More Voice Over cashes

2010-01-25 Thread James & Nash
Hi list, 

Well, I've just had another VO crash. This time it happened in Safari and 
again, as well as killing VO it killed all system sounds. Has anyone else been 
experiencing similar issues please?

I'm going to drop Apple an E Mail, in the hope that will be able to fix this 
for the release of 10.6.3


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Re: More Voice Over cashes

2010-01-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I've had a crash completely kill VoiceOver, but never lost system sound. That 
was in Safari as well, as well as elsewhere. Well, it's more a VO crash. Vo has 
never actually crashed my machine.

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On Jan 25, 2010, at 1:40 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi list, 
> Well, I've just had another VO crash. This time it happened in Safari and 
> again, as well as killing VO it killed all system sounds. Has anyone else 
> been experiencing similar issues please?
> I'm going to drop Apple an E Mail, in the hope that will be able to fix this 
> for the release of 10.6.3
> TC
> James 
> -- 
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How to select non continuous items?

2010-01-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hello all,

I would like to know how one goes about selecting non continuous items using 
voiceover.  I'm using Snow Leopard.


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Fwd: Tips on Non-Contiguous Selection

2010-01-25 Thread erik burggraaf
Here, I kept this from a long time ago, cause it's just so useful and great, 
and I knew  some one would want it later.  Hopefully I can save Esther the work 
of rooting it out of the archive for us as she always does so well.

Hope this helps,

erik burggraaf
A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Esther 
> Date: July 24, 2009 6:25:54 PM EDT
> To:
> Subject: Tips on Non-Contiguous Selection [was Re: selecting specific tracks 
> in itunes]
> Reply-To:
> HI Gene, Jonathan, and Others,
> I select non-contiguous items in a different fashion, and use VO- 
> Command-Space to choose tracks after turning off cursor tracking.   
> This method works for selecting items in Finder and other lists,  
> columns, etc.  If you're in iTunes, and have already interacted with  
> the songs table and are positioned at your first selection, start at  
> step 3:
> 1. Interact with the table, column, etc. (VO-Shift-Down Arrow)
> 2. Navigate to the first item you want to select
> 3. Turn off cursor tracking (VO-Shift-F3)
> 4. Navigate to each additional item you want and select with VO- 
> Command-Space
> 5. Turn cursor tracking back on (VO-Shift-F3)
> 6. Perform your selected action (Copy, Add to Playlist, etc.)
> Here are some other tips:
> •  You can check your selection at any time with VO-F6
> •  VO-Command-Space is a toggle action that can be used to de-select  
> as well as to select, and the item you have selected or deselected  
> will get announced each time you perform the command.  So, if you  
> checked your selection with VO-F6 and discovered there was an item you  
> didn't mean to select, just navigate to it and use VO-Command-Space  
> again to de-select the item.
> •  If you are going through a long list of items, I find it easiest to  
> lock my VoiceOver keys (VO-Semi-Colon); then I typically just go up  
> and down the list with my arrow keys and press Command-Space to select  
> or de-select items and press F6 to check selections.  I unlock my  
> VoiceOver keys by pressing Semi-Colon when I'm done.  Of course, other  
> navigation commands, such as moving to the top or bottom of a list  
> with VO-Home or VO-End (VO-Fn-Shift-Left arrow and VO-Fn-Shift-RIght  
> arrow) also work.
> So for Gene, if I were in the iTunes songs table and wanted to move  
> through a long list tracks to make selections, I'd start out in the  
> song name column, after having first winnowed down the list by using  
> the File Browser (toggled on or off with Command-B) or the search text  
> field to shorten the list of interest by matching to a specific album,  
> artist, or other search term, and move to my first selection.  Then I  
> would do:
> 1. Turn cursor tracking off (VO-Shift-F3)
> 2. Lock VoiceOver keys (VO-Semi-colon)
> 3. Arrow up or down to items of interest and select with Command-Space
> 3a. Optionally check selections with F6; modify selections by arrowing  
> to the desired item and deselect with Command-Space
> 4. Unlock VoiceOver keys by pressing Semi-colon
> 5. Turn cursor tracking on (VO-Shift-F3)
> 6. Perform the action you want, e.g. New playlist from selection with  
> Command-Shift-N; Add to Playlist with VO-Shift-M and select from the  
> contextual menu, etc.
> You can also bookmark the quick tip about this from the  
> site:
> This is, indeed discussed in the archives, and you can also read my  
> post:
> (Selecting non-contiguous items)
> I couldn't quite use Jonathan's commands in iTunes.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jul 24, 2009, at 08:52, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>> 1. Turn off cursor tracking. (VO-shift-F3)
>> 2. Go to first item to select and select it  (VO-Return)
>> 3. Go to additional rows and select with (VO-shift-space)
>> 4. Turn Cursor tracking back on (VO-shift-F3)
>> You can hear the selected items with vo-shift-F6. I was on the USAJOBS
>> web site yesterday picking out local job locations in 3 states, oh boy
>> was that fun, but the same principles worked there.
>> Jon
>> On Jul 24, 2009, at 2:40 PM, gene wrote:
>>> Hi I have a similar question, and I know this has been asked before,
>>> but
>>> let's say I want to select a few songs from an alvum but not
>>> everything else
>>> in between, How can I do that, it doesn't seem to matter whither I
>>> do shift
>>> up arrow or down arrow it just keeps selecting more stuff and of
>>> course it
>>> doesn't tell you exactly what I've selected but I can't seem to find
>>> a way
>>> to select just the songs I want as well as everything else.
>>> Gene
> --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~
> You recei

10.6.2 seems to be quite unstable

2010-01-25 Thread James & Nash
It seems that 10.6.2 generally is quite unsable. i've had other issues, where 
my external HDs will not unmount. After doing some research on the internet, it 
turns out that others haveexperiened the same thing. There are work arounds 


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Strange carricters occuring in mail..

2010-01-25 Thread Mike
Hi all:

Every time I send an email using mail, the following show up in the
=20 Any ideas what maybe causing this? Are there a particular rule of
thumb settings I should make sure I have set in mail?
I think I have all the basis covered already.



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Re: Tips on Non-Contiguous Selection

2010-01-25 Thread Ricardo Walker

That worked like a charm.

On Jan 25, 2010, at 9:09 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Here, I kept this from a long time ago, cause it's just so useful and great, 
> and I knew  some one would want it later.  Hopefully I can save Esther the 
> work of rooting it out of the archive for us as she always does so well.
> Hope this helps,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Esther 
>> Date: July 24, 2009 6:25:54 PM EDT
>> To:
>> Subject: Tips on Non-Contiguous Selection [was Re: selecting specific tracks 
>> in itunes]
>> Reply-To:
>> HI Gene, Jonathan, and Others,
>> I select non-contiguous items in a different fashion, and use VO- 
>> Command-Space to choose tracks after turning off cursor tracking.   
>> This method works for selecting items in Finder and other lists,  
>> columns, etc.  If you're in iTunes, and have already interacted with  
>> the songs table and are positioned at your first selection, start at  
>> step 3:
>> 1. Interact with the table, column, etc. (VO-Shift-Down Arrow)
>> 2. Navigate to the first item you want to select
>> 3. Turn off cursor tracking (VO-Shift-F3)
>> 4. Navigate to each additional item you want and select with VO- 
>> Command-Space
>> 5. Turn cursor tracking back on (VO-Shift-F3)
>> 6. Perform your selected action (Copy, Add to Playlist, etc.)
>> Here are some other tips:
>> •  You can check your selection at any time with VO-F6
>> •  VO-Command-Space is a toggle action that can be used to de-select  
>> as well as to select, and the item you have selected or deselected  
>> will get announced each time you perform the command.  So, if you  
>> checked your selection with VO-F6 and discovered there was an item you  
>> didn't mean to select, just navigate to it and use VO-Command-Space  
>> again to de-select the item.
>> •  If you are going through a long list of items, I find it easiest to  
>> lock my VoiceOver keys (VO-Semi-Colon); then I typically just go up  
>> and down the list with my arrow keys and press Command-Space to select  
>> or de-select items and press F6 to check selections.  I unlock my  
>> VoiceOver keys by pressing Semi-Colon when I'm done.  Of course, other  
>> navigation commands, such as moving to the top or bottom of a list  
>> with VO-Home or VO-End (VO-Fn-Shift-Left arrow and VO-Fn-Shift-RIght  
>> arrow) also work.
>> So for Gene, if I were in the iTunes songs table and wanted to move  
>> through a long list tracks to make selections, I'd start out in the  
>> song name column, after having first winnowed down the list by using  
>> the File Browser (toggled on or off with Command-B) or the search text  
>> field to shorten the list of interest by matching to a specific album,  
>> artist, or other search term, and move to my first selection.  Then I  
>> would do:
>> 1. Turn cursor tracking off (VO-Shift-F3)
>> 2. Lock VoiceOver keys (VO-Semi-colon)
>> 3. Arrow up or down to items of interest and select with Command-Space
>> 3a. Optionally check selections with F6; modify selections by arrowing  
>> to the desired item and deselect with Command-Space
>> 4. Unlock VoiceOver keys by pressing Semi-colon
>> 5. Turn cursor tracking on (VO-Shift-F3)
>> 6. Perform the action you want, e.g. New playlist from selection with  
>> Command-Shift-N; Add to Playlist with VO-Shift-M and select from the  
>> contextual menu, etc.
>> You can also bookmark the quick tip about this from the  
>> site:
>> This is, indeed discussed in the archives, and you can also read my  
>> post:
>> (Selecting non-contiguous items)
>> I couldn't quite use Jonathan's commands in iTunes.
>> HTH
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Jul 24, 2009, at 08:52, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>> 1. Turn off cursor tracking. (VO-shift-F3)
>>> 2. Go to first item to select and select it  (VO-Return)
>>> 3. Go to additional rows and select with (VO-shift-space)
>>> 4. Turn Cursor tracking back on (VO-shift-F3)
>>> You can hear the selected items with vo-shift-F6. I was on the USAJOBS
>>> web site yesterday picking out local job locations in 3 states, oh boy
>>> was that fun, but the same principles worked there.
>>> Jon
>>> On Jul 24, 2009, at 2:40 PM, gene wrote:
 Hi I have a similar question, and I know this has been asked before,
 let's say I want to select a few songs from an alvum but not
 everything else
 in between, How can I do that, it doesn't seem to matter whither I
 do shift
 up arrow or down arrow it just keeps selecting more stuff and of
 course it
 doesn't tell you exactly wh

Re: More Voice Over cashes

2010-01-25 Thread Jim Gatteys
Hi James.
I have that happen when the system voice speaks at the same time that voiceover 
does.  I have to do vo-command-f8 to bring up quickstart guide then everything 
works fine for me.  I've had voiceover reset itself a couple of times in safari 
but it seems to recover.

On Jan 25, 2010, at 6:40 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi list, 
> Well, I've just had another VO crash. This time it happened in Safari and 
> again, as well as killing VO it killed all system sounds. Has anyone else 
> been experiencing similar issues please?
> I'm going to drop Apple an E Mail, in the hope that will be able to fix this 
> for the release of 10.6.3
> TC
> James 

Find me on facebook or:
Skype: jimintexas
Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys

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Re: More Voice Over cashes

2010-01-25 Thread James & Nash
Hi Jim,

I do the same thing with the VO QuickStart guide. It doesn't always work as far 
as I know because on almost every occasion the system sounds have also been 
killed off.

On 25 Jan 2010, at 15:10, Jim Gatteys wrote:

> Hi James.
> I have that happen when the system voice speaks at the same time that 
> voiceover does.  I have to do vo-command-f8 to bring up quickstart guide then 
> everything works fine for me.  I've had voiceover reset itself a couple of 
> times in safari but it seems to recover.
> Jim
> On Jan 25, 2010, at 6:40 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi list, 
>> Well, I've just had another VO crash. This time it happened in Safari and 
>> again, as well as killing VO it killed all system sounds. Has anyone else 
>> been experiencing similar issues please?
>> I'm going to drop Apple an E Mail, in the hope that will be able to fix this 
>> for the release of 10.6.3
>> TC
>> James 
> Find me on facebook or:
> Skype: jimintexas
> Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys
> Msn:
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: More Voice Over cashes

2010-01-25 Thread Ricardo Walker

I was wondering, do you have your mac set up to announce the time?  I noticed 
this would make my computer go nuts.  The way I got this behavior to stop was 
to check the box called " allow voiceover to be controlled by applescripts".  
This is found in voiceover utility under general  
On Jan 25, 2010, at 10:22 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> I do the same thing with the VO QuickStart guide. It doesn't always work as 
> far as I know because on almost every occasion the system sounds have also 
> been killed off.
> TC
> James
> On 25 Jan 2010, at 15:10, Jim Gatteys wrote:
>> Hi James.
>> I have that happen when the system voice speaks at the same time that 
>> voiceover does.  I have to do vo-command-f8 to bring up quickstart guide 
>> then everything works fine for me.  I've had voiceover reset itself a couple 
>> of times in safari but it seems to recover.
>> Jim
>> On Jan 25, 2010, at 6:40 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi list, 
>>> Well, I've just had another VO crash. This time it happened in Safari and 
>>> again, as well as killing VO it killed all system sounds. Has anyone else 
>>> been experiencing similar issues please?
>>> I'm going to drop Apple an E Mail, in the hope that will be able to fix 
>>> this for the release of 10.6.3
>>> TC
>>> James 
>> Find me on facebook or:
>> Skype: jimintexas
>> Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys
>> Msn:
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: More Voice Over cashes

2010-01-25 Thread James & Nash
Hi Richardo

Thank you for this, I've just checked the box, so we'll see what happens. Do 
you know why selecting this would have an effect? Just curious.
On 25 Jan 2010, at 15:40, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hello,
> I was wondering, do you have your mac set up to announce the time?  I noticed 
> this would make my computer go nuts.  The way I got this behavior to stop was 
> to check the box called " allow voiceover to be controlled by applescripts".  
> This is found in voiceover utility under general  
> On Jan 25, 2010, at 10:22 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Jim,
>> I do the same thing with the VO QuickStart guide. It doesn't always work as 
>> far as I know because on almost every occasion the system sounds have also 
>> been killed off.
>> TC
>> James
>> On 25 Jan 2010, at 15:10, Jim Gatteys wrote:
>>> Hi James.
>>> I have that happen when the system voice speaks at the same time that 
>>> voiceover does.  I have to do vo-command-f8 to bring up quickstart guide 
>>> then everything works fine for me.  I've had voiceover reset itself a 
>>> couple of times in safari but it seems to recover.
>>> Jim
>>> On Jan 25, 2010, at 6:40 AM, James & Nash wrote:
 Hi list, 
 Well, I've just had another VO crash. This time it happened in Safari and 
 again, as well as killing VO it killed all system sounds. Has anyone else 
 been experiencing similar issues please?
 I'm going to drop Apple an E Mail, in the hope that will be able to fix 
 this for the release of 10.6.3
>>> Find me on facebook or:
>>> Skype: jimintexas
>>> Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys
>>> Msn:
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: More Voice Over cashes

2010-01-25 Thread Ricardo Walker

lol.  I haven't the slightest idea.  I completely discovered it by accident 
after I set up keyboard commander the week I got snow leopard.  I noticed that 
when I pressed option T to check the time, Voiceover would just stop talking  a 
long with system sounds.  I went through all the settings in VO utility and 
found when I check that box it fixed the problem.
On Jan 25, 2010, at 11:21 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Richardo
> Thank you for this, I've just checked the box, so we'll see what happens. Do 
> you know why selecting this would have an effect? Just curious.
> TC
> James
> On 25 Jan 2010, at 15:40, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was wondering, do you have your mac set up to announce the time?  I 
>> noticed this would make my computer go nuts.  The way I got this behavior to 
>> stop was to check the box called " allow voiceover to be controlled by 
>> applescripts".  This is found in voiceover utility under general  
>> On Jan 25, 2010, at 10:22 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi Jim,
>>> I do the same thing with the VO QuickStart guide. It doesn't always work as 
>>> far as I know because on almost every occasion the system sounds have also 
>>> been killed off.
>>> TC
>>> James
>>> On 25 Jan 2010, at 15:10, Jim Gatteys wrote:
 Hi James.
 I have that happen when the system voice speaks at the same time that 
 voiceover does.  I have to do vo-command-f8 to bring up quickstart guide 
 then everything works fine for me.  I've had voiceover reset itself a 
 couple of times in safari but it seems to recover.
 On Jan 25, 2010, at 6:40 AM, James & Nash wrote:
> Hi list, 
> Well, I've just had another VO crash. This time it happened in Safari and 
> again, as well as killing VO it killed all system sounds. Has anyone else 
> been experiencing similar issues please?
> I'm going to drop Apple an E Mail, in the hope that will be able to fix 
> this for the release of 10.6.3
> TC
> James 
 Find me on facebook or:
 Skype: jimintexas
 Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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entering the air foil license code

2010-01-25 Thread Mary Otten
Hi All,
I was just wondering if anybody has ever had problems getting airfoil to 
recognize a license code. I purchased it yesterday and copied and pasted the 
name and license as instructed. I'm still getting the "enter license" 
notification. I had a sighted person do the task using the mouse, instead of me 
using the  keyboard. Same result. Of course, I wrote Rogue Amoeba and await 
their response. I was just wondering if anybody else has had this problem.


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Adding a Signature to Messages in Mail

2010-01-25 Thread Jeffrey Shockley
Could someone please let me know how to add a signature to the end of E-Mail 
messages in Mail? I'm sure it's possible, but I just can't figure it out since 
it looks a little confusing.

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vo mouse click no lonber works

2010-01-25 Thread Mary Otten
Hello all,
For some unexplained reason, when I route the mouse to the vo cursor
with control option command f5 and then do a click with control option
command space, the mouse click doesn't work. I know the mouse moves,
both because vo says the item I moved to, in this case buttons in the
1st column of radio shifts search results table, have focus, and
because if I am very careful, I can click the physical mouse and the
station I want comes on. But that vo click has completely stopped
working. Vo says button pressed or press button, forget which way that
goes, but stations never come on. I can't imagine how I might have
changed a setting or some something somewhere, but I'd sure like to
get that back.  Any ideas?


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installing windows7 with fusion3

2010-01-25 Thread May McDonald
Hi there, I need some help if possible. I just remembered that I reinstalled my 
sl several months ago which cleaned my system after I installed windows 7 with 
fusion 2 back in October. Well, now that I just tried to put everything back on 
nothing is happening. It's been 3 hours and windows and fusion just sit there 
doing nothing. Is there something I'm missing? Will it not let me reinstall 
windows because I already did so before on this machine, rather unhappy now and 
need help, smile.

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Re: More Voice Over cashes

2010-01-25 Thread Thierry Renoux
one thing I do when voice over stops speaking is VO cmd down and up arrow. That 
 happens sometimes when doing the option T to check out the time. It has been a 
reliable work around for me when voice over crashes. 
On Jan 25, 2010, at 7:10 AM, Jim Gatteys wrote:

> Hi James.
> I have that happen when the system voice speaks at the same time that 
> voiceover does.  I have to do vo-command-f8 to bring up quickstart guide then 
> everything works fine for me.  I've had voiceover reset itself a couple of 
> times in safari but it seems to recover.
> Jim
> On Jan 25, 2010, at 6:40 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi list, 
>> Well, I've just had another VO crash. This time it happened in Safari and 
>> again, as well as killing VO it killed all system sounds. Has anyone else 
>> been experiencing similar issues please?
>> I'm going to drop Apple an E Mail, in the hope that will be able to fix this 
>> for the release of 10.6.3
>> TC
>> James 
> Find me on facebook or:
> Skype: jimintexas
> Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys
> Msn:
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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