USB drives in VM Fusion

2010-07-07 Thread Chris Snyder
Hi guys,
I seem to be having difficulty attaching an NTFS usb drive to the XP virtual 
machine in VM fusion. It does appear on the Mac desktop, but it doesn't seem to 
want to attach in Fusion. Any ideas?


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Re: USB drives in VM Fusion

2010-07-07 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi chris.

When in VM Fusion are you in full screen?  If so change it by doing
control command and enter (hope that's right as I'm not sitting in front
of my mac).  Then you should have a list of USB devices which you can
connect or disconnect.  If you find what drive you need then press enter
on it and it should connect in windows.


On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 01:17 -0700, "Chris Snyder" 
> Hi guys,
> I seem to be having difficulty attaching an NTFS usb drive to the XP
> virtual machine in VM fusion. It does appear on the Mac desktop, but it
> doesn't seem to want to attach in Fusion. Any ideas?
> Friendly,
> Chris
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  Kawal Gucukoglu


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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-07 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

Fantastic, that is what I have been looking for for a year.

I can not see if it costs anything.
Best regards Annie.

2010/7/6, Slau Halatyn :
> Since the menu bar portion is not accessible, it is possible to gain access
> to a few features by bringing up the contextual menu on the application
> itself and examining the package contents. There, if you go to the Resources
> folder and open the file named "MoveAddict," the preferences
> window for MoveAddict will open.
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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-07 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

I have found the price 50 dollars, I will buy it today.

Best regards Annie.

2010/7/7, Annie Skov Nielsen :
> Hi all.
> Fantastic, that is what I have been looking for for a year.
> I can not see if it costs anything.
> Best regards Annie.
> 2010/7/6, Slau Halatyn :
>> Since the menu bar portion is not accessible, it is possible to gain
>> access
>> to a few features by bringing up the contextual menu on the application
>> itself and examining the package contents. There, if you go to the
>> Resources
>> folder and open the file named "MoveAddict," the
>> preferences
>> window for MoveAddict will open.
>> HTH
>> --
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How to read texts on IPod touch.

2010-07-07 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

I would like to know which applications we can use on Iphone and Ipod
to read text. Is there any applications in which we can search for a
textstring, is there any applications that allows us to move by page
or another easy way of moving around in a document. I am a
brailleuser, so therefore it would be fantastic if I could use my IPod
for reading books.

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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-07 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

It says fifty dollars? It says it costs 4.99 on the page I'm looking at.

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On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have found the price 50 dollars, I will buy it today.
> Best regards Annie.
> 2010/7/7, Annie Skov Nielsen :
>> Hi all.
>> Fantastic, that is what I have been looking for for a year.
>> I can not see if it costs anything.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> 2010/7/6, Slau Halatyn :
>>> Since the menu bar portion is not accessible, it is possible to gain
>>> access
>>> to a few features by bringing up the contextual menu on the application
>>> itself and examining the package contents. There, if you go to the
>>> Resources
>>> folder and open the file named "MoveAddict," the
>>> preferences
>>> window for MoveAddict will open.
>>> HTH
>>> --
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Re: voice over scripts

2010-07-07 Thread Cody Hurst
That is right

On Jul 6, 2010, at 11:50 PM, joseph wrote:

> does this mean that the user can not make a particular programme more
> accessible?
> Cody Hurst wrote:
>> unlike jaws, voiceover is not controlled by scripts, this shouldn't be 
>> confused with apple scripts which are not the same thing. simply put, if the 
>> app is not accessible, the only thing to do is write the developers and tell 
>> them to make it accessible.
>> On Jul 6, 2010, at 7:41 PM, joseph wrote:
>>> hi listers,
>>> how can i make applications accessible with voiceover?
>>> regards
>>> --
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Re: voice over scripts

2010-07-07 Thread Cody Hurst
This is true, but I'm going on the assumption that nothing at all in the 
application is read, to me, that is inaccessible. And a lot of the time, that 
help tag command doesnt' report anything

On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:00 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Sometimes you can add some functionality to an application.  For example if 
> you  come across a button which says "button" and does not read out what the 
> button actually does, then you can manually label that button.
> First of all whilst on the button press control + option + shift + h to see 
> if the button has a alternative help tag, if so then great we are in business 
> and if not then ask someone sighted to assist you.  
> Whilst still at the non labelled button press control + option + / (slash).  
> you will now be prompted to enter a label for the button.  Enter a label and 
> hit return.  Now the next time your VoiceOver cursor moves over that button 
> it will be fully labelled and visible to you.  You can also label images the 
> same way.
> Failing that, email the developers of the product and explain the issues you 
> are having with the product and how they could improve the product to enable 
> you to operate it.
> usually you can find how to contact a developer by going  to the About menu 
> item within the product or sometimes it is in the help menu.  Failing that 
> use google to find the developers website, or 
> regards
> Chris 
> On 7 Jul 2010, at 01:02, Cody Hurst wrote:
>> unlike jaws, voiceover is not controlled by scripts, this shouldn't be 
>> confused with apple scripts which are not the same thing. simply put, if the 
>> app is not accessible, the only thing to do is write the developers and tell 
>> them to make it accessible.
>> On Jul 6, 2010, at 7:41 PM, joseph wrote:
>>> hi listers,
>>> how can i make applications accessible with voiceover?
>>> regards
>>> -- 
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macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Donna Goodin
Good morning, all,

I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer this, 
but I appreciate any info you may have.

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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Isaac Obie

Hi Donna,
When I was at the Apple store I looked at the Macbooks and I did notice the 
pro seemed larger than the others. There were several machines there. I 
wonder if you're near an Apple store and can get in and take a look! I 
thought the Macbooks keyboards were larger than the windows keyboards and 
the keys are larger as well. No doubt about it.

- Original Message - 
From: "Donna Goodin" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:10 AM
Subject: macbook keyboards

Good morning, all,

I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer 
this, but I appreciate any info you may have.


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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Chris Moore
am pretty sure the keyboard is the same on all the models, I have that macbook 
too and like you find it a little clumsy at times and much prefer the keyboard 
on my iMac, I sometimes plug this keyboard into my Macbook too.
On 7 Jul 2010, at 13:10, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Good morning, all,
> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
> last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
> computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
> keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
> 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
> larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer 
> this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I find it completely different here. On Windows laptops, I find the keys 
absolutely massive as opposed to my Macbook keyboard. In fact, I'm suffering 
severe inaccuracy with my Windows laptop as opposed to the Macbook because I 
have to get used to their larger size. I'm not sure if that's just because I'm 
using a certain brand of Windows laptop, though, but the keys are pretty big as 
opposed to the Macbook.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
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AIM: cincinster

On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:03 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> When I was at the Apple store I looked at the Macbooks and I did notice the 
> pro seemed larger than the others. There were several machines there. I 
> wonder if you're near an Apple store and can get in and take a look! I 
> thought the Macbooks keyboards were larger than the windows keyboards and the 
> keys are larger as well. No doubt about it.
> Isaac
> - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:10 AM
> Subject: macbook keyboards
> Good morning, all,
> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
> last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
> computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
> keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
> 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
> larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer 
> this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Isaac,

Thanks.  I may do that.  I really don't want to go up to a Macbook 17, both 
because of size and cost.  But I'm thinking that if the 15-inch is bigger, it 
might be worth it.
Take care,
On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:03 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> When I was at the Apple store I looked at the Macbooks and I did notice the 
> pro seemed larger than the others. There were several machines there. I 
> wonder if you're near an Apple store and can get in and take a look! I 
> thought the Macbooks keyboards were larger than the windows keyboards and the 
> keys are larger as well. No doubt about it.
> Isaac
> - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:10 AM
> Subject: macbook keyboards
> Good morning, all,
> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
> last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
> computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
> keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
> 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
> larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer 
> this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I haven't had a chance to see the bigger Macbooks than the thirteen inch. Are 
the keyboards actually bigger? I have to wonder, since my Apple Wireless 
keyboard is the same size as the Macbook keyboard here. Now I'm curious.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:57 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Isaac,
> Thanks.  I may do that.  I really don't want to go up to a Macbook 17, both 
> because of size and cost.  But I'm thinking that if the 15-inch is bigger, it 
> might be worth it.
> Take care,
> Donna
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:03 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> When I was at the Apple store I looked at the Macbooks and I did notice the 
>> pro seemed larger than the others. There were several machines there. I 
>> wonder if you're near an Apple store and can get in and take a look! I 
>> thought the Macbooks keyboards were larger than the windows keyboards and 
>> the keys are larger as well. No doubt about it.
>> Isaac
>> - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:10 AM
>> Subject: macbook keyboards
>> Good morning, all,
>> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
>> last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
>> computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
>> keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
>> 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
>> larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer 
>> this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Cody Hurst
The keys are the same size and space aprt on all apple proeducts

On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:10 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Good morning, all,
> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
> last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
> computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
> keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
> 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
> larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer 
> this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Cody Hurst
I've got an apple wireless keybaord that came with my imac and a mbp 13 and 
there is no difference that I see. the keyboard on the mbp 15 and 17 aren't 
bigger unless they have a full sized keyboard, it is just that the machine is 
bigger in size so it may seem like the kb is bigger

On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:03 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> When I was at the Apple store I looked at the Macbooks and I did notice the 
> pro seemed larger than the others. There were several machines there. I 
> wonder if you're near an Apple store and can get in and take a look! I 
> thought the Macbooks keyboards were larger than the windows keyboards and the 
> keys are larger as well. No doubt about it.
> Isaac
> - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:10 AM
> Subject: macbook keyboards
> Good morning, all,
> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
> last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
> computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
> keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
> 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
> larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer 
> this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Cody Hurst
not to mention I can type extremely fast on apple keyboards they are just 
easier to type on all around

On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:39 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I find it completely different here. On Windows laptops, I find the keys 
> absolutely massive as opposed to my Macbook keyboard. In fact, I'm suffering 
> severe inaccuracy with my Windows laptop as opposed to the Macbook because I 
> have to get used to their larger size. I'm not sure if that's just because 
> I'm using a certain brand of Windows laptop, though, but the keys are pretty 
> big as opposed to the Macbook.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
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> On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:03 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> When I was at the Apple store I looked at the Macbooks and I did notice the 
>> pro seemed larger than the others. There were several machines there. I 
>> wonder if you're near an Apple store and can get in and take a look! I 
>> thought the Macbooks keyboards were larger than the windows keyboards and 
>> the keys are larger as well. No doubt about it.
>> Isaac
>> - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:10 AM
>> Subject: macbook keyboards
>> Good morning, all,
>> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
>> last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
>> computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
>> keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
>> 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
>> larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer 
>> this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Cody Hurst
Nic, I would place your bets on it. if I place my wireless keybaord over the 
mbp keyboard they are just about the same size

On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I haven't had a chance to see the bigger Macbooks than the thirteen inch. Are 
> the keyboards actually bigger? I have to wonder, since my Apple Wireless 
> keyboard is the same size as the Macbook keyboard here. Now I'm curious.
> egards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:57 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Isaac,
>> Thanks.  I may do that.  I really don't want to go up to a Macbook 17, both 
>> because of size and cost.  But I'm thinking that if the 15-inch is bigger, 
>> it might be worth it.
>> Take care,
>> Donna
>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:03 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> When I was at the Apple store I looked at the Macbooks and I did notice the 
>>> pro seemed larger than the others. There were several machines there. I 
>>> wonder if you're near an Apple store and can get in and take a look! I 
>>> thought the Macbooks keyboards were larger than the windows keyboards and 
>>> the keys are larger as well. No doubt about it.
>>> Isaac
>>> - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:10 AM
>>> Subject: macbook keyboards
>>> Good morning, all,
>>> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook 
>>> Pro last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on 
>>> other computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the 
>>> Macbook keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I 
>>> got the 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you 
>>> move to a larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can 
>>> answer this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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scrolling through big digest messages

2010-07-07 Thread Josh Kennedy

When I'm reading mail on the mac, I read big email digests with multiple 
subjects. sometimes these are seperated by dashes or the word topic colon, or 
the word message colon. It seems like if the message is really big, I mean the 
message as a whole, when I use vo f and vo g to find the next instance of the 
word or words, vo beeps and can't find it. but if I scroll down using the arrow 
keys then I find it but it takes a very long time to move from topic to topic 
this way in an email digest. So my question is how do I resolve this and 
quickly move from message to message within a big long email digest? you can 
email me off list at 

Josh Kennedy

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RE: facebook with safari

2010-07-07 Thread Dave Taylor


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of chad baker
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 6:30 PM
Subject: facebook with safari

Hi i just got friend requests on facebook.
I'm having trouble accessing them.
I go to the link where it has friend requests then it loads and nothing
could be found.
Does anyone have any suggestions navigating facebook its tricky.

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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks, that's good to know, you just saved me a trip to the Apple store. :)
On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:45 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:

> The keys are the same size and space aprt on all apple proeducts
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:10 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Good morning, all,
>> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
>> last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
>> computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
>> keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
>> 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
>> larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer 
>> this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Donna Goodin
Oh, that's interesting.  I suppose it's all in what you're used to.  I've spent 
so many years on Windows, that I'm probably just used to the larger size.  I do 
much prefer the action on the Mac keyboard, so who knows.  Maybe I'll just have 
to work on adjusting to the smaller size.
Take care,
On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:39 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I find it completely different here. On Windows laptops, I find the keys 
> absolutely massive as opposed to my Macbook keyboard. In fact, I'm suffering 
> severe inaccuracy with my Windows laptop as opposed to the Macbook because I 
> have to get used to their larger size. I'm not sure if that's just because 
> I'm using a certain brand of Windows laptop, though, but the keys are pretty 
> big as opposed to the Macbook.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
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> On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:03 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> When I was at the Apple store I looked at the Macbooks and I did notice the 
>> pro seemed larger than the others. There were several machines there. I 
>> wonder if you're near an Apple store and can get in and take a look! I 
>> thought the Macbooks keyboards were larger than the windows keyboards and 
>> the keys are larger as well. No doubt about it.
>> Isaac
>> - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:10 AM
>> Subject: macbook keyboards
>> Good morning, all,
>> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
>> last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
>> computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
>> keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
>> 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
>> larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer 
>> this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: -- SPAM -- Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread David McLean
Why not just buy an external keyboard with the numeric keypad?  Much larger and 
a lot cheaper!
On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:57 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Isaac,
> Thanks.  I may do that.  I really don't want to go up to a Macbook 17, both 
> because of size and cost.  But I'm thinking that if the 15-inch is bigger, it 
> might be worth it.
> Take care,
> Donna
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:03 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> When I was at the Apple store I looked at the Macbooks and I did notice the 
>> pro seemed larger than the others. There were several machines there. I 
>> wonder if you're near an Apple store and can get in and take a look! I 
>> thought the Macbooks keyboards were larger than the windows keyboards and 
>> the keys are larger as well. No doubt about it.
>> Isaac
>> - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:10 AM
>> Subject: macbook keyboards
>> Good morning, all,
>> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
>> last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
>> computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
>> keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
>> 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
>> larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer 
>> this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: -- SPAM -- Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Chris Moore
Thats what I use, its great 

On 7 Jul 2010, at 14:56, David McLean wrote:

> Why not just buy an external keyboard with the numeric keypad?  Much larger 
> and a lot cheaper!
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:57 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Isaac,
>> Thanks.  I may do that.  I really don't want to go up to a Macbook 17, both 
>> because of size and cost.  But I'm thinking that if the 15-inch is bigger, 
>> it might be worth it.
>> Take care,
>> Donna
>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:03 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> When I was at the Apple store I looked at the Macbooks and I did notice the 
>>> pro seemed larger than the others. There were several machines there. I 
>>> wonder if you're near an Apple store and can get in and take a look! I 
>>> thought the Macbooks keyboards were larger than the windows keyboards and 
>>> the keys are larger as well. No doubt about it.
>>> Isaac
>>> - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:10 AM
>>> Subject: macbook keyboards
>>> Good morning, all,
>>> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook 
>>> Pro last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on 
>>> other computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the 
>>> Macbook keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I 
>>> got the 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you 
>>> move to a larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can 
>>> answer this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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Re: scrolling through big digest messages

2010-07-07 Thread Cody Hurst
Josh if no one replied before, probably no one knows the answer, just change 
your subscription preferences to get individual emails

On Jul 7, 2010, at 9:04 AM, Josh Kennedy wrote:

> Hi
> When I'm reading mail on the mac, I read big email digests with multiple 
> subjects. sometimes these are seperated by dashes or the word topic colon, or 
> the word message colon. It seems like if the message is really big, I mean 
> the message as a whole, when I use vo f and vo g to find the next instance of 
> the word or words, vo beeps and can't find it. but if I scroll down using the 
> arrow keys then I find it but it takes a very long time to move from topic to 
> topic this way in an email digest. So my question is how do I resolve this 
> and quickly move from message to message within a big long email digest? you 
> can email me off list at 
> Josh Kennedy
> -- 
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Re: -- SPAM -- Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Donna Goodin
Actually, I have an external keyboard, and the keys are the same size.
On Jul 7, 2010, at 9:56 AM, David McLean wrote:

> Why not just buy an external keyboard with the numeric keypad?  Much larger 
> and a lot cheaper!
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:57 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Isaac,
>> Thanks.  I may do that.  I really don't want to go up to a Macbook 17, both 
>> because of size and cost.  But I'm thinking that if the 15-inch is bigger, 
>> it might be worth it.
>> Take care,
>> Donna
>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 8:03 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> When I was at the Apple store I looked at the Macbooks and I did notice the 
>>> pro seemed larger than the others. There were several machines there. I 
>>> wonder if you're near an Apple store and can get in and take a look! I 
>>> thought the Macbooks keyboards were larger than the windows keyboards and 
>>> the keys are larger as well. No doubt about it.
>>> Isaac
>>> - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:10 AM
>>> Subject: macbook keyboards
>>> Good morning, all,
>>> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook 
>>> Pro last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on 
>>> other computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the 
>>> Macbook keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I 
>>> got the 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you 
>>> move to a larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can 
>>> answer this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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Re: voice over scripts Would Quick keys work?

2010-07-07 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Listers,
What about quick keys as a app to gain access to difficult apps?

Chuck Reichel

On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:25 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:

This is true, but I'm going on the assumption that nothing at all in  
the application is read, to me, that is inaccessible. And a lot of  
the time, that help tag command doesnt' report anything

On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:00 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

Sometimes you can add some functionality to an application.  For  
example if you  come across a button which says "button" and does  
not read out what the button actually does, then you can manually  
label that button.

First of all whilst on the button press control + option + shift +  
h to see if the button has a alternative help tag, if so then great  
we are in business and if not then ask someone sighted to assist you.

Whilst still at the non labelled button press control + option + /  
(slash).  you will now be prompted to enter a label for the  
button.  Enter a label and hit return.  Now the next time your  
VoiceOver cursor moves over that button it will be fully labelled  
and visible to you.  You can also label images the same way.

Failing that, email the developers of the product and explain the  
issues you are having with the product and how they could improve  
the product to enable you to operate it.
usually you can find how to contact a developer by going  to the  
About menu item within the product or sometimes it is in the help  
menu.  Failing that use google to find the developers website, or


On 7 Jul 2010, at 01:02, Cody Hurst wrote:

unlike jaws, voiceover is not controlled by scripts, this  
shouldn't be confused with apple scripts which are not the same  
thing. simply put, if the app is not accessible, the only thing to  
do is write the developers and tell them to make it accessible.

On Jul 6, 2010, at 7:41 PM, joseph wrote:

hi listers,

how can i make applications accessible with voiceover?


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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-07 Thread annelie robledo

I downloaded the application but I can't figure out how to pay for it. I click 
on pay pal but it won't tke me there. What am I missing?
On Jul 5, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi list,
> After a few back and forth mails, the developer of move addict has made his 
> application completely accessible.
> Move addict allows the user to cut and paste system wide and in finder, as an 
> add-on.
> Here is the link:
> The guy is pretty cool, and took this endeavor seriously So i suggest you 
> guys help him continue to make software with a conscious approach to 
> accessibility. And moveaddict rocks anyway :)
> Cheers
> Yuma DX®
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> blog:
> twitter:
> Tel: +64 210 22 77 190 
> -- 
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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-07 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

Try press the paypale button only with space, that worked for me, and
you will be directed to the paypale page, and there you can pay.

I have also bought this application, but I can not find out how to
activate, I hope some of you can help.

Best regards Annie.

2010/7/7, annelie robledo :
> Help.
> I downloaded the application but I can't figure out how to pay for it. I
> click on pay pal but it won't tke me there. What am I missing?
> On Jul 5, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> After a few back and forth mails, the developer of move addict has made
>> his application completely accessible.
>> Move addict allows the user to cut and paste system wide and in finder, as
>> an add-on.
>> Here is the link:
>> The guy is pretty cool, and took this endeavor seriously So i suggest you
>> guys help him continue to make software with a conscious approach to
>> accessibility. And moveaddict rocks anyway :)
>> Cheers
>> Yuma DX®
>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>> blog:
>> twitter:
>> Tel: +64 210 22 77 190
>> --
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Re: pairing braille connect 32 with a Mac

2010-07-07 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Mary,

I don't have a Braille Connect, but I had the same trouble with the 
BrailleNote. I had to pair via the bluetooth menu.  I unpaired my BN and keep 
having to repair it. Although sometimes it just doesn't work right. I hope I've 
helped somewhat, smile.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 6, 2010, at 11:09 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi all,
> Has anybody paired this display with a Mac? I thought I had it done. Although 
> I failed the first time. The pin is suppose to be 1234. After a failure, I 
> thought I had succeeded. but although the Mac says its paired, I get no 
> output from vo. It works under usb. I have it still  plugged in to usb for 
> charging purposes but the display is set for a bluetootn communication 
> channel. Anybody got any ideas? I did eventually just go and unpair, since 
> the pairing wasn't working. but before doing it again, I'd like to hear of 
> others' experiences.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-07 Thread Slau

To activate it:
1. copy your license number.
2. Navigate to MoveAddict in your Applications folder.
3. Bring up the contextual menu with Control-Option-m and select "View Package 
4. In the Contents window, navigate to the Resources folder and find the 
application named "MoveAddict Preferences" and open it.
5. Navigate to the"about" tab and you'll find the License button which will 
open a window with a field for your email address and a field for your license 

Note that there seems to be a dialog box that sometimes appears. The last image 
in the window, I suppose, is an OK button of some type. route the mouse to the 
image and do a mouse click.



On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:10 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hi.
> Try press the paypale button only with space, that worked for me, and
> you will be directed to the paypale page, and there you can pay.
> I have also bought this application, but I can not find out how to
> activate, I hope some of you can help.
> Best regards Annie.
> 2010/7/7, annelie robledo :
>> Help.
>> I downloaded the application but I can't figure out how to pay for it. I
>> click on pay pal but it won't tke me there. What am I missing?
>> On Jul 5, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> After a few back and forth mails, the developer of move addict has made
>>> his application completely accessible.
>>> Move addict allows the user to cut and paste system wide and in finder, as
>>> an add-on.
>>> Here is the link:
>>> The guy is pretty cool, and took this endeavor seriously So i suggest you
>>> guys help him continue to make software with a conscious approach to
>>> accessibility. And moveaddict rocks anyway :)
>>> Cheers
>>> Yuma DX®
>>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>>> blog:
>>> twitter:
>>> Tel: +64 210 22 77 190
>>> --
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if I buy vmware fusion?

2010-07-07 Thread Josh Kennedy

If I buy vmware fusion, will I be able to install a regular copy of windows7 
without sighted help? Will the mac and vmware fusion install it, set it up and 
register it and activate it for me? 

Josh Kennedy

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Re: voice over scripts

2010-07-07 Thread Sandy Tomkins

I apologise in advance if I am missing the point here, but aren't
all apps vetted by apple before being approved for the app store? In
which case, mightn't the best way, to make sure that all apps are
accessible, be to approach Apple, reminding them of their sterling
work re Voiceover and encouraging them to include accessibility as
part of their vetting procedure?

   Just my thoughts,

On 7/7/10, joseph  wrote:
> hi listers,
> how can i make applications accessible with voiceover?
> regards
> --
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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-07 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Slau.

I can not open the prefferences application, I have also tried with
VOiceOver turned of. I can not hear the tabs, so I can find the about
tab. Is there a solution for that.

Best regards Annie.

2010/7/7, Slau :
> Annie,
> To activate it:
> 1. copy your license number.
> 2. Navigate to MoveAddict in your Applications folder.
> 3. Bring up the contextual menu with Control-Option-m and select "View
> Package Contents."
> 4. In the Contents window, navigate to the Resources folder and find the
> application named "MoveAddict Preferences" and open it.
> 5. Navigate to the"about" tab and you'll find the License button which will
> open a window with a field for your email address and a field for your
> license number.
> Note that there seems to be a dialog box that sometimes appears. The last
> image in the window, I suppose, is an OK button of some type. route the
> mouse to the image and do a mouse click.
> HTH,
> Slau
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:10 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Try press the paypale button only with space, that worked for me, and
>> you will be directed to the paypale page, and there you can pay.
>> I have also bought this application, but I can not find out how to
>> activate, I hope some of you can help.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> 2010/7/7, annelie robledo :
>>> Help.
>>> I downloaded the application but I can't figure out how to pay for it. I
>>> click on pay pal but it won't tke me there. What am I missing?
>>> On Jul 5, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
 Hi list,

 After a few back and forth mails, the developer of move addict has made
 his application completely accessible.

 Move addict allows the user to cut and paste system wide and in finder,
 an add-on.

 Here is the link:

 The guy is pretty cool, and took this endeavor seriously So i suggest
 guys help him continue to make software with a conscious approach to
 accessibility. And moveaddict rocks anyway :)


 Yuma DX®

 "Light has no value without darkness"

 Tel: +64 210 22 77 190

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Re: voice over scripts

2010-07-07 Thread louie
In the case of the Ipad, Ipod and Iphone the app are acquired from the  
apple store.
The apps for the laptops and the mini are acquired from the venders of  
the software.

On Jul 7, 2010, at 11:02 AM, Sandy Tomkins wrote:


   I apologise in advance if I am missing the point here, but aren't
all apps vetted by apple before being approved for the app store? In
which case, mightn't the best way, to make sure that all apps are
accessible, be to approach Apple, reminding them of their sterling
work re Voiceover and encouraging them to include accessibility as
part of their vetting procedure?

  Just my thoughts,

On 7/7/10, joseph  wrote:

hi listers,

how can i make applications accessible with voiceover?


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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-07 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi again.

I have godt it to work, but it requred a restart.

Best regards Annie.

2010/7/7, Annie Skov Nielsen :
> Hi Slau.
> I can not open the prefferences application, I have also tried with
> VOiceOver turned of. I can not hear the tabs, so I can find the about
> tab. Is there a solution for that.
> Best regards Annie.
> 2010/7/7, Slau :
>> Annie,
>> To activate it:
>> 1. copy your license number.
>> 2. Navigate to MoveAddict in your Applications folder.
>> 3. Bring up the contextual menu with Control-Option-m and select "View
>> Package Contents."
>> 4. In the Contents window, navigate to the Resources folder and find the
>> application named "MoveAddict Preferences" and open it.
>> 5. Navigate to the"about" tab and you'll find the License button which
>> will
>> open a window with a field for your email address and a field for your
>> license number.
>> Note that there seems to be a dialog box that sometimes appears. The last
>> image in the window, I suppose, is an OK button of some type. route the
>> mouse to the image and do a mouse click.
>> HTH,
>> Slau
>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:10 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Try press the paypale button only with space, that worked for me, and
>>> you will be directed to the paypale page, and there you can pay.
>>> I have also bought this application, but I can not find out how to
>>> activate, I hope some of you can help.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> 2010/7/7, annelie robledo :

 I downloaded the application but I can't figure out how to pay for it.
 click on pay pal but it won't tke me there. What am I missing?
 On Jul 5, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi list,
> After a few back and forth mails, the developer of move addict has
> made
> his application completely accessible.
> Move addict allows the user to cut and paste system wide and in
> finder,
> as
> an add-on.
> Here is the link:
> The guy is pretty cool, and took this endeavor seriously So i suggest
> you
> guys help him continue to make software with a conscious approach to
> accessibility. And moveaddict rocks anyway :)
> Cheers
> Yuma DX®
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> blog:
> twitter:
> Tel: +64 210 22 77 190
> --
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Re: if I buy vmware fusion?

2010-07-07 Thread gene
Hi josh well yeah it will install win7 for you and set it up all the way how 
ever it will anc cannot activate it for you I think the vmware people would 
get in trouble for that.
- Original Message - 
From: "Josh Kennedy" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:49 PM
Subject: if I buy vmware fusion?


If I buy vmware fusion, will I be able to install a regular copy of 
windows7 without sighted help? Will the mac and vmware fusion install it, 
set it up and register it and activate it for me?

Josh Kennedy

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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-07 Thread Slau
Ah, yes, of course, in this case, a restart is required for MoveAddict to work 
in the first place.


On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:19 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hi again.
> I have godt it to work, but it requred a restart.
> Best regards Annie.
> 2010/7/7, Annie Skov Nielsen :
>> Hi Slau.
>> I can not open the prefferences application, I have also tried with
>> VOiceOver turned of. I can not hear the tabs, so I can find the about
>> tab. Is there a solution for that.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> 2010/7/7, Slau :
>>> Annie,
>>> To activate it:
>>> 1. copy your license number.
>>> 2. Navigate to MoveAddict in your Applications folder.
>>> 3. Bring up the contextual menu with Control-Option-m and select "View
>>> Package Contents."
>>> 4. In the Contents window, navigate to the Resources folder and find the
>>> application named "MoveAddict Preferences" and open it.
>>> 5. Navigate to the"about" tab and you'll find the License button which
>>> will
>>> open a window with a field for your email address and a field for your
>>> license number.
>>> Note that there seems to be a dialog box that sometimes appears. The last
>>> image in the window, I suppose, is an OK button of some type. route the
>>> mouse to the image and do a mouse click.
>>> HTH,
>>> Slau
>>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:10 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
 Try press the paypale button only with space, that worked for me, and
 you will be directed to the paypale page, and there you can pay.
 I have also bought this application, but I can not find out how to
 activate, I hope some of you can help.
 Best regards Annie.
 2010/7/7, annelie robledo :
> Help.
> I downloaded the application but I can't figure out how to pay for it.
> I
> click on pay pal but it won't tke me there. What am I missing?
> On Jul 5, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> After a few back and forth mails, the developer of move addict has
>> made
>> his application completely accessible.
>> Move addict allows the user to cut and paste system wide and in
>> finder,
>> as
>> an add-on.
>> Here is the link:
>> The guy is pretty cool, and took this endeavor seriously So i suggest
>> you
>> guys help him continue to make software with a conscious approach to
>> accessibility. And moveaddict rocks anyway :)
>> Cheers
>> Yuma DX®
>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>> blog:
>> twitter:
>> Tel: +64 210 22 77 190
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: voice over scripts

2010-07-07 Thread Cody Hurst
yes, but I doubt they look for accessibility, which they should

On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:02 PM, Sandy Tomkins wrote:

> Hi,
>I apologise in advance if I am missing the point here, but aren't
> all apps vetted by apple before being approved for the app store? In
> which case, mightn't the best way, to make sure that all apps are
> accessible, be to approach Apple, reminding them of their sterling
> work re Voiceover and encouraging them to include accessibility as
> part of their vetting procedure?
>   Just my thoughts,
> On 7/7/10, joseph  wrote:
>> hi listers,
>> how can i make applications accessible with voiceover?
>> regards
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Carolyn
While I can't provide a direct answer, I'm thinking it has to do more with the 
flatness of the apple keyboards.  As I type this, (on my dell), I notice it's 
easier to not make mistakes, and with my MBP13, I goof a lot up if I try to go 
too fast.

I notice my PC keyboard has rows that are more graduated as you go up, so 
accuracy tends to be easier to achieve.

I know this won't help, but, at least you're not alone.:)

  - Original Message - 
  From: Donna Goodin 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 6:10 AM
  Subject: macbook keyboards

  Good morning, all,

  I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer this, 
but I appreciate any info you may have.

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Carolyn,

Well, it's always good to know that I'm not alone. :) 

You may be right about the problem being the flatness rather than the size of 
the keys.  And, as I said earlier to Nic, it may also just be that I've spent 
so long on a Windows keyboard.  Hopefully over time my accuracy will improve on 
the Mac as well.  And hopefully yours will, too. :)

Take care,
On Jul 7, 2010, at 4:17 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> Donna:
> While I can't provide a direct answer, I'm thinking it has to do more with 
> the flatness of the apple keyboards.  As I type this, (on my dell), I notice 
> it's easier to not make mistakes, and with my MBP13, I goof a lot up if I try 
> to go too fast.
> I notice my PC keyboard has rows that are more graduated as you go up, so 
> accuracy tends to be easier to achieve.
> I know this won't help, but, at least you're not alone.:)
> Carolyn
> - Original Message -
> From: Donna Goodin
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 6:10 AM
> Subject: macbook keyboards
> Good morning, all,
> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
> last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
> computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
> keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
> 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
> larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer 
> this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-07 Thread Courtney Curran
I can't find the place where it says it costs anything on the Macworld page. 
On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Slau wrote:

> Ah, yes, of course, in this case, a restart is required for MoveAddict to 
> work in the first place.
> Slau
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:19 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi again.
>> I have godt it to work, but it requred a restart.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> 2010/7/7, Annie Skov Nielsen :
>>> Hi Slau.
>>> I can not open the prefferences application, I have also tried with
>>> VOiceOver turned of. I can not hear the tabs, so I can find the about
>>> tab. Is there a solution for that.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> 2010/7/7, Slau :
 To activate it:
 1. copy your license number.
 2. Navigate to MoveAddict in your Applications folder.
 3. Bring up the contextual menu with Control-Option-m and select "View
 Package Contents."
 4. In the Contents window, navigate to the Resources folder and find the
 application named "MoveAddict Preferences" and open it.
 5. Navigate to the"about" tab and you'll find the License button which
 open a window with a field for your email address and a field for your
 license number.
 Note that there seems to be a dialog box that sometimes appears. The last
 image in the window, I suppose, is an OK button of some type. route the
 mouse to the image and do a mouse click.
 On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:10 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
> Hi.
> Try press the paypale button only with space, that worked for me, and
> you will be directed to the paypale page, and there you can pay.
> I have also bought this application, but I can not find out how to
> activate, I hope some of you can help.
> Best regards Annie.
> 2010/7/7, annelie robledo :
>> Help.
>> I downloaded the application but I can't figure out how to pay for it.
>> I
>> click on pay pal but it won't tke me there. What am I missing?
>> On Jul 5, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> After a few back and forth mails, the developer of move addict has
>>> made
>>> his application completely accessible.
>>> Move addict allows the user to cut and paste system wide and in
>>> finder,
>>> as
>>> an add-on.
>>> Here is the link:
>>> The guy is pretty cool, and took this endeavor seriously So i suggest
>>> you
>>> guys help him continue to make software with a conscious approach to
>>> accessibility. And moveaddict rocks anyway :)
>>> Cheers
>>> Yuma DX®
>>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>>> blog:
>>> twitter:
>>> Tel: +64 210 22 77 190
>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: macbook keyboards

2010-07-07 Thread Cody Hurst
unfortunately for you, the macbook pro line do not have the concaved keys like 
on the old powerbooks

On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:12 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Carolyn,
> Well, it's always good to know that I'm not alone. :) 
> You may be right about the problem being the flatness rather than the size of 
> the keys.  And, as I said earlier to Nic, it may also just be that I've spent 
> so long on a Windows keyboard.  Hopefully over time my accuracy will improve 
> on the Mac as well.  And hopefully yours will, too. :)
> Take care,
> Donna
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 4:17 PM, Carolyn wrote:
>> Donna:
>> While I can't provide a direct answer, I'm thinking it has to do more with 
>> the flatness of the apple keyboards.  As I type this, (on my dell), I notice 
>> it's easier to not make mistakes, and with my MBP13, I goof a lot up if I 
>> try to go too fast.
>> I notice my PC keyboard has rows that are more graduated as you go up, so 
>> accuracy tends to be easier to achieve.
>> I know this won't help, but, at least you're not alone.:)
>> Carolyn
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Donna Goodin
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 6:10 AM
>> Subject: macbook keyboards
>> Good morning, all,
>> I have a sort of odd question.  I have noticed, since getting my Macbook Pro 
>> last summer, that my typing on the Mac is a bit less accurate than on other 
>> computers.  I've finally decided that this is due to the size of the Macbook 
>> keyboard, i.e. that it is just a tad too small for my fingers.  I got the 
>> 13-inch Macbook, so am wondering if the keyboard is larger if you move to a 
>> larger model, particularly the 15-inch.  Don't know if anyone can answer 
>> this, but I appreciate any info you may have.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Apple Wireless Keyboard Shortcuts for the iPhone and iPod Touch in iOS 4

2010-07-07 Thread Esther

Hi All,

Here's my list of keyboard shortcuts with the Apple Wireless Keyboard,  
amended using Cara Quinn's list style.  I've put in sequences for  
commands like redo, switching input language keyboards, pressing the  
control key to stop VoiceOver speaking, using the media function keys  
to control playback, emacs style control keys. I'm going to include  
some pointers for using the media keys with touch screen navigation in  
a second document.  I also have not included the keyboard shortcut  
alternatives for generating options or special characters or accents,  
since they vary according to the language of your selected input  
keyboard, and my list is for English language keyboards.  Note that  
when you use a keyboard such as the Apple Wireless (Bluetooth)  
Keyboard or the iPad Keyboard Dock, you can also use cut, copy, and  
paste to paste in long passwords in many edit fields where you are not  
allowed to do this with the rotor and the touch screen.  The iPad  
Keyboard Dock has a few additional option keys (for Spotlight search,  
return to home screen, and screen lock), and the key for showing /  
hiding the virtual keyboard is at the position of the F5 key since  
there is no eject key.

Apple Wireless Keyboard

eject - toggle showing / hiding virtual keyboard (this key is at top  

tab - move to next text field (e.g. in mail)
shift tab - move to previous text field
command z - undo
shift command z - redo
command x - cut
command c - copy
command v - paste
command a - select all
control - stops and restarts VoiceOver speaking (e.g., in the middle  
of a two finger flick up or down to read all)
command space - change to next language keyboard (when you have more  
than one selected)

shift command space - change to previous language keyboard

General movement and selection commands with command, option, and  
arrow key combinations.  (For these sequences, holding down the shift  
key will select as well as move your cursor.  On a PC keyboard, the  
control key can be substituted for some, but not all instances of the  
command key.  On some keyboards, the Windows key may replace the  
function of the command key.)

left / right arrows - move left or right by character
shift left / right arrows - select left or right by character
option left / right arrows -  move left or right by word
shift option left / right arrows - select left or right by word
command left / right arrows - move to beginning or end of line
shift command left / right arrows - select to beginning or end of line
up / down arrows - move up or down by line
shift up / down arrows - select up or down by line
command up arrow - move to start of document (page up on PC keyboard)
shift command up arrow - select to start of document
command down arrow - move to end of document (page down on PC keyboard)
shift command down arrow - select to end of document

delete - delete backward by character
option delete - delete backward by word
(forward delete sequences with the Fn key do not work)

some emacs-like control key sequences work:
control a - move to beginning of line
control e - move to end of line
control b - move back a character
control f - move forward a character
control h - backwards delete a character
control k - delete to end of line
control m - insert line feed (blank line)

Selections are slightly tricky, because they are based on your current  
insertion point, so if you select a few words forward by holding down  
the shift key and tapping the option key, then press command up arrow  
to move to the start of the document without releasing the shift key,  
you will end up reversing the selection of the words you started with,  
and selecting all of your document from your starting point to the  
beginning of the document.  Similarly, when you arrow down from the  
middle of a line and hold down the shift key, you select all  
characters from where you started to where you move to in the middle  
of the next line.  On a Mac you can check your selections while you  
work, but here you can't.  For more background details on how these  
commands work for selection, see my archived post on "Moving and  
Selecting in Cocoa Apps:

HTH. More later.  Cheers,


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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-07 Thread Courtney Curran
I found how to buy it, and I bought it. But when I copy my license in, it keeps 
saying invalid license, I'm sure I copied and pasted it right.
On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Slau wrote:

> Ah, yes, of course, in this case, a restart is required for MoveAddict to 
> work in the first place.
> Slau
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:19 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi again.
>> I have godt it to work, but it requred a restart.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> 2010/7/7, Annie Skov Nielsen :
>>> Hi Slau.
>>> I can not open the prefferences application, I have also tried with
>>> VOiceOver turned of. I can not hear the tabs, so I can find the about
>>> tab. Is there a solution for that.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> 2010/7/7, Slau :
 To activate it:
 1. copy your license number.
 2. Navigate to MoveAddict in your Applications folder.
 3. Bring up the contextual menu with Control-Option-m and select "View
 Package Contents."
 4. In the Contents window, navigate to the Resources folder and find the
 application named "MoveAddict Preferences" and open it.
 5. Navigate to the"about" tab and you'll find the License button which
 open a window with a field for your email address and a field for your
 license number.
 Note that there seems to be a dialog box that sometimes appears. The last
 image in the window, I suppose, is an OK button of some type. route the
 mouse to the image and do a mouse click.
 On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:10 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
> Hi.
> Try press the paypale button only with space, that worked for me, and
> you will be directed to the paypale page, and there you can pay.
> I have also bought this application, but I can not find out how to
> activate, I hope some of you can help.
> Best regards Annie.
> 2010/7/7, annelie robledo :
>> Help.
>> I downloaded the application but I can't figure out how to pay for it.
>> I
>> click on pay pal but it won't tke me there. What am I missing?
>> On Jul 5, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> After a few back and forth mails, the developer of move addict has
>>> made
>>> his application completely accessible.
>>> Move addict allows the user to cut and paste system wide and in
>>> finder,
>>> as
>>> an add-on.
>>> Here is the link:
>>> The guy is pretty cool, and took this endeavor seriously So i suggest
>>> you
>>> guys help him continue to make software with a conscious approach to
>>> accessibility. And moveaddict rocks anyway :)
>>> Cheers
>>> Yuma DX®
>>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>>> blog:
>>> twitter:
>>> Tel: +64 210 22 77 190
>>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-07 Thread Slau Halatyn
I guess you'll have to contact the developer about that.

On Jul 7, 2010, at 6:17 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> I found how to buy it, and I bought it. But when I copy my license in, it 
> keeps saying invalid license, I'm sure I copied and pasted it right.
> Courtney
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Slau wrote:
>> Ah, yes, of course, in this case, a restart is required for MoveAddict to 
>> work in the first place.
>> Slau
>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:19 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>> Hi again.
>>> I have godt it to work, but it requred a restart.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> 2010/7/7, Annie Skov Nielsen :
 Hi Slau.
 I can not open the prefferences application, I have also tried with
 VOiceOver turned of. I can not hear the tabs, so I can find the about
 tab. Is there a solution for that.
 Best regards Annie.
 2010/7/7, Slau :
> Annie,
> To activate it:
> 1. copy your license number.
> 2. Navigate to MoveAddict in your Applications folder.
> 3. Bring up the contextual menu with Control-Option-m and select "View
> Package Contents."
> 4. In the Contents window, navigate to the Resources folder and find the
> application named "MoveAddict Preferences" and open it.
> 5. Navigate to the"about" tab and you'll find the License button which
> will
> open a window with a field for your email address and a field for your
> license number.
> Note that there seems to be a dialog box that sometimes appears. The last
> image in the window, I suppose, is an OK button of some type. route the
> mouse to the image and do a mouse click.
> HTH,
> Slau
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:10 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Try press the paypale button only with space, that worked for me, and
>> you will be directed to the paypale page, and there you can pay.
>> I have also bought this application, but I can not find out how to
>> activate, I hope some of you can help.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> 2010/7/7, annelie robledo :
>>> Help.
>>> I downloaded the application but I can't figure out how to pay for it.
>>> I
>>> click on pay pal but it won't tke me there. What am I missing?
>>> On Jul 5, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
 Hi list,
 After a few back and forth mails, the developer of move addict has
 his application completely accessible.
 Move addict allows the user to cut and paste system wide and in
 an add-on.
 Here is the link:
 The guy is pretty cool, and took this endeavor seriously So i suggest
 guys help him continue to make software with a conscious approach to
 accessibility. And moveaddict rocks anyway :)
 Yuma DX®
 "Light has no value without darkness"
 Tel: +64 210 22 77 190
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> --
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>>> Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
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>> Groups
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>> For more options, visit this group at
> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> macvisionar

Re: Move addict now completely accessible

2010-07-07 Thread Cody Hurst
don't want to sound stupid, but I couldn't even find the download link for MA 
and if it costs, then never mind

On Jul 7, 2010, at 6:17 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> I found how to buy it, and I bought it. But when I copy my license in, it 
> keeps saying invalid license, I'm sure I copied and pasted it right.
> Courtney
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Slau wrote:
>> Ah, yes, of course, in this case, a restart is required for MoveAddict to 
>> work in the first place.
>> Slau
>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 2:19 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>> Hi again.
>>> I have godt it to work, but it requred a restart.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> 2010/7/7, Annie Skov Nielsen :
 Hi Slau.
 I can not open the prefferences application, I have also tried with
 VOiceOver turned of. I can not hear the tabs, so I can find the about
 tab. Is there a solution for that.
 Best regards Annie.
 2010/7/7, Slau :
> Annie,
> To activate it:
> 1. copy your license number.
> 2. Navigate to MoveAddict in your Applications folder.
> 3. Bring up the contextual menu with Control-Option-m and select "View
> Package Contents."
> 4. In the Contents window, navigate to the Resources folder and find the
> application named "MoveAddict Preferences" and open it.
> 5. Navigate to the"about" tab and you'll find the License button which
> will
> open a window with a field for your email address and a field for your
> license number.
> Note that there seems to be a dialog box that sometimes appears. The last
> image in the window, I suppose, is an OK button of some type. route the
> mouse to the image and do a mouse click.
> HTH,
> Slau
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 12:10 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Try press the paypale button only with space, that worked for me, and
>> you will be directed to the paypale page, and there you can pay.
>> I have also bought this application, but I can not find out how to
>> activate, I hope some of you can help.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> 2010/7/7, annelie robledo :
>>> Help.
>>> I downloaded the application but I can't figure out how to pay for it.
>>> I
>>> click on pay pal but it won't tke me there. What am I missing?
>>> On Jul 5, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
 Hi list,
 After a few back and forth mails, the developer of move addict has
 his application completely accessible.
 Move addict allows the user to cut and paste system wide and in
 an add-on.
 Here is the link:
 The guy is pretty cool, and took this endeavor seriously So i suggest
 guys help him continue to make software with a conscious approach to
 accessibility. And moveaddict rocks anyway :)
 Yuma DX®
 "Light has no value without darkness"
 Tel: +64 210 22 77 190
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
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>>> Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
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Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-07 Thread Deb Lewis
OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the middle 
of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the beginning.

I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience and 
because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world. 

I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen access) 
installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're all talking 
about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way, what choices do I 
need to make, and what specifically do I need to get. 

Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from the 
archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.

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Non-Latin alphabets and voice over

2010-07-07 Thread Aman Singer
Hi, all.
Has there been any experience with non-Latin character sets and
voice over? I am particularly interested in Arabic, Hebrew, and Chinese. How
is Voice Over with handling these alphabets and texts in these languages, if
anyone knows? I have come across an Arabic voice, but for the other
languages have yet to see one. Are they available, does anyone know? I would
try the Arabic voice myself, but there is no demo of it. Further, how is
braille handled in these languages if anyone has experience?
Thanks as always for the assistance available here.

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Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-07 Thread Mike Arrigo
Hi there, you need to get a copy of vmware fusion, This will 
allow you to run windows in a virtual machine, as well as install without 
sighted help. If you have skype or another program for communication, I could 
give you more help getting started with this. It will allow you to run the mac 
and windows at the same time which is very convenient.
On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:

> OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the middle 
> of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the beginning.
> I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience and 
> because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world.
> I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen 
> access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're all 
> talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way, what 
> choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to get.
> Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from the 
> archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.
> Deb
> ** For the best music and the most friendly chat
> visit our program schedule and Ride with us at:
> -- 
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RE: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-07 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello Deb. i chose to use VM fusion. It costs about $100. The advantage is
that I can run both Windows and the mac OS's at the same time. If I should
lose a hard drive, I can simply restore the image from a backup and I'm good
to go. Finally, I can store all of my data on the mac side and have a nice
clean image. Mike Arigo has done 12 podcasts on Blind Cool Tech. I believe
that Pod Cast 7 deals with VM fusion.




[] On Behalf Of Deb Lewis
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:33 PM
Subject: Need Basic Help About Running Windows


OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the
middle of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the


I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience and
because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world. 


I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen
access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're all
talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way, what
choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to get. 


Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from the
archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.



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Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-07 Thread Deb Lewis
Well this is getting put together for me at work so I can have them install 
it tomorrow. I might need somehelp with what to do next though and I 
definitely have skype. I did  go tot he web site and basically understand 
what it does. Anything i need to know specifically to install it?
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Arrigo" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

Hi there, you need to get a copy of vmware fusion, This will 
allow you to run windows in a virtual machine, as well as install without 
sighted help. If you have skype or another program for communication, I 
could give you more help getting started with this. It will allow you to run 
the mac and windows at the same time which is very convenient.

On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:

OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the 
middle of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the 

I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience 
and because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world.

I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen 
access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're all 
talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way, what 
choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to get.

Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from the 
archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.

** For the best music and the most friendly chat
visit our program schedule and Ride with us at:

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Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-07 Thread Mike Arrigo
The main thing you will wantto do is choose the easy install, and at least 
initially, not set a password, this way you can get to the windows desktop 
without running in to screens that are inaccessible.
On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:

> Well this is getting put together for me at work so I can have them install 
> it tomorrow. I might need somehelp with what to do next though and I 
> definitely have skype. I did  go tot he web site and basically understand 
> what it does. Anything i need to know specifically to install it?
> - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
> Hi there, you need to get a copy of vmware fusion, This will 
> allow you to run windows in a virtual machine, as well as install without 
> sighted help. If you have skype or another program for communication, I could 
> give you more help getting started with this. It will allow you to run the 
> mac and windows at the same time which is very convenient.
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:
>> OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the 
>> middle of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the 
>> beginning.
>> I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience and 
>> because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world.
>> I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen 
>> access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're all 
>> talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way, what 
>> choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to get.
>> Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from the 
>> archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.
>> Deb
>> ** For the best music and the most friendly chat
>> visit our program schedule and Ride with us at:
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-07 Thread Deb Lewis

Good. I like things called Easy. And maybe I can find your podcast.
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Arrigo" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

The main thing you will wantto do is choose the easy install, and at least 
initially, not set a password, this way you can get to the windows desktop 
without running in to screens that are inaccessible.

On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:

Well this is getting put together for me at work so I can have them 
install it tomorrow. I might need somehelp with what to do next though and 
I definitely have skype. I did  go tot he web site and basically 
understand what it does. Anything i need to know specifically to install 

- Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

Hi there, you need to get a copy of vmware fusion, This 
will allow you to run windows in a virtual machine, as well as install 
without sighted help. If you have skype or another program for 
communication, I could give you more help getting started with this. It 
will allow you to run the mac and windows at the same time which is very 

On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:

OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the 
middle of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the 

I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience 
and because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world.

I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen 
access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're 
all talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way, 
what choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to get.

Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from the 
archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.

** For the best music and the most friendly chat
visit our program schedule and Ride with us at:

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Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-07 Thread Garry Turkington

Not wanting to state the obvious but you will need to install your
screen reader of choice within the Windows environment, be it a dual
boot under Bootcamp or a virtual machine under VMware Fusion.  I know
there was historically some problems in getting Jaws to work properly
under Fusion because of the jaws key not always being recognised, not
sure if this is still a concern or if it also applies to Window Eyes
or other Windows screen readers.

I will say though as someone who fought with various dual and
multi-boot setups for years I am a huge fan of virtualisation -- use
it heavily on a Windows platform -- and would never want to go back.


On 7/7/10, Deb Lewis  wrote:
> Good. I like things called Easy. And maybe I can find your podcast.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mike Arrigo" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:34 PM
> Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
> The main thing you will wantto do is choose the easy install, and at least
> initially, not set a password, this way you can get to the windows desktop
> without running in to screens that are inaccessible.
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:
>> Well this is getting put together for me at work so I can have them
>> install it tomorrow. I might need somehelp with what to do next though and
>> I definitely have skype. I did  go tot he web site and basically
>> understand what it does. Anything i need to know specifically to install
>> it?
>> - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:14 PM
>> Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
>> Hi there, you need to get a copy of vmware fusion, This
>> will allow you to run windows in a virtual machine, as well as install
>> without sighted help. If you have skype or another program for
>> communication, I could give you more help getting started with this. It
>> will allow you to run the mac and windows at the same time which is very
>> convenient.
>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:
>>> OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the
>>> middle of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the
>>> beginning.
>>> I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience
>>> and because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world.
>>> I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen
>>> access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're
>>> all talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way,
>>> what choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to get.
>>> Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from the
>>> archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.
>>> Deb
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Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-07 Thread Deb Lewis
Yes, I've just listened to Mike's podcast and most of thatmakes sensee to 
me. Really helpful.

He mentioned that I could install it either just using the Virtual Machine 
or install Windows through bootcamp with sightedhelp (which I have) and then 
have them dual boot. Except for the issue of accessibility during install, 
is there any difference between doing it through Bootcamp initiallly or 
through the VMWare?

Also we're buy the extra memory for the Mac Book so it will have 8 megs. It 
sounds like this is enough if I change Windows to 384? That still leaves the 
Mac with more than its default. I know nothing about Mac memory 
- Original Message - 
From: "Garry Turkington" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows


Not wanting to state the obvious but you will need to install your
screen reader of choice within the Windows environment, be it a dual
boot under Bootcamp or a virtual machine under VMware Fusion.  I know
there was historically some problems in getting Jaws to work properly
under Fusion because of the jaws key not always being recognised, not
sure if this is still a concern or if it also applies to Window Eyes
or other Windows screen readers.

I will say though as someone who fought with various dual and
multi-boot setups for years I am a huge fan of virtualisation -- use
it heavily on a Windows platform -- and would never want to go back.


On 7/7/10, Deb Lewis  wrote:

Good. I like things called Easy. And maybe I can find your podcast.
- Original Message -
From: "Mike Arrigo" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

The main thing you will wantto do is choose the easy install, and at 
initially, not set a password, this way you can get to the windows 

without running in to screens that are inaccessible.
On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:

Well this is getting put together for me at work so I can have them
install it tomorrow. I might need somehelp with what to do next though 

I definitely have skype. I did  go tot he web site and basically
understand what it does. Anything i need to know specifically to install
- Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

Hi there, you need to get a copy of vmware fusion, This
will allow you to run windows in a virtual machine, as well as install
without sighted help. If you have skype or another program for
communication, I could give you more help getting started with this. It
will allow you to run the mac and windows at the same time which is very
On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:

OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the
middle of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the

I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience
and because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world.

I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen
access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're
all talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way,
what choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to get.

Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from 

archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.

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visit our program schedule and Ride with us at:

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Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

2010-07-07 Thread Garry Turkington

The only significant difference between Bootcamp and VMware is how
Windows and the Mac OS run together.  If you use Bootcamp then you'll
have to reboot your Mac into Windows every time you need to use a
Windows application.  And then reboot again when you want to use Mac
software.  If you use VMware then the Windows desktop and all its
applications basically runs within a window atop your Mac desktop.

If you have 8GB of memory in the MacBook then  you will have no
problems at all.  Indeed I'd push the memory on the Windows VM up to
1GB at least as its Windows within the VM that is going to squeal for
more memory first.


On 7/7/10, Deb Lewis  wrote:
> Yes, I've just listened to Mike's podcast and most of thatmakes sensee to
> me. Really helpful.
> He mentioned that I could install it either just using the Virtual Machine
> or install Windows through bootcamp with sightedhelp (which I have) and then
> have them dual boot. Except for the issue of accessibility during install,
> is there any difference between doing it through Bootcamp initiallly or
> through the VMWare?
> Also we're buy the extra memory for the Mac Book so it will have 8 megs. It
> sounds like this is enough if I change Windows to 384? That still leaves the
> Mac with more than its default. I know nothing about Mac memory
> requirements.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Garry Turkington" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 7:03 PM
> Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
>> Hi,
>> Not wanting to state the obvious but you will need to install your
>> screen reader of choice within the Windows environment, be it a dual
>> boot under Bootcamp or a virtual machine under VMware Fusion.  I know
>> there was historically some problems in getting Jaws to work properly
>> under Fusion because of the jaws key not always being recognised, not
>> sure if this is still a concern or if it also applies to Window Eyes
>> or other Windows screen readers.
>> I will say though as someone who fought with various dual and
>> multi-boot setups for years I am a huge fan of virtualisation -- use
>> it heavily on a Windows platform -- and would never want to go back.
>> Garry
>> On 7/7/10, Deb Lewis  wrote:
>>> Good. I like things called Easy. And maybe I can find your podcast.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Mike Arrigo" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:34 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows
>>> The main thing you will wantto do is choose the easy install, and at
>>> least
>>> initially, not set a password, this way you can get to the windows
>>> desktop
>>> without running in to screens that are inaccessible.
>>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:
 Well this is getting put together for me at work so I can have them
 install it tomorrow. I might need somehelp with what to do next though

 I definitely have skype. I did  go tot he web site and basically
 understand what it does. Anything i need to know specifically to install
 - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:14 PM
 Subject: Re: Need Basic Help About Running Windows

 Hi there, you need to get a copy of vmware fusion, This
 will allow you to run windows in a virtual machine, as well as install
 without sighted help. If you have skype or another program for
 communication, I could give you more help getting started with this. It
 will allow you to run the mac and windows at the same time which is very
 On Jul 7, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Deb Lewis wrote:

> OK Gang.  I read a ton of posts on this but it's like jumping into the
> middle of a conversation. So could someone help me by starting at the
> beginning.
> I just got a MacBook and I do need to run Windows on it for convenience
> and because some things I do just don't exist in the Mac world.
> I know it has BootCamp already on it and my co-worker (not using screen
> access) installed Windows and runs that on her Mac at will. But you're
> all talking about a lot of other ways to do this. What is the best way,
> what choices do I need to make, and what specifically do I need to get.
> Sorry if it's been covered. But after reading posts for an hour from
> the
> archives I don't know this yet. LOL. TIA.
> Deb
> ** For the best music and the most friendly chat
> visit our program schedule and Ride with us at:
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> Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> For more options, visit this group a

Re: Non-Latin alphabets and voice over

2010-07-07 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Aman,

I can't answer your questions about voices, but you can get non-Latin Braille 
by downloading multilingual Braille from the CeciMac site. My husband, Archie, 
has made Braille tables for Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Russian.

You can download the package from:

I hope this helps somewhat.



On Jul 8, 2010, at 1:45 AM, Aman Singer wrote:

> Hi, all.
>   Has there been any experience with non-Latin character sets and
> voice over? I am particularly interested in Arabic, Hebrew, and Chinese. How
> is Voice Over with handling these alphabets and texts in these languages, if
> anyone knows? I have come across an Arabic voice, but for the other
> languages have yet to see one. Are they available, does anyone know? I would
> try the Arabic voice myself, but there is no demo of it. Further, how is
> braille handled in these languages if anyone has experience?
> Thanks as always for the assistance available here.
> Aman  
> -- 
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