quick garage band question

2010-11-21 Thread chad baker
Hi does anyone know how to import loops in garage band i purchased samples and 
it said drag and drop.
can i just bring them in using the media browser?

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Last words of a dieing pc... and creating windows vurtual machine on mac?

2010-11-21 Thread Blake Hardin
Hey all, ok yes these are some of the last few words of a dieing
windows pc. (giant smiley) Some very very bad evil things has happened
to this poor poor defenceless laptop that im typing on, and not long
from now it will be either ran over with a car, beaten with hammers,
or destroyed by some other evil harmfull idea that either you or i
come up with. muuuhahahahahhahaha. Seriously though im sitting here
holding half a laptop. Meaning that, yes you guessed it, it has no
screen attached anymore. The clips that held the screen up finally
broke, so i just said (Rip!) And now no more screen. Its actually
sitting at my feet on the flor. So yes im just sitting here with a lap
with no top. :) Oh and it will only turn on when the power cord is
plugged in, the screen didn't work when it was attached, the left side
is busted, you have to push the power button really hard to turn it
on, and so forth. Oh and did i mention it only has 500 mb of ram, 1.3
duel core processor, and 40 gb hard drive? Oh no! Oh no! nooo! Its an
ensult to my giant super computer of a daw workstation. You must die
now mister lap! Muhahaahahhaa. Hmm the only thing on this thats still
good is the keyboard. and maybe the cd drive. Anyway got any ideas of
how i might get rid of mister laptop? Any evil ideas? Like really
evil? muuhahaha Ok now for the V mware question for mac. How do i
delete a vurtual machine? I tryed to create one with windows xp and
ended up going in to some of the preferences and then i exited and
then it took me back to something else. So how do i just delete this
one and start over? Cause it said something like can't find boot
device. Ididn't even get a chance to install it. Ah yes and it seems
that mister laptop knows  his time is short because the fan is getting
louder. muuhahahahhahahahhaha. Thanks for any help

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using gmail on mac?

2010-11-21 Thread Blake Hardin
hey all, everytime i try to check my email on the mac it just seems
slow compared to doing it on windows. I always just go to gmail.com
and check it that way. Is there a faster way to do it? Like is there a
fast way to jump to the next checkbox or something instead of having
to press vo right and left?

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Re: Last words of a dieing pc... and creating windows vurtual machine on mac?

2010-11-21 Thread Eric Oyen
if you are willing to send it my way, I can slap a version of linux on it and 
have a proper talking laptop. my old G3 just can't handle anything newer than 4 
revisions ago.


On Nov 21, 2010, at 1:43 AM, Blake Hardin wrote:

> Hey all, ok yes these are some of the last few words of a dieing
> windows pc. (giant smiley) Some very very bad evil things has happened
> to this poor poor defenceless laptop that im typing on, and not long
> from now it will be either ran over with a car, beaten with hammers,
> or destroyed by some other evil harmfull idea that either you or i
> come up with. muuuhahahahahhahaha. Seriously though im sitting here
> holding half a laptop. Meaning that, yes you guessed it, it has no
> screen attached anymore. The clips that held the screen up finally
> broke, so i just said (Rip!) And now no more screen. Its actually
> sitting at my feet on the flor. So yes im just sitting here with a lap
> with no top. :) Oh and it will only turn on when the power cord is
> plugged in, the screen didn't work when it was attached, the left side
> is busted, you have to push the power button really hard to turn it
> on, and so forth. Oh and did i mention it only has 500 mb of ram, 1.3
> duel core processor, and 40 gb hard drive? Oh no! Oh no! nooo! Its an
> ensult to my giant super computer of a daw workstation. You must die
> now mister lap! Muhahaahahhaa. Hmm the only thing on this thats still
> good is the keyboard. and maybe the cd drive. Anyway got any ideas of
> how i might get rid of mister laptop? Any evil ideas? Like really
> evil? muuhahaha Ok now for the V mware question for mac. How do i
> delete a vurtual machine? I tryed to create one with windows xp and
> ended up going in to some of the preferences and then i exited and
> then it took me back to something else. So how do i just delete this
> one and start over? Cause it said something like can't find boot
> device. Ididn't even get a chance to install it. Ah yes and it seems
> that mister laptop knows  his time is short because the fan is getting
> louder. muuhahahahhahahahhaha. Thanks for any help
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Last words of a dieing pc... and creating windows vurtual machine on mac?

2010-11-21 Thread Scott Howell
Assuming you have not changed the default location, you can go to the Virtual 
Machines folder and just delete the VM. If your VM is called WindowsXP, you 
would just delete that file, which incidentally is really a folder, but appears 
as a single file.


On Nov 21, 2010, at 3:43 AM, Blake Hardin wrote:

> Hey all, ok yes these are some of the last few words of a dieing
> windows pc. (giant smiley) Some very very bad evil things has happened
> to this poor poor defenceless laptop that im typing on, and not long
> from now it will be either ran over with a car, beaten with hammers,
> or destroyed by some other evil harmfull idea that either you or i
> come up with. muuuhahahahahhahaha. Seriously though im sitting here
> holding half a laptop. Meaning that, yes you guessed it, it has no
> screen attached anymore. The clips that held the screen up finally
> broke, so i just said (Rip!) And now no more screen. Its actually
> sitting at my feet on the flor. So yes im just sitting here with a lap
> with no top. :) Oh and it will only turn on when the power cord is
> plugged in, the screen didn't work when it was attached, the left side
> is busted, you have to push the power button really hard to turn it
> on, and so forth. Oh and did i mention it only has 500 mb of ram, 1.3
> duel core processor, and 40 gb hard drive? Oh no! Oh no! nooo! Its an
> ensult to my giant super computer of a daw workstation. You must die
> now mister lap! Muhahaahahhaa. Hmm the only thing on this thats still
> good is the keyboard. and maybe the cd drive. Anyway got any ideas of
> how i might get rid of mister laptop? Any evil ideas? Like really
> evil? muuhahaha Ok now for the V mware question for mac. How do i
> delete a vurtual machine? I tryed to create one with windows xp and
> ended up going in to some of the preferences and then i exited and
> then it took me back to something else. So how do i just delete this
> one and start over? Cause it said something like can't find boot
> device. Ididn't even get a chance to install it. Ah yes and it seems
> that mister laptop knows  his time is short because the fan is getting
> louder. muuhahahahhahahahhaha. Thanks for any help
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionar...@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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Safari 5.0.3

2010-11-21 Thread David Taylor

Is anybody else experiencing a big reduction in performance and speed with 
this? I'm finding I'm getting Safari Busy announcements on a lot of sites, 
including when trying to comment on status updates on m.facebook.com but plenty 
of others too. Webkit seems to have the same problems now, even on latest 
build. I've even tried disabling all extensions.


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Re: quick garage band question

2010-11-21 Thread f10r14n
Hi, that should work yeah. I haven't messed with getting additional
loops though, except for jam packs but those are autoimported.

chad baker schreef:
> Hi does anyone know how to import loops in garage band i purchased samples 
> and it said drag and drop.
> can i just bring them in using the media browser?
> thanks

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Re: Introducing myself and a question

2010-11-21 Thread f10r14n
Hello Brandt,

You will want to check out Nicecast by rogue amoeba.
This program is, to my knowledge, the easiest solution for basic
broadcasting on the mac. If you want more features though, like cart
machines and such, I think you're better off using something like
station playlist studio in Windows. I am not sure how nicecast works
exactly, but a google should get you started and I've read multiple
times that it works alright with voiceOver.


brandt schreef:
> Hi there folks,
> I am a totally blind South African bloke with English as a second language.
> Getting my first ever Mac hopefully before the end of the year.  Have had my
> iPod touch for just over 6 months now, and love it!
> I would seriously appreciate help over the next couple months switching from
> Windows to the Mac.
> The main uses I'll put it to is of course browsing, mail, Skype, other
> instant messaging clients, and then there's broadcasting.
> If someone can let me know if it's feasible broadcasting on the Mac with VO
> or would I require a VM running windows.
> Regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com
> Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
> AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> - Original Message -
> From: "Chris Westbrook" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2010 3:51 PM
> Subject: Re: Altered Voiceover Behavior in the New Safari
> Have you tried rebooting?  I haven't had these issues.  Sounds like your vo
> keys aren't getting registered for some reason.
> On Nov 20, 2010, at 7:20 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
> > Since installing the new version of Safari, some of the keystrokes used to
> > navigate the web no longer work.  Command-VO H hides Safari rather than
> > navigating by headings.  Command-VO P either is silent or brings up a
> > print dialog.  I may have changed a few setting as I tried to resolve
> > this, so that could be the issue.  Any suggestions as to how to rectify
> > this?
> >
> > Les
> >
> > --
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> > http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> >
> --
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Re: using gmail on mac?

2010-11-21 Thread f10r14n
The fastest way would be coupling your account to Apple Mail ... hat
is a real pain to set up though. It was for me, at least. I'll detail
the steps i took:
1. Make sure you kill pop on your gmail settings page. Having both pop
and iMap enabled at the same time tends to break things.
2. Go to your mail application, than into preferences and find the new
account button towards the bottom of the screen.
3. Fill in the details. Your username is your full e-mail address.
4. Leave whatever it fills in for you alone. It's probably right.
5. When you've hit the 'create button' everything should be working.
Should, but in my case it didn't. I got no errors, but the message
table remained empty.
6. What i did to solve this, after getting really frustrated and
asking for help multiple times: I sent myself an email and once that
was sent the messages suddenly came streaming in.
NOTE: in the gmail help, as well as in other people's experiences,
there is a 'make mail configure account automatically' checkbox, or
something similar. For some reason i do not see this checkbox. It is
supposed to be in the initial account creation screen, but in its
place i only see 'text' . It yields nothing when interacting. If
anyone knows a fix for this, it would be very much appreciated.
Thx and hth,

Blake Hardin schreef:
> hey all, everytime i try to check my email on the mac it just seems
> slow compared to doing it on windows. I always just go to gmail.com
> and check it that way. Is there a faster way to do it? Like is there a
> fast way to jump to the next checkbox or something instead of having
> to press vo right and left?

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Re: Save an e-mail in html

2010-11-21 Thread f10r14n
I think Pages has that kind of functionality ...than again that is me
comparing it to windows programs. Wordpad breaks headings and office
word doesn't. You can try that. If you are looking for a free
alternative, i'm sure a google can help you further a long way.
HTH, Florian

Jürgen Fleger schreef:
> Hi All,
> I use Mail for my e-mail correspondence. I tried to save an e-mail in html 
> format but it doesn't allow me to save it as such. But what I want to is to 
> save this e-mail and keep the html tags like headers etc.
> I also tried to paste it to Textedit and save it in html. It worked in 
> general but during copy and paste the html tags were lost.
> Does anyone know a solution for this issue? Maybe a script or another mail 
> client or program?
> Thanks and
> all the best
> Juergen

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Re: Trouble with Story Mill

2010-11-21 Thread f10r14n
I'm a new user myself, and have no idea what the program does. It is
odd, indeed. The only time that happened to me was in a system
preferences screen, but that was because i had to enter my password
first ...sorry i cant be of more help, Florian

Joshua Loya schreef:
> Hello all,
> I just installed a demo of Story Mill, and I can't seem to do a thing. All of 
> the menu options are dimmed, and none of the keyboard shortcuts seem to be 
> working. Now, I am a relatively new Mac user, but this is odd behavior. Can 
> anyone who has experience with Story Mill give me some pointers? I will 
> probably buy the program if I can get it to work, but I'm not buying anything 
> if I am unable to even use the demo.
> Thanks,
> Joshua

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Re: Help with Audio Hijack

2010-11-21 Thread f10r14n
I got it to work to an extend, I haven't tried recording but here's
what i did:
1. open audio hijack. Look for a system audio session. If it is not
there, create it using the new session button.
2. Hijack that session FIRST! Use cmd-g for that. No need to go to
toolbar and find the checkbox.
3. Now find out if you have a 'built-in'session, or a session using
the mic you are trying to hijack. If not, modify one of the other
sessions by highlighting it in the table, than vo-right arrowing until
you find the pop-up button and set it to audio device. Another button
should appear where you can set your device. Set it and then hijack
with cmd-g again.
4. At this point, you should be hearing yourself talk when you speak
into the microphone. All that is left to do now is tell skype to use
soundflower as its input source, you can set this in audio preferences
in skype 2.8. Your fellow skype users should hear your voiceOver and
your voice.
5. Again, i haven't tried this but I think just hitting cmd-r (record
checkbox) on the system audio session and perhaps also on the built-in
session should get you recording. If skype for some reason doesn't
record, make sure you log out of skype and back in (this is supposed
to be unnecessary with instant hijack but it tends to fail
6. I have found that when you open another app, like logic, it is not
picked up by hijack. To remedy this just create a new session, set
your source type to application and choose Logic from the menu and
hijack, this should fix it. Hope that helps, Florianotherwise) and
hijack the skype session, it should already be there.

Allison Manzino schreef:
> Hi Florian,
> Yes, Audio Hijack can do exactly what you need. The only thing I don't know 
> is how to route system audio to Skype, I think it has to do with the 
> settings, but i'm not sure. Sarah told me how to do it once. I will see if I 
> can find the file she sent me. I think she sent it to me anyway.
> To record your mic, system audio and Skype at the same time, do the following:
> 1. Open Audio Hijack and choose default system input, interact with the 
> toolbar and check the hijack audio box.
> 2. Then go to system audio and intereact with the toolbar next to system 
> audio and check the hijack audio checkbox.
> 3. Lastly go to Skype and interact with the toolbar and check hijack audio.
> 4. after you have done all this, just go to system audio again and interact 
> with toolbar and check the record checkbox. In order for AH to record Skype, 
> system audio, and internal mic, you have to hijack what you want to record 
> first and then go back to System Audio th check the record box. I think to 
> route your system audio so people on Skype can hear it, you might have to 
> create a new component called system audio two or something. I did this 
> accidentally, so now I have three components named System Audio :).  Have a 
> great day. If you need any more help, just let me know.
> Happily,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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Illness MBP

2010-11-21 Thread Julie Russell
Last eve my MBP began to say "speech off" each time voice over was turned on.  
While in safari VO stopped working. 
With sighted assist I learned VO was running In the background   In apple i 
learned the "library" folder with preferences was gone.  In the 90 minute call 
I was told it was perhaps something I inadvertently downloaded   The machine 
rapidly lost functions   
The instal disk would not work then the the track pad became useless as the 
apple rep stated hard drive corruption   
As the saints have a home game there were many open appointments at the apple 
Any thoughts from y'all?   
I note machine is 5 months old with light use   

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Re: Illness MBP

2010-11-21 Thread heather kd5cbl
Well, can you take it in today, perhaps they can swap out or fix it.  The 
game does not come on till 305 and noone will have any problems there 
turning it on.  Although I prefer watching the game at the doam with some 
good earplugs.  Heather 

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Re: Last words of a dieing pc... and creating windows vurtual machine on mac?

2010-11-21 Thread Blake Hardin
Hi, where do i find this vurtual machines folder? Thanks.

On 11/21/10, Scott Howell  wrote:
> Assuming you have not changed the default location, you can go to the
> Virtual Machines folder and just delete the VM. If your VM is called
> WindowsXP, you would just delete that file, which incidentally is really a
> folder, but appears as a single file.
> hth,
> On Nov 21, 2010, at 3:43 AM, Blake Hardin wrote:
>> Hey all, ok yes these are some of the last few words of a dieing
>> windows pc. (giant smiley) Some very very bad evil things has happened
>> to this poor poor defenceless laptop that im typing on, and not long
>> from now it will be either ran over with a car, beaten with hammers,
>> or destroyed by some other evil harmfull idea that either you or i
>> come up with. muuuhahahahahhahaha. Seriously though im sitting here
>> holding half a laptop. Meaning that, yes you guessed it, it has no
>> screen attached anymore. The clips that held the screen up finally
>> broke, so i just said (Rip!) And now no more screen. Its actually
>> sitting at my feet on the flor. So yes im just sitting here with a lap
>> with no top. :) Oh and it will only turn on when the power cord is
>> plugged in, the screen didn't work when it was attached, the left side
>> is busted, you have to push the power button really hard to turn it
>> on, and so forth. Oh and did i mention it only has 500 mb of ram, 1.3
>> duel core processor, and 40 gb hard drive? Oh no! Oh no! nooo! Its an
>> ensult to my giant super computer of a daw workstation. You must die
>> now mister lap! Muhahaahahhaa. Hmm the only thing on this thats still
>> good is the keyboard. and maybe the cd drive. Anyway got any ideas of
>> how i might get rid of mister laptop? Any evil ideas? Like really
>> evil? muuhahaha Ok now for the V mware question for mac. How do i
>> delete a vurtual machine? I tryed to create one with windows xp and
>> ended up going in to some of the preferences and then i exited and
>> then it took me back to something else. So how do i just delete this
>> one and start over? Cause it said something like can't find boot
>> device. Ididn't even get a chance to install it. Ah yes and it seems
>> that mister laptop knows  his time is short because the fan is getting
>> louder. muuhahahahhahahahhaha. Thanks for any help
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionar...@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> --
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Interested in guitar lessons? Im me at Blindboyblake1.

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Re: Illness MBP

2010-11-21 Thread Julie Russell
Yes @ 11:30   I am aware it will need a rebuild   I am. Curious if anyone has 
observed anything similar   Vo was running with speech off (not muted).   I am 
skeptical about a virus   Something happened but the re instal is the standing 
solution the few times I have called tech support   It does cure all   
Yes heather the dome is so loud one can hear it a mile away - home team 
advantage is In part deafening noise   I will take friends at the house - 
proving I am about the party more than the game.  

On Nov 21, 2010, at 8:30 AM, "heather kd5cbl"  wrote:

> Well, can you take it in today, perhaps they can swap out or fix it.  The 
> game does not come on till 305 and noone will have any problems there turning 
> it on.  Although I prefer watching the game at the doam with some good 
> earplugs.  Heather 
> -- 
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Re: Safari 5.0.3

2010-11-21 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello David,

You seem to be having the same problem as many others with 2010 machines. I 
don't know why this is, but the older machines seem to be immune.

To fix it, shut down your machine, then boot it from the Snow Leopard 
installation disc. On the screen after the Language Chooser screen, go to the 
menus and from the Utilities menu, select Disk Utility. In there, do REpair 
Disk. This should fix your problem.



On 21 Nov 2010, at 13:09, David Taylor wrote:

> Hi,
> Is anybody else experiencing a big reduction in performance and speed with 
> this? I'm finding I'm getting Safari Busy announcements on a lot of sites, 
> including when trying to comment on status updates on m.facebook.com but 
> plenty of others too. Webkit seems to have the same problems now, even on 
> latest build. I've even tried disabling all extensions.
> Cheers
> Dave
> -- 
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Re: Illness MBP

2010-11-21 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Julie,

I presume you've been using the trackpad commander? This is a common problem 
and is easily resolved. Just do a three-finger double tap on the trackpad and 
all should be well.



On 21 Nov 2010, at 14:58, Julie Russell wrote:

> Last eve my MBP began to say "speech off" each time voice over was turned on. 
>  While in safari VO stopped working. 
> With sighted assist I learned VO was running In the background   In apple i 
> learned the "library" folder with preferences was gone.  In the 90 minute 
> call I was told it was perhaps something I inadvertently downloaded   The 
> machine rapidly lost functions   
> The instal disk would not work then the the track pad became useless as the 
> apple rep stated hard drive corruption   
> As the saints have a home game there were many open appointments at the apple 
> store   
> Any thoughts from y'all?   
> I note machine is 5 months old with light use   
> Julie
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Re: Save an e-mail in html

2010-11-21 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Florian,

unfortunately it didn't work. Seems to be the same issue in Pages: The text 
looses the certen html tags during copy and paste. Formats like color and font 
size seems to be the same.

Any other ideas?

Thanks and
best regards

Am 21.11.2010 um 13:32 schrieb f10r14n:

> Hmm,
> I think Pages has that kind of functionality ...than again that is me
> comparing it to windows programs. Wordpad breaks headings and office
> word doesn't. You can try that. If you are looking for a free
> alternative, i'm sure a google can help you further a long way.
> HTH, Florian
> Jürgen Fleger schreef:
>> Hi All,
>> I use Mail for my e-mail correspondence. I tried to save an e-mail in html 
>> format but it doesn't allow me to save it as such. But what I want to is to 
>> save this e-mail and keep the html tags like headers etc.
>> I also tried to paste it to Textedit and save it in html. It worked in 
>> general but during copy and paste the html tags were lost.
>> Does anyone know a solution for this issue? Maybe a script or another mail 
>> client or program?
>> Thanks and
>> all the best
>> Juergen
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Re: quick garage band question

2010-11-21 Thread Justin Thornton
just to pass on some useful info
garageband 6 now has a guide
this is the current version shipping with ilife 11
you can find it on
thanks hth in the future
On Nov 21, 2010, at 3:13 AM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi does anyone know how to import loops in garage band i purchased samples 
> and it said drag and drop.
> can i just bring them in using the media browser?
> thanks
> -- 
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Tagging audio-files on the Mac...

2010-11-21 Thread David Hole

Hi folks.
Wich applications are you out there using to tag your audio-files on the 
On Windows, I used to edit tags in Foobar2000, but on the Mac I don't 
know of any good solutions... So maybe you can help me out...?

Kind regards David

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tables in Word files

2010-11-21 Thread Mike Arrigo
Hi everyone, I'm actually writing for a friend of mine, she needs to know if 
there is any way to read tables and forms in Word documents. She sent me one, 
and we tried it in pages, text edit, and open office. Open office seemed to 
work the best, though it would still be very difficult to work with. She wants 
to get a mac, but whether or not this can be done pretty much makes or breaks 
it for her. And she figures that if she needs to use fusion to do it, she may 
as well just get a PC.

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Re: Altered VoiceOver Behavior in the New Safari

2010-11-21 Thread Chris Moore
To navigate via headings you have to press control + option + command + H and 
command + P has always brought up the print option, are you trying to go back a 
page? in that case move your finger a long a key, to the right to the left 
bracket key.
On 20 Nov 2010, at 12:20, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Since installing the new version of Safari, some of the keystrokes used to 
> navigate the web no longer work.  Command-VO H hides Safari rather than 
> navigating by headings.  Command-VO P either is silent or brings up a  print 
> dialog.  I may have changed a few setting as I tried to resolve this, so that 
> could be the issue.  Any suggestions as to how to rectify this?
> Les
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Re: Safari 5.0.3

2010-11-21 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
When I first installed the update, I got lots of Busy's and odd behavior like 
command Q not quitting, etc.  These seem to be going away the more I use it, 
which probably doesn't make sense, but there you are re.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
 • My home page:
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Re: tables in Word files

2010-11-21 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mike,

Unfortunately, VO can't read tables in Pages. However, there is a workaround.

A table in Pages shows up as a highlighted space to VoiceOver. To read the 
table and/or modify it, you have to copy it into a Numbers document where it 
becomes completely accessible.

To copy a modified table back to Pages, just go to the last item in the table 
you want to copy over, make sure the mouse is on that cell, turn cursor 
tracking off, do a Mouse Down on that cell, go to first item, bring mouse to VO 
cursor and you'll hear the number of cells highlighted. You can then do Cmd-C 
and switch back to Pages where you can paste the table back in its place.

This sounds much more complicated than it is in practice.



On 21 Nov 2010, at 18:06, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Hi everyone, I'm actually writing for a friend of mine, she needs to know if 
> there is any way to read tables and forms in Word documents. She sent me one, 
> and we tried it in pages, text edit, and open office. Open office seemed to 
> work the best, though it would still be very difficult to work with. She 
> wants to get a mac, but whether or not this can be done pretty much makes or 
> breaks it for her. And she figures that if she needs to use fusion to do it, 
> she may as well just get a PC.
> -- 
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Re: tables in Word files

2010-11-21 Thread David Taylor
Tables in word files read fine if you use Quick Look Attachments, but that does 
mean attaching them to an email first! How and why this should be who knows!


On 21 Nov 2010, at 17:06, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Hi everyone, I'm actually writing for a friend of mine, she needs to know if 
> there is any way to read tables and forms in Word documents. She sent me one, 
> and we tried it in pages, text edit, and open office. Open office seemed to 
> work the best, though it would still be very difficult to work with. She 
> wants to get a mac, but whether or not this can be done pretty much makes or 
> breaks it for her. And she figures that if she needs to use fusion to do it, 
> she may as well just get a PC.
> -- 
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Re: Doing a put in the land of ftp

2010-11-21 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Command K, while in the Finder, will present a "connect to server" address bar. 
 Just type in the FTP server's name and a password when prompted, but I've had 
mixed success with finder FTP.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
 • My home page:
 • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/

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adding web page to desktop with VoiceOver

2010-11-21 Thread Ryan Mann
I have a web page that links to a radio stream.  I would like to add a shortcut 
to the web page on the desktop.  I googled and found a page telling me how to 
add web pages to the desktop.  The only problem is that the instructions were 
to drag the page from the title bar of Safari to the desktop.  How would I do 
this using VoiceOver and the keyboard?  In case anybody is inerested, the web 
page I want to add to the desktop is http://headonradionetwork.com/wmp_hiq.php.

Ryan Mann
Follow me on Facebook.

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Re: Tagging audio-files on the Mac...

2010-11-21 Thread David Hole

Hi Colin.
Ye, I know that way.
But some times (like with operas wich are on lots of CD's), I've got 
tracks that wasn't correct tagged, since they didn't have the correct 
album number.

Therefor I'd like to tag my files correctly before taking them into iTunes.

Den 21.11.2010 20:32, skrev Colin M:

Hi David!
Ok I do not know what tags you want to do!
But in Itunes you can change a lot of the tags no need for any other software!
Even cds you have imported you can change the tag info you get from the net!
I've changed a lot of mine to the way I like it!
I use command+i to do individual tracks and command+a then command+i to do 
whole albums[ the bits of a album you can do as a multi change that is!]
hth Colin
On 21 Nov 2010, at 16:56, David Hole wrote:

Hi folks.
Which applications are you out there using to tag your audio-files on the Mac?
On Windows, I used to edit tags in Foobar2000, but on the Mac I don't know of 
any good solutions... So maybe you can help me out...?
Kind regards David

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Re: Altered VoiceOver Behavior in the New Safari

2010-11-21 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Carolyn,

Well, I went to the Apple Store yesterday afternoon and left the Mac overnight 
for a keyboard swap.  Apparently, there were still keyboard problems with the 
caps lock key, and my system preference files were replaced with the defaults.  
Today, I returned and worked with a store rep to restore my settings files so 
that I could get my mail back along with the dock.  Anyway, all appears to be 
well.  I got a new case and keyboard for my troubles, and all in one day!  So 
I'm back in business.  I think if this happens again, I'll try and restore my 
system preferences files first.  Thanks for your assistance and for your 


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Re: Tagging audio-files on the Mac...

2010-11-21 Thread Colin M
Hi David!
Ok I do not know what tags you want to do!
But in Itunes you can change a lot of the tags no need for any other software!
Even cds you have imported you can change the tag info you get from the net!
I've changed a lot of mine to the way I like it!
I use command+i to do individual tracks and command+a then command+i to do 
whole albums[ the bits of a album you can do as a multi change that is!]
hth Colin
On 21 Nov 2010, at 16:56, David Hole wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Which applications are you out there using to tag your audio-files on the Mac?
> On Windows, I used to edit tags in Foobar2000, but on the Mac I don't know of 
> any good solutions... So maybe you can help me out...?
> Kind regards David
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Re: Doing a put in the land of ftp

2010-11-21 Thread Jude DaShiell
I suggest you learn to use curl.  It can do uploads and downloads though 
from terminal mode command line or from a bash script if you know how to 
build one of those.  r A command like: curl -a url/filename should get the 
job started. On Mon, 15 Nov 2010, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

I am trying to do this with safari.  There is no upload in any of safari menus 
that I can find.
On Nov 15, 2010, at 10:37 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Wht program are you using. Navagate to the folder where you rile is then 
interact witht he list and choose upload and it should be there when the upload 

On Nov 15, 2010, at 10:28 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

Hi folks, or should I say gurus.

I need to ftp a file to the ACB Radio incoming folder.  I can get there just 
fine, navigate to the file I want to put, but then I'm dead in the water.  I 
tried doing a copy of the file, then navigating back to the location in which I 
want to put it and pressing cmd-v to paste but all I get is a beep.  This is 
how put can be accomplished in windows; how do I do it with Mac?

Thanks again for all the help.  I'd prefer to be able to do this using only the 
browser, but if necessary will download a client.


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renaming folders on the iphone4

2010-11-21 Thread William Windels
Hi all,

I have a lot of programs on my iphone4 and because of this, I want to 
reorganize them in a kind of folders.

I know , if you put one application above another, a folder will appear with a 
name, based on the cathegorie of the software.

My question: (how) can I rename this folder , only at that moment or at any 

Thanx for your help,

best regards,

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Re: Last words of a dieing pc... and creating windows vurtual machine on mac?

2010-11-21 Thread Scott Howell
The Virtual Machines folder is in ~/Documents (the ~ indicates your home 
On Nov 21, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Blake Hardin wrote:

> Hi, where do i find this vurtual machines folder? Thanks.
> On 11/21/10, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> Assuming you have not changed the default location, you can go to the
>> Virtual Machines folder and just delete the VM. If your VM is called
>> WindowsXP, you would just delete that file, which incidentally is really a
>> folder, but appears as a single file.
>> hth,
>> On Nov 21, 2010, at 3:43 AM, Blake Hardin wrote:
>>> Hey all, ok yes these are some of the last few words of a dieing
>>> windows pc. (giant smiley) Some very very bad evil things has happened
>>> to this poor poor defenceless laptop that im typing on, and not long
>>> from now it will be either ran over with a car, beaten with hammers,
>>> or destroyed by some other evil harmfull idea that either you or i
>>> come up with. muuuhahahahahhahaha. Seriously though im sitting here
>>> holding half a laptop. Meaning that, yes you guessed it, it has no
>>> screen attached anymore. The clips that held the screen up finally
>>> broke, so i just said (Rip!) And now no more screen. Its actually
>>> sitting at my feet on the flor. So yes im just sitting here with a lap
>>> with no top. :) Oh and it will only turn on when the power cord is
>>> plugged in, the screen didn't work when it was attached, the left side
>>> is busted, you have to push the power button really hard to turn it
>>> on, and so forth. Oh and did i mention it only has 500 mb of ram, 1.3
>>> duel core processor, and 40 gb hard drive? Oh no! Oh no! nooo! Its an
>>> ensult to my giant super computer of a daw workstation. You must die
>>> now mister lap! Muhahaahahhaa. Hmm the only thing on this thats still
>>> good is the keyboard. and maybe the cd drive. Anyway got any ideas of
>>> how i might get rid of mister laptop? Any evil ideas? Like really
>>> evil? muuhahaha Ok now for the V mware question for mac. How do i
>>> delete a vurtual machine? I tryed to create one with windows xp and
>>> ended up going in to some of the preferences and then i exited and
>>> then it took me back to something else. So how do i just delete this
>>> one and start over? Cause it said something like can't find boot
>>> device. Ididn't even get a chance to install it. Ah yes and it seems
>>> that mister laptop knows  his time is short because the fan is getting
>>> louder. muuhahahahhahahahhaha. Thanks for any help
>>> --
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> -- 
> Interested in guitar lessons? Im me at Blindboyblake1.
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Re: Altered VoiceOver Behavior in the New Safari

2010-11-21 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Brian,

Well, I thought it was related to 10.6.5 also.  I did not try pressing the 
keystroke twice quickly so I don't know if that would have worked.  I know my 
apps were all shut down other than the Finder, and the unit would not shut 
down.  Eventually, I could get the keystroke to work, but not on the initial 
attempt.  I have a new keyboard, and I'll see how things work and report any 
problems I encounter.  I had other keys such as the caps lock key that were not 
responding, so it could have been the keyboard itself, but hard to know for 


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Re: Tagging audio-files on the Mac...

2010-11-21 Thread Darcy Burnard
Hi David.  I use a program called id3 editor.  You can find it here.
Unfortunately it isn't free.  There may be free solutions now, but when I first 
needed to do this in 2006, this was all I could find.

On 2010-11-21, at 11:56 AM, David Hole wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Wich applications are you out there using to tag your audio-files on the Mac?
> On Windows, I used to edit tags in Foobar2000, but on the Mac I don't know of 
> any good solutions... So maybe you can help me out...?
> Kind regards David
> -- 
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Re: using gmail on mac?

2010-11-21 Thread Darcy Burnard
Hi.  If you're looking to set up imap with gmail on the Mac, I recommend 
reading this article from tidbits.

On 2010-11-21, at 7:20 AM, f10r14n wrote:

> Well,
> The fastest way would be coupling your account to Apple Mail ... hat
> is a real pain to set up though. It was for me, at least. I'll detail
> the steps i took:
> 1. Make sure you kill pop on your gmail settings page. Having both pop
> and iMap enabled at the same time tends to break things.
> 2. Go to your mail application, than into preferences and find the new
> account button towards the bottom of the screen.
> 3. Fill in the details. Your username is your full e-mail address.
> 4. Leave whatever it fills in for you alone. It's probably right.
> 5. When you've hit the 'create button' everything should be working.
> Should, but in my case it didn't. I got no errors, but the message
> table remained empty.
> 6. What i did to solve this, after getting really frustrated and
> asking for help multiple times: I sent myself an email and once that
> was sent the messages suddenly came streaming in.
> NOTE: in the gmail help, as well as in other people's experiences,
> there is a 'make mail configure account automatically' checkbox, or
> something similar. For some reason i do not see this checkbox. It is
> supposed to be in the initial account creation screen, but in its
> place i only see 'text' . It yields nothing when interacting. If
> anyone knows a fix for this, it would be very much appreciated.
> Thx and hth,
> Florian
> Blake Hardin schreef:
>> hey all, everytime i try to check my email on the mac it just seems
>> slow compared to doing it on windows. I always just go to gmail.com
>> and check it that way. Is there a faster way to do it? Like is there a
>> fast way to jump to the next checkbox or something instead of having
>> to press vo right and left?
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Roku box, netflicks and the Mac

2010-11-21 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Has anyone tried to use the Roku box with Netflicks and the Mac? If so, are 
there any accessibility challenges?


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Re: tables in Word files

2010-11-21 Thread Mike Arrigo
Well, she will need to access the documents and fill information in to the form 
fields, which means using them in a word processor.
On Nov 21, 2010, at 12:20 PM, David Taylor wrote:

> Tables in word files read fine if you use Quick Look Attachments, but that 
> does mean attaching them to an email first! How and why this should be who 
> knows!
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 21 Nov 2010, at 17:06, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Hi everyone, I'm actually writing for a friend of mine, she needs to know if 
>> there is any way to read tables and forms in Word documents. She sent me 
>> one, and we tried it in pages, text edit, and open office. Open office 
>> seemed to work the best, though it would still be very difficult to work 
>> with. She wants to get a mac, but whether or not this can be done pretty 
>> much makes or breaks it for her. And she figures that if she needs to use 
>> fusion to do it, she may as well just get a PC.
>> -- 
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Getting Rid of Virus Barrier

2010-11-21 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, folk,

Now I'm stuck. I removed the app, but I'm now getting nag screens for updating. 
I can't find anything in the libraries. Should I download it again and see if 
it has an uninstall applet?


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Re: Getting Rid of Virus Barrier

2010-11-21 Thread Yuma Decaux

You got two choices

The uninstaller in the dmg or you can get rid of the netupdate system 
preference pane and application in the applications folder.

Hope this helps 

Best regards.

Yuma DX®
"Light has no value without darkness"

blog: http://www.theblindsamurai.com
twitter: http://www.twitter.com/triple7
Tel: +64 210 22 77 190 
Phnom Penh: +85589900095

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Re: renaming folders on the iphone4

2010-11-21 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. see the guide OI wrote at http://www.applevis.com and click on the 

Sorry about the short reply but I've got a huge headache and listening to vo is 
making it worse.

On Nov 21, 2010, at 12:35 PM, William Windels wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a lot of programs on my iphone4 and because of this, I want to 
> reorganize them in a kind of folders.
> I know , if you put one application above another, a folder will appear with 
> a name, based on the cathegorie of the software.
> My question: (how) can I rename this folder , only at that moment or at any 
> time?
> Thanx for your help,
> best regards,
> William 
> -- 
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Re: voiceover, for the ipods, which is best

2010-11-21 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I'm using an Ipod Nano the 6th generation and recorded a test memo and it 
played OK.  Not sure if it does have a micro phone in it or it was the 
microphone on my headset!

On 20 Nov 2010, at 11:46, Pete Nalda wrote:

> The 5th Generation Nano's had a mic, and voice recording.
> On Nov 20, 2010, at 1:02 AM, Ruud Bemelmans wrote:
>> I'm not sure, but I don't think the nano has a recording function or even a 
>> microphone built-in. The only one I can be sure that has that is the ipod 
>> touch 4th gen and as far as I've messed with that on mine, it recorded 
>> things pretty well.  Aside from that it has 32 or 64 GB, so that means you 
>> can have more music on there without swapping music around daily or weekly.
>> And you only need Itunes.
>> -- Ruud
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> http://www.myspace.com/musikonalda
> http://www.facebook.com/lpnalda
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/lpnalda
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Kawal Gucukoglu

(Skype ID):





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battery chargers

2010-11-21 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi guys:
I am looking at getting a back up charger for my iProducts, and remembered the 
turbo part of the most recommended.  Can  someone refresh my memory was it a 
proporta 2400?
TIA for any info.

Carolyn Haas
When you come to a fork in the road,
It's time to eat.

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RE: battery chargers

2010-11-21 Thread Chris Harrington
It was the proporta 3400 I believe. I have the 500 and it works great to!


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From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Carolyn Haas
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 7:17 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: battery chargers

Hi guys:
I am looking at getting a back up charger for my iProducts, and remembered
the turbo part of the most recommended.  Can  someone refresh my memory was
it a proporta 2400?
TIA for any info.

Carolyn Haas
When you come to a fork in the road,
It's time to eat.

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Re: battery chargers

2010-11-21 Thread Kevin Reeves
It's Proporta 3400. It's 34 bucks on Amazon. Unfortunately, the shipping takes 
a while because it's coming from europe I think. I have mine on order, and 
can't wait to get it. I'll let you know what I think when it's in my hands.

On Nov 21, 2010, at 6:16 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi guys:
> I am looking at getting a back up charger for my iProducts, and remembered 
> the turbo part of the most recommended.  Can  someone refresh my memory was 
> it a proporta 2400?
> TIA for any info.
> Carolyn Haas
> chaas0...@gmail.com
> When you come to a fork in the road,
> It's time to eat.
> -- 
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connecting your wireless key board to the mb pro successfully. while using voice over.

2010-11-21 Thread Chenelle Hancock

hi everyone!
i wanted to know how could i connect my wireless keyboard to my mb pro 
successfully?. i attempted to do it today however, after i disconnected the 
keyboard from my i-phone 3 gs then i performed an vo m command to get to the 
systems preferences then i vo right arrowed  once over and performed an vo 
shift down arrow to inner act with the  systems preference page. afterwards, i 
vo right arrowed  until i reached the blue tooth application. i then pressed vo 
space to select it. then i went and found where it says select  device which is 
what i did next. then i clicked onto it and it took me the another page where i 
had to put into the  form field a total of eights letters etc... however, 
whenever, i preformed these steps it would inform me that it could not connect 
with the  computer. so is there something that i am doing wrong?. if so can 
anyone help me!  with how to preform the correct set of steps in order to 
connect my wireless key board.
thanks so much 

Sent from my iPhone

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how to successfully navigate net flix website while using voice over?.

2010-11-21 Thread Chenelle Hancock

hi everyone,
i wanted to know how does one  navigate through the netflix website?
thanks a lot

Sent from my iPhone

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Ipod Nano sixth generation

2010-11-21 Thread heather kd5cbl
So if I have to, can I sink to my pc?  Or does it only work on the mac? 
Thanks Heather 

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Re: connecting your wireless key board to the mb pro successfully. while using voice over.

2010-11-21 Thread David McLean
Usually what I do is tell it what characters I want to use which is a pop up on 
the connect screen and ends up as four zeros.  I've had the same problem when 
I've tried to enter the characters shown.
On Nov 21, 2010, at 7:27 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> hi everyone!
> i wanted to know how could i connect my wireless keyboard to my mb pro 
> successfully?. i attempted to do it today however, after i disconnected the 
> keyboard from my i-phone 3 gs then i performed an vo m command to get to the 
> systems preferences then i vo right arrowed  once over and performed an vo 
> shift down arrow to inner act with the  systems preference page. afterwards, 
> i vo right arrowed  until i reached the blue tooth application. i then 
> pressed vo space to select it. then i went and found where it says select  
> device which is what i did next. then i clicked onto it and it took me the 
> another page where i had to put into the  form field a total of eights 
> letters etc... however, whenever, i preformed these steps it would inform me 
> that it could not connect with the  computer. so is there something that i am 
> doing wrong?. if so can anyone help me!  with how to preform the correct set 
> of steps in order to connect my wireless key board.
> thanks so much 
> chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: Ipod Nano sixth generation

2010-11-21 Thread Isaac Obie

You sync to both Macs and Pcs. I've got a buddy who has an ipod Nano and it 
has been synced to windows pcs all the time. It's so tiny! so skinny!


- Original Message - 
From: "heather kd5cbl" 

Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 7:29 PM
Subject: Ipod Nano sixth generation

So if I have to, can I sink to my pc?  Or does it only work on the mac? 
Thanks Heather

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Re: voiceover, for the ipods, which is best

2010-11-21 Thread Isaac Obie

How do you keep from losing that thing? It's so tiny and so thin or skinny! 
You leave it plugged in to the headphones?

- Original Message - 
From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" 

Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: voiceover, for the ipods, which is best

I'm using an Ipod Nano the 6th generation and recorded a test memo and it 
played OK.  Not sure if it does have a micro phone in it or it was the 
microphone on my headset!

On 20 Nov 2010, at 11:46, Pete Nalda wrote:

The 5th Generation Nano's had a mic, and voice recording.

On Nov 20, 2010, at 1:02 AM, Ruud Bemelmans wrote:

I'm not sure, but I don't think the nano has a recording function or 
even a microphone built-in. The only one I can be sure that has that is 
the ipod touch 4th gen and as far as I've messed with that on mine, it 
recorded things pretty well.  Aside from that it has 32 or 64 GB, so 
that means you can have more music on there without swapping music 
around daily or weekly.

And you only need Itunes.

-- Ruud

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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Kawal Gucukoglu

(Skype ID):





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Re: Ipod Nano sixth generation

2010-11-21 Thread heather kd5cbl
Oh, okay, I just need to beable to do both until my pc dies or I kill it 
which ever comes first!  Heather 

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Re: Ipod Nano sixth generation

2010-11-21 Thread heather kd5cbl
So, do you have to turn the voiceover on or is it already on?  If you have 
to turn it on, can you do it without sighted assistance?  Heather 

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Re: Last words of a dieing pc... and creating windows vurtual machine on mac?

2010-11-21 Thread Blake Hardin
Ok, so i deleted the windows xp machine from the  folder but when i
open vmware it still says window xp as a machine. but it will let me
select home nd windows xp, but i don't see anywhere i can go to new or
options or anything to configure... Is there a version that is more
accssible? I think i got the newest one. Thanks.

On 11/21/10, Scott Howell  wrote:
> The Virtual Machines folder is in ~/Documents (the ~ indicates your home
> folder).
> On Nov 21, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Blake Hardin wrote:
>> Hi, where do i find this vurtual machines folder? Thanks.
>> On 11/21/10, Scott Howell  wrote:
>>> Assuming you have not changed the default location, you can go to the
>>> Virtual Machines folder and just delete the VM. If your VM is called
>>> WindowsXP, you would just delete that file, which incidentally is really
>>> a
>>> folder, but appears as a single file.
>>> hth,
>>> On Nov 21, 2010, at 3:43 AM, Blake Hardin wrote:
 Hey all, ok yes these are some of the last few words of a dieing
 windows pc. (giant smiley) Some very very bad evil things has happened
 to this poor poor defenceless laptop that im typing on, and not long
 from now it will be either ran over with a car, beaten with hammers,
 or destroyed by some other evil harmfull idea that either you or i
 come up with. muuuhahahahahhahaha. Seriously though im sitting here
 holding half a laptop. Meaning that, yes you guessed it, it has no
 screen attached anymore. The clips that held the screen up finally
 broke, so i just said (Rip!) And now no more screen. Its actually
 sitting at my feet on the flor. So yes im just sitting here with a lap
 with no top. :) Oh and it will only turn on when the power cord is
 plugged in, the screen didn't work when it was attached, the left side
 is busted, you have to push the power button really hard to turn it
 on, and so forth. Oh and did i mention it only has 500 mb of ram, 1.3
 duel core processor, and 40 gb hard drive? Oh no! Oh no! nooo! Its an
 ensult to my giant super computer of a daw workstation. You must die
 now mister lap! Muhahaahahhaa. Hmm the only thing on this thats still
 good is the keyboard. and maybe the cd drive. Anyway got any ideas of
 how i might get rid of mister laptop? Any evil ideas? Like really
 evil? muuhahaha Ok now for the V mware question for mac. How do i
 delete a vurtual machine? I tryed to create one with windows xp and
 ended up going in to some of the preferences and then i exited and
 then it took me back to something else. So how do i just delete this
 one and start over? Cause it said something like can't find boot
 device. Ididn't even get a chance to install it. Ah yes and it seems
 that mister laptop knows  his time is short because the fan is getting
 louder. muuhahahahhahahahhaha. Thanks for any help

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Interested in guitar lessons? Im me at Blindboyblake1.

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Re: [macvoiceover] Trying to update firm wear in a APH device, but....

2010-11-21 Thread Jude DaShiell
I don't know if you have a mac computer, but if you do, I suggest you do a 
which file  and see if that utility is present.  If it is, run file 
filename where filename is your mystery file and the file utility may be 
able to tell you what kind of file you have there.On Thu, 11 Nov 2010, 
VaShaun Jones wrote:

using the app called the unarchiver  to unzip this file rbd_upd.exe yields a 
message that says that it cannot open this file. Does anyone know of an app that 

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Re: Getting Rid of Virus Barrier

2010-11-21 Thread Teresa Cochran
Ah, found it. Thank you, Yuma.

On Nov 21, 2010, at 3:38 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Hi,
> You got two choices
> The uninstaller in the dmg or you can get rid of the netupdate system 
> preference pane and application in the applications folder.
> Hope this helps 
> Best regards.
> Yuma DX®
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> blog: http://www.theblindsamurai.com
> twitter: http://www.twitter.com/triple7
> Tel: +64 210 22 77 190 
> Phnom Penh: +85589900095
> -- 
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Re: alternative e mail clients

2010-11-21 Thread Jude DaShiell
Others do exist.  pine and mutt can both be run from the terminal.  Both 
can be downloaded from a fink repository.On Sun, 14 Nov 2010, Chantel 
Cuddemi wrote:

Chad, I am not sure if there are any other. email clients. I believe Apple mail 
is the only one. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
On Nov 14, 2010, at 6:25 AM, chad baker wrote:

Hi has anyone tried any alternative e mail clients?
i know apple mail is the main one just wondering if there's any other 
accessible ones

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Re: quick garage band question

2010-11-21 Thread Ricardo Walker

In the new garageband, the media browser is no longer needed.  You can copy the 
file from the finder and paste it directly into the project.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 21, 2010, at 7:22 AM, f10r14n wrote:

> Hi, that should work yeah. I haven't messed with getting additional
> loops though, except for jam packs but those are autoimported.
> chad baker schreef:
>> Hi does anyone know how to import loops in garage band i purchased samples 
>> and it said drag and drop.
>> can i just bring them in using the media browser?
>> thanks
> -- 
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Re: Illness MBP

2010-11-21 Thread Ricardo Walker

It sounds like you might have just have muted speech with the trackpad 
commander.  If so, a 3 finger double tap should unmute voiceover.  

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 21, 2010, at 8:58 AM, Julie Russell wrote:

> Last eve my MBP began to say "speech off" each time voice over was turned on. 
>  While in safari VO stopped working. 
> With sighted assist I learned VO was running In the background   In apple i 
> learned the "library" folder with preferences was gone.  In the 90 minute 
> call I was told it was perhaps something I inadvertently downloaded   The 
> machine rapidly lost functions   
> The instal disk would not work then the the track pad became useless as the 
> apple rep stated hard drive corruption   
> As the saints have a home game there were many open appointments at the apple 
> store   
> Any thoughts from y'all?   
> I note machine is 5 months old with light use   
> Julie
> -- 
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Re: renaming folders on the iphone4

2010-11-21 Thread Ricardo Walker

double tap and hold like when wanting to move or delete an app.  Now double tap 
on the folder you would like to rename.  Now the folder will open, and the name 
of the folder will be in an edit field with a clear button following it.  You 
can now erase and type in the new name.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 21, 2010, at 3:35 PM, William Windels wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a lot of programs on my iphone4 and because of this, I want to 
> reorganize them in a kind of folders.
> I know , if you put one application above another, a folder will appear with 
> a name, based on the cathegorie of the software.
> My question: (how) can I rename this folder , only at that moment or at any 
> time?
> Thanx for your help,
> best regards,
> William 
> -- 
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Audio hijack pro latency when hijacking mic

2010-11-21 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hello all,

I noticed when I'm  hijacking my microphone, either the built in input of the 
mac or, my blue snowball USB mic, I experience latency in my headphones.  Is 
there a way to eliminate this or just turn off monitoring all together?


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

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not getting copy of sent messages

2010-11-21 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hello lists,

Today, I noticed that I was no longer receiving a copy of the messages I was 
sending to the macvisionaries and viphone lists.  I'm using gmail and have made 
no changes to my account settings.  I wanted to know if anyone else has had 
this start happening to them today?  And I'd also like to know if my messages 
are getting through at all.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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2010-11-21 Thread Ricardo Walker

are my messages getting through?

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Ipod Nano sixth generation

2010-11-21 Thread Sarah Alawami
You can do it via itunes under universal access. If using a mac it will be 
under summary radio button then the scrol area after all the radio buttons.

On Nov 21, 2010, at 18:21, "heather kd5cbl"  wrote:

> So, do you have to turn the voiceover on or is it already on?  If you have to 
> turn it on, can you do it without sighted assistance?  Heather 
> -- 
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Re: not getting copy of sent messages

2010-11-21 Thread Sarah Alawami
they are getting through. Look in your sent items folder to see if tey arrived.


On Nov 21, 2010, at 13:35, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hello lists,
> Today, I noticed that I was no longer receiving a copy of the messages I was 
> sending to the macvisionaries and viphone lists.  I'm using gmail and have 
> made no changes to my account settings.  I wanted to know if anyone else has 
> had this start happening to them today?  And I'd also like to know if my 
> messages are getting through at all.
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> -- 
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Re: Audio hijack pro latency when hijacking mic

2010-11-21 Thread Sarah Alawami
Noeiliminate it, but here ya go.

go to the advanced button on your mic session and after clicking it go to the 
latencey thing and if you can set it to 32ms.

Take care.

On Nov 20, 2010, at 11:37, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I noticed when I'm  hijacking my microphone, either the built in input of the 
> mac or, my blue snowball USB mic, I experience latency in my headphones.  Is 
> there a way to eliminate this or just turn off monitoring all together?
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> -- 
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Re: test

2010-11-21 Thread heather kd5cbl
yes they are! Heather 

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Re: Ipod Nano sixth generation

2010-11-21 Thread heather kd5cbl
Just wondering, the Ipod Nano sixth generation only comes in 16gb?  Can you 
expand it more?  Heather 

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Re: Ipod Nano sixth generation

2010-11-21 Thread Sarah Alawami
As far as I know you cannot. It is flash bassed if memmory serves me.

On Nov 21, 2010, at 22:59, "heather kd5cbl"  wrote:

> Just wondering, the Ipod Nano sixth generation only comes in 16gb?  Can you 
> expand it more?  Heather 
> -- 
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Re: Ipod Nano sixth generation

2010-11-21 Thread heather kd5cbl
Ah, I see, I was hoping for a 32 gb at least!  Heather 

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