Visual Voiceover On-off Switch?

2010-08-18 Thread Teresa Cochran
Is there a visual way to turn Voiceover on and off? I'll probably show my 
sighted husband how to use the keyboard, but I'm just curious. I notice that 
the Voiceover option is dimmed in the Universal Access menu.


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Re: the cat and cd commands

2010-08-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hmm when I tab after typing some of the path I get a ding. I'll keep trying.
Sarah Alawami


On Aug 17, 2010, at 11:26 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> Hi Sarah,
> First of all, if you are in your home directory you need to take the leading 
> / off the path.  / is the root directory and I don't think that's where you 
> have your Pictures folder.
>  There are a couple of  ways to get there:
> cd Pictures/"iphone pics"
> cd Pictures/iphone\ pics
> The best way is to use tab completion.  When working with files and 
> directories on the command line, tab completion is your friend.  Just type 
> enough of the letters of the path and hit tab.  You may have to repeat it 
> several times for a long path.Also, remember that it is case sensitive.  
> the ~/Pictures starts with a capital p.
> Strictly speaking, unix is case sensitive.  The file system that OS10 uses 
> isn't, but the tab complete is.  
> The command line has it's quarks and just takes a little practice.  I think 
> it is worth it though.
> Hope that helps.
> On Aug 17, 2010, at 11:31 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello. 'm truing to join to vids together with the cat command but my folder 
>> name has spaces in it and no matter what i do I can't get the cd command to 
>> change to the folder. I tried quotes and stuff. I even tried  renaming the 
>> folder and could not get there This is what I typed.
>> cd /pictures/iphone pics
>> and it could not find the directory.
>> I typed then
>> cd /pictures/iphone_pics 
>> with and with out quotes and it didn't; find it either.
>> what should I do here? I'm still learning this stuff.
>> S
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Re: the cat and cd commands

2010-08-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ok got the tab command to work. now to get the cat command to work.  The file 
names have spaces in them so I assume I surround them with quotes?

Sarah Alawami


On Aug 17, 2010, at 11:26 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> Hi Sarah,
> First of all, if you are in your home directory you need to take the leading 
> / off the path.  / is the root directory and I don't think that's where you 
> have your Pictures folder.
>  There are a couple of  ways to get there:
> cd Pictures/"iphone pics"
> cd Pictures/iphone\ pics
> The best way is to use tab completion.  When working with files and 
> directories on the command line, tab completion is your friend.  Just type 
> enough of the letters of the path and hit tab.  You may have to repeat it 
> several times for a long path.Also, remember that it is case sensitive.  
> the ~/Pictures starts with a capital p.
> Strictly speaking, unix is case sensitive.  The file system that OS10 uses 
> isn't, but the tab complete is.  
> The command line has it's quarks and just takes a little practice.  I think 
> it is worth it though.
> Hope that helps.
> On Aug 17, 2010, at 11:31 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello. 'm truing to join to vids together with the cat command but my folder 
>> name has spaces in it and no matter what i do I can't get the cd command to 
>> change to the folder. I tried quotes and stuff. I even tried  renaming the 
>> folder and could not get there This is what I typed.
>> cd /pictures/iphone pics
>> and it could not find the directory.
>> I typed then
>> cd /pictures/iphone_pics 
>> with and with out quotes and it didn't; find it either.
>> what should I do here? I'm still learning this stuff.
>> S
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Re: Visual Voiceover On-off Switch?

2010-08-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. Set up vo so it will turn off trip click to turn it on and off if on an 

If on a mac it is cmd f5.

Take care.

Sarah Alawami


On Aug 18, 2010, at 12:23 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Is there a visual way to turn Voiceover on and off? I'll probably show my 
> sighted husband how to use the keyboard, but I'm just curious. I notice that 
> the Voiceover option is dimmed in the Universal Access menu.
> Thanks,
> Teresa
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Re: the cat and cd commands

2010-08-18 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Can you rename it in finder?  Find the folder from finder, press  
Enter, and give it a name without spaces?

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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Re: the cat and cd commands

2010-08-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
I did. Now I can't get the cat command to work. it sits there with no output or 
Sarah Alawami


On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:07 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Can you rename it in finder?  Find the folder from finder, press Enter, and 
> give it a name without spaces?
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: Changing the order in which messages are displayed

2010-08-18 Thread Michael Busboom
Kevin, this is super; thanks!

This is a VO command that I had forgotten about.  It's beautiful!  When I went 
into the Keyboard Help mode, it was announced as a VO command.  I only wonder 
how many more hidden VO treasures I have either forgotten about or never even 
new existed.

Thanks so much for the tip.

Best regards,


On 15,Aug,2010, at 7:35 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

> When interacting with the message view in Mail, you can change the sorting by 
> press VO-Shift and |. (that's the vertical line or backslash key). Simply 
> move to the column you wish to sort by and press this key combo to sort up or 
> down.
> Kevin
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Re: Magic Jack/Force Quiting An Application

2010-08-18 Thread Michael Busboom
Linda, I constantly receive help from others on this list, so it's always great 
to be able to reciprocate.  I'm glad that my suggestions helped.

Best regards from Austria,


On 15,Aug,2010, at 7:56 PM, Linda Adams wrote:

> Mike,
> Thanks much.  Your preferred method is exactly what I needed because I don't 
> keep Magic Jack plugged into my Mac all the time.
> Much appreciated,
> Linda
> On Aug 15, 2010, at 1:26 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I use Magic Jack all the time to call family and friends in the States.  
>> While the ability to call for free is great (well, I did pay the annual fee) 
>> the program, in terms of friendliness leaves much to be desired.
>> I have found three ways to quit Magic Jack:
>> 1.  From almost anywhere, go to the Apple Menu by pressing Voice Over M.  
>> Arrow down until you get to the "Force Quit" option.  Click on that and then 
>> interact with the table that lists the programs that are currently running.  
>> When you get to the Magic Jack entry in the list, stop interacting with the 
>> table and VO Right until you get to the option that lets you force-quit the 
>> program.
>> 2.  If you don't want to navigate through the Apple menu to get to the 
>> "Force Quit Applications" option, type Command Option Escape from anywhere, 
>> and you will be put in the same program dialogue as in Number 1.  Proceed as 
>> described in 1.
>> 3.  My preferred way of quitting Magic Jack, since the Command Q never works 
>> is to go into Finder and from there, find the Magic Jack volume.  Once 
>> there, VO Shift M brings up a list of options, one of which is the command 
>> to eject Magic Jack.  Press Enter on this option, wait a couple of seconds, 
>> and then remove the Magic Jack plug from its USB port on your Mac.
>> I hope this helps just a little.
>> Mike
>> On 15,Aug,2010, at 6:51 PM, Linda Adams wrote:
>>> i appreciate your help but am not certain I understand your instructions.  
>>> After going to the dock and moving to the running application Magic Jack, 
>>> what is the next step?  I looked under the shortcut menu and didn't see a 
>>> force quit option.  I only found the command option escape under VO M > 
>>> Apple.
>>> On
>>> Thanks,
>>> Linda
>>> Aug 14, 2010, at 6:44 PM, Thomas wrote:
 Another way depending on where you dock is is to go into dock, find the 
 running application.  Arrow right, then VO arrow down to force quit 
 sometimes that works when the apple menu one doesn't.
 On Aug 7, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi Linda,
> Try force quitting the app.  You can find this in the Apple menu in the 
> menu bar or, press command option escape.
> hth
> On Aug 7, 2010, at 7:24 PM, Linda Adams wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I've been trying everything I could think of to access the log out 
>> screen for Magic Jack.  After pressing command Q, it comes up with a 
>> dialog and I have to select "yes" to completely close it.  I checked the 
>> menu but that only did the same as command Q.  I tried turning tracking 
>> off and that didn't help.  I tried the window chooser but there is only 
>> one window and I can't get to the yes button.
>> All suggestions welcomed.
>> Linda
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Re: Voiceover and Braille.

2010-08-18 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Jesse.

You can set up a command to mute the speech by going to VOiceOver move to the 
braille pane, choose the display tab, and go to  the assign keys, and from 
there you can add a new row by pressing add, then you will ad a new row, then 
select the speech mute from the menu, you will find that in the audio group, 
press space, and press command+b, then you will have 5 seconds to add the 
command you will like. If you have any further questions please write again.

Best regards Annie.


On Aug 18, 2010, at 6:58 AM, Jesse Bollinger wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I just wondered if there is a keystroke to mute VO's speech? When I am using 
> the braille display it gets kind of annoying to keep hearing wierd text as i 
> arrow around.
> Thanks,
> Jesse
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Re: safari troubles

2010-08-18 Thread Greg Aikens
What is the command to refresh the page? I have had this problem every once and 
a while too. 

Also, I ran into a page that kept crashing safari but I think it might have 
been a voice over thing. I could work with the webpage until I moved the voice 
over cursor across a couple of spots on the page. If I used the web router to 
avoid those spots, then it worked fine. 

On Aug 17, 2010, at 5:21 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Not for me. I just switched ot webkit as the crashes are few and farther 
> between.
> S
> On Aug 17, 2010, at 3:00 PM, Justin Kauflin wrote:
>> When you say you reset it, what do you mean.  Whenever I run into this, I 
>> just refresh the page, and everything goes back to normal.
>> On Aug 17, 2010, at 5:48 PM, chad baker wrote:
>>> Hi safari has been running good up until this morning.
>>> This is what happens i do a google search and i get the following welcome 
>>> to mac osx 10.
>>> I resetted it but no luck.
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Re: navigating a webpage by headers, pre-snow leopard

2010-08-18 Thread focus
Hi John!
I do not know if this is also of use or even available with leopard, I use cmd 
u for the router left\right arrow for links\form controls\web spots\headers 
Then up\down arrows or type letters to narrow selection!
hth Colin
Skype focus_66
On 18 Aug 2010, at 04:59, John D. Lipsey wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm volunteering at a highschool that uses macs.  However, they're running OS 
> 10.5.8, I think.
> Using Snow Leopard has spoiled me, because I love using quicknav.  Some 
> websites I use at work are more efficient to navigate via headers.  This is 
> easy as pie with quicknav, but I can't for the life of me figure out a 
> pre-quicknav command for moving to next and previous headers.  Help?
> -- 
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Re: navigating a webpage by headers, pre-snow leopard

2010-08-18 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, this feature did not exist pre snow leopard.  All it did back then was list 
the links.


Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
Visit and click podcasts to read more and 

On 2010-08-18, at 7:47 AM, focus wrote:

> Hi John!
> I do not know if this is also of use or even available with leopard, I use 
> cmd u for the router left\right arrow for links\form controls\web 
> spots\headers others.
> Then up\down arrows or type letters to narrow selection!
> hth Colin
> Skype focus_66
> On 18 Aug 2010, at 04:59, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm volunteering at a highschool that uses macs.  However, they're running 
>> OS 10.5.8, I think.
>> Using Snow Leopard has spoiled me, because I love using quicknav.  Some 
>> websites I use at work are more efficient to navigate via headers.  This is 
>> easy as pie with quicknav, but I can't for the life of me figure out a 
>> pre-quicknav command for moving to next and previous headers.  Help?
>> -- 
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Re: navigating a webpage by headers, pre-snow leopard

2010-08-18 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, Most of theis  worked on leopard.  The headings and controls did for sure 
but some of the others were sketchy.

By the way, what's the quick nav key for getting to headings?


Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
Visit and click podcasts to read more and 

On 2010-08-18, at 1:27 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> I have no idea if this works with Leopard, but I use control-option-command-H 
> to navigate headers.
> FYI, there's j for form fields, n for auto web spots, and l for links with 
> those same modifier keys, too.
> HTH, 
> Teresa
> On Aug 17, 2010, at 8:59 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm volunteering at a highschool that uses macs.  However, they're running 
>> OS 10.5.8, I think.
>> Using Snow Leopard has spoiled me, because I love using quicknav.  Some 
>> websites I use at work are more efficient to navigate via headers.  This is 
>> easy as pie with quicknav, but I can't for the life of me figure out a 
>> pre-quicknav command for moving to next and previous headers.  Help?
>> -- 
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Re: reading down a table column when on the web

2010-08-18 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi Mary,
you have to switch to group mode for most tables to read properly.


Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
Visit and click podcasts to read more and 

On 2010-08-17, at 8:32 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> This is probably easy and I'm overlooking something very obvious. I have not 
> been able to figure out how to read straight down a column within a table o 
> the web. If I interact with the table and arrow down, I would expect to be 
> able to go down the column I'm in. But whether with numpad or regular arrow 
> keys, that doesn't happen. I turned quick nav off and then moving the regular 
> arrows doesn't do anything, which, I suppose,  is what I suspected would 
> happen. Surely, there must be a way to do this.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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exporting music from itunes?

2010-08-18 Thread Donna Goodin
How does one go about doing this?  I've looked in the menu system, but don't 
see an option to do it.  I'm trying to export an m4a file as mp3, if that 

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Re: Skype users vo suggestions

2010-08-18 Thread Brandon Misch
one suggestion you could tell them is it would be good if we could read other 
people's status so we don't call people who aren't available or on do not 

On Aug 16, 2010, at 5:55 AM, focus wrote:

> Hi all!
> I've started to talk to Skype in regard to fix a couple of things for vo 
> users!
> I do not know how much [ if anything ] will get done.
> I'm suggesting that they make a better job of labelling buttons!
> So I thought I would ask you all if you have any other suggestions!!
> Colin
> Skype focus_66
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Re: Skype users vo suggestions

2010-08-18 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I would suggest, if we could get an answer button added to the call menu, so we 
would be able to create a hotkey for answering calls, and that again would make 
it possible to use a lot of wireless headsets.

Best regards Annie.
On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:01 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:

> one suggestion you could tell them is it would be good if we could read other 
> people's status so we don't call people who aren't available or on do not 
> disturb. 
> On Aug 16, 2010, at 5:55 AM, focus wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> I've started to talk to Skype in regard to fix a couple of things for vo 
>> users!
>> I do not know how much [ if anything ] will get done.
>> I'm suggesting that they make a better job of labelling buttons!
>> So I thought I would ask you all if you have any other suggestions!!
>> Colin
>> Skype focus_66
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ot playing m4a songs in Windows

2010-08-18 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

Wasn't sure where to take this question, since it involves both Mac and 
Windows, so thought I'd start here.

I am noticing that some of my m4a songs play just fine in Windows Media player, 
while others won't play at all.  Anyone know what might be going on?

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attention moderators, there are a lot of duplicate messages from the list

2010-08-18 Thread Donna Goodin
I'm seeing two and three copies of messages I send, and multiple copies from 
other members as well.

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Re: reading down a table column when on the web

2010-08-18 Thread Mary Otten
Yes, I am interacting with the table before trying to read down one of its 

Mary Otten

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Re: exporting music from itunes?

2010-08-18 Thread focus
Hi Donna!
I do not know if I'm barking up the wrong tree!
But if you are talking about moving an file to another place like a mobile, [ 
not Iphone ] I use usb and export from hd library, so if you can convert to mp3 
then find it in hd library you should be able to move it!
That's of course if I've got the right idea!
Or someone else has a better method!! :-]
Skype focus_66
On 18 Aug 2010, at 13:56, Donna Goodin wrote:

> How does one go about doing this?  I've looked in the menu system, but don't 
> see an option to do it.  I'm trying to export an m4a file as mp3, if that 
> matters.
> Donna
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Re: the cat and cd commands

2010-08-18 Thread Barry Hadder

Hit control-c to shut down the cat util.

It doesn't mater if a file name has spaces.  you can saround it with  quotes, 
escape the space with \, or use tab.  The tab completion applies at any time.

The cat command expects a file name, and if it doesn't have one in it's 
parameter list it just sits there.  Any time that happens, use control-c.

On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I did. Now I can't get the cat command to work. it sits there with no output 
> or errors
> Sarah Alawami
> MSN: 
> aim:
> website:
> youtube:
> Podcast:
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:07 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>> Can you rename it in finder?  Find the folder from finder, press Enter, and 
>> give it a name without spaces?
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
>> -- 
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Re: exporting music from itunes?

2010-08-18 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi coinl,

Nope, you're barking up just the right tree. *grin*  But what is hdlibrary, and 
how do you convert to MP3.  The latter is what I really need to do, the Android 
phone really doesn't seem to like my m4a content.
On Aug 18, 2010, at 11:51 AM, focus wrote:

> Hi Donna!
> I do not know if I'm barking up the wrong tree!
> But if you are talking about moving an file to another place like a mobile, [ 
> not Iphone ] I use usb and export from hd library, so if you can convert to 
> mp3 then find it in hd library you should be able to move it!
> That's of course if I've got the right idea!
> Or someone else has a better method!! :-]
> Colin
> Skype focus_66
> On 18 Aug 2010, at 13:56, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> How does one go about doing this?  I've looked in the menu system, but don't 
>> see an option to do it.  I'm trying to export an m4a file as mp3, if that 
>> matters.
>> Donna
>> -- 
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more on dpulicate messages

2010-08-18 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I think the problem was on my end.  I think my Mac woke up possessed this 
morning! :)  At first I was only seeing the duplicates on this list, so thought 
the problem was on the list end, but then it started happening with other list 
too.  Sorry for sounding off an alarm, and also for all the duplicate messages 
you all got.  I've repaired permissions, and installed the update it wanted me 
to install, so hopefully my Mac will behave now.

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2010-08-18 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Mark.

I am soon to get the sensor and the trainers that go with my I phone 4.  So if 
I do not get any problems, I'll let you know.


On 18 Aug 2010, at 02:33, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Chris,
> I have the Nike Plus sensor and I can assure you that I have encountered
> almost every problem listed on various forums with it and my iPhone 4.  
> It has been my experience, thus far, that the native App does not work well
> with the sensor.  
> I think it's great that you have not encountered any problems.  Perhaps,
> you're that one in a million user.  
> I'll be happy when the rest of us can experience it as you.
> Mark
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
> Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 12:27 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: NIKE+
> Hello,
> Thanks for that, I have OS 4 on my iPhone and I can assure you the
> application works absolutely fine.  I have been using it for over a week now
> twice a day without a hiccup.
> Kind regards
> Chris 
> On 16 Aug 2010, at 00:55, arthur gindin wrote:
> Chris:
> I monitor this group for my blind 10 y/o granddaughter, but hoped this might
> be of interest.  my daughter was director of this project for Nike:
> Not sure if you are replying to that guy, but you can tell him two things:
> If he has downloaded the new OS4 on his phone, the native app won't work.
> They are fixing some bugs with apple. It will work fine w OS3 and he just
> Has to buy the sensor for 19.99.
> And I don't work on this anymore, at least not as the global director.
>  Original Message 
> Subject:NIKE+
> Date:   Mon, 9 Aug 2010 10:20:42 +0100
> From:   Chris Moore
> <>>
> Reply-To:   
> To: 
>Hi All,
> Since going blind recently, I invested in a treadmill to keep the pounds
> off.  Obviously if you can't see, the display on the treadmill is not much
> use.  So I activated the Nike+ app built into the iPhone and from what I can
> tell it seems very accessible.
> The thing is, I will now have to go out and get the sneakers(trainers) and
> Nike+ sensor for it all to work.  Does anyone have any experience of the
> Nike+ kit etc and is it worth it?  Should I just look at something like
> iTreadmill, how do they compare?
> Chris
> --
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Kawal Gucukoglu

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duplicate problem still not going away, help!!!!!

2010-08-18 Thread Donna Goodin
OK, so my duplicate message problem is clearly continuing.  Anyone know what I 
can do?

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Re: joining mov files?

2010-08-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh I did and I found out it might not  work. I need another method of doing 
this  with a gui.

Is there a program that will merge mov files and be accessible.
On Aug 18, 2010, at 9:04 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> Sarah,
> Hit control-c to shut down the cat util.
> It doesn't mater if a file name has spaces.  you can saround it with  quotes, 
> escape the space with \, or use tab.  The tab completion applies at any time.
> The cat command expects a file name, and if it doesn't have one in it's 
> parameter list it just sits there.  Any time that happens, use control-c.
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I did. Now I can't get the cat command to work. it sits there with no output 
>> or errors
>> Sarah Alawami
>> MSN: 
>> aim:
>> website:
>> youtube:
>> Podcast:
>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:07 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>>> Can you rename it in finder?  Find the folder from finder, press Enter, and 
>>> give it a name without spaces?
>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> • MSN:
>>> • My home page:
>>> •
>>> -- 
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Re: Safari and Google?

2010-08-18 Thread Linda Adams

Another method that seems a little easier to me, is to  press command L and 
arrow to the right two times which will put you  in a Google search field.

Even quicker is a short cut I learned from Esther, press command-option-F which 
will put you in a Google search field from anywhere in Safari.


On Aug 17, 2010, at 9:10 PM, Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni wrote:

> Courtney, make sure you are on the safari toolbar, the first button on the 
> toolbar is back. Arrow all the way to the right and there is a search box, 
> mine says google wehn I arrow to it. IF yours doesn't, it probably still is 
> the google search box.
> Ronit
> On Aug 17, 2010, at 5:46 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't see where to search in the toolbar, I see a search field, but it 
>> doesn't say anything about google.
>> Courtney
>> Listen to The Wonderful World of Doo-wop with me, Moopie Curran on Fridays 
>> at 08:00 UTC on
>> On Aug 17, 2010, at 8:40 PM, Jesse Bollinger wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> That works great. Thank you for the suggestion.
>>> On Aug 17, 2010, at 8:32 PM, Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni wrote:
 Hi Jesse,
 Yes, google is aware of this problem and they are trying to solve it. In 
 the meantime, you can use the google search box on the toolbar of safari. 
 This is what I've been doing and it sitll works.
 On Aug 17, 2010, at 5:26 PM, Jesse Bollinger wrote:
> Hi,
> Not sure if this has been discussed but I figured I'd throw it out there. 
> I recently upgraded to the latest version of Safari. Whenever I go to 
> and type in a search, Voiceover shuts off immediately when the 
> results page comes up.
> Jesse
> -- 
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Re: joining mov files?

2010-08-18 Thread Barry Hadder

I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but if all you are doing is 
concatenating files you can do the fallowing:

cat file1 file2>file3

That will merge file1 and 2 putting the contents into file3.  You can type man 
cat to learn more about how to use it.

There is also a merge command that is useful for merging changes in to or more 

hope that helps.

On Aug 18, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Oh I did and I found out it might not  work. I need another method of doing 
> this  with a gui.
> Is there a program that will merge mov files and be accessible.
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 9:04 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Sarah,
>> Hit control-c to shut down the cat util.
>> It doesn't mater if a file name has spaces.  you can saround it with  
>> quotes, escape the space with \, or use tab.  The tab completion applies at 
>> any time.
>> The cat command expects a file name, and if it doesn't have one in it's 
>> parameter list it just sits there.  Any time that happens, use control-c.
>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I did. Now I can't get the cat command to work. it sits there with no 
>>> output or errors
>>> Sarah Alawami
>>> MSN: 
>>> aim:
>>> website:
>>> youtube:
>>> Podcast:
>>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:07 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
 Can you rename it in finder?  Find the folder from finder, press Enter, 
 and give it a name without spaces?
 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:
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Re: joining mov files?

2010-08-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
Except the headers in teh *.mov files might be different so youtube might not 
play them. Basically I read an artical on how to merge *.mov files in QT but it 
involves draging and dropping. I've tried several other programs including 
imovie and tht didn't work.

Take care.

On Aug 18, 2010, at 11:33 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but if all you are doing is 
> concatenating files you can do the fallowing:
> cat file1 file2>file3
> That will merge file1 and 2 putting the contents into file3.  You can type 
> man cat to learn more about how to use it.
> There is also a merge command that is useful for merging changes in to or 
> more files.
> hope that helps.
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Oh I did and I found out it might not  work. I need another method of doing 
>> this  with a gui.
>> Is there a program that will merge mov files and be accessible.
>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 9:04 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>> Sarah,
>>> Hit control-c to shut down the cat util.
>>> It doesn't mater if a file name has spaces.  you can saround it with  
>>> quotes, escape the space with \, or use tab.  The tab completion applies at 
>>> any time.
>>> The cat command expects a file name, and if it doesn't have one in it's 
>>> parameter list it just sits there.  Any time that happens, use control-c.
>>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 I did. Now I can't get the cat command to work. it sits there with no 
 output or errors
 Sarah Alawami
 On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:07 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Can you rename it in finder?  Find the folder from finder, press Enter, 
> and give it a name without spaces?
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: Safari and Google?

2010-08-18 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I have the same problem with google.


On 18 Aug 2010, at 01:26, Jesse Bollinger wrote:

> Hi,
> Not sure if this has been discussed but I figured I'd throw it out there. I 
> recently upgraded to the latest version of Safari. Whenever I go to 
> and type in a search, Voiceover shuts off immediately when the 
> results page comes up.
> Jesse
> -- 
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Kawal Gucukoglu

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Re: navigating a webpage by headers, pre-snow leopard

2010-08-18 Thread Esther

Hi John,

Teresa's suggestions of VO-Command-H to navigate headers will work for  
you to navigate web pages in Leopard.  The most useful commands I  
found to use were VO-Command-H to navigate to the next header (with VO- 
Command-Shift-H to go to the previous header), and VO-Command-M to  
navigate to the next header at the same level (again, adding a "Shift"  
to the combination will take you to the previous header at the same  
level).  As she mentioned, I also use the same sequences with "L" for  
links ,"V" for visited links, and "J" for next control.  Using "Shift"  
gives you the previous instance.

I'll paste in the complete list of commands from the Appendix of the  
VoiceOver Getting Started Guide for Leopard, which I still have as a  
bookmark under Preview, though the earlier summary is probably more  

VoiceOver Shortcut Combinations for Searching (Leopard)
Find VO-F
Find the next font change VO-Command-O
Find the previous font change VO-Command-Shift-O
Find the next bold text VO-Command-B
Find the previous bold text VO-Command-Shift-B
Find the next style change VO-Command-C
Find the previous style change VO-Command-Shift-C
Find the next italic text VO-Command-I
Find the previous italic text VO-Command-Shift-I
Find the next color change VO-Command-K
Find the previous color change VO-Command-Shift-K
Find the next hyperlink VO-Command-L
Find the previous hyperlink VO-Command-Shift-L
Find the next plain text VO-Command-P
Find the previous plain text VO-Command-Shift-P
Find the next graphic VO-Command-G
Find the previous graphic VO-Command-Shift-G
Find the next underlined text VO-Command-U
Find the previous underlined text VO-Command-Shift-U
Find the next item of the same type or the same text style
Find the previous item of the same type or the same text style
Find the next control VO-Command-J
Find the previous control VO-Command-Shift-J
Find the next element that is different VO-Command-N
Find the previous element that is different VO-Command-Shift-N
Find the next table VO-Command-T
Find the previous table VO-Command-Shift-T
Find the next heading of the same level VO-Command-M
Find the previous heading of the same level VO-Command-Shift-M
Find the next heading VO-Command-H
Find the previous heading VO-Command-Shift-H
Find the next blockquote VO-Command-Q
Find the previous blockquote VO-Command-Shift-Q
Find the next visited link VO-Command-V
Find the previous visited link VO-Command-Shift-V

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 17, 2010, at 19:27, Teresa Cochran wrote:

I have no idea if this works with Leopard, but I use control-option- 
command-H to navigate headers.

FYI, there's j for form fields, n for auto web spots, and l for  
links with those same modifier keys, too.

On Aug 17, 2010, at 8:59 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:


I'm volunteering at a highschool that uses macs.  However, they're  
running OS 10.5.8, I think.

Using Snow Leopard has spoiled me, because I love using quicknav.   
Some websites I use at work are more efficient to navigate via  
headers.  This is easy as pie with quicknav, but I can't for the  
life of me figure out a pre-quicknav command for moving to next and  
previous headers.  Help?

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More Navigation tips on Snow Leopard

2010-08-18 Thread Linda Adams

Your tips sent me searching and, in addition to the ones listed in the Commands 
help menu, I began checking the keyboard to see if there were others that 
weren't listed.

To my pleasure, I found that VO Command X will take you to the next list on a 
web page.  This helps me a lot with a couple of the web pages I visit.

 These keyboard commands are  good additions to the Quick Nav.  So thanks for 
sending me on this path.


On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:27 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> I have no idea if this works with Leopard, but I use control-option-command-H 
> to navigate headers.
> FYI, there's j for form fields, n for auto web spots, and l for links with 
> those same modifier keys, too.
> HTH, 
> Teresa
> On Aug 17, 2010, at 8:59 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm volunteering at a highschool that uses macs.  However, they're running 
>> OS 10.5.8, I think.
>> Using Snow Leopard has spoiled me, because I love using quicknav.  Some 
>> websites I use at work are more efficient to navigate via headers.  This is 
>> easy as pie with quicknav, but I can't for the life of me figure out a 
>> pre-quicknav command for moving to next and previous headers.  Help?
>> -- 
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Re: joining mov files?

2010-08-18 Thread Barry Hadder
Well, it is going to get a little more involved, but you can do the fallowing.
this will strip the header from file1, contatinate it with file2, and write the 
final result to final_file:
sed 1d|cat file2 /dev/stdin>final_file

This is assuming that the header is 1 line.  you need to know how many lines it 
is and replace the integer in the sed command accordingly.

if you have a bunch of files who's headers need to be stripped:
( sed 1d file1&&sed 1d file2&& so on )|cat file /dev/stdin>final_

It might be a good idea to play around with this on simple text files just so 
you know what order you want the files to be in.

On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:48 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Except the headers in teh *.mov files might be different so youtube might not 
> play them. Basically I read an artical on how to merge *.mov files in QT but 
> it involves draging and dropping. I've tried several other programs including 
> imovie and tht didn't work.
> Take care.
> S
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 11:33 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but if all you are doing is 
>> concatenating files you can do the fallowing:
>> cat file1 file2>file3
>> That will merge file1 and 2 putting the contents into file3.  You can type 
>> man cat to learn more about how to use it.
>> There is also a merge command that is useful for merging changes in to or 
>> more files.
>> hope that helps.
>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Oh I did and I found out it might not  work. I need another method of doing 
>>> this  with a gui.
>>> Is there a program that will merge mov files and be accessible.
>>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 9:04 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
 Hit control-c to shut down the cat util.
 It doesn't mater if a file name has spaces.  you can saround it with  
 quotes, escape the space with \, or use tab.  The tab completion applies 
 at any time.
 The cat command expects a file name, and if it doesn't have one in it's 
 parameter list it just sits there.  Any time that happens, use control-c.
 On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> I did. Now I can't get the cat command to work. it sits there with no 
> output or errors
> Sarah Alawami
> MSN: 
> aim:
> website:
> youtube:
> Podcast:
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:07 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>> Can you rename it in finder?  Find the folder from finder, press Enter, 
>> and give it a name without spaces?
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
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Re: navigating a webpage by headers, pre-snow leopard

2010-08-18 Thread Linda Adams

Would you clarify your question about Quick Nav and headers?


On Aug 18, 2010, at 7:58 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi, Most of theis  worked on leopard.  The headings and controls did for sure 
> but some of the others were sketchy.
> By the way, what's the quick nav key for getting to headings?
> Thanks,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
> subscribe.
> On 2010-08-18, at 1:27 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> I have no idea if this works with Leopard, but I use 
>> control-option-command-H to navigate headers.
>> FYI, there's j for form fields, n for auto web spots, and l for links with 
>> those same modifier keys, too.
>> HTH, 
>> Teresa
>> On Aug 17, 2010, at 8:59 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm volunteering at a highschool that uses macs.  However, they're running 
>>> OS 10.5.8, I think.
>>> Using Snow Leopard has spoiled me, because I love using quicknav.  Some 
>>> websites I use at work are more efficient to navigate via headers.  This is 
>>> easy as pie with quicknav, but I can't for the life of me figure out a 
>>> pre-quicknav command for moving to next and previous headers.  Help?
>>> -- 
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Re: joining mov files?

2010-08-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah I don't know how many lines the mov headers contain as I recorded them on 
my iphone. lol!
On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:34 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> Well, it is going to get a little more involved, but you can do the fallowing.
> this will strip the header from file1, contatinate it with file2, and write 
> the final result to final_file:
> sed 1d|cat file2 /dev/stdin>final_file
> This is assuming that the header is 1 line.  you need to know how many lines 
> it is and replace the integer in the sed command accordingly.
> if you have a bunch of files who's headers need to be stripped:
> ( sed 1d file1&&sed 1d file2&& so on )|cat file /dev/stdin>final_
> file
> It might be a good idea to play around with this on simple text files just so 
> you know what order you want the files to be in.
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:48 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Except the headers in teh *.mov files might be different so youtube might 
>> not play them. Basically I read an artical on how to merge *.mov files in QT 
>> but it involves draging and dropping. I've tried several other programs 
>> including imovie and tht didn't work.
>> Take care.
>> S
>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 11:33 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but if all you are doing is 
>>> concatenating files you can do the fallowing:
>>> cat file1 file2>file3
>>> That will merge file1 and 2 putting the contents into file3.  You can type 
>>> man cat to learn more about how to use it.
>>> There is also a merge command that is useful for merging changes in to or 
>>> more files.
>>> hope that helps.
>>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Oh I did and I found out it might not  work. I need another method of 
 doing this  with a gui.
 Is there a program that will merge mov files and be accessible.
 On Aug 18, 2010, at 9:04 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
> Sarah,
> Hit control-c to shut down the cat util.
> It doesn't mater if a file name has spaces.  you can saround it with  
> quotes, escape the space with \, or use tab.  The tab completion applies 
> at any time.
> The cat command expects a file name, and if it doesn't have one in it's 
> parameter list it just sits there.  Any time that happens, use control-c.
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I did. Now I can't get the cat command to work. it sits there with no 
>> output or errors
>> Sarah Alawami
>> MSN: 
>> aim:
>> website:
>> youtube:
>> Podcast:
>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:07 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>>> Can you rename it in finder?  Find the folder from finder, press Enter, 
>>> and give it a name without spaces?
>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> • MSN:
>>> • My home page:
>>> •
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Re: exporting music from itunes?

2010-08-18 Thread focus
Hi Donna!
I hope you are sitting comfortably!
I've gone through it on mine and this is what I have for you!
To convert to mp3!
1, Open Itunes and select preference's by pressing cmd and ,
If it's like mine you should be on general if so very good, if not go to the 
tool bar and interact with it by pressing vo and shift and down arrow, in there 
you have a selection of different options the 1st being [ general button ]
use vo space bar to select then stop interacting with the tool bar!
So if you are on general you'll have options to scroll along right arrow, go 
along until you find import set
press vo space to open menu, in there you can select different formats 
including mp3, scroll down to it then vo space bar to select this!
After that scroll all the way to the right until you get to the ok button and 
vo space bar that!
You should now be back in Itunes!
Now find the album or track you want to make mp3, [ if it is a whole album I 
think you have to select all tracks ] but if just one track sit on it and then 
press vo+shift+m and scroll down to make mp3 version and press vo space bar!
There will now be 2 versions of the track\album one of which will be the mp3!
Note if you leave that import setting the same way! All future imports from cd 
will also be mp3!
So if you want to always have mp3 versions leave it that way, if not go back to 
import settings and change it back!
Next getting the track's from hd library!
All your songs are stored in the hd library and this is where I get them from 
to put on my nokia!
If you know how to get to your hd list open and scroll down to Itunes open in 
there should be an music folder in side should be all your music, Scroll 
through them until you find the track you are look in for!
There should be 2 versions one of which will say mp3 at the end the other will 
say acc or something else!
So get on the mp3 one and then copy and paste on to your phone!
If it helps when I've got my phone connected by usb open at the place where i'm 
putting the songs, I can scroll through windows from hd list to phone by 
pressing cmd tilde, that way I go to hd copy track then cmd tilde and then 
paste to phone!
I hope you are not asleep now!
Colin :-]
ps maybe someone else can give you a better way!
Skype focus_66
On 18 Aug 2010, at 18:39, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi coinl,
> Nope, you're barking up just the right tree. *grin*  But what is hdlibrary, 
> and how do you convert to MP3.  The latter is what I really need to do, the 
> Android phone really doesn't seem to like my m4a content.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 11:51 AM, focus wrote:
>> Hi Donna!
>> I do not know if I'm barking up the wrong tree!
>> But if you are talking about moving an file to another place like a mobile, 
>> [ not Iphone ] I use usb and export from hd library, so if you can convert 
>> to mp3 then find it in hd library you should be able to move it!
>> That's of course if I've got the right idea!
>> Or someone else has a better method!! :-]
>> Colin
>> Skype focus_66
>> On 18 Aug 2010, at 13:56, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> How does one go about doing this?  I've looked in the menu system, but 
>>> don't see an option to do it.  I'm trying to export an m4a file as mp3, if 
>>> that matters.
>>> Donna
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Re: exporting music from itunes?

2010-08-18 Thread Donna Goodin
Wow, Colin, thank you.  I kept looking under advanced settings, which, of 
course, is why I didn't find it. :)

Interesting about the HDLibrary.  I've just been copying stuff from my 
itunes\music folder.  Do you know if it makes a difference which folder you 
copy from?
On Aug 18, 2010, at 5:25 PM, focus wrote:

> Hi Donna!
> I hope you are sitting comfortably!
> I've gone through it on mine and this is what I have for you!
> To convert to mp3!
> 1, Open Itunes and select preference's by pressing cmd and ,
> If it's like mine you should be on general if so very good, if not go to the 
> tool bar and interact with it by pressing vo and shift and down arrow, in 
> there you have a selection of different options the 1st being [ general 
> button ]
> use vo space bar to select then stop interacting with the tool bar!
> So if you are on general you'll have options to scroll along right arrow, go 
> along until you find import set
> press vo space to open menu, in there you can select different formats 
> including mp3, scroll down to it then vo space bar to select this!
> After that scroll all the way to the right until you get to the ok button and 
> vo space bar that!
> You should now be back in Itunes!
> Now find the album or track you want to make mp3, [ if it is a whole album I 
> think you have to select all tracks ] but if just one track sit on it and 
> then press vo+shift+m and scroll down to make mp3 version and press vo space 
> bar!
> There will now be 2 versions of the track\album one of which will be the mp3!
> Note if you leave that import setting the same way! All future imports from 
> cd will also be mp3!
> So if you want to always have mp3 versions leave it that way, if not go back 
> to import settings and change it back!
> Next getting the track's from hd library!
> All your songs are stored in the hd library and this is where I get them from 
> to put on my nokia!
> If you know how to get to your hd list open and scroll down to Itunes open in 
> there should be an music folder in side should be all your music, Scroll 
> through them until you find the track you are look in for!
> There should be 2 versions one of which will say mp3 at the end the other 
> will say acc or something else!
> So get on the mp3 one and then copy and paste on to your phone!
> If it helps when I've got my phone connected by usb open at the place where 
> i'm putting the songs, I can scroll through windows from hd list to phone by 
> pressing cmd tilde, that way I go to hd copy track then cmd tilde and then 
> paste to phone!
> I hope you are not asleep now!
> Colin :-]
> ps maybe someone else can give you a better way!
> Skype focus_66
> On 18 Aug 2010, at 18:39, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi coinl,
>> Nope, you're barking up just the right tree. *grin*  But what is hdlibrary, 
>> and how do you convert to MP3.  The latter is what I really need to do, the 
>> Android phone really doesn't seem to like my m4a content.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 11:51 AM, focus wrote:
>>> Hi Donna!
>>> I do not know if I'm barking up the wrong tree!
>>> But if you are talking about moving an file to another place like a mobile, 
>>> [ not Iphone ] I use usb and export from hd library, so if you can convert 
>>> to mp3 then find it in hd library you should be able to move it!
>>> That's of course if I've got the right idea!
>>> Or someone else has a better method!! :-]
>>> Colin
>>> Skype focus_66
>>> On 18 Aug 2010, at 13:56, Donna Goodin wrote:
 How does one go about doing this?  I've looked in the menu system, but 
 don't see an option to do it.  I'm trying to export an m4a file as mp3, if 
 that matters.
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Re: joining mov files?

2010-08-18 Thread Esther

Hi Sarah and Barry,

First, Barry's instructions about using the "cat" command in terminal  
to concatenate files are quite accurate, but they won't solve Sarah's  
problem about how to join .mov files and end up with a playable  
result, and this has to do with the structure of these files. Such a  
file joining program has to both put the data in the individual files  
together, and update the header information so that it reflects the  
new total length.  Further, there can be potential incompatibilities  
between the different files being used -- an easy example would be if  
you were joining constant bit rate audio mp3 files, where one of the  
files was encoded at a different bit rate.  If all the files are  
constant bit rate and encoded at the same rate, it's relatively easy  
to just concatenate the individual files (with a "cat" command), and  
then to update the file header information to reflect a new total  
time. However, once you include a file with different properties,  
simply sticking that file into the middle may no longer work, and you  
might have to re-encode the information.  The structure is actually  
more complicated for movie files, since instead of a single header  
with tags, you have a "container" that holds both the audio and video  
parts of a movie, with separate atoms (like "tags") for the various  

I believe QuickTime Pro (paid) will join movie files, and allow you to  
operate through the GUI interface.  I've also heard that MPEG  
StreamClip will handle this kind of operation.  Probably someone like  
Darcy Burnard could comment on this, since I don't know whether these  
work with the output formats that Sarah wants.  I've only really  
explored this subject in the context of working with audiobook files.

Here's the page for MPEG StreamClip to check for more information:

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 18, 2010, Barry Hadder wrote:

Well, it is going to get a little more involved, but you can do the  
this will strip the header from file1, contatinate it with file2,  
and write the final result to final_file:

sed 1d|cat file2 /dev/stdin>final_file

This is assuming that the header is 1 line.  you need to know how  
many lines it is and replace the integer in the sed command  

if you have a bunch of files who's headers need to be stripped:
( sed 1d file1&&sed 1d file2&& so on )|cat file /dev/stdin>final_

It might be a good idea to play around with this on simple text  
files just so you know what order you want the files to be in.

On Aug 18, 2010, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Except the headers in teh *.mov files might be different so youtube  
might not play them. Basically I read an artical on how to merge  
*.mov files in QT but it involves draging and dropping. I've tried  
several other programs including imovie and tht didn't work.

Take care.

On Aug 18, 2010, Barry Hadder wrote:


I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but if all you are  
doing is concatenating files you can do the fallowing:

cat file1 file2>file3

That will merge file1 and 2 putting the contents into file3.  You  
can type man cat to learn more about how to use it.

There is also a merge command that is useful for merging changes  
in to or more files.

hope that helps.

On Aug 18, 2010, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Oh I did and I found out it might not  work. I need another  
method of doing this  with a gui.

Is there a program that will merge mov files and be accessible.
On Aug 18, 2010, at 9:04 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:


Hit control-c to shut down the cat util.

It doesn't mater if a file name has spaces.  you can saround it  
with  quotes, escape the space with \, or use tab.  The tab  
completion applies at any time.

The cat command expects a file name, and if it doesn't have one  
in it's parameter list it just sits there.  Any time that  
happens, use control-c.

On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

I did. Now I can't get the cat command to work. it sits there  
with no output or errors

Sarah Alawami


On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:07 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

Can you rename it in finder?  Find the folder from finder,  
press Enter, and give it a name without spaces?

• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
• MSN:
• My home page:

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Re: navigating a webpage by headers, pre-snow leopard

2010-08-18 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi Linda,

This morning in the original post that started this thread, John D. Lipsey 
wrote that he used quick nav to get to headings, but that the leopard machines 
in the school he works in of course don't have quick nav.  That lead me to 
wonder if there is another way to perform object navigation.  I thought John 
might be implying that quick nav offered an alternative to control option 
command H or control option command shift h.

If you read right down to the bottom of the thread below our two messages, you 
can see what John wrote.


Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
Visit and click podcasts to read more and 

On 2010-08-18, at 4:44 PM, Linda Adams wrote:

> Erick,
> Would you clarify your question about Quick Nav and headers?
> Linda
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 7:58 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi, Most of theis  worked on leopard.  The headings and controls did for 
>> sure but some of the others were sketchy.
>> By the way, what's the quick nav key for getting to headings?
>> Thanks,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille 
>> box.
>> Visit and click podcasts to read more and 
>> subscribe.
>> On 2010-08-18, at 1:27 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> I have no idea if this works with Leopard, but I use 
>>> control-option-command-H to navigate headers.
>>> FYI, there's j for form fields, n for auto web spots, and l for links with 
>>> those same modifier keys, too.
>>> HTH, 
>>> Teresa
>>> On Aug 17, 2010, at 8:59 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
 I'm volunteering at a highschool that uses macs.  However, they're running 
 OS 10.5.8, I think.
 Using Snow Leopard has spoiled me, because I love using quicknav.  Some 
 websites I use at work are more efficient to navigate via headers.  This 
 is easy as pie with quicknav, but I can't for the life of me figure out a 
 pre-quicknav command for moving to next and previous headers.  Help?
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Re: Safari and Google?

2010-08-18 Thread Justin Kauflin
Have you tried just doing a page refresh?  I've found that that helps the issue.
On Aug 17, 2010, at 8:32 PM, Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni wrote:

> Hi Jesse,
> Yes, google is aware of this problem and they are trying to solve it. In the 
> meantime, you can use the google search box on the toolbar of safari. This is 
> what I've been doing and it sitll works.
> HTH,
> Ronit
> On Aug 17, 2010, at 5:26 PM, Jesse Bollinger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Not sure if this has been discussed but I figured I'd throw it out there. I 
>> recently upgraded to the latest version of Safari. Whenever I go to 
>> and type in a search, Voiceover shuts off immediately when the 
>> results page comes up.
>> Jesse
>> -- 
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Performance settings for voice over

2010-08-18 Thread James Marcus
Hi all,
I am running voice over on snow leopard on 2.2 ghz with 2Gigs of ram.
Voice over works great but generally after a while, it becomes
sluggish and i have to restart to get it running smoothly again. Does
any one have any suggestions for my settings in order to optimize
voice overs performance? thanks

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Re: joining mov files?

2010-08-18 Thread Barry Hadder
All right,

Hear is a link to an apple script that might help.
It's an app lit, but if it's hard to use with vo it can probably be modified to 
work differently.

I should have googled this before I responded to you because a lot of other 
people have tried using cat with no success.  I also found a rather interesting 
document on the specification of the classic qt format.  In case anybody is 
interested, it can be found at:

On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Yeah I don't know how many lines the mov headers contain as I recorded them 
> on my iphone. lol!
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:34 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Well, it is going to get a little more involved, but you can do the 
>> fallowing.
>> this will strip the header from file1, contatinate it with file2, and write 
>> the final result to final_file:
>> sed 1d|cat file2 /dev/stdin>final_file
>> This is assuming that the header is 1 line.  you need to know how many lines 
>> it is and replace the integer in the sed command accordingly.
>> if you have a bunch of files who's headers need to be stripped:
>> ( sed 1d file1&&sed 1d file2&& so on )|cat file /dev/stdin>final_
>> file
>> It might be a good idea to play around with this on simple text files just 
>> so you know what order you want the files to be in.
>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:48 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Except the headers in teh *.mov files might be different so youtube might 
>>> not play them. Basically I read an artical on how to merge *.mov files in 
>>> QT but it involves draging and dropping. I've tried several other programs 
>>> including imovie and tht didn't work.
>>> Take care.
>>> S
>>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 11:33 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
 I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but if all you are doing 
 is concatenating files you can do the fallowing:
 cat file1 file2>file3
 That will merge file1 and 2 putting the contents into file3.  You can type 
 man cat to learn more about how to use it.
 There is also a merge command that is useful for merging changes in to or 
 more files.
 hope that helps.
 On Aug 18, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Oh I did and I found out it might not  work. I need another method of 
> doing this  with a gui.
> Is there a program that will merge mov files and be accessible.
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 9:04 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Sarah,
>> Hit control-c to shut down the cat util.
>> It doesn't mater if a file name has spaces.  you can saround it with  
>> quotes, escape the space with \, or use tab.  The tab completion applies 
>> at any time.
>> The cat command expects a file name, and if it doesn't have one in it's 
>> parameter list it just sits there.  Any time that happens, use control-c.
>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I did. Now I can't get the cat command to work. it sits there with no 
>>> output or errors
>>> Sarah Alawami
>>> MSN: 
>>> aim:
>>> website:
>>> youtube:
>>> Podcast:
>>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:07 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
 Can you rename it in finder?  Find the folder from finder, press 
 Enter, and give it a name without spaces?
 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
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Re: joining mov files?

2010-08-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
I'll give that a go and hopefully post back with results. You ar ecorrect in 
saying that the header info will be a royl pain inthe but to edit. lol! a 
friend of mine last ngiht gave me a lecture on that.

Take care. Oh and hoe much is QT pro? I  am jsut curious.
On Aug 18, 2010, at 2:57 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Sarah and Barry,
> First, Barry's instructions about using the "cat" command in terminal to 
> concatenate files are quite accurate, but they won't solve Sarah's problem 
> about how to join .mov files and end up with a playable result, and this has 
> to do with the structure of these files. Such a file joining program has to 
> both put the data in the individual files together, and update the header 
> information so that it reflects the new total length.  Further, there can be 
> potential incompatibilities between the different files being used -- an easy 
> example would be if you were joining constant bit rate audio mp3 files, where 
> one of the files was encoded at a different bit rate.  If all the files are 
> constant bit rate and encoded at the same rate, it's relatively easy to just 
> concatenate the individual files (with a "cat" command), and then to update 
> the file header information to reflect a new total time. However, once you 
> include a file with different properties, simply sticking that file into the 
> middle may no longer work, and you might have to re-encode the information.  
> The structure is actually more complicated for movie files, since instead of 
> a single header with tags, you have a "container" that holds both the audio 
> and video parts of a movie, with separate atoms (like "tags") for the various 
> metadata.
> I believe QuickTime Pro (paid) will join movie files, and allow you to 
> operate through the GUI interface.  I've also heard that MPEG StreamClip will 
> handle this kind of operation.  Probably someone like Darcy Burnard could 
> comment on this, since I don't know whether these work with the output 
> formats that Sarah wants.  I've only really explored this subject in the 
> context of working with audiobook files.
> Here's the page for MPEG StreamClip to check for more information:
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Aug 18, 2010, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Well, it is going to get a little more involved, but you can do the 
>> fallowing.
>> this will strip the header from file1, contatinate it with file2, and write 
>> the final result to final_file:
>> sed 1d|cat file2 /dev/stdin>final_file
>> This is assuming that the header is 1 line.  you need to know how many lines 
>> it is and replace the integer in the sed command accordingly.
>> if you have a bunch of files who's headers need to be stripped:
>> ( sed 1d file1&&sed 1d file2&& so on )|cat file /dev/stdin>final_
>> file
>> It might be a good idea to play around with this on simple text files just 
>> so you know what order you want the files to be in.
>> On Aug 18, 2010, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Except the headers in teh *.mov files might be different so youtube might 
>>> not play them. Basically I read an artical on how to merge *.mov files in 
>>> QT but it involves draging and dropping. I've tried several other programs 
>>> including imovie and tht didn't work.
>>> Take care.
>>> S
>>> On Aug 18, 2010, Barry Hadder wrote:
 I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but if all you are doing 
 is concatenating files you can do the fallowing:
 cat file1 file2>file3
 That will merge file1 and 2 putting the contents into file3.  You can type 
 man cat to learn more about how to use it.
 There is also a merge command that is useful for merging changes in to or 
 more files.
 hope that helps.
 On Aug 18, 2010, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Oh I did and I found out it might not  work. I need another method of 
> doing this  with a gui.
> Is there a program that will merge mov files and be accessible.
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 9:04 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Sarah,
>> Hit control-c to shut down the cat util.
>> It doesn't mater if a file name has spaces.  you can saround it with  
>> quotes, escape the space with \, or use tab.  The tab completion applies 
>> at any time.
>> The cat command expects a file name, and if it doesn't have one in it's 
>> parameter list it just sits there.  Any time that happens, use control-c.
>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I did. Now I can't get the cat command to work. it sits there with no 
>>> output or errors
>>> Sarah Alawami
>>> MSN:
>>> aim:
>>> website:
>>> youtube:
>>> Podcast: http://marri

Re: joining mov files?

2010-08-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yikes what  did I do in asking this question! lol! I'm Kidding. Thanks everyone 
for the valuable info and I'll keep you all posted. I'll take a look at hte 
stream thingy that ester sent. I sware she should work for an apple store or 
for apple themselves! *grins*
On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:54 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> All right,
> Hear is a link to an apple script that might help.  
> It's an app lit, but if it's hard to use with vo it can probably be modified 
> to work differently.
> I should have googled this before I responded to you because a lot of other 
> people have tried using cat with no success.  I also found a rather 
> interesting document on the specification of the classic qt format.  In case 
> anybody is interested, it can be found at:  
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Yeah I don't know how many lines the mov headers contain as I recorded them 
>> on my iphone. lol!
>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:34 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>> Well, it is going to get a little more involved, but you can do the 
>>> fallowing.
>>> this will strip the header from file1, contatinate it with file2, and write 
>>> the final result to final_file:
>>> sed 1d|cat file2 /dev/stdin>final_file
>>> This is assuming that the header is 1 line.  you need to know how many 
>>> lines it is and replace the integer in the sed command accordingly.
>>> if you have a bunch of files who's headers need to be stripped:
>>> ( sed 1d file1&&sed 1d file2&& so on )|cat file /dev/stdin>final_
>>> file
>>> It might be a good idea to play around with this on simple text files just 
>>> so you know what order you want the files to be in.
>>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:48 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Except the headers in teh *.mov files might be different so youtube might 
 not play them. Basically I read an artical on how to merge *.mov files in 
 QT but it involves draging and dropping. I've tried several other programs 
 including imovie and tht didn't work.
 Take care.
 On Aug 18, 2010, at 11:33 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but if all you are doing 
> is concatenating files you can do the fallowing:
> cat file1 file2>file3
> That will merge file1 and 2 putting the contents into file3.  You can 
> type man cat to learn more about how to use it.
> There is also a merge command that is useful for merging changes in to or 
> more files.
> hope that helps.
> On Aug 18, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Oh I did and I found out it might not  work. I need another method of 
>> doing this  with a gui.
>> Is there a program that will merge mov files and be accessible.
>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 9:04 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>> Sarah,
>>> Hit control-c to shut down the cat util.
>>> It doesn't mater if a file name has spaces.  you can saround it with  
>>> quotes, escape the space with \, or use tab.  The tab completion 
>>> applies at any time.
>>> The cat command expects a file name, and if it doesn't have one in it's 
>>> parameter list it just sits there.  Any time that happens, use 
>>> control-c.
>>> On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 I did. Now I can't get the cat command to work. it sits there with no 
 output or errors
 Sarah Alawami
 On Aug 18, 2010, at 1:07 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Can you rename it in finder?  Find the folder from finder, press 
> Enter, and give it a name without spaces?
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Mod note -- duplicate messages.

2010-08-18 Thread Geoff Waaler

Greetings all,

I'm cross posting to confirm that a subset of subscribers report receiving 
redundant messages on both lists.  The only common denominator that I can 
think of is Google since there are no list settings that affect this and its 
not happening to everyone.

Please be patient and hopefully Google will get this sorted out.

Thanks and best regards.


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Re: Performance settings for voice over

2010-08-18 Thread Scott Howell

I have not seen this issue. So, what I am wondering is if there are certain 
applications etc. that you may be using or have used, where you notice this 
problem? You can use activity Monitor in the Applications/Utilities folder, 
which may provide some information about running applications and what 
resources they are using.

On Aug 18, 2010, at 6:48 PM, James Marcus wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am running voice over on snow leopard on 2.2 ghz with 2Gigs of ram.
> Voice over works great but generally after a while, it becomes
> sluggish and i have to restart to get it running smoothly again. Does
> any one have any suggestions for my settings in order to optimize
> voice overs performance? thanks
> -james
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Re: Safari and Google?

2010-08-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
At least google are aware of it. I have not tested on reas safari but I do hope 
they get it fixed. I also reported the bug to apple in case tha thelps anything.

Take care.

On Aug 18, 2010, at 3:48 PM, Justin Kauflin wrote:

> Have you tried just doing a page refresh?  I've found that that helps the 
> issue.
> Justin
> On Aug 17, 2010, at 8:32 PM, Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni wrote:
>> Hi Jesse,
>> Yes, google is aware of this problem and they are trying to solve it. In the 
>> meantime, you can use the google search box on the toolbar of safari. This 
>> is what I've been doing and it sitll works.
>> HTH,
>> Ronit
>> On Aug 17, 2010, at 5:26 PM, Jesse Bollinger wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Not sure if this has been discussed but I figured I'd throw it out there. I 
>>> recently upgraded to the latest version of Safari. Whenever I go to 
>>> and type in a search, Voiceover shuts off immediately when the 
>>> results page comes up.
>>> Jesse
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a change in how to play samples

2010-08-18 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Hi there,

Just thought I'd post that the normal procedure we use to play 
samples on the results page no longer works.  I have called Audible about this. 
 Now, to play a sample, it is necessary to actually click on the page for the 
given book from which you wish to play a sample and then  play it from there.  
Here's how you do it.

1.  Find the book from which you wish to play a sample.

2.  Open that book's page.

3.  Find where it says "sample" on the page.

4.  Now, manually rout the mouse pointer to the word "sample" by pressing 

5.  Now, lock down the VO keys via command+semicolon.

6.  Press F5 to ensure that the word "sample" is under the mouse.  You may wish 
to press VO+command+shift+F5 to make doubly sure.

7.  Now, move your mouse directly in an exactly straight line to the right.  
Make very certain you move directly in only a straight line going neither up 
nor down or at an angle of any sourt.  IF you're using a track padd, you can 
place a finger directly on the very left uper corner and move right.  Move very 
slowly as you do so.

8.  As you move your mouse, press F5 one time after another to make certain of 
what the mouse is resting over.

9.  When you hear, "empty scrol area" you will know to stop moving the mouse.

10.  Now, press and hold down your control key and actually click press the 
mouse itself or else, if using your track padd, physically press the padd.

11.  At this point, a menu consisting of thirteen items will appear.  Just 
arrow down and press the space bar on the play button.

Note that, after you've started a sample playing, you will need to turn 
off Voice Over and turn it on again.  Otherwise, You will not see the thirteen 
item menu when you go to play the next sample.


The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

A Very Proud and Happy Mac User!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

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Re: Performance settings for voice over

2010-08-18 Thread Kevin Shaw
I believe this is an issue with all applications in general. I tend to find 
that Safari, iTunes and Mail can become a bit sluggish, as well as Voiceover. 
This is on a Macbook Pro that gets put to sleep more often than it gets shut 
down or restarted. A quick restart often fixes the problem. 

Having said this, take into consideration that times between restarts are very 
long—possibly a week or two—and that my MBP is running on 8 GB of RAM with a 
256 GB HD.


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the joining of mov files

2010-08-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
Well I managed to join the mov files using mp stream clip or what ever that 
software was called. I somehow misplaced a whole thread of messages on this. 
lol. for some reason I did not get any audio when exporting to avi and I  know 
not why but it's my lack of knowledge on this subject that is probably a 

Thanks to ester and everyone.

Take care.

Sarah Alawami


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Re: Performance settings for voice over

2010-08-18 Thread Sarah Alawami
Wo! Youza! I don't' notice a performance degradation but I try and restart 
every week if i can and i do when I go in to windows. For the person having the 
issue try restarting the mac, the app, and or voice over.

On Aug 18, 2010, at 5:13 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

> I believe this is an issue with all applications in general. I tend to find 
> that Safari, iTunes and Mail can become a bit sluggish, as well as Voiceover. 
> This is on a Macbook Pro that gets put to sleep more often than it gets shut 
> down or restarted. A quick restart often fixes the problem. 
> Having said this, take into consideration that times between restarts are 
> very long—possibly a week or two—and that my MBP is running on 8 GB of RAM 
> with a 256 GB HD.
> Kevin
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Re: Performance settings for voice over

2010-08-18 Thread Scott Howell

I have a Macbook Pro with 4Gb of ram and a 500Gb hd. I generally end up 
bouncing the box every three days or so. Since I work from home three days a 
week I will leave the machine up during the day and just put it to sleep at 
night. I can't recall that I have left it without a reboot for more than a 
week, but perhaps I will give this a try and see if I experience the same issue.
On Aug 18, 2010, at 8:13 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

> I believe this is an issue with all applications in general. I tend to find 
> that Safari, iTunes and Mail can become a bit sluggish, as well as Voiceover. 
> This is on a Macbook Pro that gets put to sleep more often than it gets shut 
> down or restarted. A quick restart often fixes the problem. 
> Having said this, take into consideration that times between restarts are 
> very long—possibly a week or two—and that my MBP is running on 8 GB of RAM 
> with a 256 GB HD.
> Kevin
> -- 
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RE: a change in how to play samples

2010-08-18 Thread Blake Sinnett

Good lord. I wish Audible would just put a sample link to the MP3. It's exposed 
if you view the source of the page, so why not just have a link?
If you don't feel like messing with the mouse in any way, you can get the mp3 
link from the source of the page.
> From:
> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 19:00:14 -0500
> Subject: a change in how to play samples
> Hi there,
> Just thought I'd post that the normal procedure we use to play 
> samples on the results page no longer works. I have called Audible about 
> this. Now, to play a sample, it is necessary to actually click on the page 
> for the given book from which you wish to play a sample and then play it from 
> there. Here's how you do it.
> 1. Find the book from which you wish to play a sample.
> 2. Open that book's page.
> 3. Find where it says "sample" on the page.
> 4. Now, manually rout the mouse pointer to the word "sample" by pressing 
> command+VO+shift+F5.
> 5. Now, lock down the VO keys via command+semicolon.
> 6. Press F5 to ensure that the word "sample" is under the mouse. You may wish 
> to press VO+command+shift+F5 to make doubly sure.
> 7. Now, move your mouse directly in an exactly straight line to the right. 
> Make very certain you move directly in only a straight line going neither up 
> nor down or at an angle of any sourt. IF you're using a track padd, you can 
> place a finger directly on the very left uper corner and move right. Move 
> very slowly as you do so.
> 8. As you move your mouse, press F5 one time after another to make certain of 
> what the mouse is resting over.
> 9. When you hear, "empty scrol area" you will know to stop moving the mouse.
> 10. Now, press and hold down your control key and actually click press the 
> mouse itself or else, if using your track padd, physically press the padd.
> 11. At this point, a menu consisting of thirteen items will appear. Just 
> arrow down and press the space bar on the play button.
> Note that, after you've started a sample playing, you will need to turn off 
> Voice Over and turn it on again. Otherwise, You will not see the thirteen 
> item menu when you go to play the next sample.
> HTH.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> A Very Proud and Happy Mac User!!!
> E-Mail:
> rforetjr at comcast dot net
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> -- 
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Accessible Tivo App with Snow Leopard

2010-08-18 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi all:
I don't know if you remember me asking for help transferring Tivo shows from my 
Tivo to my Mac?I said that was the only thing I couldn't do on the Mac. Well, I 
found an accessible, Free app that will transfer, and decode. You can even 
enable the iPhone decoder, and the app will sync your Tivo shows to your 
iPhone. It is called iTivo. It appears to be accessible so far. The only 
drawback is that the downloading and decoding can be slow.  An average hour 
long show is about 760MB so you couldn't put many shows on the phone. They even 
have an audio only decoder which will extract the picture, and a decoder that 
is supposed to skip commercials when decoding the program. It's a neat app. 

Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal Come join me on

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