Help restoring

2011-01-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
I renamed my hd when restoring the OS. How will this effect the time machine 
and how do I fix this?


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Re: Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-30 Thread Scott Granados
Would you mind detailing how you did that and the steps you tok to jailbreak.  
Maybe provide a link?  I was thinking of giving it a shot but was talked out of 
it on the list.  I like the idea of a jailbreak process though.

I wish the one worked for 4.2.1.

On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:04 AM, James Malone wrote:

> Hi guys. Recently I Jailbroke my phone, but have run into an issue. I tried 
> to start Cidia so I could go grab an app, but Voiceover doesn't seem to like 
> it. Suggestions have been made to get Icy, but everything seems to point in 
> the direction of downloading it with Cidia. Besides, Icy isn't being made 
> anymore either, so I've heard. Can anyone suggest what I should do? If worse 
> comes to worsed, I'll grab some sighted asistance. But still, something that 
> was made by the apple Dev team really should be accessible. Anyway, thanks 
> guys.
> -- 
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Re: Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-30 Thread Rose Morales
I have written two extensive articles on jailbreaking. They can be found at

Also, Icy went open source, and you can download a new version designed for OS 
4, as described in jb104. If you wish to install Icy after you jailbreak, copy 
the files in this zip to the autoinstall path for jb apps, also described in 
JB101 also explains where to find the latest and most reliable jailbreak 
On Jan 30, 2011, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Would you mind detailing how you did that and the steps you tok to jailbreak. 
>  Maybe provide a link?  I was thinking of giving it a shot but was talked out 
> of it on the list.  I like the idea of a jailbreak process though.
> I wish the one worked for 4.2.1.
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:04 AM, James Malone wrote:
>> Hi guys. Recently I Jailbroke my phone, but have run into an issue. I tried 
>> to start Cidia so I could go grab an app, but Voiceover doesn't seem to like 
>> it. Suggestions have been made to get Icy, but everything seems to point in 
>> the direction of downloading it with Cidia. Besides, Icy isn't being made 
>> anymore either, so I've heard. Can anyone suggest what I should do? If worse 
>> comes to worsed, I'll grab some sighted asistance. But still, something that 
>> was made by the apple Dev team really should be accessible. Anyway, thanks 
>> guys.
>> -- 
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Re: Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-30 Thread Scott Granados
Rose, this is fantastic.

Thanks for this resource!

On Jan 30, 2011, at 12:55 AM, Rose Morales wrote:

> I have written two extensive articles on jailbreaking. They can be found at
> and
> Also, Icy went open source, and you can download a new version designed for 
> OS 4, as described in jb104. If you wish to install Icy after you jailbreak, 
> copy the files in this zip to the autoinstall path for jb apps, also 
> described in jb104.
> JB101 also explains where to find the latest and most reliable jailbreak 
> information.
> Hth,
> Rose
> On Jan 30, 2011, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Would you mind detailing how you did that and the steps you tok to 
>> jailbreak.  Maybe provide a link?  I was thinking of giving it a shot but 
>> was talked out of it on the list.  I like the idea of a jailbreak process 
>> though.
>> I wish the one worked for 4.2.1.
>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:04 AM, James Malone wrote:
>>> Hi guys. Recently I Jailbroke my phone, but have run into an issue. I tried 
>>> to start Cidia so I could go grab an app, but Voiceover doesn't seem to 
>>> like it. Suggestions have been made to get Icy, but everything seems to 
>>> point in the direction of downloading it with Cidia. Besides, Icy isn't 
>>> being made anymore either, so I've heard. Can anyone suggest what I should 
>>> do? If worse comes to worsed, I'll grab some sighted asistance. But still, 
>>> something that was made by the apple Dev team really should be accessible. 
>>> Anyway, thanks guys.
>>> -- 
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Re: best way to stream?

2011-01-30 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
I would be very interested in this topic.  I need to learn to stream with my 
mac book air.
On Jan 25, 2011, at 11:58 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Could you please write me off list so we can go over this?  Unless I'm missing 
something, Nicecast seems to be ITunes dependant because when I press the 
button to check the box to start the broadcast, ITunes popped open.  I'd rather 
do this with you off list so we don't get off topic.  that is, unless the mods 
feel that perhaps this info might be of some use in the future.  Thanks.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:34 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Yeah you can use nicecast to stream and run sound flower so you can hijack 
> your mic if you are ever goign ot get ont he air and unhijack it via audio 
> hijack to mute your mic thereby leaving voice over out of the loop. This is 
> how I did this with my live tffp I had last month.
> On Jan 25, 2011, at 10:51 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Okay,
>> Here's the deal.  Thanks to Sarah, I now have Cog Player.  Sure wish I'd 
>> found out about this during my first days with my Mac.  Is there any way to 
>> use it to stream?  Perhaps with Icecast or something?  You can write me off 
>> list or just answer here.  Thansk.
>> Sincerely, 
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
>> -- 
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Re: reading brf files on the mac

2011-01-30 Thread Marlaina Lieberg

You may have noticed this by now, but the link to Loui was in the message to 
whcih you responded; here it is again in case you missed it.


On Jan 25, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:


Could someone send me the link for Louis, the last version I have had was very 

Best regards Annie.
On 25/01/2011, at 20.26, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Louis is a Braille translator for the Macd.
> On Jan 25, 2011, at 10:53 AM, denise avant wrote:
>> hi,
>> what is louis? 
>> --- On Tue, 1/25/11, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> From: Teresa Cochran 
>> Subject: Re: reading brf files on the mac
>> To:
>> Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 10:17 AM
>> You can read them with your Braille display in Text-edit by turning off 
>> contracted Braille. That works just fine for me. Also, if you want to 
>> back-translate them, you can use Louis for this.
>> HTH,
>> Teresa
>> On Jan 25, 2011, at 1:21 AM, denise avant wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> is there any programs out there for reading bookshare books and web braille 
>>> books on the mac? thanks
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Re: best way to stream?

2011-01-30 Thread heather kd5cbl
Great topic! Can we have it on list?   Heather 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Marlaina Lieberg 
  Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2011 3:35 AM
  Subject: Re: best way to stream?

  I would be very interested in this topic.  I need to learn to stream with my 
mac book air.
  On Jan 25, 2011, at 11:58 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

  Could you please write me off list so we can go over this?  Unless I'm 
missing something, Nicecast seems to be ITunes dependant because when I press 
the button to check the box to start the broadcast, ITunes popped open.  I'd 
rather do this with you off list so we don't get off topic.  that is, unless 
the mods feel that perhaps this info might be of some use in the future.  

  The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

  Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

  Skype Name:

  On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:34 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

  > Yeah you can use nicecast to stream and run sound flower so you can hijack 
your mic if you are ever goign ot get ont he air and unhijack it via audio 
hijack to mute your mic thereby leaving voice over out of the loop. This is how 
I did this with my live tffp I had last month.
  > On Jan 25, 2011, at 10:51 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
  >> Okay,
  >> Here's the deal.  Thanks to Sarah, I now have Cog Player.  Sure wish I'd 
found out about this during my first days with my Mac.  Is there any way to use 
it to stream?  Perhaps with Icecast or something?  You can write me off list or 
just answer here.  Thansk.
  >> Sincerely, 
  >> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
  >> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
  >> Skype Name:
  >> barefootedray
  >> -- 
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Re: best way to stream?

2011-01-30 Thread Dane Trethowan
No, Nicecast is certainly not Itunes dependent, it can stream anything that's 
an audio source from line in to another application with some form of audio 
output such as VLC, DVD Player etc.

On 30/01/2011, at 8:35 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> I would be very interested in this topic.  I need to learn to stream with my 
> mac book air.
> On Jan 25, 2011, at 11:58 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Could you please write me off list so we can go over this?  Unless I'm 
> missing something, Nicecast seems to be ITunes dependant because when I press 
> the button to check the box to start the broadcast, ITunes popped open.  I'd 
> rather do this with you off list so we don't get off topic.  that is, unless 
> the mods feel that perhaps this info might be of some use in the future.  
> Thanks.
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:34 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeah you can use nicecast to stream and run sound flower so you can hijack 
>> your mic if you are ever goign ot get ont he air and unhijack it via audio 
>> hijack to mute your mic thereby leaving voice over out of the loop. This is 
>> how I did this with my live tffp I had last month.
>> On Jan 25, 2011, at 10:51 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Okay,
>>> Here's the deal.  Thanks to Sarah, I now have Cog Player.  Sure wish I'd 
>>> found out about this during my first days with my Mac.  Is there any way to 
>>> use it to stream?  Perhaps with Icecast or something?  You can write me off 
>>> list or just answer here.  Thansk.
>>> Sincerely, 
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype Name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> -- 
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Re: best way to stream?

2011-01-30 Thread Stephanie Mitchell

I'd like to know how to use itunes radio.

- Original Message -
From: Marlaina Lieberg <
Date sent: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 01:35:03 -0800
Subject: Re: best way to stream?

I would be very interested in this topic.  I need to learn to 
stream with my mac book air.

On Jan 25, 2011, at 11:58 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Could you please write me off list so we can go over this?  
Unless I'm missing something, Nicecast seems to be ITunes 
dependant because when I press the button to check the box to 
start the broadcast, ITunes popped open.  I'd rather do this with 
you off list so we don't get off topic.  that is, unless the mods 
feel that perhaps this info might be of some use in the future.  

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:34 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Yeah you can use nicecast to stream and run sound flower so you 
can hijack your mic if you are ever goign ot get ont he air and 
unhijack it via audio hijack to mute your mic thereby leaving 
voice over out of the loop.  This is how I did this with my live 
tffp I had last month.

On Jan 25, 2011, at 10:51 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:


Here's the deal.  Thanks to Sarah, I now have Cog Player.  Sure 
wish I'd found out about this during my first days with my Mac.  
Is there any way to use it to stream?  Perhaps with Icecast or 
something?  You can write me off list or just answer here.  

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

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Re: Help restoring

2011-01-30 Thread Ricardo Walker
Why should it effect time machine at all?  Just go into time machine prefs, and 
make sure the newly named HD is not on the exclude from backup list.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 30, 2011, at 3:24 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I renamed my hd when restoring the OS. How will this effect the time machine 
> and how do I fix this?
> S
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Re: scanning

2011-01-30 Thread Paul Hunt
What is an Ipal?

On Jan 29, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:

> I recently read that with the latest patch to the K1000 allows that software 
> to be run with the EyePal.  One of course would need to run Windows on the 
> Mac, but that would seem to be a viable option for those of us with an EyePal.
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>> just wondering, are there book-edge scanners that are compatible?
>> The idea of cutting up a book made me flinch lol.
>> Karen
>> On Sat, 29 Jan 2011, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> My Canon Lide 700F portable USB scanner does a beautiful job with VueScan 
>>> and ABBYY FineReader. When scanning books, I flatten out the book as best I 
>>> can, then press down on the lid of the scanner to stop the book jumping up 
>>> and ruining the scan. It works great and the scanner hasn't complained yet.
>>> Of course, if you can bear to cut the book apart first, you don't need to 
>>> apply pressure to the lid of the scanner.
>>> Let me know if you need my set up instructions for VueScan.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 29 Jan 2011, at 21:30, Kaare Dehard wrote:
 right, I need something quick,not exactly clean but reliable when running. 
 Now thinking vuescan/abby combo and some decent scanner, any 
 recommendations for nice workable rugged scanners that don't have a 
 printer or fax or a million other things that they're part of?
>>> -- 
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Re: Help restoring

2011-01-30 Thread AZ


Renaming disks or partitions doesn't effect the system.


30.01.2011 11:24, Sarah Alawami writes:
I renamed my hd when restoring the OS. How will this effect the time 
machine and how do I fix this?

S --
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Re: prom registering vuescan

2011-01-30 Thread Colin M
Hi Stephanie!
I do not know if this will work for you, but sometimes I have to do a mouse 
click [ vo+shift+space ] then I can type or it might be you need to interact 
with the text field!
Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 30 Jan 2011, at 04:36, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

> I just purchased vuescan.  However, I have a prom.  I can't seem to enter the 
> details such as my serial number etc.  I go to the "edit text" but when i 
> enter the numbers, it's still blank.  So how do I register?
> Thanks.
> Steph
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Re: scanning

2011-01-30 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, You mean EyePal.  It's a 5 mpx digital camera on a monopod.  You put books 
or papers under the camera and it grabs pictures.  It's great for large OcR 
projects, or for fearful old people who just want to press a button and hear 
their utility bill.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-01-30, at 6:08 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> What is an Ipal?
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
>> I recently read that with the latest patch to the K1000 allows that software 
>> to be run with the EyePal.  One of course would need to run Windows on the 
>> Mac, but that would seem to be a viable option for those of us with an 
>> EyePal.
>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>>> just wondering, are there book-edge scanners that are compatible?
>>> The idea of cutting up a book made me flinch lol.
>>> Karen
>>> On Sat, 29 Jan 2011, Anne Robertson wrote:
 My Canon Lide 700F portable USB scanner does a beautiful job with VueScan 
 and ABBYY FineReader. When scanning books, I flatten out the book as best 
 I can, then press down on the lid of the scanner to stop the book jumping 
 up and ruining the scan. It works great and the scanner hasn't complained 
 Of course, if you can bear to cut the book apart first, you don't need to 
 apply pressure to the lid of the scanner.
 Let me know if you need my set up instructions for VueScan.
 On 29 Jan 2011, at 21:30, Kaare Dehard wrote:
> right, I need something quick,not exactly clean but reliable when 
> running. Now thinking vuescan/abby combo and some decent scanner, any 
> recommendations for nice workable rugged scanners that don't have a 
> printer or fax or a million other things that they're part of?
> Thanks.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: word processor for the itouch?

2011-01-30 Thread Keith Watson

I am glad to hear that you threw it out. As a long time Linux user and a 
recently converted Mac user anytime I hear that someone has thrown out a 
Microslop solution I get all tingley!


On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:04 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to throw out Microsoft's 1 Note.  It seems to be 100% 
> accessible.  It might be worth it to those with hotmail/windows live accounts.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 1:20 PM, Jane wrote:
>> I'm using Notesy, not sure of exact spelling, and it works pretty well
>> Jane
>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 1:05 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi Ann,  It seems the notes application is hiding in my finance folder.  
>>> That must have happened when I first got the thing.  Kinda like the way my 
>>> mac is registered to eerik urggraaf, because I hadn't mastered the trick of 
>>> editing on the mac yet.  Good times.  
>>> I've actually bought INotepad and quite like it.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> User support consultant,
>>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>>> 1-888-255-5194
>>> On 2011-01-29, at 12:40 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
 Hello Erik,
 Why not just use the Notes app that comes with the iPod Touch?
 Otherwise, if you want something that will sync with your Mac, try Simple 
 Note and its other half for the Mac, Notational Velocity.
 On 29 Jan 2011, at 17:11, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi guys, I need a word processor for the ITouch and don't have all day to 
> fiddle with different ones.  For right right now I just need the ability 
> to type up 3 lines of notes for a 5 minute presentation, more so I can 
> look the part of a successful access technologist than because I need 
> pointers to keep me on track.
> Eventually I'd like to explore something more advanced like quick office 
> and would appreciate any thoughts you might have on that score.  But for 
> now, can you get me up and typing so I can strap on my braille display 
> and look cool at the presentation?
> Thanks,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> -- 
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Re: word processor for the itouch?

2011-01-30 Thread Ricardo Walker

I meant throw it out to the list as a suggestion. :).

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 30, 2011, at 9:04 AM, Keith Watson wrote:

> Ricardo,
> I am glad to hear that you threw it out. As a long time Linux user and a 
> recently converted Mac user anytime I hear that someone has thrown out a 
> Microslop solution I get all tingley!
> Keith
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:04 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to throw out Microsoft's 1 Note.  It seems to be 100% 
>> accessible.  It might be worth it to those with hotmail/windows live 
>> accounts.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 1:20 PM, Jane wrote:
>>> I'm using Notesy, not sure of exact spelling, and it works pretty well
>>> Jane
>>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 1:05 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 Hi Ann,  It seems the notes application is hiding in my finance folder.  
 That must have happened when I first got the thing.  Kinda like the way my 
 mac is registered to eerik urggraaf, because I hadn't mastered the trick 
 of editing on the mac yet.  Good times.  
 I've actually bought INotepad and quite like it.
 Erik Burggraaf
 User support consultant,
 Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
 On 2011-01-29, at 12:40 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Erik,
> Why not just use the Notes app that comes with the iPod Touch?
> Otherwise, if you want something that will sync with your Mac, try Simple 
> Note and its other half for the Mac, Notational Velocity.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 29 Jan 2011, at 17:11, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi guys, I need a word processor for the ITouch and don't have all day 
>> to fiddle with different ones.  For right right now I just need the 
>> ability to type up 3 lines of notes for a 5 minute presentation, more so 
>> I can look the part of a successful access technologist than because I 
>> need pointers to keep me on track.
>> Eventually I'd like to explore something more advanced like quick office 
>> and would appreciate any thoughts you might have on that score.  But for 
>> now, can you get me up and typing so I can strap on my braille display 
>> and look cool at the presentation?
>> Thanks,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> -- 
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Re: garage band nitty-gritty little things i keep misunderstanding

2011-01-30 Thread Chris Snyder
I too would be interested in an audio tutorial.
On Jan 1, 2011, at 1:44 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Ricardo,
> Sorry, the last line of your message just sunk in. lol  so yes, I'd 
> definitely be interested in an audio, this looks complicated.
> Donna
> On Dec 30, 2010, at 9:38 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I can answer these for you.  First you are correct.  Regions are segments of 
>> audio or midi recorded on a track.  To record on to a region you must first 
>> turn on the cycle region which can be done by pressing the letter C to 
>> toggle it on and off.  Then interact with the arrange layout area and 
>> navigate to multiple indicators ruler time line and interact again.  Now 
>> navigate to the cycle region layout iTem.  Here you can resize the size of 
>> the cycle region, as well as move it a long the timeline.  To start moving 
>> the region press VO command accent.  Now use the left and right arrows to 
>> position the region in the timeline.  Press escape when done.  Now you might 
>> want to stretch or shrink the size of the cycle region.  This is done by 
>> pressing VO command shift accent.  You will be given 2 choices.  Move the 
>> left border or the right border.  So for example,  If I wanted to add to my 
>> verse region on my guitar track and it started on bar 5 and ended at bar 21 
>> I would first move the cycle region to bar 5.  Then I would move the right 
>> border so the cycle region is 16 bars long.  Now I can go to my guitar 
>> track, hit record, and play my little heart out.  lol.  I just combined all 
>> your questions into one example.  I thought it would be easier.  I can 
>> create a basic audio
>> tutorial if enough people are interested.  Let me know.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Dec 30, 2010, at 8:39 AM, f10r14n wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have been playing around in Garage band for a couple of weeks now
>>> but there's a few things I just don't get . If someone can walk me
>>> through this on skype or IM or iChat that would be awesome, but maybe
>>> answering these general questions will help:
>>> - First, the whole idea of regions. I understand a region is a portion
>>> of recorded audio on one track. Is this true? Or does it encompass
>>> more then one track?
>>> If the former theory is correct, is it possible to add onto one region
>>> but not on another? For example if you have three regions. An intro, a
>>> chorus and a verse region. How can you easily add a second part to the
>>> chorus region without affecting the other two? For example add a
>>> different instrument or background vocals or so?
>>> -Second thing is the so - called cycle recording. I understand this
>>> creates a sort of region that lets you basically record ov er an
>>> already done piece, possibly adding to it. But how can i see what
>>> selection is indicated?  I mean, how do i know what part is being
>>> cycled? Also people tell me to resize regions using voiceOver resizing
>>> commands. I have two questions about that.
>>> 1. What are these commands?
>>> 2. I understand resizing the cycle region increases the amount of bars
>>> it is encompassing, therefore increasing the length thats being
>>> cycled. But why would you want to resize another region? Wouldn't you
>>> be just adding empty bars?
>>> Sorry if these are newbie questions, its just things i never really
>>> understood.
>>> Any help apreciated,
>>> Florian
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For m

Re: garage band nitty-gritty little things i keep misunderstanding

2011-01-30 Thread Colin M
Hi Chris!
Just in case you have missed them!
Here are the first three links to Ricardo's pod cast's!
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 30 Jan 2011, at 16:01, Chris Snyder wrote:

> I too would be interested in an audio tutorial.
> Friendly,
> Chris
> On Jan 1, 2011, at 1:44 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Ricardo,
>> Sorry, the last line of your message just sunk in. lol  so yes, I'd 
>> definitely be interested in an audio, this looks complicated.
>> Donna
>> On Dec 30, 2010, at 9:38 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I can answer these for you.  First you are correct.  Regions are segments 
>>> of audio or midi recorded on a track.  To record on to a region you must 
>>> first turn on the cycle region which can be done by pressing the letter C 
>>> to toggle it on and off.  Then interact with the arrange layout area and 
>>> navigate to multiple indicators ruler time line and interact again.  Now 
>>> navigate to the cycle region layout iTem.  Here you can resize the size of 
>>> the cycle region, as well as move it a long the timeline.  To start moving 
>>> the region press VO command accent.  Now use the left and right arrows to 
>>> position the region in the timeline.  Press escape when done.  Now you 
>>> might want to stretch or shrink the size of the cycle region.  This is done 
>>> by pressing VO command shift accent.  You will be given 2 choices.  Move 
>>> the left border or the right border.  So for example,  If I wanted to add 
>>> to my verse region on my guitar track and it started on bar 5 and ended at 
>>> bar 21 I would first move the cycle region to bar 5.  Then I would move the 
>>> right border so the cycle region is 16 bars long.  Now I can go to my 
>>> guitar track, hit record, and play my little heart out.  lol.  I just 
>>> combined all your questions into one example.  I thought it would be 
>>> easier.  I can create a basic audio
>>> tutorial if enough people are interested.  Let me know.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Dec 30, 2010, at 8:39 AM, f10r14n wrote:
 I have been playing around in Garage band for a couple of weeks now
 but there's a few things I just don't get . If someone can walk me
 through this on skype or IM or iChat that would be awesome, but maybe
 answering these general questions will help:
 - First, the whole idea of regions. I understand a region is a portion
 of recorded audio on one track. Is this true? Or does it encompass
 more then one track?
 If the former theory is correct, is it possible to add onto one region
 but not on another? For example if you have three regions. An intro, a
 chorus and a verse region. How can you easily add a second part to the
 chorus region without affecting the other two? For example add a
 different instrument or background vocals or so?
 -Second thing is the so - called cycle recording. I understand this
 creates a sort of region that lets you basically record ov er an
 already done piece, possibly adding to it. But how can i see what
 selection is indicated?  I mean, how do i know what part is being
 cycled? Also people tell me to resize regions using voiceOver resizing
 commands. I have two questions about that.
 1. What are these commands?
 2. I understand resizing the cycle region increases the amount of bars
 it is encompassing, therefore increasing the length thats being
 cycled. But why would you want to resize another region? Wouldn't you
 be just adding empty bars?
 Sorry if these are newbie questions, its just things i never really
 Any help apreciated,
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Re: Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-30 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
Apple didn't make cydia. It was made by someone who goes by the name
Saurik who is involved with a group of people that call themselves the
iPhone dev team - they have nothing to do with apple.
Tethered jailbreaks really aren't worth it imo scott.

On 30/01/2011, Scott Granados  wrote:
> Rose, this is fantastic.
> Thanks for this resource!
> On Jan 30, 2011, at 12:55 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
>> I have written two extensive articles on jailbreaking. They can be found
>> at
>> and
>> Also, Icy went open source, and you can download a new version designed
>> for OS 4, as described in jb104. If you wish to install Icy after you
>> jailbreak, copy the files in this zip to the autoinstall path for jb apps,
>> also described in jb104.
>> JB101 also explains where to find the latest and most reliable jailbreak
>> information.
>> Hth,
>> Rose
>> On Jan 30, 2011, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> Would you mind detailing how you did that and the steps you tok to
>>> jailbreak.  Maybe provide a link?  I was thinking of giving it a shot but
>>> was talked out of it on the list.  I like the idea of a jailbreak process
>>> though.
>>> I wish the one worked for 4.2.1.
>>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:04 AM, James Malone wrote:
 Hi guys. Recently I Jailbroke my phone, but have run into an issue. I
 tried to start Cidia so I could go grab an app, but Voiceover doesn't
 seem to like it. Suggestions have been made to get Icy, but everything
 seems to point in the direction of downloading it with Cidia. Besides,
 Icy isn't being made anymore either, so I've heard. Can anyone suggest
 what I should do? If worse comes to worsed, I'll grab some sighted
 asistance. But still, something that was made by the apple Dev team
 really should be accessible. Anyway, thanks guys.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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Re: Gmail via Pop?

2011-01-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks; trying that now.

On Jan 29, 2011, at 4:58 PM, Thomas wrote:

> Works pretty good most of the time.  If you want to see copies of messages 
> going out you may wish to modifyyour user name in the acount description.  
> check below will have it isolated for you.
> So the eddited user name you will see your mail you send to lists, because it 
> doesn't always work based on alone.  It's a gmail thing works 
> with Mozilla Thunderbird on windows too.  In fact heard about it on another 
> list which is deffinitly predominantly windows users, but also worked here 
> too.  It will send you all you send out from that acount but then you know it 
> went out.
> You should be able to do that simply by finding the acount in the table, 
> clicking back to acount description or general tag, not mailbox behaviors or 
> advance and eddit it in there in the user name, and should be good to go.
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 2:12 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Anyone tried this? It seems to be working. I'll soon find out if I receive 
>> copies of my own messages to the list, too, which I would like.
>> Teresa
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use of djay 3.

2011-01-30 Thread Stuart Young

Hi all
i'm intrested to no if anyone is using djay3 on the mac and also what 
peoples opinions of it are as i have just purchased it.

also what controllers do people fined work well when djing?.

You can contact me in one of the following ways:
(Mobile)  07814796821
(Home) 01392 273445
Thank you!.
Regards, Stuart Young.

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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new skype

2011-01-30 Thread louie
Hi all,
I very much like the updated skype. Now we can tell the status of our on line 
contacts. In the old skype you could tell the total number of people that were 
using Skype. In this new version I can't find that information. Any one know 
how to find this information?
As always tanks for any help.


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Does mms Work on the Mac?

2011-01-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
Does this Windows streaming protocol work for the Mac? I have Flip4Mac, but 
it's the free version and doesn't seem to work. Has anyone found another way to 
access these streams?


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Re: Gmail via Pop?

2011-01-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hmmm , curious, now I'm not receiving any list messages. Had to go to
the website to write this reply. I'll give it a bit more time, then
change it back.


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Re: Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-30 Thread Scott Granados
That's what I'm reading.

Honestly I'm thinking just holding out.  Really the only reason I'd jailbreak 
would be to have a WiFi hotspot.

On Jan 30, 2011, at 9:07 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:

> Apple didn't make cydia. It was made by someone who goes by the name
> Saurik who is involved with a group of people that call themselves the
> iPhone dev team - they have nothing to do with apple.
> Tethered jailbreaks really aren't worth it imo scott.
> On 30/01/2011, Scott Granados  wrote:
>> Rose, this is fantastic.
>> Thanks for this resource!
>> On Jan 30, 2011, at 12:55 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
>>> I have written two extensive articles on jailbreaking. They can be found
>>> at
>>> and
>>> Also, Icy went open source, and you can download a new version designed
>>> for OS 4, as described in jb104. If you wish to install Icy after you
>>> jailbreak, copy the files in this zip to the autoinstall path for jb apps,
>>> also described in jb104.
>>> JB101 also explains where to find the latest and most reliable jailbreak
>>> information.
>>> Hth,
>>> Rose
>>> On Jan 30, 2011, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
 Would you mind detailing how you did that and the steps you tok to
 jailbreak.  Maybe provide a link?  I was thinking of giving it a shot but
 was talked out of it on the list.  I like the idea of a jailbreak process
 I wish the one worked for 4.2.1.
 On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:04 AM, James Malone wrote:
> Hi guys. Recently I Jailbroke my phone, but have run into an issue. I
> tried to start Cidia so I could go grab an app, but Voiceover doesn't
> seem to like it. Suggestions have been made to get Icy, but everything
> seems to point in the direction of downloading it with Cidia. Besides,
> Icy isn't being made anymore either, so I've heard. Can anyone suggest
> what I should do? If worse comes to worsed, I'll grab some sighted
> asistance. But still, something that was made by the apple Dev team
> really should be accessible. Anyway, thanks guys.
> --
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Re: use of djay 3.

2011-01-30 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi Steward,

Dj is the only accessible mixing DJ software and though it's not yet the pro 
app, it holds its own pretty well via keyboard as well as via midi controllers.

For accessibility first, there are a few things which need labelling and the 
playlist table is not expressed correctly as in all playlists are voiced as 
unknown. However this problem is not too bad as if you know what your playlists 
on itunes are, you can type the first letters and you will be in that playlist.

I have played with the keyboard quite a bit and its a matter of reading the 
manual and knowing what each key does. To put it simply, left side of the 
keyboard is all pertaining to turntable 1 and the right to turntable 2. All eq, 
control and sampler functions are there. Scratching though which is done on the 
trackpad and requires some visual to place the mouse on the vinyl, is much 
better implemented on a controller.

Now for the controllers, there are a variety of them which are compatible with 
DJ, vestac, numark, cdj etc. I personally use it with the vestac vci 300 mkII 
but if you don't really use the software and have a lower budget, you could opt 
for the vestac spin which is promoted alongside DJ.

Once you have the controller, you have full access to scratch features and that 
is a real pleasure to play, mix, add effects and such.

I have been playing extensively with this combo since last month and i might 
make a podcast to demonstrate the features and the laptop hardware combo and 
what it can do.

Hope this helps,

Yuma DX®

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Re: Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
If att and vz would bundle the hotspot in with out charging then I would nit 
consider jailbreaking. 

On 30/01/2011, at 12:57, Scott Granados  wrote:

> That's what I'm reading.
> Honestly I'm thinking just holding out.  Really the only reason I'd jailbreak 
> would be to have a WiFi hotspot.
> On Jan 30, 2011, at 9:07 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>> Apple didn't make cydia. It was made by someone who goes by the name
>> Saurik who is involved with a group of people that call themselves the
>> iPhone dev team - they have nothing to do with apple.
>> Tethered jailbreaks really aren't worth it imo scott.
>> On 30/01/2011, Scott Granados  wrote:
>>> Rose, this is fantastic.
>>> Thanks for this resource!
>>> On Jan 30, 2011, at 12:55 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
 I have written two extensive articles on jailbreaking. They can be found
 Also, Icy went open source, and you can download a new version designed
 for OS 4, as described in jb104. If you wish to install Icy after you
 jailbreak, copy the files in this zip to the autoinstall path for jb apps,
 also described in jb104.
 JB101 also explains where to find the latest and most reliable jailbreak
 On Jan 30, 2011, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Would you mind detailing how you did that and the steps you tok to
> jailbreak.  Maybe provide a link?  I was thinking of giving it a shot but
> was talked out of it on the list.  I like the idea of a jailbreak process
> though.
> I wish the one worked for 4.2.1.
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:04 AM, James Malone wrote:
>> Hi guys. Recently I Jailbroke my phone, but have run into an issue. I
>> tried to start Cidia so I could go grab an app, but Voiceover doesn't
>> seem to like it. Suggestions have been made to get Icy, but everything
>> seems to point in the direction of downloading it with Cidia. Besides,
>> Icy isn't being made anymore either, so I've heard. Can anyone suggest
>> what I should do? If worse comes to worsed, I'll grab some sighted
>> asistance. But still, something that was made by the apple Dev team
>> really should be accessible. Anyway, thanks guys.
>> --
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Re: Does mms Work on the Mac?

2011-01-30 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I use Jabber with Ichat and can reach people on windows live messenger.

On 30 Jan 2011, at 20:43, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Does this Windows streaming protocol work for the Mac? I have Flip4Mac, but 
> it's the free version and doesn't seem to work. Has anyone found another way 
> to access these streams?
> Thanks,
> Teresa
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Re: Help restoring

2011-01-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
But would it not effect the time machine?

On 30/01/2011, at 3:28, AZ  wrote:

> Hi
> Renaming disks or partitions doesn't effect the system.
> AZ
> 30.01.2011 11:24, Sarah Alawami writes:
>> I renamed my hd when restoring the OS. How will this effect the time machine 
>> and how do I fix this?
>> S -- 
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Re: use of djay 3.

2011-01-30 Thread Ray Foret Jr
My issue with DJ is this.  It's ITunes dependant.  I know no way of just 
opening files in DJ and encuing them in to a list.  I like Cog player a lot; 
but, the issue I have there is that it tends to crash on me.  I'm using the 
latest version of it.  Does anybody know of any other players which allow 
encuing such as can be done with Cog player?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Jan 30, 2011, at 3:06 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Hi Steward,
> Dj is the only accessible mixing DJ software and though it's not yet the pro 
> app, it holds its own pretty well via keyboard as well as via midi 
> controllers.
> For accessibility first, there are a few things which need labelling and the 
> playlist table is not expressed correctly as in all playlists are voiced as 
> unknown. However this problem is not too bad as if you know what your 
> playlists on itunes are, you can type the first letters and you will be in 
> that playlist.
> I have played with the keyboard quite a bit and its a matter of reading the 
> manual and knowing what each key does. To put it simply, left side of the 
> keyboard is all pertaining to turntable 1 and the right to turntable 2. All 
> eq, control and sampler functions are there. Scratching though which is done 
> on the trackpad and requires some visual to place the mouse on the vinyl, is 
> much better implemented on a controller.
> Now for the controllers, there are a variety of them which are compatible 
> with DJ, vestac, numark, cdj etc. I personally use it with the vestac vci 300 
> mkII but if you don't really use the software and have a lower budget, you 
> could opt for the vestac spin which is promoted alongside DJ.
> Once you have the controller, you have full access to scratch features and 
> that is a real pleasure to play, mix, add effects and such.
> I have been playing extensively with this combo since last month and i might 
> make a podcast to demonstrate the features and the laptop hardware combo and 
> what it can do.
> Hope this helps,
> Yuma DX®
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Re: Help restoring

2011-01-30 Thread AZ


If you didn't change the path to the HD like /hda0 or like that and if 
you didn't replace the hard disk the name of the disk is just a label 
for you. I'm sure.


31.01.2011 0:31, Sarah Alawami writes:

But would it not effect the time machine?

On 30/01/2011, at 3:28, AZ > wrote:


Renaming disks or partitions doesn't effect the system.


30.01.2011 11:24, Sarah Alawami writes:
I renamed my hd when restoring the OS. How will this effect the time 
machine and how do I fix this?

S --
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Re: use of djay 3.

2011-01-30 Thread Yuma Decaux

Try enter when you got a track you want to enqueu. It will say add track to 
auto-mix queue. The other way is to just make a playlist in itunes and find it 
by going into the playlist table and pressing typing the keys of the playlist 
you created.

Hope that helps 

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iTunes tutorials

2011-01-30 Thread Brian Miller
Hi all,

Does anyone know of an iTunes tutorial for blind users?  
I know the question has been posed before, but it seems to me that there was
no answer last time it was asked... So I'll ask again... 

Brian Miller

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Re: Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-30 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
Pdanet (The hotspot app) is pretty handy to be fair. I'm lucky that my
3gs is old enough that it can work untethered - I don't really like
the idea of my phone rebooting for what ever reason only to find that
at best some of the apps won't work or at worst that it won't boot at

On 30/01/2011, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> If att and vz would bundle the hotspot in with out charging then I would nit
> consider jailbreaking.
> On 30/01/2011, at 12:57, Scott Granados  wrote:
>> That's what I'm reading.
>> Honestly I'm thinking just holding out.  Really the only reason I'd
>> jailbreak would be to have a WiFi hotspot.
>> On Jan 30, 2011, at 9:07 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>>> Apple didn't make cydia. It was made by someone who goes by the name
>>> Saurik who is involved with a group of people that call themselves the
>>> iPhone dev team - they have nothing to do with apple.
>>> Tethered jailbreaks really aren't worth it imo scott.
>>> On 30/01/2011, Scott Granados  wrote:
 Rose, this is fantastic.

 Thanks for this resource!

 On Jan 30, 2011, at 12:55 AM, Rose Morales wrote:

> I have written two extensive articles on jailbreaking. They can be
> found
> at
> and
> Also, Icy went open source, and you can download a new version designed
> for OS 4, as described in jb104. If you wish to install Icy after you
> jailbreak, copy the files in this zip to the autoinstall path for jb
> apps,
> also described in jb104.
> JB101 also explains where to find the latest and most reliable
> jailbreak
> information.
> Hth,
> Rose
> On Jan 30, 2011, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Would you mind detailing how you did that and the steps you tok to
>> jailbreak.  Maybe provide a link?  I was thinking of giving it a shot
>> but
>> was talked out of it on the list.  I like the idea of a jailbreak
>> process
>> though.
>> I wish the one worked for 4.2.1.
>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:04 AM, James Malone wrote:
>>> Hi guys. Recently I Jailbroke my phone, but have run into an issue. I
>>> tried to start Cidia so I could go grab an app, but Voiceover doesn't
>>> seem to like it. Suggestions have been made to get Icy, but
>>> everything
>>> seems to point in the direction of downloading it with Cidia.
>>> Besides,
>>> Icy isn't being made anymore either, so I've heard. Can anyone
>>> suggest
>>> what I should do? If worse comes to worsed, I'll grab some sighted
>>> asistance. But still, something that was made by the apple Dev team
>>> really should be accessible. Anyway, thanks guys.
>>> --
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PDF files

2011-01-30 Thread Bejarano, Rafael P.
Hi all,

I wonder if anyone besides me has noticed a difference between how Preview 
reads PDF files on Snow Leopard and how it reads them on Tiger. In particular, 
certain PDF files are read just fine by Preview in Tiger, but not so well on a 
computer on which Snow Leopard is running. Any ideas why that might be?

Rafael Bejarano

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13 reasons why software is not free

2011-01-30 Thread Mary Otten
Hi all,

While reading on tuaw recently, I came across a link to a very good article, 
written by a developer, listing the reasons why software is not free. Since 
there is from time to time a lot of discussion regarding the price of software, 
usually involving people decrying the fact that a given app is not free or 
nearly so and somehow feeling that they are being gouged by developers, I 
thought I'd offer this link for folks to check out and think about. Remember, 
this author is not a blindness software developer. Everything she says in her 
article is common sense. But since it is coming from a small mainstream 
developer, not one developing for our small market, maybe it will go down 
easier with those of you who  post here and elsewhere the view that small 
developers working for a small market segment are somehow out to screw us over.

Mary Otten

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Using Item Chooser in Garage Band to find things

2011-01-30 Thread Victor Tsaran
Hello all,
Apologies if this is not any kind of news to some Garage Band users,
but I wanted to bring to the attention of those who are just starting
using this software, that it is possible to utilize the Item Chooser
feature of Voiceover (Control+Option+I) to find things on the screen.
This is especially useful if you are not sure where the item is
located and you want to reduce the number of VO keystrokes you need to
use to get there. You can find pretty much anything: buttons, edit
fields, text strings as long as they are displayed on the screen etc.

Good luck and enjoy Garage Band.

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Re: 13 reasons why software is not free

2011-01-30 Thread Scott Howell

Thanks for sharing the article. I agree with a lot that Brit wrote. However, I 
do think that APple has affected some of this in the sense that advertising is 
a little different and it seemed a lot of her comments likely targeted more the 
desktop world. However, again, Brit's comments to have a lot of truth and folks 
should consider what she offers.

On Jan 30, 2011, at 6:14 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi all,
> While reading on tuaw recently, I came across a link to a very good article, 
> written by a developer, listing the reasons why software is not free. Since 
> there is from time to time a lot of discussion regarding the price of 
> software, usually involving people decrying the fact that a given app is not 
> free or nearly so and somehow feeling that they are being gouged by 
> developers, I thought I'd offer this link for folks to check out and think 
> about. Remember, this author is not a blindness software developer. 
> Everything she says in her article is common sense. But since it is coming 
> from a small mainstream developer, not one developing for our small market, 
> maybe it will go down easier with those of you who  post here and elsewhere 
> the view that small developers working for a small market segment are somehow 
> out to screw us over.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Usint Item Chooser

2011-01-30 Thread Dane Trethowan
Thank you for reminding us of the Item Chooser, a highly useful tool which can 
be used to find things extremely quickly in sometimes cluttered screens, I find 
myself using it a lot in Itunes for example, the Item Chooser is one of those 
Voiceover tools that doesn't get mentioned enough.

On 31/01/2011, at 10:32 AM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> Hello all,
> Apologies if this is not any kind of news to some Garage Band users,
> but I wanted to bring to the attention of those who are just starting
> using this software, that it is possible to utilize the Item Chooser
> feature of Voiceover (Control+Option+I) to find things on the screen.
> This is especially useful if you are not sure where the item is
> located and you want to reduce the number of VO keystrokes you need to
> use to get there. You can find pretty much anything: buttons, edit
> fields, text strings as long as they are displayed on the screen etc.
> Good luck and enjoy Garage Band.
> Regards,
> Vic
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Re: Does mms Work on the Mac?

2011-01-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
No, that's sms. I was referring to Windows streaming media files, mms. :)

On Jan 30, 2011, at 1:29 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hi.
> I use Jabber with Ichat and can reach people on windows live messenger.
> Kawal.
> On 30 Jan 2011, at 20:43, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Does this Windows streaming protocol work for the Mac? I have Flip4Mac, but 
>> it's the free version and doesn't seem to work. Has anyone found another way 
>> to access these streams?
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
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Re: 13 reasons why software is not free

2011-01-30 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Scott.
Excellent article!
I feel the same  if some one would steel a song or complain that it  
should be FREE.
 If they only knew how many hours  it took  of composition or writing  
code  on our macs of course LOL!
 If people would only realize that steeling software and or songs  
that some one put many hours in developing that it is  illegal!

Sent from my Mac Pro
Talk soon

On Jan 30, 2011, at 6:35 PM, Scott Howell wrote:


Thanks for sharing the article. I agree with a lot that Brit wrote.  
However, I do think that APple has affected some of this in the  
sense that advertising is a little different and it seemed a lot of  
her comments likely targeted more the desktop world. However, again,  
Brit's comments to have a lot of truth and folks should consider  
what she offers.


On Jan 30, 2011, at 6:14 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

Hi all,

While reading on tuaw recently, I came across a link to a very good  
article, written by a developer, listing the reasons why software  
is not free. Since there is from time to time a lot of discussion  
regarding the price of software, usually involving people decrying  
the fact that a given app is not free or nearly so and somehow  
feeling that they are being gouged by developers, I thought I'd  
offer this link for folks to check out and think about. Remember,  
this author is not a blindness software developer. Everything she  
says in her article is common sense. But since it is coming from a  
small mainstream developer, not one developing for our small  
market, maybe it will go down easier with those of you who  post  
here and elsewhere the view that small developers working for a  
small market segment are somehow out to screw us over.

Mary Otten

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Apple TV questionRE: Help restoring

2011-01-30 Thread Brian Miller
Can anyone suggest a reason as to why last night my Apple TV found my iTunes
library through airplay just fine, and today it sees the library, but
nothing in it?  All Apple TV says is that there are no songs in my library,
but I am welcome to purchase some if I like.  
I added some new CDs to my library today, but other than that, there is
nothing different from last night.  Home sharing is turned on, and my MAC
mini seems to be finding the WiFi just fine.  
Any help would be much appreciated.
Brian M

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Re: Trackpad gestures on the macbook?

2011-01-30 Thread Neil James

Ricardo, thanks much. I will pass the info along.


- Original Message - 
From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: Trackpad gestures on the macbook?


Yes it does support this feature.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 29, 2011, at 3:48 PM, Neil James wrote:

Greetings all. A friend who is looking to buy a macbook asked me this and 
rather then speculating as to the answer, I thought I'd ask here. Does the 
current line of macbooks support the use of gestures like on the iPhone 
via the trackpad or is this only possible with the macbook pro line? 
Thanks much.


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Re: 13 reasons why software is not free

2011-01-30 Thread Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr.
Oh, here is another reason software is not free.

Companies who write otherwise useful and stable programs decide to sue Everyone 
who poses a threat by virtue of being a competitor. Software developers must 
get payed but so must lawyers who bring about these law suits.

Antonio Guimaraes


 Jan 30, 2011, at 8:15 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

> Hi Scott.
> Excellent article!
> I feel the same  if some one would steel a song or complain that it should be 
> If they only knew how many hours  it took  of composition or writing code  on 
> our macs of course LOL!
> If people would only realize that steeling software and or songs that some 
> one put many hours in developing that it is  illegal!
> Sent from my Mac Pro
> Talk soon
> Chuck
> On Jan 30, 2011, at 6:35 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Mary,
>> Thanks for sharing the article. I agree with a lot that Brit wrote. However, 
>> I do think that APple has affected some of this in the sense that 
>> advertising is a little different and it seemed a lot of her comments likely 
>> targeted more the desktop world. However, again, Brit's comments to have a 
>> lot of truth and folks should consider what she offers.
>> Scott
>> On Jan 30, 2011, at 6:14 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> While reading on tuaw recently, I came across a link to a very good 
>>> article, written by a developer, listing the reasons why software is not 
>>> free. Since there is from time to time a lot of discussion regarding the 
>>> price of software, usually involving people decrying the fact that a given 
>>> app is not free or nearly so and somehow feeling that they are being gouged 
>>> by developers, I thought I'd offer this link for folks to check out and 
>>> think about. Remember, this author is not a blindness software developer. 
>>> Everything she says in her article is common sense. But since it is coming 
>>> from a small mainstream developer, not one developing for our small market, 
>>> maybe it will go down easier with those of you who  post here and elsewhere 
>>> the view that small developers working for a small market segment are 
>>> somehow out to screw us over.
>>> Mary
>>> Mary Otten
>>> -- 
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Re: 13 reasons why software is not free

2011-01-30 Thread Eric Oyen
there is the 3 or 4 US Dollars for an app from the app store, or the $1,000 US 
price tag for software that shouldn't cost more than $100 (btw, that over 
priced software is called Jaws for windows). I know there are reasons for 
developer costs (paychecks, taxes and the like) but to charge such enormous 
prices simply because the government pays them is unconscionable! they price us 
(the blind) out of the market solely based on "ability to pay". one other thing 
I will say about freedom scientific: their business practices are predatory. 

now, apple has its share of bad items on the list, but accessibility isn't one 
of them. Apple realized that everyone (regardless of disability) needs 
accommodation. its why those who are like us (blinks) have speech and braille 
and why others who cannot read but otherwise can see use the symbology of 
images on the desktop (yes, there are folks like this). 

the whole point is this: sure, software is not free, but it doesn't have to be 
onerously expensive either.


On Jan 30, 2011, at 4:14 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi all,
> While reading on tuaw recently, I came across a link to a very good article, 
> written by a developer, listing the reasons why software is not free. Since 
> there is from time to time a lot of discussion regarding the price of 
> software, usually involving people decrying the fact that a given app is not 
> free or nearly so and somehow feeling that they are being gouged by 
> developers, I thought I'd offer this link for folks to check out and think 
> about. Remember, this author is not a blindness software developer. 
> Everything she says in her article is common sense. But since it is coming 
> from a small mainstream developer, not one developing for our small market, 
> maybe it will go down easier with those of you who  post here and elsewhere 
> the view that small developers working for a small market segment are somehow 
> out to screw us over.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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6th gen Ipod nano

2011-01-30 Thread Courtney Curran
Can the music app on the Ipod Nano have the ability to crossfade? Also, does 
the 6th gen Ipod nano have a clock?

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difference between

2011-01-30 Thread Stephanie Mitchell
What's the difference between the doc, the finder and the 
desktop? It just seems confussing.  Also is there a quick way to 
find my applicNs folder?


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RE: difference between

2011-01-30 Thread Cameron
To bring up your applications folder, hit command, shift, a as in apple.
And, if you need to get to utilities, hit command, shift, u as in under.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Stephanie Mitchell
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 12:39 AM
To: Mac access Email list
Subject: difference between

What's the difference between the doc, the finder and the 
desktop? It just seems confussing.  Also is there a quick way to 
find my applicNs folder?

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Re: difference between

2011-01-30 Thread Wes Smith
always think of the finder as windows explorer.  It's like that, but simplified 
a little.  I don't find myself putting aliases (shortcuts), on the desktop.  I 
just use the doc.  Hope this helps,
Wes :)

On Jan 30, 2011, at 10:38 PM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

> What's the difference between the doc, the finder and the desktop? It just 
> seems confusing.  Also is there a quick way to find my applications folder?
> Thanks.
> Steph
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Re: difference between

2011-01-30 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Steph,

The Finder is the application that manages all your files and folders, the Dock 
is a bar across the bottom of your screen where you keep shortcuts to your 
favourite applications and folders, and the Desktop is where you can find the 
internal hard drive and any other volumes connected to your Mac. You can also 
use your Desktop as temporary accommodation for files and folders you're 
currently working on and haven't decided where to keep yet.

I usually save Mail attachments to my Desktop until I can decide whether to 
keep them or not.

Cmd-Shift-A takes you straight to your Applications folder, Cmd-Shift-U to your 
Utilities folder, Cmd-Shift-O to your Documents folder and Cmd-Shift-H to your 
Home folder.



On 31 Jan 2011, at 06:38, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

> What's the difference between the doc, the finder and the desktop? It just 
> seems confussing.  Also is there a quick way to find my applicNs folder?
> Thanks.
> Steph
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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-30 Thread James Malone
I'm not happy with the Dropbox team at all. I can't do anything at all
with dropbox on my mac. I can't even install it. There wasn't an
install screen for me anyway. If there is, voiceover isn't showing it.
Dropbox is installed, but I can't log in. The only reason I know it is
installed, is because I have seen the prefs menu with the mouse. Maybe
its just my Mac, but still...

On 1/28/11, Matthew Campbell  wrote:
> Hello mac users.
> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack of
> accessibility within they're mac application.
> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send
> them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback link
> from the links area.
> Thanks.
> Copied text to Dropbox
> Hello Dropbox team.
> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac
> application.
> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen
> reading software on the mac.
> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and
> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can be
> made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
> Thanks for reading.
> Matthew Campbell.
> --
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repartition a hard drive

2011-01-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello to all. I decided to resize my bootcamp partition so I got rid of my 
bootcamp partition after backing it up using winclone. but the problem is I 
still have the same amount of space free when I started the process so where 
did the other 80 gigs go? lol! do I need to reboot or something so I can 
rebuild the thing whenI get the time? lol!

Take care.


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Re: Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
That's true, but if the companies would include teathing with the data plan I 
can stream live where ever I am, or check my email while in the car.

On Jan 30, 2011, at 2:18 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:

> Pdanet (The hotspot app) is pretty handy to be fair. I'm lucky that my
> 3gs is old enough that it can work untethered - I don't really like
> the idea of my phone rebooting for what ever reason only to find that
> at best some of the apps won't work or at worst that it won't boot at
> all.
> On 30/01/2011, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> If att and vz would bundle the hotspot in with out charging then I would nit
>> consider jailbreaking.
>> On 30/01/2011, at 12:57, Scott Granados  wrote:
>>> That's what I'm reading.
>>> Honestly I'm thinking just holding out.  Really the only reason I'd
>>> jailbreak would be to have a WiFi hotspot.
>>> On Jan 30, 2011, at 9:07 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
 Apple didn't make cydia. It was made by someone who goes by the name
 Saurik who is involved with a group of people that call themselves the
 iPhone dev team - they have nothing to do with apple.
 Tethered jailbreaks really aren't worth it imo scott.
 On 30/01/2011, Scott Granados  wrote:
> Rose, this is fantastic.
> Thanks for this resource!
> On Jan 30, 2011, at 12:55 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
>> I have written two extensive articles on jailbreaking. They can be
>> found
>> at
>> and
>> Also, Icy went open source, and you can download a new version designed
>> for OS 4, as described in jb104. If you wish to install Icy after you
>> jailbreak, copy the files in this zip to the autoinstall path for jb
>> apps,
>> also described in jb104.
>> JB101 also explains where to find the latest and most reliable
>> jailbreak
>> information.
>> Hth,
>> Rose
>> On Jan 30, 2011, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> Would you mind detailing how you did that and the steps you tok to
>>> jailbreak.  Maybe provide a link?  I was thinking of giving it a shot
>>> but
>>> was talked out of it on the list.  I like the idea of a jailbreak
>>> process
>>> though.
>>> I wish the one worked for 4.2.1.
>>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:04 AM, James Malone wrote:
 Hi guys. Recently I Jailbroke my phone, but have run into an issue. I
 tried to start Cidia so I could go grab an app, but Voiceover doesn't
 seem to like it. Suggestions have been made to get Icy, but
 seems to point in the direction of downloading it with Cidia.
 Icy isn't being made anymore either, so I've heard. Can anyone
 what I should do? If worse comes to worsed, I'll grab some sighted
 asistance. But still, something that was made by the apple Dev team
 really should be accessible. Anyway, thanks guys.
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Re: Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-30 Thread James Malone
Thanks! Yeah, I can't say a tethered Jailbreak would exactly be fun.

On 1/31/11, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
> Pdanet (The hotspot app) is pretty handy to be fair. I'm lucky that my
> 3gs is old enough that it can work untethered - I don't really like
> the idea of my phone rebooting for what ever reason only to find that
> at best some of the apps won't work or at worst that it won't boot at
> all.
> On 30/01/2011, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> If att and vz would bundle the hotspot in with out charging then I would
>> nit
>> consider jailbreaking.
>> On 30/01/2011, at 12:57, Scott Granados  wrote:
>>> That's what I'm reading.
>>> Honestly I'm thinking just holding out.  Really the only reason I'd
>>> jailbreak would be to have a WiFi hotspot.
>>> On Jan 30, 2011, at 9:07 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
 Apple didn't make cydia. It was made by someone who goes by the name
 Saurik who is involved with a group of people that call themselves the
 iPhone dev team - they have nothing to do with apple.
 Tethered jailbreaks really aren't worth it imo scott.

 On 30/01/2011, Scott Granados  wrote:
> Rose, this is fantastic.
> Thanks for this resource!
> On Jan 30, 2011, at 12:55 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
>> I have written two extensive articles on jailbreaking. They can be
>> found
>> at
>> and
>> Also, Icy went open source, and you can download a new version
>> designed
>> for OS 4, as described in jb104. If you wish to install Icy after you
>> jailbreak, copy the files in this zip to the autoinstall path for jb
>> apps,
>> also described in jb104.
>> JB101 also explains where to find the latest and most reliable
>> jailbreak
>> information.
>> Hth,
>> Rose
>> On Jan 30, 2011, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> Would you mind detailing how you did that and the steps you tok to
>>> jailbreak.  Maybe provide a link?  I was thinking of giving it a shot
>>> but
>>> was talked out of it on the list.  I like the idea of a jailbreak
>>> process
>>> though.
>>> I wish the one worked for 4.2.1.
>>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:04 AM, James Malone wrote:
 Hi guys. Recently I Jailbroke my phone, but have run into an issue.
 tried to start Cidia so I could go grab an app, but Voiceover
 seem to like it. Suggestions have been made to get Icy, but
 seems to point in the direction of downloading it with Cidia.
 Icy isn't being made anymore either, so I've heard. Can anyone
 what I should do? If worse comes to worsed, I'll grab some sighted
 asistance. But still, something that was made by the apple Dev team
 really should be accessible. Anyway, thanks guys.

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Re: 6th gen Ipod nano

2011-01-30 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Cortney, 

Yes, the 6th gen Nano does have a clock.  As for the cross-fade, I think so but 
have not looked for that feature.

On Jan 30, 2011, at 9:11 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi, 
> Can the music app on the Ipod Nano have the ability to crossfade? Also, does 
> the 6th gen Ipod nano have a clock?
> Courtney
> -- 
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Re: finding pages on facebook

2011-01-30 Thread Sara Waggle
Yeah, I tried M.facebook, and facebook, and can't make sense of it.  
On my iPhone app it is 1,000 times easier to find my liked pages.  I go to 
friends and all I see is my friends, no phonebook, or pages.  I go to my 
profile and don't see anything for my "Likes", I can find My own pages, but not 
the others.  I can use my app though to find them alphabetically.  

Funny that the apps are easier that the stupid websites.  

On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:32 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> You're lucky! lol! Tha'ts all I can really say ont hat matter. lol!
> S
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:59 AM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi All!
>> Ok maybe facebook have not implemented that in the UK yet!
>> All I can say is I can still get to my pages from the friends link!
>> So I'll put down what happens from when I log in!
>> [ this is m.facebook ]
>> On the home screen I go down to the friends link and vo+space on that!
>> On the next screen I can scroll down to the pages link [ this is just after 
>> phonebook link] and vo+space on pages!
>> Then I am on the pages that I have liked! :]
>> So if this does not happen to you then I predict I might be getting your 
>> version soon!
>> But not yet!
>> All the best!
>> Colin
>> Qapla!
>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>> On 28 Jan 2011, at 03:18, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Try again. I can asure you it i not anymore. you have to now search for a 
>>> page you think you liked and look at it.
>>> S
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 5:12 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 It use to be there.
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 4:46 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> I can confirm this. the only thing there that starts with a p is profile. 
> the pages link is not there.
> S
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi Sara!
>> On what are you looking at m.facebook on is it imac or one of the others!
>> On mine it is how I said before!
>> If your on a mbp or imac when your on the second page open the web rota 
>> vo+u  and in the links column see if it brings up pages by typing paa, 
>> it should be there!
>> Colin
>> Qapla!
>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>> On 27 Jan 2011, at 21:02, Sara Waggle wrote:
>>> Hmm..I don't see it there.  
>>> Any other suggestions?  
>>> Sara
>>> On Jan 22, 2011, at 4:20 PM, Colin M wrote:
 Hi Sarai!
 When on your home page just select your friends link!
 And on the next page you should find a link for your pages it should 
 just be after phonebook!
 hth Colin
 Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
 On 22 Jan 2011, at 17:08, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> All:
> How do you find a list of pages that you've liked on the fb moble 
> site?
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
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Re: finding pages on facebook

2011-01-30 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
yeh; sometimes i think we'd all be better off if there was an iphone  
emulator for the mac. lol take care, max

On Jan 31, 2011, at 1:39 AM, Sara Waggle wrote:

Yeah, I tried M.facebook, and facebook, and can't make sense of it.
On my iPhone app it is 1,000 times easier to find my liked pages.  I  
go to friends and all I see is my friends, no phonebook, or pages.   
I go to my profile and don't see anything for my "Likes", I can find  
My own pages, but not the others.  I can use my app though to find  
them alphabetically.

Funny that the apps are easier that the stupid websites.

On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:32 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

You're lucky! lol! Tha'ts all I can really say ont hat matter. lol!

On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:59 AM, Colin M wrote:

Hi All!
Ok maybe facebook have not implemented that in the UK yet!
All I can say is I can still get to my pages from the friends link!
So I'll put down what happens from when I log in!
[ this is m.facebook ]
On the home screen I go down to the friends link and vo+space on  
On the next screen I can scroll down to the pages link [ this is  
just after phonebook link] and vo+space on pages!

Then I am on the pages that I have liked! :]
So if this does not happen to you then I predict I might be  
getting your version soon!

But not yet!
All the best!
Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 28 Jan 2011, at 03:18, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Try again. I can asure you it i not anymore. you have to now  
search for a page you think you liked and look at it.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 5:12 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

It use to be there.
On Jan 27, 2011, at 4:46 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

I can confirm this. the only thing there that starts with a p  
is profile. the pages link is not there.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Colin M wrote:

Hi Sara!
On what are you looking at m.facebook on is it imac or one of  
the others!

On mine it is how I said before!
If your on a mbp or imac when your on the second page open the  
web rota vo+u  and in the links column see if it brings up  
pages by typing paa, it should be there!

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 27 Jan 2011, at 21:02, Sara Waggle wrote:

Hmm..I don't see it there.
Any other suggestions?
On Jan 22, 2011, at 4:20 PM, Colin M wrote:

Hi Sarai!
When on your home page just select your friends link!
And on the next page you should find a link for your pages  
it should just be after phonebook!

hth Colin
Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 22 Jan 2011, at 17:08, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

How do you find a list of pages that you've liked on the fb  
moble site?

Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join  
me on

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