt.
> It should be something on the command-prompt, if possible.
> On this way, I can convert very quickly , different files.
> The included program textutils, can do such convertions but , unfortunately, 
> not for pdf.
> Or, another option , perhaps already available on a mac, should be simply to 
> print a pdf to a file:
> command :
> printcommand file.pdf >>outputfile.txt
> All hints are very welcome,
> best regards,
> William Windels
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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ical question/problem

2011-02-27 Thread William Windels
Hello all,
I use Ical for all my events/appointments and this works, not perfect but 
enough for me.

One of the problems I have is that , I think only past events, are poping up on 
my screen also if I am in another program then Ical.

If someone recognizes this situation, it would be very nice to know how I can 
set ical not to do this.
Of course, when a reminder is coming up, I would like to see that reminder.

Thanx for your help,
best regards,
William Windels 

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Re: Two questions about Audio Hijack

2011-02-27 Thread Darcy Burnard
Hi Mike.  That script will hijack the first item in your sessions list that 
includes the name skype.  So as long as you have one session called skype, it 
will work.  As for VO not interacting with the toolbar, that's a puzzle.  What 
happens when you try to interact with it?

On 2011-02-27, at 3:51 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> A very kind person on this list helped me create a macro that automatically 
> starts Audio Hijack and selects Skype to hijack.  Though the macro still 
> works perfectly, and I use it almost every day, two things have started to 
> occur that I don't understand.
> 1. In the component session, there are now two entries for Skype, and I never 
> know which one of these components is actually hijacking the Skype audio.  I 
> used to be able to determine this, but no longer.
> 2.  Voice Over no longer interacts with the Audio Hijack toolbar in either 
> Skype entry in the components table.
> Thus: Is it possible to erase one of the Skype entries?  And can I do 
> something to once again make VO interact with the toolbar so that I can split 
> recordings, etc.?  Lastly, if I can somehow erase one of the Skype entries in 
> the components table, will my macro still work? 
> Thanks a million,
> Mike
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-02-27 Thread T wood
I highly doubt it. I would really like to actually see all 4 gb of ram with sl 
being used. I've tried and the most I can get it up to is 2 point something. 
Fusion, I can see if you had a virtual machine, but even then 2 for each gets 
me by just fine.

Yet again, the price of the ssd was absolutely rediculous. Considering I have a 
lot of things I like to bring with me, going to the 512 gb ssd for over 500 
dollars was crazy. Yes, I did want a bad (insert language here) computer, but I 
just couldn't justify it, battery life increase or not.

On 2011-02-25, at 4:36 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:

> If your experiencing slow writes, get an SSD. If your utilising all of
> your 4GB then perhaps an upgrade is in order, but SSD's decrease
> bootup time and the time it takes to open apps amongst other things.
> On 25/02/2011, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> Actually I might bun my next laptop up to 8 but tha'ts just me. Iwant the
>> fasted thing inteh universe, Ok not really but I'm not happy wiht 4 gigs. My
>> mac still slows down when saving  a 4 hour long file lol!
>> Sarah Alawami
>> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to
>> http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my
>> info is below.
>> MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com
>> website: http://music.marrie.org
>> Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
>> youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125
>> On Feb 25, 2011, at 12:11 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>>> Lets be honest though, it's not like ram is expencive unless your
>>> looking for ddr which you won't be. Even on sl, you should see a
>>> difference if you bump it up to 2 or 4GB.
>>> On 25/02/2011, Brandon Misch  wrote:
 i know
 On Feb 25, 2011, at 2:03 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
> If it is, you're screwed.
> Email: jawsgir...@gmail.com
> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jawsgirl87
> Skype: leogirl48
> Facebook: jawsgir...@gmail.com
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Brandon Misch
> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 1:47 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Mac OS X Lion
> i hope that it isn't over 1 gb
> On Feb 25, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>> I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the ram requirements are.
>> Email: jawsgir...@gmail.com
>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jawsgirl87
>> Skype: leogirl48
>> Facebook: jawsgir...@gmail.com
>> -Original Message-
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Brandon Misch
>> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 7:27 AM
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: Mac OS X Lion
>> i can't say yet
>> On Feb 25, 2011, at 12:34 AM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>>> Do you think my mac will run it? I have a regular mac book with two
>>> gigs
>> of
>>> ram.
>>> Email: jawsgir...@gmail.com
>>> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jawsgirl87
>>> Skype: leogirl48
>>> Facebook: jawsgir...@gmail.com
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Brandon Misch
>>> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 8:46 PM
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Subject: Re: Mac OS X Lion
>>> i just hope the ram requirements aren't higher this time.
>>> On Feb 24, 2011, at 8:39 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
 I'd like to be one. I just don't have the hardware to dedicate to the
>>> task. :(
 On Feb 24, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
> Wonders if there are any blind VoiceOver developers or beta testers?
>> This
>>> is very important, considering this is a major Mac OS X update. It
>>> needs
>> to
>>> be tested thoroughly. Based on polling Twitter, specific followers
>>> etc,
>> I'm
>>> not sure if there are any blind VoiceOver  beta testers of  Lion.
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
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Re: Two questions about Audio Hijack

2011-02-27 Thread T wood
At least your sstill highjacks audio...lol. Mine refuses to do that, now.


On 2011-02-27, at 3:51 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> A very kind person on this list helped me create a macro that automatically 
> starts Audio Hijack and selects Skype to hijack.  Though the macro still 
> works perfectly, and I use it almost every day, two things have started to 
> occur that I don't understand.
> 1. In the component session, there are now two entries for Skype, and I never 
> know which one of these components is actually hijacking the Skype audio.  I 
> used to be able to determine this, but no longer.
> 2.  Voice Over no longer interacts with the Audio Hijack toolbar in either 
> Skype entry in the components table.
> Thus: Is it possible to erase one of the Skype entries?  And can I do 
> something to once again make VO interact with the toolbar so that I can split 
> recordings, etc.?  Lastly, if I can somehow erase one of the Skype entries in 
> the components table, will my macro still work? 
> Thanks a million,
> Mike
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: accessible utility to remove unused preference files?

2011-02-27 Thread T wood

A program called app zapper. Will cost a bit, but the first fie zapps are 
free...plus the sound effects are brilliant. 

On 2011-02-27, at 12:01 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello Listers.
> I'm wondering if anyone has found an accessible utility to remove unused 
> preference files from one's library?
> I looked to see if onyx could do this but it doesn't look like it can.
> Thanks for any help.
> Matthew Campbell
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: accessible utility to remove unused preference files?

2011-02-27 Thread T wood
Ah, have never heard of that, will go look for it now. thanks.

On 2011-02-27, at 2:25 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hello google an app called trashme. This is an app I use when removing apps. 
> I set it up so every time you remove an app to the trash it detects that and 
> removes all unused pref files for that app.
> Sarah Alawami
> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
> http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my 
> info is below.
> MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com
> website: http://music.marrie.org
> Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
> youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 10:01 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello Listers.
>> I'm wondering if anyone has found an accessible utility to remove unused 
>> preference files from one's library?
>> I looked to see if onyx could do this but it doesn't look like it can.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Matthew Campbell
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Two questions about Audio Hijack

2011-02-27 Thread T wood
Hmm, how exactly did you downgrade? As ever since I have, when I "highjack", I 
lose all sound - could I have muted soundflowers output?

On 2011-02-27, at 2:46 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Ok for those that want the older version go here. you will still need your 
> license though and if it is too old contact them for help lol.
> http://www.rogueamoeba.com/legacy/ I got the older 2.9.2 version I think it 
> was and I can now hijack my system via sound flower. Yee! I hope they fix the 
> newer version as now I can't upgrade until they get sound flower back. I also 
> use nicecast and I need sound flower for that as well.
> Take care.
> Sarah Alawami
> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
> http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my 
> info is below.
> MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com
> website: http://music.marrie.org
> Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
> youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 4:57 AM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard wrote:
>> Hello Michael!
>> 1. I don't know. I haven't seen this before, sorry!
>> 2. You can get around this if you look in the menus there you'll find 
>> hotkeys for  almost everything you need. I used to use the toolbar until I 
>> found the hotkeys, but that, however, is a personal preference. So sorry, 
>> but it might be a workaround which you will like in the long run.
>> Best regards
>> Thomas
>> Den 27/02/2011 kl. 10.51 skrev Michael Busboom:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> A very kind person on this list helped me create a macro that automatically 
>>> starts Audio Hijack and selects Skype to hijack.  Though the macro still 
>>> works perfectly, and I use it almost every day, two things have started to 
>>> occur that I don't understand.
>>> 1. In the component session, there are now two entries for Skype, and I 
>>> never know which one of these components is actually hijacking the Skype 
>>> audio.  I used to be able to determine this, but no longer.
>>> 2.  Voice Over no longer interacts with the Audio Hijack toolbar in either 
>>> Skype entry in the components table.
>>> Thus: Is it possible to erase one of the Skype entries?  And can I do 
>>> something to once again make VO interact with the toolbar so that I can 
>>> split recordings, etc.?  Lastly, if I can somehow erase one of the Skype 
>>> entries in the components table, will my macro still work? 
>>> Thanks a million,
>>> Mike
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Two questions about Audio Hijack

2011-02-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
I jsut  coppied the older app and said replace and it did it. I have not tested 
all of it but I did not need to reenter my key or redoo my sessions but th 
eextras galary is back. Yee!
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com

website: http://music.marrie.org
Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125

On Feb 27, 2011, at 2:30 PM, T wood wrote:

> Hmm, how exactly did you downgrade? As ever since I have, when I "highjack", 
> I lose all sound - could I have muted soundflowers output?
> thankk
> On 2011-02-27, at 2:46 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Ok for those that want the older version go here. you will still need your 
>> license though and if it is too old contact them for help lol.
>> http://www.rogueamoeba.com/legacy/ I got the older 2.9.2 version I think it 
>> was and I can now hijack my system via sound flower. Yee! I hope they fix 
>> the newer version as now I can't upgrade until they get sound flower back. I 
>> also use nicecast and I need sound flower for that as well.
>> Take care.
>> Sarah Alawami
>> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
>> http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my 
>> info is below.
>> MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com
>> website: http://music.marrie.org
>> Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
>> youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125
>> On Feb 27, 2011, at 4:57 AM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard wrote:
>>> Hello Michael!
>>> 1. I don't know. I haven't seen this before, sorry!
>>> 2. You can get around this if you look in the menus there you'll find 
>>> hotkeys for  almost everything you need. I used to use the toolbar until I 
>>> found the hotkeys, but that, however, is a personal preference. So sorry, 
>>> but it might be a workaround which you will like in the long run.
>>> Best regards
>>> Thomas
>>> Den 27/02/2011 kl. 10.51 skrev Michael Busboom:
 Hello everyone,
 A very kind person on this list helped me create a macro that 
 automatically starts Audio Hijack and selects Skype to hijack.  Though the 
 macro still works perfectly, and I use it almost every day, two things 
 have started to occur that I don't understand.
 1. In the component session, there are now two entries for Skype, and I 
 never know which one of these components is actually hijacking the Skype 
 audio.  I used to be able to determine this, but no longer.
 2.  Voice Over no longer interacts with the Audio Hijack toolbar in either 
 Skype entry in the components table.
 Thus: Is it possible to erase one of the Skype entries?  And can I do 
 something to once again make VO interact with the toolbar so that I can 
 split recordings, etc.?  Lastly, if I can somehow erase one of the Skype 
 entries in the components table, will my macro still work? 
 Thanks a million,
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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jabber client

2011-02-27 Thread Html-man

does someone know if there's an accessible jabber client which would let do a 
service discovery? That's because I'm trying to link my jabber account to my 
msn one, so I'll be able to use it with iChat instead of Adium.
Any suggestions?



msn: html-...@libero.it

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Re: I believe I broke my finder.

2011-02-27 Thread Mike Arrigo
Wonder if finder crashed or something, definitely time for a reboot.
On Feb 26, 2011, at 7:48 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> No I deactivated spaces. i have not tried rebooting yet. I was n the middle 
> of taking notes but basically my finder disappeared from the cmd tab order so 
> I can see mail night owl and other apps but no finder.
> Sarah Alawami
> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
> http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my 
> info is below.
> MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com
> website: http://music.marrie.org
> Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
> youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125
> On Feb 26, 2011, at 4:47 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> I've never seen this, does it come back if you reboot? Do you have some 
>> other window that might be covering it up? Or, did you activate spaces or 
>> something?
>> On Feb 26, 2011, at 2:47 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Hello to all. I some how put my finder out of tab order. I can get there 
>>> with vo shift d but that's it. Can anyone help me get my finder bak in tab 
>>> order? I'm headed out the door  to class so might not be able to answer 
>>> right away.
>>> Take care all.
>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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RE: Using CD Drive with another computer

2011-02-27 Thread LaMcAs
Not 100% sure as you are using a mac but when wanting to install a program
on say a netbook which do not have a drive I copy the contents of the cd
onto a usb drive and then plug it in to the netbook and find the setup or
install file and install from there.

Larry & Elliot GD (Guide Dog)
London, UK

-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jane
Sent: 27 February 2011 16:56
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Using CD Drive with another computer

I want to install some stuff on a CD onto my Windows computer which doesn't
have a CD drive.  How can I do this using my Mac Mini's CD/DVD drive?


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Re: deleting a compilation album from my itunes library?

2011-02-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks again, Esther.  You've given me a lot to think about and explore.  It's 
kind of funny how quickly we get used to our way of doing things, whether or 
not it's actually the most efficient way.  I'm going to spend some time 
exploring all this and sorting it out.

I know that I and others have said this before, but thank you so much for all 
you contribute to the list.  I've learned a great deal from you in the time 
I've been using a Mac.
On Feb 27, 2011, at 3:42 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> I'll comment on Ricardo's suggestion to use the Search field, which you can 
> get to with Command-Option-F (or Control-Option-F in Windows).  It's a good 
> one, provided you know that the search doesn't pull in items from other 
> fields.  The thing to realize about the Search text field is that it works as 
> a filter on everything that you choose to display for a track in the "View" 
> options for that library.  So as long as you type a search field that matches 
> only the items in your album, it's fine to do a command-a to select all and 
> then delete. Let's say you typed "Abbey Road" into the search field.  It will 
> match all instances where these words appear in the Album title, song title, 
> comments, or any other field that is views in the songs table -- so you may 
> pull out the same song from other albums.  Unless you're very sure that 
> you've typed in a unique search term, you'd be better off at least navigating 
> to the songs table after your search and doing a sort (VO-Shift-Backslash) on 
> the Album column (and yes, you do need to interact), and check that the same 
> album name is at the top and bottom of the list -- no interlopers of music 
> tracks that you don't want to delete.  If you're clean, do the Command-A to 
> select all and then delete.  If not, go up to the last matching album list 
> entry, press your shift key and arrow up to the top (or to the first matching 
> entry) and delete.
> The trick to working efficiently in iTunes is to work in large blocks with 
> each action, and a combination of the file browser and the search box can 
> quickly get you to many combinations, since they can work together. With the 
> browser you can separately select by artist, album, genre, composer etc. in 
> any combination (e.g., first select an artist to filter out all works, then 
> select one or more of the albums you want, then use command-option-F and type 
> in search text to filter the remaining results).  If that doesn't work, you 
> can also use "smart playlist" rule criteria to find things --- e.g. the songs 
> by artist so and so that I played more than 50 times in the last 3 months.
> Just some things to think about.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 10:13, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hey Ricardo,
>> thanks!  I share your aversion for interacting with things, so I'll 
>> definitely play around with this.  It hadn't dawned on me to use the search 
>> function.  It's amazing how many different ways there are to accomplish 
>> things on the Mac, and how, even after using a Mac for a year and a half, 
>> you realize how much more you have to learn.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 27, 2011, at 2:51 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> What Tim said works fine but, I think their is an easier way.  Just go to 
>>> music in the sources list and then press command option F to take you to 
>>> the search field.  Now type in the name of the album.  All you have to do 
>>> now is navigate to the songs table, press command a to select everything 
>>> and hit backspace.  Note:  You will want to make sure only songs from the 
>>> album you typed int into the search are in the songs table.  I just feel 
>>> avoiding interacting with things is a faster way to go about tasks like 
>>> this.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> On Feb 27, 2011, at 2:49 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi Tim,.
 Thanks so much for this.   The VO-Shift-Backslash is a command I hadn't 
 seen before.  
 On Feb 27, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> 1.  Go to Music in your Sources List.
> 2.  Interact With the Music Table.
> 3.  Navigate to the Album column.
> 4.  Press VO-shift-back slash to sort by Album.
> 5.  Navigate to the first item in that album.
> 6.  Hold down your sift key as you arrow through the rest of the album.
> 7.  Press the Delete key to remove it.
> 8.  You can press "m" to tell iTunes to Move the items to the Trash when 
> the dialog appears.
> Note:  If the Album column is not displaying, press cmd-j to bring up the 
> View Options and check the Album column.
> Thanks.
> On 2011-02-27, at 11:03 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a CD in my itunes library that is a compilation of s

Re: Using CD Drive with another computer

2011-02-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Can you inble the sharing of oru cd drive from the mac book wiht a cd drive and 
have it access from there?? I don't know how that works but good luck.
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com

website: http://music.marrie.org
Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125

On Feb 27, 2011, at 4:22 PM, LaMcAs wrote:

> Not 100% sure as you are using a mac but when wanting to install a program
> on say a netbook which do not have a drive I copy the contents of the cd
> onto a usb drive and then plug it in to the netbook and find the setup or
> install file and install from there.
> Larry & Elliot GD (Guide Dog)
> London, UK
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jane
> Sent: 27 February 2011 16:56
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Using CD Drive with another computer
> I want to install some stuff on a CD onto my Windows computer which doesn't
> have a CD drive.  How can I do this using my Mac Mini's CD/DVD drive?
> Jane
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Re: I believe I broke my finder.

2011-02-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Maybe. it was very very odd. I hardly reboot this thing I think maybe every 2 
or 3 weeks at most lol! ah well thanks guys for your help.
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com

website: http://music.marrie.org
Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125

On Feb 27, 2011, at 3:51 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Wonder if finder crashed or something, definitely time for a reboot.
> On Feb 26, 2011, at 7:48 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> No I deactivated spaces. i have not tried rebooting yet. I was n the middle 
>> of taking notes but basically my finder disappeared from the cmd tab order 
>> so I can see mail night owl and other apps but no finder.
>> Sarah Alawami
>> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
>> http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my 
>> info is below.
>> MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com
>> website: http://music.marrie.org
>> Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
>> youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125
>> On Feb 26, 2011, at 4:47 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> I've never seen this, does it come back if you reboot? Do you have some 
>>> other window that might be covering it up? Or, did you activate spaces or 
>>> something?
>>> On Feb 26, 2011, at 2:47 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Hello to all. I some how put my finder out of tab order. I can get there 
 with vo shift d but that's it. Can anyone help me get my finder bak in tab 
 order? I'm headed out the door  to class so might not be able to answer 
 right away.
 Take care all.
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Re: deleting a compilation album from my itunes library?

2011-02-27 Thread Ricardo Walker
I 2nd that.  I followed the lead of some others, and made an esther folder.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Feb 27, 2011, at 7:33 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Thanks again, Esther.  You've given me a lot to think about and explore.  
> It's kind of funny how quickly we get used to our way of doing things, 
> whether or not it's actually the most efficient way.  I'm going to spend some 
> time exploring all this and sorting it out.
> I know that I and others have said this before, but thank you so much for all 
> you contribute to the list.  I've learned a great deal from you in the time 
> I've been using a Mac.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 3:42 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> I'll comment on Ricardo's suggestion to use the Search field, which you can 
>> get to with Command-Option-F (or Control-Option-F in Windows).  It's a good 
>> one, provided you know that the search doesn't pull in items from other 
>> fields.  The thing to realize about the Search text field is that it works 
>> as a filter on everything that you choose to display for a track in the 
>> "View" options for that library.  So as long as you type a search field that 
>> matches only the items in your album, it's fine to do a command-a to select 
>> all and then delete. Let's say you typed "Abbey Road" into the search field. 
>>  It will match all instances where these words appear in the Album title, 
>> song title, comments, or any other field that is views in the songs table -- 
>> so you may pull out the same song from other albums.  Unless you're very 
>> sure that you've typed in a unique search term, you'd be better off at least 
>> navigating to the songs table after your search and doing a sort 
>> (VO-Shift-Backslash) on the Album column (and yes, you do need to interact), 
>> and check that the same album name is at the top and bottom of the list -- 
>> no interlopers of music tracks that you don't want to delete.  If you're 
>> clean, do the Command-A to select all and then delete.  If not, go up to the 
>> last matching album list entry, press your shift key and arrow up to the top 
>> (or to the first matching entry) and delete.
>> The trick to working efficiently in iTunes is to work in large blocks with 
>> each action, and a combination of the file browser and the search box can 
>> quickly get you to many combinations, since they can work together. With the 
>> browser you can separately select by artist, album, genre, composer etc. in 
>> any combination (e.g., first select an artist to filter out all works, then 
>> select one or more of the albums you want, then use command-option-F and 
>> type in search text to filter the remaining results).  If that doesn't work, 
>> you can also use "smart playlist" rule criteria to find things --- e.g. the 
>> songs by artist so and so that I played more than 50 times in the last 3 
>> months.
>> Just some things to think about.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Feb 27, 2011, at 10:13, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hey Ricardo,
>>> thanks!  I share your aversion for interacting with things, so I'll 
>>> definitely play around with this.  It hadn't dawned on me to use the search 
>>> function.  It's amazing how many different ways there are to accomplish 
>>> things on the Mac, and how, even after using a Mac for a year and a half, 
>>> you realize how much more you have to learn.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Feb 27, 2011, at 2:51 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 Hi Donna,
 What Tim said works fine but, I think their is an easier way.  Just go to 
 music in the sources list and then press command option F to take you to 
 the search field.  Now type in the name of the album.  All you have to do 
 now is navigate to the songs table, press command a to select everything 
 and hit backspace.  Note:  You will want to make sure only songs from the 
 album you typed int into the search are in the songs table.  I just feel 
 avoiding interacting with things is a faster way to go about tasks like 
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 On Feb 27, 2011, at 2:49 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Tim,.
> Thanks so much for this.   The VO-Shift-Backslash is a command I hadn't 
> seen before.  
> Best,
> Donna
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 1.  Go to Music in your Sources List.
>> 2.  Interact With the Music Table.
>> 3.  Navigate to the Album column.
>> 4.  Press VO-shift-back slash to sort by Album.
>> 5.  Navigate to the first item in that album.
>> 6.  Hold down your sift key as you arrow through the rest of the album.
>> 7.  Press the Delete key to remove it.
>> 8.  You can press "m" to tell iTunes to Move the items to the Trash when 
>> the dialog appe

Re: accessible utility to remove unused preference files?

2011-02-27 Thread Jeff Berwick
I haven't figured out how to get Ap Zapper to work...I always figured it wasn't 
accessible.  Can you provide any steps/information?


On 2011-02-27, at 5:27 PM, T wood wrote:

> Hi,
> A program called app zapper. Will cost a bit, but the first fie zapps are 
> free...plus the sound effects are brilliant. 
> On 2011-02-27, at 12:01 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello Listers.
>> I'm wondering if anyone has found an accessible utility to remove unused 
>> preference files from one's library?
>> I looked to see if onyx could do this but it doesn't look like it can.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Matthew Campbell
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Help Needed Reading/Writing Documents with Word for Mac

2011-02-27 Thread Christine Grassman
Hai, folks. After consulting with Apple, several veteran Mac users, both 
sighted and blind, (none of whom use Word on the Mac), and attempting futilely 
to figure is out for myself, I am here to grovel for assistance. When I open a 
document (those imported from my PC, and those I have downloaded since 
transitioning) in TextEdit, all is well. However, any attempts to figure out 
Word meet with failure. I keep winding up in a "document pane view" and I am 
told that the text is available on the screen, but VO will only read the title. 
 I've tried using VO commands, the command key, the right arrows alone and with 
VO and command, interacting attempts, the tab, checking out the Word menu -- I 
don't know what else to try to write or read documents in Word. Please help. I 
need to be able to do this for Work, otherwise I wouldn't care. 
Thanks in advance.

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Re: Help Needed Reading/Writing Documents with Word for Mac

2011-02-27 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Christine,
I'm afraid Word for Mac, along with the other Office programs for Mac, are not 
accessible with VoiceOver last I heard.  Now, I've not tried them myself, so 
someone who knows differently feel free to correct me.  Is there something 
specific in Word you need to do?  TextEdit is good for basic word processing, 
or if you want more power you might look into Apple's Pages.  If you don't mind 
a system which isn't quite as well integrated into the Mac, OpenOffice is 
another possibility.  Is there a compelling reason you need Word and no other 
program will do the trick?
Sorry to disappoint you,
On Feb 27, 2011, at 4:55 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Hai, folks. After consulting with Apple, several veteran Mac users, both 
> sighted and blind, (none of whom use Word on the Mac), and attempting 
> futilely to figure is out for myself, I am here to grovel for assistance. 
> When I open a document (those imported from my PC, and those I have 
> downloaded since transitioning) in TextEdit, all is well. However, any 
> attempts to figure out Word meet with failure. I keep winding up in a 
> "document pane view" and I am told that the text is available on the screen, 
> but VO will only read the title.  I've tried using VO commands, the command 
> key, the right arrows alone and with VO and command, interacting attempts, 
> the tab, checking out the Word menu -- I don't know what else to try to write 
> or read documents in Word. Please help. I need to be able to do this for 
> Work, otherwise I wouldn't care. 
> Thanks in advance.
> Christine
> -- 
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Re: Help Needed Reading/Writing Documents with Word for Mac

2011-02-27 Thread Kevin Chao
As already mentioned, Text Edit is good for getting text in, working with it, 
and limited formatting. Pages is accessible to a degree, but will get job done 
when working with Word files.
I've worked in Pages quite extensively and will be able to help.

Microsoft Office isn't accessible on Mac.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 27, 2011, at 6:55 PM, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> Hai, folks. After consulting with Apple, several veteran Mac users, both 
> sighted and blind, (none of whom use Word on the Mac), and attempting 
> futilely to figure is out for myself, I am here to grovel for assistance. 
> When I open a document (those imported from my PC, and those I have 
> downloaded since transitioning) in TextEdit, all is well. However, any 
> attempts to figure out Word meet with failure. I keep winding up in a 
> "document pane view" and I am told that the text is available on the screen, 
> but VO will only read the title.  I've tried using VO commands, the command 
> key, the right arrows alone and with VO and command, interacting attempts, 
> the tab, checking out the Word menu -- I don't know what else to try to write 
> or read documents in Word. Please help. I need to be able to do this for 
> Work, otherwise I wouldn't care. 
> Thanks in advance.
> Christine
> -- 
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Re: Help Needed Reading/Writing Documents with Word for Mac

2011-02-27 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Christine:
You in theory should be able to edit word documents with pages without a hitch. 
 But, let me try to help, albeit clumsily.:)
Pages will often put you in a header or footer, or outside the document 
somewhere.  Try approaching the document by selecting it, and then going to 
menu, file, open with, pages.  This should set you within your document.  If 
that isn't helpful, simply try starting and stopping VO with command f5 a 
couple times.  I really find that seems to get Alex's attention.
As a last resort, some people use Open office for mac, and some actually run 
that other unmentionable operating system using virtual machine or boot camp.
Good luck here.  I'm sure someone with more pages experience can offer other 

Carolyn H
On Feb 27, 2011, at 5:55 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Hai, folks. After consulting with Apple, several veteran Mac users, both 
> sighted and blind, (none of whom use Word on the Mac), and attempting 
> futilely to figure is out for myself, I am here to grovel for assistance. 
> When I open a document (those imported from my PC, and those I have 
> downloaded since transitioning) in TextEdit, all is well. However, any 
> attempts to figure out Word meet with failure. I keep winding up in a 
> "document pane view" and I am told that the text is available on the screen, 
> but VO will only read the title.  I've tried using VO commands, the command 
> key, the right arrows alone and with VO and command, interacting attempts, 
> the tab, checking out the Word menu -- I don't know what else to try to write 
> or read documents in Word. Please help. I need to be able to do this for 
> Work, otherwise I wouldn't care. 
> Thanks in advance.
> Christine
> -- 
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ripping audio book from cd

2011-02-27 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi guys:
Ok, I checked this in archives, and it seems like there's not a simple way to 
rip a multi cd book using just itunes.  What I tried to do was to import the 
CD's and then change their track names and sorting.  But, no luck there.  If 
anyone can suggest the simplest and most foolproof way to do this, I'd be ever 
TIa and enjoy your evening/morning/day.:)

Carolyn H

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Re: ripping audio book from cd

2011-02-27 Thread erik burggraaf
I like max for this.  Either use max to integrate with your ITunes library, or 
use it to rip the audio book cd's to one file per and then use audiobook 
builder to get them into your library.  Then there is my solution which is to 
bypass ITunes altogether and have full control over my files, but that's just 


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-02-27, at 9:23 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi guys:
> Ok, I checked this in archives, and it seems like there's not a simple way to 
> rip a multi cd book using just itunes.  What I tried to do was to import the 
> CD's and then change their track names and sorting.  But, no luck there.  If 
> anyone can suggest the simplest and most foolproof way to do this, I'd be 
> ever grateful.
> TIa and enjoy your evening/morning/day.:)
> Carolyn H
> -- 
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Re: ripping audio book from cd

2011-02-27 Thread louie
NMP3 Ripper  v0.7.0
author:  Stuart Belden
email:  stus...@stumod.com
website:  http://www.stumod.com/code.html

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Re: ripping audio book from cd

2011-02-27 Thread erik burggraaf
Interesting.  Is there any reason you like this one better than max?


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-02-27, at 9:32 PM, louie wrote:

> NMP3 Ripper  v0.7.0
> author:  Stuart Belden
> email:  stus...@stumod.com
> website:  http://www.stumod.com/code.html
> -- 
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Re: ical question/problem

2011-02-27 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
1. Are you sure that the timezone is set for your location?
2. You could change the time in advance that you want to be notified.
3. You could  (though I don't particularily recommend it) set up a notification 
that calls an APpleScript. That Apple Script could minumize all windows or use 
the "say" function to talk to you for example.


Jonathan C. Cohn

On Feb 27, 2011, at 5:12 PM, William Windels wrote:

> Hello all,
> I use Ical for all my events/appointments and this works, not perfect but 
> enough for me.
> One of the problems I have is that , I think only past events, are poping up 
> on my screen also if I am in another program then Ical.
> If someone recognizes this situation, it would be very nice to know how I can 
> set ical not to do this.
> Of course, when a reminder is coming up, I would like to see that reminder.
> Thanx for your help,
> best regards,
> William Windels 
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Re: Help Needed Reading/Writing Documents with Word for Mac

2011-02-27 Thread Christine Grassman
Thanks so much for your prompt replies. Here's the thing: The computers at work 
are ancient PC's which still use Word 97. I need to be able to read documents 
sent to me, which will likely not be an issue with text edit seemingly working 
so well.  However, I need to be able to write lesson plans, projects, reports, 
and other work-related materials in a program which can be read, sent to, 
attached, etc., for use by colleagues, supervisors, students, etc. If I send 
attachments formatted with text edit, will this be all right? Is there another 
program I can use that will migrate between my Mac and PC's? What is Apple 
Pages. Can't locate it on the Mac; is it something which requires purchase? I 
certainly wish the Apple folk knew that Office for Mac was not VO-friendly. 
Hopefully, I can get a refund for this useless software. 
On Feb 27, 2011, at 8:13 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

> Hi Christine,
> I'm afraid Word for Mac, along with the other Office programs for Mac, are 
> not accessible with VoiceOver last I heard.  Now, I've not tried them myself, 
> so someone who knows differently feel free to correct me.  Is there something 
> specific in Word you need to do?  TextEdit is good for basic word processing, 
> or if you want more power you might look into Apple's Pages.  If you don't 
> mind a system which isn't quite as well integrated into the Mac, OpenOffice 
> is another possibility.  Is there a compelling reason you need Word and no 
> other program will do the trick?
> Sorry to disappoint you,
> Zack.
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 4:55 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> Hai, folks. After consulting with Apple, several veteran Mac users, both 
>> sighted and blind, (none of whom use Word on the Mac), and attempting 
>> futilely to figure is out for myself, I am here to grovel for assistance. 
>> When I open a document (those imported from my PC, and those I have 
>> downloaded since transitioning) in TextEdit, all is well. However, any 
>> attempts to figure out Word meet with failure. I keep winding up in a 
>> "document pane view" and I am told that the text is available on the screen, 
>> but VO will only read the title.  I've tried using VO commands, the command 
>> key, the right arrows alone and with VO and command, interacting attempts, 
>> the tab, checking out the Word menu -- I don't know what else to try to 
>> write or read documents in Word. Please help. I need to be able to do this 
>> for Work, otherwise I wouldn't care. 
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Christine
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: Help Needed Reading/Writing Documents with Word for Mac

2011-02-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
You can save in word 97 in text edit. just  go down to save as then choose word 
97, *.doc.

Take care
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com

website: http://music.marrie.org
Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125

On Feb 27, 2011, at 7:15 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Thanks so much for your prompt replies. Here's the thing: The computers at 
> work are ancient PC's which still use Word 97. I need to be able to read 
> documents sent to me, which will likely not be an issue with text edit 
> seemingly working so well.  However, I need to be able to write lesson plans, 
> projects, reports, and other work-related materials in a program which can be 
> read, sent to, attached, etc., for use by colleagues, supervisors, students, 
> etc. If I send attachments formatted with text edit, will this be all right? 
> Is there another program I can use that will migrate between my Mac and PC's? 
> What is Apple Pages. Can't locate it on the Mac; is it something which 
> requires purchase? I certainly wish the Apple folk knew that Office for Mac 
> was not VO-friendly. 
> Hopefully, I can get a refund for this useless software. 
> Christine
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 8:13 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>> Hi Christine,
>> I'm afraid Word for Mac, along with the other Office programs for Mac, are 
>> not accessible with VoiceOver last I heard.  Now, I've not tried them 
>> myself, so someone who knows differently feel free to correct me.  Is there 
>> something specific in Word you need to do?  TextEdit is good for basic word 
>> processing, or if you want more power you might look into Apple's Pages.  If 
>> you don't mind a system which isn't quite as well integrated into the Mac, 
>> OpenOffice is another possibility.  Is there a compelling reason you need 
>> Word and no other program will do the trick?
>> Sorry to disappoint you,
>> Zack.
>> On Feb 27, 2011, at 4:55 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> Hai, folks. After consulting with Apple, several veteran Mac users, both 
>>> sighted and blind, (none of whom use Word on the Mac), and attempting 
>>> futilely to figure is out for myself, I am here to grovel for assistance. 
>>> When I open a document (those imported from my PC, and those I have 
>>> downloaded since transitioning) in TextEdit, all is well. However, any 
>>> attempts to figure out Word meet with failure. I keep winding up in a 
>>> "document pane view" and I am told that the text is available on the 
>>> screen, but VO will only read the title.  I've tried using VO commands, the 
>>> command key, the right arrows alone and with VO and command, interacting 
>>> attempts, the tab, checking out the Word menu -- I don't know what else to 
>>> try to write or read documents in Word. Please help. I need to be able to 
>>> do this for Work, otherwise I wouldn't care. 
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Christine
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

Re: ripping audio book from cd

2011-02-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
There is  a script that will then merge the audio files at least the ones you 
select and convert them to m4a. you can then use another script to make them 
book markable  and it will reimport them in to the audio books playlist. I 
found both scripts on the net.

Take care.
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com

website: http://music.marrie.org
Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125

On Feb 27, 2011, at 6:31 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> I like max for this.  Either use max to integrate with your ITunes library, 
> or use it to rip the audio book cd's to one file per and then use audiobook 
> builder to get them into your library.  Then there is my solution which is to 
> bypass ITunes altogether and have full control over my files, but that's just 
> me.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2011-02-27, at 9:23 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi guys:
>> Ok, I checked this in archives, and it seems like there's not a simple way 
>> to rip a multi cd book using just itunes.  What I tried to do was to import 
>> the CD's and then change their track names and sorting.  But, no luck there. 
>>  If anyone can suggest the simplest and most foolproof way to do this, I'd 
>> be ever grateful.
>> TIa and enjoy your evening/morning/day.:)
>> Carolyn H
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Re: Help Needed Reading/Writing Documents with Word for Mac

2011-02-27 Thread Christine Grassman
Really? Awesome. Time to call it a night, but it's one of the very first things 
I'm going to give a whirl tomorrow. Thanks!!! You just totally de-stressed me! 
On Feb 27, 2011, at 10:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> You can save in word 97 in text edit. just  go down to save as then choose 
> word 97, *.doc.
> Take care
> Sarah Alawami
> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
> http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my 
> info is below.
> MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com
> website: http://music.marrie.org
> Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
> youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 7:15 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> Thanks so much for your prompt replies. Here's the thing: The computers at 
>> work are ancient PC's which still use Word 97. I need to be able to read 
>> documents sent to me, which will likely not be an issue with text edit 
>> seemingly working so well.  However, I need to be able to write lesson 
>> plans, projects, reports, and other work-related materials in a program 
>> which can be read, sent to, attached, etc., for use by colleagues, 
>> supervisors, students, etc. If I send attachments formatted with text edit, 
>> will this be all right? Is there another program I can use that will migrate 
>> between my Mac and PC's? What is Apple Pages. Can't locate it on the Mac; is 
>> it something which requires purchase? I certainly wish the Apple folk knew 
>> that Office for Mac was not VO-friendly. 
>> Hopefully, I can get a refund for this useless software. 
>> Christine
>> On Feb 27, 2011, at 8:13 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>>> Hi Christine,
>>> I'm afraid Word for Mac, along with the other Office programs for Mac, are 
>>> not accessible with VoiceOver last I heard.  Now, I've not tried them 
>>> myself, so someone who knows differently feel free to correct me.  Is there 
>>> something specific in Word you need to do?  TextEdit is good for basic word 
>>> processing, or if you want more power you might look into Apple's Pages.  
>>> If you don't mind a system which isn't quite as well integrated into the 
>>> Mac, OpenOffice is another possibility.  Is there a compelling reason you 
>>> need Word and no other program will do the trick?
>>> Sorry to disappoint you,
>>> Zack.
>>> On Feb 27, 2011, at 4:55 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
 Hai, folks. After consulting with Apple, several veteran Mac users, both 
 sighted and blind, (none of whom use Word on the Mac), and attempting 
 futilely to figure is out for myself, I am here to grovel for assistance. 
 When I open a document (those imported from my PC, and those I have 
 downloaded since transitioning) in TextEdit, all is well. However, any 
 attempts to figure out Word meet with failure. I keep winding up in a 
 "document pane view" and I am told that the text is available on the 
 screen, but VO will only read the title.  I've tried using VO commands, 
 the command key, the right arrows alone and with VO and command, 
 interacting attempts, the tab, checking out the Word menu -- I don't know 
 what else to try to write or read documents in Word. Please help. I need 
 to be able to do this for Work, otherwise I wouldn't care. 
 Thanks in advance.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
 For more options, visit this group at 
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Group

Re: Help Needed Reading/Writing Documents with Word for Mac

2011-02-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
the reasonI know it can as that's how I turned in my essays to the prof and 
read them too. lol!

Try it out on a small thing first to see if it works before you really do your 
work on it.

Good luck
Sarah Alawami

If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my info 
is below.

MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com

website: http://music.marrie.org
Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125

On Feb 27, 2011, at 7:45 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Really? Awesome. Time to call it a night, but it's one of the very first 
> things I'm going to give a whirl tomorrow. Thanks!!! You just totally 
> de-stressed me! (grin)
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 10:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> You can save in word 97 in text edit. just  go down to save as then choose 
>> word 97, *.doc.
>> Take care
>> Sarah Alawami
>> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
>> http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my 
>> info is below.
>> MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com
>> website: http://music.marrie.org
>> Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
>> youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125
>> On Feb 27, 2011, at 7:15 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> Thanks so much for your prompt replies. Here's the thing: The computers at 
>>> work are ancient PC's which still use Word 97. I need to be able to read 
>>> documents sent to me, which will likely not be an issue with text edit 
>>> seemingly working so well.  However, I need to be able to write lesson 
>>> plans, projects, reports, and other work-related materials in a program 
>>> which can be read, sent to, attached, etc., for use by colleagues, 
>>> supervisors, students, etc. If I send attachments formatted with text edit, 
>>> will this be all right? Is there another program I can use that will 
>>> migrate between my Mac and PC's? What is Apple Pages. Can't locate it on 
>>> the Mac; is it something which requires purchase? I certainly wish the 
>>> Apple folk knew that Office for Mac was not VO-friendly. 
>>> Hopefully, I can get a refund for this useless software. 
>>> Christine
>>> On Feb 27, 2011, at 8:13 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
 Hi Christine,
 I'm afraid Word for Mac, along with the other Office programs for Mac, are 
 not accessible with VoiceOver last I heard.  Now, I've not tried them 
 myself, so someone who knows differently feel free to correct me.  Is 
 there something specific in Word you need to do?  TextEdit is good for 
 basic word processing, or if you want more power you might look into 
 Apple's Pages.  If you don't mind a system which isn't quite as well 
 integrated into the Mac, OpenOffice is another possibility.  Is there a 
 compelling reason you need Word and no other program will do the trick?
 Sorry to disappoint you,
 On Feb 27, 2011, at 4:55 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
> Hai, folks. After consulting with Apple, several veteran Mac users, both 
> sighted and blind, (none of whom use Word on the Mac), and attempting 
> futilely to figure is out for myself, I am here to grovel for assistance. 
> When I open a document (those imported from my PC, and those I have 
> downloaded since transitioning) in TextEdit, all is well. However, any 
> attempts to figure out Word meet with failure. I keep winding up in a 
> "document pane view" and I am told that the text is available on the 
> screen, but VO will only read the title.  I've tried using VO commands, 
> the command key, the right arrows alone and with VO and command, 
> interacting attempts, the tab, checking out the Word menu -- I don't know 
> what else to try to write or read documents in Word. Please help. I need 
> to be able to do this for Work, otherwise I wouldn't care. 
> Thanks in advance.
> Christine
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
 For more options, visit this group at 
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.

Re: Help Needed Reading/Writing Documents with Word for Mac

2011-02-27 Thread Kevin Chao
Hi Christine,

The fact that Microsoft Office for Mac isn't accessible with Voiceover is 
mainly in Microsoft's court, where they decided to not use Mac OS X development 
tools and use non-standard controls, which don't work well with VoiceOver. I do 
hope that you are able to get a refund for a non-accessible Mac OS X 
productivity suite.

Text Edit will work as longas there aren't a lot of formatting, which you'll be 
importing/exporting. Nice thing with Text Edit is that it will even 
import/export .docx formats, which are used in Word 2007 and 2010. 

Pages is part of Apple iWork productivity  suite, which also includes Numbers  
and KeyNote. You can find it in Mac App Store, which requires at least Mac OS X 
10.6.6. If you need to work in documents, which are more involved in area of 
formatting; this is your best bet. 
Please do keep in mind that iWOrk 09 is Apple's first attempt in making it 
VoiceOver accessible, which means that there's quite a bit of room for 

On Feb 27, 2011, at 9:15 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Christine

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Re: ripping audio book from cd

2011-02-27 Thread Matthew Alvernaz
Hi, there's an app on the app store called audiobook builder, and it can import 
multi cd books, and then combine them into a bookmarkable file.  I got it, and 
have liked it quite a bit so far.
On Feb 27, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> There is  a script that will then merge the audio files at least the ones you 
> select and convert them to m4a. you can then use another script to make them 
> book markable  and it will reimport them in to the audio books playlist. I 
> found both scripts on the net.
> Take care.
> Sarah Alawami
> If you  need an edit  done on a small project go to 
> http://music.marrie.org/master for more info. If you need to contact me my 
> info is below.
> MSN and AIM: marri...@gmail.com
> website: http://music.marrie.org
> Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
> youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125
> On Feb 27, 2011, at 6:31 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> I like max for this.  Either use max to integrate with your ITunes library, 
>> or use it to rip the audio book cd's to one file per and then use audiobook 
>> builder to get them into your library.  Then there is my solution which is 
>> to bypass ITunes altogether and have full control over my files, but that's 
>> just me.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
>> On 2011-02-27, at 9:23 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi guys:
>>> Ok, I checked this in archives, and it seems like there's not a simple way 
>>> to rip a multi cd book using just itunes.  What I tried to do was to import 
>>> the CD's and then change their track names and sorting.  But, no luck 
>>> there.  If anyone can suggest the simplest and most foolproof way to do 
>>> this, I'd be ever grateful.
>>> TIa and enjoy your evening/morning/day.:)
>>> Carolyn H
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Re: best facebook apps/cliants for mac??

2011-02-27 Thread Jes Smith
Another great facebook / instant messaging app for the Mac is Adium.

On Feb 25, 2011, at 9:48 PM, trahern culver wrote:

> hey all can any one one recomend facebook apps/cliants for mac os10?
> your help with this question would be most welcom!!
> kind regards trahern.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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