Re: About iTunes 9.1.1 VoiceOver and other fixes

2010-04-28 Thread william lomas
what problems lol

On 28 Apr 2010, at 00:43, William Windels wrote:

> Hi dan,
> you are right.
> I'll do also.
> best regards,
> William
> Op 28-apr-2010, om 01:35 heeft Dan het volgende geschreven:
>> Hello List,
>> I am really pleased with what Apple has done in terms of fixing the several 
>> problems in iTunes.
>> I emailed both Accessibility and used the feedback form in iTunes to let all 
>> of these folks know that I am really pleased with all the fixes.
>> I think that they would appreciate hearing from others as well.
>> It's really easy to file a complaint and it's just as easy to give them a 
>> good, "Well done guys."'
>> Just my thoughts.
>> Dan
>> -- 
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william lomas
follow me on twitter:

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Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

2010-04-28 Thread olivia norman
I've actually never used exchange, though it seems that the features it offers 
are similar to Mobile me?  This is how I keep all four of my devices synced.  I 
don't have a windows set up here, so am not sure how the two systems stack up, 
but I know that mobile me works well and syncs all of my information, contacts, 
mail, bookmarks, calendars, etc.
On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:44 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Office on the Mac is fairly inexpensive when compared to the PC version.
> Mail won't do any of that stuff. Apple doesn't want to license the full tech 
> that would be required to completely integrate with Exchange. It would be 
> nice if they did, since Exchange isn't going away for a very very long time. 
> It's great that you can read basic e-mail and look at your Exchange calendar 
> with Mail or on an iPad/iPhone, but that isn't enough. Exchange is a full 
> personal information management system that automatically syncs, over the 
> air, between all of your devices. I can start Outlook on any of my computers, 
> or grab a phone or PDA, and I'm looking at all of my critical work info. I 
> don't sync it. Its just there, on all of them, when I need it. That sort of 
> tech is mandatory unless you have your own personal secretary. So, it will be 
> good to have Office as an alternative to Mail. Would be nice if Apple had 
> something like Exchange that could even be used as an alternative, but they 
> don't.
> If you don't use Exchange, you most likely wouldn't see the point to these 
> features or care. That's alright. I can't tell you how much it increases my 
> efficiency, and helps me earn more money with less time. Paying a silly $100 
> - $200 fee is nothing, as it will make that back easily.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 6:44 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
> Hi,
> Seems a lot of money to spend if you only need those few extra options. 
> Besides, it'll probably happen even for iWork, Mail and iCal. I'm such an 
> optimist right now.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 26, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> Well, for those of us that use Exchange for information management, we'd 
>> sure like to be able to run a version of Outlook on the Mac. Mail and ICal 
>> can get to some of that info on an Exchange server, but not all of it. Right 
>> now, if you want to change a server-side e-mail filtering rule, for example, 
>> you must start Outlook in a virtual machine or under BootCamp to make that 
>> adjustment.
>> I also don't think that Pages supports all of the formatting options of 
>> Word. That isn't so important when you're making your own files, but it 
>> matters when you're exchanging files with other people that are using Word.
>> So, Office isn't essential, but many of us would appreciate it.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
>> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 2:32 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
>> Hi,
>> Why buy MS Office for Macs? I'm still personally trying to justify the 
>> purchase of iWork. it doesn't seem like MS Office has more than iWork does. 
>> I never really liked Office because it always felt sluggish to me as opposed 
>> to iWork.
>> I'm sure someone a lot smarter than me can tell me why.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Apr 26, 2010, at 8:20 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
>>> James,
>>> Thank you for the feedback.
>>> That's the breaks.  I am going into purchase the software for a 
>>> friend's child who needs it so she can work with Office for Windows 
>>> which is the standard at her college.  Surprising as I thought most 
>>> schools used Macs for everything educational.
>>> Fortunately the college student is sighted so she won't have any issues.
>>> Again, thank you.
>>> Mark
>>> Get to know yourself as you get to know me on The Secret Life of Mark 
>>> Marcus Live Talk Show -Original
>>> Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of James & Nash
>>> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 9:11 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
>>> No it isn't. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Apparently, 
>>> Microsoft will be re

Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

2010-04-28 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I just use Mobile Me. it synchs everything I could ever want with my iPhone and 
between my Mac, mainly because I need that kind of functionality every day.

Maybe I'm dense to Exchange, but doesn't Mobile Me do exactly what you want? As 
you said yourself, paying 100/200 isn't a big deal, as you can make it back.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Apr 28, 2010, at 8:44 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Office on the Mac is fairly inexpensive when compared to the PC version.
> Mail won't do any of that stuff. Apple doesn't want to license the full tech 
> that would be required to completely integrate with Exchange. It would be 
> nice if they did, since Exchange isn't going away for a very very long time. 
> It's great that you can read basic e-mail and look at your Exchange calendar 
> with Mail or on an iPad/iPhone, but that isn't enough. Exchange is a full 
> personal information management system that automatically syncs, over the 
> air, between all of your devices. I can start Outlook on any of my computers, 
> or grab a phone or PDA, and I'm looking at all of my critical work info. I 
> don't sync it. Its just there, on all of them, when I need it. That sort of 
> tech is mandatory unless you have your own personal secretary. So, it will be 
> good to have Office as an alternative to Mail. Would be nice if Apple had 
> something like Exchange that could even be used as an alternative, but they 
> don't.
> If you don't use Exchange, you most likely wouldn't see the point to these 
> features or care. That's alright. I can't tell you how much it increases my 
> efficiency, and helps me earn more money with less time. Paying a silly $100 
> - $200 fee is nothing, as it will make that back easily.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 6:44 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
> Hi,
> Seems a lot of money to spend if you only need those few extra options. 
> Besides, it'll probably happen even for iWork, Mail and iCal. I'm such an 
> optimist right now.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 26, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> Well, for those of us that use Exchange for information management, we'd 
>> sure like to be able to run a version of Outlook on the Mac. Mail and ICal 
>> can get to some of that info on an Exchange server, but not all of it. Right 
>> now, if you want to change a server-side e-mail filtering rule, for example, 
>> you must start Outlook in a virtual machine or under BootCamp to make that 
>> adjustment.
>> I also don't think that Pages supports all of the formatting options of 
>> Word. That isn't so important when you're making your own files, but it 
>> matters when you're exchanging files with other people that are using Word.
>> So, Office isn't essential, but many of us would appreciate it.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
>> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 2:32 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
>> Hi,
>> Why buy MS Office for Macs? I'm still personally trying to justify the 
>> purchase of iWork. it doesn't seem like MS Office has more than iWork does. 
>> I never really liked Office because it always felt sluggish to me as opposed 
>> to iWork.
>> I'm sure someone a lot smarter than me can tell me why.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Apr 26, 2010, at 8:20 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
>>> James,
>>> Thank you for the feedback.
>>> That's the breaks.  I am going into purchase the software for a 
>>> friend's child who needs it so she can work with Office for Windows 
>>> which is the standard at her college.  Surprising as I thought most 
>>> schools used Macs for everything educational.
>>> Fortunately the college student is sighted so she won't have any issues.
>>> Again, thank you.
>>> Mark
>>> Get to know yourself as you get to know me on The Secret Life of Mark 
>>> Marcus Live Talk Show -Original
>>> Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of James & Nash
>>> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 9:11 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: A Question Re

RE: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

2010-04-28 Thread Simon Fogarty

 Yes from what your saying, mail me does sound very much like MS exchange.

 Exchange is a mail / messaging / calendaring server. 

 Outlook for mac is men to allow you to sync with exchange as outlook on a
pc / windows machine will. But mac mail in OSX10.6 will also sync with an
exchange server.

It just allows for real time updating of email and calendaring / tasks etc.
as well as a lot of other things to boot.
Hope that helps.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of olivia norman
Sent: Wednesday, 28 April 2010 7:18 p.m.
To: list voiceover
Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

I've actually never used exchange, though it seems that the features it
offers are similar to Mobile me?  This is how I keep all four of my devices
synced.  I don't have a windows set up here, so am not sure how the two
systems stack up, but I know that mobile me works well and syncs all of my
information, contacts, mail, bookmarks, calendars, etc.
On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:44 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Office on the Mac is fairly inexpensive when compared to the PC version.
> Mail won't do any of that stuff. Apple doesn't want to license the full
tech that would be required to completely integrate with Exchange. It would
be nice if they did, since Exchange isn't going away for a very very long
time. It's great that you can read basic e-mail and look at your Exchange
calendar with Mail or on an iPad/iPhone, but that isn't enough. Exchange is
a full personal information management system that automatically syncs, over
the air, between all of your devices. I can start Outlook on any of my
computers, or grab a phone or PDA, and I'm looking at all of my critical
work info. I don't sync it. Its just there, on all of them, when I need it.
That sort of tech is mandatory unless you have your own personal secretary.
So, it will be good to have Office as an alternative to Mail. Would be nice
if Apple had something like Exchange that could even be used as an
alternative, but they don't.
> If you don't use Exchange, you most likely wouldn't see the point to these
features or care. That's alright. I can't tell you how much it increases my
efficiency, and helps me earn more money with less time. Paying a silly $100
- $200 fee is nothing, as it will make that back easily.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From:
[] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 6:44 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
> Hi,
> Seems a lot of money to spend if you only need those few extra options.
Besides, it'll probably happen even for iWork, Mail and iCal. I'm such an
optimist right now.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 26, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> Well, for those of us that use Exchange for information management, we'd
sure like to be able to run a version of Outlook on the Mac. Mail and ICal
can get to some of that info on an Exchange server, but not all of it. Right
now, if you want to change a server-side e-mail filtering rule, for example,
you must start Outlook in a virtual machine or under BootCamp to make that
>> I also don't think that Pages supports all of the formatting options of
Word. That isn't so important when you're making your own files, but it
matters when you're exchanging files with other people that are using Word.
>> So, Office isn't essential, but many of us would appreciate it.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
>> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 2:32 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
>> Hi,
>> Why buy MS Office for Macs? I'm still personally trying to justify the
purchase of iWork. it doesn't seem like MS Office has more than iWork does.
I never really liked Office because it always felt sluggish to me as opposed
to iWork.
>> I'm sure someone a lot smarter than me can tell me why.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Apr 26, 2010, at 8:20 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
>>> James,
>>> Thank you for the feedback.
>>> That's the breaks.  I am going into purchase the software for a 
>>> friend's child who needs it so she can work with Office for Windows 
>>> which is the standard at her college.  Surprising as I thought most 
>>> schools used Macs for everything educational.
>>> Fortunately the college student is s

Re: an odd mail error

2010-04-28 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Sarah,

I get this message, to, but just ignore it. It doesn't affect anything.



On Apr 28, 2010, at 8:32 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> command not supported in read only mode. Press escape to leave this mode.
> That's the error I get every once in a  while when reading a message in mail.
> What does this mean and how can I avoid it.
> Sorry about the cross posting.
> Sarah Alawami
> msn:
> website:
> twitter:
> podcast:
> -- 
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booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used to boot 
really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this, and how I 
might fix it?

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Focus Blue display 40

2010-04-28 Thread James Gallagher
hello all.

sorry for the question

can anyone tell me if the Focus Blue display 40 will work with Snow Leopard
I have been up to the Apple site and it is not listed so I believe maybe not.

but worth a try to ask just in case. some one here is using it.
my thoughts are of getting one to use with the mac's and just maybe the ipad if 
so that would be good.

anyway sorry for the silly question.


The highest result of education is tolerance.
Hellen Keller
James Gallagher

A-Z to Deafblindness 
A Deafblindness Web Resource 
Learn more about Braille Chess at 
My Guide Dogs 
For the Sighted Hearing my WAP site is at 

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Re: Finally got my Mac Book Pro, and, freeware recommendations anybody?

2010-04-28 Thread erik burggraaf
Simply burns for your dvd burning and possibly max for ripping.  I also like 
vlc over ITunes.  Many will disagree.


Erik Burggraaf
APlus certified technician and user support consultant
Call toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
Visit my all new website:

On 2010-04-27, at 9:24 PM, Cameron wrote:

> Hello everyone.  I finally am back in mac land again and I am loving it!  I
> ended up going for the new 15 inch mac book pro with 4gb of ram and the
> Intel I5 2.4gHz processor.  it's running very smooth and the build quality
> is fantastic.  
> I haven't owned a mac in quite a while and this is my first time really
> digging into OS X 10.6.  I downloaded a bunch of things I used to have, as
> well as some new things I've seen mentioned on this list and in other places
> online.
> Here is the current list of what I've installed thus far.  if anyone can
> recommend additional freeware that is vo friendly that I might find useful,
> please feel free to respond either on list or off list.  I will be using
> this for office related tasks, entertainment purposes, and audio work once
> the accessible version of pro tools is released.  until then, I'll be using
> Sonar with jaws under win xp pro sp3 running native thanks to bootcamp.  
> One thing I do need is a program to burn single layer and dual layer data
> dvdrs.  Any suggestions?  or, is there something built into OS X sl I can
> use?
> here is my list of currently installed stuff:
> stuffit expander, reel player, DivX, adium, TheUnarchiver, Olearia, growl,
> audasity, vlc, dropbox, skype, open office, cocktail, and I bought mac scan.
> I will be buying Iwork when I have the spare cash.
> Any suggestions welcome!
> Thanks,
> Cameron.
> -- 
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Re: Focus Blue display 40

2010-04-28 Thread olivia norman
I'm not sure.  I believe that at the moment, the iPad doesn't support braille 
displays, though this should change with 4.0.
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower",  Steve Jobs

On Apr 28, 2010, at 9:58 AM, James Gallagher wrote:

> hello all.
> sorry for the question
> can anyone tell me if the Focus Blue display 40 will work with Snow Leopard
> I have been up to the Apple site and it is not listed so I believe maybe not.
> but worth a try to ask just in case. some one here is using it.
> my thoughts are of getting one to use with the mac's and just maybe the ipad 
> if so that would be good.
> anyway sorry for the silly question.
> Yours
> James
> The highest result of education is tolerance.
> Hellen Keller
> --
> James Gallagher
> A-Z to Deafblindness 
> A Deafblindness Web Resource 
> Learn more about Braille Chess at 
> My Guide Dogs 
> For the Sighted Hearing my WAP site is at 
> -- 
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WWDC is June 7 to the 11 in San Francisco

2010-04-28 Thread olivia norman
Just wanted to let you all know that according to cult of mac, WWDC will be 
June 7 to the 11 in San Francisco, so we should hear about the new iPhone 
officially, among other things.

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower",  Steve Jobs

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Re: an odd mail error

2010-04-28 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I only get that in specific cases, usually when I try doing something with a 
VoiceOver setting that doesn't support that particular command. So usually, 
it's because I for some reason think it'd work.

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yahoo Messenger: cin368
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On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Sarah,
> I get this message, to, but just ignore it. It doesn't affect anything.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 8:32 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> command not supported in read only mode. Press escape to leave this mode.
>> That's the error I get every once in a  while when reading a message in mail.
>> What does this mean and how can I avoid it.
>> Sorry about the cross posting.
>> Sarah Alawami
>> msn:
>> website:
>> twitter:
>> podcast:
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: Focus Blue display 40

2010-04-28 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

He was talking about the Mac. :)

It's a good chance that the Mac does not support that particular display yet, 
as I believe it has just recently been released. An update to the operating 
system most likely has to be released before it will be included, and the 
driver has to be written for it to work. And permissions have to be obtained, 
blah blah blah.


Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Apr 28, 2010, at 4:01 PM, olivia norman wrote:

> I'm not sure.  I believe that at the moment, the iPad doesn't support braille 
> displays, though this should change with 4.0.
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower",  Steve Jobs
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 9:58 AM, James Gallagher wrote:
>> hello all.
>> sorry for the question
>> can anyone tell me if the Focus Blue display 40 will work with Snow Leopard
>> I have been up to the Apple site and it is not listed so I believe maybe not.
>> but worth a try to ask just in case. some one here is using it.
>> my thoughts are of getting one to use with the mac's and just maybe the ipad 
>> if so that would be good.
>> anyway sorry for the silly question.
>> Yours
>> James
>> The highest result of education is tolerance.
>> Hellen Keller
>> --
>> James Gallagher
>> A-Z to Deafblindness 
>> A Deafblindness Web Resource 
>> Learn more about Braille Chess at 
>> My Guide Dogs 
>> For the Sighted Hearing my WAP site is at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: text elements and clickable

2010-04-28 Thread Carolyn
Hi Simon:
I was actually thinking of sharing the information.  I just want to be certain 
it doesn't violate any sort of contract with the Apple Store.
When I'm next on my mac, I'll forward the info.
Thanks for asking.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Simon Fogarty 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:42 AM
  Subject: RE: text elements and clickable

  Hi Carolyn,

  I have to ask, but is there any chance you might let the list have the link
  to that page with   the training information 

  So those of us that may be very basic / beginnerusers could possibly benefit
  from the information as well?

  If not then hay tat would be fine as you probably paid for the access. But
  just thought I'd ask.



  -Original Message-
  [] On Behalf Of
  Sent: Sunday, 25 April 2010 2:40 p.m.
  Subject: text elements and clickable

  Hi everyone:
  I had my firwt training session through Apple's One to one program.  It was
  interesting, anda little peculiar.  My training ws held in the middle of the
  store, with all the noise and bustle of a Friday afternoon.  I got
  familiarized a little more with the visual layout of the screens, the menu
  bar, and some of the voiceover utility.  As part of this program, I receive
  access to a special page of tutorials, and other tools.  Gee, I have a long
  way to go.  So, I was exploring this page, and came across a very bsic
  question, the answer to which will probably enable me to move along
  independently and set goals for my next training session.  On this page, are
  a number of links, headers, levels, etc.  clicking on links (using
  VO/spacebar, what then appears are text elements that say clickable.
  Probably very simple, but nothing I do brings the "clickable" text elements
  to life.  
  Tia for any help with this.  

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  "MacVisionaries" group.
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  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread Søren Jensen

I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up together 
with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper and then some 
digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the accounts settings in System 
preferences under your account and under "login items."
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:

> Hi all,
> Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used to boot 
> really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this, and how I 
> might fix it?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread Carolyn
Thanks for this.  I'll check it out as well since I've noticed the slower boot.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Søren Jensen 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 9:12 AM
  Subject: Re: booting taking forever?


  I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up together 
with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper and then some 
digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the accounts settings in System 
preferences under your account and under "login items."
  Best regards
  Søren Jensen
  Mail & MSN:

  Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:

  > Hi all,
  > Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used to boot 
really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this, and how I 
might fix it?
  > Thanks,
  > Donna
  > -- 
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Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread Søren Jensen
You're welcome. I hope this will fix your issue. I have no idea where this 
weird helper app came from, but it didn't helped me. Lol. Or, it did then I 
removed it. :) Please let me know if that fix your issue.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 5:27 PM skrev Carolyn:

> Soren:
> Thanks for this.  I'll check it out as well since I've noticed the slower 
> boot.
> Carolyn
> - Original Message -
> From: Søren Jensen
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 9:12 AM
> Subject: Re: booting taking forever?
> Hi.
> I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up together 
> with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper and then some 
> digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the accounts settings in 
> System preferences under your account and under "login items."
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used to boot 
> > really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this, and how 
> > I might fix it?
> > Thanks,
> > Donna
> > 
> > -- 
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> > at
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Re: transmit 4.0 (ftpclient for the mac) is here

2010-04-28 Thread Courtney Curran
What's an FTP Client?

On 28/04/2010, at 12:44 in the morning, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> It is I believe 17 dollars and it is an ftp client that I love and live by.
> Take care.
> On Apr 27, 2010, at 4:42 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>> I'm a new Mack user, so what is Transmit 4.0, and how much does it cost?
>> Thanks,
>> Courtney
>> On 27/04/2010, at 7:39 in the Afternoon, anouk radix wrote:
>>> Hello, I recieved an email from panic software today telling me transmit 
>>> 4.0 was released. I downloaded it and installed it, the startup wizard is 
>>> accessible and so are the menus. I will try to test it more tomorrow, but 
>>> at least it seems more accessible then their other major app, unison.
>>> The only irritating is that you will have to buy the app again if you 
>>> upgrade to this new version.
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
>>> -- 
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RE: switching from windows, some questions?

2010-04-28 Thread Kerie doyle
Hi nic, Carollyn, Chriss and all, 

Thanks so much for all your patience, and answering all my questions, I just
have 2 more, 

I've installed adium and thank god found the set up assistant, and now, I
cant figure out how to read messages! Could someone tell me how to do this,

I also need to port messages, addresses, and rules over from Microsoft
outlook to the mac. I have Imap enabled  and gmail is working, I'm just
wondering, how can I port messages, addresses, and also rules over? Can I
make rules and create mail boxes from messages that are already in my inbox?

Thanks so much again everyone, 




[] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
Sent: 27 April 2010 12:09
Subject: Re: switching from windows, some questions?




Adium totally rocks. You should get it. No, everyone should get it. I don't
understand the fact that VoiceOver reads the chat area to the left of the
input field as an "unknown", but when interacting it will say " interact
with HTML content".




Mobile Me:

Skype: Kvalme

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AIM: cincinster

yahoo Messenger: cin368


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On Apr 27, 2010, at 4:31 AM, Carolyn wrote:


I thank you for filling me in.  I'll look into the possibilities with it.
Again, thanks for cluing in the clueless.



- Original Message - 

From: Chris Blouch   


Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 12:33 PM

Subject: Re: switching from windows, some questions?


Didn't notice a direct answer to this. Adium is a chat application where you
can connect to another chat user and then type messages back and forth in
real time. There are a number of chat services like AIM or MSN Messenger
which have their own clients but Adium is more universal in that it connects
to numerous different services. Of course you will need to create an account
on each of those to use it with more than one. 

CB wrote: 


I was wondering what is Adium?  And, Michael did you mean just the VO keys:
cntl/option, rather than command option?  Thanks.


On Apr 25, 2010, at 9:33 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

I use a windows live messenger account with adium. It is available onthe
account types.

On 2010-04-25, at 11:02 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

Hello Kerie,

While I can't answer your question about instant messaging, perhaps I can
help out with the others.  Like several people I know, I use both Windows as
well as Mac OS Snow Leopard.  Please find my answers below each question.

On 2010-04-24 21:05, Kerie doyle wrote: 

Hi all, 

I a very new mac and voice over user, I just had some questions. 

First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I wanted to ask some
advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading, that you may set up
Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap, I just wondering, does
it make a difference in terms of voice over, whether I use pop or imap?

I don't think it does, Kerie. While I use IMAP with my Gmail account, I have
never heard anything to the effect that POP wouldn't work.

Next, are the mail boxes which can be created in apple mail meant to be used
as substitutes for folders like those which can be created in outlook using
windows, say for lists? And if I subscribed to many lists, can I, and do I,
need to create rules so the messages from lists go to the mail boxes, and
don just go to my inbox?

Mail lets you create mailboxes into which you can organize materials.  You
can create rules to automatically have specific messages placed in specific
mailboxes or, alternatively, you can manually move them to these mailboxes
from the inbox.

Next, when it comes to instant messaging, can aidium connect to windows
live, or am I best installing windows live for Mac, which I believe, correct
me if I wrong, is available from Microsoft?

This was the question I couldn't answer.

And lastly, for now, is there a way to find out the title of a window, like
in jaws for windows?

Kerie, using the Voice Over keys (Command Option) along with F2 tells you
the title of the window that you are currently in. This command works very
well in the Mail program.

I hope you all won mind me asking what could be considered by some as silly
questions, but like I say, I very new to apple and voice over, so just
thought someone might give me some advice. 

Thanks for any help in advance, 


Kerie, the more I use the Mac, the more I like it!  I hope that you have a
similar experience.

Best regards,


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the slow boot

2010-04-28 Thread Carolyn
I had a minor crash and lost the info on the program to delete under 
preferences/accounts.  Could you please repost it.  Thank you.


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Re: transmit 4.0 (ftpclient for the mac) is here

2010-04-28 Thread Sarah Alawami
ftp is a term tha tmean file transfer protocall. You can transfer files to a 
computer or web server using an explorer like interface. I'm sure there is a 
google article that explains it better then that.

Take care.

On Apr 28, 2010, at 9:18 AM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> What's an FTP Client?
> On 28/04/2010, at 12:44 in the morning, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> It is I believe 17 dollars and it is an ftp client that I love and live by.
>> Take care.
>> On Apr 27, 2010, at 4:42 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>>> I'm a new Mack user, so what is Transmit 4.0, and how much does it cost?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Courtney
>>> On 27/04/2010, at 7:39 in the Afternoon, anouk radix wrote:
 Hello, I recieved an email from panic software today telling me transmit 
 4.0 was released. I downloaded it and installed it, the startup wizard is 
 accessible and so are the menus. I will try to test it more tomorrow, but 
 at least it seems more accessible then their other major app, unison.
 The only irritating is that you will have to buy the app again if you 
 upgrade to this new version.
 Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: an odd mail error

2010-04-28 Thread Sarah Alawami
In my case I was closing a message with command  w. I don't get it all the time.

On Apr 28, 2010, at 7:15 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I only get that in specific cases, usually when I try doing something with a 
> VoiceOver setting that doesn't support that particular command. So usually, 
> it's because I for some reason think it'd work.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Sarah,
>> I get this message, to, but just ignore it. It doesn't affect anything.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 8:32 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> command not supported in read only mode. Press escape to leave this mode.
>>> That's the error I get every once in a  while when reading a message in 
>>> mail.
>>> What does this mean and how can I avoid it.
>>> Sorry about the cross posting.
>>> Sarah Alawami
>>> msn:
>>> website:
>>> twitter:
>>> podcast:
>>> -- 
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Re: About iTunes 9.1.1 VoiceOver and other fixes

2010-04-28 Thread Sarah Alawami
actuall I'm not satasfed as the download a specific podcast option is gone from 
the right click. This using itunes 9.1.1. I don't notice any changes at all.

On Apr 27, 2010, at 4:35 PM, Dan wrote:

> Hello List,
> I am really pleased with what Apple has done in terms of fixing the several 
> problems in iTunes.
> I emailed both Accessibility and used the feedback form in iTunes to let all 
> of these folks know that I am really pleased with all the fixes.
> I think that they would appreciate hearing from others as well.
> It's really easy to file a complaint and it's just as easy to give them a 
> good, "Well done guys."'
> Just my thoughts.
> Dan
> -- 
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saving location in vlc?

2010-04-28 Thread Hypnotic Consulting

Erik wrote, I also like vlc over ITunes.  Many will disagree.

Hey Erik, is there a way of saving your place in an audio or video program 
in vlc?

I tried using the bookmark feature but i didn't seem to do it right.


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Eyetv and recording.

2010-04-28 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

Can I make a schedule for eyetv, so it starts to record at a speciffic
time, I have been looking in the manual, but I could not find
something about that.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Søren,

Can you be more specific about how you got to this setting?  I looked under 
system preferences, then accounts, but don't see anything like that.
On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Hi.
> I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up together 
> with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper and then some 
> digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the accounts settings in 
> System preferences under your account and under "login items."
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:
>> Hi all,
>> Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used to boot 
>> really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this, and how 
>> I might fix it?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread James & Nash
Hi Donna, 

In the accounts reference, there will be a tab called "login items" you should 
be able to fin any application that start when Mac oS X start here. 
James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:47, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Søren,
> Can you be more specific about how you got to this setting?  I looked under 
> system preferences, then accounts, but don't see anything like that.
> TIA,
> Donna
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up 
>> together with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper and 
>> then some digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the accounts 
>> settings in System preferences under your account and under "login items."
>> Best regards
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used to boot 
>>> really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this, and how 
>>> I might fix it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi James, Soren, and all,

OK, I just found that.  The only item that was in the table was Itunes Helper.  
I deleted it, but my Mac is still taking a long time to boo.  Any other 
On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:44 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Donna, 
> In the accounts reference, there will be a tab called "login items" you 
> should be able to fin any application that start when Mac oS X start here. 
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:47, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Søren,
>> Can you be more specific about how you got to this setting?  I looked under 
>> system preferences, then accounts, but don't see anything like that.
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up 
>>> together with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper and 
>>> then some digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the accounts 
>>> settings in System preferences under your account and under "login items."
>>> Best regards
>>> Søren Jensen
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> Website:
>>> Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:
 Hi all,
 Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used to 
 boot really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this, 
 and how I might fix it?
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Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread James & Nash
Have you tried clearing  your System caches etc?

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:59, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi James, Soren, and all,
> OK, I just found that.  The only item that was in the table was Itunes 
> Helper.  I deleted it, but my Mac is still taking a long time to boo.  Any 
> other suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:44 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Donna, 
>> In the accounts reference, there will be a tab called "login items" you 
>> should be able to fin any application that start when Mac oS X start here. 
>> TC
>> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:47, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Søren,
>>> Can you be more specific about how you got to this setting?  I looked under 
>>> system preferences, then accounts, but don't see anything like that.
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
 I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up 
 together with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper and 
 then some digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the accounts 
 settings in System preferences under your account and under "login items."
 Best regards
 Søren Jensen
 Mail & MSN:
 Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:
> Hi all,
> Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used to 
> boot really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this, 
> and how I might fix it?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: an odd mail error

2010-04-28 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Sarah,

I get it too when closing a message with Command-w, but it doesn't happen that 



On Apr 28, 2010, at 7:49 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> In my case I was closing a message with command  w. I don't get it all the 
> time.
> S
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 7:15 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I only get that in specific cases, usually when I try doing something with a 
>> VoiceOver setting that doesn't support that particular command. So usually, 
>> it's because I for some reason think it'd work.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Sarah,
>>> I get this message, to, but just ignore it. It doesn't affect anything.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 8:32 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 command not supported in read only mode. Press escape to leave this mode.
 That's the error I get every once in a  while when reading a message in 
 What does this mean and how can I avoid it.
 Sorry about the cross posting.
 Sarah Alawami
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RE: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

2010-04-28 Thread Bryan Smart
Well, sort of. Mobile Me is kind of the light version of that sort of thing.

Mobile Me can sync your calendar, but you can't access the calendars of other 
people in your org.

Mobile Me has no server-side filtering of e-mail. This means that it can't sort 
messages in to folders based on e-mail listss, sender, etc. It is totally 
dependent on the client to do that. Maybe you're reading e-mail on your iPhone, 
but your desktop is off, so then everything will fill up your in-box.

Mobile Me doesn't do forms.

And, most importantly, Mobile Me only works with Apple stuff. My Windows 
machines and non-Apple devices could get to its imap e-mail box, but can't use 
most anything else. I like Apple stuff, but my whole computing universe isn't 


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 3:58 AM
Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac


I just use Mobile Me. it synchs everything I could ever want with my iPhone and 
between my Mac, mainly because I need that kind of functionality every day.

Maybe I'm dense to Exchange, but doesn't Mobile Me do exactly what you want? As 
you said yourself, paying 100/200 isn't a big deal, as you can make it back.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Apr 28, 2010, at 8:44 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Office on the Mac is fairly inexpensive when compared to the PC version.
> Mail won't do any of that stuff. Apple doesn't want to license the full tech 
> that would be required to completely integrate with Exchange. It would be 
> nice if they did, since Exchange isn't going away for a very very long time. 
> It's great that you can read basic e-mail and look at your Exchange calendar 
> with Mail or on an iPad/iPhone, but that isn't enough. Exchange is a full 
> personal information management system that automatically syncs, over the 
> air, between all of your devices. I can start Outlook on any of my computers, 
> or grab a phone or PDA, and I'm looking at all of my critical work info. I 
> don't sync it. Its just there, on all of them, when I need it. That sort of 
> tech is mandatory unless you have your own personal secretary. So, it will be 
> good to have Office as an alternative to Mail. Would be nice if Apple had 
> something like Exchange that could even be used as an alternative, but they 
> don't.
> If you don't use Exchange, you most likely wouldn't see the point to these 
> features or care. That's alright. I can't tell you how much it increases my 
> efficiency, and helps me earn more money with less time. Paying a silly $100 
> - $200 fee is nothing, as it will make that back easily.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 6:44 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
> Hi,
> Seems a lot of money to spend if you only need those few extra options. 
> Besides, it'll probably happen even for iWork, Mail and iCal. I'm such an 
> optimist right now.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 26, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> Well, for those of us that use Exchange for information management, we'd 
>> sure like to be able to run a version of Outlook on the Mac. Mail and ICal 
>> can get to some of that info on an Exchange server, but not all of it. Right 
>> now, if you want to change a server-side e-mail filtering rule, for example, 
>> you must start Outlook in a virtual machine or under BootCamp to make that 
>> adjustment.
>> I also don't think that Pages supports all of the formatting options of 
>> Word. That isn't so important when you're making your own files, but it 
>> matters when you're exchanging files with other people that are using Word.
>> So, Office isn't essential, but many of us would appreciate it.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai 
>> Svendsen
>> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 2:32 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
>> Hi,
>> Why buy MS Office for Macs? I'm still personally trying to justify the 
>> purchase of iWork. it doesn't seem like MS Office has more than iWork does. 
>> I never really liked Office because it always felt sluggish to me as opposed 
>> to iWork.
>> I'm sure someone a lot smarter than me can tell me why.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me: nic2...@me.c

Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread Donna Goodin
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I do that?
On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:50 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Have you tried clearing  your System caches etc?
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:59, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi James, Soren, and all,
>> OK, I just found that.  The only item that was in the table was Itunes 
>> Helper.  I deleted it, but my Mac is still taking a long time to boo.  Any 
>> other suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:44 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi Donna, 
>>> In the accounts reference, there will be a tab called "login items" you 
>>> should be able to fin any application that start when Mac oS X start here. 
>>> TC
>>> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>>> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:47, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi Søren,
 Can you be more specific about how you got to this setting?  I looked 
 under system preferences, then accounts, but don't see anything like that.
 On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
> Hi.
> I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up 
> together with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper and 
> then some digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the accounts 
> settings in System preferences under your account and under "login items."
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:
>> Hi all,
>> Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used to 
>> boot really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this, 
>> and how I might fix it?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread James & Nash
Not dumb at all. First  though, have you tried repairing permissions with Disk 
Utility? You really should avoid touching the System caches if you can avoid 
doing it.

Jame, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 28 Apr 2010, at 20:07, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I do that?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:50 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Have you tried clearing  your System caches etc?
>> TC
>> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:59, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi James, Soren, and all,
>>> OK, I just found that.  The only item that was in the table was Itunes 
>>> Helper.  I deleted it, but my Mac is still taking a long time to boo.  Any 
>>> other suggestions?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:44 PM, James & Nash wrote:
 Hi Donna, 
 In the accounts reference, there will be a tab called "login items" you 
 should be able to fin any application that start when Mac oS X start here. 
 James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
 On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:47, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Søren,
> Can you be more specific about how you got to this setting?  I looked 
> under system preferences, then accounts, but don't see anything like that.
> TIA,
> Donna
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up 
>> together with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper and 
>> then some digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the accounts 
>> settings in System preferences under your account and under "login 
>> items."
>> Best regards
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used to 
>>> boot really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause 
>>> this, and how I might fix it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

2010-04-28 Thread olivia norman
This makes sense.  Thanks for the clarification!
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower",  Steve Jobs

On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:53 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Well, sort of. Mobile Me is kind of the light version of that sort of thing.
> Mobile Me can sync your calendar, but you can't access the calendars of other 
> people in your org.
> Mobile Me has no server-side filtering of e-mail. This means that it can't 
> sort messages in to folders based on e-mail listss, sender, etc. It is 
> totally dependent on the client to do that. Maybe you're reading e-mail on 
> your iPhone, but your desktop is off, so then everything will fill up your 
> in-box.
> Mobile Me doesn't do forms.
> And, most importantly, Mobile Me only works with Apple stuff. My Windows 
> machines and non-Apple devices could get to its imap e-mail box, but can't 
> use most anything else. I like Apple stuff, but my whole computing universe 
> isn't Apple.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 3:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
> Hi,
> I just use Mobile Me. it synchs everything I could ever want with my iPhone 
> and between my Mac, mainly because I need that kind of functionality every 
> day.
> Maybe I'm dense to Exchange, but doesn't Mobile Me do exactly what you want? 
> As you said yourself, paying 100/200 isn't a big deal, as you can make it 
> back.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 8:44 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> Office on the Mac is fairly inexpensive when compared to the PC version.
>> Mail won't do any of that stuff. Apple doesn't want to license the full tech 
>> that would be required to completely integrate with Exchange. It would be 
>> nice if they did, since Exchange isn't going away for a very very long time. 
>> It's great that you can read basic e-mail and look at your Exchange calendar 
>> with Mail or on an iPad/iPhone, but that isn't enough. Exchange is a full 
>> personal information management system that automatically syncs, over the 
>> air, between all of your devices. I can start Outlook on any of my 
>> computers, or grab a phone or PDA, and I'm looking at all of my critical 
>> work info. I don't sync it. Its just there, on all of them, when I need it. 
>> That sort of tech is mandatory unless you have your own personal secretary. 
>> So, it will be good to have Office as an alternative to Mail. Would be nice 
>> if Apple had something like Exchange that could even be used as an 
>> alternative, but they don't.
>> If you don't use Exchange, you most likely wouldn't see the point to these 
>> features or care. That's alright. I can't tell you how much it increases my 
>> efficiency, and helps me earn more money with less time. Paying a silly $100 
>> - $200 fee is nothing, as it will make that back easily.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
>> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 6:44 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
>> Hi,
>> Seems a lot of money to spend if you only need those few extra options. 
>> Besides, it'll probably happen even for iWork, Mail and iCal. I'm such an 
>> optimist right now.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Apr 26, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>>> Well, for those of us that use Exchange for information management, we'd 
>>> sure like to be able to run a version of Outlook on the Mac. Mail and ICal 
>>> can get to some of that info on an Exchange server, but not all of it. 
>>> Right now, if you want to change a server-side e-mail filtering rule, for 
>>> example, you must start Outlook in a virtual machine or under BootCamp to 
>>> make that adjustment.
>>> I also don't think that Pages supports all of the formatting options of 
>>> Word. That isn't so important when you're making your own files, but it 
>>> matters when you're exchanging files with other people that are using Word.
>>> So, Office isn't essential, but many of us would appreciate it.
>>> Bryan
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai 
>>> Svendsen
>>> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 2:32 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
>>> Hi,
>>> Why b

IPod Nano sync problem

2010-04-28 Thread Matthew Johnson

hay all,

well I have tried absolutely everything to solve this and its still not 
fixing so hoping you all might be able to shead some light on it. I am 
using a fifth gen IPod Nano under windows 7. Every time I sync the 
device, even if it is only an update of say, a 20 mb podcast, the sync 
will take literally 45 minutes to complete, mostly it says its 
generating voice over messages...but there is only one to generate! I am 
using a 2.4 ghz I5 with 4gb of ram, there is no way that it should take 
this long. I have reset the IPod, reinstalled ITunes, updated IPod 
firmware, done everything to fix this difficulty and it has done 
nothing. Can anyone please suggest something?

thanks very much

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Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread marie Howarth
I use a great app called Onyx to help clean up the system. I think this may 
help you. 

On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:57, James & Nash wrote:

> Not dumb at all. First  though, have you tried repairing permissions with 
> Disk Utility? You really should avoid touching the System caches if you can 
> avoid doing it.
> TC
> Jame, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 28 Apr 2010, at 20:07, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I do that?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:50 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Have you tried clearing  your System caches etc?
>>> TC
>>> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>>> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:59, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi James, Soren, and all,
 OK, I just found that.  The only item that was in the table was Itunes 
 Helper.  I deleted it, but my Mac is still taking a long time to boo.  Any 
 other suggestions?
 On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:44 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> Hi Donna, 
> In the accounts reference, there will be a tab called "login items" you 
> should be able to fin any application that start when Mac oS X start 
> here. 
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:47, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Søren,
>> Can you be more specific about how you got to this setting?  I looked 
>> under system preferences, then accounts, but don't see anything like 
>> that.
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up 
>>> together with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper 
>>> and then some digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the 
>>> accounts settings in System preferences under your account and under 
>>> "login items."
>>> Best regards
>>> Søren Jensen
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> Website:
>>> Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:
 Hi all,
 Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used to 
 boot really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause 
 this, and how I might fix it?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread Donna Goodin
I repaired permissions a couple of weeks ago, but maybe I'll give it another 
On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:57 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Not dumb at all. First  though, have you tried repairing permissions with 
> Disk Utility? You really should avoid touching the System caches if you can 
> avoid doing it.
> TC
> Jame, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 28 Apr 2010, at 20:07, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I do that?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:50 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Have you tried clearing  your System caches etc?
>>> TC
>>> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>>> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:59, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi James, Soren, and all,
 OK, I just found that.  The only item that was in the table was Itunes 
 Helper.  I deleted it, but my Mac is still taking a long time to boo.  Any 
 other suggestions?
 On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:44 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> Hi Donna, 
> In the accounts reference, there will be a tab called "login items" you 
> should be able to fin any application that start when Mac oS X start 
> here. 
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:47, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Søren,
>> Can you be more specific about how you got to this setting?  I looked 
>> under system preferences, then accounts, but don't see anything like 
>> that.
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up 
>>> together with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper 
>>> and then some digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the 
>>> accounts settings in System preferences under your account and under 
>>> "login items."
>>> Best regards
>>> Søren Jensen
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> Website:
>>> Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:
 Hi all,
 Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used to 
 boot really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause 
 this, and how I might fix it?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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> -- 
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>> -- 
>> You received this message 

Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks, Marie.  Where did you get it?
On Apr 28, 2010, at 3:28 PM, marie Howarth wrote:

> I use a great app called Onyx to help clean up the system. I think this may 
> help you. 
> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:57, James & Nash wrote:
>> Not dumb at all. First  though, have you tried repairing permissions with 
>> Disk Utility? You really should avoid touching the System caches if you can 
>> avoid doing it.
>> TC
>> Jame, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>> On 28 Apr 2010, at 20:07, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I do that?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:50 PM, James & Nash wrote:
 Have you tried clearing  your System caches etc?
 James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
 On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:59, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi James, Soren, and all,
> OK, I just found that.  The only item that was in the table was Itunes 
> Helper.  I deleted it, but my Mac is still taking a long time to boo.  
> Any other suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:44 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Donna, 
>> In the accounts reference, there will be a tab called "login items" you 
>> should be able to fin any application that start when Mac oS X start 
>> here. 
>> TC
>> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:47, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Søren,
>>> Can you be more specific about how you got to this setting?  I looked 
>>> under system preferences, then accounts, but don't see anything like 
>>> that.
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
 I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up 
 together with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper 
 and then some digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the 
 accounts settings in System preferences under your account and under 
 "login items."
 Best regards
 Søren Jensen
 Mail & MSN:
 Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:
> Hi all,
> Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used 
> to boot really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause 
> this, and how I might fix it?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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iPad and bluetooth refreshable braille

2010-04-28 Thread Sean Tikkun
Hey folks,

  One of my students just jumped and convinced his grandparents to get him an 
iPad.  As his teacher I obviously need to support him.  Our district is willing 
to get a bluetooth refreshable braille display, but I have no idea which ones 
might/will work.  Not only that, they want to know ASAP... guess they have some 
money available.  Any ideas or experiences?

Your Friend,
Sean Richards Tikkun

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Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread marie Howarth
I'm afraid I don't have the link any more but I'm sure if you enter onyx mac 
OSX in google it should come up. it's free and very usable with voice over.

On 28 Apr 2010, at 20:46, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Thanks, Marie.  Where did you get it?
> TIA,
> Donna
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 3:28 PM, marie Howarth wrote:
>> I use a great app called Onyx to help clean up the system. I think this may 
>> help you. 
>> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:57, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Not dumb at all. First  though, have you tried repairing permissions with 
>>> Disk Utility? You really should avoid touching the System caches if you can 
>>> avoid doing it.
>>> TC
>>> Jame, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>>> On 28 Apr 2010, at 20:07, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I do that?
 On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:50 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> Have you tried clearing  your System caches etc?
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:59, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi James, Soren, and all,
>> OK, I just found that.  The only item that was in the table was Itunes 
>> Helper.  I deleted it, but my Mac is still taking a long time to boo.  
>> Any other suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:44 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi Donna, 
>>> In the accounts reference, there will be a tab called "login items" you 
>>> should be able to fin any application that start when Mac oS X start 
>>> here. 
>>> TC
>>> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>>> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:47, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi Søren,
 Can you be more specific about how you got to this setting?  I looked 
 under system preferences, then accounts, but don't see anything like 
 On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
> Hi.
> I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up 
> together with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper 
> and then some digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the 
> accounts settings in System preferences under your account and under 
> "login items."
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:
>> Hi all,
>> Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used 
>> to boot really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could 
>> cause this, and how I might fix it?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
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Re: iPad and bluetooth refreshable braille

2010-04-28 Thread marie Howarth
as it stands, I don't think braille refreshable displays will work currently 
with the iPad. I do believe, and anyone can correct me if I'm wrong that this 
functionality will not work until the iPhone OS 4.0 is available on the iPad 
which won't be until the fall.

On 28 Apr 2010, at 20:35, Sean Tikkun wrote:

> Hey folks,
>  One of my students just jumped and convinced his grandparents to get him an 
> iPad.  As his teacher I obviously need to support him.  Our district is 
> willing to get a bluetooth refreshable braille display, but I have no idea 
> which ones might/will work.  Not only that, they want to know ASAP... guess 
> they have some money available.  Any ideas or experiences?
> Your Friend,
> Sean Richards Tikkun
> -- 
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Re: booting taking forever?

2010-04-28 Thread Søren Jensen

You can try the following:
Restart your RAM by holding down option, command and the characters p and r 
while the machine is booting up. you have to hold down these 4 keys just after 
you've heard the Apple chime sound, and keep holding the keys down until the 
sound has been repeeded 3 or 4 times.

You could also try to insert your Mac OSX install disc, boot up from it and 
choose to repair your harddrive using disc utilities.

An other great idea is to close all your running wegits if you don't use them. 
You can do it by doing the following:
1: Press f12 or fn f12 to bring up the dash board.
2: Bring up the window chooser by pressing Vo f2 twice, just so you'll know how 
many running wegits you have.
3: Choose one of the wegits you wanna close, and press Vo command f2 to close 
the wegit. Keep press Vo command f2, and confirm by hitting the return key to 
close the selected wegit, until you've closed all the wegits.

I hope this will speed your computer up a bit.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 8:59 PM skrev Donna Goodin:

> Hi James, Soren, and all,
> OK, I just found that.  The only item that was in the table was Itunes 
> Helper.  I deleted it, but my Mac is still taking a long time to boo.  Any 
> other suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:44 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Donna, 
>> In the accounts reference, there will be a tab called "login items" you 
>> should be able to fin any application that start when Mac oS X start here. 
>> TC
>> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>> On 28 Apr 2010, at 19:47, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Søren,
>>> Can you be more specific about how you got to this setting?  I looked under 
>>> system preferences, then accounts, but don't see anything like that.
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
 I had the same issue until I saw a weird application was starting up 
 together with the os. I think it was called something like CT helper and 
 then some digits. You can remove or disable these apps in the accounts 
 settings in System preferences under your account and under "login items."
 Best regards
 Søren Jensen
 Mail & MSN:
 Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 3:50 PM skrev Donna Goodin:
> Hi all,
> Recently, it seems like my MacBook takes *forever to boot.  It used to 
> boot really quickly.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this, 
> and how I might fix it?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: the slow boot

2010-04-28 Thread Søren Jensen

Go into your system preferences, select yur account and see if you can find the 
tab called "login items" and delete wat you don't want there.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den Apr 28, 2010 kl. 6:42 PM skrev Carolyn:

> Soren:
> I had a minor crash and lost the info on the program to delete under 
> preferences/accounts.  Could you please repost it.  Thank you.
> Carolyn
> CH:)
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Re: iPad and bluetooth refreshable braille

2010-04-28 Thread Peter Durieux

At the moment, there is no refreshable brailledisplay support on iphone os 
3.1.x and 3.2.  In 4.0 there will be support for it. It will come  available on 
iphone in summer and for ipad in fall.

Hope this helps,

Kind regards


Op 28-apr-2010, om 21:35 heeft Sean Tikkun het volgende geschreven:

> Hey folks,
>  One of my students just jumped and convinced his grandparents to get him an 
> iPad.  As his teacher I obviously need to support him.  Our district is 
> willing to get a bluetooth refreshable braille display, but I have no idea 
> which ones might/will work.  Not only that, they want to know ASAP... guess 
> they have some money available.  Any ideas or experiences?
> Your Friend,
> Sean Richards Tikkun
> -- 
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Re: Itunes hanging and crashing after update

2010-04-28 Thread Chris Blouch
Standard Mac repair answer - did you try repairing permissions, if so 
you might want to delete your iTunes-related preferences.


Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
Did not know that--thanks! When I force-quit it the third or fourth 
time, I choose "relaunch," and it asked me for the library.  There was 
no better choice, so I stuck with "Itune library."  After a few more 
quits and relaunches, it now works, although a problem report was 
generated and sent to apple just now when I quit Itunes; apparently it 
failed to shut down correctly.  I just now tried to launch it from 
Dock again, and it hung and then shut down.  I had it working, and now 
it's back to crashing.  How very weird.

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Re: parelells a complete waist of my time

2010-04-28 Thread Chris Blouch
As you discovered VMWare is pretty much the only accessible 
virtualization package on the mac. Sun's VirtualBox doesn't have an 
accessible GUI but it does have a command line interface, so it can 
still be used that way. As far as speed and performance goes, Windows 
beats on the hard drive a good bit so it can take a while to un-sludge 
after starting up, especially if your Mac is trying to access the drive 
at the same time. Also need to check how much RAM you have left. My 
MacBook has 3GB so if I run 1.5GB for VMWare that only leaves 1.5GB for 
the Mac. If the Mac runs out it starts doing 'virtual memory' which 
swaps older chunks of RAM to the hard drive which is orders of magnitude 
slower than real RAM. So, if your Windows virtual machine pounds the 
hard drive and you trigger some virtual memory swapping to hard drive 
you're in for a world of hurt. You might actually be faster with that 
512MB virtual machine and not triggering memory swapping.


Sarah Alawami wrote:

Hello. I decided to try parelells and found it to be inaccessibal with mac 
voice over. if it is can someone shead some lite on this? this is driving me 




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Re: iPad and bluetooth refreshable braille

2010-04-28 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi sean,  your student is going to be brailleless for a little while longer 
yet.  When braille arrives in IPhone OS4, there's not a guarantee that it's 
going to be as functional as say, braille on the mac, although it will almost 
sertainly support bluetooth which mac OS didn't support until snowleopard.

If it were me, my first choice of display would be a braille connect, followed 
closely by the alva bc640.  The braille connect is far and away the better of 
the two displays imho, but braille displays are a matter of  strong personal 
preference.  What feels good in one man's hand doesn't necessarily feel good in 
another's.  I suggest you let your student hold and use both of these displays 
and pick the one that feels good in his hand.  Otherwise, you might buy 
something he's not comfortable with and it will go into a closet.


Erik Burggraaf
APlus certified technician and user support consultant
Call toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
Visit my all new website:

On 2010-04-28, at 3:35 PM, Sean Tikkun wrote:

> Hey folks,
>  One of my students just jumped and convinced his grandparents to get him an 
> iPad.  As his teacher I obviously need to support him.  Our district is 
> willing to get a bluetooth refreshable braille display, but I have no idea 
> which ones might/will work.  Not only that, they want to know ASAP... guess 
> they have some money available.  Any ideas or experiences?
> Your Friend,
> Sean Richards Tikkun
> -- 
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Re: test driving an iphone?

2010-04-28 Thread Chris Blouch
Dunno if this was mentioned in the reviews but the first time a friend 
and I tried a 3gs iPhone was at the AT&T store and it was a bit hard to 
hear from the built-in speaker. Lots of ambient noise in some stores. 
You might want to bring your favorite headphones along to really be able 
to tell what's going on.


Karen Lewellen wrote:

Wow Esther,
Even better and I thank you.
I suspect based on my short phone chat with the cell phone store I 
will visit that they are already a tad aware of voiceover and the 
iphone.  the provider originally given rights to carry the phone in 
the Toronto area got some very  bad nasty press when one of their reps 
told a customer that voiceover did not even exist let alone being 
apart of the iphone.
Your detailed description plus the combination of links here and in 
Scott's note lets me really get a feel for the phone.

Also explains why the term gestures is used.  finger flicks indeed.
Should stop in there early part of next week and report.
I asked the ipad question because an uninformed person from another 
list insisted that a keypad was required  to use it at all...which 
made little sense.

Thanks all around,

On Sat, 24 Apr 2010, Esther wrote:

Hi Karen,

I concur with Scott's suggestions. Before you go to the store to 
check out the iPhone, review the section on VoiceOver gestures in the 
iPhone User's Guide:
The direct link to the section on VoiceOver is:

VoiceOver gets turned on and off in Settings > General > 
Accessibility > VoiceOver.  I assume the store will have to turn this 
on for you.  Once you're on that screen, you can do a two finger 
flick up to have VoiceOver read out the screen contents.  If you want 
to stop it, tap with two fingers on the screen.  Then you can also 
navigate to the next item and hear it announced by flicking right 
with one finger, or listen to the previous item by flicking left with 
one finger through the page.

You'll probably want to change the speaking rate, which is done with 
a slider near the bottom of the VoiceOver  screen. If you used a two 
finger flick to read through to the end of the page, flick left with 
one finger to get to the slider, or simply move your finger up from 
the bottom of the screen to touch it.  Then, flick up (to increase) 
or down (to decrease) to adjust speaking rate.

The Settings > General > Accessibility > VoiceOver screen also has a 
"Practice VoiceOver Gestures" area that works like keyboard practice 
mode: once you activate it (by double tapping) VoiceOver will 
announce the gestures it thinks you made and the associated action 
(e.g., "Flick right; move to next item").  Double tap on the "Done" 
button at the top right of the screen to exit the "Practice VoiceOver 
Gestures" area.

Another point: when a button or link has focus (because you've 
touched it, or flicked to it), you can double tap anywhere on the 
screen to activate it. Also, to go back to reach a previous screen in 
a tree, you'll generally double tap a button at the top left of the 

So, if you choose to set up the triple-click home as a toggle switch 
for VoiceOver, after leaving the VoiceOver Screen by double tapping 
the "Accessibility" button at the top left, flick right until you 
reach the "Triple-Click Home" button (or just move your finger to the 
bottom of the screen to touch it), and double-tap. Then, flick right 
past "Off" to "Toggle VoiceOver" and double tap to select it.   You 
can leave the various "Settings" menu screens by simply pressing the 
Home button at the bottom of the screen once.

On your iPad question, it should be possible to use the iPad without 
an external keypad.  However, what's very intriguing is a report from 
TUAW that some people were able to use the iPad Camera Kit attachment 
to hook up a USB keypad.  This doesn't seem to be universal, since 
some people commented that they got a "USB Device Not Recognized" 
when they tried this, so we don't know which models this might work 
with.  It may just work as a feature that is not officially 
supported.  Here's the link to the TUAW article, "Dear Aunt TUAW: Can 
I use a USB keyboard or headset with my iPad?" by Erica Sadun, April 
23, 2010:




Karen Lewellen wrote:

Hi all,
I just learned today that my mobile phone provider here in Toronto 
has the i-phone.  I want to step into a store and see what it is like.
Any tips, in case the sales person is clueless about the access 
May as well add a goofy ipad question too.  is everyone using one 
actually using an extra keypad or  does access mean the touch screen?
I know that is a baby question, but since I do not have  an ipad I 
have not followed those threads.


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Moderator Note - Thank you All, and Congratulations to our two newest mods!

2010-04-28 Thread Cara Quinn
  Hello All; 

  As you may have guessed from the subject, Josh and I have decided to take on 
two new moderators to assist us with list tasks between the VIPhone and 
MacVisionaries lists. 

  We'd like to welcome and congratulate Olivia Norman and Geoff Waaler as our 
two newest moderators! 

  We're excited to have them joining us, and we know they'll do a wonderful job 
facilitating great, well-flowing discussions and keeping the lists smoothly 

  Do show them the same respect you'd show Josh and I, if you would. If they 
make a request of you on the list, then treat it exactly as if Josh or I made 
it, K?… They have the lists' best interests in mind just like we do. 

  To all those whom have been kind / gracious enough to write me in response to 
our initial query for assistance; I not only want to thank you most sincerely, 
but also let you know that I'll be writing you back privately soon, as some of 
you had questions and such. Trust me when I say my heart was warmed by the 
response we got! Your offers of help are truly and sincerely appreciated! 

  If you wouldn't mind, I'd also like to keep your emails for future. It was 
wonderful of you to volunteer and even though we've chosen two mods, it sure 
doesn't mean that you may not be able to help us out in future. So thank you 
all again! -You totally rock!!! :)

Thanks so much to y'all for reading, and please do have a lovely day / evening, 
wherever you may be!…


Cara :)---
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removing widgits

2010-04-28 Thread chad baker
Hi how do i remove widgits?
I pressed f12 and i seen the running widgits.
I bought the window chooser  menu but how do you close the widgit out?

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Re: Itunes hanging and crashing after update

2010-04-28 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
This issue was fixed by the 9.1.1 update which came along yesterday;  
thanks though. :)

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Download link for the Unarchiver

2010-04-28 Thread Steven M. Sawczyn
As there's been a bit of interest of late on the list concerning the 
Unarchiver, an awesome app for unarchiving just about everything, I thought I'd 
post the direct link.  The Unarchiver's official page can be found here: 

I've also uploaded the program to my dropbox, so if anyone wants a direct 
download to the current 2.3 version, simply find it here:

Hope this helps, the official page has info on installing and using the app.


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Re: removing widgits

2010-04-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

Press control option command F2.  Then you press enter to delete or, escape to 
On Apr 28, 2010, at 5:57 PM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi how do i remove widgits?
> I pressed f12 and i seen the running widgits.
> I bought the window chooser  menu but how do you close the widgit out?
> -- 
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Re: Finally got my Mac Book Pro, and, freeware recommendations anybody?

2010-04-28 Thread Steven M. Sawczyn
Hi, I confess I haven't done much more than basic audio editing with Amadeus.  
I can say that if you choose an effects plugin, you're usually presented with a 
dialog box in which you can specify parameters.  Scrubbing is doable although 
could be better in my opinion, arrows basically scrub.  The trick to Amadeus 
Pro is that there is a play head and an insertion cursor.  For reasons I'm sure 
I'll never understand, these two elements can not be linked.  There are 
keyboard commands, however, to route the insertion pointer to play head, or 
route play head to insertion pointer.  A pain to have to remember the 
keystrokes every time you want to make an edit, but eventually, it sort of 
becomes second nature.  Yep, definitely no Sonar. :)

Hope this helps and I'll try and research the EQ question a bit.


On Apr 27, 2010, at 10:26 PM, Cameron wrote:

Hi.  yes, I have been reading about Amadeus pro and it's got some very good
reviews.  With vo though, what can you do as far as EQ, effects parameters,
scrubbing, panning, etc?

I didn't know that about finder regarding cd/dvd burning.  That's a handy



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Steven Sawczyn
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: Finally got my Mac Book Pro, and, freeware recommendations

First, congrats on the new Mac, that sounds like quite the machine.
It sounds like you have all the software you could want, but I have a
few suggestions. First, although nowhere near as good as Sonar,
Amadeus Pro is a great, accessible audio editor for the Mac.  The
program costs $40 I believe, but it's well worth it.  Second, you can
burn DVDs directly from theFinder.  Simply put whatever you want to
burn in a folder, select that folder an under file, choose burn
folder.  There are a few other ways to do this as well, but I find
that to be the easiest so far.

Hope all this helps, please feel free to contact me on or off list if
I can help further.



Sent from my iPhone

On 27/04/2010, at 9:24 PM, "Cameron"  wrote:

> Hello everyone.  I finally am back in mac land again and I am loving it!
> ended up going for the new 15 inch mac book pro with 4gb of ram and the
> Intel I5 2.4gHz processor.  it's running very smooth and the build quality
> is fantastic.
> I haven't owned a mac in quite a while and this is my first time really
> digging into OS X 10.6.  I downloaded a bunch of things I used to have, as
> well as some new things I've seen mentioned on this list and in other
> online.
> Here is the current list of what I've installed thus far.  if anyone can
> recommend additional freeware that is vo friendly that I might find
> please feel free to respond either on list or off list.  I will be using
> this for office related tasks, entertainment purposes, and audio work once
> the accessible version of pro tools is released.  until then, I'll be
> Sonar with jaws under win xp pro sp3 running native thanks to bootcamp.
> One thing I do need is a program to burn single layer and dual layer data
> dvdrs.  Any suggestions?  or, is there something built into OS X sl I can
> use?
> here is my list of currently installed stuff:
> stuffit expander, reel player, DivX, adium, TheUnarchiver, Olearia, growl,
> audasity, vlc, dropbox, skype, open office, cocktail, and I bought mac
> I will be buying Iwork when I have the spare cash.
> Any suggestions welcome!
> Thanks,
> Cameron.
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Re: removing widgits

2010-04-28 Thread Steven M. Sawczyn
OK, do you want to close the widget or get rid of it completely?  Closing the 
widget will not cause Dashboard to load it, but it will remain available under 
your widget bar should you ever need it again. Uninstalling it completely, 
well, uninstalls it completely. :)  To close a widget, i.e. one you don't use 
often but want to keep around, bring up teh the widget and vo-cmd-f2 (window 
close command).  Press enter to confirm action.  IF you ever need it again, go 
to widget bar in your window list and it'll be there.  Now, to uninstall the 
widget completely, you have two options.  I believe within the dashboard itself 
there is a way to manage widgets, I think this gives you an option to mark and 
remove specific widgets.  I never use this approach, but remember it being 
relatively easy to use.  My preferred method is to go to home/library/widgets 
and just delete the widget from there.  As far as I know, the Mac doesn't keep 
any sort of widget database, so simply deleting them from the library/widgets 
folder really gets rid of them.  

Hope this helps,


On Apr 28, 2010, at 5:57 PM, chad baker wrote:

Hi how do i remove widgits?
I pressed f12 and i seen the running widgits.
I bought the window chooser  menu but how do you close the widgit out?

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What torrent is used

2010-04-28 Thread Scott Howell
Folks, what Torrent are folks using on the Mac and this is for Snow Leopard.

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Re: Download link for the Unarchiver

2010-04-28 Thread Courtney Curran
Thanks for the link, it was very helpfull, I appreciate it.

On 28/04/2010, at 6:08 in the Afternoon, Steven M. Sawczyn wrote:

> As there's been a bit of interest of late on the list concerning the 
> Unarchiver, an awesome app for unarchiving just about everything, I thought 
> I'd post the direct link.  The Unarchiver's official page can be found here: 
> I've also uploaded the program to my dropbox, so if anyone wants a direct 
> download to the current 2.3 version, simply find it here: 
> Hope this helps, the official page has info on installing and using the app.
> Steve
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Re: What torrent is used

2010-04-28 Thread Kaare Dehard
I'm using utorrent, don't need a lot of features and I get the goodies.
On 2010-04-28, at 6:24 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Folks, what Torrent are folks using on the Mac and this is for Snow Leopard.
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Re: What torrent is used

2010-04-28 Thread Scott Howell
Thanks, I shared that info with a friend of mine. I'll have him track it down. 
On Apr 28, 2010, at 7:10 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> I'm using utorrent, don't need a lot of features and I get the goodies.
> On 2010-04-28, at 6:24 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Folks, what Torrent are folks using on the Mac and this is for Snow Leopard.
>> -- 
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Re: audio highjack pro help

2010-04-28 Thread Justin Thornton
hi there
I would like my whole system audio including voiceover
now if there is a way to highjack system audio without having voiceover there 
that would also be nice to know
but obviously when I set things up my system gets muted when I highjack it
thanks feel free to contact me off list below are my details for anyone if they 
skype: drummer0608
aim: drummer0608
take care
On Apr 27, 2010, at 6:29 PM, Steven M. Sawczyn wrote:

> I'm confused, what exactly are you trying to hijack?  Are you just wanting 
> VoiceOver, or are you wanting your system audio of which VoiceOver is a part?
> Steve
> On Apr 27, 2010, at 7:09 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:
> hi reguarding audio highjack pro I have a very big problem
> I have everything set up correctly but when I go to highjack my system audio 
> voiceover and nothing else gets muted
> I made sure my sound flower volumes are up all the way and none were muted as 
> well
> I have not a clue what to do to fix this issue
> I have tried reinstalling audio highjack and sound flower and still I have 
> the same issue
> can someone offer any solutions?
> On Apr 26, 2010, at 3:59 PM, phil stephenson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> No doubt others can comment on this but I have heard of an application 
>> called "Airfoil" which can send other sound via airtunes to a set of 
>> external speakers provided they are connected to an airport base station - 
>> not an ideal solution I know and I don't know how accessible it is with VO 
>> but worth investigating, I plan on looking at this type of solution myself 
>> too soon.
>> cheers,
>> Phil
>> On 26 Apr 2010, at 17:33, marie Howarth wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I have used audio highjack for the question I'm about to ask. However, it 
>>> is difficult to get the effects area up to higjack iTunes through my 
>>> external speakers.
>>> Here's what I want. I like listening to music while I'm chatting or 
>>> studying and so like to have voice over go through my USB headset. But the 
>>> music can be distracting so as with Audio highjack I could highjack the 
>>> audio from iTunes to go through my external speakers, is there another way 
>>> to do this or does anyone have any tips on how I can get this to work in 
>>> audio highjack? I try to route the mouse cursor to the scroll area and 
>>> click with vo-shift-spacebar but nothing happens. Any tips would be greatly 
>>> appreciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> Marie
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>> ---
>> Phil Stephenson
>> 07841 714931
>> Skype = philstephenson
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RE: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

2010-04-28 Thread Simon Fogarty
Yes there is a web interface for the exchange server system.\

 It's called OWA, outlook web access.

 Problem is with a mac that firefox or safari don't get full access to the
options / rules features of this owa interface  for crazy reasons.

 IE has access to these features 


 Although you can get access with the firefox or safari browsers if you are
able to use a citrix client to access the system. Or at least we can where I



[] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Tuesday, 27 April 2010 2:17 a.m.
Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac


I thought exchange had a web interface. Can those couple thinkgs like mail
rules and filters be set up that way?


Bryan Smart wrote: 

Well, for those of us that use Exchange for information management, we'd
sure like to be able to run a version of Outlook on the Mac. Mail and ICal
can get to some of that info on an Exchange server, but not all of it. Right
now, if you want to change a server-side e-mail filtering rule, for example,
you must start Outlook in a virtual machine or under BootCamp to make that
I also don't think that Pages supports all of the formatting options of
Word. That isn't so important when you're making your own files, but it
matters when you're exchanging files with other people that are using Word.
So, Office isn't essential, but many of us would appreciate it.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 2:32 AM
Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
Why buy MS Office for Macs? I'm still personally trying to justify the
purchase of iWork. it doesn't seem like MS Office has more than iWork does.
I never really liked Office because it always felt sluggish to me as opposed
to iWork.
I'm sure someone a lot smarter than me can tell me why.
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On Apr 26, 2010, at 8:20 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

Thank you for the feedback.
That's the breaks.  I am going into purchase the software for a 
friend's child who needs it so she can work with Office for Windows 
which is the standard at her college.  Surprising as I thought most 
schools used Macs for everything educational.
Fortunately the college student is sighted so she won't have any issues.
Again, thank you.
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[] On Behalf Of James & Nash
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
No it isn't. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Apparently, Microsoft 
will be releasing their latest version at some point this year, which 
is reportedly going to be VO accessible, but who knows.
James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 26 Apr 2010, at 01:56, M. Taylor wrote:

Hello Everyone,
In a couple of days I am going to the Apple store in hopes of 
purchasing Office for the Mac.
I know there has been much discussion on this subject but I cannot


the finer points so I ask the following:
Is MS Office for the Mac VoiceOver accessible?  
What is the current version of Office for the Mac?
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