RE: Used an iPad today

2010-04-09 Thread Simon Fogarty
Olivia and John, 

 Yes I agree, the IPad is not a netbook, it's a digital / ebook reading
device and or entertainment device.

 Yeah ok you can surf the net and or check email. But it's more for being
able to source digital / ebook reading tool.

 Hence the reason a number of USA university / colleges are now selling them
to their students instead of printed text books.

That's what I'd be buying one for, not for making phone calls on.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of olivia norman
Sent: Thursday, 8 April 2010 6:24 a.m.
Subject: Re: Used an iPad today

Well stated, as always, John!

On Apr 7, 2010, at 11:44 AM, John Panarese wrote:

> Actually, as has been said several times, it is not over priced.  For
those who believe this to be the case, unfortunately, you still are not
getting what the iPad is.  It is not a net book nor is it meant to compete
with one.  When you understand that basic point, you will understand the
value of it.  The problem is, people are simply trying to categorize it into
the same class as net books, and it is not the case at all.  It is a mobile
device that is meant to be more of an appliance than a computer.
> I'd take an iPad over a net book any day, and I could list several
reasons why, starting from the basic point that I would rather stay away
from Windows completely and don't want to bother with linux.  I think you
are going to see more and more people making a similar choice once they
experience an iPad and start to grasp exactly what it is.  I also don't mind
being tied to the hundreds of thousands of applications big brother Apple
wants me to use because they are just as diverse and comprehensive as
Windblows software for a net book, but that, of course, is just me.  As
third party developers continue to create additional software and the
flexibility and power of the device is unleashed more and more, you are
going to see more and more of the me too companies trying to duplicate the
iPad as MS and HP are already attempting.  I find it particularly amusing
that with so many people condemning the iPad as an "over priced net book",
there is such a big rush for companies to release their iPad clones and try
to catch a ride on the wave.  Isn't insanity failing at the same thing over
and over again?
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:22 AM, Rich Ring wrote:
>> I think it is over priced as well. I can buy a netbook with far greater 
>> storage capacity for far less, and even if I buy System Access, I'll have
>> lower price, and I am not limited to the Software big brother Apple wants
>> to have.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Robert Carter" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:56 PM
>> Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
>> Hi,
>> I am surprised that you feel that the iPad is over priced. It seems to me

>> that Apple has really made a place for themselves in the lower priced 
>> devices with the introduction of the iPad. I personally think the price
>> impressive.
>> Robert Carter
>> On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Cody wrote:
>>> I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will 
>>> certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the 
>>> product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape

>>> you at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth
>>> place in your walet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our
>>> because we see something and think, wow, gotta have that one.
>>> Cody
>>> - Original Message - From: "Bryan Smart" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:59 PM
>>> Subject: Used an iPad today
>>> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, but I

>>> had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
>>> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being 
>>> increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is 
>>> certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with an 
>>> iPhone type touch interface.
>>> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode (which 
>>> lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a blind 
>>> person. When you're working with two hands, having more horizontal room 
>>> seems to make more of a difference when navigating. Fortunately, it is a

>>> snap to try either way to see what works for you.
>>> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the horrible

>>> oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost nothing but
>>> aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the iPad on a table to use
>>> but I promise, the first time that you place it on any table that isn't 
>>> absolutely clear of small dirt particles, you'll pic it up to discover 

RE: Used an iPad today

2010-04-09 Thread Simon Fogarty
Why, they're running   the same OS on both IPhone and Ipad, are they not?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bryan Smart
Sent: Thursday, 8 April 2010 6:47 a.m.
Subject: RE: Used an iPad today

Yep, and your iPhone will have a much smaller screen, and won't be able to
run the same software the same way with as much power.

Right now, people are making their iPhone apps run on the iPad. Eventually,
though, the new iPad apps will need to be scaled down in order to be ported
back to the iPhone.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Cody
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: Used an iPad today

Also consider how often wifi will be available. networks might be all over
the place, but most of them nowadays are secured, sow aht si the use? 3G is
ok, but you've got an iPhone for that, so again, it's a mistake for the
consumer side.
- Original Message -
From: "Olivia Norman" 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: Used an iPad today

> Interesting. I find portrait mode works better I considered the 3g 
> version, but thought I didn't need both that and an iPhone.
> Olivia
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Bryan Smart 
> wrote:
>> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet,  
>> but I had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
>> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being 
>> increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is 
>> certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with  
>> an iPhone type touch interface.
>> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode  
>> (which lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a  
>> blind person. When you're working with two hands, having more  
>> horizontal room seems to make more of a difference when navigating.  
>> Fortunately, it is a snap to try either way to see what works for you.
>> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the  
>> horrible oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost  
>> nothing but shiny aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the  
>> iPad on a table to use it, but I promise, the first time that you  
>> place it on any table that isn't absolutely clear of small dirt  
>> particles, you'll pic it up to discover that the slight motion of  
>> you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the dirt particles in to  
>> the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny aluminum back  
>> plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case is a  
>> type of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a  
>> traditional print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the  
>> other side is a flap that covers the iPad screen when closed. I  
>> suppose that most people will want the case to protect the screen  
>> when traveling, anyway. If you go without the case, though, you are  
>> absolutely asking for it. Apple could have put something on the back 
>> to make the iPad more stable. Maybe not rubber feet, but they could  
>> have gone with a felt square in the center, a stylized strip of some  
>> high friction material, etc. The curved back will insure that the  iPad
wobbles on the table, and the glossy case will absolutely  scratch.
>> VoiceOver sounded about the same, and responded with the same speed, 
>> pretty much. The speaker was very clear. Didn't get to play music  
>> with it, but I hear the bass is poor. Still, speech is pretty good  
>> through the built-in speakers.
>> However, it seemed to me that iPad programs opened more slowly than  
>> on the iPhone. Maybe there is more information to load? However,  
>> with more memory and a faster processor, I wasn't expecting that.
>> I wasn't dramatically blown away by the applications that were  
>> available on it, but working with a big talking touch screen  
>> interface started me dreaming about things that *could* be  
>> accomplished with a device like that. Many people might not need the  
>> iPad for web surfing or checking e-mail, but I think that,  
>> eventually, there will be some very unique uses for the iPad.
>> Bryan
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2010-04-09 Thread william lomas
hi all why is transmision when i start it now saying it has no 
windows? navigation in it is impossible nowadyas

william lomas
follow me on twitter:

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Moving apps / GPS question (iPhone/iPod Touch)

2010-04-09 Thread David Hole

Hi folks.
I have 2 questions here:
Does anyone here know if one can "move" applications for example from an 
iPod Tocuh to an iPhone, or do one have to buy it once again for that 
new device?
The other question is, how does the GPS/map-thing on the iPhone work 
with VoiceOver? Does it work like for example WayFinder on Nokia phones?

Kind regards David

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Re: Moving apps / GPS question (iPhone/iPod Touch)

2010-04-09 Thread Charlie Doremus
If you use the same apple i.d. for your iPhone and touch when you add an app
to the second device a dialogue box appears telling you that you have
already installed the app and therefore it would be free.

As far as your map question goes, you'll have to hope that someone who used
voice-over can help you out.

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 1:11 AM, David Hole  wrote:

> Hi folks.
> I have 2 questions here:
> Does anyone here know if one can "move" applications for example from an
> iPod Tocuh to an iPhone, or do one have to buy it once again for that new
> device?
> The other question is, how does the GPS/map-thing on the iPhone work with
> VoiceOver? Does it work like for example WayFinder on Nokia phones?
> Kind regards David
> --
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Check out our web site,

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iphone os 4 : braille support

2010-04-09 Thread William Windels
Hi all,
This morning, someone told me that, is os 4 of the iphone/ipad, there should be 
braille support in voiceover with a brailledisplay that's connected to the 
iphone/ipad with bluetooth.

Is someone that knows more about that:
e.g.: should they also implement multi lingual translations for the braille 
In snow leopard, the brailletables are not provided by Apple itself but you can 
install them since snow leopard.

Thanx in advance,
best regards,

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Nisus writer pro again

2010-04-09 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

I have a few questions to nisus writer pro.

How is the easiest way to search in document with nisus writer pro, I
know that I can press comand+f, and there I have a lot of
possibilities, but were can I see the results, do I have to leave the
window to look at the results. There is also a possibility to find
all, can I use this function with VoiceOver.

Is it possible to search for - + new line, and how can I do that.

When I have a strange problem, that I have found a solution for that
works to me, but I also have a braille display that helps me a lot.
When I navigate from one page to another with voiceOver+left or right
error, The speech does not start to read the page I have moved to, it
reads from the beginning, or where I have interacted last, I have to
interact before it starts to read on the page, can I do something
else. I can see the first line on my display, but the speech does not
read this line.

Have a nice day

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2010-04-09 Thread John W. Carty
There's a good number of Sudoku games for the iphone. Can any one point out any 
that are accessible using vo?



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question about repairing disc permissions.

2010-04-09 Thread Jim Gatteys
Hi all!
I know this is not really a voiceover issue but thought I'd ask here first.
When repairing disc permissions I got the following message:
Warning: SUID file 
 has been modified and will not be repaired.

I just wondered if this is normal or if anybody else had seen this.  My 
computer has been really slow with even mail being sluggish so thought it might 
help to repair permissions.
Thanks for any info.
Find me on facebook or:
Skype: jimintexas
Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys

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ipad query

2010-04-09 Thread william lomas
hi all, 

william lo
on the ipad how is the web better, does one have auto web spots, etc?
follow me on twitter:

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Re: question about repairing disc permissions.

2010-04-09 Thread James & Nash
Hi Jim,
On 9 Apr 2010, at 18:35, Jim Gatteys wrote:
> Warning: SUID file 
> "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/"
>  has been modified and will not be repaired.

I have not seen this exact message, but I've had something similar in the past. 
I have found the best thing to do is to run the Repair Permissions etc from the 
DVD. This will allow you to repair the desk etc properly without being in the 

If I can think of any other fixs for you, I'll let you know. 

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> Hi all!
> I know this is not really a voiceover issue but thought I'd ask here first.
> When repairing disc permissions I got the following message:
> Warning: SUID file 
> "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/"
>  has been modified and will not be repaired.
> I just wondered if this is normal or if anybody else had seen this.  My 
> computer has been really slow with even mail being sluggish so thought it 
> might help to repair permissions.
> Thanks for any info.
> Jim
> -
> Find me on facebook or:
> Skype: jimintexas
> Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys
> Msn:
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Re: question about repairing disc permissions.

2010-04-09 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Jim,

On Apr 9, 2010, at 7:35 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
> When repairing disc permissions I got the following message:
> Warning: SUID file 
> "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/"
>  has been modified and will not be repaired.
This is normal at the moment. Don't worry about it.

If your machine is running slow and the permissions repair doesn't fix it, try 
zapping the PRAM. You do this by shutting down your computer, then you hold 
down the following keys before pressing the Power button: Command, Option, and 
the letters P and R. Keep them held down until you've heard the startup chime 
four times.

If this doesn't help, try doing a disk repair using the Disk Utility on your 
Installation disk.



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IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Jess
Hi folks,

I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm browsing 
the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I would be 
annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in spyware?

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Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

No, iAds won't work that way. It's a banner, you tap it and it'll scroll down. 
It's not intrusive. Also, most likely, it will depend on your current location, 
what you are currently doing, and so-on. Far from anything close to spyware, 
and far from intrusive.

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On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 PM, Jess wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
> browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I would 
> be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in spyware?
> Jes
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Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Cody
Well that is how the market works today either be satisified with vo reading 
ads, or be satisfied with your walet thinning out.
- Original Message - 
From: "Jess" 

Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 3:50 PM
Subject: IPhone 4, and IAds

Hi folks,

I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I 
would be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in 


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Number key on MBP keyboard

2010-04-09 Thread phil stephenson

Apologies if this is bordering on OT but am trying to locate the "number" key 
on my MBP but can't find it anywhere, yes I've tried using the VO keyboard 
help, pressing shift and shift with the FN key but can't seem to find the 
"number" key anywhere and could do with it to use in Syrinx to stop tweets 
coming up on my facebook profile.

All help gratefully received,

Phil Stephenson
07841 714931
Skype = philstephenson

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Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Charlie Doremus
The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under your 
bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now. Developer need an 
income stream do you want free apps to vanish. Get real.

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Jess  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
> browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I would 
> be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in spyware?
> Jes
> -- 
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Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Cody
A bit harsh, are we? I agree with this statement, but I'm reenforcing the 
point while ads are a pain in the ass, this is just how the market works.
- Original Message - 
From: "Charlie Doremus" 

Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under 
your bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now. 
Developer need an income stream do you want free apps to vanish. Get real.

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Jess  wrote:

Hi folks,

I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I 
would be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in 


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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
> I would like to thank everyone who helped. after much hair pulling i got it 
> to work.

1. make my script in the usual way but the file is just for entering in ftp 

2. this is where I got stuck.

open the .netrc file in the terminal.
open -a ~/.netrc

and put this in the .netrc
machine ftpaddress log in userstring password passwordstring

leave a blank line between the entries and you are good to go.

3. Now in the terminal type ftp ftpaddress and it should log you in.

Take care.


On Apr 8, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> After a little googling and testing, this worked:
> ftp -n server_name < quote user cblouch
> quote pass xx
> binary
> put
> quit
> Of course you would put in your own server anme, username and password. I 
> just put this in a text file and then did a chmod a+x to make it executable. 
> Then I just did ./test_file to run my test file.
> Hope this helps.
> CB
> mani wrote:
>> If you don't mind, can you send me the script, as is, again?  Of
>> course without the original userid and  password.
>> You can send it to me offline if you wish.
>> Thanks,
>> mani
>> On Apr 7, 10:13 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> no go. I did not even connect this time.
>>> Growl!
>>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:03 PM, mani wrote:
 Oh no!  I know this is frustrating but can you try one last thing:
 open ftpstring
 user userstring passwordstring
 I hope this works.  Once you solve this, can you tell me what the fix
 was?  :)
 On Apr 7, 9:55 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> I tried both ways with and with out the colen, even an equals sign 
> between things and still no go.
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:44 PM, mani wrote:
>> I am assuming you don't have the colon character after the user in all
>> the solutions I proposed.
>> mani
>> On Apr 7, 9:36 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> still no go. I still got tha todd message. it is like it is not seeing 
>>> the username or pasword strings I type in. I don't want ot type them in 
>>> by hand each time hence why I'm trying to make the batch file. It is 
>>> saved right according to the google article I found. it was a post on a 
>>> blog.
>>> Take care.
>>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:11 PM, mani wrote:
 Can you try
 user userstring passwordstring
 On Apr 7, 8:45 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> Ok I tried everything I could think of and this comes up on the 
> terminal.
> ftp.podbean
> Connected to ftphost
> 220 "welcome to ftphostFTP service"
> Name (
> I left the last thing in tact as it looked very odd.
> I think I'm close but I can't put my finger on what oculd be worng.
> Take care.
> S
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:16 PM, mani wrote:
>> Sarah:
>> I think you have to do:
>> ftp ftpaddressstring
>> user: usernamestring
>> passwordstring
>> ...
>> ...
>> HTH,
>> Thanks,
>> mani
>> On Apr 7, 8:02 pm, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
>>> Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
>>> ftp ftpstring
>>> have you tryed
>>> ftp user:passw...@url
>>> Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.
>>> On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
 Hello to all.
 I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very 
 close but it
 would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. 
 here is the
 script omiting the address usernamd and password.
 Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
 ftp ftpaddressstring
 user: usernamestring
 password passwordstring
 lcd desktop
 am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in 
 places but yeah.

Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

As I pointed out previously, iAds is not intrusive. It is a banner that you tap 
if you wish to see it, and it scrolls down for you to see. It is also going to 
be based on possibly your location, and what you are currently doing on your 
iThingy. It is a much better system for sure, and can hardly be called 
intrusive. The fact that they are most likely going to be based on the 
previously mentioned factors, heightens the probability that people are going 
to buy more advertised stuff than they already do.

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On Apr 9, 2010, at 10:35 PM, Cody wrote:

> A bit harsh, are we? I agree with this statement, but I'm reenforcing the 
> point while ads are a pain in the ass, this is just how the market works.
> - Original Message - From: "Charlie Doremus" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 4:29 PM
> Subject: Re: IPhone 4, and IAds
>> The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under your 
>> bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now. Developer need 
>> an income stream do you want free apps to vanish. Get real.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Jess  wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
>>> browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I 
>>> would be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in 
>>> spyware?
>>> Jes
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Number key on MBP keyboard

2010-04-09 Thread Kimberly thurman
Shift of the 3.  
On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:24 PM, phil stephenson wrote:

> Hi,
> Apologies if this is bordering on OT but am trying to locate the "number" key 
> on my MBP but can't find it anywhere, yes I've tried using the VO keyboard 
> help, pressing shift and shift with the FN key but can't seem to find the 
> "number" key anywhere and could do with it to use in Syrinx to stop tweets 
> coming up on my facebook profile.
> All help gratefully received,
> Phil
> ---
> Phil Stephenson
> 07841 714931
> Skype = philstephenson
> -- 
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Re: Number key on MBP keyboard

2010-04-09 Thread phil stephenson
Sorry Kimberly not sure what you mean there..have found it via Google, it's  
option 3.

Thanks anyway,


On 9 Apr 2010, at 21:56, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Shift of the 3.  
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:24 PM, phil stephenson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Apologies if this is bordering on OT but am trying to locate the "number" 
>> key on my MBP but can't find it anywhere, yes I've tried using the VO 
>> keyboard help, pressing shift and shift with the FN key but can't seem to 
>> find the "number" key anywhere and could do with it to use in Syrinx to stop 
>> tweets coming up on my facebook profile.
>> All help gratefully received,
>> Phil
>> ---
>> Phil Stephenson
>> 07841 714931
>> Skype = philstephenson
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Phil Stephenson
07841 714931
Skype = philstephenson

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Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Scott Howell
Well I think those who complain about advertising are going to have to accept 
the fact it's here and not going away. In fact marketing technology just keeps 
getting better. As long as the adds do not interfere with what I'm doing,, 
advertise away. Hell, I've learned to ignore the stupid commercials on the 
radio, so I imagine I can ignore them on my iPhone as well. And to be honest, 
every once in a very great while, one may actually prove useful.
On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

> The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under your 
> bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now. Developer need 
> an income stream do you want free apps to vanish. Get real.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Jess  wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
>> browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I 
>> would be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in 
>> spyware?
>> Jes
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: question about repairing disc permissions.

2010-04-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
good gosh. that  keystroke is nigh impossible to hold town. lol. but I guess 
that'w why they do it so you only do it when you ahve to.

Tak ecare.
On Apr 9, 2010, at 11:41 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Jim,
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 7:35 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
>> When repairing disc permissions I got the following message:
>> Warning: SUID file 
>> "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/"
>>  has been modified and will not be repaired.
> This is normal at the moment. Don't worry about it.
> If your machine is running slow and the permissions repair doesn't fix it, 
> try zapping the PRAM. You do this by shutting down your computer, then you 
> hold down the following keys before pressing the Power button: Command, 
> Option, and the letters P and R. Keep them held down until you've heard the 
> startup chime four times.
> If this doesn't help, try doing a disk repair using the Disk Utility on your 
> Installation disk.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Charlie Doremus
I agree 100% this the price we all pay in our new modern techno world. 

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 9, 2010, at 11:26 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:

> Well I think those who complain about advertising are going to have to accept 
> the fact it's here and not going away. In fact marketing technology just 
> keeps getting better. As long as the adds do not interfere with what I'm 
> doing,, advertise away. Hell, I've learned to ignore the stupid commercials 
> on the radio, so I imagine I can ignore them on my iPhone as well. And to be 
> honest, every once in a very great while, one may actually prove useful.
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under your 
>> bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now. Developer need 
>> an income stream do you want free apps to vanish. Get real.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Jess  wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
>>> browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I 
>>> would be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in 
>>> spyware?
>>> Jes
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Re: transmision

2010-04-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
Can you bring up the window menu and see if the windows option has a main 
window in it. sometimes that keystroke is command accent.

good luck.
On Apr 9, 2010, at 1:52 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi all why is transmision when i start it now saying it has no 
> windows? navigation in it is impossible nowadyas
> william lomas
> follow me on twitter:
> billbow_baggins
> -- 
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Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-09 Thread Josh de Lioncourt
The iPad is actually much more than either of those concepts.

It's a productivity tool, a media consumption device, and several other things. 
Really, the beauty of the iPad is that it is whatever you, personally, need it 
to be. Several reviewers are calling it a "blank slate", and that's very apt.

On Apr 9, 2010, at 1:43 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Olivia and John, 
> Yes I agree, the IPad is not a netbook, it's a digital / ebook reading
> device and or entertainment device.
> Yeah ok you can surf the net and or check email. But it's more for being
> able to source digital / ebook reading tool.
> Hence the reason a number of USA university / colleges are now selling them
> to their students instead of printed text books.
> That's what I'd be buying one for, not for making phone calls on.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of olivia norman
> Sent: Thursday, 8 April 2010 6:24 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
> Well stated, as always, John!
> Olivia
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 11:44 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>Actually, as has been said several times, it is not over priced.  For
> those who believe this to be the case, unfortunately, you still are not
> getting what the iPad is.  It is not a net book nor is it meant to compete
> with one.  When you understand that basic point, you will understand the
> value of it.  The problem is, people are simply trying to categorize it into
> the same class as net books, and it is not the case at all.  It is a mobile
> device that is meant to be more of an appliance than a computer.
>>I'd take an iPad over a net book any day, and I could list several
> reasons why, starting from the basic point that I would rather stay away
> from Windows completely and don't want to bother with linux.  I think you
> are going to see more and more people making a similar choice once they
> experience an iPad and start to grasp exactly what it is.  I also don't mind
> being tied to the hundreds of thousands of applications big brother Apple
> wants me to use because they are just as diverse and comprehensive as
> Windblows software for a net book, but that, of course, is just me.  As
> third party developers continue to create additional software and the
> flexibility and power of the device is unleashed more and more, you are
> going to see more and more of the me too companies trying to duplicate the
> iPad as MS and HP are already attempting.  I find it particularly amusing
> that with so many people condemning the iPad as an "over priced net book",
> there is such a big rush for companies to release their iPad clones and try
> to catch a ride on the wave.  Isn't insanity failing at the same thing over
> and over again?
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:22 AM, Rich Ring wrote:
>>> I think it is over priced as well. I can buy a netbook with far greater 
>>> storage capacity for far less, and even if I buy System Access, I'll have
> a 
>>> lower price, and I am not limited to the Software big brother Apple wants
> me 
>>> to have.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Robert Carter" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:56 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
>>> Hi,
>>> I am surprised that you feel that the iPad is over priced. It seems to me
>>> that Apple has really made a place for themselves in the lower priced 
>>> devices with the introduction of the iPad. I personally think the price
> is 
>>> impressive.
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Cody wrote:
 I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will 
 certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the 
 product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape
 you at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth
> a 
 place in your walet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our
> budgets 
 because we see something and think, wow, gotta have that one.
 - Original Message - From: "Bryan Smart" 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:59 PM
 Subject: Used an iPad today
 I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, but I
 had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
 Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being 
 increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is 
 certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with an 
 iPhone type touch interface.
 It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode (which 
 lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a blind 
 person. When you're working with two hands, having more horizontal room 
 seems to

Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-09 Thread Fonzie
Reading all this iPad stuff makes me want to jump in for a quick second.

On the iPad, I think it's a interesting concept all the same.  Really, I 
believe the iPad is best described as a Coffee Table Centered Device.  Sure, 
there is travel and such, but the iPad in general seems like a device you would 
want to keep at home, bring it with you around the house, and store it on the 
coffee table when not in use.  

Might be a bit strange to call it that, and to place it in that prospective, 
but that's how I currently see it.

Take care all.


On Apr 9, 2010, at 5:25 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> The iPad is actually much more than either of those concepts.
> It's a productivity tool, a media consumption device, and several other 
> things. Really, the beauty of the iPad is that it is whatever you, 
> personally, need it to be. Several reviewers are calling it a "blank slate", 
> and that's very apt.
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 1:43 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Olivia and John, 
>> Yes I agree, the IPad is not a netbook, it's a digital / ebook reading
>> device and or entertainment device.
>> Yeah ok you can surf the net and or check email. But it's more for being
>> able to source digital / ebook reading tool.
>> Hence the reason a number of USA university / colleges are now selling them
>> to their students instead of printed text books.
>> That's what I'd be buying one for, not for making phone calls on.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of olivia norman
>> Sent: Thursday, 8 April 2010 6:24 a.m.
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
>> Well stated, as always, John!
>> Olivia
>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 11:44 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>   Actually, as has been said several times, it is not over priced.  For
>> those who believe this to be the case, unfortunately, you still are not
>> getting what the iPad is.  It is not a net book nor is it meant to compete
>> with one.  When you understand that basic point, you will understand the
>> value of it.  The problem is, people are simply trying to categorize it into
>> the same class as net books, and it is not the case at all.  It is a mobile
>> device that is meant to be more of an appliance than a computer.
>>>   I'd take an iPad over a net book any day, and I could list several
>> reasons why, starting from the basic point that I would rather stay away
>> from Windows completely and don't want to bother with linux.  I think you
>> are going to see more and more people making a similar choice once they
>> experience an iPad and start to grasp exactly what it is.  I also don't mind
>> being tied to the hundreds of thousands of applications big brother Apple
>> wants me to use because they are just as diverse and comprehensive as
>> Windblows software for a net book, but that, of course, is just me.  As
>> third party developers continue to create additional software and the
>> flexibility and power of the device is unleashed more and more, you are
>> going to see more and more of the me too companies trying to duplicate the
>> iPad as MS and HP are already attempting.  I find it particularly amusing
>> that with so many people condemning the iPad as an "over priced net book",
>> there is such a big rush for companies to release their iPad clones and try
>> to catch a ride on the wave.  Isn't insanity failing at the same thing over
>> and over again?
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:22 AM, Rich Ring wrote:
 I think it is over priced as well. I can buy a netbook with far greater 
 storage capacity for far less, and even if I buy System Access, I'll have
>> a 
 lower price, and I am not limited to the Software big brother Apple wants
>> me 
 to have.
 - Original Message - 
 From: "Robert Carter" 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:56 PM
 Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
 I am surprised that you feel that the iPad is over priced. It seems to me
 that Apple has really made a place for themselves in the lower priced 
 devices with the introduction of the iPad. I personally think the price
>> is 
 Robert Carter
 On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Cody wrote:
> I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will 
> certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the 
> product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape
> you at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth
>> a 
> place in your walet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our
>> budgets 
> because we see something and think, wow, gotta have that one.
> Cody
> - Original Message - From: "Bryan Smart" 
> To: 

Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-09 Thread Olivia Norman
As a student,, I am looking forward to seeing textbooks on my iPad. This will 
make it easy for me to purchase books, and will also give me instant access to 
them, no more need to get them converted into accessible formats! I love the 
iBooks app, and the portability of the iPad!

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 9, 2010, at 6:25 PM, Josh de Lioncourt  wrote:

> The iPad is actually much more than either of those concepts.
> It's a productivity tool, a media consumption device, and several other 
> things. Really, the beauty of the iPad is that it is whatever you, 
> personally, need it to be. Several reviewers are calling it a "blank slate", 
> and that's very apt.
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 1:43 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Olivia and John, 
>> Yes I agree, the IPad is not a netbook, it's a digital / ebook reading
>> device and or entertainment device.
>> Yeah ok you can surf the net and or check email. But it's more for being
>> able to source digital / ebook reading tool.
>> Hence the reason a number of USA university / colleges are now selling them
>> to their students instead of printed text books.
>> That's what I'd be buying one for, not for making phone calls on.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of olivia norman
>> Sent: Thursday, 8 April 2010 6:24 a.m.
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
>> Well stated, as always, John!
>> Olivia
>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 11:44 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>   Actually, as has been said several times, it is not over priced.  For
>> those who believe this to be the case, unfortunately, you still are not
>> getting what the iPad is.  It is not a net book nor is it meant to compete
>> with one.  When you understand that basic point, you will understand the
>> value of it.  The problem is, people are simply trying to categorize it into
>> the same class as net books, and it is not the case at all.  It is a mobile
>> device that is meant to be more of an appliance than a computer.
>>>   I'd take an iPad over a net book any day, and I could list several
>> reasons why, starting from the basic point that I would rather stay away
>> from Windows completely and don't want to bother with linux.  I think you
>> are going to see more and more people making a similar choice once they
>> experience an iPad and start to grasp exactly what it is.  I also don't mind
>> being tied to the hundreds of thousands of applications big brother Apple
>> wants me to use because they are just as diverse and comprehensive as
>> Windblows software for a net book, but that, of course, is just me.  As
>> third party developers continue to create additional software and the
>> flexibility and power of the device is unleashed more and more, you are
>> going to see more and more of the me too companies trying to duplicate the
>> iPad as MS and HP are already attempting.  I find it particularly amusing
>> that with so many people condemning the iPad as an "over priced net book",
>> there is such a big rush for companies to release their iPad clones and try
>> to catch a ride on the wave.  Isn't insanity failing at the same thing over
>> and over again?
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:22 AM, Rich Ring wrote:
 I think it is over priced as well. I can buy a netbook with far greater 
 storage capacity for far less, and even if I buy System Access, I'll have
>> a 
 lower price, and I am not limited to the Software big brother Apple wants
>> me 
 to have.
 - Original Message - 
 From: "Robert Carter" 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:56 PM
 Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
 I am surprised that you feel that the iPad is over priced. It seems to me
 that Apple has really made a place for themselves in the lower priced 
 devices with the introduction of the iPad. I personally think the price
>> is 
 Robert Carter
 On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Cody wrote:
> I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will 
> certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the 
> product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape
> you at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth
>> a 
> place in your walet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our
>> budgets 
> because we see something and think, wow, gotta have that one.
> Cody
> - Original Message - From: "Bryan Smart" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:59 PM
> Subject: Used an iPad today
> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, but I
> had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
> Generally, i

Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Jess
Charlie wrote:
"The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under your 
bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now."
Apparently you haven't used apps like Syrinx or Twittero, they don't give you 
any ads from Twitter or facebook. I realize that ads aren't going away, but if 
I don't want to see an ad, I shouldn't have to be forced to look at it. And by 
the way, leave the communist crap out of it.
On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

> The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under your 
> bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now. Developer need 
> an income stream do you want free apps to vanish. Get real.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Jess  wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
>> browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I 
>> would be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in 
>> spyware?
>> Jes
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-09 Thread mani
Do you still have a problem or is this an older post?

You inquired about the EOF in an earlier post.  EOF is just a token,
signaling the script to read from the standard input until it
encounters that token.  Hence the EOF again in the last line.


On Apr 9, 4:34 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> > I would like to thank everyone who helped. after much hair pulling i got it 
> > to work.
> 1. make my script in the usual way but the file is just for entering in ftp 
> commands.
> 2. this is where I got stuck.
> open the .netrc file in the terminal.
> open -a ~/.netrc
> and put this in the .netrc
>  file.
> machine ftpaddress log in userstring password passwordstring
> leave a blank line between the entries and you are good to go.
> 3. Now in the terminal type ftp ftpaddress and it should log you in.
> Take care.
> S
> On Apr 8, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> > After a little googling and testing, this worked:
> > ftp -n server_name < > quote user cblouch
> > quote pass xx
> > binary
> > put
> > quit
> > Of course you would put in your own server anme, username and password. I 
> > just put this in a text file and then did a chmod a+x to make it 
> > executable. Then I just did ./test_file to run my test file.
> > Hope this helps.
> > CB
> > mani wrote:
> >> If you don't mind, can you send me the script, as is, again?  Of
> >> course without the original userid and  password.
> >> You can send it to me offline if you wish.
> >> Thanks,
> >> mani
> >> On Apr 7, 10:13 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> >>> no go. I did not even connect this time.
> >>> Growl!
> >>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:03 PM, mani wrote:
>  Oh no!  I know this is frustrating but can you try one last thing:
>  ftp
>  open ftpstring
>  user userstring passwordstring
>  ...
>  ...
>  I hope this works.  Once you solve this, can you tell me what the fix
>  was?  :)
>  mani
>  On Apr 7, 9:55 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> > I tried both ways with and with out the colen, even an equals sign 
> > between things and still no go.
> > On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:44 PM, mani wrote:
> >> I am assuming you don't have the colon character after the user in all
> >> the solutions I proposed.
> >> mani
> >> On Apr 7, 9:36 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> >>> still no go. I still got tha todd message. it is like it is not 
> >>> seeing the username or pasword strings I type in. I don't want ot 
> >>> type them in by hand each time hence why I'm trying to make the batch 
> >>> file. It is saved right according to the google article I found. it 
> >>> was a post on a blog.
> >>> Take care.
> >>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:11 PM, mani wrote:
>  Sarah:
>  Can you try
>  user userstring passwordstring
>  bin
>  ...
>  Thanks,
>  mani
>  On Apr 7, 8:45 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> > Ok I tried everything I could think of and this comes up on the 
> > terminal.
> > ftp.podbean
> > Connected to ftphost
> > 220 "welcome to ftphostFTP service"
> > Name (
> > I left the last thing in tact as it looked very odd.
> > I think I'm close but I can't put my finger on what oculd be worng.
> > Take care.
> > S
> > On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:16 PM, mani wrote:
> >> Sarah:
> >> I think you have to do:
> >> ftp ftpaddressstring
> >> user: usernamestring
> >> passwordstring
> >> ...
> >> ...
> >> HTH,
> >> Thanks,
> >> mani
> >> On Apr 7, 8:02 pm, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
> >>> Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
> >>> ftp ftpstring
> >>> have you tryed
> >>> ftp user:passw...@url
> >>> Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.
> >>> On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>  Hello to all.
>  I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very 
>  close but it
>  would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. 
>  here is the
>  script omiting the address usernamd and password.
>  Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
>  ftp ftpaddressstring
>  user: usernamestring
>  password passwordstring
>  bin
>  lcd desktop
>  am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in 
>  there
>  places but yeah.
>  Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.
>  Thanks.
>  --
>  You received this message because you are subscribed to the 
>  G

Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Charlie Doremus
I guess you can't handle the truth. If you don' want ads I suggest you just 
disconnect your computer and donate it. 

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 9, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Jess  wrote:

> Charlie wrote:
> "The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under your 
> bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now."
> Apparently you haven't used apps like Syrinx or Twittero, they don't give you 
> any ads from Twitter or facebook. I realize that ads aren't going away, but 
> if I don't want to see an ad, I shouldn't have to be forced to look at it. 
> And by the way, leave the communist crap out of it.
> Jes
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under your 
>> bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now. Developer need 
>> an income stream do you want free apps to vanish. Get real.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Jess  wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
>>> browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I 
>>> would be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in 
>>> spyware?
>>> Jes
>>> -- 
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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ah cool I didn't know that. I was trying to come upwith words in my head that 
would make sence.


Sarah the non unix user until now. lol
On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:43 PM, mani wrote:

> Sarah:
> Do you still have a problem or is this an older post?
> You inquired about the EOF in an earlier post.  EOF is just a token,
> signaling the script to read from the standard input until it
> encounters that token.  Hence the EOF again in the last line.
> HTH,
> mani
> On Apr 9, 4:34 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> I would like to thank everyone who helped. after much hair pulling i got it 
>>> to work.
>> 1. make my script in the usual way but the file is just for entering in ftp 
>> commands.
>> 2. this is where I got stuck.
>> open the .netrc file in the terminal.
>> open -a ~/.netrc
>> and put this in the .netrc
>>  file.
>> machine ftpaddress log in userstring password passwordstring
>> leave a blank line between the entries and you are good to go.
>> 3. Now in the terminal type ftp ftpaddress and it should log you in.
>> Take care.
>> S
>> On Apr 8, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> After a little googling and testing, this worked:
>>> ftp -n server_name <>> quote user cblouch
>>> quote pass xx
>>> binary
>>> put
>>> quit
>>> Of course you would put in your own server anme, username and password. I 
>>> just put this in a text file and then did a chmod a+x to make it 
>>> executable. Then I just did ./test_file to run my test file.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> CB
>>> mani wrote:
 If you don't mind, can you send me the script, as is, again?  Of
 course without the original userid and  password.
 You can send it to me offline if you wish.
 On Apr 7, 10:13 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> no go. I did not even connect this time.
> Growl!
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:03 PM, mani wrote:
>> Oh no!  I know this is frustrating but can you try one last thing:
>> ftp
>> open ftpstring
>> user userstring passwordstring
>> ...
>> ...
>> I hope this works.  Once you solve this, can you tell me what the fix
>> was?  :)
>> mani
>> On Apr 7, 9:55 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> I tried both ways with and with out the colen, even an equals sign 
>>> between things and still no go.
>>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:44 PM, mani wrote:
 I am assuming you don't have the colon character after the user in all
 the solutions I proposed.
 On Apr 7, 9:36 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> still no go. I still got tha todd message. it is like it is not 
> seeing the username or pasword strings I type in. I don't want ot 
> type them in by hand each time hence why I'm trying to make the batch 
> file. It is saved right according to the google article I found. it 
> was a post on a blog.
> Take care.
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:11 PM, mani wrote:
>> Sarah:
>> Can you try
>> user userstring passwordstring
>> bin
>> ...
>> Thanks,
>> mani
>> On Apr 7, 8:45 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> Ok I tried everything I could think of and this comes up on the 
>>> terminal.
>>> ftp.podbean
>>> Connected to ftphost
>>> 220 "welcome to ftphostFTP service"
>>> Name (
>>> I left the last thing in tact as it looked very odd.
>>> I think I'm close but I can't put my finger on what oculd be worng.
>>> Take care.
>>> S
>>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:16 PM, mani wrote:
 I think you have to do:
 ftp ftpaddressstring
 user: usernamestring
 On Apr 7, 8:02 pm, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
> Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
> ftp ftpstring
> have you tryed
> ftp user:passw...@url
> Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.
> On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> Hello to all.
>> I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very 
>> close but it
>> would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. 
>> here is the
>> script omiting the address usernamd and password.
>> Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
>> ftp ftpaddressstring
>> user: usernamestring
>> password passwordstring
>> bin
>> lcd desktop
>> am I m

Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Sarah Alawami
that's because the apis currently don't allow adds but I an see that coming in 
the future. *frowns*
Take care all.
On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:50 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

> I guess you can't handle the truth. If you don' want ads I suggest you just 
> disconnect your computer and donate it. 
> Sent from my iPad
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Jess  wrote:
>> Charlie wrote:
>> "The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under your 
>> bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now."
>> Apparently you haven't used apps like Syrinx or Twittero, they don't give 
>> you any ads from Twitter or facebook. I realize that ads aren't going away, 
>> but if I don't want to see an ad, I shouldn't have to be forced to look at 
>> it. And by the way, leave the communist crap out of it.
>> Jes
>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>>> The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under your 
>>> bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now. Developer 
>>> need an income stream do you want free apps to vanish. Get real.
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Jess  wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
 browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I 
 would be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in 
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Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Jess
My question was would Iads lead to spyware or adware, and would it interfeer 
with what I would be doing on the IPad.

On Apr 9, 2010, at 7:50 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

> I guess you can't handle the truth. If you don' want ads I suggest you just 
> disconnect your computer and donate it. 
> Sent from my iPad
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Jess  wrote:
>> Charlie wrote:
>> "The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under your 
>> bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now."
>> Apparently you haven't used apps like Syrinx or Twittero, they don't give 
>> you any ads from Twitter or facebook. I realize that ads aren't going away, 
>> but if I don't want to see an ad, I shouldn't have to be forced to look at 
>> it. And by the way, leave the communist crap out of it.
>> Jes
>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>>> The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under your 
>>> bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now. Developer 
>>> need an income stream do you want free apps to vanish. Get real.
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Jess  wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
 browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I 
 would be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in 
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Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Jess
Sarah writes:
"that's because the apis currently don't allow adds but I an see that coming in 
the future. *frowns*"
> Exactly! Somebody gets my point!

On Apr 9, 2010, at 8:54 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> that's because the apis currently don't allow adds but I an see that coming 
> in the future. *frowns*
> Take care all.
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:50 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> I guess you can't handle the truth. If you don' want ads I suggest you just 
>> disconnect your computer and donate it. 
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Jess  wrote:
>>> Charlie wrote:
>>> "The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under 
>>> your bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now."
>>> Apparently you haven't used apps like Syrinx or Twittero, they don't give 
>>> you any ads from Twitter or facebook. I realize that ads aren't going away, 
>>> but if I don't want to see an ad, I shouldn't have to be forced to look at 
>>> it. And by the way, leave the communist crap out of it.
>>> Jes
>>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
 The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under 
 your bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now. 
 Developer need an income stream do you want free apps to vanish. Get real.
 Sent from my iPad
 On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Jess  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
> browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I 
> would be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in 
> spyware?
> Jes
> -- 
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Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Charlie Doremus
Short answer, no.

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 9, 2010, at 3:56 PM, Jess  wrote:

> My question was would Iads lead to spyware or adware, and would it interfeer 
> with what I would be doing on the IPad.
> Jes
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 7:50 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> I guess you can't handle the truth. If you don' want ads I suggest you just 
>> disconnect your computer and donate it. 
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Jess  wrote:
>>> Charlie wrote:
>>> "The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under 
>>> your bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now."
>>> Apparently you haven't used apps like Syrinx or Twittero, they don't give 
>>> you any ads from Twitter or facebook. I realize that ads aren't going away, 
>>> but if I don't want to see an ad, I shouldn't have to be forced to look at 
>>> it. And by the way, leave the communist crap out of it.
>>> Jes
>>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
 The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under 
 your bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now. 
 Developer need an income stream do you want free apps to vanish. Get real.
 Sent from my iPad
 On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Jess  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
> browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I 
> would be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in 
> spyware?
> Jes
> -- 
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Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-09 Thread Ricardo Walker
Goodnight Jes,

>From what I have read, the ads seem like they will be out of the way.  You 
>will only see the entire add by tapping on the banner.  The ads must be 
>approved by Apple so that might eliminate the concerns about spyware.  But I 
>guess nothing is 100% safe.

On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:56 PM, Jess wrote:

> My question was would Ads lead to spyware or adware, and would it interfere 
> with what I would be doing on the IPad.
> Jes
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 7:50 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> I guess you can't handle the truth. If you don' want ads I suggest you just 
>> disconnect your computer and donate it. 
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Jess  wrote:
>>> Charlie wrote:
>>> "The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under 
>>> your bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now."
>>> Apparently you haven't used apps like Syrinx or Twittero, they don't give 
>>> you any ads from Twitter or facebook. I realize that ads aren't going away, 
>>> but if I don't want to see an ad, I shouldn't have to be forced to look at 
>>> it. And by the way, leave the communist crap out of it.
>>> Jes
>>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
 The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under 
 your bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now. 
 Developer need an income stream do you want free apps to vanish. Get real.
 Sent from my iPad
 On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Jess  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
> browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I 
> would be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in 
> spyware?
> Jes
> -- 
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Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-09 Thread olivia norman
It really is a wonderful device! Since I got mine on Saturday I have read 
eBooks, taken notes in classes, uploaded documents to my iDisk, read an exam 
while writing it on my mac, responded to countless emails, watched movies, 
listened to music, and the list goes on.  Eventually, I see the iPad as 
replacing note takers like the mPower, and as a device which provides easy and 
instant access to so many portions of our digital world.  As previously stated, 
I can't wait until all my textbooks are available on the iPad, no more waiting 
for them to be converted, easy, instant, and portable access to the content, 
and so much more!  I absolutely love my iPad, and am very glad I was an early 
On Apr 9, 2010, at 6:25 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> The iPad is actually much more than either of those concepts.
> It's a productivity tool, a media consumption device, and several other 
> things. Really, the beauty of the iPad is that it is whatever you, 
> personally, need it to be. Several reviewers are calling it a "blank slate", 
> and that's very apt.
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 1:43 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Olivia and John, 
>> Yes I agree, the IPad is not a netbook, it's a digital / ebook reading
>> device and or entertainment device.
>> Yeah ok you can surf the net and or check email. But it's more for being
>> able to source digital / ebook reading tool.
>> Hence the reason a number of USA university / colleges are now selling them
>> to their students instead of printed text books.
>> That's what I'd be buying one for, not for making phone calls on.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of olivia norman
>> Sent: Thursday, 8 April 2010 6:24 a.m.
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
>> Well stated, as always, John!
>> Olivia
>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 11:44 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>   Actually, as has been said several times, it is not over priced.  For
>> those who believe this to be the case, unfortunately, you still are not
>> getting what the iPad is.  It is not a net book nor is it meant to compete
>> with one.  When you understand that basic point, you will understand the
>> value of it.  The problem is, people are simply trying to categorize it into
>> the same class as net books, and it is not the case at all.  It is a mobile
>> device that is meant to be more of an appliance than a computer.
>>>   I'd take an iPad over a net book any day, and I could list several
>> reasons why, starting from the basic point that I would rather stay away
>> from Windows completely and don't want to bother with linux.  I think you
>> are going to see more and more people making a similar choice once they
>> experience an iPad and start to grasp exactly what it is.  I also don't mind
>> being tied to the hundreds of thousands of applications big brother Apple
>> wants me to use because they are just as diverse and comprehensive as
>> Windblows software for a net book, but that, of course, is just me.  As
>> third party developers continue to create additional software and the
>> flexibility and power of the device is unleashed more and more, you are
>> going to see more and more of the me too companies trying to duplicate the
>> iPad as MS and HP are already attempting.  I find it particularly amusing
>> that with so many people condemning the iPad as an "over priced net book",
>> there is such a big rush for companies to release their iPad clones and try
>> to catch a ride on the wave.  Isn't insanity failing at the same thing over
>> and over again?
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:22 AM, Rich Ring wrote:
 I think it is over priced as well. I can buy a netbook with far greater 
 storage capacity for far less, and even if I buy System Access, I'll have
>> a 
 lower price, and I am not limited to the Software big brother Apple wants
>> me 
 to have.
 - Original Message - 
 From: "Robert Carter" 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:56 PM
 Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
 I am surprised that you feel that the iPad is over priced. It seems to me
 that Apple has really made a place for themselves in the lower priced 
 devices with the introduction of the iPad. I personally think the price
>> is 
 Robert Carter
 On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Cody wrote:
> I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will 
> certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the 
> product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape
> you at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth
>> a 
> place in your walet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our
>> budgets 
> b

Downloading nls books

2010-04-09 Thread chaas
Hi Mac Family:
I'm finally downloading my first ever NLS talking book into "downloads" on my 
macbook Pro.  The download speed is saying something like 39.something kb per 
second.  The downlad time appears to be nearly an hour, but the book is only a 
13 hours long.  This seems particularly slow.  I'm simply working from the Bard 
website, straight into downloads.  
Is there something I can/should do to improve this downlad time?  Thanks for 
any suggestions.


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Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-09 Thread tim
I think it is nice that we can buy something off the shelf just like everyone 
else does. The rip off is the price they charge us for making these devices 
assessable for the blind.
Personally I'm not into buying a computer and then paying the same price for a 
screen reader.
On Apr 6, 2010, at 3:23 PM, Cody wrote:

> I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will 
> certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the 
> product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape you 
> at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth a place 
> in your wallet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our budgets because 
> we see something and think, wow, gotta have that one.
> Cody
> - Original Message - From: "Bryan Smart" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:59 PM
> Subject: Used an iPad today
> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, but I had 
> some time to play with a WiFi model today.
> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being increased, 
> the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is certainly using the 
> extra space to expand on what is possible with an iPhone type touch interface.
> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode (which lots 
> of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a blind person. When 
> you're working with two hands, having more horizontal room seems to make more 
> of a difference when navigating. Fortunately, it is a snap to try either way 
> to see what works for you.
> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the horrible 
> oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost nothing but shiny 
> aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the iPad on a table to use it, 
> but I promise, the first time that you place it on any table that isn't 
> absolutely clear of small dirt particles, you'll pic it up to discover that 
> the slight motion of you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the dirt 
> particles in to the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny aluminum 
> back plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case is a type 
> of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a traditional 
> print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the other side is a flap 
> that covers the iPad screen when closed. I suppose that most people will want 
> the case to protect the screen when traveling, anyway. If you go without the 
> case, though, you are absolutely asking for it. Apple could have put 
> something on the back to make the iPad more stable. Maybe not rubber feet, 
> but they could have gone with a felt square in the center, a stylized strip 
> of some high friction material, etc. The curved back will insure that the 
> iPad wobbles on the table, and the glossy case will absolutely scratch.
> VoiceOver sounded about the same, and responded with the same speed, pretty 
> much. The speaker was very clear. Didn't get to play music with it, but I 
> hear the bass is poor. Still, speech is pretty good through the built-in 
> speakers.
> However, it seemed to me that iPad programs opened more slowly than on the 
> iPhone. Maybe there is more information to load? However, with more memory 
> and a faster processor, I wasn't expecting that.
> I wasn't dramatically blown away by the applications that were available on 
> it, but working with a big talking touch screen interface started me dreaming 
> about things that *could* be accomplished with a device like that. Many 
> people might not need the iPad for web surfing or checking e-mail, but I 
> think that, eventually, there will be some very unique uses for the iPad.
> Bryan
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