An Interview That You Don't Want To Miss -- Speak Directly To The Developer of the Awareness App

2010-12-30 Thread M. Taylor
As Posted on the Candle Shore BLOG:


PROMO:  Paying The Cost


Hello Everyone,


The Apple App Store is home to thousands of wonderfully useful and creative
programs that enhance and enrich the lives of hundreds of thousands of
people around the world for as little as 99 cents American.  But what if you
are blind or low vision and in order to obtain an accessible version of the
program, you must pay more than the standard cost?  


Recently, a company called Essency, released a dazzlingly innovative and
useful utility called Awareness, The Headphones App, that in effect allows
you to listen to music and the outside world at the same time.


Currently, those using VoiceOver, Apple's software screen reading solution
for the blind and low vision, must pay an additional cost in order to
purchase the VoiceOver accessible user interface for the program.  


Join me on the Secret Life of Mark Marcus on Friday, January 7, 2011 at
7:00pm (PST) when I will be interviewing the president of Essency, Mr. Alex
Georgiou who has graciously agreed to accept questions from callers.


To listen to or participate in the live show call (724) 898-1193.


To learn more about the Secret Life of Mark Marcus including how you can
sign up for text message alerts and how you can listen online, go to 


  Click Here
to listen to the audio PROMO for this upcoming episode.








In each episode, join Mark, along with invited guests, as he explores the
world in which we live and the world which lives within us.  As you listen
or participate in a family-friendly, no-holds-barred discussion, you will
find yourself being drawn deeper and deeper into the mystery, majesty, and
wonder that is The Secret Life of Mark Marcus.


You can listen and participate via telephone, an Internet-enabled computer,
or Smartphone application.  No need to sign up on a website or be required
to enter any pin codes.  Just join in and let your voice be heard around the
world.  To listen or participate via phone just dial (724-898-1193 during
the show's scheduled time.  That's all there is to it.  


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Can't listen live?  No problem, download/listen to past episodes on demand,
at your convenience.  For more information including an audio PROMO for the
next scheduled episode, show times, the ability to listen or participate via
computer and more, go to:

Let's Make A Joyful Noise, Together!!!


"Express yourself completely, then keep quiet."

"He who stands on tiptoe doesn't stand firm.  She who rushes ahead doesn't
go far.  He who tries to shine dims his own light.  She who defines herself
can't know who she really is.  He who has power over others can't empower
himself.  She who clings to her work will create nothing that endures."
(Lao Tzu)


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dual booting linux and mac os

2010-12-30 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi list,

I got this old mac minii juiced up with more ram and HD as well as a full spit 
shine clean, and was thinking of delving deeper into the wonderful world of 
UNIX by having various flavours of it, including a ubuntu linux release.

Just finished reading all the info on ORCA and a few other clunks for booting 
from a flash drive, but i wanted to know if anyone had some bad experience with 
this dual-boot affair with linux.

Or in the case this might not be relevant to the list, can anyone provide me 
with a link to a pertinent list?

best regards,
Yuma DX®

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Re: Making Music on a Mac

2010-12-30 Thread f10r14n
Garage band seems to be accessible enough nowadays.

About iLife, I'm not sure. I can't remember if you get a dvd with that
software with your macs ...if so, i guess you could just install iLife
on the iMac as well.

On Dec 30, 7:02 am, Austin Seraphin 
> It always amazes me how Mac users have a family vibe. We feel empathy when we 
> hear of the death of a fellow Mac user. Because of this, I first wanted to 
> pass on the sad news that a long-time Mac user and professional musician has 
> passed away. Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson helped found such legendary 
> industrial bands as Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV, and Coil. He died in his 
> sleep on November 24th.
> While reflecting and self-reflecting upon these reflections, I decided that 
> this marked the time to finally get into making music on my beautiful iMac. 
> I've started using Amadeus Pro at the excellent recommendation of list 
> members. That does multi-track editing. Now I guess I need a sequencer. I 
> don't even know exactly what I want. I created .mod files as a teen-ager, if 
> anyone remembers those. I also toyed with some Windows sequencing before my 
> installation crashed fabulously for the final time.
> I've heard about the new Garage Band, supposedly with improved accessibility. 
> One guy told me he didn't find it so, but others seem to like it. I've also 
> seen some other music programs in the Apple store and elsewhere. I want 
> something I can easily learn, something with which I can start making trance 
> music as soon as possible, and something that will give me room to grow, with 
> a shallow learning curve. I also plan to do strange and wonderful things with 
> instruments, including using sacred mathematical scales, as  researched by 
> Hans Cousto.http://akashaproject.degives examples of this. I'd appreciate any 
> recommendations anyone may have. No doubt others have asked similar 
> questions, so I apologize in advance.
>  - Austin
> PS: I have iLife 11 on my MacBook Air. I would rather have it on my iMac. I 
> wonder if I could just transfer it from one machine to another? If not I 
> guess I'd have to pay the $49 if I want to go that route.

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Re: Making Music on a Mac

2010-12-30 Thread Chris Moore
There is a great tracker for the PC and Mac called renoise, which let's you do 
mod pattern based music, very similar to OctaMED on the Amiga.  Sadly though it 
is not accessible which I discovered after losing my sight this year.  The 
developer has no plans to make it accessible either as the code is shared 
between the PC and Mac or something.

So sadly I do not know of any accessible pattern based sequencers for the Mac 
which you could use to create trance music.  I would also be interested in such 
a product if anyone else knows of one.

On 30 Dec 2010, at 06:02, Austin Seraphin wrote:

> It always amazes me how Mac users have a family vibe. We feel empathy when we 
> hear of the death of a fellow Mac user. Because of this, I first wanted to 
> pass on the sad news that a long-time Mac user and professional musician has 
> passed away. Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson helped found such legendary 
> industrial bands as Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV, and Coil. He died in his 
> sleep on November 24th.
> While reflecting and self-reflecting upon these reflections, I decided that 
> this marked the time to finally get into making music on my beautiful iMac. 
> I've started using Amadeus Pro at the excellent recommendation of list 
> members. That does multi-track editing. Now I guess I need a sequencer. I 
> don't even know exactly what I want. I created .mod files as a teen-ager, if 
> anyone remembers those. I also toyed with some Windows sequencing before my 
> installation crashed fabulously for the final time.
> I've heard about the new Garage Band, supposedly with improved accessibility. 
> One guy told me he didn't find it so, but others seem to like it. I've also 
> seen some other music programs in the Apple store and elsewhere. I want 
> something I can easily learn, something with which I can start making trance 
> music as soon as possible, and something that will give me room to grow, with 
> a shallow learning curve. I also plan to do strange and wonderful things with 
> instruments, including using sacred mathematical scales, as  researched by 
> Hans Cousto. gives examples of this. I'd appreciate 
> any recommendations anyone may have. No doubt others have asked similar 
> questions, so I apologize in advance.
> - Austin
> PS: I have iLife 11 on my MacBook Air. I would rather have it on my iMac. I 
> wonder if I could just transfer it from one machine to another? If not I 
> guess I'd have to pay the $49 if I want to go that route.
> -- 
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Re: Making Music on a Mac

2010-12-30 Thread Jonathan Chacón Barbero
Hello Chris,

Where can I find renoise? I can study its source code and maybe, I will develop 
an accessible interface for it.

Jonathan Chacón

El 30/12/2010, a las 14:24, Chris Moore escribió:

> There is a great tracker for the PC and Mac called renoise, which let's you 
> do mod pattern based music, very similar to OctaMED on the Amiga.  Sadly 
> though it is not accessible which I discovered after losing my sight this 
> year.  The developer has no plans to make it accessible either as the code is 
> shared between the PC and Mac or something.
> So sadly I do not know of any accessible pattern based sequencers for the Mac 
> which you could use to create trance music.  I would also be interested in 
> such a product if anyone else knows of one.
> Chris 
> On 30 Dec 2010, at 06:02, Austin Seraphin wrote:
>> It always amazes me how Mac users have a family vibe. We feel empathy when 
>> we hear of the death of a fellow Mac user. Because of this, I first wanted 
>> to pass on the sad news that a long-time Mac user and professional musician 
>> has passed away. Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson helped found such legendary 
>> industrial bands as Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV, and Coil. He died in his 
>> sleep on November 24th.
>> While reflecting and self-reflecting upon these reflections, I decided that 
>> this marked the time to finally get into making music on my beautiful iMac. 
>> I've started using Amadeus Pro at the excellent recommendation of list 
>> members. That does multi-track editing. Now I guess I need a sequencer. I 
>> don't even know exactly what I want. I created .mod files as a teen-ager, if 
>> anyone remembers those. I also toyed with some Windows sequencing before my 
>> installation crashed fabulously for the final time.
>> I've heard about the new Garage Band, supposedly with improved 
>> accessibility. One guy told me he didn't find it so, but others seem to like 
>> it. I've also seen some other music programs in the Apple store and 
>> elsewhere. I want something I can easily learn, something with which I can 
>> start making trance music as soon as possible, and something that will give 
>> me room to grow, with a shallow learning curve. I also plan to do strange 
>> and wonderful things with instruments, including using sacred mathematical 
>> scales, as  researched by Hans Cousto. gives 
>> examples of this. I'd appreciate any recommendations anyone may have. No 
>> doubt others have asked similar questions, so I apologize in advance.
>> - Austin
>> PS: I have iLife 11 on my MacBook Air. I would rather have it on my iMac. I 
>> wonder if I could just transfer it from one machine to another? If not I 
>> guess I'd have to pay the $49 if I want to go that route.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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garage band nitty-gritty little things i keep misunderstanding

2010-12-30 Thread f10r14n

I have been playing around in Garage band for a couple of weeks now
but there's a few things I just don't get . If someone can walk me
through this on skype or IM or iChat that would be awesome, but maybe
answering these general questions will help:

- First, the whole idea of regions. I understand a region is a portion
of recorded audio on one track. Is this true? Or does it encompass
more then one track?
If the former theory is correct, is it possible to add onto one region
but not on another? For example if you have three regions. An intro, a
chorus and a verse region. How can you easily add a second part to the
chorus region without afecting the other two? For example add a
different instrument or background vocals or so?
-Second thing is the so - called cycle recording. I understand this
creates a sort of region that lets you basically record ov er an
already done piece, possibly adding to it. But how can i see what
selection is indicated?  I mean, how do i know what part is being
cycled? Also people tell me to resize regions using voiceOver resizing
commands. I have two questions about that.
1. What are these commands?
2. I understand resizing the cycle region increases the amount of bars
it is encompassing, therefore increasing the length thats being
cycled. But why would you want to resize another region? Wouldn't you
be just adding empty bars?

Sorry if these are newbie questions, its just things i never really

Any help apreciated,

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Re: Making Music on a Mac

2010-12-30 Thread Chris Moore
You can download renoise 2.6 for the Mac from here:

On 30 Dec 2010, at 13:38, Jonathan Chacón Barbero wrote:

> Hello Chris,
> Where can I find renoise? I can study its source code and maybe, I will 
> develop an accessible interface for it.
> regards
>   Jonathan Chacón
> El 30/12/2010, a las 14:24, Chris Moore escribió:
>> There is a great tracker for the PC and Mac called renoise, which let's you 
>> do mod pattern based music, very similar to OctaMED on the Amiga.  Sadly 
>> though it is not accessible which I discovered after losing my sight this 
>> year.  The developer has no plans to make it accessible either as the code 
>> is shared between the PC and Mac or something.
>> So sadly I do not know of any accessible pattern based sequencers for the 
>> Mac which you could use to create trance music.  I would also be interested 
>> in such a product if anyone else knows of one.
>> Chris 
>> On 30 Dec 2010, at 06:02, Austin Seraphin wrote:
>>> It always amazes me how Mac users have a family vibe. We feel empathy when 
>>> we hear of the death of a fellow Mac user. Because of this, I first wanted 
>>> to pass on the sad news that a long-time Mac user and professional musician 
>>> has passed away. Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson helped found such legendary 
>>> industrial bands as Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV, and Coil. He died in his 
>>> sleep on November 24th.
>>> While reflecting and self-reflecting upon these reflections, I decided that 
>>> this marked the time to finally get into making music on my beautiful iMac. 
>>> I've started using Amadeus Pro at the excellent recommendation of list 
>>> members. That does multi-track editing. Now I guess I need a sequencer. I 
>>> don't even know exactly what I want. I created .mod files as a teen-ager, 
>>> if anyone remembers those. I also toyed with some Windows sequencing before 
>>> my installation crashed fabulously for the final time.
>>> I've heard about the new Garage Band, supposedly with improved 
>>> accessibility. One guy told me he didn't find it so, but others seem to 
>>> like it. I've also seen some other music programs in the Apple store and 
>>> elsewhere. I want something I can easily learn, something with which I can 
>>> start making trance music as soon as possible, and something that will give 
>>> me room to grow, with a shallow learning curve. I also plan to do strange 
>>> and wonderful things with instruments, including using sacred mathematical 
>>> scales, as  researched by Hans Cousto. gives 
>>> examples of this. I'd appreciate any recommendations anyone may have. No 
>>> doubt others have asked similar questions, so I apologize in advance.
>>> - Austin
>>> PS: I have iLife 11 on my MacBook Air. I would rather have it on my iMac. I 
>>> wonder if I could just transfer it from one machine to another? If not I 
>>> guess I'd have to pay the $49 if I want to go that route.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: garage band nitty-gritty little things i keep misunderstanding

2010-12-30 Thread Ricardo Walker

I can answer these for you.  First you are correct.  Regions are segments of 
audio or midi recorded on a track.  To record on to a region you must first 
turn on the cycle region which can be done by pressing the letter C to toggle 
it on and off.  Then interact with the arrange layout area and navigate to 
multiple indicators ruler time line and interact again.  Now navigate to the 
cycle region layout iTem.  Here you can resize the size of the cycle region, as 
well as move it a long the timeline.  To start moving the region press VO 
command accent.  Now use the left and right arrows to position the region in 
the timeline.  Press escape when done.  Now you might want to stretch or shrink 
the size of the cycle region.  This is done by pressing VO command shift 
accent.  You will be given 2 choices.  Move the left border or the right 
border.  So for example,  If I wanted to add to my verse region on my guitar 
track and it started on bar 5 and ended at bar 21 I would first move the cycle 
region to bar 5.  Then I would move the right border so the cycle region is 16 
bars long.  Now I can go to my guitar track, hit record, and play my little 
heart out.  lol.  I just combined all your questions into one example.  I 
thought it would be easier.  I can create a basic audio
tutorial if enough people are interested.  Let me know.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Dec 30, 2010, at 8:39 AM, f10r14n wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been playing around in Garage band for a couple of weeks now
> but there's a few things I just don't get . If someone can walk me
> through this on skype or IM or iChat that would be awesome, but maybe
> answering these general questions will help:
> - First, the whole idea of regions. I understand a region is a portion
> of recorded audio on one track. Is this true? Or does it encompass
> more then one track?
> If the former theory is correct, is it possible to add onto one region
> but not on another? For example if you have three regions. An intro, a
> chorus and a verse region. How can you easily add a second part to the
> chorus region without affecting the other two? For example add a
> different instrument or background vocals or so?
> -Second thing is the so - called cycle recording. I understand this
> creates a sort of region that lets you basically record ov er an
> already done piece, possibly adding to it. But how can i see what
> selection is indicated?  I mean, how do i know what part is being
> cycled? Also people tell me to resize regions using voiceOver resizing
> commands. I have two questions about that.
> 1. What are these commands?
> 2. I understand resizing the cycle region increases the amount of bars
> it is encompassing, therefore increasing the length thats being
> cycled. But why would you want to resize another region? Wouldn't you
> be just adding empty bars?
> Sorry if these are newbie questions, its just things i never really
> understood.
> Any help apreciated,
> Florian
> -- 
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Re: Making Music on a Mac

2010-12-30 Thread Jonathan Chacón Barbero
Thanks chris but I can't find the source code

Jonathan Chacón

El 30/12/2010, a las 14:51, Chris Moore escribió:

> You can download renoise 2.6 for the Mac from here:
> Chris 
> On 30 Dec 2010, at 13:38, Jonathan Chacón Barbero wrote:
>> Hello Chris,
>> Where can I find renoise? I can study its source code and maybe, I will 
>> develop an accessible interface for it.
>> regards
>>  Jonathan Chacón
>> El 30/12/2010, a las 14:24, Chris Moore escribió:
>>> There is a great tracker for the PC and Mac called renoise, which let's you 
>>> do mod pattern based music, very similar to OctaMED on the Amiga.  Sadly 
>>> though it is not accessible which I discovered after losing my sight this 
>>> year.  The developer has no plans to make it accessible either as the code 
>>> is shared between the PC and Mac or something.
>>> So sadly I do not know of any accessible pattern based sequencers for the 
>>> Mac which you could use to create trance music.  I would also be interested 
>>> in such a product if anyone else knows of one.
>>> Chris 
>>> On 30 Dec 2010, at 06:02, Austin Seraphin wrote:
 It always amazes me how Mac users have a family vibe. We feel empathy when 
 we hear of the death of a fellow Mac user. Because of this, I first wanted 
 to pass on the sad news that a long-time Mac user and professional 
 musician has passed away. Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson helped found such 
 legendary industrial bands as Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV, and Coil. He 
 died in his sleep on November 24th.
 While reflecting and self-reflecting upon these reflections, I decided 
 that this marked the time to finally get into making music on my beautiful 
 iMac. I've started using Amadeus Pro at the excellent recommendation of 
 list members. That does multi-track editing. Now I guess I need a 
 sequencer. I don't even know exactly what I want. I created .mod files as 
 a teen-ager, if anyone remembers those. I also toyed with some Windows 
 sequencing before my installation crashed fabulously for the final time.
 I've heard about the new Garage Band, supposedly with improved 
 accessibility. One guy told me he didn't find it so, but others seem to 
 like it. I've also seen some other music programs in the Apple store and 
 elsewhere. I want something I can easily learn, something with which I can 
 start making trance music as soon as possible, and something that will 
 give me room to grow, with a shallow learning curve. I also plan to do 
 strange and wonderful things with instruments, including using sacred 
 mathematical scales, as  researched by Hans Cousto. gives examples of this. I'd appreciate any 
 recommendations anyone may have. No doubt others have asked similar 
 questions, so I apologize in advance.
 - Austin
 PS: I have iLife 11 on my MacBook Air. I would rather have it on my iMac. 
 I wonder if I could just transfer it from one machine to another? If not I 
 guess I'd have to pay the $49 if I want to go that route.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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basic financial software

2010-12-30 Thread Jeffrey Wheatley
Hello All.  I am transitioning much of my personal computing work to my new 
Mac, and am trying to find Mac replacements for my current PC applications.  I 
have used Quicken for years on the PC, but I do not need most of its function.  
Basically, I log into a couple of banks, manually download transactions to 
Quicken into my couple of accounts, and then categorize my transactions into 
the funds or buckets of money we use for eating out, groceries and other budget 
areas.  I make sure I balance with the bank, and run fund balance reports.  We 
enter a few checks as well.  that is it.

I searched the archives a bit and saw a few references to Checkbook and 
Quicken.  I have not found a 'VO supported applications' list as yet.  I would 
greatly appreciate recommendations.  My apologies if I have missed this 
information in my searches.

Thanks and regards, Jeff

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VoiceOver randomly reads what is selected.

2010-12-30 Thread Ryan Mann
I've just noticed that VoiceOver randomly reads names of files I have selected 
in Finder even when I'm not in the Finder window.  For example, I would arrow 
down to a file called lesson 4 in Finder.  Then I would hit command/o to open 
the file.  While I am reading or typing in the document, VoiceOver will say 
"lesson 4.doc."  Is there any way to stop this?  That is distracting.
Ryan Mann
Follow me on Facebook.

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Re: basic financial software

2010-12-30 Thread Jude DaShiell
see finance may be useful for you.On Thu, 30 Dec 2010, Jeffrey Wheatley 

Hello All.  I am transitioning much of my personal computing work to my new 
Mac, and am trying to find Mac replacements for my current PC applications.  I 
have used Quicken for years on the PC, but I do not need most of its function.  
Basically, I log into a couple of banks, manually download transactions to 
Quicken into my couple of accounts, and then categorize my transactions into 
the funds or buckets of money we use for eating out, groceries and other budget 
areas.  I make sure I balance with the bank, and run fund balance reports.  We 
enter a few checks as well.  that is it.

I searched the archives a bit and saw a few references to Checkbook and 
Quicken.  I have not found a 'VO supported applications' list as yet.  I would 
greatly appreciate recommendations.  My apologies if I have missed this 
information in my searches.

Thanks and regards, Jeff

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Re: apple TV and choppy speech

2010-12-30 Thread Scott Ford
Hi Mary,
HDMI has several versions, depending on how old your receiver is it 
will not carry the audio signals.  I just purchased a new dennon that is HDMI V 
1.42 or 3a and it not only will support dolby trueHD, blue ray 3D, and audio 
that can be used to back feed over the air signals from the tv to the audio 
receiver using the same HDMI cable that provides the signals from the home 
theater.  Have a great day.
On Dec 28, 2010, at 10:42 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Michael,
> You asked what surround receiver we have. It is an NAD. I can't recall the 
> model number just now. But my husband read in the manual some very specific 
> language about how you have to connect an optical digital cable along with 
> the hdmi cable if you want the digital audio through the receiver, because 
> the hdmi carries just the video. 
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: basic financial software

2010-12-30 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I useCheckbook Pro. Very accessible, and does exactly what you want.
On Dec 30, 2010, at 9:12 AM, Jeffrey Wheatley wrote:

> Hello All.  I am transitioning much of my personal computing work to my new 
> Mac, and am trying to find Mac replacements for my current PC applications.  
> I have used Quicken for years on the PC, but I do not need most of its 
> function.  Basically, I log into a couple of banks, manually download 
> transactions to Quicken into my couple of accounts, and then categorize my 
> transactions into the funds or buckets of money we use for eating out, 
> groceries and other budget areas.  I make sure I balance with the bank, and 
> run fund balance reports.  We enter a few checks as well.  that is it.
> I searched the archives a bit and saw a few references to Checkbook and 
> Quicken.  I have not found a 'VO supported applications' list as yet.  I 
> would greatly appreciate recommendations.  My apologies if I have missed this 
> information in my searches.
> Thanks and regards, Jeff
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Garage Band question

2010-12-30 Thread Wayne Pearcy
Hi Ricardo and list.

I figured out what happened.  I actually didn't have a track created.  I 
assumed it works like Sonar and gives you a track when you open a project.  
Apparently Garage Band doesn't do that.  Ricardo, is it ok if I contact you off 
list?   I think I have a couple more questions.


Sent from my iPhone

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Hotspot Creation Explination and Use

2010-12-30 Thread Emilio Hernandez

I am a recent owner of a iMac, which i am enjoying very much. Through my 
research I have found the purpose of hotspot key shortcuts, but I am having 
some difficulty in placing the desired hotspot shortcut at a desired location. 
For instance, I attempted to place a hotspot shortcut in the shortcut menu so a 
program could launch with the key press, but to no avail. My understand of the 
hotspot feature is that upon a key press of an assigned VO hotspot 
keystroke,regardless of what is occurring, the designated function will excite. 
If I am incorrect with my understanding, i welcome any correction, as well as 
any helpful feedback to will help me learn what the acceptions and limitations 
for hotspot key-assignment creation.

Thank you all for your invaluable feedback on this list, as I am a recent 
subscriber. I anticipate when i will be able to give my help once I become 
familiar with this OS and the navigation thereof.

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Re: Garage Band question

2010-12-30 Thread Ricardo Walker

I don't mind.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Dec 30, 2010, at 11:01 AM, Wayne Pearcy wrote:

> Hi Ricardo and list.
> I figured out what happened.  I actually didn't have a track created.  I 
> assumed it works like Sonar and gives you a track when you open a project.  
> Apparently Garage Band doesn't do that.  Ricardo, is it ok if I contact you 
> off list?   I think I have a couple more questions.
> Thanks.
> Wayne
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Hotspot Creation Explination and Use

2010-12-30 Thread Kevin Shaw
Creating a hotspot with VO-Shift and the desired number will only move the VO 
cursor to that location. No action will be performed. YOu can write an Apple 
Script if you want a keyboard shortcut to carry out a task, such as opening a 
specific application.


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Re: Instapaper Help, please

2010-12-30 Thread Esther
Hi Jane,

Try the following to save your "Read Later" bookmark for Instapaper to
Safari on the Mac:

1. Start from the Instapaper extras page:
that has the Read Later bookmarklet, and bookmark the page with the
Command-D shortcut to add a bookmark.
2. In the dialog window, type in "Read Later" for the name of the
Bookmark, and set the pop up menu for the bookmark location to be the
"Bookmarks Bar" (VO-Space on the pop-up and then start typing "b o").
Placing your newly created bookmarklet in the Bookmarks bar will allow
you to activate the bookmark or bookmarklet with the keyboard shortcut
Command-1, using the special property of the Bookmarks Bar that the
first nine bookmarks can be accessed with shrotcuts Command-1,
Command-2, etc.
3. Navigate to the link for the "Read Later" bookmarklet on the
Instapaper extras page and use the context menu (VO-Shift-M) to select
"copy link" in the section where you are directed to "drag this to
your Bookmarks Bar"
4. Press Command-Option-B to go to your "Show all Bookmarks" page in
5. Interact with the scroll area, then tab to the Bookmarks collection
table, interact, and select/highlight "Bookmarks Bar"
6. Navigate to the "Read Later" bookmarklet in the second table that
lists bookmarks in your selected collection (e.g, you can use item
chooser menu, or you can stop interacting with the collections table
and tab to the table listing its bookmarks, then move to the entry you
7. Use the context menu (VO-Shift-M) to "Edit Address", and paste in
your copied javascript
8. Leave the Safari "Show all bookmarks" page by pressing Command-
Option-b again

You should be all set in Safari.  On the Mac, I usually keep my Safari
bookmarks bar, toolbar, etc. hidden, and just press Command-1 to apply
the "Read Later" bookmarklet.  If you sync your Bookmarks to the iPad,
the bookmarklet you created will also be available for Safari on your
iPad.  However, on the iPad, I have my bookmarks bar set to be shown
in Settings > Safari.  The switch for "Always Show Bookmarks Bar" is
set to "On" there, so I can just touch or flick to the bookmarklet and
double tap it to mark any page displayed in Safari on the iPad for
"read later".

It's also possible to set up your "Read Later" bookmarklet separately
on the iPad, if you visit the Instapaper extras page URL given in step
1 on your iPad, then double tap on the link that you copied in step 3
(on your Mac). On the iPad, when you double tap on that link, you're
taken to a page of instructions on how to copy the javascript to a
bookmark in Safari on your iPad.  The instructions are accessible, and
work with VoiceOver, but the process is more complicated, so it's
easier to do this by creating the bookmark in Safari on the Mac and
pasting the java script into the address field, then syncing the
bookmark with your iPad.  On the other hand, if you want to reorder
any of your Safari bookmarks, it's much easier to do on the iPad,
where you can drag and drop them as you like, and VoiceOver will
announce the bookmarks you're passing as you move your selection up or
down a list.

For more details on moving and deleting bookmarks in Safari on the Mac
(including a description of the process on the iPad), see the archived

HTH. Cheers,


On Dec 29, 3:33 pm, wes smith  wrote:
> Control command b will put it on the bookmarks menu .  You've gotta be
> on the site first, obviously. Hth, Wes
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 29, 2010, at 6:27 PM, Jane  wrote:
> > I am trying to add that Read later bookmark to Safari so I can use 
> > Instapaper better on here, my iPad, and possibily the Windows laptop.  I 
> > copied the link, but I can't remember how to add it as a bookmark in 
> > Safari.  I mean, where do I paste the link?
> > Jane
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Re: garage band nitty-gritty little things i keep misunderstanding

2010-12-30 Thread Oriol Gómez
that would be realy nice if you did especially because I am
considering trying it out but I get kind of overwelmed with it

On 12/30/10, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> I can answer these for you.  First you are correct.  Regions are segments of
> audio or midi recorded on a track.  To record on to a region you must first
> turn on the cycle region which can be done by pressing the letter C to
> toggle it on and off.  Then interact with the arrange layout area and
> navigate to multiple indicators ruler time line and interact again.  Now
> navigate to the cycle region layout iTem.  Here you can resize the size of
> the cycle region, as well as move it a long the timeline.  To start moving
> the region press VO command accent.  Now use the left and right arrows to
> position the region in the timeline.  Press escape when done.  Now you might
> want to stretch or shrink the size of the cycle region.  This is done by
> pressing VO command shift accent.  You will be given 2 choices.  Move the
> left border or the right border.  So for example,  If I wanted to add to my
> verse region on my guitar track and it started on bar 5 and ended at bar 21
> I would first move the cycle region to bar 5.  Then I would move the right
> border so the cycle region is 16 bars long.  Now I can go to my guitar
> track, hit record, and play my little heart out.  lol.  I just combined all
> your questions into one example.  I thought it would be easier.  I can
> create a basic audio
> tutorial if enough people are interested.  Let me know.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Dec 30, 2010, at 8:39 AM, f10r14n wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have been playing around in Garage band for a couple of weeks now
>> but there's a few things I just don't get . If someone can walk me
>> through this on skype or IM or iChat that would be awesome, but maybe
>> answering these general questions will help:
>> - First, the whole idea of regions. I understand a region is a portion
>> of recorded audio on one track. Is this true? Or does it encompass
>> more then one track?
>> If the former theory is correct, is it possible to add onto one region
>> but not on another? For example if you have three regions. An intro, a
>> chorus and a verse region. How can you easily add a second part to the
>> chorus region without affecting the other two? For example add a
>> different instrument or background vocals or so?
>> -Second thing is the so - called cycle recording. I understand this
>> creates a sort of region that lets you basically record ov er an
>> already done piece, possibly adding to it. But how can i see what
>> selection is indicated?  I mean, how do i know what part is being
>> cycled? Also people tell me to resize regions using voiceOver resizing
>> commands. I have two questions about that.
>> 1. What are these commands?
>> 2. I understand resizing the cycle region increases the amount of bars
>> it is encompassing, therefore increasing the length thats being
>> cycled. But why would you want to resize another region? Wouldn't you
>> be just adding empty bars?
>> Sorry if these are newbie questions, its just things i never really
>> understood.
>> Any help apreciated,
>> Florian
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Re: garage band nitty-gritty little things i keep misunderstanding

2010-12-30 Thread Bryan Jones
Hi Ricardo,

I would also be interested in hearing a basic audio tutorial if you were to 
create one. Like Oriol, I too get overwhelmed each time I think of jumping into 

Thank you,
> On 12/30/10, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> I can create a basic audio tutorial if enough people are interested.  Let me 
>> know.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker

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Re: garage band nitty-gritty little things i keep misunderstanding

2010-12-30 Thread f10r14n

Ricardo, thanks for that input. However either i have been
misinformed, or you missed one question. I have been told that cycling
can only be done with the same instrument the track is set to. So, you
cannot play a guitar part under a piano part using the cycling region.
Is this Correct? And if not, you have not yet answered my question on
how to affect one region but not another.

Thanks for the help in advance,

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Re: garage band nitty-gritty little things i keep misunderstanding

2010-12-30 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hey Ricardo,

Good example there. You should make an addendum to the icanmakethisthing site. 
Would be awesome if we can somehow start a wiki page for garage band tips and 
tricks as well.


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Re: garage band nitty-gritty little things i keep misunderstanding

2010-12-30 Thread f10r14n
Aye,  i would like an audio tutorial as well. I get most things but
like I said some things just elude me. like the question i just posted
about the cycling region and multiple instruments ...I cannot find an
answer to that

On Dec 30, 9:21 pm, Yuma Decaux  wrote:
> Hey Ricardo,
> Good example there. You should make an addendum to the icanmakethisthing 
> site. Would be awesome if we can somehow start a wiki page for garage band 
> tips and tricks as well.
> Best

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Hotspot Creation and explination

2010-12-30 Thread Emilio Hernandez

I am a recent owner of a iMac, which i am enjoying very much. Through
my research I have found the purpose of hotspot key shortcuts, but I
am having some difficulty in placing the desired hotspot shortcut at a
desired location. For instance, I attempted to place a hotspot
shortcut in the shortcut menu so a program could launch with the key
press, but to no avail. My understand of the hotspot feature is that
upon a key press of an assigned VO hotspot keystroke,regardless of
what is occurring, the designated function will exicute. If I am
incorrect with my understanding, i welcome any correction, as well as
any helpful feedback to will help me learn what the acceptions and
limitations for hotspot key-assignment creation.

Thank you all for your invaluable feedback on this list, as I am a
recent subscriber. I anticipate when i will be able to give my help
once I become familiar with this OS and the navigation thereof.

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Accessible Apps: iShoes and iBags

2010-12-30 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi All;

I hope the cross-posting isn't a problem for anyone…

Well, if you love shoe and purse shopping like I do, here are two apps you 
won't want to live without! :)

When I say these are AWESOME, it's a really serious under-statement! :) These 
apps are Oh my god, super cool, amazing! woohoo!

First off, the selection is astounding! iShoes has something like 50,000 shoes 
and iBags has something like 20,000 purses. The products are described in a 
very decent amount of detail so someone without sight can get an idea of what 
each product looks like. The links to take you to each retailer's website are 

The search capabilities are really amazingly simple and intuitive and very 
powerful. In iShoes you can really easily search on type of shoe or designer, 
and as I said, the selection is mind-blowing! lol!

While I haven't gone through every feature of these two apps yet, I'm very, 
very impressed with what I'm seeing so far, and very excited! Not only is this 
app a great, convenient way to shop, but it allows one whom may not be able to 
see the pictures, to easily keep up with the latest styles due to the 
descriptions which is a very cool feature in my opinion! :)

Both these apps are free, and the linkies are below. I hope you enjoy them!…



I wish you all a truly wonderful / amazing new year!!! woohoo!


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

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Oracle Virtual Box 4.0 still not accessable.

2010-12-30 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
I just downloaded a copy of Virtual Box 4.0 from Sun and found the"Vastly 
improved User Interface" to be still completely un-usable with oiceOver.  There 
are mentions that everything is configurable via command line commands placed 
in usr/bin, so we could create a VM this way.  There is also the mention that 
there is a complete API  available to manage the  lifecycle of VM's. So a good 
developer could easily create a Cocoa version of the control system.  

How much interest is there in our community for a free Virtual Machine package 
instead of VMWare?



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reading text in an edit box

2010-12-30 Thread denise avant
hello all,
i was wondering how to read text with vo when in an edit box  to make sure that 
the words or numbers have been typed correctly, e.g. when typing characters in 
an edit box in safari. thanks.

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new mac user

2010-12-30 Thread Leslie Fitzpatrick
Hello I am getting ready to get a mac and I am going to hav a lot of
questions about running it. first of all is there a way to import favorites
and contacts from my windows computer to my mac? Also I have a digital
recorder (Olympus DS50) will the software work on the mac? that's  all I can
think of for now thank you for your help. Les Fitzpatrick

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ical question

2010-12-30 Thread denise avant
hi all,
i wanted to try my hand at ical, but do not see the box where you enter the 
beginning and ending time for appointments. as for the settings i switched to 
the day view as opposed to the week view. are there any other settings i should 
change to more effectively use ical?

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Re: ical question

2010-12-30 Thread Jenny Wood
Hi there.  I am not fully adept at customizing iCal myself at this point, but 
can work it well enough to make good use of it anyway.  To create an event, 
just press command-n, and then press command-E to edit the new event.  There, 
you can give it a title, location, date/time, set alarms, etc.  Just tab to 
Done when you are through, and the new event will automatically sort itself 
into the correct place on your calendar.  Just a quick note from my own 
experience, when tabbing through the Edit Event box, the list boxes for the 
month, date, year and time do not read automatically.  Once I tab to a field 
that doesn't read, I just use my arrow keys to get voiceover to announce the 
highlighted selection in the list.  


Jenny Wood
Phone:  (972) 989-3894
Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni

On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:16 PM, denise avant wrote:

> hi all,
> i wanted to try my hand at ical, but do not see the box where you enter the 
> beginning and ending time for appointments. as for the settings i switched to 
> the day view as opposed to the week view. are there any other settings i 
> should change to more effectively use ical?
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VoiceOver and Opera

2010-12-30 Thread Rob Lambert
I'm not sure if anyone has tried the Opera browser with the Mac and
VoiceOver? Well I just downloaded Opera 11. It works, but there's a lag so
great between key strokes and responses you could take a big slug of coffee
in between (not that I'd recommend it LOL). Anyone having similar time
issues on this browser in relation to VoiceOver? Also, VoiceOver even
restarted itself.

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Re: VoiceOver and Opera

2010-12-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
I would take a big drink of coffee and maybe report this to the devs giving 
them screen captures and screen shots and stuff. I don't use any  browsers 
besides safari but good luck. Oh and send them your crash logs and any consol 
messages if applicable
On Dec 30, 2010, at 9:39 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:

> I'm not sure if anyone has tried the Opera browser with the Mac and 
> VoiceOver? Well I just downloaded Opera 11. It works, but there's a lag so 
> great between key strokes and responses you could take a big slug of coffee 
> in between (not that I'd recommend it LOL). Anyone having similar time issues 
> on this browser in relation to VoiceOver? Also, VoiceOver even restarted 
> itself. 
> -- 
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Re: VoiceOver and Opera

2010-12-30 Thread Eric Oyen
I have and no, its not very accessible.
the most I've been  able to get out of opera is "webspace"

nothing else talks.


On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:39 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:

> I'm not sure if anyone has tried the Opera browser with the Mac and 
> VoiceOver? Well I just downloaded Opera 11. It works, but there's a lag so 
> great between key strokes and responses you could take a big slug of coffee 
> in between (not that I'd recommend it LOL). Anyone having similar time issues 
> on this browser in relation to VoiceOver? Also, VoiceOver even restarted 
> itself. 
> -- 
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Re: VoiceOver and Opera

2010-12-30 Thread Rob Lambert
I interacted with the web space, keep in mind this is with Opera 11, and it
does talk, but it's VERY slow. Also it's very scattered.

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:

> I have and no, its not very accessible.
> the most I've been  able to get out of opera is "webspace"
> nothing else talks.
> -Eric
> On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:39 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> > I'm not sure if anyone has tried the Opera browser with the Mac and
> VoiceOver? Well I just downloaded Opera 11. It works, but there's a lag so
> great between key strokes and responses you could take a big slug of coffee
> in between (not that I'd recommend it LOL). Anyone having similar time
> issues on this browser in relation to VoiceOver? Also, VoiceOver even
> restarted itself.
> >
> > --
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Re: VoiceOver and Opera

2010-12-30 Thread Eric Oyen
hmmm. same version here. it never allowed me to get that far.


On Dec 30, 2010, at 11:54 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:

> I interacted with the web space, keep in mind this is with Opera 11, and it 
> does talk, but it's VERY slow. Also it's very scattered. 
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> I have and no, its not very accessible.
> the most I've been  able to get out of opera is "webspace"
> nothing else talks.
> -Eric
> On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:39 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> > I'm not sure if anyone has tried the Opera browser with the Mac and 
> > VoiceOver? Well I just downloaded Opera 11. It works, but there's a lag so 
> > great between key strokes and responses you could take a big slug of coffee 
> > in between (not that I'd recommend it LOL). Anyone having similar time 
> > issues on this browser in relation to VoiceOver? Also, VoiceOver even 
> > restarted itself.
> >
> > --
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Re: VoiceOver and Opera

2010-12-30 Thread Rob Lambert
I just tried it to be sure. It works, but as I said, it's slow. Opera will
come up as busy, and VoiceOver may restart itself, but it works. I'm
primarily a magnifier user, and could see the VoiceOver cursor move - though
audio feedback was at a lag.

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:09 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:

> hmmm. same version here. it never allowed me to get that far.
> -Eric
> On Dec 30, 2010, at 11:54 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> > I interacted with the web space, keep in mind this is with Opera 11, and
> it does talk, but it's VERY slow. Also it's very scattered.
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> > I have and no, its not very accessible.
> > the most I've been  able to get out of opera is "webspace"
> >
> > nothing else talks.
> >
> > -Eric
> >
> > On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:39 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> >
> > > I'm not sure if anyone has tried the Opera browser with the Mac and
> VoiceOver? Well I just downloaded Opera 11. It works, but there's a lag so
> great between key strokes and responses you could take a big slug of coffee
> in between (not that I'd recommend it LOL). Anyone having similar time
> issues on this browser in relation to VoiceOver? Also, VoiceOver even
> restarted itself.
> > >
> > > --
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Re: VoiceOver and Opera

2010-12-30 Thread Eric Oyen
I wish I was a magnifier user. I'm totally dependent on my ears and fingers 
these days. in fact, this will be the first new years even that I am total for. 
ah well. I'll see if I can do an update on opera and see what gives.


On Dec 31, 2010, at 12:13 AM, Rob Lambert wrote:

> I just tried it to be sure. It works, but as I said, it's slow. Opera will 
> come up as busy, and VoiceOver may restart itself, but it works. I'm 
> primarily a magnifier user, and could see the VoiceOver cursor move - though 
> audio feedback was at a lag. 
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:09 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> hmmm. same version here. it never allowed me to get that far.
> -Eric
> On Dec 30, 2010, at 11:54 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> > I interacted with the web space, keep in mind this is with Opera 11, and it 
> > does talk, but it's VERY slow. Also it's very scattered.
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> > I have and no, its not very accessible.
> > the most I've been  able to get out of opera is "webspace"
> >
> > nothing else talks.
> >
> > -Eric
> >
> > On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:39 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> >
> > > I'm not sure if anyone has tried the Opera browser with the Mac and 
> > > VoiceOver? Well I just downloaded Opera 11. It works, but there's a lag 
> > > so great between key strokes and responses you could take a big slug of 
> > > coffee in between (not that I'd recommend it LOL). Anyone having similar 
> > > time issues on this browser in relation to VoiceOver? Also, VoiceOver 
> > > even restarted itself.
> > >
> > > --
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> > > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
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Re: new mac user

2010-12-30 Thread Austin Seraphin
Hi. I don't know about the DS50, but I have a DM520 and it works beautifully, 
at least using it as a standard drive. I don't know about the software that 
comes with it, I just use Finder, the program for navigating files, the Mac 
version of Windows Explorer.

On Dec 30, 2010, at 11:04 PM, Leslie Fitzpatrick wrote:

> Hello I am getting ready to get a mac and I am going to hav a lot of 
> questions about running it. first of all is there a way to import favorites 
> and contacts from my windows computer to my mac? Also I have a digital 
> recorder (Olympus DS50) will the software work on the mac? that's  all I can 
> think of for now thank you for your help. Les Fitzpatrick
> -- 
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Re: VoiceOver and Opera

2010-12-30 Thread Rob Lambert
What version are you running at the moment? I was doing 9.4 didn't use it
much, then saw there was an update for 11, and took it. LOL

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:39 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:

> I wish I was a magnifier user. I'm totally dependent on my ears and fingers
> these days. in fact, this will be the first new years even that I am total
> for. ah well. I'll see if I can do an update on opera and see what gives.
> -Eric
> On Dec 31, 2010, at 12:13 AM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> > I just tried it to be sure. It works, but as I said, it's slow. Opera
> will come up as busy, and VoiceOver may restart itself, but it works. I'm
> primarily a magnifier user, and could see the VoiceOver cursor move - though
> audio feedback was at a lag.
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:09 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> > hmmm. same version here. it never allowed me to get that far.
> >
> > -Eric
> >
> > On Dec 30, 2010, at 11:54 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> >
> > > I interacted with the web space, keep in mind this is with Opera 11,
> and it does talk, but it's VERY slow. Also it's very scattered.
> > >
> > > On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Eric Oyen 
> wrote:
> > > I have and no, its not very accessible.
> > > the most I've been  able to get out of opera is "webspace"
> > >
> > > nothing else talks.
> > >
> > > -Eric
> > >
> > > On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:39 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> > >
> > > > I'm not sure if anyone has tried the Opera browser with the Mac and
> VoiceOver? Well I just downloaded Opera 11. It works, but there's a lag so
> great between key strokes and responses you could take a big slug of coffee
> in between (not that I'd recommend it LOL). Anyone having similar time
> issues on this browser in relation to VoiceOver? Also, VoiceOver even
> restarted itself.
> > > >
> > > > --
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> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Making Music on a Mac

2010-12-30 Thread Austin Seraphin
Well for the curious trying to install  iLife from the USB stick that came with 
my Air onto my iMac didn't work. "This software is not compatible with your 
computer." It knows!
I just went ahead and purchased a copy, it seemed like a good enough starting 
place, but I remain open to any and all suggestions.

On Dec 30, 2010, at 6:56 AM, f10r14n wrote:

> Garage band seems to be accessible enough nowadays.
> About iLife, I'm not sure. I can't remember if you get a dvd with that
> software with your macs ...if so, i guess you could just install iLife
> on the iMac as well.
> On Dec 30, 7:02 am, Austin Seraphin 
> wrote:
>> It always amazes me how Mac users have a family vibe. We feel empathy when 
>> we hear of the death of a fellow Mac user. Because of this, I first wanted 
>> to pass on the sad news that a long-time Mac user and professional musician 
>> has passed away. Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson helped found such legendary 
>> industrial bands as Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV, and Coil. He died in his 
>> sleep on November 24th.
>> While reflecting and self-reflecting upon these reflections, I decided that 
>> this marked the time to finally get into making music on my beautiful iMac. 
>> I've started using Amadeus Pro at the excellent recommendation of list 
>> members. That does multi-track editing. Now I guess I need a sequencer. I 
>> don't even know exactly what I want. I created .mod files as a teen-ager, if 
>> anyone remembers those. I also toyed with some Windows sequencing before my 
>> installation crashed fabulously for the final time.
>> I've heard about the new Garage Band, supposedly with improved 
>> accessibility. One guy told me he didn't find it so, but others seem to like 
>> it. I've also seen some other music programs in the Apple store and 
>> elsewhere. I want something I can easily learn, something with which I can 
>> start making trance music as soon as possible, and something that will give 
>> me room to grow, with a shallow learning curve. I also plan to do strange 
>> and wonderful things with instruments, including using sacred mathematical 
>> scales, as  researched by Hans Cousto.http://akashaproject.degives examples 
>> of this. I'd appreciate any recommendations anyone may have. No doubt others 
>> have asked similar questions, so I apologize in advance.
>>  - Austin
>> PS: I have iLife 11 on my MacBook Air. I would rather have it on my iMac. I 
>> wonder if I could just transfer it from one machine to another? If not I 
>> guess I'd have to pay the $49 if I want to go that route.
> -- 
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Hackintosh, is it legal?

2010-12-30 Thread brandt
Hi there  folks,

I have seen several so called hackintosh machines, and was wondering, are they 
legal for one, and if so, are they outside of this lists perview? If not, can 
someone help me by giving instructions on how to build an hp pro book 4510s 

If it actually work, it'll save me quite a bit of money. Apple products are 
renound for being expensive in South Africa.

For example, the mac mini goes for 6999 rand, about 3 times what I make as a 
swichboard opperator for a small company.


Brandt Steenkamp

MSN/Windows live:

Google talk:


Skype: brandt.steenkamp007

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Re: VoiceOver and Opera

2010-12-30 Thread Eric Oyen
according to one of my room mates: 10.63


On Dec 31, 2010, at 12:43 AM, Rob Lambert wrote:

> What version are you running at the moment? I was doing 9.4 didn't use it 
> much, then saw there was an update for 11, and took it. LOL 
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:39 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> I wish I was a magnifier user. I'm totally dependent on my ears and fingers 
> these days. in fact, this will be the first new years even that I am total 
> for. ah well. I'll see if I can do an update on opera and see what gives.
> -Eric
> On Dec 31, 2010, at 12:13 AM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> > I just tried it to be sure. It works, but as I said, it's slow. Opera will 
> > come up as busy, and VoiceOver may restart itself, but it works. I'm 
> > primarily a magnifier user, and could see the VoiceOver cursor move - 
> > though audio feedback was at a lag.
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:09 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> > hmmm. same version here. it never allowed me to get that far.
> >
> > -Eric
> >
> > On Dec 30, 2010, at 11:54 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> >
> > > I interacted with the web space, keep in mind this is with Opera 11, and 
> > > it does talk, but it's VERY slow. Also it's very scattered.
> > >
> > > On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> > > I have and no, its not very accessible.
> > > the most I've been  able to get out of opera is "webspace"
> > >
> > > nothing else talks.
> > >
> > > -Eric
> > >
> > > On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:39 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> > >
> > > > I'm not sure if anyone has tried the Opera browser with the Mac and 
> > > > VoiceOver? Well I just downloaded Opera 11. It works, but there's a lag 
> > > > so great between key strokes and responses you could take a big slug of 
> > > > coffee in between (not that I'd recommend it LOL). Anyone having 
> > > > similar time issues on this browser in relation to VoiceOver? Also, 
> > > > VoiceOver even restarted itself.
> > > >
> > > > --
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> >
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Re: VoiceOver and Opera

2010-12-30 Thread Rob Lambert
Yeah definitely update to 11.

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:

> according to one of my room mates: 10.63
> -Eric
> On Dec 31, 2010, at 12:43 AM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> > What version are you running at the moment? I was doing 9.4 didn't use it
> much, then saw there was an update for 11, and took it. LOL
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:39 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> > I wish I was a magnifier user. I'm totally dependent on my ears and
> fingers these days. in fact, this will be the first new years even that I am
> total for. ah well. I'll see if I can do an update on opera and see what
> gives.
> >
> > -Eric
> >
> > On Dec 31, 2010, at 12:13 AM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> >
> > > I just tried it to be sure. It works, but as I said, it's slow. Opera
> will come up as busy, and VoiceOver may restart itself, but it works. I'm
> primarily a magnifier user, and could see the VoiceOver cursor move - though
> audio feedback was at a lag.
> > >
> > > On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:09 PM, Eric Oyen 
> wrote:
> > > hmmm. same version here. it never allowed me to get that far.
> > >
> > > -Eric
> > >
> > > On Dec 30, 2010, at 11:54 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> > >
> > > > I interacted with the web space, keep in mind this is with Opera 11,
> and it does talk, but it's VERY slow. Also it's very scattered.
> > > >
> > > > On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Eric Oyen 
> wrote:
> > > > I have and no, its not very accessible.
> > > > the most I've been  able to get out of opera is "webspace"
> > > >
> > > > nothing else talks.
> > > >
> > > > -Eric
> > > >
> > > > On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:39 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > I'm not sure if anyone has tried the Opera browser with the Mac and
> VoiceOver? Well I just downloaded Opera 11. It works, but there's a lag so
> great between key strokes and responses you could take a big slug of coffee
> in between (not that I'd recommend it LOL). Anyone having similar time
> issues on this browser in relation to VoiceOver? Also, VoiceOver even
> restarted itself.
> > > > >
> > > > > --
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> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> > > >
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> > > >
> > > >
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> > >
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> > >
> > >
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Re: Hackintosh, is it legal?

2010-12-30 Thread Rob Lambert
>From what I hear, they are buggy, and you don't get full Apple support in
terms of the OS. Plus, also what I hear, is when you update the whole system
goes flat, though I haven't tried it myself. Anyone want to chime in?

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:50 PM, brandt  wrote:

>  Hi there  folks,
> I have seen several so called hackintosh machines, and was wondering, are
> they legal for one, and if so, are they outside of this lists perview? If
> not, can someone help me by giving instructions on how to build an hp pro
> book 4510s hackintosh.
> If it actually work, it'll save me quite a bit of money. Apple products are
> renound for being expensive in South Africa.
> For example, the mac mini goes for 6999 rand, about 3 times what I make as
> a swichboard opperator for a small company.
> Regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> MSN/Windows live:
> Google talk:
> AIM:
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> --
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Re: Hackintosh, is it legal?

2010-12-30 Thread Eric Oyen
in the strictest sense: no. However, apple only states that they cannot support 
the use of their OS on unsupported hardware.

as for this being the purview of the list, thats probably up to the list owners 
to decide.


On Dec 31, 2010, at 12:50 AM, brandt wrote:

> Hi there  folks,
> I have seen several so called hackintosh machines, and was wondering, are 
> they legal for one, and if so, are they outside of this lists perview? If 
> not, can someone help me by giving instructions on how to build an hp pro 
> book 4510s hackintosh.
> If it actually work, it'll save me quite a bit of money. Apple products are 
> renound for being expensive in South Africa.
> For example, the mac mini goes for 6999 rand, about 3 times what I make as a 
> swichboard opperator for a small company.
> Regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> MSN/Windows live:
> Google talk:
> AIM:
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> -- 
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