Re: Opening .rar files on the mac.

2010-10-29 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Well, the link didn't work but thanks. 
I will find it.

On Oct 29, 2010, at 6:06 AM, Hai Nguyen wrote:

> Good evening, 
> Rather than making you search cyberspace, here's a direct download link:
> hth
> On Oct 28, 2010, at 9:52 PM, Rafaela Freundt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> search for the unarchiver in google, install it, and it will let you open 
>> any number of different compressed files.
>> hth,
>> Rafaela
>> El 28/10/2010, a las 21:50, Nektarios Mallas escribió:
>>> Hello list.
>>> In windows, I use winrar to open and manage rar compressed files. 
>>> Is there something similar that I can use on the mac? 
>>> Thanks.
>>> Nektarios
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Re: Stanza

2010-10-29 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi again.

One thing that really wonders me in stanza is that every chapter shows up as 
one large paragraph, and that is therefore I get the braille problem. Why does 
stanza not show when there is a new line. I understand that it maybe can be an 
advantage when you only are using speech, but there is no pauses between 
paragraphs and after a period.

Is there a setting, that I have not been aware of, I have tried a lot of 
settings, but it looks like the same in braille and with VoiceOver with them 

Best regards Annie.
On Oct 28, 2010, at 11:52 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hi all.
> I got stanza to work in a way. But I would say that it is totally 
> inaccessible with braille. I get that problem again, that I can only read 
> some of the text, braille only shows some of the text, and then simply stops 
> showing text, it looks like the problem I have mentioned before with braille 
> and large paragraphs. Do any of you have any suggestions what to do.
> Best regards Annie.
> On Oct 28, 2010, at 7:48 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Donna, Brett, and Others,
>> I'll add to Brett's post of my earlier discussion of how to use Stanza, and 
>> cc this to the macvisionaries list. I think the issue that Paul and others 
>> have with using Stanza's iPhone app to read ePub books is getting past a 
>> cover image or title page.  This is pretty standard for most eReader apps 
>> (including Kobo Books), since VoiceOver only reads continuously till the end 
>> of a chapter (and might pause on a title page with a cover graphic).  A 
>> general thing to try with these apps is double tapping the center of the 
>> screen to bring up page controls. Then you can just use the Bookmarks Icon 
>> in the bottom left corner of the screen to access the table of contents for 
>> the book and advance to the first chapter. When you double tap "I. Down the 
>> Rabbit Hole" for Alice  in Wonderland, for example, you'll be moved to that 
>> point in the book, the page controls will disappear, and VoiceOver will 
>> start reading the chapter.  (This is specifically checked for the current 
>> version of the Stanza app on an iPhone 4 with the latest iOS 4.1, in 
>> response to Paul's statement that Stanza doesn't work on the iPhone 4.)  On 
>> the iPad, and on devices with earlier versions of iOS 4, you may have to 
>> explicitly double tap the center of the screen to toggle page controls off 
>> again and do a two finger flick  down to resume reading. You can control all 
>> this via keyboard shortcuts under iOS 4.1.
>> Stanza does not update the touch screen content while it reads the chapter, 
>> so if you were to touch the screen, you'd be taken back to the beginning of 
>> the chapter, but the Stanza eReader app has a number of other features.  You 
>> can set multiple bookmarks (which you cannot do in Kobo books with the page 
>> transition mode set to "scrolling" for accessible navigation), and you can 
>> move to specific pages in books if you use the "Find Icon" button search 
>> facility of page controls to search for a specific phrase.  You can also 
>> change the page of the book displayed on the screen while focused on the 
>> position slider (at the bottom of the screen when page controls are toggled 
>> on) by flicking up or down or via keyboard shortcut in iOS 4.1  (when the 
>> rotor is set to "Adjust Value"), or by using the double tap and hold pass 
>> through gesture and sliding your finger right or left.  The problem is that 
>> the movement steps are rather coarse for a long book if you navigate with 
>> the position slider on an iPhone screen.
>> The search function in Stanza was implemented before iBooks got this, and is 
>> very fast -- faster than in iBooks or Kobo Books when you load the same 
>> eBook and run a search. Navigating back to the "Find Icon" button shows you 
>> your last search results (which you can clear), and you can also navigate to 
>> the "More Icon" button (bottom right corner of screen) and double tap the 
>> "Find next" button to go to the next page that matches your search results.  
>> (This is all simpler to do via keyboard shortcut control).
>> There's a Dictionary under the "More Icon" button, so you can look up a 
>> word, and then go back to reading your text.  Again, this is simplest to use 
>> with the keyboard controls in OS 4.1 to navigate and type in the words.
>> The functions that I like most, apart from the diversity of the store 
>> offerings in Stanza, are the multiple bookmarking functions and the ease of 
>> loading books into the app, which can be done wirelessly in several 
>> alternate ways in addition to using syncing with iTunes. I'll bring up page 
>> controls and search for a phrase on the page that's just been read ("Find 
>> Icon, button"), in order to navigate to that page.  Then I'll double tap the 
>> "Bookmarks, button", and double tap "Bookmarks" at the bottom center of the 
>> screen, double tap the "Edit" button in the top r

Fwd: #atia2010: RFB&D Developing DAISY Players for Windows, Mac, iOS

2010-10-29 Thread Scott Howell
I am sharing this information since some of you might not be aware.

Begin forwarded message:

> Date: October 28, 2010 10:50:01 PM EDT
> Subject: #atia2010: RFB&D Developing DAISY Players for Windows, Mac, iOS
> Source: - Latest Bargains
> Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic is planning to greatly expand the ways one 
> can listen to their audio content in the coming months. First, they are 
> aiming to launch their DAISY player for Windows and Macintosh users within 
> the next month. It will be free to individual RFB&D members, and incidentally 
> individual membership to RFB&D is free to those with a qualifying disability. 
> The player is being developed by GH, LLC, who has produced commercial DAISY 
> software previously. Perhaps the bigger news is the pending release of an 
> audio DAISY reader for iOS devices. This product has been through beta 
> testing and could be released within the next 2-3 months, according to a 
> booth representative. The initial version will support audio DAISY files with 
> possible support for text DAISY in a future release. We are unsure of any 
> plans to allow for the DAISY software to play books other than those from 
> RFB&D.
> Post a comment
> Adaptive Tech Training, Sports & Fun @ Vision Midwest Conference, Madison, WI
> Share: | Twitter, Facebook,, Digg, Yahoo
> Read more…

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Re: My impressions so far...

2010-10-29 Thread Scott Howell
Of course we cannot forget, which offers a 
variety of podcasts about the Mac.
On Oct 29, 2010, at 1:51 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Yeah welcome welcome! some of os on here have produced some mac podcasts as 
> well. they can be found at, 
> and All of them are well 
> done and all take a different approach to learning the mac. Well I'm not one 
> for longish posts so I'm out of here to go kill a cold! Not with my mac 
> though. lol!
> Sarah Alawami
> MSN: 
> aim:
> website:
> face book:
> youtube:
> Podcast:
> Mobile site for podcast:
> The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live. 
> On Oct 28, 2010, at 9:28 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>> Well, judging by your post Ruud, I have a feeling that I will be hering a 
>> podcast soon!  Wellcome to the mac family!  Heather
>> -- 
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re-quick garage band question

2010-10-29 Thread chad baker
Hi also just wondering if were able to import samples to different keys i know 
we could not before and also i'm looking for a user's manual googled it found 

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Re: braille embossers?

2010-10-29 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi Isaac,  IBraille is the mac OS software that comes bundled with index 
embossers.  I find index software on windows flakey and IBraille hasn't been 
touched in 3 years or more, so my trust is a bit shaky.

I was hoping some one would jump up and yell, "try enabling!  I've had amazing 
success with this that or the other model."  Preferably a model with USB so we 
don't have to fiddle with serial to USB adapters.  The juliet has USB and it's 
funded here if only it wasn't such a beast.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,

On 2010-10-27, at 11:46 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:

> Hi Erik,
> Recently, I needed to get my embosser repaired. I had a chance to buy an 
> Index, but somehow, I've never seen the device and I just didn't trust it! I 
> don't know why, but I just kept feeling uneasy about that unit. I've never 
> seen one either! Handytech pushes the line of Indexes. You oughta go by their 
> website and look at their high end models. They sound quite impressive and 
> Handytech does give great tech support from what I hear. I've never really 
> needed heavy tech support  on my Braillino.
> so I got my old Versapoint Duo fixed and she's good to go! I just don't 
> know.. Why was I so skittish about that embosser? I am going to visit an 
> Index real soon. I am going to ask someone to arrange it for me. I know where 
> there is one and I'll visit just so I can say I had my hands on one.
> I assume the ibraille is software? Braille translation program?
> Isaac
> - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 11:08 AM
> Subject: Re: braille embossers?
> Hi Isaac,
> I'm particularly thinking of IBraille being a week solution.  It hasn't been 
> touched in years and I hate to ask clients to pour thousands of dollars into 
> it.
> I'm not really happy with the index lines, but maybe that is only to do with 
> all the power supplies I've seen fail and all the spurious paper jams I've 
> had to troubleshoot.  Maybe if I spend enough time with any of these products 
> I'll learn every bad thing about them and mistrust them all. Everyone just 
> gets index here because it's funded and that's it, but I think I'd go with 
> something else for my own needs.  The everest isn't bad, but I wouldn't want 
> a basic-d.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2010-10-27, at 7:42 AM, ISAAC OBIE wrote:
>> Hi ERik,
>> Why do you think the Index would be a weak solution? I've no plans just yet 
>> to use my VErsabraille duo. It has parallel and I believe serial ports. the 
>> Index would need usb ports to work with the mac. What're you thinking 
>> besides working with Louis?
>> Isaac
>> - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 7:21 AM
>> Subject: braille embossers?
>>> Hi guys,  just curious what do you think is the best most compatible 
>>> embosser to get for a mac user?  Index is king here, and there is Ibraille, 
>>> but my feeling is that is a week solution.  I'd rather teach louis and 
>>> whatever current embossers work best.
>>> Appreciate any opinions and experiences you can share.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> User support consultant,
>>> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
>>> person,
>>> 1-888-255-5194
>>> -- 
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Re: #atia2010: RFB&D Developing DAISY Players for Windows, Mac, iOS

2010-10-29 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I'd say we just need a Daisy player which will play any book from any 
organisation may be there will be one on the App Store.

Kawal Gucukoglu

On 29 Oct 2010, at 10:34 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:

> I am sharing this information since some of you might not be aware.
> Begin forwarded message:
>> Date: October 28, 2010 10:50:01 PM EDT
>> Subject: #atia2010: RFB&D Developing DAISY Players for Windows, Mac, iOS
>> Source: - Latest Bargains
>> Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic is planning to greatly expand the ways 
>> one can listen to their audio content in the coming months. First, they are 
>> aiming to launch their DAISY player for Windows and Macintosh users within 
>> the next month. It will be free to individual RFB&D members, and 
>> incidentally individual membership to RFB&D is free to those with a 
>> qualifying disability. The player is being developed by GH, LLC, who has 
>> produced commercial DAISY software previously. Perhaps the bigger news is 
>> the pending release of an audio DAISY reader for iOS devices. This product 
>> has been through beta testing and could be released within the next 2-3 
>> months, according to a booth representative. The initial version will 
>> support audio DAISY files with possible support for text DAISY in a future 
>> release. We are unsure of any plans to allow for the DAISY software to play 
>> books other than those from RFB&D.
>> Post a comment
>> Adaptive Tech Training, Sports & Fun @ Vision Midwest Conference, Madison, WI
>> Share: | Twitter, Facebook,, Digg, Yahoo
>> Read more…
> -- 
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Re: My impressions so far...

2010-10-29 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Ruud,

Wow, you are off and running with the Macbook Pro. But knowing you as I do, and 
your wonderful ability to acclimate, I'm not surprised. You have been able to 
go places with your Mac in two weeks, that I was struggling to get to after two 
months. Good to see you on this list. I love my Mac and Amadeus Pro is what I 
use for recording, but I hook my Zoom and use the  Rode NT 1A mic with it. I'm 
really happy you  like your Mac. You can always install Windows on your Mac as 
a virtual machine if you wanted. Well, congrats on getting a Macbook Pro and 
have a great day.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:15 AM, Ruud Bemelmans wrote:

> Before I'm going to give my impression of my MacBook Pro, the OS and of 
> course VoiceOver gathered over almost two weeks, let me introduce myself. I 
> know I've posted already to some topics, but I just haven't really said 
> anything about myself and I figure it's time to rectify that. For those who 
> need a warning for long posts:
> WARNING: this post may become a bit lengthy, but hopefully it won't bore you 
> rigid!
> My name is Ruud (born in january 1985, so you figure out how old/young I am). 
> I am from the Netherlands. I started losing my sight when I was 8, but it 
> took until 15 to go from nearly full sight to the classification of socially 
> blind. The culpret being inherited Glaucoma as part of the Rieger syndrome. 
> It's actually a miracle I had sight for a fair amount of my childhood, 
> because when I got born my eyes were opaque, no pupil visible at all. So, it 
> would seem I owe the surgery on the 2nd day of my life for the sighted 
> memories I have.
> As far as accessibility goes computer-wise, I started with zoomtext a few 
> years before I lost my sight and after I learned braille and a whole new 
> approach to doing things without sight I worked with Outspoken (fairly 
> horrible sounding, but functional) and after that Jaws.
> I am an adventurous musician; both as in "on a musical adventure" as well as 
> just a person who likes to try things out, like backpacking through various 
> countries, snowboarding and going to big open-air rock festivals. As far as 
> music goes, I'm a guitarist/bassist, but I'm fairly good at playing other 
> known and unknown instruments, like banjo, ukulele, dulcimer, tin and low 
> whistle, kalimba, kantele, ngoni, doshpuluur and more. I've recently started 
> learning the piano as well. My musical taste goes all over the world, 
> litterally.
> On to the Mac...
> A month ago, I walked into the local Apple store and the first Mac within 
> reach was the 17 inch MacBook Pro. Unfortunately I had a really bad first 
> impression. The guy at the store wasn't really helpful, so I ended up mucking 
> around with an OS that I hardly knew anything about or a screenreader in that 
> same category. I was however impressed with the design of the MacBook Pro, 
> because it was the first aluminum laptop/notebook I'd seen so far and it was 
> about half as thin as all the other laptops I've owned. I actually left there 
> without a clear idea about the Mac and VoiceOver. I was sceptical I would 
> ever switch to Mac even though some of the ideas I had read about on the 
> Apple site still intrigued me, like the use of the trackpad to map the screen 
> and the various gestures.
> I wasn't going to admit defeat because of a bad first impression though. Just 
> because of some Apple employee who was unwilling to help and seemed to like 
> playing with the Ipad more than living up to the high level of customer 
> service I was expecting actually made me read up some more on VoiceOver, 
> which admittedly I should've done beforehand.
> A few days later I spoke to a blind friend of mine, who (I didn't know this 
> at the time) has four Macs around the house. He was doing an I.T. study at 
> the same time as me, so I trust him to have solid opinions about computers 
> and the accessibility of said computers. He gave me a good idea of the OS and 
> VoiceOver in comparison to Windows and Jaws. After that conversation I 
> actually knew where the VoiceOver keys were, so that was obviously where I 
> got stuck at in the store. I was so used to (from left to right) control, 
> function, windows, alt, space, rather than function, control, option, 
> command, space.
> A little later I went back into town to just jump into mac and VoiceOver and 
> work things out on my own. I knew it was going to work anyway, because of my 
> blind I.T. friend and the fact that (doesn't point any fingers at anyone 
> specifically) blind people can be really picky about accessibility and I 
> would've seen way more bad reviews on VoiceOver in my research jaunts across 
> the Triple-double-u.
> to my surprise and considerable relief, this time I got good service at the 
> same Apple store I went before and chose to purchase a 13 inch MacBook Pro in 
> the standard version. The 15 

Re: #atia2010: RFB&D Developing DAISY Players for Windows, Mac, iOS

2010-10-29 Thread heather kd5cbl
You now have to pay for membership for RFBND unless you are grandfathered in 
the system!  Just wanted to let folks know.  Heather 

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Re: #atia2010: RFB&D Developing DAISY Players for Windows, Mac, iOS

2010-10-29 Thread Buddy Brannan
Heathr, has this changed since last year? Because last year they were doing 
free individual memberships. 
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Oct 29, 2010, at 8:41 AM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> You now have to pay for membership for RFBND unless you are grandfathered in 
> the system!  Just wanted to let folks know.  Heather
> -- 
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Re: #atia2010: RFB&D Developing DAISY Players for Windows, Mac, iOS

2010-10-29 Thread heather kd5cbl
My friend had to pay for hers but that was last year so I did not know about 
the change.  That is good to know!  Heather 

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Re: braille embossers?

2010-10-29 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Eric,

All this talk about Braille embossers makes me think of my Juliet. It is USB? I 
have a really old one that is serial. I spose I can get a serial to USB 
adapter, wait, I have two of those already. I  know it still works, because I 
turn it on every now and then. But the legistics of how to emboss without 
Duxbury are confusing to me. Is there any way to accomplish this? My HP Desktop 
does not have a serial port, so I haven't been able to use my Juliet for quite 
some time. Yes, it is old, from the late nineties, but as we all know Braille 
embossers are hard to come by, so it's not like you can replace them when the 
next latest and greatest comes along. any thoughts. Thank you in advance for 
any assistance you can provide. Have a wonderful Friday. The weekend is in 


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Oct 29, 2010, at 7:38 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi Isaac,  IBraille is the mac OS software that comes bundled with index 
> embossers.  I find index software on windows flakey and IBraille hasn't been 
> touched in 3 years or more, so my trust is a bit shaky.
> I was hoping some one would jump up and yell, "try enabling!  I've had 
> amazing success with this that or the other model."  Preferably a model with 
> USB so we don't have to fiddle with serial to USB adapters.  The juliet has 
> USB and it's funded here if only it wasn't such a beast.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2010-10-27, at 11:46 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>> Hi Erik,
>> Recently, I needed to get my embosser repaired. I had a chance to buy an 
>> Index, but somehow, I've never seen the device and I just didn't trust it! I 
>> don't know why, but I just kept feeling uneasy about that unit. I've never 
>> seen one either! Handytech pushes the line of Indexes. You oughta go by 
>> their website and look at their high end models. They sound quite impressive 
>> and Handytech does give great tech support from what I hear. I've never 
>> really needed heavy tech support  on my Braillino.
>> so I got my old Versapoint Duo fixed and she's good to go! I just don't 
>> know.. Why was I so skittish about that embosser? I am going to visit an 
>> Index real soon. I am going to ask someone to arrange it for me. I know 
>> where there is one and I'll visit just so I can say I had my hands on 
>> one.
>> I assume the ibraille is software? Braille translation program?
>> Isaac
>> - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 11:08 AM
>> Subject: Re: braille embossers?
>> Hi Isaac,
>> I'm particularly thinking of IBraille being a week solution.  It hasn't been 
>> touched in years and I hate to ask clients to pour thousands of dollars into 
>> it.
>> I'm not really happy with the index lines, but maybe that is only to do with 
>> all the power supplies I've seen fail and all the spurious paper jams I've 
>> had to troubleshoot.  Maybe if I spend enough time with any of these 
>> products I'll learn every bad thing about them and mistrust them all. 
>> Everyone just gets index here because it's funded and that's it, but I think 
>> I'd go with something else for my own needs.  The everest isn't bad, but I 
>> wouldn't want a basic-d.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
>> person,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> On 2010-10-27, at 7:42 AM, ISAAC OBIE wrote:
>>> Hi ERik,
>>> Why do you think the Index would be a weak solution? I've no plans just yet 
>>> to use my VErsabraille duo. It has parallel and I believe serial ports. the 
>>> Index would need usb ports to work with the mac. What're you thinking 
>>> besides working with Louis?
>>> Isaac
>>> - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 7:21 AM
>>> Subject: braille embossers?
 Hi guys,  just curious what do you think is the best most compatible 
 embosser to get for a mac user?  Index is king here, and there is 
 Ibraille, but my feeling is that is a week solution.  I'd rather teach 
 louis and whatever current embossers work best.
 Appreciate any opinions and experiences you can share.
 Erik Burggraaf
 User support consultant,
 One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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Re: VO mute hot keys

2010-10-29 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi heather,

F10 is used to toggle Mute on and off.
F11 to turn volume down and F12 to turn it up.

These keys have been available on Macs since back in the 90s but have just 
lately been made standard both on the Desktop and laptop keyboards to be F10, 
F11 and F12.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2010-10-29, at 12:14 AM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> I know if you have a macbook, I think you can use f12 to turn the volume back 
> up!  But, I think I know what your saying, a button for muting and unmuting.  
> My dell used to have a button that did this at the top of the laptop by the 
> on button.  Perhaps mac will consider this in the future. Heather 
> -- 
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Re: Stanza

2010-10-29 Thread Teresa Cochran
This is some kind of bug with Braille. Large paragraphs are truncated on 
webpages, too, and I think also in Preview. It's very frustrating, and I hope 
it's resolved soon.

On Oct 28, 2010, at 2:52 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hi all.
> I got stanza to work in a way. But I would say that it is totally 
> inaccessible with braille. I get that problem again, that I can only read 
> some of the text, braille only shows some of the text, and then simply stops 
> showing text, it looks like the problem I have mentioned before with braille 
> and large paragraphs. Do any of you have any suggestions what to do.
> Best regards Annie.
> On Oct 28, 2010, at 7:48 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Donna, Brett, and Others,
>> I'll add to Brett's post of my earlier discussion of how to use Stanza, and 
>> cc this to the macvisionaries list. I think the issue that Paul and others 
>> have with using Stanza's iPhone app to read ePub books is getting past a 
>> cover image or title page.  This is pretty standard for most eReader apps 
>> (including Kobo Books), since VoiceOver only reads continuously till the end 
>> of a chapter (and might pause on a title page with a cover graphic).  A 
>> general thing to try with these apps is double tapping the center of the 
>> screen to bring up page controls. Then you can just use the Bookmarks Icon 
>> in the bottom left corner of the screen to access the table of contents for 
>> the book and advance to the first chapter. When you double tap "I. Down the 
>> Rabbit Hole" for Alice  in Wonderland, for example, you'll be moved to that 
>> point in the book, the page controls will disappear, and VoiceOver will 
>> start reading the chapter.  (This is specifically checked for the current 
>> version of the Stanza app on an iPhone 4 with the latest iOS 4.1, in 
>> response to Paul's statement that Stanza doesn't work on the iPhone 4.)  On 
>> the iPad, and on devices with earlier versions of iOS 4, you may have to 
>> explicitly double tap the center of the screen to toggle page controls off 
>> again and do a two finger flick  down to resume reading. You can control all 
>> this via keyboard shortcuts under iOS 4.1.
>> Stanza does not update the touch screen content while it reads the chapter, 
>> so if you were to touch the screen, you'd be taken back to the beginning of 
>> the chapter, but the Stanza eReader app has a number of other features.  You 
>> can set multiple bookmarks (which you cannot do in Kobo books with the page 
>> transition mode set to "scrolling" for accessible navigation), and you can 
>> move to specific pages in books if you use the "Find Icon" button search 
>> facility of page controls to search for a specific phrase.  You can also 
>> change the page of the book displayed on the screen while focused on the 
>> position slider (at the bottom of the screen when page controls are toggled 
>> on) by flicking up or down or via keyboard shortcut in iOS 4.1  (when the 
>> rotor is set to "Adjust Value"), or by using the double tap and hold pass 
>> through gesture and sliding your finger right or left.  The problem is that 
>> the movement steps are rather coarse for a long book if you navigate with 
>> the position slider on an iPhone screen.
>> The search function in Stanza was implemented before iBooks got this, and is 
>> very fast -- faster than in iBooks or Kobo Books when you load the same 
>> eBook and run a search. Navigating back to the "Find Icon" button shows you 
>> your last search results (which you can clear), and you can also navigate to 
>> the "More Icon" button (bottom right corner of screen) and double tap the 
>> "Find next" button to go to the next page that matches your search results.  
>> (This is all simpler to do via keyboard shortcut control).
>> There's a Dictionary under the "More Icon" button, so you can look up a 
>> word, and then go back to reading your text.  Again, this is simplest to use 
>> with the keyboard controls in OS 4.1 to navigate and type in the words.
>> The functions that I like most, apart from the diversity of the store 
>> offerings in Stanza, are the multiple bookmarking functions and the ease of 
>> loading books into the app, which can be done wirelessly in several 
>> alternate ways in addition to using syncing with iTunes. I'll bring up page 
>> controls and search for a phrase on the page that's just been read ("Find 
>> Icon, button"), in order to navigate to that page.  Then I'll double tap the 
>> "Bookmarks, button", and double tap "Bookmarks" at the bottom center of the 
>> screen, double tap the "Edit" button in the top right corner, and use 
>> "Bookmark Current Page".  I can assign a name to this.  (This is also easy 
>> to do with keyboard control).
>> In Stanza, and also in Kobo Books since version 3.4, if you point to an ePub 
>> document on the web, you can choose to download it into these compatible 
>> applications.  Try this from your iPhone or iPod Touch

Re: re-quick garage band question

2010-10-29 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I'm also interested in a users manual, since the online help currently doesn't 
seem to work.
29 okt 2010 kl. 13.02 skrev chad baker:

> Hi also just wondering if were able to import samples to different keys i 
> know we could not before and also i'm looking for a user's manual googled it 
> found nothing.
> thanks
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Re: braille embossers?

2010-10-29 Thread Julie Russell
I have known a few with the index and it is a nice machine   A little smaller 
than the Juliette (20 pounds I think).  Ithe people were using windows.  The 
embossers were high end  
I think the index just does not have the name recognition that many do.  
I am unsure of the interface with I Braille

On Oct 29, 2010, at 6:38 AM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

> Hi Isaac,  IBraille is the mac OS software that comes bundled with index 
> embossers.  I find index software on windows flakey and IBraille hasn't been 
> touched in 3 years or more, so my trust is a bit shaky.
> I was hoping some one would jump up and yell, "try enabling!  I've had 
> amazing success with this that or the other model."  Preferably a model with 
> USB so we don't have to fiddle with serial to USB adapters.  The juliet has 
> USB and it's funded here if only it wasn't such a beast.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2010-10-27, at 11:46 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>> Hi Erik,
>> Recently, I needed to get my embosser repaired. I had a chance to buy an 
>> Index, but somehow, I've never seen the device and I just didn't trust it! I 
>> don't know why, but I just kept feeling uneasy about that unit. I've never 
>> seen one either! Handytech pushes the line of Indexes. You oughta go by 
>> their website and look at their high end models. They sound quite impressive 
>> and Handytech does give great tech support from what I hear. I've never 
>> really needed heavy tech support  on my Braillino.
>> so I got my old Versapoint Duo fixed and she's good to go! I just don't 
>> know.. Why was I so skittish about that embosser? I am going to visit an 
>> Index real soon. I am going to ask someone to arrange it for me. I know 
>> where there is one and I'll visit just so I can say I had my hands on 
>> one.
>> I assume the ibraille is software? Braille translation program?
>> Isaac
>> - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 11:08 AM
>> Subject: Re: braille embossers?
>> Hi Isaac,
>> I'm particularly thinking of IBraille being a week solution.  It hasn't been 
>> touched in years and I hate to ask clients to pour thousands of dollars into 
>> it.
>> I'm not really happy with the index lines, but maybe that is only to do with 
>> all the power supplies I've seen fail and all the spurious paper jams I've 
>> had to troubleshoot.  Maybe if I spend enough time with any of these 
>> products I'll learn every bad thing about them and mistrust them all. 
>> Everyone just gets index here because it's funded and that's it, but I think 
>> I'd go with something else for my own needs.  The everest isn't bad, but I 
>> wouldn't want a basic-d.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
>> person,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> On 2010-10-27, at 7:42 AM, ISAAC OBIE wrote:
>>> Hi ERik,
>>> Why do you think the Index would be a weak solution? I've no plans just yet 
>>> to use my VErsabraille duo. It has parallel and I believe serial ports. the 
>>> Index would need usb ports to work with the mac. What're you thinking 
>>> besides working with Louis?
>>> Isaac
>>> - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 7:21 AM
>>> Subject: braille embossers?
 Hi guys,  just curious what do you think is the best most compatible 
 embosser to get for a mac user?  Index is king here, and there is 
 Ibraille, but my feeling is that is a week solution.  I'd rather teach 
 louis and whatever current embossers work best.
 Appreciate any opinions and experiences you can share.
 Erik Burggraaf
 User support consultant,
 One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
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Re: VO mute hot keys

2010-10-29 Thread Randy Stegall
You can use the keyboard commander to set a shortcut key with either of the 
option keys.  I use right option v.


Randy Stegall
Sent from my Mac Mini.

On Oct 29, 2010, at 2:07 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> yeah after a lot of frustrations I finily got it back on but they really need 
> to have a mute and unmute key there not just the track pad or the other thing 
> you mentioned as I could not get yoru suggesiton to work and I had to rely on 
> some eyes. that were not any help.
> Take care.
> s
> On Oct 28, 2010, at 10:39 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I did vo-h-h and typed speech on and, guess what! It worked! So, either way 
>> works!
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> On 29 Oct 2010, at 02:31, Barry Abbott wrote:
>>> Hello Julie. I have had this problem where VO was muted and it did not 
>>> matter whether it was checked or unchecked in the VoiceOver utility panel. 
>>> When I would bring up VoiceOver with "command+F5" it would say "VoiceOver 
>>> on speech off." Well, it turned out that I had to turn it back on with my 
>>> Track Pad. To do this use a three finger double tap. 
>>> I even reinstalled Snow Leopard the first time it happened and then  I made 
>>> this discovery when it happened again last week-end.
>>> Barry
>>> On 2010-10-27, at 10:18 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 I'm not familar with a vo mute hotkey but try function plus f10 or hit one 
 of the volume keys.
 Good luck.
 On Oct 27, 2010, at 5:28 PM, Julie Russell wrote:
> Somehow I muted the computer - a Vo key combo   Anyone able to help me?   
> Julie 
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RE: recording for students

2010-10-29 Thread Cameron
Hi.  Yes, there are many choices.  Look into the edirol R-09hr, tascam d07,
m audio microtrack 2, etc.

Even if you do end up with wave files, you can easily convert them to mp3 on
the mac using a batch converter like switch.

If you do insist on recording straight to mp3, I would suggest stereo,
44.1khz, 320 non variable bit rate for the best results.  Don't go any lower
than that with recording.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of heather kd5cbl
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 2:09 AM
Subject: recording for students

Okay, there are so many choices so I am not sure what might be best!  I want

to create an audio story of my family and be able to put it on my computer 
in MP3 format.  So I can send it off to them.  Which devices allow to record

in mp3 format without having to convert the files?  I have never recorded 
anything unless it was on a tape which, I don't have anymore!  Thanks 

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Re: #atia2010: RFB&D Developing DAISY Players for Windows, Mac, iOS

2010-10-29 Thread Martin Kirchner
Hope that this new Daisy player software by LLC will have a better bookmark 
management for any spoken audio content. I assume that tey will care for that 
cause the actual ReadHear Mac app seems to be pretty buggy. I had posted about 
that afew days ago


On 29.10.2010, at 11:34, Scott Howell wrote:

> I am sharing this information since some of you might not be aware.
> Begin forwarded message:
>> Date: October 28, 2010 10:50:01 PM EDT
>> Subject: #atia2010: RFB&D Developing DAISY Players for Windows, Mac, iOS
>> Source: - Latest Bargains
>> Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic is planning to greatly expand the ways 
>> one can listen to their audio content in the coming months. First, they are 
>> aiming to launch their DAISY player for Windows and Macintosh users within 
>> the next month. It will be free to individual RFB&D members, and 
>> incidentally individual membership to RFB&D is free to those with a 
>> qualifying disability. The player is being developed by GH, LLC, who has 
>> produced commercial DAISY software previously. Perhaps the bigger news is 
>> the pending release of an audio DAISY reader for iOS devices. This product 
>> has been through beta testing and could be released within the next 2-3 
>> months, according to a booth representative. The initial version will 
>> support audio DAISY files with possible support for text DAISY in a future 
>> release. We are unsure of any plans to allow for the DAISY software to play 
>> books other than those from RFB&D.
>> Post a comment
>> Adaptive Tech Training, Sports & Fun @ Vision Midwest Conference, Madison, WI
>> Share: | Twitter, Facebook,, Digg, Yahoo
>> Read more…
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Re: #atia2010: RFB&D Developing DAISY Players for Windows, Mac, iOS

2010-10-29 Thread Greg Aikens
Anyone know if RFB and D has a  program to download their books for the mac 

On Oct 29, 2010, at 4:34 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> I am sharing this information since some of you might not be aware.
> Begin forwarded message:
>> Date: October 28, 2010 10:50:01 PM EDT
>> Subject: #atia2010: RFB&D Developing DAISY Players for Windows, Mac, iOS
>> Source: - Latest Bargains
>> Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic is planning to greatly expand the ways 
>> one can listen to their audio content in the coming months. First, they are 
>> aiming to launch their DAISY player for Windows and Macintosh users within 
>> the next month. It will be free to individual RFB&D members, and 
>> incidentally individual membership to RFB&D is free to those with a 
>> qualifying disability. The player is being developed by GH, LLC, who has 
>> produced commercial DAISY software previously. Perhaps the bigger news is 
>> the pending release of an audio DAISY reader for iOS devices. This product 
>> has been through beta testing and could be released within the next 2-3 
>> months, according to a booth representative. The initial version will 
>> support audio DAISY files with possible support for text DAISY in a future 
>> release. We are unsure of any plans to allow for the DAISY software to play 
>> books other than those from RFB&D.
>> Post a comment
>> Adaptive Tech Training, Sports & Fun @ Vision Midwest Conference, Madison, WI
>> Share: | Twitter, Facebook,, Digg, Yahoo
>> Read more…
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Convert video files on the mac

2010-10-29 Thread Justin Thornton
I am wondering if there is a program that I can use to convert a folder or 
multiple files at once
I am looking to convert avi and wmv to either mp3 or ogg or wma
thanks I hope I can find something soon

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MoveAddict on sale today at MacUpdate Promo (cut and paste files in Finder)

2010-10-29 Thread Esther


Just wanted to mention that the Snow Leopard app, moveAddict, that  
lets you cut and paste, and also merge files instead of replacing  
them, is on sale today (i.e., for the next 13 hours) for $4.99 at:

All you recent Windows switchers who have been wanting to cut and  
paste files, moveAddict will let you do this on a Mac.  If this is  
your first time using the MacUpdate Promo site, you'll need to do a  
(one-time) account creation that involves negotiating a CAPTCHA.  You  
can use the services of Solona to do this:

HTH. Cheers,


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Re: braille embossers?

2010-10-29 Thread erik burggraaf
Hum,  Well, I've set up the Thomas using a usb to paralell adapter.  The old 
juliet can't be be much harder as long as your adapter cable is good.  Some of 
them are are quite flakey.

Then I'm assuming you could hook it up to your mac and use lois.  Then you 
wouldn't have to worry about duxbury.  This is what I'm just trying to find out 
now.  Unfortunately iit's not as easy as all that to get your hands on 
embossers for testing.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,

On 2010-10-29, at 8:56 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> All this talk about Braille embossers makes me think of my Juliet. It is USB? 
> I have a really old one that is serial. I spose I can get a serial to USB 
> adapter, wait, I have two of those already. I  know it still works, because I 
> turn it on every now and then. But the legistics of how to emboss without 
> Duxbury are confusing to me. Is there any way to accomplish this? My HP 
> Desktop does not have a serial port, so I haven't been able to use my Juliet 
> for quite some time. Yes, it is old, from the late nineties, but as we all 
> know Braille embossers are hard to come by, so it's not like you can replace 
> them when the next latest and greatest comes along. any thoughts. Thank you 
> in advance for any assistance you can provide. Have a wonderful Friday. The 
> weekend is in reach!
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 7:38 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi Isaac,  IBraille is the mac OS software that comes bundled with index 
>> embossers.  I find index software on windows flakey and IBraille hasn't been 
>> touched in 3 years or more, so my trust is a bit shaky.
>> I was hoping some one would jump up and yell, "try enabling!  I've had 
>> amazing success with this that or the other model."  Preferably a model with 
>> USB so we don't have to fiddle with serial to USB adapters.  The juliet has 
>> USB and it's funded here if only it wasn't such a beast.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
>> person,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> On 2010-10-27, at 11:46 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>>> Hi Erik,
>>> Recently, I needed to get my embosser repaired. I had a chance to buy an 
>>> Index, but somehow, I've never seen the device and I just didn't trust it! 
>>> I don't know why, but I just kept feeling uneasy about that unit. I've 
>>> never seen one either! Handytech pushes the line of Indexes. You oughta go 
>>> by their website and look at their high end models. They sound quite 
>>> impressive and Handytech does give great tech support from what I hear. 
>>> I've never really needed heavy tech support  on my Braillino.
>>> so I got my old Versapoint Duo fixed and she's good to go! I just don't 
>>> know.. Why was I so skittish about that embosser? I am going to visit an 
>>> Index real soon. I am going to ask someone to arrange it for me. I know 
>>> where there is one and I'll visit just so I can say I had my hands on 
>>> one.
>>> I assume the ibraille is software? Braille translation program?
>>> Isaac
>>> - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 11:08 AM
>>> Subject: Re: braille embossers?
>>> Hi Isaac,
>>> I'm particularly thinking of IBraille being a week solution.  It hasn't 
>>> been touched in years and I hate to ask clients to pour thousands of 
>>> dollars into it.
>>> I'm not really happy with the index lines, but maybe that is only to do 
>>> with all the power supplies I've seen fail and all the spurious paper jams 
>>> I've had to troubleshoot.  Maybe if I spend enough time with any of these 
>>> products I'll learn every bad thing about them and mistrust them all. 
>>> Everyone just gets index here because it's funded and that's it, but I 
>>> think I'd go with something else for my own needs.  The everest isn't bad, 
>>> but I wouldn't want a basic-d.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> User support consultant,
>>> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
>>> person,
>>> 1-888-255-5194
>>> On 2010-10-27, at 7:42 AM, ISAAC OBIE wrote:
 Hi ERik,
 Why do you think the Index would be a weak solution? I've no plans just 
 yet to use my VErsabraille duo. It has parallel and I believe serial 
 ports. the Index would need usb ports to work with the mac. What're you 
 thinking besides working with Louis?
 - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 7:21 AM
 Subject: braille embossers?
> Hi guys,  just curious what do you think is the best most compatibl

Spreadsheet Problem

2010-10-29 Thread David Taylor
Hi all,

Up till now, I've been really happy with Open Office Calc, but I've come across 
a rather large spreadsheet that I would like to be able to use, which 
completely crashes it every time I change columns! I was hoping not to have to 
splash out on iWork, so can anybody tell me if they are aware of sheets that 
Calc can't read, and if Tables would be enough, or if I really will need iWork? 


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Multiple Keyboards

2010-10-29 Thread David Taylor
Hi all,

Another weird one from me!

I have and love an Apple Wireless Keyboard for my iPhone. I also have the Mini 
Bluetooth Keyboard which I have found OK but I don't use it often enough to 
really get used to it. Now I'm seriously considering a bluetooth keyboard for 
my Mac, mainly for multimedia  control and web navigation. Will I have problems 
if I get a second Apple Wireless, or do they have unique IDs that would allow 
me to keep one paired to each device? If Yes, I may well divert my current one 
to my Mac and get a different one for my phone. I really can't think of a 
better way of controlling all sorts of media and websites and have it come over 
my hifi than using the Apple Wireless Keyboard!


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Re: Multiple Keyboards

2010-10-29 Thread Scott Howell
You can have more than one bluetooth keyboard paired to each device. SO, yes 
you could have a keyboard for your iPHone and another for your Mac. YOu can 
provided you turn bluetooth off on the device you do not wish to interact with, 
you could share one bluetooth keyboard with two devices. Again, you just have 
to turn off the bluetooth of the device you are not working with. However, just 
because having new toys is half the fun, I encourage you to go purchase another 
keyboard. :)
On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:15 PM, David Taylor wrote:

> Hi all,
> Another weird one from me!
> I have and love an Apple Wireless Keyboard for my iPhone. I also have the 
> Mini Bluetooth Keyboard which I have found OK but I don't use it often enough 
> to really get used to it. Now I'm seriously considering a bluetooth keyboard 
> for my Mac, mainly for multimedia  control and web navigation. Will I have 
> problems if I get a second Apple Wireless, or do they have unique IDs that 
> would allow me to keep one paired to each device? If Yes, I may well divert 
> my current one to my Mac and get a different one for my phone. I really can't 
> think of a better way of controlling all sorts of media and websites and have 
> it come over my hifi than using the Apple Wireless Keyboard!
> Cheers
> Dave
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Re: Multiple Keyboards

2010-10-29 Thread Chris Moore
Get a full size one for your Mac, VO is much nicer with the numeric keypad (and 
you can add more shortcuts to it too)
On 29 Oct 2010, at 17:19, Scott Howell wrote:

> You can have more than one bluetooth keyboard paired to each device. SO, yes 
> you could have a keyboard for your iPHone and another for your Mac. YOu can 
> provided you turn bluetooth off on the device you do not wish to interact 
> with, you could share one bluetooth keyboard with two devices. Again, you 
> just have to turn off the bluetooth of the device you are not working with. 
> However, just because having new toys is half the fun, I encourage you to go 
> purchase another keyboard. :)
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:15 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Another weird one from me!
>> I have and love an Apple Wireless Keyboard for my iPhone. I also have the 
>> Mini Bluetooth Keyboard which I have found OK but I don't use it often 
>> enough to really get used to it. Now I'm seriously considering a bluetooth 
>> keyboard for my Mac, mainly for multimedia  control and web navigation. Will 
>> I have problems if I get a second Apple Wireless, or do they have unique IDs 
>> that would allow me to keep one paired to each device? If Yes, I may well 
>> divert my current one to my Mac and get a different one for my phone. I 
>> really can't think of a better way of controlling all sorts of media and 
>> websites and have it come over my hifi than using the Apple Wireless 
>> Keyboard!
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> -- 
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Re: Multiple Keyboards

2010-10-29 Thread David Taylor
But I'm hoping that because the iPhone has one Apple Wireless, that a second 
one would be recognised as a different keyboard and therefore not be stolen by  
the iPhone bluetooth, if you know what I mean?


On 29 Oct 2010, at 17:19, Scott Howell wrote:

> You can have more than one bluetooth keyboard paired to each device. SO, yes 
> you could have a keyboard for your iPHone and another for your Mac. YOu can 
> provided you turn bluetooth off on the device you do not wish to interact 
> with, you could share one bluetooth keyboard with two devices. Again, you 
> just have to turn off the bluetooth of the device you are not working with. 
> However, just because having new toys is half the fun, I encourage you to go 
> purchase another keyboard. :)
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:15 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Another weird one from me!
>> I have and love an Apple Wireless Keyboard for my iPhone. I also have the 
>> Mini Bluetooth Keyboard which I have found OK but I don't use it often 
>> enough to really get used to it. Now I'm seriously considering a bluetooth 
>> keyboard for my Mac, mainly for multimedia  control and web navigation. Will 
>> I have problems if I get a second Apple Wireless, or do they have unique IDs 
>> that would allow me to keep one paired to each device? If Yes, I may well 
>> divert my current one to my Mac and get a different one for my phone. I 
>> really can't think of a better way of controlling all sorts of media and 
>> websites and have it come over my hifi than using the Apple Wireless 
>> Keyboard!
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> -- 
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Re: Multiple Keyboards

2010-10-29 Thread David Taylor
Hi, is there a wireless one with a number pad though? The only ones I've seen 
with number pads are wired.


On 29 Oct 2010, at 17:26, Chris Moore wrote:

> Get a full size one for your Mac, VO is much nicer with the numeric keypad 
> (and you can add more shortcuts to it too)
> On 29 Oct 2010, at 17:19, Scott Howell wrote:
>> You can have more than one bluetooth keyboard paired to each device. SO, yes 
>> you could have a keyboard for your iPHone and another for your Mac. YOu can 
>> provided you turn bluetooth off on the device you do not wish to interact 
>> with, you could share one bluetooth keyboard with two devices. Again, you 
>> just have to turn off the bluetooth of the device you are not working with. 
>> However, just because having new toys is half the fun, I encourage you to go 
>> purchase another keyboard. :)
>> On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:15 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Another weird one from me!
>>> I have and love an Apple Wireless Keyboard for my iPhone. I also have the 
>>> Mini Bluetooth Keyboard which I have found OK but I don't use it often 
>>> enough to really get used to it. Now I'm seriously considering a bluetooth 
>>> keyboard for my Mac, mainly for multimedia  control and web navigation. 
>>> Will I have problems if I get a second Apple Wireless, or do they have 
>>> unique IDs that would allow me to keep one paired to each device? If Yes, I 
>>> may well divert my current one to my Mac and get a different one for my 
>>> phone. I really can't think of a better way of controlling all sorts of 
>>> media and websites and have it come over my hifi than using the Apple 
>>> Wireless Keyboard!
>>> Cheers
>>> Dave
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: Multiple Keyboards

2010-10-29 Thread Chris Moore
Just wired I think, but I like this as the keyboard has two usb ports which 
makes life much easier when plugging your iPhone etc into the Mac.
On 29 Oct 2010, at 17:34, David Taylor wrote:

> Hi, is there a wireless one with a number pad though? The only ones I've seen 
> with number pads are wired.
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 29 Oct 2010, at 17:26, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Get a full size one for your Mac, VO is much nicer with the numeric keypad 
>> (and you can add more shortcuts to it too)
>> On 29 Oct 2010, at 17:19, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> You can have more than one bluetooth keyboard paired to each device. SO, 
>>> yes you could have a keyboard for your iPHone and another for your Mac. YOu 
>>> can provided you turn bluetooth off on the device you do not wish to 
>>> interact with, you could share one bluetooth keyboard with two devices. 
>>> Again, you just have to turn off the bluetooth of the device you are not 
>>> working with. However, just because having new toys is half the fun, I 
>>> encourage you to go purchase another keyboard. :)
>>> On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:15 PM, David Taylor wrote:
 Hi all,
 Another weird one from me!
 I have and love an Apple Wireless Keyboard for my iPhone. I also have the 
 Mini Bluetooth Keyboard which I have found OK but I don't use it often 
 enough to really get used to it. Now I'm seriously considering a bluetooth 
 keyboard for my Mac, mainly for multimedia  control and web navigation. 
 Will I have problems if I get a second Apple Wireless, or do they have 
 unique IDs that would allow me to keep one paired to each device? If Yes, 
 I may well divert my current one to my Mac and get a different one for my 
 phone. I really can't think of a better way of controlling all sorts of 
 media and websites and have it come over my hifi than using the Apple 
 Wireless Keyboard!
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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trouble with loops in garageband 11

2010-10-29 Thread Daniel Rowe
HI all.
I got my copy of iLife 11 today and have just been playing around with 
garageband..  Apple have done a wonderful job improving accessibility and it's 
now a lot more intuitive to get around.
 VO telling you the bar and beet you're on as well is priceless.
However I can't seem to get loops to be added  where I want them to be, so I'll 
 outline the steps I took in case I'm doing something wrong.

I position the play head where I want a   loop to be inserted using the arrow 
keys, e.g. bar 1 beet one..
I then find the loop I want in the browser, using cmd+shift+L to audition them 
(I believe this is a new shortcut key).
Then I turn off cursor tracking, make sure the mouse  pointer is also on the 
loop then do the mouse down command.  I then locate the  timeline, move the 
mouse to it then release the mouse button.
The loop gets inserted but in a random place - the  last time I tried it ended 
up at the beginning of bar 7.
Does anyone know why it's doing this?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: trouble with loops in garageband 11

2010-10-29 Thread Chris Moore
Have you tried cutting and pasting the loop from the loop browser instead?
On 29 Oct 2010, at 18:27, Daniel Rowe wrote:

> HI all.
> I got my copy of iLife 11 today and have just been playing around with 
> garageband..  Apple have done a wonderful job improving accessibility and 
> it's now a lot more intuitive to get around.
> VO telling you the bar and beet you're on as well is priceless.
> However I can't seem to get loops to be added  where I want them to be, so 
> I'll  outline the steps I took in case I'm doing something wrong.
> I position the play head where I want a   loop to be inserted using the arrow 
> keys, e.g. bar 1 beet one..
> I then find the loop I want in the browser, using cmd+shift+L to audition 
> them (I believe this is a new shortcut key).
> Then I turn off cursor tracking, make sure the mouse  pointer is also on the 
> loop then do the mouse down command.  I then locate the  timeline, move the 
> mouse to it then release the mouse button.
> The loop gets inserted but in a random place - the  last time I tried it 
> ended up at the beginning of bar 7.
> Does anyone know why it's doing this?
> Thanks in advance.
> Dannie
> -- 
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Scanning with image capture

2010-10-29 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi everyone:
I'm working with Image Capture, and Abbyy Fine Reader Express.  I have what may 
be an unfair question for anyone familiar with these.  I'm getting the programs 
to work together ok, but image capture insists on doing a double scan, and the 
entire process takes a lot more time than I was used to with my Openbook and 
pC.  Is this simply something I need to adjust to?  Or, are their any ways to 
make this process quicker and smoother Second question: Alex seems to lock up 
sometimes when moving between scanning and prepairing doccuments, such as when 
I go to open a file with Abbyy.  Usually turning VO off and then on again fixes 
this for me.  But, I'm wondering if anyone else has had this happen.  ?  
Finally, , how does Vuescan differ, and is it costly?
Thank you for any info.  I cant tell you how much I'm enjoying what for me is 
nothing short of trail blazing.  It sreems like each thing I learn has me more 
intoa this litle electronic beast.:)
Take care and tia for any input.
Carolyn Haas

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Re: Convert video files on the mac

2010-10-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
I use mpeg sream clip. I don't think it can do batchconverting but it does work.

Take care.

On Oct 29, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:

> Hi
> I am wondering if there is a program that I can use to convert a folder or 
> multiple files at once
> I am looking to convert avi and wmv to either mp3 or ogg or wma
> thanks I hope I can find something soon
> -- 
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Re: VO mute hot keys

2010-10-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
There is a button. just press fn plus f10. works for me but not for everyone 
who does that. and i don't know why.

Take care.

On Oct 28, 2010, at 11:14 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> I know if you have a macbook, I think you can use f12 to turn the volume back 
> up!  But, I think I know what your saying, a button for muting and unmuting.  
> My dell used to have a button that did this at the top of the laptop by the 
> on button.  Perhaps mac will consider this in the future. Heather 
> -- 
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Re: My impressions so far...

2010-10-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh yeah that's also a good one. There's a review of mac and ios programs there 
On Oct 29, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Of course we cannot forget, which offers a 
> variety of podcasts about the Mac.
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 1:51 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeah welcome welcome! some of os on here have produced some mac podcasts as 
>> well. they can be found at, 
>> and All of them are 
>> well done and all take a different approach to learning the mac. Well I'm 
>> not one for longish posts so I'm out of here to go kill a cold! Not with my 
>> mac though. lol!
>> Sarah Alawami
>> MSN: 
>> aim:
>> website:
>> face book:
>> youtube:
>> Podcast:
>> Mobile site for podcast:
>> The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live. 
>> On Oct 28, 2010, at 9:28 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>>> Well, judging by your post Ruud, I have a feeling that I will be hering a 
>>> podcast soon!  Wellcome to the mac family!  Heather
>>> -- 
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Re: Convert video files on the mac

2010-10-29 Thread Allison Manzino

I use Prism, it works great. YOu have to pay  for it after so many converts 
though. I also use DVD Audio Extractor and that works perfectly as well.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Oct 29, 2010, at 3:14 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I use mpeg sream clip. I don't think it can do batchconverting but it does 
> work.
> Take care.
> S
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am wondering if there is a program that I can use to convert a folder or 
>> multiple files at once
>> I am looking to convert avi and wmv to either mp3 or ogg or wma
>> thanks I hope I can find something soon
>> -- 
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Re: trouble with loops in garageband 11

2010-10-29 Thread Daniel Rowe
Good idea, but you can't insert them that way unfortunately. It can only be 
done by drag and drop as far as I'm aware.


On 29 Oct 2010, at 18:31, Chris Moore wrote:

> Have you tried cutting and pasting the loop from the loop browser instead?
> On 29 Oct 2010, at 18:27, Daniel Rowe wrote:
>> HI all.
>> I got my copy of iLife 11 today and have just been playing around with 
>> garageband..  Apple have done a wonderful job improving accessibility and 
>> it's now a lot more intuitive to get around.
>> VO telling you the bar and beet you're on as well is priceless.
>> However I can't seem to get loops to be added  where I want them to be, so 
>> I'll  outline the steps I took in case I'm doing something wrong.
>> I position the play head where I want a   loop to be inserted using the 
>> arrow keys, e.g. bar 1 beet one..
>> I then find the loop I want in the browser, using cmd+shift+L to audition 
>> them (I believe this is a new shortcut key).
>> Then I turn off cursor tracking, make sure the mouse  pointer is also on the 
>> loop then do the mouse down command.  I then locate the  timeline, move the 
>> mouse to it then release the mouse button.
>> The loop gets inserted but in a random place - the  last time I tried it 
>> ended up at the beginning of bar 7.
>> Does anyone know why it's doing this?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Dannie
>> -- 
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Re: trouble with loops in garageband 11

2010-10-29 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Not in the new Garageband 11, just copy the loop from the browser and then stop 
interacting with the loop browser and go to the layout area. Now, interact with 
the timeline and select where in your song the loop should go, then paste and 
voila, there's the loop.

29 okt 2010 kl. 21.26 skrev Daniel Rowe:

> Good idea, but you can't insert them that way unfortunately. It can only be 
> done by drag and drop as far as I'm aware.
> Dannie
> On 29 Oct 2010, at 18:31, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Have you tried cutting and pasting the loop from the loop browser instead?
>> On 29 Oct 2010, at 18:27, Daniel Rowe wrote:
>>> HI all.
>>> I got my copy of iLife 11 today and have just been playing around with 
>>> garageband..  Apple have done a wonderful job improving accessibility and 
>>> it's now a lot more intuitive to get around.
>>> VO telling you the bar and beet you're on as well is priceless.
>>> However I can't seem to get loops to be added  where I want them to be, so 
>>> I'll  outline the steps I took in case I'm doing something wrong.
>>> I position the play head where I want a   loop to be inserted using the 
>>> arrow keys, e.g. bar 1 beet one..
>>> I then find the loop I want in the browser, using cmd+shift+L to audition 
>>> them (I believe this is a new shortcut key).
>>> Then I turn off cursor tracking, make sure the mouse  pointer is also on 
>>> the loop then do the mouse down command.  I then locate the  timeline, move 
>>> the mouse to it then release the mouse button.
>>> The loop gets inserted but in a random place - the  last time I tried it 
>>> ended up at the beginning of bar 7.
>>> Does anyone know why it's doing this?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Dannie
>>> -- 
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Pro Tools M Power

2010-10-29 Thread Joshua Loya
Hi there,
I am aware that the most recent version of Pro Tools is accessible now. Is that 
only the version of Pro Tools that works with Digidesign hardware, or will the 
M Power version of Pro Tools work just as well from an accessibility standpoint?


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Re: Convert video files on the mac

2010-10-29 Thread Justin Thornton
could I have brief info on how to convert them
On Oct 29, 2010, at 3:14 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I use mpeg sream clip. I don't think it can do batchconverting but it does 
> work.
> Take care.
> S
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am wondering if there is a program that I can use to convert a folder or 
>> multiple files at once
>> I am looking to convert avi and wmv to either mp3 or ogg or wma
>> thanks I hope I can find something soon
>> -- 
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Re: Convert video files on the mac

2010-10-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. open the video with mpeg stream clip and go to file and then go to 
export audio and choose the option. I use i think flac and then use switch to 
convert them to ogg or mp3 or hwat not.

Take care.
On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:57 PM, Justin Thornton wrote:

> could I have brief info on how to convert them
> please
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 3:14 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I use mpeg sream clip. I don't think it can do batchconverting but it does 
>> work.
>> Take care.
>> S
>> On Oct 29, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I am wondering if there is a program that I can use to convert a folder or 
>>> multiple files at once
>>> I am looking to convert avi and wmv to either mp3 or ogg or wma
>>> thanks I hope I can find something soon
>>> -- 
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Re: Multiple Keyboards

2010-10-29 Thread Scott Howell
To keep this in perspective, the keypad is not necessary and is purely user 
choice. FOr some this will be a real plus if they are used to using a screen 
reader that utilizes the keypad. However, quicknav takes care of most needs for 
the VO keys and thus the number pad as well. I'm not saying the number pad is a 
bad thing or a good thing, but is truly user choice, but again, not necessary.

On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:26 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Get a full size one for your Mac, VO is much nicer with the numeric keypad 
> (and you can add more shortcuts to it too)
> On 29 Oct 2010, at 17:19, Scott Howell wrote:
>> You can have more than one bluetooth keyboard paired to each device. SO, yes 
>> you could have a keyboard for your iPHone and another for your Mac. YOu can 
>> provided you turn bluetooth off on the device you do not wish to interact 
>> with, you could share one bluetooth keyboard with two devices. Again, you 
>> just have to turn off the bluetooth of the device you are not working with. 
>> However, just because having new toys is half the fun, I encourage you to go 
>> purchase another keyboard. :)
>> On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:15 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Another weird one from me!
>>> I have and love an Apple Wireless Keyboard for my iPhone. I also have the 
>>> Mini Bluetooth Keyboard which I have found OK but I don't use it often 
>>> enough to really get used to it. Now I'm seriously considering a bluetooth 
>>> keyboard for my Mac, mainly for multimedia  control and web navigation. 
>>> Will I have problems if I get a second Apple Wireless, or do they have 
>>> unique IDs that would allow me to keep one paired to each device? If Yes, I 
>>> may well divert my current one to my Mac and get a different one for my 
>>> phone. I really can't think of a better way of controlling all sorts of 
>>> media and websites and have it come over my hifi than using the Apple 
>>> Wireless Keyboard!
>>> Cheers
>>> Dave
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Re: Multiple Keyboards

2010-10-29 Thread Scott Howell
Then get two keyboards, that really is the only solution if you want to stick 
with bluetooth.. Otherwise, you will have to disable bluetooth of the device.

On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:33 PM, David Taylor wrote:

> But I'm hoping that because the iPhone has one Apple Wireless, that a second 
> one would be recognised as a different keyboard and therefore not be stolen 
> by  the iPhone bluetooth, if you know what I mean?
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 29 Oct 2010, at 17:19, Scott Howell wrote:
>> You can have more than one bluetooth keyboard paired to each device. SO, yes 
>> you could have a keyboard for your iPHone and another for your Mac. YOu can 
>> provided you turn bluetooth off on the device you do not wish to interact 
>> with, you could share one bluetooth keyboard with two devices. Again, you 
>> just have to turn off the bluetooth of the device you are not working with. 
>> However, just because having new toys is half the fun, I encourage you to go 
>> purchase another keyboard. :)
>> On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:15 PM, David Taylor wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Another weird one from me!
>>> I have and love an Apple Wireless Keyboard for my iPhone. I also have the 
>>> Mini Bluetooth Keyboard which I have found OK but I don't use it often 
>>> enough to really get used to it. Now I'm seriously considering a bluetooth 
>>> keyboard for my Mac, mainly for multimedia  control and web navigation. 
>>> Will I have problems if I get a second Apple Wireless, or do they have 
>>> unique IDs that would allow me to keep one paired to each device? If Yes, I 
>>> may well divert my current one to my Mac and get a different one for my 
>>> phone. I really can't think of a better way of controlling all sorts of 
>>> media and websites and have it come over my hifi than using the Apple 
>>> Wireless Keyboard!
>>> Cheers
>>> Dave
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Re: VO mute hot keys

2010-10-29 Thread Scott Howell
There is a button to mute and unmute the sound. Use f10. If you press f10 and 
nothing happens you likely have your function keys switched to work with 
software functions. If this is the case, use the fn key and then f10. The fn 
key on the bluetooth keyboard or Macbook keyboard is the key in the lower left 
corner. On the full-size USB Mac keyboard it is in the six pack of keys above 
the cursor keys and is where the insert key would be on a PC  keyboard.
On Oct 29, 2010, at 3:15 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> There is a button. just press fn plus f10. works for me but not for everyone 
> who does that. and i don't know why.
> Take care.
> S
> On Oct 28, 2010, at 11:14 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>> I know if you have a macbook, I think you can use f12 to turn the volume 
>> back up!  But, I think I know what your saying, a button for muting and 
>> unmuting.  My dell used to have a button that did this at the top of the 
>> laptop by the on button.  Perhaps mac will consider this in the future. 
>> Heather 
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VirusBarrier X6

2010-10-29 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, folk,

how accessible is this software? If not this one, is there another comparable 
one that's accessible?


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Re: Pro Tools M Power

2010-10-29 Thread Goldfinga Productions
Its all the same. the hd, le, and m-powered versions all work the same with VO.


On Oct 29, 2010, at 3:46 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:

> Hi there,
> I am aware that the most recent version of Pro Tools is accessible now. Is 
> that only the version of Pro Tools that works with Digidesign hardware, or 
> will the M Power version of Pro Tools work just as well from an accessibility 
> standpoint?
> Thanks,
> Joshua
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Re: trouble with loops in garageband 11

2010-10-29 Thread Goldfinga Productions
I think it adds another track each time you paste a loop in though.
I will have to do more testing. I think a new track is made for every different 


On Oct 29, 2010, at 3:35 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi,
> Not in the new Garageband 11, just copy the loop from the browser and then 
> stop interacting with the loop browser and go to the layout area. Now, 
> interact with the timeline and select where in your song the loop should go, 
> then paste and voila, there's the loop.
> /Krister
> 29 okt 2010 kl. 21.26 skrev Daniel Rowe:
>> Good idea, but you can't insert them that way unfortunately. It can only be 
>> done by drag and drop as far as I'm aware.
>> Dannie
>> On 29 Oct 2010, at 18:31, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> Have you tried cutting and pasting the loop from the loop browser instead?
>>> On 29 Oct 2010, at 18:27, Daniel Rowe wrote:
 HI all.
 I got my copy of iLife 11 today and have just been playing around with 
 garageband..  Apple have done a wonderful job improving accessibility and 
 it's now a lot more intuitive to get around.
 VO telling you the bar and beet you're on as well is priceless.
 However I can't seem to get loops to be added  where I want them to be, so 
 I'll  outline the steps I took in case I'm doing something wrong.
 I position the play head where I want a   loop to be inserted using the 
 arrow keys, e.g. bar 1 beet one..
 I then find the loop I want in the browser, using cmd+shift+L to audition 
 them (I believe this is a new shortcut key).
 Then I turn off cursor tracking, make sure the mouse  pointer is also on 
 the loop then do the mouse down command.  I then locate the  timeline, 
 move the mouse to it then release the mouse button.
 The loop gets inserted but in a random place - the  last time I tried it 
 ended up at the beginning of bar 7.
 Does anyone know why it's doing this?
 Thanks in advance.
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Re: MoveAddict on sale today at MacUpdate Promo (cut and paste files in Finder)

2010-10-29 Thread Jenny Wood
Thanks for this!  Just purchased my own copy!  I can't wait to try it out. 


On Oct 29, 2010, at 10:30 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi,
> Just wanted to mention that the Snow Leopard app, moveAddict, that lets you 
> cut and paste, and also merge files instead of replacing them, is on sale 
> today (i.e., for the next 13 hours) for $4.99 at:
> All you recent Windows switchers who have been wanting to cut and paste 
> files, moveAddict will let you do this on a Mac.  If this is your first time 
> using the MacUpdate Promo site, you'll need to do a (one-time) account 
> creation that involves negotiating a CAPTCHA.  You can use the services of 
> Solona to do this:
> HTH. Cheers,
> Esther
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Re: trouble with loops in garageband 11

2010-10-29 Thread Goldfinga Productions
what I do is while I am browsing loops, I copy the one I am currently on if I 
like it with command c. Then, I just press command v right where I am in the 
song. If you press play you will hear where you are in the song, and where ever 
you press command v, that's where the loop will drop.
You can use left and right arrows to get to where you want in the song, then 
just paste away.
I will try this other way though.


On Oct 29, 2010, at 3:26 PM, Daniel Rowe wrote:

> Good idea, but you can't insert them that way unfortunately. It can only be 
> done by drag and drop as far as I'm aware.
> Dannie
> On 29 Oct 2010, at 18:31, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Have you tried cutting and pasting the loop from the loop browser instead?
>> On 29 Oct 2010, at 18:27, Daniel Rowe wrote:
>>> HI all.
>>> I got my copy of iLife 11 today and have just been playing around with 
>>> garageband..  Apple have done a wonderful job improving accessibility and 
>>> it's now a lot more intuitive to get around.
>>> VO telling you the bar and beet you're on as well is priceless.
>>> However I can't seem to get loops to be added  where I want them to be, so 
>>> I'll  outline the steps I took in case I'm doing something wrong.
>>> I position the play head where I want a   loop to be inserted using the 
>>> arrow keys, e.g. bar 1 beet one..
>>> I then find the loop I want in the browser, using cmd+shift+L to audition 
>>> them (I believe this is a new shortcut key).
>>> Then I turn off cursor tracking, make sure the mouse  pointer is also on 
>>> the loop then do the mouse down command.  I then locate the  timeline, move 
>>> the mouse to it then release the mouse button.
>>> The loop gets inserted but in a random place - the  last time I tried it 
>>> ended up at the beginning of bar 7.
>>> Does anyone know why it's doing this?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Dannie
>>> -- 
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Re: Pro Tools M Power

2010-10-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Nicre! I thought it was the le and hd versions but I'm happy to know that the 
empower version work just as well.

Take care.
On Oct 29, 2010, at 2:40 PM, Goldfinga Productions wrote:

> Its all the same. the hd, le, and m-powered versions all work the same with 
> VO.
> GF
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 3:46 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I am aware that the most recent version of Pro Tools is accessible now. Is 
>> that only the version of Pro Tools that works with Digidesign hardware, or 
>> will the M Power version of Pro Tools work just as well from an 
>> accessibility standpoint?
>> Thanks,
>> Joshua
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Re: quick garage band question

2010-10-29 Thread Goldfinga Productions
go to the start of the edit you want to make, and press command t, then that 
will split the point there. Then go to the end of the place you want to cut and 
press the same thing, command t and it will split again, you will than have 2 
extra regions. Delete those extra regions.


On Oct 28, 2010, at 8:18 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> I was wondering if you guys no how to select parts of a track?  For example, 
> I want to delete or mute the 3rd and 4th beats in the 16th bar of my drum 
> track right before the hook.  How would I select beat 3 and 4 in the 16th bar?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Oct 28, 2010, at 7:37 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> This is where I am stuck too, I just can't seem to edit notes in the editor 
>> or even see them.
>> On 28 Oct 2010, at 12:33, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> Has anyone figured out if it's possible to work with flextime and/or groove 
>>> matching as of yet? Another thing, can you use the editor?
>>> q #3, i want to learn GB but no help is available, does anyone know if you 
>>> can get help online somewhere?
>>> /Krister
>>> 28 okt 2010 kl. 12.19 skrev Ricardo Walker:
 Yeah it was quicker in the previous version.  You could just type in the 
 tempo you wanted.  Now VO left/right arrow move the tempo in increments of 
 10.  Then you can press VO shift left/right arrow to move by increments of 
 1 when you get close to the value you wanted.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Oct 28, 2010, at 3:29 AM, chad baker wrote:
> Hi do you guys know how to change the tempo manually in garage band?
> all i see is a slider.
> thanks
> -- 
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Re: quick garage band question

2010-10-29 Thread Goldfinga Productions
that part is not accessible yet.


On Oct 28, 2010, at 7:37 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> This is where I am stuck too, I just can't seem to edit notes in the editor 
> or even see them.
> On 28 Oct 2010, at 12:33, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Has anyone figured out if it's possible to work with flextime and/or groove 
>> matching as of yet? Another thing, can you use the editor?
>> q #3, i want to learn GB but no help is available, does anyone know if you 
>> can get help online somewhere?
>> /Krister
>> 28 okt 2010 kl. 12.19 skrev Ricardo Walker:
>>> Hi,
>>> Yeah it was quicker in the previous version.  You could just type in the 
>>> tempo you wanted.  Now VO left/right arrow move the tempo in increments of 
>>> 10.  Then you can press VO shift left/right arrow to move by increments of 
>>> 1 when you get close to the value you wanted.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Oct 28, 2010, at 3:29 AM, chad baker wrote:
 Hi do you guys know how to change the tempo manually in garage band?
 all i see is a slider.
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Re: quick garage band question

2010-10-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

Worked like a charm.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Oct 29, 2010, at 6:03 PM, Goldfinga Productions wrote:

> go to the start of the edit you want to make, and press command t, then that 
> will split the point there. Then go to the end of the place you want to cut 
> and press the same thing, command t and it will split again, you will than 
> have 2 extra regions. Delete those extra regions.
> GF
> On Oct 28, 2010, at 8:18 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> I was wondering if you guys no how to select parts of a track?  For example, 
>> I want to delete or mute the 3rd and 4th beats in the 16th bar of my drum 
>> track right before the hook.  How would I select beat 3 and 4 in the 16th 
>> bar?
>> TIA
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Oct 28, 2010, at 7:37 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> This is where I am stuck too, I just can't seem to edit notes in the editor 
>>> or even see them.
>>> On 28 Oct 2010, at 12:33, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
 Has anyone figured out if it's possible to work with flextime and/or 
 groove matching as of yet? Another thing, can you use the editor?
 q #3, i want to learn GB but no help is available, does anyone know if you 
 can get help online somewhere?
 28 okt 2010 kl. 12.19 skrev Ricardo Walker:
> Hi,
> Yeah it was quicker in the previous version.  You could just type in the 
> tempo you wanted.  Now VO left/right arrow move the tempo in increments 
> of 10.  Then you can press VO shift left/right arrow to move by 
> increments of 1 when you get close to the value you wanted.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Oct 28, 2010, at 3:29 AM, chad baker wrote:
>> Hi do you guys know how to change the tempo manually in garage band?
>> all i see is a slider.
>> thanks
>> -- 
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Re: quick garage band question

2010-10-29 Thread Goldfinga Productions
You're welcome, and sorry for that play on your name a while ago.

Glad I could help.


On Oct 29, 2010, at 6:25 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Thanks.
> Worked like a charm.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 6:03 PM, Goldfinga Productions wrote:
>> go to the start of the edit you want to make, and press command t, then that 
>> will split the point there. Then go to the end of the place you want to cut 
>> and press the same thing, command t and it will split again, you will than 
>> have 2 extra regions. Delete those extra regions.
>> GF
>> On Oct 28, 2010, at 8:18 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> I was wondering if you guys no how to select parts of a track?  For 
>>> example, I want to delete or mute the 3rd and 4th beats in the 16th bar of 
>>> my drum track right before the hook.  How would I select beat 3 and 4 in 
>>> the 16th bar?
>>> TIA
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Oct 28, 2010, at 7:37 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
 This is where I am stuck too, I just can't seem to edit notes in the 
 editor or even see them.
 On 28 Oct 2010, at 12:33, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Has anyone figured out if it's possible to work with flextime and/or 
> groove matching as of yet? Another thing, can you use the editor?
> q #3, i want to learn GB but no help is available, does anyone know if 
> you can get help online somewhere?
> /Krister
> 28 okt 2010 kl. 12.19 skrev Ricardo Walker:
>> Hi,
>> Yeah it was quicker in the previous version.  You could just type in the 
>> tempo you wanted.  Now VO left/right arrow move the tempo in increments 
>> of 10.  Then you can press VO shift left/right arrow to move by 
>> increments of 1 when you get close to the value you wanted.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Oct 28, 2010, at 3:29 AM, chad baker wrote:
>>> Hi do you guys know how to change the tempo manually in garage band?
>>> all i see is a slider.
>>> thanks
>>> -- 
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Re: quick garage band question

2010-10-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

No problem.  One more thing.  I've been trying to join regions with command J.  
Problem is, I'm not able to select individual regions.  I tried using VO 
command spacebar for non continuous selections but, no dice.  Have you tried 
this?  If so, have you had any success?


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Oct 29, 2010, at 6:35 PM, Goldfinga Productions wrote:

> You're welcome, and sorry for that play on your name a while ago.
> Glad I could help.
> GF
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 6:25 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Thanks.
>> Worked like a charm.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Oct 29, 2010, at 6:03 PM, Goldfinga Productions wrote:
>>> go to the start of the edit you want to make, and press command t, then 
>>> that will split the point there. Then go to the end of the place you want 
>>> to cut and press the same thing, command t and it will split again, you 
>>> will than have 2 extra regions. Delete those extra regions.
>>> GF
>>> On Oct 28, 2010, at 8:18 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 I was wondering if you guys no how to select parts of a track?  For 
 example, I want to delete or mute the 3rd and 4th beats in the 16th bar of 
 my drum track right before the hook.  How would I select beat 3 and 4 in 
 the 16th bar?
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Oct 28, 2010, at 7:37 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
> This is where I am stuck too, I just can't seem to edit notes in the 
> editor or even see them.
> On 28 Oct 2010, at 12:33, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Has anyone figured out if it's possible to work with flextime and/or 
>> groove matching as of yet? Another thing, can you use the editor?
>> q #3, i want to learn GB but no help is available, does anyone know if 
>> you can get help online somewhere?
>> /Krister
>> 28 okt 2010 kl. 12.19 skrev Ricardo Walker:
>>> Hi,
>>> Yeah it was quicker in the previous version.  You could just type in 
>>> the tempo you wanted.  Now VO left/right arrow move the tempo in 
>>> increments of 10.  Then you can press VO shift left/right arrow to move 
>>> by increments of 1 when you get close to the value you wanted.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Oct 28, 2010, at 3:29 AM, chad baker wrote:
 Hi do you guys know how to change the tempo manually in garage band?
 all i see is a slider.
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Re: Pro Tools M Power

2010-10-29 Thread Joshua Loya
Sweet! Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 29, 2010, at 2:40 PM, Goldfinga Productions  wrote:

> Its all the same. the hd, le, and m-powered versions all work the same with 
> VO.
> GF
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 3:46 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I am aware that the most recent version of Pro Tools is accessible now. Is 
>> that only the version of Pro Tools that works with Digidesign hardware, or 
>> will the M Power version of Pro Tools work just as well from an 
>> accessibility standpoint?
>> Thanks,
>> Joshua
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I think I made a mess.

2010-10-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ok I converted my podcasts to HEAAC  and they converted successfully but now 
those copies won't show up in the podcasts section. they show up in the music 
column under podcasts but what shall I do now?


Sarah Alawami

face book:
Mobile site for podcast:

The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live. 

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Re: Microsoft Office 2011 period

2010-10-29 Thread Ryan Mann
Are you sure that was the correct link for the file?  I tried it 
and got a 404 error.

On Oct 26, 2010, at 7:54 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:

> Am I writing to a puzzle freak?  Because if you really enjoy puzzles I'll 
> make a couple suggestions which will enable you to stick a fork in that 
> counsellor.  The ruby scripting language is available for the mac probably in 
> the development tree.  I installed the development tree but the mac isn't 
> plugged up now so will have to go check this out later.  The documentation in 
> html form for ruby is at and it's a scripting language.  
> So if you can write bash scripts you can learn to write ruby scripts.  
> Additionally, has a bunch of ruby 
> books in it you can read through and learn from.  ruby is in demand these 
> days. Another web site has people on it that offer 
> programming work and bid on projects.  Many people from India on that site 
> you'll be bidding against, but for a while you'll need practice after picking 
> up the language so will do well to undercut your competition.  If you manage 
> to get a good reputation, then work and money will find you. At that time, 
> you may have enough money from doing the other work to enable further 
> technology exploration. On Tue, 26 Oct 2010, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Heather:  I share your prospective.  I just met with a rehab counsellor who 
>> insists that there's really no place for the Mac in the work world.  (she 
>> also insists that since I'm doing ok with my Mac, I don't need a braille 
>> display.  Guess that's what I get for trying topfunction and be a part of a 
>> new solution.:)
>> This counsellor actually suggested I might want to move somewhere where they 
>> have the money and clientele to afford to keep up with the new technologies.
>> She also basically said no one is going to pay me to do this kind of 
>> exploration of helping discover and working toward of improvement of 
>> alternative technologies.  So, I feel more and more like it's mac-vs-pc, and 
>> conform to the old ways, or you're on your own.  Sorry for venting. Thanks 
>> for reading.
>> Carolyn Haas
>> On Oct 26, 2010, at 3:12 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>>> Bill is responsible for that robot they call narrator and he claims windows 
>>> is accessible.  While our friends at Apple, actually have a real 
>>> screenreader built in to their system.  So, Bill is not doing anyone any 
>>> favors by making us, windows users,  go out an by screenreaders worth more 
>>> than their pc computers.  I want to put a blind fold over his eyes and make 
>>> him use his own computer with just narrator, I am sure he would not get 
>>> very far!  Also, anyone who has to use word 2010 with jaws, has to by 
>>> another msa or their job has too.  And the mac users with voiceover, cant 
>>> use it at all. So he is an easy target.  Otherwise, he would have wised up 
>>> a long time ago and had his own built in speech for windows but, he just 
>>> does not care.  I am starting to use open office and pages more and the 
>>> msword does not matter that much anymore.  Heather
>>> --
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Ryan Mann
Follow me on Facebook.

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Re: Convert video files on the mac

2010-10-29 Thread Eric Oyen
up until recently I used handbrake (with the FFX options installed). I haven't 
used it since my complete visual loss. but it can convert from one format to 
another (for most formats).

you can also try ffmpegx, but finding the libraries are a bit of a PITA.


On Oct 29, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:

> Hi
> I am wondering if there is a program that I can use to convert a folder or 
> multiple files at once
> I am looking to convert avi and wmv to either mp3 or ogg or wma
> thanks I hope I can find something soon
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Re: VirusBarrier X6

2010-10-29 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi teresa,

This one is very accessible. A few unlabelled buttons which don't go in the way 
of it's features. Very complete in terms of options and customizability and 
best of all, it works really well.

I haven't had an instance of a virus, but the other settings such as firewall, 
anti-vandal, anti-trojan, anti-malware or spyware and many other help a lot in 
understanding the vulnerabilities you might have left open to the net while 
giving you simple choices for preset configurations if you aren't the type to 
check everything they have.

It also scans your other mac devices for all the above which is pretty cool, as 
well as dual mode scans for dual boot macs.

These guys have been around for a while and i be;believe they are trustworthy

Hope this helps 

Best regards

Yuma DX®

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Re: Info on some keyboard commands using the Apple Bluetooth keyboard with my iPhone 4 running ios 4.1

2010-10-29 Thread Esther

Hi Kevin,

I'll cc this to the macvisionaries list, since this is a long answer that may 
be of interest to others who don't subscribe to the viphone list due to the 
high traffic volume. To briefly summarize, you asked about using the keyboard 
to select and copy portions of text, and you also asked about how to type 
accented French characters into a text document on your iPhone using an Apple 
Wireless Keyboard for your French class writing assignments. 

In text documents you can use the Apple Wireless (or other Bluetooth) keyboard to move by 
character, word, line, etc. and if you hold down the Shift key in combination with these movement 
key shortcuts you will select the character(s), word(s), or line(s) at the same time. Then you can 
copy your selection with Command+C and paste the selection with Command+V.  So, for example I could 
move down to the middle of a text document by pressing my down arrow until I reached the section I 
wanted, and then I could move forward word by word by holding down the Option/Alt key and tapping 
the right arrow key (or backwards by tapping the left arrow key if I went too far).  Now, if I 
wanted to select a portion of this text, I could hold down the Shift key and then press 
Option+Right arrow to select the next word.  If I want to select more words, characters, or lines, 
I continue to hold down my Shift key and tap the movement key shortcuts.  So, for example, if I 
wanted to select three words from my starting point, I would hold down the Shift and Option keys 
and tap the Right arrow key three times.  If I wanted to extend this by adding a few characters to 
the end of my selection, I would continue to hold down the Shift key, but then tap my right arrow 
key -- possibly moving back by tapping my left arrow key to remove selected text if I went too far 
Then when I'm done with selecting text, I'll release the Shift key, and press Command+C to copy.  
If I want to paste the text into the Notes app or my Simplenote app, I'll press VO-H twice (e.g. 
hold down Control+Option and tap the "H" key twice) to move to the App Switcher and then 
navigate to my selected app with VO+Right arrow or Left arrow, and VO+Space to switch to that app.  
Then I'll paste with Command+V.  For more details, see the archived post, "Selecting and 
Navigating in Note texts on iDevices with the Apple Keyboards and Simplenote App":

The main issue and, I suspect, the reason that no one answered your initial 
question, is that you asked about copying text from content displayed within 
another app -- not a text file and not editable content.  I don't think you can 
do that with VoiceOver under keyboard control yet.  You can't simply use your 
keyboard to move to the title of a song that is playing in a radio app and 
start selecting and copying bits of the title and artist strings with VoiceOver 
keyboard shortcuts.  At least, I don't know how to do this under iOS 4.1, and I 
suspect that it's not supported.  Under iOS 4.1 on the iPod Touch, I can't even 
selectively copy web page text with the keyboard in Safari.  The best I can do 
(not using the keyboard), is touch the screen and manage to copy the whole 
selected page, then edit it in some text editing app.

As for typing French accented characters using the keyboard for text entry on 
your iPhone and using an app like the default Notes app (or I use the free 
Simplenote app from Codality, since I can then easily sync contents with my 
computer and with my other iDevices), you can either switch to a French 
language input keyboard or type accented characters and special symbols using 
keyboard shortcut combinations that involved holding down the Option key.  This 
is described in several posts on the macvisionaries list, but I'll paste in a 
quick summary here of Option key combinations to type accented characters with 
a subset excerpted from the Mac list posts:

acute accent - Option-e
grave accent - Option-accent sign (on an Engish input keyboard, this
is the leftmost key below escape and above tab)
circumflex accent - Option-i
diaeresis - Option-u
tilde - Option-n

The above group of keys are "dead keys".  You need to type the accented letter
after the Option+letter combination, so to type an "e" with an acute
accent you press the Option+e keys, release, and then type the letter
"e". If you press "Return" without typing a letter, you simply get
the accent mark.

Other accents that are closely associated with particular letters are
not "dead keys"; pressing the two key combination generates the special

German eszett or sharp ess - Option-s
Nordic slashed o - Option-o
C with cedilla - Option-c
"oe ligature" - Option-q

For punctuation, you can also use the keyboard shortcuts (for the inverted 
exclamation and question mark of Spanish, and for specialized quotation marks):
¡   inverted exclamation mark   Option+1
¿   inverted question mark  O

Re: Spreadsheet Problem

2010-10-29 Thread Jude DaShiell
Can't tell you any of that, but I may be able to help you stop the 
crashing.  Check in openoffice calc settings and see if automatic 
calculation is turned on and if so, turn it off.  Then try opening that 
spreadsheet and moving between columns.On Fri, 29 Oct 2010, David Taylor 

Hi all,

Up till now, I've been really happy with Open Office Calc, but I've come across 
a rather large spreadsheet that I would like to be able to use, which 
completely crashes it every time I change columns! I was hoping not to have to 
splash out on iWork, so can anybody tell me if they are aware of sheets that 
Calc can't read, and if Tables would be enough, or if I really will need iWork?


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move adict promo

2010-10-29 Thread Mary Otten
Hi all,

I'm curious if anybody here purchased the move addict 2.2 at the macupdate 
site. I managed to purchase it, but the download link doesn't work. Maybe 
they've had too much demand and the server couldn't take it. Here's hoping it 
is fixed tomorrow. Just wondering if anybody else was successful in actually 
downloading the trial, in to which I presume you enter your serial number to 
register it and make it a full application. I tried googling for the app but it 
sent me to the same place where I got the server error. I'm looking forward to 
getting familiar functionality from Windows on the mac side.


Mary Otten

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Re: move adict promo

2010-10-29 Thread GEOFF WAALER
Well I googled a download link but it's of marginal utility since the license 
won't be available for 24 hours.

The disk image contains an accessibility folder which ironically points out 
that the app is inaccessible unless you also copy the prefferences application. 
 I assume this isn't a huge show stopper, but have the impression that it won't 
be possible to play with it until MacUpdate makes my reg number available.

Best regards.

On Oct 29, 2010, at 10:22 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm curious if anybody here purchased the move addict 2.2 at the macupdate 
> site. I managed to purchase it, but the download link doesn't work. Maybe 
> they've had too much demand and the server couldn't take it. Here's hoping it 
> is fixed tomorrow. Just wondering if anybody else was successful in actually 
> downloading the trial, in to which I presume you enter your serial number to 
> register it and make it a full application. I tried googling for the app but 
> it sent me to the same place where I got the server error. I'm looking 
> forward to getting familiar functionality from Windows on the mac side.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: move adict promo

2010-10-29 Thread Mary Otten

Thanks, Geoff and Jenny. Not sure what you mean about copying the preferences 
application, Geoff, but I guess I'll find out when I check out the files. I 
wonder if this is one of those menus that you can't see with the keyboard but 
can if you fiddle with the magic trackpad.


Mary Otten

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Re: VirusBarrier X6

2010-10-29 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks, Yuma. I'll definitely be considering this one, then.

On Oct 29, 2010, at 5:35 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Hi teresa,
> This one is very accessible. A few unlabelled buttons which don't go in the 
> way of it's features. Very complete in terms of options and customizability 
> and best of all, it works really well.
> I haven't had an instance of a virus, but the other settings such as 
> firewall, anti-vandal, anti-trojan, anti-malware or spyware and many other 
> help a lot in understanding the vulnerabilities you might have left open to 
> the net while giving you simple choices for preset configurations if you 
> aren't the type to check everything they have.
> It also scans your other mac devices for all the above which is pretty cool, 
> as well as dual mode scans for dual boot macs.
> These guys have been around for a while and i be;believe they are trustworthy
> Hope this helps 
> Best regards
> Yuma DX®
> -- 
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Re: move adict promo

2010-10-29 Thread Justin Ekis
Hi Jeff,

The program will run as a demo until you get your code. If I understand 
correctly, you can only move a single item at a time in demo mode. I don't know 
if this means that you couldn't copy a folder with multiple files in it.

As for the inaccessibility of the preference menu, this is not a showstopper. 
The developer has created a separate application for Voice Over users to launch 
the same preferences window. Just copy both applications into the applications 
folder and you'll be good to go. Hope this helps.


On Oct 29, 2010, at 8:33 PM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:

Well I googled a download link but it's of marginal utility since the license 
won't be available for 24 hours.

The disk image contains an accessibility folder which ironically points out 
that the app is inaccessible unless you also copy the prefferences application. 
 I assume this isn't a huge show stopper, but have the impression that it won't 
be possible to play with it until MacUpdate makes my reg number available.

Best regards.

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Re: VirusBarrier X6

2010-10-29 Thread Ray Foret Jr
The question I have is this.  Since we're using Macs, do we really need anti 
virus of any sourt?  I've never felt the need of it, but, I would like to hear 
other views on this matter and why.


The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Oct 29, 2010, at 10:50 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Thanks, Yuma. I'll definitely be considering this one, then.
> Teresa
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 5:35 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Hi teresa,
>> This one is very accessible. A few unlabelled buttons which don't go in the 
>> way of it's features. Very complete in terms of options and customizability 
>> and best of all, it works really well.
>> I haven't had an instance of a virus, but the other settings such as 
>> firewall, anti-vandal, anti-trojan, anti-malware or spyware and many other 
>> help a lot in understanding the vulnerabilities you might have left open to 
>> the net while giving you simple choices for preset configurations if you 
>> aren't the type to check everything they have.
>> It also scans your other mac devices for all the above which is pretty cool, 
>> as well as dual mode scans for dual boot macs.
>> These guys have been around for a while and i be;believe they are trustworthy
>> Hope this helps 
>> Best regards
>> Yuma DX®
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Re: VirusBarrier X6

2010-10-29 Thread Joshua Loya
No computer is imune. Macs are certainly less prone to getting viruses than 
Windows machines, but there are a few Mac viruses out there.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ray Foret Jr" 

Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: VirusBarrier X6

The question I have is this.  Since we're using Macs, do we really need anti 
virus of any sourt?  I've never felt the need of it, but, I would like to 
hear other views on this matter and why.


The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Oct 29, 2010, at 10:50 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

Thanks, Yuma. I'll definitely be considering this one, then.

On Oct 29, 2010, at 5:35 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

Hi teresa,

This one is very accessible. A few unlabelled buttons which don't go in 
the way of it's features. Very complete in terms of options and 
customizability and best of all, it works really well.

I haven't had an instance of a virus, but the other settings such as 
firewall, anti-vandal, anti-trojan, anti-malware or spyware and many 
other help a lot in understanding the vulnerabilities you might have left 
open to the net while giving you simple choices for preset configurations 
if you aren't the type to check everything they have.

It also scans your other mac devices for all the above which is pretty 
cool, as well as dual mode scans for dual boot macs.

These guys have been around for a while and i be;believe they are 

Hope this helps

Best regards

Yuma DX®

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Re: VirusBarrier X6

2010-10-29 Thread Yuma Decaux
There have been trojan alerts lately, as well as iphone exploits. I have also 
previously found some viruses on mac due to dual booting.

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On the wild side: New iPhone App Features Wolf Howls, World's Largest Free Collection of Endangered Animal Ringtones

2010-10-29 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

This might raise some hairs.  Wolf howls as ring tones?  Not your average 
predatory staff meeting signal.  Well, it's Halloween and all that.

See below my signature.

Cheree Heppe

View the page here:

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using the magic trackpad with vo off

2010-10-29 Thread Mary Otten
Hello all,
I recently saw a thread talking about a way to access the menus you can't reach 
with voiceover, such as the drop box menu. The method described talked about 
using the trackpad with the commander off. I just tried that, turned trackpad 
commander off and ran my finger around on the pad. I hear nothing. Not anything 
at all unless I happen to tap on some place and get lucky and an open app gets 
focus. But running my finger across the top of the pad, as was suggested by the 
person who said this worked for her to access things in the menu bar, including 
the otherwise inaccessible icons, gives me no speech at all. Is there something 
in the track pad preferences that needs to be set in a certain way to enable 
one to do this?

Mary Otten

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Re: On the wild side: New iPhone App Features Wolf Howls, World's Largest Free Collection of Endangered Animal Ringtones

2010-10-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh wiow That sounds neat. Thanks for this. 


On Oct 29, 2010, at 22:07, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:

> Cheree Heppe here:
> This might raise some hairs.  Wolf howls as ring tones?  Not your average 
> predatory staff meeting signal.  Well, it's Halloween and all that.
> See below my signature.
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> View the page here: 
> -- 
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Re: using the magic trackpad with vo off

2010-10-29 Thread Justin Ekis
Hi Mary,

You don't hear anything automatically with this method. You first lock the VO 
keys with VO semicolon. As you are moving your finger along the trackpad, 
occasionally press f5 to have voiceover announce what is under the mouse. 

Also, if you are trying to use this method to find a particular icon in the 
status menus, be sure to press ctrl f8 to get to the menu, then press vo shift 
f5 to take the mouse there. By doing this first you ensure that you are moving 
the mouse over the icons as you intended.

Hope this helps.


On Oct 29, 2010, at 10:31 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

Hello all,
I recently saw a thread talking about a way to access the menus you can't reach 
with voiceover, such as the drop box menu. The method described talked about 
using the trackpad with the commander off. I just tried that, turned trackpad 
commander off and ran my finger around on the pad. I hear nothing. Not anything 
at all unless I happen to tap on some place and get lucky and an open app gets 
focus. But running my finger across the top of the pad, as was suggested by the 
person who said this worked for her to access things in the menu bar, including 
the otherwise inaccessible icons, gives me no speech at all. Is there something 
in the track pad preferences that needs to be set in a certain way to enable 
one to do this?

Mary Otten

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Re: VirusBarrier X6

2010-10-29 Thread Teresa Cochran
Yes, I found out today about a trojan that's making the social networking 
rounds, and I do use some quizzes on Facebook. The price of VirusBarrier is a 
tad on the steep side for my budget, but probably cheaper than infecting my and 
others' machines. This particular trojan is cross-platform, too, even on Linux. 
I apologize; don't remember what it's called. My guess is that it could be the 
start of a trend, hopefully a small one.

On Oct 29, 2010, at 9:52 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> There have been trojan alerts lately, as well as iphone exploits. I have also 
> previously found some viruses on mac due to dual booting.
> -- 
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Re: On the wild side: New iPhone App Features Wolf Howls, World's Largest Free Collection of Endangered Animal Ringtones

2010-10-29 Thread Joshua Loya
Thanks for the tip. Just downloaded the ap.

On Oct 29, 2010, at 10:42 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Oh wiow That sounds neat. Thanks for this. 
> S
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 22:07, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> This might raise some hairs.  Wolf howls as ring tones?  Not your average 
>> predatory staff meeting signal.  Well, it's Halloween and all that.
>> See below my signature.
>> Regards,
>> Cheree Heppe
>> View the page here: 
>> -- 
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Re: On the wild side: New iPhone App Features Wolf Howls, World's Largest Free Collection of Endangered Animal Ringtones

2010-10-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah I'll probably get to it once I redownload about 138 podcasts. don't ask. 
lol! that app sounds very interesting and I'm one for knowing what things sound 

On Oct 29, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:

> Thanks for the tip. Just downloaded the ap.
> -Joshua
> On Oct 29, 2010, at 10:42 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Oh wiow That sounds neat. Thanks for this. 
>> S
>> On Oct 29, 2010, at 22:07, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> This might raise some hairs.  Wolf howls as ring tones?  Not your average 
>>> predatory staff meeting signal.  Well, it's Halloween and all that.
>>> See below my signature.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> View the page here: 
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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