airport extra?

2010-03-12 Thread william lomas
Hi, when I am browsing through wireless networks on my mac running 
snowleopard what is the "airport menu extra" verbage?

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Accessible traveler's medical apps for iPhone/iPod Touch: mPassport Paris and mPassport London, free for limited time

2010-03-12 Thread Esther


A great accessible app for travelers to Paris or France, or for  
English speakers wanting medical information and spoken translation  
phrases for any French-speaking country, or for anyone wanting  
information about English and French drug equivalencies or English-to- 
French and French-to-English medical terminology, is free at the app  
store for a limited time: mPassport Paris.  This is the first in a  
series of travelers' medical assistance apps by HTH Worldwide, who  
have also started a website for mobile app support of English-speaking  
travelers abroad:

The second app in the series, mPassport London, also became free for a  
limited time today (price drop from $6.99).

These apps address the question of how travelers can locate  
information when they have medical needs while abroad -- it gives  
locations and contact information for doctors, dentists, hospitals,  
and pharmacies.  The app uses the built-in GPS or location services of  
the iPhone (or iPod Touch) to direct you to nearby services.  The  
information is completely built into the app, so you do not need an  
internet connection to use it. Information such as a drug equivalency  
guide, medical phrase translations (with audio phrases spoken in  
French for the mPassport Paris app), and simple information such as  
the locations and hours of pharmacies can be very helpful.  You can  
also search by location (both within Paris, by arrondissement or  
landmarks, and nearby towns), or by using an iPhone's GPS. The medical  
translations option at the bottom of the Paris menu is very nice,  
because you can change the translation direction from either English  
to French or French to English, and find phrases or medical terms by  
category.  The easy access to a "tran" button that you can flick to  
for the French audio pronunciation supplies an easy way to quickly  
access the French terms.  (If you speak French, this also makes for a  
more wince-free experience, since you don't have to listen to the  
complete text-to-speech of French phrases with mangled VoiceOver  
pronunciation with an English voice.)  You can also save any of these  
items (from the list of doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, drug  
equivalencies, and translation items) to your own "Saved" list for  
easy access. Don't overlook the "More…" menu items such as "Tips"  
that describe general information about the country's policy about  
access in medical emergencies, etc.  Further details about the  
criteria used for listing doctors are given on the HTH website.  You  
can use the app to request appointments.

The main mPassport page is a simple list view with entries for  
"Request Appointment", "Doctors", "Dentists", "Drug Equivalency  
Guide", Emergency Services", "Hospitals", "Pharmacies" and, in the  
case of the Paris guide, "Medical Translations".  You can also switch  
to one of the other buttons at the bottom of the page.  In addition to  
"mPassport" for the main page, these are (from left to right)  
"Location" (to set your location via GPS or reference categories),  
"Recent" (to view the history of all recently accessed pages/entries,  
"Saved" (to see items you have "saved"), and "More".  In each case the  
screen is a simple list view.

A few comments about behavior specific to this app may be helpful:   
for this app, in all instances where there is a listed entry with a  
"more info" button, double tapping the list entry will give you the  
same information as double tapping its "more info" button.  In some  
cases, such as the list entries under the "More" button, double  
tapping the "more info" button does not bring up new information,  
while double tapping the list entry does (e.g., this is true for every  
list entry on the "More" page -- the "more info" button does not  
change the screen; on other pages where the "more info" button changes  
the screen, you get exactly the same information as you'd get from  
double-tapping the list entry itself.  So while it can be useful to  
bypass the summary address information to reach the detailed profile  
for a doctor by flicking right to the "more info" button and double  
tapping, you can equally well cut VoiceOver short by double tapping  
the list entry itself to go to the profile page and find out  
additional information about the doctor and his training (or what  
languages he speaks).

Some sections, such as the drug equivalency guides, should also be  
useful to travelers visiting the U.S. who want to know the counterpart  
names of generic prescription drugs.  Other information, such as  
pharmacy listings and their hours, can also be quite helpful to use  
without a medical emergency.  Both mPassport apps are available in  
English-speaking iTunes stores (U.S.A, Canada, U.K., Australia, New  
Zealand, etc.) but not in the French iTunes store, for example.

Here are the app store URLs:
• mPassport Paris by HTH Worldwide (free for a short time)

Re: nisus writer pro and headings

2010-03-12 Thread DJ Nezumi
apparently you can make headings in nisus pro but i'm unsure whether
you can access them using VO.
does anyone have any ideas or can we make a script to be able to
access headings whtin this program?

James & Nash wrote:
> Hi DJ,
> On 12 Mar 2010, at 00:01, DJ Nezumi wrote:
> > i was considering trying nisus writer pro but just a quick question.
> > i know that VO works with headings in webpages with VO H but can VO
> > access headings with that command in nisus? i've tried that command in
> > pages and text edit and had no luck.
> I have just tried this in Nisus Writer Pro, and it does not work.
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> > hi to all
> > i was considering trying nisus writer pro but just a quick question.
> > i know that VO works with headings in webpages with VO H but can VO
> > access headings with that command in nisus? i've tried that command in
> > pages and text edit and had no luck.
> > thanks
> > regards
> > Liam
> >
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writing cheques on the mac

2010-03-12 Thread Matthew Campbell
I don't even know if you can write cheques on a computer not having done so, 
but can this be done on the mac?
Thanks for any help.
Matt and Lillibele

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converting RAR files

2010-03-12 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hello all,

I wanted to know how do I open up a rar file.  I think its a compressed folder 
like zip?  I could be mistaken though.  Does the Mac come with the ability to 
open this? or do I need to download something?


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Re: converting RAR files

2010-03-12 Thread Esther

Hello Ricardo,

Get the Unarchiver from:

The Unarchiver will let you automatically open just about every  
compressed file type you are likely to encounter that is not already  
handled by your Mac, including rar files.



Ricardo Walker wrote:

Hello all,

I wanted to know how do I open up a rar file.  I think its a  
compressed folder like zip?  I could be mistaken though.  Does the  
Mac come with the ability to open this? or do I need to download  


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Re: converting RAR files

2010-03-12 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
You need to download stuff it expander. 
On Mar 12, 2010, at 9:12 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hello all,
> I wanted to know how do I open up a rar file.  I think its a compressed 
> folder like zip?  I could be mistaken though.  Does the Mac come with the 
> ability to open this? or do I need to download something?
> -- 
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Figured out away to use the arrows to navigate the web

2010-03-12 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hello guys,

There has been many discussions on how to select text on the web, and 
navigating with just the arrow keys which is a new feature added in Snow 
Leopard.  Before, I could only get this to work occasionally.  I have found a 
way that works 100% of the time.  When you are on the site navigate to a part 
of the page that isn't a link, button, or other type of control.  now press VO 
command shift spacebar to do the left mouse click.  Now you will be able to use 
your arrows to navigate the page.  Remember, to navigate word by word use 
option left, or right arrow.  Oh, and I'm using dom mode.


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Re: converting RAR files

2010-03-12 Thread Ricardo Walker
Thanks Esther and Chantel.  Much appreciated
On Mar 12, 2010, at 9:30 AM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:

> You need to download stuff it expander. 
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 9:12 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I wanted to know how do I open up a rar file.  I think its a compressed 
>> folder like zip?  I could be mistaken though.  Does the Mac come with the 
>> ability to open this? or do I need to download something?
>> TIA
>> -- 
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Re: airport extra?

2010-03-12 Thread Slau Halatyn
If one holds down the option key while clicking on a menu, it brings up 
additional information. Because a VoiceOver user accesses the menus in a 
different manner, the way to access the extra information is to navigate to the 
Airport menu by pressing VO-m twice and then, while on the TimeMachine menu (or 
whatever is your default), hold down the Option key and press left arrow until 
you reach the Airport menu. Release the Option key and just go down the list 
with the down arrow. You'll notice extra information about the type of 
security, transfer rate, signal strength, etc.



On Mar 12, 2010, at 4:41 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   Hi, when I am browsing through wireless networks on my mac running 
> snowleopard what is the "airport menu extra" verbage?
> -- 
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Re: Figured out away to use the arrows to navigate the web

2010-03-12 Thread Rafael Bejarano

What are the advantages of navigating the web with just the arrow keys?

Rafael Bejarano
On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

Hello guys,

There has been many discussions on how to select text on the web,  
and navigating with just the arrow keys which is a new feature added  
in Snow Leopard.  Before, I could only get this to work  
occasionally.  I have found a way that works 100% of the time.  When  
you are on the site navigate to a part of the page that isn't a  
link, button, or other type of control.  now press VO command shift  
spacebar to do the left mouse click.  Now you will be able to use  
your arrows to navigate the page.  Remember, to navigate word by  
word use option left, or right arrow.  Oh, and I'm using dom mode.


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Re: Figured out away to use the arrows to navigate the web

2010-03-12 Thread Ricardo Walker
It makes selecting text to copy and paste much easier.  Before it was like a 12 
step program.  lol
On Mar 12, 2010, at 10:26 AM, Rafael Bejarano wrote:

> What are the advantages of navigating the web with just the arrow keys?
> Rafael Bejarano
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hello guys,
>> There has been many discussions on how to select text on the web, and 
>> navigating with just the arrow keys which is a new feature added in Snow 
>> Leopard.  Before, I could only get this to work occasionally.  I have found 
>> a way that works 100% of the time.  When you are on the site navigate to a 
>> part of the page that isn't a link, button, or other type of control.  now 
>> press VO command shift spacebar to do the left mouse click.  Now you will be 
>> able to use your arrows to navigate the page.  Remember, to navigate word by 
>> word use option left, or right arrow.  Oh, and I'm using dom mode.
>> hth
>> -- 
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Re: ftp question?

2010-03-12 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, try a demo of transmit from panic software.  At least that should give you 
a comprehensible error when the connection fails.


erik burggraaf
A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 2010-03-11, at 10:03 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> Hi folks,
> we may figure it out before this hits the list but just in case.
> I have a radio colleague getting audio from my ftp site using safari, 
> sometimes I have seen this, they cannot even log in.
> what is the solution?  permissions or something else?
> the audio is on my ftp site, so sending it elsewhere is more trouble then we 
> want to take.
> Thanks,
> Karen
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Re: converting RAR files

2010-03-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Use unarchiver. I believe it is open source. Sorry I don't  have a url. It is 
in my twitter favs wich I can't access anymore at the present. loll

Take care.
On Mar 12, 2010, at 6:12 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hello all,
> I wanted to know how do I open up a rar file.  I think its a compressed 
> folder like zip?  I could be mistaken though.  Does the Mac come with the 
> ability to open this? or do I need to download something?
> -- 
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Re: Figured out away to use the arrows to navigate the web

2010-03-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Usually wen I do this though and I have done it by accident I end up at the 
menu bar. do you not have to rout your vo to keyboard or something like that 
with command vo f5.
On Mar 12, 2010, at 7:28 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> It makes selecting text to copy and paste much easier.  Before it was like a 
> 12 step program.  lol
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 10:26 AM, Rafael Bejarano wrote:
>> What are the advantages of navigating the web with just the arrow keys?
>> Rafael Bejarano
>> On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hello guys,
>>> There has been many discussions on how to select text on the web, and 
>>> navigating with just the arrow keys which is a new feature added in Snow 
>>> Leopard.  Before, I could only get this to work occasionally.  I have found 
>>> a way that works 100% of the time.  When you are on the site navigate to a 
>>> part of the page that isn't a link, button, or other type of control.  now 
>>> press VO command shift spacebar to do the left mouse click.  Now you will 
>>> be able to use your arrows to navigate the page.  Remember, to navigate 
>>> word by word use option left, or right arrow.  Oh, and I'm using dom mode.
>>> hth
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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my follow up on the open office query

2010-03-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Here is a recording I did of the open office quiry. You can download the file 
if you need to but people on twitter can see this to so hopefully I get some 
help from someware.

my merge query in open office


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Re: Figured out away to use the arrows to navigate the web

2010-03-12 Thread Ricardo Walker

I forgot to mention I have all my cursors following each other.  So if you 
don't have your mouse following the VO cursor, you press VO shift F5 to move 
mouse cursor to Vo cursor before pressing VO command shift spacebar. 
On Mar 12, 2010, at 11:39 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Usually wen I do this though and I have done it by accident I end up at the 
> menu bar. do you not have to rout your vo to keyboard or something like that 
> with command vo f5.
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 7:28 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> It makes selecting text to copy and paste much easier.  Before it was like a 
>> 12 step program.  lol
>> On Mar 12, 2010, at 10:26 AM, Rafael Bejarano wrote:
>>> What are the advantages of navigating the web with just the arrow keys?
>>> Rafael Bejarano
>>> On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 Hello guys,
 There has been many discussions on how to select text on the web, and 
 navigating with just the arrow keys which is a new feature added in Snow 
 Leopard.  Before, I could only get this to work occasionally.  I have 
 found a way that works 100% of the time.  When you are on the site 
 navigate to a part of the page that isn't a link, button, or other type of 
 control.  now press VO command shift spacebar to do the left mouse click.  
 Now you will be able to use your arrows to navigate the page.  Remember, 
 to navigate word by word use option left, or right arrow.  Oh, and I'm 
 using dom mode.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: Figured out away to use the arrows to navigate the web

2010-03-12 Thread Rafael Bejarano

Good to know. Thanks.

On Mar 12, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

It makes selecting text to copy and paste much easier.  Before it  
was like a 12 step program.  lol

On Mar 12, 2010, at 10:26 AM, Rafael Bejarano wrote:

What are the advantages of navigating the web with just the arrow  

Rafael Bejarano
On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

Hello guys,

There has been many discussions on how to select text on the web,  
and navigating with just the arrow keys which is a new feature  
added in Snow Leopard.  Before, I could only get this to work  
occasionally.  I have found a way that works 100% of the time.   
When you are on the site navigate to a part of the page that isn't  
a link, button, or other type of control.  now press VO command  
shift spacebar to do the left mouse click.  Now you will be able  
to use your arrows to navigate the page.  Remember, to navigate  
word by word use option left, or right arrow.  Oh, and I'm using  
dom mode.


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Re: converting RAR files

2010-03-12 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
Hello;  Its always great to hear from another mac user.  by now  
someone may have already answered your question, but I wanted to give  
my opinion too.  I downloaded stuff it a long time ago and have yet to  
find a compressed file it won't unzip.  Once it is installed and  
listed as the default, all you have to do is click command o to open a  
file and it does all the rest.  Hope this helps.  good luck, max

On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:12 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

Hello all,

I wanted to know how do I open up a rar file.  I think its a  
compressed folder like zip?  I could be mistaken though.  Does the  
Mac come with the ability to open this? or do I need to download  


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Re: Figured out away to use the arrows to navigate the web

2010-03-12 Thread Hypnotic Consulting

Ricardo wrote:
I forgot to mention I have all my cursors following each other.  So if you 
don't have your mouse following the VO cursor, you press VO shift F5 to move 
mouse cursor to Vo cursor before pressing VO command shift spacebar.

What's the reason for having your cursors together?

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Re: vo scripts fore garage band?

2010-03-12 Thread Carolyn
Hey Slau:
Thanks for being a good sport, And thanks for the good info you provide.  Have 
a fantastic weekend. :)

  - Original Message - 
  From: Slau Halatyn 
  Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 6:16 PM
  Subject: Re: vo scripts fore garage band?

  No sweat, Carolyn. to be honest, I've had a pretty bad day myself. I think 
we're all good. :)


  On Mar 11, 2010, at 7:20 PM, Carolyn wrote:

Hi Slau:
Thanks for clarifying.  I'm not interested in being difficult.  I just 
didn't understand the presentation.  I'm sorry for taking a cheap shot.  BAD 
Take care.

  - Original Message -
  From: Slau Halatyn
  Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 2:34 PM
  Subject: Re: vo scripts fore garage band?

  Hi Carolyn,

  Given the context of my single word response with a question mark, I 
believe it was clear that I was saying "Scripts? What scripts are you talking 
about." Further, given the fact that VoiceOver is not scripted like JAWS is, 
which someone else also pointed out, I think my simple, one word question would 
prompt a further explanation from the person asking the question. If, in fact, 
they were asking about scripts for VoiceOver, well then, it would be an 
opportunity to clarify the fact that VoiceOver is not a scripted screen reader.

  BTW, the archives clearly show why I stopped moderating the list. I doubt 
you really see why I stepped down based on your exchange with me here. You 
don't know the first thing about me if you think I'm rude or unreasonable. If I 
misread your presumption, by all means, tell me off list why you think I don't 
moderate this list anymore because that would truly be pointless traffic.

  Have a wonderful day!


  On Mar 11, 2010, at 3:42 PM, Carolyn wrote:

Ok, Slau, point taken.  However, since you've moderated a list, you 
might understand the pointlessness of one word questions in response to 
someone's quiery.   Besides, this is a mac list, and one would think 
information should be exchanged willingly re anything to do with mac and 
accessibility.  I guess I can see why you don't moderate this list anymore.
Have a great day.

  - Original Message -
  From: Slau Halatyn
  Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 12:44 PM
  Subject: Re: vo scripts fore garage band?

  Hi Carolyn,   

  Hmm, where do I start? First of all, I hardly think my quizzical 
response is much of a contributor to the "pointless traffic" on the list. As a 
former moderator of this list, I know all too well about pointless traffic. 
What I feel troubles the list more is traffic that is really meant for a 
different list like, say, how to run Windows and JAWS on a Mac.

  Second, if the point of your posting to your objection to my laconic 
response was to direct it toward the list in general, then you should have 
simply done so. Otherwise, if it was specifically directed toward me, you 
should have simply followed your own advice to not clutter the list with 
"pointless traffic" and sent me a private message.


  On Mar 11, 2010, at 2:13 PM, Carolyn wrote:

If you're asking a question, it makes no sense and creates 
pointless traffic.  If you're making a point, could you please elaborate?

  - Original Message -
  From: Slau Halatyn
  Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 6:30 AM
  Subject: Re: vo scripts fore garage band?


  On Mar 11, 2010, at 2:57 AM, hank smith wrote:

hello where can I get vo scripts fore garage band?
also how do I install them?

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Re: Figured out away to use the arrows to navigate the web

2010-03-12 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

You know, it's kind of strange why you should have to use a solution like this 
to do it in the first place. Thanks, though. Most of the time it's worked for 
me without it, but I'll try it. :)

It's still a bit flaky, and it should still be fixed regardless. I noticed that 
at first, I couldn't use the method but when I navigated through part of the 
page and got halfway down it, it suddenly worked as if by magic. Also, it'd be 
nice if it actually announced the elements instead of text only. Well, it does 
announce the text associated to the various elements on the website, though not 
what kind of element it actually is.

Skype: Kvalme
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AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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My Twitter

On Mar 12, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Usually wen I do this though and I have done it by accident I end up at the 
> menu bar. do you not have to rout your vo to keyboard or something like that 
> with command vo f5.
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 7:28 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> It makes selecting text to copy and paste much easier.  Before it was like a 
>> 12 step program.  lol
>> On Mar 12, 2010, at 10:26 AM, Rafael Bejarano wrote:
>>> What are the advantages of navigating the web with just the arrow keys?
>>> Rafael Bejarano
>>> On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 Hello guys,
 There has been many discussions on how to select text on the web, and 
 navigating with just the arrow keys which is a new feature added in Snow 
 Leopard.  Before, I could only get this to work occasionally.  I have 
 found a way that works 100% of the time.  When you are on the site 
 navigate to a part of the page that isn't a link, button, or other type of 
 control.  now press VO command shift spacebar to do the left mouse click.  
 Now you will be able to use your arrows to navigate the page.  Remember, 
 to navigate word by word use option left, or right arrow.  Oh, and I'm 
 using dom mode.
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Re: Figured out away to use the arrows to navigate the web

2010-03-12 Thread Esther

Hello Jorge, Ricardo, and Others,

I haven't been following this thread in detail, but the usual reason  
for having your cursors tracking (or, at least, having your "Mouse  
cursor follows VoiceOver cursor" checked under the Navigation options  
for VoiceOver Utility) is because you need to click on entries.  If  
you don't have your mouse cursor tracking your VoiceOver cursor, then  
in order to click with a mouse or trackpad (or by pressing the "5" key  
of the numeric keypad when NumPad Commander is enabled), you first  
have to route your mouse cursor to your VoiceOver cursor with VO- 
Command-F5 so that the click is generated in the correct place.  (I  
think this is what Ricardo meant to say, since VO-Shift-F5 moves your  
VoiceOver cursor to your mouse cursor.  It may be hard to distinguish  
which is the correct command to use if he has all cursors tracking.)   
Generally, people might have "Mouse cursor follows VoiceOver cursor"  
but might not have "VoiceOver cursor follows Mouse cursor" if they're  
using a desktop machine, unless they have some vision, since then  
moving the mouse inadvertently would also move the position of your  
VoiceOver cursor, and lose your position.  On a laptop, I have had  
both cursors tracking, since there's no mouse to hit.

The trade-off between having your Mouse cursor following your  
VoiceOver cursor by default and routing to your Mouse cursor with a  
separate command (VO-Command-F5) is stability vs. reliability of  
"click' in transitional apps.   In most "mature" apps that work well  
with VoiceOver, you should be able to leave mouse cursor tracking off,  
and you'll gain a little bit in stability of behavior when using lots  
of resources.  (This was more significant under Tiger, or if you were  
using systems with limited memory resources, etc. and running  
intensive programs that took up lots of system resources -- lots of  
cache usage, etc.)  However, in apps with transitional accessibility,  
sometimes routing your mouse cursor by hand does not work reliably,  
and you'll only get consistent results if you have your mouse cursor  
set to follow your VoiceOver cursor.  For example, before iTunes was  
fully accessible, I always set my cursors tracking when using iTunes.   
For Automator under earlier Leopard releases I could only assign  
variables (with mouse clicks) if I had my mouse cursor following my  
VoiceOver cursor.  But sometimes having cursor tracking turned on can  
lead to unstable behavior, like being jumped to the top of a web page  
when navigating links.   So there's no universal answer about the best  
setting to use for everyone and everything.  In most instances, for  
people using the commonly used suite of applications in modern  
systems, you can leave cursor tracking off, and route the cursor when  
needed for a click (with VO-Command-F5).  Also, in most instances now,  
having cursor tracking turned on should work equally well.

The other problem people sometimes run into is finding that a "click"  
with VO-Shift-Space doesn't work -- they actually need to physically  
click a mouse or trackpad (button) or press the "5" key on a numeric  
keypad with NumPad Commander active in order to "Click" and change a  
setting.  Again, this doesn't happen frequently, but in transitional  
accessibility situations, if VO-Shift-Space doesn't work to "click" on  
an entry, try using a physical click of the trackpad, mouse, or use  
the NumPad Commander key (which appears equivalent to a "hardware"  
click to the system).




On 12 Mar 2010, at 07:59, Hypnotic Consulting wrote:

Ricardo wrote:
I forgot to mention I have all my cursors following each other.  So  
if you don't have your mouse following the VO cursor, you press VO  
shift F5 to move mouse cursor to Vo cursor before pressing VO  
command shift spacebar.

What's the reason for having your cursors together?

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Re: NLS Books

2010-03-12 Thread Rich Ring
Thanks.  Now, for another question.  Do you or anyone else for that matter 
know of an accessible Twitter client for the Mac?
I will have many more questions.
- Original Message - 
From: "Buddy Brannan" 
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: NLS Books

Hey Rich,

If you just open the zip file, it will create a folder with the same name as 
the zip archive. That folder can then just be copied over to the thumb drive 
(cmd+c, navigate to the thumb drive, and press cmd+v).
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Mar 10, 2010, at 10:32 PM, Rich Ring wrote:

>I know that many people on this list are not from the United States, 
> and
> I also know that many others on this list consider NLS books to be "getto"
> books, nonetheless, I ask my question.
> I need to teach someone how to download NLS books and unzip them to a 
> thumb
> drive or a blank cartridge so that they can play them on their NLS player.
> Can anyone help me with this?  The person in question has access to a Mac,
> but not to a Windows machine.
> So, what they will need to do is download the book and unzip the book to a
> thumb drive attached to their Mac.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> -- 
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Re: Figured out away to use the arrows to navigate the web

2010-03-12 Thread Ricardo Walker

I just find that having my cursors follow one another works for me.  Especially 
in Garageband where I use my number pad as arrows to drag and drop loops into 
my projects.  I don't have that many stability issues anymore.  I was having a 
lot of problems when Snow Leopard was first released though.
On Mar 12, 2010, at 1:50 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hello Jorge, Ricardo, and Others,
> I haven't been following this thread in detail, but the usual reason for 
> having your cursors tracking (or, at least, having your "Mouse cursor follows 
> VoiceOver cursor" checked under the Navigation options for VoiceOver Utility) 
> is because you need to click on entries.  If you don't have your mouse cursor 
> tracking your VoiceOver cursor, then in order to click with a mouse or 
> trackpad (or by pressing the "5" key of the numeric keypad when NumPad 
> Commander is enabled), you first have to route your mouse cursor to your 
> VoiceOver cursor with VO-Command-F5 so that the click is generated in the 
> correct place.  (I think this is what Ricardo meant to say, since VO-Shift-F5 
> moves your VoiceOver cursor to your mouse cursor.  It may be hard to 
> distinguish which is the correct command to use if he has all cursors 
> tracking.)  Generally, people might have "Mouse cursor follows VoiceOver 
> cursor" but might not have "VoiceOver cursor follows Mouse cursor" if they're 
> using a desktop machine, unless they have some vision, since then moving the 
> mouse inadvertently would also move the position of your VoiceOver cursor, 
> and lose your position.  On a laptop, I have had both cursors tracking, since 
> there's no mouse to hit.
> The trade-off between having your Mouse cursor following your VoiceOver 
> cursor by default and routing to your Mouse cursor with a separate command 
> (VO-Command-F5) is stability vs. reliability of "click' in transitional apps. 
>   In most "mature" apps that work well with VoiceOver, you should be able to 
> leave mouse cursor tracking off, and you'll gain a little bit in stability of 
> behavior when using lots of resources.  (This was more significant under 
> Tiger, or if you were using systems with limited memory resources, etc. and 
> running intensive programs that took up lots of system resources -- lots of 
> cache usage, etc.)  However, in apps with transitional accessibility, 
> sometimes routing your mouse cursor by hand does not work reliably, and 
> you'll only get consistent results if you have your mouse cursor set to 
> follow your VoiceOver cursor.  For example, before iTunes was fully 
> accessible, I always set my cursors tracking when using iTunes.  For 
> Automator under earlier Leopard releases I could only assign variables (with 
> mouse clicks) if I had my mouse cursor following my VoiceOver cursor.  But 
> sometimes having cursor tracking turned on can lead to unstable behavior, 
> like being jumped to the top of a web page when navigating links.   So 
> there's no universal answer about the best setting to use for everyone and 
> everything.  In most instances, for people using the commonly used suite of 
> applications in modern systems, you can leave cursor tracking off, and route 
> the cursor when needed for a click (with VO-Command-F5).  Also, in most 
> instances now, having cursor tracking turned on should work equally well.
> The other problem people sometimes run into is finding that a "click" with 
> VO-Shift-Space doesn't work -- they actually need to physically click a mouse 
> or trackpad (button) or press the "5" key on a numeric keypad with NumPad 
> Commander active in order to "Click" and change a setting.  Again, this 
> doesn't happen frequently, but in transitional accessibility situations, if 
> VO-Shift-Space doesn't work to "click" on an entry, try using a physical 
> click of the trackpad, mouse, or use the NumPad Commander key (which appears 
> equivalent to a "hardware" click to the system).
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On 12 Mar 2010, at 07:59, Hypnotic Consulting wrote:
>> Ricardo wrote:
>> I forgot to mention I have all my cursors following each other.  So if you 
>> don't have your mouse following the VO cursor, you press VO shift F5 to move 
>> mouse cursor to Vo cursor before pressing VO command shift spacebar.
>> What's the reason for having your cursors together?
>> Jorge
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iTunes and lengthy audio files

2010-03-12 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi guys,

I sometimes get really huge audio files, sometimes files that last more than 
eight hours in length. The problem is this.

While iTunes can actually measure the time properly, it won't play it all. I 
have a file which is nine hours long, but it will only play two hours of it. 
The LCD just stops counting, even though it shows that seven hours are left of 
the total time. If I use Quick Look, I can go to 100 percent of the file, where 
iTunes will usually cut it off. However, if I leave it to continue in Quick 
Look, what will actually happen is that it will go beyond 100 percent because 
the file is longer than it thinks, even though it actually measures the time 
properly. I played a similar file earlier today, and it hit 405 percent before 
it finished, however if I stopped playback or attempted to go backwards, it'd 
put me back at where it cut off.

If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. And please, don't come with useless 
comments like "Your iTunes is broken". I know for a fact that it is not, 
because I just reinstalled out of interest. When I figured out that wasn't the 
problem, I just reverted the changes.

Thanks in advance. :)

Skype: Kvalme
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AIM: cincinster
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Re: Figured out away to use the arrows to navigate the web

2010-03-12 Thread Ricardo Walker

I don't think its so big of a thing now.  It is like needing to touch a part of 
the screen on a iPhone or iPod touch to refresh the information for voiceover.
On Mar 12, 2010, at 1:12 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> You know, it's kind of strange why you should have to use a solution like 
> this to do it in the first place. Thanks, though. Most of the time it's 
> worked for me without it, but I'll try it. :)
> It's still a bit flaky, and it should still be fixed regardless. I noticed 
> that at first, I couldn't use the method but when I navigated through part of 
> the page and got halfway down it, it suddenly worked as if by magic. Also, 
> it'd be nice if it actually announced the elements instead of text only. 
> Well, it does announce the text associated to the various elements on the 
> website, though not what kind of element it actually is.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Usually wen I do this though and I have done it by accident I end up at the 
>> menu bar. do you not have to rout your vo to keyboard or something like that 
>> with command vo f5.
>> On Mar 12, 2010, at 7:28 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> It makes selecting text to copy and paste much easier.  Before it was like 
>>> a 12 step program.  lol
>>> On Mar 12, 2010, at 10:26 AM, Rafael Bejarano wrote:
 What are the advantages of navigating the web with just the arrow keys?
 Rafael Bejarano
 On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hello guys,
> There has been many discussions on how to select text on the web, and 
> navigating with just the arrow keys which is a new feature added in Snow 
> Leopard.  Before, I could only get this to work occasionally.  I have 
> found a way that works 100% of the time.  When you are on the site 
> navigate to a part of the page that isn't a link, button, or other type 
> of control.  now press VO command shift spacebar to do the left mouse 
> click.  Now you will be able to use your arrows to navigate the page.  
> Remember, to navigate word by word use option left, or right arrow.  Oh, 
> and I'm using dom mode.
> hth
> -- 
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Re: iTunes and lengthy audio files

2010-03-12 Thread Ricardo Walker

Have you tried setting the file as a audiobook?  Audiobooks are commonly 7 or 8 
hours long and play fine in iTunes.

On Mar 12, 2010, at 2:01 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I sometimes get really huge audio files, sometimes files that last more than 
> eight hours in length. The problem is this.
> While iTunes can actually measure the time properly, it won't play it all. I 
> have a file which is nine hours long, but it will only play two hours of it. 
> The LCD just stops counting, even though it shows that seven hours are left 
> of the total time. If I use Quick Look, I can go to 100 percent of the file, 
> where iTunes will usually cut it off. However, if I leave it to continue in 
> Quick Look, what will actually happen is that it will go beyond 100 percent 
> because the file is longer than it thinks, even though it actually measures 
> the time properly. I played a similar file earlier today, and it hit 405 
> percent before it finished, however if I stopped playback or attempted to go 
> backwards, it'd put me back at where it cut off.
> If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. And please, don't come with useless 
> comments like "Your iTunes is broken". I know for a fact that it is not, 
> because I just reinstalled out of interest. When I figured out that wasn't 
> the problem, I just reverted the changes.
> Thanks in advance. :)
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
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Re: converting RAR files

2010-03-12 Thread Ricardo Walker
Thanks for this.
On Mar 12, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> Hello;  Its always great to hear from another mac user.  by now someone may 
> have already answered your question, but I wanted to give my opinion too.  I 
> downloaded stuff it a long time ago and have yet to find a compressed file it 
> won't unzip.  Once it is installed and listed as the default, all you have to 
> do is click command o to open a file and it does all the rest.  Hope this 
> helps.  good luck, max
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:12 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I wanted to know how do I open up a rar file.  I think its a compressed 
>> folder like zip?  I could be mistaken though.  Does the Mac come with the 
>> ability to open this? or do I need to download something?
>> TIA
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Re: iTunes and lengthy audio files

2010-03-12 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

yeah, that's what I did at first. It really sucks. Also, on occasion I still 
can't edit the options like "Remember playback position". But occasionally it 
works for no apparent reason too.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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My Twitter

On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:04 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Have you tried setting the file as a audiobook?  Audiobooks are commonly 7 or 
> 8 hours long and play fine in iTunes.
> hth
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 2:01 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I sometimes get really huge audio files, sometimes files that last more than 
>> eight hours in length. The problem is this.
>> While iTunes can actually measure the time properly, it won't play it all. I 
>> have a file which is nine hours long, but it will only play two hours of it. 
>> The LCD just stops counting, even though it shows that seven hours are left 
>> of the total time. If I use Quick Look, I can go to 100 percent of the file, 
>> where iTunes will usually cut it off. However, if I leave it to continue in 
>> Quick Look, what will actually happen is that it will go beyond 100 percent 
>> because the file is longer than it thinks, even though it actually measures 
>> the time properly. I played a similar file earlier today, and it hit 405 
>> percent before it finished, however if I stopped playback or attempted to go 
>> backwards, it'd put me back at where it cut off.
>> If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. And please, don't come with useless 
>> comments like "Your iTunes is broken". I know for a fact that it is not, 
>> because I just reinstalled out of interest. When I figured out that wasn't 
>> the problem, I just reverted the changes.
>> Thanks in advance. :)
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
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Re: converting RAR files

2010-03-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
There is also an opensource program I've used called unarchiver. maybe try 
googling for it as I don't have a url handy.

Take care. 
On Mar 12, 2010, at 6:39 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Thanks Esther and Chantel.  Much appreciated
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 9:30 AM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>> You need to download stuff it expander. 
>> On Mar 12, 2010, at 9:12 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I wanted to know how do I open up a rar file.  I think its a compressed 
>>> folder like zip?  I could be mistaken though.  Does the Mac come with the 
>>> ability to open this? or do I need to download something?
>>> TIA
>>> -- 
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Merge problem sort of solved

2010-03-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ok I found out vo is not seeing that part and I don't know what to info about 
it. Can anyone recommend a way to create a mail merge from a database of 
addresses? I've googled this and mail cannot thus far do it. I've been all over 
the place.

Take care.

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Re: NLS Books

2010-03-12 Thread Chris Hofstader
I like Syrinx on Mac. It isn't as feature rich as some of the others but, as 
far as I've been able to notice in about four months, it seems 100% accessible.
On Mar 12, 2010, at 1:56 PM, Rich Ring wrote:

> Thanks.  Now, for another question.  Do you or anyone else for that matter 
> know of an accessible Twitter client for the Mac?
> I will have many more questions.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Buddy Brannan" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 7:19 AM
> Subject: Re: NLS Books
> Hey Rich,
> If you just open the zip file, it will create a folder with the same name as 
> the zip archive. That folder can then just be copied over to the thumb drive 
> (cmd+c, navigate to the thumb drive, and press cmd+v).
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Mar 10, 2010, at 10:32 PM, Rich Ring wrote:
>>   I know that many people on this list are not from the United States, 
>> and
>> I also know that many others on this list consider NLS books to be "getto"
>> books, nonetheless, I ask my question.
>> I need to teach someone how to download NLS books and unzip them to a 
>> thumb
>> drive or a blank cartridge so that they can play them on their NLS player.
>> Can anyone help me with this?  The person in question has access to a Mac,
>> but not to a Windows machine.
>> So, what they will need to do is download the book and unzip the book to a
>> thumb drive attached to their Mac.
>> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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voiceover working with Ebooks on IPad

2010-03-12 Thread John J Herzog
Hi listers, 
Check out this exciting article from engadget. They start talking first about a 
switch on the IPad, but then they mention voiceover. The article states that 
voiceover will read the pages of Ebooks out loud. Click here for this awesome 


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Current audio formats have a maximum number of samples [was Re: iTunes and lengthy audio files]

2010-03-12 Thread Esther

Hi Nic,

The problem of the maximum time for working with an audio file is not  
specific to iTunes.  Basically none of the music programs, including  
QuickTime, can correctly handle sound files where the number of  
samples exceeds 2 billion (or, to be precise, the maximum number that  
can be represented with a 32-bit unsigned integer, or 2 raised to the  
exponent of 31, which is about 2.1478 billion samples).  One of the  
numbers in the file header for the audio file is a counter that turns  
over when you exceed this maximum.  This means that the actual maximum  
file length (in time) that can be correctly read from these audio  
files depends on the quality of the file encoding.  CD quality music  
files sample the music at 44.1 kHz (44.1 thousand samples per  
second).  Voice memo files might sample at 8 kHz (8 thousand samples  
per second) -- a rate that is more than 5 times smaller. The total  
number of samples is the encoding sample rate (e.g. 44.1 kHz for a CD)  
multiplied by the time of your audio file in seconds.  This number  
hits the 2 billion maximum for a file length of 13.5 hours, assuming  
this is stereo music.  This is an absolute maximum that the file  
structure can correctly represent -- you can still run into problems  
before this.   When music programs like QuickTime or any comparable  
programs on any platform (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.) read these files,  
they all compute the time from the number of samples, and they all get  
incorrect answers when the counter is exceeded.  That's why you're  
able to play the files with QuickLook, which just starts streaming  
without trying to read the time.  The exact wrong number depends on  
the rollover value of the counter.

Moreover, if you think back to recent posts by James looking for the  
intro and other music files that the Mac plays on startup, you'll  
notice that the file extensions are .caf  instead of .aiff (Audio  
Interchange File Format).  The new format is "Core Audio File Format",  
and one of the reasons for the new file format is that these files can  
correctly represent samples that exceed the 2 billion counter maximum.

All of this comes up in discussions of the maximum length you can make  
a single audiobook file and play it correctly.

HTH.  You can get longer files to play, and get correct times if you  
reduce the audio quality.



Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

Hi guys,

I sometimes get really huge audio files, sometimes files that last  
more than eight hours in length. The problem is this.

While iTunes can actually measure the time properly, it won't play  
it all. I have a file which is nine hours long, but it will only  
play two hours of it. The LCD just stops counting, even though it  
shows that seven hours are left of the total time. If I use Quick  
Look, I can go to 100 percent of the file, where iTunes will usually  
cut it off. However, if I leave it to continue in Quick Look, what  
will actually happen is that it will go beyond 100 percent because  
the file is longer than it thinks, even though it actually measures  
the time properly. I played a similar file earlier today, and it hit  
405 percent before it finished, however if I stopped playback or  
attempted to go backwards, it'd put me back at where it cut off.

If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. And please, don't come with  
useless comments like "Your iTunes is broken". I know for a fact  
that it is not, because I just reinstalled out of interest. When I  
figured out that wasn't the problem, I just reverted the changes.

Thanks in advance. :)

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

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Re: Current audio formats have a maximum number of samples [was Re: iTunes and lengthy audio files]

2010-03-12 Thread Ricardo Walker
This is one of the most interesting post I have ever read on a mailing list.  
Thank you for this Esther.
On Mar 12, 2010, at 4:14 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Nic,
> The problem of the maximum time for working with an audio file is not 
> specific to iTunes.  Basically none of the music programs, including 
> QuickTime, can correctly handle sound files where the number of samples 
> exceeds 2 billion (or, to be precise, the maximum number that can be 
> represented with a 32-bit unsigned integer, or 2 raised to the exponent of 
> 31, which is about 2.1478 billion samples).  One of the numbers in the file 
> header for the audio file is a counter that turns over when you exceed this 
> maximum.  This means that the actual maximum file length (in time) that can 
> be correctly read from these audio files depends on the quality of the file 
> encoding.  CD quality music files sample the music at 44.1 kHz (44.1 thousand 
> samples per second).  Voice memo files might sample at 8 kHz (8 thousand 
> samples per second) -- a rate that is more than 5 times smaller. The total 
> number of samples is the encoding sample rate (e.g. 44.1 kHz for a CD) 
> multiplied by the time of your audio file in seconds.  This number hits the 2 
> billion maximum for a file length of 13.5 hours, assuming this is stereo 
> music.  This is an absolute maximum that the file structure can correctly 
> represent -- you can still run into problems before this.   When music 
> programs like QuickTime or any comparable programs on any platform (Windows, 
> Linux, Mac, etc.) read these files, they all compute the time from the number 
> of samples, and they all get incorrect answers when the counter is exceeded.  
> That's why you're able to play the files with QuickLook, which just starts 
> streaming without trying to read the time.  The exact wrong number depends on 
> the rollover value of the counter.
> Moreover, if you think back to recent posts by James looking for the intro 
> and other music files that the Mac plays on startup, you'll notice that the 
> file extensions are .caf  instead of .aiff (Audio Interchange File Format).  
> The new format is "Core Audio File Format", and one of the reasons for the 
> new file format is that these files can correctly represent samples that 
> exceed the 2 billion counter maximum.  
> All of this comes up in discussions of the maximum length you can make a 
> single audiobook file and play it correctly.
> HTH.  You can get longer files to play, and get correct times if you reduce 
> the audio quality.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I sometimes get really huge audio files, sometimes files that last more than 
>> eight hours in length. The problem is this.
>> While iTunes can actually measure the time properly, it won't play it all. I 
>> have a file which is nine hours long, but it will only play two hours of it. 
>> The LCD just stops counting, even though it shows that seven hours are left 
>> of the total time. If I use Quick Look, I can go to 100 percent of the file, 
>> where iTunes will usually cut it off. However, if I leave it to continue in 
>> Quick Look, what will actually happen is that it will go beyond 100 percent 
>> because the file is longer than it thinks, even though it actually measures 
>> the time properly. I played a similar file earlier today, and it hit 405 
>> percent before it finished, however if I stopped playback or attempted to go 
>> backwards, it'd put me back at where it cut off.
>> If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. And please, don't come with useless 
>> comments like "Your iTunes is broken". I know for a fact that it is not, 
>> because I just reinstalled out of interest. When I figured out that wasn't 
>> the problem, I just reverted the changes.
>> Thanks in advance. :)
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
> -- 
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Re: voiceover working with Ebooks on IPad

2010-03-12 Thread Esther

Hi John,

Thanks for that link.  I'll just mention that this is a natural  
function to put in for VoiceOver, and that you can sort of do this  
right now, but the problem is bookmarking and navigating for short  
bits.  Currently, Stanza "almost" works with VoiceOver on the iPhone  
and iPod Touch and can load up non-DRM ePub books from your computer.   
However, I can't read continuously in Stanza. However, if you go to  
O'Reilly's Bookworm site, upload an ePub book file, you can read it  
through Safari (and correspondingly, you can read it on your iPhone or  
iPod Touch through the Safari interface).  This isn't a totally  
working solution right now -- the ePub page blocks are large, and you  
can't save your bookmarks within these pages.  Also, I shouldn't have  
to use an internet connection to read a book file that I could upload  
directly to my iPod Touch!  But it's clear there will be a workable  
solution.  This is exciting.



John J Herzog wrote:

Hi listers,
Check out this exciting article from engadget. They start talking  
first about a switch on the IPad, but then they mention voiceover.  
The article states that voiceover will read the pages of Ebooks out  
loud. Click here for this awesome news.


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Re: Figured out away to use the arrows to navigate the web

2010-03-12 Thread Slau Halatyn
I thought it might be worth mentioning, since we're on the subject of cursor 
routing, that I find one compelling reason to not have the mouse following the 
VO cursor. I have found that, in several application programs, when the mouse 
follows the voiceover cursor, Voiceover does not accurately display menu 
choices in the menu bar. One will often find that, with tracking on, they might 
see only two or three choices in a menu whereas, with tracking off, there are 
actually five or six choices there. Having the routing command makes it easy to 
just move the mouse when necessary.


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Re: Current audio formats have a maximum number of samples [was Re: iTunes and lengthy audio files]

2010-03-12 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Definitely a good post, thank you.

I was pondering that possibility, though I had a look at two similar files, one 
longer than the first. I have a six hour long file, encoded with 44.100KHZ. 
That file worked perfectly. Just the way it was supposed to work.

Then I had a look at the four hour long audio file. Exactly same format and 
sample rate.

So I wrote to the list. I'm still a bit confused as to why it won't, as I have 
an even longer file at exactly the same quality that works just fine.

If you take the audio file at six hours, encoded with a 44100KHZ sample rate. 
That's just about 95256 seconds, or just about. Then take the four hour 
long audio file, encoded again at 44100KHZ. That's about 63504 seconds. 
That unfortunately doesn't seem to be the problem. What else might be causing 
this? It doesn't even come close to the 20 mark. Only halfway.

Thank you for the in-depth suggestion, though. :)

Let me know if I'm understanding this right.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Mar 12, 2010, at 10:14 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Nic,
> The problem of the maximum time for working with an audio file is not 
> specific to iTunes.  Basically none of the music programs, including 
> QuickTime, can correctly handle sound files where the number of samples 
> exceeds 2 billion (or, to be precise, the maximum number that can be 
> represented with a 32-bit unsigned integer, or 2 raised to the exponent of 
> 31, which is about 2.1478 billion samples).  One of the numbers in the file 
> header for the audio file is a counter that turns over when you exceed this 
> maximum.  This means that the actual maximum file length (in time) that can 
> be correctly read from these audio files depends on the quality of the file 
> encoding.  CD quality music files sample the music at 44.1 kHz (44.1 thousand 
> samples per second).  Voice memo files might sample at 8 kHz (8 thousand 
> samples per second) -- a rate that is more than 5 times smaller. The total 
> number of samples is the encoding sample rate (e.g. 44.1 kHz for a CD) 
> multiplied by the time of your audio file in seconds.  This number hits the 2 
> billion maximum for a file length of 13.5 hours, assuming this is stereo 
> music.  This is an absolute maximum that the file structure can correctly 
> represent -- you can still run into problems before this.   When music 
> programs like QuickTime or any comparable programs on any platform (Windows, 
> Linux, Mac, etc.) read these files, they all compute the time from the number 
> of samples, and they all get incorrect answers when the counter is exceeded.  
> That's why you're able to play the files with QuickLook, which just starts 
> streaming without trying to read the time.  The exact wrong number depends on 
> the rollover value of the counter.
> Moreover, if you think back to recent posts by James looking for the intro 
> and other music files that the Mac plays on startup, you'll notice that the 
> file extensions are .caf  instead of .aiff (Audio Interchange File Format).  
> The new format is "Core Audio File Format", and one of the reasons for the 
> new file format is that these files can correctly represent samples that 
> exceed the 2 billion counter maximum.  
> All of this comes up in discussions of the maximum length you can make a 
> single audiobook file and play it correctly.
> HTH.  You can get longer files to play, and get correct times if you reduce 
> the audio quality.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I sometimes get really huge audio files, sometimes files that last more than 
>> eight hours in length. The problem is this.
>> While iTunes can actually measure the time properly, it won't play it all. I 
>> have a file which is nine hours long, but it will only play two hours of it. 
>> The LCD just stops counting, even though it shows that seven hours are left 
>> of the total time. If I use Quick Look, I can go to 100 percent of the file, 
>> where iTunes will usually cut it off. However, if I leave it to continue in 
>> Quick Look, what will actually happen is that it will go beyond 100 percent 
>> because the file is longer than it thinks, even though it actually measures 
>> the time properly. I played a similar file earlier today, and it hit 405 
>> percent before it finished, however if I stopped playback or attempted to go 
>> backwards, it'd put me back at where it cut off.
>> If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. And please, don't come with useless 
>> comments like "Your iTunes is broken". I know for a fact that it is not, 
>> because I just reinstalled out of interest. When I figured out that wasn't 
>> the problem, I just reverted the changes.
>> Thanks in advance. :)
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messeng

Re: Current audio formats have a maximum number of samples [was Re: iTunes and lengthy audio files]

2010-03-12 Thread Slau Halatyn
One thing to consider regarding file formats is the bit depth. In the case of a 
CD-quality file, it's 16 bits. The sampling rate is fairly meaningless 
especially when it comes to compressed formats like mp3. One must then consider 
the compression ratio. for normal AIF and WAV formats, a 16-bit 44.1/48 kHz 
file is roughly 10 MB per stereo minute whereas a compressed format can be as 
little as one tenth the size. Higher quality 24-bit files are 50 percent larger 
at 15 MB per stereo minute. Ultimately, the file size itself needs to be within 
the 2 GB limit to be useable. I think that's changed in 64-bit systems though. 
I'll have to double check.

On Mar 12, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> Definitely a good post, thank you.
> I was pondering that possibility, though I had a look at two similar files, 
> one longer than the first. I have a six hour long file, encoded with 
> 44.100KHZ. That file worked perfectly. Just the way it was supposed to work.
> Then I had a look at the four hour long audio file. Exactly same format and 
> sample rate.
> So I wrote to the list. I'm still a bit confused as to why it won't, as I 
> have an even longer file at exactly the same quality that works just fine.
> If you take the audio file at six hours, encoded with a 44100KHZ sample rate. 
> That's just about 95256 seconds, or just about. Then take the four hour 
> long audio file, encoded again at 44100KHZ. That's about 63504 seconds. 
> That unfortunately doesn't seem to be the problem. What else might be causing 
> this? It doesn't even come close to the 20 mark. Only halfway.
> Thank you for the in-depth suggestion, though. :)
> Let me know if I'm understanding this right.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 10:14 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Nic,
>> The problem of the maximum time for working with an audio file is not 
>> specific to iTunes.  Basically none of the music programs, including 
>> QuickTime, can correctly handle sound files where the number of samples 
>> exceeds 2 billion (or, to be precise, the maximum number that can be 
>> represented with a 32-bit unsigned integer, or 2 raised to the exponent of 
>> 31, which is about 2.1478 billion samples).  One of the numbers in the file 
>> header for the audio file is a counter that turns over when you exceed this 
>> maximum.  This means that the actual maximum file length (in time) that can 
>> be correctly read from these audio files depends on the quality of the file 
>> encoding.  CD quality music files sample the music at 44.1 kHz (44.1 
>> thousand samples per second).  Voice memo files might sample at 8 kHz (8 
>> thousand samples per second) -- a rate that is more than 5 times smaller. 
>> The total number of samples is the encoding sample rate (e.g. 44.1 kHz for a 
>> CD) multiplied by the time of your audio file in seconds.  This number hits 
>> the 2 billion maximum for a file length of 13.5 hours, assuming this is 
>> stereo music.  This is an absolute maximum that the file structure can 
>> correctly represent -- you can still run into problems before this.   When 
>> music programs like QuickTime or any comparable programs on any platform 
>> (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.) read these files, they all compute the time from 
>> the number of samples, and they all get incorrect answers when the counter 
>> is exceeded.  That's why you're able to play the files with QuickLook, which 
>> just starts streaming without trying to read the time.  The exact wrong 
>> number depends on the rollover value of the counter.
>> Moreover, if you think back to recent posts by James looking for the intro 
>> and other music files that the Mac plays on startup, you'll notice that the 
>> file extensions are .caf  instead of .aiff (Audio Interchange File Format).  
>> The new format is "Core Audio File Format", and one of the reasons for the 
>> new file format is that these files can correctly represent samples that 
>> exceed the 2 billion counter maximum.  
>> All of this comes up in discussions of the maximum length you can make a 
>> single audiobook file and play it correctly.
>> HTH.  You can get longer files to play, and get correct times if you reduce 
>> the audio quality.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I sometimes get really huge audio files, sometimes files that last more 
>>> than eight hours in length. The problem is this.
>>> While iTunes can actually measure the time properly, it won't play it all. 
>>> I have a file which is nine hours long, but it will only play two hours of 
>>> it. The LCD just stops counting, even though it shows that seven hours are 
>>> left of the total time. If I use Quick Look, I can go to 100 percent of the 
>>> file, where iTunes will usually cut it

Re: Figured out away to use the arrows to navigate the web

2010-03-12 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Slau,

First, I would like to say I really enjoy sessions with Slau on blindcooltech.  
But as far as the menus with mouse cursor following VO cursor I have found this 
not to be a real problem.  Your right that it won't show all the items in the 
menu bar but, the things they don't show are dimmed anyway.  So they're not 
even things you could choose.  Oh,  And this only happens when you just use the 
arrows to navigate.  If you use VO plus the arrows, it will announce the dimmed 
items as well
On Mar 12, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

> I thought it might be worth mentioning, since we're on the subject of cursor 
> routing, that I find one compelling reason to not have the mouse following 
> the VO cursor. I have found that, in several application programs, when the 
> mouse follows the voiceover cursor, Voiceover does not accurately display 
> menu choices in the menu bar. One will often find that, with tracking on, 
> they might see only two or three choices in a menu whereas, with tracking 
> off, there are actually five or six choices there. Having the routing command 
> makes it easy to just move the mouse when necessary.
> Slau
> -- 
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RE: airport extra?

2010-03-12 Thread Bryan Smart
Wow. That's a tip.

Do you know where that is documented? I'm wondering what I haven't been reading.


Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Slau Halatyn
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: airport extra?

If one holds down the option key while clicking on a menu, it brings up 
additional information. Because a VoiceOver user accesses the menus in a 
different manner, the way to access the extra information is to navigate to the 
Airport menu by pressing VO-m twice and then, while on the TimeMachine menu (or 
whatever is your default), hold down the Option key and press left arrow until 
you reach the Airport menu. Release the Option key and just go down the list 
with the down arrow. You'll notice extra information about the type of 
security, transfer rate, signal strength, etc.



On Mar 12, 2010, at 4:41 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   Hi, when I am browsing through wireless networks on my mac running 
> snowleopard what is the "airport menu extra" verbage?
> --
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RE: bootcamp question

2010-03-12 Thread Bryan Smart
No you wouldn't. You'd just boot the system DVD and restore your Time Machine 


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Brent Harding
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: bootcamp question

Too bad nobody packaged this up. I know if I blew out the EFI partition, I'd 
probably be having to send it back to Apple for a new hard drive. That's 
another thing you could accidentally blow away too.

- Original Message -
From: "Bryan Smart" 
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 8:06 PM
Subject: RE: bootcamp question

Yes; it is possible, , but not with the typical unattended answer files out 
there. They will erase your entire hard drive, like Sarah says.

With a special unattended setup file, and some bundled drivers, it is 
possible to install Windows in BootCamp, but no one that knows how has 
wrapped it up in to a simple package that anyone can use. I know some people 
that have made rough versions that work well enough to get the basics of 
Windows going, and then install all of the drivers after install completes. 
The right way would be to include all of the drivers with the unattended 
setup. I've already made a good Windows 7 32 and 64 bit unattended setup 
that is floating around, but its intended for PCs that only run Windows. I 
have all of the bits to make one for BootCamp, but I just haven't had the 
time to do all of the experimenting yet. When you play around with making 
these, you must backup your computer, in case you make a mistaken the the 
unattended setup file and blow away your Mac partition. I've been traveling 
a lot lately, though, and don't have the extra time to spend with restoring 
backups and recovering from failed attempts, so have been putting it off. 
Need a stable computer in times like those *smile*. I'm back home for a few 
weeks, though, so will probably take a serious look at it this weekend. I'll 
share my results with the list.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: bootcamp question

Probbly not as it will partition yoru whole  drive not the one you set up 
for bootcamp. I'm guessing here.
On Mar 11, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Brent Harding wrote:

> Is it possible to do an unattended install with boot camp?
> - Original Message - From: "Romack" 
> To: "MacVisionaries" 
> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 12:00 AM
> Subject: Re: bootcamp question
> Sarah,
> Yes - the Caps Lock key works perfectly with JAWS in Bootcamp. I'm
> running it here, and have no issues whatsoever. Make sure to adjust
> your settings to use the Laptop/Notebook keyboard layout with JAWS,
> and you're good to go.
> Let me know if you have any other Bootcamp questions. I'm slugging
> through it. I'm far less eager to boot into Windows now, but some
> things must be done in XP.
> romack
> Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello to all. I have a question.  regarding bootcamp. In vmware fution 
>> the caplsock key could not be used as a modifier no matter what I did. 
>> not hat I installed windows on bootcamp or with bootcamp will my capslock 
>> work as a midifier for jaws, nvda dn what ever else I have in my tool 
>> belt? or will I have to lug out my usb keyboard every time I launch 
>> windows?
>> Thanks.
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You re

Re: bootcamp question

2010-03-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh wow yeah or what I could do is image my bootcamp thing from windows and 
restore it if I accidently wipe my hd.
On Mar 12, 2010, at 3:04 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> No you wouldn't. You'd just boot the system DVD and restore your Time Machine 
> backup.
> Bryan 
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Brent Harding
> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 10:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: bootcamp question
> Too bad nobody packaged this up. I know if I blew out the EFI partition, I'd 
> probably be having to send it back to Apple for a new hard drive. That's 
> another thing you could accidentally blow away too.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Bryan Smart" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 8:06 PM
> Subject: RE: bootcamp question
> Yes; it is possible, , but not with the typical unattended answer files out 
> there. They will erase your entire hard drive, like Sarah says.
> With a special unattended setup file, and some bundled drivers, it is 
> possible to install Windows in BootCamp, but no one that knows how has 
> wrapped it up in to a simple package that anyone can use. I know some people 
> that have made rough versions that work well enough to get the basics of 
> Windows going, and then install all of the drivers after install completes. 
> The right way would be to include all of the drivers with the unattended 
> setup. I've already made a good Windows 7 32 and 64 bit unattended setup 
> that is floating around, but its intended for PCs that only run Windows. I 
> have all of the bits to make one for BootCamp, but I just haven't had the 
> time to do all of the experimenting yet. When you play around with making 
> these, you must backup your computer, in case you make a mistaken the the 
> unattended setup file and blow away your Mac partition. I've been traveling 
> a lot lately, though, and don't have the extra time to spend with restoring 
> backups and recovering from failed attempts, so have been putting it off. 
> Need a stable computer in times like those *smile*. I'm back home for a few 
> weeks, though, so will probably take a serious look at it this weekend. I'll 
> share my results with the list.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 7:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: bootcamp question
> Probbly not as it will partition yoru whole  drive not the one you set up 
> for bootcamp. I'm guessing here.
> On Mar 11, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Brent Harding wrote:
>> Is it possible to do an unattended install with boot camp?
>> - Original Message - From: "Romack" 
>> To: "MacVisionaries" 
>> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 12:00 AM
>> Subject: Re: bootcamp question
>> Sarah,
>> Yes - the Caps Lock key works perfectly with JAWS in Bootcamp. I'm
>> running it here, and have no issues whatsoever. Make sure to adjust
>> your settings to use the Laptop/Notebook keyboard layout with JAWS,
>> and you're good to go.
>> Let me know if you have any other Bootcamp questions. I'm slugging
>> through it. I'm far less eager to boot into Windows now, but some
>> things must be done in XP.
>> romack
>> Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Hello to all. I have a question.  regarding bootcamp. In vmware fution 
>>> the caplsock key could not be used as a modifier no matter what I did. 
>>> not hat I installed windows on bootcamp or with bootcamp will my capslock 
>>> work as a midifier for jaws, nvda dn what ever else I have in my tool 
>>> belt? or will I have to lug out my usb keyboard every time I launch 
>>> windows?
>>> Thanks.
>> --
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> -- 
> Y

Re: airport extra?

2010-03-12 Thread Slau Halatyn
I honestly don't even recall where I picked that up. Anyway, yeah, comes in 
handy at times. :)

On Mar 12, 2010, at 6:03 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Wow. That's a tip.
> Do you know where that is documented? I'm wondering what I haven't been 
> reading.
> Bryan
> Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Slau Halatyn
> Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 9:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: airport extra?
> If one holds down the option key while clicking on a menu, it brings up 
> additional information. Because a VoiceOver user accesses the menus in a 
> different manner, the way to access the extra information is to navigate to 
> the Airport menu by pressing VO-m twice and then, while on the TimeMachine 
> menu (or whatever is your default), hold down the Option key and press left 
> arrow until you reach the Airport menu. Release the Option key and just go 
> down the list with the down arrow. You'll notice extra information about the 
> type of security, transfer rate, signal strength, etc.
> Slau
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 4:41 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>  Hi, when I am browsing through wireless networks on my mac running 
>> snowleopard what is the "airport menu extra" verbage?
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assisted gps on the 3g ipad

2010-03-12 Thread Mary Otten
Hi all,
I was looking at the IPad page and saw that the tech specs say the 3g model has 
what they call assisted gps. It didn't say anything about a gps receiver being 
built in, and the blue tooth spec didn't say much either. What is this assisted 
gps? And does anybody know if the bluetooth capability on this device is going 
to be any more robust than the Ipod or Iphone? Also, its hard to know whether 
the support for vo is going to include the keyboard access, like you have, say 
on a macbook, if you buy an external bluetooth keyboard. Maybe that's just a 
given. But since the basic interface is touch, and since I assume sighted 
people would only want a keyboard for extended text entry, is it possible that 
keyboard functionality is going to be basically limited to just typing? Maybe 
we won't know until those brave souls who preorder get their and start playing 
with them.


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RE: skype

2010-03-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
I put it  on my touch lastnight and I gotta admit it's pretty good for



[] On Behalf Of Cody
Sent: Thursday, 11 March 2010 4:24 a.m.
Subject: Re: skype


Skype works. it didn't used to and now it is for the most part accessible

- Original Message - 

From: John   W. Carty 

To: '' 

Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 10:22 AM

Subject: skype


Has anyone tried skype on an iphone? If so, how was your experience?


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Re: skype

2010-03-12 Thread wes smith
I have an Itouch.  Skype is perfectly accessible.  I can make calls
using the contact list, dial pad, and everything else.

On 3/12/10, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> I put it  on my touch lastnight and I gotta admit it's pretty good for
> accessibility.
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Cody
> Sent: Thursday, 11 March 2010 4:24 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: skype
> Skype works. it didn't used to and now it is for the most part accessible
> - Original Message -
> From: John   W. Carty
> To: ''
> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 10:22 AM
> Subject: skype
> Has anyone tried skype on an iphone? If so, how was your experience?
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