Re: facebook with safari

2010-07-08 Thread DJ Nezumi
hi all.
i was wondering if anyone else is having this current problem that i
have come across? i am using the main facebook site because i am
trying to link in people to posts on the site, i know that
unfortunately the mobile site cannot do this.
i am trying to access the "what's on your mind?" box but VO cannot
find the eddit box for some reason and only finds the "share" button.
if anyone has any suggestions i would be greatful if they could let me

Chris Moore wrote:
> Hello,
> I tend to use Facebook in group mode.  Make life easier for yourself for now 
> and use iinstead of the main site.  Click on the 
> friends link and your friends request will be in there.
> Chris
> On 6 Jul 2010, at 18:30, chad baker wrote:
> > Hi i just got friend requests on facebook.
> > I'm having trouble accessing them.
> > I go to the link where it has friend requests then it loads and nothing 
> > could be found.
> > Does anyone have any suggestions navigating facebook its tricky.
> > thanks
> >
> > --
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trouble accessing the xm radio site

2010-07-08 Thread chad baker
Hi i'm having trouble playing channels on the xm radio site.
I have the windows media quicktime components installed.
I do vo space on the channel i want to hear then it just sits there and says 
your on a image inside html content.
I interacted with it and no feedback from vo.
I tried another browser and it played fine i tried sunrise.
Not sure if its a safari issue.

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Re: facebook with safari

2010-07-08 Thread Chris Moore
The only way I have managed to get this to work is on the mobile version of the 
website or to use the iPhone app.  Really puzzled why I can't find it on the 
main site too.

I tend to use facebook chat via iChat or AIM (Adium did not work for me).  I 
could not get facebook chat to work to good on the main site, but Kevin 
demonstrated to me yesterday that it can be done (smart ass), so will give that 
another go.

On 8 Jul 2010, at 08:53, DJ Nezumi wrote:

> hi all.
> i was wondering if anyone else is having this current problem that i
> have come across? i am using the main facebook site because i am
> trying to link in people to posts on the site, i know that
> unfortunately the mobile site cannot do this.
> i am trying to access the "what's on your mind?" box but VO cannot
> find the eddit box for some reason and only finds the "share" button.
> if anyone has any suggestions i would be greatful if they could let me
> know.
> thanks
> Liam
> Chris Moore wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I tend to use Facebook in group mode.  Make life easier for yourself for now 
>> and use iinstead of the main site.  Click on the 
>> friends link and your friends request will be in there.
>> Chris
>> On 6 Jul 2010, at 18:30, chad baker wrote:
>>> Hi i just got friend requests on facebook.
>>> I'm having trouble accessing them.
>>> I go to the link where it has friend requests then it loads and nothing 
>>> could be found.
>>> Does anyone have any suggestions navigating facebook its tricky.
>>> thanks
>>> --
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RE: USB drives in VM Fusion

2010-07-08 Thread Simon F
Ok If it's connecting to the mac, dis connect (eject ) it from the mac, but
leave it actually plugged in to the machine. And then go into the virtual
machine menu of the vm fusion software and find the USB devices option in
the menu and make sure the USB drive is enabled within vm fusion.

Hope that helps.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Snyder
Sent: Wednesday, 7 July 2010 8:17 p.m.
Subject: USB drives in VM Fusion

Hi guys,
I seem to be having difficulty attaching an NTFS usb drive to the XP virtual
machine in VM fusion. It does appear on the Mac desktop, but it doesn't seem
to want to attach in Fusion. Any ideas?


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RE: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-08 Thread Simon F
That sounds like a cool device. But wouldn't it use power up a truck load

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Annie Skov Nielsen
Sent: Wednesday, 7 July 2010 10:48 p.m.
Subject: Re: Move addict now completely accessible

Hi all.

I have found the price 50 dollars, I will buy it today.

Best regards Annie.

2010/7/7, Annie Skov Nielsen :
> Hi all.
> Fantastic, that is what I have been looking for for a year.
> I can not see if it costs anything.
> Best regards Annie.
> 2010/7/6, Slau Halatyn :
>> Since the menu bar portion is not accessible, it is possible to gain 
>> access to a few features by bringing up the contextual menu on the 
>> application itself and examining the package contents. There, if you 
>> go to the Resources folder and open the file named "MoveAddict 
>>," the preferences window for MoveAddict will open.
>> HTH
>> --
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Re: Moving apps on iPod Touch using the Mac

2010-07-08 Thread Thuy
Hi David. I spent ages trying to move apps around and into folders
etc, and it is doable on the iphone/ipod. It's quite easy to move an
app by one slot either way in order to drop it into a folder or create
a folder from two apps being superimposed. The way I deal with moving
apps and folders is to shunt them onto a separate page so that they
are the only 2 items on that page, then once I have all the apps that
I need in the required folder, I can shift the entire folder onto an
earlier page. Bear in mind that it will place the apps in the order in
which you slot them into the folders. It's also easy if you only have
one or two items on a page just to throw the app back out of the
folder if you make a mistake. So if I want to order apps
alphabetically, I just go into the folder and find the app I want,
chuck it out of the folder, and place it back inside it again. That
way, I know it's going to be the most recently added app in the list
inside the folder. Hope this helps?



On 06/07/2010, David Hole  wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> Can someone here tell me if it is possible to move applications on the
> iPod Touch or iPhone by using the Mac?
> It's mostly impossible to dreag the apps where I want it when I do it on
> the device :(
> Also sighted people had problems doing this when I asked them to help.
> Kind regards David
> --
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RE: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-08 Thread Paul Hunt
Yes. If you install with VM Fusion you can put all of your documents on the
mac side and still access them with office applications. As the MAC IWork
suite matures in its accessibility you can transition to the Mac and maybe
one day scrap Windows altogether which is my ultimate goal. By the way, when
I installed Windows 7 I could do everything until Windows wanted me to put
in a login and password. Perhaps that is a Windows 7 thing and it doesn't
work that way in XP.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Deb Lewis
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

Yes, I've just listened to Mike's podcast and most of thatmakes sensee to 
me. Really helpful.

He mentioned that I could install it either just using the Virtual Machine 
or install Windows through bootcamp with sightedhelp (which I have) and then

have them dual boot. Except for the issue of accessibility during install, 
is there any difference between doing it through Bootcamp initiallly or 
through the VMWare?

Also we're buy the extra memory for the Mac Book so it will have 8 megs. It 
sounds like this is enough if I change Windows to 384? That still leaves the

Mac with more than its default. I know nothing about Mac memory 
- Original Message - 
From: "Garry Turkington" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

> Hi,
> Not wanting to state the obvious but you will need to install your
> screen reader of choice within the Windows environment, be it a dual
> boot under Bootcamp or a virtual machine under VMware Fusion.  I know
> there was historically some problems in getting Jaws to work properly
> under Fusion because of the jaws key not always being recognised, not
> sure if this is still a concern or if it also applies to Window Eyes
> or other Windows screen readers.
> I will say though as someone who fought with various dual and
> multi-boot setups for years I am a huge fan of virtualisation -- use
> it heavily on a Windows platform -- and would never want to go back.
> Garry
> On 7/7/10, Deb Lewis  wrote:
>> Good. I like things called Easy. And maybe I can find your podcast.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Mike Arrigo" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:34 PM
>> Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
>> The main thing you will wantto do is choose the easy install, and at 
>> least
>> initially, not set a password, this way you can get to the windows 
>> desktop
>> without running in to screens that are inaccessible.
>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:
>>> Well this is getting put together for me at work so I can have them
>>> install it tomorrow. I might need somehelp with what to do next though 
>>> and
>>> I definitely have skype. I did  go tot he web site and basically
>>> understand what it does. Anything i need to know specifically to install
>>> it?
>>> - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:14 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
>>> Hi there, you need to get a copy of vmware fusion, This
>>> will allow you to run windows in a virtual machine, as well as install
>>> without sighted help. If you have skype or another program for
>>> communication, I could give you more help getting started with this. It
>>> will allow you to run the mac and windows at the same time which is very
>>> convenient.
>>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:
 OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the
 middle of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the

 I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience
 and because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world.

 I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen
 access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're
 all talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way,
 what choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to get.

 Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from 
 archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.

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RE: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-08 Thread Paul Hunt
Using the caps lock is an issue in VM Fusion. So when installing JAWS don't
let it go to the system tray initially. Instead let it stay on the desktop.
You can redefine your jaws key to a keystroke that will work. I use a mac
mini with a desktop keyboard so I can use the standard JAWS key. My wife
uses magic so I need to figure out how to redefine the magic key.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Garry Turkington
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows


Not wanting to state the obvious but you will need to install your
screen reader of choice within the Windows environment, be it a dual
boot under Bootcamp or a virtual machine under VMware Fusion.  I know
there was historically some problems in getting Jaws to work properly
under Fusion because of the jaws key not always being recognised, not
sure if this is still a concern or if it also applies to Window Eyes
or other Windows screen readers.

I will say though as someone who fought with various dual and
multi-boot setups for years I am a huge fan of virtualisation -- use
it heavily on a Windows platform -- and would never want to go back.


On 7/7/10, Deb Lewis  wrote:
> Good. I like things called Easy. And maybe I can find your podcast.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mike Arrigo" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:34 PM
> Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
> The main thing you will wantto do is choose the easy install, and at least
> initially, not set a password, this way you can get to the windows desktop
> without running in to screens that are inaccessible.
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:
>> Well this is getting put together for me at work so I can have them
>> install it tomorrow. I might need somehelp with what to do next though
>> I definitely have skype. I did  go tot he web site and basically
>> understand what it does. Anything i need to know specifically to install
>> it?
>> - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:14 PM
>> Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
>> Hi there, you need to get a copy of vmware fusion, This
>> will allow you to run windows in a virtual machine, as well as install
>> without sighted help. If you have skype or another program for
>> communication, I could give you more help getting started with this. It
>> will allow you to run the mac and windows at the same time which is very
>> convenient.
>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:
>>> OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the
>>> middle of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the
>>> beginning.
>>> I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience
>>> and because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world.
>>> I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen
>>> access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're
>>> all talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way,
>>> what choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to get.
>>> Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from the
>>> archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.
>>> Deb
>>> ** For the best music and the most friendly chat
>>> visit our program schedule and Ride with us at:
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> macvisionar

Re: facebook with safari

2010-07-08 Thread Peggy Fleischer
Hi Liam,

One way to accomplish what you are trying to do is to bring up the item chooser 
and type button. Down arrow till you hear the "share" button spoken. Press VO  
space to move your cursor to the share button then VO left arrow once and you 
will hear "edit" and that is the place to type what is on your mind. I hope 
this suggestion is helpful.

Peggy Fleischer

On Jul 8, 2010, at 3:53 AM, DJ Nezumi wrote:

> hi all.
> i was wondering if anyone else is having this current problem that i
> have come across? i am using the main facebook site because i am
> trying to link in people to posts on the site, i know that
> unfortunately the mobile site cannot do this.
> i am trying to access the "what's on your mind?" box but VO cannot
> find the eddit box for some reason and only finds the "share" button.
> if anyone has any suggestions i would be greatful if they could let me
> know.
> thanks
> Liam
> Chris Moore wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I tend to use Facebook in group mode.  Make life easier for yourself for now 
>> and use iinstead of the main site.  Click on the 
>> friends link and your friends request will be in there.
>> Chris
>> On 6 Jul 2010, at 18:30, chad baker wrote:
>>> Hi i just got friend requests on facebook.
>>> I'm having trouble accessing them.
>>> I go to the link where it has friend requests then it loads and nothing 
>>> could be found.
>>> Does anyone have any suggestions navigating facebook its tricky.
>>> thanks
>>> --
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> -- 
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Re: facebook with safari

2010-07-08 Thread Donna Goodin
Actually, there's an easier way.  Someone on the list pointed it out, I am 
sorry, I can't recall who at the moment.

1.  Bring up the item chooser.

2.  Type the word Mind.  You will see the What's on your mind prompt as an 

3.  Press Enter to exit Item Chooser.

4.  Start typing.  You still won't see the prompt, but you'll be in the right 
place.  When you're done typing, you'll be able to arrow back and forth and you 
post will be in the edit box.

5.  Click Share and you're good to go.

On Jul 8, 2010, at 7:09 AM, Peggy Fleischer wrote:

> Hi Liam,
> One way to accomplish what you are trying to do is to bring up the item 
> chooser and type button. Down arrow till you hear the "share" button spoken. 
> Press VO  space to move your cursor to the share button then VO left arrow 
> once and you will hear "edit" and that is the place to type what is on your 
> mind. I hope this suggestion is helpful.
> Peggy Fleischer
> On Jul 8, 2010, at 3:53 AM, DJ Nezumi wrote:
>> hi all.
>> i was wondering if anyone else is having this current problem that i
>> have come across? i am using the main facebook site because i am
>> trying to link in people to posts on the site, i know that
>> unfortunately the mobile site cannot do this.
>> i am trying to access the "what's on your mind?" box but VO cannot
>> find the eddit box for some reason and only finds the "share" button.
>> if anyone has any suggestions i would be greatful if they could let me
>> know.
>> thanks
>> Liam
>> Chris Moore wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I tend to use Facebook in group mode.  Make life easier for yourself for 
>>> now and use iinstead of the main site.  Click on the 
>>> friends link and your friends request will be in there.
>>> Chris
>>> On 6 Jul 2010, at 18:30, chad baker wrote:
 Hi i just got friend requests on facebook.
 I'm having trouble accessing them.
 I go to the link where it has friend requests then it loads and nothing 
 could be found.
 Does anyone have any suggestions navigating facebook its tricky.
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-08 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Perhaps the developer could add a system preferences panel to make it
easier to control rather then the contorted opening of the package
contents.  In the mean time, perhaps creating an alias of the
preferences program and dropping that into the applications directory
might work for some ease.  I don't remember enough about how HFS
aliases work, but [perhaps somebody could create a alias and post it
to the list to prevent contortions by  folks while attempting to find
the preference applcation.



On 06/07/2010, Slau Halatyn  wrote:
> Since the menu bar portion is not accessible, it is possible to gain access
> to a few features by bringing up the contextual menu on the application
> itself and examining the package contents. There, if you go to the Resources
> folder and open the file named "MoveAddict," the preferences
> window for MoveAddict will open.
> --
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Re: voice over scripts

2010-07-08 Thread Jonathan Cohn
It might be possible to get to the underlying application objects via
AppleScript and then create a completely new User Interface in Apple
Script to the program.  I would expect this in (except in some limited
cases) to be completely the wrong approach.  If you were able to
reproduce all the User Interactions in the original program using the
AppleScript visible objects then you would be 90% of the way to
retooling the environment into a framework that could not only be
accessable, but would leverage all the standard interactions that
Apple provides to its users.

Accessability for the blind is just one feature that is enable by
converting applications from a private, Adobe, or Darwin framework
into a Darwin framework.

Best regards,


On 07/07/2010, Cody Hurst  wrote:
> yes, but I doubt they look for accessibility, which they should
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:02 PM, Sandy Tomkins wrote:
>> Hi,
>>I apologise in advance if I am missing the point here, but aren't
>> all apps vetted by apple before being approved for the app store? In
>> which case, mightn't the best way, to make sure that all apps are
>> accessible, be to approach Apple, reminding them of their sterling
>> work re Voiceover and encouraging them to include accessibility as
>> part of their vetting procedure?
>>   Just my thoughts,
>> On 7/7/10, joseph  wrote:
>>> hi listers,
>>> how can i make applications accessible with voiceover?
>>> regards
>>> --
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Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-08 Thread Deb Lewis
Well something more to figure out I guess. Can I have a screen reader load 
at startup like you might in Windows? I would think that maybe you could 
- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Hunt" 

Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 4:02 AM
Subject: RE: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

Using the caps lock is an issue in VM Fusion. So when installing JAWS 
let it go to the system tray initially. Instead let it stay on the 

You can redefine your jaws key to a keystroke that will work. I use a mac
mini with a desktop keyboard so I can use the standard JAWS key. My wife
uses magic so I need to figure out how to redefine the magic key.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Garry Turkington
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows


Not wanting to state the obvious but you will need to install your
screen reader of choice within the Windows environment, be it a dual
boot under Bootcamp or a virtual machine under VMware Fusion.  I know
there was historically some problems in getting Jaws to work properly
under Fusion because of the jaws key not always being recognised, not
sure if this is still a concern or if it also applies to Window Eyes
or other Windows screen readers.

I will say though as someone who fought with various dual and
multi-boot setups for years I am a huge fan of virtualisation -- use
it heavily on a Windows platform -- and would never want to go back.


On 7/7/10, Deb Lewis  wrote:

Good. I like things called Easy. And maybe I can find your podcast.
- Original Message -
From: "Mike Arrigo" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

The main thing you will wantto do is choose the easy install, and at 
initially, not set a password, this way you can get to the windows 

without running in to screens that are inaccessible.
On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:

Well this is getting put together for me at work so I can have them
install it tomorrow. I might need somehelp with what to do next though


I definitely have skype. I did  go tot he web site and basically
understand what it does. Anything i need to know specifically to install
- Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

Hi there, you need to get a copy of vmware fusion, This
will allow you to run windows in a virtual machine, as well as install
without sighted help. If you have skype or another program for
communication, I could give you more help getting started with this. It
will allow you to run the mac and windows at the same time which is very
On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:

OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the
middle of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the

I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience
and because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world.

I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen
access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're
all talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way,
what choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to get.

Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from 

archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.

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Re: facebook with safari

2010-07-08 Thread DJ Nezumi
hi Peggy

the issue is that i cannot actually find the edit box to type in. i'm
able to click the share button but when i VO arrow left it does not
come up with the edit box.
hope this helps. but thanks for the suggestion though
Donna Goodin wrote:
> Actually, there's an easier way.  Someone on the list pointed it out, I am 
> sorry, I can't recall who at the moment.
> 1.  Bring up the item chooser.
> 2.  Type the word Mind.  You will see the What's on your mind prompt as an 
> option.
> 3.  Press Enter to exit Item Chooser.
> 4.  Start typing.  You still won't see the prompt, but you'll be in the right 
> place.  When you're done typing, you'll be able to arrow back and forth and 
> you post will be in the edit box.
> 5.  Click Share and you're good to go.
> HTH,
> Donna
> On Jul 8, 2010, at 7:09 AM, Peggy Fleischer wrote:
> > Hi Liam,
> >
> > One way to accomplish what you are trying to do is to bring up the item 
> > chooser and type button. Down arrow till you hear the "share" button 
> > spoken. Press VO  space to move your cursor to the share button then VO 
> > left arrow once and you will hear "edit" and that is the place to type what 
> > is on your mind. I hope this suggestion is helpful.
> >
> > Peggy Fleischer
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Jul 8, 2010, at 3:53 AM, DJ Nezumi wrote:
> >
> >> hi all.
> >> i was wondering if anyone else is having this current problem that i
> >> have come across? i am using the main facebook site because i am
> >> trying to link in people to posts on the site, i know that
> >> unfortunately the mobile site cannot do this.
> >> i am trying to access the "what's on your mind?" box but VO cannot
> >> find the eddit box for some reason and only finds the "share" button.
> >> if anyone has any suggestions i would be greatful if they could let me
> >> know.
> >> thanks
> >> Liam
> >>
> >> Chris Moore wrote:
> >>> Hello,
> >>>
> >>> I tend to use Facebook in group mode.  Make life easier for yourself for 
> >>> now and use iinstead of the main site.  Click on 
> >>> the friends link and your friends request will be in there.
> >>>
> >>> Chris
> >>> On 6 Jul 2010, at 18:30, chad baker wrote:
> >>>
>  Hi i just got friend requests on facebook.
>  I'm having trouble accessing them.
>  I go to the link where it has friend requests then it loads and nothing 
>  could be found.
>  Does anyone have any suggestions navigating facebook its tricky.
>  thanks
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> >>
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> >>
> >>
> >
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> >
> >

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Re: Dropbox question

2010-07-08 Thread mr z sinno
hi, in windows, you can copy a link to a folder in your dropbox to share it 
with others via email etc, how can i do the same using my imac?
On 4 Jul 2010, at 16:38, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I'd suggest reinstallign the app totally so you can see the message in the 
> install box. You cannot see this window as it is not accessibal with vo. I've 
> contacted over and over again with no results and no 
> responce that they will look in to it.
> Take care.
> S
> On Jul 4, 2010, at 10:27 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi guys:
>> Someone sighted says there is a "welcome to drop box screen on my MBP, and 
>> it is asking for user name, password. However, I cannot get vo to navigate 
>> to that window. What am I supposed to do to access it?
>> -- 
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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-08 Thread Slau
Hi Jon,

I don't know that the developer would necessarily get into creating a System 
Preference pane now that he's completed the application in it's current form, 
although it's entirely possible he might consider it in the future. I suppose 
it would be a question for him if someone's interested in asking. Personally, I 
think this application, which runs in the background, does essentially one 
thing and does it seamlessly and transparently so I don't feel it's something 
that requires a preference pane in System Preferences. Once the couple of 
parameters are set, I doubt anyone would have a reason to change them.

That said, creating an alias would probably work just fine. It's not something 
that someone could create on a given system and share with others since it's 
specific to the paths of a given OS file system. Creating an alias, though, is 
a very simple thing and, now that it's an easy prospect to simply move the 
alias with MoveAddict, one can create the alias within the Resources folder, 
cut it and paste it to the Applications folder. I'll give it a test run and, if 
it doesn't work, I'll report back.


On Jul 8, 2010, at 8:46 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

> Perhaps the developer could add a system preferences panel to make it
> easier to control rather then the contorted opening of the package
> contents.  In the mean time, perhaps creating an alias of the
> preferences program and dropping that into the applications directory
> might work for some ease.  I don't remember enough about how HFS
> aliases work, but [perhaps somebody could create a alias and post it
> to the list to prevent contortions by  folks while attempting to find
> the preference applcation.
> Best,
> Jon
> On 06/07/2010, Slau Halatyn  wrote:
>> Since the menu bar portion is not accessible, it is possible to gain access
>> to a few features by bringing up the contextual menu on the application
>> itself and examining the package contents. There, if you go to the Resources
>> folder and open the file named "MoveAddict," the preferences
>> window for MoveAddict will open.
>> HTH
>> --
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MobileMe issue

2010-07-08 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I had things going well from my Mac to my IPHone with MobileMe; however when I 
added my PC to the mix, that is when things got screwed up. I now have 
duplicate contacts on my phone and Mac!!! If I enter one of them on my phone, 
there are two buttons one says mobileme the other says phone button. How can I 
easily erase my duplicates and have two computers and my phone get back to how 
they are supposed to be?

Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal Come join me on

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Solona commandline tool for the Mac

2010-07-08 Thread Donna Goodin
Has anyone used this?  I seem to be having difficulties with the setup.  I 
downloaded the file, and moved it to Documents, as suggested in the audioo 
instructions.  I opened terminal and switched to the documents directory.  but 
when I try and switch to the Solona directory, I get the message that there is 
no such folder or file.  But I can see the folder when I go into the documents 
directory.  Anyone know what might be going on?

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Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-08 Thread gene

Hi beb, oh yeah you sure can I have jaws to start with my vertual winxp.
- Original Message - 
From: "Deb Lewis" 

Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

Well something more to figure out I guess. Can I have a screen reader load 
at startup like you might in Windows? I would think that maybe you could 
- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Hunt" 

Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 4:02 AM
Subject: RE: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

Using the caps lock is an issue in VM Fusion. So when installing JAWS 
let it go to the system tray initially. Instead let it stay on the 

You can redefine your jaws key to a keystroke that will work. I use a mac
mini with a desktop keyboard so I can use the standard JAWS key. My wife
uses magic so I need to figure out how to redefine the magic key.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Garry Turkington
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows


Not wanting to state the obvious but you will need to install your
screen reader of choice within the Windows environment, be it a dual
boot under Bootcamp or a virtual machine under VMware Fusion.  I know
there was historically some problems in getting Jaws to work properly
under Fusion because of the jaws key not always being recognised, not
sure if this is still a concern or if it also applies to Window Eyes
or other Windows screen readers.

I will say though as someone who fought with various dual and
multi-boot setups for years I am a huge fan of virtualisation -- use
it heavily on a Windows platform -- and would never want to go back.


On 7/7/10, Deb Lewis  wrote:

Good. I like things called Easy. And maybe I can find your podcast.
- Original Message -
From: "Mike Arrigo" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

The main thing you will wantto do is choose the easy install, and at 
initially, not set a password, this way you can get to the windows 

without running in to screens that are inaccessible.
On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:

Well this is getting put together for me at work so I can have them
install it tomorrow. I might need somehelp with what to do next though


I definitely have skype. I did  go tot he web site and basically
understand what it does. Anything i need to know specifically to 

- Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

Hi there, you need to get a copy of vmware fusion, This
will allow you to run windows in a virtual machine, as well as install
without sighted help. If you have skype or another program for
communication, I could give you more help getting started with this. It
will allow you to run the mac and windows at the same time which is 

On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:

OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the
middle of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the

I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for 

and because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world.

I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using 

access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're
all talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best 
what choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to 

Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from 

archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.

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Re: Solona commandline tool for the Mac

2010-07-08 Thread louie

Try putting " around the folder you want to change to.

On Jul 8, 2010, at 11:47 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

Has anyone used this?  I seem to be having difficulties with the  
setup.  I downloaded the file, and moved it to Documents, as  
suggested in the audioo instructions.  I opened terminal and  
switched to the documents directory.  but when I try and switch to  
the Solona directory, I get the message that there is no such folder  
or file.  But I can see the folder when I go into the documents  
directory.  Anyone know what might be going on?


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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-08 Thread Ray Foret Jr
What exactly is Moveaddict?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

On Jul 8, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Slau wrote:

> Hi Jon,
> I don't know that the developer would necessarily get into creating a System 
> Preference pane now that he's completed the application in it's current form, 
> although it's entirely possible he might consider it in the future. I suppose 
> it would be a question for him if someone's interested in asking. Personally, 
> I think this application, which runs in the background, does essentially one 
> thing and does it seamlessly and transparently so I don't feel it's something 
> that requires a preference pane in System Preferences. Once the couple of 
> parameters are set, I doubt anyone would have a reason to change them.
> That said, creating an alias would probably work just fine. It's not 
> something that someone could create on a given system and share with others 
> since it's specific to the paths of a given OS file system. Creating an 
> alias, though, is a very simple thing and, now that it's an easy prospect to 
> simply move the alias with MoveAddict, one can create the alias within the 
> Resources folder, cut it and paste it to the Applications folder. I'll give 
> it a test run and, if it doesn't work, I'll report back.
> Slau
> On Jul 8, 2010, at 8:46 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
>> Perhaps the developer could add a system preferences panel to make it
>> easier to control rather then the contorted opening of the package
>> contents.  In the mean time, perhaps creating an alias of the
>> preferences program and dropping that into the applications directory
>> might work for some ease.  I don't remember enough about how HFS
>> aliases work, but [perhaps somebody could create a alias and post it
>> to the list to prevent contortions by  folks while attempting to find
>> the preference applcation.
>> Best,
>> Jon
>> On 06/07/2010, Slau Halatyn  wrote:
>>> Since the menu bar portion is not accessible, it is possible to gain access
>>> to a few features by bringing up the contextual menu on the application
>>> itself and examining the package contents. There, if you go to the Resources
>>> folder and open the file named "MoveAddict," the preferences
>>> window for MoveAddict will open.
>>> HTH
>>> --
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Re: Solona commandline tool for the Mac

2010-07-08 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Did you use the CD command?  Also, be sure to change the permissions of the 
file so that it's an executable.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

On Jul 8, 2010, at 1:47 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Has anyone used this?  I seem to be having difficulties with the setup.  I 
> downloaded the file, and moved it to Documents, as suggested in the audioo 
> instructions.  I opened terminal and switched to the documents directory.  
> but when I try and switch to the Solona directory, I get the message that 
> there is no such folder or file.  But I can see the folder when I go into the 
> documents directory.  Anyone know what might be going on?
> TIA,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-08 Thread Slau
Hi Ray,

MoveAddict is a utility application that, once installed, runs in the 
background and simply supports functionality that allows one to cut and paste 
files within the Finder. Normally, files are copied and pasted, then the 
original is deleted. A sighted user can simply drag a file to move it but, 
until drag & drop is implemented successfully, the only option for VoiceOver 
users is to copy and paste. Now, with MoveAddict, it's possible to simply cut 
and paste.



On Jul 8, 2010, at 3:25 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> What exactly is Moveaddict?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> E-Mail:
> rforetjr at comcast dot net
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Jul 8, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Slau wrote:
>> Hi Jon,
>> I don't know that the developer would necessarily get into creating a System 
>> Preference pane now that he's completed the application in it's current 
>> form, although it's entirely possible he might consider it in the future. I 
>> suppose it would be a question for him if someone's interested in asking. 
>> Personally, I think this application, which runs in the background, does 
>> essentially one thing and does it seamlessly and transparently so I don't 
>> feel it's something that requires a preference pane in System Preferences. 
>> Once the couple of parameters are set, I doubt anyone would have a reason to 
>> change them.
>> That said, creating an alias would probably work just fine. It's not 
>> something that someone could create on a given system and share with others 
>> since it's specific to the paths of a given OS file system. Creating an 
>> alias, though, is a very simple thing and, now that it's an easy prospect to 
>> simply move the alias with MoveAddict, one can create the alias within the 
>> Resources folder, cut it and paste it to the Applications folder. I'll give 
>> it a test run and, if it doesn't work, I'll report back.
>> Slau
>> On Jul 8, 2010, at 8:46 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
>>> Perhaps the developer could add a system preferences panel to make it
>>> easier to control rather then the contorted opening of the package
>>> contents.  In the mean time, perhaps creating an alias of the
>>> preferences program and dropping that into the applications directory
>>> might work for some ease.  I don't remember enough about how HFS
>>> aliases work, but [perhaps somebody could create a alias and post it
>>> to the list to prevent contortions by  folks while attempting to find
>>> the preference applcation.
>>> Best,
>>> Jon
>>> On 06/07/2010, Slau Halatyn  wrote:
 Since the menu bar portion is not accessible, it is possible to gain access
 to a few features by bringing up the contextual menu on the application
 itself and examining the package contents. There, if you go to the 
 folder and open the file named "MoveAddict," the 
 window for MoveAddict will open.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Solona commandline tool for the Mac

2010-07-08 Thread Donna Goodin
Oh, that's weird.  when I changed to the documents director, I did not have to 
use the ".  Why did I have to do it here?
thanks for the help,
On Jul 8, 2010, at 2:50 PM, louie wrote:

> Donna,
> Try putting " around the folder you want to change to.
> On Jul 8, 2010, at 11:47 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Has anyone used this?  I seem to be having difficulties with the setup.  I 
>> downloaded the file, and moved it to Documents, as suggested in the audioo 
>> instructions.  I opened terminal and switched to the documents directory.  
>> but when I try and switch to the Solona directory, I get the message that 
>> there is no such folder or file.  But I can see the folder when I go into 
>> the documents directory.  Anyone know what might be going on?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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> louie
> -- 
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Setting Up Time In ICal?

2010-07-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

I can't seem to find a way to navigate to the hours and minutes in ICal. I can 
set up the date just fine once I interact with it, but when I move the VO 
cursor to the right of the date, it just skips to the "new calendar" button at 
the bottom of the window. Any ideas?


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multilingual braille tables for mac

2010-07-08 Thread Josh Kennedy

I installed the multilingual braille tables for mac and then tested it with 
some greek text on the web that I made google translate produce. My question is 
why does all the greek text use eight dot braille? same for hebrew, arabic and 
other languages? I wish there were a way to tell voiceover not to use eight dot 
braille at all sometimes like a checkbox or something. 

Josh Kennedy

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Re: Solona commandline tool for the Mac

2010-07-08 Thread Barry Hadder

You only have to use quotes if the file or directory name contains spaces.  You 
can also escape the spaces with \.

Also, everything is case sensitive.  So, "cd Documents/solona" should get you 
there assuming you are in your home directory.  You can also tab to auto 
complete file names.  IE, "cd sol".

On Jul 8, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Oh, that's weird.  when I changed to the documents director, I did not have 
> to use the ".  Why did I have to do it here?
> thanks for the help,
> Donna
> On Jul 8, 2010, at 2:50 PM, louie wrote:
>> Donna,
>> Try putting " around the folder you want to change to.
>> On Jul 8, 2010, at 11:47 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Has anyone used this?  I seem to be having difficulties with the setup.  I 
>>> downloaded the file, and moved it to Documents, as suggested in the audioo 
>>> instructions.  I opened terminal and switched to the documents directory.  
>>> but when I try and switch to the Solona directory, I get the message that 
>>> there is no such folder or file.  But I can see the folder when I go into 
>>> the documents directory.  Anyone know what might be going on?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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>> louie
>> -- 
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Re: Setting Up Time In ICal?

2010-07-08 Thread Chris Moore
Sadly iCal has limitations when it comes to use with VoiceOver.  Apple are 
fully aware and looking to implement more improvements in future updates.  I 
could not find a way to navigate the times on the Calendar canvas either.  
However you can create a new event or new to do and then interact with it and 
enter the time.

The only fully accessible version of iCal currently is on the iPhone, even the 
mobile me version is not accessible currently.

To add weight for the need for better VoiceOver support drop Apple an email at 
On 8 Jul 2010, at 21:41, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I can't seem to find a way to navigate to the hours and minutes in ICal. I 
> can set up the date just fine once I interact with it, but when I move the VO 
> cursor to the right of the date, it just skips to the "new calendar" button 
> at the bottom of the window. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Teresa
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A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-08 Thread Bryan Smart
I'm writing to share my experiences with Digit-Eyes.

I tried it on my iPhone 4, with several bar codes, and it didn't recognize even 
one of them. I don't mean that the code was located, but not recognized. I mean 
that the code was not even detected as being in the image. I'd tap the scan 
button, and the constant clicking would begin to let me know that scanning was 
in progress. I was scanning in a brightly lit room, and the screen curtain was 
not on. Rotating the containers in front of the iPhone camera, with it held 
about a foot away from them, produced no results. I had a sighted friend 
deliberately place the bar code in view, something that I would have not been 
able to do on my own, and it wasn't recognized, either. We just kept trying 
different angles, and rotating, but all we got was more clicking from the 
Digit-Eyes scanner.

I had some experience with creating a system like this several years ago. At 
that time, CCD cameras were not as accurate. Even so, for best results, we 
determined that a 3D laser scanner would be required in order for bar codes to 
be detected in the way that a blind person is likely to present them to the 
scanner: at angles, in shadow, etc. This is the technique used by other 
commercial systems like the ID Mate. I was lead to understand that this wasn't 
a concern with Digit-Eyes, due to the higher quality camera in the iPhone 3GS 
and iPhone 4. However, based on my results, I'd say that this isn't so.

Perhaps Digit-Eyes works better with dedicated labels, but, if I were to make 
dedicated labels, I'd just create Braille labels. I realize that everyone 
doesn't read Braille, and so audio labels still might be of use to some people. 
However, the advertised function of being able to read bar codes seems to not 
work, or else, it might work, but requires a level of alignment precision that 
I've not been able to achieve. I'm usually quite capable when it comes to 
reasoning through these types of situations, so my conclusion is that I've 
either overlooked something profound, or else the level of alignment that is 
required for a good scan is grater than most blind people will independently 
obtain without assistance. If you need assistance, you might as well ask the 
sighted person what is on the label. *shrug*

I'd like to hear the experiences of others. However, I can't personally suggest 
that anyone spend the $30 that is charged for this app if they expect to use it 
as a bar code scanner.


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Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-08 Thread Chris Moore
I totally agree, it works great with CDs but no good on tins, jars or bottles.  
It managed to read a few food items but its very hit and miss and something you 
would use if it is a last resort .

If you want audio labels then get the RNIB Pen Friend.
On 8 Jul 2010, at 23:03, Bryan Smart wrote:

> I'm writing to share my experiences with Digit-Eyes.
> I tried it on my iPhone 4, with several bar codes, and it didn't recognize 
> even one of them. I don't mean that the code was located, but not recognized. 
> I mean that the code was not even detected as being in the image. I'd tap the 
> scan button, and the constant clicking would begin to let me know that 
> scanning was in progress. I was scanning in a brightly lit room, and the 
> screen curtain was not on. Rotating the containers in front of the iPhone 
> camera, with it held about a foot away from them, produced no results. I had 
> a sighted friend deliberately place the bar code in view, something that I 
> would have not been able to do on my own, and it wasn't recognized, either. 
> We just kept trying different angles, and rotating, but all we got was more 
> clicking from the Digit-Eyes scanner.
> I had some experience with creating a system like this several years ago. At 
> that time, CCD cameras were not as accurate. Even so, for best results, we 
> determined that a 3D laser scanner would be required in order for bar codes 
> to be detected in the way that a blind person is likely to present them to 
> the scanner: at angles, in shadow, etc. This is the technique used by other 
> commercial systems like the ID Mate. I was lead to understand that this 
> wasn't a concern with Digit-Eyes, due to the higher quality camera in the 
> iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. However, based on my results, I'd say that this 
> isn't so.
> Perhaps Digit-Eyes works better with dedicated labels, but, if I were to make 
> dedicated labels, I'd just create Braille labels. I realize that everyone 
> doesn't read Braille, and so audio labels still might be of use to some 
> people. However, the advertised function of being able to read bar codes 
> seems to not work, or else, it might work, but requires a level of alignment 
> precision that I've not been able to achieve. I'm usually quite capable when 
> it comes to reasoning through these types of situations, so my conclusion is 
> that I've either overlooked something profound, or else the level of 
> alignment that is required for a good scan is grater than most blind people 
> will independently obtain without assistance. If you need assistance, you 
> might as well ask the sighted person what is on the label. *shrug*
> I'd like to hear the experiences of others. However, I can't personally 
> suggest that anyone spend the $30 that is charged for this app if they expect 
> to use it as a bar code scanner.
> Bryan
> -- 
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Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-08 Thread Deb Lewis
Right now I would agree  that this app is not ready for prime time. I have 
been very impressed with the commitment of the developers and was very 
willing to take a chance on this product. But not only is it nearly 
impossible to scan a bar code, it's also seemingly impossible to print out 
the labels. I've now sent images of our label printing attempts to Nancy and 
I'm hopeful that they'll isolate the problem. But meanwhile, I haven't had 
much luck with either printing labels of various sizes or reading existing 
bar codes except for some isolated incidences on the latter. I would 
currently recommend waiting to buy this app. I would purchase it as a 
labeler and will  be happy when or if that works. I would say it's 
definitely not a barcode reader for me at least.
- Original Message - 
From: "Bryan Smart" 

Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:03 PM
Subject: A warning about Digit-Eyes

I'm writing to share my experiences with Digit-Eyes.

I tried it on my iPhone 4, with several bar codes, and it didn't recognize 
even one of them. I don't mean that the code was located, but not 
recognized. I mean that the code was not even detected as being in the 
image. I'd tap the scan button, and the constant clicking would begin to let 
me know that scanning was in progress. I was scanning in a brightly lit 
room, and the screen curtain was not on. Rotating the containers in front of 
the iPhone camera, with it held about a foot away from them, produced no 
results. I had a sighted friend deliberately place the bar code in view, 
something that I would have not been able to do on my own, and it wasn't 
recognized, either. We just kept trying different angles, and rotating, but 
all we got was more clicking from the Digit-Eyes scanner.

I had some experience with creating a system like this several years ago. At 
that time, CCD cameras were not as accurate. Even so, for best results, we 
determined that a 3D laser scanner would be required in order for bar codes 
to be detected in the way that a blind person is likely to present them to 
the scanner: at angles, in shadow, etc. This is the technique used by other 
commercial systems like the ID Mate. I was lead to understand that this 
wasn't a concern with Digit-Eyes, due to the higher quality camera in the 
iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. However, based on my results, I'd say that this 
isn't so.

Perhaps Digit-Eyes works better with dedicated labels, but, if I were to 
make dedicated labels, I'd just create Braille labels. I realize that 
everyone doesn't read Braille, and so audio labels still might be of use to 
some people. However, the advertised function of being able to read bar 
codes seems to not work, or else, it might work, but requires a level of 
alignment precision that I've not been able to achieve. I'm usually quite 
capable when it comes to reasoning through these types of situations, so my 
conclusion is that I've either overlooked something profound, or else the 
level of alignment that is required for a good scan is grater than most 
blind people will independently obtain without assistance. If you need 
assistance, you might as well ask the sighted person what is on the label. 

I'd like to hear the experiences of others. However, I can't personally 
suggest that anyone spend the $30 that is charged for this app if they 
expect to use it as a bar code scanner.


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connecting a wireless printer

2010-07-08 Thread denise avant
Hello all,

I have a wireless printer I need to set up with my macbook pro. Is there
anything special i need  to do when installing printer drivers. Thanks.


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convert text to mp3

2010-07-08 Thread Josh Kennedy

Is there any program I can use for the mac to convert text into mp3? text 
documents or word documents into mp3? maybe something like text aloud for the 
mac but something freeware or open source? something that uses the mac voices 
to convert text to mp3? 


Josh Kennedy

Josh Kennedy

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can a mac read miny cds?

2010-07-08 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hey can a mac read miny cds or dvds? I have a mac book pro. I don't know what 
they are called. it is the little thingy that look like full sized cds.


I ahve a manual o none of these little buggers.


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Re: scrolling through big digest messages

2010-07-08 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Josh,

I have found a similar problem in reading digest list messages.

It's been a couple of days since I experimented with this but there is a way I 
like to navigate and I will try to remember how I do it, below:

I know that sometimes it works well to use the next heading at the same level 
command, depending upon whether the digest is HTML or not.  The next heading at 
the same level command is VO+Command+M.  

I have also used with great success the next Plain Text command which is 
VO+Command+P command.

You may also wish to try the Next Paragraph command which is: VO+Shift+Page 

Good Luck,


On Jul 7, 2010, at 6:04 AM, Josh Kennedy wrote:

> Hi
> When I'm reading mail on the mac, I read big email digests with multiple 
> subjects. sometimes these are seperated by dashes or the word topic colon, or 
> the word message colon. It seems like if the message is really big, I mean 
> the message as a whole, when I use vo f and vo g to find the next instance of 
> the word or words, vo beeps and can't find it. but if I scroll down using the 
> arrow keys then I find it but it takes a very long time to move from topic to 
> topic this way in an email digest. So my question is how do I resolve this 
> and quickly move from message to message within a big long email digest? you 
> can email me off list at 
> Josh Kennedy
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Re: can a mac read miny cds?

2010-07-08 Thread Chris Moore
Sorry no, Macs contain slot loading drives so a mini CD/DVD would get lost in 
there.  You would have to plug in an external drive that has a CD tray instead 
of a slot.
On 8 Jul 2010, at 23:52, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hey can a mac read miny cds or dvds? I have a mac book pro. I don't know what 
> they are called. it is the little thingy that look like full sized cds.
> Thanks.
> I ahve a manual o none of these little buggers.
> S
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RE: convert text to mp3

2010-07-08 Thread Blake Sinnett



Google is your friend. For example, here's a link to a search for "text to mp3" 



> From:
> Subject: convert text to mp3
> Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 18:28:08 -0400
> To:
> Hi
> Is there any program I can use for the mac to convert text into mp3? text 
> documents or word documents into mp3? maybe something like text aloud for the 
> mac but something freeware or open source? something that uses the mac voices 
> to convert text to mp3? 
> Josh
> Josh Kennedy
> Josh Kennedy
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Re: can a mac read miny cds?

2010-07-08 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh darn! I'l have to find my brothers' scomputer or something! Darn!
On Jul 8, 2010, at 6:11 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Sorry no, Macs contain slot loading drives so a mini CD/DVD would get lost in 
> there.  You would have to plug in an external drive that has a CD tray 
> instead of a slot.
> On 8 Jul 2010, at 23:52, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hey can a mac read miny cds or dvds? I have a mac book pro. I don't know 
>> what they are called. it is the little thingy that look like full sized cds.
>> Thanks.
>> I ahve a manual o none of these little buggers.
>> S
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Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-08 Thread Mike Arrigo
When using boot camp, you must shut down and boot in to the other operating 
system, when using fusion, you can run them both at the same time. On the other 
hand, using boot camp allows each operating system to have full accesss to the 
computer's resources.
On Jul 7, 2010, at 9:40 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:

> Yes, I've just listened to Mike's podcast and most of thatmakes sensee to me. 
> Really helpful.
> He mentioned that I could install it either just using the Virtual Machine or 
> install Windows through bootcamp with sightedhelp (which I have) and then 
> have them dual boot. Except for the issue of accessibility during install, is 
> there any difference between doing it through Bootcamp initiallly or through 
> the VMWare?
> Also we're buy the extra memory for the Mac Book so it will have 8 megs. It 
> sounds like this is enough if I change Windows to 384? That still leaves the 
> Mac with more than its default. I know nothing about Mac memory requirements.
> - Original Message - From: "Garry Turkington" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 7:03 PM
> Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
>> Hi,
>> Not wanting to state the obvious but you will need to install your
>> screen reader of choice within the Windows environment, be it a dual
>> boot under Bootcamp or a virtual machine under VMware Fusion.  I know
>> there was historically some problems in getting Jaws to work properly
>> under Fusion because of the jaws key not always being recognised, not
>> sure if this is still a concern or if it also applies to Window Eyes
>> or other Windows screen readers.
>> I will say though as someone who fought with various dual and
>> multi-boot setups for years I am a huge fan of virtualisation -- use
>> it heavily on a Windows platform -- and would never want to go back.
>> Garry
>> On 7/7/10, Deb Lewis  wrote:
>>> Good. I like things called Easy. And maybe I can find your podcast.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Mike Arrigo" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:34 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
>>> The main thing you will wantto do is choose the easy install, and at least
>>> initially, not set a password, this way you can get to the windows desktop
>>> without running in to screens that are inaccessible.
>>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:
 Well this is getting put together for me at work so I can have them
 install it tomorrow. I might need somehelp with what to do next though and
 I definitely have skype. I did  go tot he web site and basically
 understand what it does. Anything i need to know specifically to install
 - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:14 PM
 Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
 Hi there, you need to get a copy of vmware fusion, This
 will allow you to run windows in a virtual machine, as well as install
 without sighted help. If you have skype or another program for
 communication, I could give you more help getting started with this. It
 will allow you to run the mac and windows at the same time which is very
 On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:
> OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the
> middle of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the
> beginning.
> I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience
> and because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world.
> I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen
> access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're
> all talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way,
> what choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to get.
> Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from the
> archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.
> Deb
> ** For the best music and the most friendly chat
> visit our program schedule and Ride with us at:
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Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-08 Thread Mike Arrigo
Yes, you can. This is possible with either fusion or boot camp.
On Jul 8, 2010, at 11:36 AM, Deb Lewis wrote:

> Well something more to figure out I guess. Can I have a screen reader load at 
> startup like you might in Windows? I would think that maybe you could not.
> - Original Message - From: "Paul Hunt" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 4:02 AM
> Subject: RE: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
>> Using the caps lock is an issue in VM Fusion. So when installing JAWS don't
>> let it go to the system tray initially. Instead let it stay on the desktop.
>> You can redefine your jaws key to a keystroke that will work. I use a mac
>> mini with a desktop keyboard so I can use the standard JAWS key. My wife
>> uses magic so I need to figure out how to redefine the magic key.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Garry Turkington
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:04 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
>> Hi,
>> Not wanting to state the obvious but you will need to install your
>> screen reader of choice within the Windows environment, be it a dual
>> boot under Bootcamp or a virtual machine under VMware Fusion.  I know
>> there was historically some problems in getting Jaws to work properly
>> under Fusion because of the jaws key not always being recognised, not
>> sure if this is still a concern or if it also applies to Window Eyes
>> or other Windows screen readers.
>> I will say though as someone who fought with various dual and
>> multi-boot setups for years I am a huge fan of virtualisation -- use
>> it heavily on a Windows platform -- and would never want to go back.
>> Garry
>> On 7/7/10, Deb Lewis  wrote:
>>> Good. I like things called Easy. And maybe I can find your podcast.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Mike Arrigo" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:34 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
>>> The main thing you will wantto do is choose the easy install, and at least
>>> initially, not set a password, this way you can get to the windows desktop
>>> without running in to screens that are inaccessible.
>>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:
 Well this is getting put together for me at work so I can have them
 install it tomorrow. I might need somehelp with what to do next though
>> and
 I definitely have skype. I did  go tot he web site and basically
 understand what it does. Anything i need to know specifically to install
 - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:14 PM
 Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
 Hi there, you need to get a copy of vmware fusion, This
 will allow you to run windows in a virtual machine, as well as install
 without sighted help. If you have skype or another program for
 communication, I could give you more help getting started with this. It
 will allow you to run the mac and windows at the same time which is very
 On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:
> OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the
> middle of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the
> beginning.
> I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience
> and because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world.
> I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen
> access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're
> all talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way,
> what choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to get.
> Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from the
> archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.
> Deb
> ** For the best music and the most friendly chat
> visit our program schedule and Ride with us at:
> --
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Re: Setting Up Time In ICal?

2010-07-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks,Chris. I'll try editing events for time once I've set them up.

On Jul 8, 2010, at 2:54 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Sadly iCal has limitations when it comes to use with VoiceOver.  Apple are 
> fully aware and looking to implement more improvements in future updates.  I 
> could not find a way to navigate the times on the Calendar canvas either.  
> However you can create a new event or new to do and then interact with it and 
> enter the time.
> The only fully accessible version of iCal currently is on the iPhone, even 
> the mobile me version is not accessible currently.
> To add weight for the need for better VoiceOver support drop Apple an email 
> at 
> On 8 Jul 2010, at 21:41, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> I can't seem to find a way to navigate to the hours and minutes in ICal. I 
>> can set up the date just fine once I interact with it, but when I move the 
>> VO cursor to the right of the date, it just skips to the "new calendar" 
>> button at the bottom of the window. Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
>> -- 
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Re: convert text to mp3

2010-07-08 Thread Mike Arrigo
Sure, check out ghost reader,
On Jul 8, 2010, at 5:28 PM, Josh Kennedy wrote:

> Hi
> Is there any program I can use for the mac to convert text into mp3? text 
> documents or word documents into mp3? maybe something like text aloud for the 
> mac but something freeware or open source? something that uses the mac voices 
> to convert text to mp3? 
> Josh
> Josh Kennedy
> Josh Kennedy
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spotlight search is wonderful!

2010-07-08 Thread Josh Kennedy

I just used spotlight search to look for a file I lost and didn't know where it 
was. it was a piece of cake to use and it works great! I love it! I think its 
superior to the windows xp search. 


Josh Kennedy

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Re: convert text to mp3

2010-07-08 Thread Courtney Curran
Thanks for the link, I found a nifty application called Say It Save it. It's 
great, and it's free. It does a really good job converting text to MP3.
On Jul 8, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Blake Sinnett wrote:

> Hi,
> Google is your friend. For example, here's a link to a search for "text to 
> mp3" "mac".
> HTH,
> Blake
> > From:
> > Subject: convert text to mp3
> > Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 18:28:08 -0400
> > To:
> > 
> > Hi
> > 
> > Is there any program I can use for the mac to convert text into mp3? text 
> > documents or word documents into mp3? maybe something like text aloud for 
> > the mac but something freeware or open source? something that uses the mac 
> > voices to convert text to mp3? 
> > 
> > Josh
> > 
> > Josh Kennedy
> >
> > 
> > Josh Kennedy
> >
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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> >
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at
> > 
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MobileMe help

2010-07-08 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi guys:
Tried sending this earlier, but it didn't go through. When I sank my PC to the 
Mac and iPhone with MobileMe, I have duplicate contacts. What is the best way 
to get rid of them? In iPhone, if I choose a duplicate contact, there are 
duplicate fields in the contacts. Help.

Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal Come join me on

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Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-08 Thread Scott Howell

I have used this application successfully with several types of packages. I 
have found cans to be particularly tricky. I can tell you that my greatest 
success seem to be starting out with my 3GS against the item, and once I 
started the scan, slowly back the phone away from the item. Again, this worked 
for me on several items. I have not run all over the house grabbing everything 
with a barcode, so I can't say that I have encountered every possible packaging 
type and this refers to shiny packaging, different color combinations, etc. I 
don't even know for sure if these are factors. I agree it would be nice if an 
external laser barcode reader could be used because this would seriously speed 
up the process of scanning items in a store etc. I put that suggestion out 
there and not sure if it will be considered or not. I realize carrying such a 
device does defeat some of the purpose perhaps, but it does allow for 
additional opportunities, such as someone who maintains inventory etc. Perhaps 
you have and if not, share your experiences and suggestion.
On Jul 8, 2010, at 6:03 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> I'm writing to share my experiences with Digit-Eyes.
> I tried it on my iPhone 4, with several bar codes, and it didn't recognize 
> even one of them. I don't mean that the code was located, but not recognized. 
> I mean that the code was not even detected as being in the image. I'd tap the 
> scan button, and the constant clicking would begin to let me know that 
> scanning was in progress. I was scanning in a brightly lit room, and the 
> screen curtain was not on. Rotating the containers in front of the iPhone 
> camera, with it held about a foot away from them, produced no results. I had 
> a sighted friend deliberately place the bar code in view, something that I 
> would have not been able to do on my own, and it wasn't recognized, either. 
> We just kept trying different angles, and rotating, but all we got was more 
> clicking from the Digit-Eyes scanner.
> I had some experience with creating a system like this several years ago. At 
> that time, CCD cameras were not as accurate. Even so, for best results, we 
> determined that a 3D laser scanner would be required in order for bar codes 
> to be detected in the way that a blind person is likely to present them to 
> the scanner: at angles, in shadow, etc. This is the technique used by other 
> commercial systems like the ID Mate. I was lead to understand that this 
> wasn't a concern with Digit-Eyes, due to the higher quality camera in the 
> iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. However, based on my results, I'd say that this 
> isn't so.
> Perhaps Digit-Eyes works better with dedicated labels, but, if I were to make 
> dedicated labels, I'd just create Braille labels. I realize that everyone 
> doesn't read Braille, and so audio labels still might be of use to some 
> people. However, the advertised function of being able to read bar codes 
> seems to not work, or else, it might work, but requires a level of alignment 
> precision that I've not been able to achieve. I'm usually quite capable when 
> it comes to reasoning through these types of situations, so my conclusion is 
> that I've either overlooked something profound, or else the level of 
> alignment that is required for a good scan is grater than most blind people 
> will independently obtain without assistance. If you need assistance, you 
> might as well ask the sighted person what is on the label. *shrug*
> I'd like to hear the experiences of others. However, I can't personally 
> suggest that anyone spend the $30 that is charged for this app if they expect 
> to use it as a bar code scanner.
> Bryan
> -- 
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2010-07-08 Thread joseph
hi list members,

what is an alias in mack and what does it do?

thanks for the info.

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Re: connecting a wireless printer

2010-07-08 Thread Scott Howell
No. The Mac will find the printer without any difficulty for the most part. I 
say for the most part because my experiences have only been with HP printers 
and I have had no issues connecting to them wirelessly.
On Jul 8, 2010, at 6:25 PM, denise avant wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have a wireless printer I need to set up with my macbook pro. Is there 
> anything special i need  to do when installing printer drivers. Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: MobileMe help

2010-07-08 Thread Cody Hurst
yes, it did go through, I got it

On Jul 8, 2010, at 8:20 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi guys:
> Tried sending this earlier, but it didn't go through. When I sank my PC to 
> the Mac and iPhone with MobileMe, I have duplicate contacts. What is the best 
> way to get rid of them? In iPhone, if I choose a duplicate contact, there are 
> duplicate fields in the contacts. Help.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal Come join me on
> -- 
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MoveAddict preferences

2010-07-08 Thread Darcy Burnard
Hi all.  My apologies if this has been mentioned already, but I didn't see it 
in any past moveaddict related messages on the list.
I just downloaded MoveAddict.  Inside the disk image, there is an accessibility 
folder.  In there is the MoveAddict preferences app, as well as a brief 
instructions file.  I gather this is the same preference app that is inside 
MoveAddict, but now you no longer have to drill down in to package contents to 
find it.  

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Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-08 Thread Carolyn
Hey Scott:I don't know if this'll help at all, but I use an ID mate from 
Nvision America.  And I bring it up because from using it, I've learned that 
the bar-codes on cans tend to be right around where the sceam of the label is.  
Obviously, that doesn't work for canned pop.  But, it's pretty flawless with 
canned soups, veg, etc.  This might help those using apps like Digiteyes.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Scott Howell 
  Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 6:31 PM
  Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes


  I have used this application successfully with several types of packages. I 
have found cans to be particularly tricky. I can tell you that my greatest 
success seem to be starting out with my 3GS against the item, and once I 
started the scan, slowly back the phone away from the item. Again, this worked 
for me on several items. I have not run all over the house grabbing everything 
with a barcode, so I can't say that I have encountered every possible packaging 
type and this refers to shiny packaging, different color combinations, etc. I 
don't even know for sure if these are factors. I agree it would be nice if an 
external laser barcode reader could be used because this would seriously speed 
up the process of scanning items in a store etc. I put that suggestion out 
there and not sure if it will be considered or not. I realize carrying such a 
device does defeat some of the purpose perhaps, but it does allow for 
additional opportunities, such as someone who maintains inventory etc. Perhaps 
you have and if not, share your experiences and suggestion.
  On Jul 8, 2010, at 6:03 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

  > I'm writing to share my experiences with Digit-Eyes.
  > I tried it on my iPhone 4, with several bar codes, and it didn't recognize 
even one of them. I don't mean that the code was located, but not recognized. I 
mean that the code was not even detected as being in the image. I'd tap the 
scan button, and the constant clicking would begin to let me know that scanning 
was in progress. I was scanning in a brightly lit room, and the screen curtain 
was not on. Rotating the containers in front of the iPhone camera, with it held 
about a foot away from them, produced no results. I had a sighted friend 
deliberately place the bar code in view, something that I would have not been 
able to do on my own, and it wasn't recognized, either. We just kept trying 
different angles, and rotating, but all we got was more clicking from the 
Digit-Eyes scanner.
  > I had some experience with creating a system like this several years ago. 
At that time, CCD cameras were not as accurate. Even so, for best results, we 
determined that a 3D laser scanner would be required in order for bar codes to 
be detected in the way that a blind person is likely to present them to the 
scanner: at angles, in shadow, etc. This is the technique used by other 
commercial systems like the ID Mate. I was lead to understand that this wasn't 
a concern with Digit-Eyes, due to the higher quality camera in the iPhone 3GS 
and iPhone 4. However, based on my results, I'd say that this isn't so.
  > Perhaps Digit-Eyes works better with dedicated labels, but, if I were to 
make dedicated labels, I'd just create Braille labels. I realize that everyone 
doesn't read Braille, and so audio labels still might be of use to some people. 
However, the advertised function of being able to read bar codes seems to not 
work, or else, it might work, but requires a level of alignment precision that 
I've not been able to achieve. I'm usually quite capable when it comes to 
reasoning through these types of situations, so my conclusion is that I've 
either overlooked something profound, or else the level of alignment that is 
required for a good scan is grater than most blind people will independently 
obtain without assistance. If you need assistance, you might as well ask the 
sighted person what is on the label. *shrug*
  > I'd like to hear the experiences of others. However, I can't personally 
suggest that anyone spend the $30 that is charged for this app if they expect 
to use it as a bar code scanner.
  > Bryan
  > -- 
  > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
  > To post to this group, send email to
  > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  > For more options, visit this group at

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  For more options, visit this group at


Re: alias

2010-07-08 Thread Slau
An alias is simply a small file that points to another file. Much like 
shortcuts to files on a Windows desktop, they can be used to point to other 
documents or applications. Opening an alias opens the file it points to 
elsewhere in the file system.



On Jul 8, 2010, at 8:34 PM, joseph wrote:

> hi list members,
> what is an alias in mack and what does it do?
> thanks for the info.
> -- 
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RE: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-08 Thread Bryan Smart
Yes; I'd be happy if they allowed us to use a Bluetooth laser scanner. Even 
though a separate device would be required for the higher quality scans, there 
are small scanners available. Beyond that, the important fact is that the CPU 
portion (the iPhone), is very mobile. We can, today, use a computer with a 
scanner to identify objects. Carrying a computer around the house isn't handy. 
Carrying an iPhone to do the processing, though, isn't that difficult. So, for 
me, there would still be value.

I suggest that they retain the functionality with the built-in camera, but 
allow Bluetooth scanning for those that can purchase a scanner.

I'm not sure that I'm going to pursue a refund, but I'd encourage others to 
withhold their money until the scanning quality has been addressed. If you just 
buy the program as-is, they have little incentive to improve it.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes


I have used this application successfully with several types of packages. I 
have found cans to be particularly tricky. I can tell you that my greatest 
success seem to be starting out with my 3GS against the item, and once I 
started the scan, slowly back the phone away from the item. Again, this worked 
for me on several items. I have not run all over the house grabbing everything 
with a barcode, so I can't say that I have encountered every possible packaging 
type and this refers to shiny packaging, different color combinations, etc. I 
don't even know for sure if these are factors. I agree it would be nice if an 
external laser barcode reader could be used because this would seriously speed 
up the process of scanning items in a store etc. I put that suggestion out 
there and not sure if it will be considered or not. I realize carrying such a 
device does defeat some of the purpose perhaps, but it does allow for 
additional opportunities, such as someone who maintains inventory etc. Perhaps 
you have and if not, share your experiences and suggestion.
On Jul 8, 2010, at 6:03 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> I'm writing to share my experiences with Digit-Eyes.
> I tried it on my iPhone 4, with several bar codes, and it didn't recognize 
> even one of them. I don't mean that the code was located, but not recognized. 
> I mean that the code was not even detected as being in the image. I'd tap the 
> scan button, and the constant clicking would begin to let me know that 
> scanning was in progress. I was scanning in a brightly lit room, and the 
> screen curtain was not on. Rotating the containers in front of the iPhone 
> camera, with it held about a foot away from them, produced no results. I had 
> a sighted friend deliberately place the bar code in view, something that I 
> would have not been able to do on my own, and it wasn't recognized, either. 
> We just kept trying different angles, and rotating, but all we got was more 
> clicking from the Digit-Eyes scanner.
> I had some experience with creating a system like this several years ago. At 
> that time, CCD cameras were not as accurate. Even so, for best results, we 
> determined that a 3D laser scanner would be required in order for bar codes 
> to be detected in the way that a blind person is likely to present them to 
> the scanner: at angles, in shadow, etc. This is the technique used by other 
> commercial systems like the ID Mate. I was lead to understand that this 
> wasn't a concern with Digit-Eyes, due to the higher quality camera in the 
> iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. However, based on my results, I'd say that this 
> isn't so.
> Perhaps Digit-Eyes works better with dedicated labels, but, if I were 
> to make dedicated labels, I'd just create Braille labels. I realize 
> that everyone doesn't read Braille, and so audio labels still might be 
> of use to some people. However, the advertised function of being able 
> to read bar codes seems to not work, or else, it might work, but 
> requires a level of alignment precision that I've not been able to 
> achieve. I'm usually quite capable when it comes to reasoning through 
> these types of situations, so my conclusion is that I've either 
> overlooked something profound, or else the level of alignment that is 
> required for a good scan is grater than most blind people will 
> independently obtain without assistance. If you need assistance, you 
> might as well ask the sighted person what is on the label. *shrug*
> I'd like to hear the experiences of others. However, I can't personally 
> suggest that anyone spend the $30 that is charged for this app if they expect 
> to use it as a bar code scanner.
> Bryan
> --
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RE: voice over scripts Would Quick keys work?

2010-07-08 Thread Bryan Smart
Yep. People have used it before in situations, such as the now non-functional 
scripts for Logic.

I'm using it to assemble a generalized system of script add ons that will be a 
bit more like what people may have experienced with Window Eyes or Jaws.

Download it, if you like. It's fairly accessible with VoiceOver, though there 
are a few tricky spots that require workarounds. There is a 30 day demo, and it 
is nagware after that. Buying it is inexpensive.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Chuck Reichel
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 11:26 AM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: voice over scripts Would Quick keys work?

Hi Listers,
What about quick keys as a app to gain access to difficult apps?

Chuck Reichel

On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:25 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:

> This is true, but I'm going on the assumption that nothing at all in 
> the application is read, to me, that is inaccessible. And a lot of the 
> time, that help tag command doesnt' report anything
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:00 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Sometimes you can add some functionality to an application.  For 
>> example if you  come across a button which says "button" and does not 
>> read out what the button actually does, then you can manually label 
>> that button.
>> First of all whilst on the button press control + option + shift + h 
>> to see if the button has a alternative help tag, if so then great we 
>> are in business and if not then ask someone sighted to assist you.
>> Whilst still at the non labelled button press control + option + / 
>> (slash).  you will now be prompted to enter a label for the button.  
>> Enter a label and hit return.  Now the next time your VoiceOver 
>> cursor moves over that button it will be fully labelled and visible 
>> to you.  You can also label images the same way.
>> Failing that, email the developers of the product and explain the 
>> issues you are having with the product and how they could improve the 
>> product to enable you to operate it.
>> usually you can find how to contact a developer by going  to the 
>> About menu item within the product or sometimes it is in the help 
>> menu.  Failing that use google to find the developers website, or 
>> regards
>> Chris
>> On 7 Jul 2010, at 01:02, Cody Hurst wrote:
>>> unlike jaws, voiceover is not controlled by scripts, this shouldn't 
>>> be confused with apple scripts which are not the same thing. simply 
>>> put, if the app is not accessible, the only thing to do is write the 
>>> developers and tell them to make it accessible.
>>> On Jul 6, 2010, at 7:41 PM, joseph wrote:
 hi listers,

 how can i make applications accessible with voiceover?


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say it save it program

2010-07-08 Thread Josh Kennedy

I downloaded the say it save it program, installed it, and when I typed text 
into the edit box and pressed the say it button, nothing happened, it did not 
speak. Is there something else it needs in order to work properly?


Josh Kennedy

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Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-08 Thread Nancy Miracle
Hi Everyone,

There seem to be a bunch of different issues on this thread and I'll try to
answer all of them, but if I miss something, please bring it up.

First, it is possible to use  a laser scanner with the digit-eyes website if
you have something like the metrologic.

Second, if you have a specific laser scanner that you'd like to use with it
(bluetooth or a sled or whatever), please contact me offlist and give me the
specifications on the product because we would be interested in seeing what
it might take to interface with it.  I don't think such a solution would be
for most of the people that have it, but it might be good for some and I'd
like to see some specifica on what you are interested in .

Third, the major reason to use Digit-Eyes rather than the PenFriend would
a)  convenience (handier to have a device in your pocket that records and
reads your labels in addition to having the talking clock, talking
calculator, and all the other functions you get on the iPhone)
b)  ease of use (DigitEyes is on yur phone, rather than being a separate
device, it does not require you to use labels in sequence, allows long
recording, should you wish them, allows thousands of labels and has other
b)  cost of ownership / cost of operation

Fourth, I'm working with Deb to determine what the problem is with the
combination of the labels, the printer setup and the way we are preparing
the file.  PDF's are extremely precise (1/72nd of an inch) and the labels
are generally very precisely cut, but in the case of the labels she is
using, we seem to have a mismatch between the specs and the results that we
are working to resolve.

Fifth, as noted here, there is a learning curve on the manufacturer's codes
because the fact that the manufacturers do not locate them consistently or
for human convenience. Of our 40 or so beta testers, virtually everyone
ended up being able to use it on most UPC codes.  The knack is in
understanding where the manufacturer put the label, since it is not
consistent and pausing long enough in the motion to allow the autofocus to
capture an image.  Please note that all our testing was done with the 3gs
camera; we have been testing with the 4 and the focus is much faster and it
has a longer focal length.  In either case, moving the phone quickly
confuses the autofocus mechanism.

To scan (say) a shiny coke can, I've found the best strategy for me is
simply to make sure the bottom of the phone is on a surface like my desk (my
hands shake slightly) and then to put the can on its side in front of the
phone and to turn it about 1/8 turn, pause a second and if there is no
'beep' for the capture, turn it again.  When using the camera on the iPhone
4, the capture is about twice as fast.

When we showed the product at NFB this weekend, we met a number of customers
in person.  Some were having no problem at all with finding the codes and
some were having problems.  I worked with those who had issues and pretty
much without exception, the general issue was one of too much motion.


On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 9:07 PM, Carolyn  wrote:

>  Hey Scott:I don't know if this'll help at all, but I use an ID mate from
> Nvision America.  And I bring it up because from using it, I've learned that
> the bar-codes on cans tend to be right around where the sceam of the label
> is.  Obviously, that doesn't work for canned pop.  But, it's pretty flawless
> with canned soups, veg, etc.  This might help those using apps like
> Digiteyes.
> Carolyn
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Scott Howell 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 08, 2010 6:31 PM
> *Subject:* Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes
> Bryan,
> I have used this application successfully with several types of packages. I
> have found cans to be particularly tricky. I can tell you that my greatest
> success seem to be starting out with my 3GS against the item, and once I
> started the scan, slowly back the phone away from the item. Again, this
> worked for me on several items. I have not run all over the house grabbing
> everything with a barcode, so I can't say that I have encountered every
> possible packaging type and this refers to shiny packaging, different color
> combinations, etc. I don't even know for sure if these are factors. I agree
> it would be nice if an external laser barcode reader could be used because
> this would seriously speed up the process of scanning items in a store etc.
> I put that suggestion out there and not sure if it will be considered or
> not. I realize carrying such a device does defeat some of the purpose
> perhaps, but it does allow for additional opportunities, such as someone who
> maintains inventory etc. Perhaps you have and if not, share your experiences
> and suggestion.
> On Jul 8, 2010, at 6:03 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
> > I'm writing to share my experiences with Digit-Eyes.
> >
> > I tried it on my iPhone 4, with several bar codes, and it didn't
> reco

Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-08 Thread Nancy Miracle
Actually, I'd disagree with that last statement.   We have a lot of
incentive to improve it because we want our customers to be happy and if you
are not happy, we are not happy either.

Nancy Miracle
Digital Miracles, L.L.C.

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 10:10 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Yes; I'd be happy if they allowed us to use a Bluetooth laser scanner. Even
> though a separate device would be required for the higher quality scans,
> there are small scanners available. Beyond that, the important fact is that
> the CPU portion (the iPhone), is very mobile. We can, today, use a computer
> with a scanner to identify objects. Carrying a computer around the house
> isn't handy. Carrying an iPhone to do the processing, though, isn't that
> difficult. So, for me, there would still be value.
> I suggest that they retain the functionality with the built-in camera, but
> allow Bluetooth scanning for those that can purchase a scanner.
> I'm not sure that I'm going to pursue a refund, but I'd encourage others to
> withhold their money until the scanning quality has been addressed. If you
> just buy the program as-is, they have little incentive to improve it.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:
>] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:31 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes
> Bryan,
> I have used this application successfully with several types of packages. I
> have found cans to be particularly tricky. I can tell you that my greatest
> success seem to be starting out with my 3GS against the item, and once I
> started the scan, slowly back the phone away from the item. Again, this
> worked for me on several items. I have not run all over the house grabbing
> everything with a barcode, so I can't say that I have encountered every
> possible packaging type and this refers to shiny packaging, different color
> combinations, etc. I don't even know for sure if these are factors. I agree
> it would be nice if an external laser barcode reader could be used because
> this would seriously speed up the process of scanning items in a store etc.
> I put that suggestion out there and not sure if it will be considered or
> not. I realize carrying such a device does defeat some of the purpose
> perhaps, but it does allow for additional opportunities, such as someone who
> maintains inventory etc. Perhaps you have and if not, share your experiences
> and suggestion.
> On Jul 8, 2010, at 6:03 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
> > I'm writing to share my experiences with Digit-Eyes.
> >
> > I tried it on my iPhone 4, with several bar codes, and it didn't
> recognize even one of them. I don't mean that the code was located, but not
> recognized. I mean that the code was not even detected as being in the
> image. I'd tap the scan button, and the constant clicking would begin to let
> me know that scanning was in progress. I was scanning in a brightly lit
> room, and the screen curtain was not on. Rotating the containers in front of
> the iPhone camera, with it held about a foot away from them, produced no
> results. I had a sighted friend deliberately place the bar code in view,
> something that I would have not been able to do on my own, and it wasn't
> recognized, either. We just kept trying different angles, and rotating, but
> all we got was more clicking from the Digit-Eyes scanner.
> >
> > I had some experience with creating a system like this several years ago.
> At that time, CCD cameras were not as accurate. Even so, for best results,
> we determined that a 3D laser scanner would be required in order for bar
> codes to be detected in the way that a blind person is likely to present
> them to the scanner: at angles, in shadow, etc. This is the technique used
> by other commercial systems like the ID Mate. I was lead to understand that
> this wasn't a concern with Digit-Eyes, due to the higher quality camera in
> the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. However, based on my results, I'd say that this
> isn't so.
> >
> > Perhaps Digit-Eyes works better with dedicated labels, but, if I were
> > to make dedicated labels, I'd just create Braille labels. I realize
> > that everyone doesn't read Braille, and so audio labels still might be
> > of use to some people. However, the advertised function of being able
> > to read bar codes seems to not work, or else, it might work, but
> > requires a level of alignment precision that I've not been able to
> > achieve. I'm usually quite capable when it comes to reasoning through
> > these types of situations, so my conclusion is that I've either
> > overlooked something profound, or else the level of alignment that is
> > required for a good scan is grater than most blind people will
> > independently obtain without assistance. If you need assistance, you
> > might as well ask the sighted person what is on the label. *shrug*
> >
> > I'd like to hear the exper

Re: MobileMe help

2010-07-08 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Sarai,

You asked:  When I sank my PC to the Mac and iPhone with MobileMe, I have 
duplicate contacts. What is the best way to get rid of them? In iPhone, if I 
choose a duplicate contact, there are duplicate fields in the contacts. Help.

TK:  You could get rid of the duplicates and fix up everything on one of the 
synced machines, preferably the Mac.  Once everything is the way you want it on 
the specific machine, go to the System Preferences, to Mobile Me, select the 
Sync tab, click on Advanced and then click on the Reset Synced Data button.  
You will be given some options of which direction to send the synced data, be 
sure to select the one that sends your data to Mobile Me otherwise all your 
work will be in vain.  If your iPhone is set to sync over the air, then it will 
fix itself after the reset.  Simply sync the other machine soon after the reset 
and it should align as well.  Depending on your settings, you may get a warning 
about more than 25% of your Contacts being modified, read the dialog carefully 
so that the duplicates are not rebuilt.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2010-07-08, at 6:20 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi guys:
> Tried sending this earlier, but it didn't go through. When I sank my PC to 
> the Mac and iPhone with MobileMe, I have duplicate contacts. What is the best 
> way to get rid of them? In iPhone, if I choose a duplicate contact, there are 
> duplicate fields in the contacts. Help.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal Come join me on
> -- 
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Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

2010-07-08 Thread Sarah Alawami
I'd contact the devs about that. they will work hand  and foot to help you get 
it working for you.

On Jul 8, 2010, at 5:08 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> I totally agree, it works great with CDs but no good on tins, jars or 
> bottles.  It managed to read a few food items but its very hit and miss and 
> something you would use if it is a last resort .
> If you want audio labels then get the RNIB Pen Friend.
> On 8 Jul 2010, at 23:03, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> I'm writing to share my experiences with Digit-Eyes.
>> I tried it on my iPhone 4, with several bar codes, and it didn't recognize 
>> even one of them. I don't mean that the code was located, but not 
>> recognized. I mean that the code was not even detected as being in the 
>> image. I'd tap the scan button, and the constant clicking would begin to let 
>> me know that scanning was in progress. I was scanning in a brightly lit 
>> room, and the screen curtain was not on. Rotating the containers in front of 
>> the iPhone camera, with it held about a foot away from them, produced no 
>> results. I had a sighted friend deliberately place the bar code in view, 
>> something that I would have not been able to do on my own, and it wasn't 
>> recognized, either. We just kept trying different angles, and rotating, but 
>> all we got was more clicking from the Digit-Eyes scanner.
>> I had some experience with creating a system like this several years ago. At 
>> that time, CCD cameras were not as accurate. Even so, for best results, we 
>> determined that a 3D laser scanner would be required in order for bar codes 
>> to be detected in the way that a blind person is likely to present them to 
>> the scanner: at angles, in shadow, etc. This is the technique used by other 
>> commercial systems like the ID Mate. I was lead to understand that this 
>> wasn't a concern with Digit-Eyes, due to the higher quality camera in the 
>> iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. However, based on my results, I'd say that this 
>> isn't so.
>> Perhaps Digit-Eyes works better with dedicated labels, but, if I were to 
>> make dedicated labels, I'd just create Braille labels. I realize that 
>> everyone doesn't read Braille, and so audio labels still might be of use to 
>> some people. However, the advertised function of being able to read bar 
>> codes seems to not work, or else, it might work, but requires a level of 
>> alignment precision that I've not been able to achieve. I'm usually quite 
>> capable when it comes to reasoning through these types of situations, so my 
>> conclusion is that I've either overlooked something profound, or else the 
>> level of alignment that is required for a good scan is grater than most 
>> blind people will independently obtain without assistance. If you need 
>> assistance, you might as well ask the sighted person what is on the label. 
>> *shrug*
>> I'd like to hear the experiences of others. However, I can't personally 
>> suggest that anyone spend the $30 that is charged for this app if they 
>> expect to use it as a bar code scanner.
>> Bryan
>> -- 
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Re: MobileMe help

2010-07-08 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Yuck, was looking for an easier way. LOL.
Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal Come join me on

On Jul 9, 2010, at 12:34 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Sarai,
> You asked:  When I sank my PC to the Mac and iPhone with MobileMe, I have 
> duplicate contacts. What is the best way to get rid of them? In iPhone, if I 
> choose a duplicate contact, there are duplicate fields in the contacts. Help.
> TK:  You could get rid of the duplicates and fix up everything on one of the 
> synced machines, preferably the Mac.  Once everything is the way you want it 
> on the specific machine, go to the System Preferences, to Mobile Me, select 
> the Sync tab, click on Advanced and then click on the Reset Synced Data 
> button.  You will be given some options of which direction to send the synced 
> data, be sure to select the one that sends your data to Mobile Me otherwise 
> all your work will be in vain.  If your iPhone is set to sync over the air, 
> then it will fix itself after the reset.  Simply sync the other machine soon 
> after the reset and it should align as well.  Depending on your settings, you 
> may get a warning about more than 25% of your Contacts being modified, read 
> the dialog carefully so that the duplicates are not rebuilt.
> HTH.
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2010-07-08, at 6:20 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi guys:
>> Tried sending this earlier, but it didn't go through. When I sank my PC to 
>> the Mac and iPhone with MobileMe, I have duplicate contacts. What is the 
>> best way to get rid of them? In iPhone, if I choose a duplicate contact, 
>> there are duplicate fields in the contacts. Help.
>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>> Personal Come join me on
>> -- 
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RE: spotlight search is wonderful!

2010-07-08 Thread Dave Taylor
Do you know, I was thinking about that very issue earlier and decided that
yet another ms feature has to be ditched right now. I know of a PC search
that will work better, but the idea of one OS that just does what I want it
to in a pretty consistent way gets more appealing by the day. I get my hands
on on Friday next week, and by the way we've had to close booking  for that
session due to its popularity, but I've already gone from wondering how to
do basic things in Mac to wishing I had it right now when Windows doesn't do
what I want.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Josh Kennedy
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 1:12 AM
Cc: Foret Jr
Subject: spotlight search is wonderful!


I just used spotlight search to look for a file I lost and didn't know where
it was. it was a piece of cake to use and it works great! I love it! I think
its superior to the windows xp search. 


Josh Kennedy

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Re: spotlight search is wonderful!

2010-07-08 Thread Chris Moore
What does the Mac do that Windows doesn't?  I am just curious and wonder how 
Snow Leopard compares to Windows 7, we use XP at work (awful) but not used 7 
yet.  You can email me off list if you prefer.
On 9 Jul 2010, at 06:53, Dave Taylor wrote:

> Do you know, I was thinking about that very issue earlier and decided that
> yet another ms feature has to be ditched right now. I know of a PC search
> that will work better, but the idea of one OS that just does what I want it
> to in a pretty consistent way gets more appealing by the day. I get my hands
> on on Friday next week, and by the way we've had to close booking  for that
> session due to its popularity, but I've already gone from wondering how to
> do basic things in Mac to wishing I had it right now when Windows doesn't do
> what I want.
> Cheers
> Dave
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Josh Kennedy
> Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 1:12 AM
> To:
> Cc: Foret Jr
> Subject: spotlight search is wonderful!
> Hi
> I just used spotlight search to look for a file I lost and didn't know where
> it was. it was a piece of cake to use and it works great! I love it! I think
> its superior to the windows xp search. 
> Josh
> Josh Kennedy
> -- 
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Re: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions?

2010-07-08 Thread Michael Thurman
so yoyou paid for the latest fusion and nw do not use it   I only have two or 
three programs I want to use windows for such as groove mechanic and mirc 
otherwise i agree. hard t justify paying for fusion when it's only 1 proram I 
us ona daily basis on the windows side  this also rings up an interesting idea  
f you are in the windows machine and then plug in yoru usb keyboard does that 
keyboard stay with widows even if you switch the mac back to mac mode? can you 
then run windows with the windows keyboard and mac from the mac keyboard 

On Jul 2, 2010, at 3:07 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Hi Christy, I'd used Fusion with Windows before, and SA.  In my experience, 
> iwth hte latest version of fusion, which is I believe 3.0.1, hitting 
> command-g with Voiceover on, while in the VM window, worked pretty 
> consistently to bring keyboard input to the VM.  Took fusion, and my VM off 
> though, because  I actually found I was using the  mac side a lot more.  Hope 
> this helps you.  That's what I found in past experiences.  .
> On Jul 1, 2010, at 9:59 PM, Christy Schulte wrote:
>> I know some of this has come up before, but info gets lost in other subjects 
>> and messages, so I was hoping to maybe see this addressed in one message.
>> Are any of you successfully running windows on a macbook pro, using jaws or 
>> SA? And if so, do you have any tips or tricks?
>> My main issues are two. One, as I've mentioned before, is that even with 
>> sharp keys, I can't get an insert key that works reliably. For example, 
>> after remapping a key to insert, I can get the insert-t to work for SA, but 
>> not insert-f. Instead I get the find dialog. Second, I need to find a way to 
>> reliably switch the keyboard from the mac side and into windows. It's flakey 
>> to say the least, even with VO off. sometimes I'm in windows, sometimes I'm 
>> not, and more often than not it takes several tries of turning VO on, seeing 
>> where I am, turning it off again, trying keystrokes, before I get it working.
>> I really, really want to switch this to my primary machine, but I simply 
>> can't with these keyboard troubles. If it makes a difference, I often find 
>> myself using the trackpad commander when on the mac side of things.
>> Thanks for any help on these issues or any other tips!
>> Christy
>> -- 
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Re: spotlight search is wonderful!

2010-07-08 Thread John André Netland
Yes, but you can also use Spotlight to get definitions for words. Write any 
word in the search field, and you will get a definition list with related words 
and a description/explanation of the term. Try for example with the word 
hilarious and see the result. Also, you can use Spotlight as a quick 
calculator. Write 2+2 or 24/8 in the search field, and you will get the result 
2+2=4 and 24/8=3. 

John André

On 9. juli 2010, at 02.11, Josh Kennedy wrote:

> Hi
> I just used spotlight search to look for a file I lost and didn't know where 
> it was. it was a piece of cake to use and it works great! I love it! I think 
> its superior to the windows xp search. 
> Josh
> Josh Kennedy
> -- 
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