Re: Researcher looking for iPhone users

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
I don't think that will be included in the research but yeah not much you or I 
could do about it so I guess we just have to deal.

On Nov 12, 2010, at 11:36 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> ok  how about solving the problem if the I hone data and voice costing way 
> TOO much money lol  that is an issue noone can fix. at and t and others want 
> to build their oversold infastructure on the backs of those of us who don't 
> have the money to afford it. It is sad that because we are blind if we want a 
> truly accessible phone we have to go to the I phone or another just as 
> expensive platform, when a sighted person can get unlimited voice text and 
> data for 45 a month or less with an inaccessible phone, it costs over twice 
> that for an accessible phone to have the same capabilities.
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 5:08 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>> Hi All;
>> the below is from a researcher looking for interested volunteers. 
>> Smiles,
>> Cara :)
>> Hello, iPhone users.
>> I am looking for volunteers who have used an iPhone for at least 6
>> months, to participate in a short telephone interview in regard to
>> their iPhone experiences.  This interview is in support of ongoing
>> research funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
>> My current interest in doing interviews with people who are using
>> iPhones is the result of our work on the Cellphone Best Practices
>> project with the Department of Veterans Affairs.  In earlier work, we
>> evaluated 14 phones.  We learned during this research, that the
>> touchscreen phones can offer access, and the iPhone in particular has
>> done far better than any of the traditionally designed cellphones at
>> affording full access.
>> We completed the first year of the project, and are now in our second
>> year.  We are now taking the data from the first evaluations, and
>> developing an evaluation system for best practices in utilizing a
>> touchscreen phone.  Our initial evaluations had people using cellphones
>> provided to them for a 3 week interval.  We learned much, but we
>> realize we also want data from people who have used the iPhone for 6
>> months or more.  We want to know more about the long term iPhone
>> experience, in order to include that data into our study.   I have been
>> asked to conduct short interviews with persons who are blind, and using
>> iPhones for more than 6 months, in order to gain further insights into
>> those long term experiences, and develop action statements that will
>> address needs perceived by long term iPhone users, and not just those
>> using the iPhone for short periods of time. The results will be used to
>> engineer the interface of a touchscreen phone for evaluation, in order
>> to determine "best practices" in designing an interface for persons who
>> are blind.  
>> If you are interested in volunteering for an interview about your
>> personal iPhone experiences, please do email me directly at:
>> I will write you back so that we can establish a good time for the
>> interview, which takes typically, 15-30 minutes. Thank you in advance
>> for considering this volunteer opportunity.
>> Gary W. Kelly
>> New Frontiers, Inc.
>> A 501(c)3 non profit organization.
>> ---
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>> Follow me on Twitter!
>> -- 
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Re: speakers for the i-phone/mb pro.

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
I used a pair of jbl on tour speakers and I loved them. nice and loud for there 

On Nov 12, 2010, at 10:03 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> Oh I have the set from Bose, they work great.  There about 6 years old and I 
> have never had any problems with them god willing, they will last another six 
> years!  Heather 
> -- 
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Re: Researcher looking for iPhone users

2010-11-13 Thread Scott Granados
What the IPhone and Data does not cost to much.

It's the same price for us as a sited ser.  If you want a cheap phone get one 
you don't need it to read anything to you.  If you're that backwards get a 

On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:07 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I don't think that will be included in the research but yeah not much you or 
> I could do about it so I guess we just have to deal.
> S
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 11:36 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> ok  how about solving the problem if the I hone data and voice costing way 
>> TOO much money lol  that is an issue noone can fix. at and t and others want 
>> to build their oversold infastructure on the backs of those of us who don't 
>> have the money to afford it. It is sad that because we are blind if we want 
>> a truly accessible phone we have to go to the I phone or another just as 
>> expensive platform, when a sighted person can get unlimited voice text and 
>> data for 45 a month or less with an inaccessible phone, it costs over twice 
>> that for an accessible phone to have the same capabilities.
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 5:08 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>>> Hi All;
>>> the below is from a researcher looking for interested volunteers. 
>>> Smiles,
>>> Cara :)
>>> Hello, iPhone users.
>>> I am looking for volunteers who have used an iPhone for at least 6
>>> months, to participate in a short telephone interview in regard to
>>> their iPhone experiences.  This interview is in support of ongoing
>>> research funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
>>> My current interest in doing interviews with people who are using
>>> iPhones is the result of our work on the Cellphone Best Practices
>>> project with the Department of Veterans Affairs.  In earlier work, we
>>> evaluated 14 phones.  We learned during this research, that the
>>> touchscreen phones can offer access, and the iPhone in particular has
>>> done far better than any of the traditionally designed cellphones at
>>> affording full access.
>>> We completed the first year of the project, and are now in our second
>>> year.  We are now taking the data from the first evaluations, and
>>> developing an evaluation system for best practices in utilizing a
>>> touchscreen phone.  Our initial evaluations had people using cellphones
>>> provided to them for a 3 week interval.  We learned much, but we
>>> realize we also want data from people who have used the iPhone for 6
>>> months or more.  We want to know more about the long term iPhone
>>> experience, in order to include that data into our study.   I have been
>>> asked to conduct short interviews with persons who are blind, and using
>>> iPhones for more than 6 months, in order to gain further insights into
>>> those long term experiences, and develop action statements that will
>>> address needs perceived by long term iPhone users, and not just those
>>> using the iPhone for short periods of time. The results will be used to
>>> engineer the interface of a touchscreen phone for evaluation, in order
>>> to determine "best practices" in designing an interface for persons who
>>> are blind.  
>>> If you are interested in volunteering for an interview about your
>>> personal iPhone experiences, please do email me directly at:
>>> I will write you back so that we can establish a good time for the
>>> interview, which takes typically, 15-30 minutes. Thank you in advance
>>> for considering this volunteer opportunity.
>>> Gary W. Kelly
>>> New Frontiers, Inc.
>>> A 501(c)3 non profit organization.
>>> ---
>>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>>> Follow me on Twitter!
>>> -- 
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Scott Granados
The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that over 
the network though or use an exteranal CD.

On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your comments.  
> What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are not echoed if I 
> type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a letter that wasn't 
> spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
>> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
>> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
>> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
>> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
>> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
>> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
>> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
>> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
>> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
>> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
>> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
>> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
>> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
>>> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he Air, 
>>> but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very very fast 
>>> typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my flying fingers 
>>> because when I really get going, I see words with missing letters even 
>>> though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have which I just typed, 
>>> is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will either do a lot of editing, or 
>>> slow down a tad.  But, I have not even had this for a week, so perhaps I'll 
>>> get use to it in time.  Aside from that, this thing is wonderful and oh 
>>> yah, I have had a netbook with all the attendant windows issues, smile.
>>> Marlaina
>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
>>> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
>>> S
>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
 Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
 Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
 thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
 size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple of 
 key differences:
 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a full 
 sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys are a 
 bit reduced, though.
 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's using 
 a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed than the 
 newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, not one 
 optimized for low power consumption with processing power sacrificed.
 3) No netbook I've ever seen claims instant, or even near instant, powerup.
 Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
 Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
 On Nov 7, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> OH nice, but if apple says it is going  to make it like the pc netbook 
> the price is sure wrong. the average netbook is around $300 the macbook 
> air is about $1000. But glad you like the air. I want to  try one one 
> day. They sound cool for quick things like note taking in class o what 
> not.
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> I am typing this message on a MacBook Air while flying home from Reno, 
>> NV where yesterday, I used that same MacBook Air to take 9 hours worth 
>> of minutes during the American Council of the Blind Board Meeting.  I am 
>> ACB Secretary, and this machine performs just like my MacBook Pro but 
>> without all the weight.  I got the 11 inch size and it is absolutely 
>> wonderful.
>> Marlaina Lieberg
>> On Nov 6, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
>> The Macbook Air runs OS X Snow Leopard. It should be just as accessible 
>> as any other Macbook.
>> Kevin
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Re: iPad WiFi issues delaying iPhone/iPad update:

2010-11-13 Thread Scott Granados
Anyone suprised Apple is having radio issues?  :)

On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Is this a bug that is really delaying the expected update today? will it 
> really be delayed for a few weeks? read more:
> -- 
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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Ricardo Walker
In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical drive.  
Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 floppy. :).  I 
mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and applications so what 
purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I think Apple has just 
beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of the optical drive.  You will 
see other computer makers do the same.  Don't be surprised if the new MBPs 
don't have them either.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that 
> over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
>> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your comments. 
>>  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are not echoed if 
>> I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a letter that wasn't 
>> spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
>> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
>> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
>>> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
>>> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
>>> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
>>> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
>>> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
>>> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
>>> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
>>> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
>>> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
>>> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
>>> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
>>> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
>>> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
 I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
 time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he Air, 
 but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very very 
 fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my flying 
 fingers because when I really get going, I see words with missing letters 
 even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have which I just 
 typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will either do a lot of 
 editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I have not even had this for a week, so 
 perhaps I'll get use to it in time.  Aside from that, this thing is 
 wonderful and oh yah, I have had a netbook with all the attendant windows 
 issues, smile.
 On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
 macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
 On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
> thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
> size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple of 
> key differences:
> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a full 
> sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys are a 
> bit reduced, though.
> 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
> using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed 
> than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, 
> not one optimized for low power consumption with processing power 
> sacrificed.
> 3) No netbook I've ever seen claims instant, or even near instant, 
> powerup.
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> OH nice, but if apple says it is going  to make it like the pc netbook 
>> the price is sure wrong. the average netbook is around $300 the macbook 
>> air is about $1000. But glad you like the air. I want to  try one one 
>> day. They sound cool for quick things like note taking in class o what 
>> not.
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> I am typing this message on a MacBook Air while flying home from Reno, 
>>> NV where yesterday, I used that same MacB

Re: Cmd+Tab with Zoom on Annoyance in 10.6.5

2010-11-13 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Pete,

Archie tried it again with VO running and Mail running but Cmd-Tab still works 
fine for him. However, he can't get magnification to go up to 24, it only goes 
as far as 20 on his MBP.



On 13 Nov 2010, at 03:31, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Hi,
> Well I couldn't get this to work, but found out that cmd+tab with zoom on 
> only behaves this way when Mail is running.
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:31 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Pete,
>> This is what Archie suggests you do to fix your problem.
>> Make sure System Preferences is not running, then trash the file:
>> ~/Library/Preferences/
>> Then reopen System Preferences and reset your Universal Access preferences 
>> using the Ctrl-Scroll zoom if necessary.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 12 Nov 2010, at 19:35, Pete Nalda wrote:
>>> I'm using Zoom at about 20 for maximum magnification, and 16 for Minimum 
>>> magnification, and when I do cmd+Tab with Magnification on anywhere 
>>> between, It seems to not  want to let me tab through my open apps with the 
>>> cmd key held down.  If I do shift+cmd+Tab it works fine, allowing me to 
>>> cycle backwards through the apps.  With the zoom set at maximum or minimum 
>>> it behaves like it should.  Does anyone here using zoom observe this 
>>> behavior?  And should I write about this?   TIA.
>>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>>> Pete Nalda
>>> -- 
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> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> -- 
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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Doug Lawlor
I just bought a MacBook last February and now I want one of the 11 inch MacBook 
airs. Getting back to the cd rom drive, I hardly use mine. When I get my 
pogoplug and drobo next week all of the stuff I have on hard drives and CDs 
laying around is getting put over on the drobo. When I get this set up I will 
be able to access all of my files anywhere in the world from any computer. 
There is even an app for iOS devices. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-11-13, at 6:31 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical drive. 
>  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 floppy. :).  I 
> mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and applications so what 
> purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I think Apple has just 
> beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of the optical drive.  You 
> will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't be surprised if the new 
> MBPs don't have them either.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that 
>> over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
>>> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
>>> comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are not 
>>> echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a letter 
>>> that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
>>> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
>>> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
 Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
 up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
 ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
 had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
 gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
 that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
 mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
 pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
 bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
 for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
 shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
 would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
 Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he 
> Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very 
> very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my 
> flying fingers because when I really get going, I see words with missing 
> letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have which 
> I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will either do a lot 
> of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I have not even had this for a 
> week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in time.  Aside from that, this thing 
> is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a netbook with all the attendant 
> windows issues, smile.
> Marlaina
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
> S
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
>> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
>> thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
>> size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple of 
>> key differences:
>> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
>> full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys 
>> are a bit reduced, though.
>> 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
>> using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed 
>> than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, 
>> not one optimized for low power consumption with processing power 
>> sacrificed.
>> 3) No netbook I've ever seen claims instant, or even near instant, 
>> powerup.
>> --
>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-7


2010-11-13 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

Has anybody noticed some problems with radioshift after updating the mac. My 
danish programs will not play, they need flip4mac, has anybody any a suggestion 
for what to do.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: speakers for the i-phone/mb pro.

2010-11-13 Thread Ryan Mann
The store section of Apple's web site has a section for speakers.  I baught the 
iHome iHM79 rechargeable Mini Speakers.  I've had them for a few weeks and so 
far, they work great.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:09 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I used a pair of jbl on tour speakers and I loved them. nice and loud for 
> there size.
> S
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 10:03 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>> Oh I have the set from Bose, they work great.  There about 6 years old and I 
>> have never had any problems with them god willing, they will last another 
>> six years!  Heather 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> -- 
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Ryan Mann
Follow me on Facebook.

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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Yeah, but how will you install software, I.E. iLife upgrade. It comes on CD.
Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on

On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical drive. 
>  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 floppy. :).  I 
> mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and applications so what 
> purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I think Apple has just 
> beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of the optical drive.  You 
> will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't be surprised if the new 
> MBPs don't have them either.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that 
>> over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
>>> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
>>> comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are not 
>>> echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a letter 
>>> that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
>>> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
>>> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
 Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
 up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
 ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
 had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
 gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
 that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
 mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
 pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
 bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
 for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
 shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
 would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
 Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he 
> Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very 
> very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my 
> flying fingers because when I really get going, I see words with missing 
> letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have which 
> I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will either do a lot 
> of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I have not even had this for a 
> week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in time.  Aside from that, this thing 
> is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a netbook with all the attendant 
> windows issues, smile.
> Marlaina
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
> S
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
>> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
>> thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
>> size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple of 
>> key differences:
>> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
>> full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys 
>> are a bit reduced, though.
>> 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
>> using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed 
>> than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, 
>> not one optimized for low power consumption with processing power 
>> sacrificed.
>> 3) No netbook I've ever seen claims instant, or even near instant, 
>> powerup.
>> --
>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> OH nice, but if apple says it is going  to make it like the pc netbook 
>>> the price is sure wrong. the average netbook is around $300 the macbook 

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Ricardo Walker
For now it does.  Soon it will come on USB thumb drives.  Its already 
happening.  The Macbook air comes with Snow Leopard on a thumb drive rather 
than a DVD.  I'm not sure but, iLife 2011 might ship with the air the same way.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 13, 2010, at 8:44 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Yeah, but how will you install software, I.E. iLife upgrade. It comes on CD.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
>> drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 floppy. 
>> :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and applications 
>> so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I think Apple 
>> has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of the optical 
>> drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't be surprised 
>> if the new MBPs don't have them either.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that 
>>> over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
 I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
 comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
 not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
 letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
 Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
 So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
 On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
>> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he 
>> Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very 
>> very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my 
>> flying fingers because when I really get going, I see words with missing 
>> letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have 
>> which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will either do 
>> a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I have not even had this for 
>> a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in time.  Aside from that, this 
>> thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a netbook with all the 
>> attendant windows issues, smile.
>> Marlaina
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
>> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
>> S
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>>> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
>>> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
>>> thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
>>> size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple 
>>> of key differences:
>>> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
>>> full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys 
>>> are a bit reduced, though.
>>> 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
>>> using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed 
>>> than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, 
>>> not one optimized for low power consumption w

Re: speakers for the i-phone/mb pro.

2010-11-13 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Bose has a nice set.
Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on

On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:09 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I used a pair of jbl on tour speakers and I loved them. nice and loud for 
> there size.
> S
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 10:03 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>> Oh I have the set from Bose, they work great.  There about 6 years old and I 
>> have never had any problems with them god willing, they will last another 
>> six years!  Heather 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
What is a pogo?
Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on

On Nov 13, 2010, at 5:00 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> I just bought a MacBook last February and now I want one of the 11 inch 
> MacBook airs. Getting back to the cd rom drive, I hardly use mine. When I get 
> my pogoplug and drobo next week all of the stuff I have on hard drives and 
> CDs laying around is getting put over on the drobo. When I get this set up I 
> will be able to access all of my files anywhere in the world from any 
> computer. There is even an app for iOS devices. 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-11-13, at 6:31 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
>> drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 floppy. 
>> :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and applications 
>> so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I think Apple 
>> has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of the optical 
>> drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't be surprised 
>> if the new MBPs don't have them either.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that 
>>> over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
 I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
 comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
 not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
 letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
 Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
 So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
 On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
>> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he 
>> Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very 
>> very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my 
>> flying fingers because when I really get going, I see words with missing 
>> letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have 
>> which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will either do 
>> a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I have not even had this for 
>> a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in time.  Aside from that, this 
>> thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a netbook with all the 
>> attendant windows issues, smile.
>> Marlaina
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
>> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
>> S
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>>> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
>>> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
>>> thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
>>> size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple 
>>> of key differences:
>>> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
>>> full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys 
>>> are a bit reduced, though.
>>> 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
>>> using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed 
>>> than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual

iTunes 10.1

2010-11-13 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
iTunes 10.1 is available.

Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on

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Re: AppleScript to move files [was Re: problem moving files to another folder]

2010-11-13 Thread Eric Caron
Dear list,

I'm new at using scripts.  This is my first attempt.  I retrieved the 
Move script and I thought followed the directions correctly but when I press 
the command for the short cut nothing happens.  Is there a place where I can 
find a step by step guide to installing a script such as this one?

Also, My computer calls it a work flow is that different then a script?  when I 
open the Move file script it opens in Automator.  I don't know really  ifthat 
is good or bad or means nothing.

I have a feeling scripts could be very helpful but as a newbee I would love 
some direction.

eric Caron 

On Nov 9, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi David,
> Yes, I use the original Automator script that Greg Kearney wrote quite a long 
> time ago (when he was still in the U.S. and could host a web site listing the 
> accessibility of VoiceOver compatible software).  However, since that site is 
> long gone, your best bet to get a "Move" script is to go to the English 
> version of the site of the Italian Mac User group that Rossy maintains at:
> Then get the "move" script.  And speaking of useful AppleScripts that are 
> about to go away, if you have not yet picked up the "RestartAt" AppleScript 
> that allows you move to an arbitrary time in any iTunes track (music, 
> audiobook, podcast, movie, etc.), I would do so now from Tim Kilburn's 
> VoiceOver Downloads page at:
> before it goes off-line TODAY with all the other original dot Mac homepages.  
> The alternative is browsing in the Mail Archive pages for the old list and 
> trying to read, copy, and paste it all from one of my very old posts.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Nov 9, 2010, at 09:12, David Hole wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Speaking of moving files... Wasn't there a little automator-script-thingy 
>> that someone made for doing this?
>> Den 09.11.2010 19:20, skrev Esther:
>>> Hi Marlaina,
>>> Do you know about the software product, "MoveAddict"? It allows you to
>>> cut and paste files in Finder, and also allows you to merge folders
>>> instead of replacing them. This was a MacUpdate promo offer at the end
>>> of October, and you can still purchase it at a lesser discount for $6.49
>>> from the mupromo site for the next 3 and a half days:
>>> Here's a link to the MacWorld review of MoveAddict:
>>> Note that if you purchase from the MacUpdate promo site, you'll need to
>>> initially create an account, which involves negotiating a CAPTCHA. You
>>> can go to the Solona web site for tools to help you negotiate this:
>>> HTH. Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Nov 9, 2010, at 08:03, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
 I once had this problem solved, but now I cannot seem to accomplish
 moving a file from one folder to another. I copy the file I want,
 navigate to the folder I want, navigate into that folder and try to
 paste and all I get is either a message asking me if I want to replace
 the one I currently have, or a second copy of the same file located
 just above the first file but with the word copy added to its name. As
 I say, I did figure this out once but now I'm stuck. Can anyone help?
> -- 
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Exporting an Itunes library

2010-11-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Ok, this is one of a couple stupid questions that i am going to ask. I will ask 
them in 2 separate emails so as to not mix things up for those interested in 
one subject and not in the other.
I'm planning on using my external 1 TB hard drive as home for my music and 
sound, so it can be accessed from anywhere. I have my hard drive hooked up to 
my Airport Extreme. How do i best go about to transfer my Itunes library with 
all music to the hard drive and then use it without Itunes getting all 
confused? Is it complicated or is it simply a matter of copy/paste? I would be 
thankful for step-by-step instructions.

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Been away too long from Yurufukuru - a couple of stupid questions

2010-11-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Here comes the second stupid question. This time, it's about the Twitter client 
Yurufukuru. I was playing with it a while a couple days ago and i had a hard 
time, or rather a struggle to make it do what i wanted. I couldn't for the life 
of me figure out how to follow a user. No matter where i looked, there didn't 
seem to be a way to follow a user.
Secondly i had a really hard time with the auto completion feature. No matter 
how i did it, i could not get it to accept that i wanted to DM a user not in 
the list, i had to give up alltogether, because the autocompletion put the 
cursor where i didn't want it and i couldn't find a way to actually place the 
cursor where i wanted it, so that i could complete the name of the user i 
wished to DM. Once i managed to convinse the auto completion that i would write 
to a person not in the auto completion list, but that was only once, and Lord 
knows how i did it, so if anyone has some hints about how one goes about to 
make working with Yurufukuru less of a battle and more of a pleasure, i'd be 
ever so greatful.

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Re: Exporting an Itunes library

2010-11-13 Thread Ricardo Walker

It is just a 2 step process.  First you will want to go into the settings in 
iTunes and under advance, change the default iTunes music library to the folder 
on your external that contains all your music.  Then copy and paste the iTunes 
.xml and other iTunes file onto your external.  These should be found in your 
home folder under music/iTunes.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:54 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Ok, this is one of a couple stupid questions that i am going to ask. I will 
> ask them in 2 separate emails so as to not mix things up for those interested 
> in one subject and not in the other.
> I'm planning on using my external 1 TB hard drive as home for my music and 
> sound, so it can be accessed from anywhere. I have my hard drive hooked up to 
> my Airport Extreme. How do i best go about to transfer my Itunes library with 
> all music to the hard drive and then use it without Itunes getting all 
> confused? Is it complicated or is it simply a matter of copy/paste? I would 
> be thankful for step-by-step instructions.
> /Krister
> -- 
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Re: iTunes 10.1

2010-11-13 Thread Rafaela Freundt
I just saw that in the new itunes when you vo arrow to the search box when 
you've selected something on the sources list it will say search, for example 
search music or store. I think that is cool.
El 13/11/2010, a las 09:38, Sarai Bucciarelli escribió:

> All:
> iTunes 10.1 is available.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: iTunes 10.1

2010-11-13 Thread Ruud Bemelmans
I'm grabbing it right now, though I had to go to Apple menu, then 
software updates to make it work. From within Itunes it told me there 
was a file it couldn't find. Good thing there are multiple ways to get 
it working.

-- Ruud

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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Kimberly thurman
If I may ask, what is a Pogo Plug and Drobo?  Thanks!  :)
On Nov 13, 2010, at 6:00 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> I just bought a MacBook last February and now I want one of the 11 inch 
> MacBook airs. Getting back to the cd rom drive, I hardly use mine. When I get 
> my pogoplug and drobo next week all of the stuff I have on hard drives and 
> CDs laying around is getting put over on the drobo. When I get this set up I 
> will be able to access all of my files anywhere in the world from any 
> computer. There is even an app for iOS devices. 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-11-13, at 6:31 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
>> drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 floppy. 
>> :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and applications 
>> so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I think Apple 
>> has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of the optical 
>> drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't be surprised 
>> if the new MBPs don't have them either.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that 
>>> over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
 I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
 comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
 not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
 letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
 Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
 So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
 On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
>> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he 
>> Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very 
>> very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my 
>> flying fingers because when I really get going, I see words with missing 
>> letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have 
>> which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will either do 
>> a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I have not even had this for 
>> a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in time.  Aside from that, this 
>> thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a netbook with all the 
>> attendant windows issues, smile.
>> Marlaina
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
>> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
>> S
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>>> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
>>> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
>>> thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
>>> size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple 
>>> of key differences:
>>> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
>>> full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys 
>>> are a bit reduced, though.
>>> 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
>>> using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed 
>>> than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, 
>>> not one optimized for low power consumption with pr

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread heather kd5cbl
I agree, all my apps, media and books are downloaded no cds!  I actually 
ripped all my cds to my external and gave the cds to someone else who is not 
in this century who still has a tape player woe!  I have not used a tape 
player for five years or so!  And at that, I had to check one out from the 
university's library, because I did not have one!  Heather 

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inffo/directory assistance/goog411

2010-11-13 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi everyone:
Please excuse a cross-post.  Just a note that goog-411 has gone away.  But, 
Microsoft is now offering free bing-411 that provides free directory assistance 
as well as news, sports and weather.  The number, if interested is 1-800246-4411


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re: accessable cell phones:

2010-11-13 Thread Chenelle Hancock

hi sara, scott and other list member 
I have to say that being someone who is visually impaired and that has used 
cell phones within the past that were not accessible. I find using the i-phone 
3 gs to be a great help to me in the long run due to its high level of 
accessibility features within the phone itself. i was extremely elated  to get 
my 3 gs last year. now i am working on upgrading to the i-phone 4 within the 
next few months.  I have to agree with scott on that if someone wants to be  in 
the dark ages about wanting to purchase a accessible  phone for their  personal 
needs is to be to much money then they should go back to the  non accessible 
phones with no speech  features included  in the phone. you pay for what you 
get.  if you want junk for a phone then that is what you will get. but if you 
want something that might  want something that is  totally accessible and you 
do not have to worry about anything really then go for the i-phone 3 gs or the 
i-phone 4. you will never regret it i promise you that much.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Cmd+Tab with Zoom on Annoyance in 10.6.5

2010-11-13 Thread Pete Nalda
Oh, yeah if I said 24 I meant 20 for maximum.  And yeah it does this even when 
mail *wasn't* running.  I seems to just stick on whatever application is up 
front and won't let you see the others to switch to them.  I've tried also 
trashing the Finder plist as well as the one for universal access.  I run a 13" 
mbp with 2gb of ram fwiw.  I'll try it with VO running and see if it's any 
different.  TIA.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:44 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Pete,
> Archie tried it again with VO running and Mail running but Cmd-Tab still 
> works fine for him. However, he can't get magnification to go up to 24, it 
> only goes as far as 20 on his MBP.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 13 Nov 2010, at 03:31, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Well I couldn't get this to work, but found out that cmd+tab with zoom on 
>> only behaves this way when Mail is running.
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:31 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Pete,
>>> This is what Archie suggests you do to fix your problem.
>>> Make sure System Preferences is not running, then trash the file:
>>> ~/Library/Preferences/
>>> Then reopen System Preferences and reset your Universal Access preferences 
>>> using the Ctrl-Scroll zoom if necessary.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 12 Nov 2010, at 19:35, Pete Nalda wrote:
 I'm using Zoom at about 20 for maximum magnification, and 16 for Minimum 
 magnification, and when I do cmd+Tab with Magnification on anywhere 
 between, It seems to not  want to let me tab through my open apps with the 
 cmd key held down.  If I do shift+cmd+Tab it works fine, allowing me to 
 cycle backwards through the apps.  With the zoom set at maximum or minimum 
 it behaves like it should.  Does anyone here using zoom observe this 
 behavior?  And should I write about this?   TIA.
 Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
 Pete Nalda
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Pete Nalda
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: Exporting an Itunes library

2010-11-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi and thanks for the tip. The thing is, i have the music folder in my Itunes 
library so i haven't moved anything yet. One would think it's only a matter of 
firstly moving the library folder onto the hard drive and then telling Itunes 
where it is, only thing is, i'm afraid it'll be all confused and give me 
duplicates and the like.

13 nov 2010 kl. 16.25 skrev Ricardo Walker:

> Hi,
> It is just a 2 step process.  First you will want to go into the settings in 
> iTunes and under advance, change the default iTunes music library to the 
> folder on your external that contains all your music.  Then copy and paste 
> the iTunes .xml and other iTunes file onto your external.  These should be 
> found in your home folder under music/iTunes.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:54 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Ok, this is one of a couple stupid questions that i am going to ask. I will 
>> ask them in 2 separate emails so as to not mix things up for those 
>> interested in one subject and not in the other.
>> I'm planning on using my external 1 TB hard drive as home for my music and 
>> sound, so it can be accessed from anywhere. I have my hard drive hooked up 
>> to my Airport Extreme. How do i best go about to transfer my Itunes library 
>> with all music to the hard drive and then use it without Itunes getting all 
>> confused? Is it complicated or is it simply a matter of copy/paste? I would 
>> be thankful for step-by-step instructions.
>> /Krister
>> -- 
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Re: Does anyone have experience with a product called radio shark

2010-11-13 Thread Courtney Curran
I got my radioshark today, and the software that comes with it is quite 
accessible. You have more control with it if you use the software then if you 
use Audiohijack pro. There a few unlabelled buttons, one's to switch from AM to 
FM, another one is to set the equalizer.
Listen to The Wonderful World of Doo-wop with me, Moopie Curran on Fridays at 
08:00 UTC on

On Nov 7, 2010, at 11:29 AM, Darcy Burnard wrote:

> Hi Justin.  Do you happen to have either audio hijack pro or radio shift?  I 
> ask because both of those programs can apparently control the radio shark.  
> So if the included software doesn't work, you still may be in luck.  
> Darcy
> On 2010-11-07, at 1:04 AM, Justin Ekis wrote:
>> Hi ALl,
>> I'm going to break one of my own rules here. I rarely write to a list to ask 
>> if something is accessible, I'll just download it and try the demo. On the 
>> mac, your chances are quite high that it will work with voiceover. In this 
>> case however, the software is included as part of a product, and there's no 
>> way to try it out first.
>> Radio Shark is an AM/FM radio receiver that you control with your computer. 
>> It can also record the radio for future listening. I'd like to have this 
>> since a few local stations do not stream online. Also if they do stream, 
>> they shut the stream down during baseball games or other programming where 
>> their contract requires this.
>> So I'm wondering if anyone has used this. If so, is the included software 
>> accessible?
>> For anyone else that wants to investigate, the web page for this product is 
>> at the below link, but you can get it for less at
>> Thanks,
>> Justin
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Re: Exporting an Itunes library

2010-11-13 Thread Colin M
Hi Krister!
The way I understand how Itunes works when you tell it to use the library on 
your external drive it will not be looking anywhere else so you can just delete 
the one on your hd or leave it as a back up!
I'm sure someone will tell you if I've got that wrong :]

On 13 Nov 2010, at 17:59, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi and thanks for the tip. The thing is, i have the music folder in my Itunes 
> library so i haven't moved anything yet. One would think it's only a matter 
> of firstly moving the library folder onto the hard drive and then telling 
> Itunes where it is, only thing is, i'm afraid it'll be all confused and give 
> me duplicates and the like.
> /Krister
> 13 nov 2010 kl. 16.25 skrev Ricardo Walker:
>> Hi,
>> It is just a 2 step process.  First you will want to go into the settings in 
>> iTunes and under advance, change the default iTunes music library to the 
>> folder on your external that contains all your music.  Then copy and paste 
>> the iTunes .xml and other iTunes file onto your external.  These should be 
>> found in your home folder under music/iTunes.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:54 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> Ok, this is one of a couple stupid questions that i am going to ask. I will 
>>> ask them in 2 separate emails so as to not mix things up for those 
>>> interested in one subject and not in the other.
>>> I'm planning on using my external 1 TB hard drive as home for my music and 
>>> sound, so it can be accessed from anywhere. I have my hard drive hooked up 
>>> to my Airport Extreme. How do i best go about to transfer my Itunes library 
>>> with all music to the hard drive and then use it without Itunes getting all 
>>> confused? Is it complicated or is it simply a matter of copy/paste? I would 
>>> be thankful for step-by-step instructions.
>>> /Krister
>>> -- 
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Re: speakers for the i-phone/mb pro.

2010-11-13 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Chenell,

I am also looking for speakers for my Iphone as I take it in the kitchen a lot 
and listen to music. DOes any one know how the JBL Duet speakers are powered? 
THey said they use mains power. Is that a wall outlet? Thank you in advance.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 13, 2010, at 1:03 AM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> Oh I have the set from Bose, they work great.  There about 6 years old and I 
> have never had any problems with them god willing, they will last another six 
> years!  Heather 
> -- 
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Re: speakers for the i-phone/mb pro.

2010-11-13 Thread Ryan Mann
If you're looking for speakers for your IPhone, I would recommend the iHome 
iHM79 rechargeable Mini.  They are battery operated.  If I need to recharge 
them, all I have to do is hook them up to the USB port on my computer.
On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:43 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Chenell,
> I am also looking for speakers for my Iphone as I take it in the kitchen a 
> lot and listen to music. DOes any one know how the JBL Duet speakers are 
> powered? THey said they use mains power. Is that a wall outlet? Thank you in 
> advance.
> Cheerfully,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 1:03 AM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>> Oh I have the set from Bose, they work great.  There about 6 years old and I 
>> have never had any problems with them god willing, they will last another 
>> six years!  Heather 
>> -- 
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Ryan Mann
Follow me on Facebook.

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Re: speakers for the i-phone/mb pro.

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
the jbl on tour speakers use 4 tripple a batteries to power but the power last 
for about 2 or 3 weeks and the power they put out is amazing! and these fit in 
a small purse.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 11:50 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:

> If you're looking for speakers for your IPhone, I would recommend the iHome 
> iHM79 rechargeable Mini.  They are battery operated.  If I need to recharge 
> them, all I have to do is hook them up to the USB port on my computer.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:43 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Chenell,
>> I am also looking for speakers for my Iphone as I take it in the kitchen a 
>> lot and listen to music. DOes any one know how the JBL Duet speakers are 
>> powered? THey said they use mains power. Is that a wall outlet? Thank you in 
>> advance.
>> Cheerfully,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 1:03 AM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>>> Oh I have the set from Bose, they work great.  There about 6 years old and 
>>> I have never had any problems with them god willing, they will last another 
>>> six years!  Heather 
>>> -- 
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> Ryan Mann
> Follow me on Facebook.
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Re: accessable cell phones:

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah exactaly I'm willing to pay higher rates for bandwith to help subsitize 
the phone any time. it's better then paying a flat out 4 or 600 in total for a 
windows or android phone or what ever and the screen reader. 

Take care all.
On Nov 13, 2010, at 8:55 AM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> hi sara, scott and other list member 
> I have to say that being someone who is visually impaired and that has used 
> cell phones within the past that were not accessible. I find using the 
> i-phone 3 gs to be a great help to me in the long run due to its high level 
> of accessibility features within the phone itself. i was extremely elated  to 
> get my 3 gs last year. now i am working on upgrading to the i-phone 4 within 
> the next few months.  I have to agree with scott on that if someone wants to 
> be  in the dark ages about wanting to purchase a accessible  phone for their  
> personal needs is to be to much money then they should go back to the  non 
> accessible phones with no speech  features included  in the phone. you pay 
> for what you get.  if you want junk for a phone then that is what you will 
> get. but if you want something that might  want something that is  totally 
> accessible and you do not have to worry about anything really then go for the 
> i-phone 3 gs or the i-phone 4. you will never regret it i promise you that 
> much.
> chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: inffo/directory assistance/goog411

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
Why not just use 18005558355. it is sponsered by bing.

Take care.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 8:52 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi everyone:
> Please excuse a cross-post.  Just a note that goog-411 has gone away.  But, 
> Microsoft is now offering free bing-411 that provides free directory 
> assistance as well as news, sports and weather.  The number, if interested is 
> 1-800246-4411
> Carolyn- 
> -- 
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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
but, I still need to burn cds for church when I sing there or what not. they 
will not have a flash drive thing for there machine. they expect cds so in a 
way cds won't be going out the window just yet.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical drive. 
>  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 floppy. :).  I 
> mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and applications so what 
> purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I think Apple has just 
> beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of the optical drive.  You 
> will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't be surprised if the new 
> MBPs don't have them either.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that 
>> over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
>>> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
>>> comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are not 
>>> echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a letter 
>>> that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
>>> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
>>> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
 Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
 up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
 ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
 had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
 gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
 that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
 mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
 pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
 bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
 for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
 shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
 would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
 Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he 
> Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very 
> very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my 
> flying fingers because when I really get going, I see words with missing 
> letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have which 
> I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will either do a lot 
> of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I have not even had this for a 
> week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in time.  Aside from that, this thing 
> is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a netbook with all the attendant 
> windows issues, smile.
> Marlaina
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
> S
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
>> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
>> thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
>> size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple of 
>> key differences:
>> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
>> full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys 
>> are a bit reduced, though.
>> 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
>> using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed 
>> than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, 
>> not one optimized for low power consumption with processing power 
>> sacrificed.
>> 3) No netbook I've ever seen claims instant, or even near instant, 
>> powerup.
>> --
>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> OH nice, but if apple says it is going  to make it like the pc netbook 
>>> the price is sure wrong. the average netbook is around $300 the 

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
OhI use cds all the time but it's the field I'm in. See my prior post.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:00 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> I just bought a MacBook last February and now I want one of the 11 inch 
> MacBook airs. Getting back to the cd rom drive, I hardly use mine. When I get 
> my pogoplug and drobo next week all of the stuff I have on hard drives and 
> CDs laying around is getting put over on the drobo. When I get this set up I 
> will be able to access all of my files anywhere in the world from any 
> computer. There is even an app for iOS devices. 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-11-13, at 6:31 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
>> drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 floppy. 
>> :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and applications 
>> so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I think Apple 
>> has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of the optical 
>> drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't be surprised 
>> if the new MBPs don't have them either.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that 
>>> over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
 I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
 comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
 not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
 letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
 Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
 So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
 On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
>> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he 
>> Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very 
>> very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my 
>> flying fingers because when I really get going, I see words with missing 
>> letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have 
>> which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will either do 
>> a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I have not even had this for 
>> a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in time.  Aside from that, this 
>> thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a netbook with all the 
>> attendant windows issues, smile.
>> Marlaina
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
>> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
>> S
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>>> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
>>> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
>>> thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
>>> size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple 
>>> of key differences:
>>> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
>>> full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys 
>>> are a bit reduced, though.
>>> 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
>>> using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed 
>>> than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, 
>>> not one optimized for low power con

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Eric Oyen
there is always re-writable c.d.'s. they are just as good and you can reuse 
them. :)


On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> but, I still need to burn cds for church when I sing there or what not. they 
> will not have a flash drive thing for there machine. they expect cds so in a 
> way cds won't be going out the window just yet.
> S
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
>> drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 floppy. 
>> :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and applications 
>> so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I think Apple 
>> has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of the optical 
>> drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't be surprised 
>> if the new MBPs don't have them either.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that 
>>> over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
 I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
 comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
 not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
 letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
 Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
 So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
 On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
>> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he 
>> Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very 
>> very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my 
>> flying fingers because when I really get going, I see words with missing 
>> letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have 
>> which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will either do 
>> a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I have not even had this for 
>> a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in time.  Aside from that, this 
>> thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a netbook with all the 
>> attendant windows issues, smile.
>> Marlaina
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
>> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
>> S
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>>> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
>>> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
>>> thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
>>> size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple 
>>> of key differences:
>>> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
>>> full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys 
>>> are a bit reduced, though.
>>> 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
>>> using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed 
>>> than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, 
>>> not one optimized for low power consumption with processing power 
>>> sacrificed.
>>> 3) No netbook I've ever seen claims instant, or even near instant, 
>>> powerup.
>>> --
>>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 88

Re: Been away too long from Yurufukuru - a couple of stupid questions

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. contact the dev about the auto complete issue. As far as your first 
question I hit cmd n and hit follow @username. Oh and I turn auto complete off 
btw. I also can't get that sucker to work. lol!

On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:00 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hello.
> Here comes the second stupid question. This time, it's about the Twitter 
> client Yurufukuru. I was playing with it a while a couple days ago and i had 
> a hard time, or rather a struggle to make it do what i wanted. I couldn't for 
> the life of me figure out how to follow a user. No matter where i looked, 
> there didn't seem to be a way to follow a user.
> Secondly i had a really hard time with the auto completion feature. No matter 
> how i did it, i could not get it to accept that i wanted to DM a user not in 
> the list, i had to give up alltogether, because the autocompletion put the 
> cursor where i didn't want it and i couldn't find a way to actually place the 
> cursor where i wanted it, so that i could complete the name of the user i 
> wished to DM. Once i managed to convinse the auto completion that i would 
> write to a person not in the auto completion list, but that was only once, 
> and Lord knows how i did it, so if anyone has some hints about how one goes 
> about to make working with Yurufukuru less of a battle and more of a 
> pleasure, i'd be ever so greatful.
> /Krister
> -- 
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Re: inffo/directory assistance/goog411

2010-11-13 Thread heather kd5cbl
Just remember to push some buttons so you don't have to listen to that add 
before you get to the news or weather!  Heather 

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Re: iPad WiFi issues delaying iPhone/iPad update:

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
I have never had radio issues with apple so in my mine yeah I am a bit 
surprised but as i said on this or another list, I'd rather have a woring 
update not one with a major bug like that.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Anyone suprised Apple is having radio issues?  :)
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Is this a bug that is really delaying the expected update today? will it 
>> really be delayed for a few weeks? read more:
>> -- 
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Re: accessable cell phones:

2010-11-13 Thread heather kd5cbl
Yes, I wish sprint would get an iphone, my q9c is dying but I keep giving it 
pet talks to make it work,  smiles!  Heather 

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Re: Researcher looking for iPhone users

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
I have to agree. 100 a month really is not that bad for unlimited talk and 
data. Now if text would go down I'd be happy but yeah. I have to agree 110 

On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:25 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> What the IPhone and Data does not cost to much.
> It's the same price for us as a sited ser.  If you want a cheap phone get one 
> you don't need it to read anything to you.  If you're that backwards get a 
> jitterbug.:)
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:07 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I don't think that will be included in the research but yeah not much you or 
>> I could do about it so I guess we just have to deal.
>> S
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 11:36 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> ok  how about solving the problem if the I hone data and voice costing way 
>>> TOO much money lol  that is an issue noone can fix. at and t and others 
>>> want to build their oversold infastructure on the backs of those of us who 
>>> don't have the money to afford it. It is sad that because we are blind if 
>>> we want a truly accessible phone we have to go to the I phone or another 
>>> just as expensive platform, when a sighted person can get unlimited voice 
>>> text and data for 45 a month or less with an inaccessible phone, it costs 
>>> over twice that for an accessible phone to have the same capabilities.
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 5:08 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
 Hi All;
 the below is from a researcher looking for interested volunteers. 
 Cara :)
 Hello, iPhone users.
 I am looking for volunteers who have used an iPhone for at least 6
 months, to participate in a short telephone interview in regard to
 their iPhone experiences.  This interview is in support of ongoing
 research funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
 My current interest in doing interviews with people who are using
 iPhones is the result of our work on the Cellphone Best Practices
 project with the Department of Veterans Affairs.  In earlier work, we
 evaluated 14 phones.  We learned during this research, that the
 touchscreen phones can offer access, and the iPhone in particular has
 done far better than any of the traditionally designed cellphones at
 affording full access.
 We completed the first year of the project, and are now in our second
 year.  We are now taking the data from the first evaluations, and
 developing an evaluation system for best practices in utilizing a
 touchscreen phone.  Our initial evaluations had people using cellphones
 provided to them for a 3 week interval.  We learned much, but we
 realize we also want data from people who have used the iPhone for 6
 months or more.  We want to know more about the long term iPhone
 experience, in order to include that data into our study.   I have been
 asked to conduct short interviews with persons who are blind, and using
 iPhones for more than 6 months, in order to gain further insights into
 those long term experiences, and develop action statements that will
 address needs perceived by long term iPhone users, and not just those
 using the iPhone for short periods of time. The results will be used to
 engineer the interface of a touchscreen phone for evaluation, in order
 to determine "best practices" in designing an interface for persons who
 are blind.  
 If you are interested in volunteering for an interview about your
 personal iPhone experiences, please do email me directly at:
 I will write you back so that we can establish a good time for the
 interview, which takes typically, 15-30 minutes. Thank you in advance
 for considering this volunteer opportunity.
 Gary W. Kelly
 New Frontiers, Inc.
 A 501(c)3 non profit organization.
 View my Online Portfolio at:
 Follow me on Twitter!
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 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Ryan Mann
Rewriteable CD's won't work in CD players, so if you need to burn music that 
will play in all CD players, you better not use rewriteable CD's for that.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:58 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> there is always re-writable c.d.'s. they are just as good and you can reuse 
> them. :)
> -Eric
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> but, I still need to burn cds for church when I sing there or what not. they 
>> will not have a flash drive thing for there machine. they expect cds so in a 
>> way cds won't be going out the window just yet.
>> S
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
>>> drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 floppy. 
>>> :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and 
>>> applications so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I 
>>> think Apple has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of the 
>>> optical drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't be 
>>> surprised if the new MBPs don't have them either.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
 The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do that 
 over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
 On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
> comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
> not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
> letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken. 
> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
>> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
>> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
>> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
>> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
>> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
>> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
>> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
>> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
>> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
>> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
>> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
>> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
>> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
>>> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he 
>>> Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very 
>>> very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my 
>>> flying fingers because when I really get going, I see words with 
>>> missing letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word 
>>> have which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will 
>>> either do a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I have not even 
>>> had this for a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in time.  Aside from 
>>> that, this thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a netbook with all 
>>> the attendant windows issues, smile.
>>> Marlaina
>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
>>> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
>>> S
>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
 Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
 Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
 thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
 size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple 
 of key differences:
 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
 full sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function 
 keys are a bit reduced, though.
 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's 
 using a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock 
 speed than the newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Eric Oyen
thats weird. I have a cd player here that handles rewritables just fine. and 
its over 7 years old. of course, its a phillips (which may explain things).


On Nov 13, 2010, at 1:26 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:

> Rewriteable CD's won't work in CD players, so if you need to burn music that 
> will play in all CD players, you better not use rewriteable CD's for that.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:58 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> there is always re-writable c.d.'s. they are just as good and you can reuse 
>> them. :)
>> -Eric
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> but, I still need to burn cds for church when I sing there or what not. 
>>> they will not have a flash drive thing for there machine. they expect cds 
>>> so in a way cds won't be going out the window just yet.
>>> S
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
 drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 
 floppy. :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and 
 applications so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I 
 think Apple has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of 
 the optical drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't 
 be surprised if the new MBPs don't have them either.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do 
> that over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
>> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
>> comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
>> not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
>> letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not 
>> spoken.  
>> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
>> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
>>> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
>>> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
>>> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
>>> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
>>> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
>>> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
>>> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
>>> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
>>> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
>>> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
>>> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
>>> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
>>> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
 I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh 
 every time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like 
 about he Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I 
 am a very very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less 
 sensitive to my flying fingers because when I really get going, I see 
 words with missing letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, 
 see the word have which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  
 So, I will either do a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I 
 have not even had this for a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in 
 time.  Aside from that, this thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had 
 a netbook with all the attendant windows issues, smile.
 On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
 macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
 On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole 
> netbook thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form 
> factor and size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there 
> are a couple of key differences:
> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a 
> full sized keybo

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Ryan Mann
I guess some do and some don't.  Somebody I knew burned music to a rewriteable 
CD and it wouldn't play in their CD player.  CD-r disks worked fine.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:33 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> hmmm.
> thats weird. I have a cd player here that handles rewritables just fine. and 
> its over 7 years old. of course, its a phillips (which may explain things).
> -Eric
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 1:26 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:
>> Rewriteable CD's won't work in CD players, so if you need to burn music that 
>> will play in all CD players, you better not use rewriteable CD's for that.
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:58 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> there is always re-writable c.d.'s. they are just as good and you can reuse 
>>> them. :)
>>> -Eric
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 but, I still need to burn cds for church when I sing there or what not. 
 they will not have a flash drive thing for there machine. they expect cds 
 so in a way cds won't be going out the window just yet.
 On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
> drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 
> floppy. :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and 
> applications so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  
> I think Apple has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of 
> the optical drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  
> Don't be surprised if the new MBPs don't have them either.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do 
>> that over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
>>> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
>>> comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
>>> not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
>>> letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not 
>>> spoken.  
>>> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
>>> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
 Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
 up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
 ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
 had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
 gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
 that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
 mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
 pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
 bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
 for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
 shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
 would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
 Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh 
> every time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like 
> about he Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I 
> am a very very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less 
> sensitive to my flying fingers because when I really get going, I see 
> words with missing letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, 
> see the word have which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  
> So, I will either do a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I 
> have not even had this for a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in 
> time.  Aside from that, this thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have 
> had a netbook with all the attendant windows issues, smile.
> Marlaina
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
> S
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In 
>> fact, Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole 
>> n

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread heather kd5cbl
I know my stereo place mp3s and rewritable cds.  It is like almost 20 years 
old.  So I was surprised at this!  Heather 

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cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-13 Thread Chenelle Hancock

hi, heather, eric, sara and everyone on the list
I have to say that for over eighteen years or so i have been using cd's  as my 
mode of music choice. however, it has only been the past eight months or so 
that i have getting my music through  itunes and transferring my music library 
of over 500  cd's to my computer. i still have them all though. due to the fact 
i still infer that  technology can crash at anytime and you have to have a back 
up to your back up. if you know what i mean.  also i  have relatives  who are 
still in the age of the stereo  system/ cd player age. so when we have party's 
we often  use someof my cd's to listen to etc...
i don't think that cd's will go out of date as fast as tape did back in the 
late to mid eighty's and early nineties.  despite the fact that i have saved 
some of my music to my external hard drive i have not stored all of it as of 
yet. but i do plann on doing so. 

Sent from my iPhone

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where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-13 Thread Chenelle Hancock

hi all:
i wanted to know where would i go to be able to get international  voices such 
an austraillian voice, an e brittish english voice, etc for my mb pro?

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Jumping to a specific time in itunes

2010-11-13 Thread Eric Caron
Hello List,

I am new at this script thing!  I am having trouble getting this to 
work.  I'm wondering if it works with Itunes 10.1?

I have placed the script in my scripts folder and I have gone to 
keyboard commander and assigned a key.  I then went to itunes and tried my key 
to see what would happen...nothing happened.

OK, so how do I use this script, where do I implement it?

Recently I did get the Move Files script working and that is great.  But I 
still have a lot to learn about using scripts.

eRic Caron 


On Nov 12, 2010, at 10:33 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> Try the downloadable script from my site:
> Some updates have been made to this site although it's far from totally 
> up-to-date yet.
> Later...
> On 2010-11-12, at 7:41 AM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi Kaare!
>> For what purpose if its for making a ringtone then yes but just to start 
>> playing a track from a certain place I do not know and if you are talking 
>> about audio books someone else will have to chime in!
>> Colin
>> On 12 Nov 2010, at 14:26, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>>> Hi, is the above possible? If so, how?
>>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh yeah I know that from experience. lol/! and the work I do in a studio yeah 
it must be cdr. but how easy is it to use an external cd/dvd writter/reader in 
a macbook air? I've never seen or used one.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:26 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:

> Rewriteable CD's won't work in CD players, so if you need to burn music that 
> will play in all CD players, you better not use rewriteable CD's for that.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:58 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> there is always re-writable c.d.'s. they are just as good and you can reuse 
>> them. :)
>> -Eric
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> but, I still need to burn cds for church when I sing there or what not. 
>>> they will not have a flash drive thing for there machine. they expect cds 
>>> so in a way cds won't be going out the window just yet.
>>> S
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 In my opinion its a good trade off less size and weight for no optical 
 drive.  Those things are going the way of the cassette tape and 3.5 
 floppy. :).  I mean.  People are streaming video, downloading music and 
 applications so what purpose will the CD-Rom drive have in say 3 years?  I 
 think Apple has just beaten the market to the punch in the exclusion of 
 the optical drive.  You will see other computer makers do the same.  Don't 
 be surprised if the new MBPs don't have them either.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:27 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
> The air has an internal SSD drive but no external cd rom.  You can do 
> that over the network though or use an exteranal CD.
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
>> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your 
>> comments.  What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are 
>> not echoed if I type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a 
>> letter that wasn't spoken was missing, and it was there, just not 
>> spoken.  
>> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
>> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
>>> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
>>> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
>>> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
>>> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
>>> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
>>> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
>>> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
>>> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
>>> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
>>> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
>>> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
>>> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
>>> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
 I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh 
 every time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like 
 about he Air, but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I 
 am a very very fast typist and the keyboard appears to be less 
 sensitive to my flying fingers because when I really get going, I see 
 words with missing letters even though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, 
 see the word have which I just typed, is h a e but I did hit the v.  
 So, I will either do a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  But, I 
 have not even had this for a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in 
 time.  Aside from that, this thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had 
 a netbook with all the attendant windows issues, smile.
 On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
 macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
 On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole 
> netbook thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form 
> factor and size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there 
> are a couple of key differences:
> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so th

Re: Jumping to a specific time in itunes

2010-11-13 Thread Colin M
Hi Eric!
Just in case have you got allow vo to be controlled by script checked in vo+f8 
in the general settings I had a look at the web page and there seamed there was 
no installing instructions!
hth Colin
On 13 Nov 2010, at 22:18, Eric Caron wrote:

> Hello List,
>   I am new at this script thing!  I am having trouble getting this to 
> work.  I'm wondering if it works with Itunes 10.1?
>   I have placed the script in my scripts folder and I have gone to 
> keyboard commander and assigned a key.  I then went to itunes and tried my 
> key to see what would happen...nothing happened.
> OK, so how do I use this script, where do I implement it?
> Recently I did get the Move Files script working and that is great.  But I 
> still have a lot to learn about using scripts.
> eRic Caron 
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 10:33 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Try the downloadable script from my site:
>> Some updates have been made to this site although it's far from totally 
>> up-to-date yet.
>> Later...
>> On 2010-11-12, at 7:41 AM, Colin M wrote:
>>> Hi Kaare!
>>> For what purpose if its for making a ringtone then yes but just to start 
>>> playing a track from a certain place I do not know and if you are talking 
>>> about audio books someone else will have to chime in!
>>> Colin
>>> On 12 Nov 2010, at 14:26, Kaare Dehard wrote:
 Hi, is the above possible? If so, how?
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> -- 
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New Claim of iOS 4.2 Launch on November 24th as Revised iPad Build Surfaces

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
Will apple release the day before thanks giving? will the wireless bug in the 
ipad be fixed? read more:

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Fwd: Jumping to a specific time in itunes

2010-11-13 Thread Colin M
Hi Eric!
Me again :] I've looked again at that site and was wondering he says to put the 
script in the app's script folder, so I know theres a scripts folder on its own!
So if you have put it in there it might be in the wrong place!
You'll have to open Itunes in your app's and see if there is a scripts folder 
in it, if not make one and then copy and paste that script into it!
hth Colin

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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-13 Thread Courtney Curran
I hope they won't go out, if so, what will we listen to in the family car that 
doesn't have  a line-in cable or a USB port thingy? I like stereo systems with 
CD players. I also agree with the point of having a backup of a backup. 
Although I do listen to most of my music on my Ipod, I still use CD's, mainly 
when I'm riding in the car with my relatives.
On 13/11/2010, at 4:47 in the Afternoon, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> hi, heather, eric, sara and everyone on the list
> I have to say that for over eighteen years or so i have been using cd's  as 
> my mode of music choice. however, it has only been the past eight months or 
> so that i have getting my music through  itunes and transferring my music 
> library of over 500  cd's to my computer. i still have them all though. due 
> to the fact i still infer that  technology can crash at anytime and you have 
> to have a back up to your back up. if you know what i mean.  also i  have 
> relatives  who are still in the age of the stereo  system/ cd player age. so 
> when we have party's we often  use someof my cd's to listen to etc...
> i don't think that cd's will go out of date as fast as tape did back in the 
> late to mid eighty's and early nineties.  despite the fact that i have saved 
> some of my music to my external hard drive i have not stored all of it as of 
> yet. but i do plann on doing so. 
> chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Purchasing music from iTunes

2010-11-13 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I've never purchased music from iTunes. I have some questions.
1. Where is the music downloaded? Will it be in your music folder, along with 
your ripped cd's?
2. If your purchased music gets deleted, can you redownload it like you can 
iphone apps?
3. How do you backup your downloaded music?

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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-13 Thread heather kd5cbl
Well, perhaps the knew cars will have usb plugs for your media.  I hope 
apple corners this market so it will have voiceover too!  Heather 

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Re: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-13 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Chenelle,
I have the British ENglish voices and the SPanish voices for my Mac. You go to

I don't know if they have Australian voices, but they do have British English. 
You have to purchase the AMerican voices from the Infovox platform before you 
can add more. I found that out the hard way. I have Heather, Laura and Ryan 
which are the American voices. They are good as well. I hope that helps. Have a 
wonderful day. Thank you for all the info about the Bletooth Apple Wireless 

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> hi all:
> i wanted to know where would i go to be able to get international  voices 
> such an austraillian voice, an e brittish english voice, etc for my mb pro?
> chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-13 Thread louie
Some of the new cars already have USB and SD card slots.
Check out Ford.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:33 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> Well, perhaps the knew cars will have usb plugs for your media.  I hope apple 
> corners this market so it will have voiceover too!  Heather 
> -- 
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Re: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-13 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Sorry to tell you, but, the link you provided is no good.  CAn't open the page.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Nov 13, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Chenelle,
> I have the British ENglish voices and the SPanish voices for my Mac. You go to
> I don't know if they have Australian voices, but they do have British 
> English. You have to purchase the AMerican voices from the Infovox platform 
> before you can add more. I found that out the hard way. I have Heather, Laura 
> and Ryan which are the American voices. They are good as well. I hope that 
> helps. Have a wonderful day. Thank you for all the info about the Bletooth 
> Apple Wireless keyboard.
> Happily,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
>> hi all:
>> i wanted to know where would i go to be able to get international  voices 
>> such an austraillian voice, an e brittish english voice, etc for my mb pro?
>> chenelle
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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Re: iTunes 10.1

2010-11-13 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
I grabbed it last night. Will try it out soon! 
On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:38 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> All:
> iTunes 10.1 is available.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
> -- 
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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh yeah mine has an ipod doc. bad thing is vo would probably come over it if I 
put my iphone there. 

Take care all.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:08 PM, louie wrote:

> Some of the new cars already have USB and SD card slots.
> Check out Ford.
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 3:33 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>> Well, perhaps the knew cars will have usb plugs for your media.  I hope 
>> apple corners this market so it will have voiceover too!  Heather 
>> -- 
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> louie
> -- 
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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-13 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
They do. Dad just bought a new truck. He has two usb ports. One port syncs his 
iPhone to his stario. The other will charge USB devices.
Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on

On Nov 13, 2010, at 5:33 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> Well, perhaps the knew cars will have usb plugs for your media.  I hope apple 
> corners this market so it will have voiceover too!  Heather 
> -- 
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tip: disable track pad temporarily

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. Here is a tip I found and it really works to disable the track pad. Read 

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Re: Purchasing music from iTunes

2010-11-13 Thread Scott Howell

The music is downloaded to the same location as your ripped CDs. You are given 
the opportunity to back your purchases up to a CD or DVD. Finally unless things 
have changed, you delete something, you have to repurchase it-this is not like 
the apps. 


On Nov 13, 2010, at 6:26 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> All:
> I've never purchased music from iTunes. I have some questions.
> 1. Where is the music downloaded? Will it be in your music folder, along with 
> your ripped cd's?
> 2. If your purchased music gets deleted, can you redownload it like you can 
> iphone apps?
> 3. How do you backup your downloaded music?
> -- 
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Re: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-13 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Chenelle Ray and all,

I apologize for the link, I purchased these from Origin instruments but 
obviously can't remember the link. Here is where you can download a demo:

I know this link works because I just checked it. Have a wonderful evening.

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Sorry to tell you, but, the link you provided is no good.  CAn't open the 
> page.
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Chenelle,
>> I have the British ENglish voices and the SPanish voices for my Mac. You go 
>> to
>> I don't know if they have Australian voices, but they do have British 
>> English. You have to purchase the AMerican voices from the Infovox platform 
>> before you can add more. I found that out the hard way. I have Heather, 
>> Laura and Ryan which are the American voices. They are good as well. I hope 
>> that helps. Have a wonderful day. Thank you for all the info about the 
>> Bletooth Apple Wireless keyboard.
>> Happily,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
>>> hi all:
>>> i wanted to know where would i go to be able to get international  voices 
>>> such an austraillian voice, an e brittish english voice, etc for my mb pro?
>>> chenelle
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> -- 
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Re: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-13 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Ah yes,  I've just now installed the US and British voices.  If I wanted to 
purchase just the US and British voices, how can you be sure you're not paying 
for voices you're not going to use?  When I went to the infovox app, I saw the 
button where it says "purchase online".  From what I could tell, I need one 
license for the US voices and a second license for the British Voices.  IS that 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:14 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Chenelle Ray and all,
> I apologize for the link, I purchased these from Origin instruments but 
> obviously can't remember the link. Here is where you can download a demo:
> I know this link works because I just checked it. Have a wonderful evening.
> Happily,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Sorry to tell you, but, the link you provided is no good.  CAn't open the 
>> page.
>> Sincerely, 
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>> Hi Chenelle,
>>> I have the British ENglish voices and the SPanish voices for my Mac. You go 
>>> to
>>> I don't know if they have Australian voices, but they do have British 
>>> English. You have to purchase the AMerican voices from the Infovox platform 
>>> before you can add more. I found that out the hard way. I have Heather, 
>>> Laura and Ryan which are the American voices. They are good as well. I hope 
>>> that helps. Have a wonderful day. Thank you for all the info about the 
>>> Bletooth Apple Wireless keyboard.
>>> Happily,
>>> Allison
>>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
 hi all:
 i wanted to know where would i go to be able to get international  voices 
 such an austraillian voice, an e brittish english voice, etc for my mb pro?
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Re: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-13 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Ray and all,

Well, the only thing I can think of is that the licenses for the voices are 
purchased sepearately. You can see the contents of your shopping cart before 
you check out. Yes, you are correct, you have to purchase the U.S. vvoices and 
then the British English  voices. I hope that helps. I had a bit of trouble 
with this process, so if you need any help, just let me know. Have a wonderful 


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 13, 2010, at 8:20 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Ah yes,  I've just now installed the US and British voices.  If I wanted to 
> purchase just the US and British voices, how can you be sure you're not 
> paying for voices you're not going to use?  When I went to the infovox app, I 
> saw the button where it says "purchase online".  From what I could tell, I 
> need one license for the US voices and a second license for the British 
> Voices.  IS that correct?
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:14 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Chenelle Ray and all,
>> I apologize for the link, I purchased these from Origin instruments but 
>> obviously can't remember the link. Here is where you can download a demo:
>> I know this link works because I just checked it. Have a wonderful evening.
>> Happily,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Sorry to tell you, but, the link you provided is no good.  CAn't open the 
>>> page.
>>> Sincerely, 
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype Name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
 Hi Chenelle,
 I have the British ENglish voices and the SPanish voices for my Mac. You 
 go to
 I don't know if they have Australian voices, but they do have British 
 English. You have to purchase the AMerican voices from the Infovox 
 platform before you can add more. I found that out the hard way. I have 
 Heather, Laura and Ryan which are the American voices. They are good as 
 well. I hope that helps. Have a wonderful day. Thank you for all the info 
 about the Bletooth Apple Wireless keyboard.
 My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
 On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
> hi all:
> i wanted to know where would i go to be able to get international  voices 
> such an austraillian voice, an e brittish english voice, etc for my mb 
> pro?
> chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
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Music Notation software

2010-11-13 Thread Joshua Loya
Hello my fellow Mac loving musicians,
What options, if any, are there for music notation software on the Mac? I know 
a lot of sighted people who use Finale, but I haven't messed with it, and I 
haven't touched music notation since I lost my sight, with the exception of a 
very basic primer in braille music. I know that Dancing Dots has some solutions 
on the Windows side, but I would really prefer to keep things Mac centric 
around here.


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Re: Music Notation software

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
I would also like ot know that. I want to get writing choir music again. I've 
got so much in my head I want to get out there.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 6:49 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:

> Hello my fellow Mac loving musicians,
> What options, if any, are there for music notation software on the Mac? I 
> know a lot of sighted people who use Finale, but I haven't messed with it, 
> and I haven't touched music notation since I lost my sight, with the 
> exception of a very basic primer in braille music. I know that Dancing Dots 
> has some solutions on the Windows side, but I would really prefer to keep 
> things Mac centric around here.
> Thanks,
> Joshua
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Re: Purchasing music from iTunes

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
OO that sucks! I would hope the music would remain the same as the apps. Ah 

Take care.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:50 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Sarai,
> The music is downloaded to the same location as your ripped CDs. You are 
> given the opportunity to back your purchases up to a CD or DVD. Finally 
> unless things have changed, you delete something, you have to repurchase 
> it-this is not like the apps. 
> hth,
> Scott
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 6:26 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> All:
>> I've never purchased music from iTunes. I have some questions.
>> 1. Where is the music downloaded? Will it be in your music folder, along 
>> with your ripped cd's?
>> 2. If your purchased music gets deleted, can you redownload it like you can 
>> iphone apps?
>> 3. How do you backup your downloaded music?
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moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-13 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a Mac.  
Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this be 
imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.

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A question regarding itunes store

2010-11-13 Thread James Malone
Hi all. Is there a way to set the bitrate of files that you buy from the iTunes 
store? Not only that, but the format. I'm also wanting to know this in regards 
to ripping CD's as well, because I have a bunch of CD's that I want to rip.
I haven't had much of a chance to play with all that sorta stuff in iTunes all 
that much yet, seeing as I've been busy with stuf.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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RE: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-13 Thread Scott Ford
Hi Donna,
I would suggest that you google the podcast for the HT guys.  They
really have some really good ideas and they include using a Mac to keep
track of your video collection.  I infact just purchased a Mac mini for that
purpose.  I have coupled it with a eye tv.  Good luck.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:01 PM
Subject: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

Hi all,

tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based
entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a
Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this
be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.

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Re: A question regarding itunes store

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
I'll answer your second question. go to prefs and go to import settings on the 
general section. After doing so set yoru format and bitrate.

Take care.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:36 PM, James Malone wrote:

> Hi all. Is there a way to set the bitrate of files that you buy from the 
> iTunes store? Not only that, but the format. I'm also wanting to know this in 
> regards to ripping CD's as well, because I have a bunch of CD's that I want 
> to rip.
> I haven't had much of a chance to play with all that sorta stuff in iTunes 
> all that much yet, seeing as I've been busy with stuf.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> Regards,
> James.
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Re: tip: disable track pad temporarily

2010-11-13 Thread Martin Kirchner
Hello, I use that nice on/off turning gesture to turn trackpad on or off, 
that's simply easier and mor flexible than any other switch procedure I know.

On 14.11.2010, at 01:36, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hello. Here is a tip I found and it really works to disable the track pad. 
> Read more.
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Re: A question regarding itunes store

2010-11-13 Thread James Malone
Oh ok, thanks. Didn't realise it was so simple. I'll have a play with that and 
see how that goes.
On 14/11/2010, at 3:14 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I'll answer your second question. go to prefs and go to import settings on 
> the general section. After doing so set yoru format and bitrate.
> Take care.
> S
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:36 PM, James Malone wrote:
>> Hi all. Is there a way to set the bitrate of files that you buy from the 
>> iTunes store? Not only that, but the format. I'm also wanting to know this 
>> in regards to ripping CD's as well, because I have a bunch of CD's that I 
>> want to rip.
>> I haven't had much of a chance to play with all that sorta stuff in iTunes 
>> all that much yet, seeing as I've been busy with stuf.
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
>> Regards,
>> James.
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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-13 Thread Courtney Curran
Also, How would you watch standard TV like news and weather and shows you like 
all on a Mac if the entertainment center was all computer based?
Listen to The Wonderful World of Doo-wop with me, Moopie Curran on Fridays at 
08:00 UTC on

On Nov 13, 2010, at 10:37 PM, Scott Ford wrote:

> Hi Donna,
>   I would suggest that you google the podcast for the HT guys.  They
> really have some really good ideas and they include using a Mac to keep
> track of your video collection.  I infact just purchased a Mac mini for that
> purpose.  I have coupled it with a eye tv.  Good luck.
> Scott
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: moving to a computer-based entertainment system
> Hi all,
> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based
> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a
> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this
> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
> Thanks,
> Donna
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Re: disable track pad temporarily

2010-11-13 Thread heather kd5cbl
Oh, thank you so much!  I knew there had to be a way.  Heather 

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Re: disable track pad temporarily

2010-11-13 Thread Sarah Alawami
I wish it would not disable vo keys but that might be operator error on my part.

Take care.

On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:27 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> Oh, thank you so much!  I knew there had to be a way.  Heather 
> -- 
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Re: Exporting an Itunes library

2010-11-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

the easiest way to accomplish this is to simply copy the complete iTunes folder 
from your Music folder onto the external drive.  Then, startup iTunes while 
holding down the Option key which will force iTunes to ask about choosing a 
Library.  Press cmd-shift-c to access all devices connected to your computer.  
Select the external drive, expand it then select the copied iTunes folder.  
Press Choose and everything will work just like it did when your Library was in 
its original location.  You can then delete the old iTunes folder if you wish 
without any problems or leave it where it is and in either case, there will not 
be any duplicate issues.


On 2010-11-13, at 12:11 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Krister!
> The way I understand how Itunes works when you tell it to use the library on 
> your external drive it will not be looking anywhere else so you can just 
> delete the one on your hd or leave it as a back up!
> I'm sure someone will tell you if I've got that wrong :]
> Colin
> On 13 Nov 2010, at 17:59, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi and thanks for the tip. The thing is, i have the music folder in my 
>> Itunes library so i haven't moved anything yet. One would think it's only a 
>> matter of firstly moving the library folder onto the hard drive and then 
>> telling Itunes where it is, only thing is, i'm afraid it'll be all confused 
>> and give me duplicates and the like.
>> /Krister
>> 13 nov 2010 kl. 16.25 skrev Ricardo Walker:
>>> Hi,
>>> It is just a 2 step process.  First you will want to go into the settings 
>>> in iTunes and under advance, change the default iTunes music library to the 
>>> folder on your external that contains all your music.  Then copy and paste 
>>> the iTunes .xml and other iTunes file onto your external.  These should be 
>>> found in your home folder under music/iTunes.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 9:54 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
 Ok, this is one of a couple stupid questions that i am going to ask. I 
 will ask them in 2 separate emails so as to not mix things up for those 
 interested in one subject and not in the other.
 I'm planning on using my external 1 TB hard drive as home for my music and 
 sound, so it can be accessed from anywhere. I have my hard drive hooked up 
 to my Airport Extreme. How do i best go about to transfer my Itunes 
 library with all music to the hard drive and then use it without Itunes 
 getting all confused? Is it complicated or is it simply a matter of 
 copy/paste? I would be thankful for step-by-step instructions.
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Jumping to a specific time in itunes

2010-11-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

The script does work in itunes 10.1 as I just verified it.  Make sure you do 
the following with first quitting iTunes:

1.  Download the Restart At script.
2.  Locate the downloaded script in your Downloads folder and copy it with 
3.  Press cmd-shift-h to bring up your Home folder.
4.  Open the Library folder.
5.  Open the iTunes folder.
6.  If there is no folder named Scripts, create one.  Scripts should have a 
capital "s".
7.  Paste the Restart At script into the Scripts folder.
8.  Open itunes and there will now be a Scripts menu beside the Advanced menu.

That should do it.


On 2010-11-13, at 3:43 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Eric!
> Just in case have you got allow vo to be controlled by script checked in 
> vo+f8 in the general settings I had a look at the web page and there seamed 
> there was no installing instructions!
> hth Colin
> On 13 Nov 2010, at 22:18, Eric Caron wrote:
>> Hello List,
>>  I am new at this script thing!  I am having trouble getting this to 
>> work.  I'm wondering if it works with Itunes 10.1?
>>  I have placed the script in my scripts folder and I have gone to 
>> keyboard commander and assigned a key.  I then went to itunes and tried my 
>> key to see what would happen...nothing happened.
>> OK, so how do I use this script, where do I implement it?
>> Recently I did get the Move Files script working and that is great.  But I 
>> still have a lot to learn about using scripts.
>> eRic Caron 
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 10:33 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Try the downloadable script from my site:
>>> Some updates have been made to this site although it's far from totally 
>>> up-to-date yet.
>>> Later...
>>> On 2010-11-12, at 7:41 AM, Colin M wrote:
 Hi Kaare!
 For what purpose if its for making a ringtone then yes but just to start 
 playing a track from a certain place I do not know and if you are talking 
 about audio books someone else will have to chime in!
 On 12 Nov 2010, at 14:26, Kaare Dehard wrote:
> Hi, is the above possible? If so, how?
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>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

Yes you can import your DVDs using Handbrake.  It is accessible and works 
great.  Some DVDs have copy protection that causes the scenes to get all mixed 
up but there is a trick on the Handbrake web-site that gets around that issue, 
you'll just need sighted assistance for that one.


On 2010-11-13, at 8:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this 
> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
> Thanks,
> Donna
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: moving to a computer-based entertainment system

2010-11-13 Thread Vaughn Bennison
In my opinion getting dvds into itunes on the mac is easier than under windows. 
 The only down-side to using a mac as your entertainment hub is that TV is very 
difficult, if not impossible to access.  There seems to be only one aplication 
for tv watching on the mac, EyeTV, and it's absolutely useless with voiceover, 
although from all accounts it's a cool programme!  Apart from that, the mac is 
a good option.

On 14/11/2010, at 1:01 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> tonight my husband and i have been talking about moving to a computer-based 
> entertainment system.  I of course said I want our media computer to be a 
> Mac.  Here's the question.  What do we do with our DVD collection?  Can this 
> be imported into iTunes?I'm very curious to know what others have done.
> Thanks,
> Donna
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Re: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-13 Thread Vaughn Bennison
My understanding is that if you buy the british voices, you get Heather in the 

On 14/11/2010, at 11:20 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Ah yes,  I've just now installed the US and British voices.  If I wanted to 
> purchase just the US and British voices, how can you be sure you're not 
> paying for voices you're not going to use?  When I went to the infovox app, I 
> saw the button where it says "purchase online".  From what I could tell, I 
> need one license for the US voices and a second license for the British 
> Voices.  IS that correct?
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:14 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Chenelle Ray and all,
>> I apologize for the link, I purchased these from Origin instruments but 
>> obviously can't remember the link. Here is where you can download a demo:
>> I know this link works because I just checked it. Have a wonderful evening.
>> Happily,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Sorry to tell you, but, the link you provided is no good.  CAn't open the 
>>> page.
>>> Sincerely, 
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype Name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
 Hi Chenelle,
 I have the British ENglish voices and the SPanish voices for my Mac. You 
 go to
 I don't know if they have Australian voices, but they do have British 
 English. You have to purchase the AMerican voices from the Infovox 
 platform before you can add more. I found that out the hard way. I have 
 Heather, Laura and Ryan which are the American voices. They are good as 
 well. I hope that helps. Have a wonderful day. Thank you for all the info 
 about the Bletooth Apple Wireless keyboard.
 My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
 On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
> hi all:
> i wanted to know where would i go to be able to get international  voices 
> such an austraillian voice, an e brittish english voice, etc for my mb 
> pro?
> chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: where do you go to get international voices for your mb pro?

2010-11-13 Thread Allison Manzino
Yes you are correct, but you still have to buy the American voices if you do 
not have them already installed. Heather does come in the bundle, but unless 
you have the American voices installed, the British ones will not work. I 
learned this  from experience.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 14, 2010, at 2:16 AM, Vaughn Bennison wrote:

> My understanding is that if you buy the british voices, you get Heather in 
> the bundle.
> Vaughn.
> On 14/11/2010, at 11:20 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Ah yes,  I've just now installed the US and British voices.  If I wanted to 
>> purchase just the US and British voices, how can you be sure you're not 
>> paying for voices you're not going to use?  When I went to the infovox app, 
>> I saw the button where it says "purchase online".  From what I could tell, I 
>> need one license for the US voices and a second license for the British 
>> Voices.  IS that correct?
>> Sincerely, 
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:14 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>> Hi Chenelle Ray and all,
>>> I apologize for the link, I purchased these from Origin instruments but 
>>> obviously can't remember the link. Here is where you can download a demo:
>>> I know this link works because I just checked it. Have a wonderful evening.
>>> Happily,
>>> Allison
>>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>>> On Nov 13, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 Sorry to tell you, but, the link you provided is no good.  CAn't open the 
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
 Skype Name:
 On Nov 13, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi Chenelle,
> I have the British ENglish voices and the SPanish voices for my Mac. You 
> go to
> I don't know if they have Australian voices, but they do have British 
> English. You have to purchase the AMerican voices from the Infovox 
> platform before you can add more. I found that out the hard way. I have 
> Heather, Laura and Ryan which are the American voices. They are good as 
> well. I hope that helps. Have a wonderful day. Thank you for all the info 
> about the Bletooth Apple Wireless keyboard.
> Happily,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:57 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
>> hi all:
>> i wanted to know where would i go to be able to get international  
>> voices such an austraillian voice, an e brittish english voice, etc for 
>> my mb pro?
>> chenelle
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: cd drives going out of style:

2010-11-13 Thread Ricardo Walker
Its all ready changing.  People aren't buying CDs anymore.  I dare you to find 
a record store.  lol.  15 years ago, they were everywhere.  The majority of 
people download music.  By next year, music albums downloaded, will pass albums 
sold in stores.  the change is coming.  People will cling to the CD like they 
clung to the cassette tape.  But once people stop building the hardware to play 
them, people will have no choice but to move on.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 13, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> hi, heather, eric, sara and everyone on the list
> I have to say that for over eighteen years or so i have been using cd's  as 
> my mode of music choice. however, it has only been the past eight months or 
> so that i have getting my music through  itunes and transferring my music 
> library of over 500  cd's to my computer. i still have them all though. due 
> to the fact i still infer that  technology can crash at anytime and you have 
> to have a back up to your back up. if you know what i mean.  also i  have 
> relatives  who are still in the age of the stereo  system/ cd player age. so 
> when we have party's we often  use someof my cd's to listen to etc...
> i don't think that cd's will go out of date as fast as tape did back in the 
> late to mid eighty's and early nineties.  despite the fact that i have saved 
> some of my music to my external hard drive i have not stored all of it as of 
> yet. but i do plann on doing so. 
> chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
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